A Planned Deception, by Constance Cumby
A Planned Deception, by Constance Cumby
A Planned Deception, by Constance Cumby
The Stagingot aNew Age
z "Messiah"
0 by
115: Most who follow the progress of the New World Order proponents
are familiar ... " Word "unfamiliar" is an editing error.
147: Top paragraph: "Such is not a Biblical goal." Double "a not"
is a typesetting error.
149: "Therefore, what I say about him .... " Double what was eliminated
by editor and correction was missed by typesetter.
262: Top paragraph: "We must work together to enable ..... " Per-
centage 3ign is a typesetting error.
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 3078
Center Line, Michigan 48015-0078
ISBN Number 0-935897-00-3
Library of Congress Catalog 85-063117
and to
and to
2 A Planned Deception
"But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears
for they hear." (Matthew 13:16, KJV)
However, if one persists in closing his eyes to the existence
of the all-too-plain evidence, they might instead consider
the following passages:
"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are
closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall
be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: AND NONE OF THE WICKED
UNDERSTAND. (Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV, emphasis
"O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but
can ye not discern the signs of the times?" (Matthew
16:3 KJV)
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
them that perish; because they received not the love of
the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause
God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie: that they might all be damned who
believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness." (1 Thessalonians 2:10-12, KJV)
Here one must see that the important thing was the love of
the truth. The emphasis was not so much on perfect truth
as it was this love of the truth. No doubt every hypocrite
and Pharisee who harassed Jesus believed himself to be in
possession of "perfect truth." And yet, Jesus' scornful
remarks were directed directly to them. No doubt many a
person in Noah's day felt himself to be a "good person"
but he would not heed the warning the Lord gave Noah
that a disaster would come upon the earth. Let us not take
the proud pharisees as our role models. It is better that we
model ourselves after the humility of that repentant thief
hanging alongside Jesus on a companion cross, saying
"Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom."
6 A Planned Deception
November 1, 1985
Chapter 1
8 A Planned Deception
word, and it shall not stand: For God is with us. For the
Lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and
instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this
people, saying, Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them
to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither
fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of
hosts himself; and let him be your fear and let him be
your dread." Isaiah 8:9-13 (KJV)
One may quickly see that the planned deception is
incredible in detail and magnitude, perhaps enough to
deceive even the every elect." One way that the elect
might remain alert to such deception is to remind
themselves how Christ is really to appear. Therefore, we
will know that no matter how impressive the show, or the
people calling for his acceptance , if we are standing on the
ground, he is a clear-cut phony. We will behold Christ IN
the air - not ON the air as even some prominent TV
evangelists have suggested. Owning a television set is not
a prerequisite to viewing our Lord's second coming in
power and great glory.'' I have recently been startled at
how many fine Christians have expressed the belief to me
that when the Bible said every eye shall see him, it /1
meant on television." They should know that Benjamin
Creme says this too!
It is important that we not be ignorant of Satan's
devices. However, it is even more important that we know
where to place our fear and our trust. We fear not "them
that can slay the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but
rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body
in hell. " 14
'Matthew 24:24.
Daniel 11:32. (KM
3 LeMesurier,Peter: The Annageddon Script. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981.
Citing pages 232-233.
A Planned Deception 15
I 6
Ibid., page 254-55.
Matthew 24:24.
8LeMesurier, Op. Cit., pages 232-233.
I 9Ibid., page 231.
°1bid., page 237.
12SeeTom Sine's article by Tom Sine in July, Sojourners and reprinted with
permission in the New Age Utne Reader, Fall, 1984, which says essentially the
same thing!
Jn Corinthians 2:11.
14Luke 12:4.
Chapter 2
Early New Age Centers 17
Clymer, F. Swinburne. The Book of Rosicruciae, Vol. I of ill. Beverly Hall
Corporation, Quakertown, Pennsylvania: 1946. See pages vii, viii, xxii.
21bid., page xxii.
3Ibid ., page x:xili.
'Ibid ., pages x:xii-x:xiii.
6McGuire, William. Bollingen: An Adventure in Collecting the Past . Bollingen
Series, Princeton University Press, New jersey: 1982. See pages 146 and 155.
7 Bailey, Alice A. The Unfinished Autobiography. Lucis Publishing Company, New
York: 1951. See page 225. See also McGuire (op . cit.), pages 23-24. Also see
James Webb, The Occult Establishment, Open Court Publishing Co., LaSalle,
Illinois: 1976. See page 396. It is interesting to note that it was Ascona where the
Bailey's first met face-to-face with their Italian agent for the past several
years-psychologist Robert Assagioli, the founder of the " Psychosynthesis"
school of psychology.
Bailey, Alice. The Unfinished Autobiography, Op. Cit. , page 227.
"Webb, James. The Occult Establishment. A Library Press Book, Open Court
Publishing Company, LaSalle, Illinois: 1976. See page 397.
°McGuire, Op. Cit. , page 22.
Webb. Op. Cit., page 403.
2Webb, James, Op. Cit., pp. 385, 386 Gung's spirit guides); 390-391 (his
13McGuire, Op. Cit., page 22-23.
Ibid., page 151.
15 Eliade, Mircea. Shamanism : archaic techniques of ecstasy. Bollingen Series
LXXVI, Princeton University Press: 1972. This book was originally published in
French as Le Chamanisme et les techniques archaiques de l'extase. (Librairie Payot,
Paris, 1951.) Revised and enlarged for Princeton Press edition . See Spiritual
Counterfeits Project Newsletter, Vol. 8, No.7 & 8, 1983. Ironically, Brooke has
been in the vanguard of those writing sneering articles about my work. One of
the charges Brooke levelled at me was that I used occult books for sources,
including The Aquarian Omspiracy. This is true . Every researcher on cults,
including Brooke, does likewise, as Brooke very well knows. But there is an
important distinction to be drawn between the use I make of them and the use
24 A Planned Deception
Brooke, in this hopefully isolated case made of them. I quoted books such as The
Aquarian Conspiracy solely to expose their content. Brooke actually used them for
sources. Hopefully, this was due to a gap in his knowledge of the New Age
McGuire, Op. Cit., pages 50-54.
7Webb, Op. Cit.
Foster. Running God's Plan. Lucis Publishing Co., New York: 1972. See
pages 14-15.
9McGuire, Op. Cit., page 25.
Chapter 3
I Most prominent New Ager say the "emergence" of the
"New World Order" will taken place through the "process"
I or combined efforts of many organizations. It has been, is
being, and will continue through networking, fatally
dependent on no single entity or individual. Marilyn
Ferguson said one "would look in vain for affiliations in
traditional forms." She added:
26 A Planned Deception
they are very much aware of all aspects of the New Age
Movement-including the spiritual ones!
This confirms my belief that many in the New Age
Movement are innocently involved. As I said in The Hidden
Dangers of the Ranbow:
"Frustratingly, most of the participants in these New
Age networks are quite innocently involved. Either they
do not know the true aims and intents of its leadership
or, more often, they are operating under the influence
of extremely sophisticated forms of mind control. " 9 •••
"Millions of human beings are involved with the New
Age Movement in all its phases and levels of activity.
The hierarchy of the Movement has successfully
managed to draw from a full spectrum of society to
implement eventual aims that can only benefit a small
percentage-if anyone at all. Millions have been
deceived into supporting projects designed to event-
ually strip even themselves of their civil liberties, much
of their property, their preferred religion, and perhaps
even their lives. 1110 • •• "Sadly, the vast majority of
New Agers are involved quite innocently. Their motives
are often altruistic . They wish to help-not harm-their
fellow human beings. Most of them lack knowledge of
the ultimate goals of the Movement. " 11
How could they stay in this Movement and remain
innocent? The above statement from TRANET shows how!
In effect, they have been told "none of your business!"
Some of the most important New Age networking
confederations include Lucis Trust's World Goodwill (a list
of organizations they have networked with in the past year
is included in the Appendix); the Los Angeles based Unity
in Diversity Council (formerly called the International
Cooperation Council); and Jessica and Jeffrey Stamps'
headed ''The Networking Institute. ' ' The latter has gained
surprising prominence with the Japanese government.
The Networking Institute was organized by former
Fulbright Scholar and Oxford student Jeffrey Stamps and
his fellow Oxford journalistic student, Jessica Lipnack.
32 A Planned Deception
Llpnack, Jessica and Jeffrey Stamps. Networking: The First Report and Directory.
Doubleday Books, Garden City, New York: 1982. pages 1-2.
Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. J. P. Tarcher & Co., Los Angeles :
1980. p. 25.
Ibid., page 215.
Donald. Speech to Symposium on Global Order, Asheville, North Carolina.
