1.3 Definitions
In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant to subject or context:
“Act” means Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
Act, 2012.
“Absence” means being absent from duty without obtaining prior sanction of
“Allowances” mean monetary compensation other than salary.
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the KPPRA appointed by
Government of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
"Authority" means Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory
Authority (KPPRA).
"Competent Authority" means such authority as may be determined by the
Board from time to time.
“Contractual” means a person hired on contract basis to render his / her
specialized services to assist or expedite the functional activities of KPPRA
for fixed time and on predetermined financial terms for a specified period.
2.1 Background
Public procurements have become a specialized undertaking in the
contemporary world. There is a strong relationship between transparent public
procurements and economic development. Developed countries have already
reformed their public procurement procedures, while transitional economies are
going through the reform process. Similarly Pakistan is striving to strengthen its
public procurement systems. A massive public procurement reform initiative has
been launched by the Federal Government in 2002 that resulted in the formation
of the Federal Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), which was
followed by the establishment of Provincial authorities in Sindh and Punjab. In
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, KPPRA has been established on 20 Sep 2012 with
commencement of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory
Authority Act, 2012 with its headquarters at Peshawar.
2.3 Management
The general management and administration of KPPRA and its affairs shall vest
in the Board, which shall exercise all powers and do all acts, which may be
exercised or done by the Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
o The registry must have in place good and efficient record filing and
trucking systems for all the records i.e. all mail must be recorded in
a mail book, filed and the file sent to the addressee for action. The
registry shall maintain a file movement book for tracking all station
This chapter specifies and helps the continued implementation of the KPPRA
operating principles by establishing certain minimum standards of behaviour in
key areas. The nature of this code is not meant to cover all possible situations
that may occur. It is designed to provide a frame of reference against which to
measure any activities. Employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt
about the proper course of action in a given situation, as it is the ultimate
responsibility of each employee to “do the right thing”, a responsibility that
cannot be delegated. Employees should always be guided by the following basic
Avoid any conduct that could damage or risk KPPRA or its reputation;
Act legally and honestly;
Put the KPPRA’s interests ahead of personal or other interests.
KPPRA and its employees are bound by the law. Compliance with all applicable
laws and regulations must never be compromised. Additionally, employees shall
adhere to internal rules and regulations as they apply in a given situation. Those
internal rules are specific to the KPPRA and may go beyond what is required by
the law. Senior Management will ensure that:
Employees will always act in the best interests of KPPRA. A Conflict of Interest
occurs when personal interests of an employee or the interests of a third party
compete with the interests of KPPRA. In such a situation, it can be difficult for the
employee to act in the best interests of KPPRA. Employees shall avoid Conflicts of
Interest whenever possible. If a Conflict of Interest situation has occurred or if an
employee faces a situation that may involve or lead to a Conflict of Interest, the
employee shall disclose it to his or her Line Manager and/or the Human Resource
Department (HRD) or the Legal or Compliance Function to resolve the situation
in a fair and transparent manner.
Must not offer, pay, make, seek or accept a personal payment, gift or favour
in return for favourable treatment or to gain any business advantage.
Must follow the anti-bribery and corruption laws that KPPRA is subject to.
Will be liable to disciplinary action, dismissal, legal proceedings and
possibly imprisonment if found involved in bribery and corruption.
Inform the management of KPPRA, if they suspect or know of corruption in
KPPRA or in any party (authority or individual) KPPRA does business
In case any gift etc is given, the employee may immediately submit it to HR
Manager or Line Manager.
4.1 Introduction
The staffing policy and its implementation will be fundamentally aimed at
matching the human resource with the strategic and operational needs of the
KPPRA and ensuring the full utilisation and continued development of
employees. All aspects of the recruitment and selection of employees will be non-
discriminatory and will afford applicants equal opportunity to compete for
vacant positions.
4.2 Scope
The recruitment policy shall be applicable to all positions at all levels in the
KPPRA both regular and contractual based unless otherwise specified.
4.3 Objectives
This policy is further based on the principles set out below. Human resource
management in the KPPRA must –
Be characterised by a high standard of professional ethics;
Promote the efficient, economic and effective utilisation of employees;
Be conducted in an accountable manner;
Be transparent;
Promote good human resource management and career development
practices, to maximise human potential; and
Ensure that the KPPRA’s administration is broadly representative of the
people, with human resource management practices based on ability,
objectivity and fairness.
4.5.1 HR Budget
All recruitment within KPPRA shall be against approved budget and sanctioned
posts. Replacement for employees who are availing leave for more than a year
shall also be provided. Vacancies so created shall be filled by Regular /
Contractual employment as per procedure. Employees returning from long leave
cannot demand the same position as a matter of right. However, availability of
position may be checked and he/ she will be absorbed if the position is available
within KPPRA which is not guaranteed.
