The Economic Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination
The Economic Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination
The Economic Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination
Universi(v of Wisconsin-Madison
I. Introduction
*I am grateful to many persons, including most of the authors discussed in the chapter, for
comments, criticisms, and corrections. Even though I did not always follow their advice, the chapter
has been much improved because of their help. I am especially indebted to the following persons, who
read and commented on the entire manuscript: Francine Blau, Betty Evanson, Ross Finnie, Arthur
Goldberger, James Heckman, and Elizabeth Uhr. Research support was received from the Institute
for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and from the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Any opinions expressed here are my own.
2.1. Concepts
~Gustav Cassel, the renowned Swedisheconomist,may have been the first to state this question in
the context of labor market discriminationin his analysis in 1918 of why women doing similar work
to men received lower wages. See the citation to Cassel along with an interesting discussion of the
history of the economists' debate on labor market discrimination in Lundahl and Wadensj~5(1984,
pp. 8-80).
696 G. G. Cain
psychic disutility. Here, the distinction between physical and psychic components
of production can break down. "Service with a smile is our product", may be the
company's motto. It will be argued below that although customer prejudice c a n
lead to discriminatory outcomes, it is unlikely to be a major source of the
economywide disparities in the wages and incomes between minority and major-
ity groups.
Implicit in the foregoing two concepts of economic discrimination are two
subclassifications that are defined by the unit of the analysis; namely, (a) the
household (or family), which is generally the appropriate unit for examining the
disparity between majority and minority groups in economic well-being, usually
measured by income; and (b) the individual worker, the appropriate unit for
examining disparities in wage rates or earnings. In most of this survey the worker
is the unit of analysis, reflecting the fact that labor market discrimination,
measured by wage disparities, has been the focus of most economic-theoretical
and econometric studies. Nevertheless, attention to the family as a unit and
income as an outcome is important. The family is the principal matrix for a
worker's choices, and an understanding of labor market discrimination requires
attention to this family context. This is most clearly evident in analyzing
discrimination against women. Also, our ultimate interest in labor market dis-
crimination lies in the question of how discrimination affects the economic
well-being of people, which, as noted, is most meaningfully measured for a
household or family unit.
Each of the two units of observation, worker and household, may be analyzed
with two general types of statistical models. In Model (I), which may apply to the
short run, the outcome variable of interest-income for households or wages for
w o r k e r s - i s compared for the two groups, holding constant certain variables that
are believed (a) to affect the outcome variable (or to be relevant to the interpreta-
tion of the outcome variable), and (b) to be exogenous to the process of
discrimination under study. For example, income of households may be com-
pared, holding constant the region of residence. If region of residence is exoge-
nous and the cost of living varies across regions, then income is a better measure
of economic well-being when region is held constant in the comparison. If region
of residence is endogenous to the process of discrimination, then it is probably
not a proper control variable.
Model (I), which is distinguished by the use of contiol variables, is more
important for the second definition of discrimination-wage differences for
comparable workers. The comparability of the workers is with respect to their
productivity, which is operationally defined by measurable characteristics of the
workers that are accepted as determining productivity in the given context. Here
again we require that the productivity variables that are properly held constant
are exogenous to the process of discrimination under study.
Let us specify Model (I) in a form suitable for statistical estimation. Let
= the outcome of the process, such as the income, earnings, or wage for the ith
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 697
Y = X'B + AZ + e. (I)
Then, a regression in which we find A > 0 would be evidence of discrimination.
The contrary case is assumed to be A = 0, so "reverse discrimination" (A < 0) is
not being considered. In Model (I), the two groups designated by Z are assumed
to provide "essentially identical" labor services, conditional on (holding constant)
X. Equivalently, we could define market discrimination, D, as
D = (~'lX, Z = l ) - ( 9 1 X , Z=O),
where ~" is the predicted value of Y conditional on X, so in the above linear and
additive model, D = A.
Now consider Model (II), in which all X characteristics are considered
endogenous, and any difference in X across groups is attributed to the process of
discrimination under study. Model (II) may be appropriate for the long run,
although some may consider it only the limiting case in which the group averages
of all X ' s are equalized in the long run in a world without economic discrimina-
tion. The corresponding specification is
V = CZ + u, (II)
2"Crowding" is an old concept. Lundahl and Wadensj8 (1984, p. 73, n. 16) trace it back to John
Stuart Mill, and they cite F. Y. Edgeworthand Millicent Fawcett as early twentieth-centuryusers of
the term regarding labor market discrimination against women.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 701
3The term "white" will be used to refer to non-Hispanic whites. "Hispanic" refers to persons of
Spanish origin, who m a y be members of any race. Persons whose origins are Mexican, Puerto Rican,
C u b a n , or who are from other Central or South American countries constitute most of the Hispanic
group in the United States. A "household" consists of all persons who live together in a housing uhit
and includes one-person households. "Families" are defined as two or more persons related by blood,
marriage, or adoption, and residing together.
4The term "female household head" refers to a household or family in which the primary earner is
usually an adult w o m a n without a husband present. The terms "householder" and "female house-
holder," which are currently being used in the official statistics of the U.S. government, are defined in
terms of the person in the household in whose name the dwelling unit is owned or rented. Statistics
for households (or families) with a female householder are nearly the same as those that would apply
to the older designation, female-headed households (or families).
702 G. G. Cain
Table 13.1
M e a n annual incomes and income ratios of white, black, and Hispanic households and families,
United States, 1981.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-60, No. 137, Money Income of
Households, Families, and Persons in the United States: 1981 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1983), Tables 4,
13, and 19.
a Incomes are rounded to the nearest hundred, but the ratios are based on unrounded incomes. For
example, the original mean household incomes for whites and blacks in the first row are $23 742 and $14 856.
bHouseholds consist of all persons who live together in a housing unit and include one-person households.
CMean annual income per member is money household income divided by the average size of the
household. For example, for white households: $ 2 3 7 4 2 / 2 . 6 7 = $8892, which, rounded and expressed in
thousands of dollars, is 8.9.
d The Census Bureau defines a family as two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and
residing together. In this table, married-couple families do not include the relatively small number of families
in which the wife is listed as the owner of the housing unit. W h e n the wife is listed as the owner, the family is
classified u n d e r "female householder". The term "householder" has replaced the term "headship" in
government tables.
c Does not include the relatively small number of female-headed families with a h u s b a n d present.
f"AII families" includes the relatively small n u m b e r of female-headed families with a h u s b a n d present.
g"Full time" refers to year-round, full time, defined as working 50-52 weeks for 35 or more hours per week
in 1981.
h Median incomes are listed instead of mean incomes, which are not reported.
51t is more difficult to define and collect information on groups according to their ancestry and
religion than it is for gender and racial classifications,so the statements in the text are more qualified.
The problems of mixed or unknown ancestry, changes in one's religion, response refusals and errors,
and so on appear serious, and the data on income, earnings, and wage rates have not been collected
for ancestry and religion classifications as thoroughly as they have for the gender and racial groups.
The sources for the research findings in the three ethnic groups referred to in the text are Greeley
(1976, p. 52) and Sowell (1981, pp. 5, 126-127) for Italian-Americans, Chiswick (1983) for Jews, and
Sowell (1981, pp. 5, 177-178) for Japanese-Americans.
704 G. G. Cain
T a b l e 13.2
S o u r c e s o f i n e q u a l i t y in e c o n o m i c w e l l - b e i n g , i l l u s t r a t e d w i t h a c o m p a r i s o n of
black and white families in the United States.
Income receipts
Asset ownership
Property (income-earning) N.A.
Property (non income- Widens gap (blacks have less wealth
earning: car, owner- in these types of durable goods)
occupied house, etc.)
Human capital (wage earnings) NA
Human capital (fringe benefits
and nonpecuniary aspects of work) Widens gap~
Defined for "' household" as unit
Adjust for family or Widens gap (unless the comparison
household size is already "per member") b
Adjust for multiple earners Narrows gap (whites have 1.65
to allow f o r " leisure" earners per family: blacks, 1.47) ~
AUowancc for government taxes,
transfers, and survey bias
Taxes Narrows gap (reflecting the moderate
degree of progressivity in the tax
Money transfer payments N.A.
Nonmonetary transfer payments
to nonaged persons (primarily Narrows gap (about 25 percent of black and
Food Stamps, public housing, 8 percent of white families receive these
Medicaid) forms of noncash transfers) d
Nonmonetary transfer payments Widens gap~
to aged persons (medical care
subsidies and various tax
advantages for the aged)
Nonmonetary public benefits Widens gap r
(parks, police service, etc.)
Nonreported income ?
Discriminatory pricing housing, Widens gap I
capital markets, consumer credit,
Expenditures on "regrettables" - Widens gap eg
items that do not directly
produce utility, such as health
maintenance, transportation to
work, "waiting times"
~Fringe benefits are generally large for jobs with higher wages and salaries For evidence that
blacks have. on average, jobs with less prestige and less pleasant working conditions, see Robert E. B.
Lucas, "'The Distribution of Job Characteristics," Review of Economics and Statistics, 56 (November
1974): 530-540.
bSee Table 13.1.
Source: Table 29 in source cited in Table 13.1.
dSource: U.S, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-60, No. 136, Chara¢tert~-
tt~'# of IIouseholds and Persons Receiving Selected Noncash Benefit.~, 1981 (Washington, D.C.: U.S.
GI~O, 1983). p] 3,
CMedical care subsidies are derived primarily from the Social Security system, and white persons
benefit disproportionately for two reasons: (1) eligibility and payments tend to be positively related to
earnings during preretirement years; (2) whites live longer The tax advantages of the aged are
generally greater for higher-income persons among the aged.
rA personal judgment.
gFor a definition and application of the concept of "regrettable" expenditures, see William N.
Nordhaus and James Tobin, Is Growth Obsolete? (National Bureau of Economic Research 50th
Anniversary Colloquium, Columbia University Press, New York, 1972).
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 705
Income statistics prior to 1940 are scanty. The Census Bureau's time series of
annual family income begins in 1947, and separate income statistics for blacks
begin in 1967 and for Hispanics in 1972.
The income ratios are relatively stable year by year (not shown), but the
change over decades is notable. To summarize the trends, several 10-year
averages of the annual ratios of minority-to-majority incomes for the period since
1947 are shown in Table 13.3. The ratio of nonwhite-to-white family income rose
from 0.37 in 1939, when most blacks lived in the low-income Southern region and
on farms, up to 0.6 or more in the middle 1960s, when the ratio more or less
stabilized. Since then it has been held down by the increasing proportion of black
families headed by women, and, probably, by the relatively high unemployment
levels from 1975 on. 6 Whatever the reason, progress regarding the first type of
economic discrimination, family income differences, has been painfully slow.
Table 13.4 shows the earnings of workers instead of the incomes of families. To
the extent that earnings measure the economic well-being of workers, the table
shows economic discrimination according to the definition of discrimination that
was based on disparities in well-being. According to the definition that was based
on wage rate differences among comparable workers, Table 13.4 would provide a
measure only if we considered the worker g r o u p s - t h r e e ethnic groups and two
gender g r o u p s - to be equally productive.
In Table 13.4 ratios ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 characterize most of the compari-
sons between minority men and white men and between women and men within
each ethnic group. However, minority women earn around 90 percent of the
earnings of white women. The earnings ratios of women to men and of black men
to white men are smaller for "all workers" than for "year-round, full-time
workers" (hereafter, "full-time"), because women and black men are less likely to
work full time. (The proportion of full-time workers to all workers is shown in
parentheses in the first three columns of the last two rows. More young workers
and higher unemployment among these minority groups are two sources of these
lower proportions.)
Clearly, the earnings ratios for full-time workers are closer to the ratios of
hourly wage rates, because the all-worker variation in hours worked in the
definition of e a r n i n g s - hours worked times the average wage per h o u r - i s nearly
6Family income depends importantly on the number of earners per family, and this number has
increased among white families relative to black families in the last 20 years. The main reason is that
the percentage of all families headed by women rose from 21 percent in 1960 to 42 percent in 1980
among black families and by 8 percent to 14 percent among white families [U.S. Bureau of the Census
(1983c, p. 54)]. Families headed by women tend to have fewer earners than married-couple or
male-headed families. The change in work rates amongwives, who are the largest and most important
category of secondary earners in families, did not much affect the racial difference in earners per
family. The rise in labor force participation rates of wives with husbands present was similarly rapid
for both color groups from 1960 to 1981: from 30 percent to 50 percent for white wives and from 41
percent to 60 percent for black wives [U.S. Department of Labor (1982, p. 714)].
706 G. G. Cain
Table 13.3
Median family income ratios: Black-and-other races/white; black/white;
and Hispanic/white; annual averages for five periods, 1939-1982.
Year or period a races/white b Black/white c Hispanic/white d
1939 0.37 - -
1947-1956 0.54 - -
1957-1966 0.54 -
1967-1976 0.63 0.61 0.69 d
1977-1982 0.62 0.57 0.68
Table 13.4
Mean earnings, earnings ratios, and numbers of all workers and of year-round, full-time workers for men
and women; whites, blacks, and Hispanics, United States, 1981.
full-time workers: 0.58 0.76 0.70
Men (0.65) (0.58) (0.61) 22.8 15.7 16.5 0.69 0.72
Women (0.44) (0.49) (0.45) 13.3 12.0 11.5 0.90 0.87
minor, 7 Table 13.5 shows gains over time in earnings ratios for black women
relative to black men (column 2), black men relative to white men (column 4),
and black women relative to white women (column 5). The earnings ratio of
white women to white men (column 1) has been remarkably stable at around 0.6
over this 43-year span. The ratios for Hispanics (columns 3 and 6-7) are for too
brief a period to measure a trend.
Further analysis of these trends will be presented later, but the following
points seem evident.
(1) The ratios for the most recent period, 1975-1982, generally remain so far
short of unity that "slow progress" is a fair and regrettable assessment. The
exception is the remarkable rise to near-equality for black and white women,
despite the fact that their earnings ratio in 1939 was the lowest one shown in the
table. This rise is partly explained by the huge exodus of black women from
domestic service, one of the lowest-paid occupations, and the migration of blacks
7The only check on these questions of compositional shift that is easily ascertained is that of the
age composition. A time series of five observations from the decennial censuses from 1940 to 1980 of
the percentages of the population and of the labor force that is young (age 14-24), middle-aged
(25-64), and old (65 and over) show similar trends for the race and gender groups. Thus, the age
factor is unlikely to be an important source of variation in the earnings-ratio trends in Table 13.5.
