A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The Future of English in Bangladesh
A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The Future of English in Bangladesh
A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The Future of English in Bangladesh
Rowshon Ara
Eastern university, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.26858/ijole.v4i2.10206
Bangladesh does not have an official second language. However, apart from Bangla, English is the only
other language widely used in the country. There has been a sustained debate whether English is a foreign
language (EFL) or English is the second language (ESL) in Bangladesh, for often it is found that the
function of English in the country is much closer to that of the second language. English in Bangladesh had
a turbulent past as well as has an undefined but overwhelming present. Due to globalization and major
economic connections with the outer world the presence of English has always been there. The all-
embracing state of English in Bangladesh now is undeniable. The function of English in Educational
sectors, Government sectors, courts, private organizations, media and communication etc. reveal the
overpowering effect of English in the lives of people in Bangladesh. As such the all obtruding impact of
English in the present life posits the enquiry on the future of the language in the land. This paper is a
qualitative study that analyzes the domains of language use. The results reflect an urgency of change of the
official status of English in Bangladesh from a foreign language to a second language.
Keywords: English as a foreign language, English as the second language, official language,
domains of language use, bilingualism, multilingualism
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
is always a fear of English overpowering and undivided India, it shares the colonial history
overshadowing this language. Due to this, of British rule for two hundred years with India
English, emotionally to some extent, is still and Pakistan. In 1947, after independence from
being rejected by the people though in practical the British colonial rule, Bangladesh becomes
life the impact of the language is undeniable. a part of Pakistan till the Liberation war in
This article attempts to analyze how English 1971. Gaining Independence from the rule of
rose in Bangladesh in the past due to colonial Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh emerges as a
rise of the English and how gradually it lost its fairly new country in the world. For two
position after the Pakistan era and in the time hundred years in this region English language
of Bangladesh being built as an independent was the language of the ruler, hence often more
nation. Moreover, to reflect on the present important than the native language. Study of
condition of English in Bangladesh, the English language has always been there at
important domains of language use in various levels at different times in the Indian
Bangladesh will be analyzed. An in depth subcontinent. Starting from British rule till
observation on the use of English language in 1971, English, in this Bangla speaking area,
the domains reflect that English, in practical had much priority. In administration,
use, has more importance than Bangla. Thus education, judiciary etc. the mode of
the paper brings forth the intricate communication was English (Moniruzzaman,
amalgamation of English in the life of 1979). English, during this time, enjoyed the
Bangladesh and suggests on a declared and status of the second language in Bangladesh.
more permanent status of the language to get During the post-colonial era, the use of English
rid of the apparent confusion among people of in these three countries varied. In India and
Bangladesh on the use of English and Bangla. Pakistan, English still remained as a second
Eventually, this will uphold the emotional language due to the variety of languages used
acceptance of English in Bangladesh and due by people of different areas in these two
to the importance placed on the language, the countries. On the other hand, in Bangladesh,
country will be able to move towards more the position of English changed.
qualitative development. After Independence in 1971, Bangladesh
was greatly in need of a nationally declared
LITERATURE REVIEW language to maintain government works,
An appreciation of the available literature educational purposes and other domains of
on the existence of the English language in the ruling the nation (Sibayan, 1989). But the
pre and post Bangladesh era helps to deliberate act of planning a language to rule the
understand the importance of the language in nation was not such an easy task (Rubin and
Bangladesh better. In the following sections Jemudd, 1971).It required selection and
the historical and present condition of English enhancements of various levels of language
in Bangladesh is elaborated for the phenomenon (Lambart, 1994). But in
understanding of the study. Bangladesh the act of language planning in
terms of selection and development was much
simpler and easier due to the existence of only
one native tongue, Bangla (also known as
Bengali). In fact, the reason of Independence
The Historical Background of English in of the country is deep-rooted in the history of
Bangladesh its native language, Bangla (Skutnabb-Kangas
Before 1947 Bangladesh was a part of the and Philipson, 1989).When India and Pakistan
Indian subcontinent. Once being a part of were divided in 1947, the Eastern part of
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
Bengal , even though separated by 1200 miles Chowdhury & Kabir (2014) report that,
with India being in the middle , became a part the Constitution of Bangladesh was written in
of Pakistan. The two parts were very different 1972 and it was declared that from then on
in language with West Pakistan speaking Urdu, Bangla will be used as the language of
and East Pakistan speaking Bangla. Of the total administration and judiciary. They also
population, 95% people in Bangladesh speak in mention that Bangla was to be used as the
Bengali or Bangla (Banbeis 1998, Farooqi medium of instructions in the education sector.
