DISM Pro Important Questions: SI No - SI No

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DISM Pro Important Questions

1. Arrange the steps in sequence to create a category and a set of counters programmatically:
a. Create a collection of type CounterCreationDataCollection.
b. Call the Add method of the collection to add the counters to it.
c. Call the Create method of the PerformanceCounterCategory class and pass the
collection to the method.
d. Create the counters as objects of type CounterCreationData
 A,d,b,c
 C,a,d,b
 B,d,c,a
 D,c,b,a
2. Arrange the steps in sequence to deserialize an object from an XML stream:
a. Implement the ReadXml method of the IXmlSerializable interface to customize the XML
deserialization process
b. Call the Deserialize method and read data from the TextReader or XmlReader object
c. Catch deserialization events to handle unexpected data
d. Create and XmlSerializer object and specify the type of object to be serialized
 A,b,c,d
 C,a,d,b
 B,d,c,a
 D,b,c,a
3. Match the Caspol Switch with Purpose.

SI Left Column SI Right Column Correct Answer for

No No. Column A
A1 -ag B1 List code group names  B1
and descriptions.  B2
 B3
 B4
A2 -cg B2 Alter code group with the  B1
specified name or index  B2
 B3
 B4
A3 -ld B3 Add code group to a  B1
parent  B2
 B3
 B4
A4 -lg B4 List code groups  B1
 B2
 B3
 B4

4. What does DLL stand for ?

 Dynamic Language Library
 Data Language Library
 Data Link Library
 Dynamic Link Library
5. The process of giving the name to a local variable as that of an instance variable is known
as_________ (JAVA)
 Coloring
 Lightening
 Naming
 Shadowing
6. The process of giving the same name to a local variable as that of an instance variable is known as
 Coloring
 Lightening
 Naming
 Shadowing
7. Which of the following are the advantages of static method? (Choose all that apply) (JAVA)
 Static methods can be invoked by using the class name directly.
 Static methods can be re-defined in instances.
 Static methods can be only hidden.
8. ______________ Variables can be accessed only by using object reference. (JAVA)
 Class
 Global
 Instance
 Local
9. A _________ method invoked for an object, acquires a ______ for the object before commencing
and execution. (JAVA)
 Start(),reference
 Run().lock
 Notify, reference
 Synchronized, lock
10. ____________ create a single character class comprising of two or more separate character
classes. (JAVA)
 Unions
 Intersections
 Regular expression
 Subtraction
11. The ___________ method of the string class returns the index of the specified character or string
wit (JAVA)
 Concat()
 Charat()
 indexOf()
12. The ______ method of the stringTokensizer class returns true if there is at least one token in the
string after the current position. (JAVA)
 LastIndexOf()
 ToString()
 Substring()
13. The ______ method of the String Tokenizer class returns true if there is at least one token in the
string after the current position. (JAVA)
 hasMoreTokens()
 hasMoreElements()
 countTokens()
14. Logical operator’s works with ________ operands. (JAVA)
 Boolean
 Signed
 Unsigned
15. Which of the following can a structure type contain?
 Variables
 Methods
 Properties
 Parameterized constructors
16. Which of the following keywords define a structure type?
 Delegate
 Struct
 Class
 Enum
17. Match the keyword description.

SI Left Column SI Right Column Correct Answer for

No No. Column A
A1 Enum B1 Define an interface.  B1
 B2
 B3
 B4
A2 Class B2 Define a class  B1
 B2
 B3
 B4
A3 Struct B3 Define an enumeration  B1
 B2
 B3
 B4
A4 Interface B4 Define a structure  B1
 B2
 B3
 B4

18. _________ is a running application and consists of virtual memory space, code, data, and system
 Process
 Thread
 Application
 Module
19. The DeflaterInputStream and DeflaterOutputStream classes are inherited from ________ and
__________ classes. (JAVA)
 InputStream and outputStream
 FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
 DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
 FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream
20. You can modify the way in which the interlop marshaler transforms data by specifying the
 StructLayoutAttribute
 MarshalAsAttribute
 FiledOffsetAttribute
 DllImportAttribute
21. What does a PE format file define?
 Information about other data
 Interface Definition Files
 The structure of an executable file on windows platform
 Types and members that are defined within the module.
22. Which subclass is most important in MemberInfo class?
 FieldInfo
 MethodBase
 PropertyInfo
 Type
23. A computer has a fixed number of processors, and each processor can run only ________ at a
 One thread
 Two threads
 Three threads
 Four threads
24. Which of these methods would you use if you want a method to be called repeatedly.
 WaitHandle
 Semaphore
 ThreadPool
 Timer
25. A .Net framework assembly is a __________ file.
 Windows portable executable
 Code Access Security
 Access Control List
 Intermediate language
26. In CAS, permissions are granted to :
 Assembly
 Library clasees
 Users
 Code
27. In .Net framework, what does SDK stand for?
 Software development kit
 System development kit
 Service development kit
 System developer’s kit
28. Which action will take place when a call is made to a method that in turn calls the Assert method?
a. The requested permissions are granted
b. Uses the CAs permissions checks
c. The code calls the demand method
d. The stack walk stops
 A
 B
 C
 D
29. What does CASPOL stand for?
 Code access security policy
 Console access security prompt
 Command access security prompt
 Code assert security policy
30. Match the Quantifier Character Regular Expression with description

