Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Daffodil International University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Daffodil International University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Daffodil International University
Question: 1 CO1: Analyze and calculate time complexity and space complexity of [Marks: 5]
various algorithms or any written code using mathematical formula and
comparison of algorithms.
int main(){
int i, j, k;
b) Suppose, you are solving a problem through programming. Now, to solve that [2.5]
problem, you have two ideas of implementation. What are the criteria
through which you can decide the best idea for solving the problem? Explain
by giving an example.
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Question: 2 CO2: Generate and interpret the output of iterative and recursive codes [Marks: 5]
with the analysis of the problem definition.
int main() {
int ID;
scanf("%d", &ID);
// Value of ID is the last two digits value of your ID
// For example if your ID is 191-15-1234 then ID = 34
b) Write an algorithm that will find all the Common divisors and also the [2.5]
greatest common divisor of two integers A and B where A is the last two
digits of your ID and B is the reverse order of last two digits of your ID. For
example, if your ID is 111-15-1050 then A = 50 and B= 05.
[N.B: C.D of 50 and 5 = 1, 5 and G.C.D of 50 and 5 = 5]
What will be the time complexity of your code?
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Question: 3 CO3: Identify which algorithm listed under which algorithmic paradigm. [Marks: 5]
Compare among various algorithms/implemented codes and choose the
efficient one.
a) Sarah recently lost her mobile phone and now she is in new market looking [3]
for a shop to buy a new phone. However, she does not know exactly where
the shop is located and she feels shy to ask someone about it. She only knows
the name of the shop. She is looking at the shop names and trying to find it
out. Assuming there are n shops located one after another in the market. The
shops are ordered by serial number not order by their names. Can you help
Sarah to find out the shop she is looking for? Which method do you think
would be more efficient for Sarah to find the shop? Explain.
Do you think is there any way to optimize it by minimizing the overall
searching time? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why?
b) ABC University has more than 20k students and a large number of teachers [2]
and admins. Their database is not well organized and also they have space
limitations. So which algorithm is appropriate for this University to sort their
data and why? Explain it briefly.
Question: 4 CO4: Break down and describe the simulation of various algorithms for [Marks: 10]
different input values.
a) Take last 2 part of your name and find the variable code length of the [6]
characters of your name using Huffman coding algorithm. Then show the
comparison ratio between fixed length and variable length codeword. If your
name exceeds 12 characters then take up to first 12 characters, not more than
[N.B: If last two part of Your name is “ANIK HASAN”, then you will have
to find the variable length codewords for these characters.]
b) Sorting is an integral part of Algorithm course. There are quite a few sorting [4]
algorithms such as bubble sort, quick sort, and merge sort. They are often
quite interesting because of their different working methodologies and
complexities. Now imagine you are asked to sort the digits of your own DIU
student ID using Merge sort algorithm. Can you simulate the sorting process
by mentioning necessary parameters in each step?
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