The key point here is that a thermocouple electromotive force (emf), or voltage, is
developed from the measuring junction rather than by that junction. It follows that
throughout the circuit beyond this starting point or junction, the thermocouple
conductors must be electrically insulated from each other, and must remain so
under all operating conditions, so that a useful output signal may be realized.
Figure 2 shows graphically the relationship between temperature and the emf in
each of the thermoelements for the hypothetical thermocouple of Fig. 1.
All thermoelectric activity therefore takes place in the center zone of decreasing
temperature. The two thermocouple wires, or thermoelements, are dissimilar by
design. That is to say, each conductor is made up of chemical elements that
essentially differ from those of the other wire, and the presence of these
dissimilarities will cause each element to respond to external stimuli (in this case,
a temperature change) in a different way.
The electrical potential emf along any wire will change as the local temperature
changes. Thus, a diminishing temperature will result in a reduced emf for both
thermoelements, but the amount of this reduction in one wire will not be the same
as for the other because of their different compositions. The small net difference
in emf change between two dissimilar wires constitutes a thermocouple output
signal. For an appropriately chosen thermocouple pair this emf output can be a
dependable and repeatable function of the temperature difference between the
ends the wires.
Thus we see that when subjected to a temperature gradient, selected wires with
different known thermoelectric properties will produce a useful electrical signal
that varies with the temperature difference in a predictable way. It should be
apparent that if the temperature does not change along a particular length of a
thermoelement pair, then the emf will not change along that length. It also follows
that a temperature difference of any magnitude cannot produce a thermal emf
between two conductors traversing that difference if the conductors are
thermoelectrically identical.
Eight of the most widely used of these combinations have been assigned letter-
designations for ease of reference, and their thermoelectric properties have been
standardized. Among these several standard types, differences will be found in
their useful operating temperature range, their stability in use, their compatibility
with various operating environments, and their cost.
Type T, Copper (+) vs. Constantan (nickel-45%copper) (). This type is moisture
resistant, very stable, and useful to 370°C (700°F) in air, a temperature limit
imposed primarily by oxidation of the copper element. When used in vacuum or
in reducing or inert atmospheres, operation at somewhat higher temperatures
may be possible. It is also suitable for subzero use down to
-200°C (-370°F), but stock materials are not normally pretested in this range, so
special selection and additional calibration of materials is usually required for
such use. Neither wire is magnetic, but visual identification by metal color is
The following three letter-designated types are made from the precious metals,
platinum and rhodium, and as a consequence are more costly than the base-
metal types described above. But these thermocouples do operate at higher
temperatures than any of the base-metal types, and it is also possible to recover
a significant portion of their initial cost by reclaiming the used scrap metal.
Identification of noble metal thermocouple wires is made difficult by the fact that
all alloys are nearly identical in color and all are non-magnetic. Sometimes it is
possible to distinguish the positive wire from the negative one for types R or S by
observing the ‘limpness’ of the wires. Pure platinum wires tend to be slightly
more soft, or limp, while the rhodium-alloyed conductors are a little stiffer,
enough so to permit identification. The differences, however, are subtle, and it is
not possible to tell one rhodium alloy from another by these means. Proper
connections for these thermocouples can be reliably determined by gently
heating the junction and observing the resulting polarity on a sensitive indicator.
Practical Assemblies
Design Rationale
Materials selection
Hardware Choices
Once the basic materials selections have been made, the mechanical details of
the installation can be determined. Mounting may be accomplished by simply
sliding the sensor into a hole, or it may be necessary to rigidly connect it to the
process by means of threads or clamps. Pipe fittings are often used for this
purpose. Note that the hardware associated with the complete design can often
be as important to the success of an application as the choice of thermocouple
type inside.
Connecting means for wiring to an instrument often occurs at the outer end of a
sensor assembly. In some instances, this may take the form of an open or
enclosed connecting head, as in Fig. 6(a) or Fig. 6(b), or a terminal block. At
other times a plug and jack type of quick disconnect may be used, similar to Fig.
6(c). It is important that all current carrying portions of the circuit that may be
subjected to a temperature gradient should be made of matching thermocouple
materials. This is because each incremental length in the circuit must make its
contribution according to the temperature difference that it 'sees'. As an
exception to the matching materials rule, judicious use can sometimes be made
of short, heavy splices containing non-matching materials as long as the
connections are well protected and remain essentially isothermal. Where
properly applied, such splices may be used without causing a significant error.
FIG. 6 Thermocouple terminations: (a) Open head; (b) Enclosed head; (c)
Plug and Jack .
Often it is desirable to select wiring used beyond a connecting head or plug that
is different in some respects from the construction needed for the thermocouple
itself. Because the ambient temperatures in this 'extension' part of the circuit are
often less severe than those seen by the thermocouple itself, alternate insulation
materials and wire constructions may be appropriate. For example, soft plastic
insulation and fine stranded wires may be used for extensions even though they
might be unsuitable for the thermocouple itself. Economical extension grade
wires are also available that have the same nominal composition as costlier
thermocouple grades, but are usually guaranteed over more limited temperature
ranges and may also have moderately relaxed tolerance levels.
In those cases where thermocouple wires are made of noble metals or other
costly alloys, the extension wires can made be of a totally different material as an
economy measure. Such specially produced extension alloys have
thermoelectric properties that are closely matched to those of the particular
thermocouple type with which they are to be used. These materials are called
compensating thermocouple extension wires.
Selection Factors
Why choose one T/C over another
Service life
Useful thermocouple life is a very difficult prediction to make, even when most of
the details of an application are known. And unfortunately, such information is
often very hard to determine. The very best test for any application is to actually
install, use, and evaluate the in-use performance of a design that is thought likely
to succeed. The recommendations, and non-recommendations, listed under the
thermocouple type descriptions are a good starting place to pick a type to try.
All thermocouples are subject to calibration drift with use, it is just a matter of how
much, and how fast this may happen. Thermocouple performance is critically
dependent upon absolute uniformity of both physical and chemical properties
along the entire length of the circuit. When thermoelement materials are
produced, careful steps are taken to assure that this uniformity (or homogeneity)
is achieved. In use, different parts of the circuit experience different conditions of
heat, chemical exposure, etc., and as a result such parts actually do grow to be
'different' from each other physically.
To achieve long and reliable thermocouple life, the usual strategy is to operate
the device comfortably under its maximum temperature, and provide it with the
cleanest possible environment in which to work. Enclosures, such as sheaths,
protecting tubes, and thermowells are the usual means of controlling the
conditions that actually surround the thermoelements themselves.