(Why We Need) An Operations Paradigm For Services
(Why We Need) An Operations Paradigm For Services
(Why We Need) An Operations Paradigm For Services
(Why we need)
An Operations Paradigm for Services
June 15, 2007
thought are established. A survey of research literature shows that the majority of
paradigms associated with services management over the past thirty years have come
from the marketing discipline and perspective. Some of these paradigms have been
recently shown (by marketers) to be invalid. Others can be seen to provide little
discriminatory value and thus few unique managerial insights. Further, some of the
Leading researchers from both marketing and operations have been calling for a new
service paradigm. This article reviews paradigms from the literature and proposes a
Benefits and insights coming from the customer-supplier paradigm are described, and the
customer-supplier paradigm is a useful and justified basis for present and future study of
sciences and disciplines. For example, physics has a paradigm of quantum mechanics
which proposes that discrete particles possess measurable attributes and exhibit
Paradigms also provide reasonable scope to fields of study. Some physicists have
attempted to devise a “theory of everything” that encompasses all known phenomena (at
are intellectually appealing, rarely do such ideas develop beyond the stage of
There have been a number of common paradigms associated with the study of
service businesses, primarily coming from services marketing. These paradigms have
attempted to answer this fundamental question: If one is studying services, what exactly
“goods versus services,” which implies that services are different from goods. If so, the
question then becomes how they differ, and if those differences impact how they should
be managed.
Some have argued that services exist to serve the needs of customers, and
recognize that goods can also serve the needs of customers. The conclusion some have
espoused is that even goods are services—that everything is a service! (e.g., Gummesson
1995, p. 150; Vargo and Lusch 2004b, p. 334) That conclusion would lead one to believe
that the study of services is the study of anything and everything. Such a broad paradigm
The fact is, most service paradigms emerging in the past thirty years have come
from the marketing discipline. Although the study of services has benefited greatly from
the marketing contribution, that contribution has come with baggage and is somewhat
biased against operations perspectives. Some services marketing paradigms have been
recently refuted – by none other than luminaries from services marketing. They have
issued a resounding call for new services paradigms. This paper proposes value in
The next section will discuss the concept of paradigms. Subsequent sections will
review strengths and weaknesses of common service paradigms, which again primarily
come from marketing perspectives. Two service operations paradigms will be presented,
paradigm will be briefly described with empirical support. A final section summarizes
general conclusions.
discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments
the basis of scientific schools or disciplines. There has been some debate in recent years
research center for Services Sciences, Management and Engineering (IBM 2006). For the
Thomas Kuhn, one of the leading scientific philosophers of the past century,
characteristic of new paradigms is their fit within other principles espoused by a given
academic cohort. This does not preclude the possibility of “paradigm shifts,” in which a
Paradigms are not only foundational to disciplines, but are useful because they
and influences the selection of research procedures and projects” (2004, p. 21). A truly
useful paradigm will also have practical implications, such as leading to significant
managerial insights.
paradigm should help those studying services decide what a service is and how services
This section will outline service paradigms (SPs) which have been assumed over
the years as discussed in the literature, including some potential counterarguments. The
first and most naïve services paradigm is not founded upon what services are, but rather
SP1 (residual): Services are economic activities not accounted for by other
some cases construction and utilities (Castells and Aoyama 1994). This services
standard industrial classification (SIC) (Pearce 1957). The original SIC specification
came in two volumes, one for “manufacturing industries” and the other for
The question remained of whether there was any managerial significance involved
residual definition of services was published by Morey (1976). He studied the operations
Regardless of any managerial relevance coming from SP1, the logic of a residual
service paradigm is lacking in that it does not tell us what services are, but simply what
they are not (Castells and Aoyama 1994). A residual paradigm is negative in that it
inherently defective, in that “from the definition itself, nothing can be learned about what
Judd directs that statement at his own early candidate service paradigm, namely:
This service paradigm is more specific than SP1 in that it enumerates two
are inconsistent with common beliefs about how services behave. According to SP2
public radio broadcasting and the production of prepackaged software would be services,
even though they do not exhibit commonly held managerial characteristics of services
(discussed in the penultimate section). SP2 would exclude services involving the
painting, and plastic surgery. Even Judd (1964) points out that, as a definition by
goods and services, declaring that “a good is a thing, and a service is an act” (1966, p.
