US Internal Revenue Service: P1345a

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The document provides information for tax year 2005 filing season for authorized IRS e-file providers. It supplements Publication 1345 and includes directories, filing season calendar, accepted forms, error codes and form field exhibits.

The document contains three main parts - Part I lists information directories, Part II provides tax year 2005 filing season information and Part III explains error reject codes.

Part I lists IRS telephone directories, websites, submission processing center relationships and state e-file coordinators that can provide assistance.

w w w. i r s .

g o v / e f i l e

Filing Season
for Authorized IRS e-file Providers
Tax Year 2005
Filing Season Supplement


Authorized IRS e-file Providers

Tax Year 2005

Publication 1345A

This documents supplements

Publication 1345 (Rev. 11-2004)

This revision supercedes

Publication 1345A (Rev. 11-2004)
Table of Contents
Part I – Information Directories
The IRS e-file Telephone Directory Page 2
The IRS Web Site Page 3
The IRS e-file Submission Processing Center Page 4
State e-file Coordinators Page 5

Part II—Tax Year 2005 Filing Season Information

IRS e-file Calendar for Tax Year 2005 Page 11
IRS e-file Updates Page 12
Accepted Forms and Schedules Page 17
Country Codes Page 19
Form 8453 Page 22
Form 8453-OL Page 24
Form 8878 Page 26
Form 8879 Page 28
Form 9325 Page 30

Part III—Error Reject Code Explanations

Error Reject Code Explanations for Individual Page 33
Income Tax Returns

Error Reject Code Explanations for Electronically Page 99

Transmitted Documents

Form Field Exhibits Index Page A-1
Form Field Exhibits Page B-1


Information Directories
The IRS e-file Telephone Directory
Topic Services Offered Number

APPLICATION AND Questions and status of application and 1-866-255-0654

SUITABILITY suitability to participate in IRS e-file

CREDIT CARD Pay an actual or estimated balance due of 1-800-2PAYTAX

PAYMENTS individual income tax.


e-HELP IRS e-file and e-services questions and 1-866-255-0654

issues; ALL Transmission problems and (If outside of the 50 US states
PATS testing questions or US territories, call the
international phone number:

ELECTRONIC FILING Requires modem; IRS e-file operations and 859-292-0137

BULLETIN BOARD administrative information, updated
periodically; downloadable files

ELECTRONIC FEDERAL Make ALL your federal tax payments, 1-800-555-4477

TAX PAYMENT SYSTEM including income, employment, and excise
WITHDRAWAL (DIRECT Check the status or cancel scheduled 1-888-353-4537

FINGERPRINT CARDS Obtain cards for principals and Responsible 1-866-255-0654

Officials for new or revised applications

FORMS BY FAX Effective October 1, 2005, service no longer


FRAUD Report suspicious activity in IRS e-file, refer 1-800-829-0433

to for more information.

PUBLICATIONS Order IRS publications and forms by phone 1-800-829-3676

SOCIAL SECURITY For assistance if returns reject due to 1-800-772-1213

ADMINISTRATION problems with SSNs, name controls or dates
of birth

TAX FORMS Order IRS forms and publications by phone 1-800-829-3676

TAX HELP IRS tax assistance 1-800-829-1040

REFUND HOT LINE Automated refund information – wait at least 1-800-829-1954

(refund info) 3 weeks after acknowledgment before

TELETAX Automated tax help– see topic numbers in 1-800-829-4477

(tax help) tax package
The IRS Web Site
The following areas exist within the IRS Web Site. Areas may vary slightly as revisions are made to this site.

Go to to find:

e-file for Tax Professionals

Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Important notes and dates about IRS e-file for
the 2006 Filing Season

IRS e-file Application Updates Information on submitting a new or revised e-file


e-Services Suite of Web-based products that allow tax

professionals and payers to do business with
the IRS electronically

IRS e-file Made Easy – A Tax Professional’s One-stop resource center for IRS e-file and e-
One-Stop e-file and e-Pay shop payment information

QuickAlerts Important e-file messages

Electronic Payment Options Information on tax types and processing periods

for electronic payments

e-file Library The IRS e-file Library

Federal/State e-file Information for Federal/State e-file

e-file Resources for Providers and EROs Includes Marketing Toolkit with e-file
promotional products

Subscription Services Subscribe to receive QuickAlerts, Digital

Dispatch, and local IRS information

e-file for Individual Taxpayers

e-file Partners for Individual Taxpayers Lists of e-file partners for: taxpayers, tax
professionals, financial institutions/employers,
and electronic payment options

Go to to find:
Current tax information for tax professionals

Go to to find:
Latest information from the IRS
Tax Year 2005 Relationships for Individual Income Tax Returns

If Fed/State return…
and the State return included is for the following state:
Send Form(s) 8453/8453-OL to:
If Online Federal return only…
and the taxpayer’s address on their Federal return is in
the following state:

Foreign and U.S. Possession addresses, returns containing

U.S. Possession forms, or Forms 2555/2555-EZ,
Forms 8833, Forms 8854 or Forms 8891
Internal Revenue Service
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Receipt and Control Branch
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Austin, TX 73344-0254
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington,
Wyoming, APO/FPO Miami, APO/FPO San Francisco

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Internal Revenue Service

Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Receipt and Control Operations
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Andover, MA 05544-0254
West Virginia, Wisconsin, APO/FPO New York

If Federal return only...

and the first two digits of the ERO’s Electronic Filing Send Form(s) 8453/8453-OL to:
Identification Number (EFIN) are:

Internal Revenue Service

30, 33, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82,
Receipt and Control Branch
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99
Austin, TX 73344-0254

Internal Revenue Service

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 51, 52, 54, 55, 78 Receipt and Control Operations
Andover, MA 05544-0254

Fed/State Participants are shown in bold print.

Note: Attachments to Tax Year 2005 Form 8453/8453OL may include Form(s) 1098-C, 3115, 3468, 4136, 5713, 8283, 8332,
8858, 8864 and/or 8885.
Alabama Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (334) 242-1219
Tavares Mathews, Coordinator Fax: (334) 353-8068
Individual and Corporate Tax Division
Gordon Persons Bldg. Room 4340
50 N. Ripley St.
Montgomery, Al 36104

Arizona Department of Revenue E-file: [email protected] Telephone (602) 716-6513
Donna Muccilli, E-File Administrator Fax (602) 716-7997
Office of Electronic Filing
1600 West Monroe Ave. 6th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85007
E-mail: same as above
Alternate: Steve Lee, E-File Telephone (602) 716-6514

Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (501) 682-7070
Dan Brown, Coordinator Help Desk (501) 682-7925
P.O. Box 8094 (ZIP 72203-8094) Fax (501) 682-7393
7th and Wolfe Streets B440
Little Rock, AR 72201
California Franchise Tax Board E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (916) 845-0353
Sean McDaniel, Coordinator Fax (916) 845-0287
Electronic Processing Section MSA-1
Franchise Tax Board
P.O. Box 1468
Sacramento, CA 95812
Colorado Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (303) 866-3889
Steve Asbell, Coordinator Fax (303) 866-3211
1375 Sherman St., Rm. 206
Denver, CO 80261
Connecticut Department of Revenue Services E-mail: [email protected] Jim Annino: (860) 297-4713
Jim Annino, Coordinator Fax (860) 297-4761
25 Sigourney St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Delaware Division of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (302) 577-8170
James Stewart, Coordinator Fax (302) 577-8202
820 N. French St.
Wilmington, DE 19801
District of Columbia E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (202) 442-6461
Office of Chief Financial Officer Fax (202) 442-6330
Sonja Peterson, Coordinator
941 North Capital St., 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Georgia Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (404) 675-4992
Charles Edwards, Coordinator Fax (404) 675-4997
1800 Century Center Blvd NE
Atlanta, GA 30354 -3205

Hawaii Department of Taxation E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (808) 587-1740
Jessica N. Honbo, Coordinator Fax: (808) 587-1488
P.O. Box 259
Honolulu, HI 96809-0259
Idaho State Tax Commission E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (208) 334-7822
Dawn Glazier, Coordinator Fax (208) 334-7650
800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV
Boise, ID 83722-0410
Illinois Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (217) 524-4767 or 4097
Kevin Richards, Coordinator Fax (217) 782-7992
101 West Jefferson St., 2-249
Springfield, IL 62702
Indiana Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (317) 615-2536
Bill Dunbar, Coordinator Fax (317) 615-2520
5150 Decatur Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (515) 281-4220
Richard Jacobs, Coordinator Fax (515) 242-6040
1305 East Walnut, 4th Fl.
Des Moines, IA 50319
Kansas Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (785) 296-4066
Terry Hunt, Coordinator Fax (785) 296-0153
915 SW Harrison
Topeka, KS 66625-4066
Kentucky Revenue Cabinet E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (502) 564-5370
Judy Ritchie, Coordinator Fax (502) 564-9897
1266 Louisville Rd.
Frankfort, KY 40620
Louisiana Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (225) 219-2488
Kay Wilson, Coordinator Help Desk (225) 219-2490 or 2492
(P.O. Box 201 Zip 70821-0201) Fax (225) 219-2651
617 North 3rd St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Maine Revenue Services E:mail: [email protected]
http:/ Telephone (207) 624-9730
Michael J. Thompson, Coordinator Fax (207) 624-9740.
State House Station 24
Augusta, Maine 04333
Maryland Office of the Comptroller E-mail: : [email protected] E-mail: : [email protected]
Jeane Olson, Coordinator Telephone (410) 260-7753
Van Jones, Assistant Fax (410) 974-2967
110 Carroll St.
Annapolis, MD 21411
Massachussetts Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (617) 887-5174
Barry White, Coordinator Fax (617) 887-5029
(P.O. Box 7013, Boston, MA 02204)
200 Arlington St.
Chelsea, MA 02150

Michigan Department of Treasury E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (517) 636-4450
Annette L. Olivier-Wolfe, Manager Fax (517) 636-4444
430 W. Allegan
Lansing, MI 48922
Minnesota Department of Revenue E-mail Help Desk: Taxpayers: [email protected]
William Grewe, Coordinator Paid Preparers: [email protected]
Tax Operations – Electronic Information Software Developers:
600 N. Robert St., M/S 4130 [email protected]
St. Paul, MN 55146-4130
Help Desk: (651) 556-3070
Fax: (651) 556-3130
Mississippi State Tax Commission E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (601) 923-7055
Niki Meadows, Coordinator Fax (601) 923-7039
P.O. Box 1033
Jackson, MS 39215
Missouri Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (573) 522-4300
Jerry Wingate, Coordinator Fax (573) 526-5915
301 W. High St., Rm. 218
Jefferson City, MO 65105
Montana Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (406) 444-6957
Dave Berg, Coordinator Fax (406) 444-4556 or 406-444-1505
(P.O. Box 5805 zip 59620-5805)
125 North Roberts
Helena, MT 59601
Nebraska Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (402) 471-5619
Larry Chapman, Coordinator Fax (402) 471-5608
(P.O. Box 94818, Lincoln, NE 68509-4818)
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68508
New Jersey Division of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (609) 633-1132
Tim Bachman, Coordinator Fax: (609) 292-1777
(P.O. Box 191 zip 08646-0191)
847 Roebling Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08625
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (505) 476-1708
Bernie Candelaria, Coordinator Fax (505) 827-0469
1100 S. St. Francis Drive #3040
Santa Fe, NM 87501
New York Department of Taxation and Finance E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk 1-800-353-1096
Ping Wu, PIT e-file Manager/Coordinator Fax (518) 485-0449
W.A. Harriman Campus, B8, Room 700
Albany, NY 12227
North Carolina Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (919) 733-3117
Johnetta Baugham, Coordinator Fax (919) 715-3165
(P.O. Box 871 Zip 27602)
501 North Wilmington St.
Raleigh, NC 27604

North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (701) 328-3102 or 701-328-3129
Donna Kohler, Coordinator Fax (701) 328-3700
Chuck Picard, Assistant Coordinator
600 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
Ohio Department of Taxation E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (614) 466-0197
Karen Fisk, Coordinator Fax (614) 466-0019
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd,
Columbus, OH 43229
Oklahoma Tax Commission E-mail: [email protected]
http://[email protected] Help Desk (405) 521-3124
Darla Young, Coordinator Fax (405) 522 -1006
2501 Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73914
Oregon Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (503) 945-8415
Stacey Heller Weeks, Coordinator Fax (503) 945-8649
955 Center St., N.E.
Salem, OR 97301
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (717) 787-4017
Richard Santo, Coordinator Fax (717) 772-4193
Bureau of Individual Taxes
5th Floor Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17128-0605
Rhode Island Division of Taxation E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (401) 222-2263
Susan Galvin, Coordinator Fax (401) 222-6288
Division of Taxation
One Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5800 E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (401) 222-4091
M. Paola Laorenza, secondary contact Fax (401) 222-6288

South Carolina Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (803) 898-5541
Keith Wicker, Coordinator Fax (803) 898-5339
(P.O. Box 125 29214-0401)
301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29214
Utah State Tax Commission E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (801) 297-7575
Douglas D. Hansen, Coordinator Fax (801) 297-7698
210 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84134
Vermont Department of Taxes E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (802) 828-3055
Trilene Roach, Coordinator Fax: (802) 828-3754
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1401
Virginia Department of Taxation E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Kerry Williams, Coordinator Help desk (804) 367-6100
P.O. Box 27423 FAX (804) 367-0224
Richmond, VA 23261-7423

West Virginia State Tax Department E-mail: [email protected] Help Desk (304) 558-8655
Jeff Anderson, Coordinator Fax (304) 558-1991
(P.O. Box 2222 zip 25328)
1001 Lee Street
Charleston, WV 25301
Wisconsin Department of Revenue E-mail: [email protected] Telephone (608) 261-4906
Marcia Gray, Coordinator Fax (608) 264-9923
(P.O. Box 8933, Zip 53708-8933)
2135 Rimrock Road
Madison, WI 53713
Revised November 2005


Tax Year 2005

Filing Season
Tax Year 2005 IRS e-file Calendar
For Tax Period January 1 – December 31, 2005

Transmitting of live IRS Individual Income Tax Returns begins January 13, 2006

Last date for…

Transmitting timely filed returns April 17, 2006

Transmitting timely filed Forms 4868 April 17, 2006

Retransmitting rejected timely filed returns April 22, 2006

Retransmitting rejected timely filed Forms 4868 April 22, 2006

Transmitting timely filed Forms 4868 or 2350 to meet overseas exception June 15, 2006

Retransmitting rejected timely filed Forms 4868 or 2350 to meet overseas

exception June 20, 2006

Transmitting returns on extension from Forms 4868 October 16, 2006

Retransmitting rejected late returns or returns on extension from Forms 4868 October 20, 2006

Transmitting test transmissions No cut off date

Submitting IRS e-file applications No cut off date

IRS e-file Updates for Tax Year 2005

Revenue Procedure 2005-60

Revenue Procedure 2005-60, effective August 29, 2005, was published in the Internal
Revenue Bulletin No. 2005-35, and is available on It combines the rules
governing IRS e-file for (1) Form 1040 and 1040A, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
and Form 1040EZ, Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers With No Dependents;
contained in Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual
Income Tax Returns; (2) Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA)
Tax Return contained in Rev. Proc. 2001-9; and (3) the rules governing electronic filing
for the Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return contained in
Rev. Proc. 99-39.
Revenue Procedure 2005-60 also governs IRS e-file for (1) Form 1120, U.S. Corporation
Income Tax Return; (2) Form 1120S, U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation; (3)
Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax; and (4) Form 990-PF,
Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as a Private
The revenue procedure also advises Authorized IRS e-file Providers to have security
systems in place to prevent unauthorized access to taxpayer accounts and personal
information by third parties.

Security and Unauthorized Access to Taxpayer Information

The security of taxpayer accounts and personal information is a top priority for the IRS.
It is the responsibility of each Authorized IRS e-file Provider to have security systems in
place to prevent unauthorized access to taxpayer accounts and personal information by
third parties. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, codified at 15 U.S.C. 6801-6827, includes
rules applicable to Authorized IRS e-file Providers that are designed to ensure the
security and privacy of taxpayer information. Violation of the provisions of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act and the implementing rules and regulations promulgated by the Federal
Trade Commission, or violations of the non-disclosure rules contained in sections 6713
or 7216 or the regulations promulgated thereunder, are considered violations of revenue
procedure 2005-60 and may subject an Authorized IRS e-file Provider to the sanctions
provided in section 7 of this revenue procedure.

Record Keeping Requirements
EROs must retain and make available to the IRS upon request, until the end of the
calendar year in which a return was filed, the following material at the business address
from which the return was originated. An ERO may retain the required records at the
business address of the Responsible Official during any period of time the office is

x Copy of signed Form 8453, any supporting documents that are not included in the
electronic return data.

x Copies of Forms W-2, W-2G, and 1099-R;

x Copy of signed IRS e-file consent to disclosure forms for taxpayers who signed
using an electronic signature;

x Complete copy of the electronic portion of the return that can be readily and
accurately converted into an electronic transmission that the IRS can process;

x The acknowledgment file for IRS accepted returns.

Forms 8879 and 8878 must be available to the IRS in the same manner described
above, for three years from the due date of the return or the IRS received date,
whichever is later.

IRS e-file Application

The definition of a Large Taxpayer as shown in Publication 3112, IRS e-file Application
and Participation, Rev. 11-04, is changed to read as shown below :

A Large Taxpayer is a business or other entity with assets of $10 million or more, or a
partnership with more than 100 partners, that originates the electronic submission of its
own return(s). A Large Taxpayer continues to not be an Authorized IRS e-file Provider.

New PIN Error Reject Code

ERO and Transmitters must ensure that when their client chooses to use one of the
electronic signature methods that the PIN Type Code, P, S, or O is present in the
Authentication Record, if not the return will reject with the new Error Reject Code 1155.

EITC Qualifying Child Certification Test

For 2006, the IRS will continue testing a certification requirement for certain EITC
taxpayers. The test will be the same size as previous tests – 25,000 taxpayers.
However, the 2006 test will differ slightly from the 2005 test in that the IRS will not be
conducting a sample from a single community. The sample for the 2006 test will be
drawn randomly from across the nation. The focus for the 2006 test will be to improve
the selection methodology which will allow the IRS to gain additional insight as it
continues the certification evaluation process.

Notices for the 2006 test were mailed out in early October 2005 with additional reminders
forwarded to taxpayers in November 2005. In addition to improving our selection
methodology for the test, added enhancements to the telephone routing system will
provide additional levels of service to taxpayers requesting assistance in completing
certification forms. Taxpayers who are selected for the qualifying child certification test
will receive an EIC Indicator of “Y” on their acknowledgement record for their e-file

As with earlier tests, the goal of the 2006 test is to evaluate the effect of a certification
requirement both on the level of erroneous payments and participation by eligible
taxpayers. As the IRS continues its evaluation of this test, it has no plans to impose a
blanket qualifying child certification requirement until a thorough evaluation of the 2004,
2005 and 2006 tests are completed. The IRS is committed to actively engaging
stakeholders through the testing process.

Form 8453, U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return
Two Submission Processing Centers will process Tax Year 2005 Forms 8453. Andover
will process Tax Year 2005 Forms 8453 for returns transmitted to Andover and Kansas
City. Austin will process Tax Year 2005 Forms 8453 for returns transmitted to Austin,
Fresno and Philadelphia. A return accepted with an electronic signature method (PIN)
does not require submission of a Form 8453.

Acceptable attachments to Tax Year 2005 Form 8453, U.S. Individual Income Tax
Declaration for an IRS e-file Return, include:

x Form 1098-C, Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes (or

acceptable documentation/required Donor Documentation)
x Form 3115, Application for Change in Accounting Method
x Form 3468, Investment Credit, Historic Structure Certificate
x Form 4136, Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels (if certificate and/or reseller
statement is required)
x Form 5713, International Boycott Report
x Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions, Section B
Appraisal Summary
x Form 8332, Release of Claim to Exemption for Child of Divorced or
Separated Parents
x Form 8858, Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To
Foreign Disregarded Entities
x Form 8864, Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit (if certificate and/or
reseller statement is required)
x Form 8885, Health Coverage Tax Credit

NOTE: Taxpayers required to file the above forms are not eligible to use a PIN
signature method. Paper Document Indicator(s) must be entered in the appropriate
field(s) of the Summary Record.

IRS e-file Signature Authorizations

Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, and Form 8878, IRS e-file Signature
Authorization for Application for Extension of Time to File, have been revised for Tax
Year 2005 to include the Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) consent language in Part
II. When a taxpayer completes a Form 8879 or 8878 which includes the EFW
statement, there is no need to provide them with a separate copy of the EFW language
as you may have done in the past. Many software products are designed to include
Form 8879 and/or Form 8879. Note that the EFW statement in Part II of Form 8878
does not apply to Form 9465 filers.

As a reminder, when applicable, Forms 8879 and 8878 must be completed and signed
by the taxpayer before a tax return or application is transmitted, or released for
transmission to IRS. DO NOT SEND Forms 8879 or 8878 to the IRS unless requested
to do so. Retain these forms for your records either in hardcopy or electronically. Refer
to Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax
Returns, and Form 8879 and 8878 instructions for additional information.

PIN Presence Indicator (Acknowledgement File)

The PIN Presence Indicator (SEQ 0065) has been changed in the Acknowledgement
File Record. The value for “No PIN Present” has been change to “9” (previous value was
“0”). It is important to check the Acknowledgement File or other documentation received
to determine if taxpayer PIN(s) was accepted by IRS. If value 9 is received, Form 8453 is
required to be submitted to the IRS. Individual income tax returns are not considered
complete unless signed by the taxpayer.

Self Select PIN/AGI

Electronic Return Originators should encourage their clients who choose to use the Self-
Select PIN method but don’t have their original prior year AGI on hand, to call the toll-
free 1-800- 829-1040 line to obtain the AGI amount from the IRS. This will ensure that
the e-file return is not rejected for a mismatch AGI entry.

ITIN Reminders
If a client presents an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and a Form W-2
showing a Social Security Number, the tax return must be filed on paper. E-file rules do
not permit an Electronic Return Originator to alter information on a wage document and
mismatched taxpayer identification numbers will cause an e-filed return to reject.

In cases where a current year return has already been filed that excluded a spouse, or
dependent who needs an ITIN, the taxpayer should complete Form 1040X, Amended
U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, showing the ITIN applicant’s information, and attach
it to Form W-7. For more information about filing with ITINs, go to the Tax Professionals
Corner at

New Form(s)/Schedule(s)
Nine (9) additional forms will be accepted for Electronic Filing of Individual Income Tax Returns
for Tax Year 2005:
x Form 5884-A – Hurricane Katrina Employee Retention Credit
x Form 8609-A – Annual Statement of Low-Income Housing Credit
x Form 8854 – Initial and Annual Expatriation Information Statement
x Form 8864 – Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit
x Form 8896 – Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit
x Form 8901 – Information on Qualifying Children Who are not Dependents
(For Child Tax Credit Only)
x Form 8903 – Domestic Production Activities Deduction
x Form 8914 - Exemption Amount for Taxpayers Housing Individuals
Displaced by Hurricane Katrina
x Form 8915 – Qualified Hurricane Katrina Retirement Plan Distributions
and Repayments

RAL Indicator Changed

The RAL Indicator is a required field for Forms 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ. The field
description for the RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465) has changed to the following:

x “0” = No Bank Product (No bank product was issued)

x “1” = Pre-Refund Products or a Loan Product similar to RAL
(Money borrowed by a taxpayer, from a lender, based on the taxpayer’s
anticipated income tax refund)
x “2” = Post-Refund Products, Non-Loan Product similar to RAC
(Taxpayers nay choose this product to have preparers and other fees
deducted from their refund instead of paying them up front. This choice
uses direct deposit into a bank account usually set up by the preparer at
a participating bank. The taxpayer is issued their refund after the IRS
deposits it and the preparer has subtracted his/her fees).

NOTE: Error Reject Code 0299 has been revised to reflect this change.
Accepted Forms and Schedules Information
The following chart identifies the forms and schedules accepted for TY2005 IRS e-file
and the maximum number of each that may be submitted with each return or as an
electronically transmitted document.
Form/Schedule Maximum # Form/ Schedule Maximum #
Form 1040 1 Form 3903 2
Schedule A&B 1 Form 4136 1
Schedule C 8 Form 4137 1 per taxpayer*
Schedule C-EZ 1 per taxpayer* Form 4255 1
Schedule D 1 Form 4562 30
Schedule E 15** Form 4563 2
Schedule EIC 1 Form 4684 5
Schedule F 5 Form 4797 1
Schedule H 1 per taxpayer* Form 4835 4
Schedule J 1 Form 4952 1
Schedule R 1 Form 4970 1
Schedule SE 1 per taxpayer* Form 4972 1 per taxpayer*
Form 1040A 1 Form 5074 1
Schedule 1 1 Form 5329 1 per taxpayer*
Schedule 2 1 Form 5471 1
Schedule 3 1 Schedule J 1
Form 1040EZ 1 Schedule M 5
Form 1099-R 20 Schedule O 5
Form W-2 50 Form 5713 1
Form W-2G 30 Schedule A 5
Form W-2GU 10 Schedule B 5
Form 970 2 Schedule C 1
Form 982 2 Form 5884 1
Form 1116 20 Form 5884-A 1
Form 1310 2 Form 6198 10
Form 2106 2 per taxpayer**** Form 6251 1
Form 2106-EZ 1 per taxpayer* Form 6252 10
Form 2120 4 Form 6478 1
Form 2210 1 Form 6765 1
Form 2210F 1 Form 6781 1
Form 2439 4 Form 8082 4
Form 2441 1 Form 8271 2
Form 2555 1 per taxpayer* Form 8275 1
Form 2555EZ 1 per taxpayer* Form 8275-R 1
Form 3468 1 Form 8283 1
Form 3800 1 Form 8379 1

Accepted Forms and Schedules Information (Cont.)
Form/Schedule Maximum # Form/ Schedule Maximum #
Form 8396 1 Form 8864 1
Form 8582 1 Form 8865 5
Form 8582-CR 1 Schedule K-1 10
Form 8586 1 Schedule O 5
Form 8594 1 Schedule P 5
Form 8606 1 per taxpayer* Form 8866 5
Form 8609-A 10 Form 8873 10
Form 8611 5 Form 8874 1
Form 8615 1 Form 8880 1
Form 8621 5 Form 8881 1
Form 8689 1 Form 8882 1
Form 8697 4 Form 8885 2
Form 8801 1 Form 8886 10
Form 8812 1 Form 8889 2
Form 8814 10 Form 8891 10
Form 8815 1 Form 8896 1
Form 8820 1 Form 8901 1
Form 8824 5 Form 8903 1
Form 8826 1 Form 8914 1
Form 8828 1 Form 8915 1 per taxpayer*
Form 8829 32*** Authentication
Form 8830 1 Record 1
Form 8833 10 Allocation
Form 8834 5 Record 1
Form 8835 1 Form Payment 2
Form 8839 3 Form T 10
Form 8844 1 ST 0001 1
Form 8845 1 ST 0002 9
Form 8846 1
Form 8847 1 Electronic Transmitted Documents (ETD)
Form 8853 1 Authentication
Form 8854 2 Record 1
Form 8859 1 Form Payment 3
Form 8860 1 Form 56 1
Form 8861 1 Form 2350 1
Form 8862 1 Form 4868 1
Form 8863 1 Form 9465 1

* Maximum of two per return on **Maximum of 45 (three rental ****Maximum of four per return
a joint return (one for each properties on each Schedule E) on a Joint Return (two for each
taxpayer) ***Up to four forms 8829 for taxpayer)
each Schedule C

Country Codes for Forms 2555/2555EZ and Foreign Employer
Compensation Record (FEC Record)
If the country is not listed, use Country Code “XX” – Other Countries

Country Code Country Code

Afghanistan AF Central African Republic CT
Albania AL Chad CD
Algeria AG Chile CI
Andorra AN China CH
Angola AO Christmas Islands KT
Anguilla AV Clipperton Islands IP
Antarctica AY Cocos (Keeling Islands) CK
Antigua & Barbuda AC Colombia CO
Argentina AR Comoros CN
Armenia AM Congo (Brazzaville) CF
Aruba AA Congo (Kinshasa) CG
Ashmore & Cartier Islands AT Cooks Islands CW
Australia AS Coral Sea Islands CR
Austria AU Costa Rica CS
Azerbaijan AJ Cote d’Ivoire IV
Bahamas The BF Croatia HR
Bahrain BA Cuba CU
Bangladesh BG Cyprus CY
Barbados BB Czech Republic EZ
Belarus BO Denmark DA
Belgium BE Djibouti DJ
Belize BH Dominica DO
Benin BN Dominican Republic DR
Bermuda BD Central African Republic CT
Bhutan BT Chad CD
Bolivia BL Chile CI
Bosnia and Herzegovina BK East Timor TT
Botswana BC Ecuador EC
Bouvet Island BV Egypt EG
Brazil BR El Salvador ES
British Indian Ocean Territory IO Equatorial Guinea EK
Brunei BX Eritrea ER
Bulgaria BU Estonia EN
Burkina Faso UV Ethiopia ET
Burma BM Falkland Islands FK
Burundi BY Faroe Islands FO
Cambodia CB Fiji FJ
Cameroon CM Finland FI
Canada CA France FR
Cape Verde CV French Polynesia FP
Cayman Islands CJ French Southern & Antarctic Lands FS

Country Codes for Forms 2555/2555EZ and Foreign Employer
Compensation Record (FEC Record)
If the country is not listed, use Country Code “XX” – Other Countries

Country Code Country Code

Gabon GB Liberia LI
Gambia The GA Libya LY
Georgia GG Lichtenstein LS
Germany GM Lithuania LH
Ghana GH Luxembourg LU
Gibraltar GI Macau MC
Greece GR Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav MK
Republic of
Greenland GL Madagascar MA
Grenada GJ Malawi MI
Guatemala GT Malaysia MY
Guernsey GK Maldives MV
Guinea GV Mali ML
Guinea-Bissau PU Malta MY
Guyana GY Man, Isle of IM
Haiti HA Marshall Islands RM
Heard Island & McDonald Islands HM Mauritania MR
Herzegovina and Bosnia BK Mauritius MP
Holy City VT Mayotte MF
Honduras HO Mexico MX
Hong Kong HK Micronesia, Federated States of FM
Hungary HU Moldova MD
Iceland IC Monaco MN
India IN Mongolia MG
Indonesia ID Montenegro & Serbia YI
Iran IR Montserrat MH
Iraq IZ Morocco MO
Ireland EI Mozambique MZ
Israel IS Namibia WA
Italy IT Nauru NR
Jamaica JM Nepal NP
Jan Mayen JN Netherlands NL
Japan JA Netherlands Antilles NT
Jersey JE New Caledonia NC
Jordan JO New Zealand NZ
Kazakhstan KZ Nicaragua NU
Kenya KE Niger NG
Kiribati KR Nigeria NI
Korea, North KN Niue NE
Korea, South KS Norfolk Island NF
Kuwait KU Norway NO
Kyrgyzstan KG Oman MU
Laos LA Pakistan PK
Latvia LG Palau PS
Lebanon LE Panama PM
Lesotho LT Papua New Guinea PP

Country Codes for Forms 2555/2555EZ and Foreign Employer
Compensation Record (FEC Record)
If the country is not listed, use Country Code “XX” – Other Countries

Country Code Country Code

Paraguay PA Svalbard SV
Peru PE Swaziland WZ
Pitcairn Islands PC Sweden SW
Poland PL Switzerland SZ
Portugal PO Syria SY
Qatar QA Taiwan TW
Romania RO Tajikistan TI
Russia RS Tanzania TZ
Rwanda RW Thailand TH
Saint Helena SH Togo TO
Saint Kitts & Nevis SC Tokelau TL
Saint Lucia ST Tonga TN
Saint Pierre & Miquelon SB Trinidad & Tobago TD
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines VC Tunisia TS
Samoa WS Turkey TU
San Marino SM Turkmenistan TX
Sao Tome and Principe TP Turks and Caicos Islands TK
Saudi Arabia SA Tuvalu TV
Senegal SG Uganda UG
Serbia & Montenegro YI Ukraine UP
Seychelles SE United Arab Emirates AE
Sierra Leone SL United Kingdom UK
Singapore SN Uruguay UY
Slovakia LO Uzbekistan UZ
Slovenia SI Vanuatu NH
Solomon Islands BP Venezuela VE
Somalia SO Vietnam VM
South Africa SF Virgin Islands, British VI
South Georgia & The South Sandwich SX Wallis & Futuna WF
Spain SP Yemen YM
Spratly Islands PG Zambia ZA
Sri Lanka CE Zimbabwe ZI
Sudan SU All other countries XX
Suriname NS

Note: For electronic filing only, enter alphabetic value “US” (not shown
in the Country Code Table) for the Country Code, Field No. 0130,
of the Foreign Employer Compensation Record (FEC Record) when
services for foreign employer were performed in the U.S.

Declaration Control Number (DCN)

00– – – 6 IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.

U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration

Form 8453 for an IRS e-file Return
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service
For the year January 1–December 31, 2005
 See instructions on back.
Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number
Use the A
B If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name Spouse’s social security number
IRS label. E
Otherwise, L
print or H
Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no.
E You must enter
type. R
E City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code your SSN(s) above.
Daytime phone number
( )
Part I Tax Return Information (Whole dollars only)
1 Adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; Form 1040EZ, line 4) 1
2 Total tax (Form 1040, line 63; Form 1040A, line 38; Form 1040EZ, line 10) 2
3 Federal income tax withheld (Form 1040, line 64; Form 1040A, line 39; Form 1040EZ, line 7) 3
4 Refund (Form 1040, line 73a; Form 1040A, line 45a; Form 1040EZ, line 11a) 4
5 Amount you owe (Form 1040, line 75; Form 1040A, line 47; Form 1040EZ, line 12) 5
Part II Declaration of Taxpayer (Sign only after Part I is completed.) Be sure to keep a copy of your tax return.

6a I consent that my refund be directly deposited as designated in the electronic portion of my 2005 Federal income tax return. If I have filed a joint
return, this is an irrevocable appointment of the other spouse as an agent to receive the refund.
b I do not want direct deposit of my refund or I am not receiving a refund.
c I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal entry to the financial institution
account indicated in the tax preparation software for payment of my Federal taxes owed on this return and/or a payment of estimated tax. I further
understand that this authorization may apply to future Federal tax payments that I direct to be debited through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment
System (EFTPS). In order for me to initiate future payments, I request that the IRS send me a personal identification number (PIN) to access EFTPS.
This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent to terminate the authorization. To revoke a
payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement)
date. I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information
necessary to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment.
If I have filed a balance due return, I understand that if the IRS does not receive full and timely payment of my tax liability, I will remain liable for the tax
liability and all applicable interest and penalties. If I have filed a joint Federal and state tax return and there is an error on my state return,
I understand my Federal return will be rejected.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined a copy of my electronic individual income tax return and accompanying schedules and statements
for the tax year ending December 31, 2005, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I further declare that the amounts
in Part I above are the amounts shown on the copy of my electronic income tax return. I consent to allow my electronic return originator (ERO) to send my
return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgment of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission, (b) an indication of any refund
offset, (c) the reason for any delay in processing the return or refund, and (d) the date of any refund.

Here  Your signature Date  Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date

Part III Declaration of Electronic Return Originator (ERO) and Paid Preparer (See instructions.)
I declare that I have reviewed the above taxpayer’s return and that the entries on Form 8453 are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I am
only a collector, I am not responsible for reviewing the return and only declare that this form accurately reflects the data on the return. The taxpayer will have
signed this form before I submit the return. I will give the taxpayer a copy of all forms and information to be filed with the IRS, and have followed all other
requirements in Pub. 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns. If I am also the Paid Preparer, under penalties
of perjury, I declare that I have examined the above taxpayer’s return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, they are true, correct, and complete. This Paid Preparer declaration is based on all information of which I have any knowledge.

Date Check if Check ERO’s SSN or PTIN
ERO’s also paid if self-
ERO’s signature preparer employed
Firm’s name (or
yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code
Phone no. ( )
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the above taxpayer’s return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. This declaration is based on all information of which I have any knowledge.

Date Check Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
Preparer’s if self-
Paid signature employed

Preparer’s Firm’s name (or EIN
yours if self-employed),
Use Only address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 62766T Form 8453 (2005)
Form 8453 (2005) Page 2

apartment number. If the taxpayer did not

General Instructions receive a label, print or type the information in
Form 8453 can be faxed between the
taxpayer and the ERO. The ERO must receive
Instead of filing Form 8453, the the spaces provided. the faxed signed Form 8453 prior to
TIP taxpayer may be able to sign the P.O. box. Enter the box number only if the transmitting the return to the IRS. The
return electronically using a post office does not deliver mail to the completed Form 8453, with signatures, must
self-selected personal identification number taxpayer’s home. be mailed by the ERO to the IRS.
(PIN). For details, go to the IRS website at or see Pub. 1345. Note. The address must match the address Part III—Declaration of Electronic
shown on the electronically filed return.
Return Originator (ERO) and Paid
Purpose of Form Social security number (SSN). Be sure to
enter the taxpayer’s SSN in the space
Use Form 8453 to: provided on Form 8453. If a joint return, list The IRS requires the ERO’s signature. A paid
● Authenticate the electronic portion of Form the SSNs in the same order as the first preparer must sign Form 8453 in the space
1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, names. for Paid Preparer’s Use Only. But if the paid
● Send any required paper forms (do not preparer is also the ERO, do not complete
Part I—Tax Return Information the paid preparer’s section. Instead, check
send Forms W-2, W-2G, or 1099-R),
Line 5. Do not include any payment with the box labeled “Check if also paid preparer.”
● Authorize the electronic return originator
(ERO) to transmit via a third-party transmitter, Form 8453. The method of payment depends Note. If the paid preparer’s signature cannot
and on whether the taxpayer checks the box on be obtained on Form 8453, you can attach a
line 6b or 6c. For details, see the instructions copy of Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ
● Provide the taxpayer’s consent to directly for Part II. instead. Attach only pages 1 and 2, and enter
deposit any refund and/or authorize an “COPY—DO NOT PROCESS” on each page.
electronic funds withdrawal for payment of Part II—Declaration of Taxpayer
federal taxes owed and/or a payment of Refunds. After the IRS has accepted the
estimated tax. Note. The taxpayer must check all applicable return, the refund should be issued within 3
boxes on line 6. weeks. However, some refunds may be
Note. Do not mail a copy of an electronically delayed because of compliance reviews to
filed Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ to the If there is an amount on line 5 and the
ensure that returns are accurate.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). taxpayer checks box 6b and is paying by
check or money order, mail the payment by Refund information. You can check on the
April 17, 2006, with Form 1040-V to the status of a 2005 refund if it has been at least
When and Where To File applicable address shown on that form. 3 weeks from the date you filed the return. To
The ERO must mail Form 8453 to the IRS check on the status of a 2005 refund, do one
If the taxpayer checks box 6c, the taxpayer
within 3 business days after receiving of the following:
must ensure that the following information
acknowledgement that the IRS has accepted relating to the financial institution account is ● Go to and click on Where’s
the electronically filed return. Mail Form 8453 provided in the tax preparation software. My Refund.
to the IRS at the applicable address shown in ● Call 1-800-829-4477 for automated refund
● Routing number.
the chart below. information and follow the recorded
● Account number.
Line Instructions ● Type of account (checking or savings).
● Call 1-800-829-1954.
Declaration control number (DCN). The DCN ● Debit amount.
is a 14-digit number assigned by the ERO to ● Debit date (date the taxpayer wants the Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask
each return. Clearly print or type the DCN in debit to occur). for the information on this form to carry out
the top left corner of each Form 8453 after the Taxpayer signatures. An electronically the Internal Revenue laws of the United
IRS has acknowledged receipt of the transmitted return will not be considered States. You are required to give us the
electronic return. The first two digits are the complete, and therefore filed, unless and until information. We need it to ensure that you are
file identification number and are always “00”. a Form 8453 signed by the taxpayer is complying with these laws and to allow us to
The next six digits are the electronic filer received by the IRS. A Form 8453 signed by figure and collect the right amount of tax.
identification number (EFIN) assigned by the an agent must have a power of attorney
IRS. The next three digits are the batch You are not required to provide the
attached that specifically authorizes the agent information requested on a form that is
number (000 to 999) assigned by the ERO. The to sign the return. To do this, you can use
next two digits are the serial number (00 to 99) subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Form 2848, Power of Attorney and unless the form displays a valid OMB control
assigned by the ERO. The last digit is the year Declaration of Representative.
digit (for returns filed in 2006, the year digit is number. Books or records relating to a form
“6”). If the ERO makes changes to the electronic or its instructions must be retained as long as
return after Form 8453 has been signed by their contents may become material in the
Example. The EFIN is 509325. The batch the taxpayer but before it is transmitted, the administration of any Internal Revenue law.
number is 000. The serial number is 56. The ERO must have the taxpayer complete and Generally, tax returns and return information
DCN is 00-509325-00056-6. sign a corrected Form 8453 if (a) the amount are confidential, as required by Internal
Name and address. If the taxpayer received on line 1 differs from the amount on the Revenue Code section 6103.
a peel-off name and address label from the electronic return by more than $50, or (b) any The average time and expenses required to
IRS, put the label in the name area. Cross out amount on lines 2 through 5 differs from the complete and file this form will vary
any incorrect information and print the correct amount on the electronic return by more than depending on individual circumstances. For
information. Add any missing items, such as $14. the estimated averages, see the instructions
for your income tax return.
IF the electronic return THEN mail Form 8453 to: If you have suggestions for making this
was transmitted to: form simpler, we would be happy to hear
Andover or Kansas City Internal Revenue Service from you. See the instructions for your
Submission Processing Center Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254 income tax return.
Receipt and Control Operations
Andover, MA 05544-0254
Austin, Fresno, or Philadelphia Internal Revenue Service
Submission Processing Center Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Receipt and Control Branch
Austin, TX 73344-0254
Declaration Control Number (DCN)

00– – – 6 IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.

U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration OMB No. 1545-0074


for an IRS e-file Online Return

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
For the year January 1–December 31, 2005
 See instructions on back.
Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number
Use the B If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name Spouse’s social security number
IRS label. E
Otherwise, L
print or H
Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no.
You must enter

type. E
your SSN(s) above.
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code
E Daytime phone number
( )

Part I Tax Return Information (Whole dollars only)

1 Adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; Form 1040EZ, line 4) 1

2 Total tax (Form 1040, line 63; Form 1040A, line 38; Form 1040EZ, line 10) 2

3 Federal income tax withheld (Form 1040, line 64; Form 1040A, line 39; Form 1040EZ, line 7) 3

4 Refund (Form 1040, line 73a; Form 1040A, line 45a; Form 1040EZ, line 11a) 4

5 Amount you owe (Form 1040, line 75; Form 1040A, line 47; Form 1040EZ, line 12) (see instructions) 5
Part II Declaration of Taxpayer. Be sure to keep a copy of your tax return.

6a I consent that my refund be directly deposited as designated in the electronic portion of my 2005 Federal income
tax return. If I have filed a joint return, this is an irrevocable appointment of the other spouse as an agent to receive
the refund.

b I do not want direct deposit of my refund or I am not receiving a refund.

c I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal entry
to the financial institution account indicated in the tax preparation software for payment of my Federal taxes owed
on this return and/or a payment of estimated tax. I further understand that this authorization may apply to future
Federal tax payments that I direct to be debited through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). In
order for me to initiate future payments, I request that the IRS send me a personal identification number (PIN) to
access EFTPS. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent
to terminate the authorization. To revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at
1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date. I also authorize the financial
institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary
to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment.
If I have filed a balance due return, I understand that if the IRS does not receive full and timely payment of my tax liability,
I will remain liable for the tax liability and all applicable interest and penalties. If I have filed a joint Federal and state tax
return and there is an error on my state return, I understand my Federal return will be rejected.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined a copy of my electronic individual income tax return and
accompanying schedules and statements for the tax year ending December 31, 2005, and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I further declare that the amounts in Part I above are the amounts shown on the
copy of my electronic income tax return. I consent to allow my intermediate service provider and/or transmitter to send my
return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgment of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission,
(b) an indication of any refund offset, (c) the reason for any delay in processing the return or refund, and (d) the date of any

Here  Your signature Date  Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 15907C Form 8453-OL (2005)
Form 8453-OL (2005) Page 2

General Instructions Line Instructions Form 8453-OL. Instead, mail it by April 17,
2006, with Form 1040-V to the IRS at the
You may be able to file a completely Declaration control number (DCN). The applicable address shown on that form. If you
TIP paperless return! Your tax preparation DCN is a 14-digit number assigned to your do not have a Form 1040-V, you may be able
software should contain information return by your intermediate service provider to get it from your intermediate service
about using a self-select personal and/or transmitter. It should be included in provider and/or transmitter. You can also see
identification number (PIN) instead of filing your acknowledgment message. Clearly print your tax return instruction booklet for other
Form 8453-OL. Or, you can go to the IRS or type the DCN in the top left corner of Form ways to get forms or go to the IRS website at
website at 8453-OL. The first two digits are always “00”.
The next six digits are the electronic filer
If you check box 6c, you must ensure that
identification number (EFIN). The next five
Purpose of Form digits are the batch number and serial
the following information relating to the
Use Form 8453-OL to: financial institution account is provided in the
number. The “6” represents the year the
tax preparation software.
● Authenticate the electronic portion of your return is filed (2006).
● Routing number.
2005 Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, Example. The EFIN is 509325. The batch
● Send any required paper forms (do not number is 000. The serial number is 56. The ● Account number.
send Forms W-2, W-2G, or 1099-R), and DCN is 00-509325-00056-6. ● Type of account (checking or savings).
● Provide your consent to directly deposit any Name and address. If you received a ● Debit amount.
refund and/or authorize an electronic funds peel-off name and address label from the
● Debit date (date you want the debit to
withdrawal for payment of federal taxes owed IRS, put the label in the name area. Cross out
and/or a payment of estimated tax. any incorrect information and print the correct
information. Add any missing items, such as Signatures. Your electronically transmitted
your apartment number. If you did not receive return will not be considered complete, and
Who Must File a label, print or type the information in the therefore filed, unless and until the IRS
If you are filing a 2005 Form 1040, 1040A, or spaces provided. receives your signed Form 8453-OL. If a joint
1040EZ through an intermediate service return, your spouse must also sign. A Form
P.O. box. Enter your box number only if the
provider and/or transmitter and you do not 8453-OL signed by an agent must have a
post office does not deliver mail to your home.
use a self-select PIN, you must file a signed power of attorney attached that specifically
2005 Form 8453-OL with the IRS. Note. The address must match the address authorizes the agent to sign the return. To do
shown on your electronically filed return. this, you can use Form 2848, Power of
Note. Do not mail a copy of your
electronically filed Form 1040, 1040A, or Social security number (SSN). Be sure to Attorney and Declaration of Representative.
1040EZ to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). enter your SSN in the space provided on Refunds. Your refund should be issued within
Form 8453-OL. If a joint return, list the SSNs 3 weeks after the IRS has accepted your
When and Where To File in the same order as the first names. return. However, some refunds may be
delayed because of compliance reviews to
Mail Form 8453-OL to the IRS on the next Part I—Tax Return Information ensure that returns are accurate.
working day after you have received
Line 5. Do not include any payment with Refund information. You can check on the
acknowledgment from your intermediate
Form 8453-OL. The method of payment status of your 2005 refund if it has been at
service provider and/or transmitter that the
depends on whether you check the box on least 3 weeks from the date you filed your
IRS has accepted your electronically filed
line 6b or 6c. For details, see the instructions return. To check on the status of your 2005
return. The address should be included in
for Part II. refund, do one of the following:
your acknowledgment message. If not, mail
Form 8453-OL to the IRS at the applicable Part II—Declaration of Taxpayer ● Go to and click on Where’s
address shown in the chart below. If you do My Refund.
not receive an acknowledgment, you must Note. You must check all applicable boxes
on line 6. ● Call 1-800-829-4477 for automated refund
contact your intermediate service provider information and follow the recorded
and/or transmitter. If there is an amount on line 5 and you check instructions.
box 6b and are paying by check or money
order, do not attach your payment to ● Call 1-800-829-1954.

IF you live in: THEN mail Form 8453-OL to:

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Internal Revenue Service
Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, APO/FPO New York addresses Receipt and Control Operations
Andover, MA 05544-0254

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho,
Internal Revenue Service
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota,
Receipt and Control Branch
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, APO/FPO addresses (other than APO/FPO
Austin, TX 73344-0254
New York addresses) foreign and U.S. possession addresses, returns containing U.S.
possession forms or Forms 2555, 2555-EZ, 8833, 8854, or 8891

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for displays a valid OMB control number. Books or The average time and expenses required to
the information on this form to carry out the records relating to a form or its instructions must complete and file this form will vary depending
Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You be retained as long as their contents may on individual circumstances. For the estimated
are required to give us the information. We need become material in the administration of any averages, see the instructions for your income
it to ensure that you are complying with these Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return.
laws and to allow us to figure and collect the return information are confidential, as required If you have suggestions for making this form
right amount of tax. by Internal Revenue Code section 6103. simpler, we would be happy to hear from you.
You are not required to provide the See the instructions for your income tax return.
information requested on a form that is subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
IRS e-file Signature Authorization for
Form 8878 Application for Extension of Time To File
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service
 Do not send to the IRS. This is not an application for an extension of time to file.
 Keep this form for your records. See instructions.
Declaration Control Number (DCN) 
Taxpayer’s name Social security number

Spouse’s name Spouse’s social security number

Part I Information from Extension Form—Tax Year Ending December 31, 2005 (Whole Dollars Only)
Check the box and complete the line(s) for the form you authorize your ERO to sign and file. Check only one box.
1 Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Amount you are paying from line 7 of Form 4868 1
2 Form 2350, Application for Extension of Time To File U.S. Income Tax Return
a I request an extension of time until this date as shown on line 1 of Form 2350 2a
b Amount you are paying from line 5 of Form 2350 2b
Part II Taxpayer Declaration and Signature Authorization
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined a copy of my electronic application for extension of time to file for the tax year ending December
31, 2005, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I further declare that the information listed above is the information
from my electronic application for extension of time to file. I consent to allow my intermediate service provider, transmitter, or electronic return originator
(ERO) to send this form to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgement of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission and (b) the
reason for any delay in processing the form. If applicable, I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds
withdrawal (direct debit) entry to the financial institution account indicated in the tax preparation software for payment of my Federal taxes, and the financial
institution to debit the entry to this account. I further understand that this authorization may apply to future Federal tax payments that I direct to be debited
through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). In order for me to initiate future payments, I request that the IRS send me a personal identification
number (PIN) to access EFTPS. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent to terminate the
authorization. To revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment
(settlement) date. I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information
necessary to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment. I further acknowledge that the personal identification number (PIN) below is my
signature for my electronic application for extension of time to file and, if applicable, my Electronic Funds Withdrawal Consent.

Taxpayer’s PIN: check one box only

I authorize to enter my PIN as my signature

ERO firm name do not enter all zeros
for my electronic application for extension of time to file for the tax year ending December 31, 2005.

I will enter my PIN as my signature for my electronic application for extension of time to file for the tax year ending
December 31, 2005. Check this box only if you are entering your own PIN and your extension form is filed using the
Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III below.
Your signature  Date 

Spouse’s PIN: check one box only

I authorize to enter my PIN as my signature

ERO firm name do not enter all zeros
for my electronic application for extension of time to file for the tax year ending December 31, 2005.

I will enter my PIN as my signature for my electronic application for extension of time to file for the tax year ending
December 31, 2005. Check this box only if you are entering your own PIN and your extension form is filed using the
Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III below.
Spouse’s signature  Date 

Practitioner PIN Method for Form 4868 Only—continue below

Part III Certification and Authentication—Practitioner PIN Method for Form 4868 Only

ERO’s EFIN/PIN. Enter your six-digit EFIN followed by your five-digit self-selected PIN.
do not enter all zeros
I certify that the above numeric entry is my PIN, which is my signature to authorize submission of the electronic Form 4868 and electronic funds withdrawal
for the taxpayer(s) indicated above. I confirm that I am submitting Form 4868 in accordance with the requirements of the Practitioner PIN method and
Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns.

ERO’s signature  Date 

ERO Must Retain This Form — See Instructions

Do Not Submit This Form to the IRS Unless Requested To Do So
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 32777M Form 8878 (2005)
Form 8878 (2005) Page 2

Purpose of Form ● Enter the 14-digit Declaration Control ● Complete Part III only if you are filing
Number (DCN) assigned to the taxpayer’s Form 4868 using the Practitioner PIN
Form 8878 is not an application extension form, after the taxpayer method.
for an extension of time to file. completes Part II. See Part I of Pub. 1346,
Taxpayers must file the ● For more information, see Pub. 1345 and
Electronic Return File Specifications and Pub. 1345A, Filing Season Supplement for
CAUTION appropriate extension form Record Layouts for Individual Income Tax Authorized IRS e-file Providers. Also, go to
listed in Part I of this form. Returns. and select e-file For Tax
Complete Form 8878 when Form 4868 is You must receive the Professionals.
filed using the Practitioner PIN method, or completed and signed Form Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act
when the taxpayer authorizes the 8878 from the taxpayer before Notice. We ask for this information to carry
electronic return originator (ERO) to enter CAUTION the application for extension of out the Internal Revenue laws of the United
or generate the taxpayer’s personal time to file is transmitted (or States. Section 6061(a) of the Internal
identification number (PIN) on an released for transmission). Revenue Code requires taxpayers to sign
application for extension of time to file. their tax returns or other documents.
See the chart below for more details. Taxpayer Responsibilities Section 6061(b) permits the IRS to accept
Taxpayers have the following electronic signatures under certain
When and How To Complete circumstances. Section 6109 requires you to
responsibilities: (a) to verify the accuracy of
See the chart below to determine when the prepared application for an extension provide your social security number. This
and how to complete Form 8878. of time to file, (b) to check the appropriate form is to permit you to use a personal
box in Part II to authorize the ERO to enter identification number (PIN) which will be
IF e-filing . . . THEN . . . or generate their PIN or to do it your electronic signature for your application
themselves, (c) to indicate or verify their for an extension of time to file, and for you
● Form 4868, and Complete Form 8878, PIN when authorizing the ERO to enter or to authorize an electronic return originator
● Authorizing an electronic Parts I, II, and III. (ERO) to enter or generate the PIN on your
generate it (the PIN must be five numbers
funds withdrawal, and other than all zeros), (d) to sign and date behalf. You are not required to authorize
● The ERO is using the Form 8878, and (e) to return the completed your ERO to enter your PIN as your
Practitioner PIN method. Form 8878 to the ERO by hand delivery, signature on your behalf; you may personally
U.S. mail, private delivery service, or fax. enter your PIN at the time of transmission or
● Form 4868, and Complete Form 8878, file a paper application for an extension of
Parts I and II. Your application for extension of time to
● Authorizing an electronic file will not be transmitted to the IRS until time to file. Routine uses of this information
funds withdrawal, and include giving it to the Department of
the ERO receives your signed Form 8878.
● Authorizing the ERO to Justice for use in civil and criminal litigation,
enter or generate the
taxpayer’s PIN, and
Important Notes for EROs and to cities, states, and the District of
Columbia for use in administering their tax
● The ERO is not using the ● Do not send Form 8878 to the IRS laws. We may also disclose this information
Practitioner PIN method. unless requested to do so. Retain the to other countries under a tax treaty, to
completed Form 8878 for 3 years from the federal and state agencies to enforce federal
● Form 4868, and Do not complete return due date or IRS received date,
Form 8878. nontax criminal laws, or to federal law
● Authorizing an electronic whichever is later. Form 8878 may be enforcement and intelligence agencies to
funds withdrawal, and retained electronically in accordance with combat terrorism. Providing false or
● The taxpayer is entering the recordkeeping guidelines in Rev. Proc.
his or her own PIN, and fraudulent information may subject you to
97-22, which is on page 9 of Internal penalties.
● The ERO is not using the Revenue Bulletin 1997-13 at
Practitioner PIN method. You are not required to provide the
information requested on a form that is
● Form 4868, and Do not complete ● You should confirm the identity of the subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Form 8878. taxpayer(s). For additional guidance, see
● The taxpayer is not unless the form displays a valid OMB
authorizing an electronic Pub. 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS control number. Books or records relating
funds withdrawal. e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax to a form or its instructions must be
● Form 2350 Complete Form 8878, Returns. retained as long as their contents may
Parts I and II only if ● Provide the taxpayer with a copy of the become material in the administration of
the taxpayer any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
authorizes the ERO to signed Form 8878 for his or her records
enter or generate the upon request. returns and return information are
taxpayer’s PIN. confidential, as required by Internal
● Provide the taxpayer with a corrected Revenue Code section 6103.
copy of Form 8878 if changes are made to
ERO Responsibilities the extension form (for example, based on The average time and expenses required
The ERO will: taxpayer review). to complete and file this form will vary
depending on individual circumstances. For
● Enter the name(s) and social security ● Enter the taxpayer’s PIN(s) on the input the estimated averages, see the
number(s) of the taxpayer(s) at the top of screen only if the taxpayer has authorized instructions for your income tax return.
the form. you to do so. If married filing jointly, it is
acceptable for one spouse to authorize the If you have suggestions for making this
● Complete Part I by entering the required form simpler, we would be happy to hear
information from the taxpayer(s) extension ERO to enter his or her PIN, and for the
other spouse to enter his or her own PIN. from you. See the instructions for your
form. income tax return.
It is not acceptable for a taxpayer to select
● Enter or generate, if authorized by the or enter the PIN of an absent spouse.
taxpayer, the taxpayer’s PIN and enter it in
the boxes provided in Part II. ● If the taxpayer is making a payment by
electronic funds withdrawal for Form 4868
● Enter on the authorization line in Part II and the ERO is not using the Practitioner
the ERO firm name (not the name of the PIN method, the ERO must enter the
individual preparing the return) if the ERO taxpayer’s date of birth and prior year
is authorized to enter the taxpayer’s PIN. adjusted gross income amount from the
● Give the taxpayer Form 8878 for taxpayer’s originally filed tax return. This
completion and review. This can be done information will be required on the input
in person or by using the U.S. mail, a screen. Do not use an amount from an
private delivery service, email, or an amended return or a math error correction
Internet website. made by the IRS.
Form 8879 IRS e-file Signature Authorization
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Do not send to the IRS. This is not a tax return.
Keep this form for your records. See instructions.
Declaration Control Number (DCN) 
Taxpayer’s name Social security number

Spouse’s name Spouse’s social security number

Part I Tax Return Information—Tax Year Ending December 31, 2005 (Whole Dollars Only)
1 Adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; Form 1040EZ, line 4) 1
2 Total tax (Form 1040, line 63; Form 1040A, line 38; Form 1040EZ, line 10) 2
3 Federal income tax withheld (Form 1040, line 64; Form 1040A, line 39; Form 1040EZ, line 7) 3
4 Refund (Form 1040, line 73a; Form 1040A, line 45a; Form 1040EZ, line 11a) 4
5 Amount you owe (Form 1040, line 75; Form 1040A, line 47; Form 1040EZ, line 12) 5
Part II Taxpayer Declaration and Signature Authorization (Be sure you get and keep a copy of your return)
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined a copy of my electronic individual income tax return and accompanying schedules and statements
for the tax year ending December 31, 2005, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I further declare that the amounts
in Part I above are the amounts from my electronic income tax return. I consent to allow my intermediate service provider, transmitter, or electronic return
originator (ERO) to send my return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgement of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission, (b)
an indication of any refund offset, (c) the reason for any delay in processing the return or refund, and (d) the date of any refund. If applicable, I authorize the
U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) entry to the financial institution account indicated
in the tax preparation software for payment of my Federal taxes owed on this return and/or a payment of estimated tax, and the financial institution to debit
the entry to this account. I further understand that this authorization may apply to future Federal tax payments that I direct to be debited through the Electronic
Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). In order for me to initiate future payments, I request that the IRS send me a personal identification number (PIN) to
access EFTPS. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent to terminate the authorization. To revoke
a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date. I also
authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer
inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment. I further acknowledge that the personal identification number (PIN) below is my signature for my electronic
income tax return and, if applicable, my Electronic Funds Withdrawal Consent.

Taxpayer’s PIN: check one box only

I authorize to enter my PIN as my signature
ERO firm name do not enter all zeros
on my tax year 2005 electronically filed income tax return.

I will enter my PIN as my signature on my tax year 2005 electronically filed income tax return. Check this box only if you
are entering your own PIN and your return is filed using the Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III
Your signature  Date 

Spouse’s PIN: check one box only

I authorize to enter my PIN as my signature
ERO firm name do not enter all zeros
on my tax year 2005 electronically filed income tax return.
I will enter my PIN as my signature on my tax year 2005 electronically filed income tax return. Check this box only if you
are entering your own PIN and your return is filed using the Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III
Spouse’s signature  Date 

Practitioner PIN Method Returns Only—continue below

Part III Certification and Authentication—Practitioner PIN Method Only

ERO’s EFIN/PIN. Enter your six-digit EFIN followed by your five-digit self-selected PIN.
do not enter all zeros
I certify that the above numeric entry is my PIN, which is my signature for the tax year 2005 electronically filed income tax return for the taxpayer(s) indicated
above. I confirm that I am submitting this return in accordance with the requirements of the Practitioner PIN method and Publication 1345, Handbook for
Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns.

ERO’s signature  Date 

ERO Must Retain This Form — See Instructions

Do Not Submit This Form to the IRS Unless Requested To Do So
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 32778X Form 8879 (2005)
Form 8879 (2005) Page 2

Purpose of Form Taxpayer Responsibilities IRS e-file Return. However, they cannot use a
PIN signature if they must use Form 8453 to
Complete Form 8879 when the Practitioner Taxpayers have the following responsibilities: send attachments to the IRS.
PIN method is used or when the taxpayer (a) to verify the accuracy of the prepared
authorizes the electronic return originator income tax return, including direct deposit ● Provide the taxpayer with a copy of the
(ERO) to enter or generate the taxpayer’s information, (b) to check the appropriate box signed Form 8879 for his or her records upon
personal identification number (PIN) on his or in Part II to authorize the ERO to enter or request.
her e-filed individual income tax return. generate their PIN or to do it themselves, (c) ● Provide the taxpayer with a corrected copy
to indicate or verify their PIN when authorizing of Form 8879 if changes are made to the
the ERO to enter or generate it (the PIN must return (for example, based on taxpayer
Do not send this form to the IRS. be five numbers other than all zeros), (d) to review).
The ERO must retain Form 8879. sign and date Form 8879, and (e) to return the
● For more information, see Pub. 1345 and
completed Form 8879 to the ERO by hand
Pub. 1345A, Filing Season Supplement for
delivery, U.S. mail, private delivery service, or
Authorized IRS e-file Providers. Also, go to
When and How To Complete fax. Your return will not be transmitted to the and select e-file For Tax
IRS until the ERO receives your signed Form
See the chart below to determine when and Professionals.
how to complete Form 8879.
Refund information. You can check on the
IF the ERO is . . . THEN . . . status of your 2005 refund if it has been at Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act
Using the Practitioner PIN Complete Form 8879, least 3 weeks from the date your return was Notice. We ask for this information to carry
method and is authorized Parts I, II, and III. filed. To check the status of your 2005 out the Internal Revenue laws of the United
to enter or generate the refund, do one of the following. States. Section 6061(a) of the Internal
taxpayer’s PIN ● Go to and click on “Where’s Revenue Code requires taxpayers to sign
Using the Practitioner PIN Complete Form 8879, My Refund.” their tax returns. Section 6061(b) permits the
method and the taxpayer Parts I, II, and III. IRS to accept electronic signatures under
enters his or her own PIN ● Call 1-800-829-4477 for automated refund certain circumstances. Section 6109 requires
information and follow the recorded you to provide your social security number.
Not using the Practitioner Complete Form 8879, instructions. This form is to permit you to use a personal
PIN method and is Parts I and II.
authorized to enter or ● Call 1-800-829-1954. identification number (PIN) as your signature
generate the taxpayer’s which will be your electronic signature for
your individual income tax return, and for you
PIN Important Notes for EROs to authorize an electronic return originator
Not using the Practitioner Do not complete
PIN method and the Form 8879.
● Do not send Form 8879 to the IRS unless (ERO) to enter or generate the PIN on your
taxpayer enters his or her requested to do so. Retain the completed behalf. You are not required to authorize your
own PIN Form 8879 for 3 years from the return due ERO to enter your PIN on your behalf; you
date or IRS received date, whichever is later. may personally enter your PIN at the time of
Submitting Form 8453 Do not complete Form 8879 may be retained electronically in transmission or complete Form 8453. Routine
Form 8879. accordance with the recordkeeping guidelines uses of this information include giving it to
in Rev. Proc. 97-22, which is on page 9 of the Department of Justice for use in civil and
Internal Revenue Bulletin 1997-13 at criminal litigation, and to cities, states, and
ERO Responsibilities the District of Columbia for use in
The ERO will: administering their tax laws. We may also
● You should confirm the identity of the
disclose this information to other countries
● Enter the name(s) and social security taxpayer(s). For additional guidance, see Pub.
under a tax treaty, to federal and state
number(s) of the taxpayer(s) at the top of the 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file
agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal
form. Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns.
laws, or to federal law enforcement and
● Complete Part I using the amounts (zeros ● Complete Part III only if you are filing the intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
may be entered when appropriate) from the return using the Practitioner PIN method. You Providing false or fraudulent information may
taxpayer’s 2005 tax return. are not required to enter the taxpayer’s date subject you to penalties.
of birth and prior year adjusted gross income
● Enter or generate, if authorized by the You are not required to provide the
for the Authentication Record of the
taxpayer, the taxpayer’s PIN and enter it in information requested on a form that is
electronically filed return.
the boxes provided in Part II. subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
● Enter, for the Authentication Record of the unless the form displays a valid OMB control
● Enter on the authorization line in Part II the
taxpayer’s electronically filed return, the number. Books or records relating to a form
ERO firm name (not the name of the
taxpayer(s) date of birth and adjusted gross or its instructions must be retained as long as
individual preparing the return) if the ERO is
income from the taxpayer’s prior year their contents may become material in the
authorized to enter the taxpayer’s PIN.
originally filed return if you are not using the administration of any Internal Revenue law.
● Give the taxpayer Form 8879 for Practitioner PIN method. Do not use an Generally, tax returns and return information
completion and review. This can be done in amount from an amended return or a math are confidential, as required by Internal
person or by using the U.S. mail, a private error correction made by the IRS. Revenue Code section 6103.
delivery service, email, or an Internet website.
● Enter the taxpayer’s PIN(s) on the input The average time and expenses required to
● Enter the 14-digit Declaration Control screen only if the taxpayer has authorized you complete and file this form will vary
Number (DCN) assigned to the tax return, to do so. If married filing jointly, it is depending on individual circumstances. For
after the taxpayer completes Part II. See Part acceptable for one spouse to authorize you to the estimated averages, see the instructions
I of Pub. 1346, Electronic Return File enter his or her PIN, and for the other spouse for your income tax return.
Specifications and Record Layouts for to enter his or her own PIN. It is not
Individual Income Tax Returns. If you have suggestions for making this
acceptable for a taxpayer to select or enter
form simpler, we would be happy to hear
You must receive the completed the PIN of an absent spouse.
from you. See the instructions for your
and signed Form 8879 from the ● Generally, most taxpayers can use a PIN to income tax return.
taxpayer before the electronic sign their return instead of filing Form 8453,
CAUTION return is transmitted (or released U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration for an
for transmission).
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Form 9325
(Rev. November 2005)
Acknowledgement and General Information for
Taxpayers Who File Returns Electronically

Thank you for taking part in the IRS e-file Program.

(Taxpayer Name)

(Taxpayer Address optional)

1. Your federal income tax return/extension for was filed electronically with the
Submission Processing Center of the IRS by the services of .

2. Your return was accepted by the IRS on and the Declaration Control Number
(DCN) assigned to your return is .

a. Your return was accepted using a PIN. (You entered a PIN or authorized the Electronic Return Originator
to enter or generate a PIN for you).

b. Your return was accepted electronically without a PIN. A Form 8453 signature document is required.
Please contact your Electronic Return Originator if you have not already completed a Form 8453, U.S.
Individual Income Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return.

3. Your return was 'conditionally' accepted by the IRS on . The Earned Income
Credit or a Dependent's Exemption on your return may be reduced or disallowed due to a Child's Name and
Social Security Number mismatch.

4. Debt Indicator Code - Part or all of your refund may be offset to a debt owed to the Internal Revenue Service,
the Office of Child Support Enforcement, or other government agency.

5. Your electronic funds withdrawal payment was accepted.

6. Your electronic funds withdrawal payment was NOT accepted. Your must pay the balance due by April 17,

7. Your Form 4868 extension was accepted by the IRS on

and the Declaration Control Number (DCN) assigned to your extension is .

If You Need to Make a Change to Your Return
If you need to make a change or correct the return you filed electronically, you should send a Form 1040X, Amended U.S.
Individual Income Tax Return, to the IRS submission processing center that processes paper returns for your area. The
address is available at, or you can call the IRS toll-free at 1-800-829-1040.

If You Need to Ask About Your Refund

The IRS will notify your Electronic Return Originator (ERO) when they accept your return, usually within 48 hours. If your
return wasn't accepted, the IRS will notify your ERO of the reasons for rejection. If it has been more than three weeks
since the IRS accepted your return and you have not received your refund, go to and click on "Where's My
Refund" then on "Go Get My Refund Status." Exception: If box 3 above is checked, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for
processing of conditionally accepted returns. Also, you can call the IRS toll-free Tele-Tax return information number,
1-800-829-4477, to check the status of your refund. You will need to know the first social security number shown on
your return, your filing status, and the exact amount of the refund you expect. Tele-Tax should give you the date for
mailing or depositing your refund. You should receive your refund check within 30 days of the date given by Tele-Tax, or
within one week of that date if you chose direct deposit. If you don't receive it by then, or if Tele-Tax does not give your
refund information, call the IRS office at 1-800-829-1954.
Catalog Number 12901K Form 9325 (Rev. 11-2005)
If You Owe Tax
If your e-filed return has a balance due, you must pay the amount you owe by April 17, 2006. If you paid by electronic
funds withdrawal (direct debit) or by credit card while e-filing your return, no voucher is needed. To use your credit card to
pay by phone or Internet, you may call, toll free, 1-800-2PAY-TAXSM (1-800-272-9829) or 1-888-PAY-1040SM
(1-888-729-1040), or visit or You may use a VISA® card, American
Express® Card, Discover Card® or MasterCard® card. The service providers, based on the amount you are paying, will
charge a convenience fee. The fees may vary between providers. You will be told the amount of the fee during the
transaction and you will be given the option to either continue or end the transaction.

If you are not paying electronically, you may use the payment voucher, Form 1040-V, you will receive in the mail or you
can obtain a payment voucher from your electronic filer. If the IRS doesn't receive your payment by April 17, 2006, you
will receive a notice that requests full payment of the tax due, plus penalties and interest. If you can't pay the amount in
full, please complete Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request. You may electronically file Form 9465. To obtain a
paper Form 9465, you may call 1-800-829-3676 or visit Mail the paper form to the address in the form's

If You Need to Inquire About Your Electronic Funds Withdrawal Payment

You can call 1-888-353-4537, toll-free, to inquire about the status of an electronic funds withdrawal payment. If there is a
change to the bank account information included on your return, you should call this number to cancel a scheduled
payment. You will need the social security number of the first person listed on the tax return, the payment amount and
the bank account number. Cancellation requests must be received no later than 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, two business
days prior to the scheduled payment date.

Refund Anticipation Loans

A refund anticipation loan is a loan made to you based on the refund you expect to receive. This loan is a contract
between you and a lender. The IRS is not involved in this contract, can't grant or deny the loan, and can't answer any
questions about it. If you have any questions about a refund anticipation loan, contact your electronic filer or the

Instructions to EROs

PINS (line 2a) - Check box 2a if the taxpayer entered a PIN or authorized the ERO to enter or generate the PIN for the
taxpayer, and the Acknowledgement File PIN Presence Indicator is a “1” or “2”. Form 8879 is required if the ERO enters
or generates the PIN or if the Practitioner PIN method is used.

PINS (line 2b) - Check box 2b if the Acknowledgment File PIN Presence Indicator is NOT a "1" or "2." If box 2b is
checked, Form 8453 must be completed and submitted to IRS by the ERO.

Exception Processing (line 3) - Check box 3 if the Acknowledgement File Acceptance Code equals "E."

Debt Indicator Code (line 4) - Check box 4 if the Acknowledgement File Debt Code equals "I", "F", or "B."

Electronic Funds Withdrawal (line 5) - Check box 5 if the taxpayer requested to use electronic funds withdrawal to pay the
balance due, and the Acknowledgement File Payment Acknowledgement Literal field equals “PYMNT RQST RECD."

Electronic Funds Withdrawal (line 6) - Check box 6 if the taxpayer requested to use electronic funds withdrawal to pay the
balance due, and the Acknowledgement File Payment Acknowledgement Literal field does NOT equal “PYMNT RQST
RECD." If box 6 is checked, inform the taxpayer that he/she must pay by check, money order, or credit card.

Note: EROs can use the Acknowledgement File information, translated by the transmitter, to complete Form 9325.

Catalog Number 12901K Form 9325 (Rev. 11-2005)


Error Reject Code

For Individual Income Tax Returns
See Appendix for assistance in indentifying SEQ numbers

0001 o Page 1 of Form 1040, Form 1040A, or Form 1040EZ must be present.

o The Summary Record must be present.


0003 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Tax Period (SEQ 0005) equal "200512". For
Form 1040/1040A, Tax Period (SEQ 0005) of Tax Return Record Identification Page 2 must also
equal "200512".

0004 o Tax Form - Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) must be within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN's and cannot equal
an ATIN. It must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all blanks, zeros, or nines.

Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) is a required field.

Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form must equal Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) of
o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1.

o Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) of Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 must be

0005 o Statement Record - The maximum number of Statement References within a tax return is 30. (A
Statement Reference is defined as "STMbnn"; the value of "nn" refers to the Statement Number.)

0006 o Tax Form - Only the following characters are permitted in the Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) and
Spouse's Name Control (SEQ 0055): alpha, hyphen, and space. The Name Control cannot contain
leading or embedded spaces. The left-most position must contain an alpha character.

Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) is a required field.

Spouse's Name Control (SEQ 0055) is a required field when Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2"
o or "3". On Form 1040EZ, Spouse's Name Control (SEQ 0055) is a required field when Secondary
SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant.

o Form 8615 - Parent Name Control (SEQ 0045) must be significant and correctly formatted.

o Form 8814 - Child Name Control (SEQ 0015) must be significant and correctly formatted.

0007 o Tax Form - Street Address (SEQ 0080) is alphanumeric and cannot have leading or consecutive
embedded spaces. The left-most position must contain an alpha or numeric character. The only
special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash (/).

o Street Address (SEQ 0080) is a required field.

o Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind

(SEQ 0097) is equal to “3”, indicating a foreign address.”)

0008 o Form 1040/1040A - Total Box 6a and 6b (SEQ 0167) must equal the number of boxes checked for
Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163).

o Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is a required field.

0009 o State Record - The size of the fixed unformatted state record exceeds the maximum length.
0010 o Each field can contain only the type of data specified in its Field Description in Part II Record

o Significant money amount fields must be right-justified (and zero-filled when transmitting in fixed
format). Money amount fields must contain whole dollars (no cents). When a field is defined as "N
(positive only)", the field must be present and must contain an amount greater than or equal to zero.

o For numeric fields that can contain a literal value, entries must be left-justified and blank-filled when
transmitting in fixed format. When transmitting in variable format, only significant characters are

o When transmitting in fixed or variable format, significant date fields must contain numeric characters
in the following formats, unless otherwise specified in Part II Record Layouts:
Year fields with a length of four positions = YYYY, date fields with six positions = YYYYMM, date
fields with eight positions = YYYYMMDD unless otherwise specified.

o All alphanumeric fields must be left-justified (and blank-filled when transmitting in fixed format) unless
otherwise specified.

o Form Payment - Taxpayer's Day Time Phone Number (SEQ 0090) is a required field and cannot
equal all zeros or all blanks.

0011 o Form 1040/1040A - When Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) equals "X", Total Exemptions (SEQ 0355) must
be greater than zero.

0012 o Form 1040/1040A - If Overpaid (SEQ 1260) is significant and ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is
greater than Overpaid, then Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) must be significant. If Overpaid (SEQ 1260)
is significant and ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is not greater than Overpaid, then Amount Owed
(SEQ 1290) cannot be significant.


0014 o When there is an entry in a field defined as "NO ENTRY", the return will be rejected.

0015 o Schedule A - The following literal values cannot be present in Other Expenses Type (SEQ 0420,
0432) or in Other Expense Type (SEQ 0475): "CASUALTY", "CHILD CARE", "CHILD-CARE",

0016 o Tax Form - Zip Code (SEQ 0095) must be within the valid ranges of zip codes listed for the
corresponding State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087). The zip code cannot end in "00", with the exception
of 20500 (the White House zip code).

o Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind

(SEQ 0097) is equal to “3”, indicating a foreign address.”)

0017 o Form 4137 - Tip Income Name (SEQ 0010) and Tip Income SSN (SEQ 0020) must be significant.

0018 o Form 5329 - Name of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0010)
and SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0020) must be significant.

0019 o Tax Form - When Direct Deposit information is present, Routing Transit Number (SEQ 1272) (RTN)
must contain nine numeric characters. The first two positions must be 01 through 12, or 21
through 32; the RTN must be present on the Financial Organization Master File (FOMF); and the
banking institution must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

o Depositor Account Number (SEQ 1278) must be alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha characters, numeric
characters, and hyphens), must be left-justified with trailing blanks if less than 17 positions, and
cannot equal all zeros.

o If Routing Transit Number (SEQ 1272) or Depositor Account Number (SEQ 1278) is significant, then
Checking Account Indicator (SEQ 1274) or Savings Account Indicator (SEQ 1276) must equal "X".
Both cannot equal "X".
0020 o Tax Form - Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) cannot have leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The
only characters permitted are alpha, space, ampersand (&), hyphen (-), and less-than sign (<). The
left-most position must be alpha. The less-than sign replaces the intervening space to identify the
primary taxpayer's last name and cannot be preceded by or followed by a space.

o Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) is a required field.

o If the primary and the spouse have two different last names, the second less-than sign ("<") after the
primary last name must be followed by an ampersand ("&").

0021 o Tax Form - Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) is alphanumeric and cannot have leading or consecutive
embedded spaces. The only special characters permitted are space, ampersand (&), hyphen (-),
slash (/), and percent (%).

0022 o Tax Form - State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) must be significant and consistent with the standard state
abbreviations issued by the Postal Service.

o State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) is a required field.

o Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind

(SEQ 0097) is equal to “3”, indicating a foreign address.”)

0023 o Tax Form - City (SEQ 0083) must be left-justified and must contain a minimum of three alpha
characters. This field cannot contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain only
alphabetic characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the city name.

o City (SEQ 0083) is a required field.

o Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind

(SEQ 0097) is equal to “3”, indicating a foreign address.”)

0024 o Tax Form - If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) equals "1" (APO/FPO Address), then City (SEQ 0083) must
equal "APO" or "FPO", and State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) must equal "AA", "AE", or "AP" with the
appropriate Zip Code (SEQ 0095). If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) equals "AA", "AE", or "AP",
then Address Ind (SEQ 0097) must equal "1".

0025 o Authentication Record - For Online returns only when PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is blank (No PIN
used), the following fields must be present on the Authentication Record: Primary Date of Birth
(SEQ 0010), the Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must
be “B”.

o When the Primary Date of Death (0020) “AND” the Secondary Date of Death (0030) on the Tax
Return are significant, only the Primary Fields (SEQ 0010, 0070, 0075) are required on the
Authentication Record.

Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals “2”, AND the Primary Date of Death (SEQ
o 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is “NOT”
significant, the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010) is not required on the Authentication Record.

Note: Only the Spouse Fields (SEQ 0040, 0070, 0075) are required.

0026 o Authentication Record - For Online returns only when PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is blank (No PIN
used), if Filing Status
(SEQ 0130) of the Tax Form equals "2", then the following
fields must be present on the Authentication Record: Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040), Taxpayer
Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must be “B”.

o Exception: When the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is significant and the
Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is “NOT” significant, the Spouse Date of Birth (0040) is not
required on the Authentication Record.

Note: Only the Primary Fields (SEQ 0010, 0070, 0075) are required on the Authentication Record.
0027 o Summary Record - Electronic Return Originator Name (SEQ 0010) must be significant.

o Electronic EFIN of ERO (SEQ 0020) must be significant and equal to EFIN of Originator (SEQ
0008b) of Tax Return Record Identification Page 1.

0028 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 – EFIN of Originator (SEQ 0008b) must contain a valid
two-digit EFIN prefix code.

0029 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - EFIN of Originator (SEQ 0008b) must be for a valid
electronic filer.

0030 o Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) of all data records in a tax return must contain the same
Primary SSN.

o Schedule Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005 of the Schedule Record Identification) and Form
Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005 of the
Form Record Identification) must be significant and in ascending, consecutive numerical sequence
beginning with "0000001".

Note: For multiple occurrences of a schedule or form, the Page Number (SEQ 0002 of the Schedule
or Form Record Identifications) must be sequential within each occurrence of a Schedule or Form.

o All pages of a multiple-page schedule or form must be present. Listed below are exceptions to this
-Page 2 may be present without Page 1 and vice versa for the following: Schedule E, Form 4684,
Form 4797, Form 8283,
Form 8824 and Form 8853.
-Page 2 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for
that page (but Page 2 cannot be present without Page 1) for the following: Schedule C, Schedule C
(5713), Schedule D, Schedule F, Schedule H, Schedule O (5471), Schedule 2, Form 2441,
Form 4562, Form 5329, Form 6251,
Form 6765, Form 8275, Form 8275-R, Form 8582-CR, Form 8606,
Form 8621, Form 8697, Form 8801, Form 8839, and Form 8915.
-Pages 2, 3 and 4 are optional for Form 2210 but Page 2, 3 and 4 can not be present without Page 1.
-Pages 2 and 3 are optional for Form 8582 but page 2 or 3 can not be present without Page 1.
-Form 4136 Page 1 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for that page (but Page 1
cannot be present without Page 2).
-Pages 2-4 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for those pages (but these pages cannot
be present without page 1) for the following: Form 5471, Form 5713
-Form 8865 Pages 3-7 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for those pages. But these
pages cannot be present without pages 1 and 2.
-State Record ST 0001 may be present without ST 0002, but ST 0002 cannot be present without
ST 0001.

o For Form 1040, Pages 1 and 2 must be present (Exception: State Only returns), and the following
cannot be present: Form 1040A Pages 1 and 2, Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Form 1040EZ.
For Form 1040A, Pages 1 and 2 must be present, and the following cannot be present: Form 1040
Pages 1 and 2, Form 1040EZ.
For Form 1040EZ, must be present, and the following cannot be present: Form 1040 Pages 1 and 2,
Form 1040A Pages 1 and 2.

o Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) will not be accepted without a

Form 8865 being filed.

0031 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Return Sequence Number (RSN) (SEQ 0007) must be

0032 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) must be

0033 o Fields within a record cannot be longer than specified in Part II Record Layouts.

o Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) of the Tax Form can have a maximum of 35 characters; any more than 35
will be dropped.
0034 o Record ID Group - For each record, significant data must be present in the Record ID Group.

0035 o Field Sequence Numbers within each record must be in ascending order and must be valid for that

0036 o Schedule C-EZ - Only one Schedule C-EZ is allowed for the Primary SSN and one for the Secondary
SSN (a total of two Schedules C-EZ per tax return when Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2"). When
a taxpayer files Schedule C-EZ, no Schedule C is allowed for that taxpayer.

0037 o Form 1040/1040A - The number of Dependent Name Controls (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192, 0202 or in
the related Statement Record), must equal the total of the following fields: Number of Children Who
Lived with You (SEQ 0240), Number of Children Not Living with You (SEQ 0247), and Number of
Other Dependents Listed (SEQ 0350).

0038 o Form 1040A - Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) must be less than $100,000 and only the following can
be present: Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule EIC, Form W-2, W-2GU, Form 1099-R,
Form 1310, Form 2120, Form 2210, Form 8379,
Form 8606, Form 8615, Form 8812, Form 8815, Form 8833, Form 8839, Form 8862, Form 8863,
Form 8880, Form 8901, Form 8914, Form 8915 Form 9465, FEC Record, Authentication Record,
Preparer Note Record, Election Explanation Record, Regulatory Explanation Record and
Form Payment.

0039 o Form 1040EZ - Primary taxpayer (and secondary taxpayer when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is
significant) must be under age 65. If born January 01, 1941, taxpayer is considered to be age 65 at
the end of 2005. Taxable Interest (SEQ 0380) cannot exceed $1,500, Taxable Income (SEQ 0820)
must be less than $100,000, and only the following can be present: Form W-2, W-2GU,
Form 1310, Form 8379, Form 8833, Form 8862, Form 9465, FEC Record, Authentication Record,
Preparer Note Record, Election Explanation Record, Regulatory Explanation Record and
Form Payment.

0040 o State-Only – If the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) is equal to “SO” in variable format of the Form
1040 Page 1 record, then the highest sequence number present cannot be greater than the Address
Indicator (SEQ 0097).

o If the State Abbreviation field is equal to “SO” in fixed format of the Form 1040 Page 1 record, then
all fields beyond the Address Indicator field must be blank.

0041 o Form 1040/1040A - Dependent entries must start on Line 1 of the dependent information. No lines
may be skipped when completing the dependent information.

0042 o State Only Returns – No other records, other than the following must be present: Form 1040 Page 1,
State Generic Record, Unformatted Record and Summary Record.

0043 o Form 1040/1040A – When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "4", at least one of the following fields
must be significant:
Qualifying Name for H of Household (SEQ 0150) and SSN for Qual Name (SEQ 0153); Number of
Children Who Lived with You (SEQ 0240); Number of Other Dependents Listed (SEQ 0350).

o When Qualifying Name for H of Household (SEQ 0150) is significant, SSN for Qual Name
(SEQ 0153) must be significant and within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's and cannot equal
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030).

0044 o Record ID Group - The record has an invalid field in one of the Record ID Group. The error may be
one of the following:
-The Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) within the Record ID does not match Primary SSN
(SEQ 010) of the Tax Form.
-The schedule or form is invalid for electronic filing or the page number is incorrect or duplicated.
-Each record must be followed by a record terminus character (#).

0045 o Record ID Group - The format and content of the Record ID Group that begins each record must be
exactly as defined in Part II Record Layouts and must not duplicate another Record ID Group.

If the Schedule/Form Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005) of Record ID is invalid, or is a duplicate, or

o exceeds the maximum number permitted for that record the return will be rejected.
0046 o Schedule SE - SSN of Self-Employed (SEQ 0020) on the first Schedule SE must be significant and
equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0047 o Schedule SE - SSN of Self-Employed (SEQ 0020) on the second Schedule SE must be significant
and equal to Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to SSN of
Self-Employed (SEQ 0020) on the first Schedule SE. When both spouses are filing Schedule SE,
the Schedule SE for the primary taxpayer must precede the Schedule SE for the secondary .

0048 o Form 2106 - A maximum of two Forms 2106 may be present per individual (primary or secondary) on
the return. SSN of Taxpayer with Employee Business Expense (SEQ 0009) of each Form 2106
must be significant and must equal the appropriate SSN, either Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040. When two or more Forms 2106 are present, the primary
spouse’s form(s) must precede the secondary spouse’s form(s).

0049 o Form 2106-EZ – A maximum of one Form 2106-EZ may be present per individual (primary or
secondary) on the return. SSN of Taxpayer with Employee Business Expense (SEQ 0009) of each
Form 2106-EZ must be significant and must equal the appropriate SSN, either Primary SSN (SEQ
0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040. When two Forms 2106-EZ are present, the
primary spouse’s form must precede the secondary spouse’s form.

0050 o Statement Record - The only valid entry in a Required Statement Record field (identified by an
at-sign (@) in Part II Record Layouts) is a Statement Reference, i.e., "STMbnn".

o For Required Statement Records, Line 02 must be blank. Line 03 must be present and must contain
significant data.

o For Required Statement Records, any Statement Reference number "STMbnn" occurring within a tax
return must have a corresponding Statement Record.

0051 o Statement Record - For Optional Statement Records (identified by an asterisk (*) in Part II Record
Layouts), any Statement Reference number "STMbnn" occurring within a tax return must have a
corresponding Statement Record.

0052 o Statement Record - Optional Statement Records (identified by an asterisk (*) in Part II Record
Layouts) are used only when the lines of data to be entered exceed spacing allowed on a schedule
or form.

o For Optional Statement Records, Lines 01, 02, 03, and 04 must be present and must contain
significant data.

0053 o Statement Record - The number of Statement Records cannot exceed the number of Statement
References within a tax return.

0054 o Form 4137 - Tip Income SSN (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 4137 must equal Primary SSN
(SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030)
of Form 1040.

0055 o Form 8606 - SSN of Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 0010) must be significant and equal to Primary SSN
(SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A.

0056 o Form 8606 - SSN of Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 0010) on the second Form 8606 must be significant
and equal to Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A and must not be equal to SSN of
Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 0010) on the first Form 8606. When both spouses are filing Form 8606,
the Form 8606 for the primary taxpayer must precede the Form 8606 for the secondary taxpayer.

0057 o Form 5329 - SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 5329 must be
significant and equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0058 o Form 5329 - SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0020) on the second Form 5329 must be
significant and equal to Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to SSN of
Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 5329. When both spouses are filing
Form 5329, the Form 5329 for the primary taxpayer must precede the Form 5329 for the secondary
0059 o Form 4137 - Tip Income SSN (SEQ 0020) on the second Form 4137 must equal Secondary SSN
(SEQ 0030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to Tip Income SSN (SEQ 0020) on the first
Form 4137. When both spouses are filing Form 4137, the Form 4137 for the primary taxpayer must
precede the Form 4137 for the secondary taxpayer.

0060 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Return Sequence Number (RSN) (SEQ 0007) must be in
ascending numerical sequence within a transmission. However, the RSN's within the transmission
do not have to be consecutive.

0061 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) must be in
ascending numerical sequence within the transmission. However, the DCN's within the transmission
do not have to be consecutive.

0062 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - The first two digits of the Declaration Control Number
(DCN) (SEQ 0008) must be zeros.

0063 o Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2", "3", or “4” and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163)
equals “X”, both Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) must be numeric. (The
Filing Status of Form 1040EZ is considered to be "2" when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is

0064 o Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - The Year Digit of Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ
0008) must be "6".

0065 o Form 1040/1040A - When Exempt Spouse Ind (SEQ 0163) equals "X", Filing Status (SEQ 0130)
must equal "2", “3”, or “4”.

0066 o Form 1040/1040A - If any field of the following "dependent group" is significant, then all fields in that
group must be significant: Dependent First Name, Dependent Last Name, Dependent Name Control,
Dependent's SSN, and Relationship.

o Dependent Name Control (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192, 0202) must be in the correct format.

0067 o Form 1040/1040A - Dependent First Name (SEQ 0170, 0180, 0190, 0200) and Dependent Last
Name (SEQ 0171, 0181, 0191, 0201) must contain only alpha characters and spaces. A space
cannot be in the first position of either Dependent First Name or Dependent Last Name.

0068 o Form 1040/1040A - When Dependent's SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) is significant, it must be
within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary
SSN (SEQ 0030) or another Dependent's SSN. It must equal all numeric characters and cannot
equal all zeros or all nines.

0069 o Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2",
Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain an ampersand (&).

o Form 1040EZ - When Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant,

Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain an ampersand (&).

0070 o Form 1040 - If Other Adjustments Literal (SEQ 0720) equals

"JURY PAY", then at least one Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) must equal "JURY PAY".

0071 o Tax Form - When Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant, it must be within the valid ranges of
SSN/ITIN's, cannot equal an ATIN, and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010). It must equal all
numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.

0072 o Tax Form - When EIC Eligibility (SEQ 1183) equals "NO", Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot
be significant.

o Form 1040/1040A – When Schedule EIC is present, Earned Income Credit SEQ (1180) must be

0073 o Form 1040/1040A – When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals “5”; Number of Children who Lived with
You (SEQ 0240) must be significant.
0074 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 0214, 0223) cannot equal another Qualifying
Person SSN on the same Form 2441/Schedule 2 or in the related Statement Record.

0075 o Tax Form - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant, then at least one of the following must
be present for the
Forms listed below.

o Form 1040: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household Help Amt (SEQ 0367); Type of Other
Income (SEQ 0560) and Amount of Other Income (SEQ 0570); Form W-2; Form W-2GU;
Form 1099-R; Schedule C; Schedule C-EZ; Schedule E with Part/S-Corp Ind (SEQ 1172, 1210,
1270, 1330) equal to "P"; Schedule F.

Form 1040A: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household

o Help Amt (SEQ 0367); Form W-2; Form W-2GU and Form 1099-R.

o Form 1040EZ: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household Help Amt (SEQ 0368); Form W-2;
Form W-2GU.

0076 o Form 1040/1040A - If Taxable Interest (SEQ 0380) is greater

than $1,500, or if Taxable Interest (SEQ 0290) of Schedule B/Schedule 1 is significant, then Taxable
Interest (SEQ 0380) of Form 1040/1040A must equal Taxable Interest (SEQ 0290) from
Schedule B/Schedule 1.

0077 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0394) is greater than $1,500, or if Total
Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0525) of Schedule B/Schedule 1 is significant, then Total Ordinary
Dividends (SEQ 0394) of Form 1040/1040A must equal Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0525) from
Schedule B/Schedule 1.

0078 o Form 1040 - Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) must equal one of the following fields from Schedule D:
Combined Net Gain/Loss (SEQ 2400) or Allowable Loss (SEQ 2540).

0079 o Form 1040 - Rent/Royalty/Part/Estates/Trusts Inc (SEQ 0510) must equal Total Income or Loss
(SEQ 1150) or Total Supplemental Income (Loss) (SEQ 2010) from Schedule E.

0080 o Form 1040 - Current Year Moving Expenses (SEQ 0637) must equal Moving Exp Deduction
(SEQ 0180) from Form(s) 3903.

0081 o Form 1040 - If F4684 Literal (SEQ 0460) is not significant, then Other Gain/Loss (SEQ 0470) of
Form 1040 must equal Redetermined Gain/Loss (SEQ 1030) from Form 4797.

0082 o Form 1040 - If Schedule A is present, then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEQ 0789) of
Form 1040 must equal Total Deductions (SEQ 0520) from Schedule A.

0083 o Form 1040/1040A - Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0925) must equal Credit for Child &
Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) from Form 2441/Schedule 2.

0084 o Form 1040/1040A - Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930) of Form 1040 or 1040A must equal
Credit (SEQ 0290, Schedule 3) and SEQ 0290, Schedule R.

0085 o Schedule R/Schedule 3 - Taxable Disability (SEQ 0150) must be significant when one of the
following fields equals "X": Retire/Disabled (SEQ 0020); Both Under 65, One Retired (SEQ 0040);
Both Under 65, Both Retired (SEQ 0050); One Over 65, Other Retired (SEQ 0060); Under 65, Did
Not Live With Spouse (SEQ 0090).

0086 o Form 1040 - If Exempt/Form 4361 Box (SEQ 0025) of Schedule(s) SE and Exempt SE Tax Indicator
(SEQ 1035) of Form 1040 are blank, then Self Employment Tax (SEQ 1040) of Form 1040 must
equal Self-Employment Tax (SEQ 0160) from Schedule(s) SE.

0087 o Form 1040 - Alternative Minimum Tax (SEQ 0918) must equal Alternative Minimum Tax (SEQ 0340)
from Form 6251.
0088 o Form 1040/1040A - Overpaid (SEQ 1260) must equal the total of the following fields: Refund
(SEQ 1270), Applied to ES Tax (SEQ 1280), and ES Penalty Amt (SEQ 1300).

0089 o Form 1040 - When Total Alimony Paid (SEQ 0697) is significant, Recip Soc Sec No. (SEQ 0693)
must be significant, and vice versa.

o When Recip Soc Sec No. (SEQ 0693) is significant, it must be within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN's,
cannot equal an ATIN, and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010).

0090 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When Form 2441/Schedule 2 is present, at least one of the following fields
must be significant: Dependent Care Benefits Literal (SEQ 0371) of Form 1040/1040A; Dependent
Care Benefits (SEQ 0210) of Form W-2; Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) of
Form 2441/Schedule 2 or if Form 1040/1040A (SEQ 0915/0860) is not significant,then the Credit for
Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) ofForm 2441/Schedule 2 must be zero.

0091 o Form 1040/1040A – If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals “3”, Exempt Spouse Name (SEQ 0164) or
Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165) cannot be present.


0093 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - EIN/SSN Type (SEQ 0045) of

Form 2441/Schedule 2 must equal "S" or "E".

o Exception: If SSN/EIN (SEQ 0040) equals "TAXEXEMPT" then EIN/SSN Type (SEQ 0045) may
equal blank.

0094 o Form 6252 - If Line 24 Minus Line 25 (SEQ 0290) or Line 35 Minus Line 36 (SEQ 0460) is significant,
then Schedule D or Form 4797 must be present.

0095 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - If Total Qualified Expenses or Limit (SEQ 0230), or Credit for Child &
Dependent Care (SEQ 0339), or Net Allowable Amount (SEQ 0600) is greater than zero, then
Qualifying Person SSN - 1 (SEQ 0214) must be significant. The Qualifying Person information on
Line 2 is not required when Prior Year Expense Literal (SEQ 0318), Prior Year Qualifying Person
Name (SEQ 0324), and Prior Year Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 0326) are present and there are no
current year expenses.

o If Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) is significant, and Total Qualified Expenses or Limit
(SEQ 0230) or Net Allowable Amount (SEQ 0600) is greater than zero, then Primary Earned Income
(SEQ 0260) (and Spouse's Earned Income (SEQ 0270) when Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of
Form 1040/1040A equals "2") must be significant.


0097 o Form 1040 – When Capital Distribution Box (SEQ 0447) equals to “X”, Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450)
must be significant, Schedule D must not be present.

o When Capital Distribution Box (SEQ 0447) is not equal to “X” and Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) is
significant, Schedule D must be present.

0098 o Schedule C – Gross Receipts Less Returns Allowances (SEQ 0220) must equal Gross
Receipts/Sales (SEQ 0200) minus Returns/Allowances (SEQ 0210).

0099 o Form 1040 - Business Income/Loss (SEQ 0440) must equal the total of Net Profit (Loss) (SEQ 0710)
from Schedule(s) C plus Net Profit (SEQ 0710) from Schedule(s) C-EZ.

0100 o Schedule C - When Net Profit (Loss) (SEQ 0710) is less than zero and Some Is Not At Risk
(SEQ 0730) equals "X", Form 6198 must be present.

0101 o Form 4952 - At least one of the following fields must be greater than zero: Investment Interest
Expense (SEQ 0010), Carryover Disallowed Interest Expense (SEQ 0020), Investment Interest
Expense Deduction (SEQ 0170).
0102 o Schedule E - If Any Amount is Not At Risk (SEQ 1180, 1238, 1298, 1358) equals "X" on any
Schedule E, and the corresponding Part/S-Corp Nonpassive Sch K-1 Loss (SEQ 1192, 1253, 1313,
1373) is significant, then Form 6198 must be present.

0103 o Tax Form – If Withholding (SEQ 1160) is greater than $500, then at least one of the following must
be present for the forms listed below.

o Form 1040: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155); Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or
Form W-2GU; Withholding (SEQ 0160) on Form 1099-R; Withholding (SEQ 0050) on Form W2-G.
Form 1040A: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155); Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or
Form W-2GU; Withholding (SEQ 0160) on Form 1099-R.

o Form 1040EZ: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155); Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or
Form W-2GU.

0104 o Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ - The wages on Form W-2(s) (SEQ 0120) must equal or be less than the
Wages of Forms 1040/1040A/1040EZ (SEQ 0375).

o a. If SEQ (0375) of Forms 1040/1040A/1040EZ is within $5.00 (< or >) of the total W-2s then do not
reject the return.

o b. If Statutory Employee (SEQ 0265) of Form W-2 equal “X”, and no withholding in (SEQ 0130)
then bypass this check.

o c. If Statutory Employee (SEQ 0265) of Form W-2 equal “X”, and Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ is
attached, then bypass this check.

o d. If Form 1040/1040A Wages (SEQ 0375) are less the Wages of the Form W-2(s) and Form 8839
Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) equals “SNE” or “PYAB”, then do not reject the return.

