Pastoral Care in Worship
Pastoral Care in Worship
Pastoral Care in Worship
neil pembroke
Published by T&T Clark International
A Continuum Imprint
The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SE1 7NX
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704, New York, NY 10038
Neil Pembroke has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act, 1988, to be identified as the Author of this work.
Introduction 1
Introduction to Part 1 7
1 Confessions of a Sly Psyche 11
Sin as Pride 12
Sin as Sloth 13
The Psychology of the Vagabond 17
Formulating a Pastoral Response 20
Christ the Mirror in Confession 23
2 Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze 25
A Map of Shame 26
Shame and Sin 34
Shame, Confession, and Affirmation 38
Introduction to Part 2 45
3 Asserting Ourselves before God 47
The Dominant Tradition: Submission and
Praise in All Things 48
The Road Less Traveled: Complaint and Protest 55
Lament in Contemporary Worship 62
4 Praying Our Anger 68
Anger in the Psalms 70
Praying Our Anger: Holding on to the Relationship 74
Anger Reduction: Both Expression and Insight Required 77
Liturgies of Anger 80
Introduction to Part 3 89
5 Hope Needs Witnesses 91
A Psychology of Hope 92
Hope and Witnessing 97
Biblical Witnesses to Hope 99
Hope,Witnessing, and Liturgy 101
6 Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination 106
Faith’s Ironic Imagination 106
Hope and Ironic Imagination 112
Worship and the Ironic Imagination 123
Notes 167
Bibliography 187
Index 199
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Pastoral Care in Worship
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Pastoral Care in Worship
Introduction to Part I
Pastoral Care in Worship
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
Pastoral Care in Worship
Sin as Pride
In order to set a context for the slightly unusual notion of sin as sloth,
a summary of the more familiar concept of sin as pride is offered.
The classic statement on the human tendency to hubris comes from
Augustine. He identifies pride as the root cause of all human failings.2
Pride is a perverse form of exaltation, observes Augustine, in which
the mind is fixed on the standard of the self rather than on the stan-
dard of God. Here is found the falsehood that characterizes all sin.
Our will is naturally oriented to the promotion of our welfare. Our
vulnerability to falsehood, however, leads us into a paradoxical situa-
tion.We pursue a course contrary to God’s will and purpose believing
that it will actually contribute to our welfare. Instead, we end up in
misfortune. Adam and Eve, notes Augustine, were caught in this trap
of falsehood as they attempted to snatch from God the knowledge of
good and evil. We all inherit a legacy of sin and death from Adam
(original sin). Not only do we imitate Adam’s tendency to self-assertion
and disobedience, we are actually “infected” with it from birth. We
share in Adam’s sin by generation as well as by imitation. We add our
personal sins to the original sin that we inherit.
This notion of pride as the source of sin is also important in
the reflections of Reinhold Niebuhr3 and Paul Tillich,4 although it
takes quite a different turn with them.Though there are important
differences in emphasis in the two treatments, the central message
is much the same. Human beings are caught in a tension between
nature and spirit, between finitude and freedom. Living with this
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
Sin as Sloth
Sloth in the context of sin means that we are too indolent, too undis-
ciplined, and too silly to reach out and embrace our freedom and
dignity in Christ. The slothful dimension of sin points to our small-
ness and pettiness. If describing our dark side as pride highlights our
drive to self-inflation and overreaching, referring to it as sloth is indic-
ative of our tendency to self-compression and underachieving. Barth
captures this particularly well:
Pastoral Care in Worship
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
a high degree the loving, giving, and faithful nature of Christ. Sin as
sloth is failing to find the energy, will, faith, and wisdom to robustly
engage with the process of growing into authentic personhood. It is
the sin of complacently settling for only a dim reflection of the image
of God.
Karl Barth’s treatment of sin as sloth is important because he takes
these notions of folly and inauthentic humanity and develops them in
all their depth and complexity.11 Here we can cover only the broad
outlines of his analysis. In essence, Barth sees this form of sin as revealed
in the fact that we are too lazy, too silly, and too ill-disciplined to
embrace God’s gift in Christ of freedom and life. Rather than take
the wise option of a genuine existence lived in loving relationship
with God and neighbor, we stupidly opt for an empty and isolated
existence.We shut ourselves up in a tight space and lock God and fel-
low humans out. Or to use Barth’s metaphor: “[The human] turns his
back on God, rolling himself into a ball like a hedgehog with prickly
It is not necessarily that slothful people reject God altogether. It is
rather that they reject the true God—the God who calls them into
the freedom and discipline of a life lived in the grace of Christ and the
power of the Holy Spirit. The sin of the slothful person is an “escape
to religion.”13 In this escape, God is rendered innocuous; the election
of God is drained of its power, strength, and urgency. What is left is
a comfortable, predictable, and easy piety. It is simply stupid of us to
turn our backs on the joy and freedom of an authentic life in Christ.
Stupidity is for Barth one of the essential marks of sin as sloth. It is
interesting to note here that there is a clear link with sin in the
Wisdom tradition. For the teachers of wisdom, to turn one’s back on
the principle of order and justice established by God is the ultimate
folly. It can only lead to an inauthentic existence. Barth forcefully cap-
tures the nature of this folly in declaring that we stupidly let ourselves
fall away from God and into emptiness:
Pastoral Care in Worship
Obviously the fact that we are in fact taking a stupid option is some-
thing that we have very little awareness of. It would be a stupid person
indeed who knew exactly what he or she was doing in rejecting God’s
gracious outreach and yet continued on his or her merry way into
emptiness. Our folly always comes disguised, says Barth.15 The disguise
does not fool us completely, however. The foolish person—on one
level at least—thinks that all is relatively well; but on another level, he
or she senses that something is quite amiss.
We live under a “great concealment”16 that is very difficult to
penetrate. Our cover story tells us that to withdraw into self is
more enhancing of our personhood than a loving engagement with
God and neighbor. In our depths, we know that this is not true.
We know on a deep level that falling away from God and our fellow
humans constitutes a denial of our authentic humanity. That we
conceal this truth from ourselves constitutes for Barth the sin of
[W]e deny our humanity when we think that we can and should
exercise it apart from our fellow-men. And when we try to con-
ceal this, to deny this denial of our humanity, we are not justified,
but accused and condemned, by the sound positive reason for
our reluctance. In our denial and concealment of that which we
are and do we can and will only make it worse and really be and
do it. Hypocrisy is the supreme repetition of what we seek to
deny with its help.17
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
Pastoral Care in Worship
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
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the addition of a mirror. For some participants, the mirror was set up
facing them; for others, it was set up with its back to them. Its use was
designed to test the impact, if any, of self-awareness on the morality of
the behavior. Self-awareness manipulations have been associated with
increased awareness of discrepancies between behavior and personal
standards, prodding a person to act in accordance with standards.
Approximately half (23) of the 52 participants chose to flip the
coin. In the case of those participants not exposed to a mirror, of
the 13 who chose not to flip the coin, 11 (.85) assigned themselves
to the positive consequences task. More significantly, of the 13 who
chose to flip the coin, only 2 (.15) assigned the other person to the
positive consequences task. The findings in the earlier study are con-
firmed here.
What is really interesting is that when the participants were faced
with a mirror, the coin was used in a scrupulously fair manner. Ten
of the 26 participants chose to flip the coin, and of these, 5 assigned
the other participant and 5 assigned themselves to the positive conse-
quences task. Six of the 16 who chose not to flip the coin (.38)
assigned the other participant to the positive consequences task.
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
Pastoral Care in Worship
Confessions of a Sly Psyche
Pastoral Care in Worship
Prayer of Confession B
Shame, Confession, and God’s
Affirming Gaze
Pastoral Care in Worship
A Map of Shame
As I have just mentioned, feelings of shame arise when the self evalu-
ates itself as flawed, defective, and inferior. It involves, then, a negative
self-assessment.When a person makes the judgment that she has fallen
short of an ideal, she feels shame. She wants to look or be a certain
way, but cannot manage it. As Silvan Tomkins so neatly expresses
it, “desire has outrun fulfillment.”2 It is possible to feel shame about
almost anything. Some people condemn themselves as socially awk-
ward, clumsy, and gauche. Others feel dull, incompetent, and ignorant.
Cowardice and betrayal are especially potent sources of shame. It is
possible to feel ashamed of one’s appearance, height (or lack of it),
weight, disability, or disfigurement. Shame, to give one last example,
can be associated with familial or national identity.
It is apparent that shame takes on a variety of forms. Shame is not a
unitary entity; it is an umbrella term for a variety of traits and tenden-
cies associated with feeling inferior or defective. Stephen Pattison is
right to suggest that the best way to approach shame is to adopt “a
kind of family resemblance theory.”3 In mapping the territory of
shame, the members of the shame family will first be introduced.
This will be followed by a description of the characteristics that the
members all share.
Situational shame
The term “situational shame” comes from Robert Karen.5 It describes
those embarrassing moments—slurping one’s soup in polite company,
tripping over one’s shoe-laces at an inopportune moment, a joke
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Aesthetic shame
In a culture which places such a high value on physical beauty, there is
a great potential for those who fall short of the ideal to feel shame.
Whereas the ideal in other forms of shame may relate to intelligence,
social skill, or moral strength, here we are dealing with an aesthetic
ideal. When one perceives a gap between the real self and the desired
physical ideal, shame is the painful result.
Aesthetic shame can vary from relatively slight discomfort over
one’s appearance to a sense of horror and self-loathing. In every other
way a person may feel a sense of healthy pride, and yet disfigurement
of the body has the potential to all but destroy emotional well-being.
Pastoral Care in Worship
into this particular family, into this social class, in this country. The
identity ascribed to a person by class and culture may generate pride,
or it may result in feelings of defectiveness and inferiority.
Inferiority shame
Cultural identity is sometimes a source of shame. In the literature,
however, shame is more commonly related to feelings of inadequacy
arising purely out of personal experience. In broad terms, a sense of
inferiority may be related either to talents and abilities or to personal
qualities. A person may feel shame because she judges herself to be
incompetent. She may also feel shame because she considers she is
boring, timid, socially inept, lacks a sense of humor, to list just a few of
the possibilities. Or she may feel ashamed on both counts.
It is common for people to feel that something is lacking in their
personality. Most of us have a desire to enhance our personal qualities.
We would like to be more assertive, more in control, more engaging
and lively in relationships, more articulate—the list could go on and
on. The problem is not necessarily a lack of intelligence or ability.
A person may judge herself to be very successful in her chosen voca-
tion and be quite comfortable in that setting. In a social situation,
however, she feels out of place and silly. She thinks that others find her
“stiff ” and uninteresting. Another person, who is very creative and
works largely on his own (e.g. writer, artist, software designer) may
feel small mainly because when he engages with others he allows
them to dominate and control him.
A sense of shame may, on the other hand, be related to feelings of
incompetence. Almost everything a person does, from cooking lasa-
gne to giving an important business presentation, turns out less well
than she would like. Another person would like to have the ability to
even get into a position of having to give such a presentation.
The reflection on shame by the psychotherapist Donald Nathanson11
takes into account both lack of achievement and personality failures.
He concentrates, though, on the former. Nathanson works with the
relationship of shame to its counterpart, pride. Shame and pride are
tracked through a series of developmental stages defined in terms of
size and strength, dexterity and physical skill, dependence vs. indepen-
dence, cognitive ability, communication, the sense of self, gender
identity and sexuality, and, finally, interpersonal skills.The issues raised
in this discussion rotate around one pole defined by skills, abilities,
competence, and success, and another described by failure, a sense of
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Moral shame
This last observation points to the fact that shame and pride have
a moral reference. Moral lapses produce a sense of shame.
Following Kant, Gary Thrane contends that a sense of honor derived
from sensitivity to shame is the only truly moral motivation.15 The
link between the moral personality and shame is established in terms
of autonomy and identity. An important dimension in autonomy is
the capacity for embracing the ideals and standards that are truly
one’s own. Autonomy is a personal good because it requires “freedom,
courage and self-command.”16 When a person follows externally
determined standards, he or she feels a sense of shame. The loss of
autonomy produces a loss of dignity and sense of worth.
Thrane argues that shame rather than guilt is the truly moral feeling.
“Those who merely dread the punishing voice of conscience (guilt)
are not moral. Only those who love their virtue and dread its loss
(shame) are moral.”17 If the only motivation one has for moral behavior
is the fear of guilty feelings, one’s performance of good actions will be
marred by the grudging spirit behind them. A person influenced by
Pastoral Care in Worship
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Shame occurs when particularly sensitive and vulnerable aspects of
the self are exposed.20 Exposure may be to others, or to oneself, or to
both. Shame is registered as a painful emotional jolt when aspects of
the self that are considered unworthy and inferior are suddenly opened
to the disapproving gaze of others. When this happens, we want to
disappear, to “sink through the floor.” The dysphoria is so strong that
avoidance of situations that have a potential for shame—such as help-
seeking, socializing, sex, public speaking, and competition—becomes
a strong temptation.21
This public exposure is so commonly observed and so vivid that it
seems that the attention of some researchers has been drawn away
from the private dimension. The fact that a shame reaction is some-
times a very personal affair is overlooked. David Ausubel, in line with
the anthropologists Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict, argues that
shame always demands an audience, real or presumed.22 Helen Merrell
Lynd, however, rightly points out that “[e]xposure to oneself is at the
heart of shame.”23 The shame one feels in deceiving others into believ-
ing something about oneself that is untrue is particularly intense and
The psychoanalytic scholar, Léon Wurmser, suggests that there are
intimate links between shame and exposure on the one hand, and
shame and perception on the other.24 “Moments of self-exposure” and
“acts of perception” play important roles in the shaping of identity.
Seeing/being seen and hearing/being heard are the modalities which
facilitate a comparison of one’s self-concept with the concept others
have of one.“The modes of attentive, curious grasping and of express-
ing oneself in nonverbal as well as verbal communication are the arena
where in love and hatred, in mastery and defeat our self is forged
and molded” [emphasis in the original].25 When the interchange is
defective, the core of the self-concept is disturbed and becomes
Given that shame is acutely painful and is associated with the exposure
of sensitive and vulnerable aspects of the self, we would expect that there
would be a tendency to block the feeling from conscious awareness.