4.5.4 Non-Eligibility
Following people shall not be eligible for employment at KPPRA:-
4.5.5 Nationality
Only Pakistani Nationals will be eligible for employment against all positions in
4.5.6 Nepotism
It is the policy of KPPRA to seek competent applicants for positions and to
further the careers of those employed regardless of whether they have close
relatives already employed at KPPRA. The basic criteria for appointment and
retention are appropriate qualifications, experience and performance as set out
in the policies of the Authority. Family relationships shall constitute neither an
advantage nor a deterrent to appointment and retention at the Authority
provided the individual meets and fulfils the appropriate appointment standards.
KPPRA may re-employ former staff members keeping in view the needs and
requirements of the Authority. KPPRA shall not re-hire under any circumstances
those ex-employees who were terminated / discharged / dismissed / asked to
submit forced resignations due to Disciplinary action. Re-employment may
be discouraged if at all unavoidable insert limitations & strict modalities (Need
assessment, time period, compensation towards lower side).
4.6.1 Timelines
The following timescale is included as a guide for each stage of the recruitment
Activity Timescale
Minimum 6 – 8 weeks
Total (from start to acceptance)
Maximum 12 – 20 weeks
Efforts shall be made to fill the vacant positions internally. If the vacant position
cannot be filled internally then HRD shall search for potential staff from other
sources as narrated in above in this policy. HRD shall make efforts to collect
sufficient applications with relevant qualification and experience. All applications
will be collected through KPPRA Job Application Form available on KPPRA’s
website Screening and short listing shall be done by
HRD from stock of the applications which have already been held in record with
HRD, through employee referrals, advertisement in the newspaper or
advertisement on the KPPRA’s Website.
All entry-level staff for appointment in KPPRA may be required to appear in the
test to be conducted by HRD. The minimum passing marks for clearing the test
shall be determined by the Management from time to time.
All short listed candidates will be informed through all means of communication
i.e. letters/ telephone calls and via E-mail at least two days prior to the date of
interview by the HR Department.
The HR Department will be responsible for preparation of files for the members
of selection board which will contain the following:-
4.6.7 Interviews
At least two individual / panel interview (s) shall be conducted for every vacant
position within the Authority. For all senior level positions, at least three
candidates shall be short listed for consideration of appointing authority.
Interviews shall be conducted by at least two executives of KPPRA one of which
should be Director HR/ Admin & Finance. Recruitment Committee will evaluate
each candidate against the selection criteria and will record its assessment on
Interview Assessment Sheet. As a result of above exercise, the Recruitment
Committee will finalize a list of most suitable candidate along with at least two
other potential candidates as reserves for each vacancy / post. Approval of
competent authority will be taken.
4.6.11 Documentation
All employees will submit the following documents on the first day of joining to
HR department:-
Three photographs
Photocopy of CNIC
Attested Copies of Educational & Experience Certificates
Bank Information i.e A/C No., Bank Name, Branch Name, Code, and
The Managing Director (MD) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. MD shall
receive such as the Board of Directors may fix.
4.9.4 Deputationists
Employees who are deputed to KPPRA, or their services are seconded to KPPRA
for a specified period from any related government institution. These employees
will be considered as full time employees and will be given all benefits as per
Grades and designation during their stay at KPPRA. In case any deputationist is
promoted by the parent organization, KPPRA will not be liable to promote the
person rather he will be sent back to the parent organization.
Each employee shall notify his or her immediate supervisor and Human Resource
Department of any changes, which may affect his or her employment or benefit
status. Examples of changes in personal status include, but are not limited to:
a. Marital status
b. Dependent status
c. Legal name change
d. Physical limitation
e. Additional educations, training or certification
f. Revocation of license, permit certification, or credentials required for
the job
g. Changes of address or telephone number
5.1 Introduction
KPPRA recognizes human resources as its most significant asset. One of the most
important tools of incentives in this regard is the objective criteria for
promotions to higher pedestals. The re-assignment of personnel to a job of
higher rank and responsibility entails more demands on the individual.
5.2 Scope
This policy is applicable to all regular staff whose service in KPPRA is confirmed.
All promotions shall be made on merit and at the sole discretion of the
management. No employee can claim promotion to any particular
designation/grade by virtue of seniority or qualification as a right.
While awarding marks for the Performance Rating, the Appraisee shall be
compared with other employees of the same category.
5.4.3 Experience
Experience possessed on account of service rendered in the profession is given
due consideration. However, emphasis is more on the quality rather than the
quantity of experience. Thus while assessing suitability for promotion; the
experience shall be weighed both in terms of time span as well as essence.
