Lecture Notes - Insurance
Lecture Notes - Insurance
Lecture Notes - Insurance
1 Introduction
• need for insurance arises from
• types of uncertainty - idiosyncratic (affects only given individual, e.g. get sick) or ag-
gregate (affects a whole group of individuals, e.g. weather). Different types of insurance
can deal with these different types of risk.
Forms of insurance
• self-insurance - using one’s own wealth to smooth uncertain shocks in income. This
works by accumulating/running down stocks of cash/output (often also livestock - e.g.
bullocks in India (50% of wealth of small farmers, very organized market present), jewelry,
even land).
• mutual insurance - suppose e.g. agents pool output and share equally. Then idiosyn-
cratic shocks (those that affect each separate person) can be completely insured away
and only aggregate shocks (those that affect the total amount of output) are reflected in
agents’ consumption.
— Mutual insurance relies on the fact that people with good shocks make transfers to
people with bad shocks every period - history doesn’t matter. Clearly to sustain this
it is needed that all shocks are due to chance only, not laziness for example.
— Correlation between the individual shocks matters - if all people get bad shocks
and good shocks at the same time - no use of pooling as insurance. On the other
hand, perfect negative correlation (e.g. half agents get good shocks and half bad
shocks every period) is the perfect basis for mutual insurance. That is why mutual
insurance may be hard to arrange for weather shocks.
— mutual insurance - often informal - enforced by reciprocity norms (need in-
centives for people to participate for norms to survive)
2 The Perfect Insurance Model
2.1 Theory
• Suppose a village is populated by large number of farmers (all identical for simplicity)
• each farmer has income Y at each date given by
Yi = A + εi + θ
Ȳi = A + θ
• notice that the above value, Ȳ carries no individual risk. If farmers are risk averse they
would then prefer consumption Ȳ to Y.
• What about the aggregate shock, θ? Can it be insured away in this manner? No, it affects
all farmers - need someone outside the village to smooth that, or need to do self-insurance
to smooth that out over time.
• Perfect insurance theory: suggests that individual consumption will co-move one to
one with aggregate income but not with individual income (this is the same as
saying only aggregate shocks will matter).
• Another issue (Morduch, 1995) - less well-off farmers found to be able to smooth con-
sumption to less extent - suggests they may be trying to smooth out income (e.g. go to
safe crops, may be inefficient though if insurance were possible).
3 Limits to Insurance
• the perfect insurance model fails in general to fit the data, what is the reason? There are
limits to the abilities of households to insure one other.
— a person can ask for insurance transfer lying about his output realization - less
likely to occur in traditional societies with close-knit ties between individuals; flow
of information is crucial
— moral hazard - a person who knows he’s insured may change his behavior - e.g. not
put a lot of effort growing the crop; size of harvest (output) may be visible to all to see
but why it is small may not be visible. Under full insurance - incentive to undersupply
effort is very high. Clearly if all farmers shirk that way insurance will be very
limited/impossible. Thus to mitigate moral hazard - only limited insurance can be
offered - once again there is a trade-off between insurance and incentive provision as
in the tenancy model with unobserved effort. Under this limited insurance individual
consumption will vary with the individual income realization (e.g. high consumption
when income is high). See below for details.
where τi is a contingent transfer (can be positive or negative) from the principal to the agent
and the constraint conveys the idea that the insurer breaks even in expectation.
Calling agent’s consumption in each state ci ≡ yi +τi , the FOCs of the above problem imply:
πi u0 (ci ) = λπi
thus, since u0 (c) is monotonically decreasing we have u0 (ci ) = λ (constant) for each i, i.e. full
insurance is provided, ci = c for all i.
3.2 Imperfect Enforcement
• Mutual insurance schemes are rarely formal contracts - they are usually informal arrange-
ments set in context of reciprocity and enforced by social sanctions
• Suppose now a farmer got H - if he could pocket that, he’ll gain G = u(H) − u(M).
• However there is a loss of not conforming - call it L - consists of the loss of being non-
insured in the future plus a social sanction, S
• For the insurance scheme to be viable need L > G. More likely to hold if people care a
lot about the future or if social sanctions are high.
• If perfect insurance is not feasible (the gain from deviating is higher than the loss) -
only imperfect insurance can be achieved - only imperfect insurance can be sustainable
not giving perfect smoothing (and hence calling for smaller transfers if high output is
• correlated shocks - if the entire economy is in a bad aggregate state the farmers who
did relatively well will have a greater incentive to deviate from a mutual insurance scheme
- harder to satisfy the enforcement constraint in bad times.
• credit vs. insurance — remember we said the difference is that insurance disregards
history - transfers do not carry an obligation to repay. This is the ”first-best” scheme
when there are no enforcement/info problems. In a second best it can be shown that
history must matter to provide better incentives. For example an optimal second best
scheme would reward a person who has produced high output today by a higher share of
the pie tomorrow. But this linking of insurance transfers with the past resembles credit -
not only reciprocity but some obligation implied. The latter is confirmed to some extent
by empirical work (Udry 1993, 94 on Nigerian credit markets).