Pastoral Care in Worship
A shame reaction occurs when a person is suddenly aware that her
behavior is incongruous with, inappropriate to, the situation she is
in.29 It is not that she has done something wrong; no sin has been
committed. Rather, there is a painful awareness of a gap between her
actions and the expectations of the environment.The person is acting
on the assumption that a particular behavior is appropriate, but in
a moment of painful awareness she discovers that the assumption was
false. It is the experience of suddenly finding oneself out of tune with
one’s environment. To illustrate this, let me refer to an experience
from my time in parish ministry. The committee of the Men’s Break-
fast group invited a local Roman Catholic man to speak at their next
gathering. He was a very humorous man and he “spiced up” his sto-
ries with “colorful” language. I really enjoyed him. But I seemed to be
in the minority. The majority of the men were from strict evangelical
backgrounds and were quite offended by his bad language. Looking at
his audience, he was expecting to see happy, laughing faces, but instead
he was greeted with frowns of disapproval. His face suddenly went
quite red and he lost his poise.
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Threat to trust
Lynd observes that this sudden awareness that one is out of key with
one’s environment results in a threat to trust.30 One is led to question
one’s own adequacy and/or the reliability of the values of the world
of reality. In order to supplement the illustration above, I will use a
familiar domestic scenario. It also depicts the link between misplaced
confidence and shame. A child has labored long and hard in the
kitchen preparing a feast for her mother. Where the child sees a labor
of love and a delectable offering, her mother sees only a very messy
kitchen and a waste of ingredients. Instead of the expected smile of
appreciation, the would-be chef receives a glare of anger and reproach.
Lynd sums up the situation in relation to misplaced confidence
The rejected gift, the joke or the phrase that does not come off,
the misunderstood gesture, the falling short of our own ideals, the
expectation of response violated—such experiences mean that
we have trusted ourselves to a situation that is not there.31
Pastoral Care in Worship
Love resides in the face—in its beauty, in the music of the voice and
the warmth of the eye. Love is proved by the face, and so is
unlovability—proved by seeing and hearing, by being seen and
heard. A child can be loved without being given the nipple; but
love cannot exist without face and music.34 [emphasis in the
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Thus, in the experience of sinning, shame and guilt are both very
prominent. Shame and sin have been traditionally linked, though guilt
has been the emotion that has been most often highlighted.
Don Capps has argued that in today’s world we need to reverse
the order if we are to accurately reflect what most people are experi-
encing.36 Shame, he contends, is generally more prominent than guilt
in the experience of sin. There would be nothing especially bold or
novel about this suggestion if it were not for the fact that Capps is
thinking of inferiority shame rather than the moral version. He con-
tends that in a narcissistic age, a “sense of wrongfulness” is more likely
to be experienced in terms of shame than guilt.37 The narcissist senses
the distortion in her way of being in the world and it causes her pain.
She connects this distortion and pain, however, not with moral failure
but rather with personal inferiority and inadequacy. I appreciate very
much the fact that Capps has highlighted the important role shame
plays in the experience of sin. His writing has stimulated me to think
hard about the linkages between the two.38 I have come to the view
that it is not the negative evaluation of self and the consequent sense
of self-depletion that constitute sin; the sin associated with shame is
found in the evasive tactics, in the attempt to live a secluded, safe life,
in hiding from life—in a word, in the failure to live an authentic life.
It is not the sense of self-diminishment but rather the compression of one’s
engagement with the challenges and opportunities that life presents that is
sinful. In using this expression “the compression of one’s engagement,”
I am referring to a tendency to hide from others, from God, from life.
I identify this shame-related experience rather than the experience
of feeling inferior because I am committed to the view that sin is
primarily offense against God. Cornelius Plantinga puts it nicely
when he says that sin has “first and finally a Godward force.”39 This
statement requires some development. In God’s creative work, God
established a right and good order for all the relationships that consti-
tute life on the planet. The relationships we have with self, with other
humans, with animals, and with the earth are in accord with the divine
will and purpose when they are enacted in an ethos of love, compas-
sion, respect, and justice. When we engage in these relationships in a
destructive way, when the primary motive forces are greed and self-
interest, we insult God. God, in an act of love and justice, has established
a right order for life in the cosmos. Yet we willfully abuse this order
in a petty, short-sighted attempt to further self-interest. Our egoism is
driven by a number of forces. Prominent here are pride, sloth, and
Pastoral Care in Worship
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Pastoral Care in Worship
that sin is falling short of the glory of God (Rom. 3.23). One impor-
tant aspect of a life reflecting the glory of God is the embrace of
freedom and taking up options for personal development, creative self-
expression, and service. To run away from these possibilities through
a fear of falling short of the mark and thereby feeling ashamed is sin.43
Shame is not sin. Burdening oneself with the judgment that one is
inferior and defective is not sinful. Running away from a full and free
engagement with life and its challenges is. God’s intention for human
life is not self-diminishment but rather self-realization. In taking up
options and possibilities that promote creativity and personal devel-
opment, one experiences joy, freedom, and a sense of fulfillment. This
is what God intends for us. A self-actualized person also has more to
offer God in God’s project of extending the divine reign of love, peace,
and justice. God is not dependent on us to advance the realm of God,
but God calls on us to give of ourselves as fully as we can in this work.
Living well within ourselves means that we rob the realm of God of
useful resources for ministry and mission. When we choose to wall
ourselves off in our zones of comfort and predictability, there is a neg-
ative impact both on the self and on our relationship with God. As we
have noted before, sin is traditionally thought of as self-assertion and
self-exaltation. But the Bible also points to weakness and avoidance as
expressions of sin. In reflecting on the evasion tactics that shame makes
a person vulnerable to, Niels Gregersen makes this apt comment:
“[I]n the biblical traditions, both over and underestimation of self are
uncovered as sin . . . The sin of weakness . . . the taking of evasive
action, is shown to be the form of escape it fundamentally is.”44
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
Pastoral Care in Worship
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
There are at least three practices that are suggested by our discussion
on shame, sin, and confession. First, prayers of confession focusing on
hiding from the opportunities and challenges of life need to be
included. An awareness of the inhibiting force of shame suggests that
not only moral failures but also failures in self-realization should be
confessed. Or put differently, the sin of personal diminishment needs
Pastoral Care in Worship
Loving God,
In our busy daily schedules from sunrise to sunset
remind us again of your loving presence hovering near us and
in us.
Free us from the shame, self-doubt, and lack of faith
that hinder us in the moment by moment possibilities
that you set before us.
Breathe your Spirit afresh on us
so that we may be empowered to live in freedom,
to act courageously,
and to be active and fearless bearers of healing and mercy.
We ask this through your Son Jesus,
who touched and healed all who came to him. Amen.
Shame, Confession, and God’s Affirming Gaze
forgiven; the second is that in the eyes of grace we are whole and
beautiful. After the prayers of confession, the worship leader would
address the congregation in a manner such as this:
There are two words of grace I am privileged to declare. God
graciously forgives our sin. And God accepts us uncondition-
ally and lovingly affirms us.
The third application works in the same way as the second, except
that it uses an image to facilitate an encounter with the affirmation of
God. That is to say, it picks up on the beauty of the affirming gaze of
God.The location for this meditation is after the prayer of confession.
Choose an appropriate image of Christ for electronic projection.
These are available in plentiful supply on the internet. As the image is
projected, the worship leader makes a brief statement. It would be
something like this: “I invite you to spend a minute or two reflecting
on the image on the screen. As you look into the face of Christ, allow
yourself to be drawn into the grace that unconditionally accepts and
affirms you.” Meditative instrumental music (music with words can be
distracting) should be played for two or three minutes as people are
reflecting. When the music concludes, the worship leader concludes
the segment with a declaration such as this: “God is full of grace and
mercy. In God’s eyes, we are beautiful, full of quality. Amen.”
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F or virtually all of us, life is from time to time shot through with
intense pain and suffering. The sources are many. People bear
heavy burdens such as physical and mental illness, accidents, loss of
loved ones, relationship breakdowns, job loss, and much more. Living
with a vivid awareness of the deep suffering, despair, and horror that
others not personally known to us experience is also a source of
anguish—though of course it is not felt nearly as acutely as personal
pain. It is deeply troubling to switch on the television and to witness
the horrible plight of those suffering through the ravages of war,
hunger, and illness. For people of faith, it is sometimes the case that
anger and frustration are felt not only in relation to the situation, but
also in relation to God. There is for many of us a strong feeling that
God has abandoned us in our time of greatest need.
The biblical tradition of lament offers suffering people a communal
space in which to express the emotions that are so real and intrusive
for them and, at the same time, so scary and uncomfortable. In the
laments, feelings of anger, anguish, frustration, and disappointment
are vented. The lament tradition demands that we rethink our usual
presuppositions concerning the nature of prayer. The spirituality of
lament and the common approach to prayer stand in stark contrast.
Prayer is usually passive; the lament is an aggressive form. It is a
spirituality “that is prepared to break through passive conventional
piety and, so to speak, go on the attack.”1 Prayer is typically viewed as
acceptance of the divine will; the lament is a cry of complaint and
protest. Most think, finally, that prayer should be peaceful and con-
trolled; lament is fired by anger and raw emotion.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Asserting Ourselves before God
Pastoral Care in Worship
Asserting Ourselves before God
Tears of grief and sorrow flooded out. It was only in his weeping
that he found solace: “Only tears were sweet to me, and in my ‘soul’s
delights’ weeping had replaced my friend.”3 At this point, the modern
reader will no doubt feel a strong point of connection with Augustine.
His poignant description of the stabbing, disorienting pain of grief,
together with his account of the healing effect of tears, resonates with
the contemporary understanding of mourning. But what follows will
surely knock the modern person completely off balance. Augustine
informs his readers that the reason that he has offered this personal
account of grief is to make a confession of sin: “Why do I speak of
these matters? Now is the time not to be putting questions but to be
making confession to you.”4 But why is grieving a sin? Surely it is
simply a natural human reaction to the loss of a loved one. Where is
the offense against God in this? Grief, for Augustine, is not in and of
itself sinful; rather, it is an indication that there is disorder in one’s rela-
tional value system.5 The relational life of the Christian person has
both a horizontal and a vertical dimension. Grief is an indication that
one has tied oneself too strongly to the horizontal axis. Immediately
after making his confession, Augustine reflects that: “I was in misery,
Pastoral Care in Worship
Augustine mustered all of his formidable will to hold back the tears.
But grief is such an overwhelming force that even he could not
control it. After Monica’s burial, as he lay in bed contemplating his
mother’s love and devotion, the floodgates opened. As in the case of
his weeping over his friend, he makes his confession over his outward
expression of grief: “And now, Lord, I make my confession to you in
writing. Let anyone who wishes read and interpret as he pleases. If he
finds fault that I wept for my mother for a fraction of an hour . . . let
him not mock me but rather, if a person of much charity, let him
weep himself before you for my sins . . .”10 Augustine is asking a
person of charity to weep before God for his sin of being too attached
to a mortal person. It is not the weeping per se, but rather what it is a
sign of that is the problem.11 That he should break down and cry over
the loss of his mother is a clear indication that he had bound himself
too closely to her. Augustine ponders on why it is that he suffered
such a sharp stab of inward grief. “It must have been the fresh wound
caused by the break in the habit formed by our living together, a very
Asserting Ourselves before God
affectionate and precious bond . . .”12 Each and every person that we
form close attachments with must at some time depart, and when he
or she goes so does our peace. It is only in God that we find complete
repose. The bonds that tie us to God can never be broken, unless one
chooses this side of heaven to do so.“The Word himself cries to you to
return. There is the place of undisturbed quietness where love is not
deserted if it does not itself depart.”13 Though the things of this world
are given to us by the Creator for our enjoyment, we are not to cling
to them. It is in God and God alone that we find lasting peace and
happiness. Augustine contends that if a person is overcome with grief
it is evidence of the fact that she is guilty of too much worldly affec-
tion. He would not think for a minute that one should raise a protest
against God for what seems to be a hiding of the divine face in a time
of deep suffering. Confession, not lament, is the appropriate response.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Asserting Ourselves before God
But this means that our will for joy, our preparedness for it, must
be wide open in this direction, in the direction of His unknown
and even obscure disposing, if it is to be the right and good pre-
paredness commanded in this matter. It should not be limited by
the suffering of life, because even life’s suffering . . . comes from
God, the very One who summons us to rejoice.23
All of human life and history falls under the “shadow of the cross,”24
the cross that is the judgment and the salvation of the world. It is here
that we encounter with absolute clarity the height, depth, and breadth
of God’s love and grace. We should not therefore “be surprised and
angry that we live in this shadow.” Everything that we believe is
a source of our joy and fulfillment “breaks forth from this shadow.”25
But this means in practice that the real test of our joy of life as a
commanded and therefore a true and good joy is that we do not
evade the shadow of the cross of Jesus Christ and are not unwilling
to be genuinely joyful even as we bear the sorrows laid upon us.26
Pastoral Care in Worship
and dark, day and night, success and failure, joy and sorrow, birth and
death—is good. There is no reason for disquiet, for discontent, for
complaint when we find ourselves in the deep abyss, when light turns
into shadow. The shadow, every bit as much as the light, comes from
God and is comprehended by God. In a word, everything is embraced
by providence. That Barth is able to posit joy as the appropriate
response in the face of the suffering is a natural outcome of the way
he constructs the doctrine of providence.
Barth defines providence as “the superior dealings of the Creator
with His creation, the wisdom, omnipotence and goodness with which
He maintains and governs in time this distinct reality according to the
counsel of His own will.”27 This governance or divine overrule, Barth
insists, is absolute.There is no area, no aspect, no creaturely occurrence
in the life of the cosmos that does not come under God’s rule, and,
moreover, God’s will and purpose is expressed in all these things.
That this is the case is something that Barth asserts time and again in
his treatment of providence.
