Driving Healthcare Wearable Technology Adoption For Generation Z Consumers in Hong Kong
Driving Healthcare Wearable Technology Adoption For Generation Z Consumers in Hong Kong
Driving Healthcare Wearable Technology Adoption For Generation Z Consumers in Hong Kong
1. Introduction
With the exponential development of information technology, health-care wearable
devices have enjoyed phenomenal success in recent years (Kim and Chiu, 2019). Widely
regarded as one of the most promising areas of the Internet of Things (Marakhimov and
Joo, 2017), health-care wearable technology comprises smart technology products that
are incorporated into different types of accessories attachable to users’ bodies. Prime
examples are the Apple Watch, Fitbit, Samsung Gear and the Mi Band wristbands
(Wright and Keith, 2014).
Health-care wearable technology significantly contributes to consumer wellness, helping Received 9 April 2020
users to conveniently track their health conditions (Zhang et al., 2017). Myriad wearable Revised 6 June 2020
Accepted 8 July 2020
technology products are designed to monitor such things as the number of steps and
The authors are grateful for
distance traveled, calories burned and workout intensities (Gao et al., 2015). They are constructive comments offered
especially important to sports and health-care industries, providing accurate, real-time by the anonymous reviewers.
into market segmentation (Ting et al., 2018). According to GCT, Gen-Z consumers are
distinguished in terms of the information search pattern, attitude towards technology and
information sharing behavior (Ng et al., 2019). They are also key users of health-care
wearable devices (Naumovska, 2017) and are thus the focal cohort in the current research.
In short, the objective of this research is to explore the antecedents that lead to the
adoption of health-care wearable technology by Gen-Z consumers in Hong Kong. From a
theoretical perspective, this research broadens the theoretical understanding of
consumer behavior regarding the adoption of health-care wearable technology. From a
managerial perspective, it offers guidance for marketers to develop effective strategies
to promote health-care wearable technology products.
are also heavy users of electronic word of mouth on social media platforms (Duffett, 2017;
Fan et al., 2019; Styvén and Foster, 2018). They are – by virtue of GCT and recent research –
a fitting cohort to explore technology acceptance in general, and the adoption of health-care
wearable technology in particular.
H1. Consumer innovativeness has a positive impact on the (a) PEOU, (b) PU and (c) PC
of health-care wearable technology products.
interested in reading and posting content about a focal product with like-minded others
(Schivinski et al., 2016). Prior research suggests that OEI is largely driven by consumers’
perceptions of the focal product. In particular, Filieri et al. (2015) found that consumers are
more willing to share product information with their peers via social media when the
products are perceived to be credible and useful. Yang and Wang (2015) found that
consumers are more willing to share information with their peers online when social media
usage is perceived to be user-friendly. Similarly, Tussyadiah and Pesonen (2018) also
found a positive relationship between PEOU and online sharing behavior. More recently,
Cheung et al. (2020d) found that when information available on social media is deemed to
be trendy and useful, consumers are more willing to provide feedback.
Additionally, prior research has established a link between consumers’ OEI and AI (Mishra,
2019; Simon and Tossan, 2018; Teng et al., 2017). In general, when consumers have a
positive attitude towards technology products, they are more willing to interact with their
peers via social media to discuss and share information related to their favorite brands and
products (Lin and Kim, 2016). Combining the aforementioned insights, we extend TAM by
hypothesizing that OEI is driven by PEOU, PU, PC and AI of health-care wearable
technology products:
H4. OEI is positively influenced by (a) PEOU, (b) PU, (c) PC and (d) AI.
3. Methodology
The empirical study is cross-sectional in nature. We conducted a self-administrated online
survey (in English) using a convenience sample in Hong Kong. The measurement items
were adapted from previous studies, and a seven-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree,
2 = disagree, 3 = somewhat disagree, 4 = neither agree nor disagree, 5 = somewhat
agree, 6 = agree, 7 = strongly agree) was used to capture the perceptions about health-
care wearable technology products by Gen-Z consumers in Hong Kong. In particular,
we adopted four items from Reza Jalilvand and Samiei (2012) to measure EWOM and three
items from Talukder et al. (2019) to measure CI. We also adopted four items and three items
from Zhang et al. (2017) to measure PC and PU, respectively, whereas adopting four items
from Kim and Chiu (2019) to measure PEOU. Lastly, three items were adopted from Chuah
et al. (2016) and Zhang et al. (2017) to measure AI and three items were adopted from
Piehler et al. (2019) to measure OEI.
