General Terms and Conditions For M2M Mobile Communication Services
General Terms and Conditions For M2M Mobile Communication Services
General Terms and Conditions For M2M Mobile Communication Services
Machine-to-Machine Communication or M2M means automatic 2.3 At the time of registration the customer must provide the following:
communication between the most different technical terminals (e.g.
vehicles, containers, alarm systems or electricity meters) or with a central proof of his identity (driving licence, passport or identity card),
coordination centre by use of the mobile communication network. By proof of a SEPA bank account or credit card if the customer grants T-
interconnecting these "machines" via the mobile communication Mobile a direct debit authorisation for payments,
network specific modules and also entire systems can communicate proof of his entrepreneurship (by means of an excerpt from the Business
with each other all around the world, and may also be monitored, Register, trade licence, etc.),
controlled and maintained. a special power of attorney if a third party (e.g. an employee) is to
In this context T-Mobile offers connectivity which the customer can use conclude the contract on the customer's behalf.
in his own technical solutions or, in cooperation with T-Mobile's
partners, also special hardware, software and service solutions.
2.4 T-Mobile may reject the customer's purchase order by notifying him
a. the customer's service request, 2.6 If T-Mobile has doubts about the customer's creditworthiness (e.g.
b. the special terms of use (only for additional services), because of a credit report), T-Mobile may make conclusion or
c. these GTC M2M, performance of the contract dependent on the proper establishment or
d. M2M Service Portal specifications. execution:
1.2 The terms agreed in the customer's service request constitute the basis a. of a direct debit order,
(the framework) for the contractual relationship. The terms and b. payment by credit card,
conditions agreed in the customer's service request shall apply to all c. appropriate security, or
connections (M2M Connections) which are activated during the term of d. an advance payment.
the Framework Contract on the basis of the same.
2.7 If T-Mobile accepts the customer's offer, T-Mobile will activate access to
1.3 M2M contracts shall be concluded exclusively with customers who are the M2M Service Portal for the customer or the first M2M Connection
entrepreneurs as defined in Section 1 of the Austrian Consumer not later than three business days after T-Mobile has received all
Protection Act [Konsumentenschutzgesetz/KSchG]. records/documents that are necessary for proper registration. In the
case of products that are agreed individually activation may take longer
1.4 If the customer has general terms and conditions of his own or the like, in specific cases.
application of the same shall expressly be excluded.
2.8 If use of the M2M Service Portal is included in the customer's Framework
1.5 Individual agreements must be made in writing (signature). Informal Contract, contracts on specific M2M Connections of the customer shall
statements of T-Mobile's employees (including by email) shall be exclusively be concluded electronically via the M2M Service Portal. The
ineffective. customer will receive access data (user name and password) for use of
the M2M Service Portal. The holder of such access data may change
2 Conclusion of contract: How is the contractual relationship between T- settings, order additional services or cancel services in the customer's
Mobile and the customer established? name.
2.1 The Framework Contract will commence as soon as the customer places
his order by means of a service request (offer) and T-Mobile provides 3 Notifications relevant to the contract
services to the customer (acceptance), e.g. by activating the M2M 3.1 The customer shall notify T-Mobile in writing as early as possible if and
Service Portal or the first SIM card. when his master data (as defined in Section 92(3) TKG 2003), his
3.2 If the customer fails to notify T-Mobile of a change of (business) address, b. a public authority as described in paragraph (a) imposes
he shall bear the related risk. The same shall apply if the email address requirements for the cooperation and the parties are unable in
the customer advised to T-Mobile for the purpose of contractual negotiations to reach a consensus on an amendment to the
communication changes. As long as the customer has not informed T- contract that would serve the interests of both parties within one
Mobile, T-Mobile may continue to send all notifications, declarations of (1) month of notification of the requirements.