God’s lordship is not just any kind of lordship, observes Barth, but is
instead a “fatherly lordship.”28 It is therefore a kind, loving, and friendly
lordship. Much more significantly, it is governance that is expressed in
and through the life, death, and resurrection of the Son. The rule of
God has a very definite telos. This telos is union with God in Christ.29
God is at work in all things and in all people establishing a covenant
of grace. In preserving us in being and companioning us in all our
activities the ultimate aim of God is to draw all people into this saving
That it is a covenant founded on grace means that the gift is freely
given. God is present in all our activity; God rules in all our activity;
but God does this in such a way that we are granted a genuinely free
sphere of operation.30 The gift of God’s presence would not be a gift
if the human was constrained, controlled, and humiliated by that pres-
ence.Yet Barth is quick to point out that this does not mean, cannot
mean, that human activity is in some respects independent of God.
God’s rule covers all aspects and areas of creaturely occurrence. God’s
project of drawing all people into the covenant of grace is worked out
in and through human activity. What this means is that the activity of
God and the activity of the human is ultimately a unity.The compan-
ioning of human persons means that God is “so present in the activity
of the creature, and present with such sovereignty and almighty power,
Asserting Ourselves before God
that [God’s] own action takes place in and with and over the activity
of the creature.”31
The logic of Barth’s theology is clear. God’s lordship means that
everything that exists belongs to God and is filled with the divine
presence. Every human activity is foreordained by God and used by
God for the purpose of communicating the divine love expressed in
the cross of Christ and spread abroad in the power of the Holy Spirit.
If the covenant of grace is at the center of everything that happens—
the light as well as the shadow—the appropriate response at all times
and in all situations is praise and joy. Even in suffering we can be joy-
ful. Indeed, the real test of our joy in Christ is whether or not it is still
to be found in times of sorrow.
Pastoral Care in Worship
them is out of all proportion to any offense they may have committed
against God. They are not prepared to docilely accept their suffering
as part of God’s perfect will. Instead, they launch an assault on the
throne of God, asking the question, why? Why, God? Why have you
abandoned us to this horrible fate? It seems as if God has become an
enemy. But ultimately lament is an affirmation of faith. Though those
making the complaint are filled with anger and confusion, still they
desperately hang on to God. “The sufferers continue to cling to God,
whom they can no longer understand. Their despair can almost
exhaust their patience . . . But they can go no further than this; accusa-
tion never turns to condemnation.”33 There is strong protest, but it is
virtually always joined to an affirmation of hope.
Asserting Ourselves before God
Why, Lord? This is the question that burns within the hearts of the
lament poets. “The why is at the core of the lament against God
throughout the entire OT.The one who laments can no longer under-
stand God.”35 The other question that the psalmists commonly put
with some urgency is how long. How long, O God, will you hide
your face from us? How long must we endure your absence? How
long must we wait to see your justice done?
Pastoral Care in Worship
Asserting Ourselves before God
The moment when Israel found the nerve and the faith to risk
an assault on the throne of God with complaint was a decisive
moment . . . The lament is a dramatic, rhetorical, liturgical act of
speech which is irreversible . . . It makes clear that Israel will no
longer be submissive, subservient recipients of decrees from the
throne. There is a bold movement and voice from Israel’s side
which does not blindly and docilely accept, but means to have
its dangerous say, even in the face of God.40
Pastoral Care in Worship
Asserting Ourselves before God
and in Job. The soft versions are drawn only from the Psalms. It is
evident that some of the psalmists did not feel comfortable directly
challenging God.
Amongst the hard versions of protest we find the following:
Why are times not kept by the almighty, and why do those who
know him never see his days?
The wicked remove landmarks;
they seize flocks and pasture them.
They drive away the donkey of the orphan;
they take the widow’s ox for a pledge.
They thrust the needy off the road;
the poor of the earth all hide themselves . . .
[The poor] go about naked, without clothing;
though hungry, they carry the sheaves;
between their terraces they press out oil;
they tread the wine presses, but suffer thirst.
From the city the dying groan,
and the throat of the wounded cries for help;
yet God pays no attention to their prayer. ( Job 24.1–4, 10–12)
Pastoral Care in Worship
cast off, forsake, and be silent. Psalm 27 is a good example of the nega-
tive petition:
Asserting Ourselves before God
Pastoral Care in Worship
Liturgy A
This liturgy is inspired by the medieval Jewish worship practice of
inserting poems of protest or piyyutim into the statutory liturgy.49
The traditional Jewish liturgy contains not only standard prayers taken
from the Talmud and the ritual codes, but also various kinds of poetic
embellishments. These poetic additions take the form of hymns to be
sung either prior to, or after, the standard prayers, and of poetic inserts
in the standard prayers themselves. The particular practice informing
the liturgy below is the juxtaposition of the poem of protest with
prayers of adoration and praise. The poem is sandwiched between
the pious prayers. The special power of the protest is derived from its
setting in a dialectical structure.
The first step in this liturgy is to choose an appropriate hymn of
praise. Then a number of laments need to be written to match the
number of verses. In the service, the congregation is instructed to
pause after each verse, or after each time the refrain is sung, in order
to offer the prayers of protest. I’ve chosen the hymn, “How Great
Thou Art.”The refrain of this hymn is as follows:
Lament 1
(recited by the congregation after the refrain is sung for the first
Great you are, O God.
Why have you forgotten us in our suffering?
Asserting Ourselves before God
Lament 2
(recited after the refrain is sung for the second time)
We are hurting, Savior God.
How long must we endure the pain?
Lament 3
You are the rock of our salvation.
Why do you hide your face from us?
Lament 4
Christ has won the victory over sin and death. Alleluia!
When will you lift the heavy burden from us?
Liturgy B
In this responsive prayer, a refrain (based on Ps. 27.9) is recited after
each prayer offered by the leader:
Fear and hatred are everywhere.
Bombs are blasting; guns are spitting death;
And communities are being shattered.
The violence is like a forest fire out of control.
Do not hide your face from us.
Do not cast us off, do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation.
Disease preys on us mercilessly.
No one knows when or where it will strike next.
There are bodies that are wracked and ruined.
The afflicted live with constant worry and distress.
Do not hide your face from us.
Do not cast us off, do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation.
Pastoral Care in Worship
The end of an unemployment line is an unhappy place.
Economic jargon offered as an explanation is cold comfort.
It’s so difficult to cope with feelings of worthlessness, anxiety,
and despair.
Do not hide your face from us.
Do not cast us off, do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation.
This is pain like no other.
To lose someone you love is to lose too much.
Everything seems so empty; the joy is all but gone.
Those who mourn cry out: When will it get better?
Do not hide your face from us.
Do not cast us off, do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation.
Life sometimes seems to ask too much of us.
Our chests get tight and our heads begin to hurt.
The pressures are constant.
Life was not meant to be this hard.
Do not hide your face from us.
Do not cast us off, do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation.
God of grace and mercy, we give you thanks for hearing our
cries of distress.We praise you for your love and fidelity. Amen.
Asserting Ourselves before God
are people in worship for whom it was a real struggle just to get
themselves into the sanctuary. They feel deep disappointment and
disillusionment with God; there is anger in their bellies. There is
a strong strand within the tradition of lament that speaks to their
experience. We now turn our attention to the shape and function of
“liturgies of anger.”50
Praying Our Anger
Praying Our Anger
Pastoral Care in Worship
Praying Our Anger
The curse of the covenant, however, is not the major note struck in
the relationship. Israel saw itself as living under the blessing of a loving
and gracious God. The appropriate response is wholehearted praise
and devotion. Further, as Brueggemann has shown, there is an indis-
soluble link between Israel’s praise and its obedience.1 “Praise,” he
observes, “is a mood and practice of liturgical activity that provides
the glad and generative context for obedience.”2 Praise, in the deepest
sense, is the act of unreservedly handing over one’s life to God; it is
therefore the guarantor that obedience is not something given grudg-
ingly, but freely and in a spirit of gratitude.
When the covenant is viewed by Israel as operating as it should—
YHWH is at work blessing it with prosperity, peace, and security—
praise comes readily and is offered fulsomely. In a climate of blessing,
the heart overflows with wonder, amazement, and gratitude. But of
course life for Israel did not always run along smoothly and happily;
there were times when YHWH’s hand of blessing seemed to be
tightly shut. There were times when the joy and peace of life were
shattered. In the psalms of lament we read of such times—times in
which the poet feels torn apart by sickness, or by threats from enemies,
or by shame and humiliation. This shattering of the poet’s life led to a
“shattering of meaning.”3 We find the poets struggling to make sense
of the fate that has befallen them:
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so
far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? (Ps. 22.1)
Pastoral Care in Worship
How should the People of God react in this situation? One option
is found in contractual theology. On this view, if things are awry then
someone has failed in their covenant commitments and it sure isn’t
God. The counsel of those advocating a strict version of this theology
is to respond to the crisis by confessing sin and renewing the pledge
to faithful living. But this is not Israel’s characteristic liturgical and
pastoral option.4 As we saw in the last chapter, the primary response
for Israel when its life is unraveling is one of lament and complaint.
Israel is usually not prepared to roll over and take the blame for the
problems:“Complaint and lament subvert the thin claim of obedience
by a practice that is genuinely dialogical so that Yahweh’s primacy and
preeminence in the relationship are provisionally overcome.”5 Two
very important aspects of the covenant relationship are alluded to in
this provocative statement. First, the covenant is a genuinely dialogical
relationship.The God of the covenant is experienced by the People as
a “You,” and this means that God can be addressed by them in a spirit
of reciprocity.6 That there is reciprocity in the covenant relationship
means—and this is the second important aspect—that when YHWH
seems to have defaulted on his commitment, Israel has a right to
reverse the roles and forcefully make its moral claim on him. This
temporary turning of the tables is captured well by Jewish theologian,
David Blumenthal, when he observes as follows:
Praying Our Anger
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and are therefore undeserving of the pain and suffering that has been
visited on them, they are more than ready to launch a withering attack
on their God. This is a very genuine and honest way of relating. We
do not see here any hiding behind polite and subtle rhetoric. The
anger and rage are bubbling over; restraints are shed and the poet goes
on the attack. The lament psalms confront us with a vigorous, deeply
honest and edgy way of relating to God that is quite foreign to many
of us.
Praying Our Anger
Pastoral Care in Worship
Praying Our Anger
There are two interesting published studies that offer support for
this view that both emotional expression and insight are required
for the reduction of anger. Green and Murray24 devised a research
procedure in which subjects (all male college students) were first
provoked by being subjected to personal criticism.Then the research-
ers employed three different methods to attempt to reduce the hostile
feelings in their subjects. In group 1, the subjects were allowed to express
their feelings toward the instigator. The subjects in group 2 were not
Pastoral Care in Worship
Praying Our Anger
The results support the hypothesis that role playing can be effec-
tive in modifying feelings, attitudes, and behaviors associated
with interpersonal conflict. In addition, role play consistently
appeared to be better for this than either discharge, intellectual
analysis, or no treatment . . .
Pastoral Care in Worship
Liturgies of Anger
The first pattern is found in the lament psalms themselves. In concord
with the formula indicated by the psychological research cited above,
we find in these psalms both anger and insight. When one reads a
psalm of lament, one cannot help but be struck by what is a very
abrupt change in mood. The poet takes us very quickly from angry
protest into praise and hope. Though there are some exceptions (see,
e.g., Psalm 88), virtually all the laments have this form. Psalm 13 dem-
onstrates it very clearly:
Praying Our Anger
Pastoral Care in Worship
There must have been a speech event in the liturgy that smoothes out,
so to speak, this shift. Hearing the “fear not” of YHWH directs the
thoughts of those who are worshiping to God’s incomparable grace
and mighty power. It is quite natural, then, to make the move from
angry complaint to hopeful praise. In the psalms of lament, we find
both expression of anger and cognitive reinterpretation. The salvation
oracle is the catalyst for a reframing of the relationship between the
situation of distress and YHWH’s covenantal promises. The angry
complaint is sparked by the thought that YHWH is absent in the time
of greatest need. Hearing the oracle, however, brings to mind the
thought that while YHWH is currently “hiding his face,” this is really
just an aberration. The dominant themes in the divine–human rela-
tionship are abundant grace and strong deliverance. The people are
reminded that YHWH has worked mightily for their salvation many
times before, and YHWH will do so again.This cognitive shift enables
the resolution of lament into praise.
The second liturgical pattern that I think is reflective of the psy-
chological principle that both expression and insight are required
for reduction of anger is offered by Marilyn McCord Adams in her
wonderful book of sermons entitled, Wrestling for Blessing.32 Adams
introduces her sermons by informing the reader that she has attempted
to address the polarized experience of life which involves an encoun-
ter with both unsurpassed goodness and life-shattering evil. The
way that she seeks to deal homiletically with this polarization in lived
reality is, first, to give honest and full expression to the hurt and anger
that is an undeniable part of our human experience, and, second, to
proclaim the comforting message that God has identified in Christ
with the worst that we can suffer. That is, on the one hand she is
determined to tell the truth about human pain and disorientation.
But on the other hand, she is determined to remind us that the fact
that God is in solidarity with our suffering really means something.
A good example of Adams’ approach can be found in her sermon
entitled, “Crucified God: Abuser or Redeemer?” In reflecting on the
horrible abuse that we see everywhere in the world, she raises the
uncomfortable question of why God permits it, along with the even
more uncomfortable thought that perhaps God shares in it. Adams
recognizes that when we are faced with these deeply unsettling ques-
tions, there is a tendency to suppress our confusion and our anger.
She then offers a more salubrious alternative:
Praying Our Anger
Adams clearly does not seek to suppress the dark, ugly side of
human experience. Nor does she pretend that God can be sprung from
the dock with a neat, facile piece of theology. She knows that some
of us are angry and confused, and that we find it extremely difficult
to deal with these feelings. But she is not content to simply acknowl-
edge the pain and the rage. She moves past this to offer a compelling
Pastoral Care in Worship
theodicy: We are not alone in our suffering; God has fully immersed
Godself in the worst pain and torment that human life can throw at
us. The anger is acknowledged; but the problem of God’s absence is
reframed by pointing to God’s solidarity with suffering humanity.
