MD Plate1

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University of Cebu Conege of EAgineeding ME Sag Review » (MP) Plate #4 Srecees and Machine cee Engr. Reclendo Apa se. lasteuctok Brace S eo"? Mery stuaeat i —y ie direchon hol O cpeed in the oppevilé “peed pako Of © 1 Jindens pu re Oian 10 10bA, pind Nhe Cenbe chithance wo os a e qhomer ae cyeli ows Cc: 4 a Ge) Given’, DIM, = OeNe 2 Mees | D> - ba ws) Na - Cis aed > ay D, = lore — * (a ; Ce C= goin ® Two cylindere rviting in (oppose) fhe Lome Alive choo hoe o pera Coho oe oe ond HOH AWIONE OF LD .CM Find Yhe CViameKe of oO of 2 the larger Cylinder Dy = Given Diy = DaWla es D> o(&,) he o : we e ar comm ¢, DU) , al | ma 2 > De IU. 63 in ® Tow cylnotecs 19 opposite Oireectione Fav a fortio of A:B'C!D CB. Ip Combe Olivtonce between Cyliedee AGA Cic Fe inchyy, pod the iameseR oF cylinder D > Given Cac = 4 Das De Qe Nip, = ND 2 ‘ = sd, 7 = =" 4 Das SDP Nn De Ne Dy Da- 2c Ny, = = se = ae De Ne _ & = oa (is a). 2De dp = Me _ toe A Pulley how o aed velocity OF 30 gpm 10 inchec, Find the speed. Given + iis 7 Ve 9S gy, aN OH) NV A= 0 bwohes Np N= DB6o rpm 5 Nez “, pu neg diamerecés ® aos a with 12 inchs profi p> by means OF Gloneter pulley running ol a> pm ie coaneted te roche hiner f Hey Anotber pr ley 00 A B he meng, diomeser Iv conned wot TO 10 Im Aiomeser punty 00 haf) C. Pod the (diggs oF Cyliode Given NaD. E oD hig: PAD nad Aan 2 20, Cine. s2u)() os a : io. days te 0 a 7 des toe Ng = 1S. 3844 tpn Nee 184, G58 Ap He: ? ®A weet He wd on beige must PE jithwand @ pul! op 6 £00 fhe Bnd Oianesee of the ®A Assuming APO OF capety or Y ond Ulhmate Cress OF Gy Coo PS oven” au et d= | OC.) Fe Gtwooler 6° $7 aie tse ¥ yO " y Gu + Gb 000 prs dy 0. Falbes to a? d=) af) Dk theemare chear wrengIh or chee! pla 5 : y pore ® nececiory % punch 20-40 Biameke hole In Oss in Piok Plok UArY A Factor o¢ Sakety oF BS f sl > d= 0.gin Sag TF =(areoe (a) (8) (a) ace F = Ib pir 3s t: Sttd ft. 7 S= YF Cope A 2s Io meter by )-¥ Io loog journa) beocdng OF ood ctaaopm wing SAE do lube oil Gt 200 % 30 po. Compute the fe 70 CODY L060 Ib ep whrugh Giiogk ho bearing prewuue . ee Given: Tt Az O85 in Sb = 7 i 1-8 in * Be mpm > S%0 Ib rh ae O08 clase Su a Co © Mn pst | Ts 2.00 Ile — haw ecm Famers - 7 al 77 Om va jet) da ara o ene, po . G s - an em sk 6em) 2 > @ cn) we ocr = 199 cm? een) A Az Or ee 3 2 a 9 L «3D A = 14,200 mm A hen the loogic Jergth op joo m and CFreteh Tow em ws vie ceed hav a 19 nh A OA ion flap code - Ip Heavile eres jc Cope; , FInd Ae models OF ppl elogicity oF 1h¢ vied. 6: 28h Givi: 7 pe WR Y |= Ioom aad (@) (0°) Yesem = ey oe Ss sp psi Fe SA Heo ts 7 t= ia E = 100 000 fer ib - Ft haw adioneue Or chafy whove Pocquer vases prom 2400 to ake care coopontat OF 26 money Ord yield vimne OF 63 000 PE! ra ous Pi Ao wl | Weg Se Tray = 640d inl 2 “NE Gayp Th. - Tein = 2200 nel eget 2 2 OT in Soa? Suc = SYFS. OE pei b+ are Bev Ser: Cue We a 2 ® pow mony I inch diameke bole thot coo be Goie) punch tn ont motor oF © I inch shiek plok ucing Forte OF SD Yas. The uipimare Or rar 1S £2 keci ond FOC. Lap ety OF 3. Sd¥ WOO Given} tT n= arye)Cls d= > in Go? Toe t= Vg in b hz O79 Te se fons bie de = £2 bei ae n= 10 Tfo= 3 De Gait h = = HOR I Ind Aiameyr n= Ste ; Raper in por ME fo phy o lever Fs cae. the minimum Aiameter op oy taper pin fe © evwenice ip Ww to(be) troaroid a mayioue toque OF Wo inte. the hog aiometer iv IL inches Ond hav avirece OF 2 000 P37 Give T= 0 n-Ib Sell a= | aa Os ne ja nie) S = 90 codps; Te Fyr 23) eine ri A (a A= 0. 2&2 10 | (® A lqmm cud bole Fv used to fontiened 09 @ WD mm Homer ylindee head of Aiese! engine . Ip thert art 10 bolte, determine the Presnaye 19 0AE the Cylinder if bow chece Re SD Ma Crven: Soar age Pe = (eee DICE Coan’) b= . 2 x a Ac © (0-250)? 2: @0Ga) ——_* : Z K A column cy, ise loodl 6 LAL ~ Dekerorine Tbe a PPPS oO Comperarive loodl oF acy ‘ Ate Aiameser op Columo Ip Incde. chioimeter py |k¢ mm antl Compmnive Gress OF 2 biflon ee whan 7 t Cie: oe dy» | LD, 8 e ay t F Fe ¥-4) 15) O; = [%5 mm dp = \ +a? t= 2). 4} mm &. = SDMPo Whe , CD A ke) hottow debe Tv wied to Cond) aenile ood oe coo EN Oto Girant OF MoM. Ip amide diameter 7 10 time the tube Whicknece OF phe Odube Given: D, - B= at ge a oe Pyo-at = Oi raG ee 0;°) dy ee Dig IOLA Y es yp tye qaSUR KIO oF Sena ie? p= gt J (or?- at) QB A 20 mm drometee rived it vied Po faltered Te 2 mm Pick plage If the heaving creat of ved ie BUPA, whet Hasile force apphee! ey, plone to shear the bo? ae co. + F = (wyn*)(Flo 09) A= 20 mm A 42 ma S * be Meo F. LA f= ac. 1a kN | © Tww somm thick plote iv fariened by tuv bole , 26 mm jo diameper hi i f ; eae Plate iv vubjered) fo TDKN ytoui0n, fad he b€OI9G VAR 1h Giveo’ ~_£D wy eS gs Wien t 20mm A wD OS aap es = GGULb. beuez 72 smn bt 2 = 5, FE nie So = 9) rm © w 2 © = 33333, 333 KA boy . plate FO, it Meceavary Yo iz 10, oa hole i m he IF Uli move chear eee th a 20mm bole i919 5 mm thick Gur or Yo Mi Bisons Gag Fe GIGOUnN) Be BSom F = Gadt = 48309. ¢905 N Gs) © 4. ge ies haf Te cubfjecred to SEN Porque Bra he Views G25 in cee iw(a) = Tid? Ti (snake — = $403).04031 Ke Geen T smokey gs S17 aya) [00 = [£9.69 M& A vet! when cvdject 49 pure Sorvion , > ff Ree momeat oe inechav b.13¢a410%mY, desumine we eens Cwheft cong handle 7 og OiNen : c- = £ 0 MPa GE J = b. ase415 C= es pip TT =f een) _ Ve plas) \ 7+ aye \o ale) G A lever, cecund OND mm ound chaff by aut Jape pin (ae 10») has a pull op 200 N at acodiue op Cb. Fiod Whe) S, the bor kiog oven On dhe pa io Mea, Consider double whee 00 the pe Givie cy 127 ER Ags Coma a, (ay)” Oy loma Kk . 