Doing, Not Just Saying: Lesson
Doing, Not Just Saying: Lesson
Doing, Not Just Saying: Lesson
Doing, Not Just Saying
Betrayed by Judas. Condemned by the Judas expected Him and the other disci-
chief priests. Handed over to the Romans. ples to go to the Mount of Olives that
Mocked. Whipped. Crucified. In just a few night. The betrayer planned to bring the
hours, evil men would do all those terrible chief priests there to take Him. But Jesus
things to the sinless Son of God. That is, if could easily spoil that plan. He didn’t have
Jesus decided to let them. to go to the Mount of Olives.
The Master had said those things would When they left the upper room, they
happen to Him. But the heavenly Father could go to Bethany instead. When Judas
had given all things into His hands. So, got to the Mount of Olives, there would be
wicked men could not arrest Him or hurt no one there. Or, they could go in the oppo-
Him in any way, unless He chose to let site direction across the Jordan River into
them do it. the wilderness. Judas and the chief priests
Lesson 14
would not know where to look for them. if they disobeyed, that proved they didn’t
No, indeed, Jesus didn’t need to go to the love Him, no matter what they said.
Mount of Olives unless He wanted to. But And Jesus said they must love each other
He could decide that later. too. Those disciples who quarreled about
Right now, there in the upper room, which of them was the greatest didn’t love
Jesus had many things to tell His disciples each other with the kind of love Jesus was
before they left. One very important thing talking about. He said they must love others
He wanted them to know was the real in the same way He loved them. The disci-
meaning of love. ples didn’t know it, but soon they would
Peter had said he would lay down his life learn how very much their Master really did
for the Master. That sounded like real love. love them.
And Jesus agreed that laying down your life After Jesus finished His teachings, He
for a friend is the greatest kind of love. looked up to Heaven and talked with His
However, doing it shows your love, not just Father a while. Then He and the disciples
saying it. sang a hymn and left the upper room. Now
The Lord wanted His followers to know what? Should He go to the Mount of Olives
that true love for Him meant more than or shouldn’t He?
just saying what you would do. He said true Jesus did not suggest going to Bethany,
friends would obey Him. To Jesus, obedi- or to the wilderness, or heading for Galilee.
ence was the proof of love.
He told the disciples
plainly that
Lesson 14
Instead, He led the way straight to the “Neither would I,” said one of the other
Mount of Olives. When they got there, He disciples.
said, “Tonight all of you will leave Me. But “I wouldn’t either.”
after I rise from the dead, I will go to Galilee “Master, I would never leave You.”
ahead of you.” “Me either.”
The disciples seemed to hear nothing but One by one, the other disciples declared
the first part of Jesus’ words. And they didn’t they would never forsake Jesus. Every one
believe what He said. believed he loved the Master enough to stick
Peter declared, “Even though all the oth- with Him whatever happened.
ers forsake You, I won’t.” However, none of them knew what lay
Jesus answered, “Peter, before the rooster ahead before the night passed. But they
crows twice, you will deny that you know would have the chance to stick with the
Me three times.” Master or forsake Him. And Peter would
“No, I won’t. I know I won’t,” Peter in- have three chances to claim Jesus as his
sisted. “Even if I had to die with You, I friend, and three chances to deny Him.
would never say I didn’t know You.” Would those disciples do what they said?
Lesson 14
Wri te nu m b e rs t o te ll th e ord e r o f w ha t Je s u s d i d af te r H e wa s he d t he d is c ip l e s’
fe et .
2. Heard Peter declare “Though others forsake you, I won’t.”
Led the eleven to the Mount of Olives.
Sang a hymn with them and went outside.
Talked with God for a while.
Taught them the true meaning of love.
Told Peter, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.”
5. Write the words of Jesus from John 13:34, 35.
Lesson 14
C irc le t he l e tt er s o f t wo t h at s h ow ho w Je s u s c o m fo r t ed t h e d i s c i p le s.
6. a. They knew Judas would betray Him.
b. They remembered all Jesus had told them.
c. He said He was going to Heaven, but would come back.
d. He promised to send the Holy Spirit.
Co m p le te t he s e nte nce.
* * * * *
Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
Judas left the upper room.
Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.