SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Special Dietary Reuirements
SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Special Dietary Reuirements
SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Special Dietary Reuirements
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides 5 nutritional guidelines for adults,
children and adolescents, and the Elderly, which vary slightly for each group. Provide a
brief description of what these recommend in general:
1.To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and choose amounts of nutritious food and
drinks to meet your energy needs.
2.Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five groups every day: vegetables and legumes, fruit,
grain foods, lean meats, poultry and fish, and dairy.
3.Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol.
2. Explain two (2) implications that the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating has towards your
role as a chef:
1.Eat Carbohydrate Foods Regularly
Choose quality carbohydrates - base this choice on whole plant foods rather than refined foods. Low
carbohydrate diets are not recommended.
Include more Low Glycaemic Index (GI) foods - carbohydrate foods that are broken down and digested
slowly by the body should be encouraged at each meal
\Remove fat from meat and skin from chicken; consume less butter, cream, cheese, cooking margarine,
palm oil, copha, coconut milk/ cream, processed snacks and takeaway foods
Choose healthier, poly-unsaturated and monounsaturated fats rather than saturated fats
3. You are working as the chef in a hospital and a new patient has Coeliac disease. How will
you ensure that the patient is not adversely affected?
4. You work at Hotel Futura as a chef. For a seminar the hotel offers the food choices
outlined in the table below. Which menu adjustments would be required for each course
for guests requiring gluten free meals and for those who suffer from diabetes?
Breakfast Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Dinner
Caesar Salad
Pork Piccata, Sole fillets with
Poached Eggs mushroom beurre blanc,
Mini Danish,
on sour doughAssorted sweetrisotto, steamed
assorted tea
with ham andmuffins Ratatouille asparagus
spinach Tropical Fruit Chocolate
Salad Raspberry Mille
Poached Eggs
Chocolate Mini Danish, on sour doughAssorted
Raspberry Mille assorted tea
with ham andsweet muffins
Feuille sandwiches
5. List three diseases that can be linked to diet, and explain how a change in diet could be
beneficial in these cases:
1.Coronary heart disease: high intake of plant foods and dietary, low intake of fat
7. Some religions have specific requirements regarding which types of food or food
combinations may be consumed. What is the basic information you need to consider
when writing menus for the following client groups, but also generally when catering for
any religious based requirements?
Jewish customers
Muslim Jews observe a strict diet and only eat foods God has designated as customers kosher (fit for
consumption). Jews do not eat anything that has Hindu encountered pain, suffering, sickness or is
considered unclean.
customers General
Muslims do not eat pork, blood, carrion or any animals that are found dead. They must eat halal meat which
has been butchered according to a special ritual. All meat must come from an herbivorous animal. Alcohol is
also forbidden
Hindus practice non-violence and respect towards all life and therefore have to balance the need to eat with
their other beliefs. As a result many are vegetarian. If meat is eaten, it is never from a cow, as the cow is
considered to be a sacred animal. Food that stimulates the senses such as garlic and onions may also be
avoided by some followers.
to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and choose amounts of nutritious food and
drinks to meet your energy needs.
Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol.
Texture modifications are usually required where people suffer from problems chewing foods, which would
require puréed foods, or have difficulties with swallowing, which would require puréed food to be pushed
through a fine sieve.
Some patients may require texture modification or in simple terms food needs to be puréed for the patient,
e.g. if their jaw is wired or they have difficulty swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia which can happen
after a stroke, muscular injury or other reason.
The Dietitians Association of Australia and Speech Pathology Australia have developed the Australian
Standards for Texture Modified Foods and Fluids in order to help chefs prepare foods with the appropriate
For fine textures Pacojets, Thermomixers and blenders can be used to create very fine purées of ingredients
such as fruit pulps and concentrates, fish and meat paste, puddings, sauces, yoghurts and custards. Mincers,
cutters and commercial moulis are often used for very fine applications.
1. Lactose is a sugar common in dairy items such as milk.
If lactose is not correctly processed by the stomach, it will pass through the digestive tract until bacteria
digest it and create gas, whichcan cause abdominal pains, cramps and other symptoms
Alternatives such as sheep's milk or goat's milk are often used, or milk products which have the enzyme
lactase added to break down the lactose.
Nuts can cause severe reactions which can result in anaphylactic shock. If not treated quickly and correctly,
anaphylactic shock can result in death!
3. Gluten intolerance and Coeliac disease are intestinal disorders in which the body reacts badly to gluten, a
protein component in grains such as wheat, rye and barley.
gluten-free alternatives such as corn, rice, soy, tapioca and potato flours are good substitutes. Be aware of
hidden gluten in items such as soy sauce, beer, condiments, small goods, etc. as wheat, rye and barley
4. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancer which can cause a sensitivity reaction.