708 G. G. Cain
Table 135
Median-earnings ratios for year-round, full-time workers, gender and ethhicity
comparisons, annual averages for four periods, 1939-1982.
Sources: Various years for the P-60 Series of the Current Population Reports. See
Table 13.4 for full citation.
aThe years 1955-1982 are divided into three periods, and the average of the
annual ratios are reported for each period. The first year for the continuous time
series of earnings for year-round, full-time workers is 1955, but the 1940 census
provides this figure for 1939.
bRatios are for wage and salary earnings (excludes self-employedworkers) for
whites and nonwhites, who are defined as blacks and other nonwhite races in later
Census publications.
cRatios are for all earnings (includes self-employedworkers and self-employment
income) for whites and blacks. The first year for which blacks arc reported
separately is 1967. The black/white ratios are, on average, about 0.01 lower than
the nonwhite/white ratios for men, and about 0.02 lower for women. The trends in
both ratios, black/white and nonwhite/white, are virtually identical.
dSame as note c; also, 1975 is the first year in which earnings are reported
separately for Hispanic workers.
vancement into higher occupations; (b) an increasing number of women who are
new entrants or reentrants into the labor force, whose average years of experience
are less than the average of the existing stock of women workers. Thus, (a) exerts
a compositional effect that raises the ratio of women's earnings to men's earnings
while (b) has the opposite effect [see Mallan (1982)].
The descriptive statistics presented in Tables 13.1-13.5 have shown two
manifestations or definitions of economic discrimination, one dealing with in-
comes and another with wage rates, for three groups affected by discrimination:
women, blacks, and Hispanics. The economic disparities are large and have
persisted over time. The fundamental theoretical challenge is the presence and
persistence of different wage rates for groups of workers for whom the assump-
tion of equal p r o d u c t i v i t y - o r equal productive c a p a c i t y - i s maintained. The next
section of the chapter surveys the economic theories that have been formulated in
response to this challenge.
SThe taxonomy below, in subsections 3.1 and 3.2, of seven models was initially developed by
Becker in his influential book that was published in 1957 and revised in 1971. I remind the readers of
this point because "Becker's theory of discrimination" is often incorrectly identified with only one of
his several models- that dealing with a competitivemarket and employersas agents of discrimination.
The fact that I follow Becker's taxonomy in sections 3.1 and 3.2 should not be taken to mean that he
would agree with my formulation of the models.
710 G. G. Cain
Becker relabeled the abstract concept of "prejudice" into the economic concept
of "tastes", and his operational definition of "tastes for discrimination" was that
of a demand function; namely, a monetary offer for a good or service with, in this
instance, a qualitative attribute (like race) that distinguishes it from another,
otherwise identical, good or service. If the price of the labor service of the
majority worker is p, then the prejudice or tastes for discrimination of a buyer
are measured by an offer price, p - d, for the (otherwise identical) service of the
minority worker. The term d is a measure of the buyer's tastes for discrimination.
I use the small letter d to measure an individual agent's discrimination, and D
will refer to marketwide discrimination.
Several advantages of the formulation are apparent. Discrimination has the
appealing property of continuity, rather than being merely present or absent. It is
potentially measurable, and the monetary units have an intuitive meaning to
experts and laypersons a l i k e - i n contrast to various attitudinal scales ("like a
l o t " . . . " d i s l i k e a lot") that may or may not be scored numerically. There are
explicit behavioral and even policy implications in the formulation. For example,
a government subsidy to a minority-produced service could equalize the net price
to consumers.
There are some disadvantages of the measure and some properties that may be
either advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the question one is asking.
N o attention is paid to any pain or stigma felt by the victim. A lower price for
one's services appears to capture the extent of victimization and to be on the
same footing as a lower price owing to an inferior standard property of the good
being sold. However, a black insurance salesman who offered the same policy as
a white seller but sold and earned less because of customer prejudice might feel
worse than if he received less because his policy offered less coverage or smaller
settlements. Both price differentials could be the same, but only the former is
viewed as an inequity and as a social problem.
Becker (1957, rev. 1971, p. 5) used the example of physical beauty as a
qualitative attribute that leads to discrimination by demanders but is not ordin-
arily viewed as a social problem, either because beauty is considered legitimately
productive - as it is in acting and modeling- or because discriminating in favor of
this attribute is socially acceptable. On the one hand, whether discrimination in
favor of an attribute is socially approved or disapproved is a datum to economists,
just as we, usually assume that preferences are given. Economists can still be
useful if, after being informed of which attributes lead to socially disapproved
discrimination, they are able to predict behavioral consequences and, ideally,
suggest cost-effective remedies. On the other hand, inattention to the nonmone-
tary pain felt by the victim of certain types of discrimination will limit the
economist's contribution to social welfare and policy analyses (to be discussed in
the concluding section).
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 711
9Specialization, which is here associated with segregation, has been rigorously analyzed as a means
for attaining nondiscriminatory outcomes in terms of factor payments by Stiglitz (1973, 1974).
712 G. G. Cain
partly semantic, but his insight is useful and may be explained briefly as follows.
The source of market discrimination in Becker's model is on the demand
side - the willingness of an economic agent to pay to avoid contact with members
of a specific group. In a competitive model there are many employers and free
mobility among economic agents, so competition enables segregation to satisfy
this demand costlessly. The model assumes that mobility is costless (or nearly
costless), especially in the long run.
Segregation is, therefore, a means for eliminating market discrimination, but it
is not the only means. Collective action to offset the effects of discriminatory
tastes or changes in those tastes can be accomplished without seriously restricting
competition in markets. Indeed, common sense and casual observation indicate
that an integrated society is generally more competitive. It is tempting to point to
the Republic of South Africa to illustrate that segregation is not a sufficient
condition to eliminate discrimination, but this country's experience is inap-
propriate for illustrating a competitive model. Lundahl and Wadensj6 (1984, pp.
209-260) explain how a century-long pattern of private and governmental
collusive arrangements have restricted competitive forces in the South African
economy, with the undisguised purpose of concentrating wealth and power in the
hands of the white population.
Assume all workers have the same skill level. If all majority workers (whites) are
prejudiced against minority workers (blacks), we may assume a white worker's
wage demand for working with other white workers is w, and his wage demand
for working with black workers is (w + d). Clearly, employers of white workers
would employ segregated work forces to pay the lower wage. Equally skilled
black workers would also receive w as a consequence of competition among
employers, mobility by workers, and the previously established sterilization of
consumers' preferences. Integrated work forces could exist among unprejudiced
white and black workers, so the worst case is when all white workers have tastes
against working with black workers. But even the worst case yields only segrega-
tion among workers, not discrimination as defined by ~maj > ~r~in-
One could postulate various impediments to competition. For example, per-
haps segregation will not permit equal wages because the black workers are too
few to allow economies of scale in production, recognizing that their numbers
must staff~,~!l skill levels. Rebuttal: Aside from examining the structure and
technology of industrial organization to determine the plausibility of this, we
should recognize the flexibility in large-scale organizations to use compartments,
work in shifts, form subgroups, provide on-the-job training, and so on to achieve
"effective" segregation of the workers. Remember, segregation is cost minimizing
when white workers are the discriminatory agents.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 713
Another example: Assume that black workers migrate into a region populated
exclusively by prejudiced white workers. Efficient, segregated firms might take a
long time to become established. Hiring and training workers entails fixed costs
and, as Arrow has analyzed, these costs will retard any attempt by a firm to hire
an all-black work force [Arrow (1973, pp. 20-23)]. A rebuttal should not be
required because the example, although empirically relevant and interesting,
should lead to a long-run equilibrium in which the work force is segregated.
Another example: Let skills vary among workers and assume that black
workers have a legacy of low skills upon entering the labor market. White
workers with equally low skills receive w'. Assume the technology of efficient
production requires that low-skilled workers combine with complementary high-
skilled workers, all of the latter being prejudiced white workers. Black workers
must then receive W~i n < W~aj to compensate for (offset) the high labor costs they
"impose" on their complementary factor of production - the white skilled workers.
Rebuttal: Some black workers would have a particularly strong incentive to
become skilled. Those who match the skilled white workers in innate ability
would not only have the incentive to seek the normal (i.e. white workers') rate of
return on a skill investment, but they could earn extra profits by working with
low-skilled fellow black workers, because the discrimination tax, d, will not apply
to them. To see the incentives involved, we can imagine that these tax savings
could be shared among both skill levels of black workers and their employer, and
any one of these agents would have an incentive to initiate this process.
Eventually, as more black workers become skilled, the underlying source of the
(WnPaaj -- W~i n) gap withers away. Again, this scenario could take a long time, and
it may be empirically interesting. Finally, I argue in the next section that
complementary skilled white workers correspond to employers as agents of
discrimination, so the conclusions about employers also apply to complementary
skilled workers.
worker). The psychic and money forms of profits (or employer compensation)
offset one another in equilibrium.
Other analysts suggested modifications of this model. Arrow (1972) obtained
useful insights from an assumption that the employer's discriminatory tastes were
an increasing function of the ratio of black-to-white employees, rather than being
a constant that was independent of the racial composition in the firm. Arrow
(1972, p. 89), Marshall (1974, p. 853), and Thurow (1975, p. 162) suggested that
distaste may depend on "social distance" rather than "physical distance". If true,
this would make empirical measurements complicated. For example, an em-
ployer's d might be zero for janitors but have a large negative value for
professional employees. Indeed, if the owners of capital have little or no contact
of any kind with the employees, the model would require that the discriminatory
role shifts from employers-as-capitalists to their agents, such as managers,
supervisors, foremen, or even skilled workers-all of whom are assumed to be
prejudiced white persons. These interpretations of employer discrimination add
realism to the model, but they do not negate Becker's central point, which was
the establishment of an equilibrium differential in favor of white workers.
In a second version of Becket's model of employer discrimination in a
competitive economy, tastes among employers were permitted to vary. Consider,
first, the special case of just two values of d,: low, d~, and high, d 2. Clearly,
employers with the lower value, dl, would hire all the black workers. (I will
temporarily assume that there are enough d I employers to hire all the black
workers.) The market wage differential between white and black workers under
this regime would be D 1 = d 1, a smaller differential than the average: ( N l d 1 +
N2d2)/(N1 + N2) , where N 1 and N 2 are the numbers of employers in the two
categories. Indeed, the size of d 2 is irrelevant.
Becker's insight from this model is that black workers generally benefit by a
dispersion in d~. A wider spread in the distribution of d~ could only narrow the
wage gap, assunfing some of the increased variance stretches the lower tail of the
distribution and lowers the value of the d~ of the employer with the highest d~
required to hire all black workers. Intuitively, the upper tail is irrelevant in the
setting of D because the employers with larger tastes for discrimination, d 3 > d2,
d 4 > d 3, and so on, do not bid for minority workers and they have no incentive to
pay more than the existing w for majority workers. In contrast, a widening
spread in the lower tail means that the new employers, with tastes d o < d l , would
now hire all the black workers. They increase the demand for black workers, and
the market,~differential in white and black wages becomes D O< D 1.
Two plausible extensions of the dispersion effect, as just described, will tend to
eliminate market discrimination entirely.
(1) First, the lowest value of d, call this d o, would determine the market wage
differential, even if only a small number of employers-in the limit, one per
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 715
product per market- had a value of d i as low as d 0. Clearly, this employer would
earn extra profits by hiring minority workers, benefitting monetarily from the
lower wage they receive while escaping all or some of the psychic costs that
would be experienced by employers with higher di's. Total profits could be
increased by cutting prices and hiring more black workers and expanding
production. Employers with d~ > d o would, correspondingly, lose business and
curtail production, thereby decreasing the demand for white workers. The imper-
sonal operation of the capital market would ensure an inflow of investment to the
high-profit firms. Assuming long-run constant costs, the stopping point would be
reached only when all black workers and equally paid white workers are
employed by the d o employer(s)-perhaps in newly constructed plants, each of
optimal size. White workers would lose the wage advantage they had received
from discriminating employers.
(2) Second, D O would become zero. There are several routes by which the
market should uncover one or more cost-minimizing employers (per product, per
market) with d o = 0. Some white employers might be unprejudiced. Blacks could
become employers. Capital owners, like consumers, tend to be remote from
contact with employees, so their d i's would tend to be effectively zero. (Of course,
this shifts the cost-minimizing problem to that of finding managers with low d/s.)
Indeed, consumers as well as investors would have precisely these incentives of
finding managers and other forms of complementary employees whose d o = 0.
In a phrase, competitive market forces, still assuming constant costs, tend to
drive D toward zero. Arrow, in his analysis and reformulation of Becker's model
of employer discrimination, arrived at just this conclusion: "Only the least
discriminatory firms survive. Indeed, if there were any firms which did not
discriminate at all, these would be the only ones to survive the competitive
struggle" [Arrow (1973, p. 10)]. And, "It [Becker's model of employer discrimina-
tion] predicts the absence of the phenomenon it was designed to explain" [Arrow
(1972, p. 192)].
Becker, in an article on discrimination written for the International Encyclo-
pedia of the Social Sciences and published 11 years after his book, did not reach
this conclusion.
A few of the more extreme nineteenth-century advocates of a competitive
market economy believed that eventually its extension and development would
eliminate most economic discrimination .... Unfortunately, this has not yet
taken place; discrimination exists, and at times even flourishes, in competitive
economies, the position of Negroes in the United States being a clear example
[Becker (1968, p. 210)].
Becket's disagreement with the previous scenario of the workings of competi-
tion is based on his view that the assumption of constant costs for a firm, even in
716 G. G. Cain
the long run, is a polar case and not one to be accepted generally [Becker (1957,
rev. ed. 1971, pp. 44-45)]. Entrepreneurial skill is an example that is sometimes
suggested for a factor of production that may be inelastically supplied, even in
the long run. Thus, one's judgment about the number of nondiscriminating firms
that are in or that might enter the market, about the generality of entrepreneurial
skills, and about the long-run elasticity of other factors all enter into one's
judgment about the persistence of a discriminating cost differential in the long
run under competitive conditions.