Having outlined these two worship patterns that contain both an
expression of the anger that some of us feel and a theological refram-
ing that opens the way to insight, healing, and hope, I want now to
offer some concrete examples of a liturgy of anger reflecting this pat-
tern. Before moving to this task, it is important to acknowledge that
this is risky and uncomfortable territory for worship leaders. The ter-
rain is likely to be equally, if not more, threatening for most worshipers.
If lament has not been part of the congregational culture, many will
find the act of expressing anger at God unpleasant and uncomfortable;
some may find it shocking and even blasphemous. It goes without
saying that it would be pastorally irresponsible to simply drop in a lit-
urgy of anger one Sunday morning. As mentioned in the last chapter,
the pastor needs to prepare the congregation by first preaching on the
psalms of lament and on the way Israel felt comfortable with prayers
of anger. In particular, the preacher needs to highlight the fact that the
covenant relationship was understood by Israel as genuinely dialogical.
That is, it is important for worshipers to understand that the covenant
involved mutuality and reciprocity; when it seemed that YHWH had
fallen down in his covenantal responsibilities, the People felt free to
reverse the roles and take a prosecutorial stance. We are also partners
in a covenant with God—a covenant established in and through the
life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Ours is also a dialogical relation-
ship, and it is right, when the occasion warrants it, that we make our
complaint before God.
Prayer of Anger A
(Note: The complaint part of the prayer should be read with an angry tonality.
This is not the time for a polite pulpit voice.)
Leader: The prayer that you are about to hear is for those of us
who at this time are hurting and angry with God. It is also for
those of us who may at this moment be feeling good about life
and their relationship with God, but who remember times of
disorientation and disappointment in that relationship. It may be
that you have never felt free enough to bring your true self
Praying Our Anger
Voice 1:
O God,
We are hurting.
We are hurting and we are afraid.
Life shouldn’t be this hard!
There is too much pain, too much distress; it’s too much.
Voice 2:
Reading from Romans 8.31–35; 37–39.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Prayer of Anger B
O God,
Life is beautiful:
Pretty places that delight our senses and brighten our souls.
Wonderful people filled with life, love, and light.
Blooming health, strength and vitality.
Satisfying achievements that fill us with pride and purpose.
Praying Our Anger
Prayer of Anger C
Have someone read one of the strong lament psalms, introducing it with this
NB: The reader should be instructed prior to the service to read the psalm with
the angry tonality that it is meant to have.
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Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs Witnesses
Pastoral Care in Worship
A Psychology of Hope
Hoping is one of those experiences that we think we know exactly
what it is until we attempt to spell it out. When we try to say exactly
what constitutes it, we very quickly come to realize that hope is an
elusive phenomenon. Describing it will be a difficult task, but let us
make a start.To put it in general terms, hope is an expectancy of good
in the future.3 Or to be more specific, it is the expectation that future
positive feelings will outweigh future negative feelings.4
Hope becomes important to us when we find ourselves in a diffi-
cult and trying situation. It is a very uncomfortable place to be; we feel
distressed and worried. We feel trapped by our circumstances. When
this is the case, it is easy to fall into apathy and despair. Hope pushes
against the forces dragging us down into the depths. What sustains us
is the knowledge and the feeling that there is a way out.5
These definitions suggest that there are at least three central ele-
ments in hoping. First, as has already been indicated, hope is associated
Hope Needs Witnesses
Pastoral Care in Worship
If our hopes fail, it comes as a great blow. It would be nice for our
wishes to materialize; we desperately want the things we hope for to
become a reality.
The problem with Lynch’s formulation is in the area of terminol-
ogy rather than content. The thinking behind Lynch’s approach is
certainly right. He refers, for example, to wishing as the source of an
“interior motion” in people.13 He goes on to state that the “whole
vocation” of the wishing faculty is “to move forward into reality with
interest and desire.”14 This is exactly what the psychologists mean
when they identify yearning or desire as fundamental in hoping. It is
unfortunate that Lynch chooses to use wishing rather than either of
these terms to convey his ideas; by doing so he introduces an unnec-
essary element of confusion.
The final aspect of hope that is highlighted by our definitions is that
both affect and cognition are involved.The affective element is usually
associated with the desire that we have just been discussing.15 The
person who hopes is gripped by a deep yearning for positive out-
comes in the future. Lazarus suggests that the emotional aspect is also
evident in the increase in the level of intensity of one’s mental state.16
Hope elevates one’s mood. Korner contends that the affective com-
ponent is best described by the terms “clinging, holding on to hope.”17
It is very close, he suggests, to the feeling of faith. When assaulted by
fear and doubt, the person who hopes is sustained by the feeling that
the light will eventually break in. One wonders, though, whether it
is right to assign this type of “feeling” to the category of affect. Capps
seems right to suggest that it is an intuition or a perception rather
than an emotion.18 He refers to the fact that one can have an intuition
or a felt sense that what one desires will eventuate that is so strong that
feelings of doubt are overcome.
Hope, according to the psychologists, also has a cognitive dimension.
For the one who hopes, there is an expectation that the current unsatis-
factory situation will be superseded by a more agreeable one.19 One is
sustained by the belief that the present distress will eventually pass.
The thinking element can be thought of as a “rationalizing chain”
that “represents a dike against uncertainty, the cognitive support
against external doubts, the antidote for the anxiety generated by the
possibility of a negative outcome.”20
It is worth noting at this point that for Christians—and this is
something that will be discussed more fully below—the affective and
cognitive components of hoping are rooted in God. In relation to the
Hope Needs Witnesses
affective element, first, it is clearly the case that because of our faith
conviction that God is working in us and for us through the grace of
Christ and in the power of the Spirit, we are able to hold on to hope.
Because we trust in God’s loving kindness, we are confident that our
yearning for a more positive situation will be satisfied. We recognize,
however, that finding ourselves in a more positive situation may not
necessarily mean that our affliction has been lifted. The knowledge
that God is acting to help us make sense of what we are experiencing
and to bring peace and strength is also a significant source of hope for
us. In terms of the cognitive element, second, when our belief that
God is acting lovingly and powerfully for our good is strong, we have
a corresponding strong expectation that things will improve.
Many psychologists, after reviewing what has been presented so far,
would be struck by the failure to include what they take to be of the
very essence of hope, namely, the pursuit of goals.21 At the forefront
of the goal-based approach to the psychology of hope we find C.R.
Snyder and his associates.22 In their early work, they defined hope as
“a cognitive set that is based on a reciprocally-derived sense of suc-
cessful agency (goal-directed determination) and pathways (planning
to meet goals).”23 Here the three essential components in the the-
ory—goals, pathways, and agency—are identified. Now of course one
might say that the definitions of hope presented above also suggest
that goal-directed behavior is central. The goal of the person in a
situation of deprivation is clear enough: it is to get out of it. She feels
trapped in the darkness; her aim is to escape into the light. This
approach will not satisfy Snyder and his associates, however. They
contend that the goals referred to must be quite specific in order to
develop an adequate psychology of hope. “If you recall the historical
skepticism aimed at hope,” they write, “it often appeared to result
because it was vague and lacked an anchor. Goals provide the end-
points or anchors of the mental action sequences; they are the anchors
of hope theory.”24 Two different types of goals are identified.25 First,
there are positive “approach” goals. Examples include a writer want-
ing to get a publisher for a book, and a dieter desiring to maintain her
newly acquired slim figure. In the second category, we find “avoid-
ance” goals.The defining feature of this type of goal is a desire to avert
a negative outcome. For instance, a regular beachgoer may use sun
screen in an attempt to avoid skin cancer.
Goals cannot be achieved without a strategic approach. In order to
attain the end-points that we desire, we need to plan.That is, we need
Pastoral Care in Worship
to map the path that we are going to follow. “Pathways thinking taps
the perceived ability to produce plausible routes to goals.”26
Agency, lastly, is the motivational component; it drives people along
the routes to their goals. It requires mental willpower to engage in a
sustained approach to achieving a desired end-point. Agentic thinking
“provides the spark for a person’s goal pursuits.”27
Experience indicates that it is not that often that we find a trouble-
free, easy, or direct route to our cherished goals. Along the journey we
usually encounter some obstacles.The high-hope person, Snyder et al.
point out, has both the capacity to envision pathways around a block-
age, and the requisite mental strength to keep pushing forward.
One question that immediately presents itself upon reviewing the
Snyder et al. approach is whether or not the experience they describe
is really hope. It seems more like optimism to me.28 Optimism is usu-
ally construed as a feeling or conviction that one will prevail in one’s
quest, despite the obstacles in one’s path. In his survey of the psychol-
ogy of optimism, Christopher Pearson has this to say:
Hope Needs Witnesses
Assume that [the despairing person] asks the question: “Do you
pretend that it is in my power to hope, although all the exits
seem to me closed?” Doubtless I will reply: “The simple fact that
you ask me the question already constitutes a sort of first breach
in your prison. In reality it is not simply a question you ask me; it
is an appeal you address to me, and to which I can only respond
by urging you not only to depend on me but also not to give up,
not to let go, and, if only very humbly and feebly, to act as if
this Hope lived in you; and that means more than anything else
to turn toward another—I will say, whoever he is—and thus to
escape from the obsession which is destroying you.”33
The items in the Adult Trait Hope Scale are designed to measure
the person’s conviction concerning her ability to reach her desired
end-points relying on her personal resources alone. For Weingarten, as
for Marcel, hope is the responsibility of the community. It is some-
thing that people do together. She asks us to imagine a Hope Scale
Pastoral Care in Worship
that is predicated on the conviction that hope is the work of the com-
munity.The items listed above would be revised as follows:
In March 1995, Miranda dislocated one hip and both her shoul-
ders. Her friends found her situation disturbing and upsetting.
They asked, “Why did it happen when you were just sitting on
the couch?” Miranda had no explanation.
People who study narratives talk about whether they are
coherent or not: that is, do they make sense to most people . . .
Miranda’s stories about her disorder rarely make sense. They
lack coherence. I couldn’t bear that this particular feature of
her disorder should contribute to the isolation she already felt.
I determined to create a context in which the fact that Miranda’s
narrative of her condition was often incoherent would not
matter. I suggested to her that she and I design a ceremony and
invite a group of friends and helpers whom she would trust to
share the history of her living with her disorder. Open to any-
thing, Miranda agreed.
The ceremony made vivid for us that our family needed to
create forms of being with others that more accurately reflected
how we conceptualized our experience. Fervently believing
Hope Needs Witnesses
that it was “unjust” for Miranda to bear her pain alone, and
disavowing the idea that pain is inherently an individual and
personal matter, we expanded the boundaries of our support
beyond our family to a community of caring persons . . .39
Pastoral Care in Worship
and distress, they made a start on the road of defiance and protest.
There is hope in protest.
The situation for the Hebrew slaves was radically changed because
they dared to cry out.Their cries reached the heavens and the heavens
responded. The cry of distress was not addressed to YHWH, but
YHWH nevertheless heard it and acted decisively to set this people
The prophetic texts of the eighth to the sixth century B.C.E. also
center on the themes of promise, hope, and trust. The poems that we
find there take us into the future God has prepared for the people. It is
true that many in the community of the time could not see past the
order of things that they were caught in.Whether the order was estab-
lished around injustice and idolatry in the community, or around the
oppressive practices and controlling interests of aggressive nations,
what is currently in place is what many accepted as the norm—or at
least as simply the way things are and will always be. There is never-
theless a shaft of hope that penetrates into the darkness as the prophets
declare, “Behold, the days are coming.” A new order is on the way.
The drive into a new and better world, the prophets declare, comes
from nowhere else but the mystery of God.
In the New Testament, God-with-us is given an ultimate expression
in the person and work of Jesus Christ.The hope of Jesus, our hope, is
centered on the coming reign of God. “Jesus came to Galilee, pro-
claiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and
the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good
news’” (Mk 1.14–15). We have seen that captivity is a central image
for the deprivation that necessitates the sustaining power of hope.
The reign of God is characterized by the release from all forms of
Hope Needs Witnesses
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Hope Needs Witnesses
the pain of those who have spoken and lights small candles from the
Christ candle to present to each person. In this way, each one is pointed
toward the Light in the darkness.
You will note that the leader lights a candle for others who are suf-
fering—near and far.This candle should be placed on the communion
table after the liturgy.Thus, the candle will need to have a base, or if it
doesn’t, it could be placed in a small box of sand.
The liturgy is as follows:
Loving God,
we thank you that you called a covenant people
to be a light to the nations.
Through the prophets you spoke your word of hope;
a shaft of truth cutting into the darkness of injustice.
In the fullness of your grace, you sent your Son
to bring us peace, healing, and new life. Amen.
The leader invites those who have shared to again come forward
and presents a lit candle to each one. She or he then lights a candle
and holds it. She or he says:
Those who have come forward are then invited to return to their seats.
The lit candle the leader is holding is placed on the communion table.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Option 2
After the sharing of concerns segment, the participants are invited to
join the leader at the front. Members of their families, together with
the other leaders in the congregation, are invited to form a semi-circle
around them. The intention is to communicate to those who have
shared that they are enveloped in the love and compassion of the con-
gregation.The leader proceeds as in Ritual 1.
Option 3
Some people will, of course, be unwilling to come out to the front
and share their story of distress. They will find this simply too daunt-
ing. The means for the articulation of concern in this ritual of
witnessing is less threatening. It can only be used, however, in small
congregations. People are invited to name their issues while remain-
ing in their places. For example, someone may call out, “I’d like prayer
for the surgery I’ve got coming up.” Another may say, “My concern
is with a really stressful situation at work.” After people have had a
chance to share their concerns in this way, the leader proceeds to
Loving God,
we thank you that you called a covenant people
to shine your light before the nations.
Through the prophets you spoke your word of hope;
a shaft of truth cutting into the darkness of injustice.