0105 o Tax Form - When Direct Deposit information is present, the following fields must be significant:
Routing Transit Number (SEQ 1272); Checking Account Indicator (SEQ 1274) or Savings Account
Indicator (SEQ 1276); Depositor Account Number (SEQ 1278); and RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465).

0106 o Schedule E - If more than one Schedule E is present, only the first occurrence of Schedule E can
contain entries in the following fields: SEQ 0125, 0155, 0380, 1000, 1040, 1110, 1120, 1150, 1445,
1455, 1475, 1485, 1495, 1750, 1755, 1765, 1913, 1917, 1923, 1927, 1933, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1945,
1977, 1991, 2010, and 2020.

0107 o Schedule SE - If SST Wages/RRT Comp (SEQ 0088) or Unreported Tips (SEQ 0090) is significant,
then Total Wages/Unreported Tips (SEQ 0100) must be significant.

o Exception: This check is not performed when SST Wages/RRT Comp (SEQ 0088) is equal to or
greater than $90,000.

0108 o Form 1040/1040A - If Overpaid (SEQ 1260) is greater than zero, then Total Payments (SEQ 1250)
must be greater than Total Tax (SEQ 1150).

o Form 1040EZ - If Refund (SEQ 1270) is greater than zero, then Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must be
greater than Total Tax (SEQ 1256).

0109 o Form 1040/1040A - If Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is equal to an ITIN,
then Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant and Schedule EIC cannot be present.

o Form 1040EZ - If Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is equal to an ITIN, then
Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.

0110 o Form 1040 – If both Schedule D and Schedule J are present, thenTax (SEQ 0915) of Form 1040
must equal or be greater than Subtract Line 21 from Line 17 (SEQ 0220) of Schedule J.
0111 o Form 1040/1040A- When Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 0786) equals "X", Filing Status (SEQ 0130)
must equal "3".

0112 o Form 1040 - When Retirement Tax Plan Literal (SEQ 1095) is blank, Tax on Retirement Plans
(SEQ 1100) must equal the total of the following fields from Form(s) 5329: Total Section 72
Additional Tax on Early Distributions (SEQ 0078), Additional Tax on Certain Distr from Educ Accts
(SEQ 0091), Excess Contributions Tax on Traditional IRA (SEQ 0160), Excess Contributions Tax on
Roth IRA (SEQ 0280), Excess Contribution Tax on Ed IRA (SEQ 0570), Excess Contributions Tax on
MSA (SEQ 0660), Excess Contributions Tax on HSA (SEQ 0750), and Tax on Excess Accumulations
(SEQ 0850).

o When Retirement Tax Plan Literal (SEQ 1095) equals "NO", Form 5329 does not have to be present,
but Tax on Retirement Plans (SEQ 1100) of Form 1040 must be significant.

0113 o Schedule A - When Non-Cash/Check Contribution (SEQ 0360) is greater than $500, Form 8283 must
be present.

0114 o Form 1040/1040A - If Taxable Amount of Social Security (SEQ 0557) is significant, then Social
Security Benefits (SEQ 0553) must be significant.

0115 o Form 1040 - If Railroad Retire Indicator (SEQ 1070) is blank, then Social Security & Medicare Tax on
Tips (SEQ 1080) of Form 1040 must equal F1040 Social Security Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 0200)
from Form(s) 4137.

0116 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is not equal to Total Tax (SEQ 1150), then at least
one of the following fields must be significant: Overpaid (SEQ 1260), Refund (SEQ 1270), Applied to
ES Tax (SEQ 1280), Amount Owed (SEQ 1290).

0117 o Schedule C - At least one of the following fields must be significant: Gross Receipts/Sales
(SEQ 0200), Gross Income (SEQ 0270), Total Expenses (SEQ 0700), Tentative Profit/Loss
(SEQ 0702), Net Profit (Loss) (SEQ 0710).

0118 o Form 5329 - Name of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 0010) must contain a less-than sign
immediately preceding the last name. If the name includes a suffix, another less-than sign is entered
between the last name and the suffix. Allowable characters are: Alpha, hyphen (-), less-than (<), and

o The following cannot be present: Two or more consecutive embedded spaces, a space or less-than
sign in the first position, a less-than sign in the last position, more than two less-than signs, a space
preceding or following a less-than sign.

0119 o Form 1040A - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "3", then State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) cannot
equal any of the following states: AZ (Arizona), CA (California), ID (Idaho), LA Louisiana), NM (New
Mexico), NV (Nevada), TX (Texas),WA (Washington), and WI (Wisconsin).

O Exception: If Filing Status equals "3" and Address Ind (SEQ 0097) equals "2" (Stateside Military
Address), then the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) may equal one of the Community Property states
listed above.


0121 o Form 1040/1040A - Pensions Annuities Received (SEQ 0485) cannot equal Taxable Pensions
Amount (SEQ 0495).

0122 o Form W-2 - Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must be numeric, the first two digits of
Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must equal a valid District Office Code, Employer Name
Control (SEQ 0045) must be significant, and W-2 Indicator (SEQ 0590) must equal "N" or "S."

o Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form W-2 was altered, handwritten, or typed,
or that a cumulative Earnings Statement or a substitute Form W-2 was used. The value "S"
(Standard) identifies a Form W-2 that is a computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved
0123 o Form W-2 - The following fields must be significant: Employer Name (SEQ 0050), Employer Address
(SEQ 0060), Employee Name (SEQ 0090), Employee Address (SEQ 0100); Employee City
(SEQ 0110), Employee State (SEQ 0113), Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115), and Wages
(SEQ 0120).

o Exception: The check for Wages (SEQ 0120) is bypassed when Combat Pay has been excluded
from Wages.

o Exception: When a period (.) is present in the Employee State (SEQ 0113) on Form W-2, the checks
for Employee City (SEQ 0110) and Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115) are bypassed.

0124 o Form W-2G - The following fields must be significant: Payer Name Control (SEQ 0015), Payer Name
(SEQ 0020), and Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026).

0125 o Form 1099-R - The following fields must be significant: Payer Name Control (SEQ 0015), Payer
Name (SEQ 0020), and Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050).

0126 o Tax Form – If any Paid Preparer information (SEQ 1340, 1350, 1360, 1370, 1380, 1390, 1400, 1410)
is significant, then either Preparer SSN/Preparer TIN (SEQ 1360) or Preparer Firm EIN (SEQ 1380)
must be significant.

If Preparer SSN/Preparer TIN (SEQ 1360) is significant, it must equal all numeric characters and
o cannot equal all zeros or all nines; or the first position must equal “P” or “S” and the last positions
must be numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.

o If Preparer Firm EIN (SEQ 1380) is significant, it must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal
all zeros or all nines.

o When Paid Preparer information (SEQ 1340-1420) is significant, Non-Paid Preparer (SEQ 1338)
cannot be significant, and vice versa.

0127 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is greater than Total Tax (SEQ 1150), and the
total of Applied to ES Tax (SEQ 1280) plus ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is equal to Overpaid
(SEQ 1260), then Refund (SEQ 1270) cannot be significant.

0128 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is greater than Total Tax (SEQ 1150), and the
total of Applied to ES Tax (SEQ 1280) plus ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is less than Overpaid
(SEQ 1260), then Refund (SEQ 1270) must be greater than zero.

0129 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) equals Total Tax (SEQ 1150), then the following
fields cannot be significant: Overpaid (SEQ 1260), Refund (SEQ 1270), and Applied to ES Tax
(SEQ 1280).

0130 o Form 1040/1040A - If Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEQ 0789) contains one of the following
amounts: $6,000, 7,000, 6,250, 7,500, 8,550, 11,000, 9,800, 12,000, 13,000, or 14,000; and Modified
Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) of Form 1040 is blank; then at least one of following fields must
equal "X": Self 65 or Over Box (SEQ 0772), Self Blind Box (SEQ 0774), Spouse 65 or Over Box
(SEQ 0776), Spouse Blind Box (SEQ 0778).

o Exception for Form 1040: This check is not performed when one or more of the following forms are
present: Schedule A, Form 4563.

0131 o Form 1040/1040A - If Number of Children Not Living with You (SEQ 0247) is significant, then at least
one Relationship (SEQ 0177, 0187, 0197, 0207) must equal "CHILD", "DAUGHTER",

0132 o Form 1040 – When Capital Distribution Box equals to “X”, Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) must
contain a positive amount.

0133 o Schedule R/Schedule 3 - If Nontaxable SSB/RRB (SEQ 0163) or Nontaxable Other (SEQ 0167) is
significant, then Pensions & Annuities (SEQ 0170) must be significant.
0134 o Form 1040 - If Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) equals "X", and Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 0786), and
Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) and Itemize Election Ind (SEQ 0788) are blank, and
Schedule A and Form 4563 are not present; then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEQ 0789)
must equal a valid standard deduction.

o Form 1040 – When MFJ, and Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) equals “X” and
Must Itemize Indicator (SEC 0786) and Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) are blank; then
Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEC 0789) must equal a valid standard deduction

o Form 1040A – If Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) equals "X", and Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 0786) and
Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) are blank; then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction
(SEQ 0789) must equal a valid standard deduction.

o Form 1040A – When MFJ, and Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) equals “X”
and Must Itemize Indicator (SEC 0786) and Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) are blank;
then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEC 0789) must equal a valid standard deduction.

0135 o Form 1040 - When F4684 Literal (SEQ 0460) equals "F4684", Form 4684 must be present.

0136 o Form 1040 - If Form 2210 or Form 2210F is present, then ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) of
Form 1040 must equal Underpayment Penalty/Short Method (SEQ 0245) or Total Underpayment
Penalty (SEQ 0671) from Form 2210, or Underpayment Penalty/Farmers Fishermen (SEQ 0180)
from Form 2210F.

o Form 1040A - If Form 2210 is present, then ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) of Form 1040A must
equal Underpayment Penalty/Short Method (SEQ 0245) or Total Underpayment Penalty (SEQ 0671)
from Form 2210.

0137 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When SSN/EIN 1 or 2 (SEQ 0040, 0090) is significant, the corresponding
Amount Paid 1 or 2 (SEQ 0050, 0100) must be significant.

0138 o Form 1040/1040A – Total Exemptions (SEQ 0355) must equal the total of the following fields: Total
Box 6a and 6b (SEQ 0167); Number of Children Who Lived with You (SEQ 0240); Number of
Children Not Living with You (SEQ 0247); and Number of Other Dependents Listed (SEQ 0350).

0139 o Form W-2 - Employee SSN (SEQ 0080) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN
(SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form.

0140 o Form 1040 - Farm Income (SEQ 0520) must equal Net Farm Profit or Loss (SEQ 0680) from
Schedule(s) F.

0141 O Schedule F – At least one of the following fields must be significant: Gross Income Amount
(SEQ 0280), Total Expenses (SEQ 0650), Net Farm Profit or Loss (SEQ 0680).

0142 o Schedule F – Accounting Method Cash Indicator (SEQ 0050) or Accounting Method Accrual
Indicator (SEQ 0060) must equal "X". Both indicators cannot equal "X".

0143 o Schedule F – Materially Participate Yes Indicator (SEQ 0100) and Materially Participate No Indicator
(SEQ 0110) cannot both equal "X" and cannot both equal blank.


0145 o If Line 24 of Form 1040, Bus Expenses Reservists & others (SEQ 0624) is significant, then Form
2106/2106-EZ must be attached, else reject the return.

0146 o Tax Form - When Unemployment Compensation (SEQ 0552) is significant, it must be numeric and
greater than zero.

0147 o Form 2210 – One of the following fields must equal "X": Waiver Entire Penalty Box (SEQ 0135),
Waiver of Part of Penalty Box (SEQ 0145), Annualized Income Installment Method Box (SEQ 0155),
Actually Withheld Box (SEQ 0165) or Joint Return Box (SEQ 0173).
0148 o Form 2210 - When Waiver of Entire Penalty Box (SEQ 0135) or Waiver of Part Penalty Box (SEQ
0145) equals "X", either Waived Explanation/Short Method (SEQ 0233) or Waiver Explanation
(SEQ 0669) must equal "STMbnn".

o Form 2210F - When Waiver of Penalty Box (SEQ 0013) equals "X", Waiver Explanation (SEQ 0177)
must equal "STMbnn".

0149 o Schedule C - When Other Clos Inv Method (SEQ 0744) equals "X", Other Meth Explanation
(SEQ 0746) must equal "STMbnn".

0150 o Form 1040 - When F4255 Literal (SEQ 1121) and F4255 Amount (SEQ 1122) are significant,
Form 4255 must be present and Total Increase Tax (SEQ 0530) of Form 4255 must be significant.

o When Form 4255 is present, F4255 Literal (SEQ 1121) and F4255 Amount (SEQ 1122) of
Form 1040 must be significant.

0151 o Summary Record - Number of Logical Records in Tax Return

(SEQ 0040) must equal the total logical record count computed by the IRS.

0152 o Summary Record - Number of Forms W-2 (SEQ 0050) must equal the number of Forms W-2
computed by the IRS.

0153 o Summary Record - Number of Forms W-2G (SEQ 0060) must equal the number of Forms W-2G
computed by the IRS.

0154 o Summary Record - Number of Forms 1099-R (SEQ 0070) must equal the number of Forms 1099-R
computed by the IRS.

0155 o Summary Record - Number of Schedule Records (SEQ 0080) must equal the number of schedule
records computed by the IRS.

0156 o Summary Record - Number of Form Records (SEQ 0090) must equal the number of form records
computed by the IRS.

0157 o Summary Record - Number of Statement Record Lines (SEQ 0100) must equal the number of
statement record lines computed by the IRS.

0158 o Form 1040/1040A - If Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930) is significant, and Self 65 or Over
Box (SEQ 0772) and Spouse 65 or Over Box (SEQ 0776) are blank, then one of the following fields
from Schedule R/Schedule 3 must be significant: Retire/Disabled (SEQ 0020); Both Under 65, One
Retired (SEQ 0040); Both Under 65, Both Retired (SEQ 0050); Under 65, Did Not Live with Spouse
(SEQ 0090).

0159 o Form 1040EZ – When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) and the Spouse Claimed
Dependent Ind (SEQ 0775) are blank, then Combined Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption
(SEQ 0815) must equal $8,200 when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is not significant, and must equal
$16,400 when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant.

0160 o Form 1040EZ - When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) and the Spouse Claimed
Dependent Ind (SEQ 0775) equals "X", then Combined Standard Deduction and Personal
Exemption (SEQ 0815) cannot exceed $10,000 when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant.

o When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) equals "X", then Combined Standard Deduction
and Personal Exemption (SEQ 0815) cannot exceed $5,000 when the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030)
is NOT significant.


0162 o Form 1040EZ - Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot exceed $399 and Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0750) must be less than $11,750 if single, and cannot exceed $13,750 if Married Filing Jointly.

o When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) or the Spouse Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ
0775) equals "X", Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.

0163 o Schedule R/Schedule 3 – Only one of the following fields must be significant: SEQ 0010, 0020,
0030, 0040, 0050, 0060, 0070, 0080, 0090.
0164 o Form 1040/1040A – If Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937) is significant, then all
of the following apply:

o Form 8880 must be attached.

o Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937) cannot exceed the maximum possible credit
for the Filing Status
(SEQ 0130). The maximum possible credit is $1000 for "Head of Household", "Single", “Married
Filing Separate”, and “Qualifying Widow(er)”, and $2000 for "Married Filing Joint".

o Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) cannot exceed the applicable AGI limit for the Filing Status
(SEQ 0130). The applicable limits are $50,000 for "Married Filing Joint", $37,500 for
"Head of Household", and $25,000 for "Single", “Married Filing Separate”, and “Qualifying

0165 o Form 8880 – If Credit Contributions (SEQ 0200) is significant, then it must equal Credit for
Retirement Savings Contribution
(SEQ 0937) of Tax Form.

0166 o Form 8880 – Total Line 6a and 6b (SEQ 0130) must be greater than zero.

0167 o Form 9465 – Monthly Payment Date (SEQ 0310) must be significant and must be within the 01 to 28

0168 o Form 9465 – Monthly Payment (SEQ 0300) must be equal to or greater than $25.

0169 o Schedule E - At least one of the following fields must be significant on the first occurrence of
Schedule E: Total Rents Received (SEQ 0125); Total Royalties Rec'd (SEQ 0155); Rental & Royalty
Deduction (SEQ 1000); Total Income (SEQ 1110); Total Losses (SEQ 1120); Part/S-Corp Name A
(SEQ 1170); Tot Part/S-Corp Income (SEQ 1750); Tot Part/S-Corp Loss and Sec 179 Deduction
(SEQ 1755); Tot Estate/Trust Inc (SEQ 1933); Tot Estate/Trust Loss (SEQ 1937); Total REMIC
Income (SEQ 1977); Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991); Farming/Fishing Share
(SEQ 2020); Net Rental Real Estate Income/Loss (SEQ 2030).

0170 o Schedule A - Casualty/Theft Loss (SEQ 0390) must equal Line16 (SEQ 0430) or Line 21
(SEQ 0453) from Form 4684.

0171 o Form 4797 - When Form 4684 is present, Gain/Loss for Entire Year (Form 4684 Sec B Gain)
(SEQ 0440) of Form 4797 must equal Loss Equal to or Smaller than Gain (SEQ 1120) from Form

0172 o Form 9465 - Amount Owed on Tax Return (SEQ 0280) cannot be greater than $25,000.



0175 o Form 1040 - When Other Adjustment Amount (SEQ 0730) or Total Other Adjustments (SEQ 0735) is
significant, Total Adjustments (SEQ 0740) must be significant.

0176 o Form 1040 - Total Other Adjustments (SEQ 0735) must equal the total of Other Adjustment Amount
(SEQ 0730 or amounts from corresponding statement record) plus MSA Amount (SEQ 0733).

0177 o Tax Form - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant and Schedule E is not present, then
the total of the following fields cannot exceed $2,700 unless Form 4797 is attached: Taxable Interest
(SEQ 0380), Tax-Exempt Interest (SEQ 0385), Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0394) of
Form 1040/1040A, and Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) (when greater than zero) of Form 1040.

0178 o Form 1040 – When Specify Other Credit Block (SEQ 1006) equals “X”, one of the following forms
must be present: Form 3468, Form 5884, Form 5884-A, Form 6478, Form 6765, Form 8586, Form
8820,Form 8826, Form 8830, Form 8834, Form 8835, Form 8844,Form 8845, Form 8846, Form
8847, Form 8860, Form 8861, Form 8864, Form 8874, Form 8881, Form 8882 or Form 8896 unless
Specify Other Credit Literal (Seq. 1010) contains "TRANS ALASKA".

0180 o Form 4835 - When one Form 4835 is present, Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of
Schedule E must equal one of the following fields from Form 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 0610)
or Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630).

o When multiple Forms 4835 are present, Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E
must equal the sum of the following from Forms 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 0610) (when
greater than zero) minus Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630).

o Note: Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630) of Form 4835 is assumed to be a loss; the minus sign is not

0181 o Form 4835 - If Some is Not at Risk (SEQ 0620) equals "X" on one or both Form(s) 4835, then
Form 6198 or Form 8582 must be present.

0182 o Schedule F - When Net Farm Profit or Loss (SEQ 0680) is less than zero and Some Is Not at Risk
Indicator (SEQ 0700) equals "X", Form 6198 must be present.

0183 o Schedule C - If Car/Truck Expenses (SEQ 0293) is significant, then Vehicle Service Date
(SEQ 0820) must be significant, or Form 4562 must be present.

0184 o Schedule E - If Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) on the first occurrence of Schedule E is
present, then Form 4835 must be present.

o When one Form 4835 is present, Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E must
equal one of the following fields from Form 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 0610) or Net Farm
Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630).

o When multiple Forms 4835 are present, Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E
must equal the sum of the following from Forms 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 0610) (when
greater than zero) minus Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630).

o Note: Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 0630) of Form 4835 is assumed to be a loss; the minus sign is not

0185 o Schedule C - When Business Miles (SEQ 0830) is significant, then Vehicle Service Date (SEQ 0820)
must be present.

0186 o Form 8829 – Total of “Home Business Expense” (SEQ 0703) of all Schedules C present must equal
total of “Schedule C Allowable Expenses” (SEQ 0450) from all Forms 8829 present.

0187 o Schedule C - Employer ID Number (SEQ 0060) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0188 o Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "3", Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180)
cannot be significant.

0189 o Form 1040 - If Total Adjustments (SEQ 0740) is significant, then at least one of the following fields
must be significant: SEQ 0623, 0624, 0635, 0637, 0640, 0645, 0650, 0670, 0680, 0697, 0700, 0702,
0705, 0710, 0730, 0733, 0735.


0191 o Form 1040 - Total Credits (SEQ 1020) must equal the total of the following fields: Credit for Child &
Dependent Care (SEQ 0925), Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930), Education Credits (F8863)
(SEQ 0935), Credits from F8396 & F8859 (SEQ 0995), Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 0922), Child tax
Credit (SEQ 0940), Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937), Adoption Credit
(SEQ 0960) and Other Credits (SEQ 1015).

o Form 1040A - Total Credits (SEQ 1020) must equal the total of the following fields: Credit for Child &
Dependent Care (SEQ 0925), Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930), Education Credits (F8863)
(SEQ 0935), Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0940), Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937)
and Adoption Credit (SEQ 0960).
0192 o Tax Form - At least one of the following fields must be significant for the forms listed below.

o Form 1040/1040A: Total Income (SEQ 0600), Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750), AGI Repeated
(SEQ 0770), Tax (SEQ 0915/0860), Total Credits (SEQ 1020), Total Tax (SEQ 1150), Total
Payments (SEQ 1250).

o Form 1040EZ: Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750), Taxable Income (SEQ 0820), Withholding
(SEQ 1160), Total Tax (SEQ 1256), Refund (SEQ 1270) and Amount Owed (SEQ 1290).

0193 o Form 8829 - Total Hours Available (SEQ 0065) cannot exceed the maximum number of available
hours (24 hrs multiplied by the number of days in the year).

0194 o Form 1040EZ - If Taxable Interest (SEQ 0380) is not significant, then Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0750) must equal the total of Wages, Salaries, Tips (SEQ 0375) plus Unemployment
Compensation (SEQ 0552).

0195 o Schedule SE - When Self-Employment Tax (SEQ 0160) is significant, Deduction for 1/2 of Self
Employment Tax (SEQ 0165) must be significant, and vice versa.

o If Self-Employed Deduction Schedule SE (SEQ 0640) of Form 1040 is significant, it must equal
Deduction for 1/2 of Self Employment Tax (SEQ 0165) from Schedule(s) SE. If Deduction for 1/2 of
Self Employment Tax (SEQ 0165) of Schedule SE is significant, and Exempt-Notary Literal
(SEQ 0050) is not significant, then Self-Employed Deduction Schedule SE (SEQ 0640) of
Form 1040 must be significant.

0196 o Form 1040 - When Social Security & Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 1080) is significant, Form 4137
must be present.

o When F1040 Social Security Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 0200) of Form 4137(s) is significant, Social
Security & Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 1080) of Form 1040 must be significant.

0197 o Schedule A - When Other Expense Amount (SEQ 0485) is significant, Total Other Expenses Limit
(SEQ 0495) must be significant.

0198 o Form 1040 - Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must equal the total of the following fields: Withholding
(SEQ 1160), ES Payments (SEQ 1170), Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180), Additional Child Tax
Credit (SEQ 1192), F4868 Amount (SEQ 1197), Excess SS Tax (SEQ 1188), and Other Payments
(SEQ 1210).

o Form 1040A – Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must equal the total of the following fields: Withholding
(SEQ 1160), ES Payments (SEQ 1170), Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180), Additional Child Tax
Credit (SEQ 1192), F4868 Amount (SEQ 1197), and Excess SS Tax (SEQ 1200).

0199 o Form 1040/1040A – Educator Expenses (SEQ 0623) cannot be greater than $500 if filing status is “2”
and $250 for all other filing statuses.

0200 o Form 1040/1040A - When Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is greater than $399, Schedule EIC
must be present.

0201 o Schedule EIC - If any field of the following “qualifying child group” is significant, then all fields in that
group must be significant: Qualifying Child Name Control (SEQ 0007, 0077; Qualifying Child First
Name (SEQ 0010, 0080); Qualifying Child Last Name (SEQ 0011, 0081); Year of Birth (SEQ 0020,
0090); Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085); Relationship (SEQ 0060, 0130); and Number of Months
(SEQ 0070, 0140).

o Qualifying Child Name Control (SEQ 0007, 0077) must be in the correct format.

0202 o Schedule EIC – Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) cannot be greater than current tax year.

0203 o Schedule EIC - Relationship (SEQ 0060, 0130) must equal one of the following: "CHILD",
0204 o Form 1040/1040A - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant and Schedule EIC is not
present, then the primary taxpayer and/or the secondary taxpayer must be at least age 25 but under
age 65. If either taxpayer is born January 01, 1981, the taxpayer is considered to be age 25 at the
end of 2005.

Form 1040EZ - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant, then the primary taxpayer and/or
o the secondary taxpayer must be at least age 25 but under age 65. If either taxpayer is born January
01, 1981, the taxpayer is considered to be age 25 at the end of 2005.

0205 o Schedule EIC - When Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) is significant, it must be within the valid
ranges of SSN's. It must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.

0206 o Schedule EIC - If Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) is less than "1987" (age 19 and older) and greater
than "1981", then the corresponding Student "Yes" Box (SEQ 0030, 0100) or the corresponding
Disabled "Yes" Box (SEQ 0040, 0110) must equal "X".

0207 o Schedule EIC - If Relationship (SEQ 0060, 0130) equals "CHILD", "DAUGHTER", "GRANDCHILD",
“SON", “SISTER”, “BROTHER”, “NIECE”, “NEPHEW” or “FOSTERCHILD” and Year of Birth
(SEQ 0020, 0090) does not equal "2005", then Number of Months (SEQ 0070, 0140) must be equal
to or greater than "07".

0208 o Schedule H - Cash Wages Over $1,400 Paid Yearly - Yes (SEQ 0040) and Cash Wages Over
$1,400 Paid Yearly – No (SEQ 0045) cannot both equal "X" and cannot both equal blank.

0209 o Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 0020) on the first Schedule H must be significant and equal to
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0210 o Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 0020) on the second Schedule H must be significant and equal to
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to Employer SSN (SEQ 0020) on
the first Schedule H. When both spouses are filing Schedule H, the Schedule H for the primary
taxpayer must precede the Schedule H for the secondary taxpayer.

0211 o Schedule H - Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0030) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0212 o Schedule H - Name of State Where Unemployment Contr Paid (SEQ 0200) must equal a standard
state abbreviation for one of the fifty United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin

0213 o Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 0020) and Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0030) must be
significant, must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all blanks or all zeros.

0214 o Schedule H - When two Schedules H are present, Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0030) of
the second Schedule H cannot equal Employer Identification Number of the first Schedule H.

0215 o Schedule H - Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 0050) and Federal Income Tax Withheld –
No (SEQ 0055) cannot both equal "X".

o Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0060) and Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - Yes
(SEQ 0065) cannot both equal "X".

o Cash Wages Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0150) and Cash Wages Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly -
Yes (SEQ 0155) cannot both equal "X".

0216 o Schedule EIC - Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) cannot equal Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 0085).
Qualifying SSN - 1 and - 2 (SEQ 0050, 0120) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary
SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A.

0217 o Schedule EIC – When Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) is less than "1982", the corresponding
Disabled "Yes" Box (SEQ 0040, 0110) must equal "X".

0218 o Schedule EIC – When Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) equals "2005", the corresponding Number of
Months (SEQ 0070, 0140) must equal "12".
0219 o Schedule H - Page 2 must be present when all of the following fields equal "X": Cash Wage Over
$1,400 Paid Yearly - No (SEQ 0045), Federal Income Tax Withheld – No (SEQ 0055), and Cash
Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 0065).

0220 o Schedule H - When all of the following fields equal "X", Schedule H cannot be filed: Cash Wage
Over $1,400 Paid Yearly - No (SEQ 0045), Federal Income Tax Withheld - No (SEQ 0055), and
Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0060).

0221 o Form 1040/1040A - Advanced EIC Payments (SEQ 1105) must equal the total of Advance EIC
Payment (SEQ 0200) from Form(s) W-2 and/or W-2GU.

0222 o Schedule EIC - If Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) is significant and Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 0085) is
not significant, then Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) of Form 1040/1040A cannot exceed $2,662
and Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of Form 1040/1040A must be less than $31,030 if Single,
Head of Household or Qualifying Widow(er) and less than $33,030 if Married Filing Jointly.

o If Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) and Qualifying SSN – 2 (SEQ 0085) are significant, then Earned
Income Credit (SEQ 1180) of Form 1040/1040A cannot exceed $4,400 and Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0750) of Form 1040/1040A must be less than
$35,263 if Single, Head of Household or Qualifying Widow(er) and less than $37,263 if Married Filing

0223 o Schedule H - When Federal Income Tax Withheld – Yes (SEQ 0050) equals "X", Federal Income
Tax Withheld (SEQ 0110) must be significant.

0224 o Schedule H - If Cash Wage Over $1,400 Paid Yearly - No (SEQ 0045) and Federal Income Tax
Withheld - Yes (SEQ 0050) equal "X", then Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0060)
and Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 0065) must be blank.

0225 o Schedule H - When Cash Wage Over $1,400 Paid Yearly - Yes (SEQ 0040) equals "X", Social
Security Wages (SEQ 0070) and Medicare Wages (SEQ 0090) must each be equal to or greater
than $1,400.

0226 o Schedule H - When Cash Wage Over $1,400 Paid Yearly - Yes (SEQ 0040) equals "X", the following
fields must be blank: Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 0050), Federal Income Tax
Withheld - No (SEQ 0055), Cash Wage Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0060), and Cash Wage
Over $1,000 Paid
Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 0065).

0227 o Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Cash Wages Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 0150) cannot
equal "X".

o When Page 2 is not present, Cash Wages Over $1,000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 0155) cannot
equal "X".

0228 o Schedule H - Social Security Wages (SEQ 0070) cannot be greater than Medicare Wages
(SEQ 0090).

0229 o Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Total Taxes from Line 8 (SEQ 0520) must equal Total Taxes
Less Advance EIC Payments (SEQ 0140) from Page 1.

0230 o Form 1116 – When only one Form 1116 is present, Smaller of Tax From Return or Foreign Tax
Credit (SEQ 1185) must equal Gross Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1090) and the following fields must
be blank: SEQs 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1135, 1160, 1175, 1177 and 1180.

0231 o Form 1116 – If more than one Form 1116 is present, then only the first occurrence of Form 1116 can
have significant data in Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1200). For subsequent occurrences of Form 1116,
significant data can be present in Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1200) only when Alt. Min. Tax Literal
(SEQ 0010) of that occurrence is equal to “AMT”.
0232 o Form 1116 - On each Form 1116, only one of the following fields can equal "X": SEQ 0020, 0030,
0040, 0050, 0060, 0070, 0080, 0093, 0096, 0098.

o When more than one Form 1116 is present, the same box (SEQ 0020 through 0098) cannot equal
"X" on more than one Form 1116.

o Exception: The same box (SEQ 0020 through 0098) can equal "X" on two Forms 1116 if Alt. Min.
Tax Literal (SEQ 0010) is significant on one of the two Forms 1116.

0233 o Tax Form - If Direct Deposit “No” (SEQ 1263) is equal to "X", the Direct Deposit Information must not
be present, if present, reject the return.

0234 o Tax Form - One of the following must equal "X": Direct Deposit “Yes” (SEQ 1262) or Direct Deposit
“No” (SEQ 1263) and both cannot be blank and both cannot equal "X".

0235 o Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Total Taxable Wages for FUTA (Section A) (SEQ 0230) must
be significant.

0236 o Form 1040 - Household Employment Taxes (SEQ 1107) must equal the total of the following fields
from Schedule(s) H: Total Taxes Less Advance EIC Payments (SEQ 0140) plus FUTA Tax
(SEQ 0240).

0237 o When only one Form 2106 is present for an individual (primary or secondary), Page 2 need not be
transmitted if there are no entries for that page, but Page 2 cannot be present without Page 1.

o When two Forms 2106 are present for an individual (primary or secondary), Page 1 must be present
for the first form, Page 1 may not be present for the second form, and Page 2 must be present for
both forms. (The second form is for additional vehicles only. Refer to Form 2106 Instructions for
possible allocation from one Form 2106 in the case of expenses of reservists, Qualified Performing
Artists, etc.)

0238-0239 RESERVED

0240 o Schedule C-EZ - Total Expenses (SEQ 0700) cannot be greater than $5,000 and Net Profit
(SEQ 0710) cannot be less than zero.

0241 o Schedule C-EZ - At least one of the following fields must be significant: Gross Receipts/Sales
(SEQ 0200), Total Expenses (SEQ 0700), Net Profit (SEQ 0710).

0242 o Schedule C-EZ - Employer ID Number (SEQ 0060) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0243 o Form 1040 - If Schedule A is not present and Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 0786) equals "X" then
Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEQ 0789) must equal zero.

o Form 1040A - If Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 0786) equals "X", then Total Itemized or Standard
Deduction (SEQ 0789) must equal zero.

0244 o RESERVED.

0245 o Form 1040 - When Form 8396 Block (SEQ 0985) equals "X", Form 8396 must be present.

o Form 1040 - When Form 3800 Block (SEQ 1000) equals "X", Form 3800 must be present.


0247 o Schedule A - When State & Local Taxes (SEQ 0090) is significant, Income Taxes Box (SEQ 0092)
and General Sales Taxes Box
(SEQ 0094) cannot both equal “X”, and cannot both equal blank.

0248-0249 RESERVED

0251 o Form 8615 - Child Taxable Income (SEQ 0100) must equal Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) from
Form 1040/1040A.

0252 o Form 1040/1040A - When Form 8615 is present, Tax (SEQ 0915) of Form 1040 or Tax (SEQ 0860)
of Form 1040A must equal Form 8615 Tax (SEQ 0290) from Form 8615.

0253 o Form 8615 - Parent Filing Status (SEQ 0060) must equal "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5".


0255 o Form 8615 - Gross Unearned Income (SEQ 0070) must be greater than $1,600.

0256 o Form 8615 - Child Name (SEQ 0010) must equal Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) of Form 1040/1040A.

0257 o Form 8615 - Parent Name (SEQ 0040) and Parent SSN (SEQ 0050) must be significant.

0258 o Form 8615 - Child SSN (SEQ 0020) must be significant and within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN's.


0260 o Form 1040 - When Form 8814 is present, Form 8814 Block (SEQ 0853) of Form 1040 must equal
"X" and Form 8814 Amount (SEQ 0857) of Form 1040 must be significant. When Form 8814 Block
(SEQ 0853) equals "X", Form 8814 must be present and Form 8814 Amount (SEQ 0857) must be

0261 o Form 8814 - When one Form 8814 is present, Multiple F8814 Indicator (SEQ 0030) cannot be
significant. When more than one Form 8814 is present, Multiple F8814 Indicator (SEQ 0030) of the
first Form 8814 must be significant.

o Form 8814 Amount (SEQ 0857) of Form 1040 must equal Form 8814 Tax (SEQ 0220) from
Form(s) 8814.

0262 o Form 8814 - Child Taxable Unearned Income (SEQ 0170) must be greater than $800 and less than

0263 o Form 1040 - If Form 1040 Other Income (SEQ 0200) of Form 8814 is significant, then Type of Other
Income (SEQ 0560) of Form 1040 must equal "FORM 8814" and Total Other Income (SEQ 0590) of
Form 1040 must be significant.

0264 o Form 8814 - When Tax Exempt Literal (SEQ 0040) is significant, Tax Exempt Amount (SEQ 0050)
must be significant.

o When Nominee Dist. Literal 1 (SEQ 0060) is significant, Nominee Dist. Amount 1 (SEQ 0070) must
be significant.

o When Non-Taxable Literal (SEQ 0080) is significant, Non-Taxable Amount (SEQ 0090) must be

0265 o Form 8814 - When Nominee Dist. Literal 2 (SEQ 0120) is significant, Nominee Dist. Amount 2
(SEQ 0130) must be significant.

0266 o Form 8814 - Child Name (SEQ 0010) must be significant. Child SSN (SEQ 0020) must be must be
significant and within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's.

0267 o Form 8814 - Tax Amount Basis (SEQ 0210) cannot be less than zero. When Tax Amount Basis
(SEQ 0210) is greater than zero and less than $800, Form 8814 Tax (SEQ 0220) must be
significant. When Tax Amount Basis (SEQ 0210) is equal to or greater than $800, Form 8814 Tax
(SEQ 0220) must equal $80.

0268-0269 RESERVED

0270 o Form 1040 - When Form 4972 Block (SEQ 0880) equals "X", Form 4972 must be present.
0271 o Form 4972 - None of the following fields can equal "X": Distribution of Qualified Plan No Box
(SEQ 0026), Rollover Yes Box (SEQ 0030), Prior Yr Distribution Yes Box (SEQ 0190), and
Beneficiary Distribution Yes Box (SEQ 0201).

o All of the following fields must equal "X": Distribution of Qualified Plan Yes Box (SEQ 0024), Rollover
No Box (SEQ 0040), and Prior Yr Distribution No Box (SEQ 0200).

0272 o Form 4972 - Only one of the following fields can equal "X": Beneficiary of Qual Participant No Box
(SEQ 0044) or Qual
Age - Five Yr Member No Box (SEQ 0086).

0273-0274 RESERVED

0275 o Form 4972 – At least one of the following fields must be significant: Capital Gain Election
(SEQ 0220), Ordinary Income (SEQ 0240), 10 Yr Method Average Tax (SEQ 0690).

0276 o Form 4972 - Recipient SSN (SEQ 0020) from the second Form 4972 cannot equal Recipient SSN
(SEQ 0020) of the first Form 4972.

0277 o Form 1040 - When Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "ADT", Form 4970 must be present, and
vice versa.


0279 o Form 4972 - For each of the following, one box must equal "X", but both cannot equal "X":
Beneficiary of Qual Participant Yes Box (SEQ 0042)/Beneficiary of Qual Participant No Box
(SEQ 0044); Qual Age - Five Yr Member Yes Box (SEQ 0084)/Qual Age - Five Yr Member No Box
(SEQ 0086).

0280 o Schedule B/Schedule 1 - When Excludable Savings Bond Interest (SEQ 0289) is significant,
Form 8815 must be present. Excludable Savings Bond Interest (SEQ 0289) of
Schedule B/Schedule 1 must equal Excludable Savings Bond Interest (SEQ 0290) from Form 8815.

0281 o Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "3", Form 8815 cannot be present.

0282 o Form 8815 - Taxable Expenses (SEQ 0190) must be greater than zero.

0283 o Form 8815 - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of Form 1040/1040A equals "2" or "5", then Modified AGI
(SEQ 0240) of Form 8815 must be less than $121,850. If Filing Status equals "1" or "4", then
Modified AGI (SEQ 0240) must be less than $76,200.



0286 o Schedule E - When Non Passive Activity Literal (SEQ 1130) is present, Non Passive Activity Amount
(SEQ 1140) must be present, and vice versa.

0287 o Form 1040 - When F8828 Literal (SEQ 1123) equals "FMSR", Form 8828 must be present.

When F8828 Amount (SEQ 1124) is significant, Recapture Tax Due (SEQ 0280) of Form 8828 must
o be significant, and vice versa.

0288 o Form 8828 - Original Loan Closing Date (SEQ 0100) cannot be before January 1, 1991 (19910101).

0289 o Form W-2 - When Advance EIC Payment (SEQ 0200) is significant, taxpayer cannot file
Form 1040EZ.
0290 o Form W-2 - Employer State (SEQ 0073) and Employer Zip Code (SEQ 0075) must be significant
and valid. Employer Zip Code (SEQ 0075) must be consistent with Employer State (SEQ 0073).

o Form W-2G - Payer's State (SEQ 0024) and Payer's Zip Code (SEQ 0025) must be significant and
valid. Payer's Zip Code (SEQ 0025) must be consistent with Payer's State (SEQ 0024).

o Form W-2GU - Employer State (SEQ 0073) and Employer Zip Code (SEQ 0075) must be significant
and valid. Employer Zip Code (SEQ 0075) must be consistent with Employer State (SEQ 0073).

o Form 1099-R - Payer's State (SEQ 0042) and Payer's Zip Code (SEQ 0044) must be significant and
valid. Payer's Zip Code (SEQ 0044) must be consistent with Payer's State (SEQ 0042).

o Exception: This check is not performed when Employer State (SEQ 0073) of Form W-2 and/or W-
2GU, Payer’s State (SEQ 0024) of Form W-2G, and/or Payer’ State (SEQ 0042) of Form 1099-R
contain a period (.), indicating a foreign address.

0291 o Form W-2 - Employer City (SEQ 0070) must contain at least three characters.

0292 o Form W-2G - Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026) must be numeric, the first two digits of Payer
Identification Number (SEQ 0026) must equal a valid District Office Code, Payer Name
Control (SEQ 0015) must be significant, and W-2G Indicator (SEQ 0220) must equal "N" or "S".

Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form

W-2G was altered, handwritten, or typed, or that a cumulative earnings statement or a substitute
Form W-2G was used. The value "S" (Standard) identifies a Form W-2G that is a
computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved facsimile.

0293 o Form 1099-R - Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) must be numeric, the first two digits of
Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) must equal a valid District Office Code, Payer Name
Control (SEQ 0015) must be significant, and 1099-R Indicator (SEQ 0340) must equal "N" or "S".

Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form 1099-R was altered, handwritten, or
typed, or that a cumulative earnings statement or a substitute Form 1099-R was used. The value "S"
(Standard) identifies a Form 1099-R that is a computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-
approved facsimile.


0295 o Form W-2 – Neither Withholding (SEQ 0130) nor Social Security Tax (SEQ 0150) of the combined
W-2(s) and/or W-2GU(s) can be greater than 1/2 (50%) of Wages (SEQ 0120).
Exception: This check is bypassed when Combat Pay has been excluded from Wages.

o Form W-2G – Withholding (SEQ 0050) cannot be greater than ½ (50%) of Gross Winnings, etc.
(SEQ 0040).

o Form 1099-R – Withholding (SEQ 0160) cannot be greater than 1/2 (50%) of Gross Distribution
(SEQ 0110).

0296 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - If any field of the following "qualifying person group" is significant, then all
fields in that group must be significant: Qualifying Person First Name (SEQ 0110, 0217); Qualifying
Person Last Name (SEQ 0115, 0218); Qualifying Person Name Control (SEQ 0120, 0221);
Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 0214, 0223).

0297 o If Primary or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0010, 0030) of Form 1040 equal the SSN/EIN (SEQ 0040 or
0090) of Form 2441, reject the return.

0298 o Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 0214, 0223) is significant, it must be
within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's.

0299 o Tax Form - RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465) must equal "0", “1”, or "2".

o RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465) is a required field.

0300-0302 RESERVED
0303 o Form 1040/1040A - If Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) is greater than zero and ES Penalty Amount
(SEQ 1300) is not significant, then Total Tax (SEQ 1150) must be greater than Total Payments
SEQ 1250).

o Form 1040EZ - If Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) is greater than zero, then Total Tax (SEQ 1256) must
be greater than Total Payments (SEQ 1250).

0304-0349 RESERVED for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)

0350 o Form 8853 - Policyholder SSN (SEQ 0289) must be numeric and within the valid range for an SSN
or an ITIN.

o Insured SSN (SEQ 0310) must be numeric and within the valid range for an SSN or an ITIN.

0351 o Form 8853 - MSA Acct Holder SSN (SEQ 0009) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0352 o Form 8853 – Policyholder SSN (SEQ 0289) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or the
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0353 o Form 1040 – If Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) equals "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Amount
of Other Income (SEQ 0570) is present, then Form 8853 must be present.

o If Taxable Medicare Advantage MSA Distributions (SEQ 0276) of Form 8853 is significant, then Type
of Other Income (SEQ 0560) of Form 1040 must equal "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Amount of
Other Income (SEQ 0570) of Form 1040 must be present.

0354 o Form 1040 – If Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Other Tax
Amount (SEQ 1112) is present, then Form 8853 must be present.
o If Additional 50% Tax (SEQ 0279) of Form 8853 is significant, then Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) of
Form 1040 must equal "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) of Form
1040 must be present.


0357 o If MSA Literal (SEQ 0732) is significant, then MSA Amount (SEQ 0733) must be significant and vice

o Form 1040 – If MSA Literal (SEQ 0732) and MSA Amount (SEQ 0733) is significant then, Form 8853
must be attached.

0358 o Form 8853 - If Taxable Medicare Advantage MSA Distributions

(SEQ 0276) is significant, the following SEQs cannot both be blank; Exceptions to 50% Tax Box
(SEQ 0278) and Additional 50% Tax (SEQ 0279).
0359 o Form 8853 - One box of the following pairs must equal "X", both cannot equal "X", and both cannot
equal space:
- Payments or Death Benefits - Yes (SEQ 0320)
- Payments or Death Benefits - No (SEQ 0330) and
- Insured Terminally Ill - Yes (SEQ 0340)
- Insured Terminally Ill - No (SEQ 0350).
0360 o Form 1040 - If Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) equals "MSA" and the corresponding Amount of
Other Income (SEQ 0570) is present, then Form 8853 must be present.
o If Taxable Archer MSA Distributions (SEQ 0250) of Form 8853 is significant, then Type of Other
Income (SEQ 0560) of Form 1040 must equal "MSA" and the corresponding Amount of Other
Income (SEQ 0570) of Form 1040 must be present.

0361 o Form 1040 - If Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "MSA" and the corresponding Other Tax
Amount (SEQ 1112) is present, then Form 8853 must be present.
o If Additional 15% Tax (SEQ 0270) of Form 8853 is significant, then Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) of
Form 1040 must equal "MSA" and the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) of Form 1040
must be present.
0363 o Form 8853 - If Taxable Archer MSA Distributions (SEQ 0250) is significant, the following SEQs
cannot both be blank; Exceptions to 15% Tax Box (SEQ 0260) and Additional 15% Tax (SEQ 0270).

0364 o Form 1040 - If Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) equals "LTC" and the corresponding Amount of
Other Income (SEQ 0570) is present, then Form 8853 must be present.

o If Taxable Payments (SEQ 0450) of Form 8853 is greater than zero, then Type of Other Income
(SEQ 0560) must equal "LTC" and the corresponding Amount of Other Income (SEQ 0570) must be


0366 o Form 8853 - If Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0019) equals "X"; then for each of
the following, one box must equal "X", both cannot equal "X", and both cannot equal space:
- Primary Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0030) or Primary
Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0040) must equal "X", and
- Primary Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0050) or Primary Family
HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0060) must equal "X".

0367 o Form 8853 - If Spouse Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0070) equals "X"; then for each of
the following, one box must equal "X", both cannot equal "X", and both cannot equal space:
- Spouse Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0090) or Spouse
Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0100) must equal "X", and
- Spouse Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0110) or Spouse Family
HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0120) must equal "X".

0368 o Form 8853 - If Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - No (SEQ 0020) equals "X"; then none of the
following can equal "X": Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0019), Primary
Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0030), Primary Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0040), Primary
Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0050), and Primary Family HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0060).

0369 o Form 8853 - If Spouse Archer Contribution for Current TY - No (SEQ 0080) equals "X"; then none of the
following can equal "X": Spouse Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0070), Spouse
Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0090), Spouse Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0100), Spouse Self
HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0110), and Spouse Family HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0120).

0370 o Form 1040/1040A - When any occurrence of Eligibility for Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198,
0208) is significant, the corresponding Relationship (SEQ 0177, 0187, 0197, 0207) must equal either
FOSTERCHILD and the Dependent's age must be under 17.

o Form 8901 - When any occurrence of a qualifying child (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) is significant,
the qualifying child’s age must be under 17.


0372 o Form 1040/1040A - When either Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0940) or Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ
1192) is significant, the sum of the two fields cannot exceed an amount equal to $1000 multiplied by
the number of qualifying children. A qualifying child is either a dependent for whom Eligibility for
Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198, 0208) equals "X", or a Form 8901 qualifying child (SEQ
0010, 0060, 0110, 0160). Form 8901 must be attached for any qualifying children who are not

0373 o Form 1040/1040A - When Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ 1192) is significant, Form 8812 must be

0374 o Form 1040/1040A - When Form 8812 is present, Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ 1192) of Form
1040/1040A must equal Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0140) from Form 8812.


0376 o Form 8812 – Bona fide residents of Puerto Rico should file Form 1040-PR or Form 1040-SS to claim
Additional Child Tax Credit.
0377-0378 RESERVED

0379 o Form 8863 - The student entries in Part I and in Part II must begin on Line 1 in each part. No lines
may be skipped when completing the student information in either part.

0380 o Form 8863 - Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315, 0355) may be used only once to
claim an education credit (Hope or Lifetime Earning). No Student's SSN may be used in Part I
(Hope Credit) and Part II (Lifetime Learning Credit). Student's SSN must be within the valid ranges

0381 o Form 8863 -If any field of a student line in Part I or Part II, including statements, is significant then all
fields of the student line must be significant. Each Hope Credit student line includes Student’s First
Name, Student’s Last Name, Student’s Name Control, Student’s SSN, Qualified Expenses Paid in
Current Tax Year, Smaller of Exp Paid in Current TY or $1000, Add Columns c and d, and Enter 1/2
of the Amt in Column e. Each Lifetime Learning Credit student line includes Student’s First Name,
Student’s Last Name, Student’s Name Control, Student’s SSN, and Qualified Expenses.

0382 o Form 1040/1040A - If Education Credits (SEQ 0935) is significant, Form 8863 must be present. If
Form 8863 is present, Education Credits (SEQ 0590) on Form 8863 must equal Education Credits
(SEQ 0935) on Form 1040/1040A.

0383 o Form 8863 - Each Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315, 0355) must equal either the
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010), the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) or a Dependent SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185,
0195, 0205) on Form 1040/1040A.

0384 o Form 1040/1040A – When Education Credits (SEQ 0935) is significant, Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0750) must be less than the applicable amount for the Filing Status (SEQ 0130). The
applicable amounts are $107,000 for "Married Filing Joint" and $53,000 for "Single", "Head of
Household", and “Qualifying Widow(er)”.

o When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is “Married Filing Separate”, Education Credits (SEQ 0935) cannot
be claimed.

0385 o Form 8863 - The following limits apply to each Hope Credit student in Part I. Qualified Expenses
Paid in the Current Tax Year (SEQ 0040, 0110, 0180 statement) cannot exceed $2000. Smaller of
Exp Paid in Current TY or $1000 (SEQ 0050, 0120, 0190, statement) cannot exceed $1000. Enter
1/2 of the Amt in Column e (SEQ 0070, 0140, 0210, statement) cannot exceed $1500.

0386 o Form 1040/1040A - When Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) plus Student Loan Interest Deduction
(SEQ 0628) is more than $130,000 for "Married Filing Joint" or is more than $65,000 for "Single" or
"Head of Household" or "Qualifying Widow(er)", the Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 0628) is
not allowed.

0387 o Form 8863 – Tentative Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) cannot exceed an amount equal to $1500 multiplied
by the number of Hope Credit students in Part I. If the number of Hope Credit students is
zero, Tentative Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) cannot be positive.

o Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit (SEQ 0470) cannot exceed $2000 regardless of the number of
Lifetime Learning Credit students. If the number of Lifetime Learning Credit students is zero,
Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit (SEQ 0470) cannot be positive.

o Education Credits (SEQ 0590) cannot exceed the sum of Tentative Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) and
Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit (SEQ 0470).

0388 o Form 1040/1040A - When Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 0628) is significant, the filing
status cannot equal "Married Filing Separately".

0389 o Form 1040/1040A - Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 0628) must not exceed $2,500.

0390 o Schedule J – Amount from Line 6 (SEQ 0100) must equal One-third Elected Farm Income
(SEQ 0060).

o One-third Elected Farm Income (SEQ 0140) must equal One-third Elected Farm Income (SEQ 0060).
0391 o Schedule J – The following fields must contain an amount greater than or equal to zero: SEQ 0040,
SEQ 0060, SEQ 0070,
SEQ 0080, SEQ 0120, SEQ 0160, SEQ 0180, SEQ 0190, SEQ 0200, and SEQ 0210.

0392 o Schedule J – Taxable Income (SEQ 0010) must equal Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) of Form 1040.

0393 o Schedule J - When Add Lines 4, 8, 12, and 16 (SEQ 0170) is greater than zero, then one of the
following fields must be greater than zero: Tax on Line 3 (SEQ 0040) or Tax on Line 7 (SEQ 0080)
or Tax on Line 11 (SEQ 0120) or Tax on Line 15
(SEQ 0160).


0395 o Form Payment - Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form.

o When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2", Secondary SSN (SEQ 0020) must equal Secondary SSN
(SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form.

0396 o Form Payment - Routing Transit Number (SEQ 0030) (RTN) must contain numeric characters. The
first two positions must be 01 through 12, or 21 through 32; the RTN must be present on the
Financial Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking institution must process Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT).

o Bank Account Number (SEQ 0040) must be present, must be alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha
characters, numeric characters, and hyphens), must be left-justified with trailing blanks if less
than 17 positions, and cannot equal all zeros or all blanks.

o Type of Account (SEQ 0050) must equal "1" or "2".

0397 o Form Payment – (Balance Due Payments) When the return is transmitted to the IRS on or before
April 17 of the current processing year, the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) cannot be later
than April 17.

o When the return is transmitted to IRS after April 17, the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080)
cannot be later than the current processing date.

o The year of the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must equal
the current processing year.

o The Requested Payment Date cannot be prior to the current processing date minus five days.

0398 o Form Payment (Estimated Payments) – The Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be one of
the following: 20060417 or 20060615, or 20060915.

o If the process date is prior to April 25th of the current processing year, the Requested Payment Date
(SEQ 0080) must be 20060417, or 20060615, or 20060915.

o If the process date is April 25, 2006 through June 22, 2006
of the current processing year, the Requested Payment Date
(SEQ 0080) must be 20060615, or 20060915.

o If the current process date is June 23, 2006 through

September 22, 2006 of the current processing year, the
Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be 20060915.

o The process date cannot be greater than September 22, 2006.

o The year of the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must equal the current processing year.
0399 o State Record (State Only Returns) – The Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) must match the Primary SSN
(SEQ 0010) of Form 1040.

0400 o State Record – The Generic Record must be present in the state data packet.

o An Unformatted Record was present without the Generic Record, or the Unformatted Record
preceded the Generic Record.

0401 o State Record – The State Code (SEQ 0010) in the Header Section of the Generic Record must be
valid for the processing service center.

o The State Code must be consistent throughout Generic and associated Unformatted Records for the

0402 o State Record – All “Required Entry” fields in the Entity Section of the Generic Record (SEQ 0060,
0075, 0085, 0095, 0100) must be present.

0403 o State Record – Any entry present in the Consistency Section of the Generic Record must equal the
corresponding federal Tax Form entry.

0404 o State Record – The DCN (SEQ 0020) of the Generic Record must equal the DCN of the federal
Tax Form.
o The DCN (SEQ 0020) of the Generic Record must equal the DCN (SEQ 0020) of the Unformatted

0405 o State Record Form W-2 – Each Form W-2 associated with a State Record must contain a valid State
Abbreviation in State Name (SEQ 0370, 0440, 0490, 0540) when there is a significant entry in State
Income Tax (SEQ 0400, 0470, 0520, 0570).

0406 o The first two-digits contained in the EFIN of Originator (SEQ 0008b) must be valid for the Processing
Site (SEQ 0040) of the TRANS Record A (TRANA) of the transmission.

o Exception: A valid two-digit EFIN Prefix Code is permitted, if not assigned to a processing site, when
State Data is present; or when Processing Site equals “G” (Philadelphia) and at least one of the
following is present: Form 2555, Form 2555-EZ, Form 4563, Form 5074, Form 8689, Form 8833,
Form 8854, Form 8891 and/or Form W-2GU; an Address Ind (SEQ 0097) of the Tax Form equal
to “3”; a State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) of the Tax Form equal to “AS”, “GU”, “MP”, “PR”, or “VI”.

0407 o State Record – The Return Sequence Number (RSN) (SEQ 0023) of the Generic Record must equal
the RSN of the Federal Tax Form.

0408 o State Record – When Online-State-Return (SEQ 0049) of the Generic Record is equal to “O”, the
Transmission Type Code (SEQ 0170) of the TRANS Record A (TRANA) must equal “O”, and vice

0409 o Tax Form – When Foreign Employer Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378) equals “FEC”, then Foreign
Employer Compensation Total (SEQ 0379) must be significant and the FEC Record must be present.

o When the FEC Record is present, then Foreign Employer Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378) must
equal “FEC” and Foreign Employer Compensation Total (SEQ 0379) must be significant.

0410 o State Only Record – If the RTN is present, it must be present on the Financial Organization Master
File (FOMF).

0411 o FEC Record – The SSN or ITIN of Employee of Foreign Employer (SEQ 0010) must match the
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form and the Employee Name Control (SEQ 0020) must match
the Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) of the Tax Form or The SSN or ITIN of Employee of Foreign
Employer (SEQ 0010) must match the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form and the
Employee Name Control (SEQ 0020) must match the Spouse’s Name Control (SEQ 0055) of the
Tax Form.
0412 o FEC Record – The following fields must be significant: Street Address (SEQ 0050) and City
(SEQ 0060), and the following fields must be significant: State Abbreviation (SEQ 0070) and Zip
Code (SEQ 0080) or Foreign Country (SEQ 0110).

0413 o FEC Record – The Foreign Employer's Name (SEQ 0140) and the Foreign Employer's Street
Address (SEQ 0160), Foreign Employer's City (SEQ 0170), and Foreign Employer's Country (SEQ
0200) must be significant.

0414 o FEC Record – The Country Code (SEQ 0130) must be significant and either equal to a valid Country
Code or “US”.

0415 o FEC Record – If Services Performed While Residing in U.S. Yes Ind (SEQ 0120) is equal to “X”, then
the Country Code
(SEQ 0130) must equal “US”
If the Country Code (SEQ 0130) is equal to “US”, then Services Performed While Residing in U.S.
Yes Ind (SEQ 0120) must equal “X”.

0416 o Summary Record – Number of FEC Records (SEQ 0075) must equal the number of FEC Records
computed by the IRS.

0417 o Tax Form – If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant, then the FEC Record cannot be
present and Foreign Employer Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378) and Foreign Employer
Compensation Total (SEQ 0379) must be blank.

0418 o Tax Form – Foreign Employer Compensation Total (SEQ 0379)

must equal the total of Foreign Employer Compensation Amount (SEQ 0220) from the FEC

0419 o State Record – If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) on the Tax Return is equal to “3” (indicating a foreign
country), then the following fields must be present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0077), Foreign
City, State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0087), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0098); and the
following fields cannot be present: Street Address (SEQ 0080), City (SEQ 0085), State Abbreviation
(SEQ 0095) and Zip Code (SEQ 0100).

o If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) on the Tax Return is not equal to “3”, then the following fields cannot be
present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0077), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ
0087), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0098).

0420 o Form 1040 – When Form 4136 Block (SEQ 1205) is equal to “X”, Form 4136 must be present, and
vice versa.

0422 o Form 4136 – When any of the “amount of credit” fields is greater than zero, then at least one of the
associated “gallons” fields must be significant. For example:

o When Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Credit Amount (SEQ 0070) is greater than zero, at least one of
the following must be significant: SEQ 0010 or 0020 or 0040.

o When Nontaxable Use of Commercial Aviation Gas Tax Credit Amt (SEQ 0180) is greater than zero,
then Commercial Aviation Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0170) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gas Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 0230) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use Aviation Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0200) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Credit Amount (SEQ 0300) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Gallons (SEQ 0270) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Diesel Fuel Train Use Credit Amount (SEQ 0320) is greater than zero, then Diesel
Fuel Train Use Gallons
(SEQ 0310) or Diesel Fuel Train Use End 2005 Gallons (SEQ 0315) must be significant.

o When Diesel Fuel Certain Intercity and Local Bus Use Credit Amount (SEQ 0340) is greater than
zero, then Diesel Fuel Certain Intercity and Local Bus Use Gallons (SEQ 0330) must be significant.

o When Diesel Fuel Farm After Sept. 2005 Amount (SEQ 0347) is greater than zero, then Diesel Fuel
Farm After Sept. 2005 Gal. (SEQ 0343) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Credit Amount (SEQ 0395) is greater than zero, then SEQ 0380
(Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Gallons) must be significant.

o When Kerosene Use in Buses Credit Amount (SEQ 0410) is greater than zero, then Kerosene Use in
Buses Gallons (SEQ 0400) must be significant.

o When Kerosene Use Farm After Sept. 2005 Amount (SEQ 0412) is greater than zero, then Kerosene
Use Farm After Sept. 2005 Gal. (SEQ 0411) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Fuel Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 0423) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use of Aviation Fuel Gallons – 2 (SEQ 0421) must be significant.

o When Sales by Vendors of Undyed Diesel Credit Amount (SEQ 0439) is greater than zero, then at
least one of the following must be significant: (SEQ 0435 or 0437).

o When Sales by Vendors of Undyed Kerosene Credit Amount (SEQ 0680) is greater than zero, then
at least one of the following must be significant: (SEQ 0650, 0660, or 0670).

When Use of LPG in Certain Intercity Buses Credit Amt (SEQ 0890) is greater than zero, then
o Certain Intercity and Local Buses Gallons (SEQ 0880) must be significant.
o When Use of LPG in Qualified Local & School Buses (SEQ 0910) is greater than zero, then Qualified
Local and School Buses Gallons (SEQ 0900) must be significant.

o When Commercial Aviation Kerosene Amount (SEQ 0417) is greater than zero, then Commercial
Aviation Kerosene Gallons (SEQ 0415) must be significant.

o When AGK Use in Foreign Trade Credit Amount (SEQ 0427) is greater than zero, then AGK Use in
Foreign Trade Gallons (SEQ 0425) must be significant.

o When Use Undyed Diesel Intercity Buses Amount (SEQ 0445) is greater than zero, then Use Undyed
Diesel Intercity Buses Gallons (SEQ 0443) must be significant.

o When Undyed Kerosene Use in Certain Buses Amount (SEQ 0695) is greater than zero, then
Undyed Kerosene Use in Certain Buses Gallons (SEQ 0685) must be significant.
o When AGK Used in Commercial Aviation Amount (SEQ 0725) is greater than zero, then AGK Used
in Commercial Aviation Gallons (SEQ 0715) must be significant.

o When AGK Noncommercial Use Amount (SEQ 0775) is greater than

zero, then AGK Other Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0745) or AGK Use on Farm Gallons (SEQ
0755) or AGK Use by Government Gallons (SEQ 0765) must be significant.

o When Use by Nonprofit Amount (SEQ 0805) is greater than zero, then Use by Nonprofit Gallons
(SEQ 0795) must be significant.

o When Use by State or Local Government Amount (SEQ 0825) is greater than zero, then Uses by
State or Local Government Gallons (SEQ 0815) must be significant.

o When Use AG by Nonprofit Amount (SEQ 0850) is greater than zero, then Use AG by Nonprofit
Gallons (SEQ 0840) must be significant.

o When Use AG by Government Amount (SEQ 0870) is greater than zero, then Use AG by
Government Gallons (SEQ 0860) must be significant.

o When LPG Other Nontaxable Use Amount (SEQ 0940) is greater than zero, then LPG Other
Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0930) must be significant.

o When Alcohol Mixtures Ethanol Amount (SEQ 0970) is greater than zero, then Alcohol Mixtures
Ethanol Gallons (SEQ 0960) must be significant.

o When Alcohol Mixtures Other Than Ethanol Amount (SEQ 0990) is greater than zero, then Alcohol
Mixtures Other Than Ethanol Gallons (SEQ 0980) must be significant.

o When Biodiesel Mix Amount (SEQ 1020) is greater than zero, then Biodiesel Mix Gallons (SEQ
1010) must be significant.

o When Agri-biodiesel Mix Amount (SEQ 1040) is greater than zero, then Agri-biodiesel Mix Gallons
(SEQ 1030) must be significant.

0423 o Form 4136 – If Evidence of Dyed AGK Exception Box (SEQ 0414) equals “X”, Evidence of Dyed
AGK Explanation (SEQ 0413) must equal “STMbnn” and vice versa.

0424 o Form 4136 – If Evidence of Dyed Diesel Fuel Exception Box (SEQ 0433) equals “X”, then the Evidence
of Dyed Diesel Fuel Explanation (SEQ 0431) must equal “STMbnn” and the Undyed Diesel Fuel UV
Registration No (SEQ 0429) must be significant.

o If Evidence of Dyed Diesel Fuel Explanation (SEQ 0431) equal “STMbnn”, then the Evidence of Dyed
Diesel Fuel Exception Box (SEQ 0433) must equal “X”, and the Undyed Diesel Fuel UV Registration No
(SEQ 0429) must be significant.

o If Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Exception Box (SEQ 0640) equals “X”, then Evidence of Dyed Kerosene
Explanation (SEQ 0630) must equal “STMbnn” and Undyed Kerosene UV Registration No (SEQ 0610),
must be significant.

o If Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Explanation (SEQ 0630) equals “STMbnn”, then Evidence of Dyed
Kerosene Exception Box (SEQ 0640) must equal “X”, and Undyed Kerosene UV Registration No (SEQ
0610) must be significant.

o Note: For Error Code 0424 only; when both an Explanation and the Exception Box are met, then there
must be a Registration Number.

0425 o Form 4136 – If Total Income Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 1050) is significant, then at least one of the
“credit amounts” (SEQ 0070, 0180, 0230, 0300, 0320, 0340, 0347, 0395, 0410, 0412, 0417, 0423, 0427,
0439, 0445, 0680, 0695, 0725, 0775, 0805, 0825, 0850, 0870, 0890, 0910, 0940, 0970, 0990, 1020,
1040,1042 or 1046) must be significant.

0426 o Form 1040 – Other Payments (SEQ 1210) must equal the total of Tax Paid by Regulated Investment
Company (SEQ 0230) from Form 2439 plus Total Income Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 1050) from
Form 4136 plus Health Coverage Tax Credit (SEQ 0250) from Form 8885.
0427 o Form 4136 – When any of the “gallons” fields is greater than zero, then the associated “type of use”
field must be significant. For example:

o When Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0040) is greater than zero, then Nontaxable Use of
Gasoline Type (SEQ 0030)must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0200) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gasoline Type (SEQ 0190) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Gallons (SEQ 0270) is greater than zero, then Nontaxable Use
of Diesel Fuel Type (SEQ 0260) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Gallons (SEQ 0380 or 0400) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Type (SEQ 0370) must be significant.

o When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Fuel Gallons (SEQ 0421 or 0425) is greater than zero, then
Nontaxable Use of Aviation Fuel Type (SEQ 0419) must be significant.

o When AGK Other Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0745) or AGK Use on Farm Gallons (SEQ 0755) or
AGK Use by Government Gallons (SEQ 0765) is greater than zero, then AGK Other Nontaxable Use
Type (SEQ 0735) must be significant.

o When LPG Other Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0930) is greater than zero, then LPG Other
Nontaxable Use Type (SEQ 0920) must be significant.

0428-0429 RESERVED

0430 o State Record - If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0095) equals "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR", or "VI"; or Address
Ind SEQ (0097) on the State Only 1040 equals "3" it must be processed at Philadelphia.


0432 o Form 8271 – When Form 8271 is present, one of the following Tax Shelter group items must be
present on the first occurrence: Tax Shelter Name – 1 (SEQ 0030) or Tax Shelter Registration
Number –1 (SEQ 0040) or Name of Person Who Applied for Registration –1 (SEQ 0050) or Tax
Shelter Identifying Number –1 (SEQ 0060).

0433-0434 RESERVED

0435 o Form 8582-CR - When Multiply Line 11 by 50% (SEQ 0200) is significant, it cannot be greater then

o When Multiply Line 23 by 50% (SEQ 0330) is significant, it cannot be greater then $25,000.

0436 o Form 8582-CR - When Special Allowance for Rental Activity

(SEQ 0210) is significant, Form 8582 must be present.

o When Special Allowance for Rental Activity (SEQ 0340) is significant, Form 8582 must be present.

0437 o Form 8582-CR – Modified Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0310) cannot be less than zero.

0438 o Summary Record – For Online Returns, the IP Address (SEQ 0190) cannot contain an IPv4 address
where any of its 4 parts is not a number from 0 to 255 and there are not 3 periods.

0439 o If the Transmission Type Code (SEQ 0170) of the TRANA Record is equal to "O", the following fields
must be significant: IP Address (SEQ 0190), IP Date (SEQ 0200), IP Time (SEQ 0210) and IP Time
Zone (SEQ 0215).


0441 o Summary Record - For Online Returns, IP Address (SEQ 0190) cannot contain an IPv6 address where
any of its 8 parts is not a number from 0 to FFFF (hexadecimal) and there are not 7 colons.
0442-0445 RESERVED

0446 o Form 4136 – When Undyed Diesel Fuel UV Registration No (SEQ 0429) is present, then Use of
Undyed Diesel for Farming Purpose Gallons (SEQ 0435) or Use of Undyed Diesel by State or Local
Gov Gallons (SEQ 0437) must be present, and vice versa.

0447 o Form 4136 – When Undyed Kerosene UV Registration No (SEQ 0610) is present, then Use of
Undyed Kerosene for Farming Purpose Gallons (SEQ 0650) or Use of Undyed Kero by State or Local
Gov Gallons (SEQ 0660) must be present, and vice versa.

o When Aviation Grade Kerosene UV Registration No. (SEQ 0705) is significant, then AGK Used in
Commercial Aviation Gallons (SEQ 0715) or AGK Other Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0745) or AGK
Use on Farm Gallons (SEQ 0755) or AGK Use by Government (SEQ 0765) must be significant and
vice versa.

o When Ultimate Vendors of Gasoline Registration No. (SEQ 0785) is significant, then Use by Nonprofit
Gallons (SEQ 0795) or Use by State or Local Government Gallons (SEQ 0815) must be significant
and vice versa.

o When Vendors of Aviation Gas Registration No. (SEQ 0830) is significant, then Use AG by Nonprofit
Gallons (SEQ 0840) or Use AG by Government Gallons (SEQ 0860) must be significant and vice

o When Alcohol Fuel Mixture Registration No. (SEQ 0950) is significant, then Alcohol Mixtures Ethanol
Gallons (SEQ 0960) or Alcohol Mixtures Other Than Ethanol Gallons (SEQ 0980) must be significant
and vice versa.

o When Biodiesel Mixture Registration No. (SEQ 1000) is significant, then Biodiesel Mix Gallons
SEQ 1010) or Agri-biodiesel Mix Gallons (SEQ 1030) must be significant and vice versa.


0449 o Form 8606 - The “Qualified First-Time Homebuyer Distr”

(SEQ 0353) can not be greater than $10,000.

0450 o Form 8606 – Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 0009) and SSN of Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 0010)
must be significant.

0451 o Form 8606 – Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 0009) must contain a less-than sign immediately
preceding the last name. If the name includes a suffix, another less-than sign is entered between the
last name and the suffix. Allowable characters are: Alpha, hyphen (-), less-than (<), and space.

o Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 0009) cannot contain the following: Two or more consecutive
embedded spaces, a space or less-than sign in the first position, a less-than sign in the last position,
more than two less-than signs, a space preceding or following a less-than sign.

0452 o Form 2555/2555EZ – When only one Form 2555/2555EZ is present, SSN of Taxpayer with Foreign
Earned Income (SEQ 0007) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
Form 1040.

o When two Forms 2555/2555EZ are present, SSN of Taxpayer with Foreign Earned Income
(SEQ 0007) of the first Form 2555/2555EZ must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040 and
SSN of Taxpayer with Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 0007) of the second Form 2555/2555EZ must
equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040. One occurrence of either Form 2555 or
Form 2555EZ can be present for the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010). One occurrence of either Form 2555
or Form 2555EZ can be present for the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030).

0453 o Form 2555EZ – Total Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 1210) cannot exceed $80,000.

0454 o Form 1040 – Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant when Form 2555 or
Form 2555EZ is present.
0455 o Form 2555 – Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (SEQ 1220) cannot exceed Foreign Earned Income
(SEQ 1050). Foreign Earned Income Repeated (SEQ 1070) must equal Foreign Earned Income
(SEQ 1050).

o Form 2555EZ – Max. Of Foreign Earned Inc. Exclusion (SEQ 1260) cannot exceed $80,000 Total
Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 1210).

0456 o Form 1040 – When Housing/Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Literal (SEQ 0574) equals
“FORM 2555”, Form 2555 must be present.

o When Housing/Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Literal (SEQ 0574) equals “FORM 2555-EZ”,
Form 2555EZ must be present.

0457 o Form 1040 – The absolute value of Housing/Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Amount (SEQ 0577)
must equal the total of the following fields: Max. of Housing and Foreign Earned Inc. Exclusions
(SEQ 1260) from Form 2555(s) plus Max. of Foreign Earned Inc. Exclusion (SEQ 1260) from
Form(s) 2555EZ.

0458 o Form 1040 – When Other Adjustments Literal (SEQ 0720) equals “FORM 2555”, Form 2555 must be

0459 o Form 1040 – If Other Adjustments Literal (SEQ 0720) equals “FORM 2555”, then Other Adjustment
Amount (SEQ 0730) must equal Total Housing Deduction (SEQ 1310) from Form(s) 2555.

0460 o Form 2555/2555-EZ – Taxpayers must qualify for the Foreign Exclusion under the Bona Fide
Residence or Physical Presence test. Both tests will be verified prior to the return being accepted.
This Error Reject Code will be set in any case where the taxpayer did not qualify under either of the

o Form 2555 – When the taxpayer is qualifying under Bona Fide Residence: When Date Bona Fide
Residence Ended (SEQ 0225) is equal to 1231 of the current tax year or is equal to “CONTINUE”,
then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 0220) must equal 0101 of the current tax year or must
be prior to the current tax year or when Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 0225) is prior to
1231 of the current tax year (i.e., 20051031), then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 0220)
must equal 0101 of the previous tax year or earlier than the previous tax year (i.e., 20040101).

o Form 2555 – When the taxpayer is qualifying under Physical Presence: The difference, in number of
days, between Physical Presence Test From (SEQ 0530) and Physical Presence Test Through
(SEQ 0540) minus the total of Number of Days in US on Business – 1 through – 4 (SEQ 0610, 0670,
0730, 0790) must be at least 330 days.

o Form 2555EZ – When the taxpayer is qualifying under Bona Fide Residence: When Date Bona Fide
Residence Ended (SEQ 0040) is equal to 1231 of the current tax year or is equal to “CONTINUE”,
then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 0030) must equal 0101 of the current tax year or must
be prior to the current tax year or When Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 0040) is prior to
1231 of the current tax year (i.e., 20051031), then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 0030)
must equal 0101 of the previous tax year or earlier than the previous tax year (i.e., 20040101).

o Form 2555EZ – When the taxpayer is qualifying under Physical Presence: The difference, in number
of days, between Physical Presence Test From (SEQ 0070) and Physical Presence Test Through
(SEQ 0080) minus the total of Number of Days in US on Business – 1 through – 9 (SEQ 0310, 0350,
0390, 0430, 0470, 0510, 0550, 0590, 0630) must be at least 330 days.

0461 o Form 2555 – Statement to Authorities – Yes (SEQ 0300) and Req’d to Pay Income Tax – No
(SEQ 0330) cannot both be significant.

0462 o Form 2555 – If No Travel Statement (SEQ 0560) is significant, then the following fields cannot be
significant: Country Name (SEQ 0570), Arrival Date (SEQ 0580), Departure Date (SEQ 0590), Full
Days in Country (SEQ 0600), Number of Days in US on Business (SEQ 0610), and Income Earned in
the US on Business (SEQ 0620).
0463 o Form 2555 – Taxpayer Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0011), Taxpayer Foreign City (SEQ 0012), and
Taxpayer Foreign Country (SEQ 0015) must be significant. Country Code (SEQ 0018) must be
significant and equal to a valid Country code.

o Form 2555EZ – Taxpayer Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0111), Taxpayer Foreign City (SEQ 0112),
and Taxpayer Foreign Country (SEQ 0115) must be significant. Country Code (SEQ 0118) must be
significant and equal to a valid Country code.

0464 o Form 2555 – If Separate Foreign Residence – Yes (SEQ 0170) is significant, then Yes – City &
Country of Foreign Residence (SEQ 0190) and Number of Days at That Address (SEQ 0200) must be

0465 o Form 2555 – Housing Exclusion (SEQ 1140) cannot be greater than Employer-Provided Amounts
(SEQ 1120).

0466 o Form 2555 – Total Housing and Foreign Earned Income Exclusions (SEQ 1230) must equal the total
of Housing Exclusion (SEQ 1140) plus Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (SEQ 1220).

0467 o Form 2555EZ – If Bona Fide Residence – Yes (SEQ 0010) is significant, then Date Bona Fide
Residence Began (SEQ 0030) and Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 0040) must be

0468 o Form 2555EZ – If Physically Present – Yes (SEQ 0050) is significant, then Physical Presence Test
From (SEQ 0070) and Physical Presence Test Through (SEQ 0080) must be significant.

0469 o Form 2555EZ – Tax Home Test – Yes (SEQ 0090) must be significant.

0470 o Form 2555EZ – For each of the following, only one box can equal “X”:
Bona Fide Residence – Yes (SEQ 0010) or Bona Fide
Residence – No (SEQ 0020);
Physically Present – Yes (SEQ 0050) or Physically Present – No (SEQ 0060);
Revoked Exclusions – Yes (SEQ 0220) or Revoked Exclusions – No (SEQ 0230).

o If no Form 2555/2555EZ Box (SEQ 0210) is checked, then Revoked Exclusions -Yes (SEQ 0220)
and Revoked Exclusions - No (SEQ 0230) should not be significant.

0471 o Form 2555 – Part II or Part III must be present, but not both.

0472 o Form 2555/2555EZ – Must be processed at the Philadelphia Submission Processing Center.

0473-0474 RESERVED


0476 o Schedule EIC – The following fields cannot equal “X”:

Disabled “No” Box – 1 (SEQ 0045) or Disabled “No” Box – 2
(SEQ 0115).

0477-0479 RESERVED

0480 o Form 8839 – When Identifying Number Child (SEQ 0080, 0160) is significant, it must be within the
valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN’s.

0481 o Form 8839 – Eligible Child First Name – 1 (SEQ 0010), Eligible Child Last Name – 1 (SEQ 0020),
Eligible Child Name Control – 1 (SEQ 0030), Year of Birth – 1 (SEQ 0040), and Identifying Number
Child – 1 (SEQ 0080) must be significant.

o If any field of the following “eligible child group” is significant, then all fields in that group must be
significant: Eligible Child First Name (SEQ 0010, 0090); Eligible Child Last Name (SEQ 0020, 0100);
Eligible Child Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0110); Year of Birth (SEQ 0040, 0120); and Identifying
Number Child (SEQ 0080, 0160).
Eligible Child Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0110) must be in the correct format.

0482 o Form 8839 – Year of Birth – 1 (SEQ 0040) and Year of Birth – 2 (SEQ 0120) cannot be greater than
current tax year.
0483 o Form 8839 – Identifying Number Child (SEQ 0080, 0160) cannot equal another Identifying Number
Child (SEQ 0080, 0160) on any occurrence of Form 8839 on the return. Identifying Number Child
(SEQ 0080, 0160) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
Form 1040/1040A.

0484 o Form 8839 – If Year of Birth – 1 or – 2 (SEQ 0040, 0120) is prior to “1987”, then the corresponding
Disabled Over 18
Box – 1 or –2 (SEQ 0049, 0129) must equal “X”.

0485 o Form 8839 – Modified AGI (SEQ 0240) must be less than $199,450 unless one of the following
exceptions applies:

o Carryforward of Adoption Credit to Current Year (SEQ 0284) is significant and Adoption Literal (SEQ
0368) on Form 1040/1040A does not equal “SNE” or “PYAB”.

o Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) on Form 1040/1040A equals “AB” and Adoption Amount (SEQ 0369) is

0486 o Form 1040/1040A – When Adoption Credit (SEQ 0960) is significant, Form 8839 must be present.

o When Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) equals “AB”, “SNE”, or “PYAB”, Adoption Amount (SEQ 0369)
must be significant and page 2 of the first occurrence of Form 8839 must be present.

0487 o Form 8839 – If Adoption Credit (SEQ 0297) is significant, then it must equal Adoption Credit (SEQ
0960) on Form 1040/1040A.

0488 o Form 8839 - When more than one Form 8839 is present, only the first occurrence of Form 8839 can
contain entries in the following fields: SEQs 0230 through 0297, 0350, and 0380 through 0450.


0490 o Summary Record – If Year of the Electronic Postmark Date

(SEQ 0260) is present, Year of Electronic Postmark Date must equal the current processing year.

0491 o Summary Record – If one of the three fields is present, then all of the following fields must be
present: Electronic Postmark Date (SEQ 0260), Electronic Postmark Time (SEQ 0270), Electronic
Postmark Time Zone (SEQ 0280).


0493 o Summary Record – Software Identification Number (SEQ 0230) must be present.

0494 o Form 1040 – If Form 8689 Amount (SEQ 1246) is significant, then Form 8689 must be present.

0495 o Form 1040 – If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is not equal to “2”, then only one Form 4563 can be present.

Form 1040 – If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to “2”, then two Forms 4563 can be present.

0496 o Form 4563 – When only one Form 4563 is present, Taxpayer SSN (SEQ 0020) must equal Primary
SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

When two Forms 4563 are present, Taxpayer SSN (SEQ 0020) of the first Form 4563 must equal
o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040 and Taxpayer SSN (SEQ 0020) of the second Form 4563
must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0497-0498 RESERVED

0499 o The Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2 and/or W-2GU, Payer Identification
Number (SEQ 0026) of
Form W-2G, and Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form 1099-R is invalid for processing
an Individual e-filed return.
0500 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) of the Tax Form must match data
from the IRS Master File.

0501 o Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) of Schedule EIC and the corresponding Qualifying Child Name
Control (SEQ 0007, 0077) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0502 o Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2 and/or W-2GU, Payer Identification
Number (SEQ 0026) of Form W-2G, and Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form 1099-R
and Company or Trust Identification Number (SEQ 0120) of Form 2439 must match data from the
IRS Master File.

Note: Form 1099-R is ONLY required when federal income tax is withheld.

0503 o Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) and Spouse’s Name Control (SEQ 0055) of the Tax Form must match
data from the IRS Master File or If filing status (SEQ 0130) is equal to “4” and Exempt Spouse
(SEQ 0163) is equal to “X”, then the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) and Exempt Spouse Name Control (
SEQ 0165) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0504 o Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) of Form 1040/1040A and corresponding
Dependent Name Control (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192, 0202) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0505 o Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2 and/or W-2GU, or Payer Identification
Number (SEQ 0026) of Form W-2G, or Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form 1099-R or
Company/Trust Identification Number (SEQ 0120) of Form 2439 was issued in the current
processing year.

0506 o Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) of Schedule EIC was previously used for the same purpose.

0507 o Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) of Form 1040/1040A was previously used for the
same purpose.

0508 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) has been used as a Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) on another return with
filing status 2 - Married filing joint status (SEQ 0130) or with filing status 4 – Head of Household and
Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) equals to “X”; or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) has been used as a
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) on another return.

0509 o Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) was previously used as a Dependent’s SSN or as a Schedule EIC
Qualifying SSN on a previous or current return; or Dependent’s SSN was used as a Secondary SSN
on a previous or current return; or Schedule EIC Qualifying SSN was used as a Secondary SSN on a
current or previous return.

0510 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and/or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) where the SSN was claimed as an
exemption (SEQ 0160) on the return and was also used as a Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185,
0195, 0205) on another return or the dependent's SSN has been used on another return as a
Primary or Secondary SSN.

0511 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) was used with the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) other than “3” or “4”, and was
also used as a Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) on another return with filing status value “3”.

0512 o Form 8863 - Student’s Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0100, 0170, 0270, 0310, 0350) and corresponding
Student’s SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315, 0355) must match data from the IRS Master

0513 o Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) was used as a Secondary SSN more than once.

0514 o Insured Name Control (SEQ 0295) and Insured SSN (SEQ 0310) of Form 8853 must match data
from the IRS Master File.

0515 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) was used as a Primary SSN more than once.

0516 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and the Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) of the State-Only 1040 Return
must match data from the IRS Master File.
0517 o Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) and the Secondary Name Control (SEQ 0055) of the State-Only 1040
Return must match data from the IRS Master File or If filing status (SEQ 0130) is equal to “4” and
Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) is equal to “X”, then the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) and Exempt Spouse
Name Control (SEQ 0165) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0518 o Form 1310 – The Name Control of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0050) and the SSN of Person
Claiming Refund (SEQ 0070) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0519 o Form 8697 - Employer Identification Number of Entity (SEQ 0150) and Employee Name Control
(SEQ 0155) on Form 8697, must match data from the IRS Master File.

0520 o Employer Name Control (SEQ 0015) and Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0030) of Schedule H
must match data from the IRS Master File.

0521 o Year of Birth for the following cannot equal the current processing year: Primary SSN (SEQ 0010)
and Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form; Dependent's SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205)
of Form 1040/1040A; Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) and Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 0085) of
Schedule EIC, and Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) of Form 8901.

0522 o Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010) in the Authentication Record of an Online Return does not match
data from the IRS Master File.

o Primary Date of Birth is not required when the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on Form 1040/A/EZ
is significant AND the filing status is MFJ.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010) in the Authentication Record
of an Online Return is not required.

0523 o Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040) in the Authentication Record of an Online Return does not match
data from the IRS Master File.

o Spouse Date of Birth is not required when the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on Form
1040/A/EZ is significant.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then the Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040) in the Authentication Record
of an Online Return is not required.

0524 o Qualifying Person Name Control - 1, - 2 (SEQ 0120, 0221) and Qualifying Person SSN - 1, - 2
(SEQ 0214, 0223) of Form 2441/Schedule 2 do not match data from the IRS Master File.

0525 o Eligible Child Name Control - 1, - 2 (SEQ 0030, 0110) and Identifying Number Child - 1, - 2
(SEQ 0080, 0160) of Form 8839 do not match data from the IRS Master File.

0526 o Qualifying Person SSN - 1, - 2 (SEQ 0214, 0223) of Form 2441/Schedule 2 was previously used for
same purpose.

0527 o Identifying Number Child - 1, - 2 (SEQ 0080, 0160) of Form 8839 was previously used for same

0528 o Form 8863 - Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315, 0355) was previously used to claim
Education Credit on another tax return.

0529 o Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) of the Tax Return record Identification Page 1 cannot
duplicate a DCN on a previously accepted electronic return for the current processing year.

0531 o Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for the Primary SSN (SEQ

0532 o Form 1040/A/EZ – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030).

0533 o Form 1040/1040A – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for one or more of the Dependents
SSN (SEQ +0175, 0185, 0195, 0205 and/or statement records).

0534 o Schedule EIC – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for the Qualifying Child (ren) SSN (SEQ
0015, 0085).

0535 o Schedule EIC - Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) of Schedule EIC and the corresponding Year of
Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) must match data received from the Social Security Administration.


0537 o Form 1040/1040A - Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165) and Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) match
data from the IRS Master File.

0538-0539 RESERVED

0540 o Tax Form – Individuals who have filed returns in a U.S. Possession in the prior year are not eligible to
claim Earned Income Tax Credit on electronically filed returns.

0541-0559 RESERVED

0560 o Form 8901 - Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) and corresponding Child Name Control
(SEQ 0030, 0080, 0130, 0180) must match data from the IRS Master File.

0561-0562 RESERVED

0563 o Form 1040/1040A - Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) with Eligibility for Child Tax
Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198, 0208) equal to “X” was previously used for child tax credit.

o Form 8901 - Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) was previously used for child tax credit.

0564-0565 RESERVED

0566 o Form 8901 – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for one or more Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040,
0090, 0140, 0190).

0567-0599 RESERVED

0600 o Tax Form – IRS Master File indicates that the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to Claim Earned Income
Credit after disallowance. Form 8862 is missing from the tax return and it is required.

Note: The IRS may request additional verification in addition to the completed Form 8862.


0602 o Form 8862- Year for Which You Are Filing This Form (SEQ 0010) must equal the current tax year.




0606 o Tax Form – IRS Master File indicates that the taxpayer is not allowed to claim the Earned Income
Credit for this tax year.

0607 o Form 8866 – If more than one Form 8866 is present, then only the first occurrence of Form 8866 can
have significant data in Total Interest Due on Increase (SEQ 0430) or Total Interest to be Refunded on
Decrease (SEQ 0440).
0608-0609 RESERVED

0610 o Tax Form - If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) is equal to "3" (indicating a foreign country), then the following
fields must be present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal
Code (SEQ 0064), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0066); and the following fields cannot be present:
Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070), Street Address (SEQ 0080), City (SEQ 0083), State Abbreviation
(SEQ 0087), and Zip Code (SEQ 0095).

o If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) is not equal to "3", then the following fields cannot be present: Foreign
Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0064), and Foreign
Country (SEQ 0066).

0611 o Tax Form - Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062) is alphanumeric and cannot have leading or consecutive
embedded spaces. The only special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash (/).

0612 o Tax Form - Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0064) is alphanumeric and cannot have
leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The left-most position must contain an alpha or numeric
character. The only special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash (/).

0613 o Tax Form - Foreign Country (SEQ 0066) must be left justified and must contain a minimum of three alpha
characters. This field cannot contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain only alpha
characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the country name.

0614 o Tax Form - Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant when State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087)
equals "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR", or "VI", or when Address Ind (SEQ 0097) equals "3".

0615 o Tax Form - If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) equals "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR", or "VI"; or Address Ind
(SEQ 0097) equals "3"; or any of the following forms are present: Form 4563, Form 5074, Form 8689,
Form 8833, Form 8854, Form 8891 and/or Form W-2GU, then the return must be processed at
Philadelphia Submission Processing Center.

0616 o Form W-2 – When Employee Address Continuation (SEQ 0105) is significant, then a period (.) must
be present in Employee State (SEQ 0113).

o Form W-2G – When Winner’s Address Continuation (SEQ 0143) is significant, then a period (.) must
be present in Winners’ State (SEQ 0146).

o Form W-2GU – When Employee Address Continuation (SEQ 0105) is significant, then a period (.)
must be present in Employee State (SEQ 0113).

o Form 1099R – When Recipient’s Address Continuation (SEQ 0080) is significant, then a period (.)
must be present in Recipient’s State (SEQ 0092).



0619 o Form 8379 – First Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 0030) and Second Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 0060)
cannot both equal "X" and cannot both equal blank.

0620 o Form 8379 – When Form 8379 is present, the following fields must be significant: either First Injured
Spouse Box (SEQ 0030) or Second Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 0060), and either Community Property
State–Yes Box (SEQ 0150) or Community Property State–No Box (SEQ 0160).

0621 o Form 8379 – When Community Property State Yes Box (SEQ 0150) is equal to “X”, one or more of
the following community state’s abbreviation must be significant:

SEQ 0161 Community Property State Abbreviation for Arizona;

SEQ 0162 Community Property State Abbreviation for California;
SEQ 0163 Community Property State Abbreviation for Idaho;
SEQ 0164 Community Property State Abbreviation for Louisiana;
SEQ 0165 Community Property State Abbreviation for Nevada;
SEQ 0166 Community Property State Abbreviation for New Mexico;
SEQ 0167 Community Property State Abbreviation for Texas;
SEQ 0168 Community Property State Abbreviation for Washington; and/or
SEQ 0169 Community Property State Abbreviation for Wisconsin.

0622 o Form 8379 – When Total Other Income-Joint Return (SEQ 0210) is significant, then the sum of Total
Other Income-Injured Spouse (SEQ 0220) and Total Other Income-Other Spouse (SEQ 0230) must
equal Total Other Income-Joint Return (SEQ 0210).


0624 o Form 8379 – When Standard or Itemized Deduction - Joint Return (SEQ 0540) is significant, then the
sum of Standard or Itemized Deduction-Injured Spouse (SEQ 0550) and Standard or Itemized
Deduction-Other Spouse (SEQ 0560) must equal Standard or Itemized Deduction-Joint Return
(SEQ 0540).

0625 o Form 8379 – When Exemptions-Joint Return (SEQ 0570) is present, then either Exemptions-Injured
Spouse (SEQ 0580) or Exemptions-Other Spouse (SEQ 0590) must be present and Exemptions-Joint
Return (SEQ 0570) must equal Total Exemptions (SEQ 0355) of Form 1040/1040A.

0626 o Form 8379 – When Credits-Joint Return (SEQ 0600) is present, then the sum of Credits-Injured
Spouse (SEQ 0610) and Credits-Other Spouse (SEQ 0620) must equal Credits-Joint Return
(SEQ 0600).

0627 o Form 8379 – When Estimated Tax Payments-Joint Return (SEQ 0690) is significant, the sum of
Estimated Tax Payments-Injured Spouse (SEQ 0700) and Estimated Tax Payments-Other Spouse
(SEQ 0710) must equal Estimated Tax Payments-Joint Return (SEQ 0690).

0628 o Form 8379 – When Form 8379 is present, Form 2555/2555EZ, 8833, 8854 and 8891 must not be

0629 o Form 8379 – When Form 8379 is present, the following fields on Form 1040/A/EZ must not be
present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or Province (SEQ 0064), or Foreign
Country (SEQ 0066).

0630 o Form 8379 – When Form 8379 is present, the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) of Form 1040/A/EZ
cannot equal “AS”, “GU”,“MP”, “PR”, or “VI”.

o When Form 8379 is present, Forms W-2GU, 4563, 5074, and 8689 must not be present.

0631 o Form 8379 – When 8379 is present, Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of Form 1040/1040A must equal “2”
(Married Filing Joint) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040EZ must be present.

0632 o Form 5471 – When Category of Filer-3 (SEQ 0135) is significant, Category 3 Attachment (SEQ 0136)
must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Income (Functional Currency) (SEQ 2110) or Other Income (U.S. Dollars) (SEQ 2130) is
significant, Attach Schedule-Other Income (SEQ 2140) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Deductions (Functional Currency) (SEQ 2290) or Other Deductions (U.S. Dollars)
(SEQ 2310) is significant, Attach Schedule-Other Deductions (SEQ 2320) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Current Assets – Beginning (SEQ 2770) or Other Current Assets - End (SEQ 2790) is
significant, Other Current Assets (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2800) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Investment In Subsidiaries – Beginning (SEQ 2830) or Investment In Subsidiaries – End

(SEQ 2850) is significant, Investment In Subsidiaries (Attach Schedule)(SEQ 2860) must equal

o When Other Investments – Beginning (SEQ 2870) or Other Investments – End (SEQ 2890) is
significant, Other Investments (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2900) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Assets – Beginning (SEQ 3090) or Other Assets – End (SEQ 3110) is significant, Other
Assets (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3120) must equal "STMbnn".
o When Other Current Liabilities – Beginning (SEQ 3170) or Other Current Liabilities – End (SEQ 3190)
is significant, Other Current Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3200) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Liabilities – Beginning (SEQ 3230) or Other Liabilities – End (SEQ 3250) is significant,
Other Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3260) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Paid-in or Capital Surplus – Beginning (SEQ 3305) or Paid-in or Capital Surplus – End (SEQ
3315) is significant, Paid-in or Capital Surplus (Attach Reconciliation) (SEQ 3320) must equal

o When Own 10% Interest in a Partnership – Yes (SEQ 3410) is significant, Own 10% Yes Attachment
(SEQ 3425) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Own Foreign Entities – Yes (SEQ 3450) is significant, Own Foreign Entities Yes Attachment
(SEQ 3465) must equal "STMbnn"or Paper Document Indicator 2 (Form 8858) of the Summary
Record must contain 1 in the Summary Record.

o When Other Earnings (Net Additions) (SEQ 3620) or Other Earnings (Net Subtractions) (SEQ 3630) is
significant, Other Earnings (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3635) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Income of Foreign Corporation Blocked (Yes Box) (SEQ 3790) or Did Any Become Unblocked
(Yes Box) (SEQ 3800) is significant, Statement (If Yes, Explain) (SEQ 3810) must equal "STMbnn".

0633 o Form 5471 – The following fields must be positive: SEQs 2730, 2740, 2930, 2940, 2970, 2980, 3070,
3080, 3350 and 3360.

0634 o Schedule N (Form 5471) – If Deduction for Dividends Paid During Tax Year (SEQ 0750) is significant,
then Deduction for Dividends Paid During Tax Year (SEQ 0750) must equal Deduction for Dividends
Paid (SEQ 0640).


0636 o Form 8865 – For Each Form 8865 present, when Category 2 Filer (SEQ 0090) is significant, at least
one Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) must be present.

0637 o Form 8865 – Business Activity Code (SEQ 0690) must be within the valid range (111100 – 813000).

0638 o Form 8865 – When Owns Constructive Interest (SEQ 1045) is significant, all of the following fields
must be significant: Name Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1050), Address Constructive Ownership
(SEQ 1060), City Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1070), State Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1080),
Zip Code Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1090) and Identifying Number Constructive Ownership
(SEQ 1100).

0639 o Form 8865 – When Total (SEQ 2240) is significant, Gross Receipts or Sales (SEQ 2220) or Less
Returns and Allowances (SEQ 2230) must be significant.

0640 o Form 8865 – When Gross Profit (SEQ 2260) is significant, Total (SEQ 2240) or Cost of Goods Sold
(SEQ 2250) must be significant.

0641 o Form 8865 – When Net Farm Profit (Loss) (SEQ 2280) is significant, Schedule F (Form 1040) must
be present.

0642 o Form 8865 – When Total Income (Loss) (SEQ 2310) is significant, one of the following fields must be
significant: Gross Profits (SEQ 2260), Ordinary Income (Loss) (SEQ 2270), Net Farm Profit (Loss)
(SEQ 2280), Net Gain (Loss)(SEQ 2290) or Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 2300).

0643 o Form 8865 – When Total Deductions (SEQ 2450) is significant, one of the following fields must be
significant: Salaries & Wages (SEQ 2320), Guaranteed Payments to Partners (SEQ 2330), Repairs &
Maintenance (SEQ 2340), Bad Debts (SEQ 2350), Rent(SEQ 2360), Taxes & Licenses (SEQ 2370),
Interest (SEQ 2380), Depreciation (SEQ 2390), Less Depreciation Reported on Schedule A
(SEQ 2400), Depletion (SEQ 2410), Retirement Plans (SEQ 2420), Employee Benefit Programs
(SEQ 2430) or Other Deductions (SEQ 2440).
0644 o Form 8865 – When Net S-T Capital Gain (Loss) (SEQ 2750) is significant, Net S-T Entire Year Capital
Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3230) or Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) must be significant.


0646 o Form 8865 – When Net Long-Term Capital Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3130) is significant, Net L-T Capital
Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3240) or Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) must be significant.

0647 o Form 8865 – When Net Section 1231 Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3270) is significant, Form 4797 must be

0648 o Form 8865 – When Rehabilitation Expenditures Rental Real Estate (SEQ 3410) is significant, Form
3468 must be present.





0653 o Form 8586 - If "Current Year Credit" (SEQ 0110) is significant, one or more Forms 8609-A must be

0654 o Form 8586 - If "Number of Forms 8609-A Attached" (SEQ 0020) is significant, a matching number of
Forms 8609-A must be present.

0655 o Form 8865 – If File Form 1065 (SEQ 0800) is equal to "X", then the EIN Foreign Partnership (SEQ
0650) must be numeric and the first two positions must be equal to a valid District Office Code.


0657 o Form 8586 – Flow-through Entity EIN (SEQ 0115) must be numeric and the first two digits must equal
a valid District Office Code.

0658-0659 RESERVED

0660 o Form 8586 – When Passive Activity or Total Current Year Credit (SEQ 0140) and Net Income Tax
(SEQ 0300) both contain an entry greater than zero, Form 6251 must be present.