BPS-1 to 16 3 years
5.5 Procedure
Whenever a vacancy in any promotion Grade occurs, the HR Department will
arrange a meeting, within 15 days of the occurrence of the vacancy, of the
Promotion Committee constituted as under:
For BP-1 to 16
Director HR/ Admin & Finance
Relevant Director
Manager HR
Employee’s performance will be the first and the foremost determinant for
promotions amongst the eligible employees.
In case more than one eligible employee is equally good in the performance,
then the senior will be preferred upon the junior.
If an employee has passed all the promotion stages in a particular band and
still has the potential/willingness for promotion, he/she will have to improve
6.1 Introduction
KPPRA pursues a compensation policy of establishing and maintaining
consistency and equity within the organization as well as aligning its overall
remuneration policies with the marketplace. It believes in attracting and
retaining talent through a combination of monetary and non-monetary rewards
and incentives.
6.2 Scope
This policy shall be applicable to the permanent/ regular staff only unless
specified. Pay and allowances of contractual staff shall be outlined in their
6.4 Benefits
6.4.2 Overtime
BPS-19 Rs 3,000
BPS-18 Rs 2,000
BPS-17 Rs 1,500 Objective
The objective of this policy is to financially help the employees of KPPRA by
proving them welfare loan subject to availability of sufficient funds. Policy
In order to regulate the loan facility subject to availability of sufficient funds
under the head in line with criterion as follow.
Beyond three years but less than Equal to two months’ salary at
5 years the maximum
Eligibility for second or onward advances shall be six month gap after the
clearance of previous loan. Loan so granted shall be recoverable in 10
installments or otherwise as determined by the competent authority. Procedure
The employee needing welfare loan shall apply for the purpose through
proper channel in the prescribed Loan Application Form (HR#9) duly
recommended by the department head.
Finance Manager shall arrange payment for the sanctioned loan to the
concerned employee.
It is the policy of KPPRA to provide its staff time to rest and reinvigorate. The
purpose of this policy is to create provisions for employees to attend their
recreational needs, health related issues and personal/domestic urgencies etc.
However, Leave shall Not be claimed as a matter of right when the exigencies of
service so require, the leave sanctioning authority may refuse the grant of leave
already granted or change the nature of leave or re-call an employee before
expiry of his leave period. All leaves should be applied on Leave Application
Form (HR#10).
8.1 Introduction
The KPPRA does not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of race,
religion, gender, color, ancestry, serious medical condition, ethnicity, age, or
disability, in KPPRA employment, KPPRA operated programs, services or
KPPRA believes that all employees are entitled to a workplace free of harassment
and expects employees to treat each other and our clients with courtesy and
respect. Conduct which violates this policy includes, but is not limited to foul
language, dirty jokes or comments pertaining to race, religion, sex, gender
identify, color, national origin, age, or disability, regardless of whether the
conduct was intended to offend or intimidate or not.
8.3 Procedures
An employee who feels that he/she has been a victim of discrimination, threat,
sexual harassment, harassment, bullying etc may make a complaint, without fear
of retaliation, according to the following procedures:
It is appreciated that the second step is a difficult one and the victim may need
assistance, counseling, advice and support in order to undertake it. Such
assistance can be obtained, via the HR Manager. It is preferable for all concerned
The KPPRA officer shall notify the complainant of the determination.
The Department Director shall notify the respondent of the determination.
9.1 Objective
The objective of this policy is to provide a method for employees to express any
grievance they may have and approach different levels of authority in the
organization to address the grievance.
9.2 Policy
The employee is first advised to try and settle the grievance with his/her
immediate supervisor. If, however this not possible or does not resolve the
grievance, then he/she should contract the next level up which is the department
Head or the Region Head. The supervisor or the departmental head then
attempts to resolve the grievance. If the above channels cannot resolve the
matter, the final step for the employee is to put his/her grievance in writing to
HRD. The HR department representative or Manager HR himself mediates in an
attempt to arrive at a satisfactory solution, and confirms any decision/proposed
action to the employee.
It is the policy of the KPPRA to treat all employees fairly in matters affecting their
employment. Every eligible employee shall have an opportunity to resolve
matters, which affect his/her employment. Every eligible employee with a
grievance shall have the right to present the grievance in accordance with the
following procedures without fear of reprisal.
