The Appraisal of Taxation As A Source of Revenue To Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue (Case of Lagos State, Nigeria)
The Appraisal of Taxation As A Source of Revenue To Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue (Case of Lagos State, Nigeria)
The Appraisal of Taxation As A Source of Revenue To Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue (Case of Lagos State, Nigeria)
Taxation has become a thing of interest and urgency as it is a means of revenue to the federal, state and local
Government in Nigeria. However, the political, economic and social development of any country depends on the
amount of income generated for the provision and maintenance of public utility services such as water,
electricity supply, health services, education and transport services as well as the provision of economic
development and maintenance of an efficient administrative system, the aim of this paper was to reveal the
impact of taxation as a source of revenue in Lagos, Nigeria. The paper focuses on the various types and
principles of taxation in Lagos, Nigeria. In the paper the fundamental effect of taxation, organs of tax collection,
types of taxes in Nigeria and problems relating to tax among others were discussed. The findings among others
confirmed that adequate use of the funds generated through taxes served as means of poverty alleviation,
unemployment and improve the standard of living of the people. The paper, therefore, recommend that the Lagos
state government should raise more public awareness and enlightenment that will enable taxpayers to know the
usefulness and reason for the payment of tax.
Keywords: Appraisal of Taxation, Board of Internal Revenue, Government of Nigeria, Lagos State, Tax
1.0 Introduction
Practically, revenue generation in Nigeria local government area is principally derived from tax. Therefore, the
tax is said to be a compulsory levy imposed by the government on an individual and companies for the various
legitimate function of the state (Ghosh, 2000). On the other hand, the tax is seen as a necessary ingredient for
civilization (Aboyade; Adebayo 1999). According to the Webster Dictionary (2017), the tax is defined as a
charge imposed by the government on property, individual, companies, or transactions to raise money for public
purpose. It has another objective than public revenue generation. Lord Lugard (1904) who introduces the system
of personal taxation, he stated that the history of tax could be traced back in the northern Nigeria in 1917 and this
was extended to the Eastern Nigeria in 1928. However, the income tax management Act of 1961 was replaced
with personal income Tax Act Decree (PITD) and the tax act presently regulates the personal income tax in
Nigeria (Emmanuel, 2014). Furthermore, concerning act 1990, companies that are engaged in petroleum
exploration in Nigeria are changed to tax and government uses this medium to charge any capital gain tax
occurring to individuals and corporate bodies as the tax interests which are being disposed of it. Denis (2014)
note that the choice of tax could be a direct tax or indirect tax and as such the selection of tax result from
financial constraint. Under the provision of the value added tax of 1993, the government expects all purchased of
chargeable goods and services to pay 5% of the acquisition price as tax.
All tax sources can be broadly classified into two categories; tax and non-tax. Tax has its functions and can
be summarized as follows: (i) Deference and maintenance of law and order (ii) Provision of public utility
services such as water and electricity supply (iii) Provision of health services, education and transport services
(iv) Provision of economic development and maintenance of an efficient administrative system.
Above all, apart from tax revenue other services of government revenue can be classified under
administrative revenue, grants and gift, revenue from government properties and others. Ola (1999) states that
the tax administrative revenue arises as a result of the administrative activities of the administration and some of
these include fees, levies, rate and fines. The grant, on the other hand, refers to monetary assistance given by one
government to another, usually by a government at a higher level to another. In relation to this, Okosun (2016)
argues that the federal government may give grants to the state and the local government; it could also be given
at the international level by the foreign government or international institution which includes the international
development authority (IDA) or the international bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD). The
government’s asset like land, building, forest, mines, and revenue could be obtained either through renting of the
properties or selling them. Currently, the public sector is expanding in most countries of the world. Samuel
(2011) argues that the government, for instance, has acquired a considerable interest in banking, commerce, and
industry and also set up a major industrial establishment solely owned by it. The government has entered such
areas as the distribution of goods and services within the country. According to Edewede (2015), the collection
of tax was made to be understood by individuals and has to be carried out with caution. In this regard, various
problems facing Nigeria tax systems are categorized into three, the shortage of manpower and the facilities,
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
department (HOD) of Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), a registrar from the corporate affairs commission
(CAC) and much more (Smith, 2003). In addition, the country has the joint tax board team who were established
under income tax management Act of 1961 (as amended). Their duties are to ensure uniformity in the application
of income tax management Act of 1981 (ITMA) as amended throughout the Federation (Ekpo and Umoh, 1996).