2007). Dr. Qudrat –e-Khuda formed the first
An arbitrary attempt of the government of Education Commission in the year 1972.
Pakistan to declare Urdu as the state language According to Bangladesh education statistics
for East Pakistan in 1952 eventually led to the (2003), his commission submitted a report to
separation of the two parts and Bangladesh was the Government in the year 1974. The report
able to keep Bangla as the native tongue. In focused on the socio-economic, cultural and
1948 Jinnah declared his “Urdu, and only political importance of the use of Bangla and
Urdu” policy for East Pakistan and this led to a claimed that as a medium of instruction Bangla
continuous unrest at this Bangla speaking area. is more advantageous to appeal towards the
As a result political activists and students of originality of thought and imagination and
Dhaka University and other Institutions natural flow of intelligence. Hossain and
protested on 21 February, 1952. Many student Tollefson (2006) report that the commission
demonstrators were murdered on that day and also talked in support of keeping English as the
this created unrest throughout the country. In mode of instruction at the higher education
1956, Bangla was declared as the state level until the existing colonial system of
language of East Pakistan. In 1999, 21 education can be reformed. The commission
February was declared as the International recommended that English should be included
Mother Language day by UNESCO to tribute in the education system from grade 6 to grade
the language movement of Bangladesh. 12.
On the other hand, the constitution of From 1972 the study of English at the
Pakistan was written in English and the primary level and tertiary level was withdrawn.
revolutionaries who led the later struggle for Only at secondary level it remained as a subject
Independence for East Pakistan were also more to be studied. Farooqui (2007), reports “classes
comfortable in using the colonial language were taught in Bangla, with little active use of
rather than their native tongue. As a result, it English language.” All university lectures were
was difficult to remove English from the given in Bengali but there were a lack of
aspects of ruling the nation. sufficient vernacular and translated books to
But the rising national feelings after support (Islam 1975). This eventually led to the
separation from Pakistan brought a use of Bangla and English both the languages
revolutionary change in terms of language in educational institutions and in offices.
policies. English lost its previous position. The Bengali was given the most importance and
constitution was written in Bengali and clearly during this period there was no clear directive
declared Bengali to be the only official of the English language policy which
language (Part 1, Article 3).The status of previously had a great impact on the
English was not clearly mentioned thus Educational system of Bangladesh (Sultana
degrading it from its previous position of a and Hoque, 1995). But due to lack of adequate
second language to a foreign language. supply of translated books in Bengali, English
could not be removed from the system of
English in Post-War Bangladesh education. Moreover, this period of transition
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
has never brought the presence or absence of Bangladesh namely, social, occupational and
English to the spotlight through proper academic among which the academic need was
discussion, planning and organization. As a affecting the students most (Harrison 1976:1).
result, even though not officially recognized, It evaluated the current courses as unsuitable
English never stopped marking its presence. remarking that they used materials literary in
Rahman, et al. (2006) exclaims that at this nature and was unsuitable for the level of
period “English went underground but kept up proficiency of the students. Recommendation
a furtive existence. Since the early 1980s, was made for a new textbook to be written with
however, a realization of pragmatic and global more materials less literary in nature and
needs has caused English to resurface (1).” suitable to be copied by the students for
The English medium schools have been reading and writing purpose (Kerr, 1976:2).