33). This view has been reemphasized by others, who refer to services as deeds,
processes, and personal performances (Berry 1980; Levitt 1972; Lovelock 2001;
Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler 2006). A variation on that theme is that services are
products that are processes (Henkoff 1994; Shostack 1987). These service paradigms are
summarized as follows:
SP3 (act/performance): Services are acts performed by one entity for another
services, but may be considered to apply equally as well to non-services such as pure
stock manufacturing (a non-service) is other than an act performed by one entity for
another entity. The fact that end consumers cannot observe the manufacturing process
does not diminish the fact that manufacturing acts are being performed. Therefore, SP3
would lead us to believe that every business is a service, and thus SP3 provides no
discriminative value.
Pearce calls services “intangible goods” (1981, p. 390), which idea has been echoed by
others (e.g., Bannock, Baxter, and Reese 1982, p. 372; Murdick, Render, and Russell
accepted that it exists on a continuum (Shostack 1977; Zeithaml, et al. 2006). SP4 has
been widely quoted over the years, but has recently fallen into disfavor. Laroche,
including compact disks, pizza dinners, and checking accounts, and conclude that “some
intangibility paradigm of services. They observe that intangibility is “the most widely
cited difference between goods and services” (2004, p. 25). They consider two main
conceptualize services prior to purchase, the same is also true of numerous manufactured
products. They describe how servicescapes and other physical elements make services
quite physical and tangible (Bitner 1992). In addition to physical facilities, many if not
most services include tangible facilitating goods (such as paper, auto parts, and medical
supplies) that allow the service delivery and are often purchased by service customers
conclude that intangibility “is not a universally applicable characteristic of all services”
(2004, p. 27), which conclusion has been echoed by others (Laroche, et al. 2001; Vargo
in criticism of “the current core paradigm of services marketing, namely, the assertion
perishability—make services uniquely different from goods” (2004, p. 21). These four
that the process output provides customer benefits for a limited duration, and
A detailed literature review by Fisk, et al. concluded that, at least at the time of
their article, IHIP “provided the underpinnings for the case that services marketing is a
field distinct from goods marketing” (1993). That core paradigm is restated as follows:
characterized by IHIP.
IHIP characteristics. They conclude “As a paradigm, the notion that the four IHIP
characteristics make services uniquely different from goods is deeply flawed” (Lovelock
Lovelock and Gummesson emphasize that there are many exceptions to SP5.
Heterogeneity classifies art painting as a service, even if the painter is far removed from
the consumer, and classifies standardized quick oil change services as non-services.
and some services that provide for future consumption—such as dry cleaning and
printing as a service (you cannot print future editions), with executive recruiting as a non-
At about the same time as the Lovelock and Gummesson article, Vargo and Lusch
published an article on IHIP titled “The Four Service Marketing Myths,” wherein they
conclude that IHIP “(a) do not distinguish goods from services, (b) only have meaning
(2004b, p. 324).
The sentiment against IHIP appears to be gaining ground. Grove, et al. surveyed
ten services experts and make the following observation: “Some believe that the field [of
services marketing] has been too preoccupied with minor refinements and argue that bold
change is needed. Perhaps the most provocative comments in this respect are the call to
drop the four characteristics [IHIP] that are commonly used to distinguish services from
goods [marketing]” (Grove, Fisk, and John 2003, p. 112). One of the experts called IHIP
2003, p. 115).
Lovelock and Gummesson begin their article with the query, “Is the academic
field of services marketing in danger of losing its broad and in many respects coherent
perspective?” (2004, p. 20). This skepticism is based on their analysis and conclusion that
“the underlying premises of [the IHIP] paradigm no longer bear up under examination”
(p. 37).
This skepticism about prior service paradigms has been echoed by others.
Edvardsson, Gustafsson, and Roos surveyed eleven top service researchers and conclude
that “on lower abstraction levels a general service definition does not exist. It has to be
specific perspective” (2005, p. 119). Vargo and Lusch seem to make the same conclusion
and declare, “We advocate that the strategy of differentiating services from goods should
The experts surveyed by Grove, et al. also revealed “a call to eliminate the goods
versus services distinction altogether” (2003, p. 113). Eliminating the goods versus
services distinction could have serious ramifications. For example, it would likely
the study of services. Johnston (2005) argues that the retreat of services back into
traditional functional areas has already begun. Even though he contends that this
digression might have some benefits, it would be unfortunate if the cross-functional study
There are various ways of addressing this services management identity crisis.
