Aim To Top Review and Training Center

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Aim To Top Review and Training Center

NAME:___________________________________ DATE:__________ 12. A direct teaching activity that allows students to imitate from demonstration
or infer from observation the behavior to be learned.
a. Lecturing c. Modeling
MAPEH b. Discovering d. Inquiring
13. After discussing the parts of the body that are important in making
ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION movements, Miss Garcia proceeded to the next activity for her to find out
1. When you include the physical fitness levels, physical skills, knowledge, how aware her students are with their body. “Find a way to make your body
socio-emotional behaviors, and attitudes toward the activity in your crooked”, she said. There were many elicited responses. This teaching
teaching style, it means that you are analyzing the style of teaching in terms style is a type of-
of – a. Guided Discovery c. Creative Work
a. Teacher planning and set up b. Movement Interpretation d. Exploration
b. Student behavior during the lesson ON HEALTH EDUCATION
c. Teacher behavior during the lesson 14. The following are postulates of successful teaching EXCEPT
d. Student outcome variable a. The most important factor in the educational process is the teacher
2. A direct teaching activity that allows students to imitate from demonstration b. There is no one best way to teach
or infer from observation the behavior to be learned. c. Adherence to the diagnostic/prescriptive approach is essential
a. Lecturing c. Modeling d. The most important factor in the educational process is the student
b. Discovering d. Inquiring 15. As a health educator, Miss Cruz is in-charge of the school clinic the
3. After discussing the parts of the body that are important in making absence of a school nurse and physician. She gives first aid to students and
movements, Miss Garcia proceeded to the next activity for her to find out teachers who encounter minor injuries, sends students to the nearest health
how aware her students are with their body. “Find a way to make your body center when needed, and assists the MAPEH teachers in appraising the
crooked”, she said. There were many elicited responses. This teaching nutritional status of the students by taking their height and weight. Which role
style is a type of- of Miss Cruz was not mentioned as a part of the school health team?
a. Guided Discovery c. Creative Work a. Counseling c. Referrals
b. Movement Interpretation d. Exploration b. Screening d. Coordination
4. For the station approach in a task style of teaching, the following are 16. Mr. dela Cruz is planning to demonstrate the ill effects of cigarette smoking
considered , EXCEPT- to a person’s health. Which of the following strategy is best suited to
a. Use task cards and tape them on the wall or to boundary cones or achieve his objectives?
place them on the floor. a. Shield Activity c. Dilemma Stories
b. Give a copy of the tasks on a sheet of paper to take them to each b. Experiment d. Open-ended statements
station. 17. Verbal and Discussion –Oriented strategies have been proven effective in
c. The tasks should cover all the basic skills of an activity. health instruction except for topics in
d. Give an in-depth lecture on the tasks, and then proceed to the a. Family Planning c. First Aid
activity. b. Drug Education d.
5. In using the convergent style of teaching, which of the following is a Consumer Health
complex problem? 18. Teacher Joyce is using socialized recitation to motivate students to speak
a. What are the different ways of tossing the volleyball to your spiker? out their views about early marriage. When she called Mario to stand-up
b. How can you make your back as close as possible to the floor with and give his view, he stuttered. Teacher Joyce did not give up and waited
your legs on the air? until Mario was able to give his view. The interval between asking a
c. What is the best offensive solution when a defender is playing a very question and the student’s response is referred to as
tight defense in basketball? a. Directing c. commenting/praising
d. In shot put, what is the best angle of release for maximum distance? b. probing d. wait-time
6. Ms. Lopez was successful in dealing with exploration when she taught 19. A group of students are planning to address the garbage problem in their
movement skills in her class. When asked how she did it, she answered “ I community. During their brainstorming several measures were suggested
took advantage of the students’ love of movement experimentation and by all the members. Soon after, they divided the work among themselves to
allowed among them the free exercise of natural curiosity. Above all, I accomplish the task. Which of the following techniques is illustrated in this
avoided something that will lead them to imitation and noncreative type of activity?
behavior.” What did Ms. Lopez avoid? a. limited exploration style
a. Encouraging, clarifying, and answering questions individually. b. unlimited exploration style
b. Demonstrations and praising results early. c. problem-solving style
c. Motivating efforts, since the student is responsible for being self- d. cooperative learning style
directed learner. 20. Most school systems have access to educational television programs.
d. Offering the students opportunity for self-direction in small doses. These include “Bayani”, “Sine Eskwela”. “National Geographic ”,and the
7. Which of the following subject matters can creative work be applied? like. To which type of Media instruction do they fall?
a. Folk dance c. Social dance a. Television and videotape
b. Interpretative dance d. Square dance b. Computer-Assisted Instruction
8. After all the physical activities have been done in the class, Mr. Robles c. Records and Tape Recording
assessed the affective learning of his students. Which of the following d. Films and slides
assessment procedure did Mr. Robles possibly use? 21. Good places for health-related field trips away from the school include the
a. Journal entries to monitor feelings following except
b. Paper-and-pencil test a. local health department
c. Peer assessment b. resort facilities
d. Performance checklist c. a food processing plant
9. If the physical education teacher is assessing the students’ ability to skip d. sewage treatment facility
with a mature movement pattern, he is using – 22. To personalize health concepts, students must relate to health instruction
a. Physical fitness test from the affective domain. An excellent strategy for achieving this goal is
b. cognitive assessment through the use of
c. Psychomotor skill assessment a. verbal and discussion-oriented strategies
d. Affective assessment b. values clarification strategies
10. What is the responsibility of the physical education teacher in an inquiry c. action-oriented strategies
instruction? d. use of media
a. Helps the students converge on one right answer. 23. The class of Mr. Reyes is composed of drop-outs and regular students
b. Stimulates the students’ curiosity about the subject matter to enhance whose age ranges from 16 to30 years old. What could be a better way of
their involvement. organizing them for a team project?
c. Explains and demonstrates the activity. a. group them according to age so they can work well
d. Command and tell students to imitate. b. let them select their own group so they will not have a problem
11. When you include the physical fitness levels, physical skills, knowledge, c. mix them in a group for cooperative learning
socio-emotional behaviors, and attitudes toward the activity in your d. let them work as one group with the teacher as the facilitator
teaching style, it means that you are analyzing the style of teaching in terms 24. Miss Santos wants to reinforce health concepts through vocabulary
of – building. Which of the following can she include as part of her activities?
a. Teacher planning and set up a. Bulletin boards c. Debate
b. Student behavior during the lesson b. Lecture-discussion d. Crossword puzzles
c. Teacher behavior during the lesson 25. In order to present clearly the different systems of the body, which of the
d. Student outcome variable following can Teacher Tess prepare for her lecture?
a. flip chart c. overlays

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

b. specimens d. exhibits- a. Quadrille c. Cotillion

International Folk Dance and Other Dance Forms b. Waltz d. Polka
26. Primitive developed ritual dance actions for every event in his life and in 44. The dance that provided a release from wartime pressures.
every community’s life. This primitive dance imitate the thunder by beating a. Jitterbugging c. Discoing
the drums, and pointing to the heavens while dancers carry jointed sticks to b. Boogie-Woogieing d. Break dancing
portray lightning. 45. This dance was possibly the simplest dance ever introduced into the
a. Abstract dance c. Rain dance ballroom.
b. Funeral dance d. Weaving dance a. Mazurka c. Galop
27. Bharata Natyam is the oldest dance in the world, originally performed in the b. Virginia Reel d. Schottische
temples of India. It combines rhythmically complicated dancing with Hindu 46. John Philip Sousa, the King of March produced many popular marches.
legends told in song and pantomime. Like other Indian dance forms, this This dance was basically a marching step with interpolated skips became
temple dance uses hand gestures that have recognized meanings that popular.
often stand for animals, plants, or feelings. This hand gestures are called a. One-step c. Twist
______. b. Boston Two-step d. Mambo
a. Natya c. Nritya 47. The basic technique of this so-called “a new form of sexual display typified
b. Mudras d. Nritta by the gigolo image of the sultry Southern male was accepted by the public
28. One of the rare indications about the earliest and unique dance has to do in 1930.
with the use of a long sleeve known as “water sleeve” as a technical and a. Rumba c. Barn dance
expressive side of the dance and appears to be part of shamanistic b. Samba d. Rock n’ Roll
worship. Sleeve dancing was widespread in ______. 48. The timing effect “Slow Slow Quick Quick Slow “ can be dance
a. China c. Korea counted as-
b. Burma d. Indonesia a. 1 and, 2, 3, 4 c. 1, 2, 3 and, 4
29. This term also known as Mill or Wheel Right and Left. b. 1, 2 and, 3, 4 d. 1, 2 and, 3, 4 and
a. Allemande Right and left 49. Ballroom tango originated among the lower classes in Buenos Aires,
b. Star Right and Left Argentina during the 19th century. What do you call the resulting dance
c. Grand Right and Left when the original rhythm of the Tango was substituted to habanera rhythm
d. Cadena to produce a more dreamy effect.
30. Break Legs is executed in a 24 time music and the counting is – a. Candombe c. Contradanza
a. 1 and 2 and c. 1 2 b. Milonga d. Baile con Corte
b. 1 and 2 d. 1 2 and 50. One of the most spirited pioneers of modern dance who did not permit
31. Which of the following dance step is inherent in the dance ARKADSKY? scenery onstage which might draw attention from her dancing, ignored the
a. Hopsa c. Mazurka formal, set movements of ballet.
b. Prysiadka d. Rubber Legs a. Ruth St. Dennis c. Isadora Duncan
32. If you are to execute two (2) Varsouvienne steps moving forward, how b. Doris Humphrey d. Martha Graham
many measure will it take to complete the execution? 51. This Japanese word means play and was believed to be the main idea of
a. 1 measure c. 3 measures Oriental Dances.
b. 2 measures d. 4 measures a. Hara Kiri c. Asobi
33. A Lithuanian occupational dance which means “little smith” where the b. Sakura d. Kabuki
clapping of the hands suggest the hammer and the anvil of the blacksmith. 52. In the ethnic tradition of Philippine dance, what dances transform defenses
a. Kalvelis c. Oyda and livelihood activities to celebratory dances?
b. Horra Arabi d. Highland Fling a. Life-cycle dances c. Imitative dances
34. Half-foot circle in the air with the L ( R) footand leap sideward (ct. 1), slide R b. Occupational dances d. Ritual dances
(L),slide R (L) to fourth position (ct. 2), cut R (L) forward with the L ( R ) foot 53. Kalvelis is an occupational dance where the clapping of the hands suggest
(ct. 3). This is the step pattern for – the hammer and the anvil of the blacksmith. Kalvelis means –
a. Varsouvienne step c. Rheinlander step a. Little cockroach c. Little smith
b. Pas de Basque step d. Hopsa step b. Drop d. Little Russia
35. The couple’s original position in a set. 54. This was a lively dance in triple meter that gained popularity during the time
a. Corner position c. Home position of King Louis XIV, the Sun King. The small steps were essential part of the
b. Opposite position d. Costado dance.
36. The European folk dances contain memories and references to religious or a. Courante c. Sarabande
magical dances. These dances are traces of the ancient worship of the sun. b. Pavane d. Minuet
a. Maypole dances c. Ring dances 55. The Dutch step is executed in 34 time signature, and the step pattern is –
b. Bonfire dances d. Sword dances a. Slide Cut Hop
37. The dance Samba is innately – b. Heel-place Close
a. an Argentinian dance c. a Cuban dance c. Step Heel-brush Hop
b. a Spanish dance d. a Brazilian dance d. Deep-knee Bend Jump (feet apart)
38. It is an affection term used in Mexico for wives. 56. In 1900, this jerky Negro rhythms challenged the smoothly gliding waltz.
a. Costilla c. Jarabe tapatio a. Cakewalk c. Jitterbug
b. Baile d. Zapateado b. Bunny Hug d. Boogie-Woogie
39. When the free foot is place toward the supporting foot, by pressing the toes 57. This dance epitomized the freedom and wildness of the 1920s.
against the floor as the close is made., with or without transfer of weight, a. Lindy c. Charleston
the term is called – b. Break Dance d. Disco
a. Draw c. Tap 58. What dance imitated of the bull fight which stemmed from Spain but was
b. Point d. Cross refined for the ballroom in the Southern region in France, The man
40. Which of the following dances originated in Hungary? represents the matador, the lady his cape.
a. Puttjenter c. Cshebogar a. Paso Doble c. Mambo
b. Rheinlander For Three d. Tropanka b. Samba d. Swing
41. What makes Russian polka distinct from other polkas? 59. What is the “capital” of the ballet world as established by the Ballet
a. There is the hop on count and of the previous measure. Comique de la Reine which was considered to be the first ballet with
b. There is an inward foot circle on the air and a hop on count and of the spectacular costumes and scenery to impress the audience, ran for 51/2
previous measure hours performed in 1581 in honor of a royal wedding?
c. There is the heel brushing first on count and of the previous measure a. Italy c. United States
before putting weight on it. b. Germany d. Paris
d. There is the heel-place in front and a toe touch in rear. 60. The 1 –Bar step construction of Jive is “Step Step Jive Chasse”. Which
42. In the 14th century, Carole which involved song and simple dance steps was of the following is its timing?
the perpetuation of the most ancient of the social dance forms. In its linked a. Quick Quick Slow
form in single file, it evolved into – b. Quick Quick Quick a Quick
a. Farandole c. Branle c. Slow Slow Quick Quick c. Slow
b. Estampie d. Basse Danse d. Slow Quick Quick
43. Important and significant adaptations from folk elements were the 61. Square dancing is very popular in the United States. This American round
Contredanses, the linguistic adaptation of the English – country dances. dance mixer is used as a prerequisite to square dancing.
Later on, it was transformed into French contredanses. The dance figures a. Oh Susana c. Red River Valley
were grouped into a general title which was in vogue in the 18 th century. Its b. Barn dance d. Jitterbug
name was derived from the French cotte, which was a short petticoat worn 62. Leap sideward R(L) (ct. 1), step L ( R ) across R(L) (ct. and), close R(L) to L
by peasants. This was – ( R ) (ct. 2), pause (ct. and) is the dance pattern of what dance step?

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

a. Pas de Basque c. Leap step 77. It consists of two numbers that tells the number of beats in every measure
b. Hopsa d. Polka step and the kind of notes received one beat.
63. This is the sequence of steps and whether the weight should be sustained a. Key Signature c. Time Signature
on each succeeding transfer for two beats or for one beat. b. Scale d. Key
a. Musical count c. Dance patter 78. The vertical relationship between a melody and its accompanying chords or
b. Dance count d. Timing between melodies simultaneously played or sung.
64. The religious observances of Rome also contained an element of dance. In a. Trio c. Harmony
the festival in honor of Pallas Athene, this bonfire dance was performed by b. Triad d. Chord
shepherds in honor of the goddess to give thanks to the fruitfulness of their 79. It is a succession of eight consecutive tones arranged in whole and half
flocks. step.
a. Palilia c. Salii a. Melody c. Phrase
b. Lupercalia d. Crane dance b. Scale d. Octave
65. He founded the Royal Academy of Dancing to train professional dancers to 80. It is composed of soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
perform for him and his court. Professional ballets began in the king’s a. Mixed Choir c. Children’s Choir
dancing academy. b. TTB d. SSA
a. Balthazar de Beaujoyeuolx, 81. What becomes of the tone when a perfect interval is lowered half step?
b. Rudolf Von Laban a. Minor c. Augmented
c. King Louis XIV b. Diminished d. Major
d. Ted Shawn 82. How many notes are needed to form a diatonic scale?
66. This is a Japanese folk dance performed during the blooming of the Cherry a. 3 b. 7 c. 5 d. 9
Blossoms or during full moon. 83. Which of the following elements is applied when a musical sign that
a. Heeia c. Horra Arabi indicates the speed of a song composition has to be sung or played?
b. Sakura d. Bon dance a. Sonority c. Monophonic
67. In the dance Samba, this is executed, where the entire body sways b. Register d. Tempo
opposite to the feet (step forward, sway back; step right, sway left and so 84. What chord is fa la do in the key of F?
forth). a. Diminished c. Augmented
a. Swaying motion b. Minor d. Major
b. Contra body motion 85. The relative loudness or softness of tonal effect is determined by the size of
c. Pendulum motion vibrations of the sound waves. What do you call this numerical effect?
d. Rise-and-fall motion a. Dynamics c. Intensity
68. This dance is associated with Apis, the bull, celebrated the choosing, b. Timbre d. Duration
nurturing, and sacrifice of this beast. The priest of Osiris performed funerary 86. What do you call the grouping of beats into measure?
dances after the killing of animal, and the rediscovery of the new bull was a. Tempo c. Rhythm
also attended by dancing. b. Pulse d. Meter
a. Pyrrhic dance c. Paean dance 87. What do you call the scale consists of five notes?
b. Farandole d. Cult dance a. Diatonic Scale c. Pentatonic Scale
69. This is the dance term used, when the boy turns to the girl at his left and b. Chromatic Scale d. Minor Scale
takes her L hand in his L hand and turns her once around 88. What is the scale composed of seven tones – each is whole tone from its
counterclockwise, then both falling back to places in a square formation. nearest neighbor?
a. Allemande Left c. Allemande Right a. Major Scale c. Minor Scale
b. Circle Left d. Circle Right b. Whole Tone Scale d. Chromatic Scale
70. The Latin ballroom dance which is written in “cut” time with a four-count 89. The succession of related single tones expressing an idea.
rhythm corresponding to four quarter notes. The primary accent is on the a. Timbre c. Harmony
second count of the measure, and there is a secondary accent on the fourth b. Texture d. Melody
count of the measure. Syncopation is achieved when the an accented note 90. The highest female voice.
is tied to the following weak note, thereby providing a jerky staccato effect. a. Alto c. Tenor
a. Samba c. Mambo b. Bass d. Soprano
b. Cha Cha Cha d. Rumba 91. The color of sound produced by the voice and different instruments.
71. Richie is tasked to execute four (4) varsouvienne steps by his professor. a. Timbre c. Harmony
How many measures will it take for Richie to complete the task? b. Texture d. Melody
a. five measures c. seven measures 92. Produce qualities of lightness or heaviness, thickness or thinness.
b. six measures d. eight measures a. Timbre c. Harmon
72. Paso Doble is a Spanish dance and the movements danced by the man are b. Texture d. Melody
symbolic of those made by the torero (or matador) in the bullring. The 93. What chord is do mi so in the key of C?
music is played in a March time. What does the lady represent in this a. Diminished c. Augmented
dance? b. Minor d. Majo
a. the cape c. the bull 94. Re Fa# La is what chord?
b. the ring d. the bull fight a. Diminished c. Augmented
73. Carole which involved song and simple dance steps was the perpetuation b. Minor d. Major
of the most ancient of the social dance forms. In its linked form in single file, 95. Where is the location of Do in the staff in the key of E flat?
it evolved into Farandole. What is it called in its circular form? a. 2nd line c. 5th line
a. the Estampie c. the Pavane b. 1 line d. 3rd line
b. the Brando d. the Branle, 96. Where is the location of Re sharp in the staff in the key of F sharp?
74. Cotillion was in vogue in the 18th century. Its name was derived from the a. 3rd space
French cotte, which was a short petticoat worn by peasants. Which of the b. below the first line first ledger line
following square dances that emerged during the Napoleonic years in c. below the first line
France at about 1740 was the descendant of the Cotillion? d. first space
a. Quadrille c. Virginia Reel 97. Banduria, Octavina, Guitar and Bajo De Arco are what group of
b. Minuet d. Basse Danse instruments?
75. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Ballroom Waltz? a. Rondalla Instruments
a. Erect posture and rise-and-fall. The first step of the measure is taken b. Orchestral Instruments
with bent knee and followed on the second and third steps by both c. Ethnic Instruments
partners rising to full height on balls of the feet. d. Band Instruments
b. All steps are taken on the flat of the foot with the exception of the 98. Woodwind, Stringed, Brass and Percussion Instruments are what group of
back step which is taken on the ball of the foot with weight kept well instruments?
forward. a. Rondalla Instruments
c. Forward steps are taken on the heel and directly toward the partner. b. Orchestral Instruments
d. On side steps, both partners sway slightly away from their direction c. Ethnic Instruments
of travel. d. Band Instruments
99. When a perfect interval is raised half step, it becomes __________?
a. Major c. Minor
Integrated Music Theory b. Augmented d. Diminished
76. It refers to the dislocation of the strong accents within the measure. 100. It is a group of tones of different pitches which are vertically arranged.
a. Rhythm c. Tempo a. Minor c. Chord
b. Pulse d. Syncopation b. Major d. Augmented