In the fullness of your grace, you sent your Son
to bring us peace, healing, and new life. Amen.
She or he then lights a candle from the Christ candle and says:
I light this candle on behalf of those
who have shared their concerns,
and also on behalf of those
who have held their concerns in their hearts.
Hope Needs Witnesses
Option 4
This option is also less threatening than options 1 and 2. Those with
personal concerns are invited to come to the front.They are not asked
to tell their story; they simply stand there. It is quite possible for the
community to act as a witness of hope without knowing what it is
exactly that is troubling the individuals who have assembled. The
members of the community know that something is wrong; that is
enough. Once the group has assembled, the leader proceeds to pray as
Loving God,
we thank you that you called a covenant people
to shine your light before the nations.
Through the prophets you spoke your word of hope;
a shaft of truth cutting into the darkness of injustice.
In the fullness of your grace, you sent your Son
to bring us peace, healing, and new life. Amen.
She or he then lights a candle from the Christ candle and says:
I light this candle on behalf of those gathered before me,
and also on behalf of others in the
congregation who are carrying a burden.
The people return to their seats. The leader places the lit candle on the
communion table.
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
Pastoral Care in Worship
She views the world in a particular way. She possesses a special ability
to grasp that which truly expresses the essence of a person, object, or
scene and she then proceeds to give it a rich and evocative expression.
Similarly, due to her participation in a great tradition of human spiri-
tuality, a Christian person engages with the world in a particular way.
Her “reading” of human existence is informed by certain vitally
important categories—categories such as sin and grace, law and gos-
pel, and death and resurrection. In particular, Lynch suggests, the
Christian person’s reading is an ironic one.
Lynch contrasts this tradition of entering fully into human exis-
tence with the tendency in the contemporary culture to seek to bypass
the finite in the quest for the infinite. “We cannot quite trust that
the exploration of [life’s] full, finite concreteness will really lead us
anywhere.” And so we exchange its “tenuous, non-cognitive, vague,
suggestive power for the evoking of quick infinities in our souls.”7
Facing squarely the limits of the human condition is not attractive for
us, and so we construct ourselves as pure spirits. Magic and psycholo-
gism become escape routes for those of us who do not want to deal
with the actual. People daily surround themselves with potions,
charms, and tricks in the hope of leaping upward into “false heavens
and cheap infinities.”8 If magic does not suit, one can just as easily lose
oneself in the illusory world created by Hollywood, television, and
the press.9
This flight from reality is the absolute antithesis, Lynch contends, of
the way of life that Christ embraced. He engaged in a “total and actual,
positive and ‘athletic’ penetration of the finite.”10 Jesus was tempted in
the desert to choose magic, tricks, and a leap over the human into
glory and the infinite.11 But he chose instead the human way. Christ’s
life exemplifies absolutely the path to the infinite through the finite.
In descending into the pain, messiness, and lowliness of human exis-
tence he is greatly exalted:
He is the Sun, but the course of this sun is through man. Above
all He is a bridegroom . . . and an athlete . . . running with joy . . .
through the whole length and depth of the human adventure . . .
He dares more as a way than had ever been dared before, march-
ing into the ultimate of the finite . . . into the underworld of man
. . . Wherefore he has been exalted and every knee shall bow to
him, of all the things that are in heaven or on earth or under the
earth [emphasis in the original].12
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
all the resources of man, all his faculties, his whole history, his
whole life, and his whole heritage, all brought to bear upon the
concrete world inside and outside of himself, to form images of
the world, and thus to find it, cope with it, shape it, even make it.
The task of the imagination is to imagine the real.13
Imagining the real involves an appreciation for the fact that all
existents have an analogical structure. It is of their essence that they
contain the same and the different. That is, reality has a dipolar struc-
ture. But that does not mean that it is marked by conflict. The
analogical imagination allows a person to approach the world in such
a way that the two poles in any particular existent are seen as holding
together in a creative tension. The analogical imagination is the
“habit of perception which sees that different levels of being are also
somehow one and can therefore be associated in the same image, in
the same and single account of perception.”14 Those who lack the
analogical perspective tend to adopt a univocal interpretation of exis-
tence—one that attempts to capture it with a unitary image.This drive
to absolutize things and experiences, to only deal with the ideal,
shrinks the height, depth, and breadth of human existence.“The mind
and imagination is crippled by the gathering intensity of the single
approach, the approach that finally reaches a pinpoint in its range of
vision and flexibility.”15
The univocal perspective is a very limited one; it fails to appreciate
that the contrary dimensions in a thing, idea, or experience can be
held together in a proper proportion (ana-logon means “according to
proper proportion”).16
Contraries such as life and death, belief and unbelief, the finite and
the infinite should be imagined together. This “undissociated imagi-
nation,” Lynch observes, is exemplified by John Donne in a poem set
around his experience in the sick room where he may die:17
Pastoral Care in Worship
Donne is not afraid of the sting of death because he knows that his
dying and his rising are one. Christ’s gift to us is a sharing in the unity
he established between death and the resurrection. Right at the center
of Christian faith, then, we find the analogical imagination.
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
There are the great thoughts, the great visions, the great prom-
ises, the great things that are here and are to come . . .Then there
are the common human thoughts, the extremely common
human feelings, the common human tasks and needs . . .There is
the part that thinks divine thoughts, almost without limit; there
is the other part that is weakness itself and that shall die.23
Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
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The first thing that goes is happiness. You cannot gain pleasure
from anything . . . But soon other emotions follow happiness
into oblivion: sadness as you have known it, the sadness that
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
seemed to have led you here; your sense of humour; your belief
in and capacity for love. Your mind is leached until you seem
dim-witted even to yourself. If your hair has always been thin, it
seems thinner; if you have always had bad skin, it gets worse.You
smell sour even to yourself. You lose the ability to trust anyone,
to be touched, to grieve. Eventually, you are simply absent from
Core beliefs are the most fundamental level of belief; they are
global, rigid, and overgeneralized. Automatic thoughts, the actual
words or images that go through a person’s mind, are situation
specific and may be considered the most superficial level of
Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
What the image did for Palmer is that it helped him to see that he
had been living up in the heights and that his depression could serve
him by pulling him back to earth. Living “at altitude” was a metaphor
that pointed up for Palmer four areas of his life where he had lost his
hold on solid ground. First, he had been trained as an intellectual and
had drifted into the lofty places where ideas and theories live. This
meant that to an extent he had lost contact with the earthy realities
that are so important. Second, he was living a form of Christianity
that centers on abstract notions of God rather than on experiential
contact with the divine. Third, his ego had caused him to put himself
up on high. Although, he remarks that his pride was actually a defense
against his fear of inadequacy. Finally, Palmer indicates that a distorted
ethic led him into living by images of who he ought to be rather than
of who he really is. He began to see that his “friend” would help him
by leading down into the reality of his true self.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
from the body, anxiety, guilt, hope, social isolation, social connected-
ness, reconciliation (with others and with God), a level of autonomy,
loss of control, hope, a search for meaning, and more.
I particularly want to focus here on the spirituality of dying and,
within this, on the search for meaning. It is here that the ironic imagi-
nation is especially important. It is commonly recognized that the
spirituality of dying can take either a secular or a religious form.57
People who do not have a religious commitment may still value the
spiritual dimension of life. In the search for meaning, in enhancing
healthy relationships and in seeking to repair ones that have broken
down, and in establishing a connection with the transcendent dimen-
sion of life, people of a variety of religious persuasions, or none, express
their spirituality in coping with dying.
The search for meaning is absolutely central. There is a strongly felt
desire to experience one’s life in the midst of the illness as full of
worth and purpose. In the drive to wholeness and integration, dying
persons ask questions such as: Why is there so much suffering? And
what is this experience telling me about myself and about the nature
of human existence?
When Corr refers to a connection to the transcendent dimension,
he means going beyond the mundane to experience that which is
of ultimate meaning and worth (although, of course, the Ultimate is
often experienced in and through everyday realities). Hope is a cen-
tral feature of the relationship with the transcendent. The hope for a
deeper relationship with God is commonly expressed. Many people
hope for something beyond the pain and imperfection of this life—
the joy of eternal life with God, or the blissful state of liberated
consciousness. Others simply hope for a deeper insight into, and expe-
rience of, the true meaning of being human.
In their survey of personal narratives of death and dying entitled
First Person Mortal, Lucy Bregman and Sara Thierman contrast two
spiritualities of living with dying—namely, fighting the illness and
the “wisdom of surrender.”58 The authors choose Max Lerner59 as
representative of the combative spirituality. “Cancer and death are
enemies, but against old Max . . . they really do not have a fighting
chance. Lerner exerts autonomy and self-determination on a scale
worthy of a mythic hero.”60 Lerner draws his inspiration from Jacob’s
struggle with God: “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,
because you have struggled with God and with men and have over-
come” (Gen. 32.28).
Pastoral Care in Worship
Bregman and Thiermann make the point that not everyone is pre-
pared to take on the heroic struggle described by Max Lerner. There
are those who have instead embraced the “wisdom of surrender.”
What I find striking is that those who opt for this way have learned
the power of the ironic imagination. In a number of the personal nar-
ratives studied by the authors,
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
of my childhood.”65 In this lovely place, the aged share the space with
It is a land where seven and seventy are kin. Where there are no
concerns other than playing and learning and loving.The inhab-
itants of this land are in no hurry. Our days are dense with
experiences.We have, as the Spanish say, more time than life . . .
But I am a very wise child seeing things quite differently. The
activities and interests of adults mystify me. They appear sense-
less. It is like watching the TV with the sound off—and suddenly
realizing how ridiculous people actually are.
I expect adults will in turn regard me as ridiculous. Actions
people might accept in a child may not seem appropriate to a
grandfather. I won’t be distressed. I am looking forward to new
heroes and new adventures. And if you ask me where I’ve been
I’ll say “out”; and if you ask me what I’ve been doing I’ll say
Pastoral Care in Worship
“Isn’t it Ironic? Suffering Folk are the Happy Ones” (Mt. 5.3–12)
“Happy are the poor in spirit . . . Happy are those who mourn.”We’ve heard
these words a thousand times. We tend to take them for granted. But I want
you to have another think about what Jesus is saying. Doesn’t it strike you as
strangely ironic? Jesus is asking us to imagine the terms “happy” or “fortu-
nate” as fitting together with poverty and mourning. This is a pretty tough
mental exercise.We’d probably find it easier if he said, “Happy are the affluent,
the powerful, the people in good health.” But according to Jesus’ teaching it’s
the poor and the mourners who are fortunate. How can he say that? A person
who didn’t know Jesus might think that he’s guilty of mocking the suffering of
the poor?67 Obviously it’s not Jesus’ style to poke fun at the disadvantaged;
he’s deadly serious. But what does he mean by his affirmation that the poor in
spirit are fortunate?
If we have a think about some of the key terms in Jesus’ sermon—terms like
“poor in spirit,” “meekness,” and “mourning”—things will become a little bit
clearer. We’re looking at Matthew’s Beatitudes, but Luke also has a set. For
Luke it’s simply “happy are the poor.” Matthew adds “in spirit.” Luke’s
straight-forward poor stresses the humiliation of poverty. In referring to the
“poor in spirit,” Matthew’s tells us that we should have an attitude of relying
on God within the spirit. 68 His addition points to an attitude of relying
on God within the spirit as opposed to depending on concrete possibilities
for support such as wealth or favors from the powerful.69 The situation at the
time was that the Jewish people were under the oppression of the Roman
Imperial system. Some would naturally look to violent revolution as a means
of ousting the oppressors. The poor in spirit reject this way. They don’t
want to try to force God’s hand; they will wait faithfully and patiently for
God to act.
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
We also need to think a bit about that term, “meekness.” Meekness is not a
word that we hear much today. And when we do, it doesn’t have great connota-
tions.We think of a meek person as being timid, a bit of a pushover. But Jesus
didn’t mean it in this sense. Humility and meekness are closely related.
Actually the word “kindness” can also be used for meekness. The meek are
those whose humility is expressed through kindness.70 They seek to live in
love toward all people, even their enemies. A disciple who values meekness is
not a doormat, but she seeks to resolve conflicts as lovingly and humbly as
Thinking about this quality of meekness takes me back to an experience
I had in one of my parishes. It relates to my involvement in two particular com-
mittees. On each of these committees there were individuals—“Jack” and
“Tom”—whom I regularly had a difference of opinion with. Both had quite
strong views and strong personalities to match. But I related to them very dif-
ferently. I was thinking about this one day and I thought, “I have these clashes
with both Jack and Tom.Why is it that Jack upsets me so, puts my stomach in
knots, whereas I really like Tom?”The answer that I came up with is that Jack
construes everything in terms of winning and losing. I’m his opponent—his
enemy really—and he has to beat me at all costs.Tom, on the other hand, is a
person who sees his service on the committee as his contribution to advancing
the Realm of God. His puts his views firmly but graciously. If others come up
with something better, he’ll struggle for a while but in the end he’ll be happy to
hear it. His love for God and for people comes across even when he’s in the
middle of a hot debate.Tom is a good example of meekness.
The last term that we need to reflect on to get ourselves inside Jesus’ teaching
in the Beatitudes is “mourning.” In referring to those who mourn Jesus isn’t
just talking about a deep sadness over the oppression, injustice, and deprivation
that are the unhappy lot of Palestine. He is thinking more broadly. This is a
generalized reference to the experience of all those who are broken, who suffer
grief and oppression, and who respond humbly and faithfully.71
“Happy are the poor in spirit.” These are people who are materially and
socially deprived.Their extreme deprivation works as a striking symbol of their
absolute need of divine grace.72 In this sense they are no different to the rich
and powerful—everyone is ultimately totally dependent on God and God’s
gracious love. It’s just that the affluent tend to find it more difficult to grasp
hold of this truth.The poor in spirit are fortunate because they are truly humble
and meek.They look only to God’s grace.They are not building their hope on
the shaky foundation of material assets or the favors of the powerful. Their
hope is in the coming reign of God that is already powerfully manifesting in
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the ministry of Jesus. “Happy are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of
God’s grace and love are breaking into this world of pain, injustice, and suf-
fering. The broken are being made whole; the oppressed are being blessed.