Lovelock and Gummesson point out that “one option is to argue that that services
marketing and goods marketing should be reunited under a service banner,” which is the
position taken by Vargo and Lusch (2004a; 2004b). Absorbing the study of services into
marketing and other functional areas would undermine the valued attempts at cross-
functional development.
manufacturing and service enterprises possess managerial differences, but to also accept
that “the differences among services are equally significant and must be acknowledged
by developing separate paradigms for different categories of services” (2004, p. 37). That
would seem to say that the general categorization of “services” is relatively meaningless
and arbitrary. It would leave us with a fragmented services discipline based on a bunch of
industry-specific paradigms.
The third alternative presented by Lovelock and Gummesson is “to look for a new
paradigm that would cut across the traditional goods and services dichotomy.” A survey
paradigm shift to introduce new perspectives [of services]” (Grove, et al. 2003, p. 113).
This supposes that the problem may not be with the managerial distinctiveness of
services, but rather with the paradigm used to articulate the distinctiveness. This
basis for a new paradigm,” namely “nonownership.” They posit that “transactions that do
not involve a transfer of ownership are distinctively different from those that do” (2004,
p. 34). They contend that services “involve a form of rental or access in which customers
obtain benefits by gaining the right to use physical objects, to hire the labor and expertise
of personnel, or to obtain access to facilities and networks” (p. 34). This paradigm is
goods from services, and Rathmell stated “If a product is purchased, it is a good; but if it
is rented or leased, the rentee or lessee acquires a service” (1966, p. 34). Lovelock and
Gummesson acknowledge this history, but point out that non-ownership has since been
They point out various implications of the rental/access paradigm, including (1)
manufactured goods can form the basis for services, (2) services involve selling slices of
large physical entities, (3) labor and expertise are renewable resources in services, (4)
time plays a central role in most services, and so forth. It is presented as an alternative
paradigm, but not necessarily the paradigm. Lovelock and Gummesson “do not claim that
it offers a panacea with necessarily general properties,” but offer the rental/access
paradigm as a “lens to present aspects not clearly visible in current theory” (2004, p. 34).
service. Lovelock and Gummesson discuss how customers might self-serve by renting
items such as vehicles, tents, power tools, and furniture (2004, p. 35). However, an
alternative is to take ownership of such items and provide self-service, which self-service
use of items might be about the same as if the items were rented. Other authors have
argued that physical goods act as self-service providers, even if the customer enjoys the
benefits of ownership (Sampson 2001, p. 148; Vargo and Lusch 2004a, p. 8).
As with other service paradigms, the rental/access paradigm provides for some
consumers own the right to listen to the music but not the music itself. Highway
construction is also a service, since highway users simply use the output (although some
people drive like they own the road, even though they do not). Restaurants provide access
to facilities, but provide ownership of the food items, and thus might not be services.
Auto dealerships are interesting—if the sales process ends with the customer signing a
lease then it would be a service but if the customer purchases a vehicle then perhaps it
would not be a service. One might wonder if, other than tax implications, the difference
“Service Dominant (S-D) logic for marketing” (2004a). Their ideas have generated a
tremendous amount of academic discussion within the marketing and services marketing
literature (Lusch and Vargo 2006). Their premise was originally founded upon eight
services) and “the enterprise can only make value propositions” (but enterprises do not
(knowledge and skills) through deeds, processes, and performances for the benefit of
another entity or the entity itself,” which is quite similar to SP3 (act/performance) while
firms, service or otherwise, that fail to meet such a broad definition. That broadness is
consistent with Vargo and Lusch’s assertion that all economies are service economies.
It is interesting to note that almost every one of the references cited to this point
come from the marketing discipline, including the criticisms of past and present
paradigms. The fact is that the establishment of a distinct study of services is primarily
the number of times the general field of services management is referred to as “services
process design.
Further, the service paradigms as discussed above largely come from the
Gummesson 1995, p. 250). Rust (2004) asserts that the services marketing perspective
marketing and operations in services can be somewhat convoluted, and the perspectives
customers and how the customer receives benefits from the service, and that service
operations paradigms focus on how services are produced. Note that SP2 through SP6
largely emphasize distinctions that are primarily relevant and observable to customers.
