Administration of Medications. Keith Lavin
Administration of Medications. Keith Lavin
Administration of Medications. Keith Lavin
• Ear Drops
Keith Nester A. Lavin
Have three parts: the hub, which fits into • Do not massage the site of injection. To • For other medications, aspirate before
the syringe; the cannula, or shaft, which is prevent irritation of the site, and to prevent injection of medication to check if the
attached to the hub; and the bevel, which is the absorption of the drug into the blood vessel had been hit. If blood appears
slanted part at the tip of the needle subcutaneous. on pulling back of the plunger of the
syringe, remove the needle and discard the
Slant or length of bevel Subcutaneous – vaccines, heparin, preoperative medication and equipment.
The bevel of the needle may be short or medication, insulin, narcotics.
long. Longer bevels provide the sharpest needles • The site: Intramuscular
and cause less discomfort. They are commonly • Needle length is 1”, 1 ½”, 2” to reach the
used for subcutaneous and intramuscular
outer aspect of the
upper arms muscle layer
injections. Short bevels are used for intradermal • Clean the injection site with alcoholized
and intravenous injections because a long bevel anterior aspect of cotton ball to reduce microorganisms in the
can become occluded if it rests against the side of the thighs area.
the blood vessel. Abdomen • Inject the medication slowly to allow the
Length of the shaft. tissue to accommodate volume.
The shaft length of commonly used needle Scapular areas of
varies from ½ to 2 inches. the upper back
Gauge Ventrogluteal Ventrogluteal site
The gauge varies from #18 to #28. The
larger the gauge the smaller the diameter of the Dorsogluteal The area contains no large nerves,
shaft. Smaller gauges produces less tissue trauma, • Only small doses of medication should be or blood vessels and less fat. It is farther
but larger gauges are necessary for viscous injected via SC route. from the rectal area, so it less
medications such as penicillin • Rotate site of injection to minimize tissue contaminated.
damage. • Position the client in prone or side-lying.
• Needle length and gauge are the same as When in prone position, curl the
Intradermal (ID) for ID injections toes inward.
- indicated for allergy and tuberculin testing • Use 5/8 needle for adults when the
and for vaccination. injection is to administer at 45 degree When side-lying position, flex the
SITES: angle; ½ is use at a 90 degree angle. knee and hip. These ensure relaxation of
- inner lower arm gluteus muscles and minimize discomfort
*Left arm- for tuberculin test • For thin patients: 45 degree angle of during injection.
* Right arm- for all other test needle • To locate the site, place the heel of the
- Upper chest • For obese patient: 90 degree angle of hand over the greater trochanter, point the
- Back, beneath the Scapula needle index finger toward the anterior superior
What to observe? iliac spine, then abduct the middle (third)
- less hairy Needle gauge # For heparin injection: finger. The triangle formed by the index
- less pigmented - #25,26,27 finger, the third finger and the crest of the
• do not aspirate.
- less vascularized Needle length ilium is the site.
• Do not massage the injection site to
- less keratinized - 3/8”, 5/8”,1/2” prevent hematoma formation
Dorsogluteal site
• The site are the inner lower arm, upper • Position the client similar to the
For insulin injection:
chest and back, and beneath the scapula. ventrogluteal site
• Do not massage to prevent rapid
• Indicated for allergy and tuberculin testing • The site should not be use in infant under 3
absorption which may result to
and for vaccinations. years , because the gluteal muscles are not
hypoglycemic reaction.
• Use the needle gauge 25, 26, 27: needle well developed yet.
• Always inject insulin at 90 degrees angle to
length 3/8”, 5/8” or ½” • To locate the site, the nurse draw an
administer the medication in the pocket
• Needle at 10–15 degree angle; bevel up. imaginary line from the greater trochanter
between the subcutaneous and muscle
to the posterior superior iliac spine. The
• Inject a small amount of drug slowly over 3 layer. Adjust the length of the needle
injection site id lateral and superior to this
to 5 seconds to form a wheal or bleb. depending on the size of the client.
suppository – conical or oval solid substance
shaped for easy insertion into body cavity and
designed to melt at body temperature