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Rubber Property-Relative Abrasion Resistance by Pico Abrader Method

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Designation: D 2228 – 04e1

Standard Test Method for

Rubber Property—Relative Abrasion Resistance by Pico
Abrader Method1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2228; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—Paragraph 12.1.5 was editorially corrected in December 2004.

1. Scope D 4483 Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the abra- Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing
sion resistance of vulcanized (thermoset) rubbers, thermoplas- Industries
tic elastomers, and elastomeric and similar materials to a 3. Summary of Test Method
standardized reference system. A standardized set of reference
compounds is used to calculate relative abrasion resistance. 3.1 In this test method, a pair of tungsten carbide cutting
These reference compounds are also used to determine the knives of a specified geometry and configuration are used to
relative performance, within a permissible range, of the cutting abrade the surface of the specimen. The knives are lowered
knives used in performing the test. onto a circular test specimen, or button, which is rotated under
1.2 All materials, instruments, or equipment used for the controlled conditions of speed, time, and force on the cutting
determination of mass, force, or dimension shall have trace- knives. A dusting powder is used as an interface between the
ability to the National Institute for Standards and Technology,2 cutting knives and the specimen to engulf the abraded rubber
or other internationally recognized organization parallel in particles and to maintain the cutting knives relatively free from
nature. oils, resins, and the like, which may be present in the specimen
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the and may interfere with the abrasion assessment. A series of five
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information calibration compounds are used to determine that the sharpness
only. of the knives and hence, the calibration of the instrument, are
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the within the specified limits, and additionally, as reference
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the standards to which the abrasion resistance, determined by
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- volumetric loss, of a subject material may be compared.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 4. Significance and Use
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
4.1 This test method may be used to estimate the relative
2. Referenced Documents abrasion resistance of subject materials as described in 1.1. No
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3 correlation between this accelerated test and service perfor-
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing mance is given or implied, due, in part, to the widely varying
D 3182 Practice for Rubber—Materials, Equipment, and nature of service conditions.
Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar- 4.2 The formulas, for which the mixing and curing specifi-
ing Standard Vulcanized Sheets cations are given in Annex A1, once prepared, are referred to
as calibration compounds. These calibration compounds may
be used to determine the performance status of the cutting
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 on Rubber knives as described in this test method.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.15 on Degradation Tests. 4.3 The performance of the cutting knives may also be
Current edition approved August 1, 2004. Published September 2004. Originally
approved in 1963. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 2228 – 02.
determined by periodically determining their dimensions as
Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100 described in 6.1.7.
Bureau Dr., Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3460. 4.4 The calibration compounds are used as reference stan-
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or dards to which the abrasion resistance, determined by volume
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on loss of a subject material, may be compared.
the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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D 2228 – 04e1

FIG. 1 Typical Pico Tester

4.5 Once the resistance to abrasion is established, using this

methodology, for a specific material, the results achieved may
be used as a basis for future comparative analysis of identical
materials, either as agreed upon between laboratories, or
between customer and supplier.

5. Interference
5.1 This test method is conducted under controlled condi-
tions, except for the sharpness of the cutting knives. The
behavior of the materials, as described in 1.1, yield varying
results with respect to the cutting knives. This variation can be
minimized by maintaining the knives in accordance with
recommendations outlined in Section 9.

6. Apparatus
6.1 Pico Tester, the apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 1.
6.1.1 Turntable, on which the test specimen is mounted and
rotated, having the capability of maintaining 1.00 6 0.03 Hz
(rps) throughout the duration of a test cycle (see Section 10).
6.1.2 Instrument Frame, with armature assembly that holds
and lifts the cutting knives. Mounted on top of the assembly is
a “dead-weight load box” in which masses (weights) may be
placed to regulate the force on the cutting knives (see Section
10). The assembly moves freely in a bearing housing that
permits vertical motion but counteracts the reaction torque on
the cutting knives, thus preventing rotation. Vertical travel,
once knives have been lowered onto the test specimen, is
restricted by an arm lock.
6.1.3 Drive Motor, with forward, reverse, and stop controls
to govern the operation of the turntable.
6.1.4 Dusting Powder Reservoir and Feeder Tubes, capable
FIG. 1 Typical Pico Tester (continued)
of supplying a uniform flow of dusting powder at the rate of 5