SI Left Column SI Right Column Correct Answer for

No No. Column A
A1 . B1 Specifying that the  B1
preceding character  B2
matches one or more  B3
times.  B4
A2 {n.} B2 Specifying that the  B1
preceding character  B2
matches exactly n times.  B3
 B4
A3 ? B3 Specifies 0 or 1 matches.  B1
Equivalent to {0,1}  B2
 B3
 B4
A4 {n} B4 Specifies 0 or more  B1
matches equivalent to {0}  B2
 B3
 B4

31. Match the Character Regular Expression with description

SI Left Column SI Right Column Correct Answer for

No No. Column A
A1 \w B1 Matches any decimal  B1
digit; equivalent to[0-9]  B2
 B3
 B4
A2 \W B2 Matches any word  B1
character equivalent to  B2
the character group [a-ZA-  B3
Z0-9]  B4
A3 \d B3 Matches any non-decimal  B1
digit; equivalent to[^0-9]  B2
 B3
 B4
A4 \D B4 Matches and non-word  B1
character equivalent to  B2
the character group[^a-  B3
zA-Z0-9]  B4

32. __________indicates that the heap space they occupy needs to be recycled so that the space is
available for subsequent new objects.
 Garbage collection
 Object creation
 Recycle bin
 Recycle heap
33. The DataInput interface provides methods for _________ from a _________ stream, for any of the
Java primitive types.(JAVA)
 Reading objects, object
 Reading bytes, binary
 Reading characters, character
 Reading primitive, byte
34. Which of the following regular expressions will match the string ‘abc’ at the beginning or end of
an input string?(JAVA)
 (^[abc] | [abc]$)
 (^abc && $abc)
 (^abc | $abc)
 (^abc | abc$)
35. An annotation is the metadata that is used in Java source code to give it more meaning (JAVA)
 True
 False
36. Concurrent programming is a process of running several tasks at a time.
 True
 False
37. The Runnable interface defines a method _______, to contain the code that will be executed by
the thread object.
 Start()
 Run()
 Execute()
 Init()
38. The _______ method of the string class returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified
character or string within a string.
 Concat()
 CharAt()
 indexOf()
39. The primitive data type ______________ represents symbols in a character set like letters and
 Byte
 Char
 Short
 Long
40. In java, ___________ data type is an address of an object or an array created in memory.
 Primitive
 Reference
 Format
41. Which of the following options are used with exceptions? (Choose all that apply)
 Try
 Throw
 Catch
 New
42. Which of the following programming elements can be annotated with attributes using a CLR?
 Types
 Methods
 Fields
 Properties
43. You can keep track of the objects that are referenced by the executing program so as to finalize
and free unreferenced objects by using _____________.
 Compiler
 Garbage collected Heap
 Java virtual machine
 Stack
44. The ZIP file name can be more than ____________ characters long.
 32
 64
 128
 256
45. Which of the following statements stating the characteristics of Deque are true?
a) Is a double? Ended queue allowing insertion and deletion of elements from both ends
b) Can be implemented only as a queue.
c) Deque defines only free size deque.
d) Deque defines two form of methods
 A,b
 B,c
 C,d
 A,d
46. Which of the following are public methods of the IList generic Interface?
 IndexOf
 RemoveAt
 Insert
 Delete
47. Which of the following collection interfaces are implemented by the LinkedList Generic class?
 IEnumerable generic interface
 IEnumerablenon generic interface
 ICollection generic interface
 ICollection nongeneric interface
48. Select the permissions required by an application to access the event log
 Read
 Write
 Clear
 Full control
49. Which of the following statements are true about WriteLineIf method?
 Writes the output if the specified condition returns true
 Writes the output if the specified condition returns false
 Executes the output if the specified condition returns true.
 Appends a carriage return to the end of the output
50. The ________ method computes the signature for the specified hash value by encrypting it by
using the private key
 VerifySignature
 VerifyData
 SignHash
 VerifyHash
51. Which of the following are the advantages of generic types?
 Generic types enforce compile-time type checking
 The code in a generic type has to be defined only once.
 Generic types do not have to box and unbox data.
 Type independent abstract algorithms can be used with generic types.
52. Arrange the steps involved in invoking a method synchronously by using a delegate instance.
a) Include the arguments to be passed in a paraenthesis
b) Return a value
c) Use the name of the delegate instance
d) Retrieve the value
 A,b,c,d
 B,a,c,d
 B,d,c,a
 C,a,b,d
53. Symmetric encryption is also known as _______
 Secret-key Encryption
 Encryption Algorithms
 Block Ciphers
 Decryption
54. Which of these is a pair of mathematically linked keys that is used by Asymmetric encryption?
 Secret Key
 Data key
 Private key
 Public key

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