summoned to teach in Bangla but some of them
disregarded the rules and continued to teach in The Present Condition of English in
English. A group of elites has always felt the Bangladesh
growth and importance of English as a world Rahman, et al. (2006, 1) provided their
language. The booming English medium opinion that English has always been there
schools and the competition and demand to showing a “furtive existence” throughout the
enroll children there proved the point. time of the reestablishment of Bangla. They
On the other hand, apart from the also proclaim that since early years of 1980s
education sector, job sector also had a demand stakeholders became aware of the “global” and
of English due to the foreign influence over “pragmatic” need of the language in
trade and commerce of the country. Banu & Bangladesh. Within the next ten years, English
Sussex (2001a, 125) exclaim their surprise at was introduced from year one of the primary
the presence and vitality of English in curriculum. Then from 1992 English is
Bangladesh. As a result a demand of the reinstated at the tertiary level as the medium of
proficiency of English of the candidates at the instruction. This revolutionary change in the
job market has always been there. education of English at the tertiary level results
English, however, was again included in from the failure of ‘pedagogical methods
the primary curriculum in 1976-1977 from prevailing in the public universities, and a
year three. In July 1976, the National desire to use modern teaching techniques’
Curriculum and Syllabus Committee (NCSC) (Quddus& Rashid, 2000). To these attempts to
was formed with the hope to plan, prepare and reinstate English, the private English medium
execute syllabuses for each of the subjects schools reacted and contributed positively. In
studied in school and college. There was a Bangladesh the English medium schools are
separate committee for English. English, at this now more in demand than the government run
time, had two different modes of survival: one public schools and colleges. From Bangla
was a very weak and compulsory mode of medium schools, before enrolling to
existence in school curriculum and the other universities students finish learning English for
was a very strong presence among the 12 years from class 1 to 12 in Secondary and
progressive elite class of citizens open to the Higher Secondary level of studies ( SSC &
outer world. An English language teaching HSC). In Secondary School Certificate exam
workshop was held in the year 1976 to explore and also in Higher Secondary School
and evaluate the teaching of English in Certificate exam students are tested of their
Bangladesh as well as the writing materials reading and writing skills in English. There is
used at the secondary level. The workshop no test of their listening and speaking
reported on three basic needs of English in abilities.Bhattacharjee (2008), reports in SSC
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
and HSC level learners have exams of 200 the public and private universities of
marks where only the writing skill in English Bangladesh. Moreover, almost all the English
is assessed. Speaking is not assessed at all. medium schools are established in the capital
Chowdhury and Kamal (2014) report in or other cities for which students at the rural
schools and colleges they learn English areas do not get any chance to enroll there.
through ‘rote learning of grammatical rules and There are two more sets of schools- cadet
memorization of vocabulary’. Thus, colleges and madrasas. The number of
‘memorization’ has become a much accepted secondary madrasas are 4,795(BANBEIS
technique of learning English with no 1998) and they are all non-government and run
emphasis on listening and speaking. As a result by different organizations. The teaching
these “students are not quite prepared for the system of these organizations is religious in
more complex demands of teaching and nature. They have English as an optional
learning in English at the tertiary level.” On the subject in their curriculum but most of them
other hand as they provide ample scope for teach English (Rahman 1999). Madrassas in
listening and speaking, the demand of English Bangladesh are of two kinds - Dakhil and
medium schools are increasing yearly. Another Kawmi. The Kawmi Madrasas are not
reason for this could be the affordability of the recognized by the government. Even though
fees, even for the middle class people in recent English is taught at these madrasas, the
years. These schools have now successfully emphasis is on Arabic, Persian and Urdu as the
been running in the capital city and expanding language of the Holy Quran (the holy book of
in other cities also. But the number of qualified the Muslims) is in Arabic. Because of being
teachers is always a concern due to their educated at a different system, these students
preference to stay at the center. Due to this the fail to mingle in the mainstream education
schools and colleges outside Dhaka and other system and thus complete their education at the
major cities suffer a lack of better English Madrasas. The cadet colleges are 11 in number
teachers. They have to compromise with the and administered by the Defense Forces of
quality of English teachers and are only able to Bangladesh. Recruitment is very rigorous and
provide education in English to the students of very competent .Students at the age of 12 enroll
these schools at a minimum level. Awareness in these colleges and are taught by good quality
from the government’s side may reach out to teaching staff. Most of these students with high
solve the problem. academic standards enroll in the Defense force.
