Battletech - Fan Created-FSS Gray Paladin

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The document provides details about the crew and operations of the Gray Paladin dropship. It aims to offer players context and flavor for their BattleTech games.

A BattleCorps Ship Profile is intended to give players insight into the inner workings and culture of notable warships from the BattleTech universe. It describes the Gray Paladin and its crew.

The crew members described each have specialized roles, including communications, hacking, cargo operations, and shuttle piloting. They work together to carry out intelligence missions.




A BattleCorps Ship Profile is a gameplay aid designed to offer
players a glimpse into the inner workings of one of the mas-
sive WarShips, deadly DropShips, or fragile JumpShips that
populated the historical navies of the Inner Sphere and Clans.
A ship in space is a city unto itself, and each one developed
a culture during each of its crewings and deployments. The
complement of a warship must come to live and work togeth-
er to survive, especially in the cauldron of combat or a long
Each of the ships found in these small PDF exclusives is too
unique to ever be in the pages of Field Manual or Technical
Readout. Each of them may have been scrapped or destroyed
the day after the report was compiled. Perhaps they were
mothballed or lost in an accident; perhaps they lost their seals

and decompressed; perhaps they exist at the same time peri-

od your player group sits down to play a game of BattleTech or the AdvAnCed plAnetAry Conquest
A Core rules

an A Time of War role-playing campaign. Our intention in cre-

ating these profiles isn’t to increase the already-considerable
canon of BattleTech lore, although they are official and sanc-
tioned units, but rather to offer you a chance to add a harmless
and perhaps fun bit of flavor to your games.
As we launch this series of free-to-subscriber content to Bat-
tleCorps, please note that the era icon and a year will appear in
each one. The unit listed existed during that era and specific
year, and may or may not have existed before or after. Unless
they appear in other products, they have vanished into the TM

mists of history.

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35005 the battletech rpg

FSS Gray Paladin

In the build-up before Operation Rat, MIIO needed hard data on the targets inside the Capellan Confederation. Besides the
network of agents inside the Confederation, additional assets were needed. In 3026, Operation Silent Lance was activated.
Using a series of modified Union-class DropShips disguised as civilian cargo haulers, MIIO gathered intel on all target planets
inside the Confederation. Once on-planet, the DropShips would tap into planetary networks, monitor both military and civilian
communications, update maps, pick up reports from deep-cover agents, and recon targets. A small part of Operation Rat’s success
can be attributed to these men and women.
The Gray Paladin was one of the most successful of these ships. Operating under the ID of the independent cargo hauler Star
Mermaid, the DropShip visited Aldebaran, Algol, New Hessen, and Pleione several times over the two years before Operation Rat,


giving MIIO a clear picture of the military and civilian picture on these planets.

CO: Captain Martin Kelly CO: Leftenant Rachel Reese
Elite / Fanatical Veteran / Reliable
Not only did the Gray Paladin successfully gather In its disguise as a tramp freighter, the Paladin
intelligence on Confederation targets, Captain Kelly and his couldn’t carry fighters. Instead, it openly carried a ST-46 shut-
crew actually made a profit from the cargos they hauled. With tle and secretly carried a S-7A bus under a false stack of crates
every member of the crew being involved in some aspect of in one of the fighter bays. In it’s ‘civilian’ role, the ST-46 is used
intelligence gathering, the crew became very close, running to move people and cargo from the DropShip to planet, or an-
their operations with minimum input from Kelly. other DropShip. It also can land a squad of Rabid Foxes any-
where on-planet. If the target is in space, the S-7A can trans-
port an entire squad of Rabid Foxes and equipment, relying on
the modified bus to slip inside an enemy’s sensor net.


CO: Leftenant Vas Kinnison CO: Leftenant Mitchell “WaveGod” Bayer
Veteran / Reliable Regular / Reliable
One of the three major departments onboard the Once the DropShip was on the ground, this de-
spyship, the communications section monitored everything partment, made up of ‘reformed’ crackers and cyber security
from the time the Gray Paladin undocked from the Jumpship specialists, would infiltrate the planetary network, probing
until they redocked to jump out. All civilian, military, business databanks for vital information. Using the most sophisticated
and entertainment signals were scanned, looking for anything programs that NAIS could come up with, and the proven abil-
that might be important to MIIO. In addition, this department ity of some of the Federated Suns most notorious hackers, this
worked at breaking military and civilian codes and ciphers. In department managed to gleam some of the most important
addition, this department handled normal communication data uncovered in the entire operation.
notable personalities