Though the humble poor must wait for the final reversal of all that is evil and
unjust, even now things are being turned around. The disciples can be glad
now because Jesus’ ministry of healing and reconciliation is the guarantee of
a glorious future under God. Jesus’ promises are absolutely trustworthy. But
the poor are already getting a taste of what God has in store for them. Some
of the boundless joy of the future is spilling over into the present.73
There is this wonderful promise of grace in the Beatitudes. But it fits hand
in hand with a call to right action. Jesus expresses a very clear expectation that
those who share in the promises of the Realm of God will live faithful to its
ethical demands. Having received God’s gift, the heart needs to be changed.
The blessed hunger and thirst for righteousness. They conform themselves to
Christ and his teaching. The blessed are merciful, says Jesus. In Matthew’s
gospel we find a number of examples of an ethic of mercy being demonstrated.74
Joseph shows mercy to Mary by not subjecting her to public shame. A husband
is to show mercy to his wife by not divorcing her. And lastly, the parable of the
debtors teaches us that forgiveness is an act of mercy.
The blessed are the peacemakers, says Jesus. Those who are committed to
God’s way, co-operate with God in the divine project of bringing all things into
a just relation with each other.
The blessed are pure in heart, says Jesus.The heart in Jewish thinking is the
center of human desire, thinking, feeling, and deciding.75 The heart that is pure
expresses itself through mercy, justice, and peacemaking.
All of these righteous attitudes—and more—are the fitting response to an
experience of the beauty of God’s grace. God’s grace is something that people
can really put their trust in. In God’s gracious action in Christ there is hope.
Indeed, that Jesus is even now bringing in the Reign of God is cause for
celebration. Those who have known only oppression and the poverty and
humiliation that go with it can actually be happy. The poor in spirit can cele-
brate because they know in whom to trust. It’s not in the powerful who might
be able to do them some favors. They look only to God and to what God is
doing in and through Jesus.
Now it begins to make some sense.The logic behind Jesus’ ironic association
of happiness on the one hand with poverty and mourning on the other becomes
clear. God’s grace is so powerful, Jesus’ promises so absolutely trustworthy, that
the celebrations can begin now. The future joy of the coming Realm of God is
spilling over into the present.
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
That was then.We have heard the story of the poor in spirit. But what about
us and our contemporary situation? Where is our suffering? Fortunately, we
don’t suffer from oppression and domination in _________. The abject pov-
erty that was such a feature of life in Palestine in Jesus’ day is quite far from
our experience. Indeed, most of us are reasonably well off. And here, of course, is
a spiritual danger. We are tempted to build our world around the material
things in our lives.We can too easily find ourselves trusting in our skills, in our
material resources, in the economic policies and processes of the day—in any-
thing except divine grace.
But let me get back to the original question:Where is our suffering? We may
not be oppressed by grinding poverty, but we do suffer. We mourn; we know
what it is to be broken-hearted. Life is not always a bed of roses for us.We have
experienced the reversals of fortune that are so painful and disorienting. Grief,
serious illness, emotional suffering, job losses, and more, have touched many of
our lives.
The striking thing for me is that the way in which some people—the hope-
ful ones—deal with their pain and misfortune is a lot like the poor in spirit.
The context is very different, but there is the same paradoxical imagination.
These suffering folk find that the opposites of blessedness and misfortune fit
together for them. “Jane” was dying of cancer. In one of our conversations she
really surprised me, and reminded me of something that is incredibly important
at the same time.
“You know,” she said, “I’ve come to see my cancer as a gift. It’s a gift
I didn’t want, of course. I’d be very happy to have it taken away from me!
“I don’t quite get what you mean. How can cancer be a gift?”
“Well, I used to feel confident because I was so in control of my life. I had a
successful business, I worked hard and I thought I knew exactly where I was
going in life.Then the cancer struck. I used to get to church when I could. I used
to give God as much of my time as I had available. I probably half convinced
myself that I trusted in him. But now I know that I was largely kidding myself.
Now I know what it is to place myself completely in God’s hands. I used to
rush around doing everything I needed to do to take care of business. And it all
seemed so important. And I think I really enjoyed it. But now the best part of
my day is just sitting on the beach each morning and being with God.
I wouldn’t trade this new relationship I’ve got with him for anything.”
Happy are those who know whom to trust. Happy are those who are so con-
fident in God’s grace that they gladly place their futures in God’s hands. The
rich, the powerful, those in blooming good health usually find it harder to sur-
render to grace. Perhaps it doesn’t seem so ironic, then, that Jesus can utter the
words “happy” and “poor” and “mourning” all in the same breath. Amen.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Hope Needs an Ironic Imagination
Almighty God,
in his suffering on the Cross,
your dear son Jesus brought together
the beautiful and the ugly.
In him, death and new life are one;
the beauty of his disfigurement is our hope.
We give thanks that through
dying with him we have been raised to new life.
Remember, O Lord,
those who are sick,
those who suffer pain or
loneliness or grief,
those who draw near to death,
and those who we name in our hearts before you . . .
Comfort them with your presence,
sustain them by your promises,
grant them your peace.
Help them to find fullness in their emptiness,
light in their darkness,
meaning in the absurdity of suffering.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Pastoral Care in Worship
Individualization, Christianization,
and the Sacraments
M any have commented that Western societies have for some time
now been subject to a process of individualization or institu-
tionalized individualism. Certain social institutions—namely the labor
market, the education and welfare systems—have developed in such a
way that those of us who participate in them are virtually forced to
adopt an individualistic stance. Individualism is a complex phenome-
non and it is understood in a variety of ways.A common interpretation
is that it is “the habit of being independent and self-reliant; behavior
that can lead to self-centered feeling or conduct.”1 Straight away it is
clear that there is a clash between this lifestyle and the Christian one.
A certain level of independence and self-reliance, to be sure, is a
good thing. However, the fact that Christians are incorporated into
the Body of Christ through Baptism, and are called to live out their
Baptism through service of others , means that the fullest expression
of the life of faith involves giving and receiving in community. It is the
failure in self-giving and the lack of concern for the common good
that is associated with the individualistic perspective that creates the
most distance from the gospel.
The cultural air is thick with the spirit of individualism. It is diffi-
cult for Christians to avoid sucking some of it in. They can easily lose
sight of their calling in Christ to co-operate in God’s project of love,
justice, and reconciliation in the world. Their lifestyle begins to look
more like that of the carefree tourist than that of the dedicated
pilgrim. This reality points to the need for an on-going process of
“Christianization.”2 The sacraments play a crucial role in this renewal
process. Sacramental worship proclaims the central values of belong-
ing to God and to others (saving covenant) and service to the world
(mission), on the one hand, and upholds a view of selfhood as person-
in-community, on the other.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
Pastoral Care in Worship
It was once the case that a biography was decided to a large extent
by forms, structures, and values established by the timeless orders of
tradition. A person was born into a particular class and into a particu-
lar religion, and consequently shaped her life around the rules, mores,
expectations, and responsibilities associated with her lot. That is, one’s
way of life had already largely been decided by others—by the guard-
ians of the tradition. With the wane of the influence of tradition,
however, the locus of authority has shifted from without to within.10
Many consider this to be a very positive shift. Detraditionalization
has resulted in an increased level of liberty and autonomy for the indi-
vidual, supporters point out. The push behind the Reformation,
the Enlightenment, the Romantic movement, the liberal ethic, and
democracy—the very significant differences in the various assump-
tions, values, and motivation notwithstanding—was to free people
from unthinking and forced submission to external authorities. These
developments have weakened the grasp of tradition by cultivating the
authority of the individual.
Freedom of choice is considered by a vast number of people to be
one of the major gains associated with detraditionalization. Set free
from the hold of an external locus of authority, we have become
autonomous agents who decide the shape of our own lives. We are
not bound any longer by the assumptions and values of the guardians
of tradition. The decisions we make are based on our personal prefer-
ences and on an autonomous exercise of reason.
Most people today simply take the view that we have been liber-
ated from the shackles of tradition; this is the age of personal autonomy.
It may be fairly asked, however, whether we are as free as we like to
think we are.The depth psychologists, for a start, point to the fact that
choices are often steered, or even blocked altogether, by unconscious
drives and conflicts.11
It is also true that a hefty chunk of our lives is governed by routine
and habit. Both our private and our working lives are largely conducted
according to set patterns involving little or no self-reflexivity. Often we
do not think about what we are doing; we simply operate through
force of habit. “To focus on biographically significant life choices is to
forget that they are few and far between, whilst everyday life is made
up of myriad minor decisions which rapidly crystallize into routine.”12
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
Pastoral Care in Worship
Nothing that has been binds the present, while the present has
but a feeble hold on the future.14
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
Pastoral Care in Worship
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a
feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled
with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear.
And he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast
over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; he will
swallow up death forever. Then the Lord God will wipe away
the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people he will
take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. It will be
said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, so
that he might save us.
This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and
rejoice in his salvation. For the hand of the Lord will rest on this
mountain (Isa. 25. 6–9).
This final banquet is marked by freedom from the power of death and
sharing in everlasting joy. God’s love and mercy know no bounds. The
riches of the feast are not just for the chosen few but for all people.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into
Christ were baptized into his death? . . . For if we have been
united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united
with him in a resurrection like his (Rom. 6.3,5).
Our union with Christ is both the source of our joy and freedom
and the call to share in Christ’s mission.23 In Christ there is freedom,
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
The other central aspect of our union with Christ that is ger-
mane to the individualization issue is that this union constitutes us
as members of the family of God. To share life with Christ is to
have a share in the communion of his Body. In his earthly ministry,
Jesus gathered around himself a new family. He declared that his
disciples are members of his household. When his mother and his
Pastoral Care in Worship
brothers (and sisters) came looking for him, he said, “Who are my
mother and my brothers?” And looking at those who sat around
him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does
the will of God is my brother and sister and mother” (Mk 3.31–35).
Great demands were made of the disciples called into the new
family established by Jesus.They were to leave behind brothers and
sisters, fathers and mothers, children and fields. Jesus called them to
a costly act of substitution, namely, the old life and all that it meant
for a new life under the coming Reign of God. 25 However, in
leaving behind everything they had, everything that was precious
to them, they received back a hundredfold (Mk 10.29–30). Every
time that we share in the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism,
or participate in a service of reaffirmation, we are reminded that
we have been grafted into this family of faith.
As this community gathers around the table of the Lord, it
receives the food and drink it needs to sustain it on its journey. In
this pilgrimage into a deeper communion with God, it will inevi-
tably lose its way from time to time. The history of the People of
God as narrated in the Bible provides abundant evidence of this.
The waywardness and rebellion of Israel indicates a failure to inter-
nalize the Torah. It is this failure which prompts God to inaugurate
a new covenant. The prophet Jeremiah announces this new move
of God with these words: “I will put my law within them, and
I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall
be my people” (Jer. 31.33).
The renewal of the covenant announced by Jeremiah has been
definitively fulfilled through Christ’s self-offering. As the writer of
the Letter to the Hebrews puts it:
Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an
earthly sanctuary . . .
But when Christ came as a high priest of the good things that
have come . . . he entered once for all into the Holy Place, not
with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood, thus
obtaining eternal redemption . . . For this reason he is the media-
tor of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive
the promised inheritance.(Heb. 9.1, 11–12, 15)
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
found in the one who offers her- or himself for others. The writer
to the Hebrews reminds us that the new covenant is established
through the self-gift of Christ. The Son of God is therefore “the
highest Eucharist” and “the most expressive form known to [us] of
God’s communion of love.”26
As we participate in the Eucharist, we are formed in the ethos of
self-giving. We are reminded that to share in the life of Christ is to
share in his mission of healing, reconciliation, and liberation.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
Gardner set out to test the hypothesis that “the concept ‘we’ primes
social representations of the self that are more inclusive than that of
the personal self-concept.”33 The third experiment that they con-
ducted is of most interest to us. In this experiment, participants read
a descriptive paragraph (a story about a trip to the city) and were
instructed to circle all pronouns that appeared in the text. The text
was varied so that the same materials were presented to subjects with
almost all of the pronouns referring either to we or us, or to they or
them, or to it. After completing this task, the participants were asked
to complete a Twenty Statement Test (TST) as a means of producing
spontaneous self-descriptions. Brewer and Gardner report that in
keeping with the individualistic orientation in the American society,
another piece of research utilizing the TST found that 58% of responses
generated by White college students were personal traits and attri-
butes, and less than 10% referred to social relations or affiliations.
After applying the TST, the researchers found, by way of a contrast,
that “the overall production of social self-descriptions was greatly
enhanced by the we prime, compared to the baseline proportions
found in the they and it conditions.”34
The same effect as the we pronoun circling exercise was achieved
through getting subjects to read a story about a warrior that high-
lighted family loyalty and prestige.35 The story begins thus:
At this point, subjects received one of two primes. In the private self
prime, the story continues in this way:
Pastoral Care in Worship
Individualization, Christianization, and the Sacraments
Pastoral Care in Worship
Maintaining Self in Communion
Pastoral Care in Worship
observed that the self-sacrifice ethic feeds into the cultural construc-
tion of the exemplary woman as the one who is prepared to sacrifice
significant personal desires and ambitions in order to support the per-
sonal and professional goals of the members of her family.3
Unmitigated communion has been associated with a range of psy-
chological and physical health problems. Communion, on the other
hand, is typically unrelated to such problems, and some research even
indicates a small positive association with good mental health.4 With
this in mind, it is argued in what follows that worship leaders have a pas-
toral responsibility to promote mutuality in giving as the Christian ideal
for love. In the prayers and songs we use and in the sermons we preach,
communion needs to be held up as normative in the Christian life.