0661 o Form 8865 – When Number of Foreign Disregarded Entities (SEQ 0960) is significant, Attach List of
Entities (SEQ 0965) must equal "STMbnn" or Paper Document Indicator 2 (Form 8858) of the
Summary Record must contain 1 in Summary Record.

o When Ordinary Income (Loss) (SEQ 2270) is significant, Ordinary Income (Loss) (Attach Schedule)
(SEQ 2275) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 2300) is significant, Other Income (Loss) (Attach Schedule)
(SEQ 2305) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Deductions (SEQ 2440) is significant, Other Deductions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2445)
must equal "STMbnn".

o When Expenses From Other Rental Activities (SEQ 3180) is significant, Expenses (Attach Schedule)
(SEQ 3185) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) is significant, Other Income (Loss) (Attach Schedule) (SEQ
3285) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Contributions (SEQ 3300) is significant, Charitable Contributions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3305)
must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Deductions (SEQ 3350) is significant, Other Deductions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3355)
must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other AMT (SEQ 3720) is significant, Other AMT Items (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3725) must
equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Current Assets BOY (SEQ 3940) or Other Current Assets EOY (SEQ 3950) is significant,
Other Current Assets (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3955) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Investments BOY (SEQ 3980) or Other Investments EOY (SEQ 3990) is significant,
Other Investments (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3995) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Assets BOY (SEQ 4200) or Other Assets EOY (SEQ 4210) is significant, Other Assets
(Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4215) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Current Liabilities BOY (SEQ 4280) or Other Current Liabilities EOY (SEQ 4290) is
significant, Other Current Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4295) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Other Liabilities BOY (SEQ 4340) or Other Liabilities EOY (SEQ 4350) is significant, Other
Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4355) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Listed Categories BOY (SEQ 4460) or Listed Categories EOY (SEQ 4470) is significant, Listed
Categories (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4475) must equal "STMbnn".

o When Total Other Increases (SEQ 4690) is significant, Other Increases (Itemize) (SEQ 4685) must
equal "STMbnn".

o When Total Other Decreases (SEQ 4730) is significant, Other Decreases (Itemize) (SEQ 4725) must
equal "STMbnn".

0662 o Form 8865 – The following fields must be positive: SEQs 2320, 2330, 2360, 2370, 2380 and 3100.


0664 o Authentication Record - When the Transmission Type Code (SEQ 0170) of the TRANA Record is
equal to "O", then the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) must equal either "O" or Blank.

o Authentication Record - When the Transmission Type Code (SEQ 0170) of the TRANA Record is
equal to Blank, then the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) must equal "P", or "S", or Blank.

0665 o Form 8801 - Total Tax Credits (SEQ 0220) must be greater than zero.

0666 o Form 1040 – If Form 8801 Block (SEQ 1005) is equal to “X”, then Form 8801 must be present.

0667 o Form 4797 – If Form 4797 is present and Gain/Loss (Form 8824 Sec 1231) (SEQ 0456) or Form 8824
Ordinary Gain/Loss for Entire Yr (SEQ 0974) is significant, then Form 8824 must be present.

0668 o Self-Select PIN Program – The Primary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN
program since the Primary Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.

0669 o Self-Select PIN Program – The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN
program since the Secondary Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.

0670 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "S", then the following
fields must be present; Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0020), Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070),
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) and ERO EFIN/PIN
(SEQ 0090).

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, only the following fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the
Authentication Record.
o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, only
the primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, then either the primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075,
0080, 0090) or the Secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the
Authentication Record.

0671 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "S" and Filing Status
(SEQ 0130) is "2" (Married Filing Jointly), then the following fields must be present; Spouse Date of
Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) and Spouse Signature
(SEQ 0065), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN
Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) and ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090).

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Secondary Date of
Death (SEQ 0040)
is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is
"NOT" significant on the Tax Return, only the following fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075,
0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Special Processing
Literal (SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, then either the primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075,
0080, 0090) or the secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on
the Authentication Record.

0672 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “P” or “S”, then the ERO
EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) must be present.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “O”, then the ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) cannot be


0674 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", "S" or "O", then
Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros
and the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer
Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros;
And the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065)
on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, the
Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros;
And the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer
Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is "Blank", then the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035)
cannot be present.
o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) on the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return
must be five digits and cannot be all zeros and the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the
Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record
or the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros
and the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the Spouse Signature
(SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.

0675 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", "S" or "O" and the
Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is “2” (Married Filing Jointly), then Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax
Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros; and the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax
Return must match the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Secondary Date of
Death (SEQ 0040) is significant but the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT" significant on the
Tax Return , Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits and
cannot be all zeros; and the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return Must match
the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is "Blank" and the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married
Filing Jointly) on the return, the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) cannot be present on
the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) on the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return
must be five digits and cannot be all zeros and the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the
Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record
or the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros
and the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the Spouse Signature
(SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.

0676 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “P”, “S”, or “O” and the
Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is “2” (Married Filing Jointly), then the Primary Taxpayer Signature
(SEQ 0035) and Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) both must be present.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, only the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) must be present on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Secondary Date of Death
(SEQ 0040) is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, only the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) must be present on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, only the
Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) must be present on the Authentication Record.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", "S" or "O" and the Filing Status is other than "2"
(Married Filing Jointly), the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) cannot be present on the Authentication

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100)
then either the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) or Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) must be
present on the Authentication Record.
0677 o Self-Select PIN Program – The Primary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN
program, if they are under the age of sixteen and has never filed a tax return.

0678 o Self-Select PIN Program – The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN
program, if they are under the age of sixteen and did not file a tax return in the previous year.

0679 o Authentication Record – When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “S” or “O”, the Primary
Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) must match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross
Income on the IRS Master File.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) on the Authentication Record must
match the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, the
primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the Authentication Record must match the Primary Prior
Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Masterfile.

When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100)
COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) on the
Authentication Record must match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File
or the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) on the Authentication Record must match
the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File.

0680 o Authentication Record – When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “S” or “O” and the Filing
Status (SEQ 0130) is “2” (Married Filing Jointly), the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ
0050) must match the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), the Secondary Date of Death
(SEQ 0040) is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) on the Authentication Record must
match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File.

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) on
the Authentication Record must match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS
Master File or the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) on the Authentication
Record must match the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the IRS Master File.
0681 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "O", then the following
fields must be present; Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0020), Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070),
Jurat/Disclosure Code SEQ 0075) and PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080).

When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), AND the Primary Date of Death
o (SEQ 0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, the following fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080) are required on the Authentication

When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death
o (SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, the
primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080) are required on the Authentication Record.

When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, then either the Primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075,
0080) or the Secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080) are required on the
Authentication Record.

0682 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "O" and Filing Status
(SEQ 0130) is "2" (Married Filing Jointly), then the following fields must be present; Spouse Date of
Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) and Spouse Signature
(SEQ 0065), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) and PIN
Authorization Code (SEQ 0080).

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Secondary Date of Death
(SEQ 0040) is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT" significant on the Tax
Return, the following fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080) are required on the Authentication

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, then either the Primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0035, 0070,
0075, 0080) or the Secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080) are required on the
Authentication Record.

0683 o Authentication Record – When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “P” or “S”, the first six
numeric of the ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) must equal the Electronic Filer ID Number (EFIN) in the
Declaration Control Number (DCN) (14 digits total).

0684 o Authentication Record – When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to “P”, “S” or “O”, then the
Paper Document Indicator 1 (SEQ 0150) or Paper Document Indicator 2 (SEQ 0153) or Paper
Document Indicator 3 (SEQ 0156) or Paper Document Indicator 4 (SEQ 0159) or Paper Documents
Indicator 5 (SEQ 0162) or Paper Document Indicator 6 (SEQ 0168) or Paper Document Indicator 8
(SEQ 0171) or Paper Document Indicator 9 (SEQ 0171) or Paper Document Indicator 10(SEQ 0171)
of Summary Record cannot be present.

0685 o Summary Record - Number of Preparer Note Records (SEQ 0110) must equal the number of
preparer notes computed by the IRS.

0686 o Summary Record - Number of Election Explanation Records (SEQ 0120) must equal the number of
election explanations computed by the IRS.

0687 o Summary Record - Number of Regulatory Explanation Records (SEQ 0130) must equal the number
of regulatory explanations computed by the IRS.
0688 o Summary Record - Count of Authentication Record (SEQ 0140) must equal the count of
authentication record computed by the IRS.

0689 o Authentication Record – The year of Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070) must equal current
processing year.

0690 o Form Payment (Balance Due) – If Refund (SEQ 1270) of the Tax Form is greater than zero, then a
Tax Type Code of Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ cannot be present.

0691 o Form Payment (Balance Due) – Amount of Tax Payment (SEQ 0060) cannot be greater than Amount
Owed (SEQ 1290) of the Tax Form.

0692 o Form Payment – Amount of Tax Payment (SEQ 0060) must be greater than zero.

0693 o Form Payment – When there are two occurrences of Form Payments,one of the occurrences must
have a Tax Type Code (SEQ 0070) of “1040S”.

0694 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "S", then the
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must equal "C".

0695 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", then the
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must equal "D".

0696 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "O", then the
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must equal "A".

0697 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", then the following
fields must be present; Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Taxpayer Signature Date
(SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) and ERO
EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090).

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (Seq
0020) is significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT" significant on the Tax Return ,
the following fields (SEQ 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) "AND" the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax Return, the
primary fields (SEQ 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100)
COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, either the Primary fields (SEQ 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) or the
Secondary fields (SEQ 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication Record.

0698 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P" and Filing Status (SEQ
0130) is "2" (Married Filing Jointly), then the following fields must be present; Spouse Signature (SEQ
0065), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code
(SEQ 0080) and ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090).

o When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Secondary Date of
Death (SEQ 0040) is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT" significant on the
Tax Return, the following fields (SEQ 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the
Authentication Record.

o When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal
(SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM, HAITI, FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA,
or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, either the Primary fields (SEQ 0035, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) or
the secondary fields (SEQ 0065, 0070, 0075, 0080, 0090) are required on the Authentication Record.
0699 o Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", then the following
fields must NOT be present; Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) and Spouse Prior
Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050).

0700 o Form 6781 – When Mixed Straddle Account Election Box (SEQ 0040) equals “X”, Statement Required
by Regulations (SEQ 0050) must equal “STMbnn”.

0701 o Form 6781 – When Form 1099-B Adjustments (SEQ 0200) is significant, Form 1099-B Adjustment
Schedule (SEQ 0190) must contain “STMbnn”.

0702 o Form 2120 - Person Supported First Name (SEQ 0020) and Person Support Last Name (SEQ 0030)
must be significant.

0703 o Form 2120 - Eligible First Name (SEQ 0040), Eligible Last Name (SEQ 0045), SSN (SEQ 0050),
Street Address (SEQ 0060), City
(SEQ 0070), State Abbr (SEQ 0080), and Zip Code (SEQ 0090) must be significant, else reject the



0706 o Form 2120 - The Calendar Year (SEQ 0010) must equal the Current Tax Year, else reject the return.

0707 o Form 2120 – The Person Supported First Name (SEQ 0020) must equal one of the following
Dependent First (SEQs 0170, 0180, 0190, 0200).

o Last Name of Person Supported (SEQ 0030) must equal one of the following: Dependent Last Name
(SEQs 0171, 0181, 0191, 0201)

0708 o Form 2120 - SSN of Eligible Person (SEQ 0050, 0110, and 0230) must be within the valid ranges of
SSNs. It must be all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeroes or all nines.

o Form 2120 - SSN of T/P Not Claiming Dependent (SEQ 0170, 0050, 0110, and 0230) cannot equal
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040/1040A if the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "1", "3", "4",
or "5".

o Form 2120 - SSN of T/P Not Claiming Dependent (SEQ 0170) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010)
or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A if the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2".

0709 o Tax Form - When both the Form 9465 (Installment Agreement Request) and a Form Payment (Balance
Due Payment) are attached to the 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, the Payment With Tax Return (SEQ 0290)
on the Form 9465 must equal to the Amount of Tax Payment (SEQ 0060) on the Form Payment.

0710 o Form 9465 – When Direct Debit information is present, Routing Transit Number (RTN) (SEQ 0330)
must contain nine numeric characters. The first two positions must be 01 through 12, or 21 through
32; the RTN must be present on the Financial Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking
institution must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

o Bank Account Number (SEQ 0340) must be alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha characters, numeric
characters, and hyphens), must be left-justified with trailing blanks if less than 17 positions, and
cannot equal all zeros.

0711 o Form 8082 - Only one of the Following fields can equal "X": Pass-Through Entity (Partnership) (SEQ
0050) or Pass-Through Entity (Electing large Partnership) (SEQ 0055) or Pass-Through Entity
(S Corporation) (SEQ 0060) or Pass-Through Entity (Estate) (SEQ 0065) or Pass-Through Entity
(Trust) (SEQ 0070) or Pass-Through Entity (REMIC) (SEQ 0075).

0712 o Form 8082 - Identifying Number of Pass-Through Entity (SEQ 0080) and Name of Pass-Through
Entity (SEQ 0090) must be significant.

0713 o Form 8082 - The Identifying Number (SEQ 0010) must be significant and equal to Primary SSN (SEQ
0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
0714 o Form 8697 - Employer Identification Number of Entity (SEQ 0150) and Name of Entity (SEQ 0140) on
Form 8697 must be present.

0715 o Form 8697 – Only one of the following fields can be significant; REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe
(SEQ 0460) and SMI-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0830).

0716 o Form 8697 - Identifying Number (SEQ 0080) must equal either Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0717 o Form 1040 – When F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to “FORM 8697”, then Form
8697 must be present and when F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to“FORM 8866”,
then Form 8866 must be present.

o Form 1040 – When F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) is significant and F8697 Literal or F8866
Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to “FORM 8697”, then REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460)
or SMI-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0830) of Form 8697 must be significant.

o Form 1040 – When F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) is significant and F8697 Literal or F8866
Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to “FORM 8866”, then Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) of
Form 8866 must be significant.

o When REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) or SMI-Net Amount of Interest You Owe
(SEQ 0830) of Form 8697 is significant, then F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) of Form 1040 must
be significant.

o When Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) of Form 8866 is significant, then F8697 or F8866
Amount (SEQ 1131) of Form 1040 must be significant.

0718-0719 RESERVED

0720 o Form 3800 – When any two or more of the following forms are present, Form 3800 must be present:
Form 3468, Form 5884, Form 5884-A, Form 6765, Form 8586, Form 8820, Form 8826, Form 8830,
Form 8835, Form 8845, Form 8846, Form 8847, Form 8861, Form 8864, Form 8874, Form 8881, Form
8882 or Form 8896.

0721 o Form 1040 – When Specify Other Credit Literal (SEQ 1010) equals “8834”, Form 8834 must be

o When Specify Other Credit Literal (SEQ 1010) equals “8844”, Form 8844 must be present.

o If Form 1040, SEQ 1010 (Specify Other Credit Literal) contains “8860”, Form 8860 must be present.

0722 o Form 1040 – When Other Credits (SEQ 1015) is significant, at least one of the following forms must be
present: Form 3468, Form 3800, Form 5884, Form 5884-A, Form 6478, Form 6765,Form 8586,
Form 8801, Form 8820, Form 8826, Form 8830, Form 8834, Form 8835, Form 8844, Form 8845, Form
8846, Form 8847, Form 8860, Form 8861, Form 8864, Form 8874, Form 8881, Form 8882 or Form
8896 unless Specify Other Credit Literal (SEQ 1010) contains or “TRANS ALASKA”.

0723 o Form 3468 – If Certified Historic Structures (SEQ 0050) or Calculated Expenditures Certified Historic
Struct. SEQ 0060) of Form 3468 is present, Qualified Rehabilitation NPS Number must be significant
(SEQ 0071).

o Form 3468 – If Certified Historic Structures (SEQ 0050) or “Calculated Expenditures Certified Historic
Struct. (SEQ 0060) of Form 3468 is present, Date of NPS Approval (SEQ 0071) must be significant.
(Certified Historic Structures)

0724 o Form 3468 – If Current Year Investment Credit (SEQ 0160) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0320) both
contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0725 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Investment Credit (SEQ 0020) is significant, then Form 3468 must be

0726 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Work Opportunity Credit (SEQ 0030) is significant, then Form 5884 must
be present.
0727 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Welfare to Work Credit (SEQ 0040) is significant, then Form 8861 must
be present.


0729 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Credit for Increasing Research (SEQ 0060) is significant, then Form 6765
must be present.

0730 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Low-Income Housing Credit (SEQ 0070) is significant, then Form 8586
must be present.

0731 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit (SEQ 0080) is significant, then Form 8830
must be present.

0732 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Disabled Access Credit (SEQ 0090) is significant, then Form 8826 must
be present.

0733 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Renewable Electricity Production (SEQ 0100) is significant, then Form
8835 must be present.

0734 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Indian Employment Credit (SEQ 0110) is significant, then Form 8845
must be present.

0735 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Credit for Employer Social Security (SEQ 0120) is significant, then Form
8846 must be present.

0736 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Orphan Drug Credit (SEQ 0130) is significant, then Form 8820 must be

0737 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Credit for Contributions (SEQ 0660) is significant, then Form 8847 must
be present.

0738 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Trans-Alaska Pipeline Credit (SEQ 0680) is significant, then Current Yr
Trans-Alaska Pipeline Attach Statement (SEQ 0675) must equal “STMbnn”.

0739 o Form 3800 – If Passive Activity Credits (SEQ 0770) is significant, then Passive Activity Credits
(SEQ 0740) must not be greater than Current Year General Business Credit (SEQ 0170).

0740 o Form 3800 – If Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 (SEQ 0780) is significant, then Subtract Line 3 from Line 2
(SEQ 0190) must not be less than zero.

0741 o Form 3800 – If Passive Activity Credits Allowed (SEQ 0790) is significant, then Form 8582-CR must be
present unless Passive Activity from Publicly Traded Partnership (SEQ 0800) contains “X”.

0742 o Form 3800 – If Tentative General Business Credit (SEQ 0850) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 1110) both
contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0743 o Form 3800 – The following fields must be positive: SEQs 0020, 0030, 0040, 0060, 0070, 0080, 0090,
0100, 0110, 0120, 0130, 0540, 0550, 0560, 0570, 0580, 0590, 0660, 0680, 0690, 0705, 0770, 0790,
and 0810.

0744 o Form 5884 – If Total Current Year Work Opportunity Credit (SEQ 0110) and Net Income Tax
(SEQ 0270) both contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0745 o Form 6478 – Qualified Ethanol Fuel Production (SEQ 0020) cannot be greater than 15000000 (fifteen

0746 o Form 6478 - If Current Year Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel (SEQ 0230) and Net Income Tax
(SEQ 0390) both contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0747 o Form 6765 – Fixed-base Percentage (SEQ 0100) cannot be greater than 16% (016000).

0748 o Form 6765 – If Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 – Sect. A (SEQ 0040), Subtract Line 12 from Line 9
(SEQ 0130), Subtract line 20 from Line 19 (SEQ 0220), Subtract Line 29 from Line 27 (SEQ 0310),
Subtract Line 31 from Line 27 (SEQ 0330) Subtract Line 32 from Line 30 (SEQ 0340), Subtract Line 34
from Line 27 (SEQ 0360), and Subtract Line 35 from line 32 (SEQ 0370) cannot be less than zero.
0749 o Form 6765 - If Total current year credit for Increasing Research (SEQ 0460) and Net Income Tax
(SEQ 0690) both contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0750 o Form 8820 - If Current Year Orphan Drug Credit (SEQ 0050) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0210) both
contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0751 o Form 8826 – Subtract Line 2 from Line 1 (SEQ 0030) cannot be less than zero.

0752 o Form 8826 – Current Year Disabled Access Credit (SEQ 0070) cannot be greater than 5000.

0753 o Form 8826 - If Current Year Disabled Access Credit (SEQ 0070) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0230) both
contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0754 o Form 8830 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0050) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0210) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0755 o Form 8834 - If Tentative Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit (SEQ 0230) and Net Regular Tax (SEQ 0360)
both contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0756 o Form 8835 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0200) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0360) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0757 o Form 8844 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0120) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0280) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0758 o Form 8845 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0070) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0230) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0759 o Form 8846 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0080) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0240) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0760 o Form 8847 - If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0050) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0210) both contain an entry
greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.


0762 o Form 8861 - If Current Year Welfare-to-Work Credit (SEQ 0080) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0240) both
contain an entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0763 o Form 8874 - When Current Year Credit (SEQ 0360) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0560) both contain an
entry greater than zero, Form 6251 must be present.

0764 o Form 8881 - Current Year Credit (SEQ 0060) cannot be greater than $500.

0765 o Form 8881 - When Current Year Credit (SEQ 0060)” and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0260) both contain an
entry greater than zero, Form 6251 must be present.

0766 o Form 8882 - When Current Year Credit (SEQ 0090)” and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0310) both contain an
entry greater than zero, Form 6251 must be present.

0767 o Tax Form - When Third Party Designee "Yes" Box (SEQ 1303) equals to "X", Third Party Designee
Name (SEQ 1307) and Third Party Designee PIN (SEQ 1313) must be present.

o If the literal “PREPARER” is in Third Party Designee Name (SEQ 1307), then Third Party Designee PIN
(SEQ 1313) is not required.

0768 o Form 8621 – If Deemed Dividend Election (SEQ 0250) equals “X”, then Attach Statement For Post
1986 Earnings & Profits (SEQ 0255) must contain "STMbnn".


0770 o Tax Form – Third Party Designee “Yes” Box (SEQ 1303) and Third Party Designee “No” Box
(SEQ 1305) cannot both equal “X”.

0771 o Form 8621- Identifying Number (SEQ 0020) must be significant.

0772 o Form 8621 – When Total Distributions From PFIC During Current Tax Year (SEQ 0500) or Total
Distributions, Reduced (SEQ 0510) or Enter Gain (LOSS) of A Sec. 1291 Fund (SEQ 0550) is
significant then Attach statement for each Distribution and Disposition (SEQ 0555) must contain

0773 o Form 8621 – When Subtract Line 1b from Line 1a (SEQ 0310) of Form 8621 contains a significant
entry, Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0394) of Form 1040 must contain a significant entry.

o When Subtract Line 2b from Line 2a (SEQ 0340) of Form 8621 contains a significant entry, Schedule
D must be present.


0775 o Form 8621 – When Elect to Treat POST 1986 Earnings & Profits as an Excess Distribution
(SEQ 0250) equals “X”, then Subtract Line 10d from Line 10a (SEQ 0540) must be significant.

0776 o Form 8621 – When Elect to Extend Time of PYMT (SEQ 0260) equal “X”, then Subtract Line 3d From
Line 3a (SEQ 0390) must be significant. When Subtract Line 3d From Line 3a (SEQ 0390) is positive,
Subtract Line 4b from Line 4a (SEQ 0420) must be significant.

0777 o Form 8621 – If Election To Recognize Gain On Deemed Sale Of Pfic (SEQ 0270) equals “X”, then e
enter Gain (Loss) Of Stock Of A Sec. 1291 Fund (SEQ 0550) must be significant.

0778 o Form 1040 – When F8611 Literal (SEQ 1114) equals “LIHCR” and F8611 Amount (SEQ 1116) is
significant, then Form 8611 must be present.

0779 o Form 1040 – If F8693 Approved Indicator (SEQ 1118) is significant, then F8693 Approved Date
(SEQ 1119) must be significant. If F8693 Approved Date (SEQ 1119) is significant, then F8693
Approved Indicator (SEQ 1118) must be significant



0782 o Form 982 – When Discharge of Indebtedness in a Title 11 Case (SEQ 0020) equals blank,
Discharge of Indebtedness to the Extent Insolvent (SEQ 0030) equals blank, Discharge of Qualified
Real Prop Bus Indebtedness (SEQ 0050) equals blank and Discharge of Qualified Farm
Indebtedness (SEQ 0040) is equal to “X”, then Amt Excluded From Inc: To Reduce Basis
(SEQ 0150) must be blank.

0783 o Form 982 – When Amt Excluded From Inc: Under Section 108(b)(5) (SEQ 0100) is significant, then
Attach Description of Transactions (SEQ 0085) must equal “STMbnn”.

0784 o Form 982 – When Discharge of Qualified Real Prop Bus Indebtedness (SEQ 0050) is significant,
then Amt Excluded From Inc: Discharge of Qual Real Prop (SEQ 0090) must be significant.

0785 o Form 2439 – All of these fields must be significant: Company or Trust Name Control (SEQ 0050),
Company or Trust Name (SEQ 0060), and Company or Trust Identification Number (SEQ 0120).

0786 o Form 2439 – Shareholder SSN (SEQ 0130) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN
(SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

0787-0789 RESERVED

0790 o Form 1040 – If Form 2439 Block (SEQ 1202) equal “X”, then Form 2439 must be present and vice

0791 o Form 1040 – If Other Payments (SEQ 1210) is significant, then at least one of the following must
equal “X”: Form 2439 Block (SEQ 1202), Form 4136 Block (SEQ 1205), Form 8885 Block
(SEQ 1208).

0792-0794 RESERVED


0797-0804 RESERVED

0805 o TRANS Record B (TRANB) must be present.


0807-0821 RESERVED

0822 o TRANS Record A (TRANA) - Transmission Sequence for Julian Day (SEQ 0080) matches a
previously accepted transmission (Duplicate Transmission).

0823 o Unrecognizable Transmission - If there are any unrecognizable or inconsistent control data, the
transmission will be rejected.

0824 o TRANS Record A (TRANA) - Transmitter EFIN (SEQ 0110) must be present.

0825 o Invalid Sequence of Records in Transmission - The data records of the transmission must be in the
following sequence: TRANA, TRANB, Return Records (1-500 for dial-up or 1-10,000 for
dedicated/leased line or high speed protocol), and RECAP.

o The format and content of the TRANA, TRANB, and RECAP Records must be exactly as defined in
Part II Record Layouts.

0826-0829 RESERVED

0830 o RECAP Record - Total EFT (SEQ 0020) does not equal program-computed count. Total EFT Count
is a count of Direct Deposit Requests and is incremented for each return that contains a non-blank
character in any one of the Direct Deposit data fields (SEQ 1272, 1274, 1276, 1278) of the Tax Form.
If an extraneous character is present within those fields, it will be counted as an EFT.

0831 o RECAP Record - Total Return Count (SEQ 0030) does not equal program-computed count. Total
Return Count is a count of returns transmitted and is incremented each time the Primary SSN within a
Record ID changes.

0832 o RECAP Record – Total State Only Return Count (SEQ 0130) does not equal program computed
count. Total State only Return Count is a count of State Only Returns transmitted and is incremented
each time the Primary SSN within a Record ID changes.

0833-0839 RESERVED

0840 o RECAP Record - The following fields must equal those in the Trans Record A (TRANA):
Electronic Trnsmtr Identification Number (ETIN) SEQ 0060 SEQ 0040
Julian Day of Transmission SEQ 0070 SEQ 0050
Transmission Sequence Number for Julian Day SEQ 0080 SEQ 0060

0841-0899 RESERVED





0904 o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form cannot duplicate a Primary SSN within the same “drain” of


0906 o Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Return cannot duplicate a Secondary SSN within the same
“drain” of returns.
0907-0914 RESERVED

0915 o Form 8609-A – If Have Form 8609-No (SEQ 0060) contains “X”, the rest of the fields on the form
must be blank.

0916 o Form 8609-A – If Building Qualified Low-Income – No (SEQ 0080) contains “X”, the rest of the fields
on the form must be blank.

0917-0920 RESERVED

0921 o Form 8864 – If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0120) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0290) both contain an
entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0922-0924 RESERVED

0925 o Form 8896 – If Current Year Credit (SEQ 0090) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0290) both contain an
entry greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.

0926-0929 RESERVED

0930 o Form 6251 - The following fields (when significant) may not be negative: SEQs 0085, 0098, 0100,
0102, 0146, 0150, 0267, 0330.

0931-0949 RESERVED

0950 o Form 8873 - When Election Under Section 942(a)(3) (SEQ 0020) equals “X”, Attachment Election
Under Section 942(a)(3)(SEQ 0025) must equal “STMbnn”.

0951 o Form 8873 - When Election Extraterritorial Income Exclusion FSC (SEQ 0030) equals “X”,
Attachment Election Extraterritorial Exclusion FSC (SEQ 0035) must equal “STMbnn”.

0952 o Form 8873 - When Aggregate on Tabular Schedule (SEQ 0085) equals “X”, Attachment to Tabular
Schedule (SEQ 0090) must equal “STMbnn”.

0953 o Form 8873 - When Tabular Schedule of Transactions (SEQ 0095)equals “X”, Attachment to Schedule
of Transactions (SEQ 0100)must equal “STMbnn”.

0954 o Form 8873 - When Group of Transactions (SEQ 0110) equals “X”, Attachment to Group of
Transactions (SEQ 0115) must equal “STMbnn”.

0955 o Form 8873 - When Additional Section 263A Costs Trade (SEQ 0310) or Additional Section 263A
Costs Sale and Lease (SEQ 0320) is significant, Attachment to Section 263A Costs (SEQ 0325) must
equal “STMbnn”.

0956 o Form 8873 - When Other Costs Trade (SEQ 0330) or Other Costs Sale and Lease (SEQ 0340) is
significant, Attachment Other Costs (SEQ 0345) must equal “STMbnn”.

0957 o Form 8873 - When Other Expenses and Deductions Trade (SEQ 0430) or Other Expenses and
Deductions Sale and Lease (SEQ 0440) is significant, Attachment for Other Expenses and Deductions
(SEQ 0445) must equal “STMbnn”.

0958-0960 RESERVED
0961 o Form 8901 - Qualifying child data must be complete and correctly formatted.

o Child First Name (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) and Child Last Name (SEQ 0020, 0070, 0120, 0170)
must contain only alpha characters and spaces. A space cannot be in the first position of either Child
First Name or Child Last Name.

o Child Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0080, 0130, 0180) must be in the correct format.

Child's SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) must be within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATINs. It
o must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.

o If any field of the following "qualifying child group" is significant, then all fields in that group must be
significant: Child First Name, Child Last Name, Child Name Control, Child's SSN, and Relationship.

o Qualifying children must be listed starting on the first line, with no blank lines allowed between

0962 o Form 8901 - Form 8901 may not be e-filed when all of the following are true:

o Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) equals “X”,

o If married filing jointly, Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) also equals “X”, and

o Any child on Form 8901 (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) was under age 16 at the end of the tax year.
(Note: A paper return may be filed to include on Form 8901 a married qualifying child, under age 16,
who files a joint return for the tax year.)


0964 o Form 8901 - Child's SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) cannot equal another Child's SSN from Form
8901. It cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010), Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030), or a Dependent’s SSN
(SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) from Form 1040 or 1040A.

0965-0969 RESERVED

0970 o Form 1116 - When Financial Services Income (SEQ 0040) equals “X”, Financial Services Income
Statement (SEQ 0045) must equal “STMbnn”.

Exception: When Financial Services Income (SEQ 0040) equals "X" on two Forms 1116 and the Alt. Min.
Tax Literal (SEQ 0010) is significant on one of the two Forms 1116, Financial Services Income Statement
(SEQ 0045) must equal "STMbnn" only for the Form 1116 on which the Alt. Min. Tax Literal (SEQ 0010)
is not significant.

0971 o Form 1116 - When Allocable Expenses A (SEQ 0200) is significant, Allocable Expense Statement A
(SEQ 0205) must equal “STMbnn”, or When Allocable Expenses B (SEQ 0320) is significant,
Allocable Expense Statement B (SEQ 0325) must equal “STMbnn”,or When Allocable Expenses C
(SEQ 0440) is significant, Allocable Expense Statement C (SEQ 0445) must equal “STMbnn”.
0972 o Form 1116 - When Other Deductions A (SEQ 0220) is significant, Other Deductions Statement A
(SEQ 0225) must equal “STMbnn”, or When Other Deductions B (SEQ 0340) is significant, Other
Deductions Statement B (SEQ 0345) must equal “STMbnn”,or When Other Deductions C (SEQ 0460)
is significant, Other Deductions Statement C (SEQ 0465) must equal “STMbnn”.

0973 o Form 1116 - When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0610), or Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy.
Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0620), or Taxes Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0630), or
Other Taxes Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0640) is significant, Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr.
A Statement (SEQ 0645) must equal “STMbnn”, or
When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0710), or Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy. Foreign
Curr. B (SEQ 0720), or
Taxes Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0730), or Other Taxes Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. B
(SEQ 0740) is significant,
Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr. B Statement (SEQ 0745) must equal “STMbnn”, or
When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0810), or Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy. Foreign
Curr. C (SEQ 0820), or
Taxes Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0830), or Other Taxes Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. C
(SEQ 0840) is significant,
Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr. C Statement (SEQ 0845) must equal “STMbnn”.

09749 o Form 1116 - When Carryback/Carryover Amount (SEQ 0950) is significant, Carryback/Carryover
Explanation (SEQ 0940) must equal “STMbnn”.

0975 o Form 1116 - When Foreign Tax Reduction Amount (SEQ 0980) is significant, Foreign Tax Reduction
Explanation (SEQ 0970) must equal “STMbnn”.

0976 o Form 1116 - When Adjustments to Taxable Income (SEQ 1020) is significant, Adjustments
Explanation (SEQ 1010) must equal “STMbnn”.

0977-0981 RESERVED

0982 o Form 1040 - When Domestic Production Activities Ded (SEQ 0710) is significant it must equal
Domestic Production Activities Deduction (SEQ 0530) of Form 8903, and vice versa.

0983 o Form 8903 - When Wage-Limited DPA Deduction (SEQ 0390) is significant and Adjusted Gross
Income (SEQ 0750) of Form 1040 is positive, Income Limitation (SEQ 0210) must equal the sum of
Domestic Production Activities Ded (SEQ 0710) of Form 1040 and Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0750) of Form 1040.

0984-0985 RESERVED

0986 o Form T - When Other Consideration Amount (SEQ 0130) is significant, Other Consideration Amount
Statement (SEQ 0135) must equal “STMbnn”.

0987 o Form T - When Section 631(a) Timber Cutting Election – Yes Box SEQ 1310) equals “X”,
Section 631(a) Adjusted Basis Statement (SEQ 1315) must equal “STMbnn”, and
Section 631(a) Cut Timber Detail Statement (SEQ 1325) must equal “STMbnn”,
and Section 631(a) Timber Valuation Statement (SEQ 1335) must equal “STMbnn”, and
Section 631(a) Valuation Comparison Statement (SEQ 1345) must equal “STMbnn”, and
Section 631(a) Operations Statement (SEQ 1355) must equal “STMbnn”, and Section 631(a) Activity
Status Statement (SEQ 1365) must equal “STMbnn”.

0988 o Form T - When Other Consideration Amount-S (SEQ 1440) is significant, Other Consideration
Amount-S Statement (SEQ 1445)
must equal “STMbnn”.

0989-0998 RESERVED

0999 o A maximum of 96 Error Reject Codes can be provided in the acknowledgment file. If more than 96
reject conditions are identified, the 96th Error Reject Code will be replaced with "0999".

1000 o Form 1310 – When the Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) of the Tax Form is NOT equal to "Married
Filing Joint" and the Refund (SEQ 1270) of the Tax Form is significant, then Form 1310 must be
present and the Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) must equal the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax
1001 o Form 1310 – When the Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) of the Tax Form is equal to "Married Filing
Joint", the Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or the
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form.

1002 o Form 1310 – The Tax Year Decedent Due Refund (SEQ 0010) must equal the current tax year.

1003 o Form 1310 – The year of the Date of Death (SEQ 0030) must equal the current tax year or
processing year.

1004 o Form 1310 – The Date of Death (SEQ 0030) must be significant and match either the Primary Date of
Death (SEQ 0020) or the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Form.

1005 o Form 1310 – When Person Other Than A or B Claiming Decedent Refund (SEQ 0190) equals "X",
then all of the following fields must also equal "X": Did Decedent Leave a Will "YES" Box (SEQ 0210)
or Did Decedent Leave a Will "NO" Box (SEQ 0220), Court Appointed Personal Rep "NO" Box (SEQ
0240), Personal Rep will be Appointed "NO" Box (SEQ 0260) and Refund Paid out According to State
Laws "YES" Box (SEQ 0270).

1006 o Form 1310 - When Person Other Than A or B Claiming Decedent Refund (SEQ 0190) and Refund
Paid Out According to State Laws "YES" Box (SEQ 0270) are equal to "X", then at least one of the
following fields on the Tax Form must be significant: Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) or Secondary
Date of Death (SEQ 0040).

1007 o Form 1310 – Person Claiming Refund Signature (SEQ 0290) and Signature Date (SEQ 0300) must
be significant.

1008 o Form 1310 – Valid Proof of Death is in my Possession (SEQ 0200) must equal "X".

1009 o Form 1310 – Street Address (SEQ 0110) is alphanumeric and cannot have leading or consecutive
embedded spaces. The left-most position must contain an alpha or numeric character. The only
special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash (/).

o Street Address (SEQ 0110) is a required field.

1010 o Form 1310 – Zip Code (SEQ 0150) must be within the valid ranges of zip codes listed for the
corresponding State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140). The zip code cannot end in "00", with the exception of
20500 (the White House zip code).

1011 o Form 1310 – State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) must be significant and consistent with the standard
state abbreviations issued by the Postal Service.

o State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) is a required field.

1012 o Form 1310 – City (SEQ 0130) must be left-justified and must contain a minimum of three alpha
characters. This field cannot contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain only alphabetic
characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the city name.

o City (SEQ 0130) is a required field.

1013 o Form 1310 – If Address Ind (SEQ 0160) equals "1" (APO/FPO Address), then City (SEQ 0130) must
equal "APO" or "FPO", and State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) must equal "AA", "AE", or "AP" with the
appropriate Zip Code (SEQ 0150). If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) equals "AA", "AE", or "AP", then
Address Ind (SEQ 0160) must equal "1".

1014 o Tax Form – When Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2" and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) and Refund (SEQ 1270) are significant,
then Form a 1310 must be present for both taxpayers and Name of Person Claiming Refund
(SEQ 0060) on the first Form 1310 must be equal to Name of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) of
the second Form 1310.

1015 o Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2" and either the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) or the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is significant, then Surviving Spouse Yes
(SEQ 1325) must also be significant.
1016 o Tax Form - When Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) is NOT equal to "2" and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) and the Refund (SEQ 1270) are significant, then Form 1310 must be present and Person
other than A or B Claiming Decedent Refund (SEQ 0190) must be significant.

1017 o Form 1310 – The SSN of Person Claiming Refund must be significant and cannot equal Primary SSN
(SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

o When two Form 1310 are present, the SSN of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0070) of the first Form
1310 must equal the SSN of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0070) of the second Form 1310.

o Exception: When the Filing Status is MFS, the SSN of Person Claiming Refund must be significant and
MUST equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/A/EZ.

1018 o Form 1310 – When only one Form 1310 is present, Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) must equal Primary
SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

o When two Forms 1310 are present, Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) of the first Form 1310 must equal
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040 and Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) of the second Form 1310
must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

1019 o Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "Other Than 2" and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020)
is significant, then Personal Representative (SEQ 1326) must also be significant.

Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2" and
o the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant, then
Personal Representative (SEQ 1326) must also be significant.













1032 o Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax Return is significant, the year of
Primary Date of Death must equal the current tax year or processing year and must match data from
the IRS Master File.

o When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is significant, the year of Secondary
Date of Death must equal the current tax year or processing year and must match data from the IRS
Master File.
1033 o Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax Return is significant, then the
following fields cannot be present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or
Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0064), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0066).

o When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is significant, then the following fields
cannot be present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code
(SEQ 0064), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0066).

1034 o Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax Return is significant, then Name Line
2 (SEQ 0070) must also be significant.

o When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is significant, then Name Line 2
(SEQ 0070) must also be significant.

1035 o Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is Other Than “2” and the Primary Date of Death
(SEQ 0020) is significant, then Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain “space DECD or less than sign
DECD”, else reject.

1036 o Form 1310 - Name of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) must equal Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) of Tax

o Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) of Tax Form must equal Name of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) on
Form 1310 if present.

1037 o Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is “2”, and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is
significant, then Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain “DECD space ampersand sign”, else reject.

1038 o Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is “2”, and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
significant, then Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain “space DECD”, else reject.



1041 o Form W-2GU – When Advance EIC Payment (SEQ 0200) is significant, taxpayers cannot file Form

1042 o Form W-2GU – Employer City (SEQ 0070) must contain at least three characters.

1043 o Form W-2GU – Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must be numeric, then first two digits of
Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must equal a valid District Office Code, Employer Name
Control (SEQ 0045) must be significant, and W-2GU Indicator (SEQ 0300) must equal "N" or "S".

Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form W-2GU was altered, handwritten, or
typed, or that a cumulative earnings statement or a substitute Form W-2GU was used. The value "S"
(Standard) identifies a Form W-2GU that is a computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-
approved facsimile.

1044 o Form W-2GU - The following fields must be significant: Employer Name (SEQ 0050), Employer
Address (SEQ 0060), Employee Name (SEQ 0090), Employee Address (SEQ 0100), Employee City
(SEQ 0110), Employee State (SEQ 0113), Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115), and Wages (SEQ 0120).

Exception: The check for Wages (SEQ 0120) is bypassed when Combat Pay has been excluded from
o Wages.

Exception: When a period (.) is present in the Employee State (SEQ 0113), the checks for Employee
o City (SEQ 0110) and Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115) are bypassed.

1045 o Form W-2GU – Employee SSN (SEQ 0080) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form.

1046 o Summary Record – Number of Forms W-2GU Records (SEQ 0063) must equal the number of Forms
W-2GU computed by the IRS.
1047 o Form W-2GU – If the total of Wages (SEQ 0120) from Form(s) W-2GU is greater than $4,999 and the
Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of Tax Form is greater than $49,999, then Form 1040 must be
used, Form 5074 must be attached and the return must be processed at the Philadelphia Submission
Processing Center.

1048 o Tax Form – If the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) is equal to "GU" and Wages, Salaries, and Tips
(SEQ 0375) equals the total amount(s) of Wages (SEQ 0120) from Form(s) W-2GU and
Wages, Salaries, and Tips (SEQ 0375) equals Total Income (SEQ 0600) from Form 1040/A or
Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) from Form 1040EZ and Total Payments (SEQ 1250) equals the
total amount(s) of Guam Withholding (SEQ 0130) from Form(s) W-2GU, then this return must be filed
with the Department of Revenue and Taxation, Government of Guam.

1049 o Tax Form - Tax returns from the U.S. Possessions of American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands may not be electronically filed.

1050 o Form 8594 – When SEQ 0300 is present, then SEQ 0315 must equal "STMbnn".

10515 o Tax Form - Earned Income Credit may not be claimed by residents of the U.S. Possessions or foreign

1052-1054 RESERVED




1058-1059 RESERVED

1060 o STCGL/LTCGL – Schedule D Page 1 or Form 8865 Page 1 must be the next record after the Capital
Gain/Loss Records.

o The Subpart Type (SEQ 0001) and Subpart Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005) must match the Record
ID (SEQ 0000) and Schedule/Form Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005) from the parent (Schedule D or
Form 8865) that immediately follows the Capital Gain Records.

1061 o STCGL/LTCGL – The Transaction Occurrence Number (SEQ 0010) must be significant and in
ascending, consecutive numerical sequence beginning with "0000001".
1062 o STCGL/LTCGL – Any STCGL Reference number "STCGL" occurring within a tax return must have a
corresponding STCGL Record.

o Any LTCGL Reference number "LTCGL" occurring within a tax return must have a corresponding
LTCGL Record.

o If ST Property Desc 1 of Schedule D (SEQ 0020) is equal to "STCGL" then SEQ 0030 – 0290 must be
blank. If LT Property Desc 1 of Schedule D (SEQ 0880) is equal to "LTCGL" then SEQ 0890 – 1155
must be blank.

o If S-T Description of Property of Form 8865 (SEQ 2480) is equal to "STCGL" then SEQ 2490 – 2710
must be blank. If L-T Description of Property of Form 8865 (SEQ 2760) is equal to "LTCGL" then
SEQ 2770 – 3030 must be blank.

1063 o Summary Record – Number of STCGL Records (SEQ 0133) must equal the number of STCGL
Records computed by the IRS.

1064 o Summary Record – Number of LTCGL Records (SEQ 0135) must equal the number of LTCGL
Records computed by the IRS.

1065-1067 RESERVED

1068 o Tax Form – If Nontaxable Combat Pay Election (SEQ 1185) is significant, it must equal total
nontaxable combat pay on Forms W-2. On Form W-2, nontaxable combat pay is the amount in
Employer’s Use Amount (SEQ 0246, 0256, 0259, 0262, statement) when the corresponding
Employer’s Use Code (SEQ 0242, 0252, 0257, 0260, statement) is “Q”.

Exception – When PYEI Literal (SEQ 1175) equals “PYEI” and Nontaxabe Combat Pay Election
o (SEQ 1185) is significant, the prior year nontaxable combat pay amount must be used.

1069 o Form 1040/1040A - When Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) and Additional Child Tax Credit (Form
8812) (SEQ 1192) are both significant, and the Hurricane Katrina election to use prior year earned
income is made for one credit, the election must be made for both credits. The election is made when
PYEI Literal (SEQ 1175) of Form 1040/1040A equals “PYEI” and 2004 Earned Income Indicator
(SEQ 0019) of Form 8812 equals “X”.

10704 o Form 8885 - When only one Form 8885 is present, SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) must equal the
Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

o When two Forms 8885 are present, SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of the first Form 8885 must equal
the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040 and SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of the second Form
8885 must equal the secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.

o When two Forms 8885 are present, SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of the first Form 8885 cannot equal
SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of the Form 8885 of the second Form 8885.

1071 o Form 1040 - If Form 8885 Block (SEQ 1208) is significant, then Form 8885 must be attached and vice

1072 o Form 8885 – On each Form 8885 at least one of the following fields must equal “X”: SEQ 0035, 0045,
0055, 0065, 0075, 0085, 0095, 0105, 0115, 0125, 0135 or 0145.

1073 o Form 8885 – Amount Paid for Health Insurance (SEQ 0190) must contain a significant entry.

1074 o Form 8885 – If “Advance Payments” (SEQ 0240) does not contain a significant amount, “Multiply Line
4 by 65%” (SEQ 0230) must equal “Health Coverage Tax Credit” (SEQ 0250).

1075 o Form 8885 – Information provided to the IRS indicates that filer is not eligible to claim the Health
Coverage Tax Credit. Eligibility is determined through either filer’s state workforce agency
(Department of Labor) or the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). Only these organizations
can determine filer’s potential eligibility. To determine eligibility, trade adjustment assistance (TAA)
and alternative trade adjustment recipients (ATAA) may call the DOL at 1-877-US-2JOBS (TTY 1-877-
889-5627). PBGC recipients should call 1-800-400-7242.
1076 o Form 8885 – When any of the Month boxes (SEQ 0035, 0045, 0055, 0065, 0075, 0085, 0095, 0105,
0115, 0125, 0135, 0145)or Amount Paid for Health Insurance (SEQ 0190) contain a significant entry,
then the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record must be blank. (Note: This error
will be set on the PIN TYPE Code).

1077-1079 RESERVED

10801 o Form 1040 – If Form 8859 Block (SEQ 0990) equals “X”, then Form 8859 must be attached.

1081-1084 RESERVED

1085 o Form 8889 - SSN of HSA account beneficiary (SEQ 0010) of Form 8889 must equal Primary SSN (SEQ
0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.


1087-1089 RESERVED


1091-1093 RESERVED

1094 o Form 1040 - When Filing A Community Property State Return (SEQ 1317) is significant, the
Allocation Record must be present and the Filing Status equals "3", the State Abbreviation (SEQ
0087) must equal one of the following states: AZ (Arizona), CA (California), ID (Idaho), LA
(Louisiana), NM (New Mexico), NV (Nevada), TX (Texas), WA (Washington) and WI (Wisconsin) and
vice versa.

1095 o Allocation Record - When the Allocation Record is present, Total Income (SEQ 0250) must be
significant and cannot be zero filled or blank.
Exception: This check is bypassed when Combat Pay has been excluded from Income.

1096 o Summary Record - Count of Allocation Record (SEQ 0105) must equal the count of Allocation Record
computed by the IRS.

1097-1099 RESERVED

1100-1119 RESERVED

1120 o Form 4684 – If more than one Form 4684 is present, only the first occurrence of Form 4684 can
contain entries in the following fields: SEQ 0400, 0410, 0420, 0430, 0445, 0447, 0451, and 0453.

1121-1149 RESERVED

1150 o Authentication Record – An Authentication Record must be present when the Practitioner PIN, Self-
Select PIN by Practitioner, Online Self-Select PIN or Regular Online (Form 8453-OL) is used.

1151-1154 RESERVED

1155 o Authentication Record – When the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) or Spouse Signature
(SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return is significant, the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) on the Authentication
Record must be present and must be P, S, or O.

1156-1169 RESERVED

1170 o Form 3800 – If Current Year New Markets Credit (SEQ 0540) is significant, then Form 8874 must be

1171 o Form 3800 – If Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Cost (SEQ 0550) is significant, then
Form 8881 must be present.
1172 o Form 3800 – If Credit for Employer-Provided Child Care Facilities (SEQ 0580) is significant, then
Form 8882 must be present.

1173 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Biodiesel Fuels Credit (SEQ 0580) is significant, then Form 8864 must
be present.

1174 o Form 3800 – If Current Year Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Credit (SEQ 0590) is significant, then Form 8896
must be present.

1175 o Form 3800 – If Katrina Employee Retention Credit (SEQ 0705) is significant, then Form 5884-A must
be present.

1176-1199 RESERVED

1200 o Form 8891 - Registered Retirement Savings Plan Box (SEQ 0110) and Registered Retirement
Income Fund Box (SEQ 0120) cannot both equal “X”, and cannot both equal blank.

1201 o Form 8891 - Beneficiary Plan Status Box (SEQ 0130) and Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140)
cannot both equal “X”,
and cannot both equal blank.

1202 o Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals “X”,
Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect “Yes” Box (SEQ 0150), and Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect “No”
Box (SEQ 0160), and
U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect Box (SEQ 0180) cannot equal “X”,
and First Year U.S. Tax Deferral Elect (SEQ 0170) cannot be significant.

1203 o Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals blank, Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect
“Yes” Box (SEQ 0150)
and Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect “No” Box (SEQ 0160) cannot both equal “X”, and
cannot both equal blank.

1204 o Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals blank, and if Previous U.S. Tax Deferral
Elect “Yes” Box
(SEQ 0150) equals “X”, First Year U.S. Tax Deferral Elect
(SEQ 0170) must be significant, and U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect Box (SEQ 0180) cannot equal “X”.

1205 o Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140), or Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect “Yes” Box
(SEQ 0150), or U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect Box (SEQ 0180) equals “X”, Current Year Plan
Contributions (SEQ 0220), and Current Year Undistributed Interest (SEQ 0230), and Current Year
Undistributed Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0240), and Current Year Undistributed Qualified Dividends
(SEQ 0250), and Current Year Undistributed Capital Gains (SEQ 0260), and Current Year Undistrib
Other Income Total Amount (SEQ 0280) cannot be significant, and Current Year Undistrib Other
Income List Statement (SEQ 0270) cannot be significant, and cannot equal “STMbnn”.

1206-1214 RESERVED

1215 o Form 1040/1040A - When Exemption Amount (SEQ 0810) exceeds an amount equal to $3,200
multiplied by Total Exemptions (SEQ 0355), Form 8914 must be present to substantiate the higher
exemption amount.

o Form 8914 - When Form 8914 is present, Net Total Exemption Amount (SEQ 0940) must equal
Exemption Amount (SEQ 0810) of Form 1040/1040A

1216 o Form 8914 - Entries for displaced individuals must begin on the first line. No lines may be skipped
between individuals.

o If any field of a displaced individual’s entry significant then all fields of the entry must be significant.
Each entry consists of Individual First Name, Individual Last Name, Individual Name Control,
Individual SSN, Former Street Address, Former City, Former State, Former Zip Code, and Days Lived
With You.

o Individuals’ SSNs must be within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid
ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers
1217-1220 RESERVED

1221 o Form 8915 - SSN of Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 8915 must be significant and
equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A

1222 o Form 8915 - SSN of Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the second Form 8915 must be significant
and equal to Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A and must not be equal to SSN of
Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 8915. When both spouses are filing Form 8915,
Form 8915 for the primary taxpayer must precede Form 8915 for the secondary taxpayer.

1223-1299 RESERVED




1303 o Form 8862 – If Number of Days Child 1/Child 2 Lived in U.S. (SEQ 0062/0072) is less than 184, then
Child 1/Child 2 Date of Birth (SEQ 0082/0092) or Child 1/Child 2 Date of Death (SEQ 0084/0094) must be


1305 o Form 8862 - If Person Lived w/Child –Yes (SEQ 0290) equal “X”, then one of the following must be

Other Person Name -1 Child 1 (SEQ 0310) and Other Person Relationship -1 Child 1 (SEQ 0320).

If Child 2 is present, then the following must be present;Other Person Name -1 Child 2 (SEQ 0380)
and Other Person Relationship -1 Child 2 (SEQ 0390).

1306-9999 RESERVED
for Electronically Transmitted Documents
(Forms 56, 2350, 4868, 9465, and Form Payment)

See Appendix for assistance in identifying SEQ numbers.


0003 o The Tax Period must be "200512".

004 o The Primary SSN must be numeric, cannot be all blanks nor all zeros nor all nines AND
must be within the valid range of SSNs/ITINs.

o The Primary Social Security Number (P-SSN) (Field 0003 of the Record Id) must be

o The Primary SSN (P-SSN) (Field 0003 of the Record ID) must match the Primary SSN of
the Form.

o The Form 4868 Primary SSN (SEQ 0090) is a required field.

o The Form 9465 Primary SSN (SEQ 0020) is a required field.

o The Form 2350 Primary SSN (SEQ 0030) is a required field.

o The Form payment Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) is a required field.

o The SSN of the Summary record (Field 0002) must be numeric.

0006 o The Primary Name Control and the Spouse Name Ctrl must not contain leading or
embedded spaces. The two leftmost positions must be alpha. Only an alpha, hyphen
and space are allowed.

o The Form 4868 Primary Name Control (SEQ 0010) is a required field.

o The Form 9465 Primary Name Control (SEQ 0015) is a required field.

o The Form 2350 Taxpayer's Name Control (SEQ 0020) is a required field.

o The Form 9465 Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0035) is a required field when the Form 9465
Spouse Name (SEQ 0030) is present. It must meet the same criteria for validation as the
Primary Name Control.
0007 o Street Address (Form 9465 SEQ 0050, Form 2350 SEQ 0070, and Form 4868 SEQ 0040)
is alphanumeric and can have no leading | or consecutive embedded spaces. The only
special characters allowed are space, hyphen (-) and slash (/).

o Foreign Street Address (Form 2350 SEQ 0110, and Form 4868 SEQ 0032) is
alphanumeric and can have no leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The only
special characters allowed are space, hyphen (-) and slash (/).

o Foreign City State or Province (Form 2350 SEQ 0120, and Form 4868 SEQ 0034) is
alphanumeric and can have no leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The only
special characters allowed are space, hyphen (-) and slash (/).

o The first position or character entered in the Street Address must be alphabetic or

o Street Address (Form 9465 SEQ 0050) is a required field.

0010 o All alphanumeric fields must contain the type of data specified under the columnar
heading "Field Description" in Record Layouts. All alphanumeric fields must be left-
justified and blank-filled unless otherwise specified.

o Significant money fields must be right-justified and zero-filled. Money fields must be whole
dollars (no cents).

o Significant date fields with a length of eight positions must contain eight numeric
characters in YYYYMMDD format. Significant date fields with a length of six positions
must contain six numeric characters in YYYYMM format when transmitted in variable or
fixed format.

o The PIN must be numeric and greater than zeros.

0014 o This reject code is set for fields which are defined in Part 3, Section 7 Record Layouts as

0016 o Zip Code (Form 9465 SEQ 0090, Form 2350 SEQ 0100, and Form 4868 SEQ 0070) must
be within the valid range of zip codes listed for that state and must not end in "00", with
the exception of 20500 (the White House Zip Code).

o Zip Code (Form 9465 SEQ 0090) is a required field.

0020 o Name Line 1 (Form 4868 SEQ 0030) or Taxpayer's Name (Forms 56, 2350, and 9465
SEQ 0010) cannot have leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The only characters
allowed are alpha, space, ampersand (&), hyphen (-) and less-than sign (<). The leftmost
position must be alpha. The less-than sign replaces the intervening space to identify the
Primary Taxpayer's last name. It cannot be preceded or followed by a space. Do not
enter a space before or after any less-than sign; the less-than sign takes the place of a

Note: The Taxpayer's Name for forms 56, 2350, and 9465 cannot have ampersand (&).

o If Spouse Name for Form 9465 (SEQ 0030), and Form 2350 (SEQ 0040) is present, it
must meet the same criteria for validation as Taxpayer's Name.

o The Name Line 1 (Form 4868 SEQ 0030) is a required field.

o Taxpayer's Name for Forms 56 and 9465 (SEQ 0010), and Form 2350 (SEQ 0010) is a
required field.

0022 o State Abbreviation (Form 9465 SEQ 0080, Form 2350 SEQ 0090, and Form 4868
SEQ 0060) must be alpha and consistent with the standard state abbreviations issued by
the Postal Service.

o State Abbreviation (Form 9465 SEQ 0080) is a required field.

0023 o The City (Form 9465 SEQ 0070, Form 2350 SEQ 0080, and Form 4868 SEQ 0050) must
be present, left-justified and contain a minimum of three alpha characters, blank filled
when transmitted in fixed format.

o The Foreign Country (Form 2350 SEQ 0120, and Form 4868 SEQ 0036) must be present,
left-justified and contain a minimum of three alpha characters, blank filled when
transmitted in fixed format.

o City may not contain consecutive, embedded spaces. Only alphabetic characters and
spaces are valid. DO NOT abbreviate cities.

o The City (Form 9465 SEQ 0070) is a required field.

0027 o The Electronic Document Originator Name (Field 0010) must be present in the Summary

o The EFIN of the Originator (Field 0020) must be present in the Summary Record AND be
equal to the EFIN in the DCN of the ETD Document.
0028 o The Two Digit Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) Prefix Codes in the EFIN of
the Originator in the Document Record must be valid.

An “out of service center” Two Digit Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) Prefix
Codes is permitted when Processing Site equals “G” (Philadelphia) and at one of the
following is present: Forms 56, 2350, 4868, 9465, and address indicator of the Form equal
to “3” or State Abbreviation is a U.S. Possession.

0030 o A Form Payment must be accompanied by Forms 4868 or 2350, if

there is a payment.

o An Authentication record must be present with Form 56, 2350, 9465 and Form 4868 with
a payment.

0031 o The Document Sequence Number must be numeric.

0032 o The Declaration Control Number must be numeric.

0033 o Fields on a record must NOT be longer than specified in Section 7 Record Layouts.

0034 o For each record, significant data must be present following the Record ID.

0035 o Sequence Numbers of fields for each record must be in ascending order and valid for that
tax document.

0044 o The incoming record has an invalid RECORD ID. The Form is invalid for Electronic
Transmitted Documents, or the page number is incorrect or duplicated.

0045 o The number of occurrences for tax documents cannot exceed the allowed number.

o The format and content of the record identification information Record Id) which begins
each type of record must be exactly as presented in the input specifications.

0060 o The Document Sequence Number (DSN) must be in ascending numerical sequence
within a transmission. However, the DSN does not have to be consecutive.

0061 o The Declaration Control Number must be in ascending numerical sequence within the
transmission. However, the DCN does not have to be consecutive.

0062 o The first two digits of the Declaration Control Number must be zeros.

0064 o The Year Digit of the DCN must be “6”.

0071 o If present, the Spouse SSN must be all numeric, cannot be all zeros, nor all nines; must
be within the valid range of SSNs/ITINs and must not equal the Primary SSN.

0167 o Form 9465 Monthly Payment Date (SEQ 0310) must be present and within the range of
01 to 28.

0168 o Form 9465 Monthly Payment (SEQ 0300) must be $25.00 or more.

0172 o Form 9465 Amount Owed (SEQ 0280) CANNOT be greater than $25,000.
0304 o If Form Payment is for an extension payment the primary PIN (SEQ 0035) must be
present and numeric.

o If Spouse’s SSN is present and Form Payment is present, the spouse’s PIN must be

o The Primary PIN number must be present for Form 2350(SEQ 0330), and Form 9465
(SEQ 380), unless Other Than Taxpayer (SEQ 0300) is present.

o If preparer name is present, preparer signature date (SEQs 0305, or 0355) must be

0305 o Agent’s name (if applicable) cannot be used as return label without taxpayer's name for
Form 2350.

0306 o For return label for Form 2350, agent Name (SEQ 0380) cannot be present without
taxpayer's name (SEQ 0370).

o For the extensions filed from foreign country (excluding U.S. possessions), address
indicator (Form 56 SEQ 0220, Form 2350 SEQ 0150, Form 4868 SEQ 0080, and Form
9465 SEQ 0095) must be set to 3 and the domestic address fields must be blank and
Foreign Address fields must be filled.

0310 o Forms 4868 and 2350 must be received no later than April 17, 2006 or April 22, 2006 in
the case of corrected forms.

0311 o Foreign Forms 4868 and 2350 must be received no later than June 15, 2006 in the case
of retransmitted for June 20, 2006.

0312 o If the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0100) on Form 4868 is present, the Name Line 1 (SEQ 0030)
must contain an ampersand.

o If the Name Line 1 (SEQ 0030) contains an ampersand, the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0100)
must be present.

o If the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0060) on Form 2350 is present, Spouse’s name (SEQ 0040)
must be present.

o If the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0060) on Form 2350 is not present, Spouse’s name (SEQ 0040)
must not be present.

0313 o The Tax Type Code of Form Payment (SEQ 0070) must be “4868E” for extension
payment attached to the Form 4868 and 2350E for
Extension payment attached to the Form 2350.

o The Tax Type Code of Form Payment (SEQ 0070) is a required Field.

o Only one Tax Type Code of Form Payment (SEQ 0070) can be present on each Form

0315 o The Primary SSN and the Name Control for the tax document must match the
corresponding data in the IRS Master File.
0316 o The Spouse SSN and the Name Control for the tax document must match the
corresponding data in the IRS Master File.

0318 o The Form 56 either the Fiduciary’s USA Phone No. (SEQ 0225) or Fiduciary’s Foreign
Phone No. (SEQ 230) must be present and numeric. It cannot be all zeroes.

o The Form 9465 either the Taxpayer’s Home Phone (SEQ 0110) or Taxpayer’s Work
Number (SEQ 0130) or (SEQ 0155) must be present, 10/20 characters long and numeric.

o Form Payment – The taxpayer’s Day Time Phone Number (SEQ 0090) must be 10
characters long and numeric. It cannot be all zeroes.

0320 o The Amount of Tax Payment on the Form PMT (SEQ 0060) must be greater than zeroes.

o If Part 2 is present on Form 4868, the Amount of Tax Payment on the Form PMT
(SEQ 0060) (Tax Type Code 4868E) must be equal to the amount on Form 4868,
Line 7 (SEQ 0210).

o For Form 2350, the Amount of Tax Payment on the Form Payment
(SEQ 0060) and (Tax Type Code 2350E), must be equal to the amount on Form 2350,
Line 5.

0321 o For Form 2350, Line 4 (SEQ 0220 through SEQ 0260) must be filled and valid.

0322 o The Extension Date for Form 2350 (SEQ 0160) is a required field.

0323 o When Date of Death (SEQ 0250) of Form 56 is present, then Year cannot be equal or
later than processing year.

0324 o The Tax Form Number (SEQs 0320 and 0353) of Form 56 must contain “1040”.

0325 o The Tax Year One (SEQ 0330 & 0354), Year Two (SEQ 0332 & 0355), Year Three
(SEQ 0334 & 0356), Period One (SEQ 0340 & 0357), Period Two (0342 & 0358) or
Period Three (SEQ 0344 & 0359) cannot be all blanks.

0326 o The Jurat/Disclosure Code of the Authentication Record (SEQ 0075) must be “E” for Form
4868 with Electronic Funds Withdrawal), “F” for Form 9465, “G” for Form 2350, “H” for
Form 56, and “I” for Form 4868 when with Electronic Funds Withdrawal when the
Practitioner PIN method is used.

0327 o The Preparer Name (SEQ 0350 for Form 2350 must match with Signature of Preparer
Other Than Taxpayer SEQ 0100)of Authentication Record.

0328 o The Fiduciary Name (SEQ 0610) for Form 56 must match with Fiduciary Name
(SEQ 0120) of Authentication Record.

0329 o No Form 4868 on file at the IRS or the tax return (Form 1040/A/EZ) has already been
0395 o The Primary SSN of Form PMT (SEQ 0010) must be same as the Primary SSN of Form
4868 (SEQ 0090) and Form 2350 (SEQ 0030).

o If the Secondary SSN of Form PMT is present, it must be same as the Spouse SSN of
Form 4868 (SEQ 0100) and Form 2350 (SEQ 0060).

o The Taxpayer’s SSN of Form PMT (SEQ 0010) must be same as the Primary SSN of
Form 2350 (SEQ 0030).

o If the Secondary SSN of Form PMT is present, it must be same as the Spouse SSN of
Form 2350 (SEQ 0060).

0396 o The Form 9465 Routing Transit Number (RTN)(SEQ 0330), or the Form 4868 Form
Payment Routing Transit Number (SEQ 0030) must contain nine numeric characters.
The first two positions must be 01 through 12, or 21 through 32; The RTN must be
present on the Financial Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking institution
must Process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

o The Bank Account Number for Form 9465 (SEQ 0340) or Form Payment (SEQ 0040)
must be alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha characters, numeric characters, and hyphens),
must be left-justified with trailing blanks if less than 17 positions, and cannot equal all

o Form 9465 if the Routing Transit Number (SEQ 0330) or Bank Account Number
(SEQ 0340) is significant the Electronic Funds Withdrawal must be from the Checking

o The Type of Account for Forms 4868 and 2350 Form Payment, Payment (SEQ 0050)
must contain “1” or “2”.

0397 o The Requested Payment Date for Form Payment (SEQ 0080) must be present and
cannot be later than April 17, 2006, when a domestic payment is present.

o The Requested Payment Date for Form Payment (SEQ 0080) must be present and
cannot be later than June 15, 2006, when a foreign payment is present.

o The Requested Payment Date for Form Payment (SEQ 0080) must be a valid date format

0490 o When Electronic Postmark is present, Year of Electronic Post-mark Date (SEQ 0260)
must equal the current processing year.

0491 o When Electronic Postmark is present, the following three fields must be present:
Electronic Postmark Date (SEQ 0260), Electronic Postmark Time (SEQ 0270), Electronic
Postmark Time Zone (SEQ 0280). (For Authorized Electronic Postmark Transmitters

0668 o Self-Select PIN Program – Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-select PIN
Program since the Primary Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.

0669 o Self-Select PIN Program – The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in Self-
select PIN Program since the Secondary Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.
0670 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “S”, and there is no
Electronic Funds Withdrawal, the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Taxpayer
Signature (SEQ 0035), Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ
0075) must be present.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "S" and an
Electronic Funds Withdrawal is present the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary
Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020), Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035),
Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) and PIN Authorization
Code (SEQ 0080) must be present on the Authentication Record.

0671 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “S” and Spouse PIN
Number is present (SEQ 0340 for Form 2350, SEQ 0290 for SEQ 0400 for Form 9465),
then Spouse’s Date of Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse’s Prior Year AGI (SEQ 0050), and
Spouse’s Signature (SEQ 0065) must be present.

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "S" and the
Spouse’s SSN is present on the Form and an Electronic Funds Withdrawal is present, the
Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
(SEQ 0050), Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065), Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure
Code (SEQ 0075) and PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) must be present on the
Authentication Record.

0674 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “P”, “S” or “O”, then,
Taxpayer PIN Number (SEQ 0330 for Form 2350, and SEQ 0380 for Form 9465) must be
(numeric and greater than zeroes) and must equal to Primary Taxpayer Signature
(SEQ 0035) of Authentication Record.

0675 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “P”,“S” or “O”, and
Spouse PIN Number is present (SEQ 0340 for Form 2350, and SEQ 0400 for Form 9465)
it must match and the Spouse PIN Number must be (numeric and greater than zeroes)
and must equal to Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) of Authentication Record.

0677 o The Primary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN program if under
the age of sixteen and have not filed previously.

0678 o The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN program if under
the age of sixteen and has not filed in the prior year.

0679 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “S” or “O”, then,
Primary Prior Year AGI (SEQ 0020) of Authentication record must match with IRS Master

0680 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “S” or “O”, then,
Spouse Prior Year AGI (SEQ 0050) of Authentication record must match with IRS Master
0681 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “O”, then, Primary Date
of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Prior Year AGI (SEQ 0020), Primary Taxpayer Signature
(SEQ 0035), Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must be

o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "O" and an
Electronic Funds Withdrawal is present, the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary
Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020), Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035),
Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), and PIN Authorization Code
(SEQ 0080) must be present on the Authentication Record.

0682 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “O” and Spouse PIN
Number is present (SEQ 0340 for Form 2350, and SEQ 0400 for Form 9465), then,
Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year AGI (SEQ 0050), and Spouse
Signature (SEQ 0065) must be present.

o When the PIN Type Code of the Authentication Record is "O" and a Spouse SSN is present
on the Form, and an Electronic Funds Withdrawal is present, the Spouse Date of Birth
(SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050), Spouse Signature
(SEQ 0065), Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), and PIN
Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) must be present on the Authentication Record.

0697 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “P”, then, Primary
Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and Jurat/Disclosure Code
(SEQ 0075) must be present.

o For Form 4868 - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "P"
and an Electronic Funds
Withdrawal is present, the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Signature Date
(SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) and
ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) must be present on the Authentication Record.

0698 o When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “P” and Spouse PIN
Number (SEQ 0340 for Form 2350, and SEQ 0400 for Form 9465) is present, then,
Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065)must be present.

o For Form 4868 - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of Authentication Record is “P”,
then, Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035), Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must be present.

o For Form 4868 - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "P"
and an Electronic Funds Withdrawal is present, the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035),
Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code
(SEQ 0080) and ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) must be present on the Authentication Record.

o For Form 4868 - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is
"P" and Spouse SSN (SEQ 0010) is present on the Form, and an Electronic Funds
Withdrawal is present, then Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065), Signature Date (SEQ 0070),
Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075), PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080) and ERO
EFIN/PIN (SEQ 0090) must be present on the Authentication Record.

0699 o When the PIN TYPE CODE (SEQ 0008) of the Authentication Record is "P", then the
Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020), and Spouse Prior Year Adjusted
Gross Income (SEQ 0050) must be blank on the Authentication Record.
0806 o Processing Site must equal a valid Electronic Filing Site (SEQ 0040): Andover = “C”,
Austin = “E”, Kansas = “F”, Philadelphia = “G”, Fresno = “H”.

0822 o The Transmission Sequence Number of the TRANA cannot match a previously accepted

0823 o If there is any unrecognizable or inconsistent control data, the transmission will be


0824 o TRANA Record A(TRANA) – Transmitter EFIN must be (SEQ 0110) Present.

0825 o TRANA Record A (TRANA) – Transmission Type (SEQ 0170) must Equal “D” (ETD), or
“N” (On-line).

0840 o The ETIN and Transmitter's Use Code (Field 0040), Julian day (Field 0050), and
Transmission Sequence Number (Field 0060) of the RECAP Record must agree with the
corresponding fields of the TRANA record (Fields 0060-0080).

0900 o The Primary SSN must not duplicate the Primary SSN of any previously accepted
electronic transmitted Form 4868 for the current tax year.

0999 o If more than 96 reject conditions are identified, the last Reject Code will be "0999".
Form Field Exhibit Index TY 2005
Form or Form or
Schedule Page Number Schedule Page Number
Form 1040 B-1 Form 3800 B-60
Schedule A&B B-3 Form 3903 B-62
Schedule C B-5 Form 4136 B-63
Schedule C-EZ B-7 Form 4137 B-65
Schedule D B-8 Form 4255 B-66
Schedule E B-10 Form 4562 B-67
Schedule EIC B-12 Form 4563 B-69
Schedule F B-13 Form 4684 B-70
Schedule H B-15 Form 4797 B-72
Schedule J B-17 Form 4835 B-74
Schedule R B-18 Form 4952 B-75
Schedule SE B-20 Form 4970 B-76
Form 1040A B-22 Form 4972 B-77
Schedule 1 B-24 Form 5074 B-78
Schedule 2 B-25 Form 5329 B-79
Schedule 3 B-27 Form 5471 B-81
Form 1040EZ B-29 Schedule J B-85
Form 1099-R B-30 Schedule M B-86
Form W-2 B-31 Schedule O B-87
Form W-2G B-32 Form 5713 B-89
Form W-2GU B-33 Schedule A B-93
FEC Template B-34 Schedule B B-94
Form 970 B-35 Schedule C B-95
Form 982 B-37 Form 5884 B-97
Form 1116 B-38 Form 5884-A B-98
Form 1310 B-40 Form 6198 B-99
Form 2106 B-41 Form 6251 B-100
Form 2106-EZ B-43 Form 6252 B-102
Form 2120 B-44 Form 6478 B-103
Form 2210 B-45 Form 6765 B-104
Form 2210F B-49 Form 6781 B-106
Form 2439 B-50 Form 8082 B-107
Form 2441 B-51 Form 8271 B-109
Form 2555 B-53 Form 8275 B-110
Form 2555EZ B-56 Form 8275-R B-112
Form 3468 B-58 Form 8283 B-114

Form Field Exhibit Index TY 2005 (Cont.)
Form or Form or
Schedule Page Number Schedule Page Number
Form 8379 B-116 Form 8862 B-167
Form 8396 B-117 Form 8863 B-168
Form 8582 B-118 Form 8864 B-169
Form 8582-CR B-121 Form 8865 B-170
Form 8586 B-123 Schedule K-1 B-177
Form 8594 B-124 Schedule O B-178
Form 8606 B-126 Schedule P B-179
Form 8609-A B-128 Form 8866 B-180
Form 8611 B-129 Form 8873 B-181
Form 8615 B-130 Form 8874 B-183
Form 8621 B-131 Form 8880 B-184
Form 8689 B-133 Form 8881 B-185
Form 8697 B-134 Form 8882 B-186
Form 8801 B-136 Form 8885 B-187
Form 8812 B-138 Form 8886 B-188
Form 8814 B-139 Form 8889 B-190
Form 8815 B-140 Form 8891 B-191
Form 8820 B-141 Form 8896 B-192
Form 8824 B-142 Form 8901 B-193
Form 8826 B-144 Form 8903 B-194
Form 8828 B-145 Form 8914 B-195
Form 8829 B-146 Form 8915 B-196
Form 8830 B-147 Form T B-198
Form 8833 B-148
Form 8834 B-149 Authentication
Form 8835 B-150 Record B-202
Form 8839 B-152 Allocation
Form 8844 B-154 Record B-203
Form 8845 B-155 Form Payment
Form 8846 B-156 Record B-205
Form 8847 B-157 Form 9465 B-206
Form 8853 B-158
Form 8854 B-160 Form 56 B-207
Form 8859 B-164 Form 2350 B-209
Form 8860 B-165 Form 4868 B-210
Form 8861 B-166

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service


U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (99) IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.
For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2005, or other tax year beginning , 2005, ending , 20 OMB No. 1545-0074
Label Your first name and initial Last name 050 Your social security number
(See L 060 010 020
instructions A
B If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name 055 Spouse’s social security number
on page 16.)
070 030 040
Use the IRS L
label. Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see page 16. Apt. no.
Otherwise, H
E 062 080  You must enter
your SSN(s) above. 
please print R
or type. E City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 16. 100 Checking a box below will not
Presidential 064 066 083 087 095 097 110 your tax or 120
098 change refund.
Election Campaign  Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund (see page 16)  You Spouse
1 Single 4 @135
Head of household (with qualifying "STMbnn"
person). (See page 17.) If
Filing Status 2 Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, enter
130 this child’s name here.  150 153
Check only 3 Married filing separately. Enter spouse’s SSN above
one box. and full name here.  140 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (see page 17)

Boxes checked
6a160 Yourself. If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not check box 6a on 6a and 6b 167
Exemptions b163 Spouse 164 165 No. of children
(3) Dependent’s (4) if qualifying on 6c who:
c Dependents: (2) Dependent’s 240
relationship to child for child tax ● lived with you
(1) First name Last name social security number
you credit (see page 19) ● did not live with
you due to divorce
*170 +171 +172 +175 +177 +178 or separation 247
If more than four 180 181 182 185 187 188 (see page 20)
dependents, see Dependents on 6c 350
page 19. 190 191 192 195 197 198 not entered above
200 201 202 205 207 208 Add numbers on
d Total number of exemptions claimed lines above 
357 358 362 364 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 @374 "STM nn" 375 7 378 379
7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Attach Form(s) W-2
Income 8a Taxable interest. Attach Schedule B if required 8a 380
b Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a 8b 385 390 "F8814"
Attach Form(s)
W-2 here. Also 9a Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required 9a 391 394
attach Forms 392 "F8814" 9b 396
b Qualified dividends (see page 23)
W-2G and
1099-R if tax 10 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes (see page 23) 10 420
was withheld. 11 Alimony received 11 430
12 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ 12 440
13 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here  13 447 450
If you did not 14 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 14 460 "F4684" 470
get a W-2, 15a IRA distributions 15a 475 477 "ROLLOVER"
b Taxable amount (see page 25) 15b @479 "STM nn" 480
see page 22.
16a Pensions and annuities 16a 485 b Taxable amount (see page 25) 16b 487 "ROLLOVER" 495
Enclose, but do 17 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 17 510
not attach, any 18 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F 18 520
payment. Also, 545 "REPAID" 551 19 552
please use 19 Unemployment compensation
Form 1040-V. 20a 555 security
Social "D",benefits
"LSE" 20a 553 b Taxable amount (see page 27) 20b 557
21 Other income. List type and amount (see page 29) *560 +570 / *574 +577 21 590
22 Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 7 through 21. This is your total income  22 600
23 Educator expenses (see page 29) 23 623
Adjusted 24 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and
Gross fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ
624 24
Income 25 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 635 25
26 Moving expenses. Attach Form 3903 26 637
27 One-half of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 27 640
28 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 28 650
29 Self-employed health insurance deduction (see page 30) 29 670
30 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 30 680
31a Alimony paid b Recipient’s SSN  *693 "STM nn" 31a +695 697
32 IRA deduction (see page 31) 32 700
33 Student loan interest deduction (see page 33) 33 702
34 Tuition and fees deduction (see page 34) 34 705
35 Domestic production activities deduction. Attach Form 8903 35 710
36 Add lines 23 through 31a and 32 through 35 *720 +730 732 733 735 36 740
37 Subtract line 36 from line 22. This is your adjusted gross income  37 750
For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 78. Cat. No. 11320B Form 1040 (2005)

Form 1040 (2005) Page 2
38 Amount from line 37 (adjusted gross income) 38 770
Tax and
兵 其
772 774
39a Check You were born before January 2, 1941, Blind. Total boxes
Credits 776 778 783
if: Spouse was born before January 2, 1941, Blind. checked  39a
Standard b If your spouse itemizes on a separate return or you were a dual-status alien, see page 35 and check here 39b 786
Deduction 40 Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left margin) 40 787 "SECT 933" 789
41 Subtract line 40 from line 38 41 800
● People who
checked any 42 If line 38 is over $109,475, or you provided housing to a person displaced by Hurricane Katrina,
box on line see page 37. Otherwise, multiply $3,200 by the total number of exemptions claimed on line 6d 42 810
39a or 39b or
who can be 43 Taxable income. Subtract line 42 from line 41. If line 42 is more than line 41, enter -0- 43 820
claimed as a 853 857 Form(s) 8814 880 44 890 "ECR" 900
dependent, 44 Tax (see page 37). Check if any tax is from: a b Form 4972
see page 36. 45 Alternative minimum tax (see page 39). Attach Form 6251 45 918
● All others: 46 Add lines 44 and 45  46 920
Single or 47 Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 if required 47 922
Married filing 48 Credit for child and dependent care expenses. Attach Form 2441 48 925
$5,000 49 Credit for the elderly or the disabled. Attach Schedule R 49 930
Married filing 50 Education credits. Attach Form 8863 50 935
jointly or 51 Retirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880 51 937
widow(er), 52 Child tax credit (see page 41). Attach Form 8901 if required 52 940
$10,000 53 53 960
Adoption credit. Attach Form 8839
Head of 54 Credits985
from: a Form 8396 990
b Form 8859 54 995
household, 1000
$7,300 55 Other credits. Check applicable box(es): a Form 3800
1005 1006 1010 55 1015 @1016 "STMbnn"
b Form 8801 c Form
56 Add lines 47 through 55. These are your total credits 1020 56
57 Subtract line 56 from line 46. If line 56 is more than line 46, enter -0- 1030 1035  57
58 Self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 58 1040
Other 59 1070 "RRTA" 1080
59 Social security and Medicare tax on tip income not reported to employer. Attach Form 4137
Taxes 60 1095 "NO" 1100
60 Additional tax on IRAs, other qualified retirement plans, etc. Attach Form 5329 if required
61 Advance earned income credit payments from Form(s) W-2 61 1105
62 1107
*1110 +1112 1114 62 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule1118 H
1119 1121 1122 1123 
63 Add lines 57 through 62. This is your total tax
1131 1132 1134 1136 1136 1137 1139 1141 1145 1150 63 1124 1126 1128 1129
64 1150 "Formb1099" 1160
Payments 64 Federal income tax withheld from Forms 1161
W-2 and 1099
1162 "DIV" 65
65 2005 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2004 return 1170 @1173 "STM nn"
If you have a 66a Earned income credit (EIC) 1178 66a 1180 1183 "CLERGY" or "NO"
qualifying  66b 1185
child, attach
b Nontaxable combat pay election
Schedule EIC. 67 Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld (see page 59) 67 1188
68 Additional child tax credit. Attach Form 8812 68 1192
69 Amount paid with request for extension to file (see page 59) 69 1197
70 Payments from: a 1202 1205
Form 2439 b 1208
Form 4136 c Form 8885 70 1210 1245 "FORM 8689" 1246
71 Add lines 64, 65, 66a, and 67 through 70. These are your total payments  71 1250
72 If line 71 is more than line 63, subtract line 63 from line 71. This is the amount you overpaid 72 1260
Direct deposit? 73a Amount of line 72 you want refunded to you  73a 1270
1274 1276
See page 59  b Routing number 1272  c Type: Checking Savings
and fill in 73b,  d Account number 1278
73c, and 73d.
74 Amount of line 72 you want applied to your 2006 estimated tax  74 1280
Amount 75 Amount you owe. Subtract line 71 from line 63. For details on how to pay, see page 60  75 1290
You Owe 76 Estimated tax penalty (see page 60) 76 1276
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS (see page 61)? 1303Yes. Complete the following. 1305
Third Party
Designee’s Phone Personal identification
Designee name 
no.  (
) number (PIN) 
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
Sign belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

Your signature Date Your occupation Daytime phone number
Joint return?
See page 17. 1321 1323 1328 1329
( )
Keep a copy Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date Spouse’s occupation
for your
records. 1324 1325 1326 1327

Paid Preparer’s
signature  1338 "IRS-PREPARED"
Check if
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
Use Only
Firm’s name (or
yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code
1400 1410
Phone no. ( )
Form 1040 (2005)

SCHEDULES A&B OMB No. 1545-0074
Schedule A—Itemized Deductions
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
(Schedule B is on back) 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040.  See Instructions for Schedules A&B (Form 1040). Sequence No. 07
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Medical Caution. Do not include expenses reimbursed or paid by others.

and 1 Medical and dental expenses (see page A-2) 1 015
Dental 2 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 2 065
Expenses 3 Multiply line 2 by 7.5% (.075) 3 070
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is more than line 1, enter -0- 4 080
Taxes You 5 State and local (check only one box):
page A-2.)
Income taxes, or
General sales taxes (see page A-3) 其 5


6 Real estate taxes (see page A-5)
7 Personal property taxes 7 110
8 Other taxes. List type and amount 
*130 "STM nn" +135 8 140
9 Add lines 5 through 8 9 150
Interest 10 Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1098 10@159 "STM nn" 160
You Paid 11 Home mortgage interest not reported to you on Form 1098. If paid
(See to the person from whom you bought the home, see page A-6 @165 "STM nn"
page A-5.) and show that person’s name, identifying no., and address  *170 "STM nn"
+180 +190
Note. 11 195
12 Points not reported to you on Form 1098. See page A-6
interest is
for special rules 12 203
deductible. 13 Investment interest. Attach Form 4952 if required. (See
page A-6.) 13 207
14 Add lines 10 through 13 14 290
Gifts to 15a Total gifts by cash or check. If you made any gift of $250
Charity or more, see page A-7 15a 350
If you made a b Gifts by cash or check after August
gift and got a 27, 2005, that you elect to treat as
benefit for it, 355
see page A-7.
qualified contributions (see page A-7) 15b
16 Other than by cash or check. If any gift of $250 or more,
see page A-7. You must attach Form 8283 if over $500 16 360
17 Carryover from prior year 17 370
18 Add lines 15a, 16, and 17 18 380
Casualty and
Theft Losses 19 Casualty or theft loss(es). Attach Form 4684. (See page A-8.) 19 390
*400 "STM nn" +405
Job Expenses 20 Unreimbursed employee expenses—job travel, union
and Certain dues, job education, etc. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ
Miscellaneous if required. (See page A-8.)  20 410
Deductions 21 Tax preparation fees 21 415
(See 22 Other expenses—investment, safe deposit box, etc. List
page A-8.) type and amount  *420 "STM nn" +430
432 434 22 435
23 Add lines 20 through 22 23 445
24 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 24 450
25 Multiply line 24 by 2% (.02) 25 455
26 Subtract line 25 from line 23. If line 25 is more than line 23, enter -0- 26 465
Other 27 Other—from list on page A-9. List type and amount 
Miscellaneous *475 "STM nn" +485
Deductions 27 495
Total 28 Is Form 1040, line 38, over $145,950 (over $72,975 if married filing separately)?

Itemized No. Your deduction is not limited. Add the amounts in the far right column
Deductions for lines 4 through 27. Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, line 40.  28 520
Yes. Your deduction may be limited. See page A-9 for the amount to enter. 530
29 If you elect to itemize deductions even though they are less than your standard deduction, check here 
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. B-3 Cat. No. 11330X Schedule A (Form 1040) 2005
Schedules A&B (Form 1040) 2005 OMB No. 1545-0074 Page 2
Name(s) shown on Form 1040. Do not enter name and social security number if shown on other side. Your social security number

Schedule B—Interest and Ordinary Dividends Sequence No. 08
1 List name of payer. If any interest is from a seller-financed mortgage and the
Part I buyer used the property as a personal residence, see page B-1 and list this
Interest interest first. Also, show that buyer’s social security number and address 
(See page B-1
and the *010 "STM nn" +011 +012 +015 025
instructions for
Form 1040,
line 8a.) *030 "STM nn" +040
050 060
070 1 080
090 100
Note. If you 110 120
received a Form 140
1099-INT, Form
1099-OID, or 160 "INTEREST SUBTOTAL" 220
substitute 230 "NOMINEE DISTIBUTION" 240
statement from
a brokerage firm,
list the firm’s 270 "TAX-EXEMPT INTEREST" 280
name as the 281 "OID ADJUSTMENT" 282
payer and enter 283 "ABP ADJUSTMENT" 284
the total interest
shown on that 2 Add the amounts on line 1 2 288
3 Excludable interest on series EE and I U.S. savings bonds issued after 1989.
Attach Form 8815 3 289
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 8a  4 290
Note. If line 4 is over $1,500, you must complete Part III. Amount
5 List name of payer 
Part II
Dividends *300 "STM nn" +310
(See page B-1
and the 320 330
instructions for 340 350
Form 1040,
line 9a.) 360 370
380 390
400 410
420 430
Note. If you 440 5 450
received a Form
1099-DIV or 460 470
substitute 480 490
statement from
a brokerage firm,
list the firm’s 495 "DIVIDEND SUBTOTAL" 499
name as the
payer and enter 510 "NOMINEE DISTRIBUTION" 520
the ordinary
dividends shown
on that form.

6 Add the amounts on line 5. Enter the total here and on Form 1040, line 9a  6 525
Note. If line 6 is over $1,500, you must complete Part III.
You must complete this part if you (a) had over $1,500 of taxable interest or ordinary dividends; or (b) had Yes No
Part III a foreign account; or (c) received a distribution from, or were a grantor of, or a transferor to, a foreign trust.
Foreign 587 "FORM 8814"
7a At any time during 2005, did you have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial
Accounts account in a foreign country, such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account?
See page B-2 for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1 590 595
and Trusts
b If “Yes,” enter the name of the foreign country  600
page B-2.) 8 During 2005, did you receive a distribution from, or were you the grantor of, or transferor to, a
foreign trust? If “Yes,” you may have to file Form 3520. See page B-2 608 "FORM 8814" 610 615
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Schedule B (Form 1040) 2005
OMB No. 1545-0074
SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business
(Form 1040)

Department of the Treasury

(Sole Proprietorship)
Partnerships, joint ventures, etc., must file Form 1065 or 1065-B.
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040 or 1041.  See Instructions for Schedule C (Form 1040). Sequence No. 09
Name of proprietor Social security number (SSN)
010 015
A Principal business or profession, including product or service (see page C-2 of the instructions) B Enter code from pages C-8, 9, & 10
020  030
C Business name. If no separate business name, leave blank. D Employer ID number (EIN), if any
040 060
E Business address (including suite or room no.)  061
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code 062
063 064 066 *068 "STM nn"
F Accounting method: (1) Cash (2) Accrual (3) Other (specify) 
G Did you “materially participate” in the operation of this business during 2005? If “No,” see page C-3 for limit on losses 177 Yes 183 No
H If you started or acquired this business during 2005, check here 195 
Part I Income
1 Gross receipts or sales. Caution. If this income was reported to you on Form W-2 and the “Statutory
employee” box on that form was checked, see page C-3 and check here  1 200
2 Returns and allowances 2 210
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 220
4 Cost of goods sold (from line 42 on page 2) 4 230

5 Gross profit. Subtract line 4 from line 3 5 240

6 Other income, including Federal and state gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund (see page C-3) 6 260

7 Gross income. Add lines 5 and 6  7 270

Part II Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on line 30.
8 Advertising 8 280 18 Office expense 18 357
9 Car and truck expenses (see 19 Pension and profit-sharing plans 19 363
page C-3) 9 293 20 Rent or lease (see page C-5):
10 Commissions and fees 10 297 a Vehicles, machinery, and equipment 20a 365
11 Contract labor (see page C-4) 11 300 b Other business property 20b 367
12 Depletion 12 303 21 Repairs and maintenance 21 373
22 Supplies (not included in Part III) 22 377
13 Depreciation and section 179
expense deduction (not 23 Taxes and licenses 23 383
included in Part III) (see 24 Travel, meals, and entertainment:
page C-4) 13 307 a Travel 24a 387
14 Employee benefit programs b Deductible meals and
(other than on line 19) 14 317 entertainment (see page C-5) 24b 393
15 Insurance (other than health) 15 327 25 Utilities 25 407
16 Interest: @333 "STM nn" 26 Wages (less employment credits) 26 450
a Mortgage (paid to banks, etc.) 16a 337 27 Other expenses (from line 48 on
b Other @340 "STM nn" 16b 343 page 2) 27 605
17 Legal and professional
services 17 353
28 Total expenses before expenses for business use of home. Add lines 8 through 27 in columns  28 700

29 Tentative profit (loss). Subtract line 28 from line 7 29 702

30 Expenses for business use of your home. Attach Form 8829 30 703

31 Net profit or (loss). Subtract line 30 from line 29.
705 "PAL"
● If a profit, enter on Form 1040, line 12, and also on Schedule SE, line 2 (statutory employees,
see page C-6). Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3. 31 710
● If a loss, you must go to line 32.

32 If you have a loss, check the box that describes your investment in this activity (see page C-6). 720
● If you checked 32a, enter the loss on Form 1040, line 12, and also on Schedule SE, line 2 32a All investment is at risk.
(statutory employees, see page C-6). Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3. 32b Some investment is not
● If you checked 32b, you must attach Form 6198. Your loss may be limited. 730 at risk.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page C-7 of the instructions. Cat. No. 11334P Schedule C (Form 1040) 2005

Schedule C (Form 1040) 2005 Page 2
Part III Cost of Goods Sold (see page C-6)
33 Method(s) used to 741 742 744 @746 "STM nn"
value closing inventory: a Cost b Lower of cost or market c Other (attach explanation)
34 Was there any change in determining quantities, costs, or valuations between opening and closing inventory? If 748 753
“Yes,” attach explanation @751 "STM nn" Yes No

35 Inventory at beginning of year. If different from last year’s closing inventory, attach explanation 35 755

36 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use 36 758

37 Cost of labor. Do not include any amounts paid to yourself 37 760

38 Materials and supplies 38 770

39 Other costs 39 780

40 Add lines 35 through 39 40 790

41 Inventory at end of year 41 800

42 Cost of goods sold. Subtract line 41 from line 40. Enter the result here and on page 1, line 4
42 810
Part IV Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on
line 9 and are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructions for line 13 on page
C-4 to find out if you must file Form 4562.

43 When did you place your vehicle in service for business purposes? (month, day, year)  *820/ YYYYMMDD
/ . or "STM nn"

44 Of the total number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2005, enter the number of miles you used your vehicle for:

a Business +830 b Commuting (see instructions) +840 c Other +850

+860 +870
45 Do you (or your spouse) have another vehicle available for personal use? Yes No
+880 +890
46 Was your vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? Yes No
+900 +910
47a Do you have evidence to support your deduction? Yes No
+920 +930
b If “Yes,” is the evidence written? Yes No
Part V Other Expenses. List below business expenses not included on lines 8–26 or line 30.
*940 "STM nn" +950

960 970

980 990

1000 1010

1020 1030

1040 1050

1060 1070

1080 1090

1100 1110

48 Total other expenses. Enter here and on page 1, line 27

Printed on recycled paper Schedule C (Form 1040) 2005
OMB No. 1545-0074
SCHEDULE C-EZ Net Profit From Business
(Form 1040)

Department of the Treasury

(Sole Proprietorship)
Partnerships, joint ventures, etc., must file Form 1065 or 1065-B.
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040 or 1041.  See instructions on back. Sequence No. 09A
Name of proprietor Social security number (SSN)
010 015

Part I General Information

 ● Had business expenses of $5,000 or  ● Had no employees during the year.

less. ● Are not required to file Form 4562,
You May Use Depreciation and Amortization, for
● Use the cash method of accounting.
Schedule C-EZ this business. See the instructions
Instead of ● Did not have an inventory at any for Schedule C, line 13, on page
Schedule C time during the year. C-4 to find out if you must file.
And You:
Only If You: ● Did not have a net loss from your ● Do not deduct expenses for
business. business use of your home.
● Had only one business as either a ● Do not have prior year unallowed
sole proprietor or statutory passive activity losses from this
employee. business.

A Principal business or profession, including product or service B Enter code from pages C-8, 9, & 10
020  030
C Business name. If no separate business name, leave blank. D Employer ID number (EIN), if any
040 060
E Business address (including suite or room no.). Address not required if same as on Form 1040, page 1.
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code
Part II Figure Your Net Profit

1 Gross receipts. Caution. If this income was reported to you on Form W-2 and the “Statutory 198
employee” box on that form was checked, see Statutory Employees in the instructions for
Schedule C, line 1, on page C-3 and check here  1 200

2 Total expenses (see instructions). If more than $5,000, you must use Schedule C 2 700

3 Net profit. Subtract line 2 from line 1. If less than zero, you must use Schedule C. Enter on
Form 1040, line 12, and also on Schedule SE, line 2. (Statutory employees do not report this
amount on Schedule SE, line 2. Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3.) 3 710
Part III Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 2.

4 When did you place your vehicle in service for business purposes? (month, day, year)  *820/ MMDDYYYY
/ or
. "STM nn"

5 Of the total number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2005, enter the number of miles you used your vehicle for:

a Business +830 b Commuting (see instructions)

+840 c Other
+860 +870
6 Do you (or your spouse) have another vehicle available for personal use? Yes No
+880 +890
7 Was your vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? Yes No
+900 +910
8a Do you have evidence to support your deduction? Yes No
+920 +930
b If “Yes,” is the evidence written? Yes No
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 14374D Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) 2005

OMB No. 1545-0074
SCHEDULE D Capital Gains and Losses
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
 Attach to Form 1040.  See Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040). 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Use Schedule D-1 to list additional transactions for lines 1 and 8. Sequence No. 12
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Part I Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held One Year or Less
(a) Description of property (b) Date (c) Date sold (d) Sales price (e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss)
acquired (see page D-6 of (see page D-6 of
(Example: 100 sh. XYZ Co.) (Mo., day, yr.) (Mo., day, yr.) the instructions) the instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)

1 +030 +040 +050 +060

*020 "STCGL" +075
090 100 110 120 130 145

160 170 180 190 200 215

230 240 250 260 270 285

300 310 320 330 340 350

2 Enter your short-term totals, if any, from Schedule D-1, 639 649
line 2 2
3 Total short-term sales price amounts. Add lines 1 and 2 in 710
column (d) 3
4 Short-term gain from Form 6252 and short-term gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 4 715
5 Net short-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from
Schedule(s) K-1 5 725
6 Short-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 8 of your Capital Loss
Carryover Worksheet on page D-6 of the instructions 6 ( 860 )

7 Net short-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 1 through 6 in column (f) 7 877
Part II Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) Description of property (b) Date (c) Date sold (d) Sales price (e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss)
acquired (see page D-6 of (see page D-6 of
(Example: 100 sh. XYZ Co.) (Mo., day, yr.) (Mo., day, yr.) the instructions) the instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)

8 +890
*880 "STM nn" "INHERIT" +900 +910 +920 +935
950 960 970 980 990 1005

1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1075

1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1145

1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400

9 Enter your long-term totals, if any, from Schedule D-1, 1701 1703
line 9 9
10 Total long-term sales price amounts. Add lines 8 and 9 in 1715
column (d) 10
11 Gain from Form 4797, Part I; long-term gain from Forms 2439 and 6252; and long-term gain or 1720
(loss) from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 11
12 Net long-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from 1731
Schedule(s) K-1 12
1760 "FORM 8814"
13 Capital gain distributions. See page D-1 of the instructions
1770 13 1775
14 Long-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 13 of your Capital Loss 1820
Carryover Worksheet on page D-6 of the instructions 14 ( )
15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (f). Then go to
Part III on the back 15 1835
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Cat. No. 11338H Schedule D (Form 1040) 2005
Schedule D (Form 1040) 2005 Page 2
Part III Summary

16 Combine lines 7 and 15 and enter the result. If line 16 is a loss, skip lines 17 through 20, and
go to line 21. If a gain, enter the gain on Form 1040, line 13, and then go to line 17 below 16 2400

17 Are lines 15 and 16 both gains?

2420 Yes. Go to line 18.
2440 No. Skip lines 18 through 21, and go to line 22.

18 Enter the amount, if any, from line 7 of the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet on page D-7 of the
instructions  18 2460

19 Enter the amount, if any, from line 18 of the Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Worksheet on
page D-8 of the instructions  19 2480

20 Are lines 18 and 19 both zero or blank?

2500 Yes. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, and then complete the Qualified Dividends and
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet on page 38 of the Instructions for Form 1040. Do not complete
lines 21 and 22 below.
2520 No. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, and then complete the Schedule D Tax Worksheet
on page D-9 of the instructions. Do not complete lines 21 and 22 below.

21 If line 16 is a loss, enter here and on Form 1040, line 13, the smaller of:

● The loss on line 16 or

● ($3,000), or if married filing separately, ($1,500) 其 21 ( 2540 )

Note. When figuring which amount is smaller, treat both amounts as positive numbers.

22 Do you have qualified dividends on Form 1040, line 9b?

2560 Yes. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, and then complete the Qualified Dividends and
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet on page 38 of the Instructions for Form 1040.
2580 No. Complete the rest of Form 1040.