On the other hand, the English medium Some enroll in public universities and very few
schools follow British curriculum and students come to private universities.
sit for GCE’S O-Levels (Ordinary Levels) and At present there are 37 public and 92
A-Levels (Advanced Levels) exams under private universities and 3 international
direct supervision of the British government universities in Bangladesh (University Grants
through the British Council. The British Commission of Bangladesh, 2016). Most of the
Council reports that since 1994/1995 every tertiary students at these universities come
year 340 more students are taking these exams. from Bangla medium background and have
So the proficiency of English of these students very little pre exposure to English as a foreign
is more or less of the expected level. It has also language (Jahan and Jahan, 2011). Due to
been observed that the teachers of these rigorous competition at the admission
English medium schools do not possess examination of the public and international
required level of proficiency in English. Most universities and a strict requirement to pass in
of these students aspire to study at the tertiary compulsory English, recruitment at these
level abroad. Very few of them go for study at universities ensure required level of student
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
proficiency in English. But the seats are very out foundation English courses to help them be
limited in number. At the private universities able to continue their studies. The foundation
students come from Bangla medium studies or remedial English courses focus on the four
and very few from English medium and Cadet different language learning skills and are often
Colleges. Off course the level of proficiency of named after those skills. But these courses vary
these students is considerably low than that of from university to university as they are
the other two types of universities. As most of planned according to the level of proficiency of
the students living and studying at the cities English of the admitted students. Some
enjoy more privilege of being acquainted with universities offer one course in the name of a
English, they are likely to enroll at public foundation course having the four skills
universities. The leftovers and students from integrated, some offer two or three or more
rural areas, wishing to receive higher than three courses as remedial courses.
education, enroll at private universities. Generally these courses are named English
Although emphasis is put on the curriculum of communication skill – I, English
English teaching, the standards of the communication skill – II, and English
language, especially among the rural area communication skill–III or with more
students, are very poor (Sultana and Hoque emphasis on compositional skills named as
1995). Most private universities of the country English composition–I and English
now offer degrees of higher education (except composition –II. Students of regular academic
M.Phil and Ph.D.) like B. A. (Hons.), B. Sc. programs attend these courses to improve their
(Hons.), B.S.S. (Hons.), B.B.A, LL.B.(Hons) level of English to meet up the curriculum
B. Arch, B.Pharm; M. A., M.Sc., MBA, MSS, expectations.
MS in many general and highly technical Now-a-days students in Bangladesh learn
subjects like English, Economics, Computer English for both professional and academic
Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, success. Farooqui (2007) asserts that at present
Architecture, Pharmacy, Electrical and the importance placed on English language
Electronic Engineering; Accounting, Human teaching in Bangladesh is due to the ever
Resources Management, Management growing global demands of English in
Information System, Business Administration, professional sectors. Students learn English all
Marketing, and so on. The instructional their school and college life before enrolling to
medium in almost all the higher educational university. Haque (1994), and Rahman (2005),
and professional programs in Bangladesh is refer to the “motivation” of the learners of
English. Though instructions in certain English in Bangladesh as “instrumental”, for
educational programs in tertiary level colleges they learn English to make their higher
and public universities are given in Bengali, education easy and thus hold better
the students and teachers have to depend on opportunities of employment. They are hardly
foreign books written in English for reference motivated to learn the language for the sake of
and additional information. knowing about the culture and communication
To study at these purely technical subjects with the native English speakers. Their sole
students are required to possess a certain level purpose is to gain practical benefits and they
of proficiency in English. Despite studying the hardly possess any wish to do real life
language for twelve or thirteen years these communication with native speakers. Banu
students fail to meet up this requirement. To (2005) reports that in Bangladesh English is in