What if discrimination is redefined as nepotism and d = d b < 0 is replaced by
a term d w > 0, now adding subscripts to distinguish discrimination against blacks
from nepotism in favor of whites? This specification is examined by Goldberg
(1982), who finds that a long-run differential wage advantage in favor of whites is
sustained under competitive conditions. The result, which had been previously
advanced and then downplayed by Arrow (1972), is correct, but in my judgment
the model is not realistic. 1°
My argument begins with the observation that when a positive d w - Goldberg's
nepotism-replaces a negative d b -Becker's discrimination-the intention is to
view the tastes for whites as more than a euphemism for expressing a preference
not to be associated with blacks. This intention is clarified by a dictionary
definition of nepotism: "favoritism shown to one's nephews and other relatives;
bestowal of patronage by reason of relationship rather than merit". As defined,
nepotism is indeed real. Let us assume that only the "uncle-employers" receive
nonpecuniary utility from the employment relation. Consider two cases of wage
payment. In Case 1 the wage rate of "nephews" and all other workers is the
same, and nephews are merely sorted into jobs where their uncles are employers.
Alternatively, in Case 2 the uncles share all or some of their utility rents with
their nephews by paying them a higher than competitive wage. In Case 1 the
uncles earn extra rewards (profits plus utility), but they have no incentive to
expand production, which would (assuming constant costs) threaten other firms,
because the supply of nephews is sharply limited. In Case 2 the uncle-employers
earn lower profits, but their total utility can easily be high enough to ensure their
survival as employers.
Case 2 shows, therefore, that the dictionary definition of nepotism can coexist
with the economic definition of nepotism, according to which nephews receive a
higher wage than equally productive nonnephews (all other workers). However,
to transfer this scenario of nepotism to one in which all white workers, who
~°See Arrow (1972, pp. 91, 192). After pointing to nepotism as a source of a sustained wage
differential in favor of whites, even in the absence of any differential based on tastes against blacks,
Arrow commented: " B u t it is reasonable to postulate that any preference a firm might have for the
hiring of whites per se arises as an offset to the presence of disliked blacks. That is, for a firm that has
no black employees, d~ = 0." Furthermore, "for a firm that does not discriminate against blacks,
there will also be no reason to pay anything extra for white employees" (p. 192).
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 717
constitute 85 percent of the labor force, are the equivalent of nephews (beneficia-
ries of nepotism) seems unrealistic. Throughout this survey, therefore, discrimina-
tion against a minority group will be viewed as the operative force.
likely to be unionized than the average firm. Because of this, they may pay higher
wages to attract specialized skills and to ensure lower turnover. Among the
workers who apply for jobs at these monopoly firms, majority workers may be
the more skilled, as a result of previous discrimination from various channels.
The resulting combination of hiring relatively more majority workers and paying
higher wages may not be discriminatory; that is, it may be consistent with a
d i = 0 for the monopolist. In principle, a properly specified Model (I) would
permit testing whether the firm really discriminated among equally skilled
applicants, minority and majority.
Second, along with size and wealth, monopolies are often also publicly promi-
nent. They tend to be sensitive to public relations and to their "image". In the
past this sensitivity could have served to reinforce discrimination, because
government and other wielders of power in the community may have been
prejudiced and have influenced the monopoly. Today, our laws and professed
public sentiments are against discrimination or, if neutral, condone organized
pressures from minority groups on the monopolies. These forces would, if
present, tend to lower the effective d i of the monopolist below the average among
In summary, monopoly firms, particularly regulated monopolies, are in theory
capable of exerting some sustained discrimination in labor markets. There are,
however, reasons for doubting that monopoly is a major source of marketwide
II See Lundahl and Wadensj~ (1984, pp. 49-52) for a further analysis of monopsony models of
labor market discrimination and for their critique of neo-Marxist, or radical, theories as a subset of
monopsony. See Cain (1976) for a brief discussion of radical theories of the labor market, including
the analysis of discriminationby radical theories.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 719
Joan Robinson (1934, pp. 301-304), provide a consistent model for discrimina-
tion simply by postulating a more inelastic supply curve of labor for minority
workers. A modem application of this model is by Madden (1973).
Empirical support for the prevalence of monopsony and lower-than-competi-
tive wages is limited [see Bunting (1962)]. Labor markets that are "one-industry
towns" are increasingly uncommon, mainly because a large fraction of the
population lives in larger urban places and because the automobile has greatly
expanded the geographic boundaries of the labor market. Information about
wage rates in geographically dispersed markets is available and only those
workers "on the margin" of moving need to move to equalize wages for workers
of comparable skills. Therefore, the long-run acceptance by workers of below-
competitive wages presupposes a degree of immobility that is hard to accept. No
doubt there are some workers who are trapped by a combination of industry-
specific skills and a decline in the number of firms competing for their skills, and
who suffer long-lasting exploitation. But these are not conditions that generalize
to the entire labor market.
Because monopsony seems to have a limited application, it does not appear
worthwhile to examine more closely the requisite proposition that the supply
curve of minority workers is less elastic than the supply curve of majority
workers. However, two brief points may be useful. First, if differences in the
supply curve identify (in the econometric sense) a difference in exploitation, we
need to satisfy ourselves that the underlying sources of this difference in supply
curves are not also reasons why the workers' wages differ.
Second, regarding gender discrimination, there is a good deal of empirical
evidence and theoretical support for the finding of a greater elasticity for the
supply curve of women's labor than of men's labor. To be sure, this larger
elasticity refers to the market, not to individual firms, but as a firm (or group of
firms) becomes monopsonistic then the distinction between the supply of a factor
to the labor market and the supply of a factor to the (monopsonist) firm tends to
disappear. Thus, the larger labor supply elasticity of women in the labor market
as a whole implies a larger elasticity to a monopsonist, and this is the opposite of
the requisite condition for the exploitation of women relative to men. Again,
there may be particular circumstances when this generalization does not hold.
Nurses are sometimes used as an example of an occupation that faces a
monopsony-employer in the form of one or a few hospitals.
laws and community approval, and have been shown in many studies to have
raised wages for their members above competitive levels.
Given that the union secures monopoly rents, some method of restricting entry
is a necessary first step in maintaining these rents. Many analysts have pointed to
the discriminatory tastes of the members as a criterion for inclusion and
exclusion. Kessel (1958) added the argument that this criterion will also be useful
in a second step in maintaining the rents; namely, in policing the existing
members to honor the union contract, even though it would often be in their
private interest to "cheat" by, say, working more for a slightly lower wage. Kessel
argued that ethnic homogeneity among the members facilitates a mutual agree-
ment to collude, making unnecessary those stronger sanctions that might be
illegal or incur community disapproval. Finally, institutional research, while
divided about the overall discriminatory impact of unions, documents many cases
of discrimination by unions [Gould (1977), Hill (1977), Marshall (1965), Ross
(1948), Northrup (1944), among many others]. Thus, the a priori case for unions
as a source for labor market discrimination appears substantial.
There are, however, a number of counterarguments. First, unions have never
organized a majority of the labor force in the United States, and before 1940
there were few periods during which more than 15 percent of the work force was
covered by collective bargaining contracts. The wage gap between blacks and
whites was larger in the pre-1940 period, although this fact by itself does not
provide direct evidence on the influence of unions on the wage gap. In 1977, only
around 25 percent of the labor force were union members or were covered by
collective bargaining contracts [U.S. Department of Labor (1979)].
Second, membership in unions is more common among blue-collar workers,
which points to a disproportionate representation among men and blacks,
although within the blue-collar ranks membership is more common among skilled
occupations, which points to a greater representation among white men. A larger
proportion of black men were members of unions in 1977 than were white men
[U.S. Department of Labor (1979)].
It is noteworthy that the few industries and occupations where unions have
grown in recent years-governments, teaching, hospitals-are disproportionately
composed of women or blacks. Ashenfelter (1972), whose study will be examined
in the next section, concluded that the white-black wage gap among men was
actually narrowed by unions as of the mid-1960s. The male-female gap was
slightly widened. His study is persuasive that labor monopoly, despite many
individuaL,.cases of discrimination by unions, is not a ,najor source for the
observed discriminatory differentials.
average values of the wages for comparisons between groups made the models
equivalent to exact or nonstochastic models.
Attention to a stochastic model of wage determination, in which the worker's
value to the employer is not known with certainty, offers several new insights,
and more possibilities for sustained (or, at least, long-lived) group discrimination.
Whether these theories are more or less persuasive than any of the others is a
matter for judgment and empirical study.
Phelps (1972), Arrow (1972, 1973), and McCall (1972) were early authors. It is
convenient to analyze the following model of wage determination, which is due to
Phelps. Let qi be the ith worker's true productivity, which is unknown to the
employer, who must rely on some observed but imperfect indicator, Yr The
indicator may be a test score or a variable, like years of schooling, that has a
more direct connection to productivity. The notation and details of the model
below are shown in Aigner and Cain (1977), along with citations to various
authors and statistical references.
In a simple specification that brings out the main conclusions of the approach,
the relation between y and q (subscripts dropped) is
y = q + u, (1)
w = E ( q [ y ) = a ( 1 - 7 ) + 7Y- (3)
Equations (2) and (3) reveal the obvious point that individual discrimination,
defined as unequal pay for equally productive workers, is inevitable, given the
error component, e. In contrast, group discrimination does not follow from this
model precisely because e is considered random and has an expected value of
zero for minority and majority groups.
Letting subscripts 0 and 1 refer to minority and majority groups, eq. (3) may
be applied to each group. Assume temporarily that the minority and majority
724 G. G. Cain
groups have the same mean true productivity: a = a 0 = at, and that we compare
workers with the same y-score. If we further assume that V(q) is the same for
both groups but that Vo(u ) > Vl(U ), reasoning that the test instrument is more
unreliable for the minority group, then ~1 > ~0, and we have
w, - w0 = (y - (4)
Thurow (1975) is one of many economists who use the term "statistical dis-
crimination", when there is presumptively no economic discrimination. In the
following example, Thurow accepts the facts of (a) a higher probability of market
work by men compared with women and (b) the benefit to an employer of the
higher probability. He then says:
Any employer faced with these differences in work probabilities will practice
statistical discrimination even though there are millions of women who will be
in the full-time paid labor force for their entire lifetimes. Ex ante, he cannot
tell which women will be lifetime year-around full-time employees and which
women will leave the labor force or become part-time employees. Because the
employer provides on-the-job-training, he will want to invest in those who are
more likely to stay in the full-time labor force. If he provides training to
Ch. 13." Labor Market Discrimination 725
W= q
/ / w l = a1(1 - 7) + YYl
~' Q'I
w=q I /
///~,,,/w~ = a1(1 - 71) + YlYl
y' % a
Figure 13.1. Predicted value of productivity (q) by indicator (y) for majority (1) and minority (0)
726 G. G. Cain
The discussion of the stochastic model up to now has not allowed the unreliabil-
ity of the indicator to influence the average wage. Aigner and Cain (1977)
stipulated risk aversion in the employer's utility (or profit) function and ra-
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 727
How robust is this discriminatory equilibrium? Even if one did not have faith
that the competitive market would facilitate efficient signaling instruments and
institutions, there remains the previously mentioned method of trial work periods
based on deals struck between individual workers and employers. The strategy
assumes that if the workers know enough about their ability to choose whether to
invest in the signal, then they can use this knowledge to offer to work for the
employer for a trial period. The strategy is better able to eliminate the Spence
type of discrimination than it is to eliminate the Spence type of social in-
efficiency. Discrimination is eliminated if the cost to minority workers of the trial
period is no higher than the cost of the majority worker's signal, even though
these costs may still be higher than the socially efficient level. 12
A recent paper by Lundberg and Startz (1983) uses certain features of both the
Phelps model of unreliable indicators and the Spence theory of signaling. They
derive a market failure in investment, although in contrast to Spence, too little
investment occurs rather than too much. Their argument may be conveyed by
reference to a commodity. Assume the commodity is produced at less quality
than would be optimal, because the information about its quality cannot be
conveyed perfectly. Specifically, the quality improvement could be produced at a
cost that is less than the benefit, if only the quality improvement were accurately
conveyed. Because the quality is imperfectly measured, however, consumers will
discount the quality signal and will pay less than the costs of the optimal amount
of the quality improvement. The situation is the same as in Model (3) above:
employers pay ~, ( < 1) for a unit more of y, instead of paying a full unit more as
they would if y were a perfect measure of q.
Lundberg and Startz apply this argument to two groups of workers, minority
and majority, and show that a less reliable signal for minority workers will lead
them to underinvest relative to majority workers. Their general conclusion of
underinvestment is opposite to that of Spence because of their contrasting
assumptions about the benefits and costs of the investment. For Spence all or
part of the benefits were merely in "signaling", whereas for Lundberg and Startz
all of the benefits are in the form of enhanced productivity. For Spence, the costs
of the investment varied inversely with the productive ability of the worker; for
Lundberg and Startz, the costs are invariant with respect to the productive ability
of the worker. Apparently, a proper mixture of the two sets of assumptions could
yield optimal investment. Both models face the criticism that the employer's
uncertainty about the productivity of workers may be inexpensively reduced by
observing,~the worker's on-the-job performance.
12An illustration of the adaption of the Spence model to an equilibrium with no discrimination is
available from the author. Also, see Riley (1975) for a critique of the robustness of Spence's
conclusions about suboptimality.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 729
an intensity that took on an all too typically American climax. I quote Ross:
The depression of 1921 put many Negro and white workers on the street. There
was violent competition to keep or grab places on any pay rolls. In 1921 there
began a series of shootings from ambush at Negro firemen on Southern trains.
Five were killed and eight wounded .... [In] the depression year of 1931...a
Negro fireman, Clive Sims, was wounded on duty by a shot fired out of the
dark beyond the track, the first of fourteen such attacks which stretched out
over the next twelve months. This was not a racial outbreak in hot blood. It
was a cold calculated effort to create vacancies for white firemen in the surest
way possible, death, and, by stretching out the period of uncertainty and
horror, to frighten away the others (pp. 119-120).
There are, as noted earlier, many theories or models that result in discrimina-
tory outcomes. The challenge is to determine their quantitative importance. The
instrument of terror, such as described above, no longer plays an important role
in labor market discrimination. But even when this weapon is replaced with the
milder instruments of racial and sexual harassments, we may find that the
organized, sometimes conspiratorial, activities of majority workers and employers
operate with a different set of rules than those we specify in our conventional
economic models.