intention, bills, invoices, etc. to the address or email address most
recently advised by the customer to T-Mobile. 5.2 The customer shall be entitled to terminate the Framework Contract for
cause by giving two (2) weeks' notice as of the end of any calendar
4 Term of contract; Termination by notice month if
4.1 Unless agreed otherwise by and between T-Mobile and the customer in
the service request, the contract shall be concluded for an indefinite a. T-Mobile no longer possesses rights to use frequencies that are
period of time. necessary for the operation of the mobile communication network
and which are used for rendering the services under this contract,
4.2 T-Mobile may establish minimum terms of contract for the Framework
Contract or specific M2M Connections: they shall depend on the service b. T-Mobile violates material obligations under this contract and,
request. despite a written warning from the customer, fails to remedy the
violation within four (4) weeks of receipt of the warning,
4.3 The customer and T-Mobile may terminate the Framework Contract and
the specific M2M Connections by giving three (3) months' notice as of c. a modification of or change to T-Mobile's mobile communication
the last day of any month. The date of receipt of such notice of network leads to a situation where the services being the subject
termination shall be decisive for calculating the date at which the matter of the contract can no longer be rendered at all or not in
contract will terminate. full or where a failure of the mobile communication network
operation lasts for more than one (1) week.
4.4 The customer may terminate contracts with a minimum term by notice
not earlier than with effect as of the date at which the minimum term of 5.3 T-Mobile shall be entitled to terminate the Framework Contract for cause
contract ends. if
4.5 Notice of termination of the Framework Contract must be given in a. the customer violates material contractual obligations,
writing. If the customer gives notice of termination of a contract, the b. the customer fails to fulfil his payment obligation despite a
notice must be duly signed on behalf of his company. reminder and a two-week grace period including a warning that
his connection will be deactivated,
4.6 Specific M2M Connections (SIM cards) shall constitute separate c. the customer misuses the services or uses them to harass or harm
contracts. The Framework Contract and the connections may have others,
different minimum terms of contract. Termination of the Framework d. his company or partnership is liquidated.
Contract shall not affect the terms of the M2M mobile communication
contracts which have been concluded separately. However, M2M mobile 5.4 The above-stated grounds for termination do not exclude termination for
communication contracts concluded under the Framework Contract cause as defined by general civil-law principles on termination without
shall end automatically not later than 60 months after termination of the notice for cause.
Framework Contract with no notice of termination being required.
6 Consequences of termination of the Framework Contract
4.7 If the contractual relationship is terminated prior to the end of the agreed 6.1 The customer will no longer be allowed to order additional M2M SIM
minimum term of contract for reasons for which the customer is cards as of effectiveness of termination of the Framework Contract.
responsible, then T-Mobile shall be entitled to charge all basic charges However, the customer shall be allowed to continue to market the M2M
outstanding until the agreed minimum term of contract expires. SIM cards he has purchased to his customers until his stock of M2M
SIM cards is used up. However, it shall be deemed agreed that the
5 Termination for cause mobile communication services provided via the M2M SIM cards will be
5.1 The customer and T-Mobile shall be entitled to terminate the contract for terminated automatically not later than sixty (60) months after the
cause by giving two (2) weeks' notice as of the end of any calendar termination has become effective. The customer shall take this into
month if account accordingly when stipulating the term of contracts to be
concluded with his end customers.
7 Quality of services: 7.8 For the purpose of assuring the quality of voice and data services of T-
7.1 For details on the quality of T-Mobile's services the customer is asked to Mobile and for network planning T-Mobile will carry out regular
refer to his service request. There he can also find information about measurements of data traffic in its own network. T-Mobile will use the
restrictions, if any, of access to or use of services. Customers can find information about the status and the load of network elements and their
information on the current network coverage at connections gained in this way for capacity planning, to increase Please bear in mind that the figures are reliability and to increase the stability and quality of its network and the
calculated averages (see immediately below). services based thereon. T-Mobile uses both active (mobile & stationary)
and passive monitoring systems, which basically provide the quality
7.2 Moreover, the quality of T-Mobile's services may depend on: parameters of signalling and data traffic necessary for analysis. In
passive measurement procedures the figures provided by the systems
a. the type of terminal equipment, themselves are used for analysis.
b. the type of network (e.g. UMTS, GSM),
c. the network load, 7.9 In active measurement procedures customer behaviour is simulated by
d. the selected price plan, or a measuring device or an automated terminal device (mobile phone,
e. the selected option, and data stick) on a stationary or mobile basis in the network. The figures
f. the conditions of the radio field (mountains, walls, trees, snowfall, thus gained from the systems show:
a. the rate of connections not terminated by the customer (call
7.3 T-Mobile is not in a position to guarantee certain quality parameters. interruption rate),
However, within the technical possibilities T-Mobile warrants that it will b. the rate of successfully established connections (success rate),
use all efforts to provide the customer with the best possible availability c. the data throughput rate (maximum achievable bandwidths),
and reception quality. Once the regulatory authority has fixed the d. the round trip time (time during which data flows from the
parameters for service quality on the basis of Section 17 TKG 2003, T- customer through the network and back to the customer),
Mobile will, of course, provide its services at least in the prescribed e. alerts and/or system diagnoses (failure of individual system
quality. units, fire alerts, burglary alerts).
