Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle To Optimize Its Cost and Range

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle to

Optimize Its Cost and Range
Shivangi Kaushik

Abstract: In the present days, the vehicles are primarily

operated for transportation applications. The conventional
energy sources like oil and gas are used as fuel sources of
various vehicles. Since the year 2000, electric vehicles are
commonly used in various countries. Within the previous few
years, the electric vehicle remains a constant topic for the
research community. The drive train can be the main challenge
for the researchers. In this paper, we developed an EV drive train
configuration with the help of AC motors. The developed model
contains a battery source, AC motors (Induction (squirrel cage)
and Synchronous (PMSM), motor controller (DTC (Direct torque
control) and FOC (field Oriented control), PI control, wheels
configuration (Front and Rear) and vehicle body. The model
developed on the Simulink tool of Matlab. A Metaheuristic
optimization algorithm WOA (Whale Optimization Algorithm) Figure 1.1 Electric Vehicle Drivetrain [2]
used to optimize the gain parameters of PI control. WOA based
optimized PI controllers can adjust their gains values (Kp and Ki) Figure 1.2 shows the schematic arrangement of the Electric
in correspondence to deviations of EV speed and torque and vehicle drive train configuration. In this configuration, a
results in stable speed and torque conditions. The proposed battery pack is used to provide the dc energy to the circuit
optimization controllers possess advantages over conventional which is further connected to the inverter circuit
controllers in terms of its robustness, to achieve better EV
stability, no speed overshoot and accurate speeds.
Index Terms: Electric vehicles, Motors, Drive train, PI
controllers, Whale optimization algorithm (WOA)

In the present scenario, the fuels demand is high, and their
consumption increases. Due to the uses of these fuels in the
vehicles Co2 gas dissipated in the large amount. The carbon
dioxide gas effect the environment varies badly. The Co2
reduction is the main challenge, and it can be achieved by
the Eco-friendly vehicle or car called Electric vehicle (EV).
Due to the increasing cost of the fuels in the present days,
the fuel cell vehicle is not economical. The EVs are very
economical due to their driven process achieved by an
electric motor. They do not pollute the environment. The
cost of the batteries and motors are stable, so EV prefers
than the fuel based vehicles.The Electric Vehicle developed
by the motor, battery, controller, converters, and wheels.
The motor connected to the differential of the wheels.
Figure 1.1 shows the block diagram of the electric vehicle Figure 1.2 EV schematic arrangement [3]
construction. In this basic configuration of EV, the four wheels are used.
Two wheels are connected in the front portion called front
wheel drive. Rest of two wheels connected at the rear
portion of the drive, so it is called real wheel drive. Both the
ends wheels are connected through the differential. The
differential is provided the balancing to the rear and front
wheel drive system. The differential portion represents a
gear mechanism that allows the driven shaft to spin at
different speeds. The fidelity of the gear model improved by
specifying the parameters of the differential gear system like
gear inertia, meshing, and viscous losses.
A battery pack is used as the source of the electric vehicle
Revised Manuscript Received on August 05, 2019. model. A lithium-ion battery fixed in the modeling of
Shivangi Kaushik, Bachelor of Technology degree from the Electric Vehicle (EV) which
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Raj Kumar Goel
Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad
provides input supply both
the motors connected across

Published By:
Retrieval Number E7819068519/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E7819.088619 415 & Sciences Publication
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle to Optimize Its Cost and Range

the front and rear end of the model. reflects the requested torque or required torque,
The induction motor and synchronous motor used for the are the differential inertia and transmission ratio
driven portion of the electric vehicle due to their several for the front ( and rear wheel drive system [19].
advantages as studied earlier. On the rear wheel, a squirrel
The complete requested torque calculated by power
cage induction motor is connected due to high efficiency
management control (PMC) as per the configuration
and high starting torque requirement. An induction motor
studied in chapter-1
has both characteristics efficiently. The high starting torque
demand is complete by the induction motor which helps the 4)
electric vehicle in the initial stage. At the front wheel
represents the torque of the front and rear wheel
portion, the synchronous motor is connected due to their
propulsion system. The electrical vehicle speed is limited
high power density and constant speed characteristics. The
by the available driving power and restricted by tire
control operation performed by the inverter which provides traction. The weight transferred during the acceleration
three phase ac supply to the induction and synchronous and tire ground peak coefficients of friction
A. Modeling of Electrical Vehicle (EV) (6)

