Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

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Civil Engineering (University of San Carlos)

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Problem 1: A vertical tube 3m Long with one and closed is inserted vertically
The term applied to fine fractions of the soil having a plasticity with the open end down, into a tank of water until the open end
index of 11 or more. is submerged to a depth of 1.0 m. Assume absolute atmospheric
A. Silty C. Peat pressure is 101.5 kPa. Neglecting vapor pressure, how far will the
B. Clayey D. Sandy
water level in the tube be below the level in the tank?
A. 0.787 m C. 0.348 m
Problem 2: B. 0.526 m D. 0.896 m
The characteristic of the soil when it has a liquidity index less
than zero. Problem 10:
A. Liquid C. Brittle Soil The pressure on a closed tank reads 58.86 kPa. What is the
B. Plastic D. Dense
equivalent height in terms of Mercury having a of 13.6?
A. 0.78 m C. 0.348 m
Problem 3: B. 0.526 m D. 0.896 m
What is the difference of soil when it has a liquidity index of less
than one? Problem 11:
A. Brittle solid C. Dense The crest gate shown consists of a cylindrical surface of which AB
B. Liquid D. Plastic
is the trace, supported by a structural frame hinged at C. The
length of the gate is 10m. Compute the location of the resultant
Problem 4:
force horizontally from C. SEE H-11
What is the characteristic of soil when it has a liquidity index of
A. 5.22 m C. 6.25 m
greater than one? B. 8.61 m D. 9.30 m
A. Dense C. Brittle solid
B. Plastic D. Liquid
Problem 12:
A ship of 7064 sq. m horizontal cross-sectional area at the water
Problem 5:
line has a draft of 12.35m in the sea water when loaded to a
The following values were tabulated from a graph using USCS
capacity. In the fresh water at the entrance of Panama Canal, it
method of soil classification. D10 = 0.425. D25 = 0.90, D60 =
Is observed that the ship draws 12.6m sp. gr of sea water =
1.y7, D30 = 0.96, D75 = 2.6. What is the value of the sorting
1.03. Determine the ships displacement in cu. m for fresh water.
A. 60.633 cu. m C. 73.209 cu. m
A. 1.2 C. 0.42 B. 86.124 cu. m D. 79.458 cu. m
B. 1.7 D. 0.8

Problem 13:
Problem 6:
A wooden stick 3.2 cm sq and 3.6 m long is to be used for a
A trapezoidal masonry dam with a vertical upstream face is 6m
velocity float which is to stand vertically in the water. Wood
high, 0.6m at the top and 3m wide of the bottom. Wt. of concrete
weighs 500 kg/m3 and for lead 11.380 kg/m3. How many square
is 23.5 KN/m3. Compute the factor of safety against sliding if the
centimeters of sheet lead 0.08 cm thick must be tucked on the
coefficient of friction on the base is equal to 0.80. Consider the
sides of this stick so that only 10cm will project above the water
hydrostatic uplift.
A. 1.13 C. 2.80
A. 2153 sq. cm C. 1850 sq. cm
B. 2.05 D. 3.53
B. 2214 sq. cm D. 2097 sq. cm

Problem 7:
Problem 14:
A circular door having a diam. of 2.5m closes a horizontal duct
A rectangular scow 9m wide 15m long and 3.6m high has a draft
from a small diam. as shown. The center of the door is 4.5m
in seawater of 2.4m its center of gravity is 2.7m above the
below the dam’s water level. Assuming the unit of water is 9.79
bottom of the scow. Determine the initial metacentric height.
KN/m3. Compute the location of the center of pressure from the
A. 4.07 m C. 4.25 m
centroid of the door. SEE H-7 B. 2.81 m D. 3.94 m
A. 5.6 mm C. 8.7 mm
B. 9.2 mm D. 7.5 mm
Problem 15:
An open horizontal tank 2m high 2m wide and 4 long is full of
Problem 8:
water. How much water is spilled out when the tank is
A triangle having a base of 1.20 m and altitude of 1.8m wholly
accelerated horizontally at 2.45m/s2 in a direction with its
immersed in water. Its base of being in the surface and its plane
longest side?
vertical. If the triangle will be divided by a horizontal line through
A. 2 cu. m C. 6 cu. m
its center of pressure, find the ratio between the pressures on the B. 3 cu. m D. 4 cu. m
two areas of the triangle.
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 2.7