The hypothesis about labor market discrimination that has received the most
attention is that discrimination is greater in monopolistic industries. An early
empirical test is presented in Becker (1957, rev. ed. 1971, pp. 47-50). Many
studies have followed. 13 I do not review this hypothesis and these studies mainly
13The followingcitations refer to studies, like Becker's, in which the proportion of minority-group
employees in the firm, industry, or market is related to some measure of concentration (or degree of
competitiveness): Comanor (1973), Oster (1975), and Luksetich (1979).
732 G. G. Cain
because I am uncomfortable with two links that connect the theory and the
empirical evidence. First, I question whether product monopoly implies monop-
sony power in the labor market; the relevant labor market is usually a local area,
and we have no assurance that monopsony power is highly correlated with the
commonly used measures of monopoly, such as concentration ratios. This criti-
cism, which applies to many of the previous studies, has been recently developed
by Ashenfelter and Hannan (1986). Second, the desired theoretical measure of
discrimination is the difference in minority/majority wages for equally produc-
tive workers, but most of the studies have used minority/majority employment
differences (or ratios). While there is certainly interest in such employment ratios
and associated measures of segregation as indicators of discrimination in the
labor market, wage discrimination is not necessarily linked to segregation.
Aside from the studies of monopolies and discrimination, hypothesis testing
has been, as Masters (1975, p. 19) noted, "surprisingly limited", and this type of
study has produced few, if any, firm conclusions. In part this is because the
theories often yield ambiguous predictions. For example, discrimination may be
predicted to exist in the short run but not in the long run, but there may be no
basis for determining the time required for the transition. Also, the theories
suggest many economic influences, and the hypothesis test usually concentrates
on one influence in isolation. The disappointing yield of most hypothesis testing
may be conveyed by an examination of four studies.
(1) In his book, Reich (1981) criticized neoclassical theories of discrimination,
provided tests of neoclassical hypotheses, and developed an alternative theory of
discrimination that emphasized the role of class conflict between workers and
capitalists. I focus solely on his test of Becker's model of employer discrimination
in a competitive economy (pp. 109-163), which also appeared previously [Reich
(1971)] and was discussed by Masters (1975, pp. 19-21). Reich claimed that
Becker's model predicted a negative relation between (i) profits, which might
more accurately be identified as the employers' return on their capital and their
entrepreneurial skills, and (ii) the degree of discrimination, which is measured by
and is inversely related to the ratio of blacks' wages to whites' wages, Wb/Ww,
for equally productive black and white workers. An examination of Reich's
analysis serves to illustrate several difficulties, listed as (a)-(c) below, in testing
(a) The problem of ambiguity of theoretical predictions when, as shown in Section
3, there are many plausible outcomes, eoen within the neoclassical paradigm that
Beeker employed. Reich claims that Becker's theory predicts that "white capi-
talists lose and white labor gains from racial discrimination" (1981, p. 111). This
translates into a positive relation between profits and W b / W w. To see how this
might occur, assume that white and black workers are equally productive, that
their labor is inelastically supplied, that all employers have the same tastes for
discrimination, and that employers' preferences for white workers lead to the
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 733
ratio W b / W w being less than 1. Now assume that the tastes of employers change
to a stronger preference for whites. This leads to a higher wage for white workers
and lower money profits for employers. The decline in profits is offset by a higher
psychic income to employers from their enhanced preference for white workers,
thus maintaining the total returns on their capital and entrepreneurial skills.
We here encounter a distinction, not emphasized earlier, between whether the
employers' preferences are pro-white or anti-black. Had the hypothesized exam-
ple assumed a change in preferences by employers toward greater distaste for
black workers, then W b / W w would still decline, but in this case Wb would fall
and money profits r i s e - t h e latter offsetting a decline in the psychic income of
employers. A focus on the wage ratio leaves us with an ambiguous interpretation.
There are other sources of ambiguity. The observed variables are profits and
wages, and these are predicted to change in response to an unobserved change in
employers' tastes. However, the observed variables may change for other reasons,
with a different application or interpretation of Becker's model. Assume now that
there is variation in employers' tastes for discrimination, but that the distribution
of employers' tastes does not change from one period to another. If the ratio of
black workers to white workers increases, Becket (1971, pp. 43-45 and 97)
predicts a fall in W b / W w, because the employers with stronger tastes against
blacks can only be induced to hire the increased number of blacks by a decline in
W b. In this case, money profits rise, offset again by a fall in the psychic income of
the new employers who are hiring blacks. Thus, the predicted short-run result is a
negatioe relation between profits and W b / W w --opposite of the implication Reich
draws from Becker's theory.
(b) The problem of ambiguity because the predictions depend on the length of the
time period to which they apply and because the theory offers no guidance on the
time required for certain forces to take effect. Reich's test of the relation between
profits and W b / W w is based on a 1960 cross-section of 48 standard metropolitan
statistical areas (SMSAs). Each SMSA is designated as a separate labor market.
The hypothesis Reich is testing is one that assumes that employers' tastes vary
across markets and that their tastes cause the variation in W b / W w. In 7 of his 43
reported regressions Reich (1981, pp. 135-155) controlled statistically for the
ratio of the black population to the white population in the market, so this source
of variation in W b / W w was, in principle, neutralized in these 7 regressions. In the
other 36 regressions one could argue that more black workers lower W b / W w and
increase profits and that this negative relation is consistent with Becker's model
for reasons discussed above. The simple correlation between W b / W w and the
percentage nonwhite in the SMSA is -0.71 in Reich's sample (1981, p. 149).
In the seven regressions in which the percentage nonwhite is controlled, Reich
finds a negative relation between profits and W b / W w, but whether this is
inconsistent with Becket's model depends, as we have seen, on whether one
assumes variation in pro-white or in anti-black tastes among employers. Another
734 G. G. Cain
point is that in a cross-section any nonzero relation between profits and Wb/Ww
may be viewed as a temporary disequilibrium, if the factors of production are
mobile across SMSAs. Equally productive black (or white) workers would not
remain in a market where they were underpaid relative to the wages available in
other markets. Even though pervasive tastes against blacks by employers could
lead to W b / W w < 1, the ratio should tend toward equality across markets if there
is worker mobility. Alternatively, capital flows across markets will tend to
equalize profit rates. If the profit variation is due to variation in employers'
tastes, thereby allowing for the compensating variation in psychic income among
employers, employers with the strongest tastes against blacks (or for whites)
would tend to move to markets where blacks are relatively less numerous.
Repeating the observation of Alchian and Kessel: "Free choice of economic
activities implies a distribution of resources that would minimize the cost of
satisfying tastes for discrimination" (1962, p. 161).
Neoclassical theories do not, however, tell us how long the equilibrating
process will take, so tests involving SMSA data at a point in time could be
thought of as either testing the competitive model or as testing the time of
transition to equilibrium. Alternatively, a defender of a "sluggish" competitive
model could test for the predicted equilibrating process by using SMSA data for
two or more points in time.
(c) The problem of matching the desired theoretical variables with the available
empirical variables. The hypothesis about the relation between profits and W b / W w
for equally productive workers are actually tested by Reich by a regression
between (i) a variety of measures of income inequality, such as the percentage
share of all white incomes received by the top 1 percent of white families, $1, or
the Gini coefficient of white family incomes, G, and (ii) the ratio of black to
white family income, Yb/Yw. The Gini coefficient is a commonly used measure of
overall income inequality, which includes the earnings of white workers. Becker's
theory of employer discrimination made no prediction about the effect of
W b / W w on the inequality of white workers' earnings. Nor is it obvious that S 1 is
a good measure of profits, because the incomes received by the richest 1 percent
of families will include rents, interest payments, wage and salary earnings, and
income from inherited wealth as well as current profits from businesses employ-
ing workers. 14
The theoretical variable, Wb/Ww, may diverge from Yb/Yw, and Reich
provided no control for the relative productivities of black and white workers by
such conver~onal measures as the ratios of mean educational attainments, mean
years of experience, and so on. Reich's control variables were measures of the
14It should be noted that Reich expressed interest in the relation between discrimination and
overall white inequality, so m y discussion is restricted to Reich's use of these inequality measures to
test Becker's model.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 735
overall occupational and industrial structure, the median family income of whites
(Yw), the percentage of the SMSA population that is black (although in only one
regression were both this percentage and Yw included), and a few others.
Generally, Reich found a statistically significant negative relation between Y b / Y w
and his profit proxies, G or $1, which he interpreted as a refutation of Becker's
model of a competitive economy and discrimination based on employers' tastes.
In the light of the difficulties associated with items (a)-(c) above, I doubt that
Becker's model was or can be well tested with such data.
(2) While Reich attempted to test for a relation between W b / W w and profits,
sometimes controlling for the ratio of black workers to white workers, N J N w ,
Landes (1968) and Flanagan (1973) drew upon Becker's theories to test for a
negative relation between W b / W w and N b / N w. The justification from Becker's
theory is as follows. Assume a distribution of employers' tastes for discrimination
that is heterogeneous within a market and identical across markets. As we have
seen, a larger N b / N w leads to a smaller W b / W w because the larger is N b / N w ,
the more are employers with stronger prejudices against blacks induced to hire
black workers. The greater discrimination of these employers is manifest in a
lower W b / W w , at least during the short run.
We have noted that mobility by black workers will tend to attenuate the
negative relation between W b / W w and N b / N w, by tending to equate the ratios
across markets. Also, there are institutional reasons for doubting the assumption
of an identical distribution of tastes by employers across markets. Historically
and in 1960, discrimination against blacks was most severe in the South, the
region with the largest N b / N w. The legacy of slavery in the South was causal to
both the discrimination and the residential location of blacks.
Scholars in other disciplines have debated how prejudice is related to N b / N w
within a region. Perhaps prejudice is greater when N b / N w is greater because
whites feel threatened by a larger ratio. On the other hand, perhaps the level of
prejudice decreases as N b / N w rises because contact and familiarity erode un-
favorable stereotypes and misunderstanding. In either case the level of tastes may
change over time as experience with threats or with familiarity evolves. Thus, the
basis for testing a version of Becker's theory that depends on identical distribu-
tions of tastes across markets appears questionable, although the empirical results
of such tests are interesting on their own.
Landes (1968) found a negative correlation between W b / W w and N b / N W
across all states, but the correlation was essentially zero within both the South
and the non-South regions. However, this finding was secondary to Landes's
main interest in the effects of antidiscrimination laws on W b / W w , so I examine
the article by Flanagan (1973), whose main interest was to test the hypothesized
negative relation between an occupation-specific W b / W w and an occupation-
specific N b / N w. He used aggregated state data from the 1960 census for men in
seven, and for women in five, broadly defined (one-digit) occupations. Other
736 G. G. Cain
variables in the regressions were the black-to-white ratios of four variables - weeks
worked, educational attainment, age composition, and median family
i n c o m e - a n d two nonratio variables-a dummy variable for the South and the
percentage of the population that was foreign-born. No systematic relation
between W b / W w and N b / N w was found. This may be evidence against Becker's
theory, or it may be evidence against Flanagan's maintained assumption that the
distributions of tastes of employers are identical across states, or it may be that a
simultaneous relation between wages (prices) and the quantities of occupational
skills prevents the identification of an effect of the quantity ratios on the wage
ratios. 15
(3) A study by Chiswick (1973) is unusual for its focus on Becker's model of
workers', rather than employers', discrimination and on wage inequality among
w h i t e s - a topic not treated by Becker. Essentially, Chiswick tests the hypothesis
that a measure of the variance of white male incomes in a state is positively
related to the percentage nonwhite in the state.
Chiswick begins with Becker's definition of worker discrimination: a wage, W,
is paid to (demanded by) a white worker who works with white workers, and
( W + d ) is paid to (demanded by) a white worker who works with black workers.
As we have seen in Section 3, segregation could prevent the long-run main-
tenance of wage discrimination against blacks, but Chiswick argues that
inequality of wages is likely to persist if some white workers have skills comple-
mentary to the skills of black workers. Chiswick offers the example of "foremen"
and "laborers", presumably where whites are both foremen and laborers and
blacks are only laborers (p. 1332). 16 Chiswick apparently rules out a segregated
equilibrium in which there are some firms that hire only unskilled workers, who
would be either all white or all black, and other firms that hire workers of both
skills, who would be all white. 17
Chiswick defines a dummy variable, X, as 1 if a white worker "works with
nonwhites and ... zero if he does not" (p. 1333), and expresses the dual wage
~5Flanagan notes the potential simultaneity problem and refers in a footnote to his consideration of
it. However, not enough information is provided to determine if the simultaneity problem is
adequately handled.
16The page numbers in parentheses in the text refer to Chiswick's article. Chiswick does not discuss
the skill distribution of blacks or the possibility that blacks acquire skills. Note that if blacks acquire
complementary skills, segregation could again eliminate racial discrimination in wages. Chiswick
mentioned two other sources of integration in the work force besides complementarities in skills-
unions and fair employment laws. The operations of these sources are not explained, except to note
that they interfere with competitive market forces (p. 1332). Moreover, unions and fair employment
laws are not mentioned again and play no role m Chiswack s empirical tests.
17Firms employing all unskilled workers will pay equal wages to black and white workers. Firms
employing any white skilled workers will hire only white unskilled workers to keep their costs at a
minimum, so an equifibrium requires that all firms hiring both skills to hire only white workers. All
unskilled workers, white or black, would receive the same wage. But this scenario merely reflects the
segregation equilibrium that Chiswick has ruled out. Thus, we need to assume, as Chiswick implicitly
does, that all firms require both skills.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 737
structure for whites as W* = W(1 + d X), where W* is the observed wage and W
is the wage paid to the white worker who works only with whites. (A skill index,
using a subscript for the j t h skill, is omitted, and my symbols differ from
Chiswick's.) The mean, X, "is the proportion of the white labor force that works
in an "integrated' situation" (p. 1333), and Chiswick represents this by the
percentage of nonwhites in the population, p = ( l O O ) [ N b / ( N b + N w ) ] (pp.
The relationship between .~ and p may be justified by assuming that unskilled
workers have tastes for discrimination, so competitive forces should lead to their
segregation by race. TM There would be no wage inequality among white unskilled
workers (the laborers) within a market (or, for that matter, between
m a r k e t s - where a market is a state in Chiswick's formulation), at least as regards
the effects of workers' tastes for discrimination. White skilled workers (foremen)
would earn more if they worked in a firm with all-black unskilled workers than if
they worked in an all-white firm, and labor costs would be equalized across firms
by paying lower wages to black unskilled workers.