The target respondents were Gen-Z consumers in Hong Kong with experience of using
health-care wearable technology. We sent invitations to university students via email and
instant messaging (WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram) for approximately 12 weeks, from
September to December 2019. Respondents without experience in health-care wearable
technology were excluded from the current study. We collected 211 usable responses from
Gen-Z consumers, all of whom were users of wearable health-care technology products.
The sample was comprised of 56.4% male and 43.6 female, with ages ranging from 18 to
22 years. A large proportion of the sample was between 18 and 20 of age (88.1%).
4. Results
Partial least-squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis
because of its unique advantages. First, PLS-SEM is a good technique for theory testing
and theory confirmation (Hair et al., 2017; Sarstedt et al., 2019; Tan et al., 2019; Ting et al.,
2019), so it fits the objective of this study. Second, PLS-SEM is useful when the study aims
to further advance the arguments and propositions of theoretical models, as is the case of
similar studies in the area of marketing and technology adoption (Cheung et al., 2020a; Kim
and Chiu, 2019). Third, PLS-SEM is appropriate for studies with smaller sample sizes (i.e.
less than 500; Cheung et al., 2020c; Lau et al., 2019; Leung et al., 2019; Wong et al., 2019).
4.1 Measurement model
Following Hair et al. (2017), we tested the reliability of the measurement items by checking
their factor loadings, Cronbach’s alphas and composite reliability (CR) coefficients. The
loadings of all items were greater than 0.808 and significant (p 0.000), with Cronbach’s
alphas and CRs all greater than 0.844, which is well above the recommended 0.70
threshold. Hence, the reliability of the measurement items was confirmed (Table 1).
In addition, as reported in Table 2, we tested the convergent validity of the model by using
the average variance extracted (AVE). With all of the AVE values larger than the
recommended value of 0.50, the convergent validity of the model was confirmed.
Furthermore, discriminant validity was tested using the Fornell and Larcker (1981) criterion.
Because the AVE square roots were all larger than the corresponding correlations,
discriminant validity was demonstrated. We also checked discriminant validity using the
heterotrait–monotrait (HTMT) ratio (Franke and Sarstedt, 2019; Henseler et al., 2015). As
presented in Table 3, the HTMT ratios were all smaller than the threshold value of 0.90,
Table 2 Discriminant validity of measurement model – based on the Fornell–Larcker
AI 0.939 0.882
EWOM 0.757 0.904 0.818
CI 0.776 0.725 0.858 0.737
OEI 0.788 0.756 0.692 0.919 0.845
PEOU 0.755 0.662 0.757 0.638 0.877 0.769
PC 0.793 0.655 0.747 0.652 0.851 0.904 0.817
PU 0.788 0.748 0.821 0.69 0.783 0.799 0.927 0.859
Notes: Diagonal values (italicized) represent the square roots of the AVE values, whereas the off-
diagonals represent the correlations between variables; EWOM = electronic word-of-mouth referral,
CI = consumer innovativeness, PEOU = perceived ease of use, PC = perceived credibility, PU =
perceived usefulness, OEI = online engagement intention, AI = adoption intention
EWOM 0.82
CI 0.882 0.829
OEI 0.851 0.824 0.794
PEOU 0.815 0.721 0.865 0.688
PC 0.856 0.713 0.852 0.705 0.93
PU 0.853 0.815 0.937 0.751 0.855 0.87
Notes: EWOM = electronic word-of-mouth referral, CI = consumer innovativeness, PEOU =
perceived ease of use, PC = perceived credibility, PU = perceived usefulness, OEI = online
engagement intention, AI = adoption intention
except for the pairs of CI–PU and PEOU–PC. Given multiple variables in the model, we
applied the variance inflation factor (VIF) method to check for multicollinearity. The results
indicated that all VIF values were lower than the threshold value of 5, so multicollinearity did
not appear to be a concern in this study (Hair et al., 2017; Leung et al., 2019).