9.4.3 Appeals
The appeal against the decision will be forwarded to the Appeals Committee
Chairperson or his/her designee for review. Within (15) fifteen business days,
the Chairperson will issue a decision as to whether the Appeals Committee will
accept the appeal for a hearing. The decision of the Chairperson or his/her
designee shall be based on the provisions outlined in this section. An affirmative
decision will allow the appeal to proceed. A denial will end the internal
administrative remedies. Closure
Within (15) fifteen business days from the date of the hearing, the Appeals
Committee through its Chairperson or his/her designee shall, at an open meeting,
render its decision or recommendation which may then be publicly posted. .
Should the Appeals Committee want to comment on issues that were not
contained in the grieving party’s grievance appeal, but were discovered during
the hearing, it may do so by submitting a supplemental comment report to the
MD for his/her review. The supplemental comment report is not considered as
or made a part of the grievance decision or recommendation.
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Objective
10.3 Scope
10.4 General
The Career Planning / Job Rotation Policy for KPPRA staff aims to provide staff
with developmental opportunities, consistent with the staff performance
management goals of the Authority. Career planning / business exigencies may
necessitate rotation / transfer of the employee from one location to another or
from one position to another.
As a principle, all staff members must not stay on a specific area of assignment
for more than three years (or a time as determined by the MD) unless due to
exigencies of service rotation is not possible, for which the Line Manager must
have a justification. An approval to this effect must be obtained for a definite
period of time, after which the approval shall again be sought from MD.
This period shall be determined from the date of joining of an incumbent in any
grade in that position but must not include a period of leave without pay.
The first Line Manager of the employee may rotate an employee within his/her
department with / without the employee’s consent, but must intimate the
employee in advance. Such job rotation shall be effected in line with the general
career plan of the employee in each category. Job rotation may also involve more
than one employee where interchange of assignments is to be made.
Any transfer of an employee entirely into a new set up shall be executed strictly
in accordance to the guidelines mentioned herein. All such transfers shall be
against pre-approved positions that are unoccupied due to any reason (new
position, resignation/transfer/dismissal/death of the previous incumbent etc.).
The transfers may be voluntary or involuntary.
All those employees who wish to be rotated in future may submit their requests
to HRD through proper channel against internally advertised positions.
Employees completing certain number of years in a particular department /
position (three years or as announced by the management from time to time)
may also opt for voluntary transfers into other relevant areas through proper
channel subject to the available budget / requirement at the new location.
Mutual transfer between two staff members of any department where employees
(Manager Grade & Below) in both departments agree to switch on genuine need
basis in similar functions / related experience, is also possible and allowed
subject to the condition that consent of all concerned Line Managers is held on
TA/DA, Relocation Allowance and Travel Grant shall be admissible as per KPPRA
Policy for cases where change of residence is to be undertaken and as stated by
the competent authority other than cases which does not justify award of such
allowance / grant due to insignificant costs. The change of residence shall mean
to involve a reasonable distance between the employee current location and the
proposed location where same day travel to / from is not possible.
10.7 Responsibility
The line managers of the staff shall be responsible for implementation of this
policy within their office / unit.
Staff members shall not be transferred more than once during the year. Any
transfer affected more than once shall be fully justified by the recommending /
approving authorities.
Once the transfer has been approved, the immediate Line Manager of the
transferee shall ensure that the incumbent must be transferred out immediately
but not later than 15 days from the date of approval / issuance of the letter,
unless specified otherwise in the transfer letter. The handing / taking over
formalities shall be completed as per procedure.
a. Compulsory Retirement
Employees will have the option for retirement on personal reasons after
completion of 20 years of services or on the basis of medical grounds.
Employees opting for voluntary retirement for personal reasons would serve at
least three months’ notice (in writing) to the HR Department, prior to the date of
requested retirement.
The HR Department will review the request in consultation with the relevant
Department head and will forward the recommendations to the Director HR/
Admin & Finance in cases of Grade 1 to 14 and the MD in case of higher Grades
for final approval. This entire process should not exceed 45 days. If, for any
reasons, no decision can be taken during this period, the application of the
employee will be considered as approved.
The voluntarily retirement may not be considered as a matter of right and will be
subjected to review and approval of competent authority as mentioned above.
The retiring employee will be paid accrued vacation days. No payment will be
made for unused periodic absence days, excused absence for compelling reasons
or optional holidays.
11.2 Benefits
The termination report of an employee not on leave, shall state the separation
date as the last day the employee worked and shall include any amounts to be
paid for accrued leave.
11.4 Resignation
When an employee dies while working with KPPRA, procedures relating to the
policy on Retirement shall be followed. The relevant Manager will require to
notifying HR Department at the earliest so that appropriate notification and
actions would be taken by the Finance & Accounts Department.
The HR Department will make final settlement and make arrangements for the
return of keys and all other KPPRA property.