Schedule D (Form 1040) 2005

SCHEDULE E OMB No. 1545-0074
Supplemental Income and Loss
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
(From rental real estate, royalties, partnerships,
S corporations, estates, trusts, REMICs, etc.) 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041.  See Instructions for Schedule E (Form 1040). Sequence No. 13
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

Part I Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties Note. If you are in the business of renting personal property, use
Schedule C or C-EZ (see page E-3). Report farm rental income or loss from Form 4835 on page 2, line 40.
1 List the type and location of each rental real estate property: 2 For each rental real estate property Yes No
listed on line 1, did you or your family
A 010 use it during the tax year for personal
045 050
020 purposes for more than the greater of:
B 025 ● 14 days or
055 060
030 ● 10% of the total days rented at B
C 035 fair rental value?
(See page E-3.) C
065 070
Properties Totals
Income: (Add columns A, B, and C.)
3 Rents received 3 100 110 120 3 125
4 Royalties received 4 130 140 150 4 155
5 Advertising 5 170 180 190
6 Auto and travel (see page E-4) 6 200 210 220
7 Cleaning and maintenance 7 230 240 250
8 Commissions 8 260 270 280
9 Insurance 9 290 300 310
10 Legal and other professional fees 10 320 330 340
11 Management fees 11 342 343 344
12 Mortgage interest paid to banks, @345 "STM nn"
etc. (see page E-4) 12 350 360 370 12 380
13 Other interest @385 "STM nn" 13 390 400 410
14 Repairs 14 420 430 440
15 Supplies 15 450 460 470
16 Taxes 16 480 490 500
17 Utilities 17 510 520 530
18 Other (list)  *570 "STM nn" +580 +590 +600
610 620 630 640
650 18 660 670 680
690 700 710 720
730 740 750 760
19 Add lines 5 through 18 19 970 980 990 19 1000
20 Depreciation expense or depletion
(see page E-4) 20 1010 1020 1030 20 1040
21 Total expenses. Add lines 19 and 20 21 1050 1060 1070
22 Income or (loss) from rental real
estate or royalty properties.
Subtract line 21 from line 3 (rents)
or line 4 (royalties). If the result is
a (loss), see page E-5 to find out
if you must file Form 6198 22 1080 1090 1100
23 Deductible rental real estate loss.
Caution. Your rental real estate
loss on line 22 may be limited. See
page E-5 to find out if you must
f i l e Form 8582. Real estate
professionals must complete line
43 on page 2 23 ( 1103 ) ( 1105 ) ( 1107 )
24 Income. Add positive amounts shown on line 22. Do not include any losses 24 1110
25 Losses. Add royalty losses from line 22 and rental real estate losses from line 23. Enter total losses here 25 ( 1120 )
26 Total rental real estate and royalty income or (loss). Combine lines 24 and 25. Enter the result here. 1130 "NPA"
If Parts II, III, IV, and line 40 on page 2 do not apply to you, also enter this amount on Form 1040, 1140
line 17. Otherwise, include this amount in the total on line 41 on page 2 26 1150
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page E-7 of the instructions. Cat. No. 11344L Schedule E (Form 1040) 2005
Schedule E (Form 1040) 2005 Attachment Sequence No. 13 Page 2
Name(s) shown on return. Do not enter name and social security number if shown on other side. Your social security number

Caution. The IRS compares amounts reported on your tax return with amounts shown on Schedule(s) K-1.
Part II Income or Loss From Partnerships and S Corporations Note. If you report a loss from an at-risk activity for
which any amount is not at risk, you must check the box in column (e) on line 28 and attach Form 6198. See page E-1.
27 Are you reporting any loss not allowed in a prior year due to the at-risk or basis limitations, a prior year unallowed 1166 1167
loss from a passive activity (if that loss was not reported on Form 8582), or unreimbursed partnership expenses? Yes No
If you answered “Yes,” see page E-6 before completing this section.
(b) Enter P for (c) Check if (d) Employer (e) Check if
28 (a) Name partnership; S foreign identification any amount is
for S corporation partnership number not at risk
A *1170 "STM nn" +1172 +1174 +1176 +1180
B 1200 1210 1220 1230 1238
C 1260 1270 1280 1290 1298
D 1320 1330 1340 1350 1358
Passive Income and Loss Nonpassive Income and Loss
(f) Passive loss allowed (g) Passive income (h) Nonpassive loss (i) Section 179 expense (j) Nonpassive income
(attach Form 8582 if required) from Schedule K–1 from Schedule K–1 deduction from Form 4562 from Schedule K–1

A *+1186 "STM nn" +1188 +1192 +1194 +1196

B 1243 1247 1253 1255 1257
C 1303 1307 1313 1315 1317
D 1363 1367 1373 1375 1377
29a Totals 1445 1455
b Totals 1475 1485 1495
30 Add columns (g) and (j) of line 29a 30 1750
31 Add columns (f), (h), and (i) of line 29b 31 ( 1755 )
32 Total partnership and S corporation income or (loss). Combine lines 30 and 31. Enter the
result here and include in the total on line 41 below 32 1765
Part III Income or Loss From Estates and Trusts
(b) Employer
33 (a) Name
identification number

A *1790 "STM nn" +1800

B 1830 1840
Passive Income and Loss Nonpassive Income and Loss
(c) Passive deduction or loss allowed (d) Passive income (e) Deduction or loss (f) Other income from
(attach Form 8582 if required) from Schedule K–1 from Schedule K–1 Schedule K–1

A *+1807 "STM nn" +1813 +1817 +1825

B 1847 1853 1857 1865
34a Totals 1913 1917
b Totals 1923 1927
35 Add columns (d) and (f) of line 34a 35 1933
36 Add columns (c) and (e) of line 34b 36 ( 1937 )
37 Total estate and trust income or (loss). Combine lines 35 and 36. Enter the result here and
include in the total on line 41 below 1939 "ES PAYMENT CLAIMED" 1943 37 1945
Part IV Income or Loss From Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs)—Residual Holder
(c) Excess inclusion from
(b) Employer (d) Taxable income (net loss) (e) Income from
38 (a) Name Schedules Q, line 2c
identification number (see page E-6) from Schedules Q, line 1b Schedules Q, line 3b

*1953 "STM nn" +1957 +1963 +1967 +1973

39 Combine columns (d) and (e) only. Enter the result here and include in the total on line 41 below 39 1977
Part V Summary
40 Net farm rental income or (loss) from Form 4835. Also, complete line 42 below 40 1991
41 Total income or (loss). Combine lines 26, 32, 37, 39, and 40. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 17  41 2010
42 Reconciliation of farming and fishing income. Enter your gross farming
and fishing income reported on Form 4835, line 7; Schedule K-1 (Form
1065), box 14, code B; Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 17, code N; and
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), line 14, code F (see page E-7) 42 2020
43 Reconciliation for real estate professionals. If you were a real estate
professional (see page E-1), enter the net income or (loss) you reported
anywhere on Form 1040 from all rental real estate activities in which
you materially participated under the passive activity loss rules 43 2030
B-11 Schedule E (Form 1040) 2005
(Form 1040A or 1040)
Earned Income Credit 1040A 
OMB No. 1545-0074

Qualifying Child Information

Complete and attach to Form 1040A or 1040
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) only if you have a qualifying child. Sequence No. 43
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

See the instructions for Form 1040A, lines 41a and 41b, or Form 1040, lines 66a and
Before you begin: 66b, to make sure that (a) you can take the EIC and (b) you have a qualifying child.
● If you take the EIC even though you are not eligible, you may not be allowed to take the credit for up
to 10 years. See back of schedule for details.
● It will take us longer to process your return and issue your refund if you do not fill in all lines that apply
for each qualifying child.
● Be sure the child’s name on line 1 and social security number (SSN) on line 2 agree with the child’s
social security card. Otherwise, at the time we process your return, we may reduce or disallow your
EIC. If the name or SSN on the child’s social security card is not correct, call the Social Security
Administration at 1-800-772-1213.

Qualifying Child Information Child 1 Child 2

First name Last name First name Last name
1 Child’s name
If you have more than two qualifying children, you 007 077
only have to list two to get the maximum credit. 010 011 080 081
2 Child’s SSN
The child must have an SSN as defined on page 44
of the Form 1040A instructions or page 48 of the
Form 1040 instructions unless the child was born and
died in 2005. If your child was born and died in 2005
and did not have an SSN, enter “Died” on this line
and attach a copy of the child’s birth certificate. 015 085
3 Child’s year of birth Year
020 Year
If born after 1986, skip lines 4a If born after 1986, skip lines 4a
and 4b; go to line 5. and 4b; go to line 5.

4 If the child was born before 1987— 030 035 100 105
a Was the child under age 24 at the end Yes. No. Yes. No.
of 2005 and a student?
Go to line 5. Continue Go to line 5. Continue
040 045 110 115
b Was the child permanently and totally
disabled during any part of 2005? Yes. No. Yes. No.
Continue The child is not a Continue The child is not a
qualifying child. qualifying child.
060 "CHILD", "SON", 130 "CHILD", "SON",
5 Child’s relationship to you "DAUGHTER", "DAUGHTER",
(for example, son, daughter, grandchild, "GRANDCHILD", "GRANDCHILD",
niece, nephew, foster child, etc.) "FOSTERCHILD" "FOSTERCHILD"
6 Number of months child lived with
you in the United States during 2005
● If the child lived with you for more than half of
2005 but less than 7 months, enter “7.”
070 140
● If the child was born or died in 2005 and your months months
home was the child’s home for the entire time he Do not enter more than 12 months. Do not enter more than 12 months.
or she was alive during 2005, enter “12.”

You may also be able to take the additional child tax credit if your child (a) was under age 17 at the end of 2005, and
TIP (b) is a U.S. citizen or resident alien. For more details, see the instructions for line 42 of Form 1040A or line 68 of
Form 1040.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040A Cat. No. 13339M Schedule EIC (Form 1040A or 1040) 2005
or 1040 instructions.
OMB No. 1545-0074
SCHEDULE F Profit or Loss From Farming
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
 Attach to Form 1040, Form 1041, Form 1065, or Form 1065-B. 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See Instructions for Schedule F (Form 1040). Sequence No. 14
Name of proprietor Social security number (SSN)
010 020
A Principal product. Describe in one or two words your principal crop or activity for the current tax year. B Enter code from Part IV
030  040
C Accounting method: (1) Cash (2) Accrual D Employer ID number (EIN), if any
050 060 070
100 110
E Did you “materially participate” in the operation of this business during 2005? If “No,” see page F-2 for limit on passive losses. Yes No
Part I Farm Income—Cash Method. Complete Parts I and II (Accrual method. Complete Parts II and III, and Part I, line 11.)
Do not include sales of livestock held for draft, breeding, sport, or dairy purposes; report these sales on Form 4797.
1 Sales of livestock and other items you bought for resale 1 140
2 Cost or other basis of livestock and other items reported on line 1 2 150
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 160
4 Sales of livestock, produce, grains, and other products you raised 4 170
5a Cooperative distributions (Form(s) 1099-PATR) 5a 180 5b Taxable amount 5b 195
6a Agricultural program payments (see page F-2) 6a 205 6b Taxable amount 6b 210
7 Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans (see page F-3):
a CCC loans reported under election @215 "STM nn" 7a 230
b CCC loans forfeited 7b 235 7c Taxable amount 7c 240
8 Crop insurance proceeds and Federal crop disaster payments (see page F-3):
a Amount received in 2005 8a 245 8b Taxable amount 8b 250
@251 "STM
c If election to defer to 2006 is attached, nn"
check here 252 8d Amount deferred from 2004 8d 255
9 Custom hire (machine work) income 9 260
10 Other income, including Federal and state gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund (see page F-3) 10 270
11 Gross income. Add amounts in the right column for lines 3 through 10. If you use the accrual method, enter
the amount from Part III, line 51  11 280
Part II Farm Expenses—Cash and Accrual Method.
Do not include personal or living expenses such as taxes, insurance, repairs, etc., on your home.
12 Car and truck expenses (see 25 Pension and profit-sharing
page F-4—also attach Form 4562) 12 295 plans 25 450
13 Chemicals 13 300 26 Rent or lease (see page F-5):
14 Conservation expenses (see a Vehicles, machinery, and
page F-4) 14 310 equipment 26a 460
15 Custom hire (machine work) 15 315 b Other (land, animals, etc.) 26b 465
16 Depreciation and section 179 27 Repairs and maintenance 27 470
expense deduction not claimed 28 Seeds and plants 28 480
elsewhere (see page F-4) 16 320 29 Storage and warehousing 29 490
17 Employee benefit programs other 30 Supplies 30 510
than on line 25 17 330 31 Taxes 31 520
18 Feed 18 340 32 Utilities 32 530
19 Fertilizers and lime 19 350 33 Veterinary, breeding, and medicine 33 540
20 Freight and trucking 20 360 34 Other expenses (specify):
21 Gasoline, fuel, and oil 21 370 a *550 "STM nn" 34a +560
22 Insurance (other than health) 22 380 b 570 34b 580
23 Interest: @385 "STM nn" c 590 34c 600
a Mortgage (paid to banks, etc.) 23a 390 d 610 34d 620
b Other @395 "STM nn" 23b 400 e 630 34e 640
24 Labor hired (less employment credits) 24 410 f 642 34f 644
35 Total expenses. Add lines 12 through 34f  35 650
675 "PAL"

36 Net farm profit or (loss). Subtract line 35 from line 11.
● If a profit, enter on Form 1040, line 18, and also on Schedule SE, line 1. 36 680
● If a loss, you must go to line 37. Estates, trusts, and partnerships, see page F-6.

37 If you have a loss, you must check the box that describes your investment in this activity (see page F-6). 37a All investment is at risk.
● If you checked 37a, enter the loss on Form 1040, line 18, and also on Schedule SE, line 1.
● If you checked 37b, you must attach Form 6198. Your loss may be limited. 37b Some investment is not at risk.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page F-6 of the instructions.
B-13 Cat. No. 11346H Schedule F (Form 1040) 2005
Schedule F (Form 1040) 2005 Page 2
Part III Farm Income—Accrual Method (see page F-6).
Do not include sales of livestock held for draft, breeding, sport, or dairy purposes; report these sales on Form
4797 and do not include this livestock on line 46 below.

38 Sales of livestock, produce, grains, and other products 38 720

39a Cooperative distributions (Form(s) 1099-PATR) 39a 730 39b Taxable amount 39b 735

40a Agricultural program payments 40a 760 40b Taxable amount 40b 770

41 Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans:

a CCC loans reported under election @775 "STM nn" 41a 780

b CCC loans forfeited 41b 790 41c Taxable amount 41c 800

42 Crop insurance proceeds 42 810

43 Custom hire (machine work) income 43 820

44 Other income, including Federal and state gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund 44 830

45 Add amounts in the right column for lines 38 through 44 45 840

46 Inventory of livestock, produce, grains, and other products at beginning of
the year 46 850
47 Cost of livestock, produce, grains, and other products purchased during
the year 47 860

48 Add lines 46 and 47 48 870

49 Inventory of livestock, produce, grains, and other products at end of year 49 880

50 Cost of livestock, produce, grains, and other products sold. Subtract line 49 from line 48* 50 890

51 Gross income. Subtract line 50 from line 45. Enter the result here and on Part I, line 11 
51 900
*If you use the unit-livestock-price method or the farm-price method of valuing inventory and the amount on line 49 is larger than the amount on
line 48, subtract line 48 from line 49. Enter the result on line 50. Add lines 45 and 50. Enter the total on line 51 and on Part I, line 11.

Part IV Principal Agricultural Activity Codes

File Schedule C (Form 1040) or Schedule C-EZ 111300 Fruit and tree nut farming
(Form 1040) instead of Schedule F if (a) your 111400 Greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture production
principal source of income is from providing 111900 Other crop farming
agricultural services such as soil preparation, veterinary,
farm labor, horticultural, or management for a fee or on a Animal Production
contract basis, or (b) you are engaged in the business of 112111 Beef cattle ranching and farming
breeding, raising, and caring for dogs, cats, or other pet
112112 Cattle feedlots
These codes for the Principal Agricultural Activity classify 112120 Dairy cattle and milk production
farms by the type of activity they are engaged in to facilitate the 112210 Hog and pig farming
administration of the Internal Revenue Code. These six-digit 112300 Poultry and egg production
codes are based on the North American Industry Classification
112400 Sheep and goat farming
System (NAICS).
Select the code that best identifies your primary farming 112510 Animal aquaculture
activity and enter it on page 1, line B. 112900 Other animal production
Crop Production Forestry and Logging
111100 Oilseed and grain farming 113000 Forestry and logging (including forest nurseries
111210 Vegetable and melon farming and timber tracts)

Schedule F (Form 1040) 2005

SCHEDULE H OMB No. 1545-1971
Household Employment Taxes
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
(For Social Security, Medicare, Withheld Income, and Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Taxes)
 Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, 1040-SS, or 1041.
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 44
Name of employer Social security number
Employer identification number
010 030

A Did you pay any one household employee cash wages of $1,400 or more in 2005? (If any household employee was your
spouse, your child under age 21, your parent, or anyone under age 18, see the line A instructions on page H-3 before you
answer this question.)

040 Yes. Skip lines B and C and go to line 1.

045 No. Go to line B.

B Did you withhold federal income tax during 2005 for any household employee?

050 Yes. Skip line C and go to line 5.

055 No. Go to line C.

C Did you pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter of 2004 or 2005 to all household employees?
(Do not count cash wages paid in 2004 or 2005 to your spouse, your child under age 21, or your parent.)

060 No. Stop. Do not file this schedule.

065 Yes. Skip lines 1-9 and go to line 10 on the back. (Calendar year taxpayers having no household employees in 2005 do
not have to complete this form for 2005.)

Part I Social Security, Medicare, and Income Taxes

1 Total cash wages subject to social security taxes (see page H-4) 1 070

2 Social security taxes. Multiply line 1 by 12.4% (.124) 2 080

3 Total cash wages subject to Medicare taxes (see page H-4) 3 090

4 Medicare taxes. Multiply line 3 by 2.9% (.029) 4 100

5 Federal income tax withheld, if any 5 110

6 Total social security, Medicare, and income taxes (add lines 2, 4, and 5) 125 6 120

7 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments, if any 7 130

8 Net taxes (subtract line 7 from line 6) 8 140

9 Did you pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter of 2004 or 2005 to household employees?
(Do not count cash wages paid in 2004 or 2005 to your spouse, your child under age 21, or your parent.)

150 No. Stop. Enter the amount from line 8 above on Form 1040, line 62. If you are not required to file Form 1040, see the
line 9 instructions on page H-4.

155 Yes. Go to line 10 on the back.

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 7 of the separate instructions. Cat. No. 12187K Schedule H (Form 1040) 2005

Schedule H (Form 1040) 2005 Page 2
Part II Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax
10 Did you pay unemployment contributions to only one state? (If you paid contributions to New York State, Yes No
check "No.") 10 170 175
11 Did you pay all state unemployment contributions for 2005 by April 17, 2006? Fiscal year filers, see page H-4 11 180 185
12 Were all wages that are taxable for FUTA tax also taxable for your state’s unemployment tax? 12 190 195
Next: If you checked the “Yes” box on all the lines above, complete Section A.
If you checked the “No” box on any of the lines above, skip Section A and complete Section B.
Section A
13 Name of the state where you paid unemployment contributions  200
14 State reporting number as shown on state unemployment tax return  210

15 220 "0% RATE"

15 Contributions paid to your state unemployment fund (see page H-4)
16 Total cash wages subject to FUTA tax (see page H-4) 16 230

17 FUTA tax. Multiply line 16 by .008. Enter the result here, skip Section B, and go to line 26 17 240
Section B
18 Complete all columns below that apply (if you need more space, see page H-5):
(b) (d) (h) (i)
(a) (e)
State reporting number (c) State experience rate (f) (g) Subtract col. (g) Contributions
Name State
as shown on state Taxable wages (as period Multiply col. (c) Multiply col. (c) from col. (f). If paid to state
of experience
unemployment tax defined in state act) by .054 by col. (e) zero or less, unemployment
state rate
return From To enter -0-. fund

250 260 270 280 285 290 300 310 320 330

340 350 360 370 375 380 390 400 410 420

440 450
19 Totals 19

20 460
20 Add columns (h) and (i) of line 19
21 Total cash wages subject to FUTA tax (see the line 16 instructions on page H-4) 21 470

22 Multiply line 21 by 6.2% (.062) 22 480

23 Multiply line 21 by 5.4% (.054) 23 490

24 Enter the smaller of line 20 or line 23 503 24 500
(New York State employers must use the worksheet in the separate instructions and check here)
25 FUTA tax. Subtract line 24 from line 22. Enter the result here and go to line 26 25
Part III Total Household Employment Taxes

26 Enter the amount from line 8 26 520

27 Add line 17 (or line 25) and line 26 27 530

28 Are you required to file Form 1040?
540 Yes. Stop. Enter the amount from line 27 above on Form 1040, line 62. Do not complete
Part IV below.
550 No. You may have to complete Part IV. See page H-5 for details.
Part IV Address and Signature—Complete this part only if required. See the line 28 instructions on page H-5.
Address (number and street) or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address Apt., room, or suite no.

City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this schedule, including accompanying statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true,
correct, and complete. No part of any payment made to a state unemployment fund claimed as a credit was, or is to be, deducted from the payments to employees.

 Employer’s signature

B-16 Schedule H (Form 1040) 2005

SCHEDULE J Income Averaging for OMB No. 1545-0074

(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
Farmers and Fishermen
 Attach to Form 1040.
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See Instructions for Schedule J (Form 1040). Sequence No. 20
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Social security number (SSN)

1 Enter the taxable income from your 2005 Form 1040, line 43 1 010
2 Enter your elected farm income (see page J-1). Do not enter more than the amount on line 1 2 020
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 030
4 Figure the tax on the amount on line 3 using the 2005 tax rates (see page J-1) 4 040

5 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for:
● 2004, enter the amount from your 2004 Schedule J, line 11.
● 2003 but not 2004, enter the amount from your 2003 Schedule J,
line 15.
● 2002 but not 2003 nor 2004, enter the amount from your 2002 5 050
Schedule J, line 3.
Otherwise, enter the taxable income from your 2002 Form 1040,
line 41; Form 1040A, line 27; or Form 1040EZ, line 6. If zero or less,
see page J-2.
6 Divide the amount on line 2 by 3.0 6 060
7 Combine lines 5 and 6. If zero or less, enter -0- 7 070
8 Figure the tax on the amount on line 7 using the 2002 tax rates (see page J-3) 8 080

9 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for:
● 2004, enter the amount from your 2004 Schedule J, line 15.
● 2003 but not 2004, enter the amount from your 2003
Schedule J, line 3. 9 090
Otherwise, enter the taxable income from your 2003 Form 1040,
line 40; Form 1040A, line 27; or Form 1040EZ, line 6. If zero or
less, see page J-4.
10 Enter the amount from line 6 10 100
11 Combine lines 9 and 10. If less than zero, enter as a negative amount 11 110
12 Figure the tax on the amount on line 11 using the 2003 tax rates (see page J-5) 12 120
13 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for 2004, enter the amount
from your 2004 Schedule J, line 3. Otherwise, enter the taxable
income from your 2004 Form 1040, line 42; Form 1040A, line 27; or
Form 1040EZ, line 6. If zero or less, see page J-6 13 130
14 Enter the amount from line 6 14 140
15 Combine lines 13 and 14. If less than zero, enter as a negative amount 15 150
16 Figure the tax on the amount on line 15 using the 2004 tax rates (see page J-7) 16 160
17 Add lines 4, 8, 12, and 16 17 170

18 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for:
● 2004, enter the amount from your 2004 Schedule J, line 12.
● 2003 but not 2004, enter the amount from your 2003
Schedule J, line 16. 18 180
● 2002 but not 2003 nor 2004, enter the amount from your 2002
Schedule J, line 4.
Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2002 Form 1040, line 42*;
Form 1040A, line 28*; or Form 1040EZ, line 10.
19 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for:

● 2004, enter the amount from your 2004 Schedule J, line 16.
● 2003 but not 2004, enter the amount from your 2003 19 190
Schedule J, line 4.
Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2003 Form 1040, line 41*;
Form 1040A, line 28*; or Form 1040EZ, line 10.
20 If you used Schedule J to figure your tax for 2004, enter the amount from
your 2004 Schedule J, line 4. Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2004
Form 1040, line 43*; Form 1040A, line 28*; or Form 1040EZ, line 10 20 200
*Do not include tax from Form 8814 or 4972 or from recapture of an education credit. Also, do not
include alternative minimum tax from Form 1040A.
21 Add lines 18 through 20 21 210
22 Tax. Subtract line 21 from line 17. Also include this amount on Form 1040, line 44 22 220
Caution. Your tax may be less if you figure it using the 2005 Tax Table, Tax Computation Worksheet, Qualified Dividends and
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, or the Schedule D Tax Worksheet. Attach Schedule J only if you are using it to figure your tax.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Schedule J (Form 1040) 2005
B-17 Cat. No. 25513Y
OMB No. 1545-0074
Schedule R
Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040.  See Instructions for Schedule R (Form 1040). Sequence No. 16
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

You may be able to take this credit and reduce your tax if by the end of 2005:
● You were age 65 or older or ● You were under age 65, you retired on permanent and total disability, and
you received taxable disability income.
But you must also meet other tests. See page R-1.
TIP In most cases, the IRS can figure the credit for you. See page R-1.

Part I Check the Box for Your Filing Status and Age
If your filing status is: And by the end of 2005: Check only one box:

Single, 010
Head of household, or 1 You were 65 or older 1
Qualifying widow(er) 020
2 You were under 65 and you retired on permanent and total disability 2

3 Both spouses were 65 or older 3 030

4 Both spouses were under 65, but only one spouse retired on
permanent and total disability 4 040

Married filing 5 Both spouses were under 65, and both retired on permanent and total
jointly disability 5 050

6 One spouse was 65 or older, and the other spouse was under 65 and
retired on permanent and total disability 6 060

7 One spouse was 65 or older, and the other spouse was under 65 and
not retired on permanent and total disability 7 070

8 You were 65 or older and you lived apart from your spouse for all of
2005 8 080
Married filing
9 You were under 65, you retired on permanent and total disability, and
you lived apart from your spouse for all of 2005 9 090

Did you check Yes  Skip Part II and complete Part III on back.
box 1, 3, 7,
or 8? No  Complete Parts II and III.

Part II Statement of Permanent and Total Disability (Complete only if you checked box 2, 4, 5, 6, or 9 above.)

If: 1 You filed a physician’s statement for this disability for 1983 or an earlier year, or you filed or got a
statement for tax years after 1983 and your physician signed line B on the statement, and

2 Due to your continued disabled condition, you were unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity
in 2005, check this box  100

● If you checked this box, you do not have to get another statement for 2005.

● If you did not check this box, have your physician complete the statement on page R-4. You must
keep the statement for your records.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Cat. No. 11359K Schedule R (Form 1040) 2005
Schedule R (Form 1040) 2005 Page 2
Part III Figure Your Credit

10 If you checked (in Part I): Enter:

Box 1, 2, 4, or 7 $5,000
Box 3, 5, or 6 $7,500 10 140
Box 8 or 9 $3,750
Did you check Yes  You must complete line 11.
box 2, 4, 5, 6,
or 9 in Part I?
No  Enter the amount from line 10
on line 12 and go to line 13.
11 If you checked (in Part I):

● Box 6, add $5,000 to the taxable disability income of the
spouse who was under age 65. Enter the total.
● Box 2, 4, or 9, enter your taxable disability income. 11 150
● Box 5, add your taxable disability income to your spouse’s
taxable disability income. Enter the total.
TIP For more details on what to include on line 11, see page R-3.

12 If you completed line 11, enter the smaller of line 10 or line 11; all others, enter the
amount from line 10 12 160
13 Enter the following pensions, annuities, or disability income that
you (and your spouse if filing a joint return) received in 2005.

a Nontaxable part of social security benefits and
13a 163
Nontaxable part of railroad retirement benefits
treated as social security (see page R-3).

b Nontaxable veterans’ pensions and
13b 167
Any other pension, annuity, or disability benefit that
is excluded from income under any other provision
of law (see page R-3).
c Add lines 13a and 13b. (Even though these income items are
not taxable, they must be included here to figure your credit.)
If you did not receive any of the types of nontaxable income
listed on line 13a or 13b, enter -0- on line 13c 13c 170
14 Enter the amount from Form 1040,
line 38 14 180

15 If you checked (in Part I): Enter:

Box 1 or 2 $7,500
Box 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 $10,000 15 190
Box 8 or 9 $5,000
16 Subtract line 15 from line 14. If zero or
less, enter -0- 16 200
17 Enter one-half of line 16 17 210

18 Add lines 13c and 17 18 220

19 Subtract line 18 from line 12. If zero or less, stop; you cannot take the credit. Otherwise,
go to line 20 19 230
20 Multiply line 19 by 15% (.15) 20 250

21 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46 21 260

22 Add the amounts from Form 1040, lines 47 and 48, and enter
the total 22 270
23 Subtract line 22 from line 21 23 280

24 Credit for the elderly or the disabled. Enter the smaller of line 20 or line 23 here and
on Form 1040, line 49 24 290

B-19 Schedule R (Form 1040) 2005

SCHEDULE SE OMB No. 1545-0074

(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
Self-Employment Tax 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040.  See Instructions for Schedule SE (Form 1040). Sequence No. 17
Name of person with self-employment income (as shown on Form 1040) Social security number of person
010 with self-employment income  020
Who Must File Schedule SE
You must file Schedule SE if:
● You had net earnings from self-employment from other than church employee income (line 4 of Short Schedule SE or line 4c of
Long Schedule SE) of $400 or more, or
● You had church employee income of $108.28 or more. Income from services you performed as a minister or a member of a
religious order is not church employee income (see page SE-1).
Note. Even if you had a loss or a small amount of income from self-employment, it may be to your benefit to file Schedule SE and
use either “optional method” in Part II of Long Schedule SE (see page SE-3).
Exception. If your only self-employment income was from earnings as a minister, member of a religious order, or Christian Science
practitioner and you filed Form 4361 and received IRS approval not to be taxed on those earnings, do not file Schedule SE. Instead,
write “Exempt–Form 4361” on Form 1040, line 58.

May I Use Short Schedule SE or Must I Use Long Schedule SE?

Did You Receive Wages or Tips in 2005?

No Yes
Are you a minister, member of a religious order, or Christian
Yes Was the total of your wages and tips subject to social security Yes
Science practitioner who received IRS approval not to be taxed

or railroad retirement tax plus your net earnings from
on earnings from these sources, but you owe self-employment
self-employment more than $90,000?
tax on other earnings?


Are you using one of the optional methods to figure your net Yes No

earnings (see page SE-3)? 

No Did you receive tips subject to social security or Medicare tax Yes

No that you did not report to your employer?

Did you receive church employee income reported on Form Yes

W-2 of $108.28 or more?


You May Use Short Schedule SE Below You Must Use Long Schedule SE on page 2

Section A—Short Schedule SE. Caution. Read above to see if you can use Short Schedule SE.

1 Net farm profit or (loss) from Schedule F, line 36, and farm partnerships, Schedule K-1 (Form
1065), box 14, code A 1 030
2 Net profit or (loss) from Schedule C, line 31; Schedule C-EZ, line 3; Schedule K-1 (Form 1065),
box 14, code A (other than farming); and Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9. Ministers and
members of religious orders, see page SE-1 for amounts to report on this line. See page SE-2
for other income to report 2 040
3 Combine lines 1 and 2
050 "EXEMPT-NOTARY" 060 3 070
4 Net earnings from self-employment. Multiply line 3 by 92.35% (.9235). If less than $400,
do not file this schedule; you do not owe self-employment tax  4 075
5 Self-employment tax. If the amount on line 4 is:

● $90,000 or less, multiply line 4 by 15.3% (.153). Enter the result here and on
Form 1040, line 58. 5 160
● More than $90,000, multiply line 4 by 2.9% (.029). Then, add $11,160.00 to the
result. Enter the total here and on Form 1040, line 58.

6 Deduction for one-half of self-employment tax. Multiply line 5 by

50% (.5). Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 27 6 165
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. B-20 Cat. No. 11358Z Schedule SE (Form 1040) 2005
Schedule SE (Form 1040) 2005 Attachment Sequence No. 17 Page 2
Name of person with self-employment income (as shown on Form 1040) Social security number of person
010 with self-employment income  020
Section B—Long Schedule SE

Part I Self-Employment Tax

Note. If your only income subject to self-employment tax is church employee income, skip lines 1 through 4b. Enter -0- on line
4c and go to line 5a. Income from services you performed as a minister or a member of a religious order is not church employee
income. See page SE-1.
A If you are a minister, member of a religious order, or Christian Science practitioner and you filed Form 4361, but you 025
had $400 or more of other net earnings from self-employment, check here and continue with Part I 

1 Net farm profit or (loss) from Schedule F, line 36, and farm partnerships, Schedule K-1 (Form
1065), box 14, code A. Note. Skip this line if you use the farm optional method (see page SE-4) 1 030
2 Net profit or (loss) from Schedule C, line 31; Schedule C-EZ, line 3; Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box
14, code A (other than farming); and Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9. Ministers and members
of religious orders, see page SE-1 for amounts to report on this line. See page SE-2 for other
income to report. Note. Skip this line if you use the nonfarm optional method (see page SE-4) 2 040
3 Combine lines 1 and 2 050 "EXEMPT-NOTARY" 060 3 070
4a If line 3 is more than zero, multiply line 3 by 92.35% (.9235). Otherwise, enter amount from line 3 4a 075
b If you elect one or both of the optional methods, enter the total of lines 15 and 17 here 4b 077
c Combine lines 4a and 4b. If less than $400, stop; you do not owe self-employment tax. Exception.
If less than $400 and you had church employee income, enter -0- and continue  4c 079
5a Enter your church employee income from Form W-2. See page SE-1
for definition of church employee income 5a 081
b Multiply line 5a by 92.35% (.9235). If less than $100, enter -0- 5b 082
6 Net earnings from self-employment. Add lines 4c and 5b 6 084
7 Maximum amount of combined wages and self-employment earnings subject to social security
tax or the 6.2% portion of the 7.65% railroad retirement (tier 1) tax for 2005 7 90,000 00
8a Total social security wages and tips (total of boxes 3 and 7 on Form(s)
W-2) and railroad retirement (tier 1) compensation. If $90,000 or more,
skip lines 8b through 10, and go to line 11 8a 088
b Unreported tips subject to social security tax (from Form 4137, line 9) 8b 090
c Add lines 8a and 8b 8c 100
9 Subtract line 8c from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 10 and go to line 11  9 110
10 Multiply the smaller of line 6 or line 9 by 12.4% (.124) 10 150
11 Multiply line 6 by 2.9% (.029) 11 159
12 Self-employment tax. Add lines 10 and 11. Enter here and on Form 1040, line 58 12 160
13 Deduction for one-half of self-employment tax. Multiply line 12 by
50% (.5). Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 27 13 165
Part II Optional Methods To Figure Net Earnings (see page SE-3)

Farm Optional Method. You may use this method only if (a) your gross farm income1 was not more
than $2,400 or (b) your net farm profits2 were less than $1,733.
14 Maximum income for optional methods 14 1,600 00
15 Enter the smaller of: two-thirds (2⁄3 ) of gross farm income1 (not less than zero) or $1,600. Also
include this amount on line 4b above 15 170
Nonfarm Optional Method. You may use this method only if (a) your net nonfarm profits3 were less
than $1,733 and also less than 72.189% of your gross nonfarm income4 and (b) you had net earnings
from self-employment of at least $400 in 2 of the prior 3 years.
Caution. You may use this method no more than five times.
16 Subtract line 15 from line 14 16 180
17 Enter the smaller of: two-thirds (2⁄3 ) of gross nonfarm income4 (not less than zero) or the amount
on line 16. Also include this amount on line 4b above 17 190
1 3
From Sch. F, line 11, and Sch. K-1 (Form 1065), From Sch. C, line 31; Sch. C-EZ, line 3; Sch. K-1 (Form 1065), box 14, code A; and
box 14, code B. Sch. K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9.
2 4
From Sch. F, line 36, and Sch. K-1 (Form 1065), From Sch. C, line 7; Sch. C-EZ, line 1; Sch. K-1 (Form 1065), box 14, code C; and Sch.
box 14, code A. K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9.

Schedule SE (Form 1040) 2005

Form Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service

1040A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (99) 2005 IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.
Your first name and initial Last name OMB No. 1545-0074
Label 050 Your social security number
(See page 18.) L
A 060 010 020
E If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name 055 Spouse’s social security number
Use the L
070 030 040
IRS label. H Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see page 18. Apt. no.
Otherwise, E
R 062 080  You must enter
your SSN(s) above. 
please print
or type. City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 18.
Checking a box below will not
Presidential 064
083 066 087 095 097 098 100 change your tax or refund.
Election Campaign  Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund (see page 18) 
110 120
You Spouse

Filing 1
Single 4 Head of household (with qualifying person). (See page 19.)
130 2
Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) If the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent,
status enter this child’s name here.  150 153
Check only Married filing separately. Enter spouse’s SSN above and
one box. @135 "STM nn"full name here.  140 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (see page 19)

6a Yourself. If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not check Boxes
Exemptions 160 checked on 167
163 box 6a. 6a and 6b
b Spouse No. of children
c Dependents: (4) if qualifying on 6c who:
(3) Dependent’s
(2) Dependent’s social child for child ● lived with
relationship to you
security number tax credit (see
(1) First name Last name you page 21)
If more than six ● did not live
dependents, *170 +171 +172 +175 +177 +178 with you due
see page 21. to divorce or
180 181 182 185 187 188 separation
(see page 22) 247
190 191 192 195 197 198
200 201 202 205 207 208 Dependents
on 6c not 350
210 211 212 215 217 218 entered above

Add numbers
on lines 355
d Total number of exemptions claimed. above 

Income 362"PRI"364/366"HSH"367/368"AB""SNE""PYAB"369/370"FB"/371"DCB"372"SCH"
7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Attach Form(s) W-2. 373 378"FEC"379 7 375
Form(s) W-2
here. Also 8a Taxable interest. Attach Schedule 1 if required. 8a 380
attach bTax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a. 8b 385
Form(s) 9a Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule 1 if required. 9a 394
1099-R if tax bQualified dividends (see page 25). 9b 396
was withheld.
10 Capital gain distributions (see page 25). 10 450
If you did not 11a IRA 11b Taxable amount 477 "ROLLOVER"
get a W-2, see
page 24.
distributions. 11a 475 (see page 25). 480 11b @479"STM nn"
12a Pensions and 12b Taxable amount 545 "REPAID" 551
Enclose, but do annuities. 485 (see page 26).
not attach, any
12a 12b 487 "ROLLOVER"
13 Unemployment compensation and Alaska Permanent Fund dividends. 13 495 552
14a Social security 553 555 "D" "LSE" 14b Taxable amount
benefits. 14a (see page 28). 14b 557

15 Add lines 7 through 14b (far right column). This is your total income.  15 600
Adjusted 16 Educator expenses (see page 28). 16 605
gross 17 IRA deduction (see page 28). 17 626
income 18 Student loan interest deduction (see page 31). 18 628
19 Tuition and fees deduction (see page 32). 19 630
20 Add lines 16 through 19. These are your total adjustments. 20 740

21 Subtract line 20 from line 15. This is your adjusted gross income.  21 750
For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 58. Cat. No. 11327A Form 1040A (2005)

Form 1040A (2005) Page 2

Tax, 22 Enter the amount from line 21 (adjusted gross income). 22 770

兵 其
23a Check 772 You were born before January 2, 1941, 774 Blind Total boxes 783
and if: 776 Spouse was born before January 2, 1941, 778 Blind checked  23a
payments b If you are married filing separately and your spouse itemizes 786
Standard deductions, see page 32 and check here  23b 787 "SECT 933"
for— 24 Enter your standard deduction (see left margin). 24 789
● People who 25 Subtract line 24 from line 22. If line 24 is more than line 22, enter -0-. 25 800
checked any 26 If line 22 is over $109,475, or you provided housing to a person displaced by
box on line
23a or 23b or Hurricane Katrina, see page 33. Otherwise, multiply $3,200 by the total number
who can be of exemptions claimed on line 6d. 26 810
claimed as a
dependent, 27 Subtract line 26 from line 25. If line 26 is more than line 25, enter -0-.
see page 32. This is your taxable income.  27 820
● All others: 28 Tax, including any alternative minimum tax (see page 34). 840 "ECR" 850 28 860
Single or 29 Credit for child and dependent care expenses. 854 "AMT" 857
Married filing
separately, Attach Schedule 2. 29 925
$5,000 30 Credit for the elderly or the disabled. Attach
Married filing Schedule 3. 30 930
jointly or
Qualifying 31 Education credits. Attach Form 8863. 31 935
widow(er), 32 Retirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880. 32 984
33 Child tax credit (see page 38). Attach
Head of Form 8901 if required. 989
household, 33
$7,300 34 Adoption credit. Attach Form 8839. 34 993
35 Add lines 29 through 34. These are your total credits. 35 1020
36 Subtract line 35 from line 28. If line 35 is more than line 28, enter -0-. 36 1030
37 Advance earned income credit payments from Form(s) W-2. 37 1105
38 Add lines 36 and 37. This is your total tax.  38 1150
39 Federal income tax withheld from Forms W-2 and 1099. 39
1155 "FORM 1099"
40 2005 estimated tax payments and amount 1161 1162 "DIV
If you have applied from 2004 return. @1173 "STM nn" 40 1170
a qualifying
child, attach 41a Earned income credit (EIC).1175 1176 1178 180041a 1183 "NO"
Schedule b Nontaxable combat pay election. 41b 1185
EIC. 42 Additional child tax credit. Attach Form 8812. 42 1192
43 Add lines 39, 40, 41a, and 42. These are your total payments.1195 1197  43 1199 1200 1250
Refund 44 If line 43 is more than line 38, subtract line 38 from line 43.
This is the amount you overpaid. 44 1260
Direct 45a Amount of line 44 you want refunded to you. 1262 1263  45a 1270
See page 53  b Routing 1274 1276
1272  c Type: Checking Savings
and fill in
45b, 45c, 
and 45d.
d Account 1278
46 Amount of line 44 you want applied to your
2006 estimated tax. 46 1280
Amount 47 Amount you owe. Subtract line 43 from line 38. For details on how
to pay, see page 54.  47 1290
you owe
48 Estimated tax penalty (see page 54). 48 1300
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS (see page 55)? Yes. Complete the following. No
Third party 1303 1305
Designee’s Phone Personal identification
designee name  1307 no.  ( ) 1309 number (PIN)  1313
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
Sign knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and accurately list all amounts and sources of income I received during the tax year. Declaration
here of preparer (other than the taxpayer) is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.

Your signature Date Your occupation Daytime phone number
Joint return?
See page 18. 1321 1323 ( 1328
) 1329
Keep a copy Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date Spouse’s occupation
for your
records. 1324 1325 1326 1327
Paid Preparer’s
signature  1338 IRS-PREPARED,
Check if
1350 Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
use only
Firm’s name (or
yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code
1400 1410
Phone no. ( )
1465 "0" "1" or "2" Form 1040A (2005)
Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Schedule 1
(Form 1040A) Interest and Ordinary Dividends
for Form 1040A Filers (99) 2005 OMB No. 1545-0074
Name(s) shown on Form 1040A Your social security number

Part I Note. If you received a Form 1099-INT, Form 1099-OID, or substitute statement from a
brokerage firm, enter the firm’s name and the total interest shown on that form.
(See back 1 List name of payer. If any interest is from a seller-financed mortgage
of schedule and the buyer used the property as a personal residence, see back of
and the schedule and list this interest first. Also, show that buyer’s social
instructions security number and address. Amount
for Form +011 +012 +015 025
*010 STM nn" 1
line 8a.) *030 +040
050 060
070 080
090 100
110 120
130 140

2 Add the amounts on line 1. 2 288

3 Excludable interest on series EE and I U.S. savings bonds issued
after 1989. Attach Form 8815. 3 289
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. Enter the result here and on Form 1040A,
line 8a. 4 290

Part II Note. If you received a Form 1099-DIV or substitute statement from a brokerage firm,
enter the firm’s name and the ordinary dividends shown on that form.
5 List name of payer. Amount
*300 "STM nn" 5 +310
(See back 320 330
of schedule 340 350
and the 360 370
380 390
for Form
1040A, 400 410
line 9a.) 420 430
440 450
460 470
480 490

6 Add the amounts on line 5. Enter the total here and on Form 1040A,
line 9a. 6 525
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040A instructions. Cat. No. 12075R Schedule 1 (Form 1040A) 2005

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Schedule 2
(Form 1040A) Child and Dependent Care
Expenses for Form 1040A Filers (99) 2005 OMB No. 1545-0074
Name(s) shown on Form 1040A Your social security number

Before you begin: You need to understand the following terms. See Definitions on page 1 of the separate instructions.
● Dependent care benefits ● Qualifying person(s) ● Qualified expenses
(a) Care provider’s (b) Address (number, street, apt. no., (c) Identifying (d) Amount paid
Part I 1 name city, state, and ZIP code) number (SSN or EIN) (see instructions)

Persons or +020 +045

organizations *010 "STM nn" +030 *+040 "STM nn" +050
who provided 070 095
the care 060 080 090 100
(If you need more space, use the bottom of page 2.)
You must
complete this No  Complete only Part II below.
part. Did you receive
dependent care benefits? Yes  Complete Part III on the back next.

Caution. If the care was provided in your home, you may owe employment taxes. If you do, you
must use Form 1040. See Schedule H and its instructions for details.
2 Information about your qualifying person(s). If you have more than two qualifying persons, see
Part II the instructions.
(c) Qualified expenses
Credit for child (a) Qualifying person’s name (b) Qualifying person’s social you incurred and paid
and dependent security number in 2005 for the person
First Last
care expenses listed in column (a)
*110 "STM nn" +115 +214 +215
217 218 223 225

3 Add the amounts in column (c) of line 2. Do not enter more than
$3,000 for one qualifying person or $6,000 for two or more persons.
If you completed Part III, enter the amount from line 26. 3 230

4 Enter your earned income. See the instructions. 4 260

5 If married filing jointly, enter your spouse’s earned income (if your
spouse was a student or was disabled, see the instructions); all
others, enter the amount from line 4. 5 270

6 Enter the smallest of line 3, 4, or 5. 6 290

7 Enter the amount from Form 1040A, line 22. 7 295

8 Enter on line 8 the decimal amount shown below that applies to the
amount on line 7.
If line 7 is: If line 7 is:
But not Decimal But not Decimal
Over over amount is Over over amount is
$0—15,000 .35 $29,000—31,000 .27
15,000—17,000 .34 31,000—33,000 .26
17,000—19,000 .33 33,000—35,000 .25
19,000—21,000 .32 35,000—37,000 .24
21,000—23,000 .31 37,000—39,000 .23
23,000—25,000 .30 39,000—41,000 .22
25,000—27,000 .29 41,000—43,000 .21
27,000—29,000 .28 8
43,000—No limit .20 ⫻ . 300
9 Multiply line 6 by the decimal amount on line 8. If you paid 2004 @315 "STM nn" 324 326
expenses in 2005, see the instructions. 318 "CPYE" 320 9 328

10 Enter the amount from Form 1040A, line 28. 10 332

11 Credit for child and dependent care expenses. Enter the smaller of line 9
or line 10 here and on Form 1040A, line 29. 11 335
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040A instructions. Cat. No. 10749I Schedule 2 (Form 1040A) 2005
Schedule 2 (Form 1040A) 2005 Page 2
Part III 12 Enter the total amount of dependent care benefits you received
for 2005. This amount should be shown in box 10 of your Form(s)
Dependent W-2. Do not include amounts that were reported to you as wages
care benefits in box 1 of Form(s) W-2. 12 337
13 Enter the amount forfeited or carried forward to 2006, if any. See the
instructions. 13 339

14 Subtract line 13 from line 12. 14 350

15 Enter the total amount of qualified expenses
incurred in 2005 for the care of the qualifying
person(s). 15 353

16 Enter the smaller of line 14 or 15. 16 356

17 Enter your earned income. See the instructions. 17 360

18 Enter the amount shown below that applies to
● If married filing jointly, enter your spouse’s
earned income (if your spouse was a
student or was disabled, see the
instructions for line 5).
● If married filing separately, see the
instructions for the amount to enter.
● All others, enter the amount from line 17. 18 370

19 Enter the smallest of line 16, 17, or 18. 19 380

20 Excluded benefits. Enter here the smaller of the following:
● The amount from line 19, or
● $5,000 ($2,500 if married filing separately and you were required to
enter your spouse’s earned income on line 18). 20 390
21 Taxable benefits. Subtract line 20 from line 14. Also, include this
amount on Form 1040A, line 7. In the space to the left of line 7, enter
“DCB.” 21 400
To claim the child and dependent care
credit, complete lines 22–26 below.

22 Enter $3,000 ($6,000 if two or more qualifying persons). 22 550

23 Enter the amount from line 20. 23 570

24 Subtract line 23 from line 22. If zero or less, stop. You cannot take
the credit. Exception. If you paid 2004 expenses in 2005, see the
instructions for line 9. 24 580
25 Complete line 2 on the front of this schedule. Do not include in
column (c) any benefits shown on line 20 above. Then, add the
amounts in column (c) and enter the total here. 25 590
26 Enter the smaller of line 24 or 25. Also, enter this amount on line 3
on the front of this schedule and complete lines 4–11. 26 600
Schedule 2 (Form 1040A) 2005

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Schedule 3
(Form 1040A) Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
for Form 1040A Filers (99) 2005 OMB No. 1545-0074
Name(s) shown on Form 1040A Your social security number

You may be able to take this credit and reduce your tax if by the end of 2005:
● You were age 65 or older or ● You were under age 65, you retired on permanent
and total disability, and you received taxable
disability income.
But you must also meet other tests. See the separate instructions for Schedule 3.
TIP In most cases, the IRS can figure the credit for you. See the instructions.

Part I If your filing status is: And by the end of 2005: Check only one box:
Check the
box for your Single, 1 You were 65 or older 1 010
filing status Head of household, or
and age Qualifying widow(er) 2 You were under 65 and you retired on permanent
and total disability 2 020

3 Both spouses were 65 or older 3 030

4 Both spouses were under 65, but only one spouse

retired on permanent and total disability 4 040

5 Both spouses were under 65, and both retired on

Married filing permanent and total disability 5 050
jointly 6 One spouse was 65 or older, and the other spouse
was under 65 and retired on permanent and total
disability 6 060

7 One spouse was 65 or older, and the other spouse

was under 65 and not retired on permanent and
total disability 7 070

8 You were 65 or older and you lived apart from your

spouse for all of 2005 8 080
Married filing
separately 9 You were under 65, you retired on permanent and
total disability, and you lived apart from your
spouse for all of 2005 9 090

Did you check Yes  Skip Part II and complete Part III on the back.
box 1, 3, 7, or
8? No  Complete Parts II and III.

Part II If: 1 You filed a physician’s statement for this disability for 1983 or an earlier year,
or you filed or got a statement for tax years after 1983 and your physician signed
Statement of
line B on the statement, and
and total 2 Due to your continued disabled condition, you were unable to engage in any
disability substantial gainful activity in 2005, check this box  100
Complete this part ● If you checked this box, you do not have to get another statement for 2005.
only if you checked
box 2, 4, 5, 6,
● If you did not check this box, have your physician complete the statement on
or 9 above. page 4 of the instructions. You must keep the statement for your records.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040A instructions. Cat. No. 12064K Schedule 3 (Form 1040A) 2005

Schedule 3 (Form 1040A) 2005 Page 2
10 If you checked (in Part I): Enter:
Part III Box 1, 2, 4, or 7 $5,000
Figure your Box 3, 5, or 6 $7,500
credit Box 8 or 9 $3,750 10 140
Did you check Yes  You must complete line 11.
box 2, 4, 5, 6,
or 9 in Part I? No  Enter the amount from line 10
on line 12 and go to line 13.
11 If you checked (in Part I):
● Box 6, add $5,000 to the taxable disability income of the spouse
who was under age 65. Enter the total.
● Box 2, 4, or 9, enter your taxable disability income.
● Box 5, add your taxable disability income to your spouse’s taxable
disability income. Enter the total.
For more details on what to include on line 11, see
the instructions. 11 150
12 If you completed line 11, enter the smaller of line 10 or line 11; all
others, enter the amount from line 10. 12 160
13 Enter the following pensions, annuities, or
disability income that you (and your spouse if
filing a joint return) received in 2005.
a Nontaxable part of social security benefits
Nontaxable part of railroad retirement benefits
treated as social security (see the instructions). 13a 163
b Nontaxable veterans’ pensions
Any other pension, annuity, or disability benefit
that is excluded from income under any other
provision of law (see the instructions). 13b 167
c Add lines 13a and 13b. (Even though these
income items are not taxable, they must be
included here to figure your credit.) If you did not
receive any of the types of nontaxable income
listed on line 13a or 13b, enter -0- on line 13c. 13c 170
14 Enter the amount from Form 1040A, line 22. 14 180
15 If you checked (in Part I): Enter:
Box 1 or 2 $7,500
Box 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 $10,000
Box 8 or 9 $5,000 15 190
16 Subtract line 15 from line 14. If zero or less,
enter -0-. 16 200
17 Enter one-half of line 16. 17 210
18 Add lines 13c and 17. 18 220
19 Subtract line 18 from line 12. If zero or less, stop; you cannot take
the credit. Otherwise, go to line 20. 19 230
20 Multiply line 19 by 15% (.15). 20 250
21 Enter the amount from Form 1040A, line 28, minus any amount on
Form 1040A, line 29. 21 260
22 Credit for the elderly or the disabled. Enter the smaller of line 20
or line 21 here and on Form 1040A, line 30. 22 290
Schedule 3 (Form 1040A) 2005

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Income Tax Return for Single and
1040EZ Joint Filers With No Dependents (99) 2005 OMB No. 1545-0074

Your first name and initial Last name 050 Your social security number
Label L
060 010 020
(See page 11.) A If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name Spouse’s social security number
B 055
Use the IRS E 070 030 040
label. Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see page 11. Apt. no.
Otherwise, H 062 080  You must enter
your SSN(s) above. 
please print E
or type. E
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 11.
098 Checking a box below will not
064 083 066 087 095 097 100 change your tax or refund.

110 120
(page 12) Check here if you, or your spouse if a joint return, want $3 to go to this fund?  You Spouse

1 Wages, salaries, and tips. This should be shown in box 1 of your Form(s) W-2.@135 "STM nn"
Income Attach your Form(s) W-2. 357 "DFC" 358 362"PRI"364 1 375
Attach 366"HSH"368 372"SCH"373 378"FEC"379
Form(s) W-2 2 Taxable interest. If the total is over $1,500, you cannot use Form 1040EZ. 382"TEI"385 2 380
Enclose, but 3 Unemployment compensation and Alaska Permanent Fund dividends
do not attach, (see page 13). 545 "REPAID" 551 3 552
any payment.
4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3. This is your adjusted gross income. 4 750
5 If someone can claim you (or your spouse if a joint return) as a dependent, check the applicable
box(es) below and enter the amount from the worksheet on back.
770 You 775 Spouse
If someone cannot claim you (or your spouse if a joint return), enter $8,200 if single; 815
$16,400 if married filing jointly. See back for explanation. 5

6 Subtract line 5 from line 4. If line 5 is larger than line 4, enter -0-. 820
This is your taxable income.  6
Payments 7 Federal income tax withheld from box 2 of your Form(s) W-2. 1155 "FORM 1099"7 1160
and tax 8a Earned income credit (EIC). 1175 "PYEI" 1176 1178 1183 "NO" 8a 1180
b Nontaxable combat pay election. 8b 1185
9 Add lines 7 and 8a. These are your total payments. 1195 "FORM 4868" 1197  9 1250
10 Tax. Use the amount on line 6 above to find your tax in the tax table on pages
24–32 of the booklet. Then, enter the tax from the table on this line. 10 1256
Refund 1262 1263
11a If line 9 is larger than line 10, subtract line 10 from line 9. This is your refund.  11a 1270
Have it directly
deposited! See 1274 1276
page 18 and fill  b Routing number 1272  c Type: Checking Savings
in 11b, 11c,
and 11d.
 d Account number 1278

Amount 12 If line 10 is larger than line 9, subtract line 9 from line 10. This is
you owe the amount you owe. For details on how to pay, see page 19.  12 1290
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS (see page 19)? Yes. Complete the following. No
Third party 1303 1305
Designee’s Phone Personal identification
designee name  1307 no.  ( ) 1309 number (PIN)  1313
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and
Sign accurately lists all amounts and sources of income I received during the tax year. Declaration of preparer (other than the taxpayer) is based
on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.

Your signature Date Your occupation Daytime phone number
Joint return?
See page 11. 1321 1323 ( ) 1328
Keep a copy Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date Spouse’s occupation
for your
records. 1324 1325 1326 1327
Paid Preparer’s
signature  1338 "IRS-PREPARED" "IRS
Check if 1350
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
use only
Firm’s name (or
yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code
1390  1400 1410
Phone no. (
) 1420

For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 23. Cat. No. 11329W 1465 Form 1040EZ (2005)

010 CORRECTED (if checked)
PAYER’S name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code 015 1 Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions From
020 Pensions, Annuities,
$ 110 Retirement or
2a Taxable amount 2005 Profit-Sharing
Plans, IRAs,
$ 120 Form 1099-R Contracts, etc.
040 042 044 2b Taxable amount 130 140
Total Copy B
not determined distribution Report this
PAYER’S Federal identification RECIPIENT’S identification 3 Capital gain (included 4 Federal income tax income on your
number number in box 2a) withheld federal tax
return. If this
form shows
050 060 $ 150 $ 160 federal income
RECIPIENT’S name 5 Employee contributions 6 Net unrealized tax withheld in
or insurance premiums appreciation in box 4, attach
070 employer’s securities this copy to
your return.
$ 170 $ 180
Street address (including apt. no.) 7 Distribution IRA/ 8 Other
code(s) SEP/
080 SIMPLE This information is
190 being furnished to
085 200 $ 210 220% the Internal
City, state, and ZIP code 9a Your percentage of total 9b Total employee contributions Revenue Service.
090 092 094 distribution 230 % $ 231
Account number (see instructions) 10 State tax withheld 11 State/Payer’s state no. 12 State distribution
$ 240 246/250 $ 255
100 $ 280 286/290 $ 300
13 Local tax withheld 14 Name of locality 15 Local distribution
$ 260 270 $ 275
$ 310 320 $ 330
Form 1099-R Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

a Control number Safe, accurate, Visit the IRS website
030 FAST! Use at
020 OMB No. 1545-0008
b Employer identification number (EIN) 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld
040 120 130
c Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
140 150
050 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
055 160 170
060 7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips
070 073 075 180 190
d Employee’s social security number 9 Advance EIC payment 10 Dependent care benefits
080 200 210
e Employee’s first name and initial Last name 11 Nonqualified plans 12a See instructions for box 12
090 220 *242"STM nn" +244 +246

13 Statutory Retirement Third-party 12b

employee plan sick pay C

100 265 267 269 d

e 252 254 256
14 Other 12c
270 272 d
257 258 259
110 113 115
280 282 12d
290 292 d
260 261 262
f Employee’s address and ZIP code 300 302
15 State Employer’s state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name
370 380 390 400 405 407 410

440 450 460 470 475 477 480

Wage and Tax
Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Form Statement
Copy B—To Be Filed With Employee’s FEDERAL Tax Return.
This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.

CORRECTED (if checked)
PAYER’S name, address, ZIP code, federal identification 1 Gross winnings 2 Federal income tax withheld OMB No. 1545-0238
number, and telephone number 015 040 050
020 3 Type of wager 4 Date won 2005
021 080 090 Form W-2G
5 Transaction 6 Race
022 Certain
100 105
023 024 025
7 Winnings from identical wagers 8 Cashier
026 030 Winnings
120 130
WINNER’S name, address (including apt. no.), and ZIP code 9 Winner’s taxpayer identification no. 10 Window This information is
140 150 160 being furnished to
11 First I.D. 12 Second I.D. the Internal
180 190 Revenue Service.
13 State/Payer’s state identification no. 14 State income tax withheld
Copy B
144 146 148 200/201 210 Report this income on your
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the name, address, and taxpayer identification number that I have furnished federal tax return. If this
correctly identify me as the recipient of this payment and any payments from identical wagers, and that no other person is entitled to any part of these payments. form shows federal income
tax withheld in box 2, attach
Signature  Date  this copy to your return.

Form W-2G Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

010 030
a Control number
020 OMB No. 1545-0008
b Employer identification number (EIN) 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Guam income tax withheld
040 120 130
c Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code 045 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
050 140 150
055 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld

160 170
7 Social security tips 8
070 073 075 180
d Employee’s social security number 9 Advance EIC payment 10
080 200
e Employee’s first name and initial Last name 11 Nonqualified plans 12a See instructions for box 12
090 220 d
e *242 +244 +246
13 Statutory Retirement Third-party 12b
employee plan sick pay C
100 o
265 267 269 d
e 254 256
14 Other 12c
105 *270 "STM nn" +272 C
257 258 259
110 113 115 280 282 12d

f Employee’s address and ZIP code 290 292 o

260 261 262

300 "N" or "S"

W-2GU Guam
Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service
Form Wage and Tax Statement This information is being furnished to the
Copy B—To Be Filed With Employee’s Guam Tax Return Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation.

Foreign Employer Compensation (FEC) Template

SSN or ITIN of Employee of Foreign Employer Services Performed While Residing in U.S.
010 120
o Yes (If “Yes” enter “00” in Post of Duty Field)
Employee Name and Address 020
Post of Duty Code
050 130
060 070 080
090 100 110 Foreign Employer’s Identification Number
Foreign Employer’s Name and Address
150 Foreign Employer Compensation Amount
170 180 190 200

Form 970
(Rev. December 2005)
Application To Use LIFO Inventory Method
OMB No. 1545-0042

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 122
Name of filer (name of parent corporation if a consolidated group) (see instructions) Filer’s identification number (see instructions)

Name of applicant(s) (if different from filer) and identification number(s)

Part I Statement of Election under Section 472 Yes No

1 The applicant elects to use the LIFO inventory method for the tax year ending (enter month, day, year) 
for the following goods (enter here): 060
See instructions and attach a statement if necessary. @065 "STM nn"

2 In an attached statement, identify and describe the inventory method(s) used by the applicant in the prior tax year
for the goods covered by this election. @070 "STM nn"

3a Is the applicant already using the LIFO inventory method for any other goods? 080 090
b If “Yes” to line 3a, attach a statement identifying and describing the goods and the LIFO methods used.
@095 "STM nn"
4a Has the applicant ever used the LIFO inventory method for the goods covered by this election? 100 110
b If “Yes” to line 4a, attach a statement listing the tax years for which the LIFO inventory method was used and
explaining why the LIFO inventory method was discontinued. @115 "STM nn"

5 The applicant will not use the LIFO inventory method to account for the following goods (enter here):  120
@125 "STM nn"
Attach a statement if necessary.
Part II LIFO Inventory Requirements Yes No
6a Did the applicant value the closing inventories of goods covered by this election at cost for the tax year immediately
130 140
preceding the tax year specified on line 1?
b If “No” to line 6a, did the applicant value the beginning inventories of goods covered by this election at cost for
the tax year specified on line 1 as required by section 472(d)? 150 160
If “No” to line 6b, attach an explanation. @165 "STM nn"
c If “Yes” to line 6b, will the applicant account for the adjustment required by section 472(d) over a 3-year period? 170 180
If “No” to line 6c, attach an explanation. @185 "STM nn"

7a When determining the beginning inventories of goods covered by this election, did the applicant treat those goods
as being acquired for a unit cost that is equal to the total cost of those goods divided by the total number of units
on hand? 190 200
b If “No” to line 7a, attach an explanation. @205 "STM nn"

8a Did the applicant (or any member of the same group of financially related corporations as defined in section 472(g))
issue credit statements or reports to shareholders, partners, other proprietors, or beneficiaries covering the tax
year specified on line 1? 210 220
b If “Yes” to line 8a, attach a statement describing the recipient(s), the date(s) of issuance, and the inventory method(s)
used to determine income, profit, or loss in those statements. @225 "STM nn"

9a Will the applicant determine beginning and ending inventories at cost regardless of market value? 230 240
b If “No” to line 9a, attach an explanation. @245 "STM nn"

10a As a condition of adopting the LIFO inventory method, Regulations section 1.472-4 requires a taxpayer to agree
to make any adjustments incident to the change to, the change from, or the use of, the LIFO inventory method
that, upon the examination of the taxpayer’s income tax return, the IRS determines are necessary to clearly reflect
income. Does the applicant agree to this condition? 250 260
b If “No” to line 10a, the applicant is not eligible to use the LIFO inventory method and does not need to file Form 970.
Part III Specific Goods (Unit) Method
11 Under Regulations section 1.472-1, the types of goods in the opening inventory must be compared with similar types of
goods in the closing inventories. Attach a list of the types or categories of goods that will be compared, describe the
goods that will be included in each type or category, and identify the unit of measure (pounds, barrels, feet, etc.) used for
each type or category. @270 "STM nn"
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. B-35 Cat. No. 17057T Form 970 (Rev. 12-2005)
Form 970 (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
Part III Specific Goods (Unit) Method (Continued)
12 Check the box corresponding to the method that the applicant will use to determine the cost of the goods in the closing
inventories in excess of the cost of the goods in the opening inventories (see instructions):
290 Actual cost of goods most recently purchased or produced
293 Average cost of goods purchased or produced during the tax year
300 Actual cost of goods purchased or produced in the order of acquisition
310 Other (attach explanation) @315 "STM nn"

Part IV Dollar-Value Method

13 Attach a statement describing the applicant’s method of defining “items.” @320 "STM nn"
330 340
14a Did the applicant acquire any of the goods covered by this election at below-market prices? Yes No
b If “Yes” to line 14a, attach a statement explaining whether the applicant did, or will, account for the goods purchased at
below-market prices and similar goods produced or acquired at market prices as separate items. If the applicant did, or will,
account for both types of goods as the same item, explain and justify. @345 "STM nn"

15 Attach a statement describing the method of pooling the applicant will use for the goods covered by this election. If the
applicant will use more than one dollar-value pool, list and describe the contents of each dollar-value pool (see instructions).
@355 "STM nn"
16 Identify or describe the method the applicant will use to compute the LIFO value of each dollar-value pool containing goods
covered by this election (for example, double-extension method, link-chain method, or index method). 360
@365 "STM nn"
If the applicant’s method is neither the double-extension method nor the Inventory Price Index Computation method, attach
a statement describing the method in detail and justifying the applicant’s use of the selected method (see instructions).
17 Check the box corresponding to the method the applicant will use to determine the current-year cost of goods in the closing
inventories and to value the LIFO increments of the dollar-value pool(s) (see instructions).
370 Actual cost of goods most recently purchased or produced
380 Average cost of goods purchased or produced during the tax year
390 Actual cost of goods purchased or produced in the order of acquisition
400 Other (attach explanation) @405 "STM nn"

Part V Inventory Price Index Computation (IPIC) Method

18 Check the box corresponding to the method the applicant will use to compute the LIFO value of each dollar-value pool
containing goods covered by this election (see instructions).
410 Double-extension IPIC method
420 Link-chain IPIC method

19 Check the box corresponding to the table from which the applicant will select Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) price indexes
(see instructions).
430 Table 3 of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Detailed Report
440 Table 6 of the Producer Price Index (PPI) Detailed Report
450 Other table of the PPI Detailed Report
If the applicant will use “Other table of the PPI Detailed Report,” attach a statement explaining why the other table is more
appropriate than Table 6. @455 "STM nn"
460 470
20 Will the applicant use the 10 percent method (see instructions)? Yes No

21 If the applicant elects to use a representative month for selecting BLS price indexes from the applicable Detailed Report, enter
the representative month elected for each dollar-value pool. 480
See instructions and attach a statement if necessary. @485 "STM nn"
Part VI Other Information
22 Attach a statement describing the applicant’s method of determining the cost of inventory items (for example, standard cost
method, actual invoice cost, joint product cost method, or retail inventory method). @495 "STM nn"
23 Did the applicant receive IRS consent to change the method of valuing inventories for the tax year specified 500 505
on line 1 (see instructions)? Yes No
Form 970 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 982 Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of OMB No. 1545-0046
(Rev. November 2004) Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service  Attach this form to your income tax return. Sequence No. 94
Name shown on return Identifying number
Part I General Information (see instructions)

1 Amount excluded is due to (check applicable box(es)):

a Discharge of indebtedness in a title 11 case 020
b Discharge of indebtedness to the extent insolvent (not in a title 11 case) 030
c Discharge of qualified farm indebtedness 040
d Discharge of qualified real property business indebtedness 050

2 Total amount of discharged indebtedness excluded from gross income 2 060

3 Do you elect to treat all real property described in section 1221(a)(1), relating to property held for sale to 070 080
customers in the ordinary course of a trade or business, as if it were depreciable property? Yes No
Part II Reduction of Tax Attributes. You must attach a description of any transactions resulting in the reduction in basis under section
1017. See Regulations sections 1.1017-1 and 1.1017-1T for basis reduction ordering rules, and, if applicable, required partnership
consent statements. (For additional information, see the instructions for Part II.)
Enter amount excluded from gross income: @085 "STM nn" or blank
4 For a discharge of qualified real property business indebtedness, applied to reduce the basis of
depreciable real property 4 090
5 That you elect under section 108(b)(5) to apply first to reduce the basis (under section 1017) of
depreciable property 5 100
6 Applied to reduce any net operating loss that occurred in the tax year of the discharge or carried
over to the tax year of the discharge 6 110

7 Applied to reduce any general business credit carryover to or from the tax year of the discharge 7 120
8 Applied to reduce any minimum tax credit as of the beginning of the tax year immediately after
the tax year of the discharge 8 130
9 Applied to reduce any net capital loss for the tax year of the discharge including any capital loss
carryovers to the tax year of the discharge 9 140
10 Applied to reduce the basis of nondepreciable and depreciable property if not reduced on line
5. DO NOT use in the case of discharge of qualified farm indebtedness 10 150
11 For a discharge of qualified farm indebtedness, applied to reduce the basis of:
a Depreciable property used or held for use in a trade or business, or for the production of income, if
not reduced on line 5 11a 160
b Land used or held for use in a trade or business of farming 11b

c Other property used or held for use in a trade or business, or for the production of income 11c 180

12 Applied to reduce any passive activity loss and credit carryovers from the tax year of the discharge 12 190

13 Applied to reduce any foreign tax credit carryover to or from the tax year of the discharge 13 200
Part III Consent of Corporation to Adjustment of Basis of its Property Under Section 1082(a)(2)

Under section 1081(b), the corporation named above has excluded $ 210 from its gross income
for the tax year beginning 220 , and ending 230 .
Under that section the corporation consents to have the basis of its property adjusted in accordance with the regulations prescribed
under section 1082(a)(2) in effect at the time of filing its income tax return for that year. The corporation is organized under the
laws of 240 .
(State of incorporation) @250 "STM nn" or blank
Note: You must attach a description of the transactions resulting in the nonrecognition of gain under section 1081.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3 of this form. Cat. No. 17066E Form 982 (Rev. 11-2004)

OMB No. 1545-0121
Foreign Tax Credit

Department of the Treasury

(Individual, Estate, or Trust)
Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, 1041, or 990-T.
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 19
Name Identifying number as shown on page 1 of your tax return

010 "AMT"
Use a separate Form 1116 for each category of income listed below. See Categories of Income on page 3 of the instructions. Check only one
box on each Form 1116. Report all amounts in U.S. dollars except where specified in Part II below.
020 a Passive income 050 d Shipping income 080 g Lump-sum distributions
030 b High withholding tax 060 e Dividends from a DISC or former DISC 093 h Section 901(j) income
interest 070 f Certain distributions from a foreign 096 i Certain income re-sourced by treaty
040 c Financial services income sales corporation (FSC) or former 098 j General limitation income
@45 "STN nn"
k Resident of (name of country)  100
Note: If you paid taxes to only one foreign country or U.S. possession, use column A in Part I and line A in Part II. If you paid taxes to
more than one foreign country or U.S. possession, use a separate column and line for each country or possession.
Part I Taxable Income or Loss From Sources Outside the United States (for Category Checked Above)
Foreign Country or U.S. Possession Total
A B C (Add cols. A, B, and C.)

l Enter the name of the foreign country or U.S.

possession  130 150 170
1 Gross income from sources within country
shown above and of the type checked above (see
page 13 of the instructions): 185
140 160 180 1 190
Deductions and losses (Caution: See pages 13 and 14 @205 @325 @445
of the instructions): "STM nn" "STM nn" "STM nn"
2 Expenses definitely related to the income on
line 1 (attach statement) 200 320 440
3 Pro rata share of other deductions not definitely @225 @345 @465
related: "STM nn" "STM nn" "STM nn"
a Certain itemized deductions or standard
deduction (see instructions) 210 330 450
b Other deductions (attach statement) 220 340 460
c Add lines 3a and 3b 230 350 470
d Gross foreign source income (see instructions) 240 360 480
e Gross income from all sources (see instructions) 250 370 490
f Divide line 3d by line 3e (see instructions) 260 380 500
g Multiply line 3c by line 3f 270 390 510
4 Pro rata share of interest expense (see instructions):
a Home mortgage interest (use worksheet on
page 13 of the instructions) 280 400 520
b Other interest expense 290 410 530
5 Losses from foreign sources 300 420 540
6 Add lines 2, 3g, 4a, 4b, and 5 310 430 550 6 560
7 Subtract line 6 from line 1. Enter the result here and on line 14, page 2  7 570
Part II Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued (see page 14 of the instructions)
Credit is claimed Foreign taxes paid or accrued
for taxes

(you must check one) In foreign currency @645 "STM nn" In U.S. dollars @745 "STM nn"
(m) Paid 580 (s) Other (w) Other (x) Total foreign
Taxes withheld at source on: Taxes withheld at source on:
(n) Accrued foreign taxes foreign taxes taxes paid or
590 paid or paid or accrued (add cols.
(o) Date paid (q) Rents (u) Rents
(p) Dividends (r) Interest accrued (t) Dividends (v) Interest accrued (t) through (w))
or accrued and royalties and royalties
A 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690
B 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790
C 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890
@845 "STM nn"
8 Add lines A through C, column (x). Enter the total here and on line 9, page 2 @900 "STM nn"  8 910
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 18 of the instructions.
B-38 Cat. No. 11440U Form (2005)
Form 1116 (2005) Page 2
Part III Figuring the Credit
9 Enter the amount from line 8. These are your total foreign taxes paid
or accrued for the category of income checked above Part I 9 930
@940 "STM nn"
10 Carryback or carryover (attach detailed computation) 10 950

11 Add lines 9 and 10 11 960

@970 "STM nn" 12 980

12 Reduction in foreign taxes (see page 15 of the instructions)

13 Subtract line 12 from line 11. This is the total amount of foreign taxes available for credit 13 990
14 Enter the amount from line 7. This is your taxable income or (loss) from
sources outside the United States (before adjustments) for the category
of income checked above Part I (see page 15 of the instructions) 14 1000
@1010 "STM nn" 15 1020
15 Adjustments to line 14 (see page 16 of the instructions)
16 Combine the amounts on lines 14 and 15. This is your net foreign
source taxable income. (If the result is zero or less, you have no foreign
tax credit for the category of income you checked above Part I. Skip
lines 17 through 21. However, if you are filing more than one Form
1116, you must complete line 19.) 16 1030
17 Individuals: Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 41 (minus any
amount on Form 8914, line 2). If you are a nonresident alien, enter the
amount from Form 1040NR, line 38 (minus any amount on Form 8914,
line 2). Estates and trusts: Enter your taxable income without the
deduction for your exemption 17 1040
Caution: If you figured your tax using the lower rates on qualified dividends or capital gains, see
page 17 of the instructions.
18 Divide line 16 by line 17. If line 16 is more than line 17, enter “1” 18 1050
19 Individuals: Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44. If you are a nonresident alien, enter the amount
from Form 1040NR, line 41.
Estates and trusts: Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1a, or the total of Form 990-T,
lines 36 and 37 19 1060
Caution: If you are completing line 19 for separate category g (lump-sum distributions), see page 18 of the instructions.
20 Multiply line 19 by line 18 (maximum amount of credit) 20 1070
21 Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 20. If this is the only Form 1116 you are filing, skip lines 22 through
30 and enter this amount on line 31. Otherwise, complete the appropriate line in Part IV (see
page 18 of the instructions) 1080 "LSD"  21 1090
Part IV Summary of Credits From Separate Parts III (see page 18 of the instructions)

22 Credit for taxes on passive income 22 1100

23 Credit for taxes on high withholding tax interest 23 1110

24 Credit for taxes on financial services income 24 1120

25 Credit for taxes on shipping income 25 1130

26 Credit for taxes on dividends from a DISC or former DISC and certain
distributions from a FSC or former FSC 26 1135

27 Credit for taxes on lump-sum distributions 27 1160

28 Credit for taxes on certain income re-sourced by treaty 28 1175

29 Credit for taxes on general limitation income 29 1177

30 Add lines 22 through 29 30 1180
31 Enter the smaller of line 19 or line 30 31 1185
32 Reduction of credit for international boycott operations. See instructions for line 12 on page 15 32 1190
33 Subtract line 32 from line 31. This is your foreign tax credit. Enter here and on Form 1040, line 47;
Form 1040NR, line 44; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2a; or Form 990-T, line 40a  33 1200
B-39 1116
Form (2005)
Form 1310
(Rev. November 2005)
Statement of Person Claiming
Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury Attachment

Internal Revenue Service  See instructions below and on back. Sequence No. 87
Tax year decedent was due a refund: 010
Calendar year , or other tax year beginning , 20 , and ending , 20
Name of decedent Date of death Decedent’s social security number
020 / 030/ 040
Name of person claiming refund 050 Your social security number

print 060 070

or Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no.
type 110 120
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see instructions.
130 140 150 160

Part I Check the box that applies to you. Check only one box. Be sure to complete Part III below.
170 A Surviving spouse requesting reissuance of a refund check (see instructions).
180 B Court-appointed or certified personal representative (defined below). Attach a court certificate showing your appointment,
unless previously filed (see instructions).
190 C Person, other than A or B, claiming refund for the decedent’s estate (see instructions). Also, complete Part II. 200

Part II Complete this part only if you checked the box on line C above.
Yes No
1 Did the decedent leave a will? 210 220
2a Has a court appointed a personal representative for the estate of the decedent? 230 240
b If you answered “No” to 2a, will one be appointed? 250 260
If you answered “Yes” to 2a or 2b, the personal representative must file for the refund.
3 As the person claiming the refund for the decedent’s estate, will you pay out the refund according to the laws
of the state where the decedent was a legal resident? 270 280
If you answered “No” to 3, a refund cannot be made until you submit a court certificate showing your appointment
as personal representative or other evidence that you are entitled under state law to receive the refund.
Part III Signature and verification. All filers must complete this part.
I request a refund of taxes overpaid by or on behalf of the decedent. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this claim, and to
the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

Signature of person claiming refund  290 Date  300

General Instructions tax return. However, you must attach to his return a copy of
the court certificate showing your appointment.
Purpose of Form
Where To File
Use Form 1310 to claim a refund on behalf of a deceased
taxpayer. If you checked the box on line A, you can return the
joint-name check with Form 1310 to your local IRS office or
Who Must File the Internal Revenue Service Center where you filed your
return. If you checked the box on line B or line C, then:
If you are claiming a refund on behalf of a deceased
taxpayer, you must file Form 1310 unless either of the ● Follow the instructions for the form to which you are
following applies: attaching Form 1310, or
● You are a surviving spouse filing an original or amended ● Send it to the same Internal Revenue Service Center where
joint return with the decedent, or the original return was filed if you are filing Form 1310
separately. If the original return was filed electronically, mail
● You are a personal representative (defined on this page) Form 1310 to the Internal Revenue Service Center
filing an original Form 1040, Form 1040A, Form 1040EZ, or designated for the address shown on Form 1310 above. See
Form 1040NR for the decedent and a court certificate the instructions for the original return for the address.
showing your appointment is attached to the return.
Example. Assume Mr. Green died on January 4 before Personal Representative
filing his tax return. On April 3 of the same year, you were For purposes of this form, a personal representative is the
appointed by the court as the personal representative for Mr. executor or administrator of the decedent’s estate, as
Green’s estate and you file Form 1040 for Mr. Green. You do appointed or certified by the court. A copy of the decedent’s
not need to file Form 1310 to claim the refund on Mr. Green’s
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 11566B Form 1310 (Rev. 11-2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Employee Business Expenses

Department of the Treasury

 See separate instructions. 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040. Sequence No. 54
Your name Occupation in which you incurred expenses Social security number
008 009
Part I Employee Business Expenses and Reimbursements
Column A Column B
Step 1 Enter Your Expenses Other Than Meals Meals and
and Entertainment Entertainment

1 Vehicle expense from line 22c or line 29. (Rural mail carriers: See
instructions.) 1 010
2 Parking fees, tolls, and transportation, including train, bus, etc., that
did not involve overnight travel or commuting to and from work 2 013
3 Travel expense while away from home overnight, including lodging,
airplane, car rental, etc. Do not include meals and entertainment 3 017
4 Business expenses not included on lines 1 through 3. Do not
include meals and entertainment 4 023

5 Meals and entertainment expenses (see instructions) 5 025

6 Total expenses. In Column A, add lines 1 through 4 and enter the
result. In Column B, enter the amount from line 5 6 027 031

Note: If you were not reimbursed for any expenses in Step 1, skip line 7 and enter the amount from line 6 on line 8.

Step 2 Enter Reimbursements Received From Your Employer for Expenses Listed in Step 1

7 Enter reimbursements received from your employer that were not

reported to you in box 1 of Form W-2. Include any reimbursements
reported under code “L” in box 12 of your Form W-2 (see
instructions) 7 033 041

Step 3 Figure Expenses To Deduct on Schedule A (Form 1040)

8 Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero or less, enter -0-. However, if

line 7 is greater than line 6 in Column A, report the excess as
income on Form 1040, line 7 8 100 105
Note: If both columns of line 8 are zero, you cannot deduct
employee business expenses. Stop here and attach Form 2106 to
your return.
9 In Column A, enter the amount from line 8. In Column B, multiply
line 8 by 50% (.50). (Employees subject to Department of
Transportation (DOT) hours of service limits: Multiply meal
expenses incurred while away from home on business by 70% (.70)
instead of 50%. For details, see instructions.) 9 115 120

10 Add the amounts on line 9 of both columns and enter the total here. Also, enter the total on
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 20. (Reservists, qualified performing artists, fee-basis state or
local government officials, and individuals with disabilities: See the instructions for special rules
on where to enter the total.)  10 125
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 11700N Form 2106 (2005)

Form 2106 (2005) Page 2
Part II Vehicle Expenses
Section A—General Information (You must complete this section if you
(a) Vehicle 1 (b) Vehicle 2
are claiming vehicle expenses.)
11 Enter the date the vehicle was placed in service 11 *134/ "STM
/ nn" /195 /
12 Total miles the vehicle was driven during 2005 12 +135 miles 205 miles
13 Business miles included on line 12 13 +145 miles 215 miles
14 Percent of business use. Divide line 13 by line 12 14 +155 % 225 %
15 Average daily roundtrip commuting distance 15 +165 miles 235 miles
16 Commuting miles included on line 12 16 +175 miles 245 miles
17 Other miles. Add lines 13 and 16 and subtract the total from line 12 17 +185 miles 256 miles
18 Do you (or your spouse) have another vehicle available for personal use? 270 Yes No275
19 Was your vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? 280 Yes No283
20 Do you have evidence to support your deduction? 290 Yes No295
21 If “Yes,” is the evidence written? 300 Yes No305
Section B—Standard Mileage Rate (See the instructions for Part II to find out whether to complete this section or Section C.)
22a Multiply business miles driven before September 1, 2005 by 40.5¢ (.405) 22a 309
b Multiply business miles driven after August 31, 2005 by 48.5¢ (.485) 22b 312
c Add lines 22a and 22b. Enter the result here and on line 1 22c 315
Section C—Actual Expenses (a) Vehicle 1 (b) Vehicle 2
23 Gasoline, oil, repairs, vehicle
insurance, etc. 23 325 437
24a Vehicle rentals 24a 335 439
b Inclusion amount (see instructions) 24b 345 441
c Subtract line 24b from line 24a 24c 355 443
25 Value of employer-provided
vehicle (applies only if 100% of
annual lease value was included
on Form W-2—see instructions) 25 358 445
26 Add lines 23, 24c, and 25 26 370 447
27 Multiply line 26 by the
percentage on line 14 27 375 449
28 Depreciation (see instructions) 28 380 451
29 Add lines 27 and 28. Enter total
here and on line 1 29 383 453
Section D—Depreciation of Vehicles (Use this section only if you owned the vehicle and are completing Section C for the vehicle.)
(a) Vehicle 1 (b) Vehicle 2
30 Enter cost or other basis (see
instructions) 30 490 560
31 Enter section 179 deduction
(see instructions) 31 495 600
32 Multiply line 30 by line 14 (see
instructions if you claimed the
section 179 deduction or
special allowance) 32 505 602
33 Enter depreciation method and
percentage (see instructions) 33 515 604
34 Multiply line 32 by the percentage
on line 33 (see instructions) 34 530 606
35 Add lines 31 and 34 35 540 610
36 Enter the applicable limit explained
in the line 36 instructions 36 544 612
37 Multiply line 36 by the
percentage on line 14 37 546 614
38 Enter the smaller of line 35
or line 37. If you skipped lines
36 and 37, enter the amount
from line 35. Also enter this 550 616
amount on line 28 above 38

Form 2106 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury

Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040. Sequence No. 54A
Your name Occupation in which you incurred expenses Social security number
008 009
You May Use This Form Only if All of the Following Apply.
● You are an employee deducting ordinary and necessary expenses attributable to your job. An ordinary expense is one that is
common and accepted in your field of trade, business, or profession. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate
for your business. An expense does not have to be required to be considered necessary.
● You do not get reimbursed by your employer for any expenses (amounts your employer included in box 1 of your Form W-2 are
not considered reimbursements for this purpose).
● If you are claiming vehicle expense, you are using the standard mileage rate for 2005.
Caution: You can use the standard mileage rate for 2005 only if: (a) you owned the vehicle and used the standard mileage rate for the first year
you placed the vehicle in service, or (b) you leased the vehicle and used the standard mileage rate for the portion of the lease period after 1997.

Part I Figure Your Expenses

1 Vehicle expense using the standard mileage rate. Complete Part II and then go to line 1a below.

a Mulitply business miles driven before September 1, 2005, by 40.5¢ (.405) 1a 011

b Mulitply business miles driven after August 31, 2005, by 48.5¢ (.485) 1b 012

c Add lines 1a and 1b 1c 014

2 Parking fees, tolls, and transportation, including train, bus, etc., that did not involve overnight
travel or commuting to and from work 2 015

3 Travel expense while away from home overnight, including lodging, airplane, car rental, etc.
Do not include meals and entertainment 3 017

4 Business expenses not included on lines 1c through 3. Do not include meals and
entertainment 4 023

5 Meals and entertainment expenses: $ 025 × 50% (.50) (Employees subject to

Department of Transportation (DOT) hours of service limits: Multiply meal expenses incurred
while away from home on business by 70% (.70) instead of 50%. For details, see instructions.) 5 027

6 Total expenses. Add lines 1c through 5. Enter here and on Schedule A (Form 1040), line
20. (Armed Forces reservists, fee-basis state or local government officials, qualified performing
artists, and individuals with disabilities: See the instructions for special rules on where to enter
this amount.) 6 031
Part II Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming vehicle expense on line 1.

7 When did you place your vehicle in service for business use? (month, day, year)  / 134 /

8 Of the total number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2005, enter the number of miles you used your vehicle for:

a Business 145 b Commuting (see instructions) 175 c Other 185

9 Do you (or your spouse) have another vehicle available for personal use? 270 Yes No 275

10 Was your vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? 280 Yes No 283

11a Do you have evidence to support your deduction? 290 Yes No 295

b If “Yes,” is the evidence written? 300 Yes No 305

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 20604Q Form 2106-EZ (2005)
Form 2120 Multiple Support Declaration
OMB No. 1545-0074
(Rev. October 2005)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040A. Sequence No. 114
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

During the calendar year 010 , the eligible persons listed below each paid over 10% of the support of:

020 030
Name of your qualifying relative
I have a signed statement from each eligible person waiving his or her right to claim this person as a dependent for any tax year
that began in the above calendar year.
*040 "STM nn" +045 +050
Eligible person’s name Social security number
*+060 "STM nn" + 070 +080 + 090
Address (number, street, apt. no., city, state, and ZIP code)
100 105 110
Eligible person’s name Social security number

120, 130, 140, 150

Address (number, street, apt. no., city, state, and ZIP code)

160, 165 170

Eligible person’s name Social security number

180, 190, 200, 210

Address (number, street, apt. no., city, state, and ZIP code)

220 - 225 230

Eligible person’s name Social security number
240, 250, 260, 270
Address (number, street, apt. no., city, state, and ZIP code)

Note. To find out what is included in support, see Pub. 501,

Instructions Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information.
What’s New Signed Statement
The rules for multiple support agreements still apply to claiming an You must have received, from each other eligible person listed
exemption for a qualifying relative, but they no longer apply to above, a signed statement waiving his or her right to claim the
claiming an exemption for a qualifying child. For the definitions of person as a dependent for the calendar year indicated on this form.
“qualifying relative” and “qualifying child,” see your tax return The statement must include:
instruction booklet.
● The calendar year the waiver applies to,
Purpose of Form ● The name of your qualifying relative the eligible person helped to
Use Form 2120 to: support, and
● Identify each other eligible person (see below) who paid over 10% ● The eligible person’s name, address, and social security number.
of the support of your qualifying relative whom you are claiming as a
dependent, and Do not file the signed statement with your return. But you must keep
it for your records and be prepared to furnish it and any other
● Indicate that you have a signed statement from each other eligible information necessary to show that you qualify to claim the person
person waiving his or her right to claim that person as a dependent. as your dependent.
An eligible person is someone who could have claimed a person
as a dependent except that he or she did not pay over half of that Additional Information
person’s support. See Pub. 501 for details.
If there are more than four other eligible persons, attach a
statement to your return with the required information. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this
form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are
Claiming a Qualifying Relative required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are
Generally, to claim a person as a qualifying relative, you must pay complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right
amount of tax.
over half of that person’s support. However, even if you did not meet
this support test, you may be able to claim him or her as a You are not required to provide the information requested on a form
dependent if all five of the following apply. that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a
valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its
1. You and one or more other eligible person(s) (see above) instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become
together paid over half of that person’s support. material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
2. You paid over 10% of the support. returns and return information are confidential, as required by Internal
Revenue Code section 6103.
3. No one alone paid over half of that person’s support. The average time and expenses required to complete and file this form
4. The other dependency tests are met. See Step 4, Is Your will vary depending on individual circumstances. For the estimated
Qualifying Relative Your Dependent? in the Form 1040 or Form averages, see the instructions for your income tax return.
1040A instructions. If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be
5. Each other eligible person who paid over 10% of the support happy to hear from you. See the instructions for your income tax return.
agrees not to claim that person as a dependent by giving you a
signed statement. See Signed Statement on this page.

Cat. No. 11712F Form 2120 (Rev. 10-2005)
OMB No. 1545-0140
Underpayment of

Department of the Treasury

Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
 See separate instructions.
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040, 1040A, 1040NR, 1040NR-EZ, or 1041. Sequence No. 06
Name(s) shown on tax return Identifying number

Do You Have To File Form 2210?

Complete lines 1 through 7 below. Is line 7 less than $1,000?
 Do not file Form 2210. You do not owe a penalty.


a s 5 You do not owe a penalty. Do not file Form 2210 (but


Complete lines 8 and 9 below. Is line 6 equal to or more  if box E below applies, you must file page 1 of
than line 9?


r a f 2 0
Form 2210 below).

D /22 /
You may owe a penalty. Does any box in Part II below apply?
 You must file Form 2210. Does box B, C, or D apply?

No Yes
 You must figure your penalty.


Do not file Form 2210. You are not required to figure You are not required to figure your penalty because
your penalty because the IRS will figure it and send the IRS will figure it and send you a bill for any unpaid
you a bill for any unpaid amount. If you want to figure amount. If you want to figure it, you may use Part III
it, you may use Part III or Part IV as a worksheet and or Part IV as a worksheet and enter your penalty
enter your penalty amount on your tax return (see amount on your tax return (see page 2 of the
page 2 of the instructions), but do not file Form 2210. instructions), but file only page 1 of Form 2210.

Part I Required Annual Payment (see page 2 of the instructions)

1 Enter your 2005 tax after credits from Form 1040, line 57 (or comparable line of your return) 1 025
2 Other taxes, including self-employment tax (see page 2 of the instructions) 2 035
3 Refundable credits. Enter the total of your earned income credit, additional child tax credit, credit
for federal tax paid on fuels, and health coverage tax credit for eligible individuals 3 ( 045 )
4 Current year tax. Combine lines 1, 2, and 3. If less than $1,000, see page 2 of the instructions 4 055
5 Multiply line 4 by 90% (.90) 5 065
6 075
6 Withholding taxes. Do not include estimated tax payments. See page 2 of the instructions
7 Subtract line 6 from line 4. If less than $1,000, you do not owe a penalty; do not file Form 2210 7 085
8 Maximum required annual payment based on prior year’s tax (see page 2 of the instructions) 8 092
9 Required annual payment. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9 106
Next: Is line 9 more than line 6?
115 No. You do not owe a penalty. Do not file Form 2210 unless box E below applies.
Yes. You may owe a penalty, but do not file Form 2210 unless one or more boxes in Part II below applies.
● If box B, C, or D applies, you must figure your penalty and file Form 2210.
● If only box A or E (or both) applies, file only page 1 of Form 2210. You are not required to figure your penalty; the IRS
will figure it and send you a bill for any unpaid amount. If you want to figure your penalty, you may use Part III or IV as a
worksheet and enter your penalty on your tax return (see page 2 of the instructions), but file only page 1 of Form 2210.
Part II Reasons for Filing. Check applicable boxes. If none apply, do not file Form 2210.
135 A You request a waiver (see page 1 of the instructions) of your entire penalty. You must check this box and file page 1
of Form 2210, but you are not required to figure your penalty.
145 B You request a waiver (see page 1 of the instructions) of part of your penalty. You must figure your penalty and waiver
amount and file Form 2210.
155 C Your income varied during the year and your penalty is reduced or eliminated when figured using the annualized
income installment method. You must figure the penalty using Schedule Al and file Form 2210.
165 D Your penalty is lower when figured by treating the federal income tax withheld from your wages as paid on the
dates it was actually withheld, instead of in equal amounts on the payment due dates. You must figure your penalty
and file Form 2210.
173 E You filed or are filing a joint return for either 2004 or 2005, but not for both years, and line 8 above is smaller than
line 5 above. You must file page 1 of Form 2210, but you are not required to figure your penalty (unless box B,
C, or D applies).
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 6 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 11744P Form 2210 (2005)

Form 2210 (2005) Page 2
Part III Short Method
You may use the short method if:
● You made no estimated tax payments (or your only payments were
withheld federal income tax), or
● You paid estimated tax in equal amounts on your due dates.

You do not need to

file Form 2210 unless
o f
You must use the regular method (Part IV) instead of the short method if:
● You made any estimated tax payments late,
● You checked box C or D in Part II, or

you checked a box in ● You are filing Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ and you did not receive

Part II on page 1.

wages as an employee subject to U.S. income tax withholding.

a f t 0
Note: If any payment was made earlier than the due date, you may use the
short method, but using it may cause you to pay a larger penalty than the

regular method. If the payment was only a few days early, the difference is

r 2
likely to be small.


11 D /22 /
Enter the amount from Form 2210, line 9

Enter the amount, if any, from Form 2210, line 6 11 187

10 185


Add lines 11 and 12
0 9
Enter the total amount, if any, of estimated tax payments you made 12 195

Total underpayment for year. Subtract line 13 from line 10. If zero or less, stop here; you do
not owe the penalty. Do not file Form 2210 unless you checked box E on page 1



15 Multiply line 14 by .XXXXX 15 205

16 ● If the amount on line 14 was paid on or after 4/15/06, enter -0-.
● If the amount on line 14 was paid before 4/15/06, make the following computation to find the
amount to enter on line 16. Amount on Number of days paid
line 14 ⫻ before 4/15/06 ⫻ .XXXXX 16 215
17 Penalty. Subtract line 16 from line 15. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 76; Form 225 "AMOUNT WAIVED"
1040A, line 48; Form 1040NR, line 74; Form 1040NR-EZ, line 26; or Form 1041, line 26  17 227 245
233 "STM nn" Form 2210 (2005)

Form 2210 (2005) Page 3
Part IV Regular Method (See page 2 of the instructions if you are filing Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ.)
Payment Due Dates
Section A—Figure Your Underpayment (a) (b) (c) (d)
4/15/05 6/15/05 9/15/05 1/15/06

18 Required installments. If box C in Part II applies, enter


o f
the amounts from Schedule AI, line 25. Otherwise, enter
25% (.25) of line 9, Form 2210, in each column
Estimated tax paid and tax withheld (see page 2 of
the instructions). For column (a) only, also enter the
18 265 275 285 295

a s
amount from line 19 on line 23. If line 19 is equal to
or more than line 18 for all payment periods, stop

here; you do not owe a penalty. Do not file Form
19 298 303 305 308

2210 unless you checked a box in Part II

Complete lines 20 through 26 of one column
before going to the next column.

a 0 0
20 Enter the amount, if any, from line 26 in previous

355 435 515

column 20
21 365 445 525

D /22
21 Add lines 19 and 20
22 Add the amounts on lines 24 and 25 in previous column 22 375 455 535
23 Subtract line 22 from line 21. If zero or less, enter -0-.
23 315 385 465 545
For column (a) only, enter the amount from line 19.

24 If line 23 is zero, subtract line 21 from line 22.
24 395 475

Otherwise, enter -0-
25 Underpayment. If line 18 is equal to or more than
line 23, subtract line 23 from line 18. Then go to line 565
325 405 485
20 of the next column. Otherwise, go to line 26  25
26 Overpayment. If line 23 is more than line 18, subtract line
18 from line 23. Then go to line 20 of the next column 26 335 415 495
Section B—Figure the Penalty (Complete lines 27 through 32 of one column before going to the next column.)
April 16, 2005—September 30, 2005 4/15/05 6/15/05 9/15/05
Rate Period 1

Days: Days: Days:

27 Number of days from the date shown above
line 27 to the date the amount on line 25 was 575 608 634
paid or 9/30/05, whichever is earlier 27
28 Underpayment on line 25 Number of
611 635
(see page 4 of days on line 27
⫻ ⫻ .06
the instructions) 365  28 $ $ $
October 1, 2005—December 31, 2005 9/30/05 9/30/05 9/30/05
Rate Period 2

Days: Days: Days:

29 Number of days from the date shown above
line 29 to the date the amount on line 25 was 595 621 642
paid or 12/31/05, whichever is earlier 29
30 Underpayment on line 25 Number of
(see page 4 of days on line 29 600 626 644
⫻ ⫻ .05
the instructions) 365  30 $ $ $
January 1, 2006—April 15, 2006 12/31/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 1/15/06
Rate Period 3

Days: Days: Days: Days:

31 Number of days from the date shown above
line 31 to the date the amount on line 25 was 602 628 647
31 663
paid or 4/15/06, whichever is earlier
32 Underpayment on line 25 Number of
(see page 5 of days on line 31
⫻ ⫻ .05
the instructions) 365  32 $ 605 $ 633 $ 649 $ 665
33 Penalty. Add all amounts on lines 28, 30, and 32 in all columns. Enter the total here and on Form 667
1040, line 76; Form 1040A, line 48; Form 1040NR, line 74; Form 1040NR-EZ, line 26; or Form 1041,
line 26, but do not file Form 2210 unless you checked a box in Part II @669 "STM nn"  33 $ 671
Form 2210 (2005)

Form 2210 (2005) Page 4
Schedule AI—Annualized Income Installment Method (See pages 5 and 6 of the instructions.)
Estates and trusts, do not use the period ending dates shown to the right. (a) (b) (c) (d)
Instead, use the following: 2/28/05, 4/30/05, 7/31/05, and 11/30/05. 1/1/05–3/31/05 1/1/05–5/31/05 1/1/05–8/31/05 1/1/05–12/31/05

Part I Annualized Income Installments

1 Enter your adjusted gross income for each period (see instructions).

exemption for each period.)

o f
(Estates and trusts, enter your taxable income without your

Annualization amounts. (Estates and trusts, see instructions.)