They provide advice to the government on double taxation arrangement with other countries, and also improve
pension fund contribution scheme or any other similar scheme (Fölster; Henrekson, 2001). The bodies in the
joint board include: an executive chairman who is the chairman of the Federal Board of Inland Revenue (FBIR),
a legal adviser to the Federal Board of Inland Revenue Service, a Secretary from federal Public service
Commission and the representative from each state of the federation who is knowledgeable on tax matters
(Lipsey, 1979). Taxation has been defined by several scholars and authors in several ways.
Azekhumen, (2009) and Fagbule (2007) discussed the idea that tax is a compulsory levy by the government
of any country through an appropriate unit or agency, usually inland or internal revenue department against the
income or wealth of an individual, partnership or corporate body. Similarly, Ola (2004) also defines the tax as a
compulsory contribution which the government levies on the citizens of the state to defray the cost of public
expenditure. Hanson (2005) sees it as what one pays for civilized society. Mustapha (2007) contradicts this
definition by stating that tax is a compulsory (but non-penal) levy imposed by government through its agent, the
income capital, and consumption of its subjects (citizens).
All the above definitions have more or less the same focus, but by using different words and methods of
definition, it can be seen that taxes exhibit basic features such as Compulsory Levy, Common Goods and
Sacrifice (Edame and Okoi, 2013). In addition, the first three definitions have some common terms by informing
the readers that certain sum of money is paid compulsory to the government. The last two definitions emphasize
what is paid for the administration and development of the society. Above all, it also provides an answer to an
individual that may have some queries on the reason for the payment of tax and its collection. However, the
answer is embodied in the last two definitions of the administration and the development of the society.
Moreover, The World Bank (2000) notes that taxes are a compulsory transfer of resources to the government
from the rest of the economy and this could either be levied in cash or in kind.
According to Ogundele, (1996) cited in Azekhumen (2009), taxation is the process or machinery by which
communities or groups of individuals are made to contribute to some agreed method or level for the purpose of
administration and the development of the society. On the other hand, from the research it is discovered that the
payment of tax is for the benefit of the citizens. Soyode (2006) claims that tax is a compulsory extract of money
by a public authority for public purposes. Communities created tax as a means for the provision of common
facilities such as roads, water wells, securities to name a few, although it was not in a more modern form as it is
known currently. On the other hand, in Yoruba land which is one of the basic tribes in Nigeria, taxation in
history is known as “Ose” which is a compulsory community contribution collected for a specific project
(Adesola 1998). Likewise, Nwankwo (2009) sees tax to be a civic contribution imposed by the government on
her subject with a view to finance its core responsibilities to ensure the optimum public welfare, economically
socially and politically.
Moreover, as there seems to be tax avoidance in the state and country as a whole, especially those that may
not have seen the benefit and usefulness of tax collection (Elijah, 2012). Therefore, to obtain an efficient tax
collection and ensure that citizen abide by the rules, the government decided to implement or made available
those that will inspect each, organization and firm. Nevertheless, the inspection of taxes is under the control of
Board of Internal Revenue to receive returns and other information from taxpayers and their services, make an
assessment to deal with claims for payment and detect errors, and also track down tax evaders and act as advisers
to tax payers (Adesola, 1999).