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

101. The flow of music through time. a. C# b. C c. C flat d. A

a. Melody c. Rhythm
b. Form d. Tempo Health Practicum
102. The complete musical thought consisting of two phrases in Question and 126. Health teachers play important role in the health assessment of students. In
Answer. addition to their skillful observations, they have access to a variety of health
a. Period c. Sectio information concerning each student. Which of the following records
b. Tone d. Motive provide a rich source of background and current information that can be
103. It is a tone group that may be identified with a particular composition. useful in promoting good health and identifying potentially handicapping
a. Period c. Section situation?
b. Tone d. Motive a. Class Register
104. Organization of beats into groups of two’s three’s or larger units. b. Permanent Health Record
a. Beat c. Rhythm c. Annual Medical Examination Record
b. Meter d. Melody d. Health Screening Record
105. Distance between two notes. 127. In order to help the school-age child to function very well while at school,
a. Semitone c. Interval the school health team is tasked to monitor their health status as part of
b. Microtone d. Whole Tone their routine work. The following are members of the school health team
106. Passage from one key or mode into another. except:
a. Modulation c. Transposition a. Nurse c. Parent
b. Tonality d. Progression b. Health teacher d. Barangay Chairman
107. Notation or performance of a composition in a different key from the one in 128. Jennie’s health teacher has recently become concerned about her ability to
which it was originally written. see. He has noticed that he looks very closely to the instructions on the
a. Modulation c. Transposition board and most of the time bumps into objects inside the classroom and in
b. Tonality d. Progression the corridors. Which of the following is the best way that the teacher can do
108. The advance from one tone to another or from one chord to another to help Jennie with her problem?
a. Modulation c. Transposition a. Use Jenny’s record on visual acuity for referrals
b. Tonality d. Progression b. Call for a conference with the parents regarding the problem
109. Two notes of the same pitch but different pitch names. c. Refer Jennie to the nearest health center
a. Movable Do c. Enharmonic Tones d. Send Jennie to the school clinic for referral
b. Sol-fa syllables names d. Fixed Do 129. All of the following are some uses of the student’s health record except for
110. The distance between the lowest and highest tones. a. Coordinating services
a. Tessitura c. Range b. Research
b. Pitch Progression d. Interval c. Medication
111. What is single unaccompanied melodic line? d. Developing intervention program
a. Polyphonic c. Texture 130. Stephanie Rani, age 16, refuses to drink milk or eat vegetables except corn
b. Monophonic d. Homophonic and carrots. What methods are available for Teacher Joyce to evaluate the
112. Consist of two or more melodic lines. nutritional adequacy of her diet?
a. Polyphonic c. Texture a. Biochemical assessment
b. Monophonic d. Homophonic b. Dietary assessment
113. One main melody accompanied by chords. c. Anthropometric assessmen
a. Polyphonic c. Texture d. Wellness assessment
b. Monophonic d. Homophonic 131. While playing basketball in the gymnasium, Marlu shouted for help as he
114. A direction to perform the passage in a smooth and connected manner, fell on the floor. Teacher Ivy immediately ran to the site to see what
with no break between the tones. happened. She saw that Marlu was in pain and pointing to his left ankle.
a. Legato c. Portato Unluckily, there was no nurse on duty. The nurse comes only on Fridays.
b. Staccato d. Trill What is the best way to help Marlu?
115. Detached, separated, a style in which the notes played or sung are more or a. Shout for help and give first aid
less abruptly disconnected. b. Bring Marlu to the nearest health center
a. Legato c. Portato c. Call for the parents
b. Staccato d. Trill d. Carry Marlu to the hospital
116. What is the interval between E# to F#? 132. Poor health practices and habits are responsible for many of today’s health
a. Half step c. Whole step problems. The Health Education subject offered in the Basic Education
b. 3rd step d. 4th step Curriculum somehow helps improve the overall quality of the student’s
117. The time signature of the song Kundansoy is _______? health. This component of the Comprehensive School Health Education
a. 4 c. 2 Program is better known as:
4 4 a. Health Promotion c. Health Instruction
b. Health Services d. Health Coordination
b. 3 d. 6 133. Involving parents in school’s safety education program encourages
4 8 consistency of information and practices. This aspect of the Comprehensive
118. Lupang Hinirang is in _______ time signature. School Health Education Program pertains to
a. 5 c. 2 a. School site Promotion
4 4 b. School, Family, Community Health Promotion
b. 3 d. 6 c. School Health Services
4 8 d. School Health Counseling
119. In finding the pitch of do in the key of ____, sing do and call it so and go 134. Teaching healthy eating practices taught in school can benefit students
down to do. from childhood to adulthood but because of other lifestyle a number of
a. Key of C c. Key of F health problems are now thought to be directly or indirectly related to food
b. Key of G d. Key of D in-take. The following are food-related problems except:
120. In the key of ____, to find the pitch of do, sing do and go down to re and a. Dental carries c. Cardiovascular disease
call it do. b. Obesity d. Lung cancer
a. Key of C c. Key of F 135. As a health education teacher and member of the school health team,
b. Key of G d. Key of D teacher Sheryl is responsible for the following except
121. What is the interval between A to B? a. To act as “Loco Parentis”
a. Half step c. Whole step b. To act responsibly to prevent injury to students
b. 3rd step d. 4th step c. Assume the role of a clinic personnel when there is no doctor available
122. What is the enharmonics of C? d. To Follow school system’s procedure in reporting/filing report of
a. B# - D double flat c. B – A# incidence
b. F flat – D double sharp d. F# - G flat 136. Who among the members of the school health team provides assistance
123. What is the relative minor key of F# major? with mathematical calculations of the nutritional values of foods, recipes
a. c# b. a c. d# d. e and menus in the school canteen?
a. school nurse
124. The relative minor key of G major is b. home economics teacher
a. c# minor c. d# minor c. dietician
b. a minor d. minor d. canteen manager
125. What is the relative major key of a minor? 137. Filipino children typically eat meals that contain too few ______
a. meat products

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

Aim To Top Review and Training Center

b. vegetable products care established to protect others from unreasonable risk or harm. Which of
c. fruits the following describes a kind of negligence that occurs based on the lack
d. milk products of action of the teacher in carrying out a duty.
138. Vitamins are organic substances derived from living substances that are a. Nonfeasance c. Torts
required in small amounts to maintain life. Vitamins do not provide any b. Contributory Negligence d Liability
calories but are essential for a variety of roles, from the processing of 153. The following are postulates of successful teaching health except
nutrients to the formation of red blood cells. The 13 vitamins are a. The most important factor in the educational process is the teacher
categorized as either fat-soluble or water-soluble. Which of the following is b. There is no one best way to teach
fat-soluble? c. Adherence to the diagnostic/prescriptive approach is essential
a. Vitamin B12 c. Vitamin A d. The most important factor in the educational process is the student
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B6 154. The kind of evaluation that is concerned with how far, how accurate, how
139. Which of the following is NOT a component of School Health Program? many, how much and how fast. This usually makes use of checklists,
a. Health Instruction anecdotal records, self-evaluation and standardized tests
b. Health Protection & Prevention a. process evaluation c. content evaluation
c. Healthful Environment b. product evaluation d. context evaluation
d. Health Services 155. To personalize health concepts, students must relate to health instruction
140. What could probably be the best reason why smoking in public places is from the affective domain. An excellent strategy for achieving this goal is
prohibited? through the use of
a. The cigarette butts could become a litter that will plug the drainage. a. verbal and discussion-oriented strategies
b. values clarification strategies
b. It contributes to air pollution. c. action-oriented strategies
c. It should be done in closed places like the home. d. Use of media
d. Its secondary smoke is bad for the health of people nearby 156. Which of the following is not true about healthful school living
141. What food group can a health teacher suggest to very active students in a. provision of safe and healthful physical plant
order for them to be provided with heat and energy? b. good interrelationship among the students faculty and staff
a. Vitamins c. Carbohydrates c. comprehensive curriculum
b. Protein d. Minerals d. well-maintained school health services
142. Labels can help consumer compare and evaluate health products 157. How can Teacher Joyce best introduce the proper way of brushing the
especially on drugs because teeth in one remote community where most students have no toothbrush
a. it gives the prices and money to buy toothpaste?
b. it tells about the ingredients. a. proceed with the lecture using pictures
c. it tells about the possible side-effect b. use salt and twigs of any available edible plant
d. it includes the expiration date c. demonstration using soap and the index finger for brushing
143. One of your students have been advised by her doctor to take antibiotics d. individualized Instruction for those who brought their toothpaste and
for her skin disease. But because she was so busy doing school works, toothbrush
she forgot to drink one after lunch. What would you suggest to her? 158. The Health class of Mr. Reyes is composed of drop-outs and regular
a. Shift to a much higher milligram for much effective effect. students whose age ranges from 16 to25 years old. What could be a better
b. Stop taking the medicine anyway you failed to follow the frequency way of organizing them for a team project?
c. Double the dosage in the evening a. group them according to age so they can work well
d. Take one right away and adjust the frequency of medicine intake b. let them select their own group so they will not have a problem
144. Proper waste management starts in the home for health and sanitation. c. mix them in a group for cooperative learning
What is the process if discarding waste materials can you share with the d. let them work as one group with the teacher as the facilitator
people in the community so that they can be used again? 159. Some of your students would come in incomplete uniform. How are you
a. Ecology c. Garbology going to encourage them to wear the prescribed P.E. uniform?
b. Recycling d. Composting a. tell them it’s a requirement
145. In your community extension work, you were tasked to lecture on cancer b. give them additional grade
warning signals. Which of these is not a cancer-warning signal? c. tell them the health and hygienic reason
a. nagging coughs d. tell them the safety reasons
b. indigestion or difficulty in swallowing 160. Which of the following strategies is no longer appropriate in the teaching of
c. post natal dip health concept for fourth year students?
d. change in bowel movements a. dramatization `c. Values clarification
146. Republic Act 9275 otherwise known as Philippine Clean Air Act aims to b. debate d. Puppet show
protect the country’s bodies of water from pollution. What primary agency 161. The following are possible sources of stress among students except
can your school or community linked with to help you with your ecological a. separation of parents
problem? b. frequent headaches
a. DOH c. Dep ED c. birth of a brother or sister
b. DENR c. DPWH d. death in the family
147. Which of the following is most closely referred to as an environmental crisis 162. Which of the following is not nutrition -related issue for athletes
resulting from high increase in the rate of population growth? a. fast food craze
a. Malnutrition c. Pollution b. junk food culture of students
b. Migration d. Irrigation c. gain-lose height-weight promo
148. If a person is pale and has a faint pulse after an accident, first aid should d. propaganda advertisement
include. 163. The following are characteristics of quackery except
a. having the person stands still a. that it offers of guaranteed, quick cure for an illness with a “miracle”
b. having the person lie down drug or treatment
c. giving a stimulant like alcohol b. it underrates traditional medical practice
d. having the person move around c. that it does not use surgery
149. Health Appraisal could be done by the ____________ in the absence of the d. that it uses devices, gadgets, researches to convince patients that
doctor their illness is cured
a. Health Education Teacher c. Dentist 164. Which of the following objectives is correctly stated in affective domain
b. Guidance Counselor d. Music Teacher a. The student will be able to demonstrate positive attitude towards
150. Watching students work and play provides the teacher with many clues health
about potential health problems. This screening tool is known as b. The student will demonstrate an understanding of cooperation in a
a. Health Observation c. Health Screening group work.
b. Health Inspection d. Health Assessment c. The student will be able to develop positive self concept through
151. Daily health inspection provides opportunity for informal health education. relevant and positive experiences.
Health educators can help students develop awareness of their own health d. The student will be able to help others develop a desirable self-
through simple questions about many topics such as the following except concept
a. ”Did you brush your teeth this morning? 165. In teaching people in the community, health workers use demonstration to
b. ” Do you wash your hands before and after eating?” help explain meaningful concepts to students because they involve other
c. “Does your neighbor observe traffic rules and regulations senses. The following areas are appropriate for their use except
d. “Do you throw your trash in the waste can?” a. teaching of family planning
152. Compared with other components of MAPE/H, Physical Education is b. teaching of first aid
particularly vulnerable to accidents and injuries due to negligence. c. teaching of nutrition
Negligence is defined by the court as conduct that falls below a standard of d. teaching of drugs

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166. As a health educator, teacher Mary plays a vital role in any of the following 182. These are activities in the form of play and they test one’s strength,
except flexibility, balance, agility, endurance and coordination. This phase is
a. Referral of sick students to the school doctor specially suited to the lower grades. These can be considered as
b. Counseling of problem student conditioning exercises and still some are preparatory to tumbling skills.
c. Active role in the safety council of the school a. Stunts c. Rhythmic Gymnastics
d. Manning the clinic in the absence of a nurse or a doctor b. Pyramid Building d. Conditioning Program
167. Which of the following can help a health volunteer identify the breeding 183. Gymnastics discipline where the gymnasts perform on top of the heavy
place of mosquitoes in the barangay where the school is located apparatus. A competitive event separated for men and for women.
a. Ocular inspection c. DOH report a. Sports Aerobics
b. Household Survey d. Students’ report b. Sports Acrobatics
168. The common cause of fainting among public school students is: c. Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics
a. Missing breakfast d. Artistic Gymnastics
b. Hunger 184. He formed a gymnastics club, opened a private gymnasium and through his
c. Poor school environment success encourages the government to incorporate training into its school
d. Extreme weather condition curriculum. His gymnastics program in Denmark emphasized mass
169. During earthquake or fire drill, the teacher must calisthenics, mass vaulting and drills using dumbbells and balls.
a. Be the first to leave to lead the students a. Johann Pestalow
b. Be the last to leave to clear the area b. Franz Nachtegall
c. Go with the students c. Gerhard Vieth
d. Be left in the area d. Franz Nachtegall
170. Students are always reminded to follow school rules and regulations. Which 185. A series of selected exercises that help to relieve physical discomfort or
of the following are commonly violated that may pose danger to one’s life restore function to disabled people.
a. Bringing of cellphone c. Bringing drug a. Creative Gymnastics
b. Bringing deadly weapon d.Joining fraternity b. Competitive Gymnastics
171. Extension programs of the school are usually conducted in the community. c. Therapeutic or Remedial Gymnastics
Which of the following can be the extension program of first year high d. Educational Gymnastics
school students for their health class 186. This is the most important phase of the gymnastics program, because this
a. Clean and Green c. Family Planning is where the ability of the performer is tested as he rolls to and fro, twist,
b. Peace and Order d. Drug Free Environment turns and springs about on the mat, floor and in the air.
172. As member of the school health team, the school administrator’s role is a. Tumbling c. Rhythmic Gymnastics
a. To monitor the school health instruction b. Stunts d. Pyramid Building
b. To see to it that the school has a complete medical personnel 187. An aesthetic discipline performs to music while using small hand apparatus
c. To ensure the provision of the health services that seem to be an extension of the body. A competitive event for women
d. To convene the health council either individual or group
173. Which of the following is the main reason why students are encouraged to a. Artistic Gymnastics
wear complete PE uniform during PE day? b. Sports Acrobatics
a. For personal hygiene c. For conformity c. Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics
b. For safety d. For easy identification d. Sports Aerobics
174. Who among the members of the health team can best help students who 188. He was one of the great gymnastics leaders and called the “Father of
suffer from depression due to failing grades Swedish gymnastics.”
a. Health teacher c. Guidance counselor a. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
b. Subject teacher d. Peer counselor b. Johann Pestalow
175. Parents who are members of the health team may help in which of the c. Per Henrik Ling
following concerns? d. Adolph Spiess
a. Follow up and home visitation 189. It consists of prescribed sets of events for men and women, each of which
b. volunteer for the health center is scored separately in order to determine a winner.
c. volunteer for peer group facilitators a. Therapeutic or Remedial Gymnastics
d. Coordinate school program with the barangay b. Competitive Gymnastics
c. Creative Gymnastics
Gymnastics d. Educational Gymnastics
176. Who was the first to conduct gymnastics as part of education? He was the 190. A position where the body is curved like an arc of a circle, with the hip
first modern writer and teacher of organized gymnastics for whom records forward and the head and truck bent backward.
survive. a. Arch c. Split
a. Per Henrik Ling c. Johann Basedow b. Tuck d. Scale
b. Franz Nachtegall d. Gerhard Vieth 191. “Father of School Gymnastics” taught gymnastics to his classes in
177. It is a self-motivating activity, where one can manipulate the different parts Switzerland and added marching and free exercises to music.
of the body into varied positions or movements. a. Adolph Spiess c. Johann Basedow
a. Physical Education c. Gymnastics b. Franz Nachtegall d. Gerhard Vieth
b. Physical Fitness d. Movement 192. This phase of the program makes a picture (mural) out of body static
178. The exercises are selected for the purpose of preparing the body for more positions. The positions should be properly arranged and selected, so that
complicated movements and skills. Exercises for the warm-up can also be they form the shape of a pyramid.
selected in his phase. This phase can also be considered as “Calisthenics” a. Stunts c. Rhythmic Gymnastics
since routines can be made out of the exercises in the conditioning b. Pyramid Building d.Conditioning Program
program. 193. Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG), is a Gymnastics discipline played in
a. Cool – Down Exercises four (4) events, except
b. Marching Exercises a. Horse Vault c. Balance Beam
c. rhythmic Exercises b. Asymmetrical Bars d. Horizontal Bar
d. Conditioning Program 194. A position where the legs are extended forward and backward in a straight
179. A person who helps a performer to go about a skill for the first time. position.
a. Helper c. Assistant a. Scale c. Swan
b. Potter d. Spotting b. Deep Lunge d. Split
180. The Great Grandfather of Gymnastics wrote many influential books 195. He was the first American contributor to gymnastics because he was
including carefully chosen gymnastics exercises for girls in 1818. He wrote instrumental in including gymnastics in the school curriculum.
Gymnastics for Youth, the first book on modern gymnastics in 1793. He a. Johann Pestalow c. Franz Nachtegall
describes the use of sloping beams, climbing poles, ladders and ropes b. Dr. Dudley Sargent d. Gerhard Vieth
along with the balancing beam and the swinging beam. 196. Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG), is a Gymnastics discipline played in six
a. Johann Guts Muth c. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (6) events except
b. Johann Pestalow d. Adolph Spiess a. Pommel Horse c. Parallel Bars
181. A program that challenges students to master tactics involving strength, b. Asymmetrical Bars d. Ring
balance, flexibility, agility and rhythm in a classroom standard of learning 197. A planned series of dance skills, locomotor skills, gymnastics skills and
the fundamentals with the maximum safety measures. tumbling skills performed with or without music.
a. Educational Gymnastics a. Movements c. Exercises or Routine
b. Competitive Gymnastics b. Aerobics d. Rhythmic Activities
c. Therapeutic or Remedial Gymnastics
d. Creative Gymnastics

