World of Myth 03.17-V3

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THE AGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 SINGLE-PLAYER RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
WORLD LORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TAVERN MODE RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
MODULE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 HEROES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

PERSONAL ALLIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 ITEM INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
BESTIARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
ART OF MYTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

efore recorded
time. Before
truth. Before
history. Before
man sat upon
the thrones of
their lives, there was myth. The stories kept
people safe in the darkness. Gave them a
reason to strive for light and courage in the
fight. Stories of heroes bring hope. Confidence
in the past and anticipation for the future.

Hope that when all around you is falling and

failing, you can rise…your neighbor can rise
and together make it through. Not without
harm. Not without scars. But together. Stronger.

So, it was long ago, when the land was young.

Every dawn and dusk, they
witnessed the battle of light
and dark in the sky above.

Called the Age of
Tears by some.
It was an age of
Great battles between the light and Some wrapped themselves in shadows,
the dark scarred the land. Oceans unnoticed and quiet. These became the
covered the land and receded. Great Huranii. Within the dark they created
mountains rose, touching the sky, and a home. They veiled themselves in
were brought low. Great forests grew in the dark and thought themselves
the morning and were burned away by overlooked, and felt hope.
dusk. Every day was a new creation.
Some moved among the plains, never
In this tumult, life was born. This early stopping. These became men. Along
life was malleable—not yet complete. the rivers, they ran. They used their
cleverness to stay one step ahead of
Some huddled in caves, cold and the hunters, and felt hope.
fearful. These became the dwarves.
Into the rock and hollows they chiseled Every dawn and dusk, they witnessed
out a home. They placed their backs the battle of light and dark in the sky
against the rock and stone, and above. They felt something inside tell
felt hope. them there was more. But, they were
still strangers to war, and monsters
Some hid among the great forests, were real. So, the land tested them.
disconnected and afraid. These Nights were long. It culled them. Time
became the elves. Up into the trees slid by like a river.
they sang of home and it was. They
nurtured themselves among the
branches and leaves, and felt hope.

Called the Age of
Breaking by some.
It was an age of
Knowing they could not harm each Under the shadow of darkness the
other directly, the battle of light and Huranii hid. It began to corrupt them
dark played out among their creations. and steal their cleverness. They
The vast monster armies of the became blind to their danger. Some
darkness rolled across the world, Huranii saw the danger. They argued
seeking the extinction of all things for traveling in the light, but that which
created by the light. was used for hope can be used to trap.
Their words were not understood, so
Into the underground kingdom of the they were driven into dispersion. In
dwarves crept Crawlers. The Crawlers their hubris, the Huranii thought the
were created to harry the dwarves shadow and dark separate things.
and keep them from becoming Illiteracy took hold. The Tailless
overconfident in their own fortifications. were born.
Some dwarves saw their doom. They
petitioned their people to leave the But, men moved every day. The
rock and stone, but that which was Grubbers were created to destroy men,
used for hope can be an anchor. Their but could not track them. Men did
cries were dismissed, so they went into not linger.
exile. When the dragons and their ilk
finally came, the dwarves died. Their But, men moved every day. The Okis
light never to shine brightly among the were created to track men, but men
free people again. spread out. Men did not
remain together.
Around the great forests of the elves the
Elementals raged. The Elementals were But, men moved every day. The Naga
created to lay siege to the elves and were created to keep men from the
expose their fragility to the harshness oceans, but men were curious. Men did
of the elements. Some elves saw their not fear death.
death. They sang with sorrow of leaving
But, men moved every day. The Undead
the trees, but that which was used for
were created to teach men to fear
hope can be used for ignorance. Their
death, but men’s lives were fleeting.
song was not heard, so they left alone.
Men told stories of a life well-lived to
When the Symbio finally came to corrupt
the next generation and learned.
the trees, the elves were assimilated.
Their light never to shine brightly among Every night, they witnessed new
the free people again. horrors. The light was nearly
extinguished. They felt something
inside tell them there was more. Yes,
monsters were real, but they could be
fought and killed. Nights were long.
Huddled around fires, they told stories
and found hope. Time slid by
like a river.

8 were curious. Men did
not fear death.

They defended friends and fought monsters. They were not strangers to war.

Called the Age
of Steel by some.
It was an age of blood.
Among men the last of the dwarves, elves, and Huranii found solace. To men, they
brought the wisdom of their peoples: their successes and failures. Men began to
understand the world differently.

From the dwarves, they were taught about the rock and stone. Men would need
to stop moving to create a home for themselves. They would make mighty
fortifications to protect their people. The dwarves brought to them the lesson of
their failures also. Men would not be content to remain behind their strong walls,
but would create armies to pursue their enemy and keep them from gathering
in strength.

From the elves, they were taught about plants and song. Men would need to
cultivate the land and themselves to survive. They would plant crops and store food
to feed their people. The elves brought to them the lesson of their failures also.
Men would need to move beyond protecting themselves from the elements. They
would need to master the fire, water, air, and earth. They would not fear the arcane
but use it as a weapon.

From the Huranii, they were taught about the shadow and subterfuge. Men could
not ignore the darkness. They would need to learn about their enemy and resist.
The Huranii brought to them the lesson of their failures also. Men would need to
mark history and educate themselves. They could not afford to have ignorance
divide them.

Upon High Haldor, Orsean the Great ruled. From his mountain stronghold, his
forces began to tame the land. Orsean established four keeps: Riverthorn, Fallen
Guard, Waconda, and the mighty fortress Farrenroc. These four citadels marked the
edge of lands civilized. His armies supported each other. Within the borders of his
kingdom, no army of darkness could gather. Outside the great fortresses, however,
men still moved and died.

Every day, they witnessed proof of life. They defended friends and fought monsters.
They were not strangers to war. They knew there was more. Rumors of the great
sanctuary in the east drove men to heroic deeds. Amazing stories lifted them. Time
slid by like a river.

Called the Age of
Legend by some.
It was an age of war.

The free peoples hammered civilization out of Farrenroc fell under siege. It was lost to the
the wilds to the west. As peace came to the armies of the darkness. Wave after wave of
free peoples, High Haldor was forgotten— foul fiends broke upon the Rock. Long it lay
deserted up on its mountain. The fortresses under siege. For two decades, it held out. The
that helped build the peace drew people and world was pushed to the precipice of defeat.
merchants and became cultured. Three Rivers burned. Blackwall was razed,
never to return. Zahir was tore down from
Three Rivers was established early in the the inside, infested by the shadow. But still
age and its influence grew rapidly. Situated Farrenroc stood. If Farrenroc had fallen, hope
over the convergence of three rivers, the city would have failed and all the success of this
became the central trading hub. All goods age would have been erased.
moved through Three Rivers. It grew into a
great and powerful city. But for heroes…

The great port of Blackwall to the south In the old fortifications, men and women
launched ships in search of new lands. who would not give over to the darkness
Goods traveled freely between Three Rivers, gathered. They remembered the old truths.
Blackwall, and Zahir to the south. These They remembered the old lessons. Light had
three cities became central to the peace woven a thread of greatness in the pattern of
and stability of this age. These were not the free people. Great champions were born
fortresses built for defense against foes dark among the people. They led the free people
and dangerous. These were cities where against the armies of darkness.
people prospered.
The Bright Legion under the leadership of
Lessons from the Age of Tears were the legendary hero Hurn gathered an army
forgotten. No one feared the darkness. Men of the willing. Soldiers, farmers, brigands,
no longer moved, and grew complacent merchants, apprentices, smiths, tinkers,
under the sun. But, the darkness does not masons, hunters, healers, pirates, cooks,
forget. Its memory is long. Deep in the alchemists, horsemen, gamblers, and
mountain passes of the north, vast armies storytellers carried the torch. They struck
gathered. back against the overconfident horde. All
manner of monster fell beneath the Bright
Rumors of the shadow’s movement worried Legion. They pushed the monsters back into
those who still stood upon the walls of the outlands and freed Farrenroc. It has been
Farrenroc. They alone kept to the old held with blood and bravery ever since.
way. Never did they leave their post. They
petitioned the rulers in Three Rivers—called Every day and night, stories bear witness
the Deaf Council by those of a later age. The to the truth of the darkness. They would
rulers appointed a toothless committee to remember the lessons. War would find them
investigate. The darkness attacked before they again, but they would be ready. The darkness
had even sent their first group of pathfinders. moved in the periphery. It had tested them
and would again. But, for now there was
The Darkness swept out of the mountain to peace. Time slid by like a river.
the sound of drums and horns. It was said that
the marching feet of the horde echoed through
the mountains and could be heard as far south
as River Falls and Waconda. Farrenroc sent
riders south to warn of the invasion and to
seek the help of heroes. The warnings were
thought to be exaggerated and were not met
with the seriousness that they warranted.

Great champions were born among
the people. They led the free people
against the armies of darkness.

Called the Age of
Heroes by some.
It was an age of hope.
And so, we come to the present. No longer do the free peoples rely on a few special individuals. This is
a time of heroes. But, the darkness does not idly sit and accept defeat. Always it is pressing. It moves
upon this age most subtle. The darkness strains against its cage touching the world. Even now, its
machinations play out in the shadows, its final gambit in motion.

The land around River Falls crawls with the children of the Mother. The once-fertile land is dry and
covered in the web of Crawlers. The Stone of Life has been stolen. The people whisper of the Terror at
night. Children have gone missing and people lose hope.

It has been said that the darkness has claimed its vessel—the Avatar of Shadow walks the world once
more. The Bright Legion is outpaced. Prisons once secret and safe have been exposed. The Tribunal
has begun the trials. Rumors of activity have surfaced near Gehenna in Loch Kol. The innocents must
be saved.

Forgotten to the sand, the Okians have arisen once again in the Temple of Anunkara. The shores of
Kanis swarm with followers of the lost prophet. Unexplained storms hide their movement and purpose.
One of the sisters has revealed herself upon her island fortress, calling the naga to rise.

Blackwall rumbles with the sound of war drums. Forge fires have been lit. The Gat’r move within the
warrens. Something has stirred them to war. Rumors have spread that the Lost Hoard has been found
and plundered. Once content to stay within the Knot, they have begun to send hunting packs into the
lands outside the once-mighty city.

Ia, the Foundation, stirs in her mountain. The solitary peak awakens. Skirmishes with elementals
outside of Brakenburg bring rumors of the growing strength of the darkness. The people huddle in their
homes at night and hope for heroes.

The city on the edge of darkness lies under siege. The darkness has set its eyes on Farrenroc. The
Rock has become a symbol that the darkness can be defeated, and the darkness will stop at nothing to
extinguish that flame. Long have the free people told the story of Farrenroc restored in the Age of Steel.
Armies are gathering in the outlands; soon they will march on Farrenroc. Every man and woman who
would call themselves heroes will heed the call to defend her.

Something haunts Watcher’s Woods. Strangling vines threaten to overwhelm the natural vegetation
there. People in Riverthorn fear for their future. The last of the Minotaur has been spotted around
Bowergate. Trade caravans have gone missing and locals have begun to murmur of the darkness
taking hold in their lands.

The Spire of Agamoth crawls with demons. The fury of the Fireborne has roused. The undead stalk the
ruins of Tu Mau. Moonglow Spire has gone dark. And the mighty fire mountains to the west have begun
to spew forth Gaia’s blood. Some even say Urulok the Ancient rises. Colossal monsters from the Age of
Breaking have begun to surface. Power and fear from a time before the memories of man.

The Kraken has been roused from within the maelstrom. Ships no longer travel south of Bratfurt for
fear of disturbing the great titan. Medusa answers the call of her sister Eumelia. The towering Cyclops
ranges out from his home on the west side of the Wasteland of the Risen. He takes whatever he
wishes and draws ever closer to civilization. Winter has returned to Farrenroc. The screams of chained
Hrimcæld echo through the mountains. Soon he will lay siege to the last city of light. In the deep
deserts of the Fields of Light the sand moves. The people of Arq have said the World Eater returns.

No one may know what fate has in store. Let the heroes answer the call to courage and fame. Let
stories of their deeds echo through the ages. Let tale of their deeds lift heads and hearts. Now is a time
of Myth.

Let tale of their deeds lift heads
and hearts. Now is a time of Myth.

World Lore &
Module Summary
MOON AND SUN: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
THE MOURNBLADE: John-Matthew DeFoggi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
HURN: Ross Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
AFTER THE SIEGE: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
HEY…YOU GOT THAT THING: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
THE STONE OF LIFE: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
AVATAR OF SHADOW: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
RISE OF THE REVENANT: J.L. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
SCOURGE OF THE SYMBIO: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
THE GOLDEN GEAR: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
THE ROT: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
BLACKWALL WARRENS: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
THE ROT: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
SHORES OF KANIS:John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
THE LOST HOARD OF BLACKWALL: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
AWAKENING OF THE HURANII: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
THE FOUR PILLARS OF CREATION: John D. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
FURY OF THE FIREBOURNE: J.L. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
THE DARK UNDER: J.L. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
THE SIEGE OF FERRENROC: Brian Shotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

She was the moon, Lunankanen. Bright in
the night. Rising and changing. Mysterious.

Moon and Sun
By Brian Shotton
A storyteller needs to know their visit to Arq. It had an area in the middle
audience. Not knowing one’s audience that was open to the sky. The sounds
can lead to some cold nights without of the busy city would be her backdrop,
bed or beverage. Darby knew her the rising full moon her setting. Tonight
audiences. She knew that the Lost would be her first show of the season.
Hoard played well in Blackwall. She She would open with the story of
knew that the Stone of Life was a Lunankanen’s betrayal, best told under
favorite in Riverfalls. And she knew that the reminder of a full moon. But first,
Anunkara and Lunankanen was the tale a toast.
of choice in Arq.
“Raise ye a glass, boy and girl alike!
Arq was located on the edge of the
Here’s to life, may it be long
deep desert in the Field of Light and
Here’s to voices raised in song
was the only place most considered
Here’s to a dry and thirsty night
worth visiting south of Ur. Arq had
Here’s to the stuff that makes it right.
become an annual stop for Darby
during the Winter months. She
Stories for the many,
despised cold—people laughed and
But stories ain’t free
tipped less.
So pay all who toil
Or maybe just me!”
Arq was an old city, its homes and
buildings worn by sun and sand.
The crowd roared its approval and
Summers in Arq were unbearable.
upended their mugs. They were
Even during the winter, when Arq was
already in a good mood, and so was
merely uncomfortable no one dared do
the barkeep. He gave Darby a smile—
anything during the day. It was like the
empty mugs meant refilling, and that
whole city held its breath.
was good business. Tonight would be a
very profitable night.
As the sun fell, the city exhaled and
came alive. Down every street, vendors
“She was the moon. Lunankanen.
hawked wares. Fishmongers created
Bright in the night. Rising and
dirt-rimmed pools filled with salt-water
changing. Mysterious.
and fresh-water fish from the shores
of Kanis. Poultry, goats, and lamb were He was the sun. Anunkara. Forging day
slaughtered on the spot according to from the darkness. All fire and passion.
each buyer’s needs. From fine linen to Majestic.
the freshest food, Arq had it all. It was
the most vibrant and alive place Darby He would chase her across the sky.
had ever visited. When his gaze fell on her, she would
shine. She clothed herself in his light.
She had arrived at the half-moon, But she would also play and charm
so she took ten days to refamiliarize others, provoking and tantalizing them
herself with the current politics. Not while he watched to fan the flames of
much had changed—her presentation his desire. She liked him possessive.
could proceed as planned. She liked him jealous. She would
see him ignite with passion and let
Darby had a seasonal residency at
him undress her with his eyes before
the Naked Nokian, a tavern she had
withdrawing. She made him wait so
selected several years ago on her first
that he would burn with anticipation.

She understood anticipation. It was what she liked best about their dance. The moon rose overhead, visible for the first time that night to all those in the
open-aired common room. The entire courtyard was washed in silver light.
Anticipation was everything to Lunankanen: the moment before a kiss when two Involuntarily, the audience’s heads rose to greet it. Everyone except a pale man
lovers lips linger moments away from connection, the moment before a kill when with long, dark hair. In the moonlight his eyes flared yellow.
the arrow is notched and aimed at an unsuspecting hart.
Darby drew her eyes back to the crowd and continued.
It is a twinkling filled with unknown—not success, not failure, not bliss, not
disappointment—an instance filled with the potential of everything that might “Lunankanen knew the Sisters together were too powerful: Aeryale, Eumelia,
happen.” and Medusa. She would devise a way to split them later. Lunankanen would sow
seeds of discord until they destroyed each other. She would make them taste the
Darby paused. All eyes were fixed on her. She winked at them and shook her hips, bitterness of jealousy.
“Oh, Lunankanen also enjoyed when he caught her. When Anunkara’s firm hands
gripped her waist and she entered him—eclipsing his glory for just a moment—all But first he would pay for his betrayal, his wandering eye, his searching hands.
eyes were on her. It was intoxicating. Only she could do that. Lunankanen was
always a little disappointed when the moment finally passed. His leaving always The whispers continue. Together they hatched a plan. When Anunkara’s gaze finally
left her wanting—wanting more of him, more recognition, more of the spectacle, returned to her, it was too late. The plan had been set in motion.
or maybe she just wanted more of the chase. She longed for the chase.”
‘Mighty Anunkara,’ she said to him, ‘I wish to demonstrate my love for you with a
The room roared with approval. Coins began to rain down upon the stage, but gift. A sacrifice. How can I claim to love you and not give you everything I have?
Darby didn’t retrieve any of her tips just yet. There would be many more. She
I have given you my love, my body, my heart, but I haven’t given you everything. I
have held back that which was most precious to me: my servants. My worshippers
“Many moons ago, on a night much like tonight, the two lovers danced in that love to me is like a banging gong in my ears. I wish to bind my worshippers to
old familiar way. The gibbous curves of Lunankanen shone silver, revealing you, to guide them to illumination, to teach them that my light is but a reflection of
and teasing. Gossamer silk barely hid those parts of her meant only for bright yours.
Anunkara. The silver-skinned moon goddess felt the muted warmth of her lover
I wish to be a mediator no longer.’
over the horizon, far to the west. She loved his golden light worshipping it almost
as the humans did. Because he was hers. Anunkara saw this was good and nodded.