In addition, there is also the appeal commission which functions to decide appeals from the decision taken
by the dispensary commission against accused tax payers. The commissioner appoints them for finance and
economic development. Also, the body does not consist of more than six (6) members of personal income tax
and twelve (12) persons for company income tax; unlike the inspectors that are not known to be public servants
(Olaoye, 2006). Nonetheless, taxes can be divided into two groups, the direct and indirect tax.
Direct Tax: Those are taxes that are levied directly on the income of individual, group of individual,
business and firms. It is known to be legally imposed by the tax authority. Perhaps, it takes the form of personal
income tax, company income tax, capital tax and poll tax (Uadaile, 2010). Thus direct tax has its advantages and
disadvantages as discuss below.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
Sex of Respondent
Male 20 80
Female 5 20
Total 25 100
Marital Status of Respondents
Single 7 28
Married 18 72
Total 25 100
Employment Status of Respondents
Employed 20 80
Unemployed 5 20
Total 25 100
Source: Author’s Research work (2017)
This section can be used as tool or weapon to check and balance the gap and impact of taxation that is imposed
on those working, living and visiting Lagos, Nigeria. Lagos is presently reputed as Nigeria's most populous city,
the second largest city in Africa, and seventh largest city in the world; known as the centre of excellent large
industrialized and commercial town. As seen in Table 5 majority of the respondents in Lagos state pay tax, i.e.
92%, while the respondents who do not pay tax are few (.i.e. 8%).
As indicated 80% of the respondent want the government to cancel every form of tax, while, 20% of the
respondent believed that government should not cancel every form of taxes, because tax serves as one of
government revenue. 72% of the respondents believed that payment of tax should be made optional, while 28%
disagreed to this submission. 84% of the respondent believed that the government should reduce the amount levy
on tax. 88% of the respondents agreed that taxation is a means of regulating the economic system, while 12%
disagree with this claim. 80% of respondents were encouraged with the collection and utilization of tax proceeds
by the government, while 20% were not encouraged. 92% of the respondents believe that it is necessary to pay
tax, so that the social needs of people can be met, while 8% disagree with this claim. 84% of the respondents
agree government is using the best means of collecting the tax, while 16% disagree that the government is using
the best means in the collection of tax.
In conclusion, from the findings in the analysis of Table 5, it was revealed that the majority of the
respondents were of the opinion that taxation should not be avoided, because it's a means to generate revenue for
the government. On the other hand, it’s observed that the revenue generated from taxation is used by the federal,
state and local government to renovate and built schools, hospitals, road and many others. This is made possible
through the encouragement for the collection of tax. In addition, the majority of the respondent are also of the
opinion that tax should not be made personal, this could be as a result of the benefit of taxation through the board
of the Lagos state board of internal revenue. However, the responds obtained from those who are against tax
reduction is very high compare to those who are in support of its reduction. These responses could be attributed
to the benefit of taxation in the state and local government. Nevertheless, this paper obtained the maximum
response to support the implementation of tax by the federal, state and local government. As a result of the
percentage obtained. As indicated tax is a means for the government to regulate the economy. It is also a means
for the government to make changes in communities and the state. However, it was discovered that respondents
who don't have knowledge of tax in Nigeria were not Nigerians and therefore they had less knowledge on tax
and its collective method in the country. As revealed, those who were not fully encouraged with the way tax is
being collected tend to be foreigners; tax of this category is collected and imposed differently.
Furthermore, 84% of respondent agree that government is using the best means of collection of tax, while
16% of respondent disagree with this comment. The reason for the 16% disagreement may be as a result of the
type of government that is in the local communities. For instance, in Lagos state, it is observed that the more the
government collect tax in an aggressive manner, the more likely the people are being threatened to pay their tax
and failure to do this is fined with a larger amount of money (see figure 1) for the various types of currencies of
Nigeria). Most tax payers evade and avoid tax as a result of the corrupt practice of the official which then affects
revenue generation (John, 2012).
