2021 10 19 CB Minutes
2021 10 19 CB Minutes
2021 10 19 CB Minutes
Proof Notice:
Attendees: David Brandt, Nancy Koch, Joyce Mosher, Rev. Lisa Stedman, Jack Terrill, and Andrea Trefry,
Absent: Dale Earl, Doug Marquart, Lauren Swiniuch.
The meeting was Chaired by Jack Terrill who also took notes.
• Approved Central Board minutes from 9/21/21 regular meeting- taken by Doug Marquart
• Transition Planning Update
o Session #1: Happy with the attendance and participation (8 on site and 5 on Zoom). Central
Board members who were at the session reported that the message was succinct and to the
point. Those present indicated it was time for bold changes, that it was no longer time to
think, it was time to do.
o There are 22 registered for Sunday’s session which will be in church after the service and on
Zoom. The third session (October 26) expects to have 6 -8 people participating.
o There will be personal invites to others who have not registered. In addition, some people
are writing their responses and will send them in. There is also the opportunity for one-on-
one listening sessions for those who desire that approach. Lisa asked that Central Board
members present at the meeting take notes.
o A session will be held November 7 to report on what was heard at the Transition sessions.
• Rev Lisa Status -
o Focusing on Transition for the next 10 days or beyond.
o She will be working tomorrow from home doing Advent worship planning.
o She reported that the music staff is considering some musical engagement during service.
Have tried humming, rhythm beats, sign language so far.
o Children Curriculum - - there is indication that some are opening the online activity sheets
(Picture the Bible, a set of 52 pictures that depict bible stories by a professional artist.)
More info – http://www.Picturethebible.org
• Stewardship – Jack reported that the Stewardship Campaign was launched on October 10th and will
continue through November 7th. It has been integrated with worship where the theme is Marching
to God’s Different Beat. Key areas:
o October 10 – was the kickoff and Dale Earl spoke.
o October 17 - focused on In Reach – care of each other, building etc. and Jack Terrill spoke.
o October 24 – will focus on Outreach – Missions and our transition steps ahead.
o A letter and flyer were developed and were sent electronically, and by US Mail to those who
prefer that method.
o Pledges can be returned via email to Jan Allen/Financial Secretary or a phone call to the SCC
office (to date 12 – 13 pledges had been received.
o Follow up emails will be sent, as well as calls if needed, and personalized thank you notes to
be sent by the Finance Team.
• Budget - Jack reported that a first draft of the 2022 budget had been prepared by Mac Donaldson.
A budget must be prepared and voted on at the December congregation meeting. From this first
draft, it is evident that pledge receipts from everyone are needed, and we are encouraging people
to increase their pledges.
• Building Use/North Shore Christian School (NSCS) and others –
o Jack reported on his meeting with the NSCS principal. As Chair of the Property Team,
building and tenant issues are now his responsibility. The primary issues were the use of the
Upper Parish Hall (UPH) and Lower Parish Hall (LPH). The school has been using LPH for its
music classes. Concerns were expressed about the singing occurring there and the lack of
ventilation. The school had decided to now use the UPH but needed and area to store
musical equipment. Locked space has now been provided upstairs for the school.
o Safe Harbor (martial arts) is not returning and will no longer be renting space. Their
equipment has been removed.
o Waiting to hear if the Triumph Center (after school program) will be returning after the start
of the year.
• Mission and Social Action – Joyce reported that the team had donated to the relief fund set up by
the UCC conference for any large storm that may happen. There had been a previous donation to
relief for the Haiti storm. She also reported that the team had made a donation to the Pastor’s
• General discussion
o Theresa asked for input for the November Spire input by October 26.
• Meeting was adjourned with a prayer at 7: 15 pm.