3 Annualized income. Multiply line 1 by line 2
4 Enter your itemized deductions for the period shown in each column.

t a 5
If you do not itemize, enter -0- and skip to line 7. (Estates and trusts,
enter -0-, skip to line 9, and enter the amount from line 3 on line 9.)
Annualization amounts

f 0

6 Multiply line 4 by line 5 (see instructions if line 3 is more than $72,975) 6 920 1120 1340 1560

r a 2
In each column, enter the full amount of your standard deduction

from Form 1040, line 40, or Form 1040A, line 24 (Form 1040NR or

D /22
1040NR-EZ filers, enter -0-. Exception: Indian students and
business apprentices, enter standard deduction from Form 1040NR,
7 930 1130 1350 1570
line 37, or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 11.)
8 Enter the larger of line 6 or line 7 8 940 1140 1360 1580

9 Subtract line 8 from line 3 9 950 1150 1370 1590

10 In each column, multiply $3,200 by the total number of exemptions
claimed (see instructions if line 3 is more than $109,475). (Estates
and trusts and Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ filers, enter the
10 960 1160 1380 1600
exemption amount shown on your tax return.)
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9 11 970 1170 1390 1610
12 980 1180 1400 1620
12 Figure your tax on the amount on line 11 (see instructions)
13 990 1190 1410 1630
13 Self-employment tax from line 34 below (complete Part II)
14 Enter other taxes for each payment period (see instructions) 14 1000 1200 1420 1640
15 Total tax. Add lines 12, 13, and 14 15 1010 1210 1430 1650
16 For each period, enter the same type of credits as allowed on Form
16 1020 1220 1440 1660
2210, lines 1 and 3 (see instructions)
17 Subtract line 16 from line 15. If zero or less, enter -0- 17 1030 1230 1450 1670
18 Applicable percentage 18 22.5% 45% 67.5% 90%
19 Multiply line 17 by line 18 19 1040 1240 1460 1680
Complete lines 20–25 of one column before going to the next
column. 1250 1470 1690
20 Enter the total of the amounts in all previous columns of line 25 20
21 1050 1260 1480 1700
21 Subtract line 20 from line 19. If zero or less, enter -0-
22 Enter 25% (.25) of line 9 on page 1 of Form 2210 in each column 22 1060 1270 1490 1710
23 Subtract line 25 of the previous column from line 24 of that 1280 1720
23 1500
24 Add lines 22 and 23 24 1070 1290 1510 1730
25 Enter the smaller of line 21 or line 24 here and on Form 2210,
line 18  25 1080 1300 1520 1740
Part II Annualized Self-Employment Tax (Form 1040 filers only)
26 Net earnings from self-employment for the period (see instructions) 26 1750 1810 1870 1930
27 Prorated social security tax limit 27 $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX
28 Enter actual wages for the period subject to social security tax or
28 1760 1820 1880 1940
the 6.2% portion of the 7.65% railroad retirement (tier 1) tax
29 Subtract line 28 from line 27. If zero or less, enter -0- 29 1770 1830 1890 1950
30 Annualization amounts 30 0.496 0.2976 0.186 0.124
31 Multiply line 30 by the smaller of line 26 or line 29 31 1780 1840 1900 1960
32 Annualization amounts 32 0.116 0.0696 0.0435 0.029
33 Multiply line 26 by line 32 33 1790 1850 1910 1970
34 Add lines 31 and 33. Enter here and on line 13 above  34 1800 1860 1920 1980
Form 2210 (2005)
Printed on recycled paper

OMB No. 1545-0140
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by

Department of the Treasury

Farmers and Fishermen
Attach to Form 1040, Form 1040NR, or Form 1041.
Internal Revenue Service  See instructions on back. Sequence No. 06A
Name(s) shown on tax return Identifying number
In most cases, you do not need to file Form 2210-F. The IRS will figure any penalty you owe and send you a
bill. File Form 2210-F only if one or both of the boxes in Part I apply to you. If you do not need to file Form
2210-F, you still can use it to figure your penalty. Enter the amount from line 20 on the penalty line of your
return but do not attach Form 2210-F.
Part I Reasons for Filing—If box 1a below applies to you, you may be able to lower or eliminate your penalty.
But you must check that box and file Form 2210-F with your tax return. If box 1b below applies to you,

013 a f
check that box and file Form 2210-F with your tax return.

Check whichever boxes apply (if neither applies, see the text above Part I and do not file Form 2210-F):
You request a waiver. In certain circumstances, the IRS will waive all or part of the penalty. See the instructions for Waiver

of Penalty.

016 b Your required annual payment (line 15 below) is based on your 2004 tax and you filed, or are filing, a joint return for either

2004 or 2005 but not for both years.

Part II

f t
Figure Your Underpayment

a 0 0
Enter your 2004 tax after credits from Form 1040, line 57; Form 1040NR, line 52; or Form 1041,

r 2
Schedule G, line 4 2 020

D /22
Other taxes (see instructions)
Add lines 2 and 3. If less than $1,000, see instructions
5 050



5 Earned income credit
6 Additional child tax credit 6 055

7 Credit for Federal tax paid on fuels 7 060
8 Health coverage tax credit 8 065

9 Add lines 5, 6, 7, and 8 9 070

10 Current year tax. Subtract line 9 from line 4 10 080

11 Multiply line 10 by 662⁄3% 11 090

12 Withholding taxes. Do not include any estimated tax payments on this line (see instructions) 12 100
13 Subtract line 12 from line 10. If less than $1,000, stop here; you do not owe the penalty. Do not
file Form 2210-F 13 110
14 Enter the tax shown on your 2004 tax return. Caution: See instructions 14 120
15 Required annual payment. Enter the smaller of line 11 or line 14 15 130
Note: If line 12 is equal to or more than line 15, stop here; you do not owe the penalty.
Do not file Form 2210-F unless you checked box 1b above.
16 Enter the estimated tax payments you made by January 17, 2006, and any Federal income tax
and excess social security or tier 1 railroad retirement tax withheld during 2005 16 140
17 Underpayment. Subtract line 16 from line 15. If the result is zero or less, stop here; you do not
owe the penalty. Do not file Form 2210-F unless you checked box 1b above 17 150
Part III Figure the Penalty

18 Enter the date the amount on line 17 was paid or April 15, 2006, whichever is earlier 18 160
/ / 06

19 Number of days from January 15, 2006, to the date on line 18 19 170
Underpayment Number of days on line 19
20 Penalty. × × .05 @177 "STM nn" 20 180
on line 17 365
● Form 1040 filers, enter the amount from line 20 on Form 1040, line 76.
● Form 1040NR filers, enter the amount from line 20 on Form 1040NR, line 74.
● Form 1041 filers, enter the amount from line 20 on Form 1041, line 26.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.
B-49 Cat. No. 11745A Form 2210-F (2005)
010 020
Name, address, and ZIP code of RIC or REIT 050 OMB No. 1545-0145
Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed
060 Long-Term Capital Gains
2005 For calendar year 2005, or other tax year of the
regulated investment company (RIC) or the
real estate investment trust (REIT)

f beginning 030 , 2005, and

100 110 040
090 2439

Form ending , 20

Identification number of RIC or REIT 1a Total undistributed long-term capital gains

s 120 Copy A

Shareholder’s identifying number 1b Unrecaptured section 1250 gain Attach to

5 130 Form 1120-RIC


or Form 1120-REIT

f 0
Shareholder’s name, address, and ZIP code 1c Section 1202 gain 1d Collectibles (28%) gain

220 225 For Instructions

150 2 Tax paid by the RIC or REIT on the box 1a gains and Paperwork

r 2
Reduction Act

230 Notice, see back of
160 170 180 Copies A and D.

D /27
2439 Cat. No. 11858E Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

0 4

OMB No. 1545-0074
Child and Dependent Care Expenses

Department of the Treasury

 Attach to Form 1040. 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 21
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Before you begin: You need to understand the following terms. See Definitions on page 1 of the instructions.
● Dependent Care Benefits ● Qualifying Person(s) ● Qualified Expenses
Part I Persons or Organizations Who Provided the Care—You must complete this part.
(If you need more space, use the bottom of page 2.)
(a) Care provider’s (b) Address (c) Identifying number (d) Amount paid
1 name (number, street, apt. no., city, state, and ZIP code) (SSN or EIN) (see instructions)

+015 +020 * "STM nn"

*010 "STM nn" +030 *+040 + 045 +050
060 070 "S" = SSN or
065 080 090 "TAXEXEMPT" 100
No  Complete only Part II below.
Did you receive
dependent care benefits? Yes  Complete Part III on the back next.

Caution. If the care was provided in your home, you may owe employment taxes. See the instructions for Form 1040, line 62.
Part II Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
2 Information about your qualifying person(s). If you have more than two qualifying persons, see the instructions.
(a) Qualifying person’s name (b) Qualifying person’s social (c) Qualified expenses you
incurred and paid in 2005 for the
First Last security number person listed in column (a)
*110 "STM nn" +115 +214 +215
217 218 223 225
3 Add the amounts in column (c) of line 2. Do not enter more than $3,000 for one qualifying
person or $6,000 for two or more persons. If you completed Part III, enter the amount from
line 32 3 230
4 Enter your earned income. See instructions 4 260
5 If married filing jointly, enter your spouse’s earned income (if your spouse was a student
or was disabled, see the instructions); all others, enter the amount from line 4 5 270
6 Enter the smallest of line 3, 4, or 5 6 290
7 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 38 7 295
8 Enter on line 8 the decimal amount shown below that applies to the amount on line 7
If line 7 is: If line 7 is:
But not Decimal But not Decimal
Over over amount is Over over amount is
$0—15,000 .35 $29,000—31,000 .27
15,000—17,000 .34 31,000—33,000 .26
17,000—19,000 .33 33,000—35,000 .25 8 300 ⫻ .300
19,000—21,000 .32 35,000—37,000 .24
21,000—23,000 .31 37,000—39,000 .23
23,000—25,000 .30 39,000—41,000 .22
25,000—27,000 .29 41,000—43,000 .21 @315 "STM nn"
27,000—29,000 .28 43,000—No limit .20 318 "CPYE" 320
324 326
9 Multiply line 6 by the decimal amount on line 8. If you paid 2004 expenses in 2005, see 328
the instructions 9
10 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46, minus any amount on Form 1040, line 47 10 332
11 Credit for child and dependent care expenses. Enter the smaller of line 9 or line 10
here and on Form 1040, line 48 11 339
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of the instructions. Cat. No. 11862M Form 2441 (2005)

Form 2441 (2005) Page 2
Part III Dependent Care Benefits
12 Enter the total amount of dependent care benefits you received in 2005. Amounts you
received as an employee should be shown in box 10 of your Form(s) W-2. Do not include
amounts reported as wages in box 1 of Form(s) W-2. If you were self-employed or a partner,
include amounts you received under a dependent care assistance program from your sole
proprietorship or partnership 12 350
13 Enter the amount forfeited or carried forward to 2006, if any (see the instructions) 13 353
14 Subtract line 13 from line 12 14 356
15 Enter the total amount of qualified expenses incurred
in 2005 for the care of the qualifying person(s) 15 360
16 Enter the smaller of line 14 or 15 16 370
17 Enter your earned income. See instructions 17 380
18 Enter the amount shown below that applies

to you.
● If married filing jointly, enter your
spouse’s earned income (if your spouse
was a student or was disabled, see the
instructions for line 5). 390
● If married filing separately, see the
instructions for the amount to enter.
● All others, enter the amount from line 17.

19 Enter the smallest of line 16, 17, or 18 19 400

20 Enter the amount from line 12 that you received from your sole proprietorship or
partnership. If you did not receive any such amounts, enter -0- 20 500
21 Subtract line 20 from line 14 21 510
22 Enter $5,000 ($2,500 if married filing separately and you were required to enter your
spouse’s earned income on line 18) 22 520
23 Deductible benefits. Enter the smallest of line 19, 20, or 22. Also, include this amount
on the appropriate line(s) of your return (see the instructions) 23 530
24 Enter the smaller of line 19 or 22 24 540
25 Enter the amount from line 23 25 545
26 Excluded benefits. Subtract line 25 from line 24. If zero or less, enter -0- 26 550
27 Taxable benefits. Subtract line 26 from line 21. If zero or less, enter -0-. Also, include
this amount on Form 1040, line 7. On the dotted line next to line 7, enter “DCB” 27 570
To claim the child and dependent care
credit, complete lines 28–32 below.

28 Enter $3,000 ($6,000 if two or more qualifying persons) 28 580

29 Add lines 23 and 26 29 590
30 Subtract line 29 from line 28. If zero or less, stop. You cannot take the credit.
Exception. If you paid 2004 expenses in 2005, see the instructions for line 9 30 600
31 Complete line 2 on the front of this form. Do not include in column (c) any benefits shown on
line 29 above. Then, add the amounts in column (c) and enter the total here 31 610
32 Enter the smaller of line 30 or 31. Also, enter this amount on line 3 on the front of this
form and complete lines 4–11 32 620
Form 2441 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Form Foreign Earned Income
Department of the Treasury
 See separate instructions.  Attach to Form 1040.
Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No. 34
For Use by U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Only
Name shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Part I General Information 008 "WAIVER" @009 "STM nn"

1 Your foreign address (including country) 2 Your occupation
010 011 012 013 014 015 018 020
3 Employer’s name  030
4a Employer’s U.S. address  040 041 042 043 044
b Employer’s foreign address  050 051 052 053 054 055
5 Employer is (check 060a
any that apply): 
090 d
A foreign entity 070
A foreign affiliate of a U.S. company 100 e
b A U.S. company
Other (specify) 
080 c Self
6a If, after 1981, you filed Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ, enter the last year you filed the form.  110 "1982" through "2004"
b If you did not file Form 2555 or 2555-EZ after 1981 to claim either of the exclusions, check here  and go to line 7.
c Have you ever revoked either of the exclusions? 130 Yes No 140
d If you answered “Yes,” enter the type of exclusion and the tax year for which the revocation was effective.  @150 "STM nn"
7 Of what country are you a citizen/national?  160
8a Did you maintain a separate foreign residence for your family because of adverse living conditions at your
tax home? See Second foreign household on page 3 of the instructions 170 Yes No 180
b If “Yes,” enter city and country of the separate foreign residence. Also, enter the number of days during your tax year that
you maintained a second household at that address.  *190 "STM nn" +200
9 List your tax home(s) during your tax year and date(s) established.  *210 "STM nn" +215 YYYYMMDD

Next, complete either Part II or Part III. If an item does not apply, enter “NA.” If you do not give
the information asked for, any exclusion or deduction you claim may be disallowed.

Part II Taxpayers Qualifying Under Bona Fide Residence Test (See page 2 of the instructions.)

10 Date bona fide residence began  220 YYYYMMDD , and ended  225 YYYYMMDD "CONTINUE"
230 a Purchased house 240b Rented house or apartment c Rented room
11 Kind of living quarters in foreign country
260 d Quarters furnished by employer 250
12a Did any of your family live with you abroad during any part of the tax year? 270 Yes No 280
b If “Yes,” who and for what period?  *290 +295
13a Have you submitted a statement to the authorities of the foreign country where you claim bona fide residence
that you are not a resident of that country? (See instructions.) 300 Yes No 310
b Are you required to pay income tax to the country where you claim bona fide residence? (See instructions.)320 Yes No 330
If you answered “Yes” to 13a and “No” to 13b, you do not qualify as a bona fide resident. Do not complete the rest of
this part.
14 If you were present in the United States or its possessions during the tax year, complete columns (a)–(d) below. Do not
include the income from column (d) in Part IV, but report it on Form 1040. @415 "STM nn"
(a) Date (b) Date left (c) Number of (d) Income earned in (a) Date (b) Date left (c) Number of (d) Income earned in
days in U.S. U.S. on business days in U.S. U.S. on business
arrived in U.S. U.S. on business (attach computation) arrived in U.S. U.S. on business (attach computation)
*340 "STM nn" YYYYMMDD +342 +344 +346 380 382 384 386
348 YYYYMMDD 350 352 354 388 390 392 394
356 358 360 370 396 398 400 402
372 374 376 378 404 406 408 410
15a List any contractual terms or other conditions relating to the length of your employment abroad. 
b Enter the type of visa under which you entered the foreign country.  430 @450 "STM nn"
c Did your visa limit the length of your stay or employment in a foreign country? If “Yes,” attach explanation
440 Yes No 460
d Did you maintain a home in the United States while living abroad? 470 Yes No 480
e If “Yes,” enter address of your home, whether it was rented, the names of the occupants, and their relationship
to you.  *490 "STM nn" +495 "RENTED"
*+500 "STM nn" +510
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 11900P Form 2555 (2005)

Form 2555 (2005) Page 2
Part III Taxpayers Qualifying Under Physical Presence Test (See page 2 of the instructions.)

16 The physical presence test is based on the 12-month period from  530 YYYYMMDD through 540 YYYYMMDD "CONTINUE
17 Enter your principal country of employment during your tax year.  550
18 If you traveled abroad during the 12-month period entered on line 16, complete columns (a)–(f) below. Exclude travel between
foreign countries that did not involve travel on or over international waters, or in or over the United States, for 24 hours or
more. If you have no travel to report during the period, enter “Physically present in a foreign country or countries for the entire
12-month period.” Do not include the income from column (f) below in Part IV, but report it on Form 1040. @560 "STM nn"
(a) Name of country (d) Full days (e) Number of (f) Income earned in U.S.
(including U.S.) (b) Date arrived (c) Date left present in days in U.S. on business (attach
country on business computation)
*570 "STM nn" +580 YYYYMMDD +590 YYYYMMD+600 +610 +620
630 640 650 660 670 680
690 700 710 720 730 740
750 760 770 780 790 800
Part IV All Taxpayers @805 "STM nn"

Note: Enter on lines 19 through 23 all income, including noncash income, you earned and actually or constructively received during
your 2005 tax year for services you performed in a foreign country. If any of the foreign earned income received this tax year was
earned in a prior tax year, or will be earned in a later tax year (such as a bonus), see the instructions. Do not include income from
line 14, column (d), or line 18, column (f). Report amounts in U.S. dollars, using the exchange rates in effect when you actually or
constructively received the income.
If you are a cash basis taxpayer, report on Form 1040 all income you received in 2005, no matter when you performed
the service.
2005 Foreign Earned Income (in U.S. dollars)

19 Total wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, etc. 19 810

20 Allowable share of income for personal services performed (see instructions):
a In a business (including farming) or profession 20a 820
b In a partnership. List partnership’s name and address and type of income. 
@830 "STM nn" 20b 840
21 Noncash income (market value of property or facilities furnished by employer—attach statement
showing how it was determined):
a Home (lodging) @850 "STM nn" 21a 860

b Meals @870 "STM nn" 21b 880

c Car @890 "STM nn" 21c 900

d Other property or facilities. List type and amount. 

*910 "STM nn" +920 21d 925

22 Allowances, reimbursements, or expenses paid on your behalf for services you performed:
a Cost of living and overseas differential 22a 930
b Family 22b 940
c Education 22c 950
d Home leave 22d 960
e Quarters 22e 970
f For any other purpose. List type and amount. 
*980 "STM nn" +990 22f 995

g Add lines 22a through 22f 22g 1000

23 Other foreign earned income. List type and amount. 
*1010 "STM nn" +1020 23 1025

24 Add lines 19 through 21d, line 22g, and line 23 24 1030

25 Total amount of meals and lodging included on line 24 that is excludable (see instructions) 25 1040
26 Subtract line 25 from line 24. Enter the result here and on line 27 on page 3. This is your 2005
foreign earned income  26 1050
B-54 Form 2555 (2005)
Form 2555 (2005) Page 3
Part V All Taxpayers

27 1070
27 Enter the amount from line 26
Are you claiming the housing exclusion or housing deduction?
Yes. Complete Part VI. 1075 "Y" or "N"
No. Go to Part VII.

Part VI Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Exclusion and/or Deduction

28 1080
28 Qualified housing expenses for the tax year (see instructions)
29 Number of days in your qualifying period that fall within your 2005 tax
29 1090 days
year (see instructions)
30 Multiply $32.59 by the number of days on line 29. If 365 is entered on line 29, enter $11,894.00 here 30 1100
31 Subtract line 30 from line 28. If the result is zero or less, do not complete the rest of this part
or any of Part IX 31 1110
32 Enter employer-provided amounts (see instructions) 32 1120
33 Divide line 32 by line 27. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places), but do
not enter more than “1.000” 33 ⫻ . 1130
34 Housing exclusion. Multiply line 31 by line 33. Enter the result but do not enter more than the
amount on line 32. Also, complete Part VIII  34 1140
Note: The housing deduction is figured in Part IX. If you choose to claim the foreign earned
income exclusion, complete Parts VII and VIII before Part IX.
Part VII Taxpayers Claiming the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

35 Maximum foreign earned income exclusion 35 $80,000 00

36 ● If you completed Part VI, enter the number from line 29. 1160
36 days
● All others, enter the number of days in your qualifying period that
fall within your 2005 tax year (see the instructions for line 29).

37 ● If line 36 and the number of days in your 2005 tax year (usually 365) are the same, enter “1.000.”
● Otherwise, divide line 36 by the number of days in your 2005 tax year and enter the result
37 ⫻ . 1180
as a decimal (rounded to at least three places).
38 1200
38 Multiply line 35 by line 37
39 Subtract line 34 from line 27 39 1210
40 Foreign earned income exclusion. Enter the smaller of line 38 or line 39. Also, complete Part VIII  40 1220
Part VIII Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Exclusion, Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, or Both

41 Add lines 34 and 40 41 1230

42 Deductions allowed in figuring your adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 37) that are allocable
to the excluded income. See instructions and attach computation @1240 "STM nn" 42 1250
43 Subtract line 42 from line 41. Enter the result here and in parentheses on Form 1040, line 21.
Next to the amount enter “Form 2555.” On Form 1040, subtract this amount from your income
to arrive at total income on Form 1040, line 22 43 1260
Taxpayers Claiming the Housing Deduction—Complete this part only if (a) line 31 is more than line
Part IX
34 and (b) line 27 is more than line 41.

44 1270
44 Subtract line 34 from line 31

45 Subtract line 41 from line 27 45 1280

46 1290
46 Enter the smaller of line 44 or line 45
Note: If line 45 is more than line 46 and you could not deduct all of your 2004 housing deduction
because of the 2004 limit, use the worksheet on page 4 of the instructions to figure the amount
to enter on line 47. Otherwise, go to line 48.
47 Housing deduction carryover from 2004 (from worksheet on page 4 of the instructions) 47 1300
48 Housing deduction. Add lines 46 and 47. Enter the total here and on Form 1040 to the left of
line 36. Next to the amount on Form 1040, enter “Form 2555.” Add it to the total adjustments
reported on that line  48 1310
Printed on recycled paper Form 2555 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 2555-EZ Foreign Earned Income Exclusion 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 See separate instructions.  Attach to Form 1040.
Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No. 34A
Name shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

● Are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien.

● Do not have self-employment income.
● Earned wages/salaries in a foreign country.
You May Use ● Do not have business/moving expenses.
● Had total foreign earned income of
This Form And You:
$80,000 or less.
If You: ● Do not claim the foreign housing
● Are filing a calendar year return that exclusion or deduction.
covers a 12-month period.

Part I Tests To See If You Can Take the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

1 Bona Fide Residence Test

a Were you a bona fide resident of a foreign country or countries for a period that includes an entire tax year 010 020
(see page 2 of the instructions)? Yes No
● If you answered “Yes,” you meet this test. Fill in line 1b and then go to line 3.
● If you answered “No,” you do not meet this test. Go to line 2 to see if you meet the Physical Presence Test.
b Enter the date your bona fide residence began  030 , and ended (see instructions)  040 .

2 Physical Presence Test

a Were you physically present in a foreign country or countries for at least 330 full days during— 050 060
兵2005 or
any other period of 12 months in a row starting or ending in 2005? 其 Yes No

● If you answered “Yes,” you meet this test. Fill in line 2b and then go to line 3.
● If you answered “No,” you do not meet this test. You cannot take the exclusion unless you meet the
Bona Fide Residence Test above.
b The physical presence test is based on the 12-month period from  070 through  080 .

3 Tax Home Test. Was your tax home in a foreign country or countries throughout your period of bona fide 090 100
residence or physical presence, whichever applies? Yes No
● If you answered “Yes,” you can take the exclusion. Complete Part II below and then go to page 2.
● If you answered “No,” you cannot take the exclusion. Do not file this form.

Part II General Information

4 Your foreign address (including country) 5 Your occupation

110 111 112 113 114 115 118 120

6 Employer’s name 7 Employer’s U.S. address (including ZIP code) 8 Employer’s foreign address
140 141 142 150 151 152
130 143 144 153 154 155
9 Employer is (check any that apply):
a A U.S. business 160
b A foreign business 170
c Other (specify)  190 180
10a If you filed Form 2555 or 2555-EZ after 1981, enter the last year you filed the form.  200 "1982" through "2004"
b If you did not file Form 2555 or 2555-EZ after 1981, check here  and go to line 11a now. 220 230
c Have you ever revoked the foreign earned income exclusion? Yes No
d If you answered “Yes,” enter the tax year for which the revocation was effective.  240
11a List your tax home(s) during 2005 and date(s) established. 
*250 "STM nn" +260
b Of what country are you a citizen/national?  270
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 13272W Form 2555-EZ (2005)
Form 2555-EZ (2005) Page 2

Part III Days Present in the United States—Complete this part if you were in the
United States or its possessions during 2005.
(c) Number of days (d) Income earned in U.S.
12 (a) Date arrived in U.S. (b) Date left U.S.
in U.S. on business on business (attach computation)

*290 YYYYMMDD"STM nn" +300 YYYYMMDD +310 +320

330 340 350 360

370 380 390 400

410 420 430 440

450 460 470 480

490 500 510 520

530 540 550 560

570 580 590 600

610 620 630 640

Part IV Figure Your Foreign Earned Income Exclusion @645 "STM nn"

13 Maximum foreign earned income exclusion 13 $80,000 00

14 Enter the number of days in your qualifying period that fall within 2005 14 1160 days

15 Did you enter 365 on line 14?

1165 Yes. Enter “1.000.”
1175 No. Divide line 14 by 365 and enter the result as 15 ⫻ . 1180
a decimal (rounded to at least three places).

16 Multiply line 13 by line 15 16 1200

17 Enter, in U.S. dollars, the total foreign earned income you earned and received in 2005 (see
instructions). Be sure to include this amount on Form 1040, line 7 17 1210

18 Foreign earned income exclusion. Enter the smaller of line 16 or line 17 here and in parentheses
on Form 1040, line 21. Next to the amount enter “2555-EZ.” On Form 1040, subtract this amount
from your income to arrive at total income on Form 1040, line 22  18 1260
Form 2555-EZ (2005)

Printed on recycled paper
OMB No. 1545-0155
Form 3468 Investment Credit
Department of the Treasury  Attach to your tax return. Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No. 52
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Rehabilitation credit (see instructions for requirements that must be met): @025 "STM nn"
a Check this box if you are electing under section 47(d)(5) to take your qualified rehabilitation
expenditures into account for the tax year in which paid (or, for self-rehabilitated property,
when capitalized). See instructions. Note: This election applies to the current tax year and to
all later tax years. You may not revoke this election without IRS consent 020 
Enter the amount of qualified rehabilitation expenditures and multiply by the percentage shown:
b Pre-1936 buildings $ 030 × 10% (.10) 1b 040
c Certified historic structures 045 $ 050 × 20% (.20) 1c 060
(1) Enter the assigned NPS project number or the pass-through entity’s

employer identification number (see instructions) 070
(2) Enter the date that the NPS approved the Request for Certification of

60-month measuring period begins o
Completed Work (see instructions)
d (1) Enter the date on which the 24- or
/ 074/ and ends
/ 071/

/ 075/

a 5
(2) Enter the adjusted basis of the building as of the beginning date above
(or the first day of your holding period, if later) $ 076

f t 0 0
(3) Enter the amount of the qualified rehabilitation expenditures incurred,
or treated as incurred, during the period on line 1d(1) above

$ 077
e Rehabilitation credit from an electing large partnership (Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9) 1e 080

D /10 / 2
2 Energy credit for periods ending before January 1, 2006. Basis of property using solar or geothermal
energy placed in service during the tax year (see instructions) $
3 Energy credit for periods ending after December 31, 2005:
a Basis of property using geothermal energy placed in service during
the tax year (see instructions) $ 085 × 10% (.10)

× 10% (.10)

2 083

b Basis of property using solar illumination or solar energy placed in service
during the tax year (see instructions) $ 089 × 30% (.30) 3b 091

year $

Qualified fuel cell property (see instructions):
c Basis of property installed during the tax
× 30% (.30)
d Kilowatt capacity of property in c
097 × $1,000 3d
3c 095

e Enter the lesser of line 3c or 3d 3e 101
Qualified microturbine property (see instructions):
f Basis of property installed during the tax
year $ 103 × 10% (.10) 3f 105
g Kilowatt capacity of property in f
above  107 × $200 3g 109
h Enter the lesser of line 3f or 3g 3h 111
i Total. Add lines 3a, 3b, 3e, and 3h 3i 113
4 Qualifying advanced coal project credit for periods ending after August 8, 2005 (see instructions):
a Basis of qualified investment in integrated gasification combined cycle property
placed in service during the tax year $ 115 × 20% (.20) 4a 117
b Basis of qualified investment in property other than in a above placed
in service during the tax year $ 119 × 15% (.15) 4b 121
c Total. Add lines 4a and 4b 4c 123
5 Qualifying gasification project credit for periods ending after August 8, 2005 (see instructions). Basis of qualified
investment in property placed in service during the tax year $ 125 × 20% (.20) 5 127
6 Credit from cooperatives. Enter the unused investment credit from cooperatives 6 130
7 Current year credit. Add lines 1b through 6 @145 "STM nn" 7 135
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 12276E Form 3468 (2005)

Form 3468 (2005) Page 2
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)
8 Regular tax before credits:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines
1a and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return 8 170
9 Alternative minimum tax: Enter the alternative minimum tax (AMT) from the following line of the
appropriate form or schedule 9 180

● Individuals: Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations: Form 4626, line 14
● Estates and trusts: Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
Add lines 8 and 9
Foreign tax credit

o f
Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54
10 190

c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 11c 280
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 11d 290
f Add lines 11a through 11e

f t a 0 5
Other specified credits (see instructions) 11e 300

12 Net income tax. Subtract line 11f from line 10. If zero, skip lines 13 through 16 and enter -0- on
11f 310

a 0
line 17 12 320

13 Net regular tax. Subtract line 11f from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- 13


14 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 13 over $25,000 (see

D /10
15 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions)
16 Enter the greater of line 14 or line 15
17 Subtract line 16 from line 12. If zero or less, enter -0-

18 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 17 here and on Form

1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 17 is smaller than line 7, see instructions. 18 380

OMB No. 1545–0895
General Business Credit

Department of the Treasury

 See instructions. 2005
 Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No. 22
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1a Investment credit (Form 3468) 1a 020

b Work opportunity credit (Form 5884) 1b 030

c Welfare-to-work credit (Form 8861) 1c 040

o f
d Credit for increasing research activities (Form 6765)

e Low-income housing credit (Form 8586)




a s
f Enhanced oil recovery credit (Form 8830)

1f 080

t 0
g Disabled access credit (Form 8826) 1g 090

a f 0
h Renewable electricity production credit (Form 8835, Section A only)

r 2
1h 100

D /19 /
i Indian employment credit (Form 8845)

j Credit for employer social security and Medicare taxes paid on certain employee tips (Form 8846)



k Orphan drug credit (Form 8820) 1k 130

l New markets credit (Form 8874)

m Credit for small employer pension plan startup costs (Form 8881)

n Credit for employer-provided child care facilities and services (Form 8882)





o Qualified railroad track maintenance credit (Form 8900) 1o 570

p Biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels credit (Form 8864) 1p 580

q Low sulfur diesel fuel production credit (Form 8896) 1q 590

r Distilled spirits credit (Form 8906) 1r 600

s Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907) 1s 610

t Energy efficient home credit (Form 8908) 1t 620

u Alternative motor vehicle credit (Form 8910) 1u 640
v Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit (Form 8911) 1v 650
w Credit for contributions to selected community development corporations (Form 8847) 1w 660
x Trans-Alaska pipeline liability fund credit (see instructions) 1x 680
y General credits from an electing large partnership (Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B)) 1y 690
z Hurricane Katrina employee retention credit (Form 5884-A) 1z
2 Current year credit. Add lines 1a through 1z 2 740
3 Passive activity credits included on line 2 (see instructions) 3 770
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2 4 780
5 Passive activity credits allowed for 2005 (see instructions) 790 800
@825 "STM nn"
Carryforward of general business credit to 2005. See instructions for the schedule to attach 6 810
7 Carryback of general business credit from 2006 (see instructions) 7 840
8 Current year credit. Add lines 4 through 7 8 850
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. B-60 Cat. No. 12392F Form 3800 (2005)
Form 3800 (2005) Page 2
Part II Allowable Credit
9 Regular tax before credits (see instructions) 9 1020
10 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions) 10 1030
11 Add lines 9 and 10 11 1040

12a Foreign tax credit 12a 1050

b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 12b 1060
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 12c 1070
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 12d 1080
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 12e 1090

f Add lines 12a through 12e 12f 1100

13 Net income tax. Subtract line 12f from line 11. If zero, skip lines 14 through 17 and enter -0- on line 18 13 1110

14 Net regular tax. Subtract line 12f from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 1120
15 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 14 over $25,000 (see instructions) 15 1130


o f
Tentative minimum tax (see instructions)

Enter the greater of line 15 or line 16

16 1140

17 1150


a s
Subtract line 17 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0-

Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 8 or line 18 here and on Form
18 1160


t 0
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule

G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 19 is smaller than line 8, see instructions.


Individuals, estates, and trusts: See instructions if claiming the research credit. C corporations:

See Schedule A if claiming any regular investment credit carryforward and the line 19 instructions

r /
if there has been an ownership change, acquisition, or reorganization

D /19
1170 "SECb41(G)" 19
Schedule A—Additional General Business Credit Allowed by Code Section 38(c)(2) (Before Repeal by the

Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990)—Only Applicable to C Corporations
Enter the portion of the credit shown on line 6 that is attributable to the regular investment credit
under section 46 (before amendment by the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) 20



23 1 0
Tentative minimum tax (from line 16)
Multiply line 21 by 25% (.25)

Enter the amount from line 18



22 1230

24 Enter the portion of the credit shown on line 8 that is not attributable
to the regular investment credit under section 46 (before amendment
by the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) 24 1250

25 Subtract line 24 from line 23. If zero or less, enter -0- 25 1260
26 Subtract line 25 from line 20. If zero or less, enter -0- 26 1270
27 For purposes of this line only, refigure the amount on Form 4626, line
10, by using zero on Form 4626, line 6, and enter the result here 27 1280

28 Multiply line 27 by 10% (.10) 28 1290

29 Net income tax (from line 13) 29 1300
30 Enter the amount from line 19 30 1310
31 Subtract line 30 from line 29 31 1320
32 Subtract line 28 from line 31 32 1330
33 Enter the smallest of line 22, line 26, or line 32 33 1340
34 Subtract line 33 from line 21 34 1350
35 Enter the greater of line 15 or line 34 35 1360
36 Subtract line 35 from line 29. Also enter this amount on line 19 instead of the amount
previously figured on that line. Write “Sec. 38(c)(2)” next to your entry on line 19 36 1370
Form 3800 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 3903 Moving Expenses
 Attach to Form 1040. 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 62
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Before you begin:  See the Distance Test and Time Test in the instructions to find out if you can deduct your moving
 See Members of the Armed Forces on back, if applicable.
1 Transportation and storage of household goods and personal effects (see instructions) 1 040
2 Travel (including lodging) from your old home to your new home (see instructions). Do not include
the cost of meals 2 042

3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 044

4 Enter the total amount your employer paid you for the expenses listed on lines 1 and 2 that is
n o t included in box 1 of your Form W-2 (wages). This amount should be shown in
box 12 of your Form W-2 with code P 4 052

5 Is line 3 more than line 4?

060 No. You cannot deduct your moving expenses. If line 3 is less than line 4, subtract line 3
from line 4 and include the result on Form 1040, line 7.

070 Yes. Moving expense deduction. Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter the result here and on
Form 1040, line 26 5 180
Who Can Deduct Moving be at least 53 miles from that home. If you
General Instructions did not have an old workplace, your new
Expenses workplace must be at least 50 miles from
What’s New your old home. The distance between the
If you move to a new home because of a two points is the shortest of the more
For 2005, the standard mileage rate for new principal workplace, you may be able commonly traveled routes between them.
using your vehicle to move to a new home to deduct your moving expenses whether
is 15 cents a mile (22 cents a mile after you are self-employed or an employee. But You do not have to meet the distance
August 31, 2005). you must meet both the distance test and test if you are in the Armed Forces and the
time test that follow. move is due to a permanent change of
Purpose of Form station (see instructions on back).
Members of the Armed Forces
Use Form 3903 to figure your moving may not have to meet these To see if you meet the
expense deduction for a move related to TIP distance test, you can
tests. See instructions on back. TIP
the start of work at a new principal place use the worksheet
of work (workplace). If the new workplace below.
is outside the United States or its Distance Test
possessions, you must be a U.S. citizen or
resident alien to deduct your expenses. Your new principal workplace must be at
least 50 miles farther from your old home
If you qualify to deduct expenses for than your old workplace was. For example,
more than one move, use a separate Form if your old workplace was 3 miles from
3903 for each move. your old home, your new workplace must
For more details, see Pub. 521, Moving

Distance Test Worksheet Keep a Copy for Your Records

1. Number of miles from your old home to your new workplace 1. miles

2. Number of miles from your old home to your old workplace 2. miles

3. Subtract line 2 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0- 3. miles

Is line 3 at least 50 miles?
Yes. You meet this test.
No. You do not meet this test. You cannot deduct your moving expenses. Do not complete Form 3903.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 12490K Form 3903 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0162
Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels

Department of the Treasury

 See the Instructions on page 3.
Internal Revenue Service  Attach this form to your income tax return. Sequence No. 23
Name (as shown on your income tax return) Taxpayer identification number

Caution: ● Claims for diesel fuel and kerosene (other than kerosene used in aviation) used on a farm for farming pur-
poses on new lines 3e and 4c are made only by the ultimate purchaser after September 30, 2005.
● Claims on lines 5 and 8 for aviation-grade kerosene can be made only for uses or sales before October 1, 2005. See
line 14 and the worksheets in the instructions for claims for kerosene used in aviation after September 30, 2005.
● There are two credit rates in effect for most fuels during 2005. The * rate is applicable after Sept. 30, 2005.
1 Nontaxable Use of Gasoline
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN

a Off-highway business use of gasoline $.184/.183* 010 $
b Use of gasoline on a farm for farming purposes .184/.183* 020 070 362
c Other nontaxable use of gasoline"03,04,05,07,13,14" > 030 .184/.183* 040
2 Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gasoline
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade) $ .15 170 $ 180 354
b Other nontaxable use "01,03,09,10,13,14" > 190 .194/.193* 200 230 324
3 Nontaxable Use of Undyed Diesel Fuel
Claimant certifies that the diesel fuel did not contain visible evidence of dye. @240 "STM nn"
Exception. If any of the diesel fuel included in this claim did contain visible evidence of dye, attach an explanation; check here  250
Caution: Claims for diesel fuel used on a farm for farming
purposes are made only by the ultimate purchaser on line 3e
after September 30, 2005. (a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Nontaxable use "02,03,06,07,08,13" > 260 $.244/.243* 270 $ 300 360
Use in trains, January 1, 2005 – June 30, 2005
Use in trains, July 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005
315 其 320

d Use in certain intercity and local buses .17 330 340 350
e Use on a farm for farming purposes after Sept. 30, 2005 .243 343 347 360
4 Nontaxable Use of Undyed Kerosene (Other Than Aviation-Grade Kerosene and Kerosene Used in Aviation)
Claimant certifies that the kerosene did not contain visible evidence of dye. @350 "STM nn"
Exception. If any of the kerosene included in this claim did contain visible evidence of dye, attach an explanation; check here  360
Caution: Claims for kerosene used on a farm for farming
purposes are made only by the ultimate purchaser on line 4c
after September 30, 2005. See the instructions for an
exception for kerosene used in aviation. (a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Nontaxable use "02,03,06,07,08,13" > 370 $.244/.243* 380 $ 395 346
b Use in certain intercity and local buses .17 400 410 350
c Use on a farm for farming purposes after Sept. 30, 2005 .243 411 412 346
5 Nontaxable Use of Aviation-Grade Kerosene Before Oct. 1, 2005
Claimant certifies that the aviation-grade kerosene did not contain visible evidence of dye.
Exception. If any of the aviation-grade kerosene included in this claim did contain visible evidence of dye, attach a detailed
explanation and check here  414
@413 "STM nn"
Caution: Line 5 applies to claims for aviation-grade kerosene before October 1, 2005. See line 14 and the worksheets in the instructions
for kerosene used in aviation after September 30, 2005.
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade) $.175 415 $ 417 355
b Other nontaxable use "03,09,10,11,13" > 419 .219 421 423 369
c Use in foreign trade .044 425 427 377
6 Sales by Registered Ultimate Vendors of Undyed Diesel Fuel Registration No.  429
Claimant certifies that it sold the diesel fuel at a tax-excluded price, repaid the amount of tax to the buyer, or has obtained written
consent of the buyer to make the claim. Claimant certifies that the diesel fuel did not contain visible evidence of dye.
@431 "STM nn"
Exception. If any of the diesel fuel included in this claim did contain visible evidence of dye, attach an explanation and check here  433
Caution: Registered ultimate vendors cannot make claims for diesel fuel sold for use on a farm for farming purposes after Sept. 30, 2005.
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use on a farm for farming purposes before Oct. 1, 2005
b Use by a state or local government @441 "STM nn"
437 其 $

c Use in certain intercity and local buses .17 443 445 350
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. Cat. No. 12625R Form 4136 (2005)

Form 4136 (2005) Page 2
7 Sales by Registered Ultimate Vendors of Undyed Kerosene (Other
Than Aviation-Grade Kerosene and Kerosene Used in Aviation) Registration No.  610
Claimant certifies that it sold the kerosene at a tax-excluded price, repaid the amount of tax to the buyer, or has obtained the written consent
of the buyer to make the claim. Claimant certifies that the kerosene did not contain visible evidence of dye. @630 "STM nn" 640
Exception. If any of the kerosene included in this claim did contain visible evidence of dye, attach an explanation and check here 

Caution: Registered ultimate vendors cannot make claims for kerosene sold for use on a farm for farming purposes after September 30, 2005.
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN

a Use on a farm for farming purposes before Oct. 1, 2005 $.244 650 $
b Use by a state or local government @665 "STM nn" .244/.243* 660 346
c Sales from a blocked pump .244/.243* 670 685
d Use in certain intercity and local buses .17 680 695 350
8 Sales by Registered Ultimate Vendors of Aviation-Grade Kerosene before Oct. 1, 2005 Reg. No.  705
Claimant sold the aviation-grade kerosene at a tax-excluded price and has not collected the amount of tax from the buyer, repaid the
amount of tax to the buyer, or has obtained written consent of the buyer to make the claim.
Caution: Line 8 applies to claims for aviation-grade kerosene before October 1, 2005. See line 14 and the worksheets in the instructions
for sales of kerosene for use in aviation after September 30, 2005.
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade) $.175 715 $ 355

b Other nontaxable use "03,09,10,13" > 735 .219 745
c Use on a farm for farming purposes .219 755 775 369
d Use by a state or local government @777 "STM nn" .219 765
9 Sales by Registered Ultimate Vendors of Gasoline Registration No.  785
Claimant sold the gasoline at a tax-excluded price and has not collected the amount of tax from the buyer, repaid the amount of tax to the
buyer, or has obtained written consent of the buyer to make the claim; and obtained an unexpired certificate from the buyer and has no reason
to believe any information in the certificate is false. See the instructions for additional information to be submitted.
(b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use by a nonprofit educational organization $.184/.183* 795 $ 805
b Use by a state or local government @827 "STM nn" .184/.183* 815 825
10 Sales by Registered Ultimate Vendors of Aviation Gasoline Registration No.  830
Claimant sold the aviation gasoline at a tax-excluded price and has not collected the amount of tax from the buyer, repaid the amount of tax
to the buyer, or has obtained written consent of the buyer to make the claim; and obtained an unexpired certificate from the buyer and has no
reason to believe any information in the certificate is false. See the instructions for additional information to be submitted.
(b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use by a nonprofit educational organization $.194/.193* 840 $ 850
b Use by a state or local government @875 "STM nn" .194/.193* 860 870
11 Nontaxable Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
(a) Type of use (b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use in certain intercity and local buses $.062 880 $ 890 352
b Use in qualified local buses or school buses .136 900 910 361
c Other nontaxable use "01,02,04,13,14" > 920 .136 930 940 395
12 Alcohol Fuel Mixture Credit Registration No. 
Claimant produced an alcohol fuel mixture by mixing taxable fuel with alcohol. The alcohol fuel mixture was sold by the claimant to any
person for use as a fuel or was used as a fuel by the claimant.
(b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Alcohol fuel mixtures containing ethanol $.51 960 $ 970 393
b Alcohol fuel mixtures containing alcohol (other than ethanol) .60 980 990 394
13 Biodiesel Mixture Credit Registration No.  1000
Claimant produced a biodiesel mixture by mixing diesel fuel with biodiesel. The biodiesel mixture was sold by the claimant to any person for
use as fuel or was used as a fuel by the claimant. Claimant has a certificate from the producer or importer of the biodiesel which identifies
the percentage of biodiesel and agri-biodiesel in the product, and has no reason to believe the information is false. See the instructions for
line 13 to see if you must attach the certificate.
(b) Rate (c) Gallons (d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Biodiesel (other than agri-biodiesel) mixtures $.50 1010 $ 1020 388
b Agri-biodiesel mixtures 1.00 1030 1040 390
14 Kerosene For Use in Aviation After September 30, 2005. See the instructions for worksheets to figure the amount of credit.
(d) Amount of credit (e) CRN
a Use in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade) $ 1042 355
b Sales by registered ultimate vendors 1046 369

15 Total income tax credit claimed. Add lines 1 through 14, column (d). Enter here and on
Form 1040, line 70 (also check box b on line 70); Form 1120, line 32f(2); Form 1120-A, line
28f(2); Form 1120S, line 23c; Form 1041, line 24g; or the proper line of other returns.  15 $ 1050
B-64 Form 4136 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Social Security and Medicare Tax
Form 4137 on Unreported Tip Income 2005
 See instructions on back.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040. Sequence No. 24
Name of person who received tips (as shown on Form 1040). If married, complete a separate Form 4137 for each spouse with unreported tips. Social security number
010 020
Name(s) of employer(s) to whom you were required to, but did not, report your tips:
*030 "STM nn"



1 Total cash and charge tips you received in 2005 (see instructions) 1 060

2 Total cash and charge tips you reported to your employer in 2005 2 070
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1. This amount is income you must include in the total on Form 1040,
line 7 3 080
4 Cash and charge tips you received but did not report to your employer because the total was
less than $20 in a calendar month (see instructions) 4 090
5 Unreported tips subject to Medicare tax. Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on line 2
of Schedule U below 5 100
6 Maximum amount of wages (including tips) subject to social security tax 6 90,000 00
7 Total social security wages and social security tips (total of boxes 3
and 7 on Form(s) W-2) or railroad retirement (tier 1) compensation 7 110

8 Subtract line 7 from line 6. If line 7 is more than line 6, enter -0- here and on line 9 and go to line 11 8 120
9 Unreported tips subject to social security tax. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 here and on 124 "1.45% TIPS"
line 1 of Schedule U below. If you received tips as a federal, state, or local government 127
employee, see instructions 9 130

10 Multiply line 9 by .062 10 140

11 Multiply line 5 by .0145 11 190

12 Add lines 10 and 11. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 59  12 200
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions on back. Form 4137 (2005)

Do Not Detach

U.S. Schedule of Unreported Tip Income
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service For crediting to your social security record 2005
Note: The amounts you report below are for your social security record. This record is used to figure any benefits, based on your
earnings, payable to you and your dependents or your survivors. Fill in each item accurately and completely.
Print or type name of person who received tip income (as shown on Form 1040) Social security number

Address (number, street, and apt. no., or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to your home) Occupation

City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code

1 Unreported tips subject to social security tax. Enter the amount from line 9 (Form 4137) above  1
2 Unreported tips subject to Medicare tax. Enter the amount from line 5 (Form 4137) above  2
Please do not write in this space


Cat. No. 12626C Schedule U (Form 1040) 2005
Form 4255
(Rev. November 2005)
Recapture of Investment Credit OMB No. 1545-0166

Department of the Treasury  Attach to your income tax return. Sequence No. 65
Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) as shown on return Identifying number

Type of property—State whether rehabilitation, energy, or reforestation property. (See the Instructions for Form 3468 for the year the investment
credit property was placed in service for definitions.) If rehabilitation property, also show type of building. If energy property, show type.

s o *010 "STM nn"


f t 0 5 250

r a / 2 0 370
Original Investment Credit

D /20
Computation Steps:
(see Specific Instructions) A B C D
1 Original rate of credit 1 +020 140 260 380
2 Cost or other basis 2 *+023 "STM nn" 143 263 383

3 Original credit. Multiply line 2 by the
3 +080 200 320 440

percentage on line 1
4 Date property was placed in service 4 /+084/ / 204 / / 324 / / 444 /
5 Date property ceased to be qualified
investment credit property 5 /+090/ / 210 / / 330 / / 450 /
6 Number of full years between the date on line
4 and the date on line 5 6 +100 "00" 220 340 460
Recapture Tax
7 Recapture percentage (see instructions) 7 +110 230 350 470
8 Tentative recapture tax. Multiply line 3 by the
percentage on line 7 8 +120 240 360 480
9 Add all the amounts on line 8 483 "TAX FROM ATTACHED" 486 9 490
10 Enter the recapture tax from property for which there was an increase in nonqualified nonrecourse
financing (attach separate computation) 495 10 500
11 Add lines 9 and 10 11 510
12 Portion of original credit (line 3) not used to offset tax in any year, plus any carryback and
carryforward of credits you now can apply to the original credit year because you have freed up
tax liability in the amount of the tax recaptured. Do not enter more than line 11—see instructions 12 520
13 Total increase in tax. Subtract line 12 from line 11. Enter here and on the appropriate line of your tax
return. See section 29(b)(4) if you claim the nonconventional source fuel credit. Electing large
partnerships, see instructions 13 530

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. B-66

Cat. No. 41488C Form 4255 (Rev. 11-2005)
Depreciation and Amortization
Form 4562 (Including Information on Listed Property)
OMB No. 1545-0172

(Rev. January 2006)
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 See separate instructions.  Attach to your tax return. 67

Internal Revenue Service Sequence No.
Name(s) shown on return Business or activity to which this form relates Identifying number
Part I Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179

a s
Note: If you have any listed property, complete Part V before you complete Part I.

5 $105,000

1 Maximum amount. See the instructions for a higher limit for certain businesses 1

Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation

a 0
Total cost of section 179 property placed in service (see instructions)


4 Reduction in limitation. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0-

separately, see instructions
(a) Description of property
*020 "STM nn"
D /29 /
Dollar limitation for tax year. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-. If married filing

(b) Cost (business use only)

(c) Elected cost
5 018

7 Listed property. Enter the amount from line 29 7 080
8 081

8 Total elected cost of section 179 property. Add amounts in column (c), lines 6 and 7
9 Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9 083
10 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2004 Form 4562 10 088
11 Business income limitation. Enter the smaller of business income (not less than zero) or line 5 (see instructions) 11 090
12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 12 092
13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2006. Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12  13 094
Note: Do not use Part II or Part III below for listed property. Instead, use Part V.
Part II Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instructions.)
14 Special allowance for certain aircraft, certain property with a long production period, and qualified NYL
or GO Zone property (other than listed property) placed in service during the tax year (see instructions) 14 096
15 Property subject to section 168(f)(1) election @098 "STM nn" 15 101
16 Other depreciation (including ACRS) @103 "STM nn" 16 105
Part III MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instructions.)
Section A
17 MACRS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 2005 17 107
18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more
general asset accounts, check here 109 
Section B—Assets Placed in Service During 2005 Tax Year Using the General Depreciation System
(b) Month and (c) Basis for depreciation
(d) Recovery
(a) Classification of property year placed in (business/investment use (e) Convention (f) Method (g) Depreciation deduction
service only—see instructions)
19a 3-year property *111 "STM nn" +113 +115 +120 +130
b 5-year property *140 "STM nn" +150 +155 +160 +170
c 7-year property *172 "STM nn" +174 +175 +176 +178
d 10-year property *180 "STM nn" +190 +195 +200 +210
e 15-year property *220 "STM nn" +230 +235 +240 +250
f 20-year property *275 "STM nn" +285 +287 +295 +305
g 25-year property *307 "STM nn" 25 yrs. +309 S/L +311
*313 "STM nn"
h Residential rental +317 27.5 yrs. MM S/L +333
property 337 343 27.5 yrs. MM S/L 357
i Nonresidential*363
real "STM nn" +367 39 yrs. MM
+383 S/L
property *387 "STM nn" +393 +400 +407
Section C—Assets Placed in Service During 2005 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System
20a Class life 410 415 420 S/L 425
b 12-year 430 12 yrs. 435 S/L 440
c 40-year 445 450 40 yrs. MM S/L 455
Part IV Summary (see instructions)
21 Listed property. Enter amount from line 28 21 497
22 Total. Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 in column (g), and line 21.
Enter here and on the appropriate lines of your return. Partnerships and S corporations—see instr. 22 500
23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the current year,
enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23 505
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. B-67 Cat. No. 12906N Form 4562 (2005) (Rev. 1-2006)
Form 4562 (2005) (Rev. 1-2006) 2 Page
Part V Listed Property (Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, cellular telephones, certain computers, and

property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement.)
Note: For any vehicle for which you are using the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only

24a, 24b, columns (a) through (c) of Section A, all of Section B, and Section C if applicable.
Section A—Depreciation and Other Information (Caution: See the instructions for limits for passenger automobiles.)

24a Do you have evidence to support the business/investment use claimed? Yes No 24b If “Yes,” is the evidence written? Yes No

(c) 762 (e) 764 (i) 768

(a) (b) Business/ (d) (f) (g) (h)
investment Basis for depreciation Elected

Type of property (list Date placed in Cost or other Recovery Method/ Depreciation

use (business/investment section 179
vehicles first) service basis period Convention deduction

percentage use only) cost

25 Special allowance for certain aircraft, certain property with a long production period, and qualified NYL or GO Zone

*775 "STM nn" +780 +790 %

26 Property used more than 50% in a qualified business use:
property placed in service during the tax year and used more than 50% in a qualified business use (see instructions) 25

2 +810 +822

+830 +840

D /29
850 860 870 % 880 890 895 902 910 920
930 940 950 % 960 970 975 985 990 1000
27 Property used 50% or less in a qualified business use:

*1010 "STM nn" +1020 +1030 % +1040 +1050 +1055 S/L +1060– +1070
1090 1100 1110 % 1120 1130 1135 S/L –1140 1150
1170 1180 1190 %

1 1200
28 Add amounts in column (h), lines 25 through 27. Enter here and on line 21, page 1
29 Add amounts in column (i), line 26. Enter here and on line 7, page 1

Section B—Information on Use of Vehicles

1215 S/L –1220

Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other “more than 5% owner,” or related person.
29 1600

If you provided vehicles to your employees, first answer the questions in Section C to see if you meet an exception to completing this section for those vehicles.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
30 Total business/investment miles driven
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Vehicle 5 Vehicle 6
during the year (do not include commuting
miles) *1620 "STM nn" 1660 1700 1740 1780 1820
31 Total commuting miles driven during the year +1630 1670 1710 1750 1790 1830
32 Total other personal (noncommuting)
miles driven +1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840
33 Total miles driven during the year. Add
lines 30 through 32 +1645 1685 1725 1765 1805 1845
34 Was the vehicle available for personal Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
use during off-duty hours? 1850 "STM nn" +1860 1910 1920 1970 1980 2030 2040 2090 2100 2150 2160
35 Was the vehicle used primarily by a
more than 5% owner or related person? +1863+1867 1923 1927 1983 1987 2043 2047 2103 2107 2163 2167
36 Is another vehicle available for personal
use? +1870+1880 1930 1940 1990 2000 2050 2060 2110 2120 2170 2180
Section C—Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees
Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees who are
not more than 5% owners or related persons (see instructions).
37 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, Yes No
by your employees? 2190 2200
38 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits personal use of vehicles, except commuting, by your employees?
See the instructions for vehicles used by corporate officers, directors, or 1% or more owners 2210 2220
39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? 2230 2240
40 Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about
the use of the vehicles, and retain the information received? 2250 2260
41 Do you meet the requirements concerning qualified automobile demonstration use? (See instructions.) 2270 2280
Note: If your answer to 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41 is “Yes,” do not complete Section B for the covered vehicles.
Part VI Amortization
(d) (e)
(b) (c) (f)
(a) Amortization
Date amortization Amortizable Code Amortization for
Description of costs period or
begins amount section this year
42 Amortization of costs that begins during your 2005 tax year (see instructions):
*2290 "STM nn" +2300 +2310 +2320 +2330 +2340
2350 2360 2370 2380 2390 2400
43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2005 tax year 43 2410
44 Total. Add amounts in column (f). See the instructions for where to report 44 2420
B-68 Form 4562 (2005) (Rev. 1-2006)
Form 4563 Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents
of American Samoa
OMB No. 1545-0074

(Rev. December 2005)

 Attach to Form 1040.  See instructions below and on back. Sequence No. 68
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number
010 020
Part I General Information
1 Date bona fide residence began  030 , and ended  040
2 Type of living quarters in
American Samoa
070  Rented room 060
Quarters furnished by employer 080
Rented house or
Purchased home
090 100
3a Did any of your family live with you in American Samoa during any part of the tax year? Yes No
b If “Yes,” who and for what period?  *110 +120
130 140
4a Did you maintain any home(s) outside American Samoa? Yes No
b If “Yes,” show address of your home(s), whether it was rented, the name of each occupant, and his or her relationship to
you.  *150 +160 *+170 +180

5 Name and address of employer (state if self-employed)  190 200

6 Complete columns (a) through (d) below for days absent from American Samoa during the tax year.
(b) Date (c) Number of
(a) Date left (d) Reason for absence
returned days absent

*210 +220 +230 +240

250 260 270 280
290 300 310 320
330 340 350 360
Part II Figure Your Exclusion. Include only income that qualifies for the exclusion. See instructions.
7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. 7 370
8 Taxable interest 8 380
9 Ordinary dividends 9 390
10 Business income 10 400
11 Capital gain 11 410
12 Rental real estate, royalties, etc. 12 420
13 Farm income 13 430
14 Other income. List type and amount  *440 "AN", "MSA", "LTC", or "STM nn"
+445 14 450
15 Add lines 7 through 14. This is the amount you may exclude from your gross income this tax
year  15 460

Instructions In future years, bona fide residents of Guam and the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code. TIP (CNMI) may also qualify for the exclusion. They will
What’s New not qualify, however, unless implementation
● The rules for determining whether you are a bona fide agreements are in effect with the United States. At the time
resident of American Samoa have changed. See Bona Fide this form went to print, the CNMI had not entered into an
Residence Test on this page. implementation agreement. Also, the effective date of the
agreement between the United States and Guam had not been
● If, in tax year 2001 or later, you become or ceased to be a determined.
bona fide resident of a U.S. possession, you may be required
to file Form 8898, Statement for Individuals Who Begin or Bona Fide Residence Test
End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession. The penalty To qualify under this test, you must be a bona fide resident of
for failure to provide the required information is $1,000. For American Samoa for the entire tax year (January 1 through
details, see the Instructions for Form 8898. December 31 if you file a calendar year return).
In general, for tax years beginning after October 22, 2004,
Purpose of Form you are a bona fide resident of American Samoa if, during the
If you qualify, use Form 4563 to figure the amount of income tax year, you:
you may exclude from your gross income.
● Are present in American Samoa for at least 183 days,
Who Qualifies ● Do not have a tax home outside of American Samoa, and
You qualify for the exclusion if you were a bona fide resident ● Do not have a closer connection to the United States or a
of American Samoa for the entire tax year. See Bona Fide foreign country than to American Samoa.
Residence Test on this page.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. B-69 Cat No. 12909U Form 4563 (Rev. 12-2005)
OMB No. 1545-0177
Form 4684 Casualties and Thefts

See separate instructions.

Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  Use a separate Form 4684 for each casualty or theft. Sequence No. 26
Name(s) shown on tax return Identifying number

SECTION A—Personal Use Property (Use this section to report casualties and thefts of property not used in a trade
or business or for income-producing purposes.)
1 Description of properties (show type, location, and date acquired for each property). Use a separate line for each property lost or damaged
from the same casualty or theft.
Property A *010 "STM nn"
Property B 100
Property C 190
Property D 280


2 Cost or other basis of each property 2 +020 110 200 290

3 Insurance or other reimbursement (whether or not
you filed a claim) (see instructions) 3 +030 120 210 300
Note: If line 2 is more than line 3, skip line 4.
4 Gain from casualty or theft. If line 3 is more than line
2, enter the difference here and skip lines 5 through 9
for that column. See instructions if line 3 includes in-
surance or other reimbursement you did not claim, or
you received payment for your loss in a later tax year *+040
4 "STM nn" 130 220 310

5 Fair market value before casualty or theft 5 +050 140 230 320

6 Fair market value after casualty or theft 6 +060 150 240 330

7 Subtract line 6 from line 5 7 +070 160 250 340

8 Enter the smaller of line 2 or line 7 8 +080 170 260 350

9 Subtract line 3 from line 8. If zero or less,

enter -0- 9 +090 180 270 360

10 Casualty or theft loss. Add the amounts on line 9 in columns A through D 10 370
11 Enter the smaller of line 10 or $100. But if the loss arose in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area after August
24, 2005, and was caused by Hurricane Katrina, enter -0- 11 380
12 Subtract line 11 from line 10 12 390
Caution: Use only one Form 4684 for lines 13 through 21.
13 Add the amounts on line 12 of all Forms 4684 13 400
14 Add the amounts on line 4 of all Forms 4684 14 410

15 ● If line 14 is more than line 13, enter the difference here and on Schedule D. Do not
complete the rest of this section (see instructions). 15 420
● If line 14 is less than line 13, enter -0- here and go to line 16.
● If line 14 is equal to line 13, enter -0- here. Do not complete the rest of this section.
16 If line 14 is less than line 13, enter the difference 16 430
17 Add the amounts on line 12 of all Forms 4684 on which you entered -0- on line 11 17 435
18 Is line 17 less than line 16?
437 No. Stop. Enter the amount from line 16 on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 19. Estates and trusts, enter the
amount from line 16 on the “Other deductions” line of your tax return.
439 Yes. Subtract line 17 from line 16. 18 445
19 Enter 10% of your adjusted gross income from Form 1040, line 38. Estates and trusts, see instructions 19 447
20 Subtract line 19 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0- 20 451
21 Add lines 17 and 20. Also enter the result on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 19. Estates and trusts, enter the result
on the “Other deductions” line of your tax return 21 453
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of the instructions. B-70 Cat. No. 12997O Form 4684 (2005)
Form 4684 (2005) Attachment Sequence No. 26 Page 2
Name(s) shown on tax return. Do not enter name and identifying number if shown on other side. Identifying number

SECTION B—Business and Income-Producing Property

Part I Casualty or Theft Gain or Loss (Use a separate Part l for each casualty or theft.)
22 Description of properties (show type, location, and date acquired for each property). Use a separate line for each property lost or dam-
aged from the same casualty or theft.
Property A *470 "STM nn"
Property B 560
Property C 650
Property D 740
23 Cost or adjusted basis of each property 23 +480 570 660 750
24 Insurance or other reimbursement (whether or not
you filed a claim). See the instructions for line 3 24 +490 580 670 760
Note: If line 23 is more than line 24, skip line 25
25 Gain from casualty or theft. If line 24 is more than line
23, enter the difference here and on line 32 or line 37,
column (c), except as provided in the instructions for
line 36. Also, skip lines 26 through 30 for that column.
See the instructions for line 4 if line 24 includes
insurance or other reimbursement you did not claim, or
you received payment for your loss in a later tax year *+500
25 "STM nn" 590 680 770
26 Fair market value before casualty or theft 26 +510 600 690 780
27 Fair market value after casualty or theft 27 +520 610 700 790
28 Subtract line 27 from line 26 28 +530 620 710 800
29 Enter the smaller of line 23 or line 28 29 +540 630 720 810
Note: If the property was totally destroyed by 815
casualty or lost from theft, enter on line 29 the +545 635 725
amount from line 23. 820
30 Subtract line 24 from line 29. If zero or less, enter -0- 30 +550 640 730 *825"STM nn"
31 Casualty or theft loss. Add the amounts on line 30. Enter the total here and on line 32 or line 37 (see instructions) 31 830
Part II Summary of Gains and Losses (from separate Parts l) (b) Losses from casualties or thefts
(c) Gains from
(i) Trade, business, (ii) Income- casualties or thefts
(a) Identify casualty or theft rental or royalty producing and includible in income
property employee property
Casualty or Theft of Property Held One Year or Less
32 *840 "STM nn" ( +850 ) ( +860 ) +870
880 ( 890 ) ( 900 ) 910
33 Totals. Add the amounts on line 32 33 ( 920 ) ( 930 ) 940
34 Combine line 33, columns (b)(i) and (c). Enter the net gain or (loss) here and on Form 4797, line 14. If Form 4797
948 "PAL"
is not otherwise required, see instructions 34 950
35 Enter the amount from line 33, column (b)(ii) here. Individuals, enter the amount from income-producing property
958 "PAL"
on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 27, and enter the amount from property used as an employee on Schedule A
(Form 1040), line 22. Estates and trusts, partnerships, and S corporations, see instructions 35 960
Casualty or Theft of Property Held More Than One Year
36 Casualty or theft gains from Form 4797, line 32 36 970
37 *980 "STM nn" ( +990 ) ( +1000 ) +1010
1020 ( 1030 ) ( 1040 ) 1050
38 Total losses. Add amounts on line 37, columns (b)(i) and (b)(ii) 38 ( 1060 ) ( 1070 )
39 Total gains. Add lines 36 and 37, column (c) 39 1080
40 Add amounts on line 38, columns (b)(i) and (b)(ii) 40 1090
41 If the loss on line 40 is more than the gain on line 39:
a Combine line 38, column (b)(i) and line 39, and enter the net gain or (loss) here. Partnerships (except electing 1098 "PAL"
large partnerships) and S corporations, see the note below. All others, enter this amount on Form 4797, line 14.
If Form 4797 is not otherwise required, see instructions 41a 1100
b Enter the amount from line 38, column (b)(ii) here. Individuals, enter the amount from income-producing property on
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 27, and enter the amount from property used as an employee on Schedule A (Form 1040), 1108 "PAL"
line 22. Estates and trusts, enter on the “Other deductions” line of your tax return. Partnerships (except electing large
partnerships) and S corporations, see the note below. Electing large partnerships, enter on Form 1065-B, Part II, line 11 41b 1110
42 If the loss on line 40 is less than or equal to the gain on line 39, combine lines 39 and 40 and enter here. Partnerships 1115 "PAL"
(except electing large partnerships), see the note below. All others, enter this amount on Form 4797, line 3 42 1120
Note: Partnerships, enter the amount from line 41a, 41b, or line 42 on Form 1065, Schedule K, line 11.
S corporations, enter the amount from line 41a or 41b on Form 1120S, Schedule K, line 10.

B-71 Form 4684 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0184
Sales of Business Property

Department of the Treasury

(Also Involuntary Conversions and Recapture Amounts
Under Sections 179 and 280F(b)(2)) 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99) Attach to your tax return. See separate instructions. Sequence No. 27
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

1 Enter the gross proceeds from sales or exchanges reported to you for 2005 on Form(s) 1099-B or 1099-S (or substitute
statement) that you are including on line 2, 10, or 20 (see instructions) 1 030
Part I Sales or Exchanges of Property Used in a Trade or Business and Involuntary Conversions From Other
Than Casualty or Theft—Most Property Held More Than 1 Year (see instructions)
(e) Depreciation (f) Cost or other (g) Gain or (loss)
(a) Description (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (d) Gross allowed or basis, plus
Subtract (f) from the
of property (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) sales price allowable since improvements and
acquisition expense of sale sum of (d) and (e)

2 *040 "STM nn" +050 +060 +070 +080 +090 +095

120 130 140 150 160 170 175
200 210 220 230 240 250 255
280 290 300 310 320 330 335
3 Gain, if any, from Form 4684, line 42 3 440
4 Section 1231 gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 26 or 37 4 450
5 Section 1231 gain or (loss) from like-kind exchanges from Form 8824 5 456
6 Gain, if any, from line 32, from other than casualty or theft 6 461
7 Combine lines 2 through 6. Enter the gain or (loss) here and on the appropriate line as follows: 7 482
Partnerships (except electing large partnerships) and S corporations. Report the gain or (loss) following the
instructions for Form 1065, Schedule K, line 10, or Form 1120S, Schedule K, line 9. Skip lines 8, 9, 11, and 12 below.
Individuals, partners, S corporation shareholders, and all others. If line 7 is zero or a loss, enter the amount
from line 7 on line 11 below and skip lines 8 and 9. If line 7 is a gain and you did not have any prior year section
1231 losses, or they were recaptured in an earlier year, enter the gain from line 7 as a long-term capital gain
on the Schedule D filed with your return and skip lines 8, 9, 11, and 12 below.

8 Nonrecaptured net section 1231 losses from prior years (see instructions) 8 500
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0-. If line 9 is zero, enter the gain from line 7 on line 12 below.
If line 9 is more than zero, enter the amount from line 8 on line 12 below and enter the gain from line 9 as a
long-term capital gain on the Schedule D filed with your return (see instructions) 9 511
Part II Ordinary Gains and Losses (see instructions)
10 Ordinary gains and losses not included on lines 11 through 16 (include property held 1 year or less):
*520 "STM nn" +530 +540 +550 +560 +570 +575
600 610 620 630 640 650 655
680 690 700 710 720 730 735
760 770 780 790 800 810 815
11 Loss, if any, from line 7 11 ( 925 )
12 Gain, if any, from line 7 or amount from line 8, if applicable 12 930
13 Gain, if any, from line 31 13 940
14 Net gain or (loss) from Form 4684, lines 34 and 41a 14 955
15 Ordinary gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 25 or 36 15 970
16 Ordinary gain or (loss) from like-kind exchanges from Form 8824 16 974
17 Combine lines 10 through 16 17 1005
18 For all except individual returns, enter the amount from line 17 on the appropriate line of your return and skip
lines a and b below. For individual returns, complete lines a and b below:
a If the loss on line 11 includes a loss from Form 4684, line 38, column (b)(ii), enter that part of the loss here. Enter
the part of the loss from income-producing property on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 27, and the part of the
loss from property used as an employee on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 22. Identify as from “Form 4797, line
18a.” See instructions 18a 1020
b Redetermine the gain or (loss) on line 17 excluding the loss, if any, on line 18a. Enter here and on Form 1040,
line 14 18b 1030
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 13086I Form 4797 (2005)

Form 4797 (2005) Page 2
Part III Gain From Disposition of Property Under Sections 1245, 1250, 1252, 1254, and 1255
(see instructions)
(b) Date acquired (c) Date sold
19 (a) Description of section 1245, 1250, 1252, 1254, or 1255 property: (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.)

A *1050 "STM nn" +1060 +1070

B 1130 1140 1150
C 1210 1220 1230
D 1290 1300 1310

These columns relate to the properties on lines 19A through 19D.  Property A Property B Property C Property D
20 Gross sales price (Note: See line 1 before completing.) 20 +1080 1160 1240 1320
21 Cost or other basis plus expense of sale 21 +1090 1170 1250 1330
22 Depreciation (or depletion) allowed or allowable +1100 "STM nn
22 1180 1260 1340
23 Adjusted basis. Subtract line 22 from line 21 23 +1110 1190 1270 1350

24 Total gain. Subtract line 23 from line 20 24 +1120 1200 1280 1360
25 If section 1245 property: *1370
a Depreciation allowed or allowable from line 22 25a "STM nn" 1390 1410 1430
b Enter the smaller of line 24 or 25a 25b +1380 1400 1420 1440
26 If section 1250 property: If straight line depreciation was used, enter
-0- on line 26g, except for a corporation subject to section 291. *1450
a Additional depreciation after 1975 (see instructions) 26a "STM nn" 1520 1590 1660
b Applicable percentage multiplied by the smaller of line 24 or
line 26a (see instructions) 26b +1460 1530 1600 1670
c Subtract line 26a from line 24. If residential rental property or
line 24 is not more than line 26a, skip lines 26d and 26e 26c +1470 1540 1610 1680
d Additional depreciation after 1969 and before 1976 26d +1480 1550 1620 1690
e Enter the smaller of line 26c or 26d 26e *+1490"STM nn"1560 1630 1700
f Section 291 amount (corporations only) 26f +1500 1570 1640 1710
g Add lines 26b, 26e, and 26f 26g +1510 1580 1650 1720
27 If section 1252 property: Skip this section if you did not
dispose of farmland or if this form is being completed for a
partnership (other than an electing large partnership). *1730
a Soil, water, and land clearing expenses 27a "STM nn" 1760 1790 1820
b Line 27a multiplied by applicable percentage (see instructions) 27b +1740 1770 1800 1830
c Enter the smaller of line 24 or 27b 27c +1750 1780 1810 1840
28 If section 1254 property:
a Intangible drilling and development costs, expenditures for
development of mines and other natural deposits, and *1850
mining exploration costs (see instructions) 28a "STM nn" 1870 1890 1910
b Enter the smaller of line 24 or 28a 28b +1860 1880 1900 1920
29 If section 1255 property:
a Applicable percentage of payments excluded from income *1930
under section 126 (see instructions) 29a "STM nn" 1950 1970 1990
b Enter the smaller of line 24 or 29a (see instructions) 1960
29b +19401980 2000
Summary of Part III Gains. Complete property columns A through D through line 29b before going to line 30.

30 Total gains for all properties. Add property columns A through D, line 24 30 2010

31 Add property columns A through D, lines 25b, 26g, 27c, 28b, and 29b. Enter here and on line 13 31 2020
32 Subtract line 31 from line 30. Enter the portion from casualty or theft on Form 4684, line 36. Enter the portion from
other than casualty or theft on Form 4797, line 6 32 2030
Part IV Recapture Amounts Under Sections 179 and 280F(b)(2) When Business Use Drops to 50% or Less
(see instructions)
(a) Section (b) Section
179 280F(b)(2)

33 Section 179 expense deduction or depreciation allowable in prior years 33*2070 "STM nn" +2080
34 Recomputed depreciation (see instructions) 34 2090 2100
35 B-73
Recapture amount. Subtract line 34 from line 33. See the instructions for where to report 35 2110 2120
Form 4797 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Farm Rental Income and Expenses

Department of the Treasury

(Crop and Livestock Shares (Not Cash) Received by Landowner (or Sub-Lessor))
(Income not subject to self-employment tax)
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040.  See instructions on back. Sequence No. 37
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Employer ID number (EIN), if any

A Did you actively participate in the operation of this farm during 2005 (see instructions)? 030 Yes No 035
Part I Gross Farm Rental Income—Based on Production. Include amounts converted to cash or the equivalent.

1 Income from production of livestock, produce, grains, and other crops 1 050
2a Cooperative distributions (Form(s) 1099-PATR) 2a 060 2b Taxable amount 2b 075
3a Agricultural program payments (see instructions) 3a 090 3b Taxable amount 3b 095
4 Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans (see instructions):
a CCC loans reported under election @100 "STM nn" 4a 110
b CCC loans forfeited 4b 112 4c Taxable amount 4c 115
5 Crop insurance proceeds and Federal crop disaster payments (see instructions):
a Amount received in 2005 5a 120 5b Taxable amount 5b 122
@123 "STM nn" 126
c If election to defer to 2006 is attached, check here  124 5d Amount deferred from 2004 5d
6 Other income, including Federal and state gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund (see instructions) 6 140
7 Gross farm rental income. Add amounts in the right column for lines 1 through 6. Enter the
total here and on Schedule E (Form 1040), line 42  7 150
Part II Expenses—Farm Rental Property. Do not include personal or living expenses.

8 Car and truck expenses (see 21 Pension and profit-sharing

Schedule F instructions). Also plans 21 320
attach Form 4562 8 165
22 Rent or lease:
9 Chemicals 9 170
a Vehicles, machinery,
10 Conservation expenses (see and equipment (see
instructions) 10 180 instructions) 22a 330
11 Custom hire (machine work) 11 185 b Other (land, animals, etc.) 22b 335
23 Repairs and maintenance 23 340
12 Depreciation and section 179
expense deduction not 24 Seeds and plants 24 350
claimed elsewhere 12 190 25 Storage and warehousing 25 370
13 Employee benefit programs 26 Supplies 26 380
other than on line 21 (see 27 Taxes 27 390
Schedule F instructions) 13 200 28 Utilities 28 400
14 Feed 14 210 29 Veterinary, breeding, and
15 Fertilizers and lime 15 220 medicine 29 410
16 Freight and trucking 16 230 30 Other expenses
17 Gasoline, fuel, and oil 17 240 (specify):
18 Insurance (other than health) 18 250 a *420 "STM nn" 30a +430
19 Interest: @255 "STM nn" b 440 30b 450
a Mortgage (paid to banks, etc.) 19a 260 c 460 30c 470
b Other @265 "STM nn" 19b 270 d 480 30d 490
20 Labor hired (less employment e 500 30e 510
credits) (see Schedule F f 511 30f 512
instructions) 20 280 g 513 30g 514

31 Total expenses. Add lines 8 through 30g  31 600

605 "PAL"
32 Net farm rental income or (loss). Subtract line 31 from line 7. If the result is income, enter
it here and on Schedule E, line 40. If the result is a loss, you must go to line 33 32 610

其 33a
33 If line 32 is a loss, check the box that describes your investment in this activity All investment is at risk. 615
(see instructions) 33b Some investment is not at risk.620

You may need to complete Form 8582 to determine your deductible loss, regardless of which
box you checked (see instructions). If you checked box 33b, you must complete Form 6198
before going to Form 8582. In either case, enter the deductible loss here and on
Schedule E, line 40 33c 630
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions on back. B-74 Cat. No. 13117W Form 4835 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0191
Investment Interest Expense Deduction 2005
Department of the Treasury  Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No. 51
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Total Investment Interest Expense

1 Investment interest expense paid or accrued in 2005 (see instructions) 1 010
2 Disallowed investment interest expense from 2004 Form 4952, line 7 2 020
3 Total investment interest expense. Add lines 1 and 2 3 030
Part II Net Investment Income
4a Gross income from property held for investment (excluding any net
gain from the disposition of property held for investment) 4a 032
b Qualified dividends included on line 4a 4b +070
c Subtract line 4b from line 4a 4c +070
d Net gain from the disposition of property held for investment 4d +090
e Enter the smaller of line 4d or your net capital gain from the disposition
of property held for investment (see instructions) 102 "ELEC" 104 4e 100
f Subtract line 4e from line 4d 4f 110
g Enter the amount from lines 4b and 4e that you elect to include in investment income (see
instructions) 4g 120
h Investment income. Add lines 4c, 4f, and 4g 4h 130
5 Investment expenses (see instructions) 5 140
6 Net investment income. Subtract line 5 from line 4h. If zero or less, enter -0- 6 150
Part III Investment Interest Expense Deduction
7 Disallowed investment interest expense to be carried forward to 2006. Subtract line 6 from
line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 7 160
8 Investment interest expense deduction. Enter the smaller of line 3 or 6. See instructions 8 170
Section references are to the Internal rules apply to investment interest, personal ● Any interest expense that is capitalized,
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. interest, trade or business interest, home such as construction interest subject to
mortgage interest, and passive activity section 263A.
General Instructions interest. See Pub. 535, Business Expenses. ● Interest expense related to tax-exempt
interest income under section 265.
Purpose of Form Specific Instructions ● Interest expense, disallowed under section
Use Form 4952 to figure the amount of 264, on indebtedness with respect to life
investment interest expense you can deduct
Part I—Total Investment insurance, endowment, or annuity contracts
for 2005 and the amount you can carry Interest Expense issued after June 8, 1997, even if the
forward to future years. Your investment proceeds were used to purchase any
interest expense deduction is limited to your Line 1 property held for investment.
net investment income. Enter the investment interest expense paid or Property held for investment. Property held
For more information, see Pub. 550, accrued during the tax year, regardless of for investment includes property that
Investment Income and Expenses. when you incurred the indebtedness. produces income, not derived in the ordinary
Investment interest expense is interest paid or course of a trade or business, from interest,
Who Must File accrued on a loan or part of a loan that is dividends, annuities, or royalties. It also
allocable to property held for investment (as includes property that produces gain or loss,
If you are an individual, estate, or a trust, you defined on this page). not derived in the ordinary course of a trade
must file Form 4952 to claim a deduction for Include investment interest expense or business, from the disposition of property
your investment interest expense. reported to you on Schedule K-1 from a that produces these types of income or is
Exception. You do not have to file Form 4952 partnership or an S corporation. Include held for investment. However, it does not
if all of the following apply. amortization of bond premium on taxable include an interest in a passive activity.
● Your investment interest expense is not bonds purchased after October 22, 1986, but Exception. A working interest in an oil or
more than your investment income from before January 1, 1988, unless you elected to gas property that you held directly or through
interest and ordinary dividends minus any offset amortizable bond premium against the an entity that did not limit your liability is
qualified dividends. interest payments on the bond. A taxable property held for investment, but only if you
bond is a bond on which the interest is did not materially participate in the activity.
● You have no other deductible investment includible in gross income.
Investment interest expense does not Part II—Net Investment
● You have no disallowed investment interest
expense from 2004.
include any of the following: Income
● Home mortgage interest.
Line 4a
Allocation of Interest ● Interest expense that is properly allocable
to a passive activity. Generally, a passive Gross income from property held for
Expense activity is any business activity in which you investment includes income, unless derived in
If you paid or accrued interest on a loan and do not materially participate and any rental the ordinary course of a trade or business,
used the loan proceeds for more than one activity. See the Instructions for Form 8582, from interest, ordinary dividends (except
purpose, you may have to allocate the Passive Activity Loss Limitations, for details. Alaska Permanent Fund dividends), annuities,
interest. This is necessary because different and royalties.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 13177Y Form 4952 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0192
Form 4970 Tax on Accumulation Distribution of Trusts
 Attach to beneficiary’s tax return. 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  See instructions on back. Sequence No. 73
A Name(s) as shown on return B Social security number
010 020
C Name and address of trust D Employer identification number

040 050 060
E Type of trust (see instructions) F Beneficiary’s date of birth G Enter number of trusts from which you received accumulation
Foreign distributions in this tax year 
090 100
Part I Average Income and Determination of Computation Years
1 Amount of current distribution that is considered distributed in earlier tax years (from Schedule J
(Form 1041), line 37, column (a)) 1 110
2 Distributions of income accumulated before you were born or reached age 21 2 120
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 130
4 Taxes imposed on the trust on amounts from line 3 (from Schedule J (Form 1041), line 37, column (b)) 4 140
5 Total (add lines 3 and 4) 5 150
6 Tax-exempt interest included on line 5 (from Schedule J (Form 1041), line 37, column (c)) 6 160
7 Taxable part of line 5 (subtract line 6 from line 5) 7 170
8 Number of trust’s earlier tax years in which amounts on line 7 are considered distributed 8 180
9 Average annual amount considered distributed (divide line 3 by line 8) 9 190
10 Multiply line 9 by .25 10 200
11 Number of earlier tax years to be taken into account (see instructions) 11 210
12 Average amount for recomputing tax (divide line 7 by line 11). Enter here and in each column on line 15 12 220
13 Enter your taxable income before (a) 2004 (b) 2003 (c) 2002 (d) 2001 (e) 2000
this distribution for the 5
immediately preceding tax years 230 240 250 260 270
Part II Tax Attributable to the Accumulation Distribution
(a) 280 (b) 390 (c) 500
14 Enter the amounts from line 13, eliminating the highest and
14 290 400 510
lowest taxable income years

15 300 410 520

15 Enter amount from line 12 in each column

16 310 420 530

16 Recomputed taxable income (add lines 14 and 15)

17 320 430 540

17 Income tax on amounts on line 16

18 330 440 550

18 Income tax before credits on line 14 income

19 Additional tax before credits (subtract line 18 from line 17) 19 340 450 560

20 350 460 570

20 Tax credit adjustment

21 360 470 580

21 Subtract line 20 from line 19

22 370 480 590

22 Alternative minimum tax adjustments

23 380 490 600

23 Combine lines 21 and 22
24 Add columns (a), (b), and (c), line 23 24 610
25 Divide the line 24 amount by 3 25 620
26 Multiply the amount on line 25 by the number of years on line 11 26 630
27 Enter the amount from line 4 27 640
28 Partial tax attributable to the accumulation distribution (subtract line 27 from 26) (If zero or less,
enter -0-) 28 670
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 13180V Form 4970 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0193

Form 4972 Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions

(From Qualified Plans of Participants Born Before January 2, 1936) 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. Sequence No. 28
Name of recipient of distribution Identifying number
010 020
Part I Complete this part to see if you can use Form 4972
Yes No
1 Was this a distribution of a plan participant’s entire balance (excluding deductible voluntary employee
contributions and certain forfeited amounts) from all of an employer’s qualified plans of one kind (pension,
profit-sharing, or stock bonus)? If “No,” do not use this form 1 024 026
2 Did you roll over any part of the distribution? If “Yes,” do not use this form 2 030 040
3 Was this distribution paid to you as a beneficiary of a plan participant who was born before
January 2, 1936? 3 042 044
4 Were you (a) a plan participant who received this distribution, (b) born before January 2, 1936, and (c) a
participant in the plan for at least 5 years before the year of the distribution? 4 084 086
If you answered “No” to both questions 3 and 4, do not use this form.
5a Did you use Form 4972 after 1986 for a previous distribution from your own plan? If “Yes,” do not use this
form for a 2005 distribution from your own plan 5a 190 200
b If you are receiving this distribution as a beneficiary of a plan participant who died, did you use Form 4972
for a previous distribution received for that participant after 1986? If “Yes,” do not use the form for this
distribution 5b 201 202
Part II Complete this part to choose the 20% capital gain election (see instructions)
6 Capital gain part from Form 1099-R, box 3 204 "NUA" 206 6 210
7 Multiply line 6 by 20% (.20)  7 220
If you also choose to use Part III, go to line 8. Otherwise, include the amount from line 7 in the
total on Form 1040, line 44, or Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1b, whichever applies.
Part III Complete this part to choose the 10-year tax option (see instructions)
8 Ordinary income from Form 1099-R, box 2a minus box 3. If you did not complete Part II, enter
the taxable amount from Form 1099-R, box 2a 230 "NUA" 235 8 240
9 Death benefit exclusion for a beneficiary of a plan participant who died before August 21, 1996 9 250
10 Total taxable amount. Subtract line 9 from line 8 10 260
11 Current actuarial value of annuity from Form 1099-R, box 8. If none, enter -0- 11 270
12 Adjusted total taxable amount. Add lines 10 and 11. If this amount is $70,000 or more, skip
lines 13 through 16, enter this amount on line 17, and go to line 18 12 280
13 Multiply line 12 by 50% (.50), but do not enter more than $10,000 13 290
14 Subtract $20,000 from line 12. If line 12 is
$20,000 or less, enter -0- 14 300
15 Multiply line 14 by 20% (.20) 15 310
16 Minimum distribution allowance. Subtract line 15 from line 13 16 320
17 Subtract line 16 from line 12 17 330
18 Federal estate tax attributable to lump-sum distribution 18 340
19 Subtract line 18 from line 17. If line 11 is zero, skip lines 20 through 22 and go to line 23 19 350
20 Divide line 11 by line 12 and enter the result as a decimal (rounded
to at least three places) 20 . 351
21 Multiply line 16 by the decimal on line 20 21 352
22 Subtract line 21 from line 11 22 353
23 Multiply line 19 by 10% (.10) 23 605
24 Tax on amount on line 23. Use the Tax Rate Schedule in the instructions 24 610
25 Multiply line 24 by ten (10). If line 11 is zero, skip lines 26 through 28, enter this amount on line
29, and go to line 30 25 620
26 Multiply line 22 by 10% (.10) 26 660
27 Tax on amount on line 26. Use the Tax Rate Schedule in the
instructions 27 670
28 Multiply line 27 by ten (10) 28 680
29 Subtract line 28 from line 25. Multiple recipients, see instructions 695 "MRD"  29 690
30 Tax on lump-sum distribution. Add lines 7 and 29. Also include this amount in the total on
Form 1040, line 44, or Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1b, whichever applies  30 705
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 13187U Form 4972 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074

Form 5074 Allocation of Individual Income Tax to Guam or the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040. Sequence No. 60
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number
Part I Income From Guam or the CNMI Reported on Form 1040
1 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. 1 120 125
2 Taxable interest 2 130 135
3 Ordinary dividends 3 140 145
4 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes 4 150 155
5 Alimony received 5 160 165
6 Business income or (loss) 6 170 175
7 Capital gain or (loss) 7 180 185
8 Other gains or (losses) 8 190 195
9 IRA distributions (taxable amount) 9 200 205
10 Pensions and annuities (taxable amount) 10 210 215
11 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. 11 220 225
12 Farm income or (loss) 12 230 235
13 Unemployment compensation 13 240 245
14 Social security benefits (taxable amount) 14 250 255
15 Other income. List type and amount  *260 *265 15 +263 +275
16 Total income. Add lines 1 through 15 "STM nn" "STM nn"  16 280 285
Part II Adjusted Gross Income From Guam or the CNMI Reported on Form 1040

17 Educator expenses 17 287 288

18 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis 290 295
government officials 18 300 305
19 Health savings account deduction 19 310 315
20 Moving expenses 20 320 325
21 One-half of self-employment tax 21 330 335
22 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 22 340 345
23 Self-employed health insurance deduction 23 350 355
24 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 24 360 365
25 Alimony paid 25 370 375
26 IRA deduction 26 380 385
27 Student loan interest deduction 27 390 395
*410 *415 28 400 405
28 Tuition and fees deduction
"STM nn" "STM nn" 430 435
29 Add lines 17 through 28 29
30 Adjusted gross income. Subtract line 29 from line 16  30 440 445
Part III Payments of Income Tax to Guam or the CNMI
31 Payments on estimated tax return filed with Guam or the CNMI 31 450 455
32 Income tax withheld from your wages while employed by the U.S.
Government as a civilian in Guam or the CNMI 32 460 465
33 Income tax withheld from your wages while employed as a member of
the U.S. Armed Forces in Guam or the CNMI 33 470 475
34 Income tax withheld from your wages earned in Guam or the CNMI other
than amounts on lines 31 through 33 34 480 485
35 Total payments. Add lines 31 through 34  35 490 495
Instructions changed. See Pub. 570 for information about these rules.
● If, in tax year 2001 or later, you become or ceased to be a bona
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.
fide resident of a U.S. possession, you may be required to file Form
What’s New 8898, Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide
● For tax years ending after October 22, 2004, you generally file your Residence in a U.S. Possession. The penalty for failure to provide
income tax return with Guam or the CNMI only if you are a bona fide the required information is $1,000. For details, see the Instructions
resident of the possession for the entire tax year. See Where to file for Form 8898.
on page 2. Also, the rules for determining bona fide residence have
(Continued on back)
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. B-78 Cat. No. 42243X Form 5074 (2005)
Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans OMB No. 1545-0203
Form 5329 (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
 Attach to Form 1040. 2005
Department of the Treasury  Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)
See separate instructions. Sequence No. 29
Name of individual subject to additional tax. If married filing jointly, see instructions. Your social security number

010 020

Home address (number and street), or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to your home Apt. no.

Fill in Your Address Only
If You Are Filing This 030
Form by Itself and Not City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code 070

If this is an amended
With Your Tax Return 040 050 060 return, check here 

If you only owe the additional 10% tax on early distributions, you may be able to report this tax directly

Part I

Additional Tax on Early Distributions

0 5
on Form 1040, line 60, without filing Form 5329. See the instructions for Form 1040, line 60.

t 0
Complete this part if you took a taxable distribution, before you reached age 591⁄2 , from a qualified retirement plan (including

an IRA) or modified endowment contract (unless you are reporting this tax directly on Form 1040—see above). You may also

r 2
have to complete this part to indicate that you qualify for an exception to the additional tax on early distributions or for certain

Roth IRA distributions (see instructions).
1 072

D /27
1 Early distributions included in income. For Roth IRA distributions, see instructions
2 Early distributions included on line 1 that are not subject to the additional tax (see instructions).
Enter the appropriate exception number from the instructions: 073 2 074
3 Amount subject to additional tax. Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 076

4 Additional tax. Enter 10% (.10) of line 3. Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60 4 078

Caution: If any part of the amount on line 3 was a distribution from a SIMPLE IRA, you may have
to include 25% of that amount on line 4 instead of 10% (see instructions).
Part II Additional Tax on Certain Distributions From Education Accounts
Complete this part if you included an amount in income, on Form 1040, line 21, from a Coverdell education savings
account (ESA) or a qualified tuition program (QTP).
5 Distributions included in income from Coverdell ESAs and QTPs 5 081
6 Distributions included on line 5 that are not subject to the additional tax (see instructions) 6 084
7 Amount subject to additional tax. Subtract line 6 from line 5 7 087
8 Additional tax. Enter 10% (.10) of line 7. Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60 8 091
Part III Additional Tax on Excess Contributions to Traditional IRAs
Complete this part if you contributed more to your traditional IRAs for 2005 than is allowable or you had an amount
on line 17 of your 2004 Form 5329.
9 Enter your excess contributions from line 16 of your 2004 Form 5329 (see instructions). If zero,
go to line 15 9 094
10 If your traditional IRA contributions for 2005 are less than your
maximum allowable contribution, see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0- 10 100
11 2005 traditional IRA distributions included in income (see instructions) 11 110
12 2005 distributions of prior year excess contributions (see instructions) 12 120
13 Add lines 10, 11, and 12 13 130
14 Prior year excess contributions. Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 140
15 Excess contributions for 2005 (see instructions) 15 145
16 Total excess contributions. Add lines 14 and 15 16 150
17 Additional tax. Enter 6% (.06) of the smaller of line 16 or the value of your traditional IRAs on December
31, 2005 (including 2005 contributions made in 2006). Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60 17 160
Part IV Additional Tax on Excess Contributions to Roth IRAs
Complete this part if you contributed more to your Roth IRAs for 2005 than is allowable or you had an amount on line
25 of your 2004 Form 5329.
18 Enter your excess contributions from line 24 of your 2004 Form 5329 (see instructions). If zero, go to line 23 18 200
19 If your Roth IRA contributions for 2005 are less than your maximum
allowable contribution, see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0- 19 210
20 2005 distributions from your Roth IRAs (see instructions) 20 220
21 Add lines 19 and 20 21 230
22 Prior year excess contributions. Subtract line 21 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0- 22 240
23 Excess contributions for 2005 (see instructions) 23 250
24 Total excess contributions. Add lines 22 and 23 24 260
25 Additional tax. Enter 6% (.06) of the smaller of line 24 or the value of your Roth IRAs on December 31,
2005 (including 2005 contributions made in 2006). Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60 25 280
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5 of the instructions. Cat. No. 13329Q Form 5329 (2005)
Form 5329 (2005) Page 2
Part V Additional Tax on Excess Contributions to Coverdell ESAs
Complete this part if the contributions to your Coverdell ESAs for 2005 were more than is allowable or you had an
amount on line 33 of your 2004 Form 5329.
26 Enter the excess contributions from line 32 of your 2004 Form 5329 (see instructions). If zero,
go to line 31 26 490


o f
If the contributions to your Coverdell ESAs for 2005 were less than the
maximum allowable contribution, see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0-
2005 distributions from your Coverdell ESAs (see instructions)
29 520

29 Add lines 27 and 28
30 Prior year excess contributions. Subtract line 29 from line 26. If zero or less, enter -0- 30 530

a 5
31 Excess contributions for 2005 (see instructions) 31 540
32 550

32 Total excess contributions. Add lines 30 and 31

f 0
Additional tax. Enter 6% (.06) of the smaller of line 32 or the value of your Coverdell ESAs on

December 31, 2005 (including 2005 contributions made in 2006). Include this amount on Form
1040, line 60

a 33 570
Part VI

D /27 / 2
Additional Tax on Excess Contributions to Archer MSAs
Complete this part if you or your employer contributed more to your Archer MSAs for 2005 than is allowable or you
had an amount on line 41 of your 2004 Form 5329.
Enter the excess contributions from line 40 of your 2004 Form 5329 (see instructions). If zero,
go to line 39 34 580

35 If the contributions to your Archer MSAs for 2005 are less than the
35 590

maximum allowable contribution, see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0-
36 2005 distributions from your Archer MSAs from Form 8853, line 10 36 600
37 Add lines 35 and 36 37 610
38 Prior year excess contributions. Subtract line 37 from line 34. If zero or less, enter -0- 38 620
39 Excess contributions for 2005 (see instructions) 39 630
40 Total excess contributions. Add lines 38 and 39 40 640
41 Additional tax. Enter 6% (.06) of the smaller of line 40 or the value of your Archer MSAs on
December 31, 2005 (including 2005 contributions made in 2006). Include this amount on Form
1040, line 60 41 660
Part VII Additional Tax on Excess Contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Complete this part if you, someone on your behalf, or your employer contributed more to your
HSAs for 2005 than is allowable or you had an amount on line 43 of your 2004 Form 5329.
42 Enter the excess contributions from line 42 of your 2004 Form 5329. If zero, go to line 47 42 675
43 If the contributions to your HSAs for 2005 are less than the maximum
allowable contribution, see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0- 43 685
44 2005 distributions from your HSAs from Form 8889, line 14 44 695
45 Add lines 43 and 44 45 705
46 Prior year excess contributions. Subtract line 45 from line 42. If zero or less, enter -0- 46 715
47 Excess contributions for 2005 (see instructions) 47 725
48 Total excess contributions. Add lines 46 and 47 48 735
49 Additional tax. Enter 6% (.06) of the smaller of line 48 or the value of your HSAs on December 31, 2005
(including 2005 contributions made in 2006). Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60 49 750
Part VIII Additional Tax on Excess Accumulation in Qualified Retirement Plans (Including IRAs)
Complete this part if you did not receive the minimum required distribution from your qualified retirement plan.
50 Minimum required distribution for 2005 (see instructions) 50 800
51 Amount actually distributed to you in 2005 51 810
52 Subtract line 51 from line 50. If zero or less, enter -0- 52 820
53 Additional tax. Enter 50% (.50) of line 52. Include this amount on Form 1040, line 60830 "WAIVER"
53 850
Signature. Complete only if you are filing this form by itself and not with your tax return. @840 "STM nn"
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge
Please and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Here  Your signature  Date

Preparer’s Date Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
Check if self-
Paid signature employed

Firm’s name (or yours EIN
Use Only if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )

Printed on recycled paper Form 5329 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0704
Form 5471 Information Return of U.S. Persons With
Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations
Sequence No. 121

 See separate instructions. File In Duplicate

(Rev. December 2005)
(see When and
Department of the Treasury Information furnished for the foreign corporation’s annual accounting period (tax year required by Where To File in
section 898) (see instructions) beginning 010 , 20 , and ending 020 , 20

Internal Revenue Service the instructions)
Name of person filing this return A Identifying number

City or town, state, and ZIP code


a s
Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address) B Category of filer (See instructions. Check applicable box(es)):

5 C
1 (repealed) 2
130 135 140
3 4
@136 "STM nn"
Enter the total percentage of the foreign corporation’s voting stock
Filer’s tax year beginning

, 20

Person(s) on whose behalf this information return is filed: t 080

0 0 , and ending
you owned at the end of its annual accounting period
100 , 20
160 %

(1) Name

D /09
2(2) Address (3) Identifying number

(4) Check applicable box(es)
Officer Director

350 360 362 364 366 370 380 390 400
Important: Fill in all applicable lines and schedules. All infor mation must be in English. All amounts must be stated
in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.
1a Name and address of foreign corporation

420 425 430 440 450 460 465
b Employer identification number, if any
c Country under whose laws incorporated
d Date of incorporation e Principal place of business f Principal business activity g Principal business activity h Functional currency
code number
490 500 510 520 523
2 Provide the following information for the foreign corporation’s accounting period stated above. 525
a Name, address, and identifying number of branch office or agent (if any) in b If a U.S. income tax return was filed, enter:
the United States
(ii) U.S. income tax paid
(i) Taxable income or (loss)
(after all credits)
530 540 550 560 570 580
590 600
c Name and address of foreign corporation’s statutory or resident agent in d Name and address (including corporate department, if applicable) of
country of incorporation person (or persons) with custody of the books and records of the foreign
corporation, and the location of such books and records, if different

610 620 630 640 650 655 660 670 680 690 700 705 710

Schedule A Stock of the Foreign Corporation

(b) Number of shares issued and outstanding
(a) Description of each class of stock (i) Beginning of annual (ii) End of annual
ALPHA VALUE: "C" = COMMON, "P" = accounting period accounting period

*720 PREFERRED, "T" = TREASURY OR "STM nn" +730 +740

750 760 770
780 790 800
810 820 830 835
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 49958V Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
Schedule B U.S. Shareholders of Foreign Corporation (see instructions)
(b) Description of each class of stock held by (c) Number of (d) Number of
(e) Pro rata share
shares held at shares held at

(a) Name, address, and identifying shareholder. Note: This description should match the beginning of end of annual of subpart F
number of shareholder corresponding description entered in Schedule A, annual accounting income (enter as
column (a). a percentage)

accounting period period

980 990 1000 1040 1050 1060 1065

1010 1020 1030 1070 1080 1090

a s 5
1250 1255

1170 1180 1190
1200 1210 1220

a f 0 0 1260



D /09 / 2 1420


1580 1590 1600 1640 1650 1660
1670 1680 1690

1790 1 1700
@1915 "STM nn"

Schedule C Income Statement (see instructions)

Important: Report all information in functional currency in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Also, report each amount in
U.S. dollars translated from functional currency (using GAAP translation rules). However, if the functional currency is
the U.S. dollar, complete only the U.S. Dollars column. See instructions for special rules for DASTM corporations.

