Cheat-Sheet Ebook 6th
Cheat-Sheet Ebook 6th
Cheat-Sheet Ebook 6th
Delta(Δ)-Wye(Y) Transformations:
Chapter 3 Mesh Analysis: Uses KVL to find unknown "Mesh Currents" (only
Nodal Analysis: Focuses on current flowing into and out of each node applies in planar circuits).
using KCL. Because V=I/R, we are actually going to find the node Steps for Mesh Analysis:
voltages in the end (v1, v2, v3, etc.). 1. Assign mesh currents to meshes
Steps for Nodal Analysis: 2. Apply KVL to each of the meshes (loops)
1. Identify nodes in the circuit (use coloring method if necessary) 3. Solve the resulting equations to get the mesh currents
2. Apply KCL at each node (except for the ground node) Tips:
3. Solve the KCL equations using a matrix to find the unknown • The mesh currents use KVL calculated CLOCKWISE around the
node voltages. mesh/loop.
Tips: • If the mesh current goes WITH the Voltage sorce (from --> (- +)
• IF there is a voltage source between two nonreference nodes -->), then the voltage source should be negative in the KVL
(v1 and v2), that becomes a supernode. Treat the supernode as equation.
1 node, and write a constraint equation using KCL (current • If the mesh current goes AGAINST the Voltage source (from -->
coming in = current flowing out, AND voltage amount = v1-v2, (+ -) -->), then the voltage source should be positive in the KVL
using the + on the Vs as the positive node voltage and - on the equation.
Vs as the negative node voltage). • IF there is a resistor bordering two meshes, make the 1st mesh
• If there is a voltage source (Vs) between a nonreference node current you are working on positive and the bordering mesh
(V1) and a reference node (Ground), do [(Vs-V1)/resistance] current negative.
• If there is a Voltage Source (Vs) right next to a nonreference • If there is a current source isolated to a mesh, that mesh
node (v1) and it looks like it is the same voltage, it probably is! current = the current source.
Do Nodal Analysis If the circuit contains: • If there is a current source bordering two meshes, that is
• Many elements in parallel classified as a SUPERMESH. For the constraint equation, use
• Current Sources the mesh currents bordering the current source and their
• Supernodes direction to determine which is positive and which is negative.
• Circuits with fewer Nodes than meshes If a mesh current is going the same direction as the current
• If the Node Voltage is what is being solved for source, then it is positive in the constraint equation. If a mesh
Non-Planar Circuits current is going against the current source, then it is negative in
the constraint equation.
• After the constraint equation is written for the SUPERMESH,
you then REMOVE (create an open circuit) the wire containing
the current source and resistor it is attached to. Then, apply
KVL on the remaining Mesh, using I1 and I2 accordingly
(whatever resistors applied to I1 before the supermesh branch
was removed, still applies to I1, and vice versa for I2).
Do Mesh Analysis if the circuit contains:
• Many elements in series
• Voltage sources
• Supermeshes
• A circuit with fewer meshes than nodes
• If a branch/mesh current is what is being solved for
Chapter 4 Superposition: If there are two or more independent sources there are Three ways to
Linearity: As Voltage goes up, Current goes up solve for the circuit parameters: Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Superposition
proportionally. The response of a circuit to a sum of • Superposition Principle states that the voltage/Current through an element in a
sources will be the sum of the individual responses linear circuit is the total sum of the voltages/currents through that element
from each source separately. due to each independent source acting alone.
Linearity: Steps for Superposition:
• V=iR 1. Turn off all independent sources except one source. Find the output (voltage or
• k(iR) = k(V) current) due to that active source using techniques in Chapter 2/3
• V= (i1 + i2)R = (i1)R + (i2)R = V1 + V2 2. Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources
3. Find the total contribution (voltage or current) by adding all the contributions
(voltages or currents) due to each independent source.
Tips for Superposition:
• To remove a current source, replace it with an open circuit (i=0).
• To remove a voltage source, replace it with a short circuit (v=0).
Source Transformation: Replacing a Voltage source (Vs) in series Thevenin's Theorem (Thevenin Equivalents): When you have one
with a resistor R by a current source (Is) in parallel with a resistor R, variable element that you are trying to analyze, called the load.
or vice versa. • Thevenin Voltage (Vth/Voc)= Open Circuit Voltage (R=infinite)
• Vs = Is*R • Thevenin Resistance (Rth)= Resistance looking into terminals a
• Is = Vs/R and b with all independent sources turned off.
