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HFSS™ v12

HFSS™ is the industry-standard software for 3D full-wave electromagnetic field simulation for the design,
simulation, and validation of complex RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave devices. Additionally, HFSS is critical for
the design of high-speed channels and power-delivery systems in modern, high-performance electronics.

The release of HFSS v12 later this year will include many new features and high-performance computing options
that will help users to solve larger problems more efficiently and to help them to design and optimize cutting
edge products.

Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) via Domain Meshing
Decomposition (DDM) A new volumetric meshing technique called TAU mesh-
A new High Performance Computing (HPC) option ing is a breakthrough in mesh generation technology.
will be introduced in HFSS v12 Combined with the “traditional” surface mesh technol-
• Inter and intra-machine parallel computational ogy, which faithfully represents surfaces of complex
technique for HFSS geometries, the new mesher creates more robust, more
• Reduces memory footprint on single machine efficient and higher quality tetrahedral meshes. TAU
• Allows simulation of much larger models through meshing significantly increases the success rate for
access to memory on a network of machines meshing imperfect imported and translated models. In
• Reduced solution time for single machine and addition, the higher quality mesh elements reduce the
networked machines with near linear speed-up overall load on the solver thereby increasing simulation
with each additional processor speed and reducing memory especially for
complex geometries.

Antenna on jet aircraft simulated using DDM. Using 15 domains the speed up
in solution time was greater than x17 with overall memory reduction of 30%.

Sample meshes sharing helicle structures.

DDM method used to simulate 1.8GHZ patch antenna on roof of large off road
vehicle. 20 Domains were used and the resulting simulation showed a greater
then x10 speed improvement.
Curvilinear Elements GUI and Modeler
Curvilinear elements increase the fidelity of finite Numerous general improvements have been made to
element models involving curved geometries by provid- the HFSS GUI and 3D modeler.
ing a precise representation of “true” surfaces. This • User definable keyboard shortcuts
technology provides more accurate solutions for designs • Clip plane viewing
containing curved surfaces. Alternatively, the discreti- • 3D far field plots overlaying geometry
zation density of the mesh on a curved surface can be
• Additional modeler commands for handling
reduced and HFSS will still achieve the same accuracy.
Reducing the mesh density by using curvilinear elements conformal and wrapped surfaces
can significantly reduce the mesh, memory and solution • Imprint
time footprint for problems such as cylindrical cavities in • Imprint projection
filters. • 2D sheet wrap
• Update to ACIS 19 SP2. Improvements to geometry
handling, mesh generation and import/healing

Using curvilinear elements to compute the eigen modes of this cavity results in
the same accuracy with a mesh size of less than one-third.

Mixed Elements Orders

Using the imprint projection feature, the patch array is placed on the surface of
The power of the hierarchical vector basis developed the parabolic radome. The resulting 3D far field plot are shown overlaying the
in v11 is expanded in HFSS v12 by allowing all orders model.
of finite elements to be used simultaneously. HFSS v12
automatically and judiciously determines the order of
each individual tetrahedral in the solution process to Remote solve setup and network data handling
optimize solution time and memory. In this mode the Setup for remote analysis has been significantly stream-
mesh is refined using a hybrid h-p refinement (geometry lined. In addition, the network data efficiency has been
+ order) procedure. This achieves faster convergence in improved allowing for the distribution of analysis to a
an overall smaller memory footprint. higher number of nodes.

Adjoint Method Based Derivatives

In an algorithmic breakthrough, the derivatives of the
s-parameters are calculated analytically for variations
in geometry, material properties and excitations. The
resulting analytical derivative calculation provides faster
and more accurate extraction of sensitivity data and
results in faster convergence in the SNLP optimizer. This 225 West Station Square Drive • Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1119 USA
analytical derivative capability is available with the op- HFSS is a trademark of Ansoft, LLC.
tional Optimetrics license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2009 Ansoft, LLC

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