Certificate of Calibration: Customer Information
Certificate of Calibration: Customer Information
Certificate of Calibration: Customer Information
Customer information
Client : Goodyear Dunlop Dudelange Tires Operations S.A.
Contact : Ahmet KOSE
Address : Zone Industrielle Riedgen
3451, Dudelange
Instrument information
Type : 260-484-2580
Description : PT100
Serial number :
Identification number : 99T00082
Range : 20 .. 120 °C
Accuracy : Class B (EN 60751): ± (0,3 + 0,005.|t|) °C
Used method
P2-02-S.002 Calibration of temperature sensors (with or without readout) in calibrators.
Environmental conditions
During this service the following conditions were not exceeded :
Ambient temperature : 23°C ± 5°C
Relative humidity : 45%rh ± 20%rh
Used reference
The equipment used is traceable to National and/or International standards.
R3615 Dry Block Calibrator & Ref. Probe cert n° 201012087
R3731 Dry Block / Liquid Bath Calibrator & Ref. Probe cert n° 200119421
R4292 Hygro- / Thermometer cert n° 200801141
R4400 Dry Block / Liquid Bath Calibrator & Ref. Probe cert n° 191105454
R4452 Multifunctional calibrator cert n° 200413969
This service was performed at the clients location.
The instrument is measured but not adjusted, so the results are both 'as found' as 'as left'.
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the head of the issuing laboratory.
Unless otherwise stated, the calibration was performed at the address mentioned in the footnote.
Trescal nv | Vosstraat 200 | Berchem (Antwerpen) | Belgium | Telephone + 32 3 542 62 90 | Email: [email protected]
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Initial results:
- Reference Units Instrument Units Calculated Difference Uncertainty Units
value value value ±
1 20.00 °C 107.80 Ohm 20.01 0.00 0.12 °C
2 50.00 °C 119.44 Ohm 50.10 0.10 0.12 °C
3 90.05 °C 134.75 Ohm 90.10 0.04 0.16 °C
4 120.01 °C 146.15 Ohm 120.20 0.19 0.16 °C
5 20.07 °C 107.83 Ohm 20.08 0.01 0.12 °C
The stated uncertainty is that of the entire set-up including the object under test.
The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a
level of confidence of approximately 95% .
The uncertainty is calculated following EA-4/02 in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025.
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