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198. A gymnastics discipline integrates the difficult elements of gymnastics with b. Axial d. Walk
aerobic dance steps and movements in order to create a dynamic 217. A combined step and a cut (shift weight or displace the other foot.
choreography for the sports either individual, mixed pair, three or group. a. Skip c. Galloping
a. Artistic Gymnastics b. Slide d. Hop
b. Educational Gymnastics 218. It refers to the amount of force that the body can generate when it contracts
c. Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics to hold a handstand on the balance beam.
d. Sports Aerobics a. Strength c. Speed
199. “The Father of Gymnastics.” b. Power d. Endurance
a. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn 219. If a hop is a spring on one foot and land on the same foot, then what is a
b. Johann Pestalow jump?
c. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn a. A spring on one foot and land on the other foot
d. Adolph Spiess b. A spring on one foot or both feet and landing on both feet.
200. It is a quality of plasticity which gives the ability to do a wide range of c. A spring on left foot and landing on the right foot.
movement. d. A spring on both feet and landing on one foot
a. Strength c. Flexibility / Suppleness 220. When muscles are capable of exerting effort against a resistance for a
b. Balance d. Agility prolonged period of time, what is it demonstrated?
201. Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) is a gymnastics discipline where the a. Muscular wellness c. Muscular Endurance
gymnast shows a lot of styles, strength, power and endurance in her b. Muscular Strength d. Muscular Fitness
routine. One of the Apparatus below is used in one of the four (4) WAG 221. Physical Fitness components which refers to the ability to perform one
events explosive muscular effort in a short period of time. It is a product of strength
a. Ribbon c. Asymmetric Bars and speed as seen in many sports activities.
b. Trampoline d. Parallel Bars a. Power c. Agility
202. To move the body or part of the body around a wide axis. b. Speed d. Balance
a. Twist c. Lift/Raise 222. It is the ability of the individual to quickly shift or change direction of the
b. Bend or Flex d. Circle body from one point to another. It is a multi-faceted skill. It involves speed
203. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn was a German Educator known to have started and coordination, which allows rapid control of movement as the change in
gymnastics clubs and gymnastics movements for competitive purposes and the direction of the body occurs.
from which he was considered as the a. Strength c. Agility
a. Father of Gymnastics b. Power d. Flexibility
b. Great Grandfather of Gymnastic 223. It is the ability to perform a task or to move from one point to another in the
c. Grandfather of Modern Olympics Gymnastics shortest possible time. It is also the time spent finishing or completing a
d. Father of Modern Gymnastics performance after the initial movement has been made.
204. These gymnastics equipment like the pommel horse, horizontal bar, horse a. Speed c. Power
vault and parallel bars are used on gymnastics events for? b. Strength d. Balance
a. Men’s Artistic c. Rhythmic Sportive 224. It is the ability to use your senses together with your body parts or to use
b. Sports Aerobics d. Women’s Artistic two or more body parts together.
205. It is a gymnastics position or shape when the body and legs are extended a. Strength c. Power
upward, while the head, shoulder and the bent elbow support the extended b. Speed d. Coordination
body. 225. This program is generally introduced in a form of a play for fun and
a. Headstand c. Shoulder stand enjoyment, as the child develops the fundamentals of tumbling skills.
b. Handstand d. Stride stand a. Tumbling c. Pyramid Building
206. A gymnastics discipline where the apparatus seems to be an extension of b. Stunts d. Apparatus work
the body while moving and completing choreography
a. Artistic Gymnastics c. Sports Aerobics Foundations of Physical Education
b. Rhythmic Sportive d. Sports Acrobatics 226. Although physical activities in the primitive society were practical in nature,
207. A gymnastics discipline where every gymnast perform to show his or her primitive men still had to participate in recreational activities. Which of the
prowess on top of the apparatus following provided children in the primitive society preparation for adult
a. Artistic Gymnastics c. Rhythmic Sportive responsibilities?
b. Sports Aerobics d. Sports Acrobatics a. Dancing c. Physical exercise
208. Any movements done on a fixed or stationary place around its own body b. Mimetic games d. Chanting
axis 227. A strong Persian army meant a healthy and physically fit army. Persian
a. Locomotor c. Gymnastics physical education was ____.
b. Axial d. Walk a. The modality to lift weights, shoots the bow, and handles the sword.
209. The transfer of body weight from one foot to the other foot in moderate b. Personified by iron discipline, obedient to authority, indifference to
tempo. pain and suffering, and obsession to victory in battle.
a. Walk c. Leap c. The modality for brutal method of training the body for war which was
b. Run d. Slide a prestige profession.
210. This is a mild activity used as the body movement slow down until the pulse d. The modality used to develop military skills, high moral standards,
and breathing rates return to normal. and patriotism.
a. Cool Down c. Warm – up 228. Dancing was popular that a man’s prestige depended on his prowess in it.
b. Relaxation d. Aerobics This could be traced back from this ancient nation.
211. It refers to the harmonious relation between body and mind where parts a. ancient China c. ancient Egypt
and segments of the body move in different ways and directions in a b. ancient India d. ancient Greece
gymnastics routine. 229. Greek sport manifested itself in the concept of the amateur athlete, whose
a. Cooperation c. Concentration primary goal is to compete in a “circuit” of four major national games that
b. Coordination d. Collaboration were designated as the ______.
212. Stunts where two or more fight each other showing strength, balance, a. Capitoline Games c. Funeral Games
agility and endurance. b. Heraean Games d. Pan-Hellenic Games
a. Dual Stunt c. Group Stunts 230. When was the first recorded Olympic Game that was held at the foot of Mt
b. Individual Stunts d. Combative Stunts Olympus and had a single event, the stade, a 192-yrd foot race?
213. It is the ability of the body to resist fatigue while the body is in motion for a a. 476 A.D. c. 776 B.C.
long period of time. b. 394 A.D. d. 724 B.C.
a. Power c. Strength 231. A Greek medical man who used physical education as an aid to medicine
b. Agility d. Stamina as early as the 5th century.
214. This locomotor movement, which is a combination of a step and a hop, a. Herodotus c. Galen
generally shows speed of action and jolly expression of movement. b. Hippocrates d. Xenophon
a. Leap c. Gallop 232. Aside from the warriors, Rome grew into a nation of spectators. Spectacular
b. Skip d. Hop and bloody gladiatorial combats became popular and were a favorite of the
215. Which of these body parts keeps one in state of equilibrium during a one Romans. Where were these bloody spectacles held?
leg balance? a. Circus Maximus c. Colosseum
a. Legs c. Trunk b. Campus Martinus d. Thermae
b. Arms d. Head 233. This was a kind of education for the sons of the nobility that was physical,
216. These types of movements bring or transfer the body from one place to social, and military in nature that emerged after the fall of the Western
another. Roman Empire.
a. Locomotor c. Gymnastics a. Asceticism c. Feudalism

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b. Scholasticism d. Chivalry 248. Which of the following statement reflects a pragmatic teacher of physical
234. During the middle Ages, the Christian church that gradually and deliberately education?
became powerful spiritually and politically generally tolerated fun and a. Provides activities that give students the opportunity to develop the
games because it could not stop them. This game was similar to bowling. qualities of honesty, courage, creativity, and sportsmanship.
a. Soule c. Le Jeu De Paume b. When the physical educator uses the problem-solving method in
b. Kegels d. Melee teaching an activity to effect learning.
235. One of the outstanding leaders in the Renaissance who believed that c. Provides individualized learning through self-activity that leads to the
physical activities which include horsemanship, martial arts, hunting, ball attainment of individual goals.
playing, running, and swimming help the students reach his goal of being a d. Uses drills extensively after instructions.
well-rounded individual. 249. He emphasized the benefits of play for the development of both the private
a. John Locke c. Martin Luther (sense of self) and social aspects (social self) of the individual.
b. Roger Ascham d. Francois Rabelais a. G. Stanley Hall c. Karl Groos
236. He established the German Turnverein movement, where his members led b. Herbert Spencer d. Luther Halsey Gulick
the drive toward a unified democracy and social change in the German 250. A theory developed by Guts Muths that emphasizes the recreative values of
states. He was then considered the father of physical education. play, and play as a means of revitalization.
a. Richard Mulcaster c. Friedrich Jahn a. Spencer theory c. Social-expression theor
b. Johann Gutsmuths d. Franz Nachtegall b. Instinct theory d. Recreation theory
237. He emphasized children’s play activities during the 20 th century in America. 251. The legal basis of physical education and sport is stipulated in what article
a. Thomas Dennison Wood and section of the 1986 Constitution?
b. Jacob Riis a. Article XI, Section 19
c. Jessie Bancroft b. Article XII, Section 19
d. Clark Hetherington c. Article XIII, Section 19
238. In 1893, this was recorded to be a required subject for all candidates for the d. Article XIV, Section 19
Elementary Teachers Certificate at the Superior Normal School for Men 252. Which of the following ally of physical education concerns itself on aesthetic
Teachers in the Philippines. expression through movements?
a. Folk dance c. Cockfighting a. Sport c. Dance
b. Gymnastics d. Swimming b. Health d. Games
239. He was considered as the greatest Filipino boxer of all time. 253. When the physical education teacher assists a student in making personal
a. Gabriel “Flash” Elorde c. Pancho Villa and group adjustments as well as adjustments as a member of society,
b. Manny Pacquiao d. Mansueto Velasco which of the following objectives does he want to attain?
240. The all-time greatest international bowler with six world championships to a. Physical Development objective
his credit; some considered him as the greatest Filipino athlete of all time b. Cognitive Development Objective
for making it to the Guiness Book of World Records. c. Motor Skills development objective
a. Carlos Loyzaga c. Ramon Fernandez d. Social-Emotional-Affective Development Objective
b. Eugene Torre d. Paeng Nepomuceno 254. Motor skill development objective of Physical Education is concerned with –
241. She brought home the gold medals twice in a row in the Asian Games in a. The development of the various organic system of the body is
the 100-meter dash and and the silver medal in 200-meters. She earned necessary for an individual to have the ability to sustain adaptive
the title Asia’s fastest woman in the 1980s. efforts, to recover and to resist fatigue.
a. Elma Muros c. Lydia de Vega b. Developing body awareness, making purposeful physical movement
b. Bong Coo d. Jennifer Rosales with a little expenditure of energy as possible, and being proficient,
242. The Philippines joined the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris for the first time. It graceful, and aesthetic in this movement.
was a two-man delegation sent by the Philippine Amateur Athletic c. The accumulation of knowledge and the ability to think and interpret
Federation. Dr. Regino R. Ylanan was the representative official and coach. this knowledge.
The athlete who was a Philippine scout and competed in the 100 m. and d. Assisting an individual in making personal and group adjustments as
200 m. dash, but was eliminated in the trial heats . well as adjustments as a member of society.
a. Teofilo Yldefonso c. Simeon Toribio 255. Greek sport manifested itself in the concept of the amateur athlete, whose
b. David Nepomuceno d. Jose Villanueva primary goal is to compete in a “circuit” of four major national festivals that
243. The Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) is a response to were designated as the Pan-Hellenic Festivals. What is the most popular
continue pupil development started by the Program for Decentralized among the four?
Educational Development in 1982., The New Secondary Education a. Isthmia Festival c. Nemea Festival
Curriculum (NSEC) of SEDP is cognitive-affective-manipulative-based and b. Olympic Fesatival d. Pythia Festival
is student-centered and community-oriented. One of the 8 subject areas in 256. Spartan youths were given instructions in swimming, running, fighting,
the NSEC is Physical Education, Health and Music (PEHM). This is based wrestling, boxing, ball games, horsemanship, archery, discus and javelin
on what order? throwing, field marches, and pancratium in a primitive barracks called
a. DECS Order No. 11, s. 1989 agoge. What is pancratium?
b. Department Order No. 20 s. 1973 a. Combination of running and marching
c. MEC Order No. 6 s. 1982 b. Combination of boxing and throwing
d. DECS Order No. 53 s. 1994 c. Combination of boxing and wrestling.
244. The Olympic Flag was designed by Coubertin himself in 1914. Five colored d. Combination of swimming and archery
rings from left to right in blue, yellow, black, green and red symbolizing unity 257. The gymnasium was the physical, intellectual, and social center of Greece
of 5 continents of the world were set against a white background which is and was originally used for physical activities with such men as Plato,
symbolic of peace. It was also in this year that the Olympic oath was Aristotle and Antithones. What do you call the specialist responsible for
introduced. When was the Olympic flag first used? training the youth in gymnastic contest?
a. 1928 c. 1920 a. Gymnast c. Gymnasiarch
b. 1951 d. 1959 b. Paidonomous d. Paidotribe
245. We use this philosophical approach when we gain an understanding of how 258. He developed a refutation in Alexandra to treat gladiators. He was one of
we view sport and physical in contemporary culture by studying the culture the first to incorporate medicine and biomechanics into the science of
that have significantly affected the development of Western civilization. exercise, and one of the first to practice sports medicine.
a. Axiology c. Epistemology a. Plato c. Aristotle
b. Ontology d. Logic b. Galen d. Antithones
246. This philosophical approach assesses dance performance in terms of 259. Romans believed that exercise was only for health and military purposes.
graceful and expressive movements. All of the following had no value or had little appeal to the Romans,
a. Metaphysics c. Aesthetics EXCEPT –
b. Linguistics d. Ethics a. Greek formal athletic competition and training
247. What is the concern of the physical educator in teaching for skill learning? b. The Greek concept of health gymnastics.
a. The physical educator is concerned with attitudes, appreciations, and c. Greek nudity and development of the body beautiful.
values toward physical activity. d. Athleticism
b. The physical educators is concerned in increasing the individual’s 260. The Romans developed their own system of physical training. They
knowledge, improving problem-solving abilities, clarifying, demanded the promotion of –
understanding, and developing and identifying concepts. a. athletism c. individualism
c. The physical educator is concerned with motor learning and motor b. team unity d. agon
control. 261. With the emergence of this philosophy and its concepts of the “universal
d. The physical educator is concerned with the development of motor man”, physical education became more valued during the Renaissance
skills. period.
a. Realism c. Monism

