Tukey's Honestly Signi Cant Difierence (HSD) Test:, Including

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Tukey's Honestly Signiflcant Difierence (HSD) Test



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In Neil Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design.
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Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test

Hervé Abdi · Lynne J. Williams

1 Overview
When an analysis of variance (anova) gives a significant result, this indicates
that at least one group differs from the other groups. Yet, the omnibus test does
not inform on the pattern of differences between the means. In order to analyze
the pattern of difference between means, the anova is often followed by specific
comparisons, and the most commonly used involves comparing two means (the so
called “pairwise comparisons”).

An easy and frequently used pairwise comparison technique was developed by

Tukey under the name of the honestly significant difference (hsd) test. The main
idea of the hsd is to compute the honestly significant difference (i.e., the hsd)
between two means using a statistical distribution defined by Student and called
the q distribution. This distribution gives the exact sampling distribution of the
largest difference between a set of means originating from the same population.
All pairwise differences are evaluated using the same sampling distribution used
for the largest difference. This makes the hsd approach quite conservative.

Hervé Abdi
The University of Texas at Dallas
Lynne J. Williams
The University of Toronto Scarborough
Address correspondence to:
Hervé Abdi
Program in Cognition and Neurosciences, MS: Gr.4.1,
The University of Texas at Dallas,
Richardson, TX 75083–0688, USA
E-mail: [email protected] http://www.utd.edu/∼herve
2 Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test

2 Notations
The data to be analyzed comprise A groups, a given group is denoted a. The
number of observations of the a-th group is denoted Sa . If all groups have the
same size it is denoted S. The total number of observations is denoted N . The
mean of Group a is denoted Ma+ . Obtained form a preliminary anova, the error
source (i.e., within group) is denoted S(A), the effect (i.e., between group) is
denoted A. The mean square of error is denoted MSS(A) and the mean square of
effect is denoted MSA .

3 Least significant difference

The rationale behind the hsd technique comes from the the observation that, when
the null hypothesis is true, the value of the q statistics evaluating the difference
between Groups a and a0 is equal to

Ma+ − Ma0 +
q=s µ ¶ , (1)
1 1 1
MSS(A) +
2 Sa Sa0

and follows, a studentized range q distribution with a range of A and N −A degrees

of freedom. The ratio t would therefore be declared significant at a given α level
if the value of q is larger than the critical value for the α level obtained from the
q distribution and denoted qA, α where ν = N − A is the number of degrees of
freedom of the error, and A is the range (i.e., the number of groups). This value
can be obtained from a table of the Studentized range distribution. Rewriting
Equation 1 shows that a difference between the means of Group a and a0 will be
significant if
s µ ¶
1 1 1
|Ma+ − Ma0 + | > hsd = qA, α MSS(A) + (2)
2 Sa Sa0

When there is an equal number of observation per group, Equation 2 can be

simplified as: r
hsd = qA, α (3)

In order to evaluate the difference between the means of Groups a and a0 , we

take the absolute value of the difference between the means and compare it to the
value of hsd. If
|Ma+ − Ma0 + | ≥ hsd , (4)

Table 1 Results for a fictitious replication of Loftus & Palmer (1974) in miles per hour

Contact Hit Bump Collide Smash

21 23 35 44 39
20 30 35 40 44
26 34 52 33 51
46 51 29 45 47
35 20 54 45 50
13 38 32 30 45
41 34 30 46 39
30 44 42 34 51
42 41 50 49 39
26 35 21 44 55

M.+ 30 35 38 41 46

then the comparison is declared significant at the chosen α-level (usually .05 or
A(A − 1)
.01). Then this procedure is repeated for all comparisons.
Note that hsd has less power than almost all other post-hoc comparison meth-
ods (e.g., Fisher’s lsd or Newmann-Keuls) except the Sheffé approach and the
Bonferonni method because the α level for each difference between means is set at
the same level as the largest difference.

4 Example
In a series of experiments on eyewitness testimony, Elizabeth Loftus wanted to
show that the wording of a question influenced witnesses’ reports. She showed
participants a film of a car accident, then asked them a series of questions. Among
the questions was one of five versions of a critical question asking about the speed
the vehicles were traveling:
1. How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?
2. How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?
3. How fast were the cars going when they collided with each other?
4. How fast were the cars going when they bumped each other?
5. How fast were the cars going when they contacted each other?

The data from a fictitious replication of Loftus’ experiment are shown in Table 1.
We have A = 4 groups and S = 10 participants per group.

The anova found an effect of the verb used on participants’ responses. The
anova table is shown in Table 2.
4 Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test

Table 2 anova results for the replication of Loftus and Palmer (1974).

Source df SS MS F P r(F )

Between: A 4 1,460.00 365.00 4.56 .0036

Error: S(A) 45 3,600.00 80.00

Total 49 5,060.00

Table 3 Hsd. Difference between means and significance of pairwise comparisions from the (fictitious) replication
of Loftus and Palmer (1974). Differences larger than 11.37 are significant at the α = .05 level and are indicated
with ∗ , differences larger than 13.86 are significant at the α = .01 level and are indicated with ∗∗ .

Experimental Group
M1.+ M2.+ M3.+ M4.+ M5.+
Contact Hit 1 Bump Collide Smash
30 35 38 41 46

M1.+ = 30 Contact 0.00 5.00 ns 8.00 ns 11.00 ns 16.00∗∗

M2.+ = 35 Hit 0.00 3.00 ns 6.00 ns 11.00 ns
M3.+ = 38 Bump 0.00 3.00 ns 8.00 ns
M4.+ = 41 Collide 0.00 5.00 ns
M5.+ = 46 Smash 0.00

For an α level of .05, the value of q.05,A is equal to 4.02 and the hsd for these
data is computed as:
MSS(A) √
hsd = qα,A = 4.02 × 8 = 11.37 . (5)
The value of q.01,A = 4.90, and a similar computation will √ show that, for these
data, the hsd for an α level of .01, is equal to hsd = 4.90 × 8 = 13.86.

For example, the difference between Mcontact+ and Mhit+ is declared non sig-
nificant because

|Mcontact+ − Mhit+ | = |30 − 35| = 5 < 11.37 . (6)

The differences and significance of all pairwise comparisons are shown in Table 3.

Related entries
Analysis of variance, Bonferroni procedure, Fisher’s least significant difference
(lsd) test, Multiple comparison test, Newman-Keuls test, Pairwise comparisons,
Post-hoc comparisons, Scheffe’s test.
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Further readings
Abdi, H., Edelman, B., Valentin, D., & Dowling, W.J. (2009). Experimental Design
and Analysis for Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hayter, A.J. (1986). The maximum familywise error rate of Fisher’s least signifi-
cant difference test. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81, 1001–
Seaman, M.A., Levin, J.R., & Serlin, R.C. (1991). New developments in pairwise
multiple comparisons some powerful and practicable procedures. Psychological
Bulletin, 110, 577–586.

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