Problem 9:

Problem 16:

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An unbalanced vertical force of 270N upward accelerates a Oil flows through a pipe having a diam. of 0.30m at a velocity of
volume of 0.044 m3 of water. If the water is 0.9m deep in a 2m/s. If the Reynold’s number is equal to 1400, compute the
cylindrical tank, what is the pressure at the bottom of the tank in viscosity of oil in stokes.
N/m3? A. 3.25 stokes C. 2.54 stokes
2 2 B. 4.29 stokes D. 5.18 stokes
A. 12457 N/m C. 10247 N/m
B. 14355 N/m2 D. 16452 N/m2
Problem 24:
Problem 17: Oil (sp. gr = 0.86) flows through a 30m in. diam. pipeline at
A small pipe 60 cm long is filled with water and capped at its 8000gpm. Compute the mass flux.
ends. If placed in a horizontal position. How fast must it be A. 19.6 slugs/s C. 29.7 slugs/s
B. 25.3 slugs/s D. 33.1 slugs/s
rotated about a vertical axis 30cm from an end, to produce a
maximum pressure of 70 kg/cm3?
Problem 25:
A. 1850 rpm C. 1324 rpm
B. 1646 rpm D. 1509 rpm Carbon tetrachloride having a sp. gr of 0.92 flows through a
200mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 2m/s. Compute the mass
Problem 18: flow rate in kg/s.
Water is being pump from reservoir A to reservoir B as shown. A. 57.81 kg/s C. 55.77 kg/s
B. 51.83 kg/s D. 54.10 kg/s
The total length of pipe is 1090m and a diameter of 600mm. the
rate of flow in the system is 0.65 m 3/s. Compute the head added
Problems 26:
by the pump. SEE H-18
SAEO oil ρ = 869 kg/m3 flows through a cast iron pipe at a
A. 19.47 C. 21.61
B. 17.07 D. 20.53 velocity of 1.0m/s. The pipe is 45m long and has a diam. of
150mm. Absolute viscosity μ = 0.814 Pa*s Compute the
Problem 19: Reynolds number.
The nozzle which furnished the water to a certain hydraulic A. 1678 C. 1601
B. 1822 D. 1753
turbine 275 mm in diam. and has coefficients of velocity and
discharged of 0.975 and 0.96 respectively. The nozzle supplied
Probem 27:
from a 60cm pipe in which the water approached the nozzle with
The water system in a suburban area consist of an old 20cm.
a total head of 330m. Compute the energy per second delivered
pipe line 750m. long which conveys water from a pump to a
by the jet to the turbine.
reservoir whose water surface is 105m higher than the pump.
A. 13,865 kN.m/sec C. 15,694 kN.m/sec
B. 14,612 kN.m/sec D. 12,990 kN.m/sec Water is pumped at the rate of 0.70 liter/sec. Neglecting minor
losses. Determine the head added by the pump using the 20cm.
Problem 20: pipeline. Assume f = 0.033
If 140 liters/sec flows through the system shown. Compute the A. 145.18 m C. 152.09 m
B. 127.36 m D. 136.58 m
head loss between 2 and 3. SEE H-20
A. 9.14 m C. 16.42 m
B. 20.65 m D. 11.80 m Problem 28:
A square concrete conduit having a side of 0.788 m carries water
Problem 21: at a rate of 4 m3/s. Using Hazen-Williams Formula with C=120.
A pipeline having a diameter of 250mm has a rate of flow of 0.30 Compute the head loss if the length of conduit is 45m.
m3/sec from point A to B, with B lower than A. A gate valve is A. 2.7 m C. 5.5 m
B. 1.8 m D. 3.2 m
connected at a point C near point B. The elevation of B = 100.
Compute the length of pipe A to B if f = 0.020. SEE H-21
Problem 29:
A. 155.02 m C. 159.37 m
B. 165.51 m D. 162.19 m A horizontal 600mm Ø pipeline carries oil of sp. gr of 0.825
flowing at a rate of 0.904 m3/sec. Each of the four pumps
Problem 22: required along the line is the same that is the pressure on the
Installed is a Venturi meter on a pipe 250 mm in diameter in suction side and on the discharged side will be – 60 kPa and 400
which the maximum flow is 125 liters/sec where the pressure kPa respectively. If the lost head at the discharged stated is 2m
head is 6m of water. To ensure that the pressure head at the for each 100m length of pipe. How far apart may the pumps be
throat does not become negative. If the weight of water passing placed?
through the meter in 2 min was 13800 kg. Compute the meter A. 2841.87 m C. 2724.62 m
B. 2595.44 m D. 2682.31 m
A. 124 mm C. 139 mm
B. 120 mm D. 133 mm

