Keeping Birth Normal: Position Statement

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PS2008_007 V2014

Position Statement

Keeping Birth Normal

Midwives’ practice must be informed by evidence-based knowledge to improve the quality
and outcomes of midwifery care. ‘Keeping birth normal’ is an area of ICM strategy
associated with women’s health, midwives’ education and practice, and existing health care

Midwives are advocates of normal childbirth. They can provide evidence to support the
advantages of normal birth but women’s decisions are affected by factors such as:
 Culture
 Socio-economic issues and health care systems
 Lack of information about the benefits of normal birth
 A fear of normal birth
 An inability to trust their innate ability to give birth

When midwifery education is limited solely to hospitals and medicalised clinical

environments it may prevent midwives from practicing the full scope of midwifery practice
as outlined in the ICM International Definition of the Midwife and the ICM Essential
Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice. Such experience may impact on the ability of
midwives to support women in achieving normal birth.

ICM supports the following definition of normal childbirth:

 A unique dynamic process in which fetal and maternal physiologies and
psychosocial contexts.
 Normal birth is where the woman commences, continues and completes labour with
the infant being born spontaneously at term, in the vertex position at term, without
any surgical, medical, or pharmaceutical intervention.

Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517AN, The Hague, The Netherlands

tel: +31 70 3060 520 1
PS2008_007 V2014

ICM supports normal childbirth, since for the majority of women, pregnancy and childbirth
are physiological life events. The promotion of normal childbirth is included in the ICM
Scope of Practice; therefore midwives should be competent in all means of supporting the
physiology of childbirth. Women should have access to midwifery-led care, one-to-one
support, including the choice of a home birth and immersion in water.

Note: the term childbirth encompasses pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.

Member Associations are encouraged, in partnership with women, to:
 Promote normal childbirth within the maternity service.
 Confirm midwives as the primary caregiver and expert in normal childbirth.
 Enrich midwives’ education in order to enhance skills and competencies in normal
 Organise educational courses to enhance midwives’ practice in normal childbirth.
 Increase midwives’ awareness of the benefits of normal childbirth in terms of
maternal and neonatal health.
 Establish and use health care indicators and evaluate the results of midwives’
practice in normal childbirth.
 Carry out research to demonstrate the effectiveness of midwifery care in normal
 Influence and work in collaboration with Ministries of Health and other
 Participate in the strategic planning and decision making process related to
maternity services thereby encouraging politicians to support normal birth.

Related ICM Documents

ICM. 2004. WHO/ICM/FIGO Joint Statement: Making Pregnancy Safer: The Critical Role of
the Skilled Attendant.
ICM.2008. Core Document.Vision Statement.

Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517AN, The Hague, The Netherlands

tel: +31 70 3060 520 2
PS2008_007 V2014

ICM.2011. Core Document. International Definition of the Midwife.

ICM.2010. Core Document. Essential Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice.
Amended 2013.

Other Relevant Documents

Maternity Care Working Party. 2007. Consensus statement-Making normal birth a reality.
National Childbirth Trust/Royal College of Midwives/ Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists, UK,
WHO. 2011. Keeping birth normal.

Adopted at Glasgow Council meeting, 2008

Reviewed and adopted at Prague Council meeting, 2014
Due for next review 2020

Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517AN, The Hague, The Netherlands

tel: +31 70 3060 520 3

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