Functional Currency U.S. Dollars

1a Gross receipts or sales 1a 1930 1940

b Returns and allowances 1b 1950 1960
c Subtract line 1b from line 1a 1c 1970 1980
2 1990 2000
2 Cost of goods sold

3 Gross profit (subtract line 2 from line 1c) 3 2010 2020

4 Dividends 4 2030 2040
5 Interest 5 2050 2060
6 Gross rents, royalties, and license fees 6 2070 2080
7 Net gain or (loss) on sale of capital assets 7 2090 2100
8 Other income (attach schedule) 8 2110 2130 @2140
9 Total income (add lines 3 through 8) 9 2150 2160 "STM nn"
10 Compensation not deducted elsewhere 10 2170 2180
11 Rents, royalties, and license fees 11 2190 2200

12 Interest 12 2210
13 Depreciation not deducted elsewhere 13 2230 2240
14 Depletion 14 2250 2260
15 Taxes (exclude provision for income, war profits, and excess profits taxes) 15 2270 2280
16 Other deductions (attach schedule—exclude provision for income, war profits, 2290 2310 @2320
and excess profits taxes) 16 "STM nn"
17 Total deductions (add lines 10 through 16) 17 2330 2340
18 Net income or (loss) before extraordinary items, prior period adjustments, and
Net Income

the provision for income, war profits, and excess profits taxes (subtract line
17 from line 9) 18 2350 2360
19 Extraordinary items and prior period adjustments (see instructions) 19 2370 2380
20 Provision for income, war profits, and excess profits taxes (see instructions) 20 2390 2400
21 Current year net income or (loss) per books (combine lines 18 through 20) 21 2410 2415
Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005) Page 3
Schedule E Income, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued (see instructions)
Amount of tax

Name of country or U.S. possession (b) (c) (d)
In foreign currency Conversion rate In U.S. dollars


s o +2450

2530 2550

4 2520 2540
2560 2570 2580 2590


a f 0 0 2610

8 Total
Schedule F Balance Sheet

for an exception for DASTM corporations.

D /09 / 2  2680

Important: Report all amounts in U.S. dollars prepared and translated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. See instructions

Beginning of annual
End of annual

accounting period accounting period

1 2690 2700

1 Cash
2a Trade notes and accounts receivable 2a 2710 2720
b Less allowance for bad debts 2b ( 2730 )( 2740 )
3 Inventories 3 2750 2760
4 2770 2790 @2800
4 Other current assets (attach schedule) "STM nn"
5 Loans to shareholders and other related persons 5 2810 2820
2850 @2860
6 Investment in subsidiaries (attach schedule) 6 2830
"STM nn"
7 Other investments (attach schedule) 7 2870 2890
8a Buildings and other depreciable assets 8a 2910 2920 "STM nn"
b Less accumulated depreciation 8b ( 2930 )( 2940 )
9a Depletable assets 9a 2950 2960
b Less accumulated depletion 9b ( 2970 )( 2980 )
10 Land (net of any amortization) 10 2990 3000
11 Intangible assets:
a Goodwill 11a 3010 3020
b Organization costs 11b 3030 3040
c Patents, trademarks, and other intangible assets 11c 3050 3060
d Less accumulated amortization for lines 11a, b, and c 11d ( 3070 )( 3080 )
12 Other assets (attach schedule) 12 3090 3110 @3120
"STM nn"
13 Total assets 13 3130 3140
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

14 Accounts payable 14 3150 3160

15 3170 3190 @3200
15 Other current liabilities (attach schedule) "STM nn"
16 Loans from shareholders and other related persons 16 3210 3220
17 Other liabilities (attach schedule) 17 3230 3250 @3260
"STM nn"
18 Capital stock:
a Preferred stock 18a 3270 3280
b Common stock 18b 3290 3300
19 3305 3315 @3320
19 Paid-in or capital surplus (attach reconciliation) "STM nn"
20 Retained earnings 20 3330 3340
21 Less cost of treasury stock 21 ( 3350 )( 3360 )

22 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 22 3370 3380

Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005) Page 4
Schedule G Other Information
Yes No

If “Yes,” see the instructions for required attachment. f
During the tax year, did the foreign corporation own at least a 10% interest, directly or indirectly, in any foreign3410 3420
"STM nn"
3430 3440

2 During the tax year, did the foreign corporation own an interest in any trust?
3 During the tax year, did the foreign corporation own any foreign entities that were disregarded as entities separate3450 3460

f t a 5
from their owners under Regulations sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3 (see instructions)?
If “Yes,” you are generally required to attach Form 8858 for each entity (see instructions).

"STM nn"

Schedule H Current Earnings and Profits (see instructions)

r a
Important: Enter the amounts on lines 1 through 5c in functional currency.

/ 2
Current year net income or (loss) per foreign books of account 1 3470

D /09
Net adjustments made to line 1 to determine current
earnings and profits according to U.S. financial and tax
accounting standards (see instructions):

a Capital gains or losses 3480 3490
3500 3510

b Depreciation and amortization
c Depletion 3520 3530
d Investment or incentive allowance 3540 3550
e Charges to statutory reserves 3560 3570
f Inventory adjustments 3580 3590
g Taxes 3600 3610
h Other (attach schedule) 3620 3630 @3635
3 Total net additions 3640 "STM
4 Total net subtractions 3650 nn"
5a Current earnings and profits (line 1 plus line 3 minus line 4) 5a 3660
b DASTM gain or (loss) for foreign corporations that use DASTM (see instructions) 5b 3670
c Combine lines 5a and 5b 5c 3680
d Current earnings and profits in U.S. dollars (line 5c translated at the appropriate exchange rate as
defined in section 989(b) and the related regulations (see instructions)) 3700 5d 3690
Enter exchange rate used for line 5d 
Schedule I Summary of Shareholder’s Income From Foreign Corporation (see instructions)

1 Subpart F income (line 38b, Worksheet A in the instructions) 1 3710

2 Earnings invested in U.S. property (line 17, Worksheet B in the instructions) 2 3720
3 Previously excluded subpart F income withdrawn from qualified investments (line 6b, Worksheet C
in the instructions) 3 3730
4 Previously excluded export trade income withdrawn from investment in export trade assets (line 7b,
Worksheet D in the instructions) 4 3740

5 Factoring income 5 3750

6 Total of lines 1 through 5. Enter here and on your income tax return. See instructions 6 3760

7 Dividends received (translated at spot rate on payment date under section 989(b)(1)) 7 3770

8 Exchange gain or (loss) on a distribution of previously taxed income 8 3780

Yes No
● Was any income of the foreign corporation blocked? 3790 3795
● Did any such income become unblocked during the tax year (see section 964(b))? 3800 3805
If the answer to either question is “Yes,” attach an explanation. @3810 "STM nn" @3815 "STM nn"
Form 5471 (Rev. 12-2005)

Printed on recycled paper
SCHEDULE J Accumulated Earnings and Profits (E&P)
(Form 5471)
(Rev. December 2004)
of Controlled Foreign Corporation OMB No. 1545-0704
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 5471. See Instructions for Form 5471.
Name of person filing Form 5471 Identifying number

Name of foreign corporation

(a) Post-1986 (b) Pre-1987 E&P (c) Previously Taxed E&P (see instructions) (d) Total Section
Important: Enter amounts in Undistributed Earnings Not Previously Taxed (sections 959(c)(1) and (2) balances) 964(a) E&P
functional currency. (post-86 section (pre-87 section (i) Earnings Invested (ii) Earnings Invested (combine columns
959(c)(3) balance) 959(c)(3) balance) in Excess Passive (iii) Subpart F Income (a), (b), and (c))
in U.S. Property Assets

030 110 170 220 270 320

1 Balance at beginning of year

2a Current year E&P 040

b Current year deficit in E&P 050

3 Total current and accumulated

060 120
E&P not previously taxed (line 1
plus line 2a or line 1 minus line 2b)
4 Amounts included under section
951(a) or reclassified under 070 130 180 230 280
section 959(c) in current year
5a Actual distributions or
reclassifications of 190 240 290
previously taxed E&P

b Actual distributions of 080 140

nonpreviously taxed E&P

6a Balance of previously taxed

200 250 300
E&P at end of year (line 1 plus
line 4, minus line 5a)

b Balance of E&P not previously

taxed at end of year (line 3 090 150
minus line 4, minus line 5b)
7 Balance at end of year. (Enter
amount from line 6a or line 6b, 100 160 210 260 310 330
whichever is applicable.)
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 5471. Cat. No. 21111K Schedule J (Form 5471) (Rev. 12-2004)

SCHEDULE M Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation
(Form 5471) and Shareholders or Other Related Persons OMB No. 1545-0704
(Rev. December 2005)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 5471. See Instructions for Form 5471.
Name of person filing Form 5471 Identifying number

Name of foreign corporation

s o
Important: Complete a separate Schedule M for each controlled foreign corporation. Enter the totals for each type of transaction that
occurred during the annual accounting period between the foreign corporation and the persons listed in columns (b) through (f). All amounts
must be stated in U.S. dollars translated from functional currency at the average exchange rate for the foreign corporation’s tax year. See

Enter the relevant functional currency and the exchange rate used throughout this schedule 䊳 022 024

f t 0
(a) Transactions
(b) U.S. person
filing this return
(c) Any domestic
corporation or
partnership controlled
(d) Any other foreign
corporation or
partnership controlled
(e) 10% or more U.S. (f) 10% or more U.S.
shareholder of controlled shareholder of any
foreign corporation corporation

foreign corporation by U.S. person filing by U.S. person filing (other than the U.S. controlling the

this return this return person filing this return) foreign corporation

r 2
1 Sales of stock in trade 030 230 430 630 830


D /23
2 Sales of property rights 040 240 440 640 840
(patents, trademarks, etc.)

3 Compensation received for tech- 050 250 450 650 850

nical, managerial, engineering,

construction, or like services
060 260 460 660 860

4 Commissions received
5 Rents, royalties, and license 070 270 470 670 870
fees received
6 Dividends received (exclude
deemed distributions under 080 280 480 680 880
subpart F and distributions of
previously taxed income)
090 290 490 690 890
7 Interest received
8 Premiums received for insur- 100 300 500 700 900
ance or reinsurance
110 310 510 710 910
9 Add lines 1 through 8

10 Purchases of stock in trade 120 320 520 720 920

11 Purchases of tangible property 130 330 530 730 930
other than stock in trade
12 Purchases of property rights 140 340 540 740 940
(patents, trademarks, etc.)

13 Compensation paid for tech- 150 350 550 750 950

nical, managerial, engineering,
construction, or like services
160 360 560 760 960
14 Commissions paid
15 Rents, royalties, and license 170 370 570 770 970
fees paid
180 380 580 780 980
16 Dividends paid
190 390 590 790 990
17 Interest paid
200 400 600 800 1000
18 Add lines 10 through 17

19 Amounts borrowed (enter the 210 410 610 810 1010

maximum loan balance during
the year) — see instructions
20 Amounts loaned (enter the
maximum loan balance during 220 420 620 820 1020
the year) — see instructions
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 5471. Cat. No. 49963O Schedule M (Form 5471) (Rev. 12-2005)
Printed on recycled paper
SCHEDULE O Organization or Reorganization of Foreign
(Form 5471) Corporation, and Acquisitions and
OMB No. 1545-0704
(Rev. December 2005) Dispositions of its Stock
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 5471. See Instructions for Form 5471.
Name of person filing Form 5471 Identifying number

o f
Name of foreign corporation

Important: Complete a separate Schedule O for each foreign corporation for which information must be reported.

Part I To Be Completed by U.S. Officers and Directors

f t 0 5
Name of shareholder for whom
acquisition information is reported
Address of shareholder
Identifying number
of shareholder
Date of original
10% acquisition
Date of additional
10% acquisition

r a


2 0 035









D /23 190










Part II To Be Completed by U.S. Shareholders "STM nn"

0 Note: If this return is required because one or more shareholders became U.S. persons, attach a list showing the
names of such persons and the date each became a U.S. person.

Name, address, and identifying number of
Section A—General Shareholder Information
For shareholder’s latest U.S. income tax return filed, indicate:
Date (if any) shareholder
last filed information
shareholder(s) filing this schedule (1) (2) (3) return under section 6046
Type of return Internal Revenue Service Center for the foreign corporation
Date return filed
(enter form number) where filed
350 355 360 370
380 390 395 400 410 420 430

440 445 450 460

470 480 485 490 500 510 520

530 535 540 550 @615

560 570 575 580 590 600 610 "STM
Section B—U.S. Persons Who Are Officers or Directors of the Foreign Corporation @620
(d) "STM
(a) (b) (c) Check appropriate
Name of U.S. officer or director Address Social security number box(es) nn"
Officer Director

630 635 640 650 660 670 680 690 700

710 715 720 730 740 750 760 770 780

790 795 800 810 820 830 840 850 860

Section C—Acquisition of Stock "STM
(e) nn"
(a) (b) (c) (d) Number of shares acquired
Name of shareholder(s) filing this schedule Class of stock Date of Method of (1) (2) (3)
acquired acquisition acquisition
Directly Indirectly Constructively

870 880 890 900 910 920 930

940 950 960 970 980 990 1000
1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1065
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 5471. Cat. No. 61200O Schedule O (Form 5471) (Rev. 12-2005)
Schedule O (Form 5471) (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
(f) (g)
Amount paid or value given Name and address of person from whom shares were acquired

1080 1090 1095 1100 1110 1120 1130 1135

1140 1150 1155 1160 1170 1180 1190 1195

f 1210 1215 1220 1230 1240 1250 1253

Section D—Disposition of Stock

a 5
(d) Number of shares disposed of

(a) (b) (c)


Name of shareholder disposing of stock Class of stock Date of disposition of disposition (1) (2) (3)

Directly Indirectly Constructively

1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320

D /23 / 2
Amount received




1485 1490

"P" = PREFERRED " Name and address of person to whom disposition of stock was made

1500 1510 1520


1380 1390

0 6 1530








1643 @1645
Section E—Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation

(a) (b) (c)

Name and address of transferor Identifying number (if any) Date of transfer

1650 1655 1660 1670 1680 1690 1695 1700 1710

1720 1725 1730 1740 1750 1760 1765 1770 1780

1790 1795 1800 1810 1820 1830 1835 1840 1850

(d) (e)
Assets transferred to foreign corporation
Description of assets transferred by, or notes or
(1) (2) (3) securities issued by, foreign corporation
Description of assets Fair market value Adjusted basis (if transferor
was U.S. person)

1860 1870 1880 1890

1900 1910 1920 1930

1940 1950 1960 1970 @1975

Section F—Additional Information

(a) If the foreign corporation or a predecessor U.S. corporation filed (or joined with a consolidated group in filing) a U.S. income tax return
for any of the last 3 years, attach a statement indicating the year for which a return was filed (and, if applicable, the name of the corporation
filing the consolidated return), the taxable income or loss, and the U.S. income tax paid (after all credits). @1980 "STM nn"
(b) List the date of any reorganization of the foreign corporation that occurred during the last 4 years while any U.S. person held 10% or
more in value or vote (directly or indirectly) of the corporation’s stock 䊳 1990
(c) If the foreign corporation is a member of a group constituting a chain of ownership, attach a chart, for each unit of which a shareholder
owns 10% or more in value or voting power of the outstanding stock. The chart must indicate the corporation’s position in the chain of
ownership and the percentages of stock ownership (see instructions for an example). @2000 "STM nn"
Schedule O (Form 5471) (Rev. 12-2005)
Printed on recycled paper

Form 5713 International Boycott Report
For tax year beginning 010 , 20 ,
OMB No. 1545-0216

(Rev. December 2004) 020 Sequence No. 123
and ending , 20 .
Department of the Treasury
File in Duplicate
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Controlled groups, see page 3 of instructions. (See Instructions)
Name Identifying number
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see page 2 of instructions.)
City or town, state, and ZIP code
060 070 080
Address of service center where your tax return is filed
Type of filer (check one):
100 Individual 110 Partnership 120 Corporation 130 Trust 140 Estate 150 Other

1 Individuals—Enter adjusted gross income from your tax return (see page 2 of instructions) 160
2 Partnerships and corporations:
a Partnerships—Enter each partner’s name and identifying number.
b Corporations—Enter the name and employer identification number of each member of the controlled group (as defined in
section 993(a)(3)). Do not list members included in the consolidated return; instead, attach a copy of Form 851. List all
other members of the controlled group not included in the consolidated return.
If you list any corporations below or if you attach Form 851, you must designate a common tax year. Enter on line
4b the name and employer identification number of the corporation whose tax year is designated.
Name Identifying number
170 180
190 200
210 220
230 240
250 260
270 280
290 300
If more space is needed, attach additional sheets and check this box @305 "STM nn" or blank 䊳 310
Code Description

c Enter principal business activity code and description (see instructions) 320 330
d IC-DISCs—Enter principal product or service code and description (see instructions) 340 350
3 Partnerships—Each partnership filing Form 5713 must give the following information:
a Partnership’s total assets (see instructions) 360
b Partnership’s ordinary income (see instructions) 370
4 Corporations—Each corporation filing Form 5713 must give the following information:
a Type of form filed (Form 1120, 1120-F, 1120-FSC, 1120-IC-DISC, 1120-L, 1120-PC, etc.) 380
b Common tax year election (see page 2 of instructions)
(1) Name of corporation 䊳 390
(2) Employer identification number 400
(3) Common tax year beginning 410 , 20 , and ending 420 , 20 .
c Corporations filing this form enter:
(1) Total assets (see instructions) 430
(2) Taxable income before net operating loss and special deductions (see instructions) 440

5 Estates or trusts—Enter total income (Form 1041, page 1) 450

6 Enter the total amount (before reduction for boycott participation or cooperation) of the following tax benefits (see instructions):
a Foreign tax credit 460
b Deferral of earnings of controlled foreign corporations 470
c Deferral of IC-DISC income 480
d FSC exempt foreign trade income 490
e Foreign trade income qualifying for the extraterritorial income exclusion 500
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
Please knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

䊳 䊳
Here Signature Date Title
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of the separate instructions. B-89 Cat. No. 12030E Form 5713 (Rev. 12-2004)
Form 5713 (Rev. 12-2004) Page 2
Yes No
7a Are you a U.S. shareholder (as defined in section 951(b)) of any foreign corporation (including a FSC that does not
use the administrative pricing rules) that had operations reportable under section 999(a)? 520 530
b If the answer to question 7a is “Yes,” is any foreign corporation a controlled foreign corporation (as defined in
section 957(a))? 540 550
c Do you own any stock of an IC–DISC? 560 570
d Do you claim any foreign tax credit? 580 590
e Do you control (within the meaning of section 304(c)) any corporation (other than a corporation included in this
report) that has operations reportable under section 999(a)? 600 610
If “Yes,” did that corporation participate in or cooperate with an international boycott at any time during its tax
year that ends with or within your tax year? 620 630
f Are you controlled (within the meaning of section 304(c)) by any person (other than a person included in this
report) who has operations reportable under section 999(a)? 640 650
If “Yes,” did that person participate in or cooperate with an international boycott at any time during its tax year
that ends with or within your tax year? 660 670
g Are you treated under section 671 as the owner of a trust that has reportable operations under section 999(a)? 680 690
h Are you a partner in a partnership that has reportable operations under section 999(a)? 700 710
i Are you a foreign sales corporation (FSC) (as defined in section 922(a), as in effect before its repeal)? 720 730
j Are you excluding extraterritorial income (defined in section 114(e)) from gross income? 732 734
Part I Operations in or Related to a Boycotting Country (See instructions beginning on page 3.)
Yes No
8 Boycott of Israel—Did you have any operations in or related to any country (or with the government, a company, or
a national of that country) associated in carrying out the boycott of Israel which is on the list maintained by the
Secretary of the Treasury under section 999(a)(3)? (See Boycotting Countries on page 2 of the instructions.) 740 750
If “Yes,” complete the following table. If more space is needed, attach additional sheets using the exact format and check
this box 䊳 760
Identifying number of Principal business activity IC-DISCs
Name of country person having operations only—Enter
Code Description product code
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a *770 "STM nn" +780 +790 *+800 "STM nn"

b 820 830 840 850

c 870 880 890 900

d 920 930 940 950

e 970 980 990 1000

f 1020 1030 1040 1050

g 1070 1080 1090 1100

h 1120 1130 1140 1150

i 1170 1180 1190 1200

j 1220 1230 1240 1250

k 1270 1280 1290 1300

l 1320 1330 1340 1350

m 1370 1380 1390 1400

n 1420 1430 1440 1450

o 1470 1480 1490 1500

B-90 Form (Rev. 12-2004)
Form 5713 (Rev. 12-2004) Page 3
9 Nonlisted countries boycotting Israel—Did you have operations in any nonlisted country which you know or Yes No
have reason to know requires participation in or cooperation with an international boycott directed against Israel? 16101620
If “Yes,” complete the following table. If more space is needed, attach additional sheets using the exact format and check 1630
this box 䊳

Identifying number of Principal business activity IC-DISCs

Name of country only—Enter
person having operations Code Description product code
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a *1640 "STM nn" +1650 +1660 *+1670 "STM nn"

b 1690 1700 1710 1720

c 1740 1750 1760 1770

d 1790 1800 1810 1820

e 1840 1850 1860 1870

f 1890 1900 1910 1920

g 1940 1950 1960 1970

h 1990 2000 2010 2020

10 Boycotts other than the boycott of Israel—Did you have operations in any other country which you know or have Yes No
reason to know requires participation in or cooperation with an international boycott other than the boycott of Israel? 20402050
If “Yes,” complete the following table. If more space is needed, attach additional sheets using the exact format and check

this box
Identifying number of Principal business activity IC-DISCs
Name of country person having operations only—Enter
Code Description product code
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a *2070 "STM nn" +2080 +2090 *+2100 "STM nn" 2110

b 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160

c 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210

d 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260

e 2270 2280 2290 2300 2310

f 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360

g 2370 2380 2390 2400 2410

h 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460

Yes No
11 Were you requested to participate in or cooperate with an international boycott? 24702480
If “Yes,” attach a copy (in English) of any and all such requests received during your tax year. If the request was in
a form other than a written request, attach a separate sheet explaining the nature and form of any and all such
requests. (See page 4 of instructions.) @2485 "STM nn" or blank
12 Did you participate in or cooperate with an international boycott? 24902500
If “Yes,” attach a copy (in English) of any and all boycott clauses agreed to, and attach a general statement of the agreement.
If the agreement was in a form other than a written agreement, attach a separate sheet explaining the nature and form of
any and all such agreements. (See page 4 of instructions.) @2505 "STM nn" or blank
Note: If the answer to either question 11 or 12 is “Yes,” you must complete the rest of Form 5713. If you answered “Yes” to question
12, you must complete Schedules A and C or B and C (Form 5713).
B-91 Form (Rev. 12-2004)
Form 5713 (Rev. 12-2004) Page 4
Part II Requests for and Acts of Participation in or Cooperation With an International Requests Agreements
Boycott Yes No Yes No
13a Did you receive requests to enter into, or did you enter into, any agreement (see page 4 of instructions):
(1) As a condition of doing business directly or indirectly within a country or with the government, a 2530 2550
company, or a national of a country to—
(a) Refrain from doing business with or in a country which is the object of an international 2540 2560
boycott or with the government, companies, or nationals of that country?
(b) Refrain from doing business with any U.S. person engaged in trade in a country which is 2570 2590
the object of an international boycott or with the government, companies, or nationals of
2580 2600
that country?
(c) Refrain from doing business with any company whose ownership or management is made up, in 2610 2630
whole or in part, of individuals of a particular nationality, race, or religion, or to remove (or refrain
2620 2640
from selecting) corporate directors who are individuals of a particular nationality, race, or religion?
(d) Refrain from employing individuals of a particular nationality, race, or religion? 2650 26602670 2680
(2) As a condition of the sale of a product to the government, a company, or a national of a country, 2690 2710
to refrain from shipping or insuring products on a carrier owned, leased, or operated by a person
who does not participate in or cooperate with an international boycott? 2700 2720
b Requests and agreements—If the answer to any part of 13a is “Yes,” complete the following table. If more space
is needed, attach additional sheets using the exact format and check this box 䊳 2730
Identifying number of IC-DISCs Type of cooperation or participation
Principal business activity only—
person receiving the Number of requests Number of agreements
Name of country Enter
request or having the product
agreement Code Description code Total Code Total Code
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

*2740 "STM nn" or blank +2820

a +2750 +2760 *+2770 "STM nn" +2790 +2800 +2810

b 2830 2840 2850 2860 2880 2890 2900 2910

c 2920 2930 2940 2950 2970 2980 2990 3000

d 3010 3020 3030 3040 3060 3070 3080 3090

e 3100 3110 3120 3130 3150 3160 3170 3180

f 3190 3200 3210 3220 3240 3250 3260 3270

g 3280 3290 3300 3310 3330 3340 3350 3360

h 3370 3380 3390 3400 3420 3430 3440 3450

i 3460 3470 3480 3490 3510 3520 3530 3540

j 3550 3560 3570 3580 3600 3610 3620 3630

k 3640 3650 3660 3670 3690 3700 3710 3720

l 3730 3740 3750 3760 3780 3790 3800 3810

m 3820 3830 3840 3850 3870 3880 3890 3900

n 3910 3920 3930 3940 3960 3970 3980 3990

o 4000 4010 4020 4030 4050 4060 4070 4080

p 4090 4100 4110 4120 4140 4150 4160 4170

Printed on recycled paper Form 5713 (Rev. 12-2004)

SCHEDULE A International
(Form 5713)
Boycott Factor (Section 999(c)(1)) OMB No. 1545-0216
(Rev. December 2004) Complete only if you are not computing a loss of tax benefits using the specifically
Department of the Treasury attributable taxes and income method on Schedule B (Form 5713)
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 5713. 䊳 See instructions on page 2.

Name Identifying number

Name of country being boycotted (check one): Israel Other (identify) 䊳 040
020 030
Important: If you are involved in more than one boycott, use a separate Schedule A for each boycott and attach to Form 5713.

Purchases, sales, and payroll attributable to boycotting operations, by operation

Name of Country
Boycott purchases Boycott sales Boycott payroll
(1) (2) (3) (4)

a 050 060 070 080

b 090 100 110 120

c 130 140 150 160

d 170 180 190 200

e 210 220 230 240

f 250 260 270 280

g 290 300 310 320

h 330 340 350 360

i 370 380 390 400

j 410 420 430 440

k 450 460 470 480

l 490 500 510 520

m 530 540 550 560

n 570 580 590 600

o 610 620 630 640

Total 650 660 670

1 Numerator of boycott factor (add totals of columns (2), (3), and (4)) 680
2 Denominator of boycott factor:
a Total purchases from countries other than United States 690

b Total sales to or from countries other than United States 700

c Total payroll paid or accrued for services performed in countries other
than United States 710

d Total of lines 2a, b, and c 720

3 International boycott factor (divide line 1 by line 2d). Enter here and on Schedule C
(Form 5713) (see instructions) 䊳 730
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 5713. Cat. No. 12050W Schedule A (Form 5713) (Rev. 12-2004)

SCHEDULE B Specifically Attributable Taxes
(Form 5713) and Income (Section 999(c)(2))
(Rev. December 2004) OMB No. 1545-0216
䊳 Complete only if you are not computing a loss of tax benefits
using the international boycott factor on Schedule A (Form 5713).
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 5713. 䊳 See instructions on page 2.
Name Identifying number
020 030
Name of country being boycotted (check one) Israel Other (identify) 䊳 040
Important: If you are involved in more than one international boycott, use a separate Schedule B (Form 5713) to compute the
specifically attributable taxes and income for each boycott.

Specifically Attributable Taxes and Income by Operation (Use a separate line for each operation.)

Principal business activity Foreign tax credit Subpart F income IC-DISC income FSC income

Foreign taxes Taxable income Taxable income

attributable to Prorated share of attributable to attributable to
Name of country Code Description
boycott boycott
boycott income
operations operations operations
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

a 050 060 070 080 090 100 110

b 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

c 190 200 210 220 230 240 250

d 260 270 280 290 300 310 320

e 330 340 350 360 370 380 390

f 400 410 420 430 440 450 460

g 470 480 490 500 510 520 530

h 540 550 560 570 580 590 600

i 610 620 630 640 650 660 670

j 680 690 700 710 720 730 740

k 750 760 770 780 790 800 810

l 820 830 840 850 860 870 880

m 890 900 910 920 930 940 950

n 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020

o Total 䊳 1030 1040 1050 1060

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 5713. Cat. No. 12060S Schedule B (Form 5713) (Rev. 12-2004)

SCHEDULE C Tax Effect of the International Boycott Provisions
(Form 5713)  Attach to Form 5713. OMB No. 1545-0216

(Rev. December 2005)  See instructions on page 2.
Department of the Treasury
 Use with the December 2004 revision of Form 5713.

Internal Revenue Service
Name Identifying number

Method used to compute loss of tax benefits (check one):

a 5
a International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713). See lines 2a, 3a, 4a, and 5a below  020

b Identification of specifically attributable taxes and income from Schedule B (Form 5713). See lines 2b, 3b, 4b, and 5b


below 030

question on line 7d, Form 5713.

r a
Reduction of foreign tax credit (section 908(a)):

2 0
a International boycott factor. Complete if you checked box 1a above and answered “Yes” to the

/ 040

D /09
(1) Foreign tax credit before adjustment from Form 1116 or 1118 (see instructions)
(2) International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713), line 3 050
(3) Reduction of foreign tax credit. Multiply line 2a(1) by line 2a(2). Enter here and on Form 1116
or 1118 (see instructions)

(4) Adjusted foreign tax credit. Subtract line 2a(3) from line 2a(1) 070

b Specifically attributable taxes and income. Complete if you checked box 1b above and answered
“Yes” to the question on line 7d, Form 5713. Enter the amount from line o, column (4), Schedule B
(Form 5713) 080
Enter the appropriate part of this amount on Form 1116 or 1118 (see instructions).
3 Denial of deferral under subpart F (section 952(a)(3)):
a International boycott factor. Complete if you checked box 1a above and answered ‘‘Yes’’ to the
question on line 7b, Form 5713.
(1) Prorated share of total income of controlled foreign corporations (see instructions) 090
(2) Prorated share of income attributable to earnings and profits of controlled foreign corporations
included in income under sections 951(a)(1)(A)(ii), 951(a)(1)(A)(iii), 951(a)(1)(B), 952(a)(1), 952(a)(2),
952(a)(4), 952(a)(5), and 952(b) 100
(3) Subtract line 3a(2) from line 3a(1) 110
(4) International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713), line 3 120
(5) Prorated share of subpart F international boycott income. Multiply line 3a(3) by line 3a(4). Enter
here and on line 22 of Worksheet A in the Form 5471 instructions 130
b Specifically attributable taxes and income. Complete if you checked box 1b above and answered
“Yes” to the question on line 7b, Form 5713. Enter the amount from line o, column (5), Schedule B
(Form 5713) here and on line 22 of Worksheet A in the Form 5471 instructions 140
4 Denial of IC-DISC benefits (section 995(b)(1)(F)(ii)):
a International boycott factor. Complete if you checked box 1a above and answered “Yes” to the
question on line 7c, Form 5713.
(1) Prorated share of section 995(b)(1)(F)(i) amount (see instructions) 150
(2) International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713), line 3 160
(3) Prorated share of IC-DISC international boycott income. Multiply line 4a(1) by line 4a(2). Enter
this amount here and the IC-DISC will include it on line 10, Part I, Schedule J, Form 1120-IC-DISC 170
b Specifically attributable taxes and income. Complete if you checked box 1b above and answered
“Yes” to the question on line 7c, Form 5713. Enter the amount from line o, column (6), Schedule B
(Form 5713) here and the IC-DISC will include it on line 10, Part I, Schedule J, Form
1120-IC-DISC 180
5 Denial of exemption of foreign trade income (section 927(e)(2), as in effect before its repeal):
a International boycott factor. Complete if you checked box 1a above and answered “Yes” to the
question on line 7i, Form 5713.
(1) Add amounts from columns (a) and (b), line 10, Schedule B (Form 1120-FSC) 190
(2) International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713), line 3 200
(3) Exempt foreign trade income of a FSC attributable to international boycott operations. Multiply
line 5a(1) by line 5a(2). Enter here and on line 2, Schedule F, Form 1120-FSC 210
b Specifically attributable taxes and income. Complete if you checked box 1b above and answered
“Yes” to the question on line 7i, Form 5713. Enter the amount from line o, column (7),
Schedule B (Form 5713) here and on line 2, Schedule F, Form 1120-FSC 220
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions for Form 5713. Cat. No. 12070O Schedule C (Form 5713) (Rev. 12-2005)

Schedule C (Form 5713) (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
5 Reduction of foreign trade income qualifying for the extraterritorial income exclusion. Complete if

a Enter amount from line 49 of Form 8873

o f
you answered “Yes” to the question on line 7j, Form 5713.

b International boycott factor from Schedule A (Form 5713), line 3

c Reduction of qualifying foreign trade income. Multiply line 6a by 6b. Enter here and on Form 8873,

line 50

a s 5

a f t 0 0
D /09 / 2
1 2

Printed on recycled paper
OMB No. 1545-0219
Form 5884 Work Opportunity Credit
Department of the Treasury 䊳 Attachment
Attach to your tax return. 77
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No.
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I

o f
Current Year Credit (Members of a controlled group, see instructions.)

Enter the total qualified first-year wages paid or incurred during the tax year, and multiply by
the percentage shown, for services of employees who began work for you before the applicable

a s
date in the instructions, are certified (if required) as members of a targeted group, and:

a Worked for you at least 120 hours but fewer than 400 hours $ 040 ⫻ 25% (.25) 1a 050

b Worked for you at least 400 hours

f t 0 0 $ 060 ⫻ 40% (.40)

2 Add lines 1a and 1b. You must subtract this amount from your deduction for salaries and wages

a @085 "STMnn"

3 Work
credits from
If you are a—

D /24
a Shareholder
b Partner
c Beneficiary
d Patron
/ 2 Then enter the total of the current year credits from—

Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or J
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or J
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code F
Written statement from cooperative
3 090

4 Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3. (S corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts,
cooperatives, regulated investment companies, and real estate investment trusts, see

Part II

1 100

Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)
4 110

5 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 5 120
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
6 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 6 130
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 140
8a Foreign tax credit 8a 150
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 8b 165
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 8c 230
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 8d 240
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 8e 250
f Add lines 8a through 8e 8f 260
9 Net income tax. Subtract line 8f from line 7. If zero, skip lines 10 through 13 and enter -0- on line 14 9 270
10 Net regular tax. Subtract line 8f from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 290
11 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 10 over $25,000 (see instructions) 11 300
12 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions) 12 305
13 Enter the greater of line 11 or line 12 13 310
14 Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 320
15 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 14 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 14 is smaller than line 4, see instructions 15 330
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 13570D Form 5884 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-XXXX
5884-A Hurricane Katrina

Department of the Treasury

Employee Retention Credit 2005
 Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 77A
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

1 Enter the total qualified wages paid or incurred after August 28,

2005, and before January 1, 2006 (see instructions)

1a 020

2 Enter 40% (.40) of line 1. You must subtract this amount from your deduction for
salaries and wages 2 030

3 Employee

f t a 0 5
If you are a—

Then enter the total of the current year credits from—

retention a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U
credits from

r a /2
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code R
Written statement from cooperative
3 040

D /14
Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3. Enter here and on line 1z of Form 3800.
Exception: S corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, cooperatives, regulated

investment companies, and real estate investment trusts, see instructions 4 050

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 47425B Form 5884-A (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0712
At-Risk Limitations

Department of the Treasury

䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 See separate instructions. Sequence No. 31
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Description of activity (see page 2 of the instructions)

Part I Current Year Profit (Loss) From the Activity, Including Prior Year Nondeductible Amounts
(see page 2 of the instructions).
1 Ordinary income (loss) from the activity (see page 2 of the instructions) 1 010
2 Gain (loss) from the sale or other disposition of assets used in the activity (or of your interest in
the activity) that you are reporting on:
a Schedule D 2a 020
b Form 4797 2b 030
c Other form or schedule *033 "STM nn" +037 2c 040
3 Other income and gains from the activity, from Schedule K-1 of Form 1065, Form 1065-B, or
Form 1120S, that were not included on lines 1 through 2c 3 050
4 Other deductions and losses from the activity, including investment interest expense allowed
from Form 4952, that were not included on lines 1 through 2c 4 ( 060 )
5 Current year profit (loss) from the activity. Combine lines 1 through 4. See page 3 of the
instructions before completing the rest of this form 5 070
Part II Simplified Computation of Amount At Risk. See page 3 of the instructions before completing this part.
6 Adjusted basis (as defined in section 1011) in the activity (or in your interest in the activity) on
the first day of the tax year. Do not enter less than zero 6 080
7 Increases for the tax year (see page 3 of the instructions) 7 090
8 Add lines 6 and 7 8 100
9 Decreases for the tax year (see page 4 of the instructions) 9 110
10a Subtract line 9 from line 8 䊳 10a 120
b If line 10a is more than zero, enter that amount here and go to line 20 (or complete Part III).
Otherwise, enter -0- and see Pub. 925 for information on the recapture rules 10b 130
Part III Detailed Computation of Amount At Risk. If you completed Part III of Form 6198 for 2004, see page 4
of the instructions.
11 Investment in the activity (or in your interest in the activity) at the effective date. Do not enter
less than zero 11 140
12 Increases at effective date 12 150
13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 160
14 Decreases at effective date 14 170
15 Amount at risk (check box that applies):
180 a
190 b
At effective date. Subtract line 14 from line 13. Do not enter less than zero.
From 2004 Form 6198, line 19b. Do not enter the amount from line 10b of the 2004 form.
其 15 200

16 Increases since (check box that applies):

Effective date b
The end of your 2004 tax year 16 230
17 Add lines 15 and 16 17 240
18 Decreases since (check box that applies):
250 260 18 270
a Effective date b The end of your 2004 tax year
19a Subtract line 18 from line 17 䊳 19a 280
b If line 19a is more than zero, enter that amount here and go to line 20. Otherwise, enter -0- and
see Pub. 925 for information on the recapture rules 19b 290
Part IV Deductible Loss
20 Amount at risk. Enter the larger of line 10b or line 19b 20 300
21 Deductible loss. Enter the smaller of the line 5 loss (treated as a positive number) or line 20.
See page 7 of the instructions to find out how to report any deductible loss and any carryover. 21 ( 310 )
Note: If the loss is from a passive activity, see the Instructions for Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss Limitations, or the Instructions for
Form 8810, Corporate Passive Activity Loss and Credit Limitations, to find out if the loss is allowed under the passive activity rules.
If only part of the loss is subject to the passive activity loss rules, report only that part on Form 8582 or Form 8810, whichever

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 8 of the instructions. Cat. No. 50012Y Form 6198 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax—Individuals
䊳 See separate instructions. 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) 䊳 Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. Sequence No. 32
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Part I Alternative Minimum Taxable Income (See instructions for how to complete each line.)
1 If filing Schedule A (Form 1040), enter the amount from Form 1040, line 41 (minus any amount on Form
8914, line 2), and go to line 2. Otherwise, enter the amount from Form 1040, line 38 (minus any amount
on Form 8914, line 2), and go to line 7. (If less than zero, enter as a negative amount.) 1 035
2 Medical and dental. Enter the smaller of Schedule A (Form 1040), line 4, or 21⁄2 % of Form 1040, line 38 2 045
3 Taxes from Schedule A (Form 1040), line 9 3 065
4 Enter the home mortgage interest adjustment, if any, from line 6 of the worksheet on page 2 of the instructions 4 085
5 Miscellaneous deductions from Schedule A (Form 1040), line 26 5 087
6 If Form 1040, line 38, is over $145,950 (over $72,975 if married filing separately), enter the amount from
line 9 of the Itemized Deductions Worksheet on page A-9 of the Instructions for Schedules A & B
(Form 1040) 6 ( 089 )
7 Tax refund from Form 1040, line 10 or line 21 7 ( 092 )
8 Investment interest expense (difference between regular tax and AMT) 8 094
9 Depletion (difference between regular tax and AMT) 9 096
10 Net operating loss deduction from Form 1040, line 21. Enter as a positive amount 10 098
11 Interest from specified private activity bonds exempt from the regular tax 11 100
12 Qualified small business stock (7% of gain excluded under section 1202) 12 102
13 Exercise of incentive stock options (excess of AMT income over regular tax income) 13 104
14 Estates and trusts (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 12, code A) 14 106
15 Electing large partnerships (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 6) 15 110
16 Disposition of property (difference between AMT and regular tax gain or loss) 16 114
17 Depreciation on assets placed in service after 1986 (difference between regular tax and AMT) 17 118
18 Passive activities (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) 18 122
19 Loss limitations (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) 19 126
20 Circulation costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 20 130
21 Long-term contracts (difference between AMT and regular tax income) 21 134
22 Mining costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 22 138
23 Research and experimental costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 23 142
24 Income from certain installment sales before January 1, 1987 24 ( 146 )
25 Intangible drilling costs preference 25 150
26 Other adjustments, including income-based related adjustments 26 154
27 Alternative tax net operating loss deduction 27 ( 267 )
28 Alternative minimum taxable income. Combine lines 1 through 27. (If married filing separately and line
28 is more than $191,000, see page 7 of the instructions.) 28 283
Part II Alternative Minimum Tax
29 Exemption. (If this form is for a child under age 14, see page 7 of the instructions.)
AND line 28 is THEN enter on
IF your filing status is . . . not over . . . line 29 . . .

Single or head of household $112,500 $40,250 306 "C"
Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) 150,000 58,000 29 287
Married filing separately 75,000 29,000
If line 28 is over the amount shown above for your filing status, see page 7 of the instructions.
30 Subtract line 29 from line 28. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on lines 33 and 35 and stop here 30 315

31 ● If you reported capital gain distributions directly on Form 1040, line 13; you reported qualified dividends
on Form 1040, line 9b; or you had a gain on both lines 15 and 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040) (as refigured
for the AMT, if necessary), complete Part III on the back and enter the amount from line 55 here.
31 325
● All others: If line 30 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately), multiply line 30 by 26% (.26).
Otherwise, multiply line 30 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 ($1,750 if married filing separately) from the result.
32 Alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit (see page 7 of the instructions) 32 330
33 Tentative minimum tax. Subtract line 32 from line 31 33 333
34 Tax from Form 1040, line 44 (minus any tax from Form 4972 and any foreign tax credit from Form 1040,
line 47). If you used Schedule J to figure your tax, the amounts for lines 44 and 47 of Form 1040 must
be refigured without using Schedule J (see page 8 of the instructions) 34 337
35 Alternative minimum tax. Subtract line 34 from line 33. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter here and on Form
1040, line 45 35 340
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 9 of the instructions. Cat. No. 13600G Form 6251 (2005)
Form 6251 (2005) Page 2
Part III Tax Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates

36 Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 30 36 360

37 Enter the amount from line 6 of the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
Worksheet in the instructions for Form 1040, line 44, or the amount from line
13 of the Schedule D Tax Worksheet on page D-9 of the instructions for
Schedule D (Form 1040), whichever applies (as refigured for the AMT, if
necessary) (see page 9 of the instructions) 37 370
38 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1040), line 19 (as refigured for the
AMT, if necessary) (see page 9 of the instructions) 38 380
39 If you did not complete a Schedule D Tax Worksheet for the regular tax or
the AMT, enter the amount from line 37. Otherwise, add lines 37 and 38, and
enter the smaller of that result or the amount from line 10 of the Schedule
D Tax Worksheet (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) 39 390

40 Enter the smaller of line 36 or line 39 40 410

41 Subtract line 40 from line 36 41 420

42 If line 41 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately), multiply line 41 by 26% (.26).
Otherwise, multiply line 41 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 ($1,750 if married filing separately) from the
result 䊳 42 430
43 Enter:

● $59,400 if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er),
● $29,700 if single or married filing separately, or 43 470
● $39,800 if head of household.
44 Enter the amount from line 7 of the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
Worksheet in the instructions for Form 1040, line 44, or the amount from line
14 of the Schedule D Tax Worksheet on page D-9 of the instructions for
Schedule D (Form 1040), whichever applies (as figured for the regular tax). If
you did not complete either worksheet for the regular tax, enter -0- 44 480

45 Subtract line 44 from line 43. If zero or less, enter -0- 45 485

46 Enter the smaller of line 36 or line 37 46 490

47 Enter the smaller of line 45 or line 46 47 580

48 Multiply line 47 by 5% (.05) 䊳 48 515

49 Subtract line 47 from line 46 49 580

50 Multiply line 49 by 15% (.15) 䊳 50 590

If line 38 is zero or blank, skip lines 51 and 52 and go to line 53. Otherwise, go to line 51.

51 Subtract line 46 from line 40 51 605

52 Multiply line 51 by 25% (.25) 䊳 52 610

53 Add lines 42, 48, 50, and 52 53 615

54 If line 36 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately), multiply line 36 by 26% (.26).
Otherwise, multiply line 36 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 ($1,750 if married filing separately) from the
result 54 620

55 Enter the smaller of line 53 or line 54 here and on line 31 55 615

Form (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0228
Installment Sale Income
Form 6252 䊳 Attach to your tax return.
䊳 Use a separate form for each sale or other disposition of Attachment
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service property on the installment method. Sequence No. 79
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

1 Description of property 䊳 010

2a Date acquired (month, day, year) 䊳 / 020 / b Date sold (month, day, year) 䊳 / 030 /
3 Was the property sold to a related party (see instructions) after May 14, 1980? If “No,” skip line 4 040 Yes050 No
4 Was the property you sold to a related party a marketable security? If “Yes,” complete Part III. If “No,”
complete Part III for the year of sale and the 2 years after the year of sale 060 Yes070 No
Part I Gross Profit and Contract Price. Complete this part for the year of sale only.
5 Selling price including mortgages and other debts. Do not include interest whether stated or unstated 5 080
6 Mortgages, debts, and other liabilities the buyer assumed or took
the property subject to (see instructions) 6 090
7 Subtract line 6 from line 5 7 100
8 Cost or other basis of property sold 8 110
9 Depreciation allowed or allowable 9 120
10 Adjusted basis. Subtract line 9 from line 8 10 130
11 Commissions and other expenses of sale 11 140
12 Income recapture from Form 4797, Part III (see instructions) 12 150
13 Add lines 10, 11, and 12 13 160
14 Subtract line 13 from line 5. If zero or less, do not complete the rest of this form (see instructions) 14 170
15 If the property described on line 1 above was your main home, enter the amount of your excluded
gain (see instructions). Otherwise, enter -0- 15 185
16 Gross profit. Subtract line 15 from line 14 16 190
17 Subtract line 13 from line 6. If zero or less, enter -0- 17 200
18 Contract price. Add line 7 and line 17 18
Part II Installment Sale Income. Complete this part for the year of sale and any year you receive a payment or
have certain debts you must treat as a payment on installment obligations.
19 Gross profit percentage. Divide line 16 by line 18. For years after the year of sale, see instructions 19 220
20 If this is the year of sale, enter the amount from line 17. Otherwise, enter -0- 20 230
21 Payments received during year (see instructions). Do not include interest, whether stated or unstated 21 240
22 Add lines 20 and 21 22 250
23 Payments received in prior years (see instructions). Do not include
interest, whether stated or unstated 23 260
24 Installment sale income. Multiply line 22 by line 19 24 270
25 Enter the part of line 24 that is ordinary income under the recapture rules (see instructions) 25 280
26 Subtract line 25 from line 24. Enter here and on Schedule D or Form 4797 (see instructions) 290 26
Part III Related Party Installment Sale Income. Do not complete if you received the final payment this tax year.
27 Name, address, and taxpayer identifying number of related party
300 310
28 Did the related party resell or dispose of the property (“second disposition”) during this tax year? 320 Yes330 No
29 If the answer to question 28 is “Yes,” complete lines 30 through 37 below unless one of the following conditions is
met. Check the box that applies.
335a The second disposition was more than 2 years after the first disposition (other than dispositions
of marketable securities). If this box is checked, enter the date of disposition (month, day, year) 䊳 / 337 /
340b The first disposition was a sale or exchange of stock to the issuing corporation.
350c The second disposition was an involuntary conversion and the threat of conversion occurred after the first disposition.
360d The second disposition occurred after the death of the original seller or buyer.
370e It can be established to the satisfaction of the Internal Revenue Service that tax avoidance was not a principal purpose
for either of the dispositions. If this box is checked, attach an explanation (see instructions). @380 "STM nn"
30 Selling price of property sold by related party (see instructions) 30 390
31 Enter contract price from line 18 for year of first sale 31 400
32 Enter the smaller of line 30 or line 31 32 410
33 Total payments received by the end of your 2005 tax year (see instructions) 33 420
34 Subtract line 33 from line 32. If zero or less, enter -0- 34 430
35 Multiply line 34 by the gross profit percentage on line 19 for year of first sale 35 440
36 Enter the part of line 35 that is ordinary income under the recapture rules (see instructions) 36 450
37 Subtract line 36 from line 35. Enter here and on Schedule D or Form 4797 (see instructions)
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4.
B-102 Cat. No. 13601R
37 460
Form 6252 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0231

Form 6478 Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) shown on return

o f
Attach to your tax return.

Identifying number
Sequence No. 83


a s
● See What’s New on page 2 for important changes to this credit.

● You cannot claim any amounts on Form 6478 that you claimed (or will claim) on Schedule C (Form 720), Form 8849, or Form 4136.

Part I Current Year Credit

a f t 0 0 (a)

r 2
Type of Alcohol Fuel (b) (c)
Number of Gallons of

Rate Column (a) x Column (b)
Alcohol Sold or Used

D /07
1 Qualified ethanol fuel production (in gallons)
(see instructions for election) 1 020 $.10 030
2 Alcohol 190 proof or greater and alcohol 190 proof or greater
in fuel mixtures 2 040 $.51 050

1 2
Alcohol less than 190 proof but at least 150 proof and alcohol
less than 190 proof but at least 150 proof in fuel mixtures
Alcohol fuel credit(s) from a partnership, S corporation,
(see instructions)
3 060
estate, trust, or cooperative



5 Add lines 1 through 4, column (c)

6 Alcohol fuel credit included on line 5 from passive activities (see instructions) 6 115

7 Subtract line 6 from line 5 7 125

8 Alcohol fuel credit allowed for 2005 from a passive activity (see instructions) 8 135

9 Carryback of alcohol fuel credit from 2006 (see instructions) 9 145

225 230
10 Current year credit. Add lines 7 through 9 10 233 235
Only the rate for ethanol is shown. See instructions for lines 2 and 3 for rates for alcohol other than ethanol.
Part II Allowable Credit Caution: If you have both an alcohol fuel credit and a credit from section B of
Form 8835, do not complete Part II below. Instead, go to Form 8835 (see instructions).
11 Regular tax before credits (see instructions) 11 240
12 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions) 12 250
13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 260
14a Foreign tax credit 14a 270
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 14b 285
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 14c 350
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 14d 360
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 14e 370
f Add lines 14a through 14e 14f 380
15 Net income tax. Subtract line 14f from line 13. If zero, skip lines 16 through 19 and enter -0- on
line 20 15 390
16 Net regular tax. Subtract line 14f from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 410
17 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 16 over $25,000 (see instructions) 17 420
18 Subtract line 17 from line 15. If zero or less, enter -0- 18 425
19 General business credit (see instructions) 19 430
20 Subtract line 19 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0- 20 440
21 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line 20 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 20 is smaller than line 10, see instructions 21 450
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 13605J Form 6478 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0619
Form 6765 Credit for Increasing Research Activities
 Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment

Internal Revenue Service Sequence No.
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I

a s
Current Year Credit (Members of controlled groups or businesses under common control, see instructions.)

Section A—Regular Credit. Skip this section and go to Section B if you are electing or previously elected the alternative incremental credit.

1 Certain amounts paid or incurred to energy consortia after August 8, 2005 (see instructions) 1

3 Qualified organization base period amount

a f 0
2 Basic research payments to qualified organizations (see instructions)

4 040

r 2
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0-

5 Wages for qualified services (do not include wages used in figuring the

D /03
work opportunity credit) 5 050
6 Cost of supplies 6 060
7 Rental or lease costs of computers (see instructions) 7 070
8 Enter the applicable percentage of contract research expenses (see instructions) 8 080

9 Total qualified research expenses. Add lines 5 through 8 9 090

10 Enter fixed-base percentage, but not more than 16% (see instructions) 10 100 %
11 Enter average annual gross receipts (see instructions) 11 110
12 Multiply line 11 by the percentage on line 10 12 120
13 Subtract line 12 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 13 130
14 Multiply line 9 by 50% (.50) 14 140
15 Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14 15 150
16 Add lines 1, 4, and 15 16 160
17 Regular credit. If you are not electing the reduced credit under section 280C(c), multiply line 16
170 "SEC 280C"
by 20% (.20), enter the result, and see the instructions for the schedule that must be attached.
If you are electing the reduced credit, multiply line 16 by 13% (.13) and enter the result. Also, 180
write “Sec. 280C” on the dotted line to the left of the entry space. Go to Section C 17 @190 "STM nn"
Section B—Alternative Incremental Credit. Skip this section if you completed Section A.
18 Certain amounts paid or incurred to energy consortia after August 8, 2005 (see the line 1 instructions) 18 198
19 Basic research payments to qualified organizations (see the line 2 instructions) 19 200
20 Qualified organization base period amount (see the line 3 instructions) 20 210
21 Subtract line 20 from line 19. If zero or less, enter -0- 21 220
22 Multiply line 21 by 20% (.20) 22 230
23 Wages for qualified services (do not include wages used in figuring the
work opportunity credit) 23 240
24 Cost of supplies 24 250
25 Rental or lease costs of computers (see the line 7 instructions) 25 260
26 Enter the applicable percentage of contract research expenses (see
the line 8 instructions) 26 270
27 Total qualified research expenses. Add lines 23 through 26 27 280
28 Enter average annual gross receipts (see the line 11 instructions) 28 290
29 Multiply line 28 by 1% (.01) 29 300
30 Subtract line 29 from line 27. If zero or less, enter -0- 30 310
31 Multiply line 28 by 1.5% (.015) 31 320
32 Subtract line 31 from line 27. If zero or less, enter -0- 32 330
33 Subtract line 32 from line 30 33 340
34 Multiply line 28 by 2% (.02) 34 350
35 Subtract line 34 from line 27. If zero or less, enter -0- 35 360
36 Subtract line 35 from line 32 36 370
37 Multiply line 33 by 2.65% (.0265) 37 380
38 Multiply line 36 by 3.2% (.032) 38 390
39 Multiply line 35 by 3.75% (.0375) 39 400
40 Add lines 18, 22, 37, 38, and 39 40 410
41 Alternative incremental credit. If you are not electing the reduced credit under section 280C(c),
enter the amount from line 40, and see the line 17 instructions for the schedule that must be
420 "SEC 280"
attached. If you are electing the reduced credit, multiply line 40 by 65% (.65) and enter the result. 430
Also, write “Sec. 280C” on the dotted line to the left of the entry space 41 @440 "STM nn"
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 13700H Form 6765 (2005)
Form 6765 (2005) Page 2
Section C—Current Year Credit for Increasing Research Activities

42 Pass-through research credit(s) from a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust 450 42
43 Current year credit. Add line 17 or line 41 to line 42, and go to Part II 460

Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)
44 540

44 Regular tax (see instructions)
45 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions) 45 550

a 5
46 Add lines 44 and 45 46 560

47a Foreign tax credit 570
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54

c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27)

a 0 0 47b


d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23)

e Other specified credits (see instructions) 47e 670

D /03
f Add lines 47a through 47e 47f 680
48 Net income tax. Subtract line 47f from line 46. If zero, skip lines 49 through 52 and enter -0- on
line 53 48 690
49 Net regular tax. Subtract line 47f from line 44. If zero or less, enter -0- 49 710

Tentative minimum tax (see instructions)
Enter the greater of line 50 or line 51
Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 49 over $25,000 (see

Subtract line 52 from line 48. If zero or less, enter -0-
54 Credit allowed for the current year. Individuals, estates, and trusts: Enter the smallest of
line 43, line 53, or the amount from the formula in the instructions for line 54 here and on Form
1040, line 55; or Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2c. Corporations: Enter the smaller of line 43 or
line 53 here and on Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; or the applicable
line of other returns. If line 54 is smaller than line 43, see instructions 54 750

Form 6765 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0644
Gains and Losses From Section 1256

Department of the Treasury

Contracts and Straddles
䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 82
Name(s) shown on tax return Identifying number
@010 "STM nn"
020 A
Check all applicable boxes (see instructions).
Mixed straddle election 040 C Mixed straddle account election
030 B Straddle-by-straddle identification election060 D Net section 1256 contracts loss election
Part I Section 1256 Contracts Marked to Market
(a) Identification of account (b) (Loss) (c) Gain
1 *070 "STM nn" +080 +090
100 110 120
130 140 150
2 Add the amounts on line 1 in columns (b) and (c) 2 ( 160 ) 170
3 Net gain or (loss). Combine line 2, columns (b) and (c) 3 180
4 Form 1099-B adjustments. See instructions and attach schedule 4 200
5 Combine lines 3 and 4 5 210
Note: If line 5 shows a net gain, skip line 6 and enter the gain on line 7. Partnerships and S corporations, see
6 If you have a net section 1256 contracts loss and checked box D above, enter the amount of loss to be
carried back. Enter the loss as a positive number 6 220

7 Combine lines 5 and 6 7 235

8 Short-term capital gain or (loss). Multiply line 7 by 40% (.40). Enter here and include on the appropriate
line of Schedule D (see instructions) 8 240
9 Long-term capital gain or (loss). Multiply line 7 by 60% (.60). Enter here and include on the appropriate
line of Schedule D (see instructions) 9 250
Part II Gains and Losses From Straddles. Attach a separate schedule listing each straddle and its components.
Section A—Losses From Straddles
(f) Loss. (h) Recognized loss.
(e) Cost or If column (e) (g) If column (f) is more
(b) Date
(c) Date other basis is more than Unrecognized than (g), enter
entered (d) Gross
(a) Description of property closed out plus (d), enter gain on difference.
into or sales price difference.
or sold expense of offsetting Otherwise, enter -0-
acquired Otherwise,
sale positions
enter -0-

10 *270 "STM nn" +280 +290 +300 +310 *+320 +330 +340
360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430
11a Enter the short-term portion of losses from line 10, column (h), here and include on the appropriate line of
Schedule D (see instructions) @450 "STM nn" 11a ( 460 )
b Enter the long-term portion of losses from line 10, column (h), here and include on the appropriate line of
Schedule D (see instructions) 11b ( 470 )
Section B—Gains From Straddles
(b) Date (f) Gain. If column
(c) Date (e) Cost or other
entered (d) Gross (d) is more than (e),
(a) Description of property closed out basis plus
into or sales price enter difference.
or sold expense of sale
acquired Otherwise, enter -0-

12 *490 "STM nn" +500 +510 +520 +530 *+540

560 570 580 590 600 610
13a Enter the short-term portion of gains from line 12, column (f), here and include on the appropriate line of
Schedule D (see instructions) @630 "STM nn" 13a 640
b Enter the long-term portion of gains from line 12, column (f), here and include on the appropriate line of
Schedule D (see instructions) 13b 650
Part III Unrecognized Gains From Positions Held on Last Day of Tax Year. Memo Entry Only (see instructions)
(e) Unrecognized gain.
(b) Date (c) Fair market value on last (d) Cost or other basis If column (c) is more
(a) Description of property
acquired business day of tax year as adjusted than (d), enter difference.
Otherwise, enter -0-

14 *670 "STM nn" +680 +690 +700 +710

720 730 740 750 760
770 780 790 800 810
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 13715G Form 6781 (2005)
B-106 @815 "STM nn"
Form 8082
(Rev. December 2005)
Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative
Adjustment Request (AAR)
OMB No. 1545-0790

(For use by partners, S corporation shareholders, estate and domestic trust beneficiaries, Attachment
Department of the Treasury foreign trust owners and beneficiaries, REMIC residual interest holders, and TMPs) Sequence No. 84
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 See separate instructions.

Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I General Information
1 Check boxes that apply: (a) Notice of inconsistent treatment (b) Administrative adjustment request (AAR)
020 030
2 If you are a tax matters partner (TMP) filing an AAR on behalf of the pass-through entity, are you 035 040
requesting substituted return treatment? (see instructions) 030 Yes No
3 Identify type of pass-through entity:

(a) Partnership (b) Electing large partnership (c) S corporation (d) Estate (e) Trust (f) REMIC
050 055 060 065 070 075
4 Employer identification number of pass-through entity 6 Tax shelter registration number (if applicable) of pass-through entity
080 140
5 Name, address, and ZIP code of pass-through entity 7 Internal Revenue Service Center where pass-through entity filed its return
090 150 "MSPC"
8 Tax year of pass-through entity
100 /160 / to / 165/
110 120 130 9 Your tax year
/ / to /175 /
Part II Inconsistent or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR) Items
(b) Inconsistency is in, (c) Amount as shown on
or AAR is to correct Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or
(a) Description of inconsistent or similar statement, a foreign
(check boxes that apply) (d) Amount you are reporting (e) Difference between
administrative adjustment request (AAR) items trust statement, or your return, (c) and (d)
(see instructions) Amount of Treatment whichever applies
item of item (see instructions)

10 180 190 200 210 220 230

11 240 250 260 270 280 290

12 300 310 320 330 340 350

13 360 370 380 390 400 410

Part III Explanations—Enter the Part II item number before each explanation. If more space is needed,
continue your explanations on the back.








For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. B-107 Cat. No. 49975G Form 8082 (Rev. 12-2005)
Form 8082 (Rev. 1-2000) Page 2
Part III Explanations (continued)





























B-108 Form 8082 (Rev. 1-2000)
Form 8271 Investor Reporting of Tax Shelter Registration Number OMB No. 1545-0881
 Attach to your tax return.
(Rev. July 1998)
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  If you received this form from a partnership, S corporation, or trust, see the instructions. Sequence No. 71
Investor’s name(s) shown on return Investor’s identifying number Investor’s tax year ended
010 020
(b) Tax Shelter Registration (c) Tax Shelter
(a) Tax Shelter Name
Number (11-digit number) Identifying Number

1 030 040 050 060

2 070 080 090 100
3 110 120 130 140
4 150 160 170 180
5 190 200 210 220
6 230 240 250 260
7 270 280 290 300
8 310 320 330 340
9 350 360 370 380
10 390 400 410 420

General Instructions In certain cases, a tax shelter that Furnishing Copies of Form
does not expect to reduce the
Section references are to the Internal cumulative tax liability of any investor
8271 to Investors
Revenue Code. during the 5-year period ending after the A pass-through entity that has invested
Purpose of Form date the investment is first offered for in a registration-required tax shelter
sale may be considered a “projected must furnish copies of its Form 8271 to
Use Form 8271 to report the tax shelter
income investment.” Such a tax shelter its partners, shareholders, or
registration number the IRS assigns to
will not have to register, and thus not beneficiaries.
certain tax shelters required to be
registered under section 6111 have to furnish a tax shelter registration However, in the case where (a) the
(“registration- required tax shelters”) and number to investors, unless and until it pass-through entity acquired at least a
to report the name and identifying ceases to be a projected income 50% interest in one tax year in a
number of the tax shelter. This investment. It is possible, therefore, that registered tax shelter (and in which it
information must be reported even if the you may not be furnished a tax shelter had not held an interest in a prior year),
particular interest is producing net registration number, and not have to and (b) the investment would not meet
income for the filer of Form 8271. Use report it, for several years after you the definition of a tax shelter
additional forms to report more than 10 purchase or otherwise acquire your immediately following the acquisition if it
tax shelter registration numbers. interest in the tax shelter. If you are later had been offered for sale at that time,
furnished a tax shelter registration the pass-through entity need not
Note: A tax shelter registration number number because the tax shelter ceased distribute copies of Form 8271 to its
does not indicate that the tax shelter or to be a projected income investment, investors. The pass-through entity alone
its claimed tax benefits have been follow these instructions. However, you is required to prepare Form 8271 and
reviewed, examined, or approved by the must file Form 8271 only for tax years include it with the entity tax return.
IRS. ending on or after the date the tax
shelter ceases to be a projected income Penalty For Not Including
Who Must File Registration Number on
Any person claiming or reporting any
deduction, loss, credit, or other tax Note: Even if you have an interest in a Return
benefit, or reporting any income on any registration-required tax shelter, you do A $250 penalty will be charged for each
tax return from an interest purchased or not have to file For m 8271 if you did not failure to include a tax shelter
otherwise acquired in a registration- claim or report any deduction, loss, registration number on a return on which
required tax shelter must file Form 8271. credit, or other tax benefit, or report any it is required to be included unless the
If you are an investor in a partnership or income on your tax retur n from an failure is due to reasonable cause.
an S corporation, look at item G, interest in the registration-required tax
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), or item C, shelter. This could occur, for example, if Specific Instructions
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S). If a tax for a particular year you are unable to
claim any portion of a loss because of Investor’s Identifying
shelter registration number or the words
“Applied for” appear there, then the the passive activity loss limitations, and Number
entity is a registration-required tax that loss is the only tax item reported to Enter the social security number or
shelter. If the interest is purchased or you from the shelter. employer identification number shown
otherwise acquired by a pass-through Filing Form 8271 on the return to which this Form 8271 is
entity, both the pass-through entity and Attach Form 8271 to any return on attached.
its partners, shareholders, or which a deduction, loss, credit, or other
beneficiaries must file Form 8271. Investor’s Tax Year Ended
tax benefit is claimed or reported, or any
A pass-through entity that is the income reported, from an interest in a Enter the date the tax year ended for the
registration-required tax shelter does not registration-required tax shelter. These return to which this Form 8271 is
have to prepare Form 8271 and give returns include applications for tentative attached.
copies to its partners, shareholders, or refunds (Forms 1045 and 1139) and
beneficiaries unless the pass-through amended returns (Forms 1040X and
entity itself has invested in a 1120X).
registration-required tax shelter.
Cat. No. 61924F Form 8271 (Rev. 7-98)
Form 8275 Disclosure Statement OMB No. 1545-0889
(Rev. May 2001) Do not use this form to disclose items or positions that are contrary to Treasury
regulations. Instead, use Form 8275-R, Regulation Disclosure Statement.
See separate instructions. Attachment
Department of the Treasury Sequence No. 92
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number shown on return
Part I General Information (see instructions)

(b) (c) (d) (e)

(a) (f)
Item or Group Detailed Description Form or Line
Rev. Rul., Rev. Proc., etc. Amount
of Items of Items Schedule No.

1 040
020 030 060 070 080

2 110
090 100 130 140 150

160 170 200 210 220

Part II Detailed Explanation (see instructions)

1 230



2 260


3 290


Part III Information About Pass-Through Entity. To be completed by partners, shareholders, beneficiaries, or
residual interest holders.
Complete this part only if you are making adequate disclosure for a pass-through item.

Note: A pass-through entity is a partnership, S corporation, estate, trust, regulated investment company (RIC), real estate investment
trust (REIT), or real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC).
1 Name, address, and ZIP code of pass-through entity 2 Identifying number of pass-through entity
320 3 Tax year of pass-through entity
/ 380 / to / 390 /
330 4 Internal Revenue Service Center where the pass-through entity filed
its return
340 350 360 400
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 61935M Form 8275 (Rev. 5-2001)

Form 8275 (Rev. 5-2001) Page 2
Part IV Explanations (continued from Parts I and/or II)



























Form 8275 (Rev. 5-2001)
Form 8275-R Regulation Disclosure Statement OMB No. 1545-0889
(Rev. February 2002) Use this form only to disclose items or positions that are contrary to Treasury regulations.
For other disclosures, use Form 8275, Disclosure Statement. See separate instructions. Attachment
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 92A
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number shown on return
Part I General Information (See instructions.)

(b) (c) (d) (e)

(a) (f)
Item or Group Detailed Description Form or Line
Regulation Section Amount
of Items of Items Schedule No.

1 040
020 030 060 070 080

2 110
090 100 130 140 150

3 180
160 170 200 210 220

Part II Detailed Explanation (See instructions.)

1 230



2 260



3 290


Part III Information About Pass-Through Entity. To be completed by partners, shareholders, beneficiaries, or
residual interest holders.
Complete this part only if you are making adequate disclosure for a pass-through item.

Note: A pass-through entity is a partnership, S corporation, estate, trust, regulated investment company (RIC), real estate investment
trust (REIT), or real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC).
1 Name, address, and ZIP code of pass-through entity 2 Identifying number of pass-through entity
320 3 Tax year of pass-through entity
/ 380 / to / 390 /
330 4 Internal Revenue Service Center where the pass-through entity filed
its return
340 350 360 400
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 14594X Form 8275-R (Rev. 2-2002)

Form 8275-R (Rev. 2-2002) Page 2
Part IV Explanations (continued from Parts I and/or II)



























Form 8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions OMB No. 1545-0908
(Rev. October 1998)  Attach to your tax return if you claimed a total deduction
of over $500 for all contributed property. Attachment
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 55
Name(s) shown on your income tax return Identifying number

Note: Figure the amount of your contribution deduction before completing this for m. See your tax retur n instructions.
Section A—List in this section only items (or groups of similar items) for which you claimed a deduction of $5,000 or
less. Also, list certain publicly traded securities even if the deduction is over $5,000 (see instructions).
Part I Information on Donated Property—If you need more space, attach a statement.
(a) Name and address of the
1 donee organization
(b) Description of donated property

A *010 "STM nn"

+020 +030
257 259
C 307 309
357 359
407 409
Note: If the amount you claimed as a deduction for an item is $500 or less, you do not have to complete columns (d), (e), and (f).
(c) Date of the (d) Date acquired (e) How acquired (f) Donor’s cost (h) Method used to determine the fair
(g) Fair market value
contribution by donor (mo., yr.) by donor or adjusted basis market value

A*+210 "STM nn" +220 +230 +240 +250 +255

B 260 270 280 290 300 305
C 310 320 330 340 350 355
D 360 370 380 390 400 405
E 410 420 430 440 450 455
Part II Other Information—Complete line 2 if you gave less than an entire interest in property listed in Part I.
Complete line 3 if conditions were attached to a contribution listed in Part I.
2 If, during the year, you contributed less than the entire interest in the property, complete lines a–e.
a Enter the letter from Part I that identifies the property  *457 . If Part II applies to more than one property, attach a
separate statement.
b Total amount claimed as a deduction for the property listed in Part I: (1) For this tax year .
(2) For any prior tax years  +470 .
"A","B","C","D","E" or "STM nn"
c Name and address of each organization to which any such contribution was made in a prior year (complete only if different
from the donee organization above):
Name of charitable organization (donee) +480

Address (number, street, and room or suite no.) +490

City or town, state, and ZIP code *+500 "STM nn"

d For tangible property, enter the place where the property is located or kept  +510
e Name of any person, other than the donee organization, having actual possession of the property  +520

3 If conditions were attached to any contribution listed in Part I, answer questions a – c and attach the required
statement (see instructions).
a Is there a restriction, either temporary or permanent, on the donee’s right to use or dispose of the donated Yes No
property? 540 530
b Did you give to anyone (other than the donee organization or another organization participating with the donee
organization in cooperative fundraising) the right to the income from the donated property or to the possession
of the property, including the right to vote donated securities, to acquire the property by purchase or otherwise,
or to designate the person having such income, possession, or right to acquire? 570 560
c Is there a restriction limiting the donated property for a particular use? 570 580
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 62299J Form 8283 (Rev. 10-98)

Form 8283 (Rev. 10-98) Page 2
Name(s) shown on your income tax return Identifying number

Section B—Appraisal Summary—List in this section only items (or groups of similar items) for which you claimed a
deduction of more than $5,000 per item or group. Exception. Report contributions of certain publicly
traded securities only in Section A.
If you donated art, you may have to attach the complete appraisal. See the Note in Part I below.
Part I Information on Donated Property—To be completed by the taxpayer and/or appraiser.
4 Check type of property:
600 Art* (contribution of $20,000 or more) Real Estate Gems/Jewelry Stamp Collections
615 Art* (contribution of less than $20,000) Coin Collections Books Other
*Art includes paintings, sculptures, watercolors, prints, drawings, ceramics, antique furniture, decorative arts, textiles, carpets, silver, rare
manuscripts, historical memorabilia, and other similar objects.
Note: If your total art contribution deduction was $20,000 or more, you must attach a complete copy of the signed appraisal. See instructions.

5 (a) Description of donated property (if you need (b) If tangible property was donated, give a brief summary of the overall (c) Appraised fair
more space, attach a separate statement) physical condition at the time of the gift market value

A *650 "STM nn" +652 +654

B 720 722 724
C 790 792 794
D 860 870 880
(d) Date acquired (e) How acquired (f) Donor’s cost or (g) For bargain sales, enter See instructions
by donor (mo., yr.) by donor adjusted basis amount received (h) Amount claimed as a (i) Average trading price
deduction of securities
A +660 *+670 "STM nn" +680 +710
+690 +700
B 730 740 750 760
780 770
C 800 810 820 830 840 850
D 890 900 910 920 930 940
Part II Taxpayer (Donor) Statement—List each item included in Part I above that the appraisal identifies as
having a value of $500 or less. See instructions.
I declare that the following item(s) included in Part I above has to the best of my knowledge and belief an appraised value of not more than $500
(per item). Enter identifying letter from Part I and describe the specific item. See instructions.  950 "A","B","C","D" 960

Signature of taxpayer (donor)  Date 

Part III Declaration of Appraiser

I declare that I am not the donor, the donee, a party to the transaction in which the donor acquired the property, employed by, or related to any
of the foregoing persons, or married to any person who is related to any of the foregoing persons. And, if regularly used by the donor, donee, or
party to the transaction, I performed the majority of my appraisals during my tax year for other persons.
Also, I declare that I hold myself out to the public as an appraiser or perform appraisals on a regular basis; and that because of my qualifications
as described in the appraisal, I am qualified to make appraisals of the type of property being valued. I certify that the appraisal fees were not based
on a percentage of the appraised property value. Furthermore, I understand that a false or fraudulent overstatement of the property value as
described in the qualified appraisal or this appraisal summary may subject me to the penalty under section 6701(a) (aiding and abetting the
understatement of tax liability). I affirm that I have not been barred from presenting evidence or testimony by the Director of Practice.
Here Signature  Title  Date of appraisal 
Business address (including room or suite no.) Identifying number

City or town, state, and ZIP code

Part IV Donee Acknowledgment—To be completed by the charitable organization.

This charitable organization acknowledges that it is a qualified organization under section 170(c) and that it received the donated
property as described in Section B, Part I, above on  970

Furthermore, this organization affirms that in the event it sells, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the property described in Section
B, Part I (or any portion thereof) within 2 years after the date of receipt, it will file Form 8282, Donee Information Return, with the
IRS and give the donor a copy of that form. This acknowledgment does not represent agreement with the claimed fair market value.
973 976
Does the organization intend to use the property for an unrelated use?  Yes No
Name of charitable organization (donee) Employer identification number
980 990
Address (number, street, and room or suite no.) City or town, state, and ZIP code
1000 1010
Authorized signature Title Date

Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation OMB No. 1545-0074
(Rev. December 2005)
Department of the Treasury Attachment
䊳 See instructions.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 104
Part I Information About the Joint Tax Return for Which This Form Is Filed
1 Enter the following information exactly as it is shown on the tax return for which you are filing this form.

The spouse’s name and social security number shown first on that tax return must also be shown first below.
First name, initial, and last name shown first on the return Social security number shown first

If Injured Spouse,
010 020 check here 䊳 030
First name, initial, and last name shown second on the return Social security number shown second If Injured Spouse,

s040 050 check here 䊳 060

a 5
Note. If you are filing Form 8379 with your tax return, skip to line 5.

Enter the tax year for which you are filing this form (for example, 2004)

f 0
䊳 070

3 080 090 100 110

Current home address

r a / 2

Is the address on your joint return different from the address shown above? 120 Yes

No 130
ZIP code

D /26
5 Check this box only if you are divorced or separated from the spouse with whom you filed the joint return
and you want your refund issued in your name only 140
6 Was your main home in a community property state (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin) at any time during the year entered on line 2? 150 Yes No 160

If “Yes,” which community property state(s)?161 AZ 162 CA 163 ID 164 LA 165 NV 166 NM 167 TX 168 WA
Note. Overpayments affected by state community property laws will be allocated by the IRS according to those laws. 169 WI
Part II

7 Income: a. Wages
Allocation Between Spouses of Items on the Joint Tax Return (see instructions)
Allocated Items

(a) Amount shown
on joint return

190 200
(b) Allocated to
injured spouse
(c) Allocated to
other spouse

+240 "STM nn" 210 +250 290 220 +260 300 230 270 310
b. All other income 280 320 360 400 330 370 410 450 340 380 420 460350 390 430 470

8 Adjustments to income 480 490 500

9 Standard or Itemized deduction 540 550 560

10 Number of exemptions 570 580 590

11 Credits 600 610 620

12 Other taxes 630 640 650

13 Federal income tax withheld 660 670 680

14 Payments 690 700 710

Part III Signature. Complete this part only if you are filing Form 8379 by itself and not with your tax return.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form and any accompanying schedules or statements and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they
are true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Keep a copy of Injured spouse’s signature Date Phone number (optional)
this form for
your records ( )

signature 䊳 Date Check if
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Firm’s name (or yours EIN
Use Only if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 62474Q Form 8379 (Rev. 12-2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Mortgage Interest Credit

Department of the Treasury

(For Holders of Qualified Mortgage Credit Certificates Issued by
State or Local Governmental Units or Agencies)
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 1040. 䊳 See instructions on back. Sequence No. 53
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

010 020
Enter the address of your main home to which the qualified mortgage certificate relates if it is different from the address shown on Form 1040.

030 040 050 060

Part I Current Year Mortgage Interest Credit

1 Interest paid on the certified indebtedness amount. If someone else (other than your spouse
if filing jointly) also held an interest in the home, enter only your share of the interest paid 1 070
2 Enter the certificate credit rate shown on your mortgage credit certificate. Do not enter the
interest rate on your home mortgage 2 080 %
3 If line 2 is 20% or less, multiply line 1 by line 2. If line 2 is more than 20%, or you refinanced
your mortgage and received a reissued certificate, see the instructions for the amount to enter. 3 090
You must reduce your deduction for home mortgage interest on Schedule A (Form 1040)
by the amount on line 3.
4 Enter any 2002 credit carryforward from line 18 of your 2004 Form 8396 4 100

5 Enter any 2003 credit carryforward from line 16 of your 2004 Form 8396 5 110

6 Enter any 2004 credit carryforward from line 19 of your 2004 Form 8396 6 120

7 Add lines 3 through 6 7 130

8 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46 8 140

9 Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines 47 through 52 9 143

10 Subtract line 9 from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 11 and go to Part II 10 145
11 Current year mortgage interest credit. Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 10. Also include
this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 54, and check box a on that line 11 150

Part II Mortgage Interest Credit Carryforward to 2006. (Complete only if line 11 is less than line 7.)

12 Add lines 3 and 4 12 160

13 Enter the amount from line 7 13 170

14 Enter the larger of line 11 or line 12 14 180

15 Subtract line 14 from line 13 15 190

16 2004 credit carryforward to 2006. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 15 16 200

17 Subtract line 16 from line 15 17 210

18 2003 credit carryforward to 2006. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 17 18 220

19 2005 credit carryforward to 2006. Subtract line 11 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 19 230
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 62502X Form 8396 (2005)

Form 8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations OMB No. 1545-1008

Department of the Treasury

 See separate instructions. 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. Sequence No. 88
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I 2005 Passive Activity Loss

Caution: Complete Worksheets 1, 2, and 3 on page 2 before completing Part I.
Rental Real Estate Activities With Active Participation (For the definition of active participation
see Special Allowance for Rental Real Estate Activities on page 3 of the instructions.)
1a Activities with net income (enter the amount from Worksheet 1,
column (a)) 1a 010
b Activities with net loss (enter the amount from Worksheet 1,
column (b)) 1b ( 020 )
c Prior years unallowed losses (enter the amount from Worksheet
1, column (c)) 1c ( 030 )
d Combine lines 1a, 1b, and 1c 1d 035
Commercial Revitalization Deductions From Rental Real Estate Activities
2a Commercial revitalization deductions from Worksheet 2, column (a) 2a ( 040 )
b Prior year unallowed commercial revitalization deductions from
Worksheet 2, column (b) 2b ( 045 )
c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c ( 050 )
All Other Passive Activities
3a Activities with net income (enter the amount from Worksheet 3,
column (a)) 3a 055
b Activities with net loss (enter the amount from Worksheet 3,
column (b)) 3b ( 060 )
c Prior years unallowed losses (enter the amount from Worksheet 3,
column (c)) 3c ( 065 )
d Combine lines 3a, 3b, and 3c 3d 070
4 Combine lines 1d, 2c, and 3d. If the result is net income or zero, all losses are allowed, including
any prior year unallowed losses entered on line 1c, 2b, or 3c. Do not complete Form 8582.
Report the losses on the forms and schedules normally used 4 080
If line 4 is a loss and: ● Line 1d is a loss, go to Part II.
● Line 2c is a loss (and line 1d is zero or more), skip Part II and go to Part III.
● Line 3d is a loss (and lines 1d and 2c are zero or more), skip Parts II and III and go to line 15.
Caution: If your filing status is married filing separately and you lived with your spouse at any time during the year, do not complete
Part II or Part III. Instead, go to line 15.
Part II Special Allowance for Rental Real Estate With Active Participation
Note: Enter all numbers in Part II as positive amounts. See page 8 of the instructions for an example.
5 Enter the smaller of the loss on line 1d or the loss on line 4 5 090
6 Enter $150,000. If married filing separately, see page 8 6 095
7 Enter modified adjusted gross income, but not less than zero (see page 8)7 105
Note: If line 7 is greater than or equal to line 6, skip lines 8 and
9, enter -0- on line 10. Otherwise, go to line 8.
8 Subtract line 7 from line 6 8 115
9 Multiply line 8 by 50% (.5). Do not enter more than $25,000. If married filing separately, see page 8 9 125
10 Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 9 10 135
If line 2c is a loss, go to Part III. Otherwise, go to line 15.
Part III Special Allowance for Commercial Revitalization Deductions From Rental Real Estate Activities
Note: Enter all numbers in Part III as positive amounts. See the example for Part II on page 8 of the instructions.
11 Enter $25,000 reduced by the amount, if any, on line 10. If married filing separately, see instructions 11 140
12 Enter the loss from line 4 12 150
13 Reduce line 12 by the amount on line 10 13 160
14 Enter the smallest of line 2c (treated as a positive amount), line 11, or line 13 14 170
Part IV Total Losses Allowed
15 Add the income, if any, on lines 1a and 3a and enter the total 15 230
16 Total losses allowed from all passive activities for 2005. Add lines 10, 14, and 15. See
pages 10 and 11 of the instructions to find out how to report the losses on your tax return 16 235
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 12 of the instructions. Cat. No. 63704F Form 8582 (2005)
Form 8582 (2005) Page 2
Caution: The worksheets must be filed with your tax retur n. Keep a copy for your records.
Worksheet 1—For Form 8582, Lines 1a, 1b, and 1c (See page 7 of the instructions.)
Current year Prior years Overall gain or loss
Name of activity
(a) Net income (b) Net loss (c) Unallowed (d) Gain (e) Loss
(line 1a) (line 1b) loss (line 1c)
*250 "STM nn" +260 +270 +280 +290 +300
310 320 330 340 350 360
370 380 390 400 410 420
430 440 450 460 470 480
490 500 510 520 530 540
Total. Enter on Form 8582, lines 1a,
1b, and 1c  550 560 570
Worksheet 2—For Form 8582, Lines 2a and 2b (See pages 7 and 8 of the instructions.)
(a) Current year (b) Prior year
Name of activity (c) Overall loss
deductions (line 2a) unallowed deductions (line 2b)
*600 "STM nn" +610 +620 +630
640 650 660 670
680 690 700 710
720 730 740 750
Total. Enter on Form 8582, lines 2a
and 2b  760 770
Worksheet 3—For Form 8582, Lines 3a, 3b, and 3c (See page 8 of the instructions.)
Current year Prior years Overall gain or loss
Name of activity
(a) Net income (b) Net loss (c) Unallowed (d) Gain (e) Loss
(line 3a) (line 3b) loss (line 3c)
*900 "STM nn" +910 +920 +930 +940 +950
960 970 980 1000 1010 1020
1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080
1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140
1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200
Total. Enter on Form 8582, lines 3a,
3b, and 3c  1210 1220 1550
Worksheet 4—Use this worksheet if an amount is shown on Form 8582, line 10 or 14 (See page 9 of the instructions.)
Form or schedule
and line number (c) Special (d) Subtract column
Name of activity to be reported on
(a) Loss (b) Ratio
allowance (c) from column (a)
(see instructions)

*1560 "STM nn" +1570 +1580 +1590 +1600 +1610

1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670
1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730
1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790
1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850

Total  1860 1.00 1870 1880

Worksheet 5—Allocation of Unallowed Losses (See page 9 of the instructions.)
Form or schedule
and line number
Name of activity to be reported on
(a) Loss (b) Ratio (c) Unallowed loss
(see instructions)

*1900 "STM nn" +1910 +1920 +1930 +1940

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040
2050 2060 2070 2080 2090
2100 2110 2120 2130 2140

Total  2150 1.00 2155

Form 8582
B-119 (2005)
Form 8582 (2004) Page 3
Worksheet 6—Allowed Losses (See pages 9 and 10 of the instructions.)
Form or schedule
and line number to
Name of activity be reported on (see
(a) Loss (b) Unallowed loss (c) Allowed loss
*2170 "STM nn" +2180 +2190 +2200 +2210
2220 2230 2240 2250 2260
2270 2280 2290 2300 2310
2320 2330 2340 2350 2360
2370 2380 2390 2400 2410

Total  2420 2430 2440

Worksheet 7—Activities With Losses Reported on Two or More Different Forms or Schedules (See page 10.)
Name of Activity: (d) Unallowed
(a) (b) (c) Ratio (e) Allowed loss
*2458 "STMbnn" loss

Form or schedule and line number

to be reported on (see
instructions): +2461
1a Net loss plus prior year unallowed
loss from form or schedule  +2470
b Net income from form or
schedule  +2490

c Subtract line 1b from line 1a. If zero or less, enter -0-  +2500 +2510 +2520 "STMnn +2530
Form or schedule and line number
to be reported on (see
instructions): 2541

1a Net loss plus prior year unallowed

loss from form or schedule  2550
b Net income from form or
schedule  2570

c Subtract line 1b from line 1a. If zero or less, enter -0-  2580 2590 2600 2610
Form or schedule and line number
to be reported on (see
instructions): 2620
1a Net loss plus prior year unallowed
loss from form or schedule  2630
b Net income from form or
schedule  2650

c Subtract line 1b from line 1a. If zero or less, enter -0-  2660 2670 2680 2690

Total  2700 1.00 2710 2720

Printed on recycled paper Form 8582 (2004)
Form 8582-CR Passive Activity Credit Limitations OMB No. 1545-1034

Department of the Treasury

 See separate instructions. 2005
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to Form 1040 or 1041. Sequence No. 89
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I 2005 Passive Activity Credits

Caution: If you have credits from a publicly traded partnership, see Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTPs) on page 15
of the instructions.
Credits From Rental Real Estate Activities With Active Participation (Other Than Rehabilitation
Credits and Low-Income Housing Credits) (See Lines 1a through 1c on page 9.)

1a Credits from Worksheet 1, column (a) 1a 010

b Prior year unallowed credits from Worksheet 1, column (b) 1b 020

c Add lines 1a and 1b 1c 030

Rehabilitation Credits From Rental Real Estate Activities and Low-Income Housing Credits for
Property Placed in Service Before 1990 (or From Pass-Through Interests Acquired Before 1990)
(See Lines 2a through 2c on page 9.)
2a Credits from Worksheet 2, column (a) 2a 040

b Prior year unallowed credits from Worksheet 2, column (b) 2b 050

c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 060

Low-Income Housing Credits for Property Placed in Service After 1989 (See Lines 3a through
3c on page 9.)
3a Credits from Worksheet 3, column (a) 3a 070
b Prior year unallowed credits from Worksheet 3, column (b) 3b 080
c Add lines 3a and 3b 3c 090
AllOther Passive Activity Credits (See Lines 4a through 4c on page 9.)
4a Credits from Worksheet 4, column (a) 4a 100
b Prior year unallowed credits from Worksheet 4, column (b) 4b 110
c Add lines 4a and 4b 4c 120
5 Add lines 1c, 2c, 3c, and 4c 5 130
6 Enter the tax attributable to net passive income (see page 9) 6 140
7 Subtract line 6 from line 5. If line 6 is more than or equal to line 5, enter -0- and see page 10 7 150
Note: If your filing status is married filing separately and you lived with your spouse at any time
during the year, do not complete Part II, III, or IV. Instead, go to line 37.
Part II Special Allowance for Rental Real Estate Activities With Active Participation
Note: Complete this part only if you have an amount on line 1c. Otherwise, go to Part IIl.
8 Enter the smaller of line 1c or line 7 8 160
9 Enter $150,000. If married filing separately, see page 10 9 170
10 Enter modified adjusted gross income, but not less than zero (see
page 10). If line 10 is equal to or more than line 9, skip lines 11 through
15 and enter -0- on line 16 10 180
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9 11 190
12 Multiply line 11 by 50% (.50). Do not enter more than $25,000. If
married filing separately, see page 11 12 200
13a Enter the amount, if any, from line 10 of
Form 8582 13a 203
b Enter the amount, if any, from line 14 of
Form 8582 13b 206
c Add lines 13a and 13b 13c 210

14 Subtract line 13c from line 12 14 220

15 Enter the tax attributable to the amount on line 14 (see page 11) 15 230

16 Enter the smaller of line 8 or line 15 16 240

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 16 of the instructions. Cat. No. 64641R Form 8582-CR (2005)
Form 8582-CR (2005) 2 Page
Part III Special Allowance for Rehabilitation Credits From Rental Real Estate Activities and Low-Income Housing
Credits for Property Placed in Service Before 1990 (or From Pass-Through Interests Acquired Before 1990)
Note: Complete this part only if you have an amount on line 2c. Otherwise, go to Part IV.

17 Enter the amount from line 7 17 260

18 Enter the amount from line 16 18 270
19 Subtract line 18 from line 17. If zero, enter -0- here and on lines 30 and 36, and then go to
Part V 19 280
20 Enter the smaller of line 2c or line 19 20 290
21 Enter $250,000. If married filing separately, see page 12. (See page 12
to find out if you can skip lines 21 through 26.) 21 300
22 Enter modified adjusted gross income, but not less than zero. (See
instructions for line 10 on page 10.) If line 22 is equal to or more than
line 21, skip lines 23 through 29 and enter -0- on line 30 22 310
23 Subtract line 22 from line 21 23 320
24 Multiply line 23 by 50% (.50). Do not enter more than $25,000. If married
filing separately, see page 12 24 330
25a Enter the amount, if any, from line 10 of
Form 8582 25a 333
b Enter the amount, if any, from line 14 of
Form 8582 25b 336
c Add lines 25a and 25b 25c 340
26 Subtract line 25c from line 24 26 350
27 Enter the tax attributable to the amount on line 26 (see page 12) 27 360
28 Enter the amount, if any, from line 18 28 370
29 Subtract line 28 from line 27 29 380

30 Enter the smaller of line 20 or line 29 30 390

Part IV Special Allowance for Low-Income Housing Credits for Property Placed in Service After 1989
Note: Complete this part only if you have an amount on line 3c. Otherwise, go to Part V.

31 If you completed Part III, enter the amount from line 19. Otherwise, subtract line 16 from line 7 31 400
32 Enter the amount from line 30 32 410
33 Subtract line 32 from line 31. If zero, enter -0- here and on line 36 33 420
34 Enter the smaller of line 3c or line 33 34 430
35 Tax attributable to the remaining special allowance (see page 12) 35 440

36 Enter the smaller of line 34 or line 35 36 450

Part V Passive Activity Credit Allowed

37 Passive Activity Credit Allowed. Add lines 6, 16, 30, and 36. See page 12 to find out how to
report the allowed credit on your tax return and how to allocate allowed and unallowed credits if
you have more than one credit or credits from more than one activity. If you have any credits from
a publicly traded partnership, see Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTPs) on page 15 37 460
Part VI Election To Increase Basis of Credit Property

38 If you disposed of your entire interest in a passive activity or former passive activity in a fully taxable transaction, and you
elect to increase your basis in credit property used in that activity by the unallowed credit that reduced your basis in the 470
property, check this box. See page 16 
39 Name of passive activity disposed of  480
40 Description of the credit property for which the election is being made 
41 Amount of unallowed credit that reduced your basis in the property  $ 500
Printed on recycled paper Form 8582-CR (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0984
Low-Income Housing Credit
Department of the Treasury
 See instructions on back. 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 36a
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Number of Forms 8609-A attached  020 @025 "STM

2 Has there been a decrease in the qualified basis of any buildings since the close of the preceding @105 "STM nn"
tax year? Yes
050 No If “Yes,” enter the building identification numbers (BINs) of the
buildings that had a decreased basis. If you need more space, attach a schedule.
(i) +070 (ii) +080 (iii) +090 (iv) +100
3 Current year credit from attached Form(s) 8609-A (see instructions) 3 110
4 Low-income housing credits from pass-through entities (if more than one entity, see instructions):

If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credits from—
@125 "STM nn"

a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, codes A and B
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, codes A and B; or – 115 4 120
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 8
c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code C EIN of pass-through entity

5 Add lines 3 and 4. See instructions to find out if you complete lines 6 through 17 or file Form 3800 5 130
6 Current year credit or passive activity credit (see instructions) 6 140
Part II Allowable Credit

7 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 7 150
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
8 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 8 160
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
9 Add lines 7 and 8 9 170
10a Foreign tax credit 10a 180
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 10b 195
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 10c 260
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 10d 270
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 10e 280
f Add lines 10a through 10e 10f 290
11 Net income tax. Subtract line 10f from line 9. If zero, skip lines 12 through 15 and enter -0- on
line 16 11 300
12 Net regular tax. Subtract line 10f from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 12 320
13 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 12 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 13 330
14 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 14 335
15 Enter the greater of line 13 or line 14 15 340
16 Subtract line 15 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 350
17 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 16 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 16 is smaller than line 6, see instructions 17 360
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 63987I Form 8586 (2005)

Form 8594
(Rev. December 2005)
Asset Acquisition Statement
Under Section 1060
OMB No. 1545-1021

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service Attach to your income tax return. See separate instructions. Sequence No. 61
Name as shown on return Identifying number as shown on return

Check the box that identifies you:
020 030
Purchaser Seller
Part I General Information
1 Name of other party to the transaction

o f Other party’s identifying number

040 050
Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)

City or town, state, and ZIP code

f t a 0 5
2 Date of sale

r a 080

/ 2 0 090
3 Total sales price (consideration)

Part II
4 Assets

D /24
Original Statement of Assets Transferred
Aggregate fair market value (actual amount for Class I)

Allocation of sales price

Class I

Class II

0 6 120




Class III $ 160 $ 170

Class IV $ 180 $ 190

Class V $ 200 $ 210

Class VI and VII $ 220 $ 230

Total $ 240 $ 250

5 Did the purchaser and seller provide for an allocation of the sales price in the sales contract or in another 260 270
written document signed by both parties? Yes No
If “Yes,” are the aggregate fair market values (FMV) listed for each of asset Classes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and 280 290
VII the amounts agreed upon in your sales contract or in a separate written document? Yes No

6 In the purchase of the group of assets (or stock), did the purchaser also purchase a license or a covenant
not to compete, or enter into a lease agreement, employment contract, management contract, or similar 300 310
arrangement with the seller (or managers, directors, owners, or employees of the seller)? Yes No

If “Yes,” attach a schedule that specifies (a) the type of agreement and (b) the maximum amount of
consideration (not including interest) paid or to be paid under the agreement. See instructions. @315 "STM nn"
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 63768Z Form 8594 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 8594 (Rev. 12-2005) 2 Page
Part III Supplemental Statement—Complete only if amending an original statement or previously filed
supplemental statement because of an increase or decrease in consideration. See instructions.
7 Tax year and tax return form number with which the original Form 8594 and any supplemental statements were filed.

8 Assets Allocation of sales price as previously reported Increase or (decrease) Redetermined allocation of sales price

Class I $ 340 $ 350 $ 360

Class II $ 370 $ 380 $ 390

Class III $ 400 $ 410 $ 420

Class IV $ 430 $ 440 $ 450

Class V $ 460 $ 470 $ 480

Class VI and VII $ 490 $ 500 $ 510

Total $ 520 $ 530

9 Reason(s) for increase or decrease. Attach additional sheets if more space is needed.

*540 "STM nn" *550 *560

s o
f t a 0 5
r a / 2 0
D /24
0 6

Form 8594 (Rev. 12-2005)

Printed on recycled paper
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8606 Nondeductible
009 IRAs
 See separate instructions.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 Attach to Form 1040, Form 1040A, or Form 1040NR. 48

Internal Revenue Service (99) Sequence No.
Name. If married, file a separate form for each spouse required to file Form 8606. See page 5 of the instructions. Your social security number
Fill in Your Address Only
if You Are Filing This
Form by Itself and Not  a s
Home address (number and street, or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to your home)

City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code
Apt. no.

With Your Tax Return

Part I

f t 0 0
Nondeductible Contributions to Traditional IRAs and Distributions From Traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs

a 2
Complete this part only if:

r /
● You made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA for 2005,

D /16
● You took distributions from a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA in 2005 (other than a rollover, conversion,
recharacterization, or return of certain contributions) and you made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA
in 2005 or an earlier year, or
● You converted part, but not all, of your traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs in 2005 (excluding any portion

you recharacterized) and you made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA in 2005 or an earlier year.

1 Enter your nondeductible contributions to traditional IRAs for 2005, including those made for
2005 from January 1, 2006, through April 17, 2006 (see page 5 of the instructions) 1 100
2 Enter your total basis in traditional IRAs (see page 6 of the instructions) 2 105
3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 162

In 2005, did you take a No  Enter the amount from line 3 on

distribution from traditional, line 14. Do not complete the rest
SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs, or of Part I.
make a Roth IRA conversion? Yes  Go to line 4.