Problem 23: Problem 30:

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Three pipes A, B and C are connected in parallel. If the combined of 15kPa on top of the water surface. If C = 0.86 and Cv = 0.92.
discharged of the 3 pipes is equal to 0.61 m3/s and asuuming compute the head loss.
they have equal values of friction factor “f”. compute the A. 0.617m C. 0.702m
B. 0.888m D. 0.945m
following using the tabulated data shown. SEE H-30
Pipeline Length Diameter
Problems 36:
A 600m 150m
An orifice at the side of the tank is located 1 meter above the
B 480m 200m
bottom of the tank, which is resting on the ground. The jet of
C 750m 100m
water strikes a distance of 2.75 m horizontally away from the
orifice with Cv = 0.98. The height of the tank is 4m and it is filled
Compute the rate of flow of pipeline A in lit/sec.
with water 2m depth and on top of it is another liquid having a
A. 153 liters/sec C. 162 liters/sec
B. 147 liters/sec D. 170 liters/sec depth of 1 meter. Determine the specific gravity of the liquid. SEE
Problem 31: A. 0.98 C. 0.72
B. 0.69 D. 0.44
The figure shows a looping pipe system. Pressure hands at points
A and E are 70m and 46 m respectively. Assume C=120 for all
Problem 37:
pipes. Compute the flow rate of water through B. SEE H-31
A circular vessel 2m in diameter and 3 m high is one-third filled
A. 0.352 m3/s C. 0.504 m3/s
B. 0.103 m3/s D. 0.223 m3/s with liquid A having a sp. gr of 1.0 one-third filled with liquid B
having sp. gr of 2 and the remaining one-third filled with liquid C
Problems 32: hading a sp. gr of 3. At the bottom of the vessel is a 900 sq. m
Three reservoirs A, B and C are connected by pipelines 1, 2 and 3 standard circular orifice C = 0.60. Find the time to empty the
respectively, which merges at a junction X. The elevation of vessel through the orifice.
reservoir A is 300m and that of B is 285m. The rate of flow from A. 77.98 sec C. 65.54 sec
B. 24.62 sec D. 50.75 sec
reservoir A is 1.4m3/s
Pipes Diam Length Friction factor “f”
Problem 38:
1 800mm 1500m 0.0157
Determine the discharge of the weir haing a head of 0.30m in
2 600mm 450m 0.0162
liters/sec. If a trapezoidal weir with aides inclined 14.04° with the
3 450mm 1200m 0.0177
vertical and a length of crest of 2m.
A. 611 liters/sec C. 495 liters/sec
Compute the rate of flow in reservoir C
B. 358 liters/sec D. 530 liters/sec
A. 0.457 m3/s C. 0.741 m3/s
B. 0.665 m3/s D. 0.975 m3/s
Problem 39:
A channel is carrying 300 liters/sec of water. Assuming 0.002 m
Problem 33:
error is made in measuring the head. Determine the percentage
Water from a reservoir flowing through a non-rigid 600mm diam.
error in the discharge if a 90° triangular weir is used.
pipe with a velocity of 2.5 m/s is completely stopped by a closure
A. 0.776% C. 0.805%
of a valve situated 1050m from the reservoir. Assume that the
B. 0.933% D. 0.642%
pressure increases at a uniform rate and that there is no
damping of the pressure wave. The pipe has a thickness of 18mm
Problem 40:
Bulk modulus of steel water is 2060 MPa and modulus of
The flow of water from a reservoir passes through a 12 m long
eslasticity of steel is 200000 MPa. Compute the velocity of sound
spillway. It takes 30minutes to lower the water surface from the
in water.
elevation 82 cm to elevation 81 cm with crest elevation at 80 m.
A. 1063.12 m/s C. 1195.41 m/s
Compute the area of the reservoir.
B. 1238.35 m/s D. 1340.27 m/s
A. 67847 m2 C. 60251 m2
B. 71630 m2 D. 75396 m2
Problem 34:
A sharp egde orifice 75mm in diameter lies in a horizontal plane,
Problem 41:
the jet being directed upward. If the jet rises to a height of 8m
A rectangular channel 5.4m wide and 1.2m deep has a slope of 1
and the coefficient of velocity is 0.98. Determine the head under
in 1000 and is lined with good rublble masonry (n=0,017). It is
which the orifice is discharging neglecting air resistance.
desired to increase the channel slope with a favorable section.
A. 6.46 m C. 8.33 m
The dimension of the section maybe changed but the channel
B. 11.97 m D. 12.85 m
must contain the same amount of lining as the old. Using Kutters
Formula. Compute the value of Kutters Coefficient C of the old
Problem 35:
Two closed compartments A and B are connected by an orifice
A. 57.19 C. 65.11
having a diam. of 140mm at its sides. At compartment A, it
B. 30.28 D. 47.53
contains water at a depth of 3m above the orifice and a pressure
on top of it equal to 50 kPa. On the other compartment, it
Problem 42:
contains water at a depth of 2m above the orifice and a pressure