Maintaining Self in Communion
Pastoral Care in Worship
Unmitigated Communion
Psychologists researching unmitigated communion have taken their lead
from David Bakan’s work on two fundamental modalities for human
existence—namely, agency and communion.8 Agency refers to the
existence of a person as an individual, and communion denotes her
participation in social life. Agency manifests itself in “self-protection,
self-assertion, and self-expansion.”9 Communion expresses itself in
the desire for, and the experience of, union and unity with others.
Isolation and aloneness are features of agency. Contact, openness, and
union are expressions of the life of communion. Bakan’s thesis is that
psychological, spiritual, and social wholeness requires a balance of
agency and communion. Here he is inspired by Rabbi Hillel: “If I am
not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what
am I?”10 His observation is—and as we saw in the last chapter, virtu-
ally all social commentators agree with him on this—that agency is
dominating the landscape of modern Western societies.11 If we are
to build a society that embodies the good, then agency needs to be
mitigated by communion.
Bakan is well aware, then, of the dangers of unmitigated agency.
But at no point in his book does he discuss the problem of unmiti-
gated communion. A number of empirical psychologists have noted
this oversight and have set about the challenge of researching this
phenomenon. Unmitigated communion is focusing on others to the
exclusion of the self. To be more specific, “it involves placing others’
needs before one’s own, worrying excessively about others’ problems,
and helping others to one’s own detriment.”12 In ethical discourse,
it is referred to as a self-sacrificial approach to interpersonal life. Self-
sacrifice is a gendered concept. By that I do not mean that women are
necessarily more self-sacrificial than men, or vice versa.What I intend
to indicate through this phrase is that men and women express self-
sacrifice differently.13 Some men are prepared, for example, to work
two or more jobs in order to provide a decent standard of living for
Maintaining Self in Communion
Pastoral Care in Worship
Maintaining Self in Communion
Pastoral Care in Worship
God reaches out in love to the world through Christ and the Spirit
and invites us to share in the communion of God’s love. David
Cunningham captures this notion of an interlocking connection
between the inner life of God and God for us through the metaphor
of “producing.”22 He observes that the divine “production” encom-
passes both “God producing God” and “God producing the world.”
The idea of the production of the world points not only to the act of
creation, but also to the missions of the Word and the Spirit. “God
producing God” is Cunningham’s way of referring to Aquinas’ under-
standing of the processions and relations within God. In Aquinas’
scheme, God produces God through the processions of “begetting”
(the Word) and “breathing forth” (the Spirit).23 These processions
imply, in turn, four kinds of “real relation,” namely begetting, being
begotten, breathing out, and being breathed. There are, however,
only three unique relations because the actions through which the
Word and the Spirit are produced (begetting and breathing out are of
the same general type). Thus the three unique relations are begetting
(which includes breathing out), being begotten, and being breathed
forth. What Aquinas is describing here, then, is the network of rela-
tions that is the Trinity. The term he uses to describe these unique
relations is “subsistent.” What he means by this is that their ground
of existence is in themselves. There are no persons at each end of a
relation; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are simply the relations.
Now Aquinas goes on to say that the subsistence of these relations
can be explained by the fact that they are identical with the one
divine substance, which itself is the ground of its own existence. The
three relations subsist because they are the same as the one divine
substance which itself is self-grounded. Despite the very important
contribution that Aquinas makes through his demonstration that the
Trinity does not consist of three “somethings” who subsequently
enter into relationships, but is purely and simply a network of subsis-
tent relations, his work suffers from its tie with the metaphysics of
substance. What is required is a more dynamic understanding of the
triune God.
Paul Fiddes takes up this challenge by introducing the idea of
God as “an event of relationships.”24 He suggests that we refer to
“movements of relationship” or to “three movements of relationship
subsisting in one event.”25 There is, of course, no way to imagine or
visualize three interweaving relationships. When we think of relations
we naturally picture two subjects who share in communion. The fact
Maintaining Self in Communion
that we cannot picture the inner life of God is no bad thing, however.
God is not simply one more being alongside all others. It is not even
accurate to depict God as the Supreme Being. All such attempts to
capture God’s reality ultimately represent a failure to recognize that
there is an infinite qualitative distinction between time and eternity
(Kierkegaard). God’s exists in a manner that is absolutely other, and as
such God is beyond objectification.
Cunningham uses the term participation to describe this “event of
relationships.” In using this descriptor, he indicates that the divine life
is first and foremost an event of mutual indwelling. It was this way of
thinking about the Trinity that the early Greek theologians sought to
capture with the term, perichoresis. It means “being-in-one-another,
permeation without confusion. No person exists by him/herself or is
referred to him/herself . . .”26 Other terms that describe this notion of
being-in-one-another are interpenetration and “mutual reciprocal
participation.”27 The divine persons participate together in the inti-
macy of love and self-giving.
The metaphor of dancing is commonly used to express the mean-
ing of perichoresis.The Three flow together in a continuous movement
of love. “In this love the Father and the Son are intertwined like danc-
ers moving to the music of the Spirit.”28 There is eternal order and
symmetry in this dance, but at the same time there is diversity.
The connotation of dynamism that is associated with the dance
metaphor is picked up in the first of two Latin words used to translate
perichoresis, namely circumincessio.29 It refers to a continual movement
of the persons into the life of the others. The other Latin word that is
used is circuminsessio. It also indicates mutual indwelling, but it conveys
the sense of indwelling as a completed act. In and through the act of
co-inherence, there is complete satiation of the need for love; the
divine persons rest in each other.
Participation is both a divine and a human virtue. If the doctrine of
the Trinity has anything to teach us about the nature of our human
existence it is that koinonia is at the center of authentic living.There is
a place for autonomy and personal freedom, but these values should
not be allowed to take over. Agency needs to be mitigated by commu-
nion. Cunningham puts it this way:
Pastoral Care in Worship
Equal Regard
A compelling theological rationale for the principle of equal regard is
supplied by Gene Outka.32 We should love ourselves, he suggests, for
the same reason that we should love others. The notion that every
other person is to be loved simply because he or she is a child of God
Maintaining Self in Communion
Pastoral Care in Worship
Maintaining Self in Communion
with human persons. In the Bible we read often of the grief that God
feels when God’s offer of communion is rejected.This makes no sense
if God’s love is disinterested. Human love, like divine love, appropri-
ately entails a level of self-concern.
Universal Love
Equal regard and communion are important elements in an adequate
love ethic. Outka rightly points out that it is also important to
acknowledge the place of what he calls “universal love.”37 Though it is
closely associated with impartiality, it also moves beyond it to incor-
porate the Christian commitment to being for the other.That is to say,
he is acknowledging the importance of cross-bearing. Let me point
out that though he does not use the term “universal love,” Browning
is clearly aware of the importance of the principle. “Self-sacrifice and
the demands of the cross,” he writes,“are still required in this love ethic.
Sometimes we must love even when circumstances do not permit us
to be loved fully in return.”38
Outka lists four challenges to the principle of impartiality.39 It is the
first two that are particularly relevant to our discussion.They are these.
First, impartiality cannot find a place for the radically other-regarding
elements in agape. Secondly, it does not take seriously the fact that we
are more likely to be tempted by selfishness than by altruism. Outka is
prepared to align himself with impartiality to the extent that altruism
is not given endorsement if it is of the radical kind that is dismissive of
self-love. However, in taking these two objections seriously, he sug-
gests that it is necessary to go beyond impartiality and incorporate
“a practical swerve” away from self and toward the other.40 Given the
fact that we tend to have great difficulty in being even-handed when
it comes to balancing our own needs against those of the other, we
need to build in a bias toward her well-being.
In sum, the Christian ideal for communion is reciprocal giving.
What we should aim for in relationships is both giving and receiving
love.To be sure, there will be times when we are asked to forget about
ourselves and our needs in order to provide the love and care that
another person needs. Self-sacrifice has an important role to play in
communion. Further, though it is legitimate to give attention to our
own interests as we engage in relationships with others, we need to be
mindful that there is a sinful tendency in all of us to give a little more
attention to those interests than is justified.We therefore need to build
in a “practical swerve” toward the other.
Pastoral Care in Worship
Litany of Love
Love is our gift.
Christ calls us to give it generously.
Are you willing?
By the grace of God, we are.
Love seeks out the needs of others.
The Spirit who leads us is waiting.
Will you respond?
By the grace of God, we will?
Love is costly.
Christ calls us to deny ourselves and to take up our cross.
Are you ready?
By the grace of God, we are.
Maintaining Self in Communion
Love is not just for others.
God’s intention is that we also love ourselves.
Are you able?
By the grace of God, we are.
Love regards self and others equally.
God wants us to care for ourselves as we love and serve others.
Will you follow him?
By the grace of God, we will.
Regard for others and regard for self should be held in balance.
Christ warns us against selfishness.
Will you hear him?
By the grace of God, we will.
Great and Blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
we renew today our commitment to loving service.
Forgive our failures in love for others.
Infuse us with your grace that we may more fully give of
As we give generously in caring for others,
remind us also to care for ourselves.
Help us to hold love for others in balance with love for
All: Amen.
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1 There are a variety of approaches that writers have taken to according
a more central role to the faith community in providing pastoral care.
For representative approaches focusing on worship and liturgy, see
W.H.Willimon, Worship as Pastoral Care (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1979),
and idem, Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry (Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 2002), chp. 4; D. Capps, Life Cycle Theory and Pastoral Care
(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1983), chp. 3; E. Ramshaw, Ritual and Pastoral
Care (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987), and idem, “Ritual and Pastoral
Care: The Vital Connection,” in E. Berstein (ed.) Disciples at the Crossroads
(Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1993), pp. 92–105; R. Kinast, Sacramental
Pastoral Care (New York: Pueblo, 1988); R.L. Underwood, Pastoral Care and
the Means of Grace (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993); G.L. Ramsey, Care-
full Preaching: From Sermon to Caring Community (St. Louis: Chalice Press,
2000); R.J. Allen, Preaching and Practical Ministry (St. Louis: Chalice Press,
2001), chp. 3; D. Lyall, “The Bible,Worship, and Pastoral Care,” in P. Ballard
and S.R. Holmes (eds) The Bible in Pastoral Practice (Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 2005), pp. 225–240.
2 This is how Marva Dawn describes it. See her Reaching Out without
Dumbing Down (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995), pp. 75–82.The same idea
is presented in J.D. Witvliet, “The Opening of Worship: Trinity,” in L. van
Dyk (ed.) A More Profound Alleluia (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005),
pp. 1–5.
3 J.D. Crichton uses the divine initiative–human response theme to
structure his very helpful essay, “A Theology of Worship,” in C. Jones,
G. Wainwright, and E.Yarnold (eds) The Study of Liturgy (London: SPCK,
1985), pp. 1–29.
4 R. Byars, The Future of Protestant Worship (Louisville: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2002), p. 29.
5 W.H.Willimon, Worship as Pastoral Care, p. 48.
6 See, for example, ibid., pp. 100–165; P.P.J. Sheppy, Death Liturgy and Ritual:
A Pastoral and Liturgical Theology (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003); and G. Fowler,
Caring through the Funeral (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2004). For a briefer
but nonetheless helpful treatment, see D. Lyall, “The Bible, Worship, and
Pastoral Care.”
7 See, for example, E.P. Wimberly, Moving from Shame to Self-worth: Preaching
and Pastoral Care (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999); G.L. Ramsey, Care-full
Preaching; R.J. Allen, Preaching and Practical Ministry, chp. 3; and L.H. Aden
and R.G. Hughes, Preaching God’s Compassion (Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
Introduction to Part 1
1 See E. Thurneysen, A Theology of Pastoral Care (Richmond: John Knox
Press, 1962), p. 154.
2 Ibid., p. 154.
3 See A. Purves, Reconstructing Pastoral Theology: A Christological Foundation
(Louisville:Westminster John Knox Press, 2004), p. 176.
4 S. Pattison, A Critique of Pastoral Care (London: SCM Press, 1993), p. 13.
5 D. van Deusen Hunsinger, Pray without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), p. 156.
6 See W.A. Clebsch and C.R. Jaekle, Pastoral Care in Historical Perspective
(Englewoods Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1964).
7 See H. Clinebell, Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling, rev. edn
(Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984), p. 43. For a comprehensive treatment of
the pastoral function of nurturing, see N. Pembroke, The Art of Listening:
Dialogue, Shame, and Pastoral Care (Edinburgh:T&T Clark & Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 2002).
Chapter 1
1 C. Plantinga and S.A. Rozeboom, Discerning the Spirits: A Guide to Thinking
About Christian Worship Today (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003), p. 160.
2 See, for example, Augustine, City of God (London: Dent, 1945), Bk. XIV,
chp. 13, and idem, “The Punishment and Forgiveness of Sins and the
Baptism of Little Ones,” in Answer to the Pelagians I, in J. Rotelle (ed.) The
Works of St. Augustine, Part I, vol. 23 (New York: New City Press, 1990),
chp. 17, para. 27.
3 See R. Niebuhr, The Nature and Destiny of Man, vol. 1 (London: Nisbet &
Co., 1941), chp.VII.
4 See P. Tillich Systematic Theology, vol. 2 (London; Nisbet & Co., 1957),
chp. XIV.
5 See K. Barth, Church Dogmatics IV.1 (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1951),
pp. 413–478.
6 Ibid., p. 421.
7 K. Barth, Church Dogmatics IV.2 (Edinburgh:T&T Clark, 1958), p. 404.
8 See M. Biddle, Missing the Mark: Sin and Its Consequences in Biblical
Theology (Nashville: Abingdon, 2005), pp. 54–57.
9 Ibid., p. 57.
10 See ibid., pp. 63–66.
11 See K. Barth, CD IV.2, pp. 403–483.
12 Ibid., p. 405.
13 Ibid., p. 406.
14 Ibid., p. 415.
15 See ibid., p. 416.
16 Ibid., p. 419.
17 Ibid., p. 437.
18 See ibid., p. 438.
19 See ibid., p. 452–467.
20 Ibid., p. 454.
21 Ibid., p. 455.
22 Ibid., p. 460.
23 See C. Daniel Batson et al, “In a Very Different Voice: Unmasking Moral
Hypocrisy,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72, no. 6 (1997),
pp. 1335–1343; C. Daniel Batson et al, “Moral Hypocrisy: Appearing to
be Moral to Oneself Without Being So,” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 77, no. 3 (1999), pp. 525–537; C. Daniel Batson et al, “Moral
Hypocrisy: Addressing Some Alternatives,” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 83, no. 2 (2002), pp. 330–339.