November 9-11, 1984. (Tape of proceedings)
6 From The Aquarian Path, London. Jan.-Feb. 1952.
7Ibid., page 35.
Ibid., Jan.-Feb., 1952, p. 35
Cumbey, Constance E. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, Huntington House,
Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana: 1983. Page .
1°Ibid., p. 55-56.
11 Ibid., p. 184.
Chapter 4
Working Out "The Plan" 35
I 1
Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1951.
Citing page 92.
2Muller, Robert. New Genesis; Reshaping a Global Spirituality. Doubleday, 1982.
One chapter in that book is actually entitled "The Reappearance of the Christ."
The footnote for the chapter heading indicates the chapter is a transcript of an
address he delivered to an "Arcane School conference. Located in New York
City, the Arcane School is one of the major Lucis (Lucifer) Trust divisions. It was
personally founded by Alice Bailey. Last year, December 28, 1984, at the New
Group of World Servers Festival, Muller gave another speech there. This one
was entitled " The New Group of World Seroers: A Look into the Future." ln fact
Muller's name is one of the most frequently occurring on New Age organization
mastheads. This is of special importance because of Muller's immense power at
the United Nations. He is the second ranking man at the United Nations, the
Assistant Secretary General. All 32 agencies of the UN report to him, including
UNESCO! Muller's influence has been felt in educational circles as well. His
"Global Core Curriculum" originally developed as a two part article for Lucis
Trust's own Beacon Magazine has been favorably received from groups ranging
from secular educators to the National Catholic Education Association. Muller
keynoted their convention at St. Louis in 1985. For an excellent review of this
from a conservative Catholic perspective, see Helen Hull Hitchcock's article
"Catholic Education Goes Over the Rainbow: The NCEA and the New Age." It
48 A Planned Deception
appeared in Fidelity Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 9, August 1985. U you have trouble
finding it, their address is " Fidelity Magazine, 206 Marquette Avenue, South
Bend, IN 46617." The annual subscription price is $15 per year, and single copy
price is $1.50 per issue.
3Spangler, David. "The New Age Should Disappear," Lorian Journal, Vol. 1,
No. 4, Fall 1983. Reprinted by permission in the UTNE Reader, Summer, 1984.
Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. J. P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles,
1980. See page 29. (Quoted with permission.)
Bailey, Alice A. Education in the New Age. Lucis Publishing Company, New
York: 1954. See especially page 121.
6Cumbey, Constance E. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, Huntington House,
Inc., 1983.
7Elgin, Duane. Voluntary Simplicity: An Ecological Lifestyle that Promotes Personal
and Social Renewal. Bantam New Age Books, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York. 1981.
Citing pages 248-249.
8 Ferguson, Marilyn. Op. Cit. , page 35.
See Micro-Electronics and Society: A Report to the Club of Rome. Edited by Guenter
Friedrichs and Adam Schaff. Page 70 prophetically states that "the move to the
cashless society seems inevitable given the technological push provided by
microelectronics and significant cost advantages associated with the transfer of
funds electronically." (Mentor Books, the New American Library, New York:
copyright 1982, 1983 by the Club of Rome.)
"'Luke 21:28 (KM.
11 Daniel 11:21, 23 (KJV).
UWells, H.G., The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution. The
Christian Book Oub of America edition (trade paperback) . Hawthorne,
California: 1928, 1975 (reprint) . Citing pages 192-193.
13Ferguson, Marilyn. Op. Cit., page 35 .
14See Vancouver Christian News, October, 1983. This is especially ironic to me
personally because Archdiocese of Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Thomas
Gumbleton, a supporter of both Matthew Fox and the New International
Economic Order told me in November, 1983 that he did not favor the New
International Information Order, that he had "real problems with that." Bishop
Gumbleton is also president of Bread for the World and Pax Christi. Pax Christi
is formally affiliated with Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose. One
might logically expect Sine's position to be to the right of Bishop Gumbleton, a
drafter of the Bishop's Statement on Disarmament. But, ironically, such is not
the case!
15ICIS (International Center for Integrative Studies) is described by George
Christie as " 250 of the world's finest change agent scholars. In a speech to Lucis
Trust on December 5, 1983, Christie said they worked very closely with the Club
of Rome. Christie is also active with Lucis Trust itself. He has impressive secular
credentials. He was the founding Director-General of the Intelsat Consortium of
106 countries. Since his retirement, he has kept busy as an executive for the
Working Out "The Plan" 49
International Center for Integrative Study's project, "The Door" in New York
City. That program is funded largely by governmental grants. Wealthy private
donors such as Mrs. Astor who recently gave $50,000 supplement those funds .
According to Christie, "The Door" requires "conscious spiritual endeavor" on
the part of its staff. This is staggering considering the fact that service there is
often mandatory for medical and other professionals serving out residencies.
George also said, with the video and audio tapes running that although they did
this "we never publish it!"
6See "An Interview with Donald Keys" published in Magical Blend Magazine #5
of 1982. Magical Blend itseli is a special project of the Silva Mind Control
organization. The Magical Blend staff member doing the interview himself
showed complete familiarity with the Bailey writings.
Chapter 5
I Holography 51
Hologram Artists
1 The Holography Book, by Jeff Berne, Avon Books, New York: 1980.
2Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. }. P . Tarcher, Los Angeles: 1980.
Referring to pages 177-187, 179-182, 275, 373, and 414. The specific quote used
here is from page 182.
3Ibid., page 183.
Exodous 20:3,4 (KJV).
5Beme, supra., page 99.
71bid., p. 98
8Beme, op. cit., page 77.
Chapter 6
first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray
58 A Planned Deception
group; from the long range point of view, its intent was
and is purely beneficent.
b. As a means in the hands of the United Nations to
enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for
teaching on peace and on the growth of goodwill to take
effect. The atomic bomb does not belong to the .. .
nations who perfected it ... It belongs to the United
Nations for use ... (or let us rather hope, simply for
threatened use) when aggressive action on the part of
any nation rears its ugly head. It does not essentially
matter whether that agression is the gesture of any particular
nation or group of nations or whether it is generated by the
political groups of any powerful religious organization, such as
the church of Rome, who are as yet unable to leave politics
alone. ... "(emphasis added) 2
The Apostle Paul well warned
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then
sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon
a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 3
An International Authority?
60 A Planned Deception
1Bailey, Alice A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Publishing Company,
5Tape of Donald Keys' talk to Lucis Trust World Service Forum, January 3, 1984.
He was introduced that night by Mary Bailey, Foster Bailey's widow . After his
speech, Mary said she was 'enthralled by Donald's remarks."
6Tape of Donald Keys World Service Forum, January 3, 1984. Issued by Lucis
The Disarmament Catalog, Murray Polner, editor. a Lakeville Press Book, The
Pilgrim Press, New York: 1982. See particularly p. 126 (Reference "transition"
on that page refers to Lucis Trust. The list previously appeared in "Transition
Activities" of the World Goodwill Newsletter. Pages 119 through 124 are taken
from the same source.)
Chapter 7
Of Rainbows and Unicorns
The symbols serve both as a form of universal
I language and as a device for helping to reinforce and an
altered or trance-like state of consciousness. When one
sees the familiar symbol, he usually can be certain he has
found a kindred spirit. Since he was taught in his
meditation classes to respond emotionally to certain
symbols, when he again sees them, a conditioned
response is reactivated. One former New Ager described it
this way: "Satan had his key in my lock!" Former New
Agers have told me that occasionally when they see these
symbols they still experience feelings associated with
J altered or trance-like states of consciousness.
l This chapter will discuss in detail the New Age
66 A Planned Deception
I Another book on the Unicorn is a little different.
Entitled De Historia et Veritate Unicornas (On the History
I and Truth of the Unicorn), the book tells a strange story. 5
The author says: "having passed through the esoteric
sixties, I am no stranger to arcane personages with
mysterious errands." He claims he received a letter
"handwritten in elegant italic script." The letter signed
"Frater Iamblicus" asked Michael Green, the author, for a
meeting. Green, because of his "arcane 60's experiences"
did agree to the strange rendezvous. Within a week it was
held. At that time, Green met a "thin, cowled figure." He
complimented Green on his recent book, the newly-
published "Unicorn Notebook." Then the visitor asked
him if he would like to see the "Holy Beast." Green said
"yes." The cowled visitor next showed and interpreted an
ancient document for him. The cowled man called it the
"Codex Unicornis" - "The History and Truth of the
Unicorn." Michael Green then purportedly was told that
this was the "treasure of the venerable Master Mag-
nalucius, and the treasure of our Collegium Gnosticum,
which he founded." Green then was told (probably
68 A Planned Deception
midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy
ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity
was found in thee." (Ezekiel 28:12-15, KJV)
70 A Planned Deception
Jesus told us to go into all the world and teach all men
in his name. This has now been reinterpreted by all too
many both inside and outside the church. The modem
apostate meaning given his command is that we were to go
into all the world and tell everybody they had been correct
all along. Is the "Great Spirit" merely another incarnation
of God? Or is the same true of the "Great Spirit" that the
Apostle Paul said of all pagan cultures: "Those who
worship idols worship devils?"