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A rectangular channel cut in firm clay is 10m. wide and the depth moving at 4 m/s in the same direction as that of the jet. Find the
of water is 1.8 m. The channel slope is 0.001. Allowable velocity work done on the plate per second.
to prevent erosion is expressed as V = 0.35√gd Compute the A. 7068 N.m/sec C. 8265 N.m/sec
B. 6524 N.m/sec D. 9915 N.m/sec
maximum discharge of the channel to avoid erosion.
A. 19.45 m3/s C. 15.84 m3/s
B. 21.19 m3/s D. 26.46 m3/s Problem 50:
A vertical jet of water supports a load of 200 N at a constant
vertical height of 12 m from the tip of the nozzle. The diameter of
Problem 43: the jet is 25 mm Ø. Find the velocity of the jet at the nozzle tip.
A rectangular channel carries a flow of 20 m3/s at a velocity of A. 27.41 m/s C. 23.28 m/s
B. 21.16 m/s D. 25.47 m/s
5m/s. For a best hydraulic section, compute the slope of the
channel if n = 0.013.
Problem 51-53:
A. 0.0054 C. 0.0067
B. 0.0075 D. 0.0043 A saturated clay layer has a thickness of 6m with water content
of 24.2% with sp. gr of 2.70
Problem 44:
A trapezoidal canal with a bottom width of 1.5 m and with side 51. Compute the total density of the clay layer
slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical ha a velocity of 1.2m/s. If the A. 15.36 kN/m3 C. 23.45 kN/m3
B. 19.92 kN/m3 D. 10.47 kN/m3
depth of flow is 2.4m. and has a slope of channel bed of
52. Compute the total stress at the bottom
0.000212. compute the roughness coefficient of the canal.
A. 112.12 kPa C. 126.38 kPa
A. 0.053 C. 0.086
B. 130.57 kPa D. 119.52 kPa
B. 0.014 D. 0.024
53. Compute the effective stress at the bottom
A. 60.66 kPa C. 46.76 kPa
Problem 45:
B. 52.35 kPa D. 65.36 kPa
A trapezoidal flume of most efficient proportion has a base of
1.5m. Its full discharge is 3 m3/s. if the same materials is used
Problem 54-56:
for a most efficient rectangular section compute the decrease in
The field unit weight of the soil sample is 1960 kg/m3 and the
the discharge.
unit weight if the soil particle is 2700 kg/m3 if the emax = 0.69
A. 0.19 m3/s C. 0.45 m3/s
and the emin = 0.44
B. 1.08 m3/s D. 0.64 m3/s

