Office: Work Arrangement
Office: Work Arrangement
Office: Work Arrangement
Department ofHealth
SEP 15 2020
No. 2020- D542
Proclamation No. 922 was signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on March 8, 2020
declaring a state of public health emergency throughout the Philippines due to the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) and pursuant to this, Proclamation No. 929 was issued on March 16,
2020. In view of the declaration of state of public health emergency and due the outbreak of to
COVID-19, the Department of Health (DOH) issued the Department Memorandum (DM) No. 2020-
0139 dated March 24, 2020, “DOH Continuity Plan for COVID-19 Response” stipulating the
guidelines to ensure the efficient delivery and continuity of services while preventing the spread of
COVID-19. Further, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) has issued on May 7, 2020 the
Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 10, s. 2020, “Revised Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work
Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for Workers in the Government ‘During the Period of State
of National Emergency Due to COVID-19 Pandemic” which provides guidelines and support
mechanisms for workers in the government.
This Order is being issued to provide the supporting guidelines on the adoption of the
Alternative Work Arrangements (AWAs) and the minimum workplace health standards to ensure
that there is continued operation
such as COVID-19.
services in the DOH during an emergency or pandemic situation,
Provide the guidelines for efficient delivery and continuity of services in the DOH during
emergencies and pandemics with due consideration of the health, safety and well-being of all
officials, plantilla employees as well as personnel whose services are engaged through Contract of
Service (COS) or Job Order (JO).
This Order shall apply to all officials and plantilla employees, and COS/JO workers of the
San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila @ Trunk Line: 651-7800 Direct Line:
Building 1,
Fax: 743-1829; 743-1786 @ URL:; email: [email protected]
A. General Guidelines
1. Any of the AWAs as stated in CSC MC No. 10 shall be adopted by the various
bureaus/services/offices/units of the DOH and shall not preclude the delivery of
essential work services, and production of required outputs.
2. To ensure that public service delivery is not prejudiced during the implementation of
AWAs, officials and personnel shall be provided with support in the performance of
their duties and responsibilities, subject to availability of funds and concurrence of
heads of bureaus/services/offices/units.
3. To protect personnel health and safety and in line with our minimum health standards,
the DOH shall implement precautionary measures prior to resumption of normal
operations, such as disinfection and decontamination activities, conduct of health status
check among personnel, and modification of workplace layout to ensure observance of
physical distancing requirements. At all times, the DOH shall enforce minimum health
standard protocols such as wearing of face mask and face shield, taking of body
temperature, and others.
4. Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries and Directors and its equivalent shall report
Mondays to Fridays or any day in view of their indispensable functions inherent to
their positions and in
the exigencies of service; unless belonging to
the classifications
identified in Item No. 7 who shall report on AWA as duly approved by his/her
immediate supervisor in writing.
. The maximum number of personnel physically reporting for work per day shall be as
This is in order to maintain physical distancing except for the Offices declared as
essential in COVID-19 response per DM No. 2020-0139.
. The following are required to be physically present each working day in each
. Officials, employees, and COS/JO workers who are considered high-risk shall be
allowed by their immediate supervisors to be on WFH arrangement, but with clear
assignments, tasks and deliverables per day, except when their services are
indispensable under the circumstances or when office work is permitted:
However, all officials and plantilla employees, and COS/JO workers who do not
conform to the classifications mentioned above shall not be on work-from-home
arrangement for
more than two (2) consecutive weeks.
To ensure that duties are performed and tasks are delivered, without prejudice to the
overall operations of the office, a monitoring mechanism such as submission of
_ The Centers for Health Development, DOH Hospitals/Sanitaria and Drug Abuse
Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers and all other units of the DOH shall adapt the
guidelines set in this Order given their local situation/quarantine status.
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10. All staff who are engaged by the DOH
through Foreign-AssistedProjects and Locally-
Funded Projects, and who are embedded in their base bureaus, services, offices or
units to ensure project targets/deliverables are met, shall also be covered by the
provisions under this Order pertaining to the adoption of AWAs.