"Native American spiritualities" are an extremely
popular component of the New Age Movement. Two
popular writers on this subject are William Willoya and
Vinson Brown. They look forward, as does top-ranking
United Nations official, Robert Muller, to the fulfillment of
the Hopi prophecies containing startling implications for
the Christian community:
Of Rainbows and Unicorns 73
"The chiefs were told that the light that would bring
this reawakening would come from the east and that it
would come from the True White Brother. He would
wear a red cloak or a red hat and would bring with him
the sacred stone tablet . . . which the True White
Brother alone could read.
"The three would show the people of the earth a great
new Life Plan that will lead to Everlasting Life ... .
Those who are saved will share everything equally ... .
a new religion [emphasis theirs] will probably be brought
that helps all people to lead better lives and transforms
the world. " 9
Not stated by these authors was the fact that these
same prophecies also call for a victory of those utilizing the
swastika over those using the sign of the cross. More
chilling still is their prophecy that those using the sign of
the cross will be beheaded and they will go on to build a
new world under the sign of the swastika which they
consider to be an ancient sacred Hopi Indian symbol!
Could it be that this is what the Apostle John saw in his
Revelation vision when he said:
"I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, and for the world of God, and which
had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,
neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or
in their hands. . . "
\ And could it be that this Hopi prophesied "great
Purification Day" be a mirror image of Jesus' warning to
his disciples of the great tribulation to come upon the
world, as well?
And could this "True White Brother" and his two
helpers be among those Jesus referred to when he said:
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch
Hathaway, Nancy . The Unicorn. Viking Press, 1980; Avenel Press, New York:
1984, p. 160.
2Ibid, p. 161.
3Ibid, p. 163
'Ibid., page 169
Green, Michael. Running Press Book Publishers, Philadelphia: 1983.
Isaiah 14:2 (KJV) . Interestingly as many New Age groups work to extol Lucifer' s
name, there has been a parallel movement within Christianity to clear his name
and dissociate him from any Satanic identity . The Ampli.6ed Bible, for example,
denies Lucifer is Satan! See Amplified Bible notes on Isaiah 14 explaining why
name "Lucifer" was omitted from that chapter.
'LaVey, Szandor, Satanic Bible. New York : Avon Books. 1969, p. 146.
8I Cor. 10:21.
9Willoya, William and Vinson Brown . Warriors of the Rainbow: Strange and
Prophetic Dreams of the Indian Peoples. Naturegraph Publishers, Inc. , Happy
Camp, California 96039 (1962). Citing pages 54-55.
Chapter 8
76 A Planned Deception
Universal Inspiration?
Belief in Forces
World-Wide Scope
MaclAine, Shirley. Out on a Limb, Bantam Books Edition, New York : 1983. Page
209.Bantam Books, p . 209 (NY, 1983).
2Ibid., page 164.
Ibid., pp. 212-213.
'Ibid., pp. 204-209.
Ibid., page 227-228.
6Ibid., p. 312.
'lbid., From pp. 350-351).
j Chapter 9
LeMesurier, Peter. BEYOND ALL BELIEF. Element Books Ltd., Salisbury,
Wiltshire, England: 1983.
2David Spangler, EMERGENCE, THE REBffiTH OF THE SACRED, p . 159, Dell
Press, New York: 1984.
Chapter 10
Henry Ford
Victor Marsden
An Aryan Nations networking newsletter originating from The Mountain
Church in Cohoctah, Michigan (near Brighton, Michigan, approximately 40
98 A Planned Deception
miles from the Detroit metropolitan area) used the terms "Ku Klux Klan" and
"Aryan Nations" interchangeably. Their recommended reading list for
incarcerated church members included Elizabeth Clare Prophet's THE
FORBIDDEN MYSTERIES OF ENOCH. She is the head of the Maitreyan/White
Brotherhood cult, "The Church Universal and Triumphant." It also recommend-
ed a book by suicidally deceased Jewish-turned New Ager Arthur Koestler. That
book THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE has become a near bible for hate groups in the
United States. Basically it maintains that most of the Jews are not true Jews, but
Khazar converts. Occult initiate H. G. Wells advanced this theory as well in his
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY. That same newsletter said they were celebrating
the old Druidic Samhein Festival . It included a letter from the Rev. Richard
Butler of Idaho urging Aryan Nations members and Ku Klux Klanners to give
shelter to FBI-killer fugitive Gary Lee Yarborough. Occult too was their
statement of belief: "We come from the astral plane and we are returning to the
astral plane." I had a little fun with this with a local New Age book dealer. But
his retort was, "as much whiskey as those guys must be drinking, they' re
bound to start seeing a few spirits!"
2Revelation 13:3-4 (KJV).
Incredible 255 day long Interview with the man who destroyed the Warsaw
ghetto." Edited by Mariana Fitzpatrick. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey 07632: 1981. See pages 23, 24, 28, 42, 44, 57.
Stroop gave other indications of his "illuminism" or occult thinking. He told
cellmates that rocks " grew" -typical of an animism or organic world view (page
11, ibid.). He spoke of war as a "selective process-biologically and
psychologically ... "only knightly souls can comprehend the higher experience
it affords us." (See page 25, ibid .) This is consistent with occult beliefs in levels
of initiation and the existence of initiates and adepts.
His Aquarian gospel version story is given on page 58. He said, "Christ was
a very wise man, a philosopher and a romantic. He was half-Nordic, of course.
His mother who served in the Temple under the protection of an important
priest became pregnant by a blond German, a soldier from one of the German
tribes that reached Asia Minor from the Carpathians. That's why Christ was fair-
haired and thought differently from the Jews who doctored his teachings .. . . "
The reference to the "Jews who doctored his teachings" is no doubt an
illuminated or occult expression of hatred of St. Paul, another hallmark of occult
belief. Hitler's own writings express this hatred as do those of Alice Ann Bailey
and Madame Blavatsky.
Webb, James. THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT, A Library Press Book, Open
Court Publishing Company, LaSalle, Illinois: 1976. See page 217.
Here it is interesting that there are many reference works detailing a supposed
Theosophical/Masonry/Jewish/Jesuit conspiracy to "overthrow the world ."
Every one I have examined to date, including Nesta Webster's and Lady Jane
Queensborough's contain traces themselves or either anti-Christian thought or
blatant occultism. The best critique of Nesta Webster I am aware of, written by a
political conservative is: Richard Gilman's " BEHIND WORLD REVOLUTION:
THE STRANGE CAREER OF NEST A H. WEBSTER. That book is still in print
and is available for $7.95 plus $1 .00 postage and handling form : INSIGHTS
BOOK SERVICE, P.O . Box 1784, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 . I highly
recommend it!
The "Protocols of Zion" 99
I don't believe Mr. Gilman's work mentions it, but those possessing a copy
I back cover. It is endorsed by H. G. Wells! Nesta Webster was a practicing
occultist who believed in reincarnation and mystical experiences.
As regards Lady Jane Queensborough, 1 John 2:22 defines antichrist as one
I who "denieth the Father and the Son." On page 81 of Volume I of her OCCULT
THEOCRASY, Lady Jane Queensborough denies the Father. Further she says
j that the God of the Jews is not the God of the Christians, and that the Jehovah of
the Jews is not even worthy to be compared to Ahura Mazda of the Zoroastrians
and Brahma!
I 5Webb,
Op. Cit., page 226.
Jbid ., page 217 et seq.
11bid., page 130.
~omans Chapter 11 (excerpting from verses 18, 25, 28), KJV .
Chapter 11
"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away [apostasy], and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. " II Thessalonians
2:3 (KJV)
Syncretism In The Church 101
paganism and Christianity) philosophy. This chapter will
discuss a few examples of this. In some cases, I have
singled out people I personally admire for their great
charitable acts. The pervasiveness of today's soul-killing
syncretism is such that even apparently well-motivated
people have failed to discern its dangers.
Jesus said we were to go into all the world-yet many
have interpreted that to mean that Jesus wanted us to go
tell them that they were correct all the time. The list of
those who have succumbed to this error is heart-breaking.
It includes some of the most sympathetic figures in recent
Mother Teresa
"We of the New Age can risk going against the tide. Let
us with abandon relish the fantasy games of children.
