Papers And: Originals
Papers And: Originals
Papers And: Originals
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FIG. 1-Photomicrographs of liposarcoma. A and C, pences of operation scr. A fourth had a hindquarter asrutation for osteo-
tumour after rection. (Haematoxylin and eosin. A x 110. C x 2 B a
gnic wroma; two mmonths after the end of an 18-month course
D, appearances of recurrent tumour four months later after treent with
h perthermia showing total necrosis to right side and degenerate cells at of treatmens ti tumour reaurred in a heat-resistant form. A fih
left margin. (Haemitoxylin and eosin. B x 110. D x 270). patient, with an alvanoed liposarcome, died 24 hours after treat-
ment. Necropsy showed recenrt massive necrosis throughout the
turwur (fig. 1). Two had sujective improvement with pain relief,
Case Reports and a child with rhabdomyosaaro showed no response.
Carcisoma of Stomach.-.Three cases. Two anorexic patients
Sarcoma.-Eight cases. In one paient a lung deposit disappeared, who had been in great pain gained weight and were able to lead
a second showed healing of pathological fractures, and a third a relatively normal life. The thid had extensive mediastinal and
showed complete regression of a fibrosaroma recurrent in the lung metastases and died 48 hours after treatment. At necropsy
there was extensive necrosis of the tumour causing compression the tumours. One of these patients died within 12 hours of a
of the bronchus. further treatment given for recurrence three months later. There
Carcinoma of Colon.-Four cases. One patient had almost com- a,ppeared to be no pathological evidence of tumour necrosis and
plete regression of massive h-epatomegaly; a second had regression death was attributed to disseminated intravascular coagulation.
of skin noduiles on the lower abdomen. The other two cases The third patient died 48 hours after treatment with disseminated
showed no response. intravascular coagulation. In this case necropsy showed evidence
Malignant Meanoma.-Seven cases. In three cases there was of recent cell death in the tunmour metastases, which involved liver,
good initial regression of secondary deposits and pain relief. One adrenal, both kidneys, skull, uterus, pancreas, vertebrae, and dura.
patienrt had pain relief alone and three showed no response. Miscellaneous.-One case of osteoblastoma was treated. Though
Carcinoma of Lung.-Three cases of bronchogenic carcinoma. the patient had pain relief there was no regression of the tumour.