Bloom'S Taxonomy For Creating Lesson Plan Outcomes

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ESPIRITU Community Development Corporation - Best Practices of Instruction


Outcome Demonstration (TSW=The Student Will),
Thinking Skill Level Bloom’s Lesson Verbs
L Remembering
TSW: Identify the correct dates of important events in History.
Promoting retention: Recognize Arrange, Define, Draw, Duplicate, Identify, Label, List, Locate, Match,
I Assessment: Matching and multiple-choice.
previously learned materials; Memorize, Name, Order, Outline, Point, Read, Recall, Recite, Recognize,
TSW: Recall the correct dates of important events in History.
T ability to recall; to bring to mind Record, Repeat, Reproduce, Select, State, Retrieve, Write
Assessment: Fill in the blanks.
the material as it was taught.
E Understanding
TSW: Draw pictorial representations, summarize, determine, give examples
R Constructing meaning from
of important events in History.
instructional messages Requires Remembering; Associate, Classify, Compare, Compute,
A Assessment: Constructed and selected responses.
including, oral, written, and Contrast, Convert, Defend, Differentiate, Distinguish, Estimate, Explain,
TSW: Formulate a potential list of important current events for Historical
L graphics. Ability to grasp the Express, Extend, Extrapolate, Generalize, Give examples, Identify, Illustrate,
meaning of material; ability to Indicate, Infer, Locate, List, Match, Paraphrase, Predict, Recognize, Report,
I Assessment: Analogy and oddity response.
comprehend what is being Restate, Review, Rewrite, Select, Sort, Summarize, Tell, and Translate
TSW: Explain some potential reasons behind important events in History.
N communicated and make use of
Assessment: Reasoning, redesigning.
the idea.
E Using procedure to perform Requires Remembering and Understanding; Add, Apply, Calculate, TSW: Classify different important events in History and how they may relate
R exercises or solve problems. Change, Choose, Classify, Complete, Compute, Demonstrate, Determine, to today.
Ability to use learned material in Develop, Discover, Divide, Dramatize, Employ, Examine, Formulate, Graph, Assessment: Solve familiar problems.
E concrete or new situations; ability Illustrate, Interpret, Manipulate, Modify, Multiply, Operate, Organize, TSW: Use an effective research study to address the problems behind
N to use ideas, principles, theories Perform, Practice, Predict, Prepare, Produce, Relate, Schedule, Shop, events of History.
in new particular and Show, Sketch, Solve, Subtract, Translate, Use Assessment: Solve unfamiliar problems.
T concentrated situations
I Analyzing
A Ability to break down material
Requires Remembering, Understanding, and Applying; Analyze, TSW: Describe the reasons behind important events in History and then
into the component parts of its
L Appraise, Break down, Calculate, Compare, Contrast, Criticize, Debate, classify the reasons into major themes.
organizational structure; ability to
Determine, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Assessment: Constructed and selected responses.
break down a communication
Experiment, Formulate, Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Inspect, Inventory, Outline, TSW: Outline a chapter/book that describes important events in History.
into constituent parts in order to
C T Question, Relate, Select, Separate, Subdivide, and Utilize Assessment: Constructed and selected responses.
make organization of the whole
R H clear
I I Evaluating
TSW: Compile author’s flaws or discrepancies in a persuasive book written
Ability to judge the value of Requires Remembering, Understanding, Applying, and Analyzing;
T N on important events in History.
material for a given purpose; Appraise, Argue, Assess, Attack, Choose, Compare, Conclude, Contrast,
Assessment: Constructed and selected responses.
I K ability to judge the value of ideas, Critique, Defend, Estimate, Evaluate, Judge, Measure, Predict, Rank, Rate,
TSW: Judge which book best describes the important events in History.
procedures, methods, using Revise, Score, Select, Support, Test, Value, and Weigh
C I Assessment: Essay involving procedures.
appropriate criteria
A N Creating TSW: Design plausible solutions to the problems behind important events in
L G Ability to put together parts and History.
Requires Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, and
elements into a unified Assessment: Constructed responses by listing possible consequences.
Evaluating; Arrange, Assemble, Categorize, Collect, Combine, Compile,
organization or whole, or form a TSW: Lay out the steps leading up to possible solutions of important events
Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Derive, Devise, Explain, Formulate,
new whole. Ability to form new in History.
Generate, Integrate, Manage, Modify, Organize, Plan, Prepare, Prescribe,
points, or points of view. Assessment: Develop work-out solutions, describe solutions plan.
Produce, Propose, Reconstruct, Relate, Reorganize, Restate, Revise,
TSW: Write a short persuasive story that describes or provides a personal
Rewrite, Set up, Specify, Summarize, Synthesize, Transform, and Write
or differing perspective to problems behind important events in History.
Assessment: Design Task

Bloom. B. Taxonomy of educational objectives. (c) 1984 by Pearson Education. Mager, R.F. (1984). Preparing instructional objectives. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA Ruiz-Clayton, B. MAPS© 2004

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