MA English Syllabus MPGC 1
MA English Syllabus MPGC 1
MA English Syllabus MPGC 1
(Department Of English)
Course Outline
1. Classics in Poetry
Recommended Readings:
One of the objectives of this course is to inform the readers about how historical and
socio-cultural events influence literature written in English. Although the scope of the
course is quite expansive, the readers shall focus on early 16th to 19th century.
Recommended Readings:
3. Classics in Prose
i. Francis Bacon Essays: “Of Truth”, “Of Great Place”, “Of Studies”,
“Of Youth and Age”
Recommended Readings
Course Outline
1. Romantic Aesthetics
The period of Romantic Aesthetics covered under this course starts from 1789 with
the advent of Blake’s work. This is the Romantic Revival period in which Blake.
Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats and Coleridge established its immense poetic richness.
2. Modern Novel
3. Introduction to Linguistics
The specific aim of introducing this course is to enable students to have conceptual
• Elements of Language.
i. Phonetics ( Sounds of English)
ii. Morphology ( Word-Forms and Structures)
iii. Syntax (Sentence Structures)
iv. Semantics ( Meaning)
• Scope of Linguistics: An introduction to major branches of Linguistics
This introductory course on English Language Teaching (ELT) combines the principles of ELT
with practice to enable students to see and perpetuate a model of classroom interaction and effective
teaching. The aim is to enable students to understand the theory
and practice of ELT with an opportunity to examine and understand the problems of ELT
in Pakistan.
Course Outline
Principles of Literary Criticism I and II are intensive courses in literary criticism and theory. They
will prepare the students to understand the historical background to Literary Criticism and to
interpret literary text in the light of the principles taken up there.
i. Aristotle Poetics
ii. Longinus On the Sublime
iii. Dr. Johnson Preface to Shakespeare
iv. William Wordsworth Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
v. S. T. Coleridge Biographia Literaria Chapters 13, 14, 17, 18.
Recommended Readings
4. American Literature-I
2. Emily Dickinson Selection: “I Dwell In Possibility”,” Wild Night
Wild Nights!”, “I Cannot live with You”, “Because
Course Outline
iv. F. W. Nietzsche “The Origin of Greek Tragedy” from The Birth of Tragedy,
from Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, (Page No.
Recommended Readings
• K. M. Newton, ed. Twentieth Century Literary Theory: A Reader. Second
Edition. New York: St Martin’s 1998 (or later editions)
2. American Literature – II
Recommended Readings
3. Classics in Drama-II
This course aims to enable students to critically read and analyse poetry from the war and Post
World War II era to modern and contemporary times. Students will examine the poetic response to
developments in British and European history. They will also identify elements of poetic
experimentation in form, style and theme.
Viva Voce
Viva voce of 100 marks will be arranged at the end of the 4th term examination, conducted by the
external and internal examiners.
ntage, London, 1993)