TB Interferon Gamma Release Assays (Igras)

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TB Interferon gamma release assays (IGRAs)

Interferon Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) are a new form of test that is more accurate. An
assay is just a means of referring to a test or procedure in this context. IGRAs are blood tests
that assess an individual's immune response to the germs that cause tuberculosis. Cytokines are
unique chemicals produced by the immune system. The interferon gamma cytokine is detected
by these tuberculosis tests. In practice, one of these TB tests is performed by obtaining a blood
sample and combining it with particular reagents to determine whether the cytokine is present.

Sputum smear microscopy as a test for TB

Sputum smear microscopy is frequently the first test utilized in areas with a high risk of
tuberculosis infection. Sputum is a viscous fluid produced by the lungs and the airways that lead
to them. The individual coughing usually collects a sample of sputum. Sputum samples are
usually taken in multiples.5 In 2012, it was claimed that two specimens might be collected on
the same day without sacrificing accuracy.6 7
A smear is a very thin layer of the sample placed on a glass slide to perform the test. The
sample is then stained with a variety of specific stains, and the stained slide is examined under
a microscope for evidence of tuberculosis bacteria.

Fluorescent microscopy
Fluorescent microscopy is a technique for improving the accuracy of sputum tests. The smear is
lighted with a quartz halogen or high pressure mercury vapour lamp in a fluorescent
microscope, allowing a significantly larger area of the smear to be seen and allowing for a more
fast inspection of the specimen.

Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST)

M. tuberculosis can be detected by the Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) or the TB blood test.
To establish the presence of tuberculosis, more tests are required. A little amount of tuberculin
is injected into the skin in the lower region of the arm during the Mantoux tuberculin skin test.
A qualified health care worker checks for a reaction (induration) on the arm and reads the test
within 48 to 72 hours.

Serological tests as a test for TB

Serological tests on blood samples claim to be able to identify tuberculosis by detecting
antibodies in the blood. However, hunting for antibodies in the blood to test for tuberculosis is
extremely challenging.

Fact sheets | testing and diagnosis | fact sheets - diagnosis of tuberculosis disease | TB | CDC.
(n.d.). Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from

Tests for TB diagnosis & drug resistance. (2021, May 27). TBFacts. https://tbfacts.org/tests-tb/

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