2021 Book Tach Part7 Paperportfolio
2021 Book Tach Part7 Paperportfolio
2021 Book Tach Part7 Paperportfolio
1 Introduction
c The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D.-T. Tran et al. (Eds.): ICISN 2021, LNNS 243, pp. 225–232, 2021.
226 T. N. Thang and N. D. Vuong
(see [7]) or Lagrangian Multiplier (see [8]). Most of previous methods apply scar-
larization to transfrom Markowitz model to single-objective problem. However,
whether scarlarization is applied to non-linear functions or not is still a contro-
versial question. We approach problem (PS ) as an optimization problem over
the efficient set (PX ). Based on approaching by the outcome space, we propose
to transform problem (PX ) to a single-objective convex programming problem.
In Sect. 2, the theoretical preliminaries are presented to analyze the portfolio
selection problem with risk aversion index and propose the equivalent convex
programming problem. Section 3 introduces the algorithm to solve the problem
including some computational experiments as illustrations. A few conclusions
are given within the final section.
2 Theoretical Preliminaries
s.t. x1 + x2 + ... + xn = 1, xj ≥ 0, j = 1, n.
Here, the risk function can be written in quadratic form V(x) = xT Qx. Because
Q is positive semi-definite so V(x) is a convex function. Also easy to see, return
Portfolio Selection with Risk Aversion Index 227
min{Φ(x)|x ∈ XE }, (PX )
where Φ(x) = λ, f (x) and XE is the efficient solution set for problem (BOP ),
i.e. Recall that XE contains every x0 ∈ X which satisfies that there is no x ∈ X
where f (x0 ) ≥ f (x), f (x0 ) = f (x).
As usual, the notation y 1 ≥ y 2 , where y 1 , y 2 ∈ Rm , is used to indicate yi1 ≥ yi2
for all i = 1, . . . , m.
It is widely acclaim that, in general, the set XE is nonconvex and given
implicitly as the form of a standard mathematical programming problem, even
in the case m = 2 and we have linear objective functions f1 , f2 as well as the
polyhedral feasible set X . Hence, problem (PX ) is a global optimization problem
and belongs to NP-hard problem class. In this article, we propose to transform
the main problem to a convex programming problem.
Proposition 1.
i) For any y 0 ∈ MinY, if x0 ∈ X satisfies f (x0 ) ≤ y 0 , then x0 ∈ XE .
ii) For any x0 ∈ XE , if y 0 = f (x0 ), then y 0 ∈ MinY.
Let Z = Y + Rm + = {z ∈ R
| z ≥ y for some y ∈ Y}. Apparently, Z is not
empty. Also, it is a full-dimension closed set but it is nonconvex in general (see
Fig. 1) The following interesting property of Z will be used in the sequel.
has a unique optimal solution y E . Since Z is convex, problems (PS ) and (PE )
are convex programming problems. If y S = y E then XE = {y S } and y S is the
only optimal solution of problem (PX ), else if y S = y E then MinZ is a curved
line on the boundary of Z with starting point y S and the end point y E such that
Note that we also get the efficient solutions xS , xE ∈ XE such that y S = f (xS )
and y E = f (xE ) while solving problems (PS ) and (PE ). For the convenience,
xS , xE is called to be the efficient solutions respect to y S , y E , respectively. In the
Portfolio Selection with Risk Aversion Index 229
second case, we consider problem (PZ ) where ϕ(y) = λ, y. Direct computation
reveals the line through y S and y E equation is c, y = α, in which
⎨c = E 1 S , S 1 E ,
y1 −y1 y2 −y2
E E (2)
⎩α = Ey1 S + Sy2 E .
y −y 1y −y
1 2 2
From (1), it is easily seen that the vector c is strictly positive. Now, let Z̃ = {y ∈
Z | c, y ≤ α} and Γ = ∂ Z̃ \(y S , y E ), where (y S , y E ) = {y = ty S +(1−t)y E | 0 <
t < 1} and ∂ Z̃ is the boundary of the set Z̃.
It is clear that Z̃ is a compact convex set because Z is convex. By the
definition and geometry, we can see that Γ contains every extreme points of Z̃,
moreover, MinZ = Γ . Consider the following convex problem
min λ, y
s.t. f (x) − y ≤ 0 (CP 1 )
x ∈ X , c, y ≤ α,
where the vector c ∈ R2 and the real number α is determined by (2). Because of
the convexity of the objective function f and the feasible set X , problem (CP 1 )
is a convex programming problem with n + 2 real variables.
Proof. It is well known that a convex programming problem with the linear
objective function has an optimal solution which belongs to the extreme point
230 T. N. Thang and N. D. Vuong
set of the feasible solution set [6]. Therefore, problem (CP 0 ) has an optimal
solution y ∗ ∈ Γ . This fact and YE = MinY implies that y ∗ ∈ MinZ. Since
MinZ ⊂ Z̃, it implies that y ∗ ∈ arg min (PZ ).
Since MinZ = YE = MinY, by definition, we have λ, y ∗ ≤ λ, y for all
y ∈ YE and y ∗ ∈ MinY. Then
λ, y ∗ ≤ λ, f (x), ∀x ∈ XE . (3)
Because (x∗ , y ∗ ) ∈ arg min (CP 1 ), f (x∗ ) ≤ y ∗ . By Proposition 1, x∗ ∈ XE .
Furthermore, f (x∗ ) ∈ Y and y ∗ ∈ MinY. The definition of efficient points infers
that y ∗ = f (x∗ ). Combining this fact and (3), we get Φ(x∗ ) ≤ Φ(x) ∀ x ∈ XE
which means x∗ ∈ arg min (PX ).
λ x∗ y∗ Φ(x∗ )
(0.0, 1.0) (0.9612, 2.9991) (1.9412, 1.0000) 1.0000
(0.2, 0.8) (0.4460, 2.8325) (1.1989, 1.0281) 1.0622
(0.5, 0.5) (0.2929, 2.7071) (1.0858, 1.0858) 1.0858
(0.8, 0.2) (0.1675, 2.5540) (1.0208, 1.1989) 1.0622
(1.0, 0.0) (0.0011, 2.0435) (1.0000, 1.9326) 1.0000
(−0.2, 0.8) (0.9654, 2.9992) (1.9412, 1.0000) 0.4118
(0.8, −0.2) (0.0011, 2.0435) (1.0000, 1.9326) 0.4146
Portfolio Selection with Risk Aversion Index 231
Example 2. (see [8], pp. 7) There are five stocks with the list of ticker symbols as
DGX, AAPL, BAC, IBM, MSFT. Chronicled stock cost and profit installment
from 2002 to 2007 are used to calculate the anticipated return and covariance
matrix of five stocks (Table 2).
We use Matlab to resolve the problem, then the speculator can get an insight
into the Expected Return and Risk for any risk aversion index A in Fig. 2. From
the figure, it can be revealed that when A varies from 20 to 50 or greater, there
is not a significant change in Expected Return. The same trend is also applied
to Risk when A ranges between 5 and 50 or higher.
4 Conclusion
Within this research, a method has been developed to solve the issue of portfolio
selection with risk aversion index by proposing the equivalent single-objective
optimization problem over Pareto Set. Practical experiments reveal that this
method required little computational effort in comparison to other methods
because only some convex programming need solving. Therefore, it can be widely
applied in most fields where exist portfolio optimization.
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