Final Exam-A301-Aug 17, 2021

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Final Exam

Aug 17, 2021

1. Are price and income determinants of demand?

Demand Price Income
166 10 20
180 9 21
73 10 12
81 14 16
229 8 24
182 15 24
233 6 23
102 10 15
190 7 20
150 10 19
221 11 25
137 15 21
173 8 19
150 12 20
92 10 14

2. Side effects Covid-19 vaccines are not associated to brands.

Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D Total
With side effects 15 26 9 14 64
No side effects 111 107 96 117 431
Total 126 133 105 131 495

3. In a fabrication shop, it has been hypothesized that parts made on grave yard shift and late afternoon
period are more likely to be defective than parts made in the middle of the week.
Day Defective Acceptable Parts
Grave yard shift 16 132
Early morning period 4 140
Noon time 5 138
Early afternoon period 2 149
Late afternoon period 13 126

4. The result of worker’s evaluation on the job is not affected by which training program he or she took.
Program Type Above Average Average Below Average
1 36 78 29
2 24 53 21
3 33 67 28
5. Suppose we have observed scores on a particular aptitude test for three different groups of
ten people each. The results are given in the table below. Analyze if there are differences
among the group’s scores using the parametric and non-parametric test.

Group 1 87 94 91 89 89 84 92 86 89 89
Group 2 82 76 84 79 77 84 81 69 79 74
Group 3 69 79 67 64 65 69 69 64 72 66

6. A manufacturer of motorcycle batteries took a sample of 18 batteries from a day’s

production and used them continuously until they failed to work. The life of the batteries in
hours until failure is:
342, 426, 317, 545, 264, 451, 1,049, 631, 512, 266, 492, 562, 298, 531, 642, 724,
590, 813
At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the mean life of the batteries is
more than 500 hours?

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