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D 2228 – 04e1

FIG. 2 Pico Cutting Knives

mg/s to the interface of the cutting knives and test specimen The beveled surfaces shall have a finish equivalent
during operation (see Section 10). to a No. 4-µm finish at the time of manufacture or resharpen-
6.1.5 Vacuum Dust Collector, with vacuum sweeper hose of ing.
rubber tubing capable of rapid removal of the dusting powder The cutting knives, at the time of manufacture or
and debris from the specimen and cutting knife interface. resharpening, shall be matched in pairs so that the overall
6.1.6 Digital Counters, a pair mounted diametrically op- dimensions of each of the three major axes have a difference
posed to one another on the turntable support, capable of between them individually no greater than 0.013 mm (0.0005
displaying a total count of no less than 80 and determining the in.) and that they are parallel to within 60.0065 mm (0.00025
rotations of the turntable to within 1.00 6 0.03 Hz (rps) in.).
throughout the duration of a test cycle (see Section 10). 6.2 Grinder, for preparing the surfaces of test specimens.
6.1.7 Cutting Knives, tungsten carbide knives manufactured The grinder shall be equipped with:
to the specifications in Fig. 2 of Grade 831 Carboloy or an 6.2.1 A magnetic plate for holding the specimen in place,
equivalent material, at the time of manufacture or resharpen- 6.2.2 A micrometer adjustment capable of controlling the
ing. vertical movement of the abrasive wheel in 0.025-mm (0.001- The cutting knives shall have a “cutting edge” in.) increments,
formed by the angle of the two bevels. The apex of the angle 6.2.3 A handwheel for traversing the specimen,
shall have a blunted edge, or “flat,” with a width of 10 6 5 µm. 6.2.4 An electric motor with a spindle having a rotational At the time of manufacture or resharpening, the frequency of 95 6 3 Hz (rps) and equipped with an arbor to
“cutting edge” may be less than 10 6 5 µm. The blunted edge, secure the abrasive wheel (see Section 10), and
or “flat,” shall then be produced by the end user, manufacturer, 6.2.5 An abrasive wheel with a diameter of no less than 100
or resharpening service supplier, by dulling with a diamond mm (4 in.) and 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) in width, when new, and a
dust, or other suitable method to 10 6 5 µm prior to first use. center mounting hole of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) in diameter. The grit
NOTE 1—The supplier shall notify the end user of new or resharpened
of the wheel shall be equivalent to Carborundum C30LB.
cutting knives of the final specifications of the cutting edges and other 6.3 Balance, accurate to 60.0001 g.
dimensional specifications.
7. Auxiliary Materials The width of the blunted edge, or “flat,” shall be
verified either by standard microscopy techniques or scanning 7.1 Dusting Powder:
electron microscopy.4,5 7.1.1 The dusting powder used shall be a blend of equal
parts by weight of aluminum oxide and diatomaceous earth.
The diatomaceous earth should first be passed through a No.
200 (75-µm) screen and the retained material discarded.5,6
The sole source of supply of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
verification of cutting knife dimensions known to the committee at this time is BF
Goodrich Research and Development, Brecksville, OH.
If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to
ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider- The sole source of supply of the Alon-C undensed aluminum oxide known to
ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. the committee at this time is Cabot Corp., Boston, MA.