• SP1 (residual) is neither a marketing nor an operations paradigm, and does not
anything tangible. It does not say how the intangible thing is produced.
of manufacturing).
mentally conceptualize the output of services. That does not necessarily imply
• SP5 (IHIP) says that service customers receive unique products at the time
they are produced, and that the benefit may or may not last. The production
process may also be unique, and the timing of production is tied to the timing
• SP6 (rental/access), like SP2, says that customers receive benefits by accessing
services, without the need for possession utility. Service providers give access
to the service, but SP6 does not tell how that access is provided.
some of the SP confusion. The following are three significant problems with paradigms
For example, consumers perceive that services are acts but do not perceive the
painting service and consider the painting process to be intangible, but if they purchase a
painted car coming from an overseas factory they consider the paint simply a tangible
services in world economies, and sometimes this is taken to a great extreme. In particular,
some of the leading service marketing researchers espouse the idea that everything is a
service, and that even goods are services (e.g., Gummesson 1995, p. 150; Vargo and
Lusch 2004b, p. 334). Although it is logical to recognize the service value of physical
goods, it is naïve to assume that the production of physical goods is similar to the
production of services. If everything truly were a service then the study of services would
Some consumption paradigms gloss over or ignore the value of traditional non-
service operations. For example, S-D logic states that “the purpose of the firm is not to
make and sell units of output but to provide customized services to customers and other
the manufacturing function” (Vargo and Lusch 2004a, p. 13). Instead, S-D logic “implies
that the goal [of firms] is to customize offerings,… and to strive to maximize customer
involvement in the customization to better fit his or her needs” (p. 12). (Commodity
successful organizations might be those whose core competence is marketing and all its
related market-sensing processes” (p. 13), and that “marketing should lead the effort of
designing and building cross-functional business processes” (p. 14). Few would disagree
operations might not agree that marketing is or should be the universal focal point of all
firms. Admittedly, it is the “S-D logic for marketing” even though it has gained some
Fortunately, the service marketers are not only calling for new paradigms of
services, but they are also at least willing to pay lip service to involving operations and
other disciplines in the effort (Grove, et al. 2003, p. 113; Lovelock and Gummesson
2004, p. 22; Rust 2004, p. 211). Marketing academics have assumed leadership in
advancing the services discipline, and may be demonstrating further leadership in looking
Could it be that the field of operations management can assist in deriving new
service paradigms? Could it be that prior service paradigms are limited by having too
much reliance on the marketing perspective, and that operations management might
provide the “fresh perspective” sought by Lovelock and Gummesson (2004) and others?
researchers have not been idly sitting on the sidelines during the development of the
for a new paradigm of services that predates the call-for-a-new-paradigm articles cited
above that came from services marketing. In 1999, Nie and Kellogg published findings
from a survey of 167 operations management professors which concluded that “Service
OM researchers must develop a new paradigm. This should be built on, and clearly
model that was introduced by Chase some time ago (1978; 1981; Chase and Tansik 1983;
Wemmerlöv 1990, p. 21). Chase calls services involving a high degree of customer
contact “pure services” and those with a low degree of customer contact
services is limited by the amount of customer contact with service employees. In fact,
In the original recitation, customer contact was defined as “the physical presence
of the customer in the service system” (Chase 1978, p. 138). Although he did not call it a
paradigm at the time, Chase’s ideas can be stated as a services paradigm as follows:
(they operate under conditions of customer contact). One might assume that it is also a
contact); however, with the exception of perhaps psychotherapy, the service value
proposition is not in the contact itself, but a result of the contact. In most services, the
contact is necessary to receive the service, but not sufficient to motivate customers. For
example, we might assume that only the loneliest people go to banks simply to be there
issues for studying. In particular, Chase proposes that operations with high amounts of
customer contact, covering areas such as facility location and layout, capacity planning,
One potential weakness of the customer contact paradigm has been that it focuses
on customer presence in the service system and fails to consider what customers are
doing within the system. Mersha (1990) addressed this concern by revising the definition
of customer contact to differentiate between “active contact” (direct customer contact that
involves interaction) and “passive contact” (direct contact that does not involve
interaction, such as riding a bus). Mersha asserts that active contact is what drives
potential operating efficiency of services. Mersha allows for remote services involving
services that are mediated by technology have been more recently studied by Froehle and
Roth (2004).
customer contact encompassing three dimensions: (a) total amount of time customers
spend communicating in the production system, (b) the richness of the information being
exchanged, and (c) the amount of confiding and trust shared between customers and
employees. This scale again demonstrates that customer contact occurs in degrees.
