Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations
Problem 13:
Problem 6:
A wooden stick 3.2 cm sq and 3.6 m long is to be used for a
A trapezoidal masonry dam with a vertical upstream face is 6m
velocity float which is to stand vertically in the water. Wood
high, 0.6m at the top and 3m wide of the bottom. Wt. of concrete
weighs 500 kg/m3 and for lead 11.380 kg/m3. How many square
is 23.5 KN/m3. Compute the factor of safety against sliding if the
centimeters of sheet lead 0.08 cm thick must be tucked on the
coefficient of friction on the base is equal to 0.80. Consider the
sides of this stick so that only 10cm will project above the water
hydrostatic uplift.
A. 1.13 C. 2.80
A. 2153 sq. cm C. 1850 sq. cm
B. 2.05 D. 3.53
B. 2214 sq. cm D. 2097 sq. cm
Problem 7:
Problem 14:
A circular door having a diam. of 2.5m closes a horizontal duct
A rectangular scow 9m wide 15m long and 3.6m high has a draft
from a small diam. as shown. The center of the door is 4.5m
in seawater of 2.4m its center of gravity is 2.7m above the
below the dam’s water level. Assuming the unit of water is 9.79
bottom of the scow. Determine the initial metacentric height.
KN/m3. Compute the location of the center of pressure from the
A. 4.07 m C. 4.25 m
centroid of the door. SEE H-7 B. 2.81 m D. 3.94 m
A. 5.6 mm C. 8.7 mm
B. 9.2 mm D. 7.5 mm
Problem 15:
An open horizontal tank 2m high 2m wide and 4 long is full of
Problem 8:
water. How much water is spilled out when the tank is
A triangle having a base of 1.20 m and altitude of 1.8m wholly
accelerated horizontally at 2.45m/s2 in a direction with its
immersed in water. Its base of being in the surface and its plane
longest side?
vertical. If the triangle will be divided by a horizontal line through
A. 2 cu. m C. 6 cu. m
its center of pressure, find the ratio between the pressures on the B. 3 cu. m D. 4 cu. m
two areas of the triangle.
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 2.7
Problem 9:
Problem 16:
54. Compute the dry unit weight in kN/m3 if the water content is
Problem 46:
The cross section of a right triangular channel is shown with a
A. 15.58 kN/m3 C. 18.48 kN/m3
coefficient of roughness n = 0.012. the rate of flow is 4 m3/s.
B. 16.28 kN/m3 D. 17.32 kN/m3
Calculate the critical depth. SEE H-46
55. Compute the void ratio of the soil sample
A. 3.459 m C. 0.329 m
A. 0.65 C. 0.53
B. 2.506 m D. 1.267 m
B. 0.76 D. 0.92
56. Compute the relative density of the soil sample
Problem 47:
A. 70% C. 53%
A channel has an optimum section of a trapezoidal canal. It is to B. 64% D. 45%
carry a discharge of 17 m3/s and a maximum velocity to prevent
scouring of 0.80 m/s. coefficient of roughness is 0.018. Compute Problem 56-58:
the section factor of the channel section. A sample of soft saturated clay has a volume of 100 cu. cm and
A. 1.23m C. 4.61 m weighs 175 g If the oven dry weight is 120 g.
B. 2.78 m D. 3.76 m
Problem 91: axial test was conducted on a clay sample with the following
A foundation footing is to support a column loading of 2250 kN. results
The building site is underlain by a thick stratum of sand. Tests on Chamber confining pressure = 110 kPa
soil samples obtained from the site indicate dry unit weights for Deviator stress at failure = 100 kPa
sand to be 16 kN/m3. The design calls for the footing to be
located 1 m below the ground level of the building. Preliminarily 98. Compute the consolidation undrained friction angle
design data indicates that a soil bearing pressure of 250 kPa can A. 18°21’ C. 0.516
be used. The modulus of vertical subgrade reaction which is B. 14°04’ D. 0.793
determined directly from a plate bearing test performed in the 99. Compute the pore water pressure developed on the clay
field at the planned location of the structure was found to be Kv specimen at failure
= 4.5 x 10 3 kN/m3. Estimate the foundation settlement. A. 52.48 kPa C. 53.50 kPa
B. 79.05 kPa D. 61.03 kPa
A. 15 mm C. 26 mm
B. 22 mm D. 18 mm 100. For the same clay specimen, what would have been the
deviator stress at failure if a drained test had been conducted
A rectangular footing 6m x 8m carries a vertical load of 12000 kN A. 194.68 kPa C. 210.66 kPa
B. 203.12 kPa D. 188.55 kPa
as shown on the figure. Unit weight of soil is 16 kN/m3 SEE H-92