Let's see visions and dream dreams. Let's play, sing,
laugh. The imagination can release a flood of ideas, and
exercising our imagination can be lots of fun. Only those
who are insecure about their own maturity will fear
such a delightful form of celebration." Richard J. Foster,
p. 170, Celebration of Discipline.
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought ot the obedience of
Christ. n Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)
Lola A. Davis
Lola Davis helped fulfill the Biblical prophecy that "in the
last days some will depart from the faith and give heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils."
Such heed on her part was intensified after her move
to California in 1965. There, as a member of the Santa Ana
College ''she had opportunities for expansion of con-
sciousness." Meeting two "spiritual teachers" in Califor-
nia, there she was 'introduced to many esoteric books and
groups, attended mind-expanding seminars, and found a
number of kindred souls."
Sadly, her book omits little. Painting a picture of
peace, light and love, Lola Davis makes it very clear that
the real goal of herself and millions of others is to prepare
the way for their expected New Age avatar or messiah. The
book's contents are without a doubt, astonishing. Nearly
everything I discussed in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow,
she discusses, but with one important difference. Lola
Davis sees these developments as positive. She sees as
beneficial the move toward a new world religion that
incorporates a stated belief in the divinity of man,
Maitreya, and a Christ who is not Jesus.
Falling heed to the soul-killing dangers of modern
syncretism or apostasy, Lola Davis has come full circle on
the dangerous path that too many Christians have begun
and came to believe the lie as truth. May God help her and
all others so ensnared.
Collins Sons & Co., Ltd., Glasgow: 1976. See page 136.
21bid., page 137.
3Ibid., page 157.
'Elton Trueblood has participated in a number of syncretistic events and has
been honored by such organizations. The most recent one in my file was that of
the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, May 3, 1984, in Dallas, Texas. He was an
honoree as was Robert Muller and Brother David Steindl-Rast. Their statement
of intent read:
Syncretism In The Church 109
Conference speaker. Camara is another favorite of both the New Agers and the
neo-evangelicals. Other speakers at the 1984 conference included Gerald
Jampolsky, M.D., and Diane V. Cirincione (followers of Sai Baba and a Course
in Miracles-Jampolsky has also been featured on Robert Schuller's Hour of
Power as has Norman Cousins); the Dalai Lama; Robert Muller, and Dr. Karan
Singh, M.P. President of the lnclian National Hindu Organization, The Virat
Hindu Samaj. He must have felt very much at home!
6Gammon, Roland. NIRVANA NOW, World Authors Ltd., New York: 1980.
Citing page 21. Interestingly Gammon refers frequently to his friendship with
Elton Trueblood. See pages 42, 137, 316, and 345. Gammon is well acquainted
with Lucis Trust, frequently quoting Alice Bailey. Perhaps his book can best be
summed up by the title of his final chapter: "The Holy Grail of the Self."
7Ferguson, Marilyn. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY. J. P. Tarcher, Inc., Los
Angeles, 1980. Page 373.
Chapter 12
Were These Christians Misunderstood? 111
I was also motivated by Jesus' instruction that there
would be deception enough to deceive "even the elect."
Could Benjamin Creme deceive the average Christian? The
chances are excellent that he could not. If he walked up to
the average Joe or Mary Christian and said "follow me and
my Maitreya the Christ'', chances are excellent they would
tell him to get out of their face. However, if somebody
would come along with the same political agenda as
Benjamin Creme (as the evangelical books advocating the
New World Order undisputably do) and said "Praise the
Lord, brother, do I love Jesus and now in the name of
Jesus, let's establish the New World Order and we'll
remember to give God all the glory'', the average Christian
unless forewarned might accept it! I had read the books
and was familiar with the underlying literature that the
Christian writers cited. I knew those references were NOT
Christian! Therefore, if their authors had been bold
enough to knowingly poison the Christian well, then I
would be bold enough to point out the un-Christian and
even vitriolically anti-Christian nature of their sources. In
112 A Planned Deception
Ronald J. Sider
Tom Sine
David Bryant
An Interesting Comparison
World Vision
120 A Planned Deception
Ted Engstrom
Nor has World Vision been free of problems under
Mooneyham's successor, Ted Engstrom. He en-
thusiastically recommends Denis Waitley' s scarcely veiled
New Age philosophical/mind control books, even though
those books openly recommend the works of Marilyn
Ferguson (how is one to blame Marilyn Ferguson when
she receives "imprimaturs" from such prominent per-
sonalities in the Christian world?), Georgi Lozanov, Ernest
Holmes and hosts of other influential New Agers. And he
did so well after the storm broke over the New Age
Movement. He also, as do all too many others,
recommends the works of self-confessed New Age guru
John Naisbitt.
World Vision Vice President Ed Dayton praises the
Ferguson books and in a footnoted statement to one of his
books that would even make a better informed Marilyn
Ferguson smile in amusement, he proclaims that ''certain
evangelical writers are in error when the connect Marilyn
Ferguson with the New Age Movement!"
122 A Planned Deception
'Matthew 24:24 (KJV)
2The Misches' book was published by Paulist Press in 1977. It is still in print. The
Misches' could not be more active in the New Age movement than they
are-they were one of five original sponsorers of Planetary Initiative for the
Were These Christians Misunderstood? 123
Chapter 13
A Patron "Saint" of the New Age Movement
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin 125
126 A Planned Deception
Doubleday, Garden City, New York: 1982. See Chapter 21.
2Article in NEW REALITIES MAGAZINE " Jean Houston, Ph.D." Vol. V, No. 4,
Company, Los Angeles 1980. See pages 25, 43, 50-51, 68, 101, 113, 130, 184, 225,
243, 289, 294, 393, 402-403, 420.
McCarty, Doran. TEILHARD DE CHARDlN . Word Books, Waco, Texas: 1976.
See page 16. Ironically, the author of this volume once wrote something he
I should reread - "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth"!
\ By the Fellows of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, Calvin College:
128 A Planned Deception
Peter DeVos, Calvin DeWitt, Eugene Dykema, Vernon Ehlers, Derek Perebom,
Aileen Van Beilen, Loren Wilkinson. William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan : 1980. See page 4. See also the chapter of
You will see Calvin DeWitt's name appears on a list of those support Matthew
Fox's "Creation Centered Spirituality." DeWitt contributed a chapter to a
Matthew Fox owned Bear and Company book, THE CRY OF THE
~heen, Rev. Fulton J. FOOTPRINTS IN A DARKENED FOREST. Meredith
Press, New York: 1%7. See Chapter Six "The Origins of Man in Society", page
'Galatians 1:8.
Chapter 14
What were they doing? They Were Whoring After the Past
Gods! They were worshipping the religion of the
previous age, the Age of the Bull. They refused to face
the new spiritual consciousness that Moses ushered in,
that of the Age of the Ram.
"So we, too, on the verge of breaking into a new
spiritual age, need to beware of the Gods of the past.
They will continue to haunt us and attract us by
nostalgia and other temptations ... We need to be
brave, standing and moving together, into a new
spiritual age. We should not delude ourselves by
underestimating the newness of this age and what new
demands a justice and prophetically-oriented spiritually
(sic) will make on our former mystical lives. We need to
remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer who called for today's
holiness to include a giving up of our own holinesses.
Nor should we underestimate the power the former age
still possesses with which to seduce us. We have a clear
lesson from the Israelites: to look back piningly is to
commit idolatry." 1
Fox makes the call for the New World Order. As one
reads his books dealing with that proposed political entity,
biblical passages from Daniel and Revelation come to
mind. Their perhaps imminent fulfillment appears
possible as one reads in his Manifesto for a Global
"Our era lures us to create the first global civilization on
Earth. We are that generation that begins the creative
transformation out of the whole world into a sin~le
community out of the diverse peoples of the planet."
Similarly, the prophesied apostasy of Second
Thessalonians is brought to mind as one reads Fox's
"Specifically, the presumption that original sin is a valid
starting point for spiritual living must be let go of ... " 4
And in his planetary Manifesto, showing clear signs of a
very different Jesus with a different Gospel and a different
spirit, 5 Fox also commits that sin of sins - blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit. He attributes his work of religious
apostasy to the Holy Spirit! While Jesus said that the
1 says:
"For while the Good News is that the Kingdom/
I Queendom of God has begun, the bad news is that it
has not fully begun and is never fully incarnated-much
less institutionalized-in any one form or expression of
spirituality. The Holy Spirit will not be locked in to any
one form of religious faith. " 6
Daniel was told by the angel that ''such as do wickedly
against the covenant will he corrupt by flatteries. " 7 Doing
wickedly against God's covenant to deliver us through
Jesus Christ, Matthew Fox perverts the Gospel of
redemption. In doing so he also sounds remarkably like
the Ecumenical Institute's "Spirit Declaration of the
Peoples of God"
"We People of God - all the People of creation -need
one another and all the wisdom we can derive from one
another. Global interdependence requires a global
ecumenical awakening so that the power and blessing of
healing and compassion that all faiths can teach their
people might ignite all peoples of the world in which we
live . The ecumenical movement - understood as the
energizing of all faiths of this planet by celebration, by
interaction for justice and compassion, by dialogue and
mutual study of one another's faiths - holds out for the
human race one of its last great hopes for redemption."