Even an expanded definition of customer contact may fail to capture the variety of
processes that might be considered “services.” Some time ago, Lovelock (1983)
The first two service categories certainly involve customer contact. Services in the
latter two categories may involve very little customer contact, yet they strongly exhibit
might think that auto repair thus has high potential operating efficiency, which is not the
case (largely due to the uniqueness of each auto problem). Other operational issues would
engagement involves only a limited amount of interaction with clients. The majority of
the billable hours usually involve processing and analyzing information provided by
clients, often at a location removed from the client. The financial auditing process
a great amount of time at large expense, even though the process has a relatively low
The next section will present a different paradigm for services that is
operationally based and more general than the customer contact model. The paradigm is
not focused on what customers get from a service provider nor on what customers
experience with a service provider. Instead, it focuses on what customers give to the
Arguably, the central principle of the operations management discipline is the I/O
model: inputs are transformed into outputs through production processes (as depicted in
Figure 1). This model is universal—all processes can be described in terms of the I/O
model. The model applies to service processes just as well as non-service processes, but
the application to service processes is universally distinct from the application to non-
service processes.
The customer-supplier paradigm focuses not on what customers do, per se, but on
customer supplies one or more input components for that customer’s unit of
selves, their belongings, and/or their information. Customers are therefore suppliers to
that customer inputs are a necessary and sufficient condition for a service process to be a
service process, and the lack of customer inputs characterizes all non-service processes.
SP8 has broad managerial significance: processes that involve customer inputs possess
management concerns similar to one another, but involve different concerns from
Supplier Inputs
Production Outputs Customer
are in order: inputs, customers, and production processes. As used in SP8, inputs are
components of production that come into the process to enable production, not comments
or feedback about production in general (i.e., not general “customer input”). Customers
are individuals or entities who determine if the organization shall be compensated (or
rewarded) for production, which may be consumers or may just be decision makers.
Production processes are sequences of steps that add value and thus warrant
compensation. Details and examples of these essential terms are described in (Sampson
and Froehle 2006), where the paradigm is referred to as the Unified Services Theory
The customer-supplier services paradigm is related to yet distinct from the well-
(Wikstrom 1996, p. 10), customers serving as “partial employees” (Mills and Morris
1986), and customer “effort… before, during, and after” service encounters (Youngdahl,
There exists a possibility that the action of providing component inputs might be
component inputs. Indeed, Larsson and Bowen (1989, p. 217) extend Lovelock’s list of
in the service production”. However, for clarity we distinguish between customer action
process is the provision of components such as raw materials or parts. Labor does not
normally provide component materials or parts, but provides effort. The concept of co-
regardless of whether or not the customer is participating in the execution of the action.
That having been said, it is difficult to imagine a situation where customers are
co-producers in a narrow sense (actors in production) but otherwise do not provide any
self/belonging/information inputs to be acted upon. The closest example the author can
imagine is the production process of a local cannery that produces canned goods for the
poor and needy. Should the cannery be classified as a service? The cannery is primarily
staffed by volunteer labor, which may or may not be the consumers of the resulting
when staffed by needy volunteers. For one thing, staffing and production does not appear
to be based on demand or even forecasted demand, but based on the arrival of food raw
materials. Yet, many individuals volunteer for mental and spiritual benefits, so from their
(Chervonnaya 2003; Kellogg, Youngdahl, and Bowen 1997; Youngdahl, et al. 2003).
With the exception of providing inputs, customer actions before and after production are
not unique to services, but occur with all types of processes (Lengnick-Hall 1996, p. 802;
Lovelock and Gummesson 2004, p. 26). Customers save money and do product research
extract value from products that came from production, be it service or non-service
everything is a service (Vargo and Lusch 2004b). Although the broad use of “co-
the set of customer inputs is the impact on process analysis. A useful way of analyzing
any production process is assessing how inputs are transformed into desired outputs
(Chase and Aquilano 1995, p. 6). Production processes are value adding processes, as
2006). SP8 implies that services are production processes which add value to customer
greater value to the customer. Those customer inputs are what Constantin and Lusch call
produce an effect” (Vargo and Lusch 2004a, p. 2). Labor, on the other hand, is an
resources (and other operant resources).” Arguably, customers patronize services to have
their operand resources transformed in a value-adding way. Their operant resource, i.e.
their co-productive labor effort, is consumed during service production; customers would
be unlikely to pay for the expenditure of their labor operant resource were it not for the
The concept of services being reliant upon customer inputs is not new, but has
been cited in passing in research literature and other publications (Bitner, et al. 1997, p.