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b. Existentialism d. Humanism 2. When a painting is categorized as “Art for the People”, what particular issue
262. Sports, dance, and dramatic enactments were incorporated into native is the main focus of the artist?
American festive celebrations. Physical prowess, cunning, skillfulness, skill, a. Early religious art commissioned by the church
speed and endurance were valued. This game was a form of lacrosse b. Traditional forms rejected by Modernist trends
among the native Americans and rituals often surrounded the game, also c. An adaptation of impressionistic and abstract idioms
used to settle disputes. d. The connection of art works to various nationalistic struggles, social
a. Baggataway c. Shiny realism and activism.
b. Cricket d. Croquet 3. From the different techniques in sculpting, carving is considered the most
263. An outstanding leader in physical education whose first requirement in the painstaking and time consuming process. What makes it so?
education of the child is the development of the child’s health. a. Different tools are used and the artist slowly chips off pieces of the
a. Michel de Montaigne c. Johann Pestalozzi medium little by little until the desired image is achieved.
b. Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Friedrich Froebel b. It involves adding or building up pieces of the medium to form the
264. The founder of the Swedish medical and pedagogical gymnastics. desired image
a. Per Ling c. Gustaf Nyblaeus c. Firing and glazing are needed at the end of the whole process.
b. Hjalmar Ling d. Adolph Spiess
d. The process is composed of two stages: creating a negative, then a
265. Although the religious beliefs of the Puritans in America do not favor play
and recreational activities, thought of them as a waste of time, and could
4. If perspective helps to give the position of an object in a space, what kind of
be the workshop of the devil, an absolute ban on play and recreation is
perspective represents distance by means of converging lines?
impossible. Horse racing, bowling, tennis, croquet, rowing, fencing, and
a. Foreshortening perspective
boxing were some of the sporting activities that Americans enjoyed.
b. One point perspective
American boxers were called ____.
c. Aerial perspective
a. Tracksters c. Pugilists
d. Two-point perspective
b. Quarterbacks d. Trotters
5. Perspective has many functions in art particularly in the use of space. What
266. He developed in 1860 the Lewis system of “light” gymnastics. His program
type of linear perspective is applied when we draw or illustrate a figure on a
of gymnastics was directed at improving the health and well-being of his
a. one-point c. aerial
a. Charles Follen c. Dioclesan Lewis
b. two-point d. foreshortening
b. Clark Hetherington d. Chasrles McCloy
6. When complementary colors are mixed together in equal amounts, what is
267. All of the following statements are naturalistic view of physical education
the resulting color?
a. black c. gray
a. The activity is the main source of the development of the individual.
b. brown d. white
b. It challenges the use of the term “physical” in physical education, and
7. In drawing the human figure, what is the term for the modification of an
proposed the term “psychomotor”.
established scale to represent perspective?
c. Play is a natural activity for children and it should be encouraged.
A. one-point C. aerial
d. Highly competitive performance is discouraged.
B. two-point D. foreshortening
268. In teaching for psychomotor learning, the physical educator is concerned
8. Lines, when used by an artist, may suggest meanings. What meaning may
with –
be associated with a vertical line?
a. the acquisition of motor skills.
A. Depression C. Motion and mobilization
b. the understanding of concepts presented.
B. Dominance d. Continuity and grace
c. the instilling of qualities and values.
9. Which of the following suggest rigidity?
d. the realization of learning potentials.
A. vertical lines C. horizontal lines
269. During this stage of learning, the learner works on mastering the timing
B. diagonal line D. straight lines
needed for the skill.
10. What is the resulting color if we combine of all primary-colored lights?
a. Autonomous stage c. Associative stage
A. gray C. white
b. Cognitive stage d. Motor development
B. black D. brown
270. This refers to a condition within an individual that initiates activity directed
11. If an artist uses yellow and violet for his composition, what type of color
toward a goal. Needs and drives form its basic framework.
harmony is he using?
a. Reinforcement c. Individual Differences
A. Triad C. Double complementary
b. Motivation d. Readiness
Complementary D. Split complementary
271. In the Philippines, this is autonomous in character have exclusive technical
12. The use of one color with different tints or shades is seen in some works of
control over the promotion and development of the particular sport for which
art. What is the term for using one color with different shades?
they are organized.
A. Light and shadow C. Monochromatic
272. In any learning situation, what must the physical educator must understand
B. Analogous D. Complementary
in terms of social and economic backgrounds, physical abilities, intelligence
13. Artwork created primarily for aesthetic reason
and preferred learning styles, and personality among students.
A. Decorative art C. Visual Art
a. Individual Differences c. Need for Affection B. Fine art D. Plastic art
b. Cooperation d. Responsibility 14. Volume adds beauty to an art work. What is volume?
273. It is the study of the origins of and changes in movement behavior A. area, size and distance of an object B. The thickness, height
throughout lifespan. and width of an object
a. Motor Learning c. Motor Control C. The radius, diameter and arc of an object
b. Motor Development d. Skill Learning D. The angle, degree and feature of an object
274. It refers to a condition within an individual that initiates activity directed 15. When an architect designs a building, he wants to answer
toward a goal. Needs and drives form its basic framework. ____________________.
a. Reinforcementc. Level of Development A. the needs of men
b. Motivation d. Independence B. the satisfaction of men
275. What important factor should physical educators be interested of that C. the demands of men
motivates the formation of groups? D. all can be considered
a. The belief that the child is liked by the other members 16. There are many mediums used in painting. What kind of paint uses egg
b. The belief that the child is accepted. yolk as its binder?
c. The drive action that is inherent in a child. A. water color C. oil paint
d. The child’s self-esteem B. fresco D. tempera
THE VISUAL ARTS 17. Two processes are used in sculpting. One is additive and the other is
1. Needs of people are provided for in high-rise buildings but in very minimal subtractive. What type of additive technique is used if you put together
spaces. How is space maximized in the most comprehensive manner? different objects or scraps?
a. Reinforced concrete, structural and pre-fabricated units are A. casting C. welding
assembled with finishing touches like plastic, glass and other B. molding D. assemblage
synthetic materials. 18. When contour lines move across the form of an object, what does it
b. High-rise structures contain technological equipment like air- indicate?
conditioning units, elevators, and fire protection systems. A. distance and space C. mass and volume
c. The building is built with all functional needs like commercial B. solid and void D. strength and stability
establishments, offices, residential areas, parking spaces, and other 19. What kind of style in the arts is an unembellished, naturalistic approach to
multi-functional features. subject matter?
d. Massive and monumental structures areevidences of progress and A. Impressionism C. Realism
modernization B. Modernism D. Expressionism

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20. After World War I, there were artists who started an aggressive reaction 38. Which of the following least describes the guiding philosophy of Art
against established conventions in art and aesthetics. What is the name of Education?
this “art movement”? A.. Art education emphasizes the human dimension in education.
A. Fauvism C. Expressionism B. Art education should be taught not just for the sake of the end products.
B. Modernism D. Dadaism C. Art education must concentrate on the teaching of specific concepts and
21. Which western art movement was inspired from familiar images of popular skills about the elements of the arts.
culture, such as advertisements, comics, and commercial products? D. Art education should find its climax in the mature individual, who,
A. Expressionism C. Romanticism because of his experiences, has developed greater awareness of the self
B. Pop art D. Commercialism and others.
22. Which of the following principles of design pertains to the recurring 39. It involves the applications of aesthetic designs to everyday functions of
elements in a composition? aesthetic designs to everyday functional objects
A. Contrast C. Repetition A. Fine arts C. Decorative arts
B. Variation D. Symmetry B. Visual arts D. Applied arts
23. Philippine modern sculptors use different mediums and styles in their 40. Lines may be used to create an impression of flow and gracefulness. Which
pieces. Who is the sculptor who usually finished his welded sculpture line best suits the characteristic mentioned?
without smoothening its surface, as seen in his works “Tikbakang” and A. diagonal C. straight
“Penitensiya”? B. horizontal D. curved
A. Napoleon Abueva C. Solomon Saprid 41. Mr. Gomez in his art class is teaching some works of great visual artists.
B. Arturo Luz D. Eduardo Castrillo He shows a painting pertaining to various nationalistic or class struggles
24. A painter/muralist from Angono, Rizal, who is fond of folk scenes. He is also producing varied strands, activism and artistic claims. Which classification
known as “Botong”. of painting can this theme reflect?
A. Fernando Amorsolo C. Vicente Manansala A. tradition C. communities B. figures and Space D. art for the people
B. Victorio Edades D. Carlos Francisco 42. Which of the following is considered as warm colors?
25. A sculptor from Mindanao known for his sculpture “Sarimanok”. A. blue, green, pink
A. Abdul Mohammed C. Haji Aram B. yellow, red, orange
B. Abdulmari Imao D. Abdul Keate C. brown, violet, purple
26. The practice of incising a design on a hard flat surface by cutting grooves D. lavender, lilac, carnation
into it. 43. Colors can be cool or warm. Which color dominates cool colors?
A. Engraving C. silk screen A. yellow C. blue
B. lithography D. T-shirt printing B. green D. red
27. If a composition uses overlapping shapes, receding color intensity, and 44. The complimentary color of red orange is____
lack of detail in the distance, the artist is probably attempting to A. blue green C. yellow orange
A. incorporate elements of solid and void B. control space by using the B. orange D. red violet
rules of perspective 45. The element of art which helps create an illusion of depth is
B. create an abstract landscape or D. create a flat, one- _____________.
dimensional seascape A. shape C. texture
background B. value D. line
28. The small angel figurines for sale in malls are sculptures which are 46. This principle of design is the most important of all. It refers to the
identically produced. What process is used to create these items? coherence of the elements of a work to the whole.
A. welding C. casting A. rhythm C. balance
B. modeling D. mobile B. proportion D. unity
29. The Triumvirate of Modern Art is composed of three popular artists who are 47. We like to see things in proper scale. When we see objects having the
promoters of mural painting. Two of whom are Carlos Francisco and proper relationships to each other (in size), the principle of art that we are
Victorio Edades, Who is the third one? referring to is_____________.
A. Fabian dela Rosa C. Arturo Luz A. rhythm C. balance
B. Galo Ocampo D. Vicente Manansala B. proportion D. harmony
30. Which of the following best characterizes an asymmetrical composition? 48. Ms. Joy draws a vertical line to represent an electric post in her art class.
A. Unity is easily attained through the repetition of similar elements. Which meaning of a vertical line does Ms. Joy want to emphasize?
B. A featured point is shown in contrast with its surrounding area. A. dignity C. motion
c. Balance can be achieved through the use of unequal elements. B. sadness D. continuity
d. The eye of the viewer is not focused on any particular feature. 49. The great work of Juan Luna’s Spolarium depicts interpretation of war. He
31. This is a multi-storeyed religious structure originating in China where each exerted much effort to express his design. What style of painting did he
level diminishes as it gets higher. This structure is always polygonal in form. use?
A. stupa C. pagoda a. Impressionistic c. Expressionistic
B. temple D. castle b. Modernistic d. Naturalistic
32. Which Filipino sculptor was known for the Bonifacio Monument in 50. To attract attention, the emphasis should rest or lie on the subject. The
Caloocan, and the UP Oblation? space that helps to intensify focus on the emphasis is
A. Napoleon AbuevaC. Guillermo Tolentino called______________.
B. Solomon Saprid D. Ramon Orlina A. interest C. action
33. It includes contemporary forms of expression such as assemblage, collage, B. subordinate D. attraction
and performing arts. 51. This painting medium is a mixture of pigment and water, applied to wet or
A. Plastic art C. Visual arts dry plaster.
B. Fine arts D. Decorative arts A. fresco C. oil
34. Which of the following is true about a fresco? B. tempera D. water color
A. A fresco allows the painter maximum flexibility in applying colors. 52. It symbolizes hope and freshness
B. The binding material in fresco paint is egg yolk or some other viscous A. Blue C. White
material. B. Green D. yellow
C.A fresco is associated with meticulous brush techniques and is usually 53. Some contemporary artists prefer this new painting medium because of its
applied on wooden surfaces. ease of use. It is synthetic and uses emulsion as its binder. What medium
D. The colors of a fresco are generally limited to earth tones because these in painting are we referring to?
pigments are usually not affected by the calcium in plaster. A. encaustic C. watercolor
35. Painting in China is popularized with the use of two painting instruments. B. acrylic D. charcoal
What are these media? 54. It is a broad movement in the arts which encompasses the activities and
A. pen and ink C. stencil and tempera output of those who felt that "traditional" forms of art are outdated.
B. oil and canvas D. silk and brush A. realism C. surrealism
B. cubism D. modernism
PART III – ENHANCING TEST TAKING SKILLS 55. It features element of surprise
36. When you create a three-dimensional artwork through different processes A. Dadaism C. Surrealism
such as carving, modeling, assembling, or casting, the visual art being B. Impressionism D. Expressionism
considered is___________. 56. This style is totally free in form. The artist can drip or throw colors to fill a
A. architecture C. painting space, or roll on a canvas with paint on the body.
B. sculpture D. printmaking A. impressionism C. abstract expressionism
37. Which is the most basic of all the elements of art? B. expressionism D. pop art
A. shape C. space
B. color D. line

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57. After classical trends in Philippine sculpture, later sculptors began to 78. It began as an anti-art movement
embrace the styles of modernism in their artworks. Which modern sculptor A. Dadaism C. Surrealism
was known for his works Judas' Kiss and Transfiguration? B. Impressionism D. Expressionism
A. Eduardo Castrillo C. Napoleon Abueva 79. Some artists paint images from their dreams. Which is a Western art
B. Guillermo Tolentino D. Roberto Feleo movement where artists gathered inspiration from the depths of the
58. Filipinos are widely known for skills in wood carving. If Paete and Pakil are subconscious mind?
famous for their crafts in the south, which town in Central Luzon is A. Surrealism C. Abstract
recognized for its exquisite woodworks? B. Expressionism D. Cubism
A. Bocaue, Bulacan C. Betis, Pampanga 80. What color symbolizes royalty?
B. Orani, Bataan D. Iba, Zambales A. Yellow C. Violet
59. What element of art is used to define certain spatial qualities of a B. Blue D. Red
A. Color C. Line Asian Music and Philippine Music
B. Texture D. Value 81. It is a Japanese Opera.
60. A modernistic movement expressing emotional experience rather than A. Kabuki C. Wayang Kulit
reality B. Peking Opera D. Gagaku
A. Dadaism C. Surrealism 82. It refers to a group of instruments which consists of saron, rebab, suling,
B. Impressionism D. Expressionism chelempung, gender and bonang.
61. Styles and designs of architectural works reflect the demands of different A. Rondalla C. Orchestra
aspects in life. Which are considered before designing a structure? B. Gamelan D. Ethnic Instruments
A. Social and economic 83. La Flor de Manila or Sampaguita is the composition of _________?
B. Political and ideological A. Julian Felipe C. Dolores Paterno
C. Technological and geographical B. Jose Palma D. Atang dela Rama
D. All of the above 84. The most stately and aristocratic Latin American rhythm which comes from
62. Bamboo, palm leaves, and wood are examples of what classification of Cuba, being named after its capital city of Havana.
architectural material? A. Danza C. Habanera
A. hybrid C. metal
B. Rumba D. Tango
B. organic D. synthetic
85. Who are the Creative Nationalist Filipino Composers and the National Artist
63. Which are considered unbalanced?
of 1991?
A. curve lines C. vertical lines
A. Restie Umali C. Levi Celerio
B. horizontal lines D. diagonal lines
64. It is about dominance and influence or "Center of Interest." B. Lucio San Pedro D. George Canseco
A. Opposition C. Harmony 86. The Impressionistic composer of Hatinggabi is __________.
B. Emphasis D. Unity A. Nicanor AbelardoC. Antonio Molina
65. Some native Philippine architecture possesses motifs, like the naga, which B. Lucio San Pedro D. Francisco Santiago
may be seen in other countries. Where did we get this influence? 87. Kung Hindi Man is an example of ___________?
A. Southeast Asia C. America A. Folksong C. Kumintang
B. Spain D. Japan B. Balitaw D. Kundiman
66. The design of the San Agustin Church in Intramuros is heavily influenced 88. A combination of Chinese and Korean influences.
by which Western architectural style? A. Hyangak C. Tangak
A. Romanesque C. Gothic B. Chong – ak D. A – ak
B. Renaissance D. Baroque 89. Is a combination of a scale and a melody in the music of India?
67. A 19th century art movement characterized by small, thin yet visible brush A. Raga C. Tala
strokes B. Shruti D. Gamakas
A. Dadaism C. Impressionism 90. The drama consists of singing known generally as yokyoku or utai .
B. Surrealism D. Expressionism A. Bunraku C. Noh
68. One of the pioneers in Philippine architecture; he was responsible for the B. Kabuki D. Gagaku
rebuilding of the Quiapo Church in 1930. He is ___________. 91. This is the period of the pabasa, pasyon and flores de mayo in the
A. Juan Arellano C. Jose Manosa Philippines.
B. Juan Nakpil D. Leandro Locsin A. Ethnic period C. American period
69. What is the term in art used for a technique in painting which is utilized to B. Spanish period D. Japanese period
illustrate a striking contrast between light and dark? 92. The “reyna” of Zarzuela is ___________.
70. Which among the following creates dynamism, excitement but can imply A. Sylvia La Torre C. Dolores Paterno
B. Conching Rosal D. Atang dela Rama
A. Zigzag lines C. broken lines
93. The “reyna” of Kundiman is __________.
B. straight lines D. curve lines
A. Sylvia La Torre C. Dolores Paterno
71. Both sides of the painting or picture are similar in visual weight and almost
mirrored and often looks more stiff and formal. B. Conching Rosal D. Atang dela Rama
A. assymetrical balance C. proportion 94. It consists of 3 to 4 pieces of gongs with shallow bossed.
B. symmetrical balance D. emphasis A. Agong C. Gandingan
72. Which among these Filipino painters is not a modernist? B. Babandil D. Gangsa
A. Victorio Edades C. Damian Domingo 95. From what province is the song Sarungbanggi?
B. Arturo Luz D. Vicente Manansala A. Tagalog C. Visaya
73. In the 1840s, Jose Honorato Lozano was known for this unique Filipino art B. Ilocano D. Bicol
form, wherein a name is painted with letters contrived with people and 96. Is a song and dance common among the Tagalogs and Visayans.
objects. A. Kumintang C. Balitaw
A. Miniaturismo C. Genre painting B. Danza D. Habanera
B. Letras y Figuras D. Modernist painting
74. If you were to build a structure in accordance with the Modernist style, 97. The music is tetratonic, pentatonic, hexatonic or heptatonic arrangements,
which of the following would best describe your design? what country music is this?
A. It possesses Greco-Roman motifs. A. Indonesia C. Latin America
B. It is straightforward and minimal B. India D. Africa
C. It is energetic and ornamented. 98. A kind of country music joined hands with jazz to revolutionize the world of
D. All of the above popular songs and dances.
75. To symbolize life, courage and strength we use___ A. Indonesia C. Latin America
A. green C. yellow B. India D. Africa
B. orange D. red 99. This group plays for court ceremonies and theatrical presentations.
76. This is a kind of woven fabric made by the T’boli tribe in South Cotabato. Composed of woodwind and percussion instruments.
A. hagabi C. bulul A. Pi Phat Ensemble
B. t’nalak D. kulintang B. Mahori Ensemble
77. The amount of light and dark areas in a composition is called____ C. Khruang Saay Ensemble
A. Complementary combination
D. Gamelan Ensemble
B. Value
100. Is a musical art form, combines singing, heightened speech, mime,
C. Analogous combination
dancing, literature, theater and acrobatics.
D. None of the above
A. Kabuki C. Wayang Kulit
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B. Peking Opera D. Gagaku B. Latin America D. Conga

