Urine Sediment Preparation
Urine Sediment Preparation
Urine Sediment Preparation
Anyone working in the Clinical Skills Lab must read the ‘CSL_I01 Induction’ and
agree to abide by the ‘CSL_I00 House Rules’ & ‘CSL_I02 Lab Area Rules’
Please inform a member of staff if equipment is damaged or about to run out.
Clinical Skills:
Urine Sediment Preparation
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Urine sediment preparation is Place the tube into the Centrifuge the sample for 5
undertaken to identify cells, centrifuge. minutes at 450g
casts, crystals, and/or Whatever type and size of (approximately equivalent to
microorganisms. centrifuge, remember to 1500-2000 rpm depending
Mix the urine sample by balance it correctly and on the centrifuge used).
gently inverting the container. secure the lid.
Using a disposable plastic
pipette, transfer 5 ml of urine
to a conical tip centrifuge
In practice, there may be 1ml
or 5ml conical tubes to use.
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Once the centrifuge has Add one drop of the stain to Re-suspend the sediment in
stopped, remove the tube. the tube, using a pipette. the supernatant by gently
Remove the supernatant swirling or “finger-flicking”
(free fluid at the top of the the tube.
sample) with a plastic
pipette or by decanting.
Keep approximately 0.5 ml
of supernatant in the tube.
Take care not to disrupt the
sediment “pellet” whilst
removing the supernatant.
Clinical Skills:
Urine Sediment Preparation
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Use a pipette to transfer one Place a coverslip over the Decrease the intensity of the
drop of the reconstituted sample. When handling a microscope light by lowering
sediment to a microscope coverslip, hold it at one the condenser (dial C) and
slide. corner as shown below. closing the iris diaphragm (D).
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