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D 2228 – 04e1
TABLE 1 Calibration Compound (Reference Compound) tester is in calibration, the calibration compounds act as
Specifications reference compounds and, where applicable, either of the two
Compound Designation terms will be used.
Nominal index 76 86 106 113 128
Permissible range 69 to 83 81 to 91 95 to 117 105 to 121 116 to 140 8. Test Specimen
8.1 The standard test specimen shall be molded to the
dimensions shown in Fig. 3, and shall be regarded as the
7.1.2 A mixture of the two materials, in equal parts, shall be standard test specimen.
thoroughly blended, densed, and screened. When preparing 8.2 An alternative specimen may be used in which a disk of
small quantities, the following procedure is satisfactory: the test material, not less than 1.59 mm (0.062 in.) in thickness Into a sturdy ceramic, wide mouth, 4-dm3 jar, place and of the same diameter as the standard specimen, is ce-
100 g of each of the two materials. mented to a previously used specimen, or one that has been Blend thoroughly by agitation. buffed down to accommodate the thickness of the disk. The Add 1000 g of 4.76 mm (3⁄16 in.) steel balls and place disk may be cut from a product or from a laboratory cured
the closed jar on a roller for approximately 8 h at about 0.33 Hz sheet.
(rps). 8.3 When testing conveyor belt covers or similar items, a Remove the steel balls. specimen may be prepared as described in 8.2 or by cutting Scrape the densed dust out of the jar and pass cylindrical specimens through the belt and cementing these to
through a No. 30 (600 µm) screen with the aid of a brush.5,7 buffed down standard specimens with either the top or bottom
7.2 Calibration Compounds: cover being the surface to be tested. Covers shall be at least
7.2.1 The formulas and the mixing and curing specifications 0.79 mm (0.032 in.) thick.
for the five calibration compounds are given in Annex A1. A 8.4 In all tests, a minimum of two separately cured test
brief description of the five compounds in terms of rubber and specimens per material shall be tested. If replicate determina-
black types is as follows: tions are required, they may be rebuffed and retested providing
the minimum specified thickness is maintained and noted in
Compound Rubber Black
A Styrene-Butadiene Industry Reference Section 12.
B Styrene-Butadiene Industry Reference
C Natural Rubber Industry Reference 9. Calibration
D Styrene-Butadiene Industry Reference
Polybutadiene Blend 9.1 The calibration of the Pico Abrader shall be verified at
E Styrene-Butadiene Intermediate Surface least once for every 30 specimens tested, or when using
Polybutadiene Blend Abrasion Furnace Black
reformulated, remixed, or recured calibration compounds.
NOTE 2—The compounds listed in 7.2.1, 9.1, and Annex A1 have been
NOTE 3—Industry Reference Black No. 5 was used in Compounds A
modified from the 1982 compounds, due to the unavailability of some
through D when these nominal indices were determined; Compound E
ingredients. The new compounds will not give equivalent results and new
“Nominal Indices” and “Permissible Ranges” (see Table 1) are being
developed. During the interim period of development, the previous (1982)
calibration, or reference compounds, which can be prepared, shall be
prepared and used as described in this test method.
7.2.2 The calibration compounds given in Annex A1 are
compounds developed in 2000. These compounds have been
modified from the 1982 compounds (see Note 2). The 2000
calibration compounds were not intended to give equivalent
index results to the calibration compounds described prior to
2000. The “Nominal Indices” of the 2000 calibration com-
pounds, however, have been developed based on the qualifi-
cation in 5.1, and the “Permissible Ranges” are being estab-
lished based on the specifications for the cutting knives as
delineated in 6.1.7.
7.2.3 The five calibration compounds5,8 are used to verify
the operational status of the instrument. If within the “Permis-
sible Ranges” described in Table 1, the subject materials are
then tested and compared with the test results of the calibration
compounds. In essence, once it has been determined that the

The sole source of supply of a preblended mixture of these pigments known to
the committee at this time is Ferry Industries, Inc., Stow, OH.
Cured specimens will be available from Corporate, Consulting Service and
Instruments, Inc. (CCSi) and Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Inc. (ARDL),
both of Akron, OH. FIG. 3 Standard Test Specimen

