Ex - No. 3 Aircraft Database
Ex - No. 3 Aircraft Database
Ex - No. 3 Aircraft Database
AIRCRAFT (aid:integer,aname:string,cruisingrange:integer)
CERTIFIED (eid:integer,aid:integer)
EMPLOYEES (eid:integer,ename:string,salary:integer)
NOTE that the EMPLOYEES relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees
as well;Every pilot is certified for some aircraft,and only pilots are certified to fly.
Write each of the following queries in SQL.
1.Find the names of aircraft such that all pilots certified to operate them
have salaries more than Rs 80,000.
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT a.aname
FROM aircraft a,certified c,employees e
WHERE a.aid=c.aid
AND c.eid=e.eid
FROM employees e1
WHERE e1.eid=e.eid
AND e1.salary<80000);
| aname |
| Airbus |
| Boeing |
| Jet01 |
| Airbus380 |
| Aircraft02 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
2.For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircrafts,find the eid
and the maximum cruisingrange of the aircraft for which he/she is
mysql> SELECT c.eid,MAX(cruisingrange)
FROM certified c,aircraft a
WHERE c.aid=a.aid
GROUP BY c.eid
| eid | max(cruisingrange) |
| 1 | 8000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
3.Find the names of all pilots whose salary is less than the price of the
cheapest route from Bangalore to Frankfurt.
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT e.ename
FROM employees e
WHERE e.salary<
(SELECT MIN(f.price)
FROM flight f
WHERE f.frm='Bangalore'
AND f.too='Frankfurt');
| ename |
| Ajay |
| Ajith |
| Arnab |
| Harry |
| Ron |
| Josh |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4.For all aircrafts with cruisingrange over 1000 kms,find the name of the
aircraft and the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft.
mysql> SELECT a.aid,a.aname,AVG(e.salary)
FROM aircraft a,certified c,employees e
WHERE a.aid=c.aid
AND c.eid=e.eid
AND a.cruisingrange>1000
GROUP BY a.aid,a.aname;
| aid | aname | avg(e.salary) |
| 302 | Boeing | 73333.3333 |
| 306 | Jet01 | 57500.0000 |
| 378 | Airbus380 | 53333.3333 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
5.Find the names of pilots certified for some Boeing aircraft.
mysql> SELECT distinct e.ename
FROM employees e,aircraft a,certified c
WHERE e.eid=c.eid
AND c.aid=a.aid
AND a.aname='Boeing';
| ename |
| Ajay |
| Ron |
| Ram |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
6.Find the aid's of all aircraft that can be used on routes from Bangalore to
mysql> SELECT a.aid
FROM aircraft a
WHERE a.cruisingrange>
(SELECT MIN(f.distance)
FROM flight f
WHERE f.frm='Bangalore'
AND f.too='Delhi');
| aid |
| 378 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)