2013 Article 533
2013 Article 533
2013 Article 533
Ramakrishna Shenoi
Received: 2 October 2012 / Accepted: 15 May 2013 / Published online: 20 June 2013
Ó Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2013
268 J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (July–Sept 2014) 13(3):267–270
J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (July–Sept 2014) 13(3):267–270 269
Jean and Nam [5] conducted a survey for oral surgery Discussion
patients and found an incidence of 4.3 % for systemic
diseases in oral surgery patients. A similar study was done For analyzing prevalence of systemic diseases in oral surgery
by Hari et al. [6] who collected clinical data regarding patients, the patients reporting to oral surgery department for
medical condition and medications used by the patients. various treatments were evaluated for a period of 6 months.
Out of 900 patients studied, 131 (3.3 %) had systemic During this period of the 12,487 patients who reported 506
diseases. (4.055 %) were medically compromised. Highest preva-
Trend Inga Berge [7] tried to evaluate medically com- lence was seen for cardiovascular diseases (35.57 %), fol-
promised patients in terms of their extent, scope, referrals lowed by metabolic diseases (20.35 %), hematological
and emergencies related to them. In average 6.6 % patients diseases (12.84 %), multisystem diseases (13.24 %), other
seen as medically compromised in Norwegian dental diseases (5.92 %). Neurological diseases (4.34 %), respira-
practice with domination of cardiovascular disorder. tory diseases (4.15 %) were also detected. Least prevalence
was seen of infectious diseases (3.55 %). This prevalence of
systemic diseases is statistically significant (by Chi-square
Observations and Results test) at p \ 0.01 (v2 = 342.752) (Table 1).
Finding of this study are in accordance with study by
See Table 1. Jean and Nam [5] in which they could get incidence of
systemic diseases upto 4.3 %.
Anemia 9 13 9 9 8 13 61
Leukemia – – 1 1 – 1 3
Thalassemia – – – – – 1 1
Group I: Hematological disorders 9 13 10 10 9 14 65 12.84
Hypertension 29 27 30 28 15 29 158
Rhumatic heart disease 3 1 2 2 1 2 11
Ischemic heart disease 6 1 – 2 2 – 11
Group II: Cardiac disorders 38 29 32 32 18 31 180 35.57
Diabetes mellitus 14 15 14 18 9 16 86
Renal 2 – 1 – – 1 4
Thyroid 5 2 3 1 1 1 13
Group III: Metabolic disorders 21 17 18 19 10 18 103 20.35
Psycological problems – – – – 1 1 2
Epilepsy 5 3 2 3 3 4 20
Group IV: Neurological problems 5 3 2 3 4 5 22 4.34
Bronchial asthma 4 3 4 4 3 3 21
Group V: Respiratory diseases 4 3 4 4 3 3 21 4.15
HIV – – – 1 – 1 2
Leprosy – 1 – – – – 1
Tuberculosis 2 3 3 3 3 1 15
Group VI: Infectious diseases 2 4 3 4 3 2 18 3.55
Group VII: Multisystem involvement 11 13 12 8 11 12 67 13.24
Group VIII: Other 6 5 2 7 4 6 30 5.92
Total number of patients with systemic problems 96 87 83 87 62 91 506 4.06
Total number of OPD patients 1,979 2,744 2,040 2,190 1,760 2,344 12,487
Chi-square test v = 342.752, p \ 0.01
270 J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (July–Sept 2014) 13(3):267–270
Hari et al. [6] in a study conducted at Calicut, in the past was seen to be 4.055 % with highest prevalence of car-
saw a prevalence rate of systemic disease in dental patients diovascular disease (35.57 %) followed by metabolic dis-
up to 14.5 % whereas in the present study the prevalence is orders (20.35 %), hematological disorders (12.84 %) and
much less. This might be attributed to the fact that the minimum incidence (3.55 %) of infectious diseases.
present study considered systemic status of patients
undergoing surgical procedures whereas the study by Hari
et al. [6] considered patients seeking any of the dental
treatments although highest prevalence of cardiovascular References
diseases and diabetes is observed in both studies.
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The study by Cottone and Katyraya [2], showed prev- of patients in general dental practice. Br Dent J 133:148–152
alence rate of medically compromised patients in dental 2. Cottone HA, Katyraya H (1979) Medications and health histories:
practice as 35.3 % with highest prevalence for cardiovas- survey of 4365 dental patients. J Am Dent Assoc 98:713–718
cular diseases followed by metabolic diseases. 3. Alastir Goss N (1984) The dental management of medically
compromised patients. Int Dent J 34:227–231
Trend Inge Berg [7], stated that the incidence rate of 4. Parnell Anthony G (1986) The medically compromised patient. Int
medically compromised patients in Norwegian dental Dent J 36:73–82
practice is 6.6 % with highest prevalence of cardiovascular 5. Jean JH, Nam IW (1989) Investigations in oral surgery patients
disease similar to the present study. and their treatment, teaching chukka Usa Hypha Chi, 27(1):83–90
6. Hari S, Oomen Aju Jacob, Mangalam MK (1992) Systemic health
The above studies prevalence of systemic diseases status of adult dental patients and its dental care, study of 900 out
among general population reporting for any dental treat- patients. JIDA 63:301–303
ment whereas in our study we have considered patients 7. Trend Inge Berg (1992) Oral surgery in Norwegian general dental
needing only oral surgical treatment. Practice a survey extent, scope, referrals, emergencies and
Medically compromised patients. Acta Odontol Scand 50:7–16