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D 2228 – 04e1
contains an ISAF Black. The most recent IRB allotment (No. 6; 1986) of the angle formed by the two bevels, a blunted edge, or “flat,”
does not match its predecessor of 1982 in physical properties performance with a width no greater than 20 µm.
of vulcanized compounds. The nominal indices of Compounds A through 9.5.1 When, during use, the cutting knives are routinely
D maintain their relative values with respect to one another with the new
black allotment but Compound E is forced to a higher nominal index
examined, they shall be removed from service if the blunted
(148). See Section 8. edge, or “flat,” has a width greater than 20 µm.
9.5.2 When the effectiveness of the cutting knives is deter-
9.1.1 The calibration shall be accomplished by testing each mined by reliance upon their comparative performance to the
of the five calibration compounds enumerated in Table 1.7 calibration compounds enumerated in Table 1, they shall be The calibration shall be performed as described in removed from service when a test determination falls outside
Section 10, and under the conditions described in Section 11. of the “permissible range” for any of the calibration com- The results shall be calculated as described in pounds given in Table 1.
9.2-9.4 and shall be within the permissible range indicated in 9.6 In the event that the cutting knives are found to be
Table 1. within the previously enumerated dimensional specifications
9.2 Calculate the volume loss for each calibration com- and tests performed on the calibration compounds do not fall
pound by subtracting the final mass from the initial mass and within their respective “permissible range” enumerated in
dividing the result by the density of the rubber: Table 1, the calibration compounds shall be remixed, recured,
Mi 2 Mf and retested.
Lx 5 D (1) 9.7 When the procedure described in 9.6 fails to yield the
desired results within a laboratory, between laboratories, be-
where: tween customer and supplier, or for the purposes of referee
Lx = volume loss in cm3 of calibration compound X, testing, the following shall occur:
Mi = initial mass in g, 9.7.1 Prepared test specimens, obtained from third party
Mf = final mass in g, and commercial sources (see Note 2), shall be tested following the
D = density, in mg/m3. procedures in Sections 9 and 10 using new or resharpened
9.3 Multiply the volume loss for each calibration compound cutting knives adhering to the specifications in 6.1.7 (see Fig.
by its nominal index, add these products together, and divide 2).
by 500 as follows:
Standard volume loss 5 10. Procedure
~L A 3 76! 1 ~LB 3 86! 1 ~L C 3 106! 10.1 The calibration procedures and frequency described in
1 ~LD 3 113! 1 ~L E 3 128! Section 9 are required to be performed prior to conducting tests
5 3 100 (2)
on subject materials.
where: LA, LB, LC, LD, and LE = volume loss, in cm3, for 10.2 Preparing the Test Specimen:
Calibration Compounds A, B, C, D, and E, respectively. 10.2.1 Buff the surface of the specimen on a surface grinder
9.4 Divide the standard volume loss resulting from the described in 6.2.
calculation of Eq 2 by the individual volume losses of each Set the abrasive wheel for an abraded depth of 0.13
calibration compound to give the index value for each. mm (0.005 in) to remove the mold skin.
9.4.1 Example—The following volume losses, in cm3, were Follow with a finishing depth of 0.025 mm (0.001
obtained: in.), then without changing the micrometer setting, give the
surface of the specimen a finish grind.
L A 5 0.0395 (3) The dwell time per pass under the abrasive wheel
LB 5 0.0337 should be approximately 1 s.
LC 5 0.0272 Remove all loose rubber particles and debris from
LD 5 0.0254 the buffed specimen.
10.2.2 When successive tests are made on a previously
LE 5 0.0235
tested specimen (see 8.2), buff off the abrasion pattern pro-
Standard volume loss 5 duced on the specimen as given in 10.2.
~0.0395 3 76! 1 ~0.0337 3 86! 1 ~0.0272 3 106! 10.2.3 Different volume losses will be obtained depending
1 ~0.0254 3 113! 1 ~0.0235 3 128!
on the time specimens are allowed to equilibrate, that is, to
5 3 100
5 0.0293 (4) remain in the atmospheric condition specified, after buffing, for
specimen conditioning (see Section 11).
Index for calibration compound A 5 ~0.0293/0.0395! 3 100 5 74
10.3 Preparing the Apparatus:
Index for calibration compound B 5 ~0.0293/0.0337! 3 100 5 87 10.3.1 Close the power switch for the motor control unit.
Index for calibration compound C 5 ~0.0293/0.0272! 3 100 5 108 Allow the thymatrol tubes to warm up for two minutes before
Index for calibration compound D 5 ~0.0293/0.0254! 3 100 5 115 starting the motor. After the motor warms up, it can be started,
stopped, and reversed as needed.
Index for calibration compound E 5 ~0.0293/0.0235! 3 100 5 125
10.3.2 Direct current drive motors with SCR controls may
9.5 During routine use, the cutting knives will become dull, be used, in which case 10.3.1 can be disregarded.
affecting test determinations. The cutting knives may be 10.3.3 The rotational frequency of the turntable shall be
routinely examined (see so that they have, at the apex 1.00 6 0.03 Hz (rps).