She rose, robed and ready to reveal herself. She expected to feel his warmth But he had been tricked. Lunankanen had already offered herself and her acolytes
grow. She expected to see his light shine across the world at her arrival, but he to the one who whispered to her, the one that offered her power and revenge. The
was distracted. She hated when he didn’t pay attention, but this felt different. His connection would be the conduit. Anunkara poured himself into them, binding them
eyes were on someone else. She pulled her focus away from his bright glory and to him for all time. But part of them poured back into him.
warmth to look at what had stolen his favor.
And so Anunkara was corrupted.
There was another.
And so he would have stayed, sliding slowly into evil—a perverted puppet of dark ruin.
Lying nude upon the roof of her temple in Kanis, sunning herself, was one of
the three Sisters, the servants of the Broodmother. The pretty one—Aeryale— Except for jealousy.
sat beside Anunkara, her scales and skin glowing in his light, not silver like
Lunankanen’s but gold. Jealousy is never sated. It never quiets. Jealousy begins with injustice and ends
with utter destruction. It always wants more. It isn’t content to hide in shadows and
From the nape of her neck to the small of her back his light danced, lingering on wait. No, it longs to consume everything and everyone. It longs to be known.
the double-S of her backside. She hid nothing from him. She didn’t dance or play
coy. She cared nothing for anticipation. She wanted only his need, his now. Lunankanen thought her secret revenge would be enough, but it wasn’t. She rose
the next night and Anunkara still shone bright, still gazed at her with longing and
expectation. There was no solace, no sanctuary, no place to hide from Anunkara’s
gaze, no place to hide from her followers’ voices now raised to him.
Lunankanen watched them play—the rise and fall, every touch, every kiss. It was
then that an old force spoke to her—a whisper from the Dark, all but forgotten, full The whispers of the Corruptor gave over to the madness of jealousy. And again,
of empathy and wholly malevolent—and from its counsel a thought took seed.” Lunankanen listened.

When Darby alluded to the Darkness, a few fools in the crowd decided to boo. ‘He illuminates nothing,’ she told herself. ‘Sycophantic voices raised in praise to a
They were quickly silenced by others. You didn’t curse the Darkness. To curse the false and tainted light.’
Darkness was to reveal yourself to it, to draw it near. No, the only thing you did
when confronted with the Darkness was hide and hope. How could her one-time worshippers be so fooled? How could they not see the
taint that would gently lay him low? How could they not know what he had done?

‘They have always wanted this, she decided, ‘To betray me. Like him. Removed from his source, his power faded. She could feel the change. Her
strength returned. Her madness began to laugh, ‘My love?’
I am Lunankanen—goddess of the Silver Moon—clothed in great power! They will
know my justice and my wrath.’ She stood naked in his fading light, shrouded in ash but rising like a phoenix. ‘I
have brought you here, my love, to stand trial. To face the one you jilted. So I may
Her rage began to coalesce into a grand spectacle of revenge. Her anticipation ask you why and laugh at your answer. You will know my wrath. For the rest of
grew. She felt at home again. “ time, you will dwell on your mistake.’

Darby’s audience held its breath. Now Anunkara felt it. The absence of the fire and light that gave him strength.
‘What are you doing?’ He sank to the floor.
“A cycle was ending. A cycle was beginning.
She corrected him, ‘You mean, what have I done?
The dark moon climbed in the sky. Anunkara’s light could not reach her. She
covered herself in ash and prepared. Tonight, she would be reborn. ‘Did my love think I would not see him and that trollop playing? Or did my love
want me to see his betrayal? Did my love want my heart broken?’
She summoned the Lucanine—for that is what they were now called—to her
home, Crepum. In the next age, it would be known as Moonglow Spire. Even now it Anunkara’s bright skin turned a muted gray. He lunged at Lunankanen, hands
needles into the gloaming sky. reaching for her throat, but didn’t have the strength to hold on. He tumbled to the
They arrived unaware of the trap laid before them.
She loomed over his weak and prostrate figure. Her laughing grew more
She would use the connection between them and him to seal them away and
pronounced and more hysterical. With a flick of her hand, four stone jars and a
summon him to her. Once Anunkara was away from the source of his power, she
surgical knife appeared.
would destroy him. Then she would take his body and display it on the bed of his
betrayal in Kanis so that Aeryale might see what had become of her love and know ‘Please, no…’
the terrible wrath of Lunankanen.
She took her time with the gutting. Into the reliquaries, she placed his heart,
Instinct brought them. Their love for her helped them climb to the upper reaches stomach, liver, and genitalia. She would hide his heart, stomach and liver in dark
of the tower. Under the dark moon, they were barely human, fully beast. That taint places. She would keep the other. Still under the cover of night, she whisked his
that had slid unknown into him crept also into them. They longed to return to her disemboweled body to Kanis and waited. When the sun rose and revealed his
cool embrace. Lunankanen did not recognize their dedication. Envy had blinded her baseness, she wanted to be near enough to hear the wailing.
to their suffering.
She was not disappointed.”
A thousand Anunkara stood before her, his form reflected on their faces. If there
was a moment when her foolishness might have stopped, it was then. If only The audience sighed as one.
she had looked into their golden eyes and saw their love for her, then maybe she
would have found forgiveness and rest. But her heartbreak eclipsed all connection. “She was the moon. Lunankanen. Bright in the night. Rising and changing.
Headfirst into darkness she plunged. Mysterious. She would shine on her own.

‘Oh, lost ones…In my quiet desperation, I have found a way for us to be together Except she couldn’t. She had disrupted her cycle, and even as she struggled to
again. Trust yourselves to me once more. Let me restore you.’ return to normal, she could feel the change. Time passed. Her glory faded with
Anunkara’s. He was forgotten and so was she.
Lunankanen motioned. Her home shifted. Twelve gates opened around the feral
followers, each to a different place and time. She separated the half-wolves into Lunankanen retreated into Moonglow Spire. She sequestered herself in the ever-
twelve packs and assigned a rune to each pack. She branded the runes into their changing rooms. Every so often she opens a gate beyond this world to gaze upon
skin and wrote them into their hearts. the visage of her lost love in the faces of her former followers.”

When Lunankanen had made everything ready, she shepherded each pack through Darby pulled the audience back to the common room, back to the now. She raised
their assigned gate. When all had passed through to the other side, she spoke her head to the full moon overhead as it approached its zenith.
power into the runes and the gates closed. As her former followers were sealed
“On every dark moon, mysterious silver light escapes from windows that don’t
away, she heard their cries of torment and smiled.
exist in the day. I’ve stood at the foot of that mysterious tower, where the moonlight
Suddenly, Anunkara was there. Present. He burned with power and light. feels different. It remembers Lunankanen and dances free from the rules that bind
Lunankanen faltered. The cycle allowed her to prepare for him. Her present form it. The moonlight reveals the footprints of Lucanines—believers given over to a
was not yet restored enough to receive his full light. terrible curse, part human and part wolf. Some claim they walk among us and are
only able to return to their human form on the full moon. They long to reunite with
Anunkara walked over to Lunankanen’s knelt form. ‘My love, what has happened?’ Lunankanen—their first love and betrayer.”

Anunkara had been freed, and
they with him. Soon all the
packs would return and take
back their inheritance.

Darby paused for a moment, sweeping her eyes over and closed her fingers over it. “You are, of course,
the crowd. “After years and years of telling stories, correct. Please forgive me.”
I’ve learned one thing: if you’re telling a story you
She shook her head and watched him leave. For all
better have a darn good ending to it. And if you don’t,
that trouble, he could have at least given her gold.
then you better have a good moral. Here’s the moral
She opened her hand and looked at the coin in her
to the story.”
palm. It had a half-moon embossed on one side
The common room chuckled. and a full sun on the other. Not silver, but platinum.
Alone, it was worth more than all the money tossed
“Remember Lunankanen on the Ash Moon. up on the stage.
Remember her love and remember her madness.
Above all, when you hear her voice call to you… She looked up to find him, to petition him for
remember to hide.” patronage. She tried to find him in the crowd, but
he was no longer in the Naked Nokian. She ran into
Darby bowed. The night sky rained gold and silver. the busy streets of Arq looking for the tall man with
ivory skin and purple eyes. But he was gone.
Long after she had finished the common room was
still abuzz with her story. Several patrons came up
to shake her hand and offer their gratitude for the
evening’s entertainment. She took the time to thank The man drank in the Lunankanen’s light—his
each one. betrayer, his beloved.

After a while, she stooped to begin collecting her He traced the rune branded upon his chest. He was
tips. Another set of hands joined her. She looked up, one of the few left in his clan that could transform
intending to warn the person away from any thievery, back into human. Most had lost the ability. Only
but then she stopped. It was the pale-skinned man those like him, those who could still survive the
that had locked eyes with her in the middle of her change, had been allowed to pass through.
tale. The yellow eyes must have been a trick of the
Not long ago, they had believed this world was just
moon, because his eyes were purple.
a myth, a story of hope created by their ancestors.
“I mean no harm, only help. I haven’t heard the They hadn’t understood why the gate had reopened,
Lunankanen tale told so passionately and so well in but he had learned much on this visit.
many moons.”
Anunkara had been freed, and they with him. Soon
“Thank you so much. You’re too kind.” all the packs would pass back through Crepum.
They would take back their inheritance.
“And you are too modest. Your skill is extraordinary,
though the story is unfinished.” The man began to run North towards Ur. He loped
forward in ever-increasing distances until he was
Darby put on her pretend smile—the smile she wore both man and wolf. He was expected back at the
with critics, the smile she wore when someone who spire in a fortnight. The night was fresh and his legs
didn’t do what she did offered her advice. In an overly strong. He was ready to run.
modest tone, she attempted to exit the conversation
as quickly as possible, “I know of no other parts.”

He wrinkled his nose. His eyes grew sad and

introspective, “I am sorry. I meant no disrespect. You
are correct. It has yet to be written.”

“Well, in the future, when whatever is unfinished

actually occurs, if it makes the story better, then I will
weave it into the fabric of my fable. Until then, I only
have what has happened.”

The man hung his head like a whipped puppy.

Standing, he pressed a silver coin into her palm

Beyond them, over the battlement of the fortress,
the forces of Darkness gathered on the plain. They
were a flood of creatures, foul and unholy.

The Mournblade
by John-Matthew DeFoggi
Two figures stood on the battlements of Farrenroc, where the old tales hold. They faced each other, warming their hands over a brazier. The light from the coals cast the
shadows of their hands across faces too similar to be unrelated. Beyond them, over the battlement of the fortress, the forces of Darkness gathered on the plain. They were
a flood of creatures, foul and unholy, all bound to one dark purpose: to break the walls of the citadel and slaughter all inside. The two figures watched the inhuman shapes
moving in the darkness, waiting for signs of the inevitable assault.

The younger of the two, a lad of no more than thirteen summers, sighed for the eighth time since the two had paused their patrol at the brazier. A small smile broke on the
older face. “Soon enough, Eldren. Learn to enjoy the silence. The sound will come soon.” She kneaded at her left hip, trying to force it to loosen up. The cold always felt
deeper where the scar was.

Eldren looked up at her, his unlined face studying her weathered one, before
gazing back out onto the fields below. His eyes widened briefly as if he saw
something in the dark that her eyes could not make out. Sometimes age gave as
much as it took away.

“The silence bothers me,” He said. “It is too quiet. My mind wanders and fills with
questions. What if they come tonight? What if the scouts didn’t make it through?
What if…”

“Mourn’s blade, child, let it go. Tomorrow has enough worry itself. Leave it. If his actions rekindled a light of hope in the land. Where he led, the Bright Legion
you watch for the sword stroke that may fall, you miss the one that strikes now.” followed, and they drove back the Darkness. They quenched the fires of the
The woman’s voice was sharper than she meant it to be, but the chill of the night Riverlands, cleansed the ruins of Blackwall, and sealed the tunnels of Zahir. Hurn
aggravated her hip, and the boy’s impatience clawed at her patience. stood always at the head of the Bright Legion, first into combat, as irresistible as
the rising of the sun. Step by bloody step, the Bright Legion turned the tide of the
Silence reigned between them for a time, interrupted only by the distant snarls and war. Hurn’s will kept that age from being known as the Age of Darkness.
screams from the plains below. Finally, Eldren spoke again, tentatively reaching
across the silence with a question. For all the brightness of the Age of Legends, it ended in shadow. Because this is
not the story of his triumphs—this is the story of the death of a legend, a triumph
“You say that often. Why is that?” of darkness, and the birth of the Mournblade.

“What? What do I say?” In the last days of the war, the tide had turned, and the Bright Legion had routed
the terrors. The forces of the Darkness holed up in the mountain fastnesses
“Mourn’s Blade.”
from which they had poured forth many years ago. But this time, they were the
“Oh...well, it is a blade worth cursing.” The woman paused, studying the lad in the frightened, the besieged, the prey. It seemed at last that the Light would drive back
light of the brazier. “Have you not heard the tale before?” the Darkness and wipe it from face of the world forever.

“I don’t think so,” the boy answered with the same quiet voice. He moved closer It was then that evil struck its foulest blow.
to the brazier to try to drive away the chill of the night and the screams of the day
Hurn, the great king, had gathered our mothers and our fathers for a final assault
from his bones. The woman looked down at him, eyes narrowing as she weighed
against the things that hid in the dark places of the world. Their tents arrayed before
something on the scale of her soul. With an imperceptible nod, she came to a
the heights of the mountain were a sea of colors resplendent in the light of dawn. Our
decision and spoke.
mothers and fathers tell the tales of those who were there on that day: Hesseron the
“Telling its story is a way to pass the night. Are you sure you want to hear it? The Greymaned, who was the first over the wall at the retaking of Blackrock, Derdendra
story of the Mournblade is not a happy tale, but it is a worthy one.” the Wild, raised by the elves, who slew the terror known only as the Hundred-Eyed
Seeker in a single volley of arrows, Astrazion the Twin-souled, a mighty binder of
The boy moved his hands closer to the coals, the red glow illuminating them. The elementals and demons, twisting their power for the cause of light, Xandra Fleet
woman could see that the boy’s skin was already tinged red from the Charring. He Foot, who ran from Farrenroc, where the old tales held, to the Riverlands with Hurn’s
flexed his fingers as if to take in even more heat before withdrawing them from the initial words of hope. With our ancestors stood the hosts of the elves, whose raiment
brazier completely. glittered with gems like dew on the fields. The dwarves stood with them as well,
terrible in their war-masks that gleamed as though forged in dragon’s flame. Those
“The silence bothers me,” he repeated. huranii who could be persuaded skulked on the edges of the camp, Hurn’s loyal spies
and scouts. Never had such a host gathered before or since, the might, magics, and
“Very well. The Mournblade’s story starts long ago, at the end of the last age.”
gods of the mortals arrayed against the mountain of shadow.

Hurn came forth. His blade shone like a shard of the sun, and his armor gleamed
It was the end of the Age of Legends. At that time, the lands of our ancestors were with reflected moonlight. He moved through the camp, clasping shoulders, allaying
prosperous but weak. They—indeed all the peoples of the land—had forgotten fears, giving hope and courage for the battle to come. He mounted the platform
things which should not be forgotten. They had forgotten the terrors which lived in built in the center of the camp. For this was to be the speech, THE speech, which
the darkness beyond their walls. They had forgotten how to fight that which would heralded the Age of Light. All the heroes of that age gathered round him and stood
eradicate us: the crawlers, the grubbers, and the unholy. They had forgotten what with him on that platform. The hosts were gathered about it to hear the words
it meant to earn the right to survive. In that time, those forgotten terrors arose once of their king and commander. Many thought Hurn would reveal the plan for the
more to assail the mortal races. The Riverlands burned with unholy fire, Blackwall battle. Others thought his communion with the Light was complete, that he bore a
was rent asunder by the siege works of the grubbers, and Zahir collapsed into message from the gods on this, the morn of their battle. But none there knew that
the tunnels of the crawlers. An army spread out like a growing shadow from the the Darkness they had spent their lives fighting was in their midst and that one of
eastern mountains and shrouded the light in the hearts of humanity. Everywhere— their own stood poised to betray the cause they all believed in. The Darkness that
save Farrenroc, where the old tales held—our ancestors huddled in the dark and could not conquer the Light with strength of arm would slay it with a traitor’s blade.
waited for death to claim them. Some even introduced themselves to death rather How the Darkness found purchase in the heart of a hero is unknown. Did it find
than endure the horrors of the age. Everywhere save Farrenroc, where the old tales envy of Hurn? Did it hold the hero’s loved ones in its grasp? Was it the Darkness’s
held. There, those that would form the Bright Legion gathered for the first time. plan along, a long-term play to overwhelm the age with despair? We may never
They gathered under the banner and eye of Hurn. know the details, only the outrage. The unnamed traitor stood on the platform, next
to Hurn, waiting for the time to strike. It is a strange thing that this traitor’s name
None now know where Hurn came from, what his lineage was, or by what right is lost to the gulf of time. Whoever they were, from that day forward they became
he came to command Farrenroc, where the old tales held. But command the the seed from which all traitors in all stories bloomed. And they all wield that first
legions he did. His voice put steel back in the hearts of our ancestors, and slowly traitor’s blade.