11.6 Suspension
11.9 Settlement
After having financial clearance HR Department will initiate the final accounts
clearance that will include:
Medical Certificate / Insurance for continuing Medical facility for all Retired
Accrued Leave encashment
Any financial implications due to clearance
Exit interviews will only take place when the employee resigns voluntarily from
the services of KPPRA. The HR Department will arrange an exit interview on the
last day of service. Exit interview will be conducted to ascertain the cause of the
resignation and feedback about the working conditions in KPPRA.
The outcomes of the interview will be recorded on Exit Interview Form (HR#14)
and will be forwarded to Director HR/ Admin & Finance for review and
appropriate action.
12.1 Introduction
In order to improve job satisfaction of the workforce, ensuring a safe and secure
environment for employees is always considered important for any organization.
To improve the safety and health conditions on an on-going basis, it is necessary
to continuously monitor the health and safety issues in the environment and
update the current procedures accordingly.
Any unsafe conditions, e.g. faulty lifts, faulty fire doors, missing fire extinguishers,
missing Fire Notices, defective equipment (particularly defective gas
connections), poor lighting, damaged floor coverings, unsafe furniture and so on,
should be reported at once to immediate supervisor, admin officer or safety
officer so that necessary remedial action can be taken.
The following items are considered for incorporation in the “policy statement”:
Health and safety are to be given equal consideration with all other
business functions.
Trailing cables
Sanitary conveniences
KPPRA Employees
12.4.1 General
1. It is the policy of KPPRA to ensure that all activities carried out on its
offices or undertaken by its employees are managed in such a manner so as to
avoid, reduce, or control, through proper implementation of all relevant safety
procedure’s all foreseeable risks to the health & safety of any person(s) who may
be affected by such activities to a tolerable level.
4. All members of staff will receive a copy of this policy and will be required
to acknowledge to state that they have read and understood it. New members of
staff will be required to read and sign a copy of this policy before they start work
and their manager will familiarize, explain and assist them to begin work in a
safe manner.
12.5 SCOPE
12.6 Responsibilities
Device strategy and plan to implement this policy throughout the KPPRA
on annual basis.
Ensure implementation and monitoring of this policy.
Audit the health, safety and environment performance of the KPPRA and
prepare annual report for review of the management.
Investigate accident and take appropriate action on the findings.
Participate in courses on fire safety, first aid etc being organized by HRD
from time to time.
Ensure proper implementation of this policy in their premises.
Ensure that new employee understands the content of this policy by giving
them short briefing.
Carry out the risk assessment prior to any work activity to be undertaken.
12.6.3 Employees
Read, understand and adhere to all health, safety & environment related
risks, procedures mentioned in this policy and keep them abreast with the
latest information being issued from Head Office.
Participate in regular fire drill being held at their office.
Understand the location of fire alarm, fire extinguishers, first aid box,
emergency exits and important emergency telephone number.
In case of emergency evacuation of the premises, ensure safety of
important office documents, without endangering their life.
Switch off all the electrical, mechanical and electronic equipment under
their use while leaving the office.
Review and update this policy, on regular basis, in line with the
recommendations of Director HR/ Admin & Finance and with the KPPRA’s
overall strategy on Health, Safety & Environment.
Conduct regular courses for safety officers/ officers designated by Director
HR/ Admin & Finance on fire fighting and first aid in coordination with
Director HR/ Admin & Finance.
Every effort will be made by the KPPRA to ensure that potential hazards to the
environment, its consequences and remedial actions are considered while
funding any project that can possibly have any environmental risk.
Director HR/ Admin & Finance shall have overall responsibility for
implementation of this policy. He will prepare the strategy/action plan for
To advise the KPPRA & employees on the Health, Safety and Environment
To act as the consultative body of the KPPRA on health, safety and
environmental issues;
To investigate accident & incident and take appropriate action on the
To audit the health, safety and environmental performance of the KPPRA;
To provide assurance that the KPPRA is meeting its obligations in matters
of health, safety and environment.
To co-ordinate and review the KPPRA’s Health, Safety and Environment
Management systems;
To facilitate the implementation of the KPPRA’s Health, Safety and
Environment Plans;
To prepare annual report on Health, Safety and Environment;
To monitor and administer actions arising from the Health, Safety and
Environment policy and strategy;
To liaise with external authorities on matters of Health, Safety and
Safety Officer must ensure that all members of staff are instructed in the action to
be taken should a fire break out. This is most conveniently done by giving each
member of staff written instructions in the form of a Fire Routine Procedure
which will be developed by safety officer under the guidance of Director HR/
Admin & Finance
Operate the nearest fire alarm. If no fire alarm is provided, shout "Fire".