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D 2228 – 04e1
10.3.4 The conditions described in 10.3.3 and 10.3.6 shall series, by the volume loss of the tested material and multiply-
be regarded as standard. If varying severity tests are desired, it ing the quotient by 100.
is recommended that the following alternative conditions be 10.5.3 Calculate the index of the tested material against any
employed: one of the reference compounds as described in 10.5.2. This
Rotational Frequency, Force, method is particularly useful when employing non-standard
Hz (rps) N severity conditions.
Low severity 0.50 24.50
High severity 1.83 88.20 11. Laboratory Atmosphere, Instrument and Test
10.3.5 The number of revolutions remains the same, that is, Specimen Conditioning
a total of 80 (see 10.4.10). 11.1 Tests shall be conducted in the standard laboratory
10.3.6 The force on the knives shall be 44 6 0.44 N. The atmosphere, as defined in Practice D 618.
tare of the shaft, chuck, knife holder, knives, and box is 11.2 The instrument shall be maintained in the standard
stamped on each tester; add the appropriate mass to attain the laboratory atmosphere, as defined in Practice D 618, for 24 h
specified force. prior to performing calibration or tests.
10.3.7 These conditions may be modified if agreed upon 11.3 The specimen shall be conditioned in accordance with
between laboratories or between supplier and user and are so Condition 24/23/50 as described in Practice D 618, and within
reported (see Section 12). the tolerances specified in Practice D 618, Section 3, and stated
10.4 Performing the Test: as Condition 24/23/50, T–23–50.
10.4.1 Tests shall be conducted in accordance with the
conditions in Section 11. where:
24 = the number of hours of conditioning,
10.4.2 Determine the mass of the specimen on a balance, 23 = the temperature in degrees Celsius, 62°C (73.4 6
recording results to the nearest 0.0001 g. 3.6°F), and
10.4.3 Mount the specimen onto the turntable. 50 = the relative humidity in %, 65 %.
10.4.4 Start the duster and adjust so that an even flow of 5
mg/s of dusting powder is established. and tested under the same conditions, described in Practice
10.4.5 Push the forward button. D 618 as T–23–50,
10.4.6 Lower the knives gently onto the specimen within
the first revolution. where:
10.4.7 After the twentieth revolution, stop the tester within T = test conditions of 23° 6 2°C, and 50 % relative humid-
one quarter of a revolution. ity 65 %.
10.4.8 Stop the duster and lift the knives from the specimen. A cylindrical receptacle may be placed around the 11.4 No conclusive evaluation has been made on Pico
test specimen and filled with a sufficient supply of dusting Abrasion calibrations or tests under conditions other than those
powder so that the knives do not have to be lifted upon change stated in 11.1. Conditioning or testing at temperatures other
of rotational direction. than the above may cause variations in calibration or test Volume losses obtained by this test method may results.
not be as great, but as long as all test specimens and calibration 11.5 These procedures may be modified if agreed upon
compounds are tested similarly, similar index results will be between laboratories or between supplier and user and are in
attained. accordance with alternative procedures identified in D 618. If this procedure is employed, it shall be reported 12. Report
(see Section 12). 12.1 Report the following information:
10.4.9 Vacuum the dusting powder and the abraded rubber 12.1.1 Type of specimen, standard or alternative, as de-
particles from the specimen. scribed in Section 8,
10.4.10 Repeat 10.4.4-10.4.8, reversing the direction of 12.1.2 Identification of the tested specimens,
rotation of the turntable each time, for three more increments 12.1.3 Cure time and temperature,
of 20 revolutions (test cycle), for a total of 80 revolutions (one 12.1.4 Force on knives used, in N, as described in 10.3.4 or
test), 40 revolutions in each direction. 10.3.6, Electronic controls, designed to automate 12.1.5 Rotational frequency used, in Hz, as described in through, are permissible. 10.3.4 or 10.3.6,
10.4.11 Remove the specimen, remove all loose powder and 12.1.6 Type of dusting, as described in, Standard
abraded rubber with a stiff brush. Feed or Cylinder Contained,
10.5 Calculation: 12.1.7 Initial specimen mass, Mi, as calculated in 9.2, Eq 1,
10.5.1 Determine the mass of the specimen on a balance, 12.1.8 Final specimen mass, Mf, as calculated in 9.2, Eq 1,
recording results to the nearest 0.0001 g. 12.1.9 Specimen mass loss, Mi – Mf, as calculated in 9.2, Eq
10.5.2 Calculate the volume loss from the mass loss and 1,
density of the tested material. As done in 9.2-9.4, express the 12.1.10 Density, D, as calculated in 9.2, Eq 1,
result in an index number obtained by dividing the standard 12.1.11 Specimen volume loss, Lx, as calculated in 9.2, Eq
volume loss of the reference compounds, tested in the same 1, and