In this model and with the expectation that there are more firms with
segregated unskilled workers in a state with a larger proportion of blacks, the
mean wage of skilled workers should be positively correlated with p. This
correlation identifies a direct test of Chiswick's model. A second direct test is the
segregation of unskilled workers. I refer to these as direct tests because they
involve cross-state comparisons of "first-order" effects on means and proportions
rather than comparisons of "second-order" effects on within-state measures of
As noted in Section 3, the Becker-type models in which the skilled white
workers have tastes for discrimination are similar to models with discriminating
employers. Both agents are complementary to black labor. A long-run competi-
tive equilibrium with discriminatory wage differentials paid to the skilled workers,
like the long-run equilibrium with differential profits among employers, depends
in both cases on homogeneity in the tastes of the discriminators. Or, expressed
more cautiously, the tendency for discrimination to wither away depends on the
existence of some nondiscriminating skilled workers (or employers) and on
whether they can expand production to take advantage of their cost advantage.
Chiswick's empirical work focused on the variance of the logarithm of income
for men aged 25 to 64, using midpoints of nine income classes, with an
approximation for the mean of the highest, open-ended income class. This
18If the unskilled workers did not discriminate against each other, competitiveforces would tend to
make the proportion of black and white unskilled workers equal. Otherwise, either firms with more
black workers would be at a competitive disadvantage-having to pay more to their skilled white
workers-or blacks in firms with a larger proportion of blacks would be earning less than their
counterparts in firms with a smaller proportion of blacks. See Arrow (1973, pp. 10-13) for a
discussion of this case.
738 G. G. Cain
variable was regressed on p along with controls for several market sources of
inequality in the form of variables involving the age, schooling, and weeks-worked
distributions in the state and a variable defined as the rate of return on schooling
in the state, which Chiswick had calculated in his previous research. Chiswick
assumed that tastes for discrimination and p were uncorrelated. To make this
assumption plausible, he separated the 17 Southern states from the non-Southern
states. Chiswick found that white inequality was positively related to p, within
both the South and non-South regions.
The causal inference seems shaky, but interpreting empirical tests that are
indirect is always a matter of judgment. Here, p is an indirect measure of either
the intensity of skilled workers' tastes against unskilled black workers or of the
proportion of white skilled workers who receive higher wages by working with
blacks, and the variance of income is an indirect measure of the skilled workers'
wage inequality (since there should not be inequality among the white unskilled
workers' wages). The regression for the South had only 8 degrees of freedom. In
the 31 non-Southern states, there were only 13 where blacks were more than 3
percent of the population in 1960 [U.S. Bureau of the Census (1980, p. 36)]. The
highest percentages, 8.0-10.0, were in the industrialized states: Illinois, Michigan,
Missouri, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio. The lowest percentages, 0.1-0.9,
were in relatively nonindustrialized states: Iowa, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota,
Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, and
Wyoming. Thus, outside the South blacks were generally such a small proportion
that it is difficult to see how they could have had much effect on white income
inequality. Where they were a modest proportion, it was in states that tended to
be more industrialized and densely populated.
Aside from how one might interpret Chiswick's regressions showing a positive
relation between p and the variance of white incomes, I find them unconvincing
as a test of Becker's model in the absence of direct information on how workers'
tastes for discrimination affect (a) the segregation of workers and (b) the wages of
white skilled workers who do and do not work with black unskilled workers. On
this latter issue, Blau (1977, pp. 58-73) reports that in her study of labor market
discrimination among several white-collar occupations, men who worked in
integrated firms (with both men and women) received lower wages than men who
worked in all-male firms, and she interpreted this as evidence against the
hypothesis that workers' discriminatory tastes were causal to wage differentials) 9
A problem with these tests, however, is the necessary assumption that the
integratiort measure (say, the proportion of blacks or women in a firm) is
uncorrelated with the average skill level of the white or male workers whose wage
is the dependent variable.
19In private correspondence,Chiswick cites an unpublished study by James Ragan that also uses
data for individual firms and finds higher wages for whites who work in integrated firms. This finding
was interpreted as supporting the Becker-typemodel of worker discrimination.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 739
We see in this example that unions increase the overall wage ratio by 0.007, or by
1 percent, relative to what it would be in the absence of unions.
Clearly, the overall impact of unions on the majority-minority differential by
these calculations depends on the percentage of each group that is unionized and
the wage effect of unionism for each group. If the union effects for both racial
groups are 10 percent and the proportion unionized is 30 percent for blacks and
20 percent for whites, the same impact of unions on the black-white wage ratio
would be obtained.
Calculations like these were carried out by Ashenfelter, who first obtained
estimates for U, 1~ n, and 1~ u for the four demographic groups. He added a
refinement by computing estimates of 1~ n and I~ u for major (one-digit) occupa-
tional groups and then summing these with weights for union and nonunion
status that involve the proportion of the wage bill (total wages) received by
each union-and-occupational group. Thus, instead of weighting the W's by U,
740 G. G. Cain
Ashenfelter used U*, the proportion that union wages are of the total wage bill
earned by whites (or blacks). The U* values are larger than the U values,
especially for blacks. The low percentage unionized of both blacks and whites in
the higher-paying white-collar occuPations carries a low weight for blacks relative
to whites because relatively few blacks are in these occupations. Thus, although
23 percent of black workers in Ashenfelter's principal sample are union members,
about 34 percent of the black wage bill is from black unionized workers. The
c o m p a r a b l e figures for whites are 23 percent and 31 percent. 2°
Using U*, Ashenfelter concluded that " t h e ratio of black to white male wages
m a y have been some 3.4 percent higher in 1967 than it would have been in the
absence of all unionism" (p. 463). The ratio of female to male wages was
estimated to be 1.9 percent lower than it would have been in the absence of
unions (p. 453, n. 33). The 3.4 percent gain to blacks reflects a differential effect
of unions in favor of blacks by about 11 percentage p o i n t s - a 21 percent effect
for black men and a 10 percent effect for white men (p. 450). An illustrative
weighted average for men is
which is 3.9 percent larger than the estimated wage ratio in the absence of
unions, 0.7. Using the unrefined union weights, U = 23 percent for both blacks
and whites, the weighted ratio would be 0.717, which is a little over 2 percent
larger than 0.7.
These findings are evidence against the hypothesis that unionism in the United
States, as measured during the 1960s, is responsible for the discriminatory wage
differential in favor of whites or, with weaker evidence, in favor of men. The
data on union membership by demographic groups are not controversial, and
Ashenfelter provides alternative estimates of the effects of unions on wages,
based on his own analysis of other data sources and on the existing literature.
Overall, these checks were supportive. Ashenfelter reminds the reader that his
evidence does not say that unions are nondiscriminatory; rather that they are
shown to be no more discriminatory, or even less regarding blacks, than the
economy as a whole.
The validity of Ashenfelter's estimates of union effects depends on two key
assumptions. The first is that the estimates of union effects on union workers are
either unbiased or that they are biased equally for majority and minority groups
(hereafter, white and black men). The general issue concerning a bias is that
20These percentages are calculated using Tables 6 and 7 in Ashenfelter (1972), although I adjusted
the weights in Table 7 for whites to make them sum to 1. Apparently there is an error in Table 7 for
white workers, because the proportions sum to 1.072 instead of 1.00. I reduced each occupation's
proportion in the table by 0.92 (=1.00/1.072). In my calculation of U* I assume that the percentage
unionized for private household workers and farm workers is zero for both color groups.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 741
2aTo be more precise, my claim is that Ashenfelter and others have found an overall negative
correlation between union effectsand skill levels, even though the constructiontrades, airline pilots,
and some other crafts have shown large union effects. Among white construction workers, inciden-
tally, the union effects of laborers exceed those of skilled workers [see Ashenfelter (1972, Table 5,
p. 450)].
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 743
effects for blacks, relative to whites, is consistent with the larger union effects for
lesser-skilled blue-collar workers, but the latter union effect remains a puzzle.
Model (I) (in Section 2) is the basic model used to estimate labor market
discrimination. Its widespread use along with several conventions that are
customarily adopted permits a succinct summary of results, shown in Tables 13.6
and 13.7 in the next section. Unfortunately, the results are so varied that they
reveal as much about our ignorance as about our knowledge of the degree of
labor market discrimination against blacks and women. This variability is not
really surprising in light of the theoretical vagueness that underlies most of the
empirical specifications.
An inherent ambiguity, mentioned earlier (Section 2), stems from the absence
of agreement on what productivity traits-the X's in Model (I)-are ap-
propriately held constant. The criterion I suggested is that the variables held
constant in Model (I) should not be determined by the process of discrimination
under analysis. Applying the criterion requires a clear statement of the purposes
of the estimations, but this is seldom provided. Perhaps the marketwide regres-
sion studies of wage discrimination are merely intended to provide a general
social indicator of inequity in the economy, although this is ambiguous unless we
know what counterfactual regime is being compared to the current regime. This
counterfactual is usually only implicitly revealed by the set of X-variables that
have been held constant, and there is seldom discussion of whether the X's are
affected by labor market discrimination. 22 Predictions using the regression results
are not often explored, and specific remedies or policies to deal with discrimina-
tion are seldom linked to the regression results. To clarify some of these issues,
consider the following two applications of the criterion suggested above.
Case 1. Assume the analysis pertains to a given employer or firm, and that we
ask whether white workers are paid more than black workers after holding
constant the available productivity variables. Assume further that a panel of
experts provides us with the worker characteristics that determine productivity in
the firm. The productivity variables might include previous vocational training,
tests of manual dexterity, age, years of schooling, and so on. To meet the above
criterion, each variable should be exogenous to the employer; that is, the
22 Blinder (1973) is exceptional in his clear distinctions between the X s that are assumed exogenous
and those that are endogenous according to current theories of labor market behavior, specifically the
theory of human capital.
744 G. G. Cain
The caret indicates predicted value, the mean of which, W, is identically equal to
Ch. 13." Labor Market Discrimination 745
the overall mean, W. The intercept term in the equation is included in ~ B X and
m a y be associated with an element in the X-vector for which X b = X w = 1 for
each observation. 23
(ii) Equations (5) and (6) are used to express eq. (7), which is a particular
decomposition of the difference in mean wages obtained by adding the term
Y'.Bw.~b to both (5) and (6) and then subtracting (6) from (5):
The firm term on the right-hand side of (7) evaluates the difference in mean
values of the X ' s at white "prices" (Bw'S), and the second term evaluates the
racial price differences at the mean value of the black X's. It turns out that, on
average, -~w > Xb and B w > Bb; more precisely, that ~ B w . ~ w > ~]Bb.~ b-
(iii) The second term on the right-hand side of (7) is a conventional measure of
labor market discrimination, with B w > B b representing a higher price received
by a white worker than by a black worker for the (assumed) same productivity
characteristic. The first term on the right-hand side of (7) involves the racial
differences in X ' s and does not have a clear interpretation. It may represent a
source of a nondiscriminatory difference in wages, because only one price is used
to evaluate different amounts of exogenous productivity characteristics. Or, it
could measure the difference in wages attributable to pre-labor-market dis-
crimination, which may explain why Xw > -~b. I n a n y case, the conventional
standard of nondiscrimination is achieved when W b / W w =1, holding the X ' s
(iv) An important reservation about the decomposition in (7) is that it is not
unique_. Each difference, B w - Bb, in the second term is evaluated as a product
with X b, but the evaluation might have used Xw or some average of Xb and Xw.
Similarly, the use of Bw as a weight fo__rthe first term, Xw - Xb, is also arbitrary.
A different decomposition of Ww - W b is obtained by adding the term ~ B b . ~ w
to both (5) and (6) and subtracting (6) from (5):
The different standardizations shown by (7) and (7') reflect the familiar
index-number problem encountered whenever heterogeneous collections of goods
23Blinder (1973, pp. 438-439) separated the intercept terms from other B-coefficientsand specified
them as two components of discrimination. This procedure is not necessary or even helpful, because
the value of the intercept term will depend on the arbitrary scaring of the X-variables. Consider, for
example, the arbitrariness of defining a variable like region of residence into a set of dummy
variables, where the intercept will represent the excluded region. Which region is to be excluded is
arbitrary. See Jones (1983) for further discussion of the point.
746 G. G. Cain
( X ' s ) are s u m m e d with two sets of prices (B's). 24 In the simpl_._est case in which
all prices are the same for both racial groups, the difference Ww - 14"b is simply
equal to the first term on the right-hand side of (7), and the conceptual
experiment of assigning equal X ' s to both racial groups leaves only the difference
in intercept terms, which measures a vertical difference in 1~" between two
"parallel" linear functions. Such a difference in intercept terms is what was
previously measured by the coefficients A or C on the d u m m y variables for group
status in Models (I) and (II) in Section 2.
(v) I will rely on the following expressions for summarizing the various
estimates of eqs. (5) and (6) reported in the literature:
(ii) A r = Y ~ B b X w / ~ B w X w = ~'.BbXw/Ww,
which is an "adjusted ratio", obtained from either (7) or (7'). To arrive at (ii),
simply set (or assume) all Xb equal to Xw to eliminate the first term of the
decompositions in (7) or (7') and to reduce the__fight-hand side to its discrimina-
tion component. Then divide through by Ww and simplify to express the
following equation of ratios: Ar = WUWw, where Wff is the black mean wage
conditional on the black X ' s being set equal to the white _~'s. A~ = 1 implies no
discrimination. The amount by which the controls for X have closed the gap
between unity and U~ is the sometimes-used statistic
called the percentage of the gap between U, and 1 that is attributable to the
difference in the X's. Thus, 1 - G is the percentage of the gap that is attributable
to labor market discrimination.
For simplicity, I will restrict my discussion of empirical results to the adjusted
and unadjusted ratios, A r and Ur. Even here, it is somewhat arbitrary to use A r
as defined b y (ii), because we could have defined
which, like A,, holds the .~'s constant and attributes the remaining differences i_n
black and Xvhite average wages to the B's, but here the B ' s are multiplied by X b
24Blinder (1973, p. 438, n. 3) suggested that the decomposition expressed by eq. (7) is preferred to
that of (7') because he claimed that the decomposition using black prices (Bb'S) as weights for the
difference in X's leaves an interaction term as a residual, in contrast with the decomposition using
white prices (Bw'S) as weights. This is incorrect. There is no difference in the two decomposition
methods in this respect.
