Language Acquisition Stages

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Acquired a language is amazing, natural and

babies are born knowing how to do this
process. All children acquire language in the
same way.
Children have an individual process to acquire the
language and this gives within a family environment. That
is, they follow a series of acts to master their mother

There are three stages of

language development

Stage 1: Sounds
Stage 2: Words
Stage 3: Sentences concerns
Stage 1: Sounds

Babbling, sign that

The sounds are
"phonemic awareness" Birth: is acquiring the
phoneme and in
means: mother tongue
English there are
Difference between
is the ability to recognize 4 months: word and applause
Babies learn by sounds
experimenting Recognize stress,
6 months:
rhythm and tone

Babies can distinguish 150

sounds in 6500 languages
Stage 2: Words

Learn the combination of

sounds 8 months: They distinguish word limits

Children learn morphemes 12 months: Put meanings to words

They recognize the difference

18 months:
between nouns and verbs.
Stage 3: Sentences

They speak grammatically

24 months: correct

Create sentences, put

30 to 36 months:
the words in order

Beyond 3 years: They expand their vocabulary and

develop a more complex language.

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