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: 8427
Date: 20-05-19
DIB Customer no.: 24661
Arasat, Masbah Your ref.: Mr. Bassam Al Ateia
M 929, Z 19, D 30 Our ref.: Flemming Jakobsen
Iraq Delivery terms: Ex Works
Shipment: Courier Express
Delivery time:
Payment Terms: Net cash

Page 1

Part no. Description Price Quantity Unit % Amount USD

Spareparts 3 years, Omme 1550 EXB

40000451 Filter cartridge 36,72 1 Pcs. 36,72
41350030 Housing w/handle f/control val 44,69 1 Pcs. 44,69
41620620 Over centre valve E6B20ZN 208,55 1 Pcs. 208,55
42900010 Valve head -black 6,93 1 Pcs. 6,93
42900225 Magnet coil ccs024d 44,87 1 Pcs. 44,87
42900270 Nonreturn valve d02b2-10.0-n 64,92 2 Pcs. 129,84
46020806 Angle pcs 10,47 1 Pcs. 10,47
46310008 Straight insert adjutage va08r 11,16 1 Pcs. 11,16
50700010 Fuse 10 a 6.3x32 2,48 3 Pcs. 7,44
50700020 Fuse 20amp. 6.3x32 2,32 3 Pcs. 6,96
50700100 Fuse 100a 20,45 1 Pcs. 20,45
50750015 Fine safety retainer 6.3x32 27,38 1 Pcs. 27,38
51140029 Relay 2-pole 8a 24v dc 18,81 1 Pcs. 18,81
51140035 Relay 4 pole 6a 24v dc 30,85 1 Pcs. 30,85
51200024 Timer 17.5mm multitimer 24vdc 145,79 1 Pcs. 145,79
52005560 Potentiometer 13,04 2 Pcs. 26,08
52006021 Emergency stop p9 xer4ra 21,45 1 Pcs. 21,45
52006026 Control handle p9xmnu2u 41,87 1 Pcs. 41,87
52006033 Potentiometer handle p9mz 45,48 1 Pcs. 45,48
52006036 Switch block ses01 6,07 2 Pcs. 12,14
52304153 Main switch, single 52,49 1 Pcs. 52,49
54000002 Telemekanic switch zck-d02 60,72 1 Pcs. 60,72
54010001 Switch head 45,81 2 Pcs. 91,62
54011500 Switch 57,24 2 Pcs. 114,48
54092152 Switch part (ml102) xe-sp2151 49,72 1 Pcs. 49,72
54092141 Switch part (m7) XEN-P2141 49,72 1 Pcs. 49,72
54092161 Switch part (m6) xen-p2161 49,00 1 Pcs. 49,00
54210191 4-step key switch 154,02 1 Pcs. 154,02
64001200 Oil filter Kubota 32,43 1 Pcs. 32,43
64001210 Fuel filter Kubota 11,38 1 Pcs. 11,38
64001220 Air filter (Old type metal ) 156,41 1 Pcs. 156,41
Date: 20-05-19
DIB Customer no.: 24661
Arasat, Masbah Your ref.: Mr. Bassam Al Ateia
M 929, Z 19, D 30 Our ref.: Flemming Jakobsen
Iraq Delivery terms: Ex Works
Shipment: Courier Express
Delivery time:
Payment Terms: Net cash

Page 2

Quote balance Freight VAT % VAT Amount Total USD Incl. VAT
1.719,92 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.719,92

OMME LIFT A/S - Lægårdsvej 4 - 7260 Sønder Omme - Tel 75 34 13 00 - Fax 75 34 15 92

E-mail: [email protected] - - CVR 13927634
Bank: Handelsbanken - 7623-2019950

See our terms of sale and delivery on the back of the page

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