7.4 Unforeseeable or extraordinary circumstances (e.g. force majeure) or 7.10 The procedures themselves do not affect the quality of the services but
necessary or expedient technical measures (e.g. maintenance, work to constitute the basis for error identification and optimisation work up to
improve the network, to avoid network faults or due to official a complete exchange of defective systems. No content data is analysed
requirements) may lead to temporary faults and disruptions of T-Mobile's thereby. The systems of T-Mobile are monitored around the clock and
services. In any case T-Mobile shall endeavour to remedy such faults or on every day of the year (24/7). T-Mobile will be pleased to inform the
disruptions without culpable delay within a reasonable period of time. customer about improvements of the network performance or services
performance via the service line upon request; customers can find
7.5 T-Mobile assumes no responsibility for technical compatibility between general information on the quality of T-Mobile's services also on T-
M2M applications of third parties and the M2M mobile communication Mobile's website at
services of T-Mobile. In addition, T-Mobile assumes no warranty for
compatibility with terminal equipment which was not tested and 8 M2M Service Portal
approved by T-Mobile. In the service request T-Mobile may agree with the customer on the right to use
T-Mobile's M2M Service Portal. For more detailed provisions in this regard please
7.6 Outside of Austria T-Mobile will provide communication services with see Part IV.
the help of roaming partners. Network availability and network quality
depend on the relevant roaming partner and are beyond T-Mobile's 9 Emergency services
control. The list of current roaming partners can be retrieved at 9.1 Calls to emergency services, including the European emergency number 112, are free of charge.
7.7 National Roaming (NR): T-Mobile constantly works on improving the 9.2 When the customer makes an emergency call, emergency organisations
quality of its voice and data connections and on further condensing will be able to identify the position from where the customer made the
mobile communication supply. T-Mobile may do this also by allowing the call and what phone number he used.
customer to use third-party mobile communication networks in areas in
11 Roaming 14.3 In the case of loss, theft or malfunction the customer shall deactivate the
11.1 Pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation 531/2012/EU of the European SIM card concerned in the M2M Service Portal immediately. The
Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on roaming on public customer shall be responsible for providing his customers with an option
mobile communication networks within the Union the transparency and to deactivate cards 24/7. In the case of non-compliance the customer
safeguard measures for regulated data roaming services shall be shall be liable vis-à-vis T-Mobile for any resulting damage and any profit
excluded in the case of M2M services. The parties assume and agree lost by T-Mobile in the form of the agreed charges.
that this exception applies to the M2M mobile communication services
being the subject matter of this contract. 14.4 If the customer informs T-Mobile about the loss or theft by phone, he
shall send T-Mobile written confirmation as well. The customer shall in
12 Porting of mobile phone numbers any case take note of the consequences resulting from a failure to notify
As telephone services are no subject matter of this M2M contract, porting of T-Mobile (Clause 14.3).
allocated phone numbers is excluded (Section 2 of the Austrian Regulation
governing the Porting of Phone Numbers [Nummernübertragungs- 14.5 The customer shall keep secret codes, such as the password, the user
verordnung/NÜV] 2012]). name and the PIN code, and shall keep them safe and in no case
together with the SIM card. The customer shall immediately change a
Part IV: Special information about the 20.2 If the customer gives T-Mobile a SEPA direct debit mandate, T-Mobile
shall debit the amount due from the customer's account not earlier than
M2M Service Portal three (3) days after receipt of the bill and the SEPA pre-notification.