4 Enter those contributions included on line 1 that were made from January 1, 2006, through
April 17, 2006 4 164
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 5 166
6 Enter the value of all your traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs as of
December 31, 2005, plus any outstanding rollovers. Subtract any
repayment of qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions. If the result is
zero or less, enter -0- (see page 6 of the instructions) 6 170
7 Enter your distributions from traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs in
2005. Do not include rollovers (other than repayments of qualified
Hurricane Katrina distributions), conversions to a Roth IRA, certain
returned contributions, or recharacterizations of traditional IRA
contributions (see page 6 of the instructions) 7 180
8 Enter the net amount you converted from traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE
IRAs to Roth IRAs in 2005. Do not include amounts converted that
you later recharacterized (see page 8 of the instructions). Also enter
this amount on line 16 8 185
9 Add lines 6, 7, and 8 9 190
10 Divide line 5 by line 9. Enter the result as a decimal rounded to at
least 3 places. If the result is 1.000 or more, enter “1.000” 10 ⫻ . 225
11 Multiply line 8 by line 10. This is the nontaxable portion of the amount
you converted to Roth IRAs. Also enter this amount on line 17 11 235
12 Multiply line 7 by line 10. This is the nontaxable portion of your
distributions that you did not convert to a Roth IRA 12 245
13 Add lines 11 and 12. This is the nontaxable portion of all your distributions 13 250
14 Subtract line 13 from line 3. This is your total basis in traditional IRAs for 2005 and earlier years 14 260
15a Subtract line 12 from line 7 15a 261
b Amount on line 15a attributable to qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions (see page 7 of the
instructions). Also enter this amount on Form 8915, line 13 15b 263
c Taxable amount. Subtract line 15b from line 15a. If more than zero, also include this amount on
Form 1040, line 15b; Form 1040A, line 11b; or Form 1040NR, line 16b 15c 265
Note: You may be subject to an additional 10% tax on the amount on line 15c if you were under
age 591⁄2 at the time of the distribution (see page 7 of the instructions).
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 8 of the instructions. Cat. No. 63966F 8606
B-126 Form (2005)
Form 8606 (2005) Page 2
Part II 2005 Conversions From Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs

any portion you recharacterized).

Complete this part if you converted part or all of your traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs to a Roth IRA in 2005 (excluding

Caution: If your modified adjusted gross income is over $100,000 or you are married filing separately and you lived with
your spouse at any time in 2005, you cannot convert any amount from traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs

for 2005. If you erroneously made a conversion, you must recharacterize (correct) it (see page 7 of the instructions).

a 5
If you completed Part I, enter the amount from line 8. Otherwise, enter the net amount you

t 0
converted from traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs in 2005. Do not include amounts

you later recharacterized back to traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs in 2005 or 2006 (see page 8

of the instructions) 16 338


r a / 2
If you completed Part I, enter the amount from line 11. Otherwise, enter your basis in the amount

D /16
on line 16 (see page 8 of the instructions) 17 342

18 Taxable amount. Subtract line 17 from line 16. Also include this amount on Form 1040,
line 15b; Form 1040A, line 11b; or Form 1040NR, line 16b 18 344

Part III Distributions From Roth IRAs

Complete this part only if you took a distribution from a Roth IRA in 2005. For this purpose, a distribution does not
include a rollover (other than repayments of qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions), recharacterization, or return of
certain contributions—see page 8 of the instructions.
19 Enter your total nonqualified distributions from Roth IRAs in 2005 including any qualified first-time
homebuyer distributions (see page 8 of the instructions) 19 351

20 Qualified first-time homebuyer expenses (see page 8 of the instructions). Do not enter more
than $10,000 20 354

21 Subtract line 20 from line 19. If zero or less, enter -0- and skip lines 22 through 25 21 358

22 Enter your basis in Roth IRA contributions (see page 9 of the instructions) 22 361

23 Subtract line 22 from line 21. If zero or less, enter -0- and skip lines 24 and 25. If more than zero,
you may be subject to an additional tax (see page 9 of the instructions) 23 363

24 Enter your basis in Roth IRA conversions (see page 9 of the instructions) 24 368

25a Subtract line 24 from line 23. If zero or less, enter -0- and skip lines 25b and 25c 25a 372
b Amount on line 25a attributable to qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions (see page 9 of the
instructions). Also enter this amount on Form 8915, line 14 25b 374
c Taxable amount. Subtract line 25b from line 25a. If more than zero, also include this amount on
Form 1040, line 15b; Form 1040A, line 11b; or Form 1040NR, line 16b 25c 376
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying attachments, and to the best of my
Sign Here Only if You knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Are Filing This Form
by Itself and Not With
Your Tax Return  Your signature  Date

Preparer’s Date Preparer’s SSN or PTIN
Check if self-
Paid signature employed

Firm’s name (or yours EIN
Use Only if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )
Form 8606 (2005)

Form 8609-A
(Rev. January 2006)
Annual Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit
OMB No. 1545-XXXX

Department of the Treasury 
Internal Revenue Service
File with owner’s federal income tax return. Sequence No. 36

Name(s) shown on return Identifying number


Part I Compliance Information
Yes No
Building identification number (BIN) 

This Form 8609-A is for (check the box)
section 42(e) rehabilitation expenditures

a newly constructed or existing building

f t a 5
Do you have in your records the original Form 8609 (or a copy thereof) signed and issued by the housing credit
agency for the building in A?

If “No,” see the instructions and stop here—do not go to Part II.
050 060

D Did the building in A qualify as a part of a qualified low-income housing project and meet the requirements of

a 2
section 42 as of the end of the tax year for which this form is being filed?

r /
If “No,” see the instructions and stop here—do not go to Part II.
070 080

D /28
E Was there a decrease in the qualified basis of the building in A for the tax year for which this form is being
filed? 090 100
If “Yes,” see the instructions. If “No,” and the entire credit has been claimed in prior tax years, stop here—do
not go to Part II.

Part II Computation of Credit 110
1 200

1 Eligible basis of building
2 Low-income portion (smaller of unit fraction or floor space fraction) (if first year of the credit
period, see instructions) 2 210
3 Qualified basis of low-income building. Multiply line 1 by line 2 (see instructions for exceptions) 3 220
4 Part-year adjustment for disposition or acquisition during the tax year 4 230
5 Credit percentage 5 240
6 Multiply line 3 or line 4 by the percentage on line 5 6 250
7 Additions to qualified basis, if any 7 260
8 Part-year adjustment for disposition or acquisition during the tax year 8 270
9 Credit percentage. Enter one-third of the percentage on line 5 9 280
10 Multiply line 7 or line 8 by the percentage on line 9 10 290
11 Section 42(f)(3)(B) modification 11 300
12 Add lines 10 and 11 12 310
13 Credit for building before line 14 reduction. Subtract line 12 from line 6 13 320
14 Disallowed credit due to federal grants (see instructions) 14 330
15 Credit allowed for building for tax year. Subtract line 14 from line 13, but do not enter more than
the amount shown on Form 8609, Part I, line 1b 15 340
16 Taxpayer’s proportionate share of credit for the year (see instructions) 16 350
17 Adjustments for deferred first-year credit (see instructions) 17 360
18 Taxpayer’s credit. Combine lines 16 and 17. Enter here and in Part I of Form 8586 18 370

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. B-128 Cat No. 38841T Form 8609-A (1-2006)
Form 8611 Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit
 Attach to your return.
OMB No. 1545-1035
(Rev. December 2004)
Department of the Treasury Note: Complete a separate Form 8611 for each building to Attachment
Internal Revenue Service which recapture applies. Sequence No. 90
A Name(s) shown on return B Identifying number
C Address of building (as shown on Form 8609) D Building identification E Date placed in service (from
020 number (BIN) Form 8609)

030 040 050 060 070

F If building is financed in whole or part with tax-exempt bonds, see instructions and furnish: (2) Date of issue
(1) Issuer’s name
080 090
(3) Name of issue (4) CUSIP number
100 110
Note: Skip lines 1–7 and go to line 8 if recapture is passed through from a flow-through entity (partnership, S corporation, estate,
or trust).

1 Enter total credits reported on Form 8586 in prior years for this building 1 120

2 Credits included on line 1 attributable to additions to qualified basis (see instructions) 2 130

3 Credits subject to recapture. Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 140

4 Credit recapture percentage (see instructions) 4 150 .

5 Accelerated portion of credit. Multiply line 3 by line 4 5 160

6 Percentage decrease in qualified basis. Express as a decimal amount carried out to at least 3 places
(see instructions) 6 170 .
7 Amount of accelerated portion recaptured (see instructions if prior recapture on building).
Multiply line 5 by line 6. Section 42(j)(5) partnerships, go to line 16. All other flow-through
entities (except electing large partnerships), enter the result here and enter each recipient’s
share in the appropriate box of Schedule K-1. Generally, flow-through entities other than
electing large partnerships will stop here. (Note: An estate or trust enters on line 8
only its share of recapture amount attributable to the credit amount reported on its
Form 8586.) 7 180

8 Enter recapture amount from flow-through entity (see Note above) 8 190

9 Enter the unused portion of the accelerated amount from line 7 (see instructions) 9 200

10 Net recapture. Subtract line 9 from line 7 or line 8. If less than zero, enter -0- 10 210
215 "SECTION 42(J)(5)" 220
11 Enter interest on the line 10 recapture amount (see instructions) 11

12 Total amount subject to recapture. Add lines 10 and 11 12 230

13 Unused credits attributable to this building reduced by the accelerated portion included on
line 9 (see instructions) 13 240
14 Recapture tax. Subtract line 13 from line 12. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter the result here
and on the appropriate line of your tax return (see instructions). If more than one
Form 8611 is filed, add the line 14 amounts from all forms and enter the total on the appropriate
line of your return. Electing large partnerships, see instructions 14 250
15 Carryforward of the low-income housing credit attributable to this building. Subtract
line 12 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- (see instructions) 15 260
Only Section 42(j)(5) partnerships need to complete lines 16 and 17.

16 Enter interest on the line 7 recapture amount (see instructions) 16 270

17 Total recapture. Add lines 7 and 16 (see instructions) 17 280

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. B-129 Cat. No. 63983Q Form 8611 (Rev. 12-2004)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8615 Tax for Children Under Age 14
With Investment Income of More Than $1,600 2005
 Attach only to the child’s Form 1040, Form 1040A, or Form 1040NR.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 33
Child’s name shown on return Child’s social security number
010 020
Before you begin: If the child, the parent, or any of the parent’s other children under age 14 must use the Schedule D Tax
Worksheet or has income from farming or fishing, see Pub. 929, Tax Rules for Children and Dependents. It
explains how to figure the child’s tax using the Schedule D Tax Worksheet or Schedule J (Form 1040).
A Parent’s name (first, initial, and last). Caution: See instructions before completing. 045 B Parent’s social security number
040 050
C Parent’s filing status (check one): 055 "ESTIMATED"
060 Single Married filing jointly Married filing separately Head of household Qualifying widow(er)
Part I Child’s Net Investment Income

1 Enter the child’s investment income (see instructions) 1 070

2 If the child did not itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040 or Form 1040NR), enter $1,600.
Otherwise, see instructions 2 080
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1. If zero or less, stop; do not complete the rest of this form but do
attach it to the child’s return 3 090
4 Enter the child’s taxable income from Form 1040, line 43; Form 1040A, line 27; or Form 1040NR,
line 40 4 100
5 Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4. If zero, stop; do not complete the rest of this form but do
attach it to the child’s return 5 110
Part II Tentative Tax Based on the Tax Rate of the Parent
6 Enter the parent’s taxable income from Form 1040, line 43; Form 1040A, line 27; Form 1040EZ, 115 "ESTIMATED"
line 6; Form 1040NR, line 40; or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 14. If zero or less, enter -0- 6 120
7 Enter the total, if any, from Forms 8615, line 5, of all other children of the parent named 128 "ESTIMATED"
above. Do not include the amount from line 5 above 7 130
8 Add lines 5, 6, and 7 (see instructions). 8 140
9 Enter the tax on the amount on line 8 based on the parent’s filing status above (see instructions).
If the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or
Schedule J (Form 1040) is used to figure the tax, check here  9 160
10 Enter the parent’s tax from Form 1040, line 44; Form 1040A, line 28, minus any alternative minimum
tax; Form 1040EZ, line 10; Form 1040NR, line 41; or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 15. Do not include any
tax from Form 4972 or 8814. If the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D
Tax Worksheet, or Schedule J (Form 1040) was used to figure the tax, check here  10 180
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9 and enter the result. If line 7 is blank, also enter this amount on line
13 and go to Part III 11 190
12a Add lines 5 and 7 12a 200
b Divide line 5 by line 12a. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places) 12b ⫻ . 210
13 Multiply line 11 by line 12b 13 220
Part III Child’s Tax—If lines 4 and 5 above are the same, enter -0- on line 15 and go to line 16.

14 Subtract line 5 from line 4 14 230

15 Enter the tax on the amount on line 14 based on the child’s filing status (see instructions). If the
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or
Schedule J (Form 1040) is used to figure the tax, check here  15 250
233 16 260
16 Add lines 13 and 15
17 Enter the tax on the amount on line 4 based on the child’s filing status (see instructions). If the
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or
Schedule J (Form 1040) is used to figure the tax, check here  17 280
18 Enter the larger of line 16 or line 17 here and on the child’s Form 1040, line 44; Form 1040A,
line 28; or Form 1040NR, line 41 18 290
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. Cat. No. 64113U Form 8615 (2005)

Form 8621
(Rev. December 2004)
Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign
Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund
OMB No. 1545-1002

Department of the Treasury Attachment

Internal Revenue Service  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 69
Name of shareholder Identifying number (see page 2 of instructions)
010 020
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see page 2 of instructions.) Shareholder tax year: calendar year 20 or other tax year
030 beginning 070 , 20 and ending 080 , 20 .
City or town, state, and ZIP code or country
040 050 060 065 090 110 120 130 140
Check type of shareholder filing the return: Individual Corporation Partnership S Corporation Nongrantor Trust Estate
Name of passive foreign investment company (PFIC) or qualified electing fund (QEF) Employer identification number (if any)
150 200
Address (Enter number, street, city or town, and country.) Tax year of company or fund: calendar year 20 or other
160 tax year beginning 210 , 20 and
170 180 190 195 ending 220 , 20 .

Part I Elections (See instructions.)

230 A Election To Treat the PFIC as a QEF. I, a shareholder of a PFIC, elect to treat the PFIC as a QEF. Complete lines 1a through 2c of Part II.
240 B Deemed Sale Election. I, a shareholder on the first day of a PFIC’s first tax year as a QEF, elect to recognize gain on the
deemed sale of my interest in the PFIC. Enter gain or loss on line 10f of Part IV.
250 C Deemed Dividend Election. I, a shareholder on the first day of a PFIC’s first tax year as a QEF that is a controlled foreign
corporation (CFC), elect to treat an amount equal to my share of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the CFC as an excess
distribution. Enter this amount on line 10e of Part IV. @255 "STM nn"
260 D Election To Extend Time For Payment of Tax. I, a shareholder of a QEF, elect to extend the time for payment of tax on
the undistributed earnings and profits of the QEF until this election is terminated. Complete lines 3a through 4c of Part II to
calculate the tax that may be deferred.
Note: If any portion of line 1a or line 2a of Part II is includible under section 551 or 951, you may not make this election.
Also, see sections 1294(c) and 1294(f) and the related regulations for events that terminate this election.

270 E Election To Recognize Gain on Deemed Sale of PFIC. I, a shareholder of a former PFIC or a PFIC to which section 1297(e) applies, elect to
treat as an excess distribution the gain recognized on the deemed sale of my interest in the PFIC, or, if I qualify, my share of the PFIC’s post-1986
earnings and profits deemed distributed, on the last day of its last tax year as a PFIC under section 1297(a). Enter gain on line 10f of Part IV.
280 F Election To Mark-to-Market PFIC Stock. I, a shareholder of a PFIC, elect to mark-to-market the PFIC stock that is
marketable within the meaning of section 1296(e). Complete Part III.
Part II Income From a Qualified Electing Fund (QEF). All QEF shareholders complete lines 1a through 2c. If you are making
Election D, also complete lines 3a through 4c. (See page 5 of instructions.)
1a Enter your pro rata share of the ordinary earnings of the QEF 1a 290
b Enter the portion of line 1a that is included in income under
section 551 or 951 or that may be excluded under section 1293(g) 1b 300
c Subtract line 1b from line 1a. Enter this amount on your tax return as dividend income 1c 310
2a Enter your pro rata share of the total net capital gain of the QEF 2a 320
b Enter the portion of line 2a that is included in income under
section 551 or 951 or that may be excluded under section 1293(g) 2b 330
c Subtract line 2b from line 2a. This amount is a net long-term capital gain. Enter this amount
in Part II of the Schedule D used for your income tax return. (See instructions.) 2c 340
3a Add lines 1c and 2c 3a 350
b Enter the total amount of cash and the fair market value of other
property distributed or deemed distributed to you during the tax
year of the QEF. (See instructions.) @365 "STM nn" 3b 360
c Enter the portion of line 3a not already included in line 3b that is
attributable to shares in the QEF that you disposed of, pledged,
or otherwise transferred during the tax year 3c 370
d Add lines 3b and 3c 3d 380
e Subtract line 3d from line 3a, and enter the difference (if zero or less, enter amount in brackets) 3e 390
Important: If line 3e is greater than zero, and no portion of line 1a or 2a is includible in income
under section 551 or 951, you may make Election D with respect to the amount on line 3e.
4a Enter the total tax for the tax year (See instructions.) 4a 400
b Enter the total tax for the tax year determined without regard to
the amount entered on line 3e 4b 410
c Subtract line 4b from line 4a. This is the deferred tax, the time for payment of which is
extended by making Election D. See instructions 420
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 7 of separate instructions.
B-131 Cat. No. 64174H
Form 8621 (Rev. 12-2004)
Form 8621 (Rev. 12-2004) Page 2
Part III Gain or (Loss) From Mark-to-Market Election (See page 5 of instructions.)
5 Enter the fair market value of your PFIC stock at the end of the tax year 5 450
6 Enter your adjusted basis in the stock at the end of the tax year 6 460
7 Excess. Subtract line 6 from line 5. If a gain, stop here. Include this amount as ordinary income
on your tax return. If a loss, go to line 8 470 7
8 Enter any unreversed inclusions (as defined in section 1296(d)). See instructions. 480 8
9 Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 8. Include this amount as an ordinary loss on your tax return
490 9
Part IV Distributions From and Dispositions of Stock of a Section 1291 Fund (See page 6 of instructions.)
Complete a separate Part IV for each excess distribution (see instructions). @605 "STM nn"
10a Enter your total distributions from the section 1291 fund during the current tax year with respect to the
applicable stock. If the holding period of the stock began in the current tax year, see instructions 10a 500
b Enter the total distributions (reduced by the portions of such distributions that were excess
distributions but not included in income under section 1291(a)(1)(B)) made by the fund with
respect to the applicable stock for each of the 3 years preceding the current tax year (or if
shorter, the portion of the shareholder’s holding period before the current tax year) 10b 510
c Divide line 10b by 3. (See instructions if the number of preceding tax years is less than 3.) 10c 520
d Multiply line 10c by 125% (1.25) 10d 530
e Subtract line 10d from line 10a. This amount, if more than zero, is the excess distribution with respect to
the applicable stock. If zero or less and you did not dispose of stock during the tax year, do not complete
the rest of Part IV. See instructions if you received more than one distribution during the current tax year.
Also, see instructions for rules for reporting a nonexcess distribution on your income tax return 10e 540
f Enter gain or loss from the disposition of stock of a section 1291 fund or former section 1291
fund. If a gain, complete line 11. If a loss, show it in brackets and do not complete line 11 10f 550
11a Attach a statement for each distribution and disposition. Show your holding period for each
share of stock or block of shares held. Allocate the excess distribution to each day in your
holding period. Add all amounts that are allocated to days in each tax year.
@555 "STM nn"
b Enter the total of the amounts determined in line 11a that are allocable to the current tax year
and tax years before the foreign corporation became a PFIC (pre-PFIC tax years). Enter these
amounts on your income tax return as other income 11b 560
c Enter the aggregate increases in tax (before credits) for each tax year in your holding period
(other than the current tax year and pre-PFIC years). (See instructions.) 11c 570
d Foreign tax credit. (See instructions.) 11d 580
e Subtract line 11d from line 11c. Enter this amount on your income tax return as “additional
tax.” (See instructions.) 11e 590
f Determine interest on each net increase in tax determined on line 11e using the rates and
methods of section 6621. Enter the aggregate amount of interest here. (See instructions.)11f 600
Part V Status of Prior Year Section 1294 Elections and Termination of Section 1294 Elections
Complete a separate column for each outstanding election. Complete lines 9 and 10 only if there is a
partial ter mination of the section 1294 election. @1210 "STM nn"
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

1 Tax year of outstanding

election 610 710 810 910 1010 1110
2 Undistributed earnings to
which the election relates 620 720 820 920 1020 1120

3 Deferred tax 630 730 830 930 1030 1130

4 Interest accrued on deferred
tax (line 3) as of the filing date 640 740 840 940 1040 1140

5 Event terminating election 650 750 850 950 1050 1150

6 Earnings distributed or deemed
distributed during the tax year 660 760 860 960 1060 1160
7 Deferred tax due with this
return 670 770 870 970 1070 1170
8 Accrued interest due with
this return 680 780 880 980 1080 1180
9 Deferred tax outstanding after
partial termination of election 690 790 890 990 1090 1190
10 Interest accrued after partial 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
termination of election
B-132 Form 8621 (Rev. 12-2004)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Allocation of Individual Income Tax
Form 8689 to the Virgin Islands 2005
Department of the Treasury  Attachment
Attach to Form 1040.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 85
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number
Part I Income From the Virgin Islands
1 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. 1 120
2 Taxable interest 2 130
3 Ordinary dividends 3 140
4 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of local Virgin Islands taxes 4 150
5 Alimony received 5 160
6 Business income or (loss) 6 170
7 Capital gain or (loss) 7 180
8 Other gains or (losses) 8 190
9 IRA distributions (taxable amount) 9 200
10 Pensions and annuities (taxable amount) 10 210
11 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. 11 220
12 Farm income or (loss) 12 230
13 Unemployment compensation 13 240
14 Social security benefits (taxable amount) 14 250
15 Other income. List type and amount. 䊳 *260 "STM nn" 15 +270
16 Add lines 1 through 15. This is your total income 䊳 16 280
Part II Adjusted Gross Income From the Virgin Islands
17 Educator expenses 17 290
18 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis
government officials 18 300
19 Health savings account deduction 19 310
20 Moving expenses 20 320
21 One-half of self-employment tax 21 330
22 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 22 340
23 Self-employed health insurance deduction 23 350
24 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 24 360
25 IRA deduction 25 370
26 Student loan interest deduction 26 380
27 Tuition and fees deduction 27 390
28 Add lines 17 through 27 *400 "STM nn" +410 28 420
29 Subtract line 28 from line 16. This is your adjusted gross income 䊳 29 430
Part III Allocation of Tax to the Virgin Islands
30 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 63 30 440
31 Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines 58, 59, 62, 66a, and 68. Include any uncollected social security
and Medicare or tier 1 RRTA tax, tax on golden parachute payments, or excise tax on insider stock compensation
reported on line 63. Also include any amount from Form 5329, Parts III, IV, V, VI, VII, or VIII reported on line 60 31 450
32 Subtract line 31 from line 30 32 460
33 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 33 470
34 Divide line 29 above by line 33. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least 3 places). Do not enter more than 1.000. 34  . 480
35 Multiply line 32 by line 34. This is your tax allocated to the Virgin Islands 35 490
Part IV Payments of Income Tax to the Virgin Islands
36 Income tax withheld by the Virgin Islands 36 500
37 2005 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2004 return 37 510
38 Amount paid with Form 4868 (extension request) 38 520
39 Add lines 36 through 38. These are your total payments 䊳 39 530
40 Enter the smaller of line 35 or line 39. Also, include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 71. On
the dotted line next to line 71, enter "Form 8689" and show this amount 40 540
41 Overpayment to the Virgin Islands. If line 39 is more than line 35, subtract line 35 from line 39 41 550
42 Amount of line 41 you want refunded to you 䊳 42 560
43 Amount of line 41 you want applied to your 2006 estimated tax 䊳 43 570
44 Amount you owe to the Virgin Islands. Subtract line 39 from line 35. Enter the amount that you are
paying here and on Form 1040, line 71. Next to line 71, enter “Form 8689” and the amount paid 䊳 44 580
Form 8689
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.
B-133 Cat. No. 64603D (2005)
Form 8697
(Rev. November 2002)
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back
Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts
OMB No. 1545-1031

Department of the Treasury 䊳 See separate instructions. 䊳 Please print or type.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 97
For the filing year beginning 010 , and ending 020 . See page 2 of the instructions.
Name A Identifying number
Fill In Your Number, street, and apt., room, or suite no. If a P.O. box, see page 3 of the instructions. B Check applicable box to show type of taxpayer:
Address Only If
You Are Filing This 090 Corporation
120 S corporation
Form Separately City or town, state, and ZIP code 100 Individual
130 Partnership
and Not With Your
Tax Return 110 Estate or trust
C If you were an owner of an interest in a pass-through entity (such as a partnership or an S corporation) that holds one or more long-term contracts to which this
interest computation relates, enter the name and employer identification number of the entity. Attach a schedule if there is more than one such entity.
Name of entity Employer identification number
140 @145 "STM nn" or blank 150

Part I Regular Method

Date of each prior year to which interest
1 Taxable income or loss for the prior years shown on tax computation relates:
return (or as previously adjusted) before net operating loss
(a) 160 (b) 250 (c) 340 Totals
or capital loss carrybacks (other than carrybacks that must
Year ended Year ended Year ended (Add columns (a),
be taken into account to properly compute interest under
section 460) (see page 3 of the instructions). If you were mo. yr. mo. yr. mo. yr. (b), and (c).)
required to file Form 8697 for an earlier year, enter adjusted
taxable income for the prior years from line 3, Form 8697, 170 260 350
for the most recent filing year that affects the prior years
2 Adjustment to income to reflect the difference between:
(a) the amount of income required to be allocated for @185 "STM @275 "STM @365 "STM
post-February 1986 contracts completed or adjusted nn" nn" nn"
during the tax year based on the actual contract price and
costs, and (b) the amount of income reported for such
contracts based on estimated contract price and costs.
See page 3 of the instructions and attach a schedule listing 187 277 360
each separate contract, unless you were an owner of an
interest in a pass-through entity reporting this amount from 180 270 367
Schedule K-1 or a similar statement
3 Adjusted taxable income for look-back purposes. Combine 190 280 370
lines 1 and 2
4 Income tax liability on line 3 amount using tax rates in effect 200 290 380
for the prior years (see page 3 of the instructions)
5 Income tax liability shown on return (or as previously
adjusted) for the prior years (see page 3 of the instructions).
If you were required to file Form 8697 for an earlier year,
enter the amount required to be reported on line 4, Form
8697, for the most recent filing year that affects the prior 210 300 390

6 Increase or decrease in tax for the prior years on which

interest is due (or is to be refunded). Subtract line 5 from 220 310 400
line 4.
230 320 410
7 Interest due on increase, if any, shown on line 6 (see
page 3 of the instructions) @235 STM nn @325 STM nn @415 STM nn 430
240 330 420
8 Interest to be refunded on decrease, if any, shown on
line 6 (see page 3 of the instructions) @245 STM nn @335 STM nn @425 STM nn 440
9 Net amount of interest to be refunded to you. If line 8, column (d), exceeds line 7, column (d), enter the excess. File
Form 8697 separately; do not attach it to your tax return (see page 3 of the instructions) 450
10 Net amount of interest you owe. If line 7, column (d), exceeds line 8, column (d), enter the excess. Attach
Form 8697 to your tax return. See page 4 of the instructions for where to include this amount on your return 460
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5 of the instructions. Cat. No. 64598V Form 8697 (Rev. 11-2002)

Form 8697 (Rev. 11-2002) Page 2
Part II Simplified Marginal Impact Method
Date of each prior year to which interest
1 Adjustment to regular taxable income to reflect the computation relates:
difference between: (a) the amount of such income required (d)
to be allocated for post-February 1986 contracts (a) 500 (b) 600 (c) 700 Totals
completed or adjusted during the tax year based on actual Year ended Year ended Year ended (Add columns (a),
contract price and costs, and (b) the amount of such mo. yr. mo. yr. mo. yr. (b), and (c).)
income reported for such contracts based on estimated
contract price and costs. See page 4 of the instructions @515 "STM @615 "STM @715 "STM
and attach a schedule listing each separate contract, nn" nn" nn"
unless you were an owner of an interest in a pass-through
entity reporting this amount from Schedule K-1 or a similar
statement 510 610 710
2 Increase or decrease in regular tax for prior years. Multiply
line 1 in each column by the applicable regular tax rate (see 520 620 720
page 4 of the instructions)
Note: For prior years beginning before 1987, skip lines 3
and 4 and enter on line 5 the amount from line 2.
3 Adjustment to alternative minimum taxable income to
reflect the difference between: (a) the amount of such
income required to be allocated for post-February 1986
contracts completed or adjusted during the tax year based
on actual contract price and costs, and (b) the amount of @535 "STM @635 "STM @735 "STM
such income reported for such contracts based on nn" nn" nn"
estimated contract price and costs. See page 4 of the
instructions and attach a schedule listing each separate
contract, unless you were an owner of an interest in a
pass-through entity reporting this amount from Schedule
K-1 or a similar statement 530 630 730

4 Increase or decrease in alternative minimum tax (AMT) for

prior years. Multiply line 3 in each column by the applicable
AMT rate (see page 4 of the instructions) 540 640 740
5 Enter the larger of line 2 or line 4. See page 4 of the
instructions if either amount is negative 550 650 750
Pass-through entities: Skip line 6 and enter on line 7 the
amount from line 5.
6 Overpayment ceiling. For each column in which line 5 is a
negative number, enter your total tax liability for the prior
year, as adjusted for past applications of the look-back
method and after net operating loss, capital loss, net
section 1256 contracts loss, and credit carryovers and
carrybacks to that year. For each column in which line 5 is
a positive number, leave line 6 blank and enter on line 7
the amount from line 5 560 660 760
7 Increase or decrease in tax for the prior years on which
interest is due (or is to be refunded). Enter the amount from
line 5 or line 6, whichever is smaller. Treat both numbers
as positive when making this comparison, but enter the
amount as a negative number
570 670 770
8 Interest due on increase, if any, shown on line 7 (see page
4 of the instructions) 580 680 780 800
9 Interest to be refunded on decrease, if any, shown on
line 7 (see page 4 of the instructions) 590 690 790 810
10 Net amount of interest to be refunded to you. If line 9, column (d), exceeds line 8, column (d), enter the excess. File
Form 8697 separately; do not attach it to your tax return (see page 4 of the instructions)
11 Net amount of interest you owe. If line 8, column (d), exceeds line 9, column (d), enter the excess. Attach
Form 8697 to your tax return. See page 4 of the instructions for where to include this amount on your return 830
Signature(s) Complete this section only if this form is being filed separately.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer
Sign has any knowledge.

䊳 Signature(s) 䊳 Date

signature 䊳 Date
Check if
self-employed 䊳
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Use Only
Firm’s name (or yours
if self-employed), ad-
dress, and ZIP code
Phone no. ( )

OMB No. 1545-1073
Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax—
Form 8801 Individuals, Estates, and Trusts 2005
䊳 See instructions on pages 3 and 4.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) 䊳 Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, or 1041. Sequence No. 74
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Net Minimum Tax on Exclusion Items

1 Combine lines 1, 6, and 10 of your 2004 Form 6251. Estates and trusts, see instructions 1 020
2 Enter adjustments and preferences treated as exclusion items (see instructions) 2 030
3 Minimum tax credit net operating loss deduction (see instructions) 3 ( 040 )

4 Combine lines 1, 2, and 3. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 15 and go to Part II. If more
than $191,000 and you were married filing separately for 2004, see instructions 4 050
5 Enter: $58,000 if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) for 2004; $40,250 if single or head


o f
of household for 2004; or $29,000 if married filing separately for 2004. Estates and trusts, enter

Enter: $150,000 if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) for 2004; $112,500 if single or head
5 060

of household for 2004; or $75,000 if married filing separately for 2004. Estates and trusts, enter
$75,000 6 070


7 Subtract line 6 from line 4. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 8 and go to line 9 7

8 Multiply line 7 by 25% (.25) 8

a f 0 0
Subtract line 8 from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0-. If this form is for a child under age 14, see
9 100

r 2
10 Subtract line 9 from line 4. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 15 and go to Part II. Form

1040NR filers, see instructions 10 110

D /02 
11 ● If for 2004 you reported capital gain distributions directly on Form 1040, line 13; you reported
qualified dividends on Form 1040, line 9b (Form 1041, line 2b(2)); or you had a gain on both lines
15 and 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040) (lines 14a and 15, column (2), of Schedule D (Form 1041)),
11 120
complete Part III of Form 8801 and enter the amount from line 46 here.

0 9
● All others: If line 10 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately for
2004), multiply line 10 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 10 by 28% (.28) and subtract
$3,500 ($1,750 if married filing separately for 2004) from the result.
Minimum tax foreign tax credit on exclusion items (see instructions)
Tentative minimum tax on exclusion items. Subtract line 12 from line 11
Enter the amount from your 2004 Form 6251, line 34, or 2004 Form 1041, Schedule I, line 55

15 Net minimum tax on exclusion items. Subtract line 14 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- 15 160
Part II Minimum Tax Credit and Carryforward to 2006

16 Enter the amount from your 2004 Form 6251, line 35, or 2004 Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56 16 170
17 Enter the amount from line 15 above 17 180
18 Subtract line 17 from line 16. If less than zero, enter as a negative amount 18 190
19 2004 minimum tax credit carryforward. Enter the amount from your 2004 Form 8801, line 26 19 200
20 Enter the total of your 2004 unallowed nonconventional source fuel credit and 2004 unallowed
qualified electric vehicle credit (see instructions) 20 210
21 Combine lines 18, 19, and 20. If zero or less, stop here and see instructions 21 220
22 Enter your 2005 regular income tax liability minus allowable credits (see instructions) 22 230
23 Enter the amount from your 2005 Form 6251, line 33, or 2005 Form 1041, Schedule I, line 54 23 240
24 Subtract line 23 from line 22. If zero or less, enter -0- 24 250
25 Minimum tax credit. Enter the smaller of line 21 or line 24. Also enter this amount on your 2005
Form 1040, line 55; Form 1040NR, line 50; or Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2d 25 260
26 Minimum tax credit carryforward to 2006. Subtract line 25 from line 21. Keep a record of this
amount because you may use it in future years 26 270
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 6. Cat. No. 10002S Form 8801 (2005)

Form 8801 (2005) Page 2

Part III Tax Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates

Caution: If you did not complete the 2004 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet,
the 2004 Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or Part V of the 2004 Schedule D (Form 1041), see the
instructions before completing this part.

27 Enter the amount from Form 8801, line 10 27 300

28 Enter the amount from line 6 of your 2004 Qualified Dividends and
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, the amount from line 13 of your 2004
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or the amount from line 22 of the 2004
Schedule D (Form 1041), whichever appies.* 28 310

If you figured your 2004 tax using the 2004 Qualified Dividends
and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, skip line 29 and enter the amount
from line 28 on line 30. Otherwise, go to line 29.

29 Enter the amount from line 19 of your 2004 Schedule D (Form 1040),
or line 14b, column (2), of the 2004 Schedule D (Form 1041) 29 320

31 o
Add lines 28 and 29, and enter the smaller of that result or the amount
from line 10 of your 2004 Schedule D Tax Worksheet

Enter the smaller of line 27 or line 30
31 350

32 Subtract line 31 from line 27 32 360


t 0 5
If line 32 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately for 2004), multiply line

f 0
32 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 32 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 ($1,750 if married

filing separately for 2004) from the result 䊳 33 370
34 Enter:

D /02 / 2
● $58,100 if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) for 2004,
● $29,050 if single or married filing separately for 2004,
● $38,900 if head of household for 2004, or
● $1,950 for an estate or trust 34 380


0 9
Enter the amount from line 7 of your 2004 Qualified Dividends and Capital
Gain Tax Worksheet, the amount from line 14 of your 2004 Schedule D Tax
Worksheet, or the amount from line 23 of the 2004 Schedule D (Form 1041),
whichever applies. If you did not complete either worksheet or Part V of the
2004 Schedule D (Form 1041), enter -0- 35 385

36 Subtract line 35 from line 34. If zero or less, enter -0- 36 387
37 Enter the smaller of line 27 or line 28 37 390
38 Enter the smaller of line 36 or line 37 38 400
39 Multiply line 38 by 5% (.05) 䊳 39 430
40 Subtract line 38 from line 37 40 440
41 Multiply line 40 by 15% (.15) 䊳 41 524

If line 29 is zero or blank, skip lines 42 and 43 and go to line 44. Otherwise, go to line 42.

42 Subtract line 37 from line 31 42 527

43 Multiply line 42 by 25% (.25) 䊳 43 545
44 Add lines 33, 39, 41, and 43 44 550
45 If line 27 is $175,000 or less ($87,500 or less if married filing separately), multiply line 27 by 26%
(.26). Otherwise, multiply line 27 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 ($1,750 if married filing
separately) from the result 45 600

46 Enter the smaller of line 44 or line 45 here and on line 11 46 610

* The 2004 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet is on page 34 of the 2004 Instructions for Form 1040. The 2004 Schedule D Tax Worksheet is on
page D-9 of the 2004 Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040) (page 37 of the 2004 Instructions for Form 1041).

B-137 Form 8801 (2005)

Form 8812 Additional Child Tax Credit 1040 䊴
OMB No. 1545-0074


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (99) Complete and attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040A.
8812 Attachment
Sequence No. 47
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

Part I All Filers

1 Enter the amount from line 1 of your Child Tax Credit Worksheet on page 42 of the Form 1040 instructions
or page 39 of the Form 1040A instructions. If you used Pub. 972, enter the amount from line 8 of the
worksheet on page 4 of the publication 1 008

2 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 52, or Form 1040A, line 33 2 012

3 Subtract line 2 from line 1. If zero, stop; you cannot take this credit 3 016
4a Earned income (see instructions on back). If your main home was in the
Hurricane Katrina disaster area on August 25, 2005, and you are electing to
use your 2004 earned income, check here 䊳 4a 021
b Nontaxable combat pay (see instructions on
back) 4b 023
5 Is the amount on line 4a more than $11,000?
025 No. Leave line 5 blank and enter -0- on line 6.
Yes. Subtract $11,000 from the amount on line 4a. Enter the result 5 038
6 Multiply the amount on line 5 by 15% (.15) and enter the result 6 045
Next. Do you have three or more qualifying children?
054 No. If line 6 is zero, stop; you cannot take this credit. Otherwise, skip Part II and enter the
smaller of line 3 or line 6 on line 13.
058 Yes. If line 6 is equal to or more than line 3, skip Part II and enter the amount from line 3 on
line 13. Otherwise, go to line 7.
Part II Certain Filers Who Have Three or More Qualifying Children
7 Withheld social security and Medicare taxes from Form(s) W-2, boxes 4 and
6. If married filing jointly, include your spouse’s amounts with yours. If you
worked for a railroad, see instructions on back 7 075

8 1040 filers: Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines
27 and 59, plus any uncollected social security and
Medicare or tier 1 RRTA taxes included on line 63. 8 085
1040A filers: Enter -0-.
9 095

9 Add lines 7 and 8
10 1040 filers: Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines
66a and 67.
1040A filers: Enter the total of the amount from Form 1040A, line
41a, plus any excess social security and tier 1 RRTA 10 105
taxes withheld that you entered to the left of line 43
(see instructions on back).
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 11 110

12 Enter the larger of line 6 or line 11 12 115

Next, enter the smaller of line 3 or line 12 on line 13.
Part III Additional Child Tax Credit

13 This is your additional child tax credit 13 140

Enter this amount on
Form 1040, line 68, or
10. .4. 0. . . .
Form 1040A, line 42.
1040 䊴

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. 8812

B-138 Cat. No. 10644E Form (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8814 Parents’ Election To Report
Child’s Interest and Dividends 2005
䊳 See instructions.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to parents’ Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. Sequence No. 40
Name(s) shown on your return Your social security number

Caution. The federal income tax on your child’s income, including qualified dividends and capital gain distributions, may be less
if you file a separate tax return for the child instead of making this election. This is because you cannot take certain tax benefits
that your child could take on his or her own return. For details, see Tax benefits you may not take on page 2.
A Child’s name (first, initial, and last) 015 B Child’s social security number

010 020

C If more than one Form 8814 is attached, check here

Part I Child’s Interest and Dividends To Report on Your Return

*040"TAX-EXEMPT INTEREST" "STM nn" +050 *060 "STM nn" +070 +090
1a Enter your child’s taxable interest. If this amount is different from the amounts shown on the
child’s Forms 1099-INT and 1099-OID, see the instructions 1a 100

b Enter your child’s tax-exempt interest. Do not include this

amount on line 1a 1b 110

2 Enter your child’s ordinary dividends, including any Alaska Permanent Fund dividends. If your
child received any ordinary dividends as a nominee, see the instructions 120 "ND" 130 2 135

3 Enter your child’s capital gain distributions. If your child received any capital gain distributions
as a nominee, see the instructions 141 "ND" 146 3 151

4 Add lines 1a, 2, and 3. If the total is $1,600 or less, skip lines 5 and 6 and go to line 7. If the
total is $8,000 or more, do not file this form. Your child must file his or her own return to report
the income 4 170

5 Base amount 5 1,600 00

6 Subtract line 5 from line 4. See the instructions for where to report this amount. Go to line 7
below 180 "CGD" 190 195 䊳 6 200
Part II Tax on the First $1,600 of Child’s Interest and Dividends

7 Amount not taxed 7 800 00

8 Subtract line 7 from line 4. If the result is zero or less, enter -0- 8 210

9 Tax. Is the amount on line 8 less than $800?
212 No. Enter $80 here and see the Note below. 9 220
216 Yes. Multiply line 8 by 10% (.10). Enter the result here and see the Note below.

Note. If you checked the box on line C above, see the instructions. Otherwise, include the amount from line 9 in the tax you enter
on Form 1040, line 44, or Form 1040NR, line 41. Be sure to check box a on Form 1040, line 44, or Form 1040NR, line 41.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 10750J Form 8814 (2005)

Exclusion of Interest From Series EE and I OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8815 U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After 1989 2005
Department of the Treasury (For Filers With Qualified Higher Education Expenses) Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) 䊳 Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040A. Sequence No. 57
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

1 (a)
Name of person (you, your spouse, or your dependent) who
Name and address of eligible educational institution
was enrolled at or attended an eligible educational institution

*010 "STM nn" +020

*+030 "NONE" or "STM nn" +040
070 "NONE" 080
090 100
110 "NONE" 120
If you need more space, attach a statement.
2 Enter the total qualified higher education expenses you paid in 2005 for the person(s) listed in
column (a) of line 1. See the instructions to find out which expenses qualify 2 170
3 Enter the total of any nontaxable educational benefits (such as nontaxable scholarship or
fellowship grants) received for 2005 for the person(s) listed in column (a) of line 1 (see instructions) 3 180
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, stop. You cannot take the exclusion 4 190
5 Enter the total proceeds (principal and interest) from all series EE and I U.S. savings bonds
issued after 1989 that you cashed during 2005 5 200
6 Enter the interest included on line 5 (see instructions) 6 210
7 If line 4 is equal to or more than line 5, enter “1.000.” If line 4 is less than line 5, divide line 4
by line 5. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places) 7  220
8 Multiply line 6 by line 7 8 230

9 Enter your modified adjusted gross income (see instructions) 9 240

Note: If line 9 is $76,200 or more if single or head of household, or
$121,850 or more if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er), stop.
You cannot take the exclusion.
or "91850"
10 Enter: $61,200 if single or head of household; $91,850 if married filing
jointly or qualifying widow(er) 10
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9. If zero or less, skip line 12, enter -0- on
line 13, and go to line 14 11 260
12 Divide line 11 by: $15,000 if single or head of household; $30,000 if married filing jointly or
qualifying widow(er). Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places) 12  . 270

13 Multiply line 8 by line 12 13 280

14 Excludable savings bond interest. Subtract line 13 from line 8. Enter the result here and on
Schedule B (Form 1040), line 3, or Schedule 1 (Form 1040A), line 3, whichever applies 䊳 14 290

General Instructions U.S. Savings Bonds That Qualify for Exclusion

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code. To qualify for the exclusion, the bonds must be series EE or I U.S.
savings bonds issued after 1989 in your name, or, if you are married,
Purpose of Form they may be issued in your name and your spouse’s name. Also, you
If you cashed series EE or I U.S. savings bonds in 2005 that were must have been age 24 or older before the bonds were issued. A
issued after 1989, you may be able to exclude from your income bond bought by a parent and issued in the name of his or her child
part or all of the interest on those bonds. Use this form to figure the under age 24 does not qualify for the exclusion by the parent or
amount of any interest you may exclude. child.

Who May Take the Exclusion Recordkeeping Requirements

You may take the exclusion if all four of the following apply. Keep the following records to verify interest you exclude.
1. You cashed qualified U.S. savings bonds in 2005 that were ● Bills, receipts, canceled checks, or other documents showing you
issued after 1989. paid qualified higher education expenses in 2005.
2. You paid qualified higher education expenses in 2005 for ● A written record of each post-1989 series EE or I bond that you
yourself, your spouse, or your dependents. cash. Your record must include the serial number, issue date, face
3. Your filing status is any status except married filing separately. value, and total redemption proceeds (principal and interest) of each
4. Your modified AGI (adjusted gross income) is less than: $76,200 bond. You may use Form 8818, Optional Form To Record
if single or head of household; $121,850 if married filing jointly or Redemption of Series EE and I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After
qualifying widow(er). See the instructions for line 9 to figure your 1989.
modified AGI.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. B-140 Cat. No. 10822S Form 8815 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-1505

Form 8820 Orphan Drug Credit

Department of the Treasury 䊳 Attachment
Attach to your tax return. 103
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No.
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Qualified clinical testing expenses paid or incurred during the tax year 1 020
2 Current year credit. Multiply line 1 by 50% (.50) (see instructions) 2 030
3 Pass-through orphan drug credits from an S corporation, partnership, estate, or trust 3 040
4 Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3 4 050
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

5 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 5 060
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
6 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 6 070
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 080
8a Foreign tax credit 8a 090
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 8b 105
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 8c 170
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 8d 180
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 8e 190
f Add lines 8a through 8e 8f 200
9 Net income tax. Subtract line 8f from line 7. If zero, skip lines 10 through 13 and enter -0- on
line 14 9 210
10 Net regular tax. Subtract line 8f from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 230
11 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 10 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 11 240

12 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 12 245
13 Enter the greater of line 11 or line 12 13 250
14 Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 260
15 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 14 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 14 is smaller than line 4, see instructions 15 270

General Instructions Who Must File Definitions

Section references are to the Internal An individual, estate, trust, organization, or Qualified clinical testing expenses.
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. corporation that elects to claim an orphan Generally, qualified clinical testing
drug credit, or any S corporation, expenses are amounts paid or incurred by
Purpose of Form partnership, estate, or trust that allocates the taxpayer that would be described as
the credit to its shareholders, partners, or qualified research expenses under section
Use Form 8820 to claim the orphan drug beneficiaries must complete this form and 41, with two modifications:
credit. The credit is 50% of qualified attach it to its income tax return. ● In sections 41(b)(2) and (3), “clinical
clinical testing expenses paid or incurred testing” is substituted for “qualified
during the tax year. See section 45C and research” and
Regulations section 1.28-1 for details.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 11208S Form 8820 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1190
Like-Kind Exchanges
Form 8824 (and section 1043 conflict-of-interest sales) 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 109
Name(s) shown on tax return Identifying number

Part I Information on the Like-Kind Exchange

Note: If the property described on line 1 or line 2 is real or personal property located outside the United States, indicate the country.
1 Description of like-kind property given up 䊳 *020 "STM nn"

2 Description of like-kind property received 䊳 *030 "STM nn"

3 Date like-kind property given up was originally acquired (month, day, year) 3 / 040 /

4 Date you actually transferred your property to other party (month, day, year) 4 / 050 /

5 Date like-kind property you received was identified by written notice to another party (month,
day, year). See instructions for 45-day written notice requirement 5 / 060 /

6 Date you actually received the like-kind property from other party (month, day, year). See instructions 6 / 070 /

7 Was the exchange of the property given up or received made with a related party, either directly or indirectly 080 100
(such as through an intermediary)? See instructions. If “Yes,” complete Part II. If “No,” go to Part III Yes No
Part II Related Party Exchange Information
8 Name of related party Relationship to you Related party’s identifying number
110 115 120
Address (no., street, and apt., room, or suite no., city or town, state, and ZIP code)
140 150 160

9 During this tax year (and before the date that is 2 years after the last transfer of property that was part of the
exchange), did the related party directly or indirectly (such as through an intermediary) sell or dispose of any 180 185
part of the like-kind property received from you in the exchange? Yes No

10 During this tax year (and before the date that is 2 years after the last transfer of property that was part of the 190 195
exchange), did you sell or dispose of any part of the like-kind property you received? Yes No

If both lines 9 and 10 are “No” and this is the year of the exchange, go to Part III. If both lines 9 and 10 are “No” and this is not the
year of the exchange, stop here. If either line 9 or line 10 is “Yes,” complete Part III and report on this year’s tax return the deferred
gain or (loss) from line 24 unless one of the exceptions on line 11 applies.

11 If one of the exceptions below applies to the disposition, check the applicable box:

200a The disposition was after the death of either of the related parties.

210b The disposition was an involuntary conversion, and the threat of conversion occurred after the exchange.

215c You can establish to the satisfaction of the IRS that neither the exchange nor the disposition had tax avoidance as its
principal purpose. If this box is checked, attach an explanation (see instructions). @217 "STM nn"

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5. Cat. No. 12311A Form 8824 (2005)

Form 8824 (2005) Page 2
Name(s) shown on tax return. Do not enter name and social security number if shown on other side. Your social security number

Part III Realized Gain or (Loss), Recognized Gain, and Basis of Like-Kind Property Received
Caution: If you transferred and received (a) more than one group of like-kind properties or (b) cash or other (not like-kind) property,
see Reporting of multi-asset exchanges in the instructions.
Note: Complete lines 12 through 14 only if you gave up property that was not like-kind. Otherwise, go to line 15.
12 Fair market value (FMV) of other property given up 12 230
13 Adjusted basis of other property given up 13 240
14 Gain or (loss) recognized on other property given up. Subtract line 13 from line 12. Report the
gain or (loss) in the same manner as if the exchange had been a sale 14 250
Caution: If the property given up was used previously or partly as a home, see Property used
as home in the instructions.
15 Cash received, FMV of other property received, plus net liabilities assumed by other party, reduced
(but not below zero) by any exchange expenses you incurred (see instructions) 15 260
16 FMV of like-kind property you received 16 270
17 Add lines 15 and 16 17 280
18 Adjusted basis of like-kind property you gave up, net amounts paid to other party, plus any
exchange expenses not used on line 15 (see instructions) 18 290
19 Realized gain or (loss). Subtract line 18 from line 17 @305 "STM nn" 19 300
20 Enter the smaller of line 15 or line 19, but not less than zero 20 310
21 Ordinary income under recapture rules. Enter here and on Form 4797, line 16 (see instructions) 21 320
22 Subtract line 21 from line 20. If zero or less, enter -0-. If more than zero, enter here and on Schedule
D or Form 4797, unless the installment method applies (see instructions) 22 330
23 Recognized gain. Add lines 21 and 22 @345 "STM nn" 23 340
24 Deferred gain or (loss). Subtract line 23 from line 19. If a related party exchange, see instructions 24 350
25 Basis of like-kind property received. Subtract line 15 from the sum of lines 18 and 23 25 360
Part IV Deferral of Gain From Section 1043 Conflict-of-Interest Sales
Note: This part is to be used only by officers or employees of the executive branch of the Federal Government for reporting
nonrecognition of gain under section 1043 on the sale of property to comply with the conflict-of-interest requirements. This part
can be used only if the cost of the replacement property is more than the basis of the divested property.

26 Enter the number from the upper right corner of your certificate of divestiture. (Do not attach a 380
copy of your certificate. Keep the certificate with your records.) 䊳 –

27 Description of divested property 䊳 *390 "STM nn"

28 Description of replacement property 䊳 400 "STM nn"

29 Date divested property was sold (month, day, year) 29 410

/ /

30 Sales price of divested property (see instructions) 30 420

31 Basis of divested property 31 430

32 Realized gain. Subtract line 31 from line 30 32 440

33 Cost of replacement property purchased within 60 days after date
of sale 33 450

34 Subtract line 33 from line 30. If zero or less, enter -0- 34 460

35 Ordinary income under recapture rules. Enter here and on Form 4797, line 10 (see instructions) 35 470
36 Subtract line 35 from line 34. If zero or less, enter -0-. If more than zero, enter here and on
Schedule D or Form 4797 (see instructions) 36 480

37 Deferred gain. Subtract the sum of lines 35 and 36 from line 32 37 490

38 Basis of replacement property. Subtract line 37 from line 33 38 500

B-143 Form 8824 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-1205
Form 8826 Disabled Access Credit
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 86
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Total eligible access expenditures (see instructions) @025 "STM nn" 1 020
2 Minimum amount 2 $ 250 00
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0- 3 030
4 Maximum amount 4 $10,000 00
5 Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4 5 040
6 Multiply line 5 by 50% (.50) 6 050

If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year disabled access credits from—
7 Disabled access credits from
pass-through entities: a
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), Box 13, Code F, G, or L
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Box 15, Code F, G, or L
 7 060

8 Current year credit. Add lines 6 and 7, but do not enter more than $5,000 8 070
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

9 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the amount from the applicable line of your return 9 080
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
10 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 10 090
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56

11 Add lines 9 and 10 11 100

12a Foreign tax credit 12a 110
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 12b 125
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 12c 190
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 12d 200
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 12e 210

f Add lines 12a through 12e 12f 220

13 Net income tax. Subtract line 12f from line 11. If zero, skip lines 14 through 17 and enter -0- on line 18 13 230
14 Net regular tax. Subtract line 12f from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 250
15 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 14 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 15 260
16 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 16 265
17 Enter the greater of line 15 or line 16 17 270
18 Subtract line 17 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- 18 280

19 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 8 or line 18 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 18 is smaller than line 8, see instructions 19 290
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 12774N Form 8826 (2005)

Form 8828
(Rev. December 2005)
Recapture of Federal Mortgage Subsidy OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury Attachment

Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 1040. 䊳 See separate instructions. Sequence No. 64
Name(s) Social security number (as shown on page 1 of your tax return)

Part I Description of Home Subject to Federally Subsidized Debt

1 Address of property (number and street, city or town, state, and ZIP code)
010 "NONE"
2 Check the box that describes the type of federal subsidy you had on the loan for your home.
030 a Mortgage loan from the proceeds of a tax-exempt bond
040 b Mortgage credit certificate
Note. If neither box applies, you are not subject to recapture tax on the sale or other disposition of your home. Do not
complete this form.
3 Name of the bond or certificate issuer 050 060 070
State Political subdivision (city, county, etc.) Agency, if any

4 Name and address of original lending institution 080 090

5 Date of closing of the original loan 100
Month Day Year

Note. If the date of closing of the loan was before January 1, 1991, recapture tax does not apply. Do not complete this form.
If you (1) checked the box on line 2b (mortgage credit certificate), (2) refinanced your home, and (3) received a reissued
mortgage credit certificate, see Refinancing your home on page 1 of the instructions.
6 Date of sale or other disposition of your interest in the home 110
Month Day Year

7 Number of years and full months between original closing date (line 5) and date of sale or disposition (line 6): 120 130
Years Full months

8 Date of full repayment of the original loan including a refinancing other than one for which a replacement mortgage credit
certificate was issued (see instructions) 135
Month Day Year
Part II Computation of Recapture Tax
9 Sales price of your interest in the home sold or disposed of (see instructions) 9 140
10 Expenses of sale. Include sales commissions, advertising, legal fees, etc. 10 150
11 Amount realized. Subtract line 10 from line 9 11 160

12 Adjusted basis of your interest in the home sold or disposed of (see instructions) 12 170
13 Gain or (loss) from sale or disposition. Subtract line 12 from line 11. If a loss, stop here and
attach this form to your Form 1040. You do not owe recapture tax 13 180

14 Multiply line 13 by 50% (.50) 14 190

15 Modified adjusted gross income (see instructions) 15 200

16 Adjusted qualifying income (see instructions) 16 210

17 Subtract line 16 from line 15. If zero or less, stop here and attach this form to your Form 1040.
You do not owe recapture tax 17 220
18 Income percentage. If the amount on line 17 is $5,000 or more, enter “100.” Otherwise, divide
the amount on line 17 by $5,000 and enter the result as a percentage. Round to the nearest
whole percentage 18 230 %
19 Federally subsidized amount (see instructions) 19 240
20 Holding period percentage (see instructions) 20 250 %

21 Multiply line 19 by the percentage on line 20 21 260

22 Recapture amount. Multiply line 21 by the percentage on line 18 22 270

23 Tax. Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 22. Also, include this amount on the line for total tax
on Form 1040. For details, see the Instructions for Form 1040 23 280
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 13049F Form 8828 (Rev. 12-2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8829 䊳
Expenses for Business Use of Your Home
File only with Schedule C (Form 1040). Use a separate Form 8829 for each
home you used for business during the year.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99) 䊳 See separate instructions. Sequence No. 66
Name(s) of proprietor(s) Your social security number
010 020
Part I Part of Your Home Used for Business
1 Area used regularly and exclusively for business, regularly for daycare, or for storage of inventory
or product samples (see instructions) 1 030
2 Total area of home 2 040
3 Divide line 1 by line 2. Enter the result as a percentage 3 050 %
● For daycare facilities not used exclusively for business, also complete lines 4–6.
● All others, skip lines 4–6 and enter the amount from line 3 on line 7.
4 Multiply days used for daycare during year by hours used per day 4 060 hr.
5 Total hours available for use during the year (365 days  24 hours) (see instructions) 5 065 8 , 7 6 0 h r.
6 Divide line 4 by line 5. Enter the result as a decimal amount 6 . 070 @085 "STM nn"
7 Business percentage. For daycare facilities not used exclusively for business, multiply line 6 by
line 3 (enter the result as a percentage). All others, enter the amount from line 3 䊳 7 080 %
Part II Figure Your Allowable Deduction
8 Enter the amount from Schedule C, line 29, plus any net gain or (loss) derived from the business use of
your home and shown on Schedule D or Form 4797. If more than one place of business, see instructions 8 090
See instructions for columns (a) and (b) before (a) Direct expenses (b) Indirect expenses
completing lines 9–20.
9 Casualty losses (see instructions) 9 100 110
10 Deductible mortgage interest (see instructions) 10 120 130
11 Real estate taxes (see instructions) 11 140 150
12 Add lines 9, 10, and 11 12 160 170
13 Multiply line 12, column (b) by line 7 13 180
14 Add line 12, column (a) and line 13 14 190
15 Subtract line 14 from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- 15 200
16 Excess mortgage interest (see instructions) 16 210 220
17 Insurance 17 230 240
18 Repairs and maintenance 18 250 260
19 Utilities 19 270 280
20 Other expenses (see instructions) 20 290 300
21 Add lines 16 through 20 21 310 320
22 Multiply line 21, column (b) by line 7 22 330
23 Carryover of operating expenses from 2004 Form 8829, line 41 23 340
24 Add line 21 in column (a), line 22, and line 23 24 350
25 Allowable operating expenses. Enter the smaller of line 15 or line 24 25 360
26 Limit on excess casualty losses and depreciation. Subtract line 25 from line 15 26 370
27 Excess casualty losses (see instructions) 27 380
28 Depreciation of your home from Part III below 28 390
29 Carryover of excess casualty losses and depreciation from 2004 Form 8829, line 42 29 400
30 Add lines 27 through 29 30 410
31 Allowable excess casualty losses and depreciation. Enter the smaller of line 26 or line 30 31 420
32 Add lines 14, 25, and 31 32 430
33 Casualty loss portion, if any, from lines 14 and 31. Carry amount to Form 4684, Section B 33 440
34 Allowable expenses for business use of your home. Subtract line 33 from line 32. Enter here
and on Schedule C, line 30. If your home was used for more than one business, see instructions 䊳 34 450
Part III Depreciation of Your Home
@465 "STM nn" 35 460
35 Enter the smaller of your home’s adjusted basis or its fair market value (see instructions)
36 Value of land included on line 35 36 470
37 Basis of building. Subtract line 36 from line 35 37 480
38 Business basis of building. Multiply line 37 by line 7 38 490
39 Depreciation percentage (see instructions) 39 500 %
@515 "STM nn"
Depreciation allowable (see instructions). Multiply line 38 by line 39. Enter here and on line 28 above 40 510
Part IV Carryover of Unallowed Expenses to 2006
41 Operating expenses. Subtract line 25 from line 24. If less than zero, enter -0- 41 520
42 Excess casualty losses and depreciation. Subtract line 31 from line 30. If less than zero, enter -0- 42 530
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4 of separate instructions. Cat. No. 13232M Form 8829 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-1282
Form 8830 Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit
䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 78
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Qualified enhanced oil recovery costs (see instructions) 1 020
2 Multiply line 1 by 15% (.15) 2 030
3 Enhanced oil recovery credits If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credits from—
from pass-through entities:
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), Box 13, code F, G, or U
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Box 15, code F, G, or U  3 040
4 Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3 4 050
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

5 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the amount from the applicable line of your return 5 060
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
6 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 6 070
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 080
8a Foreign tax credit 8a 090
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 8b 105
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 8c 170
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 8d 180
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 8e 190
f Add lines 8a through 8e 8f 200
9 Net income tax. Subtract line 8f from line 7. If zero, skip lines 10 through 13 and enter -0- on line 14 9 210
10 Net regular tax. Subtract line 8f from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 230
11 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 10 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 11 240

12 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 12 245
13 Enter the greater of line 11 or line 12 13 250
14 Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 260
15 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 14 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 14 is smaller than line 4, see instructions 15 270

General Instructions Amount of Credit b. For which depreciation (or

amortization) is allowable.
Section references are to the Internal The credit generally is 15% of qualified 2. Any intangible drilling and
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. costs for the year, but is reduced when the development costs—
reference price per barrel exceeds the
Purpose of Form base value of $28 (as adjusted by inflation). a. That are paid or incurred in
For 2005, there is no reduction of the connection with a qualified enhanced oil
Use Form 8830 to claim the enhanced oil credit. recovery project and
recovery credit. b. For which the taxpayer may make an
An owner of an operating mineral Definitions election under section 263(c). For an
interest may claim or elect not to claim this integrated oil company, this includes
credit any time within 3 years from the due Qualified enhanced oil recovery costs intangible drilling costs required to be
date (excluding extensions) of its return on means: amortized under section 291(b).
either its original or an amended return. 1. Any amount paid or incurred during 3. Any qualified tertiary injectant
This credit is part of the general business the tax year for tangible property— expenses (as defined in section 193(b))
credit. a. That is an integral part of a qualified paid or incurred in connection with a
enhanced oil recovery project and qualified enhanced oil recovery project for

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. B-147 Cat. No. 13059B Form 8830 (2005)
Form 8833
(Rev. December 2000)
Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure
Under Section 6114 or 7701(b) OMB No. 1545-1354

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Attach a separate Form 8833 for each treaty-based return position taken. Failure to disclose a treaty-based return position may
result in a penalty of $1,000 ($10,000 in the case of a C corporation) (see section 6712).
Name U.S. taxpayer identifying number
020 010
Address in country of residence Address in the United States
030 040 050 060 070 080 090
110 120 130 140

Check one or both of the following boxes as applicable:

● The taxpayer is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by section 6114 䊳

● The taxpayer is a dual-resident taxpayer and is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by
Regulations section 301.7701(b)-7 䊳
Check this box if the taxpayer is a U.S. citizen or resident or is incorporated in the United States 䊳

1 Enter the specific treaty position relied on: 3 Name, identifying number (if available to the taxpayer), and
a Treaty country 180 address in the United States of the payor of the income (if
b Article(s) 190 fixed or determinable annual or periodical). See instructions.
2 List the Internal Revenue Code provision(s) overruled or 210 220
modified by the treaty-based return position 230 240 250
*200 "STM nn" 260 270
4 List the provision(s) of the limitation on benefits article (if any) in the treaty that the taxpayer relies on to prevent application
of that article 䊳 *280 "STM nn"
5 Explain the treaty-based return position taken. Include a brief summary of the facts on which it is based. Also, list the nature
and amount (or a reasonable estimate) of gross receipts, each separate gross payment, each separate gross income item,
or other item (as applicable) for which the treaty benefit is claimed
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 14895L Form 8833 (Rev. 12-2000)
OMB No. 1545-1374
Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit

Department of the Treasury

䊳 Attach to your tax return. 2005
䊳 See instructions on back.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 111
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Tentative Credit

Use a separate column for each vehicle. If you need more columns, (a) (b) (c)
use additional Forms 8834 and include the total on line 8.
1 Enter date vehicle placed in service (MM/DD/YYYY) 1 / 015 / / 065 / / 115 /
2 Cost of vehicle 2 020 070 120
3 Section 179 expense deduction (see instructions) 3 030 080 130
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2 4 040 090 140
5 For a vehicle placed in service before 2006, multiply
line 4 by 10% (.10). For a vehicle placed in service in
2006, multiply line 4 by 2.5% (.025) (see instructions). 5 050 100 150
6 Maximum credit per vehicle. For a vehicle placed in
service before 2006, enter $4,000. For a vehicle placed
in service in 2006, enter $1,000 (see instructions). 6 055 105 155
7 Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 6 7 060 110 160
8 Add columns (a) through (c) on line 7 8 170
9 Qualified electric vehicle credits from pass-through entities:
If you are a: Then enter the total electric vehicle credits from:
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U  9 180

10 Add lines 8 and 9 10 190

11 Passive activity credits included on line 10 (see instructions) 11 200
12 Subtract line 11 from line 10 12 210
13 Passive activity credits allowed for 2005 (see instructions) 13 220
14 Tentative qualified electric vehicle credit. Add lines 12 and 13 䊳 14 230
Part II Allowable Credit
15 Regular tax before credits.

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44.
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3. 15 240
● Other filers. Enter the regular tax before credits from your return.
16 Credits that reduce regular tax before the qualified electric vehicle credit:
a Foreign tax credit 16a 250
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 16b 265
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 16c 330
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 16d 340
e Add lines 16a through 16d 16e 350
17 Net regular tax. Subtract line 16e from line 15. If zero or less, do not file this form; you cannot
claim this credit 17 360
18 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions).

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33.
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12. 18 370
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 54.
19 Subtract line 18 from line 17. If zero or less, do not file this form; you cannot claim this credit 19 380
20 Qualified electric vehicle credit. Enter the smaller of line 14 or 19 here and on Form 1040, line
55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6c; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2b; or the appropriate line of
your return. If line 19 is smaller than line 14, see instructions 䊳 20 390
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 14953G Form 8834 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1362

Form 8835 Renewable Electricity, Refined Coal,

and Indian Coal Production Credit 2005
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) shown on return

o f
Attach to your tax return.
Sequence No.
Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

a s
Section A. Electricity produced at qualified facilities placed in service prior to October 23, 2004
015 "FY"

5 @035 "STM nn"


f t
Kilowatt-hours produced and sold (see instructions)
Phaseout adjustment (see instructions) @055 "STM nn" $

a 0 0 020

3 Credit before reduction. Subtract line 2 from line 1

r /
Reduction for government grants, subsidized financing, and other credits:

D /24
Total of government grants, proceeds of tax-exempt government obligations, subsidized energy
financing, and any other credits allowed for the project for this and all prior tax years
Total of additions to the capital account for the project for this and all prior tax years
Divide line 4 by line 5. Show as a decimal carried to at least 4 places

7 Multiply line 3 by line 6 7 170
8 180

8 Subtract line 7 from line 3

9 Section A credits If you are a— Then enter the credit(s) from—
from pass-through a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U 9 190
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U
entities: c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code H
d Patron Written statement from cooperative
10 Current year credit. Add lines 8 and 9 10
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)
11 Regular tax before credits (see instructions) 11 210
12 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions) 12 220
13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 230
14 a Foreign tax credit 14a 240
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 14b 255
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 14c 320
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 14d 330
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 14e 340
f Add lines 14a through 14e 14f 350
15 Net income tax. Subtract line 14f from line 13. If zero, skip lines 16 through 19 and enter -0-
on line 20 15 360
16 Net regular tax. Subtract line 14f from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 380
17 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 16 over $25,000
(see instructions) 17 390
18 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions) 18 395
19 Enter the greater of line 17 or line 18 19 400
20 Subtract line 19 from line 15. If zero or less, enter -0- 20 410
21 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line 20. Report the total of
this amount and the amount from Section B, line 41, on Form 1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule
J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2c; or the applicable line of
your return. If line 20 is smaller than line 10, see instructions 42021
Section B. Electricity and refined coal produced at qualified facilities placed in service after October 22, 2004
and Indian coal produced at facilities placed in service after August 8, 2005
Part I Current Year Credit
Electricity produced at qualified facilities using wind, closed-loop biomass not modified
for co-fire purposes, geothermal, and solar
1 Kilowatt-hours produced and sold (see instructions) 520  0.019 1 530
Electricity produced at qualified facilities using open-loop biomass, small irrigation power,
landfill gas, trash combustion, and hydropower
2 Kilowatt-hours produced and sold after December 31, 2004
(see instructions) 560  .0095 2 570
3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 580
4 Phaseout adjustment (see instructions) $ 590 600  4 610
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 5 620
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. B-150 Cat. No. 14954R Form 8835 (2005)
Form 8835 (2005) Page 2
Refined coal produced at a qualified refined coal production facility

6 Tons produced and sold (see instructions) 900  $5.481 6 910
$ 920  7 940

7 Phaseout adjustment (see instructions) 930
8 Subtract line 7 from line 6 8 950

Indian Coal produced at a qualified Indian coal production facility
9 Tons produced and sold (see instructions) 954  $1.50 9 957


10 Credit before reduction. Add lines 5, 8, and 9 10

Reduction for government grants, subsidized financing, and other credits:

f 0
Total of government grants, proceeds of tax-exempt government obligations, subsidized energy

financing, and any other credits allowed for the project for this and all prior tax years


12 Total of additions to the capital account for the project for this and all prior tax years
Multiply line 12 by the lesser of 1⁄2 or line 13
Subtract line 14 from line 10 r /
Divide line 11 by line 12. Show as a decimal carried to at least 4 places

D /24
Electricity produced at qualified closed-loop biomass facilities modified to co-fire with
coal, other biomass, or both

16 Thermal content of closed-loop biomass used in the facilities 16 1100
17 1110

17 Thermal content of all fuels used in the facilities
18 Divide line 16 by line 17. Show as a decimal carried to at least two places 18 1120.
19 Kilowatt-hours produced and sold (see instructions) 1130  0.019 19 1140
20 Multiply line 19 by line 18 20 1150
$ 1100  1170 21 1180
21 Phaseout adjustment (see instructions)
22 Subtract line 21 from line 20 22 1190

23 Section B credits If you are a— Then enter the credit(s) from—
from pass-through a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U 23 1200
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U
entities: c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code H
d Patron Written statement from cooperative

24 Add lines 15, 22, and 23 24 1210

25 Renewable electricity, refined coal, and Indian coal production credit included on line 24 from
passive activities (see instructions) 25 1220
26 Subtract line 25 from line 24 26 1230
27 Renewable electricity, refined coal, and Indian coal production credit allowed for 2005 from a
passive activity (see instructions) 27 1240
28 Carryforward of renewable electricity and refined coal production credit to 2005 (see instructions) 1243
28 1245
29 Carryback of renewable electricity, refined coal, and Indian coal production credit from 2006
(see instructions) 29 1250
30 Current year credit. Add lines 26 through 29 (Caution. If you also have a credit from Form 1255
6478, see instructions.) 1260 30 1257
Part II Allowable Credit
31 Regular tax before credits (see instructions) 31 1300
32 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions) 32 1310
33 Add lines 31 and 32 33 1320
34 a Foreign tax credit 34a 1330
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 34b 1340
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 34c 1350
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 34d 1360
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 34e 1370
f Add lines 34a through 34e 34f 1380
35 Net income tax. Subtract line 34f from line 33. If zero, skip lines 36 through 39 and enter-0- on line 40 35 1390
36 Net regular tax. Subtract line 34f from line 31. If zero or less, enter -0- 36 1400
37 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 36 over $25,000 (see instructions) 37 1410
38 Subtract line 37 from line 35. If zero or less, enter -0- 38 1420
39 General business credit (see instructions) 39 1430
40 Subtract line 39 from line 38. If zero or less, enter -0- 40 1440
41 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 30 or line 40. Report this amount and the amount
from Section A, line 21 (if any) on Form 1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2;
Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 41 is smaller than line 30, see instructions 41 1450
B-151 Form 8835 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Qualified Adoption Expenses

Department of the Treasury

䊳 Attach to Form 1040 or 1040A. 2005
䊳 See separate instructions.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 38
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

Before you begin: See Definitions on page 1 of the instructions.

Part I Information About Your Eligible Child or Children—You must complete this part. See page 2 of the
instructions for details, including what to do if you need more space.
Check if child was—
1 (b) (f)
(a) (c) (d) (e)
Child’s year born before a child a Child’s
Child’s name
of birth 1988 and with special foreign identifying number
First Last was disabled needs child

Child 010 030

1 049 060 070
020 040 080
Child 110
2 129 140 150
090 100 120 160
Caution: If the child was a foreign child, see Special rules in the instructions for line 1, column (e), that begin on page 2, before
you complete Part II or Part III. If you received employer-provided adoption benefits, complete Part III on the back next.
Part II Adoption Credit
Before you begin: If you are filing Form 1040 and claiming the mortgage interest credit (for holders of qualified mortgage
credit certificates issued by state or local governmental units or agencies), complete Form 8396, Mortgage Interest Credit.

Child 1 Child 2

2 Maximum credit per child 2 170 $10,630 00 200 $10,630 00

3 Did you file Form 8839 for a prior year
for the same child?

171 201 No. Enter -0-.
173 203 Yes. See page 4 of the instructions 3 174 204
for the amount to enter.
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2 4 177 207
5 Qualified adoption expenses (see page 4
of the instructions) 5 180 210
Caution: Your qualified adoption expenses
may not be equal to the adoption expenses
you paid in 2005.
6 Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 5 6 190 220
7 Add the amounts on line 6. If zero, skip lines 8 through 11 and enter -0- on line 12 7 230
8 Modified adjusted gross income (see page 4 of the instructions) 8 240
9 Is line 8 more than $159,450?
255 No. Skip lines 9 and 10, and enter -0- on line 11.
257 Yes. Subtract $159,450 from line 8 9 250
10 Divide line 9 by $40,000. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places). Do
not enter more than “1.000” 10  . 260
11 Multiply line 7 by line 10 11 270
12 Subtract line 11 from line 7 12 280
13 Credit carryforward from prior years (line 23 of your Credit Carryforward Worksheet on
page 4 of the 2004 Form 8839 instructions) 13 284
14 Add lines 12 and 13 14 289
15 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46, or Form 1040A, line 28 15 291

16 1040 filers: Enter the total of the amounts from Form
1040, lines 47 through 52, plus any mortgage
interest credit from Form 8396, line 11. 16 293
1040A filers: Enter the total of the amounts from Form
1040A, lines 29 through 33.
17 Subtract line 16 from line 15 17 295
18 Adoption credit. Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 17 here and on Form 1040, line 53, or
Form 1040A, line 34. If line 17 is smaller than line 14, you may have a credit carryforward
(see page 4 of the instructions) 18 297
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 6 of the instructions. B-152 Cat. No. 22843L Form 8839 (2005)
Form 8839 (2005) Page 2
Part III Employer-Provided Adoption Benefits

Child 1 Child 2

19 Maximum exclusion per child 19 310 $10,630 00 330 $10,630 00

20 Did you receive employer-provided

adoption benefits for a prior year for
311 331 the same child?

313 333 No. Enter -0-. 314 334
Yes. See page 4 of the instructions 20
for the amount to enter.
21 Subtract line 20 from line 19 21 317 337
323 "PYAB" 343 "PYAB"
22 Employer-provided adoption benefits 326 346
you received in 2005. This amount
should be shown in box 12 of your
2005 Form(s) W-2 with code T 22
320 340

23 Add the amounts on line 22 23 350

24 Enter the smaller of line 21 or line 22.

But if the child was a child with special
needs and the adoption became final in
2005, enter the amount from line 21 24 360 370

25 Add the amounts on line 24. If zero, skip lines 26 through 29, enter
-0- on line 30, and go to line 31 25 380
26 Modified adjusted gross income
(from the worksheet on page 6 of
the instructions) 26 390
27 Is line 26 more than $159,450?
393 No. Skip lines 27 and 28, and
enter -0- on line 29.
395 Yes. Subtract $159,450 from
line 26 27 400
28 Divide line 27 by $40,000. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded
to at least three places). Do not enter more than “1.000” 28  . 410

29 Multiply line 25 by line 28 29 420

30 Excluded benefits. Subtract line 29 from line 25 30 440

31 Taxable benefits. Is line 30 more than line 23?

442 No. Subtract line 30 from line 23. Also, include this amount, if more than zero, on
line 7 of Form 1040 or 1040A. On the line next to line 7, enter “AB.”
445 Yes. Subtract line 23 from line 30. Enter the result as a negative number. Reduce 31 450
the total you would enter on line 7 of Form 1040 or 1040A by the amount on
Form 8839, line 31, and enter the result on line 7 of Form 1040 or 1040A. On
the line next to line 7, enter “SNE.”

You may be able to claim the adoption credit in Part II on the front of this form if either of the following applies.
● The total adoption expenses you paid in 2005 were not fully reimbursed by your employer and the adoption
TIP became final in 2005 or earlier.
● You adopted a child with special needs and the adoption became final in 2005.
B-153 Form 8839 (2005)
Printed on recycled paper
Form 8844 Empowerment Zone and Renewal
Community Employment Credit
OMB No. 1545-1444

Department of the Treasury 䊳 Attachment
Attach to your tax return.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 99
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Enter the total qualified wages paid or incurred during calendar year 2005 only (see instructions)
a Qualified empowerment zone wages $ 015 X 20% (.20) 1a 020
b Qualified renewal community wages $ 025 X 15% (.15) 1b 027
2 Add lines 1a and 1b. You must subtract this amount from your deduction for salaries and wages 2 030
3 Form 8844 If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credits from—

credits from a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or M
pass-through b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or M
entities: c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code K
3 040
d Patron Written statement from cooperative
4 Add lines 2 and 3 4 050
5 Empowerment zone and renewal community employment credit included on line 4 from passive
activities (see instructions) 5 060
6 Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 070
7 Passive activity credit allowed for 2005 (see instructions) 7 080
8 Carryforward of empowerment zone and renewal community employment credit to 2005 8 090
9 Carryback of empowerment zone and renewal community employment credit from 2006 (see instructions) 9 100
10 Current year credit. Add lines 6 through 9. (S corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, and
cooperatives, see instructions.) 110 10 120
Part II Allowable Credit
11 Regular tax before credits:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 11 130
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a and
1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return

12 Alternative minimum tax:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 12 140
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 150
14a Foreign tax credit 14a 160
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 14b 175
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 14c 240
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 14d 250
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 14e 260
f Add lines 14a through 14e 14f 270
15 Net income tax. Subtract line 14f from line 13. If zero, skip lines 16 through 22 and enter -0- on line 23 15 280
16 Net regular tax. Subtract line 14f from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 310
17 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions) 17 315
18 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 16 over $25,000 (see instructions) 18 320
19 Multiply line 17 by 75% (.75) 19 325
20 Enter the greater of line 18 or line 19 20 330
21 Subtract line 20 from line 15. If zero or less, enter -0- 21 340
22 General business credit (see instructions) 22 350
23 Subtract line 22 from line 21 23 360
24 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line 23 here and on Form 1040, line 55; Form
1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your
return. If line 23 is smaller than line 10, see instructions 24 370
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 16145S Form 8844 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1417
Form 8845 Indian Employment Credit
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 113
Name(s) as shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Total of qualified wages and qualified employee health insurance costs paid or incurred during
the tax year 1 020
2 Calendar year 1993 qualified wages and qualified employee health insurance costs (see
instructions). If none, enter -0- 2 030

3 Incremental increase. Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 040

4 Multiply line 3 by 20% (.20) (see instructions) 4 050

If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credit(s) from—
5 Indian employment

a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U
credits from b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U
pass-through entities: c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code L 5 060
d Patron Written statement from cooperative

6 Current year credit. Add lines 4 and 5. (S corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, and
cooperatives, see instructions.) 065 6 070
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

7 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 7 080
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
8 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 8 090
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
9 Add lines 7 and 8 9 100
10a Foreign tax credit 10a 110
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 10b 125
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 10c 190
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 10d 200
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 10e 210
f Add lines 10a through 10e 10f 220
11 Net income tax. Subtract line 10f from line 9. If zero, skip lines 12 through 15 and enter -0- on
line 16 11 230
12 Net regular tax. Subtract line 10f from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 12 250
13 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 12 over $25,000 (see instructions) 13 260

14 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, 14 265
Schedule I, line 54
15 Enter the greater of line 13 or line 14 15 270
16 Subtract line 15 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 280
17 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 16 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 16 is smaller than line 6, see instructions 17 290
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 16146D Form8845 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1414
Form 8846 Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes
Paid on Certain Employee Tips 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 98
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Note. Claim this credit only for social security and Medicare taxes paid by a food or beverage establishment where tipping is
customary for providing food or beverages. See the instructions for line 1.

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Tips received by employees for services on which you paid or incurred employer social security
and Medicare taxes during the tax year (see instructions) 1 020
2 Tips not subject to the credit provisions (see instructions) 2 030
3 Creditable tips. Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 040
4 Multiply line 3 by 7.65% (.0765). If you had any tipped employees whose wages (including tips)
exceeded $90,000, see instructions and check here @065 "STM nn" 050  4 060
5 Form 8846 credits from If you are a— Then enter the Form 8846 credits from—
pass-through entities:

a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S) box 13, code F, G, or P
5 070
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) box 15, code F, G, or P

6 Current year credit. Add lines 4 and 5 6 080

Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

7 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 7 090
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
8 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 8 100
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
9 Add lines 7 and 8 9 110
10a Foreign tax credit 10a 120
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 10b 135
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 10c 200
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 10d 210
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 10e 220
f Add lines 10a through 10e 10f 230
11 Net income tax. Subtract line 10f from line 9. If zero, skip lines 12 through 15 and enter -0- on
line 16 11 240
12 Net regular tax. Subtract line 10f from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 12 260
13 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 12 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 13 270

14 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● 14 275
Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54
15 Enter the greater of line 13 or line 14 15 280
16 Subtract line 15 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 290
17 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 16 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 16 is smaller than line 6, see instructions 17 300
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 16148Z 8846
Form (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1416
Credit for Contributions to Selected Community

Department of the Treasury

Development Corporations 2005
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 100
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Total qualified community development corporation (CDC) contributions from Part I of
Schedules A (Form 8847) 1 020
2 Multiply line 1 by 5% (.05) 2 030
3 CDC credits from pass- If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year CDC credit(s) from—
through entities:
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code U
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code U 其 3 040

4 Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3 4 050

Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

5 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 5 060
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
6 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 6 070
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 080
8a Foreign tax credit 8a 090
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 8b 105
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 8c 170
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 8d 180
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 8e 190
f Add lines 8a through 8e 8f 200
9 Net income tax. Subtract line 8f from line 7. If zero, skip lines 10 through 13 and enter -0- on
line 14 9 210
10 Net regular tax. Subtract line 8f from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 230
11 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 10 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 11 240

12 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 12 245
13 Enter the greater of line 11 or line 12 13 250
14 Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 260
15 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 14 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 14 is smaller than line 4, see instructions 15 270
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 16149K 8847
Form (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8853 Archer MSAs and
Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040.  See separate instructions. Sequence No. 39
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Social security number of MSA
account holder. If both spouses
have MSAs, see page 1 of the instructions
Section A. Archer MSAs. If you have only a Medicare Advantage MSA, skip Section A and complete Section B.
Part I General Information. See page 2 of the instructions.
@017 "STM nn" Yes No
1a Did you or your employer make contributions to your Archer MSA for 2005? 1a 019 020
b If “Yes,” were you uninsured when the MSA was established (see page 2 of the instructions)? 1b 030 040
c If line 1a is “Yes,” indicate coverage under high deductible health plan:050 Self-Only or 060 Family
2a If married, did your spouse or spouse’s employer make contributions to your spouse’s Archer MSA for 2005? 2a 070 080
b If “Yes,” was your spouse uninsured when the MSA was established (see page 2 of the instructions)? 2b 090 100
c If line 2a is “Yes,” indicate coverage under high deductible health plan:110 Self-Only or Family
Part II Archer MSA Contributions and Deductions. See page 2 of the instructions before completing this part.
If you are filing jointly and both you and your spouse have high deductible health plans with self-only
coverage, complete a separate Part II for each spouse (see page 2 of the instructions).
3 Total employer contributions to your Archer MSA(s) for 2005 3 160
4 Archer MSA contributions you made for 2005, including those made from January 1, 2006, through
April 17, 2006, that were for 2005. Do not include rollovers (see page 4 of the instructions) 4 170
5 Limitation from the worksheet on page 3 of the instructions 5 180
6 Compensation (see page 3 of the instructions) from the employer maintaining the high deductible
health plan. (If self-employed, enter your earned income from the trade or business under which
the high deductible health plan was established.) 6 190
7 Archer MSA deduction. Enter the smallest of line 4, 5, or 6. Also include this amount in the
total on Form 1040, line 36. On the dotted line next to line 36, enter “MSA” and the amount 7 200
Caution: If line 4 is more than line 7, you may have to pay an additional tax (see page 4 of the instructions).
Part III Archer MSA Distributions
8a Total distributions you and your spouse received in 2005 from all Archer MSAs (see page 4 of
the instructions) 8a 210
b Distributions included on line 8a that you rolled over to another Archer MSA or a health savings account.
Also include any excess contributions (and the earnings on those excess contributions) included on
line 8a that were withdrawn by the due date of your return (see page 4 of the instructions) 8b 220
c Subtract line 8b from line 8a 8c 230
9 Unreimbursed qualified medical expenses (see page 4 of the instructions) 9 240
10 Taxable Archer MSA distributions. Subtract line 9 from line 8c. If zero or less, enter -0-. Also
include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 21. On the dotted line next to line 21, enter
“MSA” and the amount 10 250
11a If any of the distributions included on line 10 meet any of the Exceptions to the Additional 260
15% Tax (see page 4 of the instructions), check here 

b Additional 15% tax (see page 4 of the instructions). Enter 15% (.15) of the distributions included
on line 10 that are subject to the additional 15% tax. Also include this amount in the total on
Form 1040, line 63. On the dotted line next to line 63, enter “MSA” and the amount 11b 270
Section B. Medicare Advantage MSA Distributions. If you are filing jointly and both you and your spouse received
distributions in 2005 from a Medicare Advantage MSA, complete a separate Section B for each spouse
(see page 5 of the instructions).
12 Total distributions you received in 2005 from all Medicare Advantage MSAs (see page 5 of the
instructions) 12 272
13 Unreimbursed qualified medical expenses (see page 5 of the instructions) 13 274
14 Taxable Medicare Advantage MSA distributions. Subtract line 13 from line 12. If zero or less,
enter -0-. Also include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 21. On the dotted line next
to line 21, enter “Med MSA” and the amount 14 276
15a If any of the distributions included on line 14 meet any of the Exceptions to the Additional278
50% Tax (see page 5 of the instructions), check here 
b Additional 50% tax (see page 5 of the instructions). Also include this amount in the total on
Form 1040, line 63. On the dotted line next to line 63, enter “Med MSA” and the amount 15b 279
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 8 of the instructions. Cat. No. 24091H Form 8853 (2005)

Form 8853 (2004) Attachment Sequence No. 39 Page 2
Name of policyholder (as shown on Form 1040) Social security number
288 of policyholder 
Section C. Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Contracts. See Filing Requirements for Section C on page 6 of
the instructions before completing this section.

If more than one Section C is attached, check here  290

16a Name of insured  300 295 b Social security number of insured  310

17 In 2004, did anyone other than you receive payments on a per diem or other periodic basis under a qualified
LTC insurance contract covering the insured or receive accelerated death benefits under a life insurance 320 330
policy covering the insured? Yes No
340 350
18 Was the insured a terminally ill individual? Yes No
Note: If “Yes” and the only payments you received in 2004 were accelerated death benefits that were paid
to you because the insured was terminally ill, skip lines 19 through 27 and enter -0- on line 28.

19 Gross LTC payments received on a per diem or other periodic basis. Enter the total of the amounts
from box 1 of all Forms 1099-LTC you received with respect to the insured on which the “Per
diem” box in box 3 is checked 19 360

Caution: Do not use lines 20 through 28 to figure the taxable amount of benefits paid under an
LTC insurance contract that is not a qualified LTC insurance contract. Instead, if the benefits
are not excludable from your income (for example, if the benefits are not paid for personal injuries
or sickness through accident or health insurance), report the amount not excludable as income
on Form 1040, line 21.

20 Enter the part of the amount on line 19 that is from qualified LTC insurance contracts 20 370

21 Accelerated death benefits received on a per diem or other periodic basis. Do not include any
amounts you received because the insured was terminally ill (see page 7 of the instructions) 21 380

22 Add lines 20 and 21 22 390

Note: If you checked “Yes” on line 17 above, see Multiple Payees

on page 7 of the instructions before completing lines 23 through 27.

23 Multiply $230 by the number of days in the LTC period 23 400

24 Costs incurred for qualified LTC services provided for the insured
during the LTC period (see page 7 of the instructions) 24 410

25 Enter the larger of line 23 or line 24 25 420

26 Reimbursements for qualified LTC services provided for the insured
during the LTC period 26 430
Caution: If you received any reimbursements from LTC contracts
issued before August 1, 1996, see page 7 of the instructions.

27 Per diem limitation. Subtract line 26 from line 25 27 440

28 Taxable payments. Subtract line 27 from line 22. If zero or less, enter -0-. Also include this
amount in the total on Form 1040, line 21. On the dotted line next to line 21, enter “LTC” and
the amount 28 450
Form 8853 (2004)

Form 8854
(Rev. May 2005)
Initial and Annual Expatriation Information Statement
 See separate instructions.  Please print or type.
OMB No. 1545-1567

Department of the Treasury 
Sequence No. 112
Internal Revenue Service Section references on this form are to the Internal Revenue Code.
Name Date of birth (mo., day, yr.) Tax Year
030 040

Initial or Annual Information Statement. Check the box that applies.

010 Initial Information Statement. Complete Parts I and II and Schedules A and B. Skip Part III (see instructions).

020 Annual Information Statement. Complete Parts I and III and Schedules A and B. Skip Part II (see instructions).

Part I General Information. All filers must complete Part I. See instructions.
1 Identifying number (see instructions) 

2 Mailing address and telephone number where you can be reached after expatriation

070 080 090 100 110 120

3 Address of principal foreign residence (if different from 2)
140 150 160 170 180

4 Country of tax residence (if different from 3)

5 Date of notification of expatriating act, termination of residency, or claim of treaty benefits. Check the box that applies
and enter the appropriate date.

200 a Citizen. Date notification given to Department of State (see instructions).

220 b Long-term resident. Date notification given to Homeland Security (see instructions).

240 c Long-term resident with dual residency in a treaty country. Date commencing to be treated, for tax purposes, as a
resident of the treaty country 240 .

Part II Initial Expatriation or Termination Information Statement

6 Enter your U.S. income tax liability (after foreign tax credits) for the 5 tax years ending before the date of expatriation.

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Before Expatriation Before Expatriation Before Expatriation Before Expatriation Before Expatriation

$ 260 $ 270 $ 280 $ 290 $ 300

7 Enter your net worth on the date of your expatriation for tax purposes $

8 Did you become at birth a U.S. citizen and a citizen of another country, and do you continue to be 320 330
a citizen of that other country? Yes No
340 350
9 Do you have substantial contacts with the United States? (see instructions) Yes No
360 370
10 Are you a minor described in section 877(c)(3)? (see instructions) Yes No

11 Do you certify under penalty of perjury that you have complied with all of your tax obligations for 380 390
the 5 preceding tax years? (see instructions) Yes No
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 24126N Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005)

Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005) Page 2
Part III Annual Information Reporting under Section 6039G

Do not complete this part if:

● Your average annual net income tax liability for years 1-5 (line 6) was $124,000 or less and your net worth on
line 7 was under $2,000,000, and you checked “Yes” to line 11, or

● You checked “Yes” to line 8 and “No” to line 9, and you checked “Yes” to line 11, or

● You checked “Yes” to line 10, and you checked “Yes” to line 11.

12 List all countries (other than the United States) of which you are a citizen.

410 440 470

a Name of country

420 450 480

b How you became a citizen

430 460 490

c Date you became a citizen
13 Number of days you were physically present in the United States during the current year. If you were
present in the United States more than 60 days, skip line 14

14 Were you physically present in the United States for more than 30 days but not more than 60 days 510 520
during the tax year? Yes No
530 540
a Were you performing services for an unrelated employer? Yes No

b If you checked “Yes” to line 14a, are you a citizen or resident, fully liable for income tax, in the 550 560
country in which you were born, your spouse was born, or either of your parents were born? Yes No

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best
of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than filer) is based on all information of which
preparer has any knowledge.

Sign Your signature Date

Preparer’s signature Date

Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005)

Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005) Page 3
Schedule A Balance Sheet
● If this is an initial information statement, list in U.S. dollars the fair market value (column (a)) and the U.S. adjusted basis (column
(b)) of your assets and liabilities as of the date of your expatriation for tax purposes.
● If this is an annual information statement, list in U.S. dollars the fair market value (column (a)) and the U.S. adjusted basis
(column (b)) of your assets and liabilities as of the end of the tax year for which you are filing this form.
● If you are a former U.S. long-term resident (LTR), it may benefit you to complete column (d). Only former LTRs should do so.
For more details, see the separate instructions. *580 "STM nn" *590 "STM nn"
(a) Fair Market (b) U.S. adjusted (c) Gain or (Loss). (d) FMV on beginning
Assets Value (FMV) basis Subtract column (b) date of U.S. residency
from column (a) (optional, for LTRs only)

1 Cash, including bank deposits 600 1230 1420 1610

2 Marketable stock and securities issued by
U.S. companies 610 1240 1430 1620
3 Marketable stock and securities issued by
620 1250 1440 1630
foreign companies
4 Nonmarketable stock and securities issued by
U.S. companies 630 1260 1450 1640
5 Nonmarketable stock and securities issued by
foreign companies 640 1270 1460 1650

a Separately state stock issued by foreign

companies that would be controlled foreign
corporations if you were still a U.S. citizen or
*650 "STM nn" +660 +670 +680
permanent resident (see instructions)
b Provide the name, address and EIN, if any, of
any such company *+690 "STM nn"
+700 +710 +730 +740 +750 +770
*+720 "STM nn" *+760 "STM nn"
6 Pensions from services performed in the
780 1280 1470 1660
United States
7 Pensions from services performed outside
790 1290 1480 1670
the United States
8 Partnership interests (see instructions) +860 800 1300 1490 1680
*810 "STM nn" +820 *+830 "STM nn" +840 +850
9 Assets held by trusts you own under
870 1310 1500 1690
sections 671–679 (see instructions) +930
*880 "STM nn" +890 *+900 "STM nn" +910 +920
10 Beneficial interests in nongrantor trusts
(see instructions) *950 "STM nn" +960 *
*+970 "STM nn" +980 +990 +1000 1010 1320 1510 1710
11 Intangibles used in the United States
12 Intangibles used outside the United States 1020 1330 120 1710
13 Loans to U.S. persons 1030 1340 1530 1720
14 Loans to foreign persons 1040 1350 1540 1730
15 Real property located in the United States 1050 1360 1550 1740
16 Real property located outside the United
1060 1370 1560 1750
17 Business property located in the United
1070 1380 1570 1760
18 Business property located outside the
1080 1390 1580 1770
United States
19 Other assets (see instructions) 1090 1400 1590 1780
*1100 "STM nn" +1110 +1120 +1130 +1140
20 Total assets. Add lines 1 through 5 and lines
6 through 19. Do not include amounts on line
5a in this total 1150 1420 1600 1790
Liabilities Amount
21 Installment obligations 1160

22 Mortgages, etc. 1170

*1190 "STM nn" +1200
23 Other liabilities (see instructions)

24 Total liabilities. Add lines 21 through 23 1210

25 Net worth. Subtract line 24 from line 20,
column (a) 1220
B162 Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005)
Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005) Page 4
Schedule B Income Statement
● If this is an initial information statement, provide income information for that portion of the year that ends on the
date of your expatriation for tax purposes.
● If this is an annual information statement, provide income information for the tax year for which you are filing the

1 U.S. source gross income not effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
a Interest 1a 1810
b Dividends 1b 1820
c Royalties 1c 1830
d Pension distributions 1d 1840
e Other *1860 "STM nn" +1870 1e 1850
f Total, add lines a through e 1f 1880

2 Gross income that is effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business 2 1890

3 Income from the performance of services in the United States 3 1900

4 Gains from the sale or exchange of:

a Property (other than stock or debt obligations) located in the United
States 4a 1910
b Stock issued by a U.S. domestic corporation 4b 1920
c Debt obligations of U.S. persons or of the United States, a state or
political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia 4c 1930
d Total, add lines a through c 4d 1940

5 Income or gain derived from certain foreign corporations to the extent of your share of earnings
and profits earned or accumulated before the date of expatriation (see instructions) 5 1950

6 Gains on certain exchanges of property that would ordinarily not be recognized (see instructions) 6 1960

7 Income received or accrued by certain foreign corporations (see instructions) 7 1970

8 Add lines 1f, 2, 3, 4d, 5, 6, and 7 8 1980

9 Gross income from all other sources 9 1990

10 Total, add lines 8 and 9 10 2000

Form 8854 (Rev. 5-2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8859 District of Columbia First-Time
Homebuyer Credit 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 Attach to Form 1040.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 106
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number

Note: Do not complete Parts I and II if you only have a credit carryforward from 2004.