Is Fox correct? Are these other "faiths" merely
different manifestations of the work of the Holy Spirit? Do
they hold out the promise of redemption for mankind? St.
Paul clearly said otherwise!:
"What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that
which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I
say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they
sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that
ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink
the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils: ye cannot be
136 A Planned Deception
"Creation-Centered 'Spirituality'"
themselves that recompence of their error which was
meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in
their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate
mind, to do those things which are not convenient
(Romans 1:18-28, KJV) .... Who knowing the judgment
of God, that they which commit such things are worthy
I of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in
them that do them." (Romans 1:32, KJV)
I Creature worship is exactly what is implied by his
I center's name: "Institute for the Center of Creation
Centered Spirituality."
Matthew Fox is not content merely to deny the
exclusive Christhood of Jesus. Nor is it enough for him to
deny the sole sovereignty of God, Matthew Fox has, as will
the prophesied Antichrist, gone even further and has
spoken "incredible blasphemies against the God of
gods." 7
Matthew Fox openly advocates all forms of
shamanism, witchcraft, neo-paganism, and New Age
philosophies. He does so so openly that he has obtained
public favor from self-confessed witches! The following
enthused review appeared in the official organ of
witchcraft circles, the Fall 1983 Circle Network News:
"The Institute for Creation-Centered Spirituality (ICCS)
offers a nine-month master's degree program which
integrates the spiritual and prophetic. The program
offers opportunities for filmmaking, ceramics,
photography, and dance. A third-term "compassion
practicum" enables students to participate in field work
with the Eighth Day Center for Justice, Hispanic
Ministry, Friendship House, Women's Drop-In Center,
Amnesty International, Pax Christi, and other groups
committed to local and global justice. The ecumenical,
140 A Planned Deception
I Abingdon, 1980).
Alan S. Miller, University of California, Berkeley;
Ted F. Peters, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary;
I Robert John Russell, Graduate Theological Union;
Patricia L. Runo, Divinity School of the Pacific;
G. Ledyard Stebbins, University of California, Davis;
Claude Y. Stewart, Jr., Southeastern Baptist Theological
Paul Weigand, graduate, Franciscan School of Theology;
the only ones at the table and said, ''well, well, Constance
Cumbey. Tell me, I know all about the things you hate -
David Spangler, the New Age Movement. Tell me, what
do you love?"
I said to him, ''well, as long as you' re on the list of
things I hate, I hate anti-semitism too." Looking startled,
he called out, "good, so do I." He started to walk away. I
called out after him while he was still within earshot, "not
if you're involved in the New Age Movement, you don't."
I thought little about the incident until I received
telephone calls from North Carolina after the Asheville site
conference in November, 1984. David Spangler addressed
144 A Planned Deception
this crowd of New Age elite and the major concern of the
conference appeared to be the "backlash" that had
developed to their work. Donald Keys had already warned
of the "backlash" and said "you know books have already
been written about us. There's that book, The Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow!"
Then David Spangler spoke. He told the audience that
his "best friend" had been in a public debate with this
woman (it was not a public debate) and that during the
course of the debate his best friend said to her, "well tell
us, we know all about the things you hate, David
Spangler, the New Age Movement. Tell us, what do you
love?" Spangler said that the woman refused to continue
the debate and angrily stomped off.
Despite the inaccuracies in Spangler' s account, there
was more significance to the story than the North Carolina
observers realized. One woman approached him during
the recess and said, "that woman you were talking about,
was that by any chance Constance Cumbey?" David
Spangler said, "oh yes it was ." The observer he spoke
with called to tell me of the incident and to say she was
sending tapes of the event (which she did). But she and the
other Christian observers did not know of the true
significance of the event until they spoke with me. There
was no way David Spangler could have known of this
private incident unless he and Fox really were close
friends! Fox has since admitted his closed friendship to
Spangler to several people who have contacted me. Fox's
Seattle speaking engagement was co-sponsored by The
Chinook Learning Community. That organization is
headed by Fritz and Vivienne Hull. It works extremely
closely with the Findhom Foundation and David Spangler
is a close personal friend of the Hulls.
David Spangler' s book, Emergence, labels Fox's
Publishing Company, Bear and Company, Inc. one of the
country's most important New Age centers. 10 He does
The Incredible Heresies of Father Matthew Fox 145
314 he included "New Age Mystics such as: David
Spangler, Jean Houston, Marilyn Ferguson." David
Spangler' s own Lorian Association has long listed
Matthew Fox's books in their catalog.
Second Thessalonians clearly told us we would not
know the antichrist' s identity until the ''restrainer'' was
taken out of the way. However, Revelations 13 just as
New Mexico: 1981. Page 242.
2CRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT: Rebuilding the Christian Creation Tradition.
Bear & Company, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico: 1984. Quoting page 120.
Company, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico: 1982. Quoting page 6.
%id ., page 18.
5cf. Galatians 1:6-9.
Fox, op. cit., page 43.
Daniel 11:36.
8Bear& Company, Inc., '84 - '85 Catalog distributed with mass mailing to "New
Age Mailing List." Mailing came from P.O . Box 640, Walpole, New Hampshire
03608 by Stillpoint, Inc.'s Christmas Mailing of "The Best New Age Books of
1984 From Five of America's Best Publishers in the Field of Human
'>Revelation 14:7 (KJV) .
°Spangler, David . EMERGENCE: the rebirth of the sacred Dell Publishing
Company, New York: 1984. Page 166.
Chapter 15
148 A Planned Deception
Is what Robertson is saying born of spiritual naivete'?
One might easily believe that of a lesser man. However, it
should be pointed out that Robertson is the son of a United
States senator. He has also graduated from the Yale
University Law School, and the London School of
Economics, as well as New York Theological Seminary. He
runs a television empire that by his own account grosses
l more than $230 million per year. "Naivete'" is hardly a
I characteristic of a person with these credentials. Further,
he claims on a constant and consistent basis to receive
direct revelation from God. Therefore, his claims MUST be
subjected to the most intense Christian scrutiny if we are to
fulfill this Scriptural mandate:
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I
Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)
Pat Robertson teaches both in his books and over his
television programs that there are immutable "kingdom
laws" that even God Himself must obey. Dave Hunt and
Tom McMahon brilliantly argued the "hidden dangers of
believing such "immutable spiritual laws" in The Seduction
of Christianity:
"In contrast to the biblical doctrine of grace, this
insistence that God Himself must work even His own
miracles within a framework of laws that enables us to
tap into and dispense spiritual power by what we think,
speak, or do is the basis for all ritualism and occultism.
When the witch doctor slits the rooster's throat,
sprinkles the blood in a certain pattern, and chants a
152 A Planned Deception
Jeremy Rifkin
there will be those who will see the Entropy Law as the
truth that can set us free. The first group will continue to
uphold the existing world paradigm. The second group will be
without a world view. The third grou~ will be the harbingers
of the new age." (emphasis added) 1
Rifkin says of his new "entropy paradigm":
"Already the outline . . . is being filled in by scholars
around the world. Within a few years every academic
discipline will be turned inside out by it. There will be
attempts to graft the Entropy Law onto the existing
world view, a task that will ultimately fail. Politicians
will proclaim its importance in addressing issues
ranging from energy to disarmament. Theologians will
construct new interpretations of Biblical authority based on it .
. . . All this will happen in the next few years. All this
and more. So much more that none of us can even make
out more than the shadows and echoes of the world that
is being born within us today." 16
Rifkin probably speaks the truth however, as to the
"Source" of his "law":
"While the Entropy Law governs the world of time,
space, and matter, it is in turn, governed by the primordial
spiritual force that conceived it. " 17
Briefly stated, Rifkin' s "Entropy Law" is a teaching
that it is impossible to create or destroy energy. 18 He says
that all is energy. He neatly includes a rationale for
reincarnation - which his later book Declaration of a Heretic
- seems to indicate he believes:
"A human being, a skyscraper, an automobile, and a
blade of grass all represent energy that has been
transformed from one state to another. When a
skyscraper or a blade of grass is formed, it is made of
energy that has been gathered up from somewhere else.
