GrandstreamAcademy QuickGuide
GrandstreamAcademy QuickGuide
GrandstreamAcademy QuickGuide
The Grandstream Academy is a centralized portal for all in-person certification training needs, providing a streamlined training
and certification process for our resellers, integrators and installers. The main features of the Academy include:
• Consolidated trainings page for all available trainings around the globe
• Multiple training levels including Certified Specialist, Certified Professional and Certified Expert
• Online testing platform with automatic grading
• Digital training certificates that can be viewed and downloaded at any time
• Marketing kits for tips on how to promote your certification status
• Online certification renewals
Certification Levels
Grandstream Certified Specialist (GCS)
• Intended for those who attend a basic certification training in any product category.
• The solutions available for GCS level are: UC, Networking, Facility and Security Management, and Vid-
eo Conferencing Solutions
• This basic level certification is meant to provide high-level knowledge on our products.
• Expiration is after 1 year.
About the Grandstream Academy
It is required for trainees to follow the training levels in order to obtain higher certificates. For instance, trainees won’t be able to
get certified as Experts (GCE) if they don’t own a valid GCS and GCP certificate.
Onsite/Online/Renewal Training Sessions
• Onsite training sessions can be organized for all the levels (GCS, GCP and
GCE). Onsite trainings can also be done either for a specific level or as an
event covering certification trainings for all the levels. Trainees will take
exam in the end of the onsite training. GCS GCP GCE
• Online training sessions include only GCS level where trainees will be
trained through a webinar covering everything about the solution. In the Onsite
Yes Yes Yes
end of the webinar, trainees will be able to take the GCS exam. Training
• Renewal training sessions are online sessions organized only for GCS Online
level. They are dedicated to trainees with an expired (or almost expired) GCS Yes No No
certificate. Renewal training sessions covers the new enhancements added
to the solution, and the purpose from the sessions is to refresh the trainee’s Renewal Yes Yes Yes
memory and to provide them with the necessary knowledge about the new Training (Online) (Onsite) (OnSite)
features implemented on the solution. Trainees will take exam in the end of
the renewal training.
Renewal Process
Certified people have the ability to renew their certificates acording to the following conditions:
• No higher valid certificate available: Higher certificates replace the lower ones, and there is no need to renew a certificate
if the person owns one of a higher level
• Valid period for renewal: Certificate holders can renew their expired certificate 3 months before and 3 months after the
expiration date