Lastly, because we collected self-reported data from a single source, common method
variance (CMV) could have exaggerated the hypothesized relationships. We followed the
suggestion of Kock and Lynn (2012) to check for CMV with full collinearity assessment. As
shown in the Appendix, all the VIF values were less than 5, suggesting that CMV was not a
concern in this study (Hair et al., 2017).
Figure 1 Research model results
EWOM ! PEOU 0.238 2.49 0.013 0.068 0.601 0.467
CI ! PEOU 0.585 6.30 0.000 0.407
EWOM ! PC 0.239 2.53 0.012 0.066 0.585 0.466
CI ! PC 0.574 6.056 0.000 0.377
EWOM ! PU 0.321 3.51 0.000 0.177 0.724 0.617
CI ! PU 0.589 6.32 0.000 0.596
PEOU ! AI 0.145 1.78 0.075 0.017 0.700 0.609
PC ! AI 0.361 3.97 0.000 0.000
PU ! AI 0.386 6.51 0.000 0.161
PEOU ! OEI 0.049 0.474 0.636 0.002 0.635 0.534
PC ! OEI 0.046 0.429 0.668 0.001
AI ! OEI 0.647 4.47 0.000 0.343
PU ! OEI 0.179 1.88 0.060 0.024
Notes: EWOM = electronic word-of-mouth referral, CI = consumer innovativeness, PEOU =
perceived ease of use, PC = perceived credibility, PU = perceived usefulness, OEI = online
engagement intention, AI = adoption intention
p < 0.01), whereas the impact of PU on OEI was positive and marginally significant
(& = 0.179, p < 0.10). Thus, H4(d) was supported and H4(b) was marginally supported.
However, the impacts of PEOU (& = 0.049, p > 0.10) and PC (& = 0.046, p > 0.10) on
OEI were non-significant, thus H4(a) and (c) was not supported.
Additionally, we performed the Cohen’s f2 analysis (Table 4) to test the importance of the
exogenous variables in the research model (Cohen, 1988). According to Cohen, f2 values at
or above 0.05, 0.15 and 0.35 are indicative of small, medium and large effects, respectively,
of the exogenous latent variables. In this analysis, the effect sizes of CI on PU (f2 = 0.596),
PEOU (f2 = 0.407) and PC (f2 = 0.377) were large, the effect sizes of EWOM on PU (f2 =
0.177) and PU on AI (f2 = 0.161) were medium, and the effect sizes of EWOM on PEOU (f2 =
0.068) and PC (f2 = 0.066) were small.
The research model had good explanatory power, as indicated by the R2 values of the
endogenous variables (Table 4). Specifically, the R2 values were 0.724 for PU, 0.700 for AI,
0.635 for OEI, 0.601 for PEOU and 0.585 for PC. They all greatly exceeded the
recommended criterion benchmark of 0.10 (Chin, 1998). In other words, the research model
was explaining a good amount of variation in the endogenous variables (Chin, 1998).
Besides, we also checked the predictive relevance (Q2) of the research model using
the blindfolding procedure (Cheah et al., 2019; Table 4). The Q2 value of each
endogenous variable was greater than zero, suggesting acceptable predictive
relevance (Hair et al., 2019). Lastly, we checked the predictive power of the research
model using PLS-predict (Koay et al., 2019; Shmueli et al., 2019). As presented in
Table 4, the root mean square error (RMSE) values of practically all indicators of PEOU,
PU, PC and AI in the linear regression model were smaller than the RMSE values in the
PLS model. As such, we conclude that the predictive power of PEOU, PU, PC and AI is
strong. Note, however, that the predictive power of OEI appears trivial. But since AI
(and its antecedents), rather than OEI, are the focal constructs of this research, we
conclude that the research model’s overall predictive power is good (Table 5).
5. Discussion
This research has yielded three key findings. First, PC and PU play a major role in
enhancing Gen-Z consumers’ AI for health-care wearable technology, which in turn
strengthens their OEI. Second, PC and PU are significantly influenced by EWOM and CI.