• The current source is directed towards the positive terminal • Thevenin Current (Ith/In/Isc) = Vth/Rth = Ith
of the voltage source • Use a voltage source in series with a resistance to replace
• Source Transformation is not possible when R=0 or R=∞ complicated linear circuits
It is possible for the result of this analysis to end up with a negative
resistance. This implies the circuit is supplying power. This is reasonable
with dependent sources
Norton's Theorem (Norton Equivalents): Similar to Thevenin’s Norton vs. Thevenin
theorem, Norton’s theorem states that a linear two terminal circuit
may be replaced with an equivalent circuit containing a resistor and
a current source.
• Norton Current (In)= Short Circuit Current (Isc)
• Norton Resistance (Rn) = Thevenin Resistance (Rth)
• Norton Voltage (Vn) = [Vn = In * Rn]
• The Norton Current (In) is found by short circuiting the
circuit's terminals and measuring the resulting current.
• Norton current is related to Thevenin voltage and resistance
by source transformation: In = Vth/Rth
Instrumentation Amplifier
Summing Op-Amp -Places 2 non-inverting amplifiers before the
Uses the inverting amplifier and several inputs (each with their difference amplifier to increase the impedance
own resistor), the summing amplifier can be used to create a of the difference amplifier
simple digital to analog converter (DAC).
I1 = [(V1-Va)/R1]
I2 = [(V2-Va)/R2]
I3 = [(V3-Va)/R3]
Ia = I1 + I2 + I3
Ia = [(Va-Vo)/Rf]
Difference Amplifier
-Vo is proportional to the difference between the two inputs.
-Va = Vb due to negative feedback.
▪ Time constant (the speed at which the voltage drops to 1/e of the
initial voltage):
• Once V(t) is found, current can be found:
• i(t) =
RL Circuits
o Source Free RL Circuits
• Current cannot change instantaneously
• We are looking for the current through the inductor
• Therefore, we must determine its value as a function of time
• The key to working with this type of situation is: ▪ Initial current passing through the inductor at t=0:
▪ Start with the initial voltage across the capacitor and the time ▪ I(0) = 0
constant RC. • As the inductor begins to release energy into the system, the natural
▪ With these two items, the voltage as a function of time can be response starts to occur:
▪ From the voltage, the current can be known by using the
resistance and Ohm’s law.
▪ The resistance of the circuit is often the Thevenin equivalent ▪ Time constant:
Singularity Functions:
Unit Step Function
o Step Response of RL Circuits
• Steady-state current through an inductor:
Unit Ramp Function
Integration of the Unit Step Function
Chapter 8 Concepts Parallel RLC Circuits:
Second-order Circuits (RLC circuits) • All the same equations as series RLC, except:
o Start by getting initial conditions I(0) and dI(0)/dt (for parallel RLC ▪ Change I(t) --> V(t)
circuits, V(0) and dV(0)/dt):
• Capacitor: Open Circuit at long-term conditions. Voltage
cannot change abruptly
• V(0-) = V(0+) = Vo
• Inductor: Short Circuit at long-term conditions. Current ▪ Vs = V(∞)
cannot change abruptly.
▪ Change:
• i(0-) = I(0+) = Io
o Figure out which damping case the circuit will require, solve
characteristic eqn. for roots, apply them in correct formula, solve for I
or V:
• Series RLC Circuits: Damping Responses:
▪ Overdamp
ed (the
roots are
real and
▪ Critically
(roots are
real and
▪ Underdam
ped (roots
Chapter 11
• Instantaneous Power: (1/2)VmIm[cos(ɸv - ɸi)+cos(2ωt + ɸv + ɸi)]
o The rate at which an element absorbs power, or the power at any instant in time
o 1st cosine is constant power, 2nd cosine is sinusoidal power
• Average Power:
o (1/2)VmImcos(ɸv - ɸi)
o ***Average power absorbed by an inductor and capacitor is zero watts.***
o Average power is also:
For periodic current:
For DC Current:
• Apparent power
o The product of RMS voltage and current will be called apparent power.
• |S| = |VRMS||IRMS| = √𝑃2 + 𝑄2
• Power Factor
o P/S = cos(ɸv - ɸi) --> cos-1(P/S) = Power Factor Ratio (between 0 and 1)
• P = Real Power
• S = Apparent power
• Real Power (P) = Apparent Power (S) * Power Factor (PF)
• Power Factor = cos(ɸv - ɸi)
• Adding a capacitor
o To mitigate the inductive aspect of the load, a capacitor is added in parallel with the load.
o With the same supplied voltage, the current draw is less by adding the capacitor.
𝑄 𝑃(tan 𝜃1 −tan 𝜃2 )
o 𝐶 = 2𝑐 = 2
𝜔𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝜔𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