When the skyscraper is razed, and the blade of grass
dies, the energy they embody doesn't disappear. It is
merely transferred back somewhere else into the envi-
ronment." 19
I A Secret Kingdom?
const ituency . . .
Rifkin grandly sounds the New Age occult marching
cry of all ages - new and old:
" ... Only the entropy paradigm provides a scythe that
is both sharp enough to cut through the tangled debris
of this death-bound culture and broad enough to clear a
path for the dawn of a new age .... The specifics of
what is to be done can only come after a thorough
cleansing away of the last remaining vestiges of the
mechanical world view. Our own conversion is the first
order of business. Only when we have cast aside forever
the old way of thinking and behaving and take onto
ourselves the new entropic world view will we be ready
to go forth and remake our culture. The new order of
the ages must begin with a revolution in science,
education, and religion .... " 29
Truly, this is a horrendous book. And anybody with
six weeks of Sunday School and a working knowledge of
the Ten Commandments would find its contents shocking!
Right? Right! So, Robertson, one would expect would be in
the vanguard of those seeking to alert Christians to this
clear and present danger from those seeking to destroy our
liberties - economically and otherwise. Right? Wrong!
Pat Robertson is a busy man. Maybe he is so busy
running CBN that he is ignorant of the content of Rifkin' s
books. Right? Wrong!
Pat Robertson sent a newsletter endorsing that book,
while it was still an unpublished manuscript! Pat
Robertson's Perspective of June/July 1980, rather than
exposing this horrible threat to Christianity, almost made it
sound Christian:
"A more basic concern underlies all the others. Does our
planet contain enough nonrenewable and renewable sources of
energy to supply the basic needs and growing aspirations of a
162 A Planned Deception
I of Women's Liberation.
Keys, Donald. Earth at Omega.
I A Secret Kingdom?
population to a level that the planet's resources can
sustain indefinitely at a decent standard of living -
probably less than two billion. " 32
John Naisbitt
in upstate New York "at a location surrounded by tall pine
172 A Planned Deception
" ... all that serves to thin or tear away the veil between
the worlds wherein those who have no physical bodies
live and move and work and the worlds of outer form is
the work of the white magician. " 38
It sounds ominously close to the reasons advanced for
Robertson's "Secret Kingdom":
poraries rang in my ears: Is there truly an invisible
world of the spirit? ls it possible to draw help from that
invisible world? Can there be a new world order?
Yes." 39
Both Lucis Trust writers and Gina Cerminara
sometimes utilized different phraseology to express the all-
important New Age concept of "Karma." Sometimes they
alternatively called it ''The Law of Reciprocity.' ' 40 A very
similar concept shockingly still was the fact that 1985 saw
the 700 Club celebrate "International Forgiveness Week"
- an old time Lucis Trust project! That was a sad week for
those Christians aware of the nuances of the New Age
Movement as they were forced to view the spectacle of
Lucis Trust, Tara Center, and the 700 Club all celebrating
International Forgiveness Week - all at the same time! 41
Rev . 2:2 (KJV).
Acts 17:10-11.
3Matthew 24:24; Revelation 13:13-14.
Matthew 12:38-39.
Mark 16:17 (KJV) .
lsaiah 8:20; Deuteronomy 13:1-4; Daniel 8:24; Matthew 24:24; Revelation 2:2;
Deuteronomy 13:1-2.
8Robertson, Pat with Slosser, Bob. THE SECRET KINGDOM. Thomas Nelson
Publishers, Nashville: 1982. Pages 13-14.
(unpaginated front section); SHOUT IT FROM THE HOUSETOPS, by Pat
Robertson and Jamie Buckingham, page 231. Logos International: Plainfield, NJ
J (1973). According to a CBN movie "For I Have Chosen You" the prophecy that
God chose CBN and Pat Robertson to "usher in the coming of My Son" came
through Harald Bredesen. This took place at a prayer meeting. In a closed circuit
telethon in the fall of 1982, Pat Robertson solicited donations for his television
station in the Middle East. He told the audience he was doing so because Jesus
J had appeared to him in a vision and told him he (Robertson) had been appointed
a modem day John the Baptist to usher in his coming. Further, he says Jesus said
he wanted Pat Robertson to get the first television shots of his return to earth.
Surely, this scenario does not fit scripture. But it does fit a horrendous New Age
book called THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT by Peter LeMesurier. See Chapter 1 of
this book for amplification . My understanding of prophecy is that Jesus is
returning IN the air - not ON the air!
Hunt, Dave and Tom McMahon. THE SEDUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY, page
100. Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon: 1985.
Bantam Books edition, New York: 1981. See unpaginated " Author's Note."
16Ibid., p. 7
7Ibid., page 8.
8Ibid ., p. 34.
9Ibid., page 34.
lOJbid., p. 35.
1Ibid., p. 186.
22Jbid ., page 195.
Ibid., page 205, chapter " Values and Institutions in an Entropic Society."
Publishing Company, 1957. Page 588.
Ibid., p. 209.
Ibid., page 210.
Ibid., p. 217-218.
28 Ibid., p. 211 .
29Ibid. , page 220.
ll>"fodd, Nancy Jack and Todd, John . BIOSHELTERS, OCEAN AR.KS, CITY
PROGR£SS AS IF SURVIVAL MA1T£R£0, Friends of the Earth : 1981 . ("About
the authors")
Ibid ., pages 68-70.
See Mark Satin's NEW OPTIONS Newsletter, April, 1984. The other three
senatorial "winners" were Gary Hart of Colorado; Sparks Matsunaga of
Honolulu, Hawaii, and Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island .
NEWSWEEK, September 23, 1985 " The Megatrends Man" , pp. 60-61 .
A Secret Kingdom? 183
Alice. THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS. Lucis Publishing Company,
New York: 1949. Page 42.
l'IRobertson, Pat and Bob Slosser, THE SECRET KINGDOM, p. 15, Thomas
Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee: 1982.
'°Cerminara, Gina. INSIGHTS FOR THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. Theosophical
Publishing House, Wheaton, Ulinois: 1973. See pages 284-285. " An
Indispensable Ethic for the Age of Aquarius." ; Also see BEACON MAGAZINE.
Lucis Trust, Lucis Publishing Co., New York. November-December, 1984, page
173. " Any goodwill economic order must acknowledge the PRINCIPLE OF
RECIPROCITY: we must come to an understanding of the energy of reciprocity,
I particularly in relation to international trade. "(emphasis added)
• 1Tuisproject was first conceived by Alice Bailey's " Tibetan Master" as
I "International Forgiveness Day." Later on Lucis Trust expanded it to
International Forgiveness Week." See EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERAR-
I CHY, p. 165.
•2Bailey, Foster. THINGS TO COME. Lucis Publishing Company, New York:
1974, Article "Religious Trends." Page 91.
.:iRobertson, Pat and Bob Slosser. THE STUDY GUIDE TO THE SECRET
KINGDOM Thomas Nelson Publishers, MNashville: 1983, p. 7 .
..(LeMesurier, Peter. THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT. St. Martin's Press (U.S.
Edition): 1983, page 233, emphasis added.)
Chapter 16
Networking ''The Global Vision'' 185
190 A Planned Deception
Peccei, Aurelio. One Hundred Pages For The Future. A Mentor Book, New
American Library, New York: 1981 (Originally published by Pergamon Press,
Inc.). See page 4.
2Ibid., page 14.
3Ibid., pages 24-25.
1bid., page 28.
Webb, James. The Occult Establishment. A Library Press Book, Open Court
Publishing Company, LaSalle, Illinois: 1976. Page 177.
Mesarovic, Mihajlo & Eduard Pestel. Mamkind at the Turning Point: The Second
Report to the Club of Rome. E. P. Dutton & Company, New York: 1974. Warner
Books paperback edition, p . 147.
Fisher, Joe. The Case for Reincarnation. A Bantam New Age Book, New York:
1985. pp. 160-161.
8Undated lOS membership solicitation brochure mailed by them in Calendar
Year 1984.
9Lucis Trust NGWS Forum, December 5, 1983, New York City. Transcribed from
Lucis Trust distributed tape.
216 A Planned Deception
Wally Wood
Appendix A 211
with other nations. If the world as a whole shared equally
in the riches of the earth, the problems that presently
plague the countries would be virtually eliminated
Speaking before the First Global Conference on the
Future in Toronto during the summer of 1980, Club of
Rome director Aurelio Peccei addressed the issue of
national sovereignty by saying,
210 A Planned Deception
No Other Alternative But New World
The advocation of a new world order has become a
religion unto itself. Those who talk about it, plan for it, and
dream of it do it with a spiritual fervor and sincerity that is
very convincing. In the view of such advocates, certain
spiritual, moral convictions must be accepted so that the
transition of the new system is as smooth and cooperative
as possible.