Much like the traitor, the blade which ended Hurn’s life was unassuming, one of His mother laughed, although she could not have said why. It was a warm sound
many in the crowd. Some stories say it was prepared, invested with the Darkness’s in the chill of night. The creatures below paused in their snarling, as if waiting to
need to end the king’s life. Others claim the deed is what awoke that damned hear it again.
sword to its destiny. Hurn stepped up to deliver his speech. Those around him
pulled their blades and the crowd began to cheer. In the moment, the traitor struck. “I don’t know, Eldren. That is how the story was told to me by my parents. Their
Hurn’s armor was forged by the dwarves, ensorcelled by the elves, and invested by parents told them a version, and their parents another, going on and on, back to
the priests of human. All its wards did not matter, because the blow least looked for the days of Hurn. I have heard this tale spun by many skalds and Lords, each for
strikes deepest. The traitor drove the blade into Hurn’s side suddenly and deep. The their own ends. Who knows which one is accurate? But they are all true in their
cursed blade struck a mortal wound in that single blow. The other blades on the own way. Each tells us something about who we are.”
platform fell as the heroes of the age immediately cut down the traitor, but it was
The boy’s hands moved away from the brazier as the horns of Farrenroc, where the
too late. The commanders of the Bright Legion watched in stunned silence as Hurn
old tales hold, sounded in alarm. “And what does yours tell us?”
dropped to his knees, blood draining from Hurn’s face. No one else moved as Hurn
died. The silence was broken suddenly by the wail of the blade where it pierced A mother’s hand reached out to touch her child’s shoulder but withdrew at the last
Hurn’s side. The blade screamed, but none could tell whether in sorrow or hunger. second to grip the hilt of her sword instead. She could hear boots pounding up the
Hurn, the hero of the age, knelt dying, yet no blood flowed from his side. For the stairs of the tower, alerting her to the rest of her squad coming up to join them. As
Mournblade lapped up Hurn’s blood, letting no drop fall to the ground. It drew she turned to face them, she whispered to her son,
Hurn’s essence within itself. Its cries grew louder as it trapped the great king’s
spirit. Horns from within the mountain of shadow soon answered, and unknown “Always beware of the darkness, for it can creep into the brightest of hearts.
hands slowly opened the gates of the fastness. All around, the Bright Legion’s best Vigilance is our only shield.”
and bravest began to flee, fearing the enemies which lay behind those gates.
Her soldiers took their places on the wall. Her son fell into line where he belonged.
The final assault on the heart of Darkness never was, for the forces of light The woman moved up and down the line as she had been trained. She clasped
dissolved like a morning mist. They fled, fear gripping their hearts, and they left shoulders, allayed fears, gave hope and courage for the battle to come.
Hurn where he lay. The flood they expected never emerged, but many lost their
lives that day in the panic which gripped them. When courage finally returned to She could feel the lie of omission set a slow chill creeping through her heart. Her
their hearts, those heroes who remained went back for their fallen leader. Stealthily warning was not from ages past. She had been there when her patrol found the
they returned to the camp, only to find it undisturbed. The bodies of their comrades Mournblade, when its foul will worked its treacherous hooks into her sister, when
lay where they fell; the spoils of war remained in the tents where they abandoned that blade had cried and lapped the blood of her fellow soldiers. She was the one
them earlier. Quietly they made for the center of the camp, not knowing what they who had buried her sister’s name and gave her the new one, Traitea. Even now,
would find. There, on the great stand, lay dead Hurn. the old wound plagued her, her limp exaggerated by the cold. The Mournblade was
not lost. In all likelihood it was down on the plains below or even within the walls
The tales say, as I have heard them, that someone or something laid his body out of Farrenroc.
on the wood as if for sleep. The great king’s face was peaceful, his arms crossed
on his chest. He was unmarked and whole save for the bloodless wound in his But she could not burden her son with that truth—not now, on the eve of his first
side, though he was as pale and as cold as marble. Of the Mournblade there battle. He had enough to worry about. His aunt’s story was not for tonight. As
was no sign. None knew who drew it from Hurn’s body and bore it away. The she limped behind her squad, her voice rose. It joined the voices of all the other
heroes of that age lifted their leader’s body and stole it away as well. They hid it commanders on the wall, in the courtyards, and throughout Farrenroc.
in a grand tomb, though none know where. Some skalds say that Hurn merely
“Soldier, we stand on the wall of Farrenroc, where the old tales hold. This is the
sleeps, awaiting the day when he will come to complete his great war against the
home of the Bright Legion. These are the halls that Hurn himself built. The forces of
darkness. But the skalds say many things, and such things are beyond this tale.
the dark have ever assailed our home. They come with fang, claw, and spell. With
And so, the Mournblade was lost to history, and evil was allowed to survive, to blade…” her voice faltered for a moment but found its strength again, “with blade
regroup, and to continue to this day. and treachery, but we are the Bright Legion!”

Men and women let out a war cry which rivaled the screams in the field.

“So ended the Age of Legends and began the Age of Heroes,” the woman intoned “We will not falter! We will hold the walls. Let the enemy come, they will break
with the same ritual formality she began the story with. The two stood in silence themselves against our resolve.”
once again. It was some time before the boy emerged from whatever internal
She drew her sword as her squad let loose another cry in unison. Yet she could
landscape the story had taken him to. When he finally spoke, it was to ask a
clearly pick out Eldern’s voice. “For the Bright Legion, and the Light!” The horns
called out again as the enemy charged.
“Mother… is that true?”

The blade screamed, but none could tell whether in sorrow or hunger. For
the Mournblade lapped up Hurn’s blood, letting no drop fall to the ground.

Somewhere within earshot of the walls, others heard the speech. Other blades
were drawn, but they were shorter, heavier weapons made for close killing—all
save one. The calls of horns and cries of throats drowned out the Mournblade’s
cry, but those closest to it heard it. The eyes of the one who wielded it fixed on
one specific section of wall. The blade’s guidance had brought them here. Only the
blood of one once tasted could quench the blade’s thirst and silence its howl—a
howl the wielder heard even in her dreams. She would relish the silence. With a
nod, she sent her squad into the courtyard. They slew those they found, making
their way towards the tower stairs and the battlements.

“Soon, dear sister, we will finish what we started together,” Traitea whispered. She
placed her boot on the blood-drenched stair and ground its sole against the stone
to get a firm purchase. Then she entered the siege of Farrenroc, where the old
tales hold…for now.

by Ross Watson

Part 1: The Guardsman

Stefany heard the door slam and looked up from her cooking. She frowned—Marc
was home far later than usual. Stefany turned, her eyes widening slightly as she
took in his battle-worn appearance. His armor was scarred with claw-marks, his
helm dented. Marc’s eyes were distant; exhaustion was written in every part of his
broad frame.

“Are you all right?” She asked, clutching her hands together. Marc sighed, removed
his helm, and sank down into a chair.

“I don’t know,” he replied, placing his head into his weathered, calloused hands.
“I’m not sure I can keep doing this.”

Stefany went to him and placed an arm across her husband’s broad shoulders.
“We need you, Marc. The town needs you.” Scholar’s Crossing was a small village,
and they depended on the guards to keep out the depredations of monsters and
bandits that roamed the woods.

Marc’s voice was hoarse. “The crawlers keep coming. Every night.” He closed his
eyes and remembered the long shift he had just finished, then opened them to
study Stefany’s worried face. “We have to hold them back, I know that. It’s just…”
He trailed off and shook his head.

Despair was written on his craggy features, and his frame slumped with a heavy

“Stay here. Rest,” Stefany told him firmly, though she was beginning to feel
somewhat frightened. Her strong, capable husband was almost unrecognizable.
His shift on watch must have been grueling. Marc’s stolid demeanor and extensive
experience made him ideal for the areas most at risk when the monsters came.

Stefany wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and stepped out into the night.
She felt cold, consumed with worry. There was only one person she could go to for

Hurn’s legacy lives on in heroes. In those who choose to
sacrifice for others, who stand where others flee.

Stefany could feel Marc’s tension. The guardsman swallowed, clearly remembering
the monsters he had fought earlier that day…and the friends he’d lost.
Only a few streets over stood a tall, dilapidated building. Once, it had been fine
manor house, but time and poverty had worn it down into little better than a hovel. “That monument of Hurn in the square?” Mara continued. “If you look closely, you
Stefany rapped on the door, biting her lower lip. This was the home of Old Mara. can see the dragon’s scales scattered beneath his feet.”

Mara had been the village’s “wise woman” for as long as Stefany could remember. The wise woman stood proudly as she spoke of the village’s centerpiece statue.
They had always called her “Old” Mara, and Stefany believed that there were “He wears the armor of a warrior, the raiment of a king. Hurn the Bright was one of
few—if any—in the village who knew exactly how many years the wise woman the best of us.”
had been alive.

The door was pulled open a few inches and a fierce, blue eye stared out at the
street. “What is it?” The woman’s voice was sharp, but not shrill. Stefany was sure “But Hurn knew the secret of courage.” Mara paused long enough to catch Marc’s
if that Mara wanted to, she could be heard with ease even in the loudest festival or gaze and hold it. “That courage is not the absence of fear…but the will to act
most raucous kitchen. despite that fear. Those who are truly brave feel every scrap of terror and despair.
They feel it, but they still do what they must.
Stefany could feel the tears sliding down her cheek as she answered. “It’s Marc,”
she told Mara, “Can you speak to him? When he gets like this, he doesn’t listen to “Hurn was a hero, but he was also a man. He knew what fear was like. Darkness
me. I just—” She wiped her cheek with her sleeve. “Help us.” and doubt assailed him just as they have every man and woman since the Age of

Marc turned to his wife as he listened. Stefany could feel the taut strain in his body
Marc was still sitting in the same chair when Stefany returned with Old Mara at her begin to lessen. She saw him nod, a minute gesture of his head as he listened.
side. Mara took one long, slow look around the room and nodded to herself.
“The inspiration of Hurn isn’t just what he accomplished…it’s that he was able to
“It’s going to be all right,” she told Stefany, then patted her shoulder. “You can stay, push through despite these things. Endurance is the ability to overcome, despite
but leave the talking to me.” pain or weakness. To conquer despair is amongst Hurn’s greatest acts…and yet, it
is an ability that lies in every heart.”
The older woman approached Marc, her brow furrowed, her gaze determined.
“Guardsman,” she greeted him flatly. Stefany’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Including mine,” she whispered.
“Including yours.”
The man did not respond, his head lowered and staring at the floor. Mara sighed.
This was going to be more difficult than she had feared. Marc’s hand covered his wife’s, and she could feel the resolve re-kindling inside
Mara stepped closer to him. “Do you remember the story of Hurn?”
Old Mara gave him an approving nod. “That’s what made Hurn a hero, guardsman.
Marc did not look up. “That’s just a story. Hurn the Bright died long ago.” It’s what makes you a hero every day—that you march out and face danger and
darkness, for all of us.”
“He was a hero. Perhaps the greatest of heroes.” Mara waved Stefany over as she
spoke. The young woman knelt down, her fingers touching Marc’s chin and urging “I’m no Hurn,” Marc responded, his voice hoarse with emotion, “but I hear you.” He
him to meet her steady, loving gaze. gave Mara a thankful smile, then he kissed Stefany’s forehead. “And I hear you as
well, wife.” He smiled, a crooked grin that had captured her heart long ago.
Mara stood quietly for a moment. She forced herself not to cross her arms or show
any signs of impatience. Marc was a good man, a good guardsman, but he was Marc stood slowly, still tired from his long shift…but no longer dejected. “Hurn’s
stubborn even in the depths of depression. legacy lives on…”

“In the Age of Legend, Hurn founded the Bright Legion. He led them at Farrenroc Mara moved towards the door. “In people like you. In heroes. In those who choose
and fought many monsters. It was said that Hurn killed so many of them that they to sacrifice for others, who stand where others flee.”
would sometimes flee just from hearing his name.”
Marc laughed, softly, and put his arms around Stefany’s waist, lifting her up and
Mara’s voice was steady, soothing, drawing Marc in with every word. She was turning her around. “Thank you,” he murmured to his wife, breathing in her scent.
a natural storyteller, and one of the things the village cherished about the wise “Sometimes, I just need to know that other people—that you—believe in me. It
woman was her ability to spellbind listeners. helps to know you understand.”

“The statue of Hurn in the center of town, bearing his spear and shield? That’s Old Mara smiled at Marc—somewhat sadly, he thought. She spoke once more
meant to represent him after he vanquished Krthrin the Black. A mighty dragon, before she let herself out. “That’s the legacy of Hurn. And that’s why I remember
deadly to all who faced it. Yet Hurn sought out the winged fiend and brought him his story.”
Part 2: The Historian
“How?” Marc asked, looking up at Mara as he was drawn into her tale.
Loren picked up a heavy tome and squinted at it suspiciously. The book was
The white-haired wise woman smiled. “Krthrin the Black was fire and death, covered in a layer of dust, and Loren swore he could feel his sinuses already
wrapped in scales as dark as night. Some men called him ‘bringer of fate,’ for it preparing for a sneeze. “Another bestiary, no doubt,” he muttered, then carefully
was said to face Krthrin was to face one’s end.”

opened the tome and glanced at the writing inside. Many fanciful drawings of interesting record of Hurn’s death comes from Jeriod, a young officer who claims
monsters were paired with eloquent—if, to his eyes, redundant—descriptions. to have served as Hurn’s steward.”

Nodding to himself, the elderly man closed the book and set it on one of the upper The old historian always imagined Jeriod as not unlike the young student sitting
shelves next to others of its kind. This part of the library was somewhat secluded across from him: curious, driven, loyal, a bit awkward. Loren’s smile widened as he
from the rest, portioned off by an imposing oaken door. The shelves here groaned watched August diligently scrawling down notes.
beneath the weight of books—most of them old, and all of them proscribed except
to accomplished scholars or favored students who had earned the right to the “Jeriod wrote in a diary that he kept with him nearly all the time. He often recorded
knowledge within. It was Loren’s task to organize—and secure—these books for things that Hurn did or said, and he wrote down his impressions of the climactic
the Bibliosoth. moments in the battle.”

“Master Historian?” The question came from the doorway. August tilted his head curiously. “What was so interesting about Jeriod’s account?”

Loren turned to look and spotted a much younger figure wearing the belted robes Loren gave the student a sideways glance. “You question what a simple steward
of a scholar. Loren frowned. There were many more books he meant to sort out could have to say about Hurn that was not recorded by the official chroniclers,
before the end of the day, but he grudgingly nodded. correct?”

“Yes, young man? You have a question?” August colored but did not look away. “Isn’t that the purpose of the Bibliosoth?”
August countered, “to ask questions no one else will?”
The student nodded, then hesitantly entered the historian’s library. “My name is
August, honored sir.” He spoke well, indicating that his education had not gone Loren nodded slowly. This was going to be one of his favorite students, he could
entirely to waste. Loren thought the younger man’s accent was from the north, or already tell.
perhaps north-west, near the mountains.
“Among other reasons,” he answered noncommittally. “We of the Bibliosoth strive
“Yes yes, get on with it,” Loren said quickly. Irritability was just one of his less to uncover truths that have been hidden.”
redeeming qualities, and, from the look on August’s face, this was no secret
Loren stood, mentally cursing the creaking of his knees. “The steward’s record is
amongst the students.
interesting because it shows Hurn the man…not Hurn the legend.”
“Ah, that is, of course,” August stammered, plucking at his robe nervously. “I
Loren turned to the stacks of books, his eyes unfocused even as he ran a hand
wanted to ask you about the histories. About Hurn, the hero of legend.”
over the familiar spines. “Jeriod’s writings of Hurn speak of a deeply lonely
Loren grunted, then pulled out a chair and sat down. He waved impatiently for the commander, a desperate man who saw his own death with certainty…and went to
student to come closer. “A popular subject.” face it anyway, believing he had no choice.”

August flushed, then firmed his jaw determinedly. “If anyone knows the truth Loren’s voice roughened. “Perhaps loneliness is the consequence of legend.
behind the tales, you would, honored sir.” Perhaps that is one of the costs of being a hero. Others look at you and see only
your deeds.” The older historian turned back to regard his student levelly. “And not
Loren nodded slowly. “Very well.” Instruction was always Loren’s true calling, your needs.”
and he could feel himself getting into the mindset of teaching as he organized his
thoughts. August frowned as he made notes. “Fatalism? Self-doubt?” The younger man
shook his head. “I can certainly understand Hurn wanting to reflect on his life
“This library has stacks of books about Hurn,” Loren said, waving a hand at the before the final battle, but the rest sounds,” he struggled to find the words, “…so
shelves around them. “But, perhaps surprisingly, very little can be said about him flawed.”
with authority.”
Loren shrugged. “Flaws are what make us human. And Hurn, for all his
August frowned. “What do you mean, honored sir? We know he existed, certainly.” accomplishments, was a man, like you or I.”