Ch. 13." Labor Market Discrimination 747
levels. Usually A r is presented, because the conceptual experiment of raising Xb
to the levels of -gw is more appealing and more policy-relevant than lowering
-~w to -~b levels as is done with A'r. Nevertheless, it is easy to construct examples
in which the regression results give qualitatively different measures of wage
discrimination on the basis of A r and A'. One may equal unity and the other
m a y exceed or fall short of unity. The quantity A r - Ur may be positive, showing
that the X ' s "explain" some of the gap (assuming Ur < 1), whereas A'r - Ur may
be negative, showing that the gap is made even wider after controlling for the X ' s
and using this standardization.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, I will use the constructs of A r and A'r to
illustrate two points. One is the potential ambiguity of these ratios as measures of
discrimination, and the second is that some institutional knowledge of the
process by which discrimination occurs is necessary if the statistical measures are
to tell us anything.
A s s u m e eqs. (8) and (9) refer to males (subscript m) and females (subscript f)
and that the only explanatory variable, X, in the wage function is the number of
young children present in the household of the worker. The wage functions,
evaluated at means, are
In eq. (8), I assume that all men are working, that they are in families with an
average of two young children, and that the presence of young children has a
positive effect on the wages earned by the men. (Perhaps additional dependents
lead them to work harder.) Eq. (9) is assumed to express the wage equation for
employed women. I assume that half the women are employed (and thus have a
market wage), that women with fewer young children are more likely to be in the
labor force, and that the presence of children is negatively related to the wages of
women, which is discussed below.
Clearly, A r = ~ - ~ B f ~ ' m / W m = 7 / 1 2 = 0.58, and A r - U~ = 0 . 5 8 - 0 . 6 7 = - 0 . 0 9 .
Thus, the unadjusted ratio is higher than the adjusted ratio. The women's wage
would be less than their current wage if they had the same values of X as men, so
we may conclude that discrimination is even more severe than shown by the
unadjusted wages.
On the other hand, A~ = ~/Y'~BmX f = 8/11 = 0.73, and A'r - Ur = 0.73 - 0 . 6 7
= 0.06. This shows that discrimination against women would be less if men had
the same values of X as women. Since the regression method shows that
discrimination is both worse and better than the unadjusted wage comparisons,
what should we conclude? Or, consider the following specification:
In contrast to the research that tests hypotheses, the studies presenting empirical
estimates of labor market discrimination are numerous. Only about 20 of these
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 749
studies are selected for mention in this section, and they will be summarized in
two tables. Methodological issues are emphasized to aid in understanding the
strengths and weaknesses of the research and its theoretical and policy content.
In addition, these empirical studies contain useful descriptive statistics.
Labor market discrimination, or wage discrimination, has been defined in this
paper by using Model (I) to isolate the net effect of minority-group status on
wages, holding constant the productivity characteristics of the workers. Two
crucial questions invariably arise: (a) Do the variables measuring productivity
reflect discrimination? (b) Do the variables measure productivity comprehen-
sively, aside from factors that can be assumed to be random with respect to
group status? If the answer to (a) is yes, we may presume that the estimate
understates discrimination. If the answer to (b) is no, the estimate of discrimina-
tion may be biased up or down. To avoid prejudging these answers, I will use the
term "wage gap" rather than "wage discrimination". The wage gap will be
measured by the unadjusted ratio, Ur, and by the adjusted ratio, A r (or, rarely,
The estimated wage gaps are based on cross-section or time-series studies,
which were the classifications used in the descriptive statistics presented in
Section 2. Cross-section studies generally are interpreted as representing normal
or equilibrium conditions. Trends over time may be inferred from successive
cross-sections, allowing for changing compositional effects (like the age distribu-
tion) or specific period effects (such as the business cycle). Trends may be directly
measured in a time series by introducing time as an independent variable and
determining if its effect differs for the different groups, but time-series studies are
hampered by the fewness of observations. Almost all the empirical work in the
published literature uses cross-sectional data, and this section will be devoted to
these, leaving the few time-series studies for the final section on policy analysis.
Another classification of the studies is by the type of minority and majority
groups being compared, and I will continue to focus on black-white and
w o m e n - m e n comparisons. Some estimates of wage gaps according to national
origins and religions will be briefly mentioned.
I also concentrate on studies that intend to estimate the overall wage gap,
rather than on studies that focus on the differential effects on wages of particular
variables, like education, years of work experience, union status, or participation
in some government program. Finally, I concentrate on studies that measure the
wage gap for the entire labor force, or at least for large groups in the labor force.
Only limited attention is given to the many studies of the wage gap within
individual firms or within occupations. Comparisons of the earnings gap between women and men. A summary
of studies of the wage gap between women and men is shown in Table 13.6. The
wage is, as discussed below, the most appropriate simple measure for examining
750 G. G. Cain
Table 13.6
S u m m a r y of studies of ratios of women's earnings to men's earnings, unadjusted and adjusted for
various characteristics of workers and jobs.
dT = tabular standardization
R = regression analysis
S = regression analysis using separate equations for men and women
Explanatory variables are listed by number at the end of these notes. The use of parentheses
around a number indicates that this variable is implicitly held constant, either because of the sample
selection or because another variable effectively controls for the variable in question. For example, if
only whites are sampled, then race is being held constant.
e Ur = the ratio of mean female earnings (or income or wage) to mean male earnings.
fA r = adjusted mean-earnings ratio, which is the ratio of the conditional mean earnings of women
to the mean earnings of men. The conditional mean earnings of women is the earnings predicted for
women if they had the same values of the explanatory variables as do men.
SThe term "above + " means that the explanatory variables used are the same as those in the
preceding list, plus whatever new variables are listed.
* The explanatory variables include a control for the occupation of the worker. Controlling for
occupation is especially likely to raise the ratio of women's to men's earnings, for reasons discussed in
the text.
Explanatory variables:
1. Education
2. Age
3. Race
4. Mental ability (intelligence)
5. Formal training
6. Actual labor market experience
7. Proxy for labor market experience
8. Marital status
9. Health
10. Hours of work (annual, weekly, full-time/part-time)
11. Tenure (length of service with current employer)
12. Size of city of residence
13. Region of residence
14. SES background (parental education, occupation, income, number of siblings, migration history,
ethnicity, etc.)
15. Quality of schooling
16. Absenteeism record
17. Dual burden (number of children, limits on hours of location, plans to stop work for reasons
other than training, etc.)
18. U r b a n / r u r a l
19. Turnover
20. Occupation (census three-digit)
21. Occupation (census one-digit)
22. Occupational prestige
23. Occupational SEI (Duncan scale of a socioeconomic index)
24. Other occupational classification or scale
25. Class of worker (self-employed, government, or private wage and salary)
26. Industry
27. Union membership
28. Type of employer (government/private, sex segregated/integrated, size of work force)
29. Supervi~0ry status
30. Percentage female in work group
31. Median income of male incumbents
32. Local labor market conditions
33. Length of trip of work
34. Veteran status
35. Migration status
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 753
labor market discrimination between men and women, but most of the studies
use earnings or incomes. For brevity, I will refer to the earnings gap. The style
and much of the content of the table are taken from the compilation of studies in
Treiman and Hartmann (1981). The columns denote the authors of the studies,
the data sources, the measure of the dependent variable, the statistical method
(usually regression analysis) and the control variables used, the unadjusted ratio,
Ur, and the adjusted ratio, At, which is the ratio of the average predicted
earnings of women to the average earnings of men. For Ar the earnings of women
are usually predicted by a regression equation. When separate regressions for
men and women are used, the earnings of women are predicted by assigning
men's mean values for the predictor variables along with the regression coeffi-
cients from the women's equation.
The studies are listed in rough order of the size of A~, which, although
cautiously referred to as the wage gap in the sample, given the particular control
variables used, is sometimes referred to as a measure of labor market discrimina-
tion. An asterisk next to the ratio indicates that some measure of occupational
status was held constant. Among all the commonly used control variables,
occupation is perhaps the one most "suspect" or "tainted" as being a reflection
of labor market discrimination. It is an inappropriate control variable by the
criterion I have proposed, although as noted above almost any variable that is
subject to some choice by the individual worker and to some influence by the
market may be suspect according to this criterion. Of course, occupation may
have been advisedly included because the investigator wanted to measure the
wage gap conditional on being in a given occupation. Thus, the asterisk is not an
indicator of a defective study but rather of a study that does not measure
marketwide discrimination as I have chosen to define it.
Reading down the rows of Table 13.6, we see that Ur and A~ have a similar
ranking, and both range from 0.3 or 0.4 to around 0.8 or 0.9. The high figures
usually refer to restricted samples. Much of the variation in these estimates may
be explained in common-sense terms according to the following characteristics of
the studies.
(1) The use of earnings (or in rare cases income) for persons in the labor force
tends to give a lower ratio than the use of wage rates. The latter holds constant
the unit of time for which earnings are measured. I prefer the hourly wage for
gender comparisons because the amount of time spent at work will partly reflect
voluntary choice. In contrast, an earnings comparison may be more useful for
comparing white and black men, because working less than full-time by black
men often reflects discrimination rather than voluntary choices.
(2) Samples that represent the full population generally show a smaller ratio.
There is no necessary reason for this pattern; rather, the restricted samples
happen to be for groups where the gap is narrower, such as for young age groups,
for single women, or for certain occupations or industries. The wage gap is
754 G. G. Cain
narrow for young people, and it widens with age. This could mean that there is
little discrimination by gender for young people and that the widened gap among
older workers merely reflects the voluntary choices of women and men to
specialize later on in housework or market work, respectively. Or it could mean
that discrimination takes the form of providing women fewer chances for
promotion or for on-the-job training. If it is the latter, then some part of the
lesser market work (and more housework) by women may reflect market dis-
(3) Black women tend to have a higher Ur and A r than white women. Again,
the research challenge is to determine the extent to which this is attributable to
differential discrimination on the demand side compared with the difference in
supply-side characteristics between white and black women. Keep in mind that
certain supply-side factors, such as the century-long commitment of black women
to market work, their lower probability of marriage, and their higher probability
of marital dissolution are all plausible reflections of the labor market discrimina-
tion faced by black men. 25 Thus, the low earnings of black men are in part a
cause of the high work rates of black wives and, perhaps of the lower proportion
of black adults who are married.
(4) Adding more control oariables usually raises A r, and there is a noteworthy
pattern to this. Various "pre-labor-market" controls, such as education, age,
family background, and residential location, are all very similar for men and
women, unlike the case of white men compared to black men. Standardizing the
women's predicted earnings with men's mean values for these control variables
can hardly close the gap by much. Thus, Blinder shows no difference between Ur
and A r (both equal 0.54) when he holds constant age, health, residence, and
family background. Nor would education have made much difference, because
the means for men and women in his sample are about the same. These
pre-labor-market variables often differ substantially between blacks and whites,
however, so controlling for them does raise A r relative to U~, as we shall see in
Table 13.7.
The variables that reflect work experience, such as the number of years spent in
the labor force and the worker's tenure with a firm have, on the other hand,
substantially different mean values for men and women. When Blinder added
tenure, union status, and a one-digit occupational classification, tile A r rose to
0.70 (from a U~ = 0.54). A strong point of Blinder's study is his distinction
between variables that are reasonably viewed as being exogenous to the process
of labor market discrimination from the variables that are likely to reflect labor
market discrimination.
2SThe percentage of black women who had ever been married tends to be slightly lower than this
percentage a m o n g white women, holding age constant. The percentage of black women who were
divorced or separated at the time of the surveys is two to three times as large as this percentage
a m o n g white women, holding age constant. These statistics refer to the years 1970 and 1982. See U.S.
Bureau of the Census (1983c, pp. 33, 44-45).
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 755
(5) Using a wage rate as the dependent variable and controlling for years of
experience usually raises A~, as is illustrated by Corcoran and Duncan and by
Mincer and Polachek (M&P). Both studies measure a relatively narrow definition
of discrimination in which the years of experience of the workers are carefully
controlled. In these studies the A~'s rise to 0.80 and 0.85 for married persons and
to 0.87 for single persons. These ratios are almost as close to unity as those for
which occupation is controlled (Sanborn, Malkiel and Malkiel, Astin and Bayer,
and Johnson and Stafford). However, if tenure is a reflection of
discrimination-"last hired, first fired"-and if years of experience are less for
women because of the lower wage offered to them, then tenure and experience are
in the same category as occupation; that is, invalid control variables because they
reflect discrimination.
M&P deal with the endogeneity of experience in one of their models by
substituting the predicted value of experience in place of actual experience in the
wage equation for women. [This technique is also used by Zabalza and Arrufat
(1983), who estimate the wage difference between women and men in Great
Britain.] The validity of this technique, however, depends crucially on two
assumptions. (1) There is at least one variable in the equation predicting
experience that is excluded from the equation predicting wages. (2) The excluded
variable, which serves to identify the "experience effect" in the wage equation,
does not reflect labor market discrimination. The key predictor variable that is
excluded from the wage equation and included in th,: experience equation is the
woman's number of children. Are the above two assumptions satisfied? The
question is debatable, but I believe the presence and number of children shifts
the issue of discrimination onto another dimension of what are simultaneously
determined behavioral outcomes: time in market work, time in housework,
numbers of children, occupational choices and career plans, and so on.
Polachek (1979) does treat experience and occupation similarly, because he
views both as simultaneously chosen by women in view of their greater commit-
ment to housework and their lesser commitment to market work compared to
men. Polachek argues that women will choose occupations that facilitate their
intended short and intermittent stays in the labor market; specifically, occupa-
tions with relatively flat age-earnings profiles that do not offer the large rewards
to experience as do occupations that provide relatively steeply rising age-
earnings profiles and which tend to be male-dominated. The theory of Polachek
and M&P of the time allocations to work over the life cycle offers an explanation
for why market experience is less for women and also for why women's wage
returns to experience are less-that is, why their age-earnings profile is flatter.