On hearing the fire alarm, calmly leave the building immediately by the
nearest available exit. If time permits without endangering your life,
secure important documents, cash, shut down system etc.
Lifts must NOT be used. Help any injured, aged, disabled person to
evacuate the premises.
Assemble at a safe place for headcount/attendance.
Ensure that the emergency department such as fire brigade, police,
hospitals etc. has been informed of the location of the fire. Also inform
security officer about the incident.
It is essential that the means of escape from a building should function efficiently.
Exit doors should be fastened so that they can be easily and immediately opened
from the inside without the use of keys. Exit routes must not be obstructed or
used as storage areas.
First Aid is the skilled provision of treatment for a casualty or any person
suddenly taken ill, using the facilities and materials available at the time, to save
life and to prevent any deterioration in the condition of that person while
awaiting the arrival of qualified medical assistance (usually an ambulance). First
Aid boxes are provided in each area or building and these boxes should be placed
at a prominent place.
Check your own safety! You are of no use if you become a second casualty. Use
protective clothing and equipment where necessary. Identify the cause, nature of
injury and respond accordingly. Casualties should be seated or reclined when
being treated, as appropriate.
Get help at once if the injuries appear serious by calling a qualified First Aider.
Delegate a person nearby to call an ambulance, if one is required.
b. Bleeding:
If bleeding is severe, apply firm direct pressure on the wound to stop the
bleeding, using hands, pads, dressings, etc. Maintain pressure until
professional help is available.
If the bleeding is from a limb, elevate it 10" to 12" to reduce the blood flow.
Do NOT touch the casualty until the current is switched off. If the current
cannot be switched off, stand on some dry insulating material and use a
wooden or plastic implement to free the casualty from the electrical
If breathing has stopped, start mouth-to-mouth respiration and continue
until the casualty starts to breathe or until medical help arrives.
e. Mouth-to-Mouth Respiration/CPR
CPR is most successful when administered as quickly as possible, but you must
first determine if it's necessary. It should only be performed when a person isn't
breathing or circulating blood adequately.
Quickly evaluate whether the person is responsive. Look for things like eye
opening, sounds from the mouth, or other signs of life like movement of the arms
and legs. In infants and younger children, rubbing the chest (over the
breastbone) can help determine if there is any level of responsiveness. In older
children and adults, this can also be done by gently shaking the shoulders and
asking if they're all right.
The next step is to check if the victim is breathing. You can determine this by
watching the person's chest for the rise and fall of breaths and listening for the
sound of air going in and out of the lungs. If you can't determine whether
g. Eyes
Foreign bodies (including chemicals) in the eye should be flushed out using clean
cool water for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Sterile eye wash bottles of the sealed cap
type may be used if tap water is not immediately available. Casualties with eye
injuries should always be sent to the hospital with the eye covered by a pad.
Sterile Eye Pads: sterile pad with a bandage attached to it to use over
the eye following eye injuries.
Tablets or other medication must NOT be kept in the First Aid box. It is advisable
to have small boxes at various sites instead of one large one.
12.11 Conclusion
A safe and healthy environment in the KPPRA can only be possible if we
understand the importance of it and act together to make KPPRA a safer place to
work. Good housekeeping can prevent most of the accident from happening.
Prevention is always better than cure.
Both the concerned department and the HRD have a responsibility to assist in the
professional development of staff / employees.
The aim and objectives of staff development is to assist the development of each
individual and thereby enhance the overall KPPRA’s performance through
improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Annual Training Plan (HR#16) will be developed after considering the best
available options for different trainings services providers.
A database shall be established by the HRD including the details of trainers
(Internal, external), training areas and date of trainings both in case of
internal and external training institutes.
The HR Department will identify the trainer, training date and training
To finalize the training schedule, decision will be obtained from HDR on the
following arrangements:-
Careful attention to the above operational details will contribute towards the
success of the training program.
HRD and branch/ area head shall also take decision on the following areas to
establish an effective training program:-
This list will be established and up dated every year before finalising the year
training schedule.
Course Manual/Handouts
Training Presentation
Brief Outline
The supervisor will be responsible to discuss and agree with the expected area of
improvement with the employee before sending him on the training.
The supervisor shall review the performance of the employee after one month of
the date of training received by the employee. In this review the performance
against expected outcome will be discussed and the result will be reported on the
Training Evaluation Form.
Following are the rates of Transfer Grant, Travel Allowance and Daily Allowance
etc. admissible to the Employees of the KPPRA:-
On transfer, the staff will be entitled to tickets on KPPRA account for self, spouse
and dependent children, as per their entitlement and would be paid half gross
salary to compensate for relocation, not exceeding the following:-
Married Unmarried
Officers in BPS-17 will be entitled to travel by train in A.C. and Air, if exigencies of
service so necessitate and in case where the traveling distance is more than 200
kms, the officers shall be allowed to travel by air, with the prior approval of the
Competent Authority.