remedy these problems and to bring the great demand due to “ social” and “ material”
students near to the expected level of gains and as a result the system of education in
proficiency these private universities planned the country makes a “linguistic divide” among
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
the students of Bangla medium who possess strong and bold announcement is made by
lower skills of English and the students of Farooqui (2007, p. 96) declaring English as a
English medium schools who learn the foreign language in Bangladesh. Shalahuddin,
language better at the given system. Khan and Rahman (2013) in their study
A recent concern of the government of mentioned that although in many aspects
Bangladesh puts more emphasis on the English works like a Second Language in
promotion of English studies in the country. Bangladesh, this does not make Bangladesh an
The then president, Iajuddin Ahmed, declared ESL country. Ali (2013) supports them
“with a view to promoting employment abroad specifying the fact that English has not
and encouraging transfer of technology, received an official status of a second language
emphasis will be laid on teaching English in Bangladesh. Rahman (2005), in his study
language along with the mother tongue (The declares that English is not used for
Daily Observer, 2002).” Some recent interpersonal and inter-institutional
initiatives of the government are also a communication and there is hardly any chance
reflection of these concerns. Since 1998, of it being the lingua franca in Bangladesh. On
following an agreement between the Ministry the other hand Siddique (2004) after examining
of Education, the Bangladesh and the US the intensity and importance of use declared
government, around 200 US volunteer teachers that English language is an ESL in Bangladesh
come to Bangladesh to teach English at the (p.33).Hasan (2011) echoes saying “we can
secondary schools (467/2012870.html). easily say … English is the Second Language
Additionally, some English teacher training in Bangladesh”. A study of the SSC and HSC
specialists from abroad come as resource students of Bangladesh conducted by
persons every year to train English as Second Chowdhury and Shaila (2011) concludes that
Language (ESL) teachers of Bangladesh (The the students hardly have any practice of
Daily Star, 2012). Also, with the help of speaking English in classroom or outside the
British Council, the teacher training classroom. Students at school learn English for
Curriculum is being updated, which, as applied 10 years and then 2 years at college. But in both
is expected to lead to a positive outcome. these cases they learn the language for exams.
Even after all these efforts of the An assessment of the SSC and HSC syllabus
government, the policy makers and the and examination system also supports this.
teachers, students command over English has Students only practice reading, grammar and
not improved. All the well concerned efforts writing and in the board exams they have 200
are failing due to some unknown, unexpected marks for reading and wring skills assessment.
and unavoidable reasons. A very possible Listening and speaking skills are not examined
reason for this could be related to the status of at all. However, at the tertiary level the
English in Bangladesh. medium of instruction is English and students
find an ESL environment inside the classroom.
The Status of English in Bangladesh Here also the situation remains more or less the
In Bangladesh English is not an official same as outside the classroom they hardly
language. Whether English in Bangladesh is an make practical communication using the
ESL (English as a Second Language) or an language. Even though at the tertiary level
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) is still a Universities try to keep the medium of
controversial issue. Though it has been instruction as English, it is not unanimously
mentioned by Kachru (1986, p.33) and Jenkins followed. Some tertiary level colleges and
(2009, p.16) that English enjoys the status of public universities run some programs where
ESL in Bangladesh. But a number of lectures are given in Bangla but for references
researchers in Bangladesh oppose this view. A
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
the students and teachers of these programs At this situation English is having a co-
have to rely on English books. In the private habitation with Bangla in the lives of the
organizations of trade and business, English is people in Bangladesh. However, it does not
extensively used but especially in formal have any official status here. This situation
situations. The economy of Bangladesh is brings forward the query on the future of the
heavily dependent on foreign aid. For this language in this country. Should English
purpose communication with the countries and remain as a highly functional yet a neglected
organizations giving foreign aid is carried out language or should it be upheld by the
using English. Countries like Great Britain, government to ensure a more permanent status.