In addition, the government tends to collect tax from the unemployed in Lagos, Nigeria and these are
individuals who have no work, receive salary or pension. As a result, the individual who are citizens feel this is
not an appropriate mean of tax collection as the government should be aware there is a great different between
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
the employed and the unemployed no matter their similarity in the word (Okosun, 2016; Ezelue, 1994).
Table 5: Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Use of Tax by the Lagos State Government
Respondents Respond on the Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Effectiveness of the Use of Tax
Do you pay your tax as at when due?
Yes 18 72
No 7 28
Total 25 100
Should government cancel every form of tax?
Yes 20 80
No 5 20
Total 25 100
Should payment of tax be made optional?
Yes 18 72
No 7 28
Total 25 100
Should government reduce the amount of tax?
Yes 21 84
No 4 16
Total 25 100
Taxation is a means of regulating the economic system, do you agree?
Yes 22 88
No 3 12
Total 25 100
Are you encouraged with the collection and utilizations of taxes made by the government?
Yes 20 80
No 5 20
Total 25 100
Do you think it is necessary to pay tax?
Yes 23 92
No 2 8
Total 25 100
Do you think government is using the best means/ ways in collecting tax?
Yes 21 84
No 4 16
Total 25 100
Source: Author’s Research Work, 2017
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017
miscellaneous tax payment, the problem of funding, embezzlement of funds. This paper has revealed the
weakness of the federal, state and local government in responding to the challenges of urban and rural
development. The findings of this paper among others confirmed that adequate use of funds generated through
taxes could serve as means of poverty alleviation, unemployment and improving the standard of living of the
people. The interview conducted attested that the Lagos state board of internal revenue is fairly inefficient, there
is malpractice of tax income system in their operation as the tax payer are yet to see its manifestation or benefits.
Individuals believe that taxable people e.g. civil servants, vendors, hawkers are taxed but revenue generated
is not submitted in full to the Lagos state board of internal revenue (Abiola and Asiweh, 2012). On the other
hand, there is also a problem of tax evasion. The board of internally generated revenue also experience the
problem of tax evasion to a maximum extent, and this is as a result of lack of legislation guides that help to
check the tax evasion and even the present ones are non-effective (Mephee, 1962). However, the respondent
interviewed, revealed that their unwillingness to pay tax is because they derive little from the payment of tax to
the government. In addition, from the ongoing discussion it was revealed that poor implementation of taxation
might result to the low level of revenue generation (Martins, 2002). Findings derived from those interviewed
concerning the effectiveness of the use of tax by the Lagos state government to provide people needs, it was
confirmed that the federal government collects tax also from the large and small organization, firms, businesses
and individual.
However, the local government which derived revenue from the federal government for it jurisdictional
development is cheated based on the fact that the federal government gives responsibilities to them within their
area of jurisdiction, but did not make provision for; the needed capital or funds to carry out their responsibilities
effectively and efficiently. Most citizens are unaware of the federal government manipulations, the local
government council is presently blame for this inefficient and ineffective use of tax to perform their duties, as
they ought to and they are seen as an inactive establishment in the eyes of much Nigerian. No wonder the work
of Okosun and Olujimi 2016 concluded that the local government councils of Nigerian are weak in responding to
the challenges posed by infrastructure development due to insufficient funding to maintain and construct basic
communal facilities that improve the welfare and social life of the people; among those include; road, water
supply and schools. It was further established that the local governments of Nigeria tend to have embezzled the
money provided to run the affairs of the organisation for their selfish interest (Tax Act, 1979). Further findings
revealed that the federal and state government of Nigeria; including the one at the grass root level (.i.e the local
government) is corrupt and its citizens are confused to know whom to trust, either to trust/believe the local
government or state or federal government (Okosun, 2016 and Aderinto, 1992). Similarly, the respondents
submitted that all parties are to be blame for poor state of the existing infrastructures and economic hardship in
the state and country.
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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.8 No.23 2017