54. Compute the dry unit weight in kN/m3 if the water content is
Problem 46:
The cross section of a right triangular channel is shown with a
A. 15.58 kN/m3 C. 18.48 kN/m3
coefficient of roughness n = 0.012. the rate of flow is 4 m3/s.
B. 16.28 kN/m3 D. 17.32 kN/m3
Calculate the critical depth. SEE H-46
55. Compute the void ratio of the soil sample
A. 3.459 m C. 0.329 m
A. 0.65 C. 0.53
B. 2.506 m D. 1.267 m
B. 0.76 D. 0.92
56. Compute the relative density of the soil sample
Problem 47:
A. 70% C. 53%
A channel has an optimum section of a trapezoidal canal. It is to B. 64% D. 45%
carry a discharge of 17 m3/s and a maximum velocity to prevent
scouring of 0.80 m/s. coefficient of roughness is 0.018. Compute Problem 56-58:
the section factor of the channel section. A sample of soft saturated clay has a volume of 100 cu. cm and
A. 1.23m C. 4.61 m weighs 175 g If the oven dry weight is 120 g.
B. 2.78 m D. 3.76 m

56. Compute the water content of clay

Problem 48:
A. 45.8% C. 49.5%
Water upon leaving the spillway of a dam passes over a level B. 61.2% D. 52.7%
concrete apron 60m. wide. Conditions are such that a hydraulic 57. Compute the void ratio of the clay
jump will form on the apron. When the discharge is 4.65 m3/s A. 1.22 C. 3.32
B. 2.87 D. 4.00
per meter width of channel the velocity where the water leaves
58. Compute the sp. gr of the clay
the spillway is 13.5 m/s and the depth after the jump is 3m.
A. 3.32 C. 1.39
Compute the depth of water where the jump occurs.
B. 2.66 D. 0.59
A. 0.4286 m C. 0.5111 m
B. 0.7166 m D. 0.6085 m
Problem 60-62:
For a given sandy soil with max. and min. void ratios of 0.75 and
0.46 respectively has a sp. gr of 2.68. if the density index is 78%
and a moisture content of 9%.
Problem 49:
A jet of water 250 mm in diameter impinges normally on a flat
60. What would be the in situ void ratio?
steel plate. The discharge is 0.491 m3/s. If the flat plate is