Loren smiled wryly. “You might be shocked at how many of your fellow scholars The student closed his notebook. “I can’t agree with you on that, honored sir.
dispute that.” The older historian chuckled. “But yes, I believe we can state that Hurn’s legend…”
Hurn was a real person who lived in the Age of Legends.”
“Means less than the truth.” Loren shook his head. “And that is why, all these
August nodded, taking out a piece of parchment and a stylus as he began to years later, we of the Bibliosoth oppose the Bright Legion when it comes to truth.”
scribble down notes. Loren paused long enough to let him jot down a few words
before continuing. The older historian walked towards August and began to escort him to the door.

“There are many contradictory accounts of his life, his time with the Bright Legion, “The Light and the Darkness are real things. True things. Despite the Bright
and especially…” Loren paused and lifted an eyebrow dramatically, “…his death.” Legion’s efforts to keep them a secret, they exist. Someone must ask questions.
Someone must try to share knowledge rather than hoard it.”
August glanced up from his writing. “He died at the battle of legion.” The student
hesitated, then plunged onwards. “At least…according to the legends. Right?” August paused, brow furrowed. “Some say that knowledge of the Darkness is
dangerous,” he ventured, “corrupting.” He licked dry lips. “Those who are most
Loren couldn’t help but feel amused by the younger scholar’s uncertainty. aware of the Darkness become consumed by it, or so I have heard.”
“According to legends, that’s what happened. However, what I think is the most

Loren snorted. “The Bright Legion certainly thinks so.” The older
historian’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked more closely at
August. It was uncommon for students to be quite so interested in the
subject at hand.

“And you, young student? Would you prefer to know nothing of the
Darkness?” Loren shook his head, then poked August in the chest for
emphasis. “You think ignorance will save you, hmm?”

The student did not flinch. “Of course not!” His retort was fierce. “But
some secrets are dangerous, are they not?” He waved his hand at
the shelves. “You do not let first-year scholars peruse certain tomes,
after all.”

Loren considered. “That is true, but only to a point.” The older man
rubbed his jaw. “A sword is dangerous in the hands of an untrained
novice. Sometimes he needs to take a cut or two to respect such a

August raised an eyebrow. “And knowledge of the Darkness is a

weapon, is it?”

Loren grinned. “All knowledge can be a weapon,” he replied, quoting

one of his favorite textbooks. One that he was certain was amongst
those taught in August’s classes this year.

The student made a face, confirming Loren’s guess.

“Be that as it may,” August’s voice was straining to remain polite. “It
sounds as if you are arguing that the truth is paramount…regardless
of danger or threat to others.”

“If we stop searching for truth,” Loren stated firmly, “We have given
up the right to call ourselves scholars.”

The older historian shook his head. “We would be no better than
the Huranii, scrambling to find scraps of lost tales and forgotten

August stood silent for a moment. “I see you believe in this quite
firmly, honored sir.”

Loren chuckled. “Do they not discuss passionate debate in your


The student quirked up his lips at one corner. “They do, honored sir.
But my fellow scholars limit their passion to victory in a debate…and
rarely apply it to a larger ethical stage, as it were.”

Loren inclined his head. “And that is why I suffer few such fools.” The
older historian began to move away, then hesitated. “You should come
back, Scholar August. I have a feeling we have more in common than
you think.”

The student considered, then nodded. “I accept, honored sir. Though

we may not agree on everything, I can respect your conviction.”

Loren smiled. “For me, that’s the essence of Hurn’s legend. To stand
for what you believe in, no matter the odds.”

That’s the essence of Hurn’s legend. To stand
for what you believe in, no matter the odds.

After the Siege
by Brian Shotton
Everything Commander Stokes cared about in the world stood upon the dark rock
of the mountain.

Farrenroc shone in the late afternoon sun. Wooden cranes lifted enormous stones
to repair the Gatewall. The great stronghold from the Age of Steel had weathered
the latest siege as it had everything since its creation—with fortitude and grace.

The few soldiers she had remaining under her command were less stoic. They had
witnessed the gruesome deaths of many hundreds of their friends—brothers and
sisters sworn to protect this place and its secrets.

What was left of her command had been assigned to guard Elementalists as they
burned a path through the festering dead of those that had come to kill them.
Carrion birds lumbered away to avoid her soldiers. They were unable to fly, so
glutted were they on the flesh of the fallen.

The walk back to safety would take a couple hours. She raised her voice to call
out, “We are done for the day.”

“Yes, Commander.” Her soldiers gathered loose articles and prepared to return.

The sorcerers hesitated. They wore the skull and sword of the Bright Legion. They
were not trained to respect the chain of command like her soldiers. It wasn’t the
first time they had balked at her orders.

She had reacted poorly that first time—raising her voice, debating them on the
merits of returning to Farrenroc while they could still see. She didn’t offer an
argument this time. If they chose not to follow, they would be left. They had no
authority beyond that which she allowed.

She would be glad for the time to think. Commander Stokes hoped the warm sun
would drive the dark thoughts from her mind.

The Bright Legion were supposed to be the saviors of the Four Kingdoms. They
advised kings and queens, held positions of respect. But it was her men and
women that had fought the monsters and died that day on the Gatewall. She had
seen no Bright Legion nor any weapons of power except for the sword swung
by their enemy—the Mourneblade. Many had met their fates on the edge of that

She could still remember its song rising with each kill. If it hadn’t been for the
heroes, she would have tasted death this day as well.

By the time the path began to rise to Gatewall, Stokes had decided to confront the
Commander-General. He directed all the forces of Farrenroc. He also wore the skull
and sword. She didn’t know where his allegiance lay, but she was going to find out

The Unlucky Burrow was clearly misnamed. It was one of the few buildings in
Farrenroc that had not been damaged. No walls had been smashed. Not one
shingle had been misplaced.

They had witnessed
the gruesome deaths
of many hundreds of
their friends—brothers
and sisters sworn to
protect this place and
its secrets

Sir Roderick Blackstone had appropriated a portion of the tavern’s common room. left standing alone, impotent in her rage. His voice was soft. “I will allow you this
What it lacked in privacy it made up with in walls. His office and most of the outburst due to grief. But you will sit down and find some control, or you will be
barracks around Farrenroc had been targeted and razed. sent from Farrenroc this very night.”

Commander Stokes waited. She did not have an appointment, so she had to be She leashed her anger and sat down. But she did so with defiance. She would not
patient. She filled her time trying to track the pea in a local busker’s shell game. be cowed or pacified.

She was too smart to wager money on such a con but this one was entertaining “You lost one hundred and eleven soldiers,” Blackstone said suddenly.
enough to watch. The trickster had actually lost once or twice—never enough
to fall behind but enough to draw people in. The losing was a clever ruse. It kept She was stunned. He knew the exact number.
players engaged and gave them confidence that it wasn’t just a trick.
“Including your company, I lost one thousand one hundred and fifty-two soldiers—
It was, though. In the end, the pea would never be under the shell where the heroes sworn to defend Farrenroc. There were also two hundred and eighty-six
largest wager was committed. laymen killed, one hundred and forty-six women, and thirty-one children.”

Commander Stokes was still smiling at the trickster’s cleverness when she was Tears had started to form in the corners of his eyes.
summoned to sit with Sir Roderick Blackstone, Commander-General of the forces
Stokes gathered her rage once more. “Those numbers only prove my point. All the
of Farrenroc and Second Seat of the Bright Legion.
death. Why not open the vault and use the power that lies within?”
“What can I do for you?” He looked beyond tired.
He continued as if she hadn’t even spoken. “You came to Farrenroc five years ago.
For a moment she felt guilty. For a moment she considered not sharing her You didn’t like it at first. But now you would sacrifice everything for it.”
concerns with him, but only for a moment. She rallied her anger to strengthen her
“I would.”
resolve, her frustration finally finding a voice.
“I would not.” His face became resolute. “Farrenroc is a door. A gateway to the
“Why wasn’t the Bright Legion used?”
freelands of the south. A door that must not break. What we will not do is open
Sir Roderick seemed taken by surprise…or was it guilt? Whatever emotion had the door just so the door won’t be broken. I would sacrifice every living soul in
swept across the weathered features of the man was quickly buried. Farrenroc—man, woman and child—to protect a single person in Riverfalls. Or
Devonshire. Or Three Rivers.”
“We are told about the importance of the Bright Legion—that they are the greatest
heroes of our generation, that they have access to great weapons of power to She was shocked.
push back the Darkness. But where were they? They were not dispatched to the
“That is why Farrenroc exists. You swore the oath five years ago. Have you so
Gatewall. I have spoken to other wall commanders. The mighty Bright Legion did
quickly forgotten the words?” It was his turn to stand. His voice filled the quiet.
not reinforce them either. Why?”
“I, Roderick Blackstone, do swear upon my life and my family to defend Farrenroc
The Commander-General bristled at the accusation. “What is it you are asking
and the free lands. I will bear true faith to this oath and obey the orders of the
Commander Stokes?”
Commander-General and the officers appointed over me. I seal this oath with my
“I want to know why they were not dying beside my men. Why were none blood.”
killed protecting the innocent?” She paused only a moment before continuing,
He sat down and lowered his voice. “If the Darkness had truly surrounded us. If
“Commander Gentry is burying our dead. He hasn’t buried a single person
Farrenroc would have fallen, then and only then would we open the vault. Weapons
wearing that.” Commander Stokes’ finger stabbed at the Bright Legion emblem on
of power are not to be used lightly. They cause as much damage to the innocent as
Blackstone’s lapel. “Not a single one.”
the enemy. They are and will always be a last resort.”
Roderick’s face grew stormy. “You know when Farrenroc is under siege, I
Now she knew. She had sworn that very same oath. Every man, woman and child
command the Bright Legion, so your question really is why didn’t I use them? Why
that steps foot in Farrenroc had. It was required for anyone who intended to stay
did I let your soldiers die?”
longer than twenty-four hours. Which meant anyone who wore the patch of the
“I want to know why the Four Kingdoms’ mightiest heroes sat this one out. Why do Bright Legion had sworn it as well. And while she respected Commander-General
we always seem to be on the defense? Why don’t we attack? Why didn’t we follow Roderick and her oath, it still seemed to her that the Bright Legion wasn’t honoring
them into the mountains and defeat this Darkness for good? Why are my troops theirs.
good enough to die in the defense of liberty but not worthy enough to wield the
“Will that be all, Commander Stokes?”
great weapons held in the vault under the Cathedral?”
“Yes, Commander-General.” She had her answer.
“That is enough Commander.”

“No!” Her voice rose with her ire.

A priest of the Bright Legion found her on her way back from the Unlucky Burrow.
Every eye in the Unlucky Burrow quickly found something else to look at. But the
He introduced himself as Brother Jude. He had heard what she had said in the
common room’s sudden silence indicated that they had heard every word she said.
tavern and offered to guide Commander Stokes to a sympathetic ear.
Sir Roderick didn’t react to her insubordination, but his eyes pinned her. She was
There are moments in a person’s life they wish they could take back, which are

only revealed in the perfect perspective of hindsight. So it would be on this night. “On us.” Brother Marrin’s words were soft. “Let us go remind ourselves why there
Many years from now, Commander Stokes would wish she had declined the are some secrets that must be kept, and I will tell you again what was told to me
invitation and the revelation it would eventually lead to. so long ago when I took possession of the key.”

But right now she was angry, her purpose pure. So she followed him. She followed Blackstone and Marrin walked to an unassuming wooden door at the corner of the
him through alley and night until she was face-to-face with a stranger in a cellar. south transept. There was no lock. Opening it revealed a spiral staircase of stone
that descended into unlit black.
Farrenroc was a big place but also predictable. Everyone was known. It had to be
that way. No one lived in Farrrenroc who didn’t serve a purpose in its defense. But Every thirty steps revealed an etched rune. As the two men approached the rune
this woman…Commander Stokes didn’t recognize her. glowed bright white then turned to a pale green illuminating the way. If anyone
approached the runes that was not marked, the rune would turn red and spit
A lantern provided the only illumination—a small halo of light against the secret flame. Anyone trying to loot the vault would lose thousands in the descent alone.
darkness. The woman remained mostly hidden at the edge of the light.
Man-laid steps gave way to steps carved from natural stone.
“Greetings Commander Stokes. It is with great pleasure we finally meet though it is
regrettably clandestine. I despise secrets, don’t you?” The woman spoke the word “Why does the Darkness attack Farrenroc?”
secrets through clenched teeth.
Roderick was quick to reply. His answer certain, “Because it wants to destroy all
“I do.” that is good.”

“Then we agree on the most important element of our cause.” Marrin chuckled. “That is certainly so, but why does it attack Farrenroc?” Marrin
stressed the name of the mighty fortress they had sworn to protect.
“If you hate secrets so much, you’ll share your name with me. If you do not, I will
take my leave.” “Because of the vault.”

“I am Marta. I am but one member of a growing concern. We wish to pull back “Yes. It is a known secret. It is here we hold the weapons that finally led to the
the curtain and reveal to the world the dangers lurking at our doorstep. The Bright defeat of the Darkness at the Battle of Legion. It is here they have sacrificed
Legion’s secrets are killing us—surely you agree?” countless hoards against the Rock’s walls. It is here that the whole world learned
the Darkness can be defeated. And it is that stain the Darkness wants to erase.
“I do.”
“So yes, they come. And yes, many of our own die. But the Darkness fails. And with
“Why did they not use the heroes of the Bright Legion in the last battle? When, if every defeat the hope of the world remains intact. For the rest of the world, the
ever, will they use the weapons underneath this city? These are your questions. Darkness is something that is defended against and defeated far from their homes
These are our questions. Weapons were created to be wielded, were they not? and happiness.”
These weapons are a gift. Long has the blood of our people been spilled in defense
of this bastion. Let us use these weapons and save our sisters and brothers.” The staircase ended in a rune-covered iron gate with no handle or keyhole. Marrin
moved to one side of the small passage to make room for Sir Roderick. They held
Commander Stokes nodded. “I would help you in the pursuit of these goals.” hands and touched two identical runes. A strange current passed between and
through them. With the circuit complete, the gate clicked and was lifted into the
“We only seek knowledge and the illumination it provides. We want to share with
stone above by some unseen mechanism.
the Four Kingdoms what is really happening at Farrenroc and beyond the wastes.
Only through the purity of knowledge may we rise as one and overcome the Brother Marrin and the Commander-General Roderick Blackstone passed through
Darkness for good and forever.” a short hallway and stopped in a larger room. The two men continued to hold
hands. The air had changed—they now stood in a vast cavern. There was an
“What do you propose?”
incantation upon the floor that led anyone unconnected to wander away into the
“For now, we need only your ears. In time, we might need your voice. At the end vast emptiness of the grand cavern, forever lost.
we might need your sword. We will force them to provide what they have hidden,
They stepped together into the deep nothingness of the room. With each step, Sir
force them to share their knowledge, their secrets, and their power.”
Roderick counted down from fifty while Marrin counted up from one. When Sir
Roderick reached one and Marrin reached fifty, flames sprang up in front of them.
The fire, spread quickly in a small rivulet, lighting the path up to the door of the
The day had been long, but Sir Roderick still had one meeting left. He ended every vault.
night talking with Brother Marrin, First Seat of the Bright Legion.
A depiction of the death of Hurn was embossed upon the door. Hurn looked out at
“Rough day, old friend?” It wasn’t really a question. “I heard Commander Stokes the two men, his molded hand completely extended from the door, reaching for
took you to task in the Burrow.” help. Hurn’s eyes swam with betrayal and misunderstanding.

“It is handled.” Blackstone had only been here two other times. The first had almost destroyed
“I never doubted. I mention it only to say that I empathize. It is a deadly
responsibility we share, a great burden.” Brother Marrin had told Roderick the truth of Hurn’s betrayal. Hurn’s death was
also a secret of the Bright Legion. Even now, Hurn’s gaze broke Sir Roderick’s
“Yes…I didn’t understand until this siege. Never before had they come in those heart.
numbers, with such voraciousness. All those deaths…on me.”

Their hands separated and Marrin continued, “The truth is there is no
better place in all the four kingdoms to defend against the Darkness
than Farrenroc. Except perhaps for High Haldor, and we both know
why that is unwise.

“That the Darkness comes to Farrenroc—the most easily and best

defended shelter of men—is a miracle of the Light. It comes for many
reasons: pride, revenge, intimidation, but most of all it comes for the
mighty treasures of Hurn’s Vault. After all, without these treasures,
how could we hope to defeat it?

“However, it isn’t the treasures of the vault that give us victory but the
resolve we find when we have hope. It has always been and always
will be that way.”

Marrin grabbed the sculpture’s extended hand and pulled the vault

Sir Roderick remembered how his heart had raced the first time he
stood in front of the open vault—Hurn’s vault, the vault of heroes, the
hope of the world, home to the greatest weapons the world would
ever know:

The Light of Heaven, Hurn’s great spear. Orsean’s Black Bow, said to
be made from a Moontree from the other side of the world. Eresai’s
Orb, which gave its owner the power to see the future and into the
hearts of men. Araphael’s Forgehammer, said to summon bolts of
lightning from the sky with every strike.

The priest and the Commander-General stood at the entrance. There

was no need to enter. The vault was empty.

The treasures had been lost long before Marrin’s time. The whole
thing was a ruse, a gambit to keep the Darkness focused on

This was the Bright Legion’s most dear secret.