We developed a four-wheel drive model of an electric is the vehicle wheelbase, represnts the vehicle gravity
vehicle. Two wheels place at the front portion and the at centre height, assume the gravitational acceleration,
other two placed at the rear portion. Both real and front is the longitudinal distance between the vehicle front axels
wheels are controlled by an induction motor and and the gravity center and also the longitudinal distance
synchronous motor with the help of the inverter controller of vehicle across real wheel axels and gravity center.
circuit. The vehicle body placed on the four wheels of the
drive with initial parameters of environments like wind, III. RESULTS
inclined and throttle. Before performing the modeling of
The proposed EV prototype structure is shown in figure 1
the four-wheel electric vehicle drive train, we finalize the
that consists of independently controlled front and rear
parameters and behavior of the vehicle body. On the front
wheel drive systems to enhance the driving performance and
wheel side, we used a synchronous motor with a controller
to keep the anticipated torque and speed conditions in EV is
connected to the battery voltage source. Inverter circuit
verified in Matlab/Simulink environment. As formerly
applied in the controller to provide a sufficient amount of
mentioned, to increase the steering ability in traffic
electric supply to the motors.
congestion and the requirement of efficiently generated
B. Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics torque at the low-speed permanent-magnet synchronous
motor (PMSM) is used in the front drive system. To
For the evaluation of longitudinal nature of electric
maintain driving torque under high speed and overload
vehicles some equations are used. The Electric vehicle
conditions induction motor (IM) in the rear drive system is
model based on motion resistance forces like an preferred. The rotor of these motors is straight coupled with
aerodynamic drag, rolling and climbing resistance and
a respective differential gear, and with the help of these
vehicle velocity. The rolling resistance ( is that term gears, the generated motor driving torques are transmitted to
which related to the energy losses due to tire deformation the respective wheel sides.
and adhesion of contact area. For small speed, the rolling Furthermore, the wheel drive systems are controlled with the
resistance calculated as help of individual controller and PWM inverters. EV
(1) management controller throughout supervised the
considered wheel drive systems. Moreover, it appropriate
represents the weight of the function and is the speed controls the front and rear wheels distributed torque
of the tire. The coefficients multiplied by the rolling rendering to running conditions and result in enhanced EV
resistance are the physical properties of the tire [3]. operating efficiency overall speed regions.
Other parameters aerodynamic drag which is A. Simulation
estimated as To describe the behavior, speed and torque
characteristics of the proposed EV wheel drive system,
(2) simulations are carried out using the model built in
Matlab/Simulink which is shown in figure 6.
In equation 4.2, is the air density which defined the
resistance force, reflects the vehicle frontal area and
represents the drag coefficients [24]. The electrical vehicle
configuration consist of the electrical coupled differential
system so the required torque calculated as


Published By:
Retrieval Number E7819068519/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E7819.088619 416 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