195; Chervonnaya 2003, p. 335; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons 2004, p. 21; Lovelock
2001, p. 37; Silvestro, et al. 1992, p. 66; Wright 1999, p. 5; Zeithaml, et al. 2006, p. 393).
However, the central, defining power of the concept has not been widely recognized. One
reason for this might be that various researchers tend to categorize firms or industries, not
Customer inputs are the defining feature of services as long as we identify the customer
and specify the process being analyzed. The paradigm is a process perspective: All
businesses, services or otherwise, are composed of processes that transform inputs into
outputs. The customer-supplier paradigm proposes that the one core factor which
occurrence of processes nor the process outputs, but the process inputs. The nature of the
acts differ, as does the nature of the output, but that is primarily due to the nature of the
inputs—customer inputs lead to processes and outputs that are distinct in character from
Consider the example given by Rathmell in his 1966 article “What is Meant by
Services?” As mentioned, Rathmell follows the phrase “a good is a thing and a service is
an act” with the statement, “If a product is purchased, it is a good; but if it is rented or
leased, the rentee or lessee acquires a service” (pp. 33–34). The customer-supplier
services paradigm perspective would say that a product is a good (i.e., a thing) regardless
of whether it is purchased or rented. Customers observe the goods rental process, but
rarely observe the goods manufacturing processes. If a manufacturing process does not
involve customer inputs yet the rental process does, then the rental process, as a service
process, will in all likelihood be less efficient than the manufacturing process, will be
subject to greater variability, will experience lower utilization, and so forth. Service
processes and outputs are fundamentally different from non-service processes and
Therefore, one part of the existing confusion over terms comes from comparing
construction is an act, whether it is building large quantities of tract homes for future
sales or building a one-of-a-kind custom home for a meticulous client. The output of car
manufacturing, car sales, car repair, and car rental is all cars. The distinguishing question
SP8 classifies traditional make-to-stock manufacturing a non-service when it is accomplished without
inputs from customers. Custom manufacturing requires at least an information input from customers,
therefore would be categorized as a service. For more explanation, see (Sampson and Froehle 2006, p. 336)
or (Sampson 2001, p. 142).
of SP8 is, “What are the customer inputs to the given process?” Those processes without
customer inputs are very different from those involving customer inputs, and the degree
Another form of confusion comes from studying processes that are complex
classify entire companies as either service companies or non-service companies can lead
to confusion. Even defining a particular line of business can become convoluted. One
might ask “Is a restaurant a service?” A restaurant is a business, not a process. You need
service process. The process of a chef designing new food offerings is not normally
restaurant is the customer of the outsource provider. The same is similar for the supply-
procurement process. Seating customers and taking customer orders requires customer
inputs, and is a service process. Preparing food for customers is a “back-office” service
process, as is preparing the check. Restaurants involve goods, and involve both service
paradigm is realizing that rarely do processes occur in isolation. Rather, processes exist in
supply chains, wherein one process feeds another process. The field of operations
management approached a renaissance in recent years with the realization that analyzing
and managing a given process without consideration for “upstream” supplier processes or
“downstream” customer processes leads to suboptimal decisions. The field (or sub-field
As Ellram, Tate, and Billington point out, the representation of services in Supply
Chain Management literature is sparse and inadequate (2004). Some writers claim that
supply chain concepts are relevant to manufacturing and services, but then proceed to
manufacturing supply chains, such as retail. Some services have major goods
components, and thus benefit from approaches such as supplier certification and
selection, synchronous production, and supplier integration. It is not at all clear how to
apply such approaches to services that do not have major goods components.