The Club of Rome's second major study into the
condition of man and society in its Mankind At The Turning
Point, acknowledged that "there is an absolute necessity
for a fundamental reorientation of values for planetary
man." To bring about a smooth transition into the new
global community, the Club suggests four major compo-
nents, or attitudes, that need to be enacted by everyone-at-
(1) A world consciousness must be developed through
which every individual realizes his role as a member of
the world community;
Appendix A 209
1. North America;
2. Western Europe;
3. Japan;
4. Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the
marketeconomy of the developed world;''
5. Eastern Europe, including Russia;
6. Latin America;
7. North Africa and the Middle East;
8. Tropical Africa;
9. South and Southeast Asia;
10. China.
Project #1: "Limits to Growth"
Quoting the March, 1973 issue of Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, in an Article Entitled "The Club of Rome and Its
"The printout of [the] computer gave some ominous
results for the human condition by the end of the
century, and catastrophic possibilities in the twenty-first
century. The computer did not seem to like the way
things were going, especially the increase in popula-
The Limits to Growth laid out three basic premises of the
course of world civilization over the next twenty to thirty
Should the current trends in population growth be
allowed to continue unchecked, then it is a
mathematical probability that the limits to the Earth's
support capacity would be reached within the next 100
Appendix A 203
and the planet's ability to provide for man and beast.
Consequently, their pleas fell on uninterested ears.
At this point, according to Club member Manfred
Siebker, "the Club felt that nothing short of a shock
I treatment could help." Quoting Peccei, "[The Club's]
immediate purpose was thus temporarily shifted from the
search for answers to basic questions to the search for a
device capable of opening a branch in the hearts and minds
of people, of arousing their awareness to the complexity
and seriousness of the world problematique. After long
consideration, a commando operation was decided upon,
in the hope that its rapid tactical success might have
strategic consequences."
202 A Planned Deception
March 1982
Appendix 201
\ Mexican Affairs.
ERVIN LASZLO - Special Fellow, United Nations Institute for
Training and Research; author of Goals for Mankind.
DONALD R. LESH- Executive Director, U.S. Association for the Oub
of Rome.
WALTER J. LEVY - Internationally known petroleum advisor to
industry and government.
SALLY LILIENTHAL - San Francisco, California.
T. DIXON LONG - Provost, Case Western Reserve University.
AMORY B. LOVINS - Friends of the Earth; author of Energy Strategy:
The Road Not Taken.
LOUIS B. LUNDBORN - Former Chairman of the Board, The Bank of
America; author of Future Without Shock.
ALICE TEPPER MARLIN - President, Council on Economic Priorities,
New York City.
HENRIETIA MARSHALL - Chairperson, Planned Parenthood
Federation of America.
A. HELEN MARTII<AINEN - Former Chief of Health Education, U.N.
World Health Organization; member of the Board, U.S. Association for
the Oub of Rome.
218 A Planned Deception
222 A Planned Deception
Toshio Miyake
'Setsuo Yamada
HONORARY CHAIRMEN Angie Brooks-Randolph
·u Thant HRH Princess Juliana
Jan Tinbergen
ARGENTINA Sir Edmund Hillary
Raul Prebisch NIGERIA
AUSTRALIA Chief Simeon 0 . Adebo
Julius Stone Sir Adetokunbo A. Ademoia
Konrad Lorenz Thor Heyerdahl
BELGIUM 'Odd Nansen
Maurice Bejart PAKISTAN
\ •Paul Henri Spaak
Sir Muhammed Zafrullah Khan
Lt Gen E. L. M. Burns Gen. Carlos P. Romulo
'Marshall McLuhan PUERTO RICO
Maurice Strong •Pablo Casals
Jose Figueras lorgu lordan
CYPRUS Ion Nicodim
·Archbishop Makarios SRI LANKA
Zdenak Rejdak 'Gunapala P. Malalasekera
Hassan Fathy Gunnar Myrdal
Martin Niegmoller Salvador De Madariaga
FRANCE Adrian Pell
Marcel Marceau •Jean Piaget
'Oanus Milhaud TIBET
Abbe Pierre The Dalal Lama
Jean-Francois Revel UNITED KINGDOM
•Jean Rostand Sir Adrian Cedric Boult
GREECE Lord Ritchie-Calder
I 'Constantinos Doxiadls
Rajeshwar Dayal
Archbishop Angelo Fernandes
Arthur Lall
Lord Hugh Caradon
Philip Noel-Baker
·c.P. Snow
•Arnold Toynbee
Peter Ustinov
C. V. Naraisimhan UNITED STATES
Vijay Lakshmi Pandit •Roger Baldwin
Gen lnder Jit Rikhye Leonard Bernstein
IRELAND Eugene Carson Blake
Sean MacBride Elise Boulding
ITALY Kenneth Boulding
'Giorgio LaPlra Harrison Brown
Aurelio Peccei •Alexander Calder
224 A Planned Deception
I simple but powerful notion, far and wide, In the search tor
alternative futures, we need to appreciate and tap the
immense contributions ot those living embodiments of a
I better world-alternative, experimental and intentional
communities scattered around the globe. Since little is known
about how many and how varied these communities indeed
I are. Planetary Citizens has received a small grant toward the
total costs of conducting the tirst computerized and
comprehensive worldwide census of such groups. If
adequate funds can be raised, it is expected that a network
226 A Planned Deception
Donald Keys, President
for Planetary Citizens
230 A Planned Deception
A time to meet other people who share your passion for a human future .
"After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has
been banished returns. There has been movement but it is not brought about
by force . The movement is naturqal , arisinglng spontaneously. For this
reason the transformation of the old becomes new . The old Is discarded and
the new is introduced . Both measures accord with the time ; therefore no
harm results." I Ching
232 A Planned Deception
April 1985
July 10-15
Jean Houston, director of the Foundation for Mind Research , New York
City , has agreed to lead the first two days . She leads seminars in the
arena of the myth factor and will be consulting with us on the design of
this conference, July 6-9 .
Charles Schmid, of the Lind Institute , San Francisco, will offer his
seminar "New Dimensions in Learning", based on the Lazinov
"superlearning" technique July 10-14.
Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain , has agreed to lead a
seminar/ workshop dealing with aligning deaily life with our highest vision
for ouselves and the planet , July 17-19.
Appendix C 233
• Conference fee, two weeks ... .. ..... . ... .. ...... .... .... $425
• Conference fee, one week ... . . . ....... . . . ............ .. . $250
(Room & Board available at extra cost)
• Cost for specific modules available upon request
• Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
(If you would like to sponsore a student or hird world representative)
• Sliding scale for ICA Affiliates
236 A Planned Deception
• The Sarvodaya Movement, from India and Sri Lanka and recognized
as a perfect working example of a self-sufficient, self-governing,
decentralized development program, is spreading; and its message of
spiritual development rather than material development is infiltrating
Western economic, social and political theories and practices;
• Inquiries from members that range from a request for pen pals from
a child in Bangladesh to information on energy saving productino
techniques for building materials for a U.N. Centre for Human
Settlements project in Africa or any kind of A.T. for an apiculturist in
Indonesia whose field work has mushroomed into a full A.T. program;
There are many ways you can assist TRANET to expand and
promote these and other new concepts. For $800 you could give a 100-
book Mini A.T. Library to a Third World member unable to afford
one. For $100 you could make one of these Third World groups a
TRANET member for one year, and at $15 each you could subsidize
one or more TRANET subscriptions for grassroots workers in the Third
World. Or you might pledge a regular donation so that TRANET could
expand its coverage of the new age paradigms.
240 A Planned Deception
William N. Ellis
Executive Director
July 5, 1983
Dear Teresa,
Because of your earlier indica1ed interest, I thought you
might like to know about a class titled FOR SERVERS OF
HUMANITY ONLY which begins this Thursday. July 7th a1
Unity on the Plaza. 707 W . 47th Street.
Our ministers have been emphasizing for several
months now, tha1 as Truth students. we almost "require"
some form of service to others in order to continue growing
and unfolding in a positive way as channels through which
Spirit-Energy may move to harmonize our personal world,
our community. and the objective world as well.
Now there is an opportunity to seriously think about and
study wha1 it really means to be a Server of humanity. The
class will be an informal reading and in-depth discussion of
the book, Servers of Humanity by Alice Bailey. The class,
led by myself. Ernest Ramsey. begins Thursday, July 7th a1
7:30 pm and will continue for ten weeks .