“This is what draws the Darkness to Farrenroc, the best-chosen place

for men to defend and defeat the Darkness. As they have for three
hundred years. Yes with cost, but a cost that must be paid.

“If the Darkness knew we had nothing, they would sweep over the Four
Kingdoms. Only for the fear that there are weapons under Farrenroc
that can defeat it does the Darkness come here. Otherwise, humanity
would be driven back into hiding, the Age of Breaking returned.”

Sir Roderick knew every word the First Seat said was true. He knew
that the sacrifices of Commander Stokes’ soldiers—his soldiers—
were necessary. Necessary for the illusion. The Darkness had to
believe there were weapons of power here. The deaths of so many
of the Four Kingdom’s sons and daughters were the only way to
convince it.

Sir Roderick Blackstone turned to the priest. Brother Marrin was crying.
Sir Roderick joined him with tears of guilt and shame. Great groans of
sadness and rage and frustration echoed in the vast cavern, as if the
voices of all those that had shared their secret returned and joined the
lament. They were prisoners of this paradigm as much as anyone. The
only difference was that they could see the bars.

They stepped together into the
deep nothingness of the room.

Module Summary

Story By Brian Shotton

The thing was called the Fortuna. It had an odd dodecahedron shape and it gave the After fighting back and defeating the horde of Crawlers that had threatened to make
owner good fortune. However, the Fortuna was always trying to find a new master and the Inn of the Last Sorrow their new home, the hero is rewarded with the real Fortuna.
when it did, the old master suffered some type of calamity. To put it succinctly, the Not knowing what it is or what it does, the hero decides to take the Fortuna to Sarah
thing was trouble. the Mystic. She explains that the thing’s full name is Apparatus Arcana Agnitio
Infinitum Fortuna and that, by rolling it, the owner is able to twist fate in the thick of
The merchant Tenebrae hires the hero to take the Fortuna to the Inn of the Last
Sorrow. In the end, the hero delivers the thing without issue or any hint of malice.
Unfortunately, the thing the hero delivers isn’t the Fortuna at all. Tenebrae had duped Not willing to use the extended name of the Fortuna, the hero decides to refer to it as
the hero into delivering a Voidhoop—one of a pair. These magical items allow a person “that thing.”
to move between two fixed points with no regard for distance. The partner hoop is
Unfortunately, the hero is needed again at the Inn of the Last Sorrow. Defeating the
resting at the bottom of a Crawler lair.
Crawlers was only a stopgap. They have returned in numbers much larger than before.
The only way to save the town is for the hero to enter the Voidhoop and retrieve the linked
hoop in the Crawler Lair. The hero succeeds and is granted the Voidhoop as a reward.

Story By Brian Shotton

River Falls has come under a curse. Gaunt faces greet the heroes. The people of this Descending from the dark of the cavern stalactites is a massive creature with too many
once thriving community are starving. The heroes sense hopeless eyes following them legs to count, a monstrous centipede attached to a semi-translucent egg bag. Within
as they enter the town square where they meet Warren, the River Falls lay-leader. the bag float thousands of eggs. She is planting them in the nooks and hideaways of
the dry river, which could mean the destruction of all life along the river.
Warren weaves a tale of hardship and woe. A sacred jewel has been stolen from a local
holy site—the Stone of Life. The jewel protected River Falls, but now that it is gone, the The heroes prepare for battle. They can’t allow this mother—this Terror—to continue.
river has dried up and awakened a creature they refer to as the Mother. He begs the The heroes fight valiantly as they are tested like never before. Finally, the Terror
heroes to help them recover the Stone of Life and return prosperity to River Falls. screams in pain and rips herself from the cumbersome egg sack. Once removed from
the sack, the Terror climbs back up into the darkness and flees deeper into the cavern.
Just as the heroes agree to help, sinkholes appear throughout the town. Dry earth
Across her abdomen, where the egg sack was attached, is an opening the size and
gives way to the clicking of Crawlers. The heroes defend the townsfolk. But the attack
shape of the Stone of Life. The heroes realize with hope waning that the Terror with
on River Falls was unlike anything the heroes had ever witnessed. Crawlers are not
1000 Legs is the altar for the Stone of Life. Without the stone in place, the Terror
smart and rarely organized, but these Crawlers moved with intent. They seemed be
awoke and began to create life.
guided by some force bent on malice.
The heroes prepare to travel deeper into the dark after the monster and altar. It is easy
The heroes learn from the thief that the stone was dropped just behind the waterfall
to follow the Terror, since she is not hiding at all. She leaves a trail for the heroes to
south of town, at a place the locals call the Finger of God. The majesty of the Finger
cannot be easily understood; it makes most feel insignificant. The two largest rivers
in the four kingdoms, the Faeduin and the Esme, meet there and pour into a massive Many hours later, the heroes emerge from the dark into the bright light of River Falls.
gorge. Water roars down into the Finger of God then violently rushes down to Three The Terror had followed her children’s burrows to the town. The unforgiving sun brings
Rivers in a cascade of white-water rapids. However, without the Stone of Life, the into sharp focus the horror brought upon the town of River Falls. It was a massacre.
Faeduin’s flow is diminished, and dry stones jut out from the cliff that traces a path The heroes weep and are forever changed. The Terror had taken out its anger and rage
behind the Finger’s basin, where the Stone of Life was once kept safe. upon the innocents of River Falls.

The heroes slowly descend into the once mighty basin. Everything feels off. The sound The heroes had walked among the people of River Falls just days before; now, the
of Crawler chittering echoes behind the once mighty waterfall. The heroes expect a town was a web of death. The residents are strung up among the webbing, sealed in
fight when they enter the cavern, but the Stalkers just keep working. They take notice silk cocoons.
of the heroes but continue to tend to the cluster of egg sacks that dot the damp cool
Above, on the roof of the garrison, the monstrosity waits. Only now do the heroes
stones. The heroes have never seen a Stalker not act on instinct. Something is guiding
realize what they have done. Ever so slowly she slithers down to meet them in the
them. Something is building an army.
middle of the now desiccated town. Just as the heroes’ strength wanes and their
The heroes leave the Stalkers to their work and follow a nearly dry underground defeat is assured, they manage to place the Stone back into the chest of the Terror.
riverbed. This is where the thief said she dropped the Stone of Life. As the heroes The creature goes dormant almost immediately. The task is over. Though exhausted,
begin their search, they are ambushed by Crawlers. During the ensuing skirmish, the the heroes hurry to each cocoon and hope. In the end, not all the townsfolk are dead,
heroes discover a deep blue crystal that could only be the Stone of Life. Just as the though many are. There is a guilt that lives in true heroes: guilt for those that suffer.
heroes place the stone into their bag, a strange silence embraces them. Life goes on.

Story By Brian Shotton

The Avatar of Shadows module continues the story of a chain quest in the first edition Cries of pain catch the heroes’ attention. All around the clearing are allies and friends
of the Myth base game. In that quest, the heroes help a desperate father rescue his they’ve made along the journey being tortured. The victims plead for help, their eyes
little Lucy from her possessed doll. In desperation, the father reaches out to dark wild with fright.
forces for help. Lucy is saved, but these types of bargains have consequences. Invited
The heroes are unable to save them all. Friends scream as they die an arm’s reach
by the father, a primordial evil force—the Darkness—has placed a splinter of itself
away, then they are gone. It was all an illusion. There was no river, no statues, no
into Lucy. This transforms her into its avatar on this plane—the Avatar of Shadow.
friends. The only person standing in the clearing with them is a figure with a metal
The heroes track the Avatar across the four kingdoms. The Darkness leaves a trail of face. He moves like a man, but he is not of this world. He carries a mighty hammer in
death and horror as it guides Lucy toward something in the west. She is the perfect his right hand and a sturdy shield in his left.
vessel—everyone trusts little girls. Lucy speaks into the heroes’ dreams at night. She
He explains that Lucy has become the Avatar of Shadows and that she seeks the
asks for help, pleading for salvation as she cackles madly and cowers in the fear and
isle of Gehenna, a small island in Loch Kol. She is attempting to open a portal so the
the void. The heavy, almost living guilt of her story stays with the heroes, a splinter of
fullness of the Darkness may enter this world. Her agents have gathered the sacrifices.
her shadow forever fixed in the heroes’ souls.
If she is permitted to succeed, all life will be extinguished. He pleads with the heroes to
A hot wind brings fragments of dirt and bone from the Wasteland of the Risen far to rescue the innocents and kill the Avatar.
the south. The heroes stand at the foot of Haegl. The mountains of fire cast the horizon
The heroes prepare themselves as they look across the still waters of Loch Kol. It is a
red, the lands all but lost to the followers of the Light. High above, among the jagged
beautiful day. Small clouds travel lazily west across a blue sky. In many ways, it could
peaks of the mountains, hides the Prison of Arthos.
have been a perfect day, but the heroes travel to death: their own or Lucy’s. How can
The heroes find death inside the prison. In the far corner of the room, a man hangs in they kill a little girl they have come to love? Should they risk the world for a chance to
the air by his own entrails, like a spider web. Lucy had been here recently. To the right, rescue Lucy?
a man sits near a still-burning fire. The guard turns awkwardly towards the sound of
Stepping up to the cold stone slab of the Circle of Innocents is like moving from day
the heroes. Where his eyes should be, there are two smooth round stones.
into night. The sky, once bright blue, boils a dark red. Arranged around the stone circle
He tells the heroes about a man in the prison named Nicodemus, who held the are thirteen innocents tied to wooden X-shaped crosses. Everyone faces the middle of
secrets of the Circle of Innocents. He had come to the prison voluntarily to hide himself the circle where the Avatar of Shadow waits.
from the Darkness and to protect this world. Nicodemus warns that the great Darkness
A void appears behind her. Through the gate is the densest black the heroes have ever
is stirring and that the heroes must take their place among the Bright Legion to protect
seen. It feels alive and inviting. The Darkness welcomes the heroes to finally rest and
this world. They must stop Lucy.
fight no more. Then, a leg appears. A Firebourne steps from the void. In that moment,
The heroes are both hunter and hunted. Lucy is a day ahead, but it seems all the the heroes can see and hear the truth of what lies on the other side: images of torture
forces of the Darkness seek to impede their progress. What little sleep the heroes and a millennium of screaming, pain eternal.
manage is filled with inhumanity, visions of Lucy torturing Nicodemus, torturing her
The heroes save as many innocents as they can, but they cannot save Lucy. The
father, and torturing them.
scream of the Avatar is myriad as it falls, each voice echoing over the other in a chorus
Soon the air feels different…The heroes follow Lucy’s path to the foot of a statue of of pain, death, regret, sadness, and finally relief. It is over. The sky is clear.
Hurn that bears the inscription, “Pain is inevitable.” A small river splits the clearing. At
The frail form of Lucy lies at the heroes’ feet. Her corpse shows no sign of the
the far end, the heroes hear a waterfall. All around the bubbling river stand statues of
Darkness’ corruption. She is just Lucy, a final sacrifice. The heroes begin to mourn.
monsters the heroes have fought. It isn’t until the heroes get closer that they realize
Soon enough, they will gather Lucy up and lay her next to her father in Flowerwood
the river flows backward. The statues begin to come to life and attack the heroes.
Cemetery. Now, they just want to remember a brave little girl who paid the ultimate
On the other side, the heroes turn back toward a river that now flows correctly. In the price.
clearing on this side of the river stands another statue. This one is broken, weathered,
and worn. Under this statue is another inscription: “Guilt is a choice.”

Story By J.L. Allan

The land lies fallow. What little manages to grow rises sickly and blighted. Even the Suddenly, the heroes begin to hear noises coming from outside the tomb. A loud
most practical souls no longer deny that drought is unnatural. The living cannot eat, rumble shakes the stone foundation.. The banging grows and the stone slab covering
and the dead do not rest. The heroes are approached by a mystic—one of the Called, the crypt begins to shake. Before the heroes can secure their footing, the lid of
serving the Light but touched by the Darkness. She warns the heroes the drought is Saekor’s sarcophagus crashes to the floor, the stone split in two.
merely a side-effect of a great evil deed. She tells them of a group of necromancers
Saekor, First Knight of Ildar rises slowly and stands in front of them. Undead
that are attempting to raise the dead in Flowerwood Cemetery.
bannerman and unholy congregants gather outside. Something calls to Saekor. His
The heroes do not arrive in time—the undead have already risen. The heroes’ battle King requires his sword, so he must answer the call to battle. Saekor breaks through
with the necromancers is fierce but not final. The necromancers flee deeper into the the heroes like the wind through the trees.
cemetery. The heroes give chase, fighting Shamblers and Soulless without end. They
The heroes regroup. If Seakor had sought their destruction they would not have
are joined by a warrior covered in bone dust who introduces herself as Cyrddin, Way
survived. Cyrdden thinks there may be another way to defeat him. She tracks the army
Steward of the Luti. She is from the Fields of Light, the great desert near Kanis.
to a broken citadel. Dank walls tower over the heroes, the abandoned hall filled with
She was this far north tracking a feral beast, part man, part wolf. Her people believe great columns rise to hold a ceiling long-since fallen. Even in its decay, it is obvious
the Lucanines to be nothing but a story, but Cyrddin has followed the tracks anyway. the structure was once grand. The stone beneath their feet is solid, though worn
She is the best tracker among her people, but she did not expect the dead to be smooth with the passage of many feet and time. But the hall is not as abandoned as it
capable of rising in such numbers. She offers to help the heroes defeat this unholy seems—Tailless creep from the shadows.
pact of man and Darkness.
The group makes short work of the ancient Tailless and then continues. The heroes
Cyrddin tracks the undead to an ancient tomb. The marble slab that kept it sealed know their quarry waits for them, but there is nowhere to go but forward. They find
has been ripped open. Inside, a hole leads to long-forgotten catacombs. The heroes him in the throne room. Larger in death than he ever was in life, Saekor the revenant
descend until they arrive at a sepulcher. The statues flanking the entrance have been floats above the floor of the apse. Unconstrained power leaks from his shattered
worn featureless by time and the elements. This was once a grand monument with being. Cold fire burns the air around him. The heroes move as one across the chapel’s
etchings and marble, but he markings over the lintel have long since been lost to age. threshold.
What once was a blessing or a warning is now only a memory.
The heroes fend off Seakor’s wrath long enough for the revenant spirit to be exorcised.
Only one symbol remains clear: the sigil of the Ildar. This is the tomb of Saekor, First Saekor sinks to his knees and lowers his head, leaving the Darkness behind. The First
Knight of Ildar. The elegant carving on the lid of the sarcophagus is meant to represent Knight of Ildar is finally at rest. The revenant’s scream echoes in the stillness.
Saekor as he was in life. The prominent bone structure might seem brutish if it weren’t
Cyrddin tells the heroes to look her up if ever they find themselves in Arq. She will
for the look of serene repose the sculptors have granted him. Two sigils seal him and
return to her people. The werewolf’s trail had been hard enough to follow when it was
carry him to the afterlife. The first is the sigil of Ildar. The second has been newly
fresh, but now it is long since gone. As for the heroes, they decide that they have had
gouged and chipped away.
quite enough of Flowerwood Cemetery, so they offer to accompany Cyrddin as far
as Riverthorn.

Story By Brian Shotton

The people of Riverthorn needed help. On the far side of Watcher’s Woods was the The woods are more difficult to navigate than the heroes expect. The trees are so close
small homesteader town of Bowergate. The last merchant through said it had become together that sounds seem to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
a ghost town, and no one in Riverthorn had heard from their friends or family that lived Etrus cuts a path through the thickest stuff, and the heroes mark their escape route
in Bowergate for many weeks. by cutting into trees. The going is slow, and if anyone from Bowergate is alive, they are
running out of time.
The people of Bowergate had settled on the east side of Ildar to tame the wilderness.
Pioneers are a funny lot—they despise the rules and structure of the very civilization The undergrowth seems to whisper, voices from the past calling the heroes deeper into
they bring. They are rabble-rousers and troublemakers but don’t understand why so the forest. Lucy’s voice is among them. Then the heroes see the villagers of Bowergate
many people don’t like their company. They are often in trouble and in need of rescue, emerging form the vegetation. Gelatinous membranes cover their heads and other-
but they never pay well. wordly eyeballs gaze at the heroes. Behind each eyeball is the face of a resident of
Bowergate. The heroes tell themselves it is mercy to kill these things, but with every
Watcher’s Wood was notorious among the locals for being haunted. No roads or paths
kill a bit of hope within the heroes fades. This is perhaps the greatest weapon of the
ran through it, so the heroes would have to take the South Road (a generous name for
Symbio: the despair of knowing each sword strike is killing an innocent.
what was barely a path) around the dark and foreboding trees and then head north. As
long as the heroes kept the woods on their left, they would be fine. Further into the woods, the heroes begin to encounter people strung up on eye-stalk
trees, being assimilated. Most are dead, but some are alive and beg for mercy.
When the heroes arrive, Bowergate is empty. There are only seven building in the
Suddenly, the heroes are overwhelmed by the scent of raspberries and lilac. The path
whole settlement, all of which face the well in the middle of town. The heroes check
seems less overgrown. It is almost as if the vines are moving away as the heroes
around and find no evidence of battle or struggle. The well has water and appears
approach. Sycleech hover at the edge of the woods watching them but not attacking.
to be untainted. There is plenty of food in the larger shelter. If there were people,
With every step the heroes take forward, the Symbio retreat more.
Bowergate would have seemed to be doing very well.
As the heroes enter a small valley, it is clear to them that they have arrived. Vines and
Between the settlement and the woods is a garden and rough stone statue of Hurn.
flowers cover the ground and crawl up every surface. There are large blooms and
Dozens of flowers, each more beautiful than the last, bloom in an overwhelming array
pods resting here and there, waiting for new hosts to arrive. In the middle of the sea of
of colors. Strong scents of raspberries waft through the garden. Nearby, the heroes can
flowers stands a monstrosity of red fleshy membrane with a single colossal eyeball.
hear a bubbling brook. Hurn faces the forest, protecting the pioneers of Bowergate. At
the foot of the statue kneels a minotaur. The pod nearest to the heroes peels open…Etrus roars and charges. The fight is long,
but the heroes prevail.
The heroes wait patiently. There are very few minotaur left. They are not evil, but they
care little for the hurried ways of humans. His sad eyes open and take notice of the The heroes follow the marked path out. Etrus thanks the heroes and offers his
heroes. He introduces himself as Etrus, last of the minotaur. He asks if they are here to services. Hadley, having lost everything, decides to travel with Etrus. A human girl
hunt the Symbio with him. travelling with a minotaur is not something most humans would accept but perhaps
Hadley can help them throw off some of the old prejudices. Regardless, Hadley is more
Now the heroes understand why people are missing from Bowergate. The Symbio—
than capable of explaining the situation and Etrus is more than capable of keeping
body snatchers. They are an abomination. The heroes offer their help to wipe out this
them safe.
scourge. Not far into Watcher’s Woods they come upon the hiding figure of Hadley. She
tells them that the eyeballs took her family and friends into the woods. She and Etrus A bright moon rises over Watcher’s Woods. In the clearing nothing moves. The vines
share their grief for family lost to the Symbio. and blooms of the Symbio have quickly withered and died. The heroes have already
returned to Riverthorn and are on their way to Bratfurt when a small Sycl burrows up
from the rich compost of the defeated Symbio. It will take some time to gain her former
glory, but it is inevitable.

