Cami Gaard

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November 6, 2021

It was my privilege to act as the University Supervisor at DePaul University for

Camila Gaard during her student teaching experience at Orrington Elementary School in
Evanston, Illinois. Cami taught all fifth -grade subjects in a very diverse classroom where
she differentiated instruction for students of all abilities. She was always sensitive to the
needs of her students and taught with a smile, caring nature and a sense of humor.

During her student teaching experience, I oversaw Cami teach some very well
developed, organized and creative lessons. She taught a unit on Women’s’ Suffrage.
Where she helped the students develop skits on famous women who were leaders in the
movement. She also taught an exciting Science lesson on the properties of gases where
the students developed a model of air. She asked good delving questions on the properties
of air and the particle model. She made sure to elicit good discussion from her students
who interacted acted well with each other. I also observed her teach a reading lesson and
a Math lesson on rounding decimals. It was a lesson on the critical thinking level. It
stretched their ability to think mathematically.

Camila demonstrated good knowledge of the curriculum as well as being aware

of differentiating materials for all learners in her classroom. She had a gentle rapport with
her students who respected her as a teacher as well as a mentor. She also possessed good
instructional skills. Her enthusiasm was palpable.

Her lessons were well crafted and executed at a smooth flowing pace. She was
masterful in engaging her students in activities that kept their involvement high
throughout the lesson and framing questions to the cognitive level of individual students.
Cami’s interactions with her students were positive and her use of praise judicious and
effective. Preparation was a strong point.

Camila is a mature warm-hearted person with excellent interpersonal skills. I

unconditionally recommend her for employment. I know she will be a wonderful asset to
any school district wise enough to hire her.
Maureen Rich
University Supervisor -DePaul University

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