EEE240 Signals and Systems
EEE240 Signals and Systems
EEE240 Signals and Systems
A System…
A system is
– Something that transforms signals (hardware or software)
– Representations of physical entities that react to input excitations
– A mathematical function: given x, calculate y
- independent variable = time
- dependent variable = voltage, rate, sound pressure, etc.
or discrete time,
A System….
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Example: A signal defined as a sum of shifted and scaled impulses
The output of an LTIS can be calculated as the convolution of the input x() with
the impulse response h(). The CT case is just a generalization of the DT case:
Basically, we have an input x(t), we can use convolution to get the output y(t)
from an LTIS defined by h(t):
In other words, the output of a system is the convolution of the input and the
impulse response.
Properties of Convolution
Properties of Convolution
Memory property in LTI systems:
An LTI system is memoryless if and only if
Systems Described by Differential and Difference Equations and
Determining Their Impulse Responses
(Unit) step response to an LTIS
In practice, impulses are difficult to generate and work with, so it can be difficult to
study an LTIS with impulse responses. We're often interested in the response of an LTIS
to the unit step
Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations
where y(t) denotes the output of the system and x(t) is the input.
where the particular solution satisfies the main equation and yh (t) is a solution of the
homogeneous differential equation
Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations
A common method for finding the particular solution for an exponential input signal as
in the main equation is to look for a so-called forced response-i.e., a signal of the same
form as the input.
Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations
In order to determine yh (t), we hypothesize a solution of the form
In order for the value of A to be determined, we need to specify an auxiliary condition the
condition of initial rest implies that y(t) = 0 for t < 0.
y(0) = 0 yields
linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations
linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations
Highlighting the fact that we need the previous value of the output, y[n- 1], to calculate the
current value. Thus, to begin the recursion, we need an initial condition. For example,
suppose that we impose the condition of initial rest and consider the input
In this case, since x[ n] = 0 for n<=- 1, the condition of initial rest implies that y[ n] = 0 for n
<= - 1, so that we have as an initial condition y[ -1] = 0. Starting from this
initial condition, we can solve for successive values of y[n] for n >= 0 as follows:
Block Diagram Representations of First-Order Systems
Described by Differential and Difference Equations