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A. 0.6258 C. 0.7452 A. 376.48 mm C. 381.33 mm
B. 0.5238 D. 0.4545 B. 320.74 mm D. 357.12 mm
61. Determine the degree of saturation of the soil.
A. 42.15% C. 46.05% Problem 72-74:
B. 53.36% D. 38.75%
A layered soil is shown with the corresponding values K1, K2, and
62. What will be the moist unit wt. of the compaction in the field?
K3. SEE H-72
A. 16.28 kN/m3 C. 20.48 kN/m3
B. 18.81 kN/m3 D. 25.36 kN/m3
72. Compute the equivalent horizontal coefficient of permeability
A. 96.54 x 10-4 cm/sec C. 108.9 x 10-4 cm/s
Problem 63-65:
B. 113.6 x 10-4 cm/sec D. 121.2 x 10-4 cm/s
A soil having a of 2.74 has a moist unit wt of 20.6 kN/m3
73. Compute the equivalent vertical coefficient of permeability
and a moisture content of 16.6%
A. 6.21 x 10-4 cm/sec C. 3.25 x 10-4 cm/s
B. 5.78 x 10-4 cm/sec D. 4.39 x 10-4 cm/s
63. Compute the void ratio 74. Compute the ratio of the equivalent horizontal coefficient of
A. 21.20 kN/m3 C. 19.99 kN/m3 permeability to the equivalent vertical coefficient of permeability
B. 18.29 kN/m3 D. 22.02 kN/m3
A. 24.81 C. 26.78
64. Compute the degree of saturation B. 22.36 D. 28.58
A. 14.91 kN/m3 C. 16.27 kN/m3
B. 13.72 kN/m3 D. 12.83 kN/m3
Problem 75-77 (problem #99)
65. Compute the weight of water in kN to be added per cu. m of
75. Compute the Liquid Limit
soil for 100% degree of saturation
A. 48.14% C. 41.55%
A. 14.70 kN/m3 C. 16.33 kN/m3 B. 50.76% D. 45.50%
B. 20.14 kN/m3 D. 18.87 kN/m3
76. Compute the plastic limit
A. 22.7% C. 26.9%
Problem 66-68: B. 19.3% D. 15.1%
A saturated soil has the following characteristics 77. Compute the liquidity index
Initial volume = 25 cm3 A. 0.627 C. 1.340
B. 0.321 D. 0.952
Final volume = 16 cm3
Mass of wet soil = 45 kg
Problem 78-80 (problem #153)
Mass of dry soil = 31 kg
78. Compute the maximum dry unit weight
A. 15.51 kN/m3 C. 17.65 kN/m3
66. Determine the shrinkage limit of soil
B. 16.65 kN/m3 D. 18.40 kN/m3
A. 12.45% C. 10.23%
79. Compute the optimum moisture content
B. 16.13% D. 19.78%
A. 11.8% C. 13.2%
67. Determine the shrinkage ratio
B. 16.1% D. 17.5%
A. 1.9375 C. 3.2365
80. Compute the degree of saturation at the optimum moisture
B. 2.4571 D. 0.7824
68. Determine the sp. gr of soil
A. 74% C. 86%
A. 2.12 C. 2.36
B. 81% D. 69%
B. 2.82 D. 2.05

Problem 81-83 (problem #122)

Problem 69-71:
81. Classify soil A using AASHTO Method
For a variable head permeability test, the following are given:
A. A-1-a C. A-2-5
Length of soil specimen…………….. 200 mm
B. A-1-b D. A-2-4
Area of soil specimen………………… 1000 mm
82. Classify soil B using AASHTO Method
Area of stand pipe……………………... 40 mm2
A. A-2-7 (1) C. A-2-5 (2)
Head difference at time, (t = 0) is 500 mm B. A-2-6 (1) D. A-2-4 (2)
Head difference at time, (t = 3min) is 300 mm 83. Classify soil C using AASHTO Method
A. A-2-5 (8) C. A-7-5 (12)
B. A-2-6 (1) D. A-7-6 (13)
69. Compute the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in cm/sec
A. 3.12 x 10-3 cm/sec C. 5.55 x 10-3
B. 2.27 x 10-3 cm/sec D. 8.21 x 10-3
Problem 84-86 (problem #98)
70. Compute the seepage velocity if the porosity of soil (n = 84. Determine the liquid limit of the soil
0.25) A. 46% C. 52%
-3 -3 B. 63% D. 55%
A. 9.08 x 10 cm/sec C. 5.99 x 10
85. Determine the plasticity index of the soil
B. 4.21 x 10-3 cm/sec D. 7.21 x 10 -3
A. 31% C. 29%
B. 22% D. 46%
86. If the natural water content of the soil is 38% determine the
71. What was the head difference at the time (t = 100 sec)
liquidity index