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D 2228 – 04e1
TABLE 2 Type 1—Precision 13.5 A test result is defined to be the average of two
NOTE 1— separately cured specimens.
Sr = within laboratory standard deviation, 13.6 Precision statements were prepared for both volume
r = repeatability ( in measurement units), loss and abrasion index. Volume loss is the measure of the
(r) = repeatability ( in percent),
physical differences among the interlaboratory testers and
Sr = between laboratory standard deviation,
R = reproducibility (in measurement units), and index is a measure of the test method in general.
(R) = reproducibility (in percent) 13.7 The precision of this test method may be expressed in
Part A—Volume Loss, cm3 the format of the following statements that use an appropriate
Com- Test Level Within Laboratories Between Laboratories value of r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to be used in
pound Average Sr r (r) Sr R (R) decisions about test results (obtained with this test method).
E 0.017 0.0005 0.0014 8.32 0.0037 0.0105 61.6 The appropriate value is that value of r or R associated with a
C 0.017 0.0006 0.0017 10.0 0.0038 0.010 63.3 mean level in the precision table closest to the mean level
D 0.019 0.0006 0.0017 8.95 0.0036 0.0102 53.6
B 0.025 0.0012 0.0034 13.6 0.0069 0.0195 78.1
under consideration (at any given time, for any given material)
A 0.036 0.0011 0.0031 8.61 0.0043 0.0122 33.8 in routine testing operations.
Part B—Abrasion Index
13.8 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of this test method
has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in the
A 71.4 6.37 18.0 25.3 7.61 21.5 30.1 precision tables. Two single test results, obtained under normal
B 96.9 5.28 14.9 15.4 4.97 14.1 14.6
C 114.2 4.26 12.1 10.6 ... ... ...
test method procedures, that differ by more than this tabulated
D 119.3 6.70 19.0 15.9 5.03 14.2 11.9 r (for any given level) must be considered as derived from
E 140.7 6.70 19.0 13.5 14.1 39.9 28.4 different or non-identical sample populations.
13.9 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of this test
method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated
12.1.12 Abrasion index with the test method used to calcu-
in the precision tables. Two single test results obtained in two
late the index as described in 10.5.2 or 10.5.3 (see 9.3, Eq 2,
different laboratories, under normal test method procedures,
and 9.4, Example 1).
that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level)
13. Precision and Bias 9 must be considered to have come from different or non-
identical sample populations.
13.1 These precision statements have been prepared in
accordance with Practice D 4483. Please refer to this practice 13.10 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a per-
for terminology and other testing and statistical concept centage of the mean level, (r) and (R), have equivalent
explanations. application statements as 13.8 and 13.9 for r and R. For the (r)
13.2 Type 1—Precision data have been compiled, which and (R) statements, the difference in the two single test results
excludes the compounding variation among laboratories (see is expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the two
Table 2). test results.
13.3 The statements were developed from interlaboratory 13.11 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ-
testing of the five new calibration compounds (A–E). These ence between an average test value and the reference (or true)
five compounds were mixed in a B Banbury internal mixer test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
with curatives added on a mill. All specimens of the same method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
compound were cured from the same mix. defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be deter-
13.4 The precision statements are based on the testing of mined.
five samples by six laboratories on two days.
14. Keywords
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 14.1 abrasion; abrasion resistance; knife abrasion; Pico
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D11–1022. abrader; Pico abraser; rubber articles; rubber products

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D 2228 – 04e1

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Calibration Compounds TABLE A1.2 Mixing Cycles for Calibration Compounds