Third, PEOU only has a marginal impact on AI, whereas its impact on OEI is non-existent. In
short, this study empirically confirms that EWOM and CI are key predictors of PC and PU,
which in turn drive AI and OEI for health-care wearable technology products. The
theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed below.
6. Theoretical implications
This research has implications for information systems theory by illuminating what drives
Hong Kong’s Gen-Z to adopt health-care wearable technology. Although health-care
wearable technology provides distinct advantages for improving the well-being of
individuals, empirical research related to the AI for this technology is limited (Kim and Shin,
2015). The present research extends the extant GCT literature by responding to recent calls
for research on how the values and lifestyles of Gen-Z consumers in Hong Kong affect their
technology usage (Ng et al., 2019; Ting et al., 2018). Specifically, we propose and confirm
the role of EWOM and CI as antecedents of Gen-Z consumers’ AI in the health-care
wearable technology context. Our findings reveal that EWOM and CI are key drivers of
PEOU, PU and PC en route to strengthening AI. Relatively speaking, CI is more powerful
than EWOM in terms of effect size, and this suggests that CI is the most important
determinant of Gen-Z’s AI for health-care wearable technology products. In other words,
Gen-Z consumers’ intrinsic savviness for technology is the primary driver of their decision to
adopt health-care wearable technology. Moreover, Gen-Z consumers’ reliance on EWOM
plays a secondary role in driving their intention to adopt these technology products.
Although our research affirms TAM in general, it shows that – as far as health-care
wearable technology is concerned – the impact of PEOU on AI and OEI is limited at best.
One possible reason for this surprising finding is that health-care wearable technology is
high in user friendliness and requires little learning and behavioral change, especially for
the tech-savvy Gen-Z consumers. Future research may further explore this possible
boundary condition for TAM in other technology contexts and among other generation
Consistent with previous studies (Luarn and Lin, 2005; Venkatesh, 2000; Verma et al.,
2018), PU emerges as a significant predictor of Gen-Z consumers’ AI for health-care
wearable technology. More importantly, we identify PC as exerting a major influence
on AI. Not only does this finding expand and enrich TAM but also dovetails with prior
research in the context of internet banking (Wang et al., 2003). It appears that
credibility concerns (e.g. system reliability, privacy protection) are salient for health-
care technology products as much as they are for financial technology products. The
convergence of findings thus points to a fruitful avenue for future research.
7. Managerial implications
Our research offers practical guidance for marketers of health-care wearable
technology. First, given the roles of CI and EWOM as key drivers of PC, PEOU and PU,
and in turn, AI, marketers should emphasize the truly innovative features of health-
care wearable technology, such as how it may help consumers monitor their workout
intensity and sleep quality. To target Gen-Z consumers, it is particularly important for
marketers to engage the social media communities in health care and sports. Overall,
a trendy, cutting-edge image could be the key to gaining the favor of Gen-Z
Second, our results suggest that marketers of health-care wearable technology should
strike a good balance between novelty and credibility in their promotion campaigns. Note
that PC plays a major role in Gen-Z consumers’ decision to adopt health-care wearable
technology. To remove any credibility concerns, marketers should convey truly reassuring
messages regarding the accuracy and privacy of the health data generated by these novel
health-care products.
Third, our results also confirm the conventional wisdom that functionality is a vital
aspect of health-care wearable technology. In light of PU’s significant impact on AI,
marketers of health-care wearable devices should be committed to continuous value
improvement in their product strategy. Special emphasis should, for example, be
placed on matching product designs to the active lifestyles of Gen-Z consumers.
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Further reading
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future research agenda”, International Journal of Technology Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 274-307.
AI 4.397
EWOM 3.491
CI 4.114
OEI 3.565
PEOU 3.333
PC 2.661
PU 4.302
Notes: AI = adoption intention, EWOM = electronic word-of-mouth referral, CI = consumer
innovativeness, OEI = online engagement intention, PEOU = perceived ease of use, PC = perceived
credibility, PU = perceived usefulness
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Man Lai Cheung can be contacted at: [email protected]
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