1.2 (100 vo = 4o.dy Mae ahh 5° (sv wy? ‘i ® loa 2.0m contileverrd T-beom, 2 Mien wright i¢ applied at pre cod. Ifthe allowobfe ches bean w lo Mla, determine the ohn mode Given: as Me. TA Az=20m eo fs 2 2. feuen (#2 =a) 2864 In ioe) & AG mm exeel wine BC m long ond Whe thes & ier unaee B Quin lood, F mrectelnc Of elawthcityy too Gpa. find the load applied Gn, "de omm gs EL p , GeontXo-ced)fo-ces) lecm AY c Y> Sinn pe AY £7 ea “| Fe @.049 KN GDA tee! sie pm long , hanging vervically suppor 2 seavile food QIN Neglecting He weigh? Op Wire, Ackeotoe Fhe reQuitd hiametr ae vines Pe mo} to exceed yo MPA ond the Fox! efonganen nr oth ecieed fom. Aucune t= goo GAA Given: Li lom ge ob da-\4@ Ce) Frown Ay 100410") (0-008) ae? FL S=I40 Vy a d= §-OUL mm Y=Smm E=a00Gla d=\at Ke <2) L Ceehon Hele wom vhen Oo mat of Em? jo GOL CHD Hetty pom when Ao ira wd Ym lerg ond phe mods of ATI) Ig WE ye mous of 226 kay '9 hang on i). Compu Gren: Fu Leym b= rae f 7. os oss _ (eosn ee) ym) ns 2arkg (os 5) be? e x Gp A oom wo it Vhechee to 0 Utroin OF 0-001. PeHCeniny tht Uf\e47” OF the ad. y Given: Aaja = TL lz Qom y = L(orei0) Pruin = 0.00) .? 4 Y= 20f0.00) = tone] CDA can having o Coeppicitnd lintor egpootiaa e Wo tio min % Incr O38 Fy Yeagth when bCOKD From IOP fe 122% OtkF 0196 Pal LWHO ove Ke texto’ mime 1 = KL (tet) ios ECAt é Sri (dy. ) eat 33 7h 5 Nie ys) Y Ia fro’ 75 hers 2. (44) Mer 40V8)) @ Wha} Heopecanire will the rile jut Puched ip (keel pailrogd it 10m With Clearonte op 3mm af hital krperatuad, OF ILC, long are toner Guw Lzlom = kL (4,~4,) C= 3am , aA t= 15% Pp beg i ken » “he t= De fi = 0:83 ee (1-915) joner diameker of 0 ae GD) p haliow vratt hav oe | KE Of 0. 035m Bed CUVEE Siomeny, pele moment F beta oF the hollow whe fy , _Detecring fhe ae n(ar-a") . rlocw"-o.a0) Guar ye COC) = al ~ 0. 2s ais 0 0as" 32 23 J = £3220 410° m4 ion ord hrictoge Otel mokdal co tas ty SIghty smalier hole OF A vitel bu shiog oF 1994 Hiameser with Ie ff. pre | marerials | data te apply Copp! Gert Of OC OF Gr boo vre/ FO. Wccce us in fink, Hop. raised by heotieg .0F cobling media % ote Ory iE wy bing Point of ~I0H.3 1-9 50) Arinvage rok hefow boiling Pom 0. c.093im|in. Determine phe final Clorome 7 Ae exporcedl Stel bushing hore egamit the shringage of Whe Cree! hath BD) Ht Ts o problem oF exper ¥ diomese ape heobing = Ae. aoe + 4 Cleorome = ore ~ oaey, = |aagq + © cocccat (1.909)(; 5) aaNl24.s) 5 C = 0.0 = b 999333 Io COFQS 19 * Didmeker ortec ecohoo, 20a) +9 = 2 + 2(0-00093) = 1.09840 10 Ip thé weight of Lin diomerter by uy" long CAE jo3o Vhofing Ie 174.5 19 theo what will be Whe WGI Of rromivn (aE He op ome Gre Cer We Hac (2.200 ol: Gin rr Le usin 3g. W = 94.019 4.792 Ibs @&® ne modulus of elarttity ia Heavion ie required fo obdain @ vor FormO#00 eF 9, COIGE Mr] m frder B 100d preluchag A word Rrvile Cees A 44 000 psi 5. treet 00/06 mf, Skaia Coles mon vo. = UY ooops: = 44000 =| gp, 906 HO” pei O- 00/05 eo mayimum wad Shear in a atthe! Aamayy eset GY) Compune 1 2) Compune pypooin- 1 of torque OF dampen goa) Worsmns chafing : Given 2 ae, hie, nd ae 3in = Lu feqoog T+ 2yo00 13)” W> Garpe C2 4627 ps] hick drawn Hel plows 17 Fohe Dg the viimok hea C cH Ff y © pore irreguiredl # Perch 2 I'h inch come hole > Gur Se G2 Kesi n Fe Sat t~ 'Isio = i dz I 'loie ie a p cbewy Muncy = [27 F / a har The iain 3.) chofl whose Fogne vaiw frm Nevo to L060 jn- en Op Ms bo 00 pi yA oth. Compuk por the Can 2 perage wt we C2 Sete d Loin 2 L000 in- I Tans = 2000 Pelt : a) a: Ce ufo), Wold) y = GO O00 psi et aa : “7? $+ Se = |e6036. 09 pe o-e the voce foutor of oR. Pe @® A link has @ load factor of wurfore fortor Ty 0.40 and the endurance Phergth i Ceoo2 PO Qopuse the altenakeg Vrtd op Me hnk dit wejand Po Veaing bod. Kitumy 0 fare vapty op 2 Gs 2 oP psi 3 dieady head o uhear (8 The ho ft iv aubyeed a deady Mod of 2b E00 in-t, at @ he Compute He HOrereer of phe word what © Chen Of bya po 3 7 ee Ts 96060 Inte 7 (10000) (es te 000 per 7 D2 or 6% in ee gir ——— () & anor pin iy fo be theac Al jg hp and 1000 1m. The pinatochas ahub to a uhaft he jacket in diamefer ord wltimate htoring, one! x GP Ovo pei, Find the diameter of the pr? 7 Gista ' ps amy d= ia vrs Pe ichp 23 000 erer 2 Wt | AYS38 e 1 « (23000) AF eso ow) a /ovoRpm Mee bab ta an (1000) Suz $v coo psi t = ra qenuart to (22) d= O-1avee io ? : en is T = WS:3% in-le Az Je in (%) A Ged 0-8 toch ¥ 119 Cee! nef} tong iv vnbjected to a SCoolbr Hodiie lod. Td the M form ah on ohog itt wa dt if Poisrone Va7% 16 Oe Gisen’ Me =o y Ewa A: O.6i9 a - Ne ‘ogy Eye 3. Ba93¥ *G 3328 H0 ) Fecwomr 6y + 3-3 m0 ow be ys? by» & Zaaasyjet [Ly = © Oooo YA 17 @ A kel wd ie wretched between 0197 way ancl gine axndie lat Of Swol ay °C. the allowable reas iv no? tp eyceed BONN |/q% 07-20%, y of the real? Aleve B=. puma/mic E> B0O7 F hat ne the mio mum Homener S Hap omrid Ey, Gina! i € cols > Aovooty Ty. ee CO =Gower -12,000_Su000 a a=) 9F Su 130M) 2 Fae MRED C= uyos Mr beng Nmf n-2) tree Ova

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