If any employee does not use Hotel/Accommodation, he will be paid four D.As
(one normal plus three extra) in lieu of hotel expenses while in travel within
The Hotel expenses shall be admissible on production of Hotel bills and receipts
submitted along with T.A. bills on prescribed TA/DA Form (HR#18) of KPPRA.
The Hotel Expenses will include Room Rent/Taxes/Food (three meals a day not
exceeding Rs 2,000/- for BPS-17 & Above and Rs 1,000/- for BPS-16 & below)
and Laundry.
The performance appraisal system will only be used for the employee of BPS-6
and above.
15.3 Procedure
The formal performance appraisal procedure has been established for reviewing
the performance of employees against the personal and organizational objectives
General Ability
Technical Ability
Administrative Skills/Compliance
Performance Objectives
The Appraiser in consultation with the appraisee will set the performance
objectives for the next year/period which will be documented in Section 9. The
Appraiser will also identify Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each objective.
Any training and development requirement that is essential to perform the job
effectively or to help the individual in achieving his/her objectives will be
identified and recorded in section 10.
Both the parties, i-e appraiser and appraisee, will sign the Evaluation Form as a
proof of their agreement. In case an appraisee is not in agreement with the
outcome of his evaluation, he will record his point of view in remarks section
before signing the form.
At the end of evaluation and upon agreement on the rating, the overall comments
are documented on the Performance Evaluation Form.
Communication Skills
Attitude refers to the ‘feel’ part of your work. It relates to how one feels about his
work and his approach towards work. Hence, work attitude behavior is
intangible. It defines an individual’s feelings for his work in terms of pride, value
and beliefs.
An individual’s ability to take introductory measures or actions that can
positively affect his own performance or performance of the group he belongs to,
or even the performance of the organization in larger context. The power or
ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise
and determination.
Honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way, suggests an active or
anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position, implies
trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being
false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.
Decisiveness means determining or having the power to determine an outcome
of the process. Exercises good judgment by making sound and well-informed
decisions. Perceives the impact and implications of decisions. Makes effective
and timely decisions, even when data are limited or solutions produce
unpleasant consequences. Is proactive and achievement oriented.
Ability to speak the truth or present the fact in the correct form without any
prejudice to any party.
Putting best of the efforts to perform any duty or accomplish any task within the
due timeline and with the required quality of output.
Output refers to the quantity where an individual is expected to achieve all the
tasks and targets that were identified for him. The output also refers to the value
added in terms of an individual’s contribution to the success of his team and his
Quality of work gives the second dimension. This refers to the accuracy and
correctness of the tasks performed by an individual, logically organized and
neatly presented.
The extent to which a person pays attention to the details of the tasks he
performs and feels concerned for the quality and output. Being meticulous in
undertaking the requirements of his job effects the output quality.
Time Management
Time management can refer to all of the practices that individuals follow to make
better use of their time. It refers to principles and systems that individuals use to
make conscious decisions about the activities that occupy their time. In the
business context, time management means using the work hours effectively to
accomplish various tasks that routine and special and are part of one’s job.
Theoretical Knowledge
Refers to the basic knowledge of the requirement of the job acquired through
various knowledge resources. The theoretical knowledge is often gained through
academic institutions. Theoretical knowledge also refers to the basic
understanding of the processes and procedures that are used to perform any
particular task.
Practical Ability/Experience
Knowledge that is derived from experiment and observation rather than theory.
Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or
observation of a job gained through involvement in or exposure to that job itself.
Experience is gained while employed in a particular job.
Dress Code
Dress Code is the guideline for establishing norms for acceptable dressing /attire
for the individuals in a work place in order to promote professionalism and
Response to orders
Adhering to the orders given by the supervisors and complying with them with
the best of your ability.
Performs most duties in adequate manner that meets most standards. However,
some improvements may be required. Occasionally fails to complete assignments
on time and/or comprehensively. Requires direction and review of major parts of
Performs all duties and responsibilities in a comprehensive manner. Some duties
are carried out in a superior manner with very few areas for improvement to be
considered. Fully adequate for the job. May not complete some assignments on
schedule on occasional basis. Considered highly knowledgeable by supervisors,
peers and sub-ordinates. Generally works independently and contributions to the
overall effectiveness of the department.
Very Good
All duties and responsibilities are conducted in a thoughtful and astute manner
with little or no need for direction, resulting in outstanding contribution on
continuous basis. Typically accurate, timely, decisive and comprehensive in
carrying out assignments and/or making recommendations.