B. Specific Guidelines
a. The required number ofdays to physically report for work in a week shall be lessened
by the number ofholiday/s or non-working day/s that fall/s during the said week, and
need not be compensated by another duty day.
c. Inno case shall the date of the assumption to duty of a newly appointed/hired employees
and COS/JO workers fall on a schedule other than his/her skeletal workforce, three-day
workweek, compressed workweek or
shifting/staggered working hours schedule. The
period which the said personnel will be paid salary and/or benefits will start on the date
he/she physically reported for work.
Submission of duly approved Daily Time Record (DTR) and its supporting documents,
if any (e.g. duly signed locator slip, certificate of attendance, office order, certified true
shall be
copy of logbook, approved CTO application, and Accomplishment Report)
within the prescribed deadline.
f. Duly approved AWA schedule shall be submitted to the PAD, AS/Section/Unit prior to
its implementation. As much as possible, the AWA schedule should be fixed
and observance of minimum
all times
in consideration of the shuttle service arrangement
standards protocol. Any revision of AWA schedule shall only be allowed under
exceptional circumstances/due to reasons stated in Item IV.A.1 or as the
AS/Section/Unit has been
suggests/requires, and shall be accepted as long as the PAD,
informed beforehand of such change.
g. The use of e-signature to attest the veracity of AWA schedule, DTRs and
Accomplishment Reports and its supporting documents/attachments is acceptable and
shall suffice only during the periods of ECQ and MECQ.
2. Leave of Absence
a. Absence/s of officials and employees that will be incurred during GCQ and MGCQ
shall be filed through application for leave of absence.
b. Leave of Absence of officials and employees who underwent the required quarantine
period and/or treatment for COVID-19 shall be governed by the CSC MC No. 08, s.
2020, “Revised Interim Guidelines on the Use of Leave Credits for Absences Due to
Quarantine and/or Treatment Relative to the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-
b. Absence/s (except for excused absences per CSC MC No. 8. s. 2020), tardiness and
undertimes incurred during GCQ and MGCQ vis-a-vis the approved AWA schedule
shall be deducted from the available leave credits or salary, whichever is applicable.
c. Those COS/JO workers duly certified by their respective supervisors as undergoing the
required quarantine period and/or treatment for COVID-19 owing to performance of
their official functions, shall be considered on full-time attendance. (This is
retroactive in application effective June 1, 2020).
Upon return to work by said the personnel, the following documents shall be submitted
to the Head of Office, copy furnished the PAD, AS/Section/Unit:
e Completion of Quarantine Certificate issued by the local quarantine/health official;
e Medical Certificate that he/she is cleared to report back to work;
e Medical Records showing that he/she was treated of COVID-19 signed by the
attending physician (for those under treatment of COVID-19).
a. Employees and COS/JO workers who are required to physically report for work on
holidays, non-working days and scheduled restday shall be entitled to COC for the
services rendered during the said days. The number of
accrued COCs shall be based on
the number ofhours rendered during such days.
Pe 4
b. Employees and COS/JO workers who are
required to physically report for work on
scheduled working days and rendered services beyond the scheduled working hours
shall be entitled to COC. The number of hours rendered in excess of the required
working hours is considered as COCs.
c. Accrual of COC and availment of CTO are subject to existing rules and regulations
thereof (CSC and DBM Joint Circular No. 2, s. 2004 as amended by CSC and DBM
Joint Circular No. 2-A, s. 2005, CSC and DBM Joint Circular No. 2, s. 2015, and DOH
DO No. 2017-0418 and DM No. 2020-0045). Accrued COC during the State of Public
Health Emergency, as supported by an authorization to render overtime service, shall
only be utilized after the same is lifted.
All other existing issuances and guidelines, including provisions of the DM 2020-0251 dated
5,2020, “Adoption of Alternative Work Arrangement During the Implementation of General
Community Quarantine”, which are inconsistent with these Revised Guidelines are hereby
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IATF Omnibus Guidelines on
Community Quarantine.
f. Other Alternative Head of Offices may propose other alternative work arrangements
Work Arrangements not indicated above as long as the required “40 hours in a week”
principle shall have been observed and complied with.
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