A1.1.1 The formulas for the calibration compounds are Compound, min
given in Table A1.1. A B C D E
B Banbury:
A1.2 Methods of Mixing
Add rubber 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
A1.2.1 The compounds are mixed in a B Banbury internal Add fillers 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30
mixer in accordance with Practice D 3182. Initial temperature Ram sweep 2:00 1:45 2:10 2:00 2:00
Add oil 2:30 2:10 2:55 2:25 2:30
of the mixing chamber is 50°C (120°F). Batch size is 70 % of Ram scrape 3:10 3:00 3:50 3:15 3:15
total chamber volume capacity. The curatives are added on a Dump 4:15 3:50 5:05 4:00 4:15
mixing mill having rolls between 250 and 258-mm (9.8 to Probe
temperature at dump, 143 152 160 138 138
10.2-in.) outside diameter and an operating temperature of °C, (°F) (290) (305) (320) (280) (280)
65°C (150°F). Mill:
Band material 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
NOTE A1.1—The standard mill has rolls between 150 and 155-mm (5.9 Add curatives 0:30 0:40 0:45 0:40 0:40
to 6.1-in.) outside diameter. If this mill is used to add curatives, the batch End pass 2:30 2:15 3:00 2:15 2:00
may be divided into three equal portions. The mixing cycle may have to Take off 6:15 6:30 6:15 5:30 5:30
be adjusted to obtain comparable results.
A1.2.2 The mixing cycles for the calibration compounds are A1.2.4 Die cut disks of the required diameter and stack the
given in Table A1.2. Mixing is accomplished by following the disks to the required height.
time specifications. No provisions are made for precondition-
ing of the carbon black. A1.3 Recommended Cures
A1.2.3 Sheet the compound off the mill at an approximate A1.3.1 Cures for the calibration compounds, in the form of
thickness of 2.1 mm (0.08 in.) and cool on a flat dry clean the molded specimens required for the test, are given in Table
metal surface. A1.3.

TABLE A1.1 Formulas for Calibration Compounds

Ingredient Industry Trade Name or Designation
Reference Supplier
Natural rubberA SMR L 0.00 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00
PolybutadieneB TAKTENE 220 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00
SBR 1502C SBR 1502 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SBR 1712C SBR 1712 137.50 0.00 0.00 68.75 68.75
Stearic acidD Stearic Acid IRM 021a 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50
Zinc oxideE Zinc Oxide IRM 91a 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
IRBF IRB #7 60.00 40.00 45.00 80.00 0.00
ISAF blackG N220 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00
Process oilE,H SUNDEX 8125 5.00 10.00 5.00 27.50 27.50
Dimethyl butylphenyl SANTOFLEX 13 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50
Trimethyldihydro- FLECTOL H 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
TBBSJ,K TBBS IRM 003 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.20 1.20
SulfurD Sulfur IRM 031a 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.00
Totals 215.00 162.50 162.60 238.95 238.95

Available from H.A. Astlett, Toronto, Ontario.
Available from Bayer Canada, Toronto, Ontario.
SBR 1502 and SBR 1712 are available from synthetic rubber suppliers in various quantities.
Available from Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Akron, OH.
Available from R.E. Carroll, Akron, OH.
Industry Reference Black #7 is available in 22.68 kg (50 lb) bags from carbon black suppliers.
This replaces N234, which is no longer commercially available.
This replaces Sundex 7260T, which is no longer commercially available.
Available from Harwick, Akron, OH.
N- tert-butyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide.
Available from Akrochem, Akron, OH.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 19 09:45:36 EDT 2009
Downloaded/printed by
Universadad Santiago de Chile pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 2228 – 04e1
TABLE A1.3 Recommended Cures for Calibration Compounds A1.3.2 The size of the molded specimen is such that a lag
Compound Time, min Temperature, °C (°F) time or incubation time of approximately five minutes is
A 65 150 (302) involved in the cure. It is recommended that cures of experi-
B 65 150 (302) mental materials be increased by this amount over the cure that
C 60 140 (284)
D 65 150 (302) is established for sheets approximately 2 mm (0.08 in.) thick.
E 65 150 (302)

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue May 19 09:45:36 EDT 2009
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Universadad Santiago de Chile pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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