speed which is almost equal to the front wheel drive

reference speed. Also, to the reduced speed error, the
controller takes the very small time of 0.25 seconds to
attain its reference value. And also, by the help of WOA
optimizer generated oscillation in EV speed is
eliminated. In rear wheel drive, system speed curves
are shown in Figure 9. This figure shows that this
speed becomes stable in very less time and rear wheel
drive speed also becomes synchronized with the front
wheel speed of 1600 rpm.
C. Normal Running mode
In this phase, the generated reference torque is mainly
distributed to the front wheel drives and results to
Figure 6: Proposed EV wheel drive system Simulink attain the steering stability on poor road conditions.
model Also, the distribution of torque in the rear wheels is
done in such a way, that rear wheels are always in
The simulation results of both controlling phases, i.e.,
agreement to the speed of the front wheel drive
with and without WOA optimization analyzed to show
systems. In figure 8 and 9 we can observe that during
the feasibility of the proposed EV drive system model.
normal running conditions the speed of both front and
The speed and torque control of EV is executed
rear wheels are becoming stable having a value of 1600
through the torque distribution in front and rear wheel
rpm. And we can easily saw the synchronization
drive by the following running modes. Figure 7 shows
between these wheel drive systems.
the WOA optimizer convergence curve

Figure 7: WOA optimizer convergence curve Figure 8: Front wheel drive speed
B. Initial Starting mode
At starting this mode appears, when the key connected
with the battery source is turned on the front, and rear
wheel drive motors get the supply and start
functioning. And EV starts accelerating and the
generated reference torque from the accelerator
distributed to rear wheel drive system.
Instantaneously after sensing the rotor position, it
shifts to normal mode operation, and that is favorably
distributed to the front drive system. Figure 5.3shows
the comparison of un-optimized and WOA optimized
front wheel drive system speed. In this figure, it is seen
that un-optimized speed is oscillating to its reference
speed; this is because we conventional PI controllers
are used in this phase. This can result in unstable
steering and seed operations, and a lot of efforts are Figure 9: Rear wheel drive speed
required to make EV stable. This oscillating speed also
creates a safety issue for the passengers. Also, the un- Figure. 10 shows the optimized total EV speed, in this
optimized EV drive system requires almost 4 seconds figure from 0to 4 seconds,
to make the speed constant. On the other hand, by i.e. in initial starting and
using an optimized controller, we can obtain stable acceleration mode the

Published By:
Retrieval Number E7819068519/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E7819.088619 417 & Sciences Publication
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle to Optimize Its Cost and Range

speed of the EV is increasing. After a time of 4 seconds,

the speed of the EV becomes almost stable, i.e. EV is
running in normal mode.

Figure 12: Optimized front wheel driving torque

Figure 10: Optimized total electric vehicle speed Proposed EV wheel drive system which is having individual
front and rear control, improves the EV performance such as
Figure 11 and 12 shows the optimized generated rear torque and speed stability, steer ability, drivability, and
wheel driving torque and front wheel driving torque safety at low speed and high-speed operations. Also, the
respectively. wheel drive systems were founded in such a way that above
stated EV performance requirements attained more
efficiently. The drive systems are also successfully
synchronized in such a way that, if in some adverse
conditions torque generated from the front wheel drive is
found insufficient to drive the EV at desired speeds at the
same time rear wheel drive system provides the adequate
torque to the EV. In this work, firstly this synchronization
and controlling of the drive system are achieved by
conventional un-optimized PI controllers. Then later on the
performance of drive controllers are further increased by the
help of WOA along with DTC.
The simulation results also show the effectiveness of used
optimization over PI controllers. Optimized EV system
model achieves stable speed and torque in starting and
normal running mode operations very quickly. Also, the
results with WOA optimization are very accurate as
Figure 11: Optimized rear wheel driving torque compare to un-optimized controls. Thus the implementation
of WOA in EV wheel drive control system is found
During initial starting mode and acceleration mode as successful.
large torque is required, in this acceleration period both
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DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E7819.088619 418 & Sciences Publication
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Shivangi Kaushik received Bachelor of
Technology degree from the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Raj Kumar
Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad affiliated
to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Lucknow in 2017. Currently she is in the final year
of the Master of Technology course at Ajay Kumar
Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad.
She has published one research paper named
“Electric Vehicles: Review on current trends, potential and challenges” so
E-MAIL ID- [email protected]

Published By:
Retrieval Number E7819068519/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E7819.088619 419 & Sciences Publication

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