Foods containing MSG should be avoided and natural flavourings used instead.
10. Which major nutrients are provided through the following foods?
1. Bread, cereal, rice, pasta, noodles good sources of fibre, carbohydrates, protein and a wide range
of vitamins and minerals.
1. Vegetables, legumes Capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and tomatoes x
1. Dark green and orange vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin
Vitamin A (Fat soluble), Calcium
1. Green vegetables, dried peas, beans and lentils
1. Fruit
2. Which nutrients are the main energy providers for the human body?
What is their general role, nutritional value and how much of each should be included in a
healthy diet?
Macronutrients are larger biological compounds required for energy. The primary macronutrients needed
are: carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
Fats - saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6)
Protein provides 11-15% of our daily energy intake;30-33% of our daily energy intake come from fat: 50-55%
of our daily energy intake should come from carbs
Some people have increased sensitivity to particular ingredients or constituents of food. It is essential that
you take this matter seriously as an allergic reaction may result in death
13. Which factors need to be considered when choosing cookery methods to ensure
foods maintain maximum nutritional values or meet dietary requirements?
consideration are:
Menus for the elderly based on the Australian Dietary Guideline Standards
Menus for people with disabilities that require special diets, e.g. chopped, sensory modified,
14. What are the key features of the following lifestyle diets?
No food or product of animal origin at all, e.g. milk, gelatine or honey. The diet has to be
monitored carefully as it can lead to the risk of nutritional
Vegan inadquacy, especially protein and vitamin B12. Vegan sources of protein include nuts, seeds and
legumes (including soy)
No animal flesh or eggs or egg products. Milk and milk products are
Lacto generally included. The protein intake of the diet may be low if not carefully planned
No animal flesh or dairy products but eggs are allowed
Ovo-lacto No animal flesh but eggs and dairy products are allowed. This form vegetarian of vegetarian diet
is usually not at risk of nutritional deficiencies
Pesco No red meat or poultry but seafood is allowed. This form of vegetarian diet vegetarian is usually not at
risk of nutritional deficiencies
Semi No red meat but will eat poultry and seafood. This form of vegetarian diet vegetarian is usually not at
risk of nutritional deficiencies
15. How do storage and part processing affect the nutritional values of fresh fruit and
A variety of things can happen during the growing, harvesting, storage and preparing of food that can affect
nutritional content. Processes that expose foods to high levels of heat, light or oxygen cause the greatest
loss. Most vegetables are peeled or trimmed before cooking to remove the tough skin or outer leaves. But
nutrients, such as vitamins, tend to lie close to the skin surface, so excessive trimming can mean a huge
reduction in a vegetable’s nutrient value.
Store foods properly, such as keeping cold foods cold and sealing some foods in airtight containers.
Use the outer leaves of vegetables like cabbage or lettuce unless they are wilted or unpalatable.
If you boil your vegetables, save the nutrient-laden water for soup stock.
15.Which nutritional requirements need to be considered for the following customer groups?
May require high protein and low, healthy fats in their food to supply energy
Defence Force
Personnel May need variation to standard ration packs when in the field
In general many elderly people prefer softer textures and foods cooked by
using traditional moist cookery methods (stewing, boiling, braising, poaching
and steaming). They also often avoid food items with small seeds or nuts as
Institution-based. can cause discomfort, particularly with dentures. Catering
People affected by
Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods
disaster or
Choose low salt foods and use salt sparingly
16. Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and the net portion
cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the portion size per kg
List the formulas or working steps you have used for the asparagus and the Sirloin Calculations in the table.
Formulas/Calculation steps – Asparagus:
1000 g Sirloin:
= $ 16.80
18. Provide an overview of the following contemporary dietary trends and provide an
example for potential impacts each of these may have on health or nutritional balance.
Diet Description Issues
Cabbage It involves eating only cabbage soup for While causing weight loss it leads
Soup Diet a week to an imbalance of nutrients
This diet has its roots in Japan andIt leads to low iron, calcium and consisted of only eating
brown rice andprotein intake plus a lack of trace
Macrobioti water. The diet has now been slightlyelements and if done for an
c Diet
amended focussing on high fibre, low fatextended time period can lead to
and no animal foods osteoporosis
1.Formal questionnaires
21. What is the importance of health professional when seeking feedback on dietary menus?
Whom could this include?
With dietary menus feedback needs to be sought not only from customers but also the other stakeholders
such as dieticians and other allied health professionals.
Doctors and nurses may also supply specific feedback based on the medical needs of the individual.
Specialists are there for a reason!