Cummins: Fault Code: 146 PID: P110 SPN: 110 FMI: 0
Cummins: Fault Code: 146 PID: P110 SPN: 110 FMI: 0
Cummins: Fault Code: 146 PID: P110 SPN: 110 FMI: 0
Step 1A) Turn key switch ON and verify the sensor accuracy with a thermocouple or similar temperature
probe. Connect the temperature probe to the engine near the coolant temperature sensor. Connect
diagnostic tool to the vehicle datalink. Compare the coolant temperature reading on the service tool monitor
screen to the reading from the temperature probe. NOTE: If a temperature measuring device is not
available, answer “Yes” to this step.
Step 2A) Connect all the components and turn key switch ON. Disable the fault code. Start the engine, and
let idle for 1 minute using the diagnostic tool to verify that Fault Code 146 is inactive.
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Fault Code 146 inactive?
Step 2B) Connect all components and turn key switch ON. Clear the inactive fault codes using the
diagnostic tool.
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