20.3 For late payment interest of 12% p. a. and at least 4% above the 3-month
18 M2M Service Portal EURIBOR shall be deemed agreed.
Under selected price plans T-Mobile provides the customer with access to
T-Mobile's online administration tool, the "M2M Service Portal" (see also the 20.4 T-Mobile will charge the customer late payment interest at the statutory
M2M Service Portal Specifications). Where T-Mobile has agreed use of the rate only if the customer has timely raised an objection to his bill in
M2M Service Portal with the customer in the service request, the following accordance with Clause 23.1 of these GTC and his objection was
terms and conditions shall apply: unjustified (Section 71(3) TKG 2003).
18.1 Contracts on specific M2M Connections shall be concluded by the 20.5 In the case of late payment the customer will be sent a reminder. For
customer exclusively electronically via the M2M Service Portal. The this T-Mobile shall charge the customer the necessary, expedient and
customer will receive access data (user name and password) for use of reasonable dunning costs incurred in accordance with the service
the M2M Service Portal. The holder of such access data or the user set request.
up by the customer may use the portal to change settings, order
additional services or cancel services in the customer's name. (See 20.6 The customer may only offset claims of his which have been ascertained
also Clause 2 and following) by the court or accepted against claims of T-Mobile.
18.2 The customer and the users set up by the customer shall be granted a 20.7 Any special benefits agreed by and between T-Mobile and the customer
non-exclusive right that is limited to the term of use and/or the term of in the contract (e.g. exemption from the basic charge, inclusive units,
contract to access the software functionalities of the M2M Service Portal bonuses) will not be refunded by T-Mobile in cash.
via the internet (server-based software). The customer shall be granted
no rights beyond the above. Thus, the right to use the M2M Service 21 What payment modalities are available to the customer? When and how
Portal will end upon termination of the last mobile communication can the customer change his current mode of payment?
contract that was concluded on the basis of this Framework Contract; 21.1 In principle, the customer may select from any of the following modes of
no separate notice of termination shall be required. payment:
18.3 The customer shall not be allowed to use the M2M Service Portal beyond a. a credit card accepted by T-Mobile,
the use permitted under this contract or to allow third parties to use or b. SEPA direct debit,
access the M2M Service Portal. In particular, reproducing or selling the c. electronic transfer (telebanking).
software or parts thereof is not allowed.
21.2 T-Mobile will be pleased to inform the customer about the available
18.4 The customer shall be liable for all breaches of duties by his users or modes of payment in the course of his registration. Any cost advantages
other third parties who breach duties within the customer's sphere of that may be available in connection with the mode of payment selected
control, unless the customer proves that he is not responsible for such by the customer can be seen from the service request. T-Mobile
breaches of duties. expressly reserves the right to allow only a restricted selection of
payment options for certain price plans.
18.5 The customer shall not be entitled to demand access to the premises of
T-Mobile on which the M2M Service Portal is technically operated. 21.3 All modes of payment listed above shall be accepted with debt-releasing
19 Data protection
Protecting customer data is a priority of T-Mobile. Customers can find 21.4 T-Mobile shall charge a processing fee in accordance with the General
detailed information on data protection at Terms and Conditions of Payment for every direct debit note that is not
honoured and for every returned direct debit note for which the customer
is responsible. This shall not apply where the direct debit was returned
in connection with a well-founded objection to the bill.
Part V: Terms of payment – all about
21.5 In the case of a returned direct debit T-Mobile may change the
money customer's mode of payment to payment by payment order form; for that
change T-Mobile will charge the customer a processing fee in
accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Payment.
23.2 At the customer's request T-Mobile will send a hard copy of the itemised
bill free of charge once every billing period.
24 Objections to bills
24.1 If the customer has objections to a bill, he may raise his objections in
writing vis-à-vis T-Mobile within three (3) months of receipt of the bill. If
objections are raised at a later point in time, T-Mobile shall no longer be
obliged to respond to the customer's objections.
24.2 However, the customer may still resort to a court or the Conciliation
Board of Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) (Section 71
24.3 If the customer's objections have been received by T-Mobile in time (as
defined in Clause 23.1 GTC) but are unjustified in T-Mobile's opinion, T-
Mobile shall issue a statement to the customer to this effect. In that case
the customer may also resort to a court or the Conciliation Board of
Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) (Section 71 TKG).
24.4 If the customer's objection was unjustified, T-Mobile may charge him
statutory late payment interest from the due date stated on the bill. If the
customer's objection was justified and the customer had made a
payment already, he shall be entitled to statutory interest on the amount
paid in excess from the date of collection.