Figure 13.2 clarifies these ideas. Consider the three age-earnings paths, DF,
EG, and DH, drawn linearly to simplify the exposition. Equally productive
workers, who start at age A 0 and who retire no later than A~, may be assumed to
be indifferent between occupations with the age-earnings profile DH or EG
because, let us assume, the present values of the two streams of earnings are the
756 G. G. Cain
(or earnings)
Ao A× An Age = A
A n = Retirement age
Figure 13.2. Three hypothetical age-earnings profiles. A0 = age at which worker enters labor force;
A,, = retirement age; EG, DH = two age-earnings profiles chosen by equally productive workers;
DF = age-earnings profile chosen by a worker who has chosen to invest less in earnings capacity (or
human capital).
be like D F instead of EG. On the demand side the claim is that employers
generally prefer workers who are willing to work continually and who are willing
to accept the D H profiles (and the on-the-job investment that D H implies). This
decreases the demand for the EG workers and lowers their earnings profile. On
the supply side, the choice by women to work intermittently implies that they will
not invest as much in marketable human capital, because they will have fewer
years to receive returns on their investment. This lowers the earnings path still
further, say to DF.
Thus, the supply-side argument for lower earnings paths for women is that
they invest less. However, when the investment is measured by years of schooling,
we do not observe important differences between men and women. The argument
sometimes shifts to an emphasis on less observable variables, such as the intensity
of investment in schooling or in on-the-job training. See the comments by June
O'Neill, below.
In principle, these sorts of assumptions about gender behavior can rationalize
an A r of 0.85 and explain away the remaining gap of 0.15 by references to
"measurement error" and other sources of omitted productivity variables that, if
corrected, would show men to be more productive. In summary, the argument is
that the lesser investment, lesser experience, greater time in housework, and lower
occupational attainments of women (a) are voluntary choices made by women
and (b) are choices that causally precede the gender difference in the demand
structure. But because our economic theories and statistical techniques cannot
tell us what is or is not voluntary, I doubt that the computations of Ar's will
measure labor market discrimination in any fundamental sense.
Perhaps the most emphatic argument in support of the "voluntary view" is
presented in a series of papers by O'Neill (1983a, 1983b, 1984). Her discussion of
the lower occupational status of women is replete with references to choices
(from 1983b):
The investment component of schooling ... varies by subject matter. Women
have traditionally chosen majors such as education, arts, and humanities,
which have lower pecuniary returns than subjects such as business or science
(p. 19).
Since many women continue to be responsible for a disproportionate share of
household maintenance and child care even after they enter employment, they
are likely to evaluate certain job characteristics differently than men...[so]
predominantly female occupations were much more likely to offer part-time
work and less likely to require very long work weeks (p. 19).
... there is a strong element of personal choice in the occupations held by
women.., the dominant variables explaining whether a woman is in a typically
female occupation were those describing plans and expectations held five years
758 G. G. Cain
earlier. W o m e n who said they planned to be a homemaker at age 35, who had
children, were married, and who did not attend college, were more likely to be
in stereotypically female occupations (p. 22).
Women who five years earlier said they planned to work at age 35 and desired
to be working in a male-typed occupation, who attended college, and majored
in a scientific subject, were in fact highly likely to be in male-dominated
occupations. These findings would appear to contradict the presumption that
barriers to entry are the primary reason why women are poorly represented in
many occupations (p. 22).
Notice that none of these arguments, which emphasize choice rather than
discrimination, is persuasive if discrimination is believed to be causal to the
choice of majors, to the time devoted to housework, to the employers' offers of
part- versus full-time jobs, and to the "plans and expectations" women had at
ages 19-29 regarding their career at age 35. In other words, if labor market
discrimination does restrict the quality of jobs and wages available to women, it
is reasonable to believe that this affects their plans and expectations regarding
school majors, fertility, and their time allocation to home and market sectors. The
last quote by O'Neill seems to say that, for example, (a) if a woman who received
a degree in electrical engineering is working as an electrical engineer, then (b) the
poor representation of women in electrical engineering is not to be considered
evidence for discrimination against women ("barriers to entry") in that occupa-
tion. It seems to me that (b) does not follow from (a).
(6) Restricting the sample to unmarried women and men usually shows higher
values of Us and Ar, as is illustrated by the ratios 0.86-0.87 reported by M&P.
Studies that compare single women to either single men or all men might be
viewed as providing a purer measure of gender discrimination by avoiding the
troublesome issue of the dual career that is associated with married women.
Unfortunately, the issue remains. The never-married single women tend to be
young, under 25 or so, and the Us for young people is relatively high (see the
Kohen and Roderick entry in Table 13.6). However, a ratio that is less than 1
may reflect the employers' expectations that the women are likely to marry and to
be less committed to their jobs than men of the same age. If the sample were
restricted to never-married women in their 40s or older, for whom a strong
commitment to market work may be presumed, the sample would be relatively
small and probably selective of women who were either unusually dedicated to a
career or ~ausually adverse to marriage. Arguments could be made that these
women would be likely to earn more, or less, than men who are comparable in
the conventional characteristics used in earnings functions. Indeed, single men
tend to earn less than married men, holding constant conventional variables. A
full understanding of these selective traits determining marital status involves
more than just economics.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 759
(7) Restricting the comparison to a narrowly selected group of jobs tends to
produce higher Ur and Ar ratios, as is illustrated by Malkiel and Malkiel (1973).
This study is the only one in Table 13.6 for a single company, and I will have
more to say about this type of sampling restriction later: Also, it is not only a
sample of a relatively narrowly defined occupational g r o u p - all college-educated
professionals who work for a particular research f i r m - b u t it offers a control over
"job level", which further narrowly defines the tasks, duties, and responsibilities
of the employees. By controlling for job level, the adjusted ratio rises from 0.77 to
0.86. This is evidence for the claim made earlier that with a sufficiently narrowly
defined job almost all ratios would be unity. Indeed, if not, companies would risk
violating the law. Finally, the study offers a rather striking example of the
importance of the method of standa___rdization. The conventional A~ is equal to
W f / W m, and an alternative is A~ = W J W m. The alternative adjusted ratios in the
Malkiel and Malkiel study are 0.85 (instead of 0.77) and 0.99 (instead of 0.86).
The 0.99 ratio was the one emphasized by Malkiel and Malkiel and used by
O'Neill (1984, pp. 79-82).
Table 13.7
Summary of studies of ratios of black men's earnings to white men's earnings, unadjusted and adjusted
for various characteristics of workers and jobs.
method and Blacks' earnings as a
Author and year Data source and Measure of explanatory ratio of whites'
of publication a population studied b earnings c variables d Observed e Adjusted f
Ur = 0.77, is the highest in Table 13.7. C&D use a wage rate rather than earnings
as the dependent variable, and they exclude workers who worked less than 500
hours during the survey year. Both restrictions raise the black/white ratio,
because black men are likely to suffer more unemployment, including unemploy-
ment for 10 months or longer. Recall that restricting w o m e n / m e n comparisons
to full-time workers (or controlling for hours worked) was primarily justified on
grounds that the frequency of part-time jobs among women was often voluntary.
This is seldom true among prime-age black men.
C&D also restrict their sample to men who are are household heads, and there
is likely to be some selectivity bias here that raises the wage ratio above what it
would be for the full population of black and white male workers. A smaller
proportion of black men aged 18-64 are household heads compared to white men
of these ages; the wages of those who are not household heads in both races are
lower than the wages of heads of households; the wage ratio of blacks-to-whites
among men who are not household heads is slightly less than 0.77; and household
headship may reflect labor market discrimination. 26 Therefore, the black-to-white
wage ratio for all men would be less than 0.77.
The adjusted ratio in the C&D study is 0.89, also high relative to other Ar'S.
The control variables include years of experience which, given a control for years
of schooling, is representing age and therefore almost purely exogenous. Let us
assume, for the sake of argument, that years of schooling, city size, region of
residence, and health, are exogenous. The remaining control variables, formal
training and tenure with one's current employer are, however, likely to reflect
labor market discrimination.
The ratios by Blinder and by C&D are virtually the lower and upper bounds in
Table 13.7. The other studies suggest several additional methodological issues,
but I will be brief. Masters' studies (1975) show the importance of the
South/non-South differential. More recent data in the C&D study show that this
differential is still important, although smaller. Masters clearly brings out the
effect of controlling for time worked, because each of the A r'S for the "above + 10"
comparisons (see the fourth and sixth columns) allows only the additional control
for weeks worked, and these Ar's are much larger. Finally, although I do not
show them, there are some striking differences between the A r and A'r ratios in
Masters' study.
26Among men aged 18-64, which is the popuiation frame for Corcoran and Duncan, 79 percent of
white men and 58 percent of black men were household heads at the time of the Census Bureau's
survey in 1981 [U.S. Bureau of the Census (1983a, P-20, No. 372, Table 2)]. The incomes of
year-round full-time workers who are male heads of households is about 25 percent higher than for
similar workers who are not heads of households. The ratio of black-to-white income for men who
were not household heads in 1981 is around 0.70 for all workers and 0.76 for full-time workers [U.S.
Bureau of the Census (1983b, P-60, No. 137, Tables 44 and 55)]. Income figures are used instead of
earnings because earnings are not reported for persons classified by their relationship to the
household head.
762 G. G. Cain
The study by the sociologist Otis Dudley Duncan (1968) may have been the
first to use separate regressions and to construct the "decompositions" of wage
(or income) differences. Economists usually cite later studies by economists for
these procedures.
Flanagan's studies show the frequently observed result that black/white wage
ratios are relatively high for young workers, which was also true for the gender
ratios. However, the smaller ratio among older men surely does not reflect a
voluntary choice by black men to work less in market employment, as might be
claimed for women. On the other hand, so-called "vintage effects" may be
revealed in the different wage ratios for younger and older black and white
groups, whereby the current period's larger ratio for young workers may reflect a
true long-run improvement in the relative earnings capacities of black m e n -
perhaps reflecting, in turn, recent improvements in the quality and quantity of
education. Welch (1973) and Smith and Welch (1977, 1978) have stressed this
source of a vintage effect. Others have emphasized the civil rights movement in
the last 20 years, a reduction in discrimination in society, and the increase in
antidiscriminatory legislation, all of which may be having a larger positive effect
on young blacks than on older blacks [see Freeman (1981)].
Clearly, current wages of young blacks and whites cannot conclusively reveal a
lifetime comparison. Cohort analyses of previous generations show that only part
of the improvement in wage ratios among previous generations of young people
is sustained. See Freeman (1973a), Chiswick (1974, pp. 116-118), Smith and
Welch (1978), and Hoffman (1979). The earnings gap for other ethnic groups. The nationality group in the
United States that has received the most attention in discrimination studies in
recent years is Hispanics, which consists predominantly of persons with Mexican,
Puerto Rican, and Cuban ancestry, in that order. There is not the space to review
the empirical estimates of Model (I) for these groups and to display a correspond-
ing table. Nevertheless, some new and interesting methodological issues may be
mentioned briefly in connection with the general finding that relatively small
unadjusted wage ratios (Ur), Hispanic-to-white, coexist with relatively large
adjusted ratios (At). ("White" refers to non-Hispanic white.) For example,
Reimers (1983) finds that Ur for Mexican Americans (hereafter Mexicans)
relative to whites is about 0.70, whereas the adjusted ratio after fitting separate
Model (I)-type regressions is about 0.94. See also Abowd and Killingsworth
(1982) and Grenier (1984) for similar results. Adjusted ratios of 0.9 or higher
imply a minor role for labor market discrimination.
There are four main sources for the increases from U~ to A~ in these studies: (1)
Age differences: Hispanics tend to be younger than whites, so part of the wage
difference is explained by this exogenous variable. (2) Education differences:
Hispanics, particularly Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, have substantially lower
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 763
The A r and A'r formulas, using (12)-(15), give us the A r entries in Panel B of
Table 13.8.
The data have been constructed to reveal wage discrimination against HisPanics
that is assumed among unskilled workers, who are all classified with low levels of
E D - an average of 4 for Hispanics and an average of either 4 or 5 for whites. In
example 1 of Hispanic data there is no discrimination among the higher ED
764 G. G. Cain
Table 13.8
Hypothetical distribution of years of schooling ( E D ) and wages ( W ) among whites and Hispanics
and resulting comparisons of unadjusted and adjusted wage ratios
Panel A. Distribution
Whites Hispanics
Years of
schooling Example 1 Example 2 Example 1 Example 2
(ED) Number. Wage Number Wage Number Wage Number Wage
4 1 $2 3 $2 3 $1 3 $I
5 1 2
6 1 2
12 7 3 7 3 1 3 1 3
16 5 6 5 6 1 6 1 5
Number 15 15 5
Means E D = 11.93 E D = 11.73 ED = 8 ED = 8
= $3.80 W = $3.80 W = $2.40 W = $2.20
Panel B: Comparisons of unadjusted (Ur) and adjusted ( Fh, At, A'r) wage ratios*
Hispanic distribution
White distribution Example 1 Example 2
/Jr Fh Ar A'r Ur Fh Ar A~
Example I 0.63 1.02 1.00 0.58 1.02 0,94
Example 2 0.63 0.70 0.99 0.93 0.58 0.67 0.88 0.85
which shows that the large (two-to-one) wage advantage of the unskilled whites raises their overall
wages relative to Hispanics by 20 percent, holding education constant. Finally, if we assume, with
example 1 data for whites, that the ED levels of 4, 5, and 6 provide no productivity differences among
these workers, then F h and the other F-ratios would be defined exactly as they are for the example 2
data for whites.
766 G.G. Cain
of several European and Asian nationality groups and various religious groups.
One important result of these studies is that for many ethnic groups, the ratio of
their earnings to those for a more broadly defined white group (sometimes as
narrow as those with an English ancestry) is larger than one. This was found, for
example, for Catholic Irish-Americans [Greeley (1976, p. 52), and (1981, pp.
110-120)], Japanese-Americans [Petersen (1978), Sowell (1981)], and Jews
[Chiswick (1983), Sowell (1981)]. The current advantaged status of these groups
has been explained by particular historical and institutional developments, rather
than as revealing "reverse discrimination", and these explanations persuade me
of the value of this method of analysis.
In a study of the relation between the larger religious groups and earnings,
T o m e s (1984) found small and statistically insignificant effects among Catholic,
Protestant, and " N o n e / O t h e r " categories. 28 He also found no statistically sig-
nificant difference among various Protestant denominations. Tomes provides a
useful distinction between estimates with purely exogenous variables held con-
stant - family background, age (and age squared), and location of residence - and
estimates in which potential " o u t c o m e " variables, like education and self-
employment, were additional control variables. Another interesting feature of this
study was the distinction between one's current religious affiliation and that of
one's upbringing. Current affiliation is, to some extent, endogenous, and there
were some interesting, although not startling, differences in the estimates when
the two definitions of religious affiliation were used.