showing how they involve customers both as suppliers of inputs and consumers of
outputs (Sampson 2001, p. 135). Such supply chains are not conveniently linear, but are
bidirectional (see Figure 2 and Sampson 2000). The most effective supply chain
management for services will involve understanding the function, capabilities, and
suppliers operate in harmony with the given firm, so service firms benefit when
interaction with service customers begins before production (customers providing inputs),
often continues during production, and culminates after production. This is consistent
with Lusch and Vargo’s (2006) idea that traditional manufacturing firms “market to”
own their inputs before service delivery, and own their inputs after delivery, thus
reducing the occurrence of transfer of ownership. Services and non-services are both acts
(SP3), but since customers provide inputs to service processes they observe the acts but
when customers do not provide inputs (e.g., for manufacturing processes) they rarely
observe the acts. (SP3 would be better stated “services are customer observable acts….”)
In order for customers to provide inputs to service processes they need access to the
service processes, facilities, and good (SP6). Even the customer contact (SP7) paradigm
can be described in terms of customer inputs motivating customer contact. (SP8 has also
The customer-supplier paradigm differs from the S-D logic of marketing in that
customer-supplier paradigm does not propose any dramatic changes in the way
2001, p. 148). Producing commodity products like socks and light bulbs generally
involves no customer inputs, and we expect that traditional mass production, mass
marketing, and mass merchandising will be appropriate for the foreseeable future.
focuses on the customer (who provides inputs) and on the production process. The
paradigm also directly relates to human resource management, since dealing with
customer inputs has major implications for job design, employee motivation, human
resource development, and other HR issues (Sampson 2001, Unit 8). Even accounting is
usually has much lower utilization of plant and equipment than manufacturing, making
cross-functional study of services, and provides a point of common interest for various
acceptance by some group at some point in time (Kuhn 1970). An empirical research
question of interest is how the various service paradigms hold up relative to the reasoning
of study subjects from some relevant population. We might have surveyed faculty
perceptions of paradigms, but suspect that would just confirm their biases based on
perceptions, which is a convenience sample with interest in academic topics but with less
exposure to the biases of academic literature. The student population is relevant, since
they will be primary consumers of ideas coming from the paradigms held by instructors.
At a minimum, surveying students will reveal which paradigms they are most likely to
buy into given their frame of reference at the time of the study.
April of 2006. Examples of survey items are listed in Table 1, with all items being
course, survey items were intermixed so that items for a given scale were not adjacent,
and forms were used to control for response ordering bias.) The full survey had 56 items
that represented 23 multi-item constructs. The survey was subjected to three rounds of
pretests that involved approximately thirty subjects. The survey was publicized through
posters on campus, as well as by an emailing to business school students. (We did not ask
study subjects about their major field of study, but suspect more of them were business
The survey resulted in 1408 responses. Statistical analysis was run to detect
frivolous or inconsistent responses (such as providing the same answer for every question
responses were identified as coming from subjects who had taken the author’s Services
Management course, which were also eliminated due to the potential for instructor-
induced bias. We were left with 1332 usable responses. Each survey instance asked the
Table 2. The fundamental scale of the survey is the SERVICE scale, composed of the
following three items (shown here relative to the process of farming by farmers for
subject was responding about (underlines not shown in the actual survey). Admittedly,
the SERVICE scale items refer to the classification of businesses and industries, which is
technically imprecise but conceptually common. However, all items were expressed as
processes (as gerund verbs) to assure evaluative precision. The SERVICE scale has a
Cronbach’s of 0.8864, indicating strong reliability. The meaning of the SERVICE scale
Table 2 shows how the business processes vary according to the SERVICE scale.
The processes listed at the top are clearly services in subjects’ minds, and those at the
bottom are clearly non-services, with some in-between examples given. The resulting
discrimination according to the SERVICE construct appears to have good face validity,
particularly at the extremes. Convergent validity of the scale was demonstrated by high
inter-item correlations.