United States of America, Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan and Australia etc. and DISCUSSION
organizations like the World Bank, USAID and The Government of Bangladesh has taken
International Monetary Fund (IMF) provide initiatives and made English a compulsory
aids to Bangladesh. The growing export and subject to be studied from the Primary level of
import business of Bangladesh depends on schooling up to the tertiary level. Moreover,
other countries. So for business purpose, keeping their demands in mind, the sectors of
English is used to communicate with employment, business and communication
international buyers. In administration English technology have promoted English in
is not used in Bangladesh. Though Bangladesh at a very good level. A discussion
communication between international on the presence of English in different domains
organizations and government offices are done of language use in Bangladesh is presented
in English, the internal official works are all below:
conducted in Bangla. Except for a formal
occasion no one speaks in English in English in Education Sectors
Bangladesh. It is not used at home among the Since 1978, after the National Advisory
family members and friends at informal Council of Education introduced the new
settings. But “learning a language is learning curriculum, English has been taught at the
how to communicate using that language” primary school onwards as a compulsory
(Richards and Rodgers, 2001:156). Students in subject. The target of this curriculum was to
Bangladesh can communicate through improve “communicative competence” of
academic writing only, though the standard is Bangladeshi learners so that they can avail
very poor. They are hardly able to access to more opportunities nationally and
communicate in English in classroom and globally. Rahman (2005) mentions that in
outside. However, because of everyday global Bangladesh bachelor and masters programs in
communication many English words are English are run by all the universities. The
frequently used in everyday Bangladeshi life programs are on English language, literature
through code switching and code mixing. In and linguistics. Organizations like BELTA,
Judiciary many Judges, though not all, give NAEM, NCTB (National Curriculum Board),
their verdicts in English at the Higher and BIAM etc. arrange training and workshops for
Supreme Court. But in the lower court Bangla English teachers in Bangladesh. Moreover,
is used for the understanding of the mass National University, Bangladesh Open
people. Lawyers practicing at the Higher and University and Teacher Training Colleges
Supreme courts need to be proficient in English organize training programs for English
though in courtroom trials they often use teachers. All these organizations offer in-
Bangla. service trainings but graduates willing to be
English teachers hardly have any opportunity
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
to attend a training program before joining a country. One important point to be noted is that
job. This is a major area where the government though English is not officially the second
needs to pay attention to improve the condition language in Bangladesh, it is the only other
of English teaching in Bangladesh. The language studied as a subject in schools and
stakeholders have already focused on the fact colleges.
that English language teaching or ELT is a
major “buzzword” in Bangladesh now. Das, et English and Employment
al. (2013) reflect on this saying, that already Proficiency in English is one of the major
text reformations, professional developments criterions for getting a good job in Bangladesh
for teachers and assessment of students and now days. Multinational as well as national
systems of public examinations are in the companies, Banks, government and private
process. Different international, national, organizations all recruit candidates with very
private and voluntary organizations are good proficiency in English. Often this
working on different ELT projects to improve becomes the sole criterion to select a candidate.
the overall conditions of teaching English in As all the written communications are done in
Bangladesh. English and computer literacy is a basic
English enjoys an “elite” status in requirement; different organizations recruit
Bangladesh whether accepted or not. The persons with good proficiency over written and
language is needed in every sphere of life in spoken English. As a result candidates with a
Bangladesh every day. However, a sort of bad or mediocre proficiency in English often
denial is also present among the Bangladeshis go to different coaching centers to improve
to officially accept the language. This is mostly their spoken and written proficiency of English
due to the emotional attachment with the even though they have learned English most of
historical background of the establishment of their lives. Learners of Bangladesh are
Bangla as the mother tongue through a bloody motivated instrumentally to learn English that
language movement in 1952. On one side the is for getting a good job.
emotional attachment with the sacrifice and the
struggle made for the language and on the other English and the Judiciary
side the fear that Bangla may lose its glory Ferdousi (2015) declares that Lawyers in
because of the overpowering presence of the High Court often use English in courtroom
English is holding back the nation to accept activities even though a Law is there claiming
English officially as the second language. A the legal use of Bangla in High courts. The
very surprising issue is that most of the people same practice is there in the Supreme Court.
in Bangladesh are able to understand and speak All the major works and decisions are made in
in Hindi by just watching TV programs and English and this language is more encouraged
movies in Hindi language. In this case than Bangla. As a result all the lawyers, judges
similarities between Bangla and Hindi and often staffs need to be well proficient in
language and culture make the language more English and well articulate to use the language
receptive. On the other hand the cultural wherever necessary.
diversity of Bangla and English create an
added difficulty for the learners of English in English in Media
Bangladesh. It has been observed that the media has
However, the fact can never be denied that already become very comfortable in mingling
as an international language English is more Bangla and English. The radio jockeys use a
used than Bangla, especially while type of language which is already known as
communicating with the world outside the “FM Banglish” which, according to them
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
shows their higher social status and education. create a face as well as achieve higher
This is basically a type of translanguaging or performance score.