101. Rumba and _______ are much faster and clearly indicated by the spirit of 125. A carnival dance performed during the so called Comparsas or parades and
African dance. its rhythm is essentially that of a march.
A. Mambo C. Tango A. Spanish C. Cuba
B. Zamba D. Swing B. Latin America D. Conga
102. Bossa Nova and _________ of Brazil are more relaxed, evoking images of 126. What do you call this ensemble consists of kulintang, a set of eight small
white sand, blue sea, and gently waving palms. gongs of graduated sizes, dabakan, gandingan and babandil?
A. Mambo C. Tango A. Saggong C. Gangsa
B. Zamba D. Swing B. Palabunyibunyan D. Luntang
103. From what province is the song Dandansoy? 127. The instrument played by the Kalinga.
A. Tagalog C. Visaya A. Saggong C. Gangsa
B. Ilocano D. Bicol B. Palabunyibunyan D. Luntang
104. The composer of “Pilipinas Kong Mahal” is _________? 128. A musical play using puppets is called ________.
A. Gamelan C. Wayang Kulit
A. Antonio Molina C. Lucio San Pedro
B. Peking Opera D. Chinese Opera
B. Nicanor Abelardo D. Francisco Santiago
129. The Secular Music of China is called _________.
105. “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan” is a composition by _______?
A. Ya-yueh C. Chaio
A. Antonio Molina C. Lucio San Pedro B. Su-yueh D. Ching
B. Nicanor Abelardo D. Francisco Santiago 130. It is a song that belongs to a nation.
106. What musical structure is contained in a Japanese folksong “Sakura”? A. Ballad C. Plainsong
A. Binary Form C. Unitary Form B. Kumintang D. National Song
B. Ternary Form D. Rondo
107. Which of Hindus musical instrument has 13 strings excluding the four ANATOMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MECHANICAL
melody and three drone strings normally played by plucking? BASES OF MOVEMENT
A. Vina C. Tabla Competency No.1 Analyzing body parts in relation to movement.
B. Sitar D. Tambura 1. The skeletal system being the framework of the body got each of its part
108. Which country in Asia has a rich and ancient civilization that began about connected through joints. The degree of its motion at a joint is
3000 B.C. with the settlement of the valleys along the Yangtze and Huang determined by:
Ho Rivers? A. the amount of synovial fluid in a joint
A. India C. China B. the number of bursa around a joint
B. Japan D. Korea C. the bone shape and joint structure
109. While the Chinese used pentatonic scale, Indian Music is built on seven D. the unusual amount of exercise
notes. What are the seven notes in their proper order? Competency No.2 Identify components of Physical Fitness
A. MA, RI, SA, GA, NI, DHA, PHA 2. The lasting power of the heart, lungs and skeletal muscle during hard
B. NI, PHA, DHA, SA, RI, GA, MA work as a result of ones regular physical activities and exercise is
C. SA, RI, GA, MA, PHA, DHA, NI referred to as
D. GA, MA, SA, RI, DHA, PHA, NI A. Flexibility C. Power
110. The Ifugao ceremonious occasion with dancing, drinking of bubud or B. Strength D. Stamina
fermented rice, butchering of pigs and speeches is called __________. Competency No. 3 Demonstrate lifetime wellness program and activities
A. Ayoweng C. Pagpag 3. When the body systems work together smoothly to carry out your daily
B. Sua-sua D. Cañao life activities, you are said to have:
111. The song and courtship dance of Jolo. A. Strength
B. Physical Fitness
A. Ayoweng C. Papag
C. Full of energy
B. Sua-sua D. Canao
D. Healthy lifestyle
112. What country was called the “Fishing Village” before the coming of the
4. On the process of walking energy is produced but when you stop from
walking the energy dissipates. This motion is an example of
113. The smallest interval tone in Indian music.
A. Catalyst C. Matter
A. Tala C. Raga B. Kinetic energy D. Potential energy
B. Rasa D. Shruti 5. The forward movement of a part of the body in a plane such as the
114. It refers to a metrical cycle of beats. arm or leg is called
A. Tala C. Raga A. Insertion C. Protraction
B. Rasa D. Shruti B. Flexion D. Extension
115. What do you call a long lyric song of Korea? 6. When Joseph reach out for his arm to receive money from his father
A. Kagok C. Kasa which pair of action are involved
B. Shi-jo D. P’ansori A. pronation and rotation
116. What do you call a narrative song of Korea? B. flexion and abduction
A. Kagok C. Kasa C. flexion and supination
B. Shi-jo D. P’ansori D. extension and supination
117. Indonesian five tone scale. 7. The component of a second-class lever are positioned in this
A. Pelog C. Pathet sequence
B. Slendro D. Barang A. Pivot , resistance, effort
118. Indonesian seven tone scale. B. Resistance, pivot, effort
A. Pelog C. Pathet C. Pivot, effort, resistance
B. Slendro D. Barang D. Effort, pivot , effort
119. Burung Kakak Tua is an Indonesian folksong means _______? 8. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is the only finger that allows
A. Tree C. Parrot several types of movement that makes the hand a very useful part of
B. Bird D. Fish the body. This joint is known as a
120. Hanabe No Uta is a song from _______? A. Saddle joint C. Hinge joint
A. India C. China B. Pivot joint D. Gliding joint
B. Japan D. Korea 9. The longest and strongest bone in the body
121. What musical structure is contained in a Korean folksong “Arirang”? A. Humerus C. Femur
A. Binary Form C. Unitary Form B. Tibia D. Fibula
B. Ternary Form D. Rondo 10. The muscle in the upper arm used as the injection site
122. La Cucaracha is a song from _________? A. Biceps c. Triceps
A. Africa C. Mexico B. Deltoid d. Trapezius
B. Spain D. America 11. Regular physical exercise is being recommended to avoid muscle
123. What is the characteristic of the African music? fatigue caused by a built-up of :
A. Solo singing A. ATP c. Lactic acid
B. Call and response singing B. Oxygen d. Glycogen
C. Chorus-like 12. The strongest muscle that generally gives the body its beautiful shape
D. A capella singing is the buttocks also called
124. What is the largest island of the West Indies and lies to the South of the A. Gastrocnemius c. Gluteus
United States of the southernmost tip of the coast of Florida. B. Trapezius d. Rectus femoris
A. Spanish C. Cuba

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13. The largest and most superior part of the human brain responsible for B. Lordosis d. Osteoporosis
consciousness consisting of the frontal, parietal, temporal and 5. The part of the brain that helps control voluntary movement of muscles
occipital lobe is the such as coordination, posture and balance
A. Cerebellum c. Cerebrum A. Cerebrum c. Mid brain
B. Midbrain d. Brain stem B. Brain stem d. Cerebellum
14. The nerve which contains fibers that both send and receive messages 6. When oxygen is not readily met by the circulatory system during exercise,
to and from the brain is called this condition is called.
A. Afferent nerve c. Mixed nerve A. Cramps C. Oxygen debt
B. Efferent nerve d. Sensory nerve B. Second wind D. Anaerobic
15. The blood type found be in the largest percent of the world population 7. The carpometacarpal joint that moves thumb while texting message on
is your cell phone
A. Type AB c. Type B A. Saddle C. Ball and socket
B. Type A d. Type O B. Gliding D. Hinge
16. When deoxygenated blood returns to the heart to the right atrium 8. The following are the basis of naming muscle except one
and down to the right ventricle, its back flow is prevented by the A. Shape C. Strength of contraction
strong valve called B. Function D. Sites of attachment
A. Tricuspid valve 9. The muscle that flexes the joints between the lumbar vertebrae that cause
B. Aortic semi-lunar valve the body to bow
C. Bicuspid valve A. Internal abdominal oblique
D. Pulmonary semi-lunar valve B. Transverse abdominis
17. The blood circulation that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart C. Rectus abdominis
to lungs and the oxygenated blood from the lungs back to heart is D. External abdominal oblique
said to be 10. A gymnast in his performance on any heavy apparatus, uses chalk in his
A. Coronary c. Cardiopulmonary hands to increase a kind of force that will prevent his body to be thrown
B. Fetal d. Portal out of the apparatus he is into.
18. The blood vessel that carries blood with carbon dioxide from the A. Gravity C. Buoyancy
heart to the lungs is B. Friction D. Balance
A. Pulmonary artery c. Aorta
B. Pulmonary vein d. Vena cave Individual, Dual and Combative Sports
19. In archery, the amount of pull given to the bow will determine the Athletics
speed and distance of 1. 5,000 M.R is _____ lap in the oval.
the arrow upon its release. a. 25 b.13 c.7 d.4
A. First Law of Motion 2. There are ____ water jumps in steeplechase.
B. Second Law of Motion a.5 b.12 c.7 d.14
C. Third Law of Motion 3. One round in the oval is ____
D. Newton’s Law of Gravitation a. 100 M b.500 M c.600 M d.400M
20. The type of bones that usually function as levers are the 4. Triple jump is done by a ____, step, and jump.
A. Flat bone c. Irregular bone a. hop b. walk c. run d. skip
B. Short bone d. Long bone 5. There are ____ hurdles in the hurdling events.
21. During moderate exercise the amount of blood that flows to the a.10 b.12 c.14 d.16
brain 6. Heptathlon is composed of _____ events.
A. Increases a.6 b.7 c.8 d.9
B. Decreases 7. Decathlon is composed of ____ running events.
C. Remains unchanged a.8 b.4 c.6 d.3
D. Initially increase then decreases 8. 100 M, 400 M and ____ meter are all sprint events.
22. A person’s blood pressure is generally taken with a cuff around the a.800M b.1,500 M c.200 M d.300 M
humerus over the 9. There are ____ obstacles including the water jump in the steeplechase
A. The subclavian artery a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6
B. The humeral artery 10. The official responsible for the proper carrying out of the program in an
C. Brachial artery Athletic meeting is the ____.
D. Radial artery a. Technical Manager c. Field Manager
23. Lifting a 2 pounds dumbbell with a bent elbow of one arm is b. Clerk of Court d. Meet Manager
considered to be a
A. Third class lever c. Second class lever Badminton
B. First class lever d. Inclined plane 11. A game is played to ____ points?
24. While swimming in a pool, the force that pushes your body off the a. 11 b. 15 c. 20 d. 21
water is 12. Any infraction of the rules where the resulting penalty is loss of serve?
A. Gravity c. Pressure a. Fault b. Rally c. Side Out
B. Hydraulics d. Buoyancy 13. An overhead stroke hit downward with force - usually used to score a point?
25. In the game basketball, dribbling the ball is a required skill as the a. Clear c. Drop Shot
player in ball possession moves round the court. This proves the b. Drive d. Smash
Newton’s Law of Motion on 14. Playing singles, your score is 4, the opponent 3, which serving court do you
A. First Law of Motion serve from?
B. Second Law of Motion a. Left b. Right c. Center
C. Third Law of Motion 15. A high shot that travels to the back of your opponents court?
D. Newton’s Law of Gravitation a. Clear c. Drop Shot
b. Drive d. Smash
10 ITEMS PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 16. The service box in a singles game is:
1. In the gymnastics VAULT event, a gymnast runs fast as preparatory a. short and narrow
movement before a take off on the vault. b. long and narrow
a. First Law of Motion c. long and wide
b. Second Law of Motion d. short and wide
c. Third Law of Motion 17. A legal service is done by hitting the shuttle
d. Newton’s Law of Gravitation a. between your waist and shoulders
2. The muscle around the shoulder is a powerful abductor, used to raise the b. anywhere from your shoulders down
arm overhead c. anywhere below your wrist
a. Deltoid c. Biceps d. below the knee
b. Pectoral d. Brachii 18. Your score is 8, where you going to serve?
3. One way of developing muscular strength is through the use of muscle a. left service box across to the right
contraction characterized by an absence of joint movement. b. left service box straight across to the left
A. Isotonic c. Isometric c. right service box straight across to the right
d. right service box across to the left.
B. Isokinetic d. Concentric
19. Before the start of the game, the winners of the racquet spin or shuttle toss
4. When the posture of any individual is affected by an excessive curvature
may choose:
of the thoracic spine , this condition is know as
a. to serve or to receive
A. Kyphosis c. Scholeosis
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b. to serve and side of court

c. to serve or side of court ATHLETICS
d. to give the options to your opponent 1. The athletic meet official who is responsible for the preparation of the Result
20. The most common service being used in doubles games is: cards, timekeeping cards and all other implements for competition Is the
a. short and low c. high and long ____.
b. long and low d. short and high a. recorder c. technical manager
b. meet manager d. referee
Table Tennis 2. Who is the official responsible for allowing only officials on duty and
21. When the ball hits permanent fixtures during play it is called: competitors taking part in the events that are in progress to be in the area?
a. A ‘let’ and the point are replayed. a. the referee c. the marshal
b. A good hit and play continues. b. announcer d. manager of the meet
c. Fault by the player who strikes it 3. The officials on duty at the change-over zones is relay races are the ____
d. A dead ball a. Track Judges c. Marshals
22. In a game of doubles the serve is taken from – b. umpires’ d. Asst. Technical Manager
a. Behind the back line. 4. In all National & International Meetings, starting blocks must be used for all
b. The service court of the serving teams choice. races up to and including.
c. The left service court. a.400M c.800M
d. The right service court. b.200M d.110M
23. What happens if the ball touches the net during the serve but continues to 5. Any breach of the rules that is observed by the ____ should be indicated
land in the correct service area? immediately by the raising of a red flag.
a. It is referred to as a ‘let’ and the serve is taken again. a. technical manager c. chief judge
b. It is a fault and service is awarded to the opponent. b. meet manager d. referee
c. Play continues, as it is a correct serve. 6. The official who is responsible to allocate duties to the judges is the
d. The point is awarded to the receiver. a. technical manager b. meet manager
24. If the player in the act of service misses the ball completely – c. chief judge d. jury of appeal
a. They may serve again from the same area. 7. A distinctive flag or marker may be used to mark the best throw of each
b. They may serve again but from the other service court. competitor in the following events.
c. They lose the serve. a. javelin only
d. Their opponent receives a point but they continue to serve. b. hammer & discus only
25. An overhead stroke hit downward with force - usually used to score a point? c. for all throwing event
a. Clear c. Drop Shot d. for all throwing event except shot put
b. Drive d. Smash 8. A throw made by a competitor in the discuss event is disqualified because
26. A game is played up to ____ a. The competitor leaves the circle before the discus has landed
a. 11 points c. 20 points b. The discus breaks after landing
b. 15 points d. 21 points c. He has put rising powder on his hands
27. If a player in the act of service misses the ball completely – d. The discuss lands within the landing area and rolled out.
a. he may serve again from the same area.
b. he may serve again but from the other service end. BADMINTON
c. he lose a point 9. If the serving player misses the shuttle he:
d. he lose a point but continue to serve a. may serve again from the same area.
28. The length of the table is ___ b. may serve again but from the other service court.
a. 9 ft. b. 7 ft. c. 8 ft. d. 10 ft. c. lose the serve.
29. The winner of the toss has the option: d. may reserve again
a. to serve or to receive 10. During service when the shuttle touches the net but continues to land in the
b. to serve, not to serve, or side of court proper service box it is:
c. to serve or side of court a. a ‘let’ and the serve is taken again.
d. to serve or to give the opponent the option b. a fault and service is lost to the opponent.
30. In serving the ball must: c. a good serve.
a. be nearer to the table than server’s body d. A fault and a point is awarded to the receiver.
b. be dropped before being hit 11. A player shouts “out” to prevent his partner to hit the shuttle is a:
c. be place on the palm of the server’s free hand a. Form of assistance from a team member.
d. be anywhere at the end of the table of the server b. Communication between partners that is not allowed.
c. Technical violation of team members.
ARNIS d. Stoppage of game and warning should be given to the team.
31. What is the Filipino martial art of stick fighting? 12. One of the following is a serving violation:
a. Kali b. Kuntao c. Arnis d. Escrima a. The foot of the server is toeing the short service line
b. One foot is not in contact to the ground.
32. Who is the father of modern arnis? c. Feet are far apart
a. Ernie A. Presas c. Remy A. Presas d. The feet are in contact to the ground.
b. A. Soteca d. Roberto Presas 13. In a game of doubles the first serve is taken from –
33. Tjakalele a native Indonesian fencing art with technique closely similar a. The long service line of the right service box
to_____. b. The doubles alley of the serving teams choice.
a. Kali c. Espada y Daga c. The left service box.
b. Arnis d. Redonda d. The right service box.
34. This is a system of fighting with bladed weapons among maharlikas known 14. When a shuttle touches a permanent fixture it is:
as_______ a. a ‘let’.
a. Kali c. Espada y Daga b. a good return
b. Arnis d. Redonda c. a fault.
35. What school is teaching kali to the children as part of the curriculum during d. a must for the opponent to reach for it.
the reign of the datus of Panay? 15. When serving, the racket head should:
a. Bothoan c. Moro-moro a. be pointing to the floor.
b. Kuntao d. Maojapahit b. be higher than the waist
c. be below the knees at impact.
SWIMMING d. be below the racket hand at impact.
36. The stroke that is being interchangeably known as freestyle
a. Crawl b. Breast c. fly TABLE TENNIS
37. Almost all mammals can swim by instinct excerpt: 16. The ball is ____ from the last moment at which it is stationary on the palm
a. kangaroos b. bats c. porcupines of the free hand before being intentionally projected in service until the rally
38. A standard Olympic pool measure: is decided as a let or a point.
a. 50 m b. 75 m d. 100 m a. Dead c. Let
39. The official who looks if the swimmers do the correct strokes in competition is: b. Alive d. Serve
a. Turn judge b. Stroke judge c. referee 17. A ____ is the period during which the ball is in play.
a. Rally c. Let
40. The fastest stroke use in competitive swimming is the: b. Alive d. Serve
a. Backstroke b. Crawl c. Butterfly 18. A ____ is a rally of which the result is not scored.