Captain Martin Kelly Leftenant Vas Kinnison

Combining both a MIIO officer’s training and a merchant Kinnison has always loved solving problems. By the time he
DropShip captain’s experience, Kelly played the role of Cap- was eight, he was solving complex word problems. MIIO dis-
tain ‘Hookrah’ Vincences of the Star Mermaid so well two of his covered him early and quietly gave him a scholarship to uni-
cargos were for CCAF units. Born and raised on a merchant versity, where he graduated with degrees in both physics and
DropShip, Kelly comes by his role naturally. A meeting with languages. He was recruited into MIIO and helped crack sev-
a MIIO officer led to Kelly being recruited by the agency. He eral of the Confederation and Combine military codes. When
worked on several MIIO DropShips before taking command of the DropShip is in-system, he rarely leaves the com room. Cap-
the Gray Palidan, proving himself to be the ideal agent. tain Kelly has taken this in account, and the galley always has
Special Abilities coffee ready.
Kelly is a Elite-level DropShip pilot with +4 in Leadership, Special Abilities
+5 in both Apprisal and Negotiation, and +4 Interest/Blind Kinnison had a +5 in Communications/Conventional, +8 in
Chess skills. He has an Alternate ID, +4 TP Connection, a –2 Cryptology, a +4 in Language/Mandarin, and a +2 Interest/
TP Enemy (Rival DropShip captain/Vincences ID) and a –1 TP Blind Chess skills. He also has an the Patient , Introvert, and –2
Compulsion/Smoking Trait. TP Poor Vision Traits.

Leftenant Mitchell “WaveGod” Bayer Pendaran “Largo” Collier

Bayer was a sixteen-year-old hacker when he cracked what Collier is Bayer ten years ago. A street-wise youth, Collier de-
he thought was a business database, but was actually a MIIO veloped hacking skills to survive. After a confrontation with
secured database. He tried covering his tracks, but MIIO quick- a nasty noble, he decided tio hack the noble’s database. But
ly tracked him down. Instead of arresting him, they offered he stumbled over evidence that the noble was into some
him a choice: spend time in prison or join MIIO. Bayer took the questionable business deals. Forced to flee with the noble’s
job offer. In return, MIIO paid for his college and let him ex- thugs on his heels, Collier sent a call out on the hacker’s un-
pand and hone his cracking skill. He’s still cracking networks, derground. Fortunately, Bayer was on-planet and hooked into
but only those MIIO wants cracked. And there are always a the local hackers network. MIIO got to Collier before the thugs
large number of networks MIIO wants into … could. Now Collier works under Bayer, learning everything the
Special Abilities older man can teach him about computer systems and crack-
Bayer has a +7 in both Computers and Security Systems/ ing them.
Electronics, and a +5 in Technician/Electronics. Special Abilities
Bayer has a +5 in Computers, a +7 in Security Systems/Elec-
tronics, +3 Streetwise/Federated Suns and a +3 in Technician/
Leftenant Rachel Reese Leftenant Megan Savage
Shuttle pilots are not generally thought highly of, but Left- Megan Savage comes from a family of soldiers, and she can’t
enant Reese is an exception. Always calm, cool and collected see herself doing anything else. Aboard the Gray Paladin, her
Reese has the skills to be an aerospace fighter pilot. Instead, job is the cargomaster, with the rest of her team as the deck-
she uses her skill to slip through small holes in planetary and hands. On-planet, or in space, she and her Rabid Foxes do the
orbital sensor nets to deliver Rabid Foxes. She is acknowl- necessary intelligence footwork. A tall, lean woman, Savage
edged as the best shuttle pilot in the MIIO. When off-duty, she is more at home in her overalls then her uniform. When not
likes to read, or play blind chess with either Captain Kelly or being the cargomaster or on a Rabid Fox operation, Savage is
Leftenant Kinnison constantly training, keeping her edge sharp.
Special Abilities Special Abilities
Reese has the Natural Aptitude/Aerospace Pilot Trait. She Savage is a Veteran-level infantryman with +4 in Leadership,
has +6 Piloting/Aerospace, +5 in both Navigation/Space and +5 in Small Arms and Stealth, and a +3 in Zero-G operations.
Navigation/Air, +4 Career/Aerospace pilot, and +3 Interest/
Blind Chess skills. She has both the Maneuvering Ace (see p.
223, AToW) and Speed Demon (see p. 224, AToW) Special Abili-

unit support craft

As a DropShip, Gray Paladin carries only shuttles in place of
her aerospace fighters; the bays were expanded to hold shut-
tles, but at the cost of some cargo space.
FSS Flounder (ST-46 class)
CO: Leftenant Rachel Reese

FSS Bottom-Feeder (S-7A class)


CO: Warrant Eion Graves




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