code-mixing between Bangla and English. It Sultana (2014), reports that the practice of
has been observed that their pronunciation is code-switching is present among the young
highly affected by their English pronunciation and adult Bangladeshi users. She emphasized
(Ahmed and Tinny, 2013). These Radio on the fact that a young generation of
Jockeys are representatives of the young adults Bangladeshis is emerging with a
specially those who passed from English translanguaging habit proficiently switching
medium schools. Banu and Sussex (2001) between Bangla and English. She is confident
report that to attract the customers advertizing that this will create a new linguistic practice in
companies use eye catching English words in Bangladesh. The interview results show that
advertisements, billboards, signboards, posters translanguaging practice is there in oral
and banners. More over in everyday speech a communication whereas almost all the official
person in Bangladesh will frequently stumble written work is done in English. A major
at English words which are very common in reason of this use of English in oral
speech. Often they are so common that people communication is to appear smart, confident
find that they do not know the synonymous and to show communicative competence. In
word in Bangla. In TV channels in different English medium schools it is compulsory to
programs like talk shows, dramas and other speak in English in the premises for teachers
programs anchors or actors are often seen using and students and often for the staff. The
English as a mark of their higher social practice is extending its horizons and gradually
standards. becoming a common everyday practice in
Bangladeshi life. Banu and Sussex (2001b)
Translanguaging Between Bangla and claimed through evidence that the code-
English switching and code-mixing habit is present in
A remarkable issue marked in the findings TV advertisements as well as billboards to
of the interviews is the use of English in influence customers with their catchy words.
everyday life of Bangladesh in the mode of English and Bangla both the languages are
translanguaging that is code-mixing. used in Bangladesh but their coexistence is
According to Begum (2012), code-mixing often conflicting and is always creating a
between Bangla and English is present in the confusion among the users in the land. Though
classroom environment. Rahman (2012) one is a national language and the other one
echoed saying that code switching is present does not have any official status, the
among students and different professionals. coexistence of the two languages is
People have accepted this mode of language overwhelming. English often rises as the more
use happily. They frequently switch codes in influential language and frequently
everyday communication as this marks a overshadows the native tongue. It undoubtedly
superior linguistic ability, ensures class and plays a more significant role in communication
projects power. Moreover, Alam (2006) asserts in the public lives of national and international
that this is a common practice in Offices. He connections ( Basu,2016, Khan,2012). The all
also says that in corporate jobs like in encompassing use of English in the lives of
multinational companies, banks , NGOs as Bangladesh is also reflected in the research
well as the lawyers use English in their works of linguists, ELT professionals and other
everyday communication mingling with specialists. They have analyzed the presence,
Bangla because proficiency in English is use and the conflicting manner of the language
significant for prestige and this helps them to in Bangladesh. Banu and Sussex (2001) see
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
English in Bangladesh as a means of achieving regretted that even after 62 years of the
international acceptance. Rahman (2005) finds language movement and 43 years of
out the use of English can open global Independence the government of Bangladesh is
opportunities and Kirkwood (2013) unable to implement Bangla in all public
wholeheartedly supports him. Erling et al sectors. On 21 November 2012, while
(2012) echo them focusing on the global amending the Supreme Court ( High Court
significance and function of the language and Division) rules of 1973 there rose an option to
advice on impactful learning and use of the use Bangla but the hindrances of use were also
language in Bangladesh. They also emphasized observed and it came to a conclusion that
on the failure of language policies in avoiding English just to uphold Bangla was an
Bangladesh and criticized that though English impossible work to do while implementing the
is taught as a subject in Bangladesh now from decisions of the Higher Court.
the very beginning of school and extensively Islam (2011) analyzes the language policy
use at the tertiary level, improper in Bangladesh to be ideologically
implementation of the systematic learning and overshadowed. He mentions “Resistance to
teaching process is causing a major hindrance English in Bangladesh now operates on an
for the policies. These scholars criticize the ideological level where a nationalist recovery
policy of neglecting English in the country of lost ground and recuperation of splintered
while upholding the position of Bangla. As the Bengali identity demand a distance from the
use of English is much more overpowering language which worked , for closely 200 years,
globally, the same impact inside the country is as a colonial tool of consolidation and
undeniable. On the other side of all these, there domination(3).”