'!'his is a powerful Truth book as the following quotation
will attest: "True service is the spontaneous outflow of a
loving heart and an intelligent mind; it is the result of being
in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the
inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous
physical plane activity, it is the effect of a man's being
wha1 he truly is, a divine Son of God, and not by the studied
effect of his words or deeds.··
For the glory of The One, I Am
Ernest Ramsey The Founders Church
242 A Planned Deception
Author of
"Letters on Occult Meditation"
"The Consciousness of the Atom"
First Edition
Copyright 1922
Alice A. Bailey.
244 A Planned Deception
President Mary Bailey Donna Leto
Vice-President J. J. G. Bourne Dale McKechnie
Perry Coles Nicole Boyer John F. Meskill
Treasurer Winifred H. Brewin Peter H. Peuler
Donna Leto Perry Coles J. de la Roche
Dale McKechnie
February 17, 1983
The Lucis Trust Is a non-profit tax-exempt educational corporation
founded In 1922.
246 A Planned Deception
President Mary Bailey Donna Leto
Vice-President J . J. G. Bourne Dale McKechnie
Perry Coles Nicole Boyer John F. Meskill
Treasurer Winifred H. Brewin Peter H. Peuler
Donna Leto Perry Coles J . de la Roche
Dale McKechnie
17 August 1984
Sincerely yours,
Perry Coles
The Lucis Trust Is a non-profit tax-exempt educational corporation
founded In 1922.
248 A Planned Deception
Harm no one, desire nothing for the separated self and
see the divinity in all.
Regard no race or nation as more important than any
Ignore racial hatreds, religious differences and national
Do not put undue emphasis on the organization aspect
.. . the New Group of World Servers is an organism, not an
Members should not identify themselves or the group
with any political , religious or social propaganda.
Spread Love and Light instead of resisting evil.
Do not dissipate your efforts on unimportant work.
Speak or publish no word which would evoke
antagonism from any group. Only principles of universal
application need be expressed.
Maintain a life of meditation.
Do not interfere with any political or religious group.
AppendixG 251
"May the power of the One Life pour through the group
of all true servers."
May the love of the One Soul characterize the lives of
all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfill our part in the one work through self·
forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech."
Mantram of the New Group of World Servers
They believe in an inner world government and an
emerging evolutionary plan.
They are steadily cultivating an international spirit of
They seek to teach that there are many national,
religious and social experiments in the world ... some
aspects of these have a definite place and purpose in the
New Age .. . some are undesirable because they spread the
252 A Planned Deception
Bring about world peace, guide world destiny and usher
in the New Age.
Form the vanguard for the Reappearance of the Christ
and his Great Disciples (the Masters of Wisdom).
Advocate the fair distribution of planetary resources so
that every man, woman and child has adequate food, shelter
and clothing.
Eliminate fear in the world.
Provide a center of light within humanity and hold the
vision of the Divine Plan before mankind.
Form a bridge between humanity and the Kingdom of
Raise the level of human consciousness.
Cultivate a planetary spirit of goodwill.
Recognize and change those aspects of religion and
government which delay the full manifestation of planetary
unity and love.
Embody constructive forces so as to balance the forces
of destruction and disintegration now present in the world.
Consciously participate in the three major full moon
festivals: Easter (Aries), Wesak (Taurus) and the Festival of
the Goodwill (Gemini) ... in addition to the remaining minor
full moon observances.
Connect world governments with a unity of purpose.
Appendix G 253
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
254 A Planned Deception
President Mary Bailey Donna Leto
Vice-President J. J. G. Bourne Dale McKechnie
Perry Coles Nicole Boyer John F. Meskill
Treasurer Winifred H. Brewin Peter H. Peuler
Donna Leto Perry Coles J. de la Roche
Dale McKechnie
October 1983
are issues which must be resolved now, that is, within the
next forty to fifty year period. They concern all members
of the new group of world servers. all those men and
women who work for equality of opportunity, justice,
inclusiveness and right relationships.
There are several ways in which we, the Lucis Trust, are
preparing to give more adequate support to the new
group of world servers. On November 5th this year (1983),
under the auspices of World Goodwill, we are holding a
one-day Seminar to inaugurate a continuing series of
monthly meetings. These meetings, to be held in the
"new moon" periods, will feature work,
256 A Planned Deception
The Luds Trust Is a non-profit tax-exempt educational
corporation founded In 1922.2
Maty Bailey
Saturday, November 5, 1983, from 9:45 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
345 East 46th Street, New York City
(Corner of First Avenue), 2nd Floor
The theme of this Seminar is chosen to coincide with the focus of the
United Nations in 1983 on COMMUN/CATIONS in the Service of
Humanity. In the words of Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Director-General
of UNESCO "We must work together to enablOJo the modern
comienicadion media to contribute increasingly to the flowering of
freedom and to the development of mutual understanding and respect
among nations, as well as to the promotion of general social progress
within each nation.''
866 United Nations Plaza, #566, New York 10017-1888
Tel: (212)421-1577
264 A Planned Deception
By Emil Ludwig
Famous Historical Writer, European Observer, and Author of
Biographies of Napoleon and Von Hindenburg.
By Special Cable
Famous Germans
Friendly to Jewry
Hitler in Book
I Praises Jewish Race
Compared to Germs
by Reich Dictator.
Christ Pictured as
Admiring Aryans.
Messenger Barred
in Quest of Letter.
Clergymen Hailed
as Stars in Gloom
Valhalla Preferred
to Christian Heaven
A Planned Deception
Book Index
St. John the Divine, Cathedral of, 53 Theosophy, 16, 21, 27, 29, 38, 96, 118,
St. Louis, Missouri, 147 192
St. Teresa of Avila, 127 Thessalonians, 37, 100, 134
St. Thomas Aquinas, 133 Thompson, William Irwin, 114
Stamps, Jeffrey, 25, 31, 245 Thorsson, Inga, 193, 198
Starhawk, Miriam, 137 Tibetan, The (Djwhal Khul), 19, 57, 58,
Steindl-Rast, Brother David (Benedic- 62, 120, 171, 189
tine), 109 Time of Sorrow, 184
Steiner, Rudolf, 28 Todd, Nancy & Jack, 162
sterilization, 120 Toffler, Alvin, 120, 148, 157
Stewart, Claude Y., Jr. Tomyzak, Larry, 174
Stobbe, Leslie H., 179 Tower of Babel, 166
Stonebridge Foundation, 198 Trading with the Enemy Act, 21
strategy shifts (by Cumbey/Hunt op- Train, Russell, 198
ponents), 2 trance-mediums, 77
Studion, Simon, 17, 18 TRANET, 30, 31, 240-245
Sudbury, Massachusetts, 11 Transition Activities, 60, 63
Superman theories, 21 Tree People (a New Age organization),
Supreme Initiate, 17 164
Suzuki, D. T., 21 Tribulation, the Great, 70, 73
swastika, 73 Trotsky, 19
Sweden, 77, 192, 193 Trueblood, Elton, 102, 108
Swedenborgianism, 21, 23 Trungpa, Rampa, 8, 106
Switzerland, 18, 19 Truth, Love of, 5
Symbols, 64-74 tum inward, 121
Syncretism, 100 Turner, Ted, 198
Syracuse University, 11
-T- UThant, 34
Tabemacles, Feast of U. S. Association for the Oub of Rome,
Tao of Physics, (Capra), 168 39
Tara Center (see Benjamin Creme), 177 U.S . MAGAZINE, 76
Tat Tvam Asi (Hindu Mantra), 160 Underhill, Evelyn, 103, 106
tax-free status, 38 UNESC0, 46
Teilhard de Chardin, 9, 124-128, 163 Unicorns, 64, 75-70
television, 14, 37 Unification Church (Moonies), 33
Temple Mount, 10 Union Life, 104
Temple of Understanding, 102-103, United Nations, 28, 34, 45, 47, 58, 59,
191-192 112, 240
terminology, (buzz-words), 169 United States Council of Bishops, 131
Thapar, Romesh, 192 United States of America, 30
The Color Purple, (Alice Walker), 132 unity consciousness, 188
The Door (see ICIS), 49 Unity in Diversity Council, 31
The Order:, Ecumenical (See Ecumen- Unity School of Practical Christianity,
ical Institute, ICA), 125 171, 239
THE VOICE, 28 unity with diversity, 169
Theobald, Robert, 32 Universal Association of Affiliated
Theology of Hope, 133 Brotherhoods, 28
theology, feminist, 133 University of California, Berkeley, 141
theology, liberation, 133 University of North Carolina, Greens-
theology, process, 133 boro, 141
Theosophical Society, 16, 21, 27, 29, University of Pennsylvania, 40
96, 188, 192 University of Pittsburgh, 34
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