Glossary of French Banking Terms French English Comments

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Actions Shares
ADE (Assurance de
Borrower's insurance Also known as ADI or Death and Disability Insurance
Agence Branch
Agios Interest paid on loan or overdraft
In France from 1st January to 31st December.
Année fiscale Tax year
In the UK from 6th April until the 5th April
Annuité Annual payment

Apport Down payment or deposit for loan or mortgage

Approvisionner To credit funds to your account

Argent liquide Cash
Assemblée Générale Yearly general meeting
Assurance Insurance
Assurance chats et chiens Pet insurance
Assurance habitation House and contents insurance
Assurance voiture Car insurance
Assurances des accidents de
Personal Injury Insurance French residents only
la vie
Typically when a taxpayer has not paid all or part of his taxes, the tax authority may,
Avis à Tiers Détenteur Notice to third party holder after written attempts to recover the debt, send a notice to their bank demanding the
funds. The bank is bound to obey an ATD order.
Avis d’opération Transaction receipt
Avis d'imposition P60 or Annual tax notification
Banque mutualiste Co-operative banque Also known as a Mutualist bank
Bénéficiaire Beneficiary
Billets Bank notes
Bonus Gold Gold card bonus Each time you use your card you benefit from 0,10€ off the annual card fee
Each time you use your card, 0,01€ is given towards developping local projects and
Bonus sociétaire Member bonus
Caisse Locale Local mutual
Carnet de chèques /
Carte bancaire (CB) Bank card
Caution Guarantee
Change Exchange
A cheque is valid one year and eight days in France. You can only stop a cheque if it is
Chèque Cheque
lost, stolen or for fradulent use.
Chèque de banque Bankers cheque
Cheque with insufficient funds also known as a
Chèque sans provision
‘bounced’ cheque
Code personnel /
PIN number
Compte courant current account
Compte débiteur Overdrawn account
Compte d'épargne Savings account
Compte destinataire Account receiving money
Compte inactif Dormant account Charges may be made on a dormant account
Compte joint Joint Account
Compte titres Stocks and shares account
Conseiller Advisor
Cotitulaire Joint account holder
Courtier Broker
Crédit hypothécaire Mortgage
Security code on a credit card (last 3 digits on
back side)
DAB (Distributeur
ATM/Cash Dispenser
Automatique de Billets)
Date d’expiration Expiry date
Date d’opération Date transaction recorded
Date de Valeur Date when amount is debited or credited
Débit différé Deferred débit
Débit Immédiat Immediate debit
Déclaration de sinistre Insurance claim
Découvert Overdraft
Déposer (de l’argent) To deposit on an account
Dépôt / Versement Deposit
Devise Foreign Currency
Directeur d'agence Branch manager
Droits de garde Broker fees
Echéancier Payment schedule for a loan
Encaissement Cheque clearance
Endosser To endorse (a cheque)
E-relevés E-statements
Espèces Cash
Fonds Mutualiste Mutualist Fund This fund supports local projects and initiatives
Frais Fees
Frais de rapatriement Commission on receipt of international currency
Franchise Excess
Garantie dépendance Loss of inderpendance insurance French residents only
Garantie obsèques Funeral planning
IBAN International Bank Account Number
Impôt Tax
Livret Savings account
Mensualité Monthly repayment
Monnaie Change (as in coppers / small change)
Mutuelle Top-up health insurance cover French residents only
Opposition Stop a payment
Origine des fonds Source of funds
Parts sociales Member shares
Pièce justificative Supporting document
Placement Investment
Prélèvement automatique Direct debit
Prêt Loan
Prêt garanti Secured loan
Procuration Power of attourney
Protection juridique Legal protection Valid in France only
Relevé d’Identité Bancaire
Bank account identifier codes.
Relevé de compte Bank statement
Remboursement Reimbursement, repayment
Responsabilité civile Civil responsabilty
Retirer (de l’argent) Withdrawal of funds
Saisie Attribution Seizure of funds
Service d'assistance et
Travel insurance In France this is an advantage that comes with your bank card
Service de mobilité
Switching service
Sinistre Accident
Members are each entitled to one vote at general meetings. As a mutual bank, Crédit
Sociétaire Member
Agricole places its members/customers at the heart of all its decisions.
Solde bancaire Account Balance
Tableau d’amortissement Monthly repayment schedule
Taux Rate of interest
Taux de change Exchange rate
Taxe d'habitation Council tax
Taxe foncière Property tax
TEG Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Télésurveillance Telesurveillance Remote home security surveillance

A détachable slip on the bottom of a bill that is valid once you have given your IBAN
TIP Interbank payment
to a provider. You date and sign the TIP and send it by post to the provider.

Titulaire Account holder

Virement bancaire Bank transfer

Crédit Agricole de la Touraine et du Poitou 09/05/2019

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