Story By John D. Kennedy

In the city of Bratfurt, the sun breaks over the walls and casts a beautiful glow Sarah pleads with the heroes not only to capture Professor Rustysprocket and bring
over the polished metal and stone buildings that span the city. Bratfurt is a town of him to justice, but also to destroy the Golden Gear. She knows the labyrinth of caves
collaboration. Earth and metal, nature and ingenuity live together here. The Great that protects Rustysprocket and offers to guide the heroes as far as she is able.
Overseer of Engineers, Talium Talbott, presides over the University of Invention from the
Many rooms and several skirmishes with the T1CK-T0CKS later, the heroes enter a
upper reaches of Watchmaker’s Tower.
room with several prototypes and unfinished devices. A bronze squirrel chirps in the
Normally, his days are filled turning dreams into reality, but not this day. Today, his corner with lifelike movements. Some sort of glowing viscous liquid has pooled in
Princeps has delivered a package found in the foothills near Reikin’s Drop. Inside the another corner. A massive KN1GHT and several T1CK-T0CKS rise from the putrid fluid.
package is an orb of darkened metal and a great mechanical eye. Cracked red glass Toxic oil and acids glide off their resistant shells. The T1CK-T0CKS move differently
stares back at him. Finally, evidence of the traitor has been found. He will need heroes than before. It seems they have adapted to the heroes’ tactics.
to hunt down this troublemaker and return him for trial. This will end once and for all.
Fumes from the contaminated flow cause coughing fits and hallucinations. When the
The heroes have heard stories about this mad tinkerer, Professor Rustysprocket, from heroes finally reach the workers, it is too late. Whether they have fallen to the toxic
other Tricksters and engineers. Everyone thought the professor was killed in some fumes or have been killed by Professor Rustysprocket’s machines, the heroes will
experiment gone bad, but if he is alive and still has the Golden Gear he stole from never know.
Talium, then he is a danger to all. The Golden Gear allows engineers to breathe life into
A strange noise thunders through the halls. The heroes follow the sound to a large,
their automatons.
brightly lit chamber. The walkway is lined with metal signs that warn of weapon
The trek to Reikin’s Drop is cold and brutal. By the fourth day of searching the testing. The smell of burning oil and smoke fill the air as the heroes enter the chamber.
inhospitable mountains, the heroes are ready to head back to the warm hearth Professor Rustysprocket is waiting for them, less man than he was before. Mechanical
without news. That night, they find a warm cave lighted by steam-powered lamps. As augmentations shine in the light of the room, and his red eyes zoom in on the heroes.
they descend into the cave, they see several metallic creatures doing menial tasks. Behind him stands a massive object covered in a thick tarp.
The heroes try to move past them, but the T1CK-T0CKS bar the way. To get to the
He begins monologuing about being misunderstood, about his most trusted friend’s
Professor, the heroes must fight.
jealousy and betrayal, and finally about a perfect future of machines. Then, with a
As the heroes descend deeper into the mine, they hear a clanging noise growing performer’s flourish, he pulls the tarp away to reveal a massive monster made of steel
louder. They pass many mine carts filled with coal and iron ore. The discovery of and bronze. The beast bows before the Professor, allowing him to board the automaton
several pickaxes confirms that these tunnels had been dug by people as well as terror. At the core of the monstrosity spins the Golden Gear.
A legendary battle concludes with a blow that breaks apart the mighty beast.
The heroes enter a room where a battle is currently raging. Sarah the Mystic, who Rustysprocket falls to the ground, pieces of his body tumbling from him. The
always seems to be in trouble, is holding an arcane barrier in place to protect herself heroes seize the Golden Gear and separate it into its three components. Professor
and several workers from being overrun by mechanical minions. The heroes leap to Rustysprocket watches his minions self-destruct, their metallic hulls glowing then
her aid, protect the workers, and defeat the T1CK-T0CKS. Sarah and the workers are fading as whatever animus brought them to life escapes its metal prison.
thankful for the rescue.
The Great Overseer is thankful for the heroes’ service. He tells them that Rustysprocket
She informs the heroes that Professor Rustysprocket is creating an army of steam- will be kept at the college and rehabilitated. He asks about the Golden Gear. Sarah
forged beasts that answer only to him. He intends to invade Bratfurt and take back the gives him two of the pieces and tells him that was all that was left. However, this is a
college from Talium. Sarah recalls that he had once taught there. During his tenure, lie. Sarah had told the heroes the Golden Gear was too powerful for all three pieces to
the Professor had attempted to animate his inventions. He had succeeded, but the be kept in one place. They agree that she should hold onto the third.
automatons’ spark was short-lived and their demise violent to those around them.
He was told to stop but didn’t, and he was brought before a tribunal. Talium was
Rustysprocket’s mentor and the final vote for his removal. On his exit, the professor
stole the Golden Gear. The Gear can animate metal for longer periods of time but does
so by tapping into a corrupting force. Whatever the Gear animates ends in catastrophe.

Story By John D. Kennedy

The village of Goodtear, just north of Blackwall, woke up to a cool spring morning with A woman calls out from a nearby boarded-up hut. Unfathomably, she had survived and
a pleasant breeze bringing the scent of sunflowers and spring water. They were lucky offers sanctuary. The heroes hurry to the hut and squeeze through a small opening
this time of year, as the prevailing winds took the decay from the Wasteland of the before she boards it up again. Outside, the Infected rage. Inside, the woman tells the
Risen to the north away from their peaceful town. The people went about their day heroes her story. She had all but fallen to the sickness. In her dying moment she found
as they had for decades: planting crops, producing goods, and making deals with the St. Leida, whose tears saved her. She managed to bottle a few vials and find sanctuary.
caravans of heroes headed towards the Knot competition in Blackwall. She offers them to the heroes. Outside the hut, the heroes hear a familiar voice. The
heroes thank the woman for her help but must answer the call for assistance.
Very few bandits or monsters bothered Goodtear because of the steady flow of heroes
and the attentive eyes of the Goodtear Town Watch. The town was blessed by the Once again among the Infected, the heroes see the source of the voice—Sarah the
watchful gaze of the statue of St. Leida, whose eyes occasionally ran with miracle Mystic. What is she doing here? Why is she always following trouble? This time,
healing waters that gave the town its name. however, the trouble appears to be too much—she is being overrun. Even with the
heroes’ help, she falls and rises again, howling in pain, as one of the Infected.
It started slowly at first. Innocently. McClintock’s didn’t open at dawn’s light, Jameson
the baker didn’t make his daily walk to the mill to select the first and best of the grain The heroes chop down all the Infected around Sarah and smash a bottle of St. Leida’s
available, and several of the Town Watch didn’t make it to their posts that morning tears over her. As the miracle waters flow down, Sarah’s aura begins to brighten, and
because they were taken with a sudden illness. Anyone that did pay attention would her necrotic pallor begins to fade. She smiles in relief and wonder at her friends. The
have thought the stalwart young men had spent too long a night with drink, telling heroes explain about St. Leida’s Tears. She looks up the hill towards the chapel and
stories by the campfire. the statue. They decide it must be protected so the healing tears can be used to turn
the tide.
No one took notice when a tall, hulking figure walked into the town square Upon
reaching the center of the town square, he rang the bell so all would gather. The As the heroes make their way to the church grounds, they see several Infected barring
townspeople gasped; some hid their eyes. His waxy flesh was pulled taut over his the way. These seem stronger, more aggressive, as if the Darkness is augmenting
muscular arms and chest, the build of a warrior, but pus oozed from the frayed and them. The heroes look back at the town below to see hundreds if not thousands of
splotched bandages covering his head around two great, chitinous horns. A sucking Risen and Infected approaching. Braving the coming storm, the heroes begin to fight
wound at his side leaked pestilence. The brute grinned at the frightened townsfolk. His their way through the Infected guarding the chapel and the statue.
teeth, broken and tarnished, only added to his menacing demeanor.
A soft stream of tears flows from the Saint’s eyes. Seeing that miracle, the heroes
Those of the Town Watch who had made it in this morning drew their weapons and begin to believe they have a fighting chance. They quickly soak the tears into their
approached the stranger. Their swords and axes had sharp edges and were made from clothes and armor, cover their weapons with the miracle waters, and bottle up all
the finest steel, but they had so rarely been used that the hands that wielded them they can in the time they have. In the distance, the brute who brought the plague
trembled, unsure. The stranger raised his hands and spoke of children. approaches.

The daylight faded and a shadow fell upon Goodtear. Several hands rose from the In a titanic display of skill and power, the heroes bring Tom the Plagued to his knees.
ground and gripped the legs of Goodtear’s would be defenders. Only a few escaped. The heroes manage to save many townspeople with the tears. And those they save
save others in turn until St. Leida’s tears are no longer necessary and the Risen have
Rumors of a calamity of Goodtear spread across the land. From Ur to Bratfurt it is
all been driven back into death.
reported that corpses long since laid to rest have been rising from their graves. The
heroes still in Bratfurt set out to investigate. As a community, the people of Goodtear live and laugh and begin to set their town
right. Goodtear will recover. Ordinary life will return, just as dawn always comes after
As they near the village, the skies grow darker, the air fouler. The undead and recently
the dark night.
dead shamble forth from the homes. Ghastly sounds fill the air as the creatures open
their mouths and point at the living. The Infected storm forward against the heroes,
their fingers and teeth tearing at soft flesh. For a moment, the heroes worry that they
will be overrun, but within minutes the last Infected falls. Some of the corpses show
signs that they were not entirely dead. These are the recently turned, merely afflicted
with some unholy contaminate. The heroes will need to be more careful, as they had
come to help those Infected, not slaughter them wholesale.

Story By John D. Kennedy

Professor Arnthrop had done it. He had linked the Okians and the Reptant. The two In the center of the room are several Snappas preparing to cook a lavish meal. Their
different species of monsters shared a common culture background—they had leader, a massive Crunch’r, wields a blade of black tenebrium. He gestures to his
worshipped the same gods and lived in the same lost city of Kharthis. Arnthrop had minions to get a key ingredient…and they bring in Father Josh. The heroes cannot
found the linking myths, the stories from each group that pointed to a common let the good Father be left to torment and death. The group rescues him and gathers
catastrophe. A fell titan had risen from the depths of the sea and smashed Kharthis. treasures from the Snappas. Father Josh holds his holy symbol and says a short
The Okians and the Reptants had fallen under the great Kraken’s wrath. Those Okians benediction. With his soul prepared, he retrieves a blade from the dead. Professor
that survived blamed the Reptants, while the Reptants blamed the Okians. Kharthis had Arnthrop studies the armor and some symbol left by the cooking pit. He pulls and
sunk into the sea, the land smashed to pieces that became the archipelago. The great twists some knobs until the heroes hear a large gear turn and they suddenly find
temple city of Khathis had once been the jewel of Kanis; people still told legends of the themselves falling and sliding through a trash tube.
near-mythical glory of Kharthis, the city where the gods walked with their followers.
After picking themselves out of the drainage pit, the group gathers their bearings. They
Now Professor Arnthrop needed to hire some heroes. The final proof would be found seem to have fallen down many stories and have been deposited who knows where.
in Blackwall. Arnthrop’s map is now useless.

The journey to Blackwall is plagued by storms and pirates. As they near the city, The smell of rotting flesh becomes more pungent. Every hallway looks the same.
Arnthrop tells the heroes about Blackwall. It was once a great center of trade, with The heroes begin to lose hope, but Father Josh urges them on. There is no rhyme or
travelers coming from far and wide. Blackwall had a fleet of fast corsairs that defended reason to the directions the group picks, they just walk. After many hours, they finally
the trade waters and a formidable group of lancers known as the Outriders. The emerge into a ruined meeting hall where the remains of the once proud brotherhood
Outriders fell under the corruption of the Darkness and destroyed Blackwall from are represented. To Professor Arnthrop’s great joy, the heroes have found the lost
within. Grandmaster’s Hall of the Outriders.

The jagged remains of Blackwall grow tall against the shimmering light of dusk. The As the first hero sets foot in the room, the ground rumbles and the walls shake. Dust
ship docks near the great tent city that sits outside of Blackwall to house the ever- falls from the ceiling. A monstrous bulk that appeared to be just a pile of debris begins
present flow of adventurers willing to brave the Knot, or at least pretend to. The heroes to move. A massive reptilian creature rises on two legs and stands upright. She takes
will not be staying there tonight. The Professor, already with his map out, leads the only a moment to charge.
heroes along the remains of an old wall that once guarded the western part of the city.
The monster roars as she thrashes about. Blood from her wounds spill to the floor.
They pry open an old iron door and are met with the noxious smell of mold and decay
Then rises, Darkness filling her. Making her strong again. Father Josh yells for
wafting up from a set of stone stairs. Arnthrop points downward, and the group slowly
everyone to run. The flight through the dark tunnels is a blur—flashes of panic
tempered by moments of silence and hiding. All the while, the great alligator boss
The stairs lead to a hallway which leads to another hallway and another set of stairs. chases and hunts.
This is why it is known as the Knot. The Professor leads them confidently through the
Finally, the heroes rest. They are lost but alive. Professor Arnthrop glances at his
maze, referencing the map often. The next hallway opens into a larger room. Propped
map and exclaims that he knows where they are. The light of day has never been so
against the wall are several ancient weapons and tarnished pieces of armor. Some
reassuring. The smell of fresh air is so unnerving to the senses that at first it makes
seem to be from the city of Blackwall, while others appear to be much older.
the heroes dizzy. Professor Arnthrop is happy to be alive but melancholy that he was
unable to find a link. He surmises it may be in Kanis and asks if the heroes wish to join
him on another adventure. The heroes agree. They have always wanted to see Kanis
and the great desert known as the Fields of Light.