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a. Dead c. Let c. Franz Josef Haydn

b. Alive d. Serve d. Ludwig Van Beethoven
19. The player due to strike the ball second in a rally. 8. It is a free form for solo voice with accompaniment in which the vocal
a. Server c. Server’s partner melody approximates the natural rhythm and pitch inflection of the text.
b. Receiver d. Receiver’s partner a. Recitative c. Aria
20. A ____ is a rally of which the result is scored. b. Chorale d. Hymn
a. Dead c. Let 9. It is a song for solo and accompaniment in which the vocal part is written in
b. Alive d. Point a fairly complex style, often with several notes to each syllable of the text.
21. Anything that a player ____ includes anything that he was wearing or a. Recitative c. Aria
carrying, other than the ball, at the start of the rally. b. Chorale d. Hymn
a Used c. Bear 10. Who is the composer of the “Branderburg Concerto”?
b Wear a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
d. Bring b. Ludwig Van Beethoven
22. The ____ is the hand carrying the racket. c. Johanne Sebastian Bach
a Left hand c. Racket hand
d. Franz Josef Haydn
b Right hand d. Free hand
11. A drama set to music complete with staging, sceneries and costumes.
23. The ball shall be regarded as passing ____ the net assembly if it passes
a. Opera c. Cantata
anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net
and the playing surface. b. Oratorio d. Aria
a Over c. Around
b Under c. About 12. It is the period of subjectivity, emotionalism, imbalance and fantasy.
24. The ____ is the hand not carrying the racket; the free arm is the arm of the a.Romantic c. Classical
free hand. b.Contemporary d.Baroque
a Left hand c. Racket 13. It is a religious or sacred song, usually a metrical poem to be sung by a
hand congregation.
b Right hand d. Free a. Anthem c. Motet
hand b. Hymn d. Gregorian Chant
25. A player ____ the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the 14. In which period in music history was the new tonal system invented, the
hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist. different kinds of ideology and music, the use of important technologies
a Strike c. Smash in producing sound and music and the widespread of nationalism in spirit
b Hit d. Drive and of music?
a.16th centuryc. 18th century
ARNIS b.19th centuryd. 20th century
26. A sharp pointed hardwood stick hardened by fire called 15. Sung in unison or in four-part block chord style.
a. Muton c. Kali a. Chorale c. Recitative
b. Espada y Daga d. Dolo-dolo b. Aria d. Oratorio
27. Depict the traditional striking technique of arnis in a form of free hand 16. United States most important contribution to the world of music,
exercise. improvised music, syncopation, blue notes.
a.Sinawali c. Doblete a. Opera c. Broadway musicale
b. Anyo d. Redonda b. Jazz d. Swing
28. In what aspect of arnis does the learner taught the how and where to 17. Romantic character piece for piano written in a somewhat melancholy
deliver a strike? style with an expressive melody over a broken chord accompaniment.
a. Blocking Technique c. Striking Techniques a. Polonaise c. Fantaisie Impromptu
b. Stances d. Body shifting b. Nocturne d. Etude
29. Double stick striking criss-across fashion and strike called: 18. A dance of Polish origin, in ¾ time and moderate tempo; formerly in
a. Sinawali c. Banday-banday animated processional style, but now merely a slow promenade opening
b. Redonda d. Palis-palis a ball.
30. What is the target vital area of single sinawali? a. Polonaise c. Fantaisie Impromptu
a. Temple/Knee c. Forehead/leg b. Nocturne d. Etude
b. Shoulder/hip d. Chest/abdomen 19. Outstanding black American jazz trumpeter and bandleader.
a. Miles Davis c. John Cage
Western Music b. Aaron Copland d. Sergei Rachmaninoff
1. The period when the Bel Canto style of singing was developed. 20. Technique of writing in polyphonic texture.
a. Pre- Baroque Period a. Canonic c. Fugue
b. Baroque Period b. Counterpoint d. Etude
c. Classical Period 21. Text of the opera, oratorio and cantata.
d. Romantic Period a. Libretto c. Script
2. It refers to a group of instruments, which consists of banduria, octavina, b. Score d. Book
laud, guitar and bajo de arco. 22. A short coda.
a. Orchestral instruments a. Fine c. Codetta
b. Band instruments
b. Coda d. Dal Segno
c. Rondalla instruments
23. The opening section of the sonata movement, in which the principal
d. Ethnic instruments
themes are presented for the first time.
3. What period in music history gave the chance or the opportunity to convey
a. Exposition c. Recapitulation
the “feeling” of the composer?
a. Baroque c. 20th century b. Development d. Fine
b. Romantic d. Classical 24. The working out or evolution of a theme by presenting it in varied
melodic, harmonic, or rhythmic treatment.
4. Which of the following styles of performing is used by Schoenberg in his a. Exposition c. Recapitulation
composition “Pierrot Lunaire” where the lyrics of the song are half-sung and b. Development d. Fine
half-spoken? 25. A multi-movement instrumental form for the orchestra.
a. Inversion c. Sprechstimme a. overture c. string quartet
b. Rap d. Retrograde b. symphony d. none of these
5. Who among the following personalities was been a well-known 26. Period when the individual sought to revolt against established rules and
impressionistic composer of the 20th century? traditions of previous eras. Composers sought to express their own
a. Bela Bartok c. Igor Stravinsky creative identities.
b. Arnold Schoenberg d. Claude Debussy a. Renaissance c. Pre- Baroque
6. The “Surprise Symphony” is composed by_________? b. Baroque d. Classical
a. Franz Schubert 27. Era of balance of repetition, variation and contrast.
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a. Classical c. Contemporary
c. Franz Josef Haydn b. Romantic d. Modern
d. Ludwig Van Beethoven 28. The foundation of Western Art was laid in this long period. Vocal
7. A deaf composer of the classical-romantic period. polyphony was begun in which musical interest is sharp equally between
a. Franz Schubert parts which move independently to produce an interwoven texture.
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Notation of the sounds developed in this period: Syllable names for the
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note of the scale was invented by Guido d’ Arezzo which is the basis of b.Frederic Chopin
the modern Solfeggio system. c. Felix Mendelssohn
a. Renaissance c. Pre-Baroque d.Arnold Schoenberg
b. Baroque d. Classical 46. This music is characterized by steady pulse, clear tonality, and insistent
29. Free and chance use of sounds, improvisation, processed music and repetition of short melodic patterns; its dynamic level, texture, and
sounds programmed into computers characterized by diverse methods harmony tend to stay constant for fairly long stretches of time, creating a
and approaches to music. trancelike or hypnotic effect.
a. Classical c. Contemporary a. Minimalist Music
b. Romantic d. Modern b. Free Jazz
30. This period is particular in sonata allegro form, the most significant single c. Electronic Instrument
movement form. d. Jazz
a. Classical c. Contemporary 47. The sound is produced, modified or amplified by electronic means.
b. Romantic d. Modern a. Minimalist Music
31. Their works feature such factor as terraced dynamic, bel canto and an b. Free Jazz
incessant rhythmic drive. Major and minor modes gradually replaced the c. Electronic Instrument
church modes and moderate modulation to related keys replaced the d. Jazz
practice in remaining in one tonality. 48. The style that departs from traditional jazz is not being based on regular
a. Renaissance c. Pre-Baroque forms and established chord patterns.
b. Baroque d. Classical a. Minimalist Music
32. Music was with no regular metric grouping, has narrow range, average b. Free Jazz
tessitura and conjunct motion. Tonal organization is basically that of the c. Electronic Instrument
church modes. Dynamics were not indicated in most music of this period. d. Jazz
Texture was predominantly monophonic. 49. The music rooted in improvisation and characterized by syncopated
a. Renaissance c. Pre-Baroque rhythm, a steady beat, and distinctive tone colors and performance
b. Baroque d. Classical techniques.
33. The period that gives impression of greater stability, repose, clarity, a. Minimalist Music c. Jazz Rock
balance, objectivity and traditionalism, composers attempted to create b. Jazz d. Free Jazz
music which is formal, strict in proportion and moderate in expression. 50. The style of music that combines the jazz musician’s improvisatory
a. Classical c. Contemporary approach with rock rhythms and tone colors.
b. Romantic d. Modern a. Ragtime c. Jazz Rock
34. The greater part of the music of this period is vocal and the formal b. Jazz d. Free Jazz
element in this music is largely governed by considerations of the text.
Much of the music is irregular in motive and phrase construction. Team Sports (Basketball, Softball, Volleyball)
a. Renaissance c. Pre-Baroque Competency No.1 Recall the historical background of different team sports.
b. Baroque d. Classical 51. Who created the game of basketball?
35. An extended composition for a solo instrument and orchestra, frequently a. Walter A. Hakanson
in a sonata form. b. Kareem Abdul Jabbar
a. Concerto c. Fugue c. James A. Naismith
b. Symphony d. Motet d. William J. Morgan
36. An orchestral composition of from three or five distinct movements or Competency No.2Identify facilities and equipment.
divisions, each with its own themes and its own development. 52. What equipment is worn by the catcher in softball for safety?
a. Concerto c. Fugue a. Mask and body protector
b. Symphony Motet b. Glove and Uniform
37. A sacred vocal composition in contrapuntal style, without c. Mask and Mitt
accompaniment. d. Spikes and Mask
a. Concerto c. Fugue
b. Symphony d. Motet Competency No. 3. Recognize bio-mechanics and skills.
38. A spectacular dance introduced in an opera or other stage work. 53. What is the position of the spiker’s hand at the beginning of the forward
a. Ballet c. Opera swing to hit the ball?
b. Broadway Musicale d.Fugu e a. Over the spiker’s head
39. A musical introduction to an opera, oratorio. b. Over the spiker’s right shoulder
a. Overture c. Symphony c. Out to the side of the spiker’s shoulder
b. Intermezzo d. Interlude d. Above and slightly behind the spiker’s head
40. An instrumental strain or passage connecting the lines or stanzas of a
a. Overture c. Symphony 54. What was the original type of basket used for basketball?
b. Intermezzo d. Interlude a. peach basket c. sewing basket
41. A light musical entertainment alternating with the acts of the early Italian b. fish basket d. trash basket
tragedies. 55. Which is used for timing periods of play and intervals between them?
a. 24-second device. c. Stopwatch
a. Overture c. Symphony
b. Game clock d. Wristwatch
b. Intermezzo d. Interlude
56. Which movement would be most efficient when shooting a lay-up from
42. The famous composer, pianist and conductor. The title of his famous
the right side of the basket?
composition is “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
a. Take off from the left foot, shoot with right hand
a. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky b. Take off from right foot, shoot with right hand.
b. Frederic Chopin c. Take off from left foot, shoot with both hands.
c. Felix Mendelssohn d. Stand on both feet, shoot with right hand.
d. Arnold Schoenberg 57. When should a player shoot when performing a jump shot?
43. The composer militantly removed from the “Mighty Five” and the most a. Jump and shoot at the same time
popular composer under the Soviet regime. King of Russian Waltz. b. Jump and shoot on the way down
a. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky c. Jump, then shoot at the top of the jump
b. Frederic Chopin d. Jump and shoot as soon as feet leave the floor
c. Felix Mendelssohn 58. What is the most significant factor to stress when executing a pass?
d. Arnold Schoenberg a. handling the ball with the fingers
44. The composer, genius of the piano who created a unique romantic style of b. using a wrist snaps upon release
keyboard music. c. stepping into the pass
a.Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky d. keeping the elbows in
b.Frederic Chopin 59. What action should be evident in the follow-through of the chest pass?
c. Felix Mendelssohn a. The knees are bent
d.Arnold Schoenberg b. The wrists are fully flexed.
45. The composer and theorist whose intransigent method of organizing c. The thumbs are pointing upward.
music according to twelve equal notes profoundly influenced the direction d. The palms of the hands are facing downward.
of 20th century music. 60. Where should a player’s eyes be focused when dribbling?
a.Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky a. downward in order to control the ball

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b. forward in order to pass to a teammate

c. forward in order to alternate hands quickly BASKETBALL
d. downward in order to see the feet of a defensive player. 76. When does the timer stop the clock?
a. When the official gives the hand signal.
SOFTBALL b. When the scorers’ buzz alerts the official of a substitution.
61. In what city did softball originate? c. When the official’s whistle blows.
a. Springfield, Massachussetts d. When two opposing players collide attempting to get a loose ball.
b. Detroit, Michigan 77. How many seconds may a defensive player stay in the lane?
c. Chicago, Illinois a. 3 seconds c. 10 seconds
d. Cleveland, Ohio b. 5 seconds d. No time limit
62. What equipment is worn by the catcher for safety? 78. If after receiving a pass a player makes a two-step stop, what is he
a. mask and mitt permitted to do?
b. cleats and mask a. Pivot in any directions on the front foot.
c. glove and uniform b. Pivot in any directions on the back foot.
d. mask and body protector c. Pivot in any directions on either foot.
63. Which ball is a fair ball? d. Pivot in any directions on both feet.
a. settles in fair territory in the infield 79. A foul is committed against a player who is able to make the goal in spite
b. rolls outside third base into the outfield of the fouls. Does the shot counts?
c. touches fair territory and rolls foul in the infield a. No, a free throw is awarded.
d. hits foul territory in the outfield and bounces fair b. No, a jump ball is called.
64. Which grip should be used if the batter wants to hit a long ball? c. Yes, a free throw is awarded.
a. hands spread about 2 inches d. Yes, the other team takes the ball out of bounds
b. hands together at the bottom of the bat 80. The offensive team plays a fast break, what is the best shot for the
c. hands together about 1 inch from the bottom of the bat player close to the basket do?
d. hands together about 3 inches from the bottom of the bat a. Lay-up shot c. Jump shot
65. Which foot of a right-handed batter leads on the run toward first base b. Set shot d. Fall away shot
and why? 81. A violation is committed by the defensive team and the ball is out of
a. left foot because it is free of body weight play. The ball situation is called
b. left foot because it is closest to first base a. Jump ball c. Time-out
c. right foot because it is closest to first base b. Dead ball d. Delay of game
d. right foot because it is free of body weight 82. Player A is cutting for the basket and runs into Player B who has
66. What technique is used to pitch an incurve? established a guarding position. What is the official’s decision?
a. rotate wrist upward a. Blocking on Player A
b. rotate wrist to the left b. Blocking on Player B
c. rotate wrist downward c. Charging on Player B
d. rotate wrist to the right d. Charging on Player A
67. What is the correct procedure for a right- handed person to use on an 83. An offensive player happened to return the ball to the back court and
overhead throw? a violation occurs. What is the penalty for the violation?
a. Face the target, step ahead on the left foot. a. Jump ball
b. Face the target, step ahead on the right foot. b. One free throw
c. Left shoulder toward target, step ahead on the right foot. c. Two free throws
d. Left shoulder toward target, step ahead on the left foot. d. Opponent’s ball out-of-bounds

68. William G. Morgan invented a game in 1895. What team sport is this? 84. An inning is that portion of a game within which the teams alternate
a. Volleyball c. Softball on offense and defense. For an official game the minimum number of
b. Basketball d. Soccer Football innings is
69. What is the dimension of the volleyball playing court? a. Seven c. Five
a. 28 meters x 15 meters b. Six d. Four
b. 225 feet x 220 feet 85. For a pitch ball to be counted as a strike it must pass over the strike
c. 9 meters x 18 meters zone. Where is the batter’s strike zone?
d. 22 feet x 40 feet a. Between the shoulders and ankles and over the home plate.
70. What is the most important reason to hit the forearm pass? b. Between the neck and the top of the knees and over the home plate.
a. to set the ball c. Between the armpits and the top of the knees and over the home
b. to hit a ball at waist level or lower plate.
c. to substitute for an overhand pass d. Between the waist and the top of the knees and over the home plate.
d. to allow time for players to get into position 86. A legally batted ball is said to be fair when it
71. A player is preparing to hit a forearm pass. How should the player’s feet a. settles in fair territory in the infield.
be positioned? b. touches fair territory and rolls foul in the infield.
a. in a side stride position, shoulder width apart c. rolls outside third base into the outfield.
b. in a side stride position, more than shoulder width apart d. hits foul territory in the outfield and bounces fair.
c. in a front-back stride position, foot opposite intended direction of 87. A batter-runner successfully hit a fair ball and reaches first base. The
the pass slightly in front next batter in the line-up hits a fly ball and was caught by a fielder.
d. in a front-back stride position, foot opposite intended direction of When does the base-runner advance to another base?
the pass slightly in back a. As soon as the ball is hit
72. The player is preparing to hit an overhand pass. How should the wrist be b. As soon as the ball is caught
held? c. As soon as the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand
a. hyper extended c. relaxed d. The base runner may not advance to another base on a fly ball
b. extended d. flexed 88. The bases are loaded and the on-deck batter interferes with the defensive
73. Which movements contribute to the power in hitting a spike? player’s opportunity to make a play on the runner. Who is called out?
a. upper body rotation, jump and approach
b. wrist and arm extension, approach, and jump a. The batter c. The runner on second
c. wrist and arm extension, upper body rotation, and jump b. The runner on first d. The runner on third
d. wrist and arm extension, upper body rotation, and approach 89. Softball is played in innings and run is the unit in scoring. What determines
74. What direction should a player face when preparing to jump to block a the winner of a game?
spike? a. The team that scores five runs first.
a. sideways to the net b. The team that makes the fewest errors
b. squarely facing the net c. The team that has the most hits in a regulation game
c. facing the opposing team’s setter d. The team that scores the most runs in a regulation game
d. facing the line of the spiker’s approach 90. The outfielders support the basemen in fielding balls. Which base is usually
75. What should a player do to increase the speed of an underhand serve? not backed up by the pitcher?
a. Contact the ball with the fist. a. First base c. Third base
b. Hold the ball closer to the body. b. Second base d. Home
c. Flatten the arc of the arm swing. 91. The bases are loaded with no outs. The batter swings and misses a third
d. Increase the length of the backswing and follow through. strike. How is the batter put out?