are those people who have this emotionally
overpowering feeling that Bangla is being Future of English in 21st Century
neglected as we are still not able to ensure the Bangladesh:
use of Bangla in every sphere of life in According to the definitions of a Foreign
Bangladesh. They regret the fact that English is Language and a Second Language, English in
still being used everywhere. They complain Bangladesh possess qualifications from both
why English is still used in the higher judiciary types. The educational institutions and the
and why many documents in government private organizations extensively use English
sectors and most in the private sectors are in and that gives English the nature of a second
English. They believe in the authenticity of a language. Though the scenario is different in
language and are vehemently against the the rural areas where, even in educational
mingling of English and Bangla in everyday institutions, English is taught using Bangla.
oral and written practice. They are very strict Nevertheless, this is also true that outside
on this issue and always focus on singular and a formal setting English is hardly used in daily
proper use of Bangla as well as English where life in Bangladesh. Moreover, English does not
ever the languages are necessary to use. They possess the legal position as a second language
consider this mingling a type of “pollution”. If in Bangladesh. However, Banu and Sussex
this pollution continues Bangla will be (2001a) exclaim that the continued and vital
immensely harmed and we will fail to uphold existence of English in Bangladesh is very
the desired respect for the language. In the surprising (125). There is no doubt in
2011 the Law Commission suggested to Bangladesh, English is leaping towards
uphold Bangla in every sphere of our lives reaching at the state of a second language and
through the Bangla Procholon Ain 1987 but all it is highly recommended that the Government
the efforts went in vain (Ferdousi, 2015). She take a step to receive English formally as the
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
second language. Only then English will thrive suggests employing a “bilingual” policy in the
towards reaching a higher standard than it has country defining the specific status of both the
now. Till then, the legal and formal position of languages. Thus the country will be able to
English shall remain as the most important avoid the conflict between its non-English
foreign language in Bangladesh. speaking inhabitants and the English speaking
Considering the socio-cultural impact of world as the undefined language policy may
English in Bangladesh it can never be denied create controversy in the international society.
that English has already entered the life of He also mentions that an introduction of
Bangladesh and amalgamated with the “bilingual” or “multilingual” policies for
language and culture of the land. In this English will encourage people to “have the
modern world better competence in English cake and eat it (116).”
ensures better social status. Competence in Following Crystal’s suggestions a
English determines the cultural and thorough analysis may be done by the
educational superiority of the individual in the government which will further focus on the
society. Thus English impacts the cultural specific position of English in the society of
status of Bangladesh. English has established Bangladesh. Common people of Bangladesh
its worth in the social settings of Bangladesh are aware of the necessity and use of English in
proving Crystal (1997) right when he theorized their everyday lives. They must be made aware
that when a new language enters a land it needs of the fact that upholding the position of
to prove it’s worth to stay in that land (68). English in Bangladesh will never place Bangla
However, this new language needs to behind or never be able to shake the position of
prove its worth through other trials and Bangla. If Bangla is in the heart of the people
tribulations as well. Due to the historical of Bangladesh, English is in their head. Both
rivalry with the English colonizers, their the languages can equally appeal to the
language is always in conflict with the intellectual faculty of the people in the country.
emotional acceptance of the people of However, this can never be forgotten that
Bangladesh. As a result there has never been a English functions as the tool of global
definite language policy for English in communication with the international
Bangladesh. Moreover, the native language community and is able to move the country
Bangla has the emotional attachment as the towards development. So, for greater benefit of
nation fought to preserve the language. The the country, English must be given an official
conflict between Bangla and English is a very status in Bangladesh
unique one. Both are international languages.
One has great emotional acceptance and the CONCLUSION
other has the most functional and The paper helps to understand the glorious
overpowering presence in the lives of the presence of English is a major reason the
people of Bangladesh. Crystal (1997) defines language stayed back in the land. As an
this situation as the result of two conflicting international language it has always been
expectations namely, intelligibility and gaining more momentum. It is high time that
identity. Intelligibility requires competence in English language has an official and permanent
English to the level of a Lingua Franca whereas status in Bangladesh. This will help the users
identity compels the users of the country to of English in Bangladesh to accept the
uphold the native language (115). Such type of language with a positive approach. As a
conflicting attitude towards both the languages consequence, two international languages,
can have impacts on the national as well as the Bangla and English will have enough
international setting. In this case Crystal (1997) importance and functional space to enjoy a
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2020 pp. 81-95
Rowshon Ara. A Foreign Language or The Second Language: The …