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A. 0.43 C. 0.60
B. 0.55 D. 0.38

92. Compute the total vertical pressure at a point 5 m below the

Problem 87-89:
footing at A
A sand layer of the cross-sectional area shown in the figure has
A. 218 kN/m2 C. 211 kN/m2
been determined to exist for a 450 m length of levee. The B. 196 kN/m2 D. 205 kN/m2
coefficient of permeability of the sand is 3 m/day. SEE H-87 93. Compute the total vertical pressure at a point 5 m below the
footing at B.
87. Compute the hydraulic gradient A. 142.72 C. 138.55
B. 131.60 D. 124.95
A. 0.0494 C. 0.1326
B. 0.0259 D. 0.0833 94. Compute the total vertical pressure at a point 5 m below the
88. Compute the quantity of water which flows into the ditch in footing at C
liters/sec A. 158 kN/m2 C. 164 kN/m2
B. 173 kN/m2 D. 151 kN/m2.
A. 1.95 liters/sec C. 2.36 liters/sec
B. 4.06 liters/sec D. 3.22 liters/sec
89. Compute the seepage velocity if the porosity of the sand is Problem 95-97:
0.22 From the given soil profile shown, the ground surface is
A. 0.88 m/day C. 1.14 m/day subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 80kPa SEE H-95
B. 2.73 m/day D. 3.00 m/day

95. Compute the compression index

Problem 90
A. 0.145 C. 0.338
A rectangular footing 3 m x 4 m located 2 m below the ground B. 0.288 D. 0.527
level is to be constructed on sand having a unit weight of 18.8 96. Compute the present overburden Po at mid-height
kN/m3. The footing is designed to take a total load of 6000 kN. If A. 70.257 kPa C. 73.884 kPa
B. 75.418 kPa D. 78.468 kPa
the arithmetic mean of SPT, N-values measured within the zone
97. Compute the total settlement due to primary consolidation
of influence is 36. Compute the settlement of the footing. Use
A. 223 mm C. 238 mm
B. 216 mm D. 229 mm
1.7 2 Pc
S=B0.75 1.4
[q− ]
N 3 Problem 98-100:
The shear strength of a normally consolidated clay can be given
A. 11.8 mm C. 9.12 mm
B. 13.5 mm D. 16.8 mm
by the equation τ f =σ ' tan28 ° . A consolidated-undrained

Problem 91: axial test was conducted on a clay sample with the following
A foundation footing is to support a column loading of 2250 kN. results
The building site is underlain by a thick stratum of sand. Tests on Chamber confining pressure = 110 kPa
soil samples obtained from the site indicate dry unit weights for Deviator stress at failure = 100 kPa
sand to be 16 kN/m3. The design calls for the footing to be
located 1 m below the ground level of the building. Preliminarily 98. Compute the consolidation undrained friction angle
design data indicates that a soil bearing pressure of 250 kPa can A. 18°21’ C. 0.516
be used. The modulus of vertical subgrade reaction which is B. 14°04’ D. 0.793

determined directly from a plate bearing test performed in the 99. Compute the pore water pressure developed on the clay

field at the planned location of the structure was found to be Kv specimen at failure

= 4.5 x 10 3 kN/m3. Estimate the foundation settlement. A. 52.48 kPa C. 53.50 kPa
B. 79.05 kPa D. 61.03 kPa
A. 15 mm C. 26 mm
B. 22 mm D. 18 mm 100. For the same clay specimen, what would have been the
deviator stress at failure if a drained test had been conducted

Problem 92-94: with the same confining pressure of 110 kPa?

A rectangular footing 6m x 8m carries a vertical load of 12000 kN A. 194.68 kPa C. 210.66 kPa
B. 203.12 kPa D. 188.55 kPa
as shown on the figure. Unit weight of soil is 16 kN/m3 SEE H-92

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