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a. The catcher must hold the ball to put the batter out. a. waltz – ¾ time signature
b. The catcher must tag the batter to make the out. b. mazurka – ¾ time signature
c. The catcher must throw to first to put the batter out. c. polka – ¾ time signature
d. The batter is automatically out. d. sway balance – ¾ time signature
105. Question No. 5 – It is a work-dance of Kalinga women where they carry
VOLLEYBALL baskets on their heads.
92. What position in the serving order a player takes if he/she re-enters the a. Idudu c. Bumayah
game? b. Ragragsakan D. Bendian
a. His or her original position 106. Of the following patterns of movements, the one that best describes
b. The serving position the mazurka step is______.
c. The left front position A. slide, cut, hop C. slide, slide, hop
d. Any position B. hop, slide, close D. hop, cut, and slide
93. A toss coin is performed by the first referee between the two team captains 107. Which of the following associations is incorrect?
before the match. What choices does the winner of the toss coin a. Cordillera dances of Luzon
have? b. Tausug dances of Mindanao
a. First serve or team area in that game c. Mangyan dances of Nueva Viscaya
b. First serve in the first or second game d. Ibanag dances of Cagayan
c. First serve and team area in that game 108. Each of the following pairs of folk dance steps can be performed in
d. First serve in the first and second game combination except the _________
94. A hit is any contact with the ball by a player in play. When may a player hit a. waltz and reboda
the ball twice in a row? b. waltz balance and paso español
a. Never c. polka and mazurka
b. When the first hit was an attempted block d. cross waltz and step, swing, hop
c. When the hits are made with different body parts 109. Which of the following dance steps has an incorrect time signature in 2/4
d. When the first hit was a ball recovered from the net time music?
95. A back row player on the serving team spikes the ball into the opponent’s A. haplik C. polka
court. The spike was behind the attack line when jumping to make B. contraganza D. sagamantica
the spike. What was the decision? 110. All are four measures of music and beyond except ____________.
a. Legal play c. Side-out A. double sway balance C. haplik
b. Point d. Replay B. mudansa D. mazurka
96. The service is the act of putting the ball in play. What is the most important 111. Common among rural or countryside dances are the use of implements in
aspect of the serve? their dance. They offer the glass of wine, a hanky, a hat, or even their own hands
a. The placement of the ball to somebody as a sign of invitation or love. This characterizes to a dance term
b. The height of the ball means ___________.
c. The speed of the ball A. salok C. hapay
d. The spin on the ball B. sarok D. bilao
97. A block attempt is the action of blocking without touching the ball. If two or 112. Which of the following dance steps has eight measures?
more players attempt to block a spike at the same time what is this A. bacui C. haplik
called? B. chotis D. sagamantica
a. A team block c. A multiple block 113. Masiwak is a common dance term among the ___________
b. An attack block d. A simultaneous block A. Ilocano C. Tagalog
98. The officiating officials cause the game to progress with as little interference B. Ibanag D. VIsayan
as possible. Which of these directs the match from the start until 114. King June Four is demonstrating the correct movement of hayon-hayon.
the end? Which of the following is the correct movement pattern that King June Four will
a. Head official c. Umpire show?
b. First referee d. Head Referee a. He will place his forearm in front and the other at the back of his waist
99. A playing area does not have the required clearance above the court. A b. He will cross his arms in front and open it to second position
serve hits the ceiling. What is the ruling? c. He will place both his arms at one side
a. Play continues c. Second serve d. He will scoop his one arm up to fifth position
b. Reserve d. Side-out 115. Romeo is instructed by his PE teacher to do the habanera step. The step
100. A player is permitted to penetrate into the opponent’s space under the net, aptern that he will use is step, close, step, step and the counting to follow is
provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s play. ____________
Which event is a center line violation? a. 1 and 2 c. 1 2 and
a. Stepping on the center line. b. 1 2 d. 1 2 3
b. Touching the opponent’s playing area with the hands 116. Gelo is performing a sway balance with a waltz in his dance class. The
c. Stepping on center line and opponent’s playing area counting that he will use when doing the sway balance with a waltz is
d. Having one or both feet on or above the center line a. 1, 2 3/1 2 3 c. 1,2 3/ 1,2 3
b. 1, 2 3/ 1 2, 3 d. 1,2 3/ 1,2,3
Philippine Folk and Ethnic Dances 117. Mr. Perez asked his students to do a combination of the following dance
Identify the dance terms and steps used in Philippine Folk dances. steps; change, step, heel and toe change step, polka, heel and toe polka. He
advises his students to get a folk dance music to accompany the combinations.
101. Question No. 1 – Mr. Rioflorido instructed his students to do the What time signature the students will look for?
kumintang. What will be the correct movements execution of his a. 2/4 time music c. 4/4 time music
students in doing the kumintang? b. ¾ time music d. 6/8 time music
a. The students will move their hand from the wrist in a clockwise or 118. Which of the following is a Visayan dance term?
counterclockwise direction. a. Bilao c. Salok
b. The students will move their hand from the elbow in a clockwise b. Jaleo d. Sarok
or counterclockwise direction. 119. It is called the unit of formation
c. The students will move their hand from the shoulder in a a. cabaceras c. home position
clockwise or counterclockwise direction. b. costados d. set
d. The students will move their hand from the upper extremities in a 120. Of the following folk dances, which has a combined rhythm?
clockwise or counterclockwise direction a. Alitaptap c. Lanceros de Negros
102. Question No. 2 – The class of Mr. Cruz is dancing the Polkabal. One of b. Tiklos d. Los Bailes de Ayer
the basic steps in the dance is the contraganza. If Mr. Cruz will 121. Which of the following folk dances can is performed in ¾ time music?
demonstrate the step pattern of the dance step, which of the following a. Cariñosa c. Polka sa Nayon
will show thw correct movement pattern? b. Tiklos d. Polka Antigo
a. Step, close, step 122. What is the rythm pattern of escotis?
b. Cross-step, close, step a. uneven c. broken
c. Slide, cut, cut b. even d. syncopated
d. Leap, cross-step, step 123. Which of the following is an occupational dance?
103. Question No. 3 – Which of the following is a dance step in 4/4 time a. Polka sa Nayon c. Biniganbigat
music? b. Lanceros de Negros d. Mananguete
a. Espunti c. Mudansa 124. You are instructing your class to do one sway balance with a waltz right and
b. Mazurka d. Escotis left alternately, two waltz steps right and left, and one waltz turn. How many
104. Question No. 4 – All of the following are correct except measures are there in the combination?

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a. 6 measures c. 12 measures 143. Which steps have the same time signature?
b. 8 measures d. 16 measures a. polka and redoba
125. This dance is very popular in the Bicol Region commonly performed during b. change step and waltz balance
wedding celebrations. c. kuradang and contraganza
a. Kuratsa c. Sinakiki d. espunti and sangig
b. Pandango d. Pantomina
126. The waltz is done in what tempo? Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
a. slow c. moderate
b. marching d. fast You are teaching your class to dance the Pandango sa Ilaw. Which of
127. This is a kind of movement wherein the dancer glides one foot forcibly on the following preparations in your teaching will you consider to make the class
the floor with or without transfer of weight. understand thoroughly the nature and characteristics of the dance?
a. step c. pivot 144. What is the sociological context of the dance?
b. tap d. slide a. Subli is a festival dance from Quezon.
128. The type of dance which is performed in social gathering to honor the guest. b. The dance comes from two tagalog words “sumubsob” at “bumali”.
a. Pantomina c. Papuri c. It a dance in honor of the Mahal na Poong Sta. Krus.
b. Pandanggo d. Putritos d. The dance showcases the use of bamboo sticks.
129. It is a Samal dance class of noble women which shows off women’s 145. What is the correct time signature of the music used in the dance?
dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows and wrist joints. a. 2/2 time signature
a. Sua-ko-Sua c. Janngay b. 2/4 time signature
b. Maglanka d. Kancingan c. ¾ time signature
130. It is the national dance of the Philippines d. 4/4 time signature
a. Singkil c. Rigodon 146. Which of the following dance steps is common to dance?
b. Cariñosa d. Tinikling a. Change step c.Mincing steps
131. Which of the following dances use fighting implements? b. Mazurka d. Polka steps
a. Lanceros c. Rigodon 147. What are the basic arm movements used in the dance?
b. Sagayan d. Pabo a. Bilao and Hayon-hayon
131. A dance step of sixteen measures is ______________. b. Sarok and Kewet
a. haplik c. papuri c. Hapay and Salok
b. sagamantica d. mudansa d. Masiwak and Forearm turn
132. It is an Ibanag dance term wherein the dancers turn their hands from the
wrist halfway clockwise then raise and lower wrist once or twice Special Education
a. panadyak c. free hand 1. An Act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-
b. masiwak d. kumintang reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of
133. This is done by bending halfway the knees and body slightly with a bow of society is known as
the head. a. RA 7277 c. RA 8749
a. curtsy c. Dip b. RA 7394 d. RA 344
b. do-si-do d. Draw 2. Mrs. Pablo handles a regular class with one mainstreamed blind
134. This dance term is executed by swinging the arm downward passing infront student. What can she do to during PE class
of the body as if scooping with the trunk bending forward following the movement a. Exempt the student
of the arm is __________ b. Modify instruction
a. slide c. salok c. Modify activity
b. swing d. sarok d. Give other classroom work
135. Two people walk toward each other, pass by right shoulder, step sideward 3. A MAPEH teacher happens to handle an ADHD student. What can
to the right and return to position, walking backward, passing left shoulder is the teacher do during the PE period when he starts to bully other
called classmates
a. cross-over c. counterclockwise a. Reprimand him and take him out of the activity
b. do-si-do d. clockwise b. Make him in-charge of the distribution and retrieval of sports
136. The toe or ball or free foot is placed momentarily on floor and lifted again equipment
immediately again is called c. Group him with other bullies
a. touch c. pivot d. Make him a leader of a group
b. step d.tap 4. A partially sighted student would like to join the dance club. What
137. The free foot is drawn toward the foot which supports the body weight by could the dance adviser do to accommodate the special student
pressing the toes against the floor as the close is made is called a. Allow the student to audition together with the other normal students
a. bow c. brush b. Give special consideration to a special student
b. draw d. cut c. Do not allow him to join the club because it will difficult for him to
138. Subli is a dance honoring the wooden cross. It originates from adjust
a. Bohol c. Cavite d. Let other dancers tutor him
b. Batangas d. Mindoro 5. Teacher Joyce is a MAPEH teacher who has five students with
139. It is a dance among the Apayaos imitating the high – flying bird. special needs in her Art class. One of the students has emotional and
a. Bedian c. Say - yam behavior disorders and has difficulty staying on task, not disrupting others
b. Pattong d. Turayen and raising his hand when he has something to say. Unfortunately,
140. They are called “Peacocks of the mountain” several students seemed to be learning his "bad" behavior instead of him
a. Bontocs c. Kalingas learning the good behavior of the other students. Which of the following
b. Benguets d. Apayaos measures should teacher Joyce use to solve the problem:
141. This is a dance among the Maranaos which displays the women’s a. use peer recognition
simplicity and elegant walk with the use of beautifully decorated umbrellas. b. ignore the situation on purpose
a. Sagayan c. Pag-aper c. use punishment
b. Kapamalong d. Kakulangan d. time out
141. This is Palawan’s famous ceremonial rite of healing the sick, imploring and 6. An important factor that positively affects students with physical and
thanksgiving for a good and bountiful harvest. health handicapping situation in Music and Art class is the extent to which
a. Pagdidiwata c. Binaylan they are busy in purposeful, authentic activities. Which of the following
b. Blit-Blaan d. Sohten does not describe adapting for instruction:
141. Which of the following folk dances are classified as ceremonial dances? a. Look for opportunities for rewards and punishments
1. Dugso b. Use different groupings to give students the opportunity to acquire the
2. Putong skills
3. Pandang-Pandang c. Modify instruction or the activity
4. Daling-Daling d. Get students interests in accomplishing the task
a. 1 and 2 c. 3 only 7. Severe disabilities are often described as a condition in which typical
b. 3 and 4 d. 4 only life activities are significantly affected. Which of the following is not a
142. The National Artist in dance who is also known as the Mother of Folk Dance severe disability?
is a. deaf-blind c. hard of hearing
a. Lucrecia Urtula b. autism d. speech disorder
b. Corazon Iñigo 8. Tests are a way to find out what students have learned. The best way
c. Leonor Orosa Goquingco to discover what students have learned is
d. Francisca Reyes Aquino a. to use standardized test

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b. to use teacher-made tests 19. Which of the following is not true about the use of drugs in
c. to use assessment portfolio management of hyperactivity
d. to use student-friendly tests a. Drug treatment should be considered a permanent solution to a
9. This law aims to fully integrate differently-abled persons into the youngster’s problem
mainstream of Philippine society. It reinforces the rights and privileges of b. During the course of drug treatment, the child should periodically be
PWDs, who are now entitled to a minimum of 20 percent discount on drug free
various services such as hotel and lodging, restaurants, recreation c. Drugs should be considered only when there is a demonstration of
centers, theaters, cinemas, carnivals, and concerts, among others inordinately inappropriate behavior
a. RA 9442 c. RA 9165 d. Before drug treatment is implemented, behavior modification
b. RA 344 d. RA 772 procedures or remedial techniques should be attempted.
10. Accessibility law is an act that enhances the following except: 20. When is the right time to prepare the IEP?
a. mobility of disabled persons a. When the resource room is ready
b. establishment of public utilities b. When assessment is complete
c. Installation of Devices c. When remediation is completed
d. twenty percent discount for products and services d. When the child is enrolled
11. All of the following statements pertaining to mainstreaming are correct
except. 21. Special Students can earn time to use media such as film, film strips,
a. Mainstreaming allows special students to interact with regular class videotapes, and television as
peers and reduces the effects of labeling. a. Rewards for appropriate behavior
b. Most special students receive the majority of their education in the b. Direct instruction in interpersonal skill
special school. c. An aid in the presentation
c. Regular class teacher contributes to the success of mainstreaming d. An aid to monitor independent practice
by participating in the assessment, program planning, IEP 22. Mildly retarded students have special needs in academic, classroom
development and placement decisions behavior, physical needs and social performance. Which of the following
d. Most special students can succeed in the mainstream. are indicators of mild retardation?
12. Students are referred to special education if they have special needs a. Acting out or withdrawn behavior
which interfere with their school performance and if their needs cannot be b. Sensory impairment
adequately met within the regular educational program. If a student has c. Slow rate of learning
difficulty with one or more senses and mobility, what need must be d. Excels in one or two areas
addressed by the special school? 23. The following are descriptions of language disorder except
a. Classroom behavior needs a. The inability to communicate using symbols
b. Physical needs b. Inability to use appropriate grammatical pattern
c. Academic needs c. Difficulty in producing sounds
d. Social needs
d. Proper use of speech sounds
13. These students are characterized by above average performance on
24. Which of the following government agencies is in-charge of the
measures of intellectual performance; they may excel academically in all
special education program in the Philippines?
subjects or be particularly advanced in one.
a. Commission on Higher Education
a. Talented students
b. Bureau of Elementary Education
b. Gifted students
c. Bureau of Secondary Education
c. Excellent students
d. Department of Education
d. Advanced students
25. The following classification of special students have physical needs
14. Reinforcements have strong effects upon a preferred behavior if done
in appropriate timing. What type of reinforcement makes use of hugs,
a. Learning disabilities
positive comments and a pat on the back?
a. Tangible reinforcement b. Mental retardation
b. Edible reinforcement c. Vision/Hearing Impaired
c. Social reinforcement d. Speech/Language disorder
d. Activity reinforcement 26. Which of the following statements is true about special students
15. Many special students encounter difficulty in social interactions with a. Children with special needs can be effectively integrated in the
regular class peers and teachers. Most common sources of the problem regular PE program
are the following except b. Children with special needs are educated in the least restrictive
a. The behavior of the special student environment
b. The attitudes and behavior of the regular students c. Students with mental retardation, physical and health disabilities and
c. School staff and administration’s lack of knowledge about special autism are admitted in the mainstream.
students d. The Bureau of Secondary Education takes care of the SPED
d. Parents of special students who are overly protective programs in the DepEd.
16. The following statements about disabilities and handicaps are correct 27. Children with the following disability constitute the greatest
except percentage of exceptional children in the public school
a. A student may be disabled without being handicapped a. Learning disability
b. A disability is some sort of impairment b. Mental retardation
c. Male students with special needs are more common than female c. Physical and Health handicapped
students d. Visual Impairment
d. Physical disability is directly related to intelligence 28. Students with mild mental retardation has an IQ of
17. Which of the following statement best explains modification for special a. 40-50 c. 70-80
students b. 50-70 d. 80-90
a. When regular students have questions regarding the mainstreamed 29. Ten percent of all persons with mental disability are born with a
students, the teacher must answer them promptly and honestly chromosomal abnormality which results to
b. Before a special student becomes a member of the class, the a. Cerebral Palsy c. Down Syndrome
regular teacher prepares the other students by not only talking about b. Hearing Impairment d. Epilepsy
the special student’s disability nut also about his/her interests, 30. It is a condition of recurring seizures that is initiated by abnormal
hobbies and talents. electrical charges in the brain.
c. Regular classroom teachers must group students with special needs a. Cerebral Palsy
with other students with learning needs.
b. Down Syndrome
d. Call special attention to mainstreamed students. There should be a
c. Seizure Disorder
special treatment, special assignment and must be given privately.
18. Identify the correct sequence of activities when a regular classroom d. Perceptual-Motor Deficiencies
teacher wants to individualized instruction 31. Sensory impairment and neurological disorders include all of the following
1. selection of the learning task except
2. apply skills from the previous concepts a. Perceptual-Motor Deficiencies
3. present the materials for the task b. Hearing Impairment
4. master the learning task c. Seizure Disorders
5. practice the learning task d. Visual Impairment
a.1,2,3,4,5 c. 1,3,5,4,2 32. The following are contents of the Individualized Education Program
b.1,3,4,5,2 d. 1,2,4,3,5 (IEP) except
a. Summary of present level performance