The supervisory officer should give the employee a formal description of the
unsatisfactory work performance, standards and expectations that must be
attained, an explanation of the period of evaluation, and a statement that unless
the level of improvements are made and sustained, termination of employment
will occur.
At the end of formal period of evaluation, the supervisory officer will determine if
the work performance meets the established standards. If there are significant
signs of improvement, the supervisory officer will give the employee written
feedback together with a clear statement of expectations for the future.
The supervisory officer is not required to provide the employee with another
period of evaluation if the performance does not meet established standards
unless there are changes in the circumstances.
In case of continuous poor performance, the supervisory should confer with the
Human Resources Department about termination of the individual's
evaluation process has been properly completed in a fair and objective manner.
Information derived from the performance appraisals may be considered when
making decisions affecting training, pay, promotion, transfer and special
In case, medical expense exceeds the available limit, 50% of the expenses over
and above the limit shall be reimbursed by KPPRA while remaining expenses
exceeding the entitled amount will be borne by the employee concerned.
However, reimbursement cases of fatal diseases shall be considered subject to
the approval of Competent Authority.
Disciplinary action may be taken when, in the opinion of the relevant Department
Head, an employee is:
i. Insubordination.
The total number of panellists will not be more than 5 and they will be
nominated by Director HR/ Admin & Finance with approval of MD.
The Enquiry Officer/Enquiry Committee shall enquire into the charges, examine
any documentary evidence and question witnesses, if any. The employee under
enquiry is entitled to cross-examine the witnesses against him.
The Inquiry Officer/ Committee shall, within 10 days of the conclusion of the
proceedings or within the period stipulated by the respective Head, submit the
Findings and the Recommendations to the Director HR/ Admin & Finance.
17.4 Penalties
If there are adequate grounds, any of the following minor or major penalties can
be imposed:
a) Censure
17.5 Suspension
An employee against whom disciplinary action is pending or proposed to be
taken may be placed under suspension, if, in the opinion of the respective Head
suspension is necessary or expedient.
MD/Director HR/
Admin &
17 & Above MD Board of Directors
18.2 Objectives
Main objectives of this policy are to:
Provide a comprehensive mechanism for vehicle management.
Develop clarity and uniformity for proper vehicle allocation within the
18.4 Entitlements
The cars can be provided from the available fleet but preference will be made to
provide brand new vehicles. However only those fleet vehicles can be considered
for allocations which are not more than three years old or driven not more than
50,000 kms.
A set of duplicate keys of the vehicle will be kept with user of vehicle. At the same
time the Administration department must keep a third pair of keys made from
the market for use in extreme emergency.
It will be the responsibility of the users to ensure the safety and security of their
vehicles. However administration department will ensure installation of security
system in all the vehicles.
The fuel expenses will be reimbursed as per limits defined above on monthly
basis. Administration department is responsible to provide vehicles in perfect
running condition.
18.12 Insurance
Staff/family members are not allowed to learn to drive on KPPRA vehicle. Any
Officer/driver who is authorized to drive should not drive after having consumed
The Officer will also provide a list of the family members who are valid license
holders and may drive the official vehicle, along with a copy of their driving
license and copy of NIC for the record of the Admin Department.
KPPRA vehicles are permitted to be used outstation for personal and official uses.
For any Officer(s) requiring a pool vehicle for official work out of city needs to;
Fully understand and try not to engage the drivers in the field after office
Ensure that the driver must have sufficient rest time before long drive.
Any officer visiting other city for official reason can use his personal or
official car assigned to him/her and can claim Rs. 8 per km distance
18.15.3 Challans
Any challans levied by the traffic police / magistrate for the incomplete
documentation will be paid by the user of the vehicle. The KPPRA will not bear
any loss at all on this account. Challans due to violation of traffic laws will be paid
by the user and/or driver himself. It will not be reimbursed by KPPRA.
The legal speed limits must be adhered to all the times on the roads. In case of
violation of any traffic rules, the management may take it as negligence and
would start disciplinary action process directly.
1815.4 Theft
In case of theft, the user/Administration department will lodge FIR with the
Police and get final report from Police Department. The Administration
department will then arrange relevant papers for insurance claim etc. An
alternate vehicle will be provided to the official as a temporary replacement till
realization of insurance claim and purchase/lease of new vehicle, subject to
All efforts will be made to try to solve the problem amicably with other
Administration Department along with the driver of the vehicle will move
the vehicle to workshop, fill insurance claim. A blank claim form will
always be kept in the car.
Warranty Book
Accident Form
User Manual