Story By John D. Kennedy

The trip across the sea is tumultuous. Every wave seems to be trying to drive the ship The group finds themselves in a great pit where several Okis and Anokis spar. The
back to Blackwall. But finally, they reach Kanis. From a distance, the heroes can see Okians close rank and prepare to attack. The heroes handle the Okians well enough
the vast expanse of sand that surrounds the once-mighty jewel of the kingdom. To the and leave the training pit the only way available. They are surprised by the sound of
far south, a massive sandstorm fills the horizon. rushing waters. A river runs under Kanis? Has it always been this way? That might
explain the Naga sisters in the Anunkara legend. To free Anunkara, the Okians would
Professor Arnthrop briefs the heroes. After the Okians fled Kharthis, they strayed
need the power of a titan. Could they have convinced Eumelia or Medusa to help?
here and there. Their pack is the most important thing to them, save for obedience
to Anunkara. Anunkara was the living avatar of death. It is said he commanded the Professor Arnthrop briefly recounts the story of Anunkara and Lunankanen. Anunkara
legions of the underworld. That is, until he was betrayed by Lunankanen. had an affair with Aeryale on the roof of a temple in Kanis. Aeryale was one of three
titan sisters. The other two were Eumelia and Medusa. Lunankanen sees her lover’s
They row their landing boat up to an old dock with stone columns and walkway that
infidelity and plans an intricate revenge, not just on Anunkara but on Aeryale as well.
stand resilient against the waves. The ship captain salutes the heroes before returning
Lunankanen sows distrust between Aeryale and her sisters, then tricks Eumelia and
to the ship. He has given the Professor one week, and then he is sailing back to Ur. The
Medusa into murdering their sister.
heroes note that the sandstorm appears much closer than it did when they were on
the ship. Perhaps this was a bad idea. The heroes descend further into Kanis. The glow from ahead is blinding for a moment,
but then dims to reveal a feathered figure standing in the center of a burial chamber.
Not wanting to waste time, the Professor heads toward a nearby temple. He sets
They have resurfaced. The sandstorm roars all around them. They watch as the Okians
some things down and hurries over to some hieroglyphs to take notes and rubbings.
gather to perform an ancient ritual. An altar has been set up on the far wall, and a
He doesn’t care about treasure, only about proving his theories. When a hunting pack
great statue of Anunkara towers over the room. A figure steps up next to the feathered
of Okians arrives and decides to find out who is desecrating their temple, the good
beast, a serpent woman wearing a gold helm and holding a harp—Eumelia.
Professor is barely concerned. The heroes on the other hand have their hands full.
The feathered figure, now dwarfed by the Naga goddess, steps onto a platform and
As the last Okis fall, Professor Arnthrop asks to see the simple rod that the heroes
reveals his bright blue plumage and gold trinkets and amulets. The Aluki bangs his
have recovered. As the professor turns it over in his hands, he twists the end and out
staff upon the ground, and then, with one clean movement, Eumelia impales him. Her
pop several notches and pegs. He thinks it is a key, though to what he does not know.
hand clutches the Aluki’s heart. The form of the feathered priest starts to shimmer, and
He tells the heroes to spread out and explore the area surrounding the temple.
a blue wisp emerges from the heart in the great titan’s hand. His death forms a conduit
It doesn’t take long. In front of them is a strange door with a hole to one side. Just as to Anunkara.
they are about to explore it further, they hear an ominous noise. The great dust storm
The sound of temple drums fills the air. A great blue tear appears in the ground. Above
descends upon them. Without investigating the door further, the Professor inserts the
the eye of the sandstorm, the moon slips in front of the sun, and otherworldly light fills
key, twists, and pulls. The door slides open, and the heroes enter just as the sand and
the room. The walls vibrate. Rising out of the breach is a great jackal-headed figure.
debris make it impossible to see.
His eyes—two bright, cold stars—gaze from his canine visage.
The door leads to a small foyer which in turn leads to a larger room with a raised dais
The battle does not go as planned. The heroes are unable to prevent Anunkara
and sarcophagus. The Professor has never seen supposed “ruins” so unruined. The
from returning and Professor Arnthrop is killed. Without Arnthrop, and completely
glyphs detail a method to release Anunkara from his prison. The Professor wonders if
overmatched, the heroes flee through Kanis back towards the sea and the ship
these aren’t old structures but new. Perhaps the Okians have built a new civilization
hopefully waiting there. The Okians, drunk on power with the return of their god, chase
under the ruins of the old Kanis. If so, then these glyphs are modern, which means the
the heroes for sport.
Okians believe they can free Anunkara.
And somewhere far away, in the mysterious Moonglow tower, doors to long-forgotten
As the group explores the room, an ominous click can be heard followed by a large
worlds and a long-forgotten people open once more.
gear turning, and suddenly the heroes are falling again. As the group slides down
through the dark, the Professor remarks how the Okians and Reptants use the same
traps. This is clearly a link between the two cultures.

Story By Brian Shotton

The tent city was starting to get busy. Every year before the rainy season swept in He tells the heroes how to slip into the gold room but warns them not to be greedy.
from the Sea of Kanis, men and women from all over the four kingdoms arrived to He further explains that the gold speaks, and the heroes must listen to the gold. It
test themselves in the Knot. The Knot was a seemingly endless, ever-changing tangle many secrets. If they hadn’t thought the man insane from his appearance, his story of
of underground tunnels beneath Blackwall. The tent city was so expansive that a prophetic gold is a deciding factor. At one point, he begins telling them about the gold’s
permanent tavern was built to provide entertainment and copious amounts of mead. secrets in the clickpopclick of the Tailless’ chatter. Finally, the heroes find out his name
is Finn. He suggests the heroes lower themselves down into the gold room first.
The makeshift city was itself a sight to behold. It had become a tourist attraction for
would-be heroes. Most heroes here never set foot in the Knot, but there were some The heroes have never seen so much gold in their lives. The room is not as wide as
that challenged the tunnels every year. There was danger, but there was also treasure. expected, but it is much taller. All around the top of the room are drains. Some of the
drains are dry, but others flow with clean water that glints with coins and jewels that
Standing in front of the drain, the stench is overwhelming. The heroes have decided
add to the massive treasure hoard below the heroes’ feet. The crazy old man starts
to enter the Knot through one of the exits. It all made perfect sense at the time, but
giggling. The heroes can’t help themselves and begin laughing too.
now they face the rancid slime. There is no doubt in the heroes’ minds that the viscous
ooze is poisonous. The trick is not to swallow too much, which is made more difficult Finn tells the heroes that the gold always moves, that finding it here like this was good
by the impulse to puke every few seconds. It has the feel and flow of water but is fortune. He tells them not to take any of the bad coins. Before the heroes can ask him
thicker than the heroes expect, and the current stronger. This swim will be difficult. to explain further, he begins pointing at coins all around them: good, good, bad, good,
bad, good, good, good, bad. He also tells them not to take more than seventy sevens.
Eventually, the heroes climb up onto man-made stone floors and walls. The ceiling is
With that, he pulls out a small bag and begins collecting coins.
still natural, but there is no doubt the heroes are entering the lower floors of the Knot.
The area is quite large, but it is cluttered with all manner of junk—broken weapons, The heroes just begin to shove gold into bags, and suddenly the room shifts and
rusty helmets, battered and broken shields. Every now and then, the heroes scoop up a groans. Finn is laughing hysterically as he tumbles down the treasure pile, running
bit of glittering gold. The lost treasure hoard of Blackwall is calling. away from the center of the room. Massive amounts of water blast from the drains.
The heroes are picked up and carried by a wave of water and coins. The most majestic
The next room isn’t so promising. Hundreds of skulls and ribcages and femurs litter
spear the heroes have ever seen almost skewers the Soldier as it is driven down into
the area. Some seem haphazardly placed, but most are sorted and arranged. All
the gold. Then, with a collective gasp, the heroes are falling.
around the heroes glowing eyes dance in the near darkness. Tailless teeth chatter in
the shadows. There is a ferocious fight that leaves the heroes covered in sticky slime Light leaks through drains every so often, spotlighting the treasure flow that carries
and dead Tailless hair. They rest in the bone room. Where there is one Tailless there are the heroes along. It is complete chaos. When the slide finally ends, there is no gold,
usually dozens, and where there are dozens there are usually hundreds. just a much less grimy Finn and enough bruises to make the heroes sore for weeks.
Now, Finn’s words make more sense. The lost hoard of Blackwall constantly moves.
Light seems to radiate from the middle of the Tailless nest. The heroes approach the
It is whisked here and there with water and those tunnel traps—a vast mountain of
edge carefully, and then they see it. Beneath the rim of the nest, maybe thirty feet
gold and ancient treasure always moving. This means that the hoard the heroes were
down, is the largest pile of gold the heroes have ever seen. In fact, the heroes realize
pillaging was just a small piece of a much larger whole.
the floor of the room itself is more like seventy-five feet below, and the gold pile’s
height made it seem closer. From this vantage point, they cannot see the edges of the The only hope of escape is to find the Conduit, a large open room with several dozen
room, but the air is different down there. It must be very large. exits extending from it like spokes on a wheel. It also houses a small fortified garrison
and is the place all excursions into the Knot begin.
Before the heroes can decide what to do, a voice warns them to watch their step.
Quickly, with blades drawn and arcane energies harnessed, the heroes turn to face Finn isn’t leaving. He tells the heroes that he thinks he knows where the gold is
a man covered in mud the same color as the cave walls. He has a tattered loin cloth, headed. The lost hoard can stay lost as far as they are concerned. He gives them
a few frazzled wisps of hair, and maybe five teeth. When he closes his eyes, he instructions to reach the Conduit, then disappears. The heroes draw their weapons and
disappears against the backdrop of the cavern wall. He had probably been in the room take the first left they see. To glory or death.
during the entire Tailless fight.
It takes the heroes the better part of two days to follow Finn’s directions, but finally
He stinks. He smells like the sewage the heroes just swam through. It is as if his skin is they find the Conduit. The Conduit never looked so good. Marcus the Ready’s smile
saturated by it. His teeth, however, are bright white. His smile changes everything about splits his face. He seems overjoyed to see the heroes. Slumping to the floor, the heroes
him and easily breaks his camouflage. He begins to speak erratically, his eyes wild begin to laugh, a slightly hysterical Finn-like laugh.

Story By John D. Kennedy

Rain falls softly on the wooden walls of a shelter built into the wooded hillside. The The fight with Skeezel is easier than expected. It seems that the combined might
air is filled with the smell of blooming wildflowers that line the foothills outside of of Marcus the Ready and the heroes is too much. Marcus the Ready, veteran of
Brackenburg. Dauntless, the legendary Huranii thief, eyes the heroes warily, then numerous campaigns and slayer of the great leviathan Shobath, sits down on a park
stretches. Slowly, he walks over to a nearby table and unrolls the map resting upon it. bench and extracts one of Skeezel’s crossbow bolts from his left shoulder. True to
his word, he grants them the key and shows them the entrance to the Brakenburg
It is a map of Brackenburg from a time before Ia, the mountain, had become a
catacombs right there in the middle of the park.
neighbor. More modern drawings of buildings and town walls are marked over the
faded drawings of older structures. And in the center of the map is a great chamber The great park that sits in the center of Brackenburg is untouched by time. For
without doors. Dauntless taps the structure, his greyed brow looking troubled, as he generations, progress advanced like an army and razed and renovated the city, but
relates a story about a lost colony of Huranii. He tells the heroes that the Rat King always the park was left untouched, because it protected the sealed secret of the Huranii.
seeks the old knowledge sealed within.
The heroes expect a fight as they descend but find none. Bodies of several Tailless dot
Long ago, the Huranii were a skilled and intelligent race—until the Rat King and the the passageways here and there, but only Tailless at first. Standing in the center of a
culling. We lost our ability to read and write. We became slaves to our ignorance and larger room is a pit and a pair of dead Rath. With them is the corpse of a Huranii. Not
to the Rat King. We lost everything. But the Rat King didn’t understand how far we a Tailless, but an ancient race with undamaged tail and well-kept armor. As the heroes
would fall. We are on a slow slide into mindlessness. We will become feral in three sidle up to the pit, they hear a soft song played by a whistle within the pit. Stairs
generations, incapable of following even the Rat King. Now, he seeks a stopgap. He emerge from the walls of the pit, creating a spiral staircase for the heroes to descend.
seeks the lost knowledge of that dark chamber.
Descending the staircase is jarring. The steps were created for the quick gait of the
The city of Brakenburg is small compared to Ur or Bratfurt and is dwarfed by Three Huranii and not for other races. The staircase opens into a massive chamber where
Rivers, but it still prides itself for its fields and the best small batch breweries in the giant statues of Huranii elders line the walls. As the heroes hurry through the remains
four kingdoms. Now the city stands abandoned, all but the stalwart town guard having of the ancient mausoleum, it is hard not to stop and gawk. The ancient Huranii were
fled to the keep for safety from the Rat King and the Tailless. Defenders from Three beautiful craftsman.
Rivers are still two days away, so stopping the Rat King falls upon the heroes. As the
In the distance, the music grows louder along with the sound of battle. The heroes hurry
heroes explore deeper into the city, the streets show signs of the Tailless incursion.
towards the noise and see the Rat King standing before a pair of massive stone gates
Shops have been vandalized and food gnawed upon.
embossed with ancient Huranii writing. Tailless battle their long-forgotten ancestors.
In the distance, they see a Rath enter a massive beer hall. As the heroes approach,
Once, this vault was one of the Huranii’s greatest and most sacred temples. It was
they see that the hall has been fortified. They are guarding something. After
here that mothers would come to give birth to their children while brave Huranii
dispatching the Rath and the Tailless, the group enters the hall. The smell of spilled
warriors stood watch over them. As the heroes enter the room, the Rat King abruptly
beer permeates the air. The floor has been smashed through, revealing an ancient
stops as he turns to view them with a dozen pairs of beady hateful eyes. He calls the
hallway. Just as the heroes are about to descend into the structures of old Brakenburg,
heroes desecrators and orders his followers to kill them.
they hear a familiar voice.
With a resounding blow, the Rat King falls to the ground. His mass begins to separate
Marcus the Ready bursts into the hallway, ready to fight alongside the heroes. When he
as the many who made up his form scramble to extricate themselves from the doomed
notices they are already defeated he chuckles and greets them with a bright smile. He
patriarch. The heroes make their way to the surface. In the park, Marcus beams. He
had been in Brakenburg helping to defend the good people when he heard the heroes
tells the heroes that the Tailless rose up and fled as one a few moments before. The
had arrived. He warns the heroes against entering the catacombs there—too many
townspeople leave the keep and begin to fix their stores and homes. The ancient
Tailless that way. A more elevated Tailless by the name of Captain Skeezel holds the
Huranii tomb’s secrets will never be secret again. Marcus tells the heroes he’ll keep
key they need to get to the Rat King. He has bivouacked in a local park. Marcus asks if
people out of it until an academic from the Bright Legion comes to investigate. The
the heroes might help him take him out in exchange for the key. The heroes agree.
Huranii vault will be preserved, and perhaps one day the Huranii will rise again.

Story By John D. Kennedy

Where there is light, there will always be darkness. But the opposite is just as true. A foul stench fills the air as the heroes emerge from the tunnel into a flooded library.
Where there is darkness, there will always be light, even in the depths of the ocean. In Ancient books bound in leather cord now float in sea water. They surprise some Naga
the sunken city of Sla-Karthis, the living coral structures reflect the beauty of the Naga: Gekti rummaging through the bookshelves. Father Cullen watches as the heroes fight,
wild, sharp, and utterly alien. Throughout the city, legions of the Gekti watch and wait and he prays for them during the conflict. The Gekti are dispatched quickly enough.
for their leader, their goddess. The time of the Renewal is at hand. Suddenly, the waters surge around the Father and pull him away down a hallway. This
is no simple undertow; this is powerful magic. The heroes follow, trying to keep pace.
A single form rests at the foot of the broken temple: Eumelia, Spear of the
When the Father finally stops, the heroes are there to pull him quickly out of the water.
Broodmother. She schools her expression as she looks out over the assembled might
of the Naga. She had known for some time that the Renewal was near. Long before Two figures stand on either side of the room. The enmity between them is palpable.
the priests had come to her with news of Sla-Yg’noth’s stirring, she had felt it. She One, Eumelia, is familiar to the heroes, though it was in the land of Kanis they last
may have caused it by helping the Okians free Anunkara. She is owed after all and encountered her. The other creature is equally imposing—at once monstrous and
Anunkara is a powerful ally. feminine. Her skin is cold marble and her hair a nest of serpents. From the Father’s
reaction, the titan Medusa is the island’s oracle.
In the Broodmother’s absence, she has led the Naga to many victories, has protected
her people so they might grow into an army. Even though they now gather to honor the The heroes must pick a side. Knowing the gorgon has helped the island and being present
Broodmother, Eumelia knows many whisper her name as a rightful successor. Some when Eumelia helped free Anunkara, the choice is easy. The heroes fight with all their might.
fools even speak of Eumelia with the honorific Broodmother. When she is invited into Arcane sorcery, divine prayers, and good old-fashioned steel clash with monstrous might
the sanctuary, she bows deeply. She can only hope Sla-Yg’noth would be pleased. beneath the island. The area shudders and shakes, and the ground around the heroes
Each Renewal brings a level of unpredictability. Few receive this honor. The bones of begins to give way. They fall, leaving the sisters to decide their own fate.
eldritch dragons, primeval giants, and all others that dare to challenge Sla-Yg’noth are
The heroes land in a pool. The Darkness is strong here. They see a figure in the
placed into the coral walls as both trophies and warning.
distance standing before an altar of coral and stone. Her voice, a beautiful melody that
Sla-Yg’noth’s speaks. Her priestesses begin to drift, slain by their goddess’ voice. reminds the heroes of flowing water over smooth stones, utters words of dark power
Eumelia simply bows. Sla-Yg’noth gives her a vision: an island off the coast. Its power that drive the sea waters back and forth under the island. It will not be long before Sla-
has challenged the Darkness. She wants Eumelia to lead the Naga against it. Eumelia Yg’noth, Broodmother of the Naga, is able to sink the island completely.
alone exits the temple, claiming a new title: Mouth of the Broodmother. The Naga
Hordes of Naga emerge from the waters, and each one that rises soon falls to the
follow her without question.
heroes. With every ounce of courage and skill, they assault the Broodmother while she
Far away, another sister sits solemnly as she watches Eumelia through her scrying is distracted with directing the powerful ocean waters. A maelstrom of wind and water
bowl. The Gorgon howls and throws the bowl across the cavern, spilling the mystic swirl around the heroes as they confront Sla-Yg’noth. Sla-Yg’noth rears back and lets
waters that give the bowl vision. Medusa cares not for what the Darkness wants, for out a screech that rattles the heroes to their very bones. She raises her hands as if to
what Sla-Yg’noth wants; she only wants her sister to fail, to pay, and she will stop at draw upon the powers of the ocean, but the ocean does not heed her call. Her power
nothing to make it happen. slowly fades along with her confidence. She realizes only now how much controlling
the limitless ocean has weakened her. Disgusted but firmly beaten, she commands her
The air is humid as the heroes enter the monastery. Messengers from Father Cullen,
minions to surround her as she flees into the tumult.
who is well known on the coast, had invited them during their visit to Ur. The Father
tells them they arrived just in time and motions to some stairs that lead down. The island is safe for now. That night, many stories are shared in celebration. Nothing
about their solutions here feels final, as if the whole thing is a prelude to something
As Father Cullen leads the heroes down the steps, he begins to tell them why they
more catastrophic. Presumably, Eumelia and Medusa still live and still hate each other
are here. It seems the oracle in the underground sea shrine near the monastery had a
enough that anyone caught in the middle is in danger. Siding with Medusa has made
vision. It was she who had told Father Cullen to summon the heroes. He tells them she
Eumelia an enemy for life. Sla-Yg’noth has survived to plague the shores of Kanis and
is a great and powerful mystery. Now the Darkness has come to steal her away, and if
the waters of the Maelstrom again. A ship arrives at dawn to take the heroes back to
it does, it will be unstoppable.
Ur, but they remain wary of the Naga and unsatisfied.