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b. Annual goals 46. In terms of the public school system, students who possess which
c. IEP committee members Agreement level of mental disability are classified as educable
d. Daily goals a. Mild or moderate
33. The following are symptoms of perceptual-motor deficiencies except b. Moderate or severe
a. Body image c. Mild or profound
b. Balance d. Profound or moderate
c. Hand-eye and foot-eye coordination 47. The following guidelines will help teachers integrate students with
d. Tactile awareness visual impairments into the regular physical education program except
34. The Eating disorders associated with obesity among special students a. Use bright colored objects to encourage children to use their
include anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The criteria for obesity depend residual vision
upon the assessment approach used which is b. Use tactile and auditory boundary
a. Physical Fitness test c. Use peers to guide children with visual impairment
b. Skinfold caliper d. Use children with visual impairments as posts in the given activity
c. Treadmill test 48. Which of the following can be done to help children with special
d. Food Intake Analysis needs
35. This type of impairment denotes any congenital or acquired a. Early identification of the disability
impairment that has produced a motor disability. b. Consultation with parents
a. Traumatic brain injury c. Consultation with medical practitioners
b. Orthopedic impairments d. Early intervention for the disability
c. Postural deviations 49. Which of the following types of postural defects belong to the first
d. Cardio-respiratory disorders type of functional deviation
36. The term physically awkward refers to children who do not suffer from a. Kyphosis (Round upper back)
a known neurological or physical disability, yet have difficulty learning and b. Lordosis (hollow back)
performing basic motor skills. The following are common warning signs c. C-shaped Scoliosis (lateral curvature)
except d. S-shaped Scoliosis (Lateral curvature)
a. Late in walking 50. The intramural program provides an excellent opportunity to integrate
b. Poor catching skills children with special needs. This can be accomplished by
c. Difficulty coping with friends a. Modifying games
d. Dislike of climbing equipment b. Modifying instruction
37. The following descriptors are inherent in physically awkward children c. Modifying Equipment
except d. Modifying Facilities
a. Poor school achievement
b. Reading difficulties
c. Low self-esteem and self-concept Organization and Management of Physical Education and Health
d. Balance and spatial orientation 51. Mr. Abando, the head of the Physical Education Department, is
38. Parents, teachers and school officials have always been concerned planning for the forthcoming School Intramurals. To ensure the success of
about children’s posture because it has something to do with a child’s the program he met with all the faculty members and invited key people
personality. Which of the following is the primary cause postural problems from the other departments, some staff and school administrator to chair
a. Chronic television watching the working committees. Which of the management functions is being
b. Inadequate daily exercise illustrated in this situation?
c. Slanting desks a. Planning c. Evaluating
d. Poor lighting b. Organizing d. Staffing
39. The organizational structure of station work for special students in 52. San Pedro High School accepted Allan, a blind student in the regular
physical education is more effective with the use of PE class. Allan is very good in following directions that is why he can cope
a. Task cards c. Circuit training up with the lessons in gymnastics and dance. If the PE teacher allows Allan
b. Peer tutor d. Obstacle course to play Volleyball which of the following is the best way do to?
40. Stations are particularly useful when attempting to individualized the a. Modify instruction c. Modify equipment
instruction program for the different physical activities. Which of the b. Modify activity d. Modify rules
following activities is appropriate for three children with moderate 53. Performance evaluation should determine the extent by which the
limitations and cannot participate in rigorous activities? employee is contributing to the overall mission of the organization. This
a. Rope climbing evaluation is crucial in providing information into the organization’s reward
b. Small equipment use and punishment system. Which of these is not true about performance
c. Mat activities evaluation?
d. Vaulting box a. Employees themselves must refrain from participating in the
41. One major challenge in the field of special education program is evaluation process
inclusion. Inclusion is originally called
a. Streamlining c. Integration b. Evaluation helps members to grow in the job
b. Mainstreaming d. Individualizing c. Evaluation to be relevant must be centered on agreed-upon job
42. Students with rheumatic fever can be dealt with which of the following performance criteria.
guidelines? d. Evaluation result aids management in the promotion of qualified
a. The amount and type of physical activity must be prescribed by a employee
physician 54. In order to accommodate twenty teams for the school intramurals in
b. Teachers should not allow students to participate in physical two days, which of the following may help the Committee on Games
activities accomplish the task best?
c. Parents should report to the teachers the early signs of fatigue a. Use Ladder type of game scheduling
d. Take the child’s pulse before any physical activity is started b. Use Single Elimination
43. Two most common respiratory impairments are asthma and cystic c. Use Double Elimination
fibrosis. Most asthmatic children can participate in the regular activities d. Use Round Robin
except when any of these situations is present except 55. Which of the following management functions does the manager
a. Heavy coughing c. Tightening of chest performs when he creates a shared culture and values, creates a shared
b. Heavy wheezing d. High Fever communicating goals and instilling among employees the desire to perform
44. The State shall therefore promote and maintain equality of access to at a high level?
education as well as the enjoyment of benefits of education by all its a. Controlling c. Leading
citizens. Which is the legal basis for this? b. Planning d. Organizing
a. RA 9165 c. BP 344 56. This management function requires certain types of steps to be
b. BP 232 d. RA 7277 followed to bring about meaningful course of action.
45. Studies of the most accommodating teaching and participation effects for a. Problem Solving c. Decision making
various children with special needs who require great amounts of b. Coordinating d. Innovating
assistance emphasize the use of 57. Physical Education and Sports Programs spend thousands of pesos
a. Individualized instruction on supplies and equipment in order to provide a meaningful and varied
b. Peer tutor program of activities. Because a large expenditure of funds is made for
c. Collaborative work supplies and equipment, it is important that the management
d. Group approach
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responsibilities be carried out in a business-like manner. Which of the b. Improvise equipment for the teaching of basic skills
following statements best describes this management responsibility? c. Divide the class into smaller groups to take turn in the use of
a. Supplies and equipment needs must be accurately determined equipment
b. Purchase must be conducted within organizational policy d. Ask students to bring their own equipment
c. Storage, maintenance and repair of items must be considered for 68. Program organizers find the management of behavior to be the most
longevity of use difficult task in any of school activities. Which of the following best
d. Selection must be accomplished according to sound judgment. describes effective behavior management?
58. Which of the following best describes the principles in the a. Reprimand children who break the rules
organization of comprehensive school health services in the public school b. Allow students to participate without encroaching on the rights of
setting? others
a. Every school must have a physician who will function as a school c. Develop an action plan for modifying and maintaining desired
medical adviser behavior
b. The Physical Education Department Head is frequently the health d. Use praise and facial expressions to acknowledge desired behavior
coordinator 69. Which of the following best describes the technical skills of a leader?
c. The coach and the physical education teacher come into close a. The cognitive ability to see the “whole picture” of the organization
informal contact with the students and thus can gain understanding and the environment or culture in which the organization must
of their health problems and needs. function
d. The physical educator is in a strategic position to perform excellent b. The ability and judgment to work with and through people
health service. c. The ability to understand and employ specialized knowledge and
59. The fundamental purpose of health instruction is to equip the student expertise with various equipment, procedures, methods, techniques
with sufficient knowledge to enable him to attain and maintain both in to perform a specific task
attitude and practice the highest possible health. Which of the following is d. The ability to acquire or assume the requisite power necessary to
one of the basic principles of health instruction? reach objectives.
a. Throughout the school life, health and health promotion should be 70. This management process requires that certain steps be followed to
one of the objectives of the whole school program bring about meaningful actions.
b. Instruction must be done in the vernacular language to enable the a. Planning c. Leading
students to relate to the concepts and health principles b. Organizing d. Decision Making
c. Learning experiences must not be prejudicial to community beliefs, 71. Which of the following least describes the characteristics of a good
taboos and cultural differences leader?
d. Normal and differently-abled students must be considered in the a. Leaders are individuals who are inventive, who takes the risks,
preparation of the curriculum and who are entrepreneurial
60. For the full implementation of the comprehensive school health b. Leaders provide vision of potential and promise, and they
education program, which of the following plays a vital role in the absence possess the ability to attract, mobilize, and energize others
of personnel, facilities and equipment of any public schools in the c. A good leader tends to influence burnout people to function best
Philippines? in a structured work in a dynamic, creative environment
a. Teacher-nurse coordination d. A good leader helps shape personal philosophies of
b. School-community coordination management, management style and decision-making.
c. School-health center coordination 72. A leader who provides guidance but leaves the decision making to the
d. Teacher-community health worker coordination group to solve the problem is practicing which type of management style?
61. Organizational design is the deliberate process of configuring a. Laissez-faire c. Democratic
processes, reward systems, practices and policies to achieve the b. Authoritarian d. Eclectic
organization’s goals. Which of the following words is used incorrectly to 73. To enable the school to help the undernourished children, which of
mean organizational design? the following programs could be organized to uplift their health status?
a. Physical Plant c. Organization a. Referral program
b. Structure d. Framework b. Feeding program
62. Any school needs an organization that is dynamic to respond to the c. Counseling Program
changes in the internal and external environment. To ensure success, the d. Student Assistant Program
following characteristics must be present in the management of the
organization except 74. The extension program of the school in a resettlement community will
a. Active Leadership be organized by the student council to help the youth, parents and
b. Knowledge of Management barangay officials to sustain the government’s program on health literacy.
c. Commitment of members Which of the following should be considered to come up with a doable
d. Re-designed framework program?
63. The current emphasis on equal education has helped to focus attention on a. Prepare separate programs for the youth, parents and barangay
children with special needs. Physical Education can offer solutions to officials
relevant problems through any of the following except b. Ask the barangay officials the needs of the various sectors
a. Organizing activity-oriented programs c. Coordinate with local parish for the distribution of relief
b. Implement initial screening for classification goods/donations
c. Counseling of Parents d. Make a survey to identify the needs of the people
d. Parental Involvement 75. Which of the following management functions is necessary to ensure
64. Common problems of school administrators in implementing school the success of an on-going program?
sports program includes all of the following except a. Staffing c. Coordinating
a. Providing qualified coaches b. Monitoring d. Evaluating
b. Inadequate facilities and equipment 76. Management functions include all of the following except
c. General supervision of the program a. Planning c. Implementing
d. Sustainability of the program of activities b. Organizing d. Coordinatin
65. Class management skills are pre-requisite to instruction. Moving and 77. The fourth year students are organizing the intersection competition.
organizing students quickly and efficiently requires all of these except There are four sections competing so they have agreed to use double
a. The teacher’s comprehension of various techniques elimination. What is the formula for double elimination?
b. Students’ effective acceptance of the techniques a. (N-1)X2 c. N(N-1)
c. Adjusting what to be learned to the needs of the learner b. (NX2)X1 d. 2N(N-1)
d. Organizing students into groups and formations 78. A student teacher was tasked to organize the health exhibit for the
66. The students of teacher Flor are preparing the write up of the result of foundation day. In order to facilitate the work, he requested a group of
the health survey in the community. The best way to disseminate the students to work with him. He gave them specific committee to chair and the
information in the various sector of the barangay is to: time table to finish the task. To ensure that each committee’s task is
a. Prepare flyers to be distributed to households accomplished on time he placed the Gantt Chart in the conference room.
b. Submit written report to the barangay chairperson What management functions are described in this situation?
c. Present the result in an assembly a. Planning and Organizing
d. Coordinate with the barangay to hold a meeting for that purpose b. Staffing and Monitoring
67. If PE supplies and equipment are inadequate per class per session, c. Coordinating and Budgeting
which of the following could be the best option for a teacher to do in order d. Directing and Evaluating
to ensure proper conduct of the class? 79. At the beginning of the school year, the health teacher is tasked to
a. Adapt instruction for the time being help the school clinic in taking the height and weight of the students during

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PE time as well as the tests for vision and posture during Health Education recommended. Which of the following term is synonymous to lawsuit, court
time. What specific function of the school health services is delegated to the case or legal action ?
MAPEH teacher? a. Litigation c. Asset
a. Health Inspection c. Health Appraisal b. Liability d. Tort
b. Health Screening d. Health Evaluation 93. This term means to twist. It is a legal wrong resulting in direct or
80. As part of the health team, the health educator does the following functions indirect injury to another individual or property.
except? a. Litigation c. Asset
a. To organize the community for health education b. Liability d. Tort
b. To refer the sick child to the nearest community health center in the 94. Which of the following formula is used for double elimination?
absence of doctor or nurse a. (N-1)X 2 c. (N+1) x 2
c. To refer the malnourished/ undernourished child to the home b. N X (1-2) d. (N-1) x 4
economics department for feeding program 95. The following are responsibilities of supervisors except
d. To organize the first aid team and be part of the safety council a. Exercise authority vested in his position
b. Establish effective means of communication
81. Which of the following can be the best option for a MAPEH teacher in c. Support the total program
organizing a PE class for instruction which consist 60 students d. Provide leadership and promote staff
a. Use of film clips/video 96. Which of the following program goals should not be supported by the
b. Collaborative approach physical education and sport management support?
c. Group or peer approach a. Provide a meaningful psychological experience
d. Demonstration teaching b. Develop health-related and motor-performance related fitness
82. Which of the following is tolerable during a group activity c. Develop skill in a wide-range of physical activities
a. Noise coming from the discussion d. Provide avenue for understanding and appreciation of physical
b. Movement of students from one group to another. activities and sport.
c. Going out to buy the things needed for the group work 97. Organizing the community for health literacy could start with any of
d. A number of students not participating in the group activity the following except
83. To ensure the successful conduct of the cheering competition as a a. A community health survey on the needs of the people in the
culminating activity in PE 1, which of the following can be done to start and community
end the program on time? b. Ocular visit of the identified community
1. Preparation and dissemination of the program and invitation to all c. Planning with the barangay officials
participants d. Meeting with Non-government and civic organization
2. Preparation and dissemination of the criteria for judging 98. To ensure sustainability of the health extension program of the
3. Preparation and dissemination of the sequence of performance National High School in the community of informal settlers, which of the
4. Preparation and dissemination of the guidelines for the culminating following is the best option of the organizer?
acitvity a. Train potential leaders in the community
a. 1,2,3 c. 2,3,4 b. Establish linkages with the Go and NGO for long range adoption
b. 1,3,4 d. 1,2,4 c. Skills training of all sectors for vocational and technical courses
84. To allow special students to showcase their talent and skills in sports d. Attract foreign aid for sustainability
and dance, which of the following can be done by the sports department? 99. Which two statements are true in the intercollegiate sports program in
a. Allow special students to perform and compete with the normal the Philippines in the desire to win
students 1. Unethical recruitment procedures
b. Prepare a special program and competition for them 2. Provision of sound educational programs for athletes
c. Allow the special students to compete in special Olympics 3. Provision of Individualized Education Programs for Persons with
d. Prepare a program that will allow them to join the regular students Disabilities
85. Which of the following does not belong to the unit type competition? 4. Fielding athletes who have high academic standing
a. Inter-class c. Club a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3
b. Age d. Even b. 1 and 4 d. 2 and 4
86. The function of choosing the entire personnel, assigning people, 100. The comprehensive Individualized Education Program (IEP) for
training and maintaining favorable conditions for all members of the special students can be developed using team approach. The following
organization refers to persons may be included in the team except
a. Staffing c. Coordinating a. Teacher-coordinator c. Social worker
b. Controlling d. Planning b. Classroom teacher d. Physical therapist
87. This management function ensures the proper execution of plans. It
also means that subordinates must be kept informed through regular
reports, research, monitoring and evaluation concerning performance
a. Leading c. Staffing
b. Controlling d. Organizing
88. A leadership style which is described as having democratic approach
and needed only a little guidance where decision-making is left to group
a. Authoritarian c. Eclectic
b. Democratic d. Laissez-faire
89. It is the skill of influencing the activities, situations, perceptions, and
expectations of an individual or group in an effort to have them willingly
strive for a common purpose of the organization.
a. Decision-making c, Leadership
b. Policy-making d. Advisorship
90. It is the most common organizational structure where the person has
direct responsibility and authority for the specific objectives of the
a. Formal c. Line and Staff
b. Informal d. Hierarchical
91. An example of a short term budget is
a. Annual budget c. Operational budget
b. Fiscal budget d. Capital outlay
92. If a legal issue does arise, seeking advise from the school,
institutional or association legal counsel or hiring a private attorney is

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Aim To Top Review and Training Center


66. B 131. A 200. C
1. D 67. C 132. C 201. C
2. C 68. A 133. B 202. B
3. D 69. C 134. D 203. A
4. C 70. B 135. D 204. A
5. B 71. D 136. C 205. C
6. D 72. A 137. B 206. B
7. B 73. B 138. A 207. A
8. A 74. A 139. B 208. B
9. C 75. C 140. D 209. A
10. A 141. C 210. A
11. D INTEGRATED MUSIC 142. D 211. B
12. C THEORY 143. D 212. D
13. D 76. D 144. B 213. D
77. C 145. A 214. B
ON HEALth EDUCATiON 78. C 146. B 215. B
14. B 79. D 147. C 216. A
15. D 80. A 148. B 217. C
16. C 81. B 149. A 218. A
17. C 82. A 150. D 219. B
18. D 83. D 151. C 220. C
19. D 84. D 152. D 221. A
20. A 85. C 153. C 222. C
21. B 86. D 154. A 223. A
22. B 87. C 155. C 224. D
23. C 88. D 156. C 225. B
24. D 89. D 157. A
91. B 159. D EDUCATION
26. C 94. C 162. D 228. A
27. B 95. B 163. D 229. D
28. A 96. D 164. A 230. C
29. B 97. A 165. A 231. A
30. A 98. B 166. D 232. C
31. D 99. B 167. A 233. D
32. B 100. C 168. A 234. B
33. A 101. C 169. B 235. A
34. A 102. C 170. B 236. C
35. C 103. D 171. A 237. D
36. B 104. B 172. A 238. B
37. D 105. C 173. B 239. A
38. C 106. C 174. C 240. D
39. A 107. B 175. D 241. C
40. C 108. D 242. A
41. C 109. C GYMNASTIC 243. A
42. A 110. C 176. C 244. C
43. C 111. B 177. C 245. C
44. A 112. A 178. A 246. A
45. D 113. D 179. D 247. C
46. B 114. A 180. A 248. B
47. C 115. B 181. A 249. B
48. C 116. A 182. A 250. D
49. D 117. B 183. D 251. D
50. C 118. C 184. D 252. C
51. D 119. B 185. C 253. D
52. C 120. D 186. A 254. B
53. C 121. A 187. C 255. D
54. D 122. A 188. C 256. D
55. C 123. C 189. B 257. A
56. C 124. C 190. A 258. B
57. B 125. B 191. A 259. C
58. A 192. B 260. A
59. B Health practice 193. D 261. B
60. C 194. D 262. A
61. C 126. B 195. B 263. C
62. A 127. D 196. B 264. A
63. C 128. D 197. C 265. B
64. B 129. D 198. D 266. B
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267. D 58. C 126. B 17. C

268. A 59. A 127. C 18. C
269. D 60. D 128. C 19. C
270. B 61. D 129. A 20. D
Sports commission 63. D 21. C
271. A 64. B ANATOMICAL, 22. D
274. B 67. C MOCEMENT 25. D
C 69. C D 27. C
D 70. A B 28. A
A 71. B B 29. C
C 72. D D 30. C
B 74. B A 31. C
D 75. C A 32. C
B 76. B C 33. A
D 77. B B 34. C
. C 78. A C 35. A
. C 80. C C 36. A
. D 81. A A 39. B
. D 82. B C 40. B
. C 84. C B C
. C 85. B D C
. D 86. C D B
. B 87. D C A
. C 88. B _ D
. C 89. A D D
. D 90. C C C
. A 91. B A
. B 93. B EXAM C
. C 94. C B 10. C
. B 95. D A 11. A
. C 96. C C 12. A
. C 97. D A 13. D
. C 98. . B 14. C
. C 99. C C 15. A
. B 100. B A
. D 101. A C
105. C 18. A
106. C 19. B
107. B 20. D
. D Athletics
108. C 21. A
. 109. C 22. C
. D 1. B
110. D 23. C
. B 2. C
111. B 24. D
. C 3. D
112. D 25. B
. A 4. A
113. A ARNIS
. B 5. A
114. A 26. A
. D 6. B
115. A 27. B
. B 7. A
116. C 28. C
. A 8. A
117. B 29. A
. C 9. B
118. A 30. A
. A 10. D
120. B B
. B 11. D
121. A C
. B 12. A
122. C B
. D 13. D
123. B C
. C 14. A
124. C D
. C 15. A
125. A C
. C 16. B
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D 69. C
A 70. B
C 71. C
C 72. A
A 73. D
A 74. B
B 75. D
A 76. C
B 77. D
B 78. B
A 79. C
A 80. _
B 81. A
A 82. D
C 83. D
B 84. C
A 85. C
A 86. A
A 87. B
B 88. D
D 89. D
A 90. A
B 91. D
A 92. D
C 93. A
A 94. A
B 95. B
D 96. A
A 97. A
A 98. B
D 99. D
B 100. B


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Aim To Top Review and Training Center
Aim To Top Review and Training Center

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