SP Comparison Results/Findings
The survey scales listed in Table 1 assess subjects’ perceptions of the service
paradigms (SPs) reviewed in the prior sections, including separate scales for specific
elements of IHIP. Those scales also had high Cronbach’s values (with a few scale items
being dropped, mean was 0.7718, minimum was 0.6470). Since the paradigms are
supposed to discriminate services, a key question is how each paradigm scale correlates
with the SERVICE scale. High correlation indicates better potential for defining services
than low correlation. Table 3 shows the Pearson correlation coefficients for each scale
Each correlation coefficient was non-zero at a <0.01 level, which means that they
all can be considered to pertain to the concept of “services.” Nevertheless, there is a wide
paradigm. This suggests that SP8 has the best ability to predict that subjects would
perceive a given process as being a “service.” The items in the SP8 scale had good
construct validity: the SP8 items correlated much stronger with each other (convergent
validity) than they did with the items from other constructs (discriminant validity). This
affirms that SP8 is a distinct paradigm, and not just a repeat of one of the other
It may seem odd that the “residual” (SP1) definition by exclusion is the next most
However, the SP1 significance is actually logical and valuable, since it indicates that there
something else we call “services.” This counters the unfounded logic that “everything is a
coefficients in Table 3. For example, the differences between the correlation coefficient
of SP8 and those of SP1, SP3, and SP7 are not statistically significant, but correlations for
the other paradigms are (at a <0.01 level). This indicates a statically cost for other than
the top four candidate paradigms. Note that with one exception, the weakest five items
are the IHIP service characteristics. One explanation for those weaker correlations is that
the IHIP characteristics are not defining paradigms but rather “symptoms of services,”
which is to say that they often are manifest in services but do not cause processes to be
services (Sampson 2001, p. 49, 89). We have elsewhere argued that each of the IHIP
The logic that services can be defined as such by a reliance on customer inputs
(SP8) is further emphasized through specific process examples included in the study. For
example, the process of “painting cars by auto companies for consumers” (N=36)
produced a mean SERVICE value of 0.843, whereas “painting cars by paint shop
employees for car owners” (N=37) produced a mean SERVICE value of 1.964, the latter
being rated as being more service-like (the difference being significant at <0.01 level).
Either way it is “painting cars,” but the difference is painting cars coming from the
upstream supply chain versus painting cars supplied as inputs by customers, which
mean SERVICE=1.771), the SERVICE scale difference also being significant at <0.01
level. In either case, the musicians are playing musical instruments—with the latter,
customers provide themselves as inputs to the performance process, but with the former
they do not. You will likely find that musicians themselves describe the action of
performing in front of customers as being quite different from performing in a studio, and
that managing live performances is quite different from managing a studio recording
(their selves and attention) in the live performance process. Distinct managerial
Managerial Issues
identified five characteristics which were highly correlated with the SERVICE scale (at
measurement, low entry barriers, and customer as competitor. Details are omitted here for
space reasons. We tested a LISREL structural equation model that represented the five
scales (and one other) as a simultaneous function of both SP8 and SERVICE. The model
had a good fit, with a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) of 0.054.
Interestingly, the five scales had stronger path coefficients coming from SP8 than from
“processes that rely on customer inputs.” This was confirmed by correlating the six
consequence scales with the difference between SP8 and SERVICE (for each subject),
which captures correlation represented in SP8 which is not accounted for in SERVICE.
Four of the correlations were both positive and highly significant (<0.01 level),
suggesting that in some ways there might be more managerial value in studying
“processes that rely on customer inputs” than simply studying “processes considered
One limitation of this test of managerial issues is the limited set of service
characteristics studied. Another limitation of this empirical study is the use of the student
convenience sample, since other populations may report different results. We reduced
one type of bias by removing responses from students attending the Services
Management course. There may be other biases experienced by students, although those
biases may also be present in other possible populations. Future research could look at
and compare service paradigm perceptions for practitioners, researchers, and other
This article has reviewed various service paradigms, largely originating from
services marketing, and has presented an operational paradigm based on customers being
logical, to exhibit strong face validity, and to be empirical supported. Further, the
paradigms. Nevertheless, it is also consistent with ideas coming from the marketing
literature. For example, Lovelock and Gummesson state, “without customers who require
service at a specific time, either to themselves or their possessions, there can be no output
processes (which involve customer inputs) with non-service processes (which do not
involve customer inputs). Our empirical data also demonstrates that processes which can
be performed with or without customer inputs (e.g., painting and music performance) are
considered more service-like when they have customer inputs than when they do not. In
other words, the reliance upon customer inputs is shown to make a “service” difference.
Discussion of the implications of the paradigm are limited by space; those wanting more
detail are referred to other publications by Sampson (2000; 2001) and Sampson and
Froehle (2006), which again refer to the paradigm as the “Unified Services Theory.”
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Table 1: Survey items pertaining to Service Paradigms (SPs) (process=farming)