Story By John D. Kennedy

The chamber was stifling. Braziers, unfueled, shone from small alcoves. Light refracted the heroes. As the heroes prepare to defend themselves, they cannot help but wonder
around the cavern from ice that refused to melt even under direct flame. To Professor if they have seen the sky for the last time. Floating in the middle of the small army is a
Rustysprocket, the heat was almost intolerable, but he hid his dissatisfaction behind a being more machine than elemental. Strong breezes pull the heroes in every direction.
manic grin and rotospheric goggles. Four T1CK-T0CKS followed the Professor into the The creature introduces himself as the Envoy. He has come as an emissary for Ia to
cave carrying a large, iron-bound box. It was payment to Kretion the Envoy, who had discuss the surrender of the free races. As the heroes ready their weapons, Kretion
freed Rustysprocket from the College of Engineer’s prison. raises his scythe above his head. The winds lift the heroes up, and the battle begins.

The groan of moving earth echoed through the chamber, and an opening appeared. The The heroes adjust to fighting in the air much more quickly than Kretion expects. His
Professor’s goggles allowed him to see the raw power barely controlled beneath Kretion’s shattered form lies on the ground, barely able to contain the raw energies at war inside
visage. Kretion raised his left hand—hardened clay as lifelike as any human’s. The iron- him. He knows his life force is failing; he readies himself for his end. His body begins
bound box strained and quavered; the iron bands melted away, and the wood crumbled to return to its composite elements. Smoke gently wafts from his form, leaving only
into flame and ash to reveal the contents: a misshapen piece of rock. several smooth orbs and the mechanical elements put there by Rustysprocket. Nisha
hands each hero a smooth stone orb and tells them to follow her deeper.
Kretion’s hand glowed, and the rock began to shimmer in unison. Then it melted and
merged with the floor. Kretion smiled. The earth shook. The Foundation had been reunited. Great plumes of ash rise up from cracks in the earth, and though the ground is steady,
the sound of moving earth fills the chamber with echoes of elongated notes and
The heroes, in Brakenburg, feel the tremors like a distant rumor. It will take only a few
groans. In the center of the caldera, Ia the Foundation has begun to rise. Ia quakes
days for reports to return to Brakenburg of Iathi attacks, landslides, and magma where
with rage as she sees how her world has been tamed by the free races. She will break
there is no volcano—sure signs that Ia had finally returned to her mountain.
the cities and dams and walls. She will break them all.
Nisha, an emissary from the Order of the Magi, arrives with foul news. The Magi
Great boulders of molten granite explode from the ground, flying in the direction of
believe that not only has Ia the Foundation returned but she is more powerful than
Brackenburg. She must be stopped. The being known as Ia pulls herself from the
ever before. Nisha theorizes that the Iathi are seeking stones from the four pillars of
ground like a hurricane made of stone and towers over the heroes. Her skin is made of
creation. If Ia the Foundation can tap into these sources of power. she could bring
all the known metals and gems of the world. It is as if the very ground has marked the
a second Age of Breaking. Nisha asks the heroes to help her seal the four pillars of
heroes as enemies. Air, fire, stone, ice, electricity, Darkness, and Light are suddenly at
creation and prevent the Iathi from retrieving any of the four elements.
war all around the heroes.
As the heroes approach the mountain, they are met with overwhelming heat. The
Over the tumult, Nisha yells for the heroes to grasp the stone she gave them and fight.
heat radiates from volcanic lava flows. Descending into fire and darkness, the heroes
The stones provide some immunity to the elements, which allows the heroes to get
encounter packs of Iathi. In a clearing, they see several Iathi protecting a glowing
close enough to Ia to attack. When the first heroic blow strikes Ia, she knows fear for
symbol carved into the ground. The symbol radiates power, and Nisha recognizes it as
the first time in a thousand years. Over and over the heroes hammer her, smashing
an Elemental Sigil. These are used in many of the Magi’s incantations, and Nisha is
stone and bending metal. Cracks appear along Ia’s skin as her essence spills onto the
troubled that the Iathi have mastered their creation.
caldera floor. It evaporates quickly, leaving behind thick carpets of grass and saplings
After the heroes defeat the much more difficult Iathi, Nisha inspects the bodies of that grow into trees before the heroes’ eyes. As the last blow is struck, the Foundation
the fallen elementals and prods at the mechanical parts attached to them. The parts freezes in place. Light slowly fades from the stone, which grows brittle and breaks
are fused to the elemental’s bodies almost seamlessly. The heroes pick up a piece of under its own weight.
equipment and recognize the mark as belonging to Professor Rustysprocket.
Ia fractures and explodes into a thousand small pieces. The eye of Ia falls to the floor
The sweltering heat gives way to frigid cold. Frost moves quickly up the heroes’ armor. at the feet of the heroes. They pick it up and begin their ascent, grabbing some of the
They are soon trudging through deep snow. Suddenly, Air Iathi ambush the party from larger gems on their way out. The world seems to be at ease with itself again. As the
the safety of the blinding snowstorm, and from a massive tunnel Iao charge forth, calamities cease, the balance of nature is restored.
completely in their element. The heroes survive, but just barely. Needing to find shelter,
In the broken but rebuilding town of Brackenburg, Nisha sips tea and laments the
they enter the cave the Iao had emerged.
need to lie for the Bright Legion. She has sent the heroes that had helped her onward
The heat and cold of the previous chambers are broken by the balmy cave. The walls to Dawn’s Light Cathedral. It is the next step. Nisha glances again at the scroll she
glow with elemental energies. Nisha takes a few notes as they continue their journey has kept secret and safe many years now. It shows that the coming of Ia will precede
down into the foundations of mountain. As the heroes move through the unnatural “those borne of Fire.” She must heal quickly.
tunnel, they hear an unintelligible battle cry. A horde of Iathi thunder forward to meet

Story By J.L. Allan

The old woman came here often when she needed to think. The noise and bustle The long hall spills out into a vast sepulchral area. Four great columns disappear into
of the friendly inn provided a welcome counterpoint to the studied stillness of the the darkness above, supporting a ceiling more felt than seen. At the far end of the
Cathedral. Though her robes were plain, the locals knew her and left her alone. room, the heroes see a tall man lashed to a torture device—it is Sir Archeron. Next to
Today, she didn’t feel like the Primus Bibliosoph, Keeper of the Light, Guardian of the him stands something that resembles a Mucker in form, but something much more
Archives. She just felt tired. through the powers of Darkness. Upon the mighty Mucker’s head sits a crown of
ornate design. Ragog the Fierce looks at the heroes and laughs.
They were running out of options.
The ensuing battle is hard and bloody. Ragog falls to his knees in defeat. As he falls,
Something unnatural, something Dark and unknown was coming. When it was first
the ancient crown abandons his head, rolls across the mosaic floor, and comes to rest
reported, she thought little of it. Shadows always nibbled at the edges of the Light. But
at the heroes’ feet. As the heroes reach for it, Sir Archeron pleads with the heroes to
this was different. The news was disturbing. For weeks, she combed the archives. Every
leave it be, but his pleas fall upon deaf ears. One of the heroes scoops up the crown,
tome, every scroll, every scrap of knowledge ancient and new, whether hastily scrawled
and with a disturbing smile, places it upon their head.
in fear or set forth in dry, academic text, pointed to one answer—the Fireborne.
The now free Sir Archeron tells the other heroes that their compatriot has been
It isn’t the first time an evening’s entertainment in an inn has led them to a task,
afflicted by the Crown of Serentheas, and together they must save their friend. To
though the heroes have to admit this time the stakes seem higher than usual. The
cleanse the Crown’s curse, they need two things: the Essence of the Fallen and
person the locals call the Bibliosoph has given them all the information she could, but
Herast’iel’s Mark. As Sir Archeron turns to collect some things, the thick wooden door
even without it, it is clear the task was dangerous. She tells them that she has already
at the near end of the room is suddenly wrenched from its hinges. A hulking brute
sent another ahead. Sir Archeron is one of the Order’s most stalwart knights but he
rushes into the room with preternatural speed. Sir Archeron identifies the beast as a
has sent no word regarding Gris’ Bosom.
Tormentor and calls the heroes to action. After vanquishing the Tormentor and the
The heroes feel a change as they approach. Each day is a little less bright than the rest of the Fireborne in their way, Sir Archeron and the heroes head deeper into the
last. The air begins to stink of rot and unclean things. The woods and farmland they underbelly of Dawn’s Light Cathedral.
pass sit barren and fallow. There is no game to hunt. No birds fly in the sky save for
Traitea, wielder of the Mournblade, once-champion of Farrenroc, greets the heroes
the carrion raptors.
as they approach the statue. Upon the statue glows the Essence of the Fallen. The
Dawn’s Light Cathedral is nestled deep into Gris’ Bosom. Its highest steeples rise corners of her lips turn the barest of smiles as she appraises the knight and his
far above the rolling ashen hills it calls home. The Bibliosoph’s warnings have not entourage. Without a word, she draws the mighty Mournblade from her back and
prepared the heroes for what they find. The cathedral itself—ancient marvel and waits. Sir Archeron tells the heroes to secure the Essence while he keeps Traitea busy.
former beacon of Light—looms over the valley, but the once gleaming walls stand The heroes claim the Essence and help chase Traitea away. Now they only need to find
spotted with corrosion, a dark fungal rot crawling up the edifice as if the building Herast’iel. The fallen angel will be in the sanctuary, so the heroes begins to climb.
festers. Surrounding the cathedral are droves of familiar forms—Grubbers, Crawlers,
Herast’iel kneels. It is a familiar position in an all too familiar place—he same smooth
Tailless—and still others very unfamiliar.
stone floor for time immemorial. It was not always thus. He remembers the battle,
Luckily, the Bibliosoph had guessed there might be trouble and told them of the when this world was young,sun-bright and righteous. The Light had filled him.
catacombs. That is their way in. Moving stealthily, the heroes manage to avoid most of
He pulls himself from the memory when he feels the heroes and the Crown enter. He
the trouble and find a set of stairs carved into the rock right where she had said they
laments the condition of his home. He tells the heroes that giving them his mark will
would be. The stairway heads down and opens out into a natural cavern. Across the
be his undoing. After a test, he finds the heroes worthy and agrees. With his remaining
chamber, they see a group of creatures unlike anything they have ever encountered.
strength, he impresses his mark on the cursed hero’s soul. Then Herast’iel, Prime of
Their skin is the deep, wet red of a fresh wound. The monsters emanate a wrongness,
the Firstborne, Beloved of the Light, First Commander of the Bright Legion fades away
an otherness, that past foes have not. Could this be the Fireborne the Bibliosoph had
in front of their eyes.
warned about?
Sir Archeron crosses himself, then begins the ritual to cleanse the Crown of
A pulsating, throbbing portal crackles with an arcane energy. The creatures turn as
Serentheas. The hereoes stare at it in wonder and feel their spirits lift. The light in the
one, and the sickly yellow light of their eyes holds no mercy. The Fireborne turn to ash
chamber begins to grow until it is painfully blinding. When their vision returns, the
when struck down, only to reemerge from the hellish portal. When the heroes finally
crown is normal and the cathedral just old stones, cursed no longer. Sir Archeron asks
tear down the pillars that support the portal, it disappears, and the Fireborne that fall
that they accompany him to Farrenroc to talk to the first of his order and verify what
stay dead. The heroes know they must forge ahead if they are to have any hope of
happened at Dawn’s Light Cathedral.
finding Sir Archeron and the cause of this corruption.

Story By J.L. Allan

The journey has been long, but Sir Archeron and the heroes finally make camp within The heroes follow Rafe over to a non-descript wall where she pushes a series of
a day’s ride of Farrenroc. As the flames in the fire shorten, turning wood to ash and stones in order. When she is finished, a hidden door reveals itself with a soft click. She
ember, a woman steps into the circle of light, holding her hands up to forestall their turns to the heroes and tells them to be ready for anything.
surprised and violent reactions. She greets Sir Archeron with a nod and tells him if he
They walk into the lobby and stop abruptly. The bankers are dead, and the vault
and the heroes enter the front gate, there will be an accident. Sir Archeron introduces
hangs open. Several Thieves dressed in guild colors are ransacking personal caches,
Rafe as a friend in the shadows. She goes on to explain that the Thieves Guild is under
searching for something. They turn towards the heroes with blades drawn.
new management and acting strangely.
Whisper’s Trove box has only a single note in it. It is a Listener’s report. It seems that
The Guild has always played close to the dark, the shadows, and the gray areas.
some strangers had arrived who claimed allegiance to a cult called the Adherents. It
But like a disease, true Darkness has slipped into the Guild. Friends aren’t friends
goes on to claim that several Adherents have infiltrated the Thieves Guild. All Listener
anymore. Sir Archeron tells her to take the heroes into the city by other means. He will
reports are signed, and this is no different. The signature reads, “Llewellyn.”
ride back to Waconda and send word to Commander-General Blackstone about the
Guild and plan a more secure entrance through the main gate. In the meantime, he Rafe tells the heroes that Llewellyn is one of the best informants she knows. If he
asks the heroes to investigate the Guild with fresh eyes. made this report, it must be true, and he’ll be in as much trouble as Whisper was. They
must get to him before the Guild does. Rafe knows a few of his hiding places. The first
The heroes follow Rafe under the shadow of the Rock and through the nearby
couple offer no help and no Llewellyn. The third offers only trouble.
underbrush. She tells them to keep the scouts busy while she dismantles the traps.
The heroes make their way through the tunnel, where they hear voices. Two Blades of Llewellyn is lying at the feet of a small group of people in red robes. Whatever they are
the Guild chit chat about Roland having Whisper arrested. Rafe suggests the heroes up to, it isn’t good. With a signal to the heroes, Rafe rushes in to stop whatever it is.
start by talking with Whisper. If Roland had him arrested, he must have been poking his The person in the center turns to face the heroes, who let out involuntary gasps. Her
nose into something Roland wanted kept secret. Unfortunately, to talk to Whisper, the mottled flesh is sloughing off in places to reveal carapace. The right side of her face
heroes will have to break him out. is stretched and pulled around the large, milky iris of a cephalopod eye, her mouth a
horror of angler teeth.
Most of the guards resting on the stone floor are not seriously injured, but Whisper
is. It seems the some of Farrenroc’s finest guards have been bought by the Guild The Adherent fall easily, but Llewellyn can’t be saved. They had already begun to
with specific instructions to kill Whisper in case of trouble. The heroes kneel next to remove his skin. He tells the heroes that Roland made some sort of deal with the fish
Whisper. Between breaths, he pulls off the cord around his neck and presses the faces. He was skeptical at first, but once Roland saw the power they wield, he jumped
abstract wooden design into a hero’s hand. He tells them that it will open his trove. at the chance. Roland is part of a plan to overthrow the Guild and give it to these
Inside they’ll find evidence—his insurance. He hadn’t put all the pieces together yet, Darkness-loving Adherents. They are killing the Guild’s people and stealing their skin,
but what the heroes find there will put them on the right path. and the boss is okay with it. It is what they were doing with Llewellyn before the heroes
arrived. Llewellyn asks Rafe to end his suffering.
Rafe leans forward and closes his eyes. She then checks out the bodies of the guards.
She identifies two that have been at their guildhouse and rifles through their pockets. Seeing even greater urgency the heroes decide to use the Ways to enter the Guild and
As she removes one man’s glove, she takes a step back. The man’s hand, if it can be find Roland, killing any Thief or Blade that gets in their way. The path is bloody, but it is
called that, is something beyond injured. Just below the elbow, the reddened flesh has good not to have to sneak around. Any Thief not allied with the Adherents flees. Those
whitened, becoming hard and chitinous. His forearm is a hardened shell which ends in allied with the Darkness stay. The heroes let violence clear a path to Roland.
a malformed pincer. She looks at the key in the hero’s hand and tells them she knows The stairs empty into the undercroft of the guild’s home. In the center, a group of
where to start finding answers. Adherents chant around a forming portal. Roland the Hand, leader of the Thieves Guild
Back in the city, Rafe leads the heroes through secret byways only members of the in Farrenroc, floats in the center. No one would ever describe the Hand as attractive,
Guild know. It feels wrong to be sneaking through the Ways with strangers, but there but here among the Adherent body-snatchers, he looks almost rapturous. Energy pours
is no other safe path. The Thieves and Blades of the Guild are