24 C. Daniel Batson et al, “In a Very Different Voice,” p. 1336.
25 See ibid., p. 1337.
26 Ibid., p. 1342.
27 See C. Daniel Batson et al, “Moral Hypocrisy: Appearing to be Moral,”
pp. 527–529.
28 See ibid., pp. 529–532.
29 See Barth, CD IV.1, pp. 358–413.
30 Barth, ibid., p. 390.
31 On Zwingli’s pattern of confession after the sermon, see H.V. Taylor,
“The General Confession of Sin,” Reformed Liturgy and Music 26 (1992),
pp. 179–183, p. 182; and J. Paarlberg, “Genuine Sorrow . . . Wholehearted
Joy: The Why, When, and How of Confession,” Reformed Worship 34
(1994), pp. 4–8, p. 5.
32 See Paul Scott Wilson, The Four Pages of the Sermon (Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1999).
Chapter 2
1 Cf. R. Karen, “Shame,” The Atlantic Monthly (Feb. 1992), pp. 40–70,
p. 40.
Introduction to Part 2
1 W. Brueggemann, “The Friday Voice of Faith,” Calvin Theological Journal
36, no. 1 (2001), pp. 12–21, p. 16.
2 Virtually all worship books largely, or even completely, ignore the lament.
On this see, K.D. Billman and D.L. Migliore, Rachel’s Cry: Prayer of Lament
and Rebirth of Hope (Cleveland: United Church Press, 1999), p. 13; and
N. Duff, “Recovering Lamentation as a Practice of the Church,” in
S.A. Brown and P.D. Miller (eds) Lament: Reclaiming Practices in Pulpit,
Pew, and Public Square (Louiseville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005),
pp. 3–14, p. 4. I am pleased to report, though, that a notable exception
is the worship resource of my own denomination, the Uniting Church
in Australia. See Uniting in Worship 2 (Sydney: Uniting Church Press,
3 Cf. W. Brueggemann, “The Friday Voice of Faith,” p. 14; M. Boulton,
“Forsaking God: A Theological Argument for Christian Lamentation,”
Scottish Journal of Theology 55, no. 1 (2002), pp. 58–78, p. 59.
Chapter 3
1 On the relationship between the sovereignty and providence of God
on the one hand, and lament on the other, see E.T. Charry, “May We
Trust God and (Still) Lament? Can We Lament and (Still) Trust God?” in
S.A. Brown and P.D. Miller (eds) Lament: Reclaiming Practices in Pulpit,
Pew, and Public Square (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005),
pp. 95–108; and N. Wolterstorff, “If God is Good and Sovereign, Why
Lament?” Calvin Theological Journal 36 (2001), pp. 42–52.
2 Augustine, Confessions, trans. Henry Chadwick (Oxford: Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 1991), IV.iv.9.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.,
5 Cf. N.Wolterstorff, “If God is Good,” p. 46.
6 Augustine, Confessions,
7 Ibid., IV.x.15.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid., IX.xii.29.
10 Ibid., IV.xii.33.
11 Cf. N. Wolterstorff, “Suffering Love,” in T.V. Morris (ed.) Philosophy and
the Christian Faith (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988),
pp. 196–237, p. 197.
12 Ibid., IV.xii.30.
13 Ibid., IV.xi.16.
14 See J. Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), III.viii.2.
15 Ibid., III.viii.5.
16 N.Wolterstorff, “If God is Good,” p. 49.
17 Calvin, Institutes, III.viii.11.
18 Ibid., III.viii.10.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid., III.viii.1.
21 See K. Barth, Church Dogmatics III.4 (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1961),
p. 378.
22 See K. Barth, CD III.3 (Edinburgh:T & T Clark, 1960), p. 293.
23 Barth, CD III.4, p. 383.
24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.
26 Ibid.
27 Barth, CD III.3, p. 3.
28 See ibid., p. 28. For more on the “fatherly lordship” of God, see ibid.,
p. 142.
29 See ibid., p. 155.
Chapter 4
1 See W. Brueggemann, “Prerequisites for Genuine Obedience: Theses and
Conclusions,” Calvin Theological Journal 36 (2001), pp. 34–41, pp. 34–35.
2 Ibid., p. 34.
3 N. Wolterstorff, “If God is Good and Sovereign, Why Lament?” Calvin
Theological Journal 36 (2001), pp. 42–52, p. 44.
4 Cf. Brueggemann, “Prerequisites,” p. 36.
5 Ibid., p. 36.
6 Cf. D. Blumenthal, Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest (Louise-
ville:Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993), p. 40.
7 D. Blumenthal, “Liturgies of Anger,” CrossCurrents 52, no. 2 (2002),
pp. 178–199, p. 195.
8 W. Brueggemann, “The Friday Voice of Faith,” Calvin Theological Journal
36, no. 1 (2001), pp. 12–21, p. 15.
9 See W. Brueggemann, “A Shape for Old Testament Theology, II: Embrace
of Pain,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (1985), pp. 395–415, p. 400.
10 D. Blumenthal, Facing the Abusing God, p. 102.
11 Cf. A.E. Roffman, “Is Anger a Thing-to-be-Managed?” Psychotherapy:
Theory, Research, Practice,Training 41, no. 2 (2004), pp. 161–171, p. 161.
12 Cf. J.P. Tangney et al, “Assessing Individual Differences in Constructive
Versus Destructive Responses to Anger Across the Lifespan,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 70, no. 4 (1996), pp. 780–796, p. 780.
13 See A. Roffman, “Is Anger a Thing-to-be-Managed?” p. 165.
14 See ibid., p. 168.
15 J.R. Averill, Anger and Emotion: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1982, p. 195).
16 See R.R. Holt, “On the Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Consequences
of Expressing or Not Expressing Anger,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology 35, no. 1 (1970), pp. 8–12.
17 Holt, ibid., p. 9.
18 C. Christ, “Expressing Anger at God,” Anima 5 (1978), pp. 3–10, p. 7.
19 Cf. S. Carney, “God Damn God: A Reflection on Expressing Anger in
Prayer,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 13 (1983), pp. 116–120, p. 118.
20 D. Blumenthal, “Liturgies,” p. 198.
21 S. Carney, “God Damn God,” p. 119.
22 See J. Littrell, “Is the Reexperience of Painful Emotion Therapeutic?”
Clinical Psychology Review 18, no. 1 (1998), pp. 71–102; and E. Kennedy-
More and J.C. Watson, “How and When Does Emotional Expression
Help?” Review of General Psychology 5, no. 3 (2001), pp. 187–212.
Introduction to Part 3
1 On hope in pastoral care, see A. Lester, Hope in Pastoral Care and Counsel-
ing (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995); D. Capps, Agents of Hope:
A Pastoral Psychology (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995); D. Lyall, Integrity
of Pastoral Care (London: SPCK, 2001, pp. 104–107, 158–159, and idem,
“The Bible, Worship, and Pastoral Care,” in P. Ballard and S.R. Holmes
(eds) The Bible in Pastoral Practice (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005),
pp. 225–240, esp. pp. 238–240.
2 D. Lyall, “The Bible,Worship, and Pastoral Care,” p. 240.
3 See D. Capps, Agents of Hope.
Chapter 5
1 On hope and temporality, see A, Lester, Hope in Pastoral Care and Counsel-
ing (Louiseville:Westminster John Knox Press, 1995), pp. 13–24.
2 See K. Weingarten, “Witnessing, Wonder, and Hope,” Family Process 39,
no. 4 (2000), pp. 389–402; idem, “Cancer, Meaning Making, and Hope:
The Treatment Dedication Project,” Families, Systems, and Health 23, no. 2
(2005), pp. 155–160; and idem, “Hope in a Time of Global Despair.”
Press, 2000), pp. 3–21; and C.R. Snyder, J. Cheavans and S.T. Michael,
“Hope Theory: History and Elaborated Model,” in J.A. Eliott (ed.) Inter-
disciplinary Perspectives on Hope (New York: Nova Science Publishers,
2005), pp. 101–118.
23 C.R. Snyder et al, “The Will and the Ways,” p. 571.
24 C.R. Snyder, “Hypothesis,” p. 9.
25 See C.R. Snyder et al, “Hope Theory,” pp. 105–106.
26 C.R. Snyder, “Hypothesis,” p. 9.
27 C.R. Snyder et al, “Hope: An Individual Motive,” p. 108.
28 Cf. S.E. Hobfoll et al, “Fact or Artifact,” p. 85.
29 C. Pearson, “The Future of Optimism,” American Psychologist 55, no. 1
( Jan. 2000), pp. 44–55, p. 47.
30 G. Marcel, Homo Viator, p. 34.
31 Ibid., p. 60.
32 Ibid., p. 58.
33 G. Marcel, “Desire and Hope,” in N. Lawrence and D. O’Connor (eds)
Readings in Existential Phenomenology (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,
1967), pp. 277–285, p. 285.
34 See K.Weingarten, “Witnessing,Wonder, and Hope.”
35 See K.Weingarten, “Hope in a Time of Global Despair,” pp. 2–3.
36 Ibid., p. 3.
37 See ibid., p. 5.
38 See K.Weingarten, “Witnessing,Wonder, and Hope” p. 399–401.
39 Ibid., p. 400.
40 G. Marcel, Homo Viator, p. 60.
41 Cf.W. Brueggemann, Hope within History (Atlanta: John Knox Press,
1987), p. 73.
42 Cf. ibid., pp. 16, 20.
Chapter 6
1 William Lynch, “Theology and the Imagination II: The Evocative,”
Thought 29 (1954), pp. 529–554, p. 545.
2 Lynch, “Theology and the Imagination,” Thought 29 (1954), pp. 61–86,
p. 68.
3 See Lynch, Images of Faith: An Exploration of the Ironic Imagination (Notre
Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1973), pp. 12–13.
4 Lynch, Images of Faith, p. 64.
5 Ibid., p. 64.
6 Lynch, “Images of Faith II: The Task of Irony,” Continuum 7 (1969),
478–492, p. 478.
7 Lynch, “Theology and the Imagination II,” p. 538.
8 Ibid., p. 541.
Introduction to Part 4
1 The term comes from Don Browning. See his The Moral Context of
Pastoral Care (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976). See also, J. Poling,
“Ethical Reflection and Pastoral Care: Part 1,” Pastoral Psychology 32, no. 2
(Win. 1983), pp. 106–114, and idem, “Ethical Reflection and Pastoral
Care: Part 2,” Pastoral Psychology 32, no. 2 (Spr. 1984), pp. 160–170;
G. Noyce, The Minister as Moral Counselor (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1989); R. Miles, The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
1998); and N. Pembroke, The Art of Listening: Dialogue, Shame, and Pastoral
Care (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002), chp. 5.
Chapter 7
1 P. Hopper, Rebuilding Communities in an Age of Individualism (Aldershot:
Ashgate, 2003), p. 3.
2 On renewal in faith through the sacraments, see E.T. Charry,“Sacraments
for the Christian Life,” The Christian Century (Nov. 15, 1995), pp. 1076–
1079, p. 1076.
3 See, for example, R. Hovda, “Individualists are Incapable of Worship,”
Worship 65, no. 1 (1991), pp. 69–74, p. 72.
4 D. Browning, The Moral Context of Pastoral Care (Philadelphia: The
Westminster Press, 1976), p. 12.
5 U. Beck and E. Beck-Gernsheim, Individualization (Thousand Oakes:
SAGE Publications, 2002), p. 22.
6 See ibid., p. 23.
7 K.J. Gergen, The Saturated Self (New York: Basic Books, 2000), p. 150.
8 Cf. U. Beck and E. Beck-Gernsheim, Individualization, p. 23.
9 Ibid., p. 4.
10 Cf. P. Heelas, “Introduction: Detraditionalization and Its Rituals,” in
P. Heelas, S. Lash, and P. Morris (eds) Detraditionalization (Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, 1996), pp. 1–20, p. 2.
11 Cf. A. Giddens, “Living in a Post-Traditional Society,” in U. Beck,
A. Giddens, and S. Lash, Reflexive Modernization (Cambridge: Polity Press,
1994), pp. 56–109, p. 75.
12 C. Campbell, “Detraditionalization, Character, and the Limits of Agency,”
in P. Heelas et al (eds), Detraditionalization (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers,
1996), pp. 149–169, p. 163.
13 On this trend, see P. Hopper, Rebuilding Communities, p. 41.
14 Z. Bauman, “Morality in the Age of Contingency,” in P. Heelas et al (eds)
Detraditionalization (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1996), pp. 49–58, p. 51.
15 See R.J. Lifton, The Protean Self (New York: Basic Books, 1993).
16 See Z. Bauman, “Morality in the Age of Contingency,” pp. 52–58.
17 Ibid., p. 53.
18 See P. Hanson, The People Called: The Growth of Community in the Bible
(San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986), p. 3.
Chapter 8
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An Analysis of the Negative Components of Masculinity and Feminin-
ity,” Sex Roles 22, nos 9/10 (1990), pp. 555–568;V.S. Hegelson, “Relation
of Agency and Communion to Well-being: Evidence and Potential
Explanations,” Psychological Bulletin 116, no. 3 (1994), pp. 412–428; H.L.
Fritz and V.S. Hegelson, “Distinctions of Unmitigated Communion from
Communion: Self-Neglect and Overinvolvement with Others,” Journal
of Personality & Social Psychology 74, no. 1 (1998), pp. 121–140; and
V.S. Hegelson and H.L. Fritz, “Unmitigated Agency and Unmitigated
Communion: Distinctions from Agency and Communion,” Journal of
Research and Personality 33 (1999), pp. 131–158.
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gies (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987), pp. 150–156; S. Pope, “Expressive
Individualism and True Self-Love: A Thomistic Perspective,” The Journal
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