2~Tomes found relativelylarge positive effects for Jews, but this group was numericallysmall in his
sample and the differences were sometimes not statistically significant.
29See Baldus and Cole (1980), Finkelstein (1980), and Fisher (1980) for a discussion of statistical
analyses in court cases of discrimination and for extensive citations. An example of an econometric
study of wage discrimination in a single firm, listed in Table 13.6, is that by Malkiel and Malkiel
(1973), although this study was not used in litigation proceedings.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 767
3°A large number of articles on reverse regression in discrimination analyses appeared around the
time and soon after Roberts's article (1980), and a symposium on the issue appears in Journal of
Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 1, January 1983. My understanding of the issues owes much to
Arthur S. Goldberger, and my discussion is based on Goldberger (1984), but I am solely responsible
for any errors in this section.
768 G. G. Cain
X = X* + e. (18)
By eq. (16) the wage is a function of true productivity, X*, which is unobserved
by the econometrician. Holding X* constant, A = 0 implies no discrimination
against women, and A > 0 implies discrimination against women. Equation (17)
says that men are more productive than women; this assumption will be
maintained throughout this discussion. Equation (18) says that X is a fallible
measure of X*. The usual assumptions about the error terms are that v, u, and e
are independent of each other; that v and e are independent of X* and Z; and
that u is independent of Z.
Assfffiae that the econometrician estimates the direct regression:
W = B X + C Z + v'. (19)
This inequality is the analogue of (17), which expressed the assumption that men
are more productive than women. Given the assumption that the X's are
positively correlated with X*, (21) implies G > 0 in (17), and conversely. How-
ever, (17) and (21) do not imply that the expected value of X*, holding constant
the observable X's, is greater for men than for women, and without this
assumption there is no basis for assuming that C is upwardly biased in (20).
Despite the assumed correctness of (17) and (21), the direct regression of (20)
gives an unbiased estimate of the gender (male) coefficient. Equation (20) has the
virtue of focusing attention on the explicit measure of alleged discrimination, W,
and of leading all the interested parties-the econometrician, the defendant
employer, the plaintiff, and the adjudicator- to address the same questions raised
770 G. G. Cain
X* = HZ + u, (17a)
X = OX* + e. (18a)
31Ahypothetical example of substitutable gender-linkedtraits that brings out these statistical points
is available from the author. It should be noted that a model in which wages are determined by
gender-linked traits, X, along with an assumption that other traits, holding constant X, are
uncorrelated with gender simply illustrates the model in eq. (20), which is the same as the "multiple
cause model" that Goldberger (1984) discusses.
772 G, G. Cain
This chapter began with the normative issue of equity in outcomes measuring
economic well-being among racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Inequities appear
to be widespread, and our economic theories of why they persist are only
moderately helpful.
At one extreme, the outcomes experienced by earlier immigrants to the United
States suggest an optimistic view of both the ethical and the scientific judgments
about the workings of the economy generally and of labor markets more
particularly. 32 Although discrimination against early immigrant groups was not
analyzed in this chapter, the references to the achievements of immigrants who
were Irish Catholics, Italians (mainly from southern Italy), Japanese, and Jews
(mainly from eastern Europe) seem to show a pattern in which groups who were
initially " h a v e nots" in the United States and who faced discrimination gradually
attained an equal economic status to whites whose ancestry was Anglo-Saxon
Protestant and who were the "haves". Such an evolution is consistent with a
neoclassical view of the workings of competitive markets, assuming that the
productive capacities of the different ethnic groups are equal and that the
economy is sufficiently competitive.
A more specific application of economic principles to an analysis of dis-
crimination involves Hispanic Americans, who are mainly recent immigrants.
Their lower relative earnings may be rationalized by a theory of the determinants
of earnings that assigns important roles to information about the labor market, to
facility in the English language, and to education, measured by years of school-
ing. Such theories are qualitatively supported by empirical evidence. Whether the
evidence shows that the quantitative gap in earnings between Hispanic and
non-Hispanic whites is explained by these theories is not clear to me.
The difference in market earnings between men and women can be rationalized
by economic theories of the gains from specialization and investment in human
capital, combined with an assumption of voluntary choices by women to special-
ize in the home sector. This earnings gap, particularly between white men and
women, is one of the largest and most time-persistent of the comparisons
discussed in this paper (see Table 13.5).
In ano@er paper [Cain (1985)] I have suggested that the theory of voluntary
choice regarding labor market activities should lead to equality in total incomes
32Hispanic immigrants are considered to be recent immigrants, and most blacks who came to the
United States were not voluntary immigrants, so these two groups are not included in the group
referred to as the earlier immigrants.
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 773
received by men and women, if not to equality in labor market wages. I assume
equality in women's and men's productive capacity, in the nonpecuniary aspects
of their work, and in their leisure consumption. I then test for the equality in
income received by assuming that husbands and wives share their household
income equally while married. Even with this assumption women were found to
have a substantially lower present value of lifetime income than men: the ratios
were between 0.7 and 0.9 (depending on various assumptions). These are,
however, closer to unity than the usual measure of women-to-men ratios of
wages, as reported in Table 13.6.
I also examined the total time spent in housework and market work combined
for men and women. The data are weak, but the available evidence suggests near
equality among husbands and wives [Cain (1984b)]. It is not clear how the
inclusion of men and women without spouses present would affect this compari-
son. More women than men are likely to head single-parent families, and many
of these women have the double burden of market work combined with a heavy
workload at home, especially child care. On the other hand, those female
heads-of-household who are recipients of public welfare tend not to work much
in the market; indeed, the conditions of their welfare receipt discourage market
work. Men who are single-parent heads-of-households are not likely to be on
welfare. Another important unknown factor in my attempted comprehensive
measure of economic well-being is the nonpecuniary utility (or disutility) that
men and women obtain from their work.
The wages, earnings, and incomes of black workers and black households are
substantially less than those of whites, and the conventional human capital
variables, such as education, training, and health care leave much of the differ-
ence unexplained. Even if they explained more, the question would then be: Why
is the market for such human capital investments functioning so poorly that
blacks continue to be shortchanged? If whites find it profitable-in terms of
higher earnings and better j o b s - t o make these investments, why are blacks'
opportunities for these investments so curtailed? If the answer is not labor
market discrimination, is it discrimination in the capital markets that supply
funds or other sources of human capital investments? It is not scientifically
satisfactory for economists to argue that labor market discrimination is minimal
if they then have no explanation for how discrimination in capital markets
creates and sustains the inequities we measure in the labor market.
The case of blacks in the United States appears to offer the strongest evidence
for the reality of labor market discrimination and, given existing economic
theories, for flaws in the competitive functioning of the market. In these respects,
the case of blacks is at the other end of the spectrum from that of non-Hispanic
early-immigrant groups. Economic discrimination, whether measured by average
family incomes or by comparing wages when exogenous productivity factors have
been held constant, is substantial for blacks and is nonexistent or insubstantial
774 G. G. Cain
for various former-immigrant white (and some Oriental) groups. For those
groups, but not for blacks, the market has virtually eliminated the differences in
economic attainment that were present decades ago.
33Ambiguities about total welfare when tastes for discrimination are part of a person's utility
function are discussed by Thurow (1969, pp. 116-138), Toikka (1976), and Lundahl and Wadensj6
(1984, pp. 81-108).
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 775
A more promising role for economic analysis lies in the measurements and
methods that permit prediction. Empirical regularities, such as time trends, may
be established and be useful even in the absence of fully developed theories. At a
minimum, the measurements provide valuable data for monitoring progress or
regress regarding discrimination.
776 G.G. Cain
For my purposes the essential facts from time-series data that pertain to
economic discrimination have been revealed by Table 13.5 in Section 2. This
table shows two major challenges. One is the near-constant ratio of women's-to-
m e n ' s wages over a 40-year period, using the data on earnings of year-round,
full-time workers. The second is the slow increase in the ratio of black-to-white
wages a m o n g men, which in 1982 was only 0.72. These trends in wages could be
usefully supplemented with an analysis of trends in other measures of attainment
in the labor market, including occupational attainment, labor force participation,
and e m p l o y m e n t / u n e m p l o y m e n t rates, but space limitations preclude more than
brief remarks.
The sharp increase in labor force participation rates (LFPRs) by women and
the moderate decrease in LFPRs of men during the last 40 years have brought
men and women into closer equality with respect to the quantity of time spent in
market work, although men still spend about twice as many hours of their adult
life in market work as do women [Cain (1984a)].
The increase in L F P R s for women has been the result of two trends which, as
noted in Section 3, have contrasting effects on the trend in average wages of
women: (a) women who work are working more continuously and for more years
of their adulthood; (b) a larger fraction of women are entering and reentering the
work force. Trend (a) should increase the average wage, because the wage should
increase with experience and seniority. Trend (b) probably decreases the average
wage because the composition of workers is altered by the influx of women with
less-than-average experience-referred to as "adverse selection". The "adverse
selection" hypothesis is strongly advocated b y Smith and Ward (1984), but see
Fuchs (1984) for counter arguments and Mallan (1982) for counter evidence. 34
The L F P R s of men between the ages of 50 and 65 have declined during the last
20 years or so. Are these early retirements and disability-related retirements
concentrated among low-wage workers? The substitution effect of wages on labor
supply suggests a yes answer, but the income effect suggests otherwise. Retire-
ment may be considered a "luxury good" that is selected by workers with
above-average incomes. The net result of these contrasting effects on the trends
a m o n g men needs to be studied.
The changing composition of the male labor force has also been examined in
analyzing trends in wages of men, black and white. Butler and Heckman (1977)
34Further counter evidence to Smith and Ward is Maloney's finding that the wages of husbands
and wives who work in every year covered by the Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics show
declining women-to-men ratios from 1975 through 1980 [Maloney (1983, pp. 135-139)]. These data
may, of course, simply reflect the contrasting age/earnings profiles shown in Figure 13.2. Whether the
declining ratios imply labor market discriminationdepends on whether they reflect voluntary choices
of these wives to commit less effort than their husbands to the market sector.
778 (7. G. Cain
Table 13.9
Median money incomes and income ratios for black and white male workers, 1948-1982,
in constant 1982 dollars
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-60, No. 142,
Money Income of Households, Families, and Persons in the Unites States: 1982 (Washing-
ton, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1984), Table 40.
suggested that part of the rise in the ratio of black-to-white wages through the
1960s and into the early 1970s could be attributable to a selection of higher-earn-
ing workers among blacks, relative to whites. Their argument is as follows. Black
men's LFPRs have declined more than have the LFPRs of white men. Assume
that the men who drop out of the labor force tend to be low earners. The black
male labor force would then have relatively fewer of the low earners remaining,
and the average earnings of blacks -which is measured only for those in the labor
force-will rise relative to that of whites.
The issue is not resolved, and it illustrates themes that I wish to stress in this
survey: the need for closer attention to descriptive economic statistics about the
labor market statuses of majority and minority groups, and the need to specify
the purposes of one's analysis. A problem in charting trends is that the use of
broad pol~ulation groups may introduce exogenous compositional changes (like
the age distribution) that should be held constant, while narrowing the compari-
son to various subgroups may reflect selection according to an endogenous
characteristic (like full-time work status) that should not be held constant.
Table 13.9 shows another version of the black-to-white comparison among
men, but this time for all men who worked, rather than for year-round, full-time
workers, as in Table 13.5. Table 13.9 shows the time series for money incomes in
Ch. 13: Labor Market Discrimination 779
constant i982 dollars for each year, 1948-1982. (The trend in money income is
very similar to the trend in money earnings.) The dollar figures show the striking
reversal from 1973 on, of the long-term growth in real incomes for both groups
that prevailed from 1948 to 1973.
The overall picture regarding the black-to-white (B/W) ratios in Table 13.9 is
similar to that summarized in Table 13.5, but the year-by-year statistics bring out
more clearly the three periods of stability and change in the B / W ratios:
1948-1965, stability; 1966-1974, growth; 1975-1982, stability. Presumably a
theory or an empirical evaluation of specific hypotheses about labor market
discrimination against blacks should be able to explain these stylized facts.
Freeman (1981) discusses three main contending explanations, in addition to
the Butler-Heckman hypothesis about selectivity in the composition of the
populations. One is that the B / W ratio is pro-cyclical-rising during periods of
prosperity, when unemployment is low, and falling during recessions. This is
consistent with its growth in 1966-1974, when labor markets were relatively tight,
and with the ratios that are low relative to surrounding years in the recession
troughs of 1949, 1954, and 1958. However, the hypothesis is not supported by the
stability of the ratios throughout the period of 1948-1965, when unemployment
rates were relatively low, or by the behavior of the ratios in the later recession
troughs, 1961, 1971, 1975, and 1982.
A second hypothesis is that the B / W ratios were affected by the surge of legal
measures that may be said to have begun with an Executive Order in 1961 (No.
10925) that reinforced a somewhat dormant ban on discrimination by firms doing
business with the federal government, followed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and subsequent legislation. Measuring the impact of these various forms of
government intervention is difficult, however. How does one quantify the re-
sources devoted to the intervention? How do we separate the effects of the
legislation from the effects of the political and social climates that fostered the
legislation? It is no surprise that the attempted evaluations of the legislation have
not been conclusive.
A third hypothesis to explain the time series of black-to-white earnings ratios
focuses on education, where this may be interpreted narrowly as years of
schooling completed or broadly as a general indicator of human capital, includ-
ing qualitative aspects of schooling as well as the training, information, and
mobility that are affected by schooling. In either case, the emphasis is on the
supply side of the labor market and the relative increases in the human capital of
black men.
The role of education in this stream of research has had a curious history.
Early quantitative studies based on the 1940, 1950, and 1960 censuses con-
sistently showed two rather pessimistic regularities about male workers: (a)
holding age constant, the B / W earnings ratio generally declined as years-of-
schooling increased; (b) holding years of schooling constant, the B / W ratio
generally declined as age increased. See Zeman (1955) as quoted in Becker, (1971,
780 G. G. Cain
Table 13.10
Median years of schoofingcompleted and schooling ratios,
white and black men, various populations, 1940-1980.
Median years of
Population, by educational attainment
age and labor Ratio
Year force status White Black B/W
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