Part I General Information

A Address of home qualifying for the credit (if different from the address shown on Form 1040)
020 030 040 050

Information from B Lot number C Square number D Settlement or closing date
settlement statement
or deed 060 070 080

Part II Tentative Credit

1 Enter $5,000 ($2,500 if married filing separately). If the purchase price of the home was less than
$5,000, enter the purchase price (one-half of the purchase price if married filing separately). If
someone other than a spouse also held an interest in the home, enter only your share of the
$5,000 (or, if smaller, your share of the purchase price) (see instructions) 1 090

2 Enter your modified adjusted gross income (see instructions) 2 100

3 Is line 2 more than $70,000 ($110,000 if married filing jointly)?

No. Skip lines 3 through 5 and enter the amount from line 1 on line 6.
Yes. Subtract $70,000 ($110,000 if married filing jointly) from the
amount on line 2 3 130

4 Divide line 3 by $20,000 and enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places).
Do not enter more than “1.000” 4 × . 140

5 Multiply line 1 by line 4 5 150

6 Subtract line 5 from line 1. This is your tentative credit 6 160

Part III Credit Carryforward From 2004

7 Enter the amount from line 12 of your 2004 Form 8859 7 170
Part IV Tax Liability Limit

8 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46 8 180

9 Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040, lines 47 through 53, plus any mortgage interest
credit from Form 8396, line 11 9 190

10 Subtract line 9 from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- here and on line 11 and go to line 12 10 200
11 Current year credit. If you completed Part II, enter the smaller of line 6 or line 10. If you
completed Part III, enter the smaller of line 7 or line 10. Also include this amount on Form 1040,
line 54, and check box b on that line 11 230

12 Credit carryforward to 2006. Subtract line 11 from line 6 or line 7, whichever applies 12 240
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 24779G Form 8859 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1606

Form 8860 Qualified Zone Academy Bond Credit

Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 133
Name Employer identification number

Part I Current Year Credit

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Bond issuer’s name, city Month and year Outstanding principal
Credit rate Credit ((c) x (d))
or town, and state bond issued amount of bond
1 *020 "STM nn" *+070
+050 +060 +080
+030 +040 "STM nn"
120 130 140 150
100 110
190 200 210 220
170 180
230 260 270 280 290
240 250
300 330 340 350 360
310 320
2a Qualified zone academy bond credit from Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code U 2a *370 "STM nn"
b Enter the S corporation’s employer identification number (EIN) – +380
3 Current year credit. Add line 2a and all amounts on line 1, column (e). Caution. Holders of bonds,
see the instructions for how and when to report the credit amount as interest income 3 390
Note: S corporations—stop here—do not complete Part II (see instructions).
Part II Allowable Credit
4 Regular tax before credits:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3, or the applicable
line of your return 4 400
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines
1a and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
5 Alternative minimum tax:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35

● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
Add line 4 and line 5
其 5


7a Foreign tax credit 7a 430
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 7b 445
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 7c 520
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 7d 530
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 7e 540
f General business credit (see instructions) 7f 550
g Credit for prior year minimum tax 7g 560
h Add lines 7a through 7g 7h 570
8 Net income tax. Subtract line 7h from line 6 8 580
9 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 8 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6f; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 3; or the applicable
line of your return. Caution. If line 9 is smaller than line 3, you generally should deduct the
unallowed credit in figuring your taxable income for this tax year. Because this deduction will
affect the allowable credit, refigure the unallowed credit until it equals the deduction. However,
you may be able to deduct the unallowed credit attributable to bonds sold after September 25,
2000, in the next tax year (see instructions) 9 590
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 24804G Form 8860 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1569

Form 8861 Welfare-to-Work Credit

Department of the Treasury  Attachment
Attach to your tax return. 107
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No.
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

1 Enter on the applicable line below the qualified first- or second-year wages paid or incurred
during the tax year and multiply by the percentage shown for services of employees who began
work for you before January 1, 2006, and are certified as long-term family assistance recipients.
Members of a controlled group, see instructions.
a Qualified first-year wages $ 020 ⫻ 35% (.35) 1a 030
b Qualified second-year wages $ 040 ⫻ 50% (.50) 1b 050
2 Add lines 1a and 1b. You must subtract this amount from your deduction for salaries and wages 2 060
@065 "STM nn" @067 "STM nn"
If you are a— Then enter the total of the credits from—
3 Welfare-to-work

credits from a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or K
pass-through b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or K
c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code G 3 070
d Patron Written statement from cooperative
4 Current year credit. Add lines 2 and 3. (S corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, cooperatives,
regulated investment companies, and real estate investment trusts, see instructions.) 4 075 080
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

5 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 5 090
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
6 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 6 100
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 110
8a Foreign tax credit 8a 120
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 8b 135
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 8c 200
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 8d 210
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 8e 220
f Add lines 8a through 8e 8f 230
9 Net income tax. Subtract line 8f from line 7. If zero, skip lines 10 through 13 and enter -0- on line 14 9 240
10 Net regular tax. Subtract line 8f from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 260
11 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 10 over $25,000 (see instructions) 11 270

12 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 12 275
13 Enter the greater of line 11 or line 12 13 280
14 Subtract line 13 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 290
15 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 14 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 14 is smaller than line 4, see instructions 15 300
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 24858E Form 8861 (2005)

Form 8862
(Rev. December 2005)
Information To Claim Earned Income Credit
After Disallowance OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury Attachment

Internal Revenue Service  Attach to your tax return.  See instructions on back. Sequence No. 43A
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

Before you begin:  See your tax return instructions or Pub. 596, Earned Income Credit (EIC), for the year for which you are
filing this form to make sure you can take the earned income credit (EIC) and to find out who is a
qualifying child.
 If you have a qualifying child, complete Schedule EIC before you fill in this form.
 Do not file this form if you are taking the EIC without a qualifying child and the only reason your EIC
was reduced or disallowed in the earlier year was because it was determined that a child listed on
Schedule EIC was not your qualifying child.

Part I All Filers 010 "2005"

1 Enter the year for which you are filing this form (for example, 2005) 

2 If the only reason your EIC was reduced or disallowed in the earlier year was because you incorrectly 012 014
reported your earned income or investment income, check “Yes.” Otherwise, check “No”  Yes No
Caution. If you checked “Yes,” stop. Do not fill in the rest of this form. But you must attach it to your tax return to take
the EIC. If you checked “No,” continue.
3 Could you (or your spouse if filing jointly) be claimed as a qualifying child of another person for the 020 030
year shown on line 1?  Yes No
Caution. If you checked “Yes,” stop. You cannot take the EIC. If you checked “No,” continue.
Part II Filers Without a Qualifying Child 042
4 Enter the number of days during the year shown on line 1 that you lived in the United States 
Caution. If you entered less than 183 (184 if the year on line 1 is 2004), stop. You cannot take the EIC. See the instructions.
5 If married filing a joint return, enter the number of days during the year shown on line 1 that your spouse 052
lived in the United States 
Caution. If you entered less than 183 (184 if the year on line 1 is 2004), stop. You cannot take the EIC. See the instructions.
Part III Filers With a Qualifying Child or Children
Note. Child 1 and Child 2 are the same children you listed as Child 1 and Child 2 on Schedule EIC for the year shown on line 1 above.
6 Enter the number of days each child lived with you in the United States during the year shown on line 1 above:
a Child 1 062
 b Child 2 072

Caution. If you entered less than 183 for either child (184 if the year on line 1 is 2004), you cannot take the EIC based on
that child, unless the special rule for a child who was born or died during the year shown on line 1 applies. See the
7 If your child was born or died during the year shown on line 1, enter the month and day the child was born and/or died.
Otherwise, skip this line.
a Child 1  (1) Month and day of birth (MM/DD)  / 082 (2) Month and day of death (MM/DD)  / 084
b Child 2  (1) Month and day of birth (MM/DD)  / 092 (2) Month and day of death (MM/DD)  / 094
8 Enter the address where you and the child lived together during the year shown on line 1. If you lived with the child at more
than one address during the year, attach a list of the addresses where you lived:
a Child 1  Number and street 133
City or town, state, and ZIP code 137 141 144 145 147
b Child 2  If same as shown for child 1, check this box.150  Otherwise, enter below:
Number and street 246
City or town, state, and ZIP code 250 255 260 265 270
9 Did any other person (except your spouse, if filing jointly, and your dependents under age 19) live with 290 300
child 1 or child 2 for more than half the year shown on line 1?  Yes No
If “Yes,” enter that person’s name and relationship to the child below. If more than one other person
lived with the child for more than half the year, attach a list of each person’s name and relationship to
the child:
a Other person living with child 1: Name 310 330 350
Relationship to child 1 320 340 360
b Other person living with child 2: If same as shown for child 1, check this box. 
370 Otherwise, enter below:
Name 380 400 420
Relationship to child 2 390 410 430
Caution. The IRS may ask you to provide additional information to verify your eligibility to claim the EIC.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 25145E Form 8862 (Rev. 12-2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8863 Education Credits
(Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits) 2005
 See instructions.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040A. Sequence No. 50
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

Caution: You cannot take both an education credit and the tuition and fees deduction (Form 1040, line 34, or Form 1040A,
line 19) for the same student in the same year.
Part I Hope Credit. Caution: You cannot take the Hope credit for more than 2 tax years for the same student.
1 (a) Student’s name (b) Student’s (c) Qualified (d) Enter the
(as shown on page 1 expenses (see
social security smaller of the (e) Add (f) Enter one-half
of your tax return) instructions). Do
number (as not enter more amount in column (c) and of the amount in
First name shown on page 1 column (c) or column (d) column (e)
than $2,000 for
Last name of your tax return) each student. $1,000
*010 "STM nn"
+020 +030 +035 *+040 +050 +060 +070
090 100 105 110 120 130 140
160 170 175 180 190 200 210
2 Tentative Hope credit. Add the amounts on line 1, column (f). If you are taking the lifetime
learning credit for another student, go to Part II; otherwise, go to Part III  2 240
Part II Lifetime Learning Credit
3 Caution: You (a) Student’s name (as shown on page 1 (b) Student’s social security (c) Qualified
cannot take the of your tax return) number (as shown on page expenses (see
Hope credit and First name Last name 1 of your tax return) instructions)
the lifetime learning
credit for the same *250 "STM nn" +260 +270 +275 +280
student in the 290 300 310 315 320
same year. 330 340 350 355 360
4 Add the amounts on line 3, column (c), and enter the total 4 450
5 Enter the smaller of line 4 or $10,000 5 460
6 Tentative lifetime learning credit. Multiply line 5 by 20% (.20) and go to Part III  6 470
Part III Allowable Education Credits
7 Tentative education credits. Add lines 2 and 6 7 480
8 Enter: $107,000 if married filing jointly; $53,000 if single, head of
household, or qualifying widow(er) 8 490
9 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 38*, or Form 1040A, line 22 9 500
10 Subtract line 9 from line 8. If zero or less, stop; you cannot take
any education credits 10 510
11 Enter: $20,000 if married filing jointly; $10,000 if single, head of
household, or qualifying widow(er) 11 515
12 If line 10 is equal to or more than line 11, enter the amount from line 7 on line 13 and
go to line 14. If line 10 is less than line 11, divide line 10 by line 11. Enter the result as
a decimal (rounded to at least three places) 12 ⫻ . 520
13 Multiply line 7 by line 12  13 529
14 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46, or Form 1040A, line 28 14 540
15 Enter the total, if any, of your credits from Form 1040, lines 47 through 49, or Form
1040A, lines 29 and 30 15 550
16 Subtract line 15 from line 14. If zero or less, stop; you cannot take any education
credits  16 560
17 Education credits. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 16 here and on Form 1040,
line 50, or Form 1040A, line 31  17 590
* If you are filing Form 2555, 2555-EZ, or 4563, or you are excluding income from Puerto Rico, see Pub. 970 for the amount to enter.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 25379M Form 8863 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1924

Form 8864 Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit

Department of the Treasury 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 141
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Caution: You cannot claim any amounts on Form 8864 that you claimed (or will claim) on Schedule C (Form 720), Form 8849,
or Form 4136.
Part I Current Year Credit
Claimant has a certificate from the producer or importer of biodiesel or renewable diesel reported on lines 1 through 6 below and, if
applicable, claimant also has a statement from the reseller. Claimant has no reason to believe that the information in the certificate or
statement is false. Claimant may need to attach a copy of the certificate and statement. See Certification on page 2. @008 "STM nn"
(a) (b) (c)
Type of Fuel Number of Gallons Rate Column (a) x Column (b)
Sold or Used

1 Biodiesel (other than agri-biodiesel) 1 020 $ .50 030

2 Agri-biodiesel 2 040 $1.00 050
3 Renewable diesel sold or used after December 31, 2005 3 052 $1.00 054
4 Biodiesel (other than agri-biodiesel) included in a biodiesel
4 060 $ .50 070

5 Agri-biodiesel included in a biodiesel mixture 5 080 $1.00 090

sold or used after December 31, 2005

s o
Renewable diesel included in a renewable diesel mixture

Qualified agri-biodiesel production (gallons sold)



$ .10
$1.00 094


(cooperatives, see instructions for election)

8 Add lines 1 through 7. Include this amount in your income for 2005 (see instructions) 8 100

cooperative (see instructions)

a f t 0 0
Biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels credit(s) from a partnership, S corporation, estate, trust, or

Current year credit. Add lines 8 and 9. (S corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts, see
@125 "STM nn"
9 110

instructions.) 10


Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete the lines below or file Form 3800.)

D /10 
11 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 11 200


Alternative minimum tax:

1 1
Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return

Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 12 210
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 220
14a Foreign tax credit 14a 230
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 14b 240
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 14c 250
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 14d 260
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 14e 270
f Add lines 14a through 14e 14f 280
15 Net income tax. Subtract line 14f from line 13. If zero, skip lines 16 through 19 and enter -0- on line 20 15 290
16 Net regular tax. Subtract line 14f from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- 16 300
17 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 16 over $25,000 (see instructions) 17 310
18 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions) 18 320
19 Enter the greater of line 17 or line 18 19 330
20 Subtract line 19 from line 15. If zero or less, enter -0- 20 340
21 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line 20 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 20 is smaller than line 10, see instructions 21 350
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 25778F Form 8864 (2005)

Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to
OMB No. 1545-1668
Certain Foreign Partnerships
 Attach to your tax return. See separate instructions. 2005
Department of the Treasury Information furnished for the foreign partnership’s tax year Attachment
Internal Revenue Service beginning 010 , 2005, and ending 020 , 20 Sequence No. 118
Name of person filing this return Filer’s identifying number

o f
Filer’s address (if you are not filing this form with your tax return) A Category of filer (see Categories of Filers in the instructions and check applicable box(es)):



B Filer’s tax year beginning , 20 , and ending , 20

C Filer’s share of liabilities: Nonrecourse $ Qualified nonrecourse financing $ Other $

140 150 160
D If filer is a member of a consolidated group but not the parent, enter the following information about the parent:


a t 0 0 170
190 200 210
EIN 220

D /23 / 2
Information about certain other partners (see instructions)

(1) Name

*230 or STMnn
(2) Address

+240 *+250 +260 +270

330 340 350 360
(3) Identifying number

(4) Check applicable box(es)
Category 1 Category 2

Constructive owner


410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490
F1 Name and address of foreign partnership 2 EIN (if any)

590 650
600 605
3 Country under whose laws organized
610 615
620 625 630 635 640 660
4 Date of 5 Principal place 6 Principal business 7 Principal business 8a Functional currency 8b Exchange rate
organization of business activity code number activity (see instr.)
670 680 690 700 710 712
G Provide the following information for the foreign partnership’s tax year:
Name, address, and identifying number of agent (if any) in the
1 2 Check if the foreign partnership must file:
720United States 780 790 800
Form 1042 Form 8804 Form 1065 or 1065-B
730 Service Center where Form 1065 or 1065-B is filed:
750 760 770 775
3 Name and address of foreign partnership’s agent in country of 4 Name and address of person(s) with custody of the books and
organization, if any records of the foreign partnership, and the location of such books
810 and records, if different 870
820 880
830 890
840 850 860 865 900 910 920 925 930
940 950
5 Were any special allocations made by the foreign partnership?  Yes No
6 Enter the number of Forms 8858, Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Foreign Disregarded Entities,
attached to this return (see instructions). @965 "STM nn"  960
7 How is this partnership classified under the law of the country in which it is organized?  970
@995 STMnn

980 990
8 Did the partnership own any separate units within the meaning of Regulations section 1.1503-2(c)(3) or (4)? Yes No
9 Does this partnership meet both of the following requirements?

● The partnership’s total receipts for the tax year were less than $250,000 and 1000 1010
䊳 Yes No
● The value of the partnership’s total assets at the end of the tax year was less than $600,000.
If “Yes,” do not complete Schedules L, M-1, and M-2. @1029 "STM nn"
Sign Here Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
Only If You knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than general partner or limited liability company member) is
Are Filing based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
This Form

䊳 䊳
and Not With
Your Tax
Return Signature of general partner or limited liability company member Date
Paid Preparer
Sign and
signature 䊳 Date
Check if
self-employed 䊳
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Only If Form Firm’s name (or EIN 䊳
is Filed yours if self-employed),
Separately. address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Cat. No. 25852A Form 8865 (2005)

Form 8865 (2005) Page 2
Schedule A Constructive Ownership of Partnership Interest. Check the boxes that apply to the filer. If you
check box b, enter the name, address, and U.S. taxpayer identifying number (if any) of the
person(s) whose interest you constructively own. See instructions.
1040 a Owns a direct interest 1045 b Owns a constructive interest
Check if Check if
Name Address Identifying number (if any) foreign direct
person partner

*1050 or STMnn
+1060 +1100 +1110 +1120
*+1070 or STMnn +1080 +1090 1190 1200
1130 1210 1290 1370

1140 1220 1300 1380 1180 1260 1340 1420 1270
1150 1160 1170 1230 1240 1250

1310 1320 1330 1390 1400 1410

Schedule A-1 Certain Partners of Foreign Partnership (see instructions)

f t 0 5
Name Address Identifying number (if any)
Check if

*1450 or STMnn +1460 +1500 +1510

r a / 2
1520 1590 1660 1730
*+1470 or STMnn +1480 +1490
1530 1600 1670 1740 1570 1640 1710 1780

D /23
1540 1550 1560 1610 1620 1630
1680 1690 1700 1750 1760 1770 1790
Does the partnership have any other foreign person as a direct partner? 1800 Yes 1810 No
Schedule A-2 Affiliation Schedule. List all partnerships (foreign or domestic) in which the foreign partnership

owns a direct interest or indirectly owns a 10% interest.
EIN Total ordinary Check if

Name Address foreign
(if any) income or loss partnership
*1820 or STMnn +1830 +1870 +1880 +1890
*+1840 or STMnn +1850 +1860 1950 1960 1970
1900 1980 2060 2140 1910 1990 2070 2150 2030 2040 2050
1920 1930 1940 2000 2010 2020 2110 2120 2130
2080 2090 2100 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210
Schedule B Income Statement—Trade or Business Income
Caution. Include only trade or business income and expenses on lines 1a through 22 below. See the instructions for more information.

1a Gross receipts or sales @2225 STMnn 1a 2220

b Less returns and allowances 1b 2230 1c 2240
2 Cost of goods sold 2 2250

3 Gross profit. Subtract line 2 from line 1c 3 2260

@2275"STM nn" 4 2270
4 Ordinary income (loss) from other partnerships, estates, and trusts (attach statement)
5 Net farm profit (loss) (attach Schedule F (Form 1040)) 5 2280
6 Net gain (loss) from Form 4797, Part II, line 17 (attach Form 4797) 6 2290
7 Other income (loss) (attach statement) @2305"STM nn" 7 2300

8 Total income (loss). Combine lines 3 through 7 8 2310

9 Salaries and wages (other than to partners) (less employment credits) 9 2320
10 Guaranteed payments to partners 10 2330
11 2340
Deductions (see instructions for limitations)

11 Repairs and maintenance

12 Bad debts 12 2350
13 Rent 13 2360
14 Taxes and licenses 14 2370
15 Interest @2385"STM nn" 15 2380
16a Depreciation (if required, attach Form 4562) 16a 2390
b Less depreciation reported elsewhere on return 16b 2400 16c 2405
17 Depletion (Do not deduct oil and gas depletion.) 17 2410
18 Retirement plans, etc. 18 2420
19 Employee benefit programs 19 2430
20 Other deductions (attach statement) @2445 STMnn 20 2440

21 Total deductions. Add the amounts shown in the far right column for lines 9 through 20 21 2450

22 Ordinary business income (loss) from trade or business activities. Subtract line 21 from line 8 22 2460
Form 8865 (2005)
B-171 @2465 STMnn
Form 8865 (2005) Page 3
Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses
Part I Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held One Year or Less
(a) Description of property
(e.g., 100 shares (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (d) Sales price (e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss)
(month, day, year) (month, day, year) (see instructions) (see instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)
of “Z” Co.)

1 *2480 STCGL

o f +2490






a s

2610 2620 2630 2640 2650

a f t 2660

0 0
2670 2680 2690 2700



2 Short-term capital gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 26 or 37

D /23 /
Short-term capital gain (loss) from like-kind exchanges from Form 8824

Partnership’s share of net short-term capital gain (loss), including specially allocated short-term capital
gains (losses), from other partnerships, estates, and trusts



Part II
Net short-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 1 through 4 in column (f). Enter here and on
Form 8865, Schedule K, line 8 or 11
Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) Description of property
(b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (d) Sales price

(e) Cost or other basis


(f) Gain or (loss)

(e.g., 100 shares
(month, day, year) (month, day, year) (see instructions) (see instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)
of “Z” Co.)

6 *2760 LTCGL +2770 +2780 +2790 +2800 +2810

2830 2840 2850 2860 2870 2880

2900 2910 2920 2930 2940 2950

2970 2980 2990 3000 3010 3020

7 Long-term capital gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 26 or 37 7 3040

8 Long-term capital gain (loss) from like-kind exchanges from Form 8824 8 3060

9 Partnership’s share of net long-term capital gain (loss), including specially allocated long-term capital
gains (losses), from other partnerships, estates, and trusts 9 3080

10 Capital gain distributions 10 3100

11 Net long-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 6 through 10 in column (f). Enter here and on
Form 8865, Schedule K, line 9a or 11 11 3130
@3135 STMnn Form 8865 (2005)

Form 8865 (2005) Page 4
Schedule K Partners’ Distributive Share Items Total amount
1 Ordinary business income (loss) (page 2, line 22) 1 3150
2 Net rental real estate income (loss) (attach Form 8825) 2 3160
3a Other gross rental income (loss) 3a 3170
@3185 STMnn 3b 3180
b Expenses from other rental activities (attach statement)

cOther net rental income (loss). Subtract line 3b from line 3a 3c 3190
Income (Loss)

4 3196

4 Guaranteed payments
5 Interest income 5 3200
6a 3210

6 Dividends: a Ordinary dividends
b Qualified dividends 6b 3216

a 5
7 Royalties 7 3220
8 3230

8 Net short-term capital gain (loss)


9a Net long-term capital gain (loss) 9a

b Collectibles (28%) gain (loss) 9b 3250

a / 2
c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain (attach statement)

10 Net section 1231 gain (loss) (attach Form 4797)

11 Other income (loss) (see instructions) Type 䊳 @3285 "STM nn"

STMnn 9c 3260


D /23 3290
Employ- Deductions

12 Section 179 deduction (attach Form 4562) 12

13a Contributions @3305 STMnn 13a 3300
b Investment interest expense 13b 3320

c Section 59(e)(2) expenditures: (1) Type 䊳 *3330 "STM nn" (2) Amount 䊳 13c(2) +3340 @3345 STMnn
d Other deductions (see instructions) Type 䊳 @3355 STMnn 3352 13d 3350

Net earnings (loss) from self-employment 14a 3360

b Gross farming or fishing income 14b 3370

c Gross nonfarm income 14c 3380
15a Low-income housing credit (section 42(j)(5)) @3395 STMnn 15a 3390
Credits &

b Low-income housing credit (other) @3405 "STM nn 15b 3400


c Qualified rehabilitation expenditures (rental real estate) (attach Form 3468)@3415 "STM nn" 15c 3410
d Other rental real estate credits (see instructions) Type 䊳 *3430 "STM nn" 15d +3440
e Other rental credits (see instructions) Type 䊳 *3460 "STM nn" 15e +3470
f Other credits and credit recapture (see instructions) Type 䊳*3490 "STM nn" @3505 STMnn 15f +3500
16a Name of country or U.S. possession 䊳 @3525 STMnn 3520
Foreign Transactions

b Gross income from all sources 16b 3530

c Gross income sourced at partner level @3545 STMnn 16c 3540
Foreign gross income sourced at partnership level
d Passive 䊳 3550 e Listed categories (attach statement) 䊳 3560 f General limitation 䊳 16f 3570
Deductions allocated and apportioned at partner level
@3565 STMnn
g Interest expense 䊳 3580 h Other 䊳 16h 3590
Deductions allocated and apportioned at partnership level to foreign source income
i Passive 䊳 3600 j Listed categories (attach statement) 䊳 @3615 STMnn k General limitation 䊳 16k 3620
l Total foreign taxes (check one): 䊳 Paid Accrued
3610 16l 3650
3630 3640
m Reduction in taxes available for credit (attach statement) @3665 STMnn 16m 3660
n Other foreign tax information (attach statement) @3667 STMnn
17a Post-1986 depreciation adjustment 17a 3670
Minimum Tax
(AMT) Items

b Adjusted gain or loss @3685 STMnn 17b 3680

c Depletion (other than oil and gas) 17c 3690
d Oil, gas, and geothermal properties—gross income @3705 STMnn 17d 3700
e Oil, gas, and geothermal properties—deductions @3715 STMnn 17e 3710
f Other AMT items (attach statement) @3725 STMnn 17f 3720
18 3730
Other Information

18a Tax-exempt interest income

b Other tax-exempt income 18b 3740
c Nondeductible expenses 18c 3746
19a Distributions of cash and marketable securities @3755 STMnn 19 3750
b Distributions of other property @3765 STMnn 19b 3760
20a Investment income 20a 3770
b Investment expenses 20b 3780
c Other items and amounts (attach statement) @3785 STMnn
@3789 STMnn Form 8865 (2005)
Form 8865 (2005) Page 5
Schedule L Balance Sheets per Books. (Not required if Item G9, page 1, is answered "Yes.")
Beginning of tax year End of tax year
Assets (a) (b) (c) (d)
1 Cash 3800 3810
2a Trade notes and accounts receivable 3820 3830
b Less allowance for bad debts 3840 3850 3860 3670
3 Inventories 3880 3890
3900 3910
4 U.S. government obligations
5 Tax-exempt securities 3920 3930
3940 3950

6 Other current assets (attach statement)
7 Mortgage and real estate loans 3960 3970

8 Other investments (attach statement) @3995 "STM nn" 3980 3990
9a Buildings and other depreciable assets 4000 4010

b Less accumulated depreciation 4020 4030 4040 4050

10a Depletable assets 4060 4070

b Less accumulated depletion 4080 4090 4100 4110

t 0
11 Land (net of any amortization) 4120 4130


f 0
Intangible assets (amortizable only)
Less accumulated amortization

Other assets (attach statement) @4215 "STM nn"
4160 4170
4180 4190

D /23
Total assets
Liabilities and Capital
Accounts payable
Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in less than 1 year
Other current liabilities (attach statement) @4295 "STM nn"



18 All nonrecourse loans 4300 4310

19 Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in 1 year or more 4320 4330
20 Other liabilities (attach statement) @4355 "STM nn" 4340 4350
21 Partners’ capital accounts 4360 4370
22 Total liabilities and capital 4380 4390
@4395 "STM nn" Form 8865 (2005)

Form 8865 (2005) Page 6
Schedule M Balance Sheets for Interest Allocation
(a) (b)
Beginning of End of
tax year tax year
1 Total U.S. assets 4420 4430
2 Total foreign assets:
a Passive income category
b Listed categories (attach statement)
c General limitation income category
o f @4475 STMnn
Schedule M-1

a s
Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income (Loss) per Return. (Not required if Item G9, page
1, is answered “Yes.”)

6 Income recorded on books this
Net income (loss) per books

a f
Income included on Schedule K,

0 0
4500 year not included on Schedule K,
lines 1 through 11 (itemize):

a Tax-exempt interest $

lines 1, 2, 3c, 5, 6a, 7, 8, 9a, 10,

and 11 not recorded on books 4580 @4585 STMnn 4600

D /23
this year (itemize):@4515 STMnn 7 Deductions included on Schedule
3 Guaranteed payments (other K, lines 1 through 13d, and 16l not
than health insurance) 4520 charged against book income this
4 Expenses recorded on books year (itemize):

this year not included on a Depreciation $
4610 @4615 STMnn

Schedule K, lines 1 through 13d, 4620
and 16l (itemize):
a Depreciation $ 4530 4630
b Travel and entertainment $ 4550 8 Add lines 6 and 7 4640
4540 @4545 STMnn 4560 9 Income (loss). Subtract line 8
5 Add lines 1 through 4 4570 from line 5 4650
Schedule M-2 Analysis of Partners’ Capital Accounts. (Not required if Item G9, page 1, is answered “Yes.”)
1 Balance at beginning of year 4660 6 Distributions: a Cash 4710
2 Capital contributed: b Property 4720
a Cash 4670 7 Other decreases (itemize):
b Property 4675
3 Net income (loss) per books 4680
4 Other increases (itemize): @4725 STMnn 4730
@4685 STMnn 4690 8 Add lines 6 and 7 4740
9 Balance at end of year. Subtract
5 Add lines 1 through 4 4700 line 8 from line 5 4750
@4755 STMnn @4757 STMnn Form 8865 (2005)

Form 8865 (2005) Page 7
Schedule N Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Partnership and Partners or Other Related Entities
Important: Complete a separate Form 8865 and Schedule N for each controlled foreign partnership. Enter the totals for each type of
transaction that occurred between the foreign partnership and the persons listed in columns (a) through (d).
(b) Any domestic (c) Any other foreign (d) Any U.S. person with a
Transactions corporation or partnership corporation or partnership 10% or more direct interest
(a) U.S. person
of controlling or controlled controlling or controlled in the controlled foreign

filing this return
foreign partnership by the U.S. person filing by the U.S. person filing partnership (other than the
this return this return U.S. person filing this return)

1 Sales of inventory
2 Sales of property rights

s o
4780 4790 4800 4810

4820 4830 4840 4850

(patents, trademarks, etc.)

t 0
3 Compensation received for

technical, managerial,

engineering, construction,

4860 4870 4880 4890

or like services
4 Commissions received
5 Rents, royalties, and
license fees received
6 Distributions received
7 Interest received
D /23 /





8 Other

9 Add lines 1 through 8

10 Purchases of inventory
0 6 5060









11 Purchases of tangible
property other than
5180 5190 5200 5210
12 Purchases of property
rights (patents,
trademarks, etc.)
5220 5230 5240 5250

13 Compensation paid for

technical, managerial,
engineering, construction,
or like services 5260 5270 5280 5290
14 Commissions paid 5300 5310 5320 5330
15 Rents, royalties, and
license fees paid 5340 5350 5360 5370
16 Distributions paid 5380 5390 5400 5410
17 Interest paid 5420 5430 5440 5450

18 Other 5460 5470 5480 5490

19 Add lines 10 through 18 5500 5510 5520 5530

20 Amounts borrowed (enter
the maximum loan
balance during the year)
—see instructions 5540 5550 5560 5570
21 Amounts loaned (enter the
maximum loan balance
during the year)—see
instructions 5580 5590 5600 5610
@5615 STMnn Form 8865 (2005)
Printed on recycled paper

Final K-1 Amended K-1 OMB No. 1545-1668
Schedule K-1
(Form 8865)
2005 Part III Partner’s Share of Current Year Income,
For calendar year 2005, or tax Deductions, Credits, and Other Items
Department of the Treasury year beginning 010 , 2005
Internal Revenue Service 020 1 Ordinary business income (loss) 15 Credits & credit recapture
ending , 20
799 * 800 1500 1510
Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, @805 "STM nn"
2 Net rental real estate income (loss) 1530
Credits, etc. 䊳 See back of form and separate instructions. 809 * 810 1520
@815 "STM nn"
3 Other net rental income (loss) 1540 1550
Part I Information About the Partnership 849 * 820 @1575 "STM nn"
@825 "STM nn"
A Partnership’s employer identification number 4 Guaranteed payments 830
829 * 1560 1570
100 @835 "STM nn" @1577 "STM nn"
B Partnership’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code 5 Interest income 840 16 Foreign transactions 1710
839 * 1690
@845 "STM nn" 1700
6a Ordinary dividends 850 1720 1730
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 849 *
@855 "STM nn"
6b Qualified dividends 860 1740 1750
859 @865* "STM nn"
7 Royalties 870 1760 1770
Part II Information About the Partner 869 *
@875 "STM nn"

C Partner’s identifying number 8 Net short-term capital gain (loss) 1780
880 1790
300 879 *
@885 "STM nn"

D Partner’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code 9a Net long-term capital gain (loss) 1800
889 * 890 1810
@895 "STM nn" @1835 "STM nn"

9b Collectibles (28%) gain (loss) 1820 1830
899 * 900

310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 @905 "STM nn" @1837 "STM nn"

9c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain 17 Alternative minimum tax 1910
909 *


(AMT) items
@915 "STM nn" 1900

r a f 2 0
Partner’s share of profit, loss, capital, and deductions:

Net section 1231 gain (loss)
919 *
@925 "STM nn"
Other income (loss) 1110 1940


Profit % 510 %
Loss 520 % 530 % 1100 @1975 "STM nn"
D /31
@1195 "STM nn"
@1197 "STM nn"
1960 1970
@1977 "STM nn"
Tax-exempt income and
nondeductible expenses

F Partner’s capital account analysis: 2110
Beginning capital account $ 600 1170
Capital contributed during the year
Current year increase (decrease)
Withdrawals & distributions
Ending capital account

Section 179 deduction
1219 *
1225 "STM nn"
Other deductions

2140 2150
@2155 "STM nn"

650 Tax basis GAAP Section 704(b) book 1310

1300 2220 2230
680 Other (explain)
@685 "STM nn" 1320 1330 @2235 "STM nn"
20 Other information
1350 2300 2310

1360 1370 2320 2330

@1395 "STM nn"
For IRS Use Only

1380 1390 2340 2350

@1397 "STM nn"
14 Self-employment earnings (loss) 2360 2370
1430 1440
1460 2380 2390
1450 @2415 "STM nn"
1470 1480 2400 2410
@1485 "STM nn" @2417 "STM nn"
*See attached statement for additional information.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions for Form 8865.
B-177 Cat. No. 28396B Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) 2005
@2500 "STM nn"
SCHEDULE O Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership OMB No. 1545-1668
(Form 8865)
(under section 6038B)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 8865. See Instructions for Form 8865.
Name of transferor Filer’s identifying number
Name of foreign partnership

Part I Transfers Reportable Under Section 6038B

(b) (c) (e) (f) (g)

(a) (d)
Type of Number of Fair market Section 704(c) Gain Percentage interest
Date of Cost or other
property items value on date allocation recognized on in partnership after
transfer basis
transferred of transfer method transfer transfer

Cash 050
030 040 055
Marketable *060 STMnn +070 +080 +090 +100 +110 +120 +125

securities 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 195

210 220 230 240 250 260 265
270 280 290 300 310 320 330 335
*340 STMnn +350 +360 +370 +380 +390 +400 +405

410 420 430 440 450 460 470 475

a 5
480 490 500 510 520 530 540 545
560 570 580 590 600 610

550 615
used in trade

a f
*620 STMnn

0 0 +630

r 2
or business

830 840 850 860 870 890 900 905
*910 STMnn +920 +930 +940 +950 +960 +970

D /21
Intangible +975
property 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1045
1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1115
1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1185

Other *1190 STMnn +1200 +1210 +1220 +1230 +1240 +1250 +1255
property 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1325

0 1330
Supplemental Information Required To Be Reported (see instructions):

@1470 STMnn

Part II Dispositions Reportable Under Section 6038B

(b) (e) (f) (h)

(a) (c) (d) Depreciation (g)
Date of Gain Depreciation
Type of Date of Manner of recapture Gain allocated
original recognized by recognized recapture allocated
property disposition disposition to partner
transfer partnership by partnership to partner
1480 @1485 1490 @1495 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 @1555
1560 @1565 1570 @1575 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 @1635
1640 @1645 1650 @1655 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 @1715
1720 @1725 1730 @1735 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 @1795
Part III Is any transfer reported on this schedule subject to gain recognition under section 904(f)(3) or @1797 STMnn
section 904(f)(5)(F)? @1813 STMnn 䊳 Yes 1800 No1810
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 8865. Cat. No. 25909U Schedule O (Form 8865) 2005
@1815 STMnn
Printed on recycled paper

SCHEDULE P Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests OMB No. 1545-1668
(Form 8865) in a Foreign Partnership
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service 䊳
(under section 6046A)
Attach To Form 8865. See Instructions for Form 8865.
Name of person filing Form 8865 Filer’s identifying number
Name of foreign partnership
Part I Acquisitions
(a) (c) (d) (e) (f)
(b) % of interest % of interest
Name, address, and identifying number of FMV of Basis in

Date of acquisition interest acquired interest acquired before acquisition after acquisition
person from whom your interest was acquired

*030 +040 *+050 +090 +100 +110 *+120 +125 +130 +135
+060 +070 +080

140 150 160 200 210 220 230 235 240 245
170 180 190

Part II

f t a 0 5310 320 330 340 345 350 355


r a
Name, address, and identifying number of
person who acquired your interest

/ 2 0 (b)
Date of disposition
FMV of
interest disposed
Basis in
interest disposed
% of interest
before disposition
% of interest
after disposition

D /21
*360 +370 *+380 +420 +430 +440 *+450 +455 +460 +465
+390 +400 +410
470 480 490 530 540 550 560 565 570 575
500 510 520

Part III
Change in

Description of change
0 6 640
Proportional Interest
Date of change

FMV of

Basis in


% of interest
before change


% of interest
after change

*690 STMnn +700 +710 *+720 STMnn *+730 +735 +740 +745

750 760 770 780 790 795 800 805

810 820 830 840 850 855 860 865

Part IV Supplemental Information Required To Be Reported (see instructions)

@870 STMnn

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 8865. B-179 Cat. No. 25943Q Schedule P (Form 8865) 2005

Printed on recycled paper

Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for
Form 8866
(Rev. November 2002)
Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method
OMB No. 1545-1622

Department of the Treasury 䊳 See separate instructions. 䊳 Please print or type.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 108
For the recomputation year beginning 010 , and ending 020 . See instructions.
Name A Identifying number
Fill In Your Number, street, and apt., room, or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. B Check applicable box to show type of taxpayer:
Address Only If
You Are Filing This 090 Corporation120 S corporation
Form Separately City or town, state, and ZIP code. If a foreign address, see instructions. 100 130
and Not With Your Individual Partnership
Tax Return 110 Estate or trust
C If you were an owner of an interest in a pass-through entity (such as a partnership or an S corporation) that depreciated one or more properties to which this interest
computation relates, enter the name and employer identification number of the entity. Attach a schedule if there is more than one such entity.
Name of entity Employer identification number

140 @145 "STM nn" or blank 150

Pass-through entities: Skip lines 1, 3, 4, and 5. Date of each prior year to which interest
1 Taxable income (or loss) for the prior years shown on tax computation relates:
return (or as previously adjusted) before net operating loss
(a) 160 (b) 250 (c) 340 Totals
or capital loss carrybacks (other than carrybacks that must
Year ended Year ended Year ended (Add columns (a),
be taken into account to properly compute interest under
section 167(g)) (see instructions). If you were required to mo. yr. mo. yr. mo. yr. (b), and (c).)
file Form 8866 for an earlier year, enter adjusted taxable
income for the prior years from Form 8866, line 3, for the
most recent recomputation year that affects the prior years
170 260 350
2 Adjustment to taxable income for the difference between:
(a) the depreciation deducted under the income forecast
method based on estimated future income and
(b) depreciation allowable under the income forecast
method based on actual income earned for periods before
the end of the recomputation year and estimated future @185 STMnn @275 STMnn @365 STMnn
income to be earned after the recomputation year.
See instructions and attach a schedule listing each
separate property, unless you were an owner of an interest
in a pass-through entity reporting this amount from
Schedule K-1 or a similar statement 180 270 360
3 Adjusted taxable income for look-back purposes. Combine
lines 1 and 2 190 280 370
4 Income tax liability on line 3 amount using tax rates in effect
for the prior years (see instructions) 200 290 380
5 Income tax liability shown on return (or as previously
adjusted) for the prior years (see instructions). If you were
required to file Form 8866 for an earlier year, enter the amount
required to be reported on Form 8866, line 4, for the most
recent recomputation year that affects the prior years 210 300 390

6 Increase (or decrease) in tax for the prior years on which

interest is due (or is to be refunded). Subtract line 5 from
line 4. (Pass-through entities: See instructions.) 220 310 400
7 Interest due on increase, if any, shown on line 6 (see
@235 STMnn @325 STMnn @415 STMnn
instructions) 230 320 410 430
8 Interest to be refunded on decrease, if any, shown on @245 STMnn @335 STMnn @425 STMnn
line 6 (see instructions) 240 330 420 440
9 Net amount of interest to be refunded to you. If line 8, column (d), exceeds line 7, column (d), enter the excess. File
Form 8866 separately; do not attach it to your tax return (see instructions) 450
10 Net amount of interest you owe. If line 7, column (d), exceeds line 8, column (d), enter the excess. Attach
Form 8866 to your tax return. See instructions for where to include this amount on your return 460
Signatures. Complete this section only if this form is being filed separately and not with the tax return.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer
has any knowledge.
䊳 Signature(s) 䊳 Date

signature 䊳 Date
Check if
self-employed 䊳
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Use Only
Firm’s name (or yours
if self-employed) ad-
dress, and ZIP code
䊳 EIN 䊳

Phone no. 䊳

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.
B-180 Cat. No. 26036C Form (11-2002)
Form 8873 Extraterritorial Income Exclusion OMB No. 1545-1722

 Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 See separate instructions. Sequence No. 126

Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) as shown on return Identifying number
Part I
Elections and Other Information

a s 5
Check the box if you are electing under section 942(a)(3) to exclude a portion of your gross receipts from foreign trading gross
@025 STMnn  020

receipts on line 15. Attach a schedule indicating which receipts are being excluded

f 0
Check the box if you are electing to apply the extraterritorial income exclusion provisions to certain transactions involving a FSC

(see instructions). Attach a schedule listing the affected transactions

@035 STMnn
@045 STMnn


3 Check the box if the taxpayer is a foreign corporation electing to be treated as a domestic corporation (see instructions)

receipts are $5 million or less?
D /06 /
Are you excepted from the foreign economic process requirements because your foreign trading gross050

If “No,” check the applicable box to indicate how you met the foreign economic process requirements:
You met the 50% foreign direct cost test (see instructions).
You met the alternative 85% foreign direct cost test (see instructions).

5 See instructions before completing lines 5a through 5c. Note: For transactions for which the exclusion is determined using

the foreign sale and leasing income method (i.e., line 44 equals line 45), complete only lines 5a and 5c(1).
a Business activity code 070 b Product or product line 075
c Check the applicable box to indicate the basis of your reporting:
(1) Transaction-by-transaction: 085 @090 STMnn 095 @100 STMnn
080 (a) Aggregate on Form 8873 (b) Aggregate on tabular schedule (c) Tabular schedule of transactions
110 (2) Group of transactions (see@115 STMnn
instructions for an important change made to reflect the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004)
Part II Foreign Trade Income and Foreign Sale and Leasing Income
Caution: If a related person is also eligible for an extraterritorial income (a) Foreign Trade (b) Foreign Sale and
Income Leasing Income
exclusion, see Excluded property in the instructions.
6 Sale, exchange, or other disposition of qualifying foreign trade property 6 120
7 Enter the amount from line 6, column (a), attributable to the sale of property
formerly leased or rented for use by the lessee outside the United States 7 130
8 Lease or rental of qualifying foreign trade property for use by the lessee
outside the United States. Enter the same amount in both columns 8 140 150
9 Services related and subsidiary to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of
qualifying foreign trade property 9 160
10 Enter the amount from line 9, column (a), attributable to the sale of property
formerly leased or rented for use by the lessee outside the United States 10 170
11 Services related and subsidiary to the lease of qualifying foreign trade property for use
by the lessee outside the United States. Enter the same amount in both columns 11 180 190
12 Engineering or architectural services for construction projects outside the United States 12 200
13 Managerial services provided to unrelated persons (see instructions) 13 210
14 Enter the sum of the amounts from lines 6, 9, 12, and 13 of column (a)
attributable to foreign economic processes. Do not include any amounts
already included on lines 7, 8, 10, or 11 in column (b) 14 220
15 Foreign trading gross receipts. Add lines 6 through 13 in column (a) 15 230
16 Add lines 7 through 14 in column (b) 16 240
17 Cost of goods sold:
a Inventory at beginning of year 17a 250 260
b Purchases 17b 270 280
c Cost of labor 17c 290 300
@325 STMnn 17d 310 320
d Additional section 263A costs (attach schedule)
@345 STMnn 17e 330 340
e Other costs (attach schedule)
f Total. Add lines 17a through 17e 17f 350 360
g Inventory at end of year 17g 370 380
h Subtract line 17g from line 17f 17h 390 400
18 In column (a), subtract line 17h from line 15. In column (b), subtract line 17h
from line 16 18 410 420
19 Other expenses and deductions (see instructions) (attach schedule) 19 430 440 @445 "STM nn"
20 Foreign trade income. In column (a), subtract line 19 from line 18. If -0- or
less, stop here. You do not qualify for the exclusion 20 450
21 B-181
Foreign sale and leasing income. In column (b), subtract line 19 from line 18 21 460
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 30732F Form 8873 (2005)
Form 8873 (2005) Page 2
Part III Marginal Costing (Note: If you are not using Marginal Costing, skip Part III and go to Part IV.)

Section A — Foreign Trade Income Using Marginal Costing Method
22 480

22 Foreign trading gross receipts. Enter the amount from line 15
23 Costs and expenses allocable to the amount reported on line 22:
23a 490

a Cost of direct material attributable to property sold
b Cost of direct labor attributable to property sold 23b 500


c Add lines 23a and 23b 23c

24 Subtract line 23c from line 22 24

26 Costs and expenses allocable to the amount reported on line 25:

a 0 0
25 Worldwide gross receipts from sales of the product or product line

26a 540
25 530

a Cost of goods sold attributable to property sold

c Add lines 26a and 26b

b Other expenses and deductions attributable to gross income

D /06 /
26b 550

27 Subtract line 26c from line 25. (Note: If -0- or less, stop here. You may not use Part III to determine
your qualifying foreign trade income. Go to line 37.)
28 Overall profit percentage. Divide line 27 by line 25. Carry the result to at least three decimal



places 28 580
29 590

29 Overall profit percentage limitation. Multiply line 22 by line 28
30 Foreign trade income using marginal costing. Enter the smaller of line 24 or line 29 30 600
Section B — 15% of Foreign Trade Income Method
31 Multiply line 30 by 15% (.15) 31 610
32 Foreign trade income using full costing. Enter the amount from line 20 32 620
33 Enter the smaller of line 31 or line 32 33 630
Section C — 1.2% of Foreign Trading Gross Receipts Method
34 Multiply line 22 by 1.2% (.012) 34 640
35 Multiply line 30 by 30% (.30) 35 650
36 Enter the smallest of lines 32, 34, or 35 36 660
Part IV Extraterritorial Income Exclusion (Net of Disallowed Deductions)
37 Enter your foreign trade income from line 20 37 670
38 Multiply line 37 by 15% (.15) 38 680
39 Enter your foreign trading gross receipts from line 15 39 690
40 Multiply line 39 by 1.2% (.012) 40 700
41 Multiply line 38 by 2.0 41 710
42 Enter the smaller of line 40 or line 41 42 720
43 Enter your foreign sale and leasing income from line 21 43 730
44 Multiply line 43 by 30% (.30) 44 740
45 Enter the greatest of lines 33, 36, 38, 42, or 44. If you are using the alternative computation,
45 750
see instructions for the amount to enter
Note. If you do not have a reduction for international boycott operations, illegal bribes, kickbacks, etc. (see
the instructions for line 50), skip lines 46 through 51 and enter on line 52 the amount from line 45.
46 If line 44 equals line 45, divide the amount on line 45 by the amount
on line 43. Otherwise, divide the amount on line 45 by the amount on
line 37. Carry the result to at least three decimal places 46 760
47 If line 44 equals line 45, enter the amount from line 19, column (b).
47 770
Otherwise, enter the amount from line 19, column (a)
48 Multiply line 46 by line 47 48 780
49 Add lines 45 and 48 49 790
50 Reduction for international boycott operations, illegal bribes, kickbacks, etc. (see instructions) 50 800
51 Qualifying foreign trade income. Subtract line 50 from line 49. If -0- or less, stop here. You do
not qualify for the exclusion 51 810
52 Subtract line 48 from line 51 52 820
53a Enter the amount from line 52 that is attributable to 100% transactions (see instructions) 53a 830
b Multiply the amount from line 52 that is attributable to 80% transactions (see instructions) by
80% (0.80) and enter the result here 53b 840
c Multiply the amount from line 52 that is attributable to 60% transactions (see instructions) by
60% (0.60) and enter the result here 53c 850
54 Extraterritorial income exclusion (net of disallowed deductions). Add lines 53a through 53c. Enter the result
here and include it on the “other deductions” line of your tax return or schedule (see instructions) 54 860
B-182 Form 8873 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-1804
Form 8874 New Markets Credit
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 127
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Name and address of the qualified Employer identification Date of initial Amount of qualified Credit (f)
community development entity (CDE) number of CDE investment equity investment rate Credit ((d) ⫻ (e))

1 *020 +030 +070 +080 +090 +100

*+040 +050 +060 %
110 120 160 170 180 190
130 140 150 %
200 210 250 260 270 280
220 230 240 %
2 New markets credits from pass-through entities (if from more than one entity, see instructions):
If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credits from—

a Shareholder
b Partner
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code O
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code O
其 @330 STM nn
EIN of pass-through entity
2 350

3 Current year credit. Add the amounts on line 1, column (f), and line 2. S corporations
and partnerships, see instructions 3 360
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or Form 3800)
4 Regular tax before credits:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3;
Form 1120-A, Part I, line 1, or the applicable line of your return 4 400
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041,
Schedule G, lines 1a and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
5 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 5 410
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
6 Add lines 4 and 5 6 420

7a Foreign tax credit 7a 430

b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 7b 445

c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 7c 520

d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 7d 530

e Other specified credits (see instructions) 7e 540

f Add lines 7a through 7e 7f 550

8 Net income tax. Subtract line 7f from line 6. If zero, skip lines 9 through 12 and enter -0- on line 13 8 560
9 Net regular tax. Subtract line 7f from line 4. If zero or less, enter -0- 9 570
10 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 9 over $25,000 (see instructions) 10 580
11 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12 11 590
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54
12 Enter the greater of line 10 or line 11 12 600
13 Subtract line 12 from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- 13 610
14 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 13 here and on Form 1040,
line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule G, line 2c;
or the applicable line of your return. If line 3 is greater than line 13, see instructions 14 620
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. B-183 Cat. No. 31663N Form 8874 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074

Form 8880 Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions

䊳 Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040A. 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
䊳 See instructions on back.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 129
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

You cannot take this credit if either of the following applies.

● The amount on Form 1040, line 38, or Form 1040A, line 22, is more than $25,000 ($37,500 if head of household;
$50,000 if married filing jointly).
● The person(s) who made the qualified contribution or elective deferral (a) was born after January 1, 1988, (b) is
claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2005 tax return, or (c) was a student (see instructions).

(a) You (b) Your spouse

1 Traditional and Roth IRA contributions for 2005. Do not include rollover
contributions 1 010 020
2 Elective deferrals to a 401(k) or other qualified employer plan, voluntary
employee contributions, and 501(c)(18)(D) plan contributions for 2005
(see instructions) 2 030 040
3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 050 060
4 Certain distributions received after 2002 and before the due date
(including extensions) of your 2005 tax return (see instructions). If
married filing jointly, include both spouses’ amounts in both columns.
See instructions for an exception 4 070 080
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 5 090 100

6 In each column, enter the smaller of line 5 or $2,000 6 110 120

7 Add the amounts on line 6. If zero, stop; you cannot take this credit 7 130

8 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 38*, or Form 1040A, line 22 8 140

9 Enter the applicable decimal amount shown below:

If line 8 is— And your filing status is—

Married Head of Single, Married filing
But not
Over— filing jointly household separately, or
Enter on line 9— Qualifying widow(er)

--- $15,000 .5 .5 .5
$15,000 $16,250 .5 .5 .2
$16,250 $22,500 .5 .5 .1 9 X . 150
$22,500 $24,375 .5 .2 .1
$24,375 $25,000 .5 .1 .1
$25,000 $30,000 .5 .1 .0
$30,000 $32,500 .2 .1 .0
$32,500 $37,500 .1 .1 .0
$37,500 $50,000 .1 .0 .0
$50,000 --- .0 .0 .0

Note: If line 9 is zero, stop; you cannot take this credit.

10 Multiply line 7 by line 9 10 160

11 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 46, or Form 1040A, line 28 11 170
12 Enter the total of your credits from Form 1040, lines 47 through 50, or
Form 1040A, lines 29 through 31 12 180
13 Subtract line 12 from line 11. If zero, stop; you cannot take this credit 13 190
14 Credit for qualified retirement savings contributions. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line
13 here and on Form 1040, line 51, or Form 1040A, line 32 14 200
*See Pub. 590 for the amount to enter if you are filing Form 2555, 2555-EZ, or 4563 or you are excluding income from Puerto Rico.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form. Cat. No. 33394D Form 8880 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1810
Form 8881 Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan
Startup Costs 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 130
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit (Members of controlled groups or businesses under common control, see instructions.)

1 Qualified startup costs incurred during the tax year. Do not enter more @035 "STM nn"
than $1,000 1 020
2 Enter one-half of line 1 2 030
3 Form 8881 credits from If you are a— Then enter the Form 8881 credits from—
pass-through entities:
其 040
a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S) box 13, code F, G, or U 3
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) box 15, code F, G, or U

4 Add lines 2 and 3 4 050

5 Current year credit. Enter the smaller of line 4 or $500 5 060
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

6 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 6 100
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
7 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 7 110
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
8 Add lines 6 and 7 8 120

9a Foreign tax credit 9a 130

b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 9b 145

c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 9c 220

d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 9d 230

e Other specified credits (see instructions) 9e 240

f Add lines 9a through 9e 9f 250

10 Net income tax. Subtract line 9f from line 8. If zero, skip lines 11 through 14 and enter -0- on
line 15 10 260
11 Net regular tax. Subtract line 9f from line 6. If zero or less, enter -0- 11 270

12 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 11 over $25,000 (see instructions) 12 280

13 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12 13 290
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54
14 Enter the greater of line 12 or line 13 14 300

15 Subtract line 14 from line 10. If zero or less, enter -0- 15 310
16 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 15 here and on
Form 1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041,
Schedule G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 15 is smaller than line 5, see
instructions 16 320
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 33435N Form 8881 (2005)
Form 8882 Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare
OMB No. 1545-1809

Department of the Treasury

Facilities and Services 2005
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to your tax return. Sequence No.131
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit (Members of controlled groups or businesses under common control, see instructions.)

1 Qualified childcare facility expenditures paid or incurred (see

instructions) 1 020
2 Enter 25% (.25) of line 1 2 030
3 Qualified childcare resource and referral expenditures paid or incurred 3 040
4 Enter 10% (.10) of line 3 4 050
5 Form 8882 credits from pass-through entities (if more than one entity, see instructions):
If you are a— Then enter the total of the current year credits from—

a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U
b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U
*055 "STM nn" 5 +060
c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 13, code N EIN of pass-through entity

6 Add lines 2, 4, and 5 6 070

7 Current year credit. Enter the smaller of line 6 or $150,000 (S corporations, partnerships,
estates, and trusts, see instructions) @100 "STM nn" 7 090
Part II Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

8 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A, 150
Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return 8
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
9 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 9 160
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
10 Add lines 8 and 9 10 170
11a Foreign tax credit 11a 180
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 11b 195
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 11c 270
d Nonconventional source fuel credit (Form 8907, line 23) 11d 280
e Other specified credits (see instructions) 11e 290
f Add lines 11a through 11e 11f 300
12 Net income tax. Subtract line 11f from line 10. If zero, skip lines 13 through 16 and enter -0- on
line 17 12 310
13 Net regular tax. Subtract line 11f from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- 13 320
14 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 13 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 14 330

15 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, 15 340
Schedule I, line 54
16 Enter the greater of line 14 or line 15 16 350
17 Subtract line 16 from line 12. If zero or less, enter -0- 17 360
18 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 17 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 17 is smaller than line 7, see instructions 18 370
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 33436Y Form8882 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-0074
Health Coverage Tax Credit

Department of the Treasury

䊳 Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040NR.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 134
Name of recipient (if both spouses are recipients, complete a separate form for each spouse) Recipient’s social security number
Before you begin: See Definitions and Special Rules that begin on page 2.

Do not complete this form if you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2005 tax return.

Part I Complete This Part To See if You Are Eligible To Take This Credit

1 Check the boxes below for each month in 2005 that all of the following statements were true on the first day of that month.

● You were an eligible trade adjustment assistance (TAA) recipient, alternative TAA recipient, or Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) pension recipient.
● You were covered by a qualified health insurance plan for which you paid the premiums (including months for which you
paid premiums to “U.S. Treasury—HCTC”).

● You were not entitled to Medicare Part A or enrolled in Medicare Part B.

● You were not enrolled in Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
● You were not enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program or eligible to receive benefits under the U.S.
military health system (TRICARE).
● You were not imprisoned under Federal, state, or local authority.

● You were not covered by, or eligible for coverage under, any employer-sponsored health insurance plan (including any
employer-sponsored health insurance plan of your spouse) (see instructions that begin on page 3).
035 045 055 065 075 085
January February March April May June
095 105 115 125 135 145
July August September October November December

Part II Health Coverage Tax Credit

2 Amount paid for qualified health insurance coverage for all months checked on line 1 (see
instructions on page 3). Include qualified health insurance premiums paid to “U.S.
Treasury—HCTC” and advance payments from Form 1099-H, box 1 2 190

Note. You must attach invoices and proof of payment for any amounts
included on line 2 for which you did not receive an advance payment (see
instructions on page 3).

3 Enter the total amount of any (a) Archer MSA and health savings account distributions used
to pay amounts included on line 2 and (b) National Emergency Grants you received for health
insurance in 2005 3 200

4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, stop; you cannot take the credit 4 210

5 Multiply line 4 by 65% (.65) and enter the result 5 230

6 Advance payments, if any, from Form 1099-H, box 1 6 240

7 Health coverage tax credit. Subtract line 6 from line 5. If zero or less, enter -0-. Also include
on Form 1040, line 70, or Form 1040NR, line 64, and check box c on that line 7 250
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 34641D Form 8885 (2005)
Form 8886
(Rev. December 2005)
Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement OMB No. 1545-1800

 Attach to your tax return. Attachment
Department of the Treasury

Sequence No. 137
See separate instructions.

Internal Revenue Service
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Number, street, and room or suite no.

City or town, state, and ZIP code

a s 5

f t 0 0
Enter the form number of the tax return that this form is attached to

Enter the year of the tax return with which this form is filed



Initial year filer

Protective disclosure
Check the box(es) that apply (see instructions).

D /12 / 2
1a Name of reportable transaction

1b Initial year participated in transaction

1 0
*030 "STM nn"
1c Tax shelter registration number (11 digits or 9 digits)
+040 050
2 Identify the type of reportable transaction. Check all the box(es) that apply (see instructions).
100 130
a Listed transaction d Loss
110 140
b Confidential e Significant book-tax difference
120 150
c Contractual protection f Brief asset holding period

3 If the transaction is a “listed transaction” or substantially similar to a listed transaction, identify the listed transaction (see
instructions)  200 205

4 Enter the number of transactions reported on this form  220

5 If you invested in the transaction through another entity, such as a partnership, an S corporation, or a foreign
corporation, provide the information below for the entity.

a Name  *230 "STM nn"

b Type of entity  +233
c Form number of tax return filed  *+237 "STM nn"
d Employer identification number (EIN)  +240 245

6 Enter below, the name and address of each person to whom you paid a fee with regard to the transaction if that person
promoted, solicited, or recommended your participation in the transaction, or provided tax advice related to the transaction.
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary.)
a Name
*300 "STM nn"
Number, street, and room or suite no.
City or town, state, and ZIP code
*+320 "STM nn" +330 +340
b Name
Number, street, and room or suite no.
City or town, state, and ZIP code
370 380 390
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 34654G Form 8886 (Rev. 12-2005)

Form 8886 (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
7 Facts. Describe the facts of the transaction that relate to the expected tax benefits, including your participation

o f
in the transaction. For listed transactions identified in item 2a, also provide the complete name, address, and
nature of involvement of all parties to the transaction (see instructions).

700 710 715 720 725

a s
730 735


a f t 0 0
D /12 / 2
1 0
Expected tax benefits. Describe the expected tax benefits, including deductions, exclusions from gross income,
nonrecognition of gain, tax credits, adjustments (or the absence of adjustments) to the basis of property, etc.
(see instructions for more details).

750 760 765 770 775 780 785 790

9 Estimated tax benefits. Provide a separate estimate of the amount of each of the expected tax benefits
described above for each affected tax year (including prior and future years).

800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870

@900 "STM nn" Form 8886 (Rev. 12-2005)

Printed on recycled paper
OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 8889 Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 1040. 䊳 See separate instructions. Sequence No. 138
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Social security number of HSA
beneficiary. If both spouses have
HSAs, see page 2 of the instructions 䊳 010
Before you begin: Complete Form 8853, Archer MSAs and Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts, if required.
Part I HSA Contributions and Deduction. See page 2 of the instructions before completing this part. If you are
filing jointly and both you and your spouse each have separate HSAs, complete a separate Part I for each
spouse (see page 2 of the instructions).
1 Check the box to indicate your coverage under a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) during
015 025
2005 (see page 2 of the instructions) 䊳 Self-only Family
2 HSA contributions you made for 2005 (or those made on your behalf), including those made
from January 1, 2006, through April 17, 2006, that were for 2005. Do not include employer
contributions or rollovers (see page 2 of the instructions) 2 035
3 If you were under age 55 at the end of 2005, and on the first day of every month during 2005, you
were an eligible individual with the same annual deductible and coverage, enter the smaller of:
● Your annual deductible (see page 2 of the instructions), or
● $2,650 ($5,250 for family coverage).
All others, enter the limit from the worksheet on page 3 of the instructions 3 045
4 Enter the amount you and your employer contributed to your Archer MSAs for 2005 from Form
8853, lines 3 and 4. If you or your spouse had family coverage under an HDHP at any time during
2005, also include any amount contributed to your spouse’s Archer MSAs 4 055
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 5 065
6 Enter the amount from line 5. But if you and your spouse each have separate HSAs and had
family coverage under an HDHP at any time during 2005, see the instructions on page 3 for the
amount to enter. 6 075
7 If you were age 55 or older at the end of 2005, married, and you or your spouse had family
coverage under an HDHP at any time during 2005, enter your additional contribution amount
(see page 4 of the instructions) 7 085
8 Add lines 6 and 7 8 095
9 Employer contributions made to your HSAs for 2005 9 105
10 Subtract line 9 from line 8. If zero or less, enter -0- 10 115
11 HSA deduction. Enter the smaller of line 2 or line 10 here and on Form 1040, line 25 11 125
Caution: If line 2 is more than line 11, you may have to pay an additional tax (see page 4 of the
Part II HSA Distributions. If you are filing jointly and both you and your spouse each have separate HSAs,
complete a separate Part II for each spouse.
12a Total distributions you received in 2005 from all HSAs (see page 4 of the instructions) 12a 135
b Distributions included on line 12a that you rolled over to another HSA. Also include any excess
contributions (and the earnings on those excess contributions) included on line 12a that were
withdrawn by the due date of your return (see page 4 of the instructions) 12b 145
c Subtract line 12b from line 12a 12c 155
13 Unreimbursed qualified medical expenses (see page 4 of the instructions) 13 165
14 Taxable HSA distributions. Subtract line 13 from line 12c. If zero or less, enter -0-. Also, include
this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 21. On the dotted line next to line 21, enter “HSA”
and the amount 14 175
15a If any of the distributions included on line 14 meet any of the Exceptions to the Additional 185
10% Tax (see page 5 of the instructions), check here 䊳
b Additional 10% tax (see page 5 of the instructions). Enter 10% (.10) of the distributions included
on line 14 that are subject to the additional 10% tax. Also include this amount in the total on
Form 1040, line 63. On the dotted line next to line 63, enter “HSA” and the amount 15b 195
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5 of the instructions. Cat. No. 37621P Form 8889 (2005)

Form 8891 U.S. Information Return for Beneficiaries of
Certain Canadian Registered Retirement Plans
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service 䊳 Attach to Form 1040. 䊳 See instructions on back of form. Sequence No. 139
Name shown on Form 1040 Identifying number (see instructions)

1 Name of plan custodian 2 Account number of plan

020 030
3 Address of plan custodian 4 Type of plan (check one box):
110 Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
120 Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
035 040 050 060 070 080 090 100
5 Check the applicable box for your status in the plan (see Definitions in the instructions):
130 Beneficiary
140 Annuitant (Complete only lines 7a, 7b, and 8.)

6a Have you previously made an election under Article XVIII(7) of the U.S.–Canada income tax treaty to 150 160
defer U.S. income tax on the undistributed earnings of the plan? 䊳 Yes No

b If “Yes,” enter the first year the election came into effect 170 and go to line 7a. If “No,” go to line 6c.

c If you have not previously made the election described on line 6a above, you can make an irrevocable 180
election for this year and subsequent years by checking this box 䊳

7a Distributions received from the plan during the year. Enter here and include on Form 1040,
line 16a 7a 190

b Taxable distributions received from the plan during the year. Enter here and include on
Form 1040, line 16b 7b 200

8 Plan balance at the end of the year. If you checked the “Annuitant” box on line 5, the “Yes” box
on line 6a, or the box on line 6c, stop here. Do not complete the rest of the form 8 210

9 Contributions to the plan during the year 9 220

10 Undistributed earnings of the plan during the year:

a Interest income. Enter here and include on Form 1040, line 8a 10a 230

b Total ordinary dividends. Enter here and include on Form 1040, line 9a 10b 240

c Qualified dividends. Enter here and include on Form 1040, line 9b 10c 250

d Capital gains. See the instructions for Form 1040, line 13, for how to report 10d 260

e Other income. Enter here and include on Form 1040, line 21. List type and amount 䊳

*270 "STM nn"

10e +280
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 37699X Form 8891 (2005)

OMB No. 1545-1914
Form 8896 Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit
䊳 Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 142
Name(s) shown on return Identifying number

Part I Current Year Credit
1 020

1 Low sulfur diesel fuel produced (in gallons)
2 Multiply line 1 by $.05 2 030
3 040

3 Qualified capital costs limitation (see instructions)
4 Total low sulfur diesel fuel production credits allowed for all prior tax years 4 050

a 5
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 5 060
6 070

6 Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 2

fuel production

credits from
Low sulfur diesel If you are a—

a Shareholder
Then enter the credit(s) from—
Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 13, code F, G, or U
其 7 080

b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 15, code F, G, or U


entities: c Patron Written statement from cooperative
8 Current year credit. Add lines 6 and 7 090 8
Part II

D /23 Allowable Credit (See Who must file Form 3800 to find out if you complete Part II or file Form 3800.)

9 Regular tax before credits:
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 44

● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3; Form 1120-A,
9 200

Part I, line 1; or the applicable line of your return
● Estates and trusts. Enter the sum of the amounts from Form 1041, Schedule G, lines 1a
and 1b, or the amount from the applicable line of your return
10 Alternative minimum tax:

● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 35
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 14 10 210
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule I, line 56
11 Add lines 9 and 10 11 220
12a Foreign tax credit 12a 230
b Credits from Form 1040, lines 48 through 54 12b 240
c Possessions tax credit (Form 5735, line 17 or 27) 12c 250
d Credit for fuel from a nonconventional source 12d 260
e Qualified electric vehicle credit (Form 8834, line 20) 12e 270
f Add lines 12a through 12e 12f 280
13 Net income tax. Subtract line 12f from line 11. If zero, skip lines 14 through 17 and enter -0- on line 18 13 290
14 Net regular tax. Subtract line 12f from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 300
15 Enter 25% (.25) of the excess, if any, of line 14 over $25,000 (see
instructions) 15 310

16 Tentative minimum tax (see instructions):
● Individuals. Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 33
● Corporations. Enter the amount from Form 4626, line 12
● Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form 1041,
Schedule I, line 54 16 320
17 Enter the greater of line 15 or line 16 17 330
18 Subtract line 17 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- 18 340
19 Credit allowed for the current year. Enter the smaller of line 8 or line 18 here and on Form
1040, line 55; Form 1120, Schedule J, line 6d; Form 1120-A, Part I, line 2; Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 2c; or the applicable line of your return. If line 18 is smaller than line 8, see instructions 19 350
General Instructions refiner’s qualified capital costs limitation on production for all facilities that did not
line 3. This credit is part of the general exceed 205,000 barrels for the 1-year
Section references are to the Internal business credit.
Revenue Code. period ending on December 31, 2002. To
figure the average daily domestic refinery
Purpose of Form Definitions run or retained production, only include
Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel refineries that were refineries of the refiner
Use Form 8896 to claim the low sulfur
diesel fuel production credit. This is diesel fuel with a sulfur content of or a related person (within the meaning of
15 parts per million or less. section 613A(d)(3)) on April 1, 2003.
The credit generally is 5 cents for every However, a refiner is not a small business
gallon of low sulfur diesel fuel produced by Small Business Refiner refiner for a tax year if more than 1,500
a qualified small business refiner during the A small business refiner generally is a individuals are engaged in the refinery
tax year. However, the total credits allowed refiner of crude oil with an average daily operations of the business on any day
for all tax years cannot be more than the B-192
domestic refinery run or average retained during the tax year.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 37704F Form 8896 (2005)
Form 8901 Information on Qualifying Children
Who Are Not Dependents 1040A 䊴
OMB No. 1545-0074

(For Child Tax Credit)


1040 2005
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (99) Complete and attach to Form 1040A or Form 1040.
8901 Attachment
Sequence No. 56
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number

● Do not use this form for any child who is claimed as your dependent on Form 1040A or
Form 1040, line 6c.
● It will take us longer to process your return and issue your refund if you do not complete all
columns for each qualifying child.
● Be sure the child’s name and social security number (SSN) agree with the child’s social security
card. Otherwise, at the time we process your return, we may reduce or disallow your child tax
credit. If the name or SSN on the child’s social security card is not correct, call the Social
Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213.

Qualifying Child Information

(b) Child’s (c) Child’s relationship to you

(a) First name Last name social security number (son, daughter, etc.)

Child 1
*010 "STM nn" +020 +040 +050
Child 2
060 070 090 100
Child 3
110 120 140 150
Child 4
160 170 190 200

General Instructions Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the

information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
Purpose of Form laws of the United States. You are required to give us the
Use Form 8901 to give the IRS information on any qualifying information. We need it to ensure that you are complying
child (defined on back) who is not your dependent. To figure with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right
the amount of your child tax credit, see the instructions for amount of tax.
Form 1040A, line 33, or Form 1040, line 52. You are not required to provide the information requested
on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Who Must File unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books
Use Form 8901 if your qualifying child is not your dependent or records relating to a form or its instructions must be
because either of the following applies. retained as long as their contents may become material in
● You, or your spouse if filing jointly, can be claimed as a the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
dependent on someone else’s 2005 return. returns and return information are confidential, as required by
Internal Revenue Code section 6103.
● Your qualifying child is married and files a joint return for
2005 (unless that joint return is filed only as a claim for a The average time and expenses required to complete and
refund and no tax liability would exist for either spouse if file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances.
they had filed separate returns). For the estimated averages, see the instructions for your
income tax return.
Specific Instructions If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we
would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for
Column (b) your income tax return.
If your child was born and died in 2005 and you do not have
an SSN for the child, you can attach a copy of the child’s
birth certificate instead and enter “Died” in column (b).
If you do not have an SSN for your adopted child, enter
“See page 2” in column (b). Then, on the bottom of page 2,
enter the name and address of any agency or agent (such as
an attorney) that assisted in the adoption.

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see above. B-193 Cat. No. 37710J Form 8901 (2005)
Form 8903 Domestic Production Activities Deduction
OMB No. 1545-xxxx

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service Attach to your tax return. See separate instructions. Sequence No. 143
Name(s) as shown on return Identifying number

1 Domestic production gross receipts 1 010

2 Allocable cost of goods sold 2 020

3 Directly allocable deductions, expenses, or losses 3 030

4 Indirectly allocable deductions, expenses, or losses 4 040

Add lines 2 through 4

Subtract line 5 from line 1

o f 5



7 Qualified
If you are a—

a sThen enter the total qualified production activities income from—

activities a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 12, code Q

f 0
income b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 13, code U
from pass-

Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9, code S2 7 070


r a
c Beneficiary

Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 14, code C

Qualified production activities income. Add lines 6 and 7. If zero or less, enter -0- here,
skip lines 9 through 15, and enter -0- on line 16 8 100

D /14
Income limitation (see instructions):

● Individuals, estates, and trusts. Enter your adjusted gross income figured without the

domestic production activities deduction
● All others. Enter your taxable income figured without the domestic production

10 1
activities deduction (tax-exempt organizations, see instructions)

Enter the smaller of line 8 or line 9. If zero or less, enter -0- here, skip lines 11 through 15,
and enter -0- on line 16



11 Enter 3% of line 10 11 240

12 Form W-2 wages (see instructions) 12 310

13 Form W-2 If you are a— Then enter the total Form W-2 wages from—
from pass- a Shareholder Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S), box 12, code R
through b Partner Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 13, code V
entities: 320
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 9, code S3 13
c Beneficiary Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 14, code D
14 Add lines 12 and 13 14 370

15 Form W-2 wage limitation. Enter 50% of line 14 15 380

16 Enter the smaller of line 11 or line 15 16 390

17 Domestic production activities deduction from cooperatives. Enter deduction from Form
1099-PATR, box 6 17 510

18 Expanded affiliated group allocation (see instructions) 18 520

19 Domestic production activities deduction. Combine lines 16 through 18 and enter the result
here and on Form 1040, line 35; Form 1120, line 25; Form 1120-A, line 21; or the applicable
line of your return 19 530
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. B-194 Cat. No. 37712F Form 8903 (2005)
Printed on Recycled Paper
Form 8914 Exemption Amount for Taxpayers Housing

Not Available as of December 29, 2005

OMB No. 1545-0074

Form 8915 Qualified Hurricane Katrina Retirement

Plan Distributions and Repayments 2005
Department of the Treasury Attachment
 Attach to Form 1040, Form 1040A, or Form 1040NR.
Internal Revenue Service Sequence No. 156
Name. If married, file a separate form for each spouse required to file Form 8915. See instructions. Your social security number

Fill in Your Address Only Home address (number and street, or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to your home) Apt. no.
if You are Filing This 025
Form by Itself and Not City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code
With Your Tax Return 030 035 040

Part I Total Distributions From All Retirement Plans (Including IRAs) (See instructions.)
Complete lines 1 through 4 of one column
before going to the next column

o f (a)
Total distributions
for 2005
Qualified distributions
received after August 24,
Allocation of column (b)
(see instructions)

2005 (see instructions)

Distributions from retirement plans

f t 0 5 060




2 Distributions from traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs

r a
Distributions from Roth IRAs

/ 2
120 130 140

$100,000 D /05
Totals. Combine lines 1 through 3 in columns (a) and (b).
Complete column (c) only if line 4, column (b), is more than
150 160 100,000 00

If you completed column (c), enter the excess of the amount on line 4, column (a), over $100,000.

Otherwise, enter the excess of the amount on line 4, column (a), over the amount on line 4, column
(b). Report these distributions under the normal rules in accordance with the instructions for your
tax return or, if applicable, on line 21 of this form
Part II Qualified Hurricane Katrina Distributions From Retirement Plans (other than IRAs)
5 170

6 Enter the total amount of your qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions from retirement plans
received after August 24, 2005. If you completed Part I, column (c), do not enter more than the
amount from line 1, column (c). See instructions 6 180

7 Enter the applicable cost of distributions, if any. See instructions 7 190

8 Subtract line 7 from line 6 8 200

9 If you elect NOT to spread the taxable amount over 3 years, check this box 
and enter the amount from line 8. You must check this box if you check
the box on line 17. Otherwise, divide line 8 by 3.0 9 236

10 Enter the total amount of any repayments you made before filing your 2005 tax return. But do
not include repayments made later than the due date (including extensions) for that return.
See instructions 10 245

11 Amount subject to tax in 2005. Subtract line 10 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0-. Include
this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 16b; Form 1040A, line 12b; or Form 1040NR, line
17b 11 260
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 37726T Form 8915 (2005)

Form 8915 (2005) Page 2
Before you begin: Complete Form 8606, Nondeductible IRAs, if required.
Part III Qualified Hurricane Katrina Distributions From Traditional, SEP, SIMPLE, and Roth IRAs
12 Did you receive a qualified Hurricane Katrina distribution from a traditional, SEP, SIMPLE, or Roth
IRA that is required to be reported on Form 8606?
270 Yes. Go to line 13. 280 No. Skip lines 13 and 14, and go to line 15.
13 Enter the amount, if any, from Form 8606, line 15b 13 290
14 Enter the amount, if any, from Form 8606, line 25b 14 300
15 Enter the total amount of your qualified Hurricane Katrina distributions from IRAs received after
August 24, 2005, and not reported on Form 8606. If you completed Part I, column (c), do not
enter more than the amount from line 2, column (c). See instructions 15 310

16 Add lines 13, 14, and 15 16 340
17 If you elect NOT to spread the taxable amount over 3 years, check this box 

18 o
and enter the amount from line 16. You must check this box if you checked
the box on line 9. Otherwise, divide line 16 by 3.0

Enter the total amount of any repayments you made before filing your 2005 tax return. But do
17 356

not include any repayments made later than the due date (including extensions) for that
return. See instructions

t 0 5
19 Amount subject to tax in 2005. Subtract line 18 from line 17. If zero or less, enter -0-. Include

18 365

this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 15b; Form 1040A, line 11b; or Form 1040NR, line 16b 19 380

Part IV

r a
Before you begin: Complete Form 8606, Nondeductible IRAs, if required.

/ 2
Qualified Distributions for the Purchase or Construction of a Main Home
in the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Area

20 D /05
Complete this section only if you received a qualified distribution after February 28, 2005, and before August 29,
2005, and you did not purchase or construct the home due to Hurricane Katrina.
Did you receive a qualified distribution from a traditional, SEP, SIMPLE, or Roth IRA that is

required to be reported on Form 8606?

Yes. Complete lines 21 through 25 only if you had qualified distributions not required
to be reported on Form 8606.
400 No. Go to line 21.
21 Enter the total amount of qualified distributions you received after February 28, 2005, and before
August 29, 2005, for the purchase or construction of a main home. Do not include any amounts
reported on Form 8606. Also, do not include any distributions you reported on line 6 or line 15.
See instructions 21 410
22 Enter the applicable cost of distributions, if any. See instructions 22 420
23 Subtract line 22 from line 21 23 430
24 Enter the total amount of any repayments you made after August 24, 2005, and before March
1, 2006. Do not include any repayments treated as qualified rollovers on Form 8606. See
instructions 24 440
25 Taxable amount. Subtract line 24 from line 23 25 450
● If the distribution is from an IRA, include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 15b; Form 1040A, line 11b; or
Form 1040NR, line 16b.
● If the distribution is from a retirement plan (other than an IRA), include this amount in the total on Form 1040, line 16b;
Form 1040A, line 12b; or Form 1040NR, line 17b.
Note: You may be subject to an additional 10% tax on the amount on line 25. See instructions.

Signature. Complete only if you are filing this form by itself and not with your tax return.

Please Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Your signature Date

Check if self-
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Preparer’s Firm’s name (or yours EIN 
Use Only if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no. ( )

Form 8915 (2005)

Printed on Recycled Paper

Form T (Timber) Forest Activities Schedule OMB No. 1545-0007
(Rev. December 2005)  Attach to your tax return.  See separate instructions.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service For tax year ended , 20 . Sequence No. 117
Name(s) as shown on return Identifying number

Part I Acquisitions
1 Name of block and title of account
2 Location of property (by legal subdivisions or map surveys)
3a Name and address of seller or person from whom property was acquired b Date acquired
040 050 060 070 080 090

4 Amount paid: a In cash 100

b In interest-bearing notes 110
c In non-interest-bearing notes 120
5a Amount of other consideration

b Explain the nature of other consideration and how you determined the amount shown on line 5a.


@135 "STM nn"
6 Legal expenses

f t 0 5

r a
Cruising, surveying, and other acquisition expenses

/ 2 150

D /30
Total cost or other basis of property. Add lines 4a through 7


Cost or other
9 Allocation of total cost or other basis on books: Unit Number of units
basis per unit
Total cost or other basis

a Forested land
b Other unimproved land
c Improved land (describe) 0  225

*260 "STM nn" +270 +280 +290
d Merchantable timber. Estimate the quantity
of merchantable timber present on the 300 310 320 330
acquisition date (see Regulations section 340 350 360 370
1.611-3(e)). Details of the timber estimate, 380 390 400 410
made for purposes of the acquisition, should 420 430 440 450
be available if your return is examined.

460 470 480 490
*500 "STM nn" +510 +520 +530
e Premerchantable timber. Make an allocation
here only if it is a factor in the total cost or
540 550 560 570
value of the land. 580 590 600 610
620 630 640 650
f Improvements (list separately)
*660 "STM nn" *+670 "STM nn" +680 +690 +700
710 720 730 740 750
760 770 780 790 800
810 820 830 840 850
860 870 880 890 900
910 920 930 940 950
g Mineral rights 960 970 980 990
h Total cost or other basis (same amount as line 8). Add lines 9a through 9g @1005 "STM nn" 1000
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 16717G Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005)

Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005) Page 2
Part II Timber Depletion (see instructions)
1 Name of block and title of account  1030

If you express timber quantity in thousand board feet (MBF),

log scale, name the log rule used. If another unit of measure is
used, provide details 
*1040 "STM nn" Quantity
Cost or
other basis
*1045 "STM nn"
2 Estimated quantity of timber and cost or other basis returnable through depletion 1050 1060
at end of the preceding tax year
3 Increase or decrease of quantity of timber required by way of correction

4a Addition for growth (number of years covered )

1100 1110
b Transfers from premerchantable timber account

1120 1130
c Transfers from deferred reforestation account

t a 5
Timber acquired during tax year

f 0
1140 1150


6 Addition to capital during tax year

r a / 2
Total at end of tax year, before depletion. Add lines 2 through 6
1170 1180

D /30
8 Unit rate returnable through depletion, or basis of sales or losses. Divide line 7, 1190
column (b), by line 7, column (a)
9 Quantity of timber cut during tax year



0 8
Depletion for the current tax year. Multiply line 8 by line 9

Quantity of standing timber sold or otherwise disposed of during tax year

Allowable as basis of sale. Multiply line 8 by line 11



13 Quantity of standing timber lost by fire or other cause during tax year
14 Allowable basis of loss plus any excess amount where decrease in FMV (before
and after the casualty) exceeds the standard depletion amount, but not the 1250
block basis (see instructions)

15 Total reductions during tax year: 1260

a In column (a), add lines 9, 11, and 13
b In column (b), add lines 10, 12, and 14
16 Net quantity and value at end of tax year. In column (a), subtract line 15a from 1280 1290
line 7(a). In column (b), subtract line 15b from line 7(b)

17 Quantity of cut timber that was sold as logs or other rough products
18 Section 631(a): @1315 "STM nn" @1325 "STM nn" @1335 "STM nn" @1345, @1355, @1365 "STM nn"
a Are you electing, or have you made an election in a prior tax year that is in effect, to report gains or 1310 1370
losses from the cutting of timber under section 631(a)? (see instructions) Yes No
b Are you revoking your section 631(a) election? Yes No
1400 Effective date  1380 1390
Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005)

Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005) Page 3
Part III Profit or Loss From Land and Timber Sales (see instructions)
1 Name of block and title of account

2 Location of property (by legal subdivisions or map surveys)

3a Purchaser’s name and address b Date of sale
1450 1460 1470 1480 1490

4 Amount received: a In cash 1510

b In interest-bearing notes 1520
@1535 "STM nn" c In non-interest-bearing notes 1530
5a Amount of other consideration

o f
b Explain the nature of other consideration and how you determined the amount shown on line 5a:
@1545 "STM nn"

7 Cost or other basis of property:

a s
Total amount received for property. Add lines 4a, 4b, 4c, and 5a

5 Unit Number of units

Cost or other
Total cost or other basis

basis per unit

a Forested land
b Nonforested land

a f 0 0 Acre

r 2
c Improved land (describe)  1620 Acre

D 兵/30 /
1630 1640 1650
d Merchantable timber. Estimate in detail the
quantity of merchantable timber on the date +1680 +1690
of sale or exchange. Include the quantity of +1700 1710 1720 1730
timber in each species of timber by 1740 1750 1760 1770

diameter at breast height (DBH) classes.
State the log rule used if the unit of measure
1780 1790 1800 1810

is thousand board feet (MBF), log scale. If 1820 1830 1840 1850
another unit of measure is used, provide 1860 1870 1880 1890
details.  1900 1910 1920 1930
1940 1950 1960 1970
1980 1990 2000 2010
*1665 "STM nn" 2020 2030 2040 2050
*+1670 "STM nn" 2060 2070 2080 2090

2110 2100 2120 2130 2140
*2150 "STM nn" +2160 +2170 +2180 2190 2200
2210 2260 2220 2230 2240 2250
e Premerchantable timber 2270 2280 2290 2300
2320 2330 2340

f Improvements (list separately) +2370 +2380 +2390 2400

*2350 "STM nn" 2410 2420 2430 2440
*+2360 "STM nn" 2450 2460 2470 2480
2490 2500 2510 2520
2530 2540 2550 2560
2570 2580 2590 2595
g Mineral rights 2600 2610 2620 2630
h Total cost or other basis. Add lines 7a through 7g 2640
i Direct sale expenses (cruising, marking, selling) 2650

8 Profit or loss. Subtract the sum of lines 7h and 7i from line 6 2660
Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005)

Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005) Page 4
Part IV Reforestation and Timber Stand Activities (see instructions)
Kind of activity (burning, chopping,
Account, block, tract, area, or stand ID for each Number of Total
spraying, planting, seeding, thinning,
Qualified Timber Property (QTP) acres treated expenditures
pruning, fertilizing, etc.)

1 *2690 "STM nn" *+2700 "STM nn" +2710 +2720

2730 2740 2750 2760

2770 2780 2790 2800


o f 2820

2830 2840

2870 2880

a 5
2890 2900 2910 2920


a f t 0 0 2940 2950 2960



2 Total

D /30
Total reforestation expenses
4a Amount to be expensed under section 194(b).
(See instructions for limitations)
b Amount to be amortized under IRC 194(a), including remaining reforestation
2990 3000


expenditures not expensed under section 194(b)

Part V Land Ownership
Show all changes in land accounts. Attach as many additional sheets as needed, following the format of lines 1 through 6.

Total cost
or other basis. Give
1 Name of block and title of account  3050 Acres amount of March 1,
Average rate
per acre
1913 appreciation, if

3060 3070 3080

2 Balance at beginning of year
3090 3100 3110
3 Acquisitions during year
3120 3130 3140
4 Sales during year

3150 3160 3170

5 Other changes

3180 3190 3200

6 Balance at end of year. Add lines 2 and 3, subtract line 4 and
add or subtract line 5
Additional Information.
@3205 "STM nn"

B-201 Form T (Timber) (Rev. 12-2005)

Authentication Record
This record is included with IRS e-file and On-Line returns for taxpayers that use the
PINs instead of Form 8453 or 8453-OL. The following illustrate the fields by their form
field (SEQ nnnn) numbers, just like the preceding forms and schedules. This exhibit is
useful in correcting reject conditions in acknowledgement files for this record.

PIN Type Code 008

Primary Date of Birth Y Y Y Y M M D D 010

Primary Prior Year AGI 020

Primary Taxpayer Signature (PIN)

Spouse Date of Birth Y Y Y Y M M D D 040

Spouse Prior Year AGI 050

Spouse Signature (PIN) 065

Taxpayer Signature Date Y Y Y Y M M D D 070

Jurat/Disclosure Code 075

PIN Authorization Code 080


Signature of Preparer Other Than Taxpayer

Signature Explanation
Fiduciary Name (1)
Fiduciary Title (1)
Fiduciary Name (2)
Fiduciary Title (2)

Allocation Record

This record is included with IRS e-file and Online returns for taxpayers that use the
Married Filing Separate filing status in community property states. The following illustrate
the fields by their form field (SEQ nnnn) numbers, just like the preceding forms and
schedules. This exhibit is used in correcting reject conditions in acknowledgement files
for this record.



















Total Rents / Royalties/ 190
Partnership / Estates / Trusts

Husband Rents / Royalties / 200

Partnership / Estates / Trusts

Wife Rents / Royalties / 210

Partnership / Estate / Trust

Total Other Income 220

Husband Other Income 230

Wife Other Income 240

Total Income 250

Husband Total Income 260

Wife Total Income 270

Total Payments 280

Husband Payments 290

Wife Payments 300

Form Payment Record
This record is included with IRS e-file and On-Line returns for taxpayers that elect to
pay their balances due by electronic withdrawal. The following illustrates the fields by
their form field (SEQ nnnn) numbers, just like the preceding forms and schedules. This
exhibit is useful in correcting reject conditions in acknowledgement files for this record.

Primary SSN
Secondary SSN
Routing Transit Number
Bank Account Number
Type of Account  1 = Checking; 2 = Savings
Amount of Tax Payment
1040E; 1040A; 1040Z; 1040S;
Tax Type Code  4868E; 2350E; 0709P; 0709S

Requested Payment Date Y Y Y Y M M D D

Taxpayer’s Daytime Phone Number

Form 9465
(Rev. November 2005)
Installment Agreement Request
OMB No. 1545-0074
 If you are filing this form with your tax return, attach it to the
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service front of the return. Otherwise, see instructions.
Caution: Do not file this form if you are currently making payments on an installment agreement. Instead, call 1-800-829-1040.
If you are in bankruptcy or we have accepted your offer-in-compromise, see Bankruptcy or offer-in-compromise on
page 2.
1 Your first name and initial Last name 015 Your social security number
010 020
If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name 035 Spouse’s social security number

030 040
Your current address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box and no home delivery, enter your box number. Apt. number
050 060
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If a foreign address, enter city, province or state, and country. Follow the country’s practice for entering the
postal code. 070 080 090
2 If this address is new since you filed your last tax return, check here  100

3 ( ) 110 120 4 ( ) 130 140 155

Your home phone number Best time for us to call Your work phone number Ext. Best time for us to call
5 Name of your bank or other financial institution: 6 Your employer’s name:
160 210
Address Address
170 220
City, state, and ZIP code City, state, and ZIP code
180 190 200 230 240 250
7 Enter the tax return for which you are making this request (for example, Form 1040)  260

8 Enter the tax year for which you are making this request (for example, 2005)  270

9 Enter the total amount you owe as shown on your tax return (or notice) 9 280

10 Enter the amount of any payment you are making with your tax return (or notice). See instructions 10 290
11 Enter the amount you can pay each month. Make your payments as large as possible to limit
interest and penalty charges. The charges will continue until you pay in full 11 300
12 Enter the date you want to make your payment each month. Do not enter a date later than the 28th  310
13 If you want to make your payments by electronic funds withdrawal from your checking account, see the instructions and fill in lines 13a
and 13b. This is the most convenient way to make your payments and it will ensure that they are made on time.
 a Routing number 330
 b Account number 340
I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate a monthly ACH electronic funds withdrawal entry to
the financial institution account indicated for payments of my federal taxes owed, and the financial institution to debit the entry
to this account. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent to terminate
the authorization. To revoke payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-800-829-1040 no later than 7
business days prior to the payment (settlement) date. I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the
electronic payments of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to
the payments.
Your signature Date Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date
380 390
or credit card payment. If you have any questions about this
General Instructions request, call 1-800-829-1040.
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code. If you do not wish to enter into an installment agreement
on Form 9465, the IRS offers alternative payment options.
Purpose of Form Some of these options that you may qualify for are:
Use Form 9465 to request a monthly installment plan if you ● 120 day extension to pay, and
cannot pay the full amount you owe shown on your tax ● Payroll deduction installment ageement.
return (or on a notice we sent you). Generally, you can have For information on these and other methods of payment,
up to 60 months to pay. In certain circumstances, you can call 1-800-829-1040.
have longer to pay or your agreement can be approved for Guaranteed installment agreement. Your request for an
an amount that is less than the amount of tax you owe. But installment agreement cannot be turned down if the tax you
before requesting an installment agreement, you should owe is not more than $10,000 and all three of the following
consider other less costly alternatives, such as a bank loan apply.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 14842Y Form 9465 (Rev. 11-2005)
Form 56
(Rev. July 2004)
Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship OMB No. 1545-0013
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (Internal Revenue Code sections 6036 and 6903)

Part I Identification
Name of person for whom you are acting (as shown on the tax return) Identifying number Decedent’s social security no.
010 030 040
Address of person for whom you are acting (number, street, and room or suite no.)
City or town, state, and ZIP code (If a foreign address, see instructions.)

060 070 080 090 100 110 120

Fiduciary’s name
Address of fiduciary (number, street, and room or suite no.)
City or town, state, and ZIP code Telephone number (optional)

160 170 180 190 200 210 220 ( ) 225 230

Part II Authority

1 Authority for fiduciary relationship. Check applicable box:

240 a(1) Will and codicils or court order appointing fiduciary (2) Date of death 250
260 b(1) Court order appointing fiduciary (2) Date (see instructions) 270
280 c Valid trust instrument and amendments
290 d Other. Describe  300

Part III Nature of Liability and Tax Notices

2 Type of tax (estate, gift, generation-skipping transfer, income, excise, etc.)  310
3 Federal tax form number (706, 1040, 1041, 1120, etc.)  320
4 Year(s) or period(s) (if estate tax, date of death)  330 332 334 340 342 344 350
5 If the fiduciary listed in Part I is the person to whom notices and other written communications should be sent for all items
described on lines 2, 3, and 4, check here  351
6 If the fiduciary listed in Part I is the person to whom notices and other written communications should be sent for some (but not all)
of the items described on lines 2, 3, and 4, check here  352 and list the applicable Federal tax form number and the year(s) or
period(s) applicable 353 354 355 356 357 358 359

Part IV Revocation or Termination of Notice

Section A—Total Revocation or Termination
7 Check this box if you are revoking or terminating all prior notices concerning fiduciary relationships on file with the Internal
Revenue Service for the same tax matters and years or periods covered by this notice concerning fiduciary relationship  360
Reason for termination of fiduciary relationship. Check applicable box:
370 a Court order revoking fiduciary authority
380 b Certificate of dissolution or termination of a business entity
390 c Other. Describe  400
Section B—Partial Revocation
8a Check this box if you are revoking earlier notices concerning fiduciary relationships on file with the Internal Revenue Service for
the same tax matters and years or periods covered by this notice concerning fiduciary relationship  410
b Specify to whom granted, date, and address, including ZIP code.
 420 425 430 440 450 460 462

Section C—Substitute Fiduciary

9 Check this box if a new fiduciary or fiduciaries have been or will be substituted for the revoking or terminating fiduciary and
specify the name(s) and address(es), including ZIP code(s), of the new fiduciary(ies)  470
 480 482 485 487 490 492

For Paperwork Reduction Act and Privacy Act Notice, see back page. B-207 Cat. No. 16375I Form 56 (Rev. 7-2004)
Form 56 (Rev. 7-2004) Page 2
Part V Court and Administrative Proceedings
Name of court (if other than a court proceeding, identify the type of proceeding and name of agency) Date proceeding initiated
500 503 508 510
Address of court Docket number of proceeding
520 530
City or town, state, and ZIP code Date Time a.m. Place of other proceedings
540 550 560 570 580 p.m. 590

Part VI Signature
I certify that I have the authority to execute this notice concerning fiduciary relationship on behalf of the taxpayer.

 Fiduciary’s signature
Title, if applicable

Form 56 (Rev. 7-2004)

Application for Extension of Time OMB No. 1545-0074
Form 2350 To File U.S. Income Tax Return
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
For U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad Who Expect To Qualify for Special Tax Treatment
 See instructions on page 3.
Please Your first name and initial Last name 020 Your social security number
print or
type. 010 030
If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name 050 Spouse’s social security number
040 060
File by
the due Home address (number and street)
date for 070 110
City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or ZIP code)
return. 080 090 100 120 130 150
Please fill in the Return Label at the bottom of this page.

1 I request an extension of time until 160 to file my income tax return for the calendar year 2005,

or other tax year ending 170 , because my tax home is in a foreign country and I expect to qualify
for special tax treatment by meeting the “bona fide residence test” or the “physical presence test” (see instructions).
2 Were you previously granted an extension of time to file for this tax year? 180 Yes No 190
3 Will you need additional time to allocate moving expenses? 200 Yes No 210

4a Date you first arrived in the foreign country 220

b Date qualifying period begins 230 ; ends 240

c Your foreign home address 250

d Date you expect to return to the United States 260

Note. This is not an extension of time to pay tax. Full payment is required to avoid interest and late payment charges.
5 Enter the amount of income tax paid with this form  5 270
Signature and Verification
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief,
it is true, correct, and complete; and, if prepared by someone other than the taxpayer, that I am authorized to prepare this form.

Signature of taxpayer  330 Date 

Signature of spouse  340 Date 

Signature of preparer
other than taxpayer  350 360 Date  355
Please fill in the Return Label below with your name, address, and social security number. The IRS will complete the Notice to Applicant and
return it to you. If you want it sent to another address or to an agent acting for you, enter the other address and add the agent’s name.

(Do not detach)

We have approved your application.
We have not approved your application.
Notice to However, we have granted a 45-day grace period to . This grace period is
Applicant considered a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return.
We have not approved your application. After considering the above information, we cannot grant your
To Be request for an extension of time to file. We are not granting a 45-day grace period.
We cannot consider your application because it was filed after the due date of your return.
by the IRS

Director Date
Taxpayer’s name (and agent’s name, if applicable). If a joint return, also give spouse’s name. Taxpayer’s social security number
(Please print or type)

370 380 470

Return Label

Number and street (include suite, room, or apt. no.) or P.O. box number Spouse’s social security number
390 430 480
City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or ZIP code) Agents:
400 410 440 450 460 Always include taxpayer’s name on Return Label.

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4.
B-209 Cat. No. 11780H Form 2350 (2005)
OMB No. 1545-0074
Application for Automatic Extension of Time
Form 4868
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (99)
To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 2005
What’s New E-file and Pay by Credit
● You can now use Form 4868 to obtain an automatic 6-month
2 Card
extension (generally 4 months if you are “out of the country”). You can get an extension if you pay part or all of your estimate
You no longer need to file Form 2688 for an additional extension of income tax due by using a credit card (American Express®
of time. See General Instructions on page 2. Card, Discover® Card, MasterCard® card, or Visa® card). Your
● If you are “out of the country” and are a U.S. citizen or payment must be at least $1. You can pay by phone or over the
resident, you must check the box on line 8. See When To File Internet through one of the service providers listed below.
Form 4868 on page 2 and the instructions for line 8 on page 3. Each service provider will charge a convenience fee based on
the amount of the tax payment you are making. Fees may vary
between service providers. You will be told what the fee is
It’s Convenient, during the transaction and will have the option to continue or
cancel the transaction. You can also obtain the convenience fee
Safe, and Secure by calling the providers’ toll-free automated customer service
IRS e-file is the IRS’s electronic filing program. You can get an numbers or visiting their websites. Do not add the convenience
automatic extension of time to file your tax return by filing Form fee to your tax payment.
4868 electronically. You will receive an electronic
Link2Gov Corporation Official Payments Corporation
acknowledgment once you complete the transaction. Keep it
with your records. Do not send in Form 4868 if you file 1-888-PAY-1040sm 1-800-2PAY-TAXsm
electronically. (1-888-729-1040) (1-800-272-9829)
1-888-658-5465 (Customer Service) 1-877-754-4413 (Customer Service)
Complete Form 4868 to use as a worksheet. If you think you
may owe tax when you file your return, you will need to estimate
your total tax liability and subtract how much you have already
paid (lines 4, 5, and 6 below). Confirmation number. You will receive a confirmation number
If you think you may owe tax and wish to make a payment, when you pay by credit card. Enter the confirmation number
you can pay by electronic funds withdrawal using option 1 or below and keep for your records.
you can pay by credit card using option 2. See 1 and 2 on this
page for details. Enter confirmation number here 
E-file Using Your Personal
1 Computer or Through a Tax File a Paper Form 4868
Professional If you wish to file on paper instead of electronically, fill in the
Refer to your tax software package or tax preparer for ways to Form 4868 below and mail it to the address shown on
file electronically. Be sure to have a copy of your 2004 tax page 4. If you are a fiscal year taxpayer, you must file a paper
return—you will be asked to provide information from the return Form 4868.
for taxpayer verification. If you wish to make a payment, you can
pay by electronic funds withdrawal (see page 4) or send your
payment to the address shown in the middle column under
Where To File a Paper Form 4868 on page 4.


4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 2005
Internal Revenue Service For calendar year 2005, or other tax year beginning , 2005, ending , 200 .
Caution: Incorrect or missing information may cause a delay in processing.
Part I Identification Part II Individual Income Tax
1 Your name(s) (see instructions) 010
4 Estimate of total tax liability for 2005 $ 120
Address (see instructions) 5 Total 2005 payments 130
032 040
City, town, or post office State ZIP code 080 6 Balance due. Subtract line 5 from line
4 (see instructions) 140
034 036 050 060 070
2 Your social security number 3 Spouse’s social security number 7 Amount you are paying (see instructions)  150
8 Check here if you are “out of the country” and a U.S. 160
090 100 citizen or resident 

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. B-210 Cat. No. 13141W Form 4868 (2005)
Presorted Standard
Postage and Fees Paid
C4-236 NCFB Internal Revenue Service
5000 Ellin Road Permit No. G-48
Lanham, MD 20706

Official Business
Penalty for Private Use, $300

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

w w w . i r s . g o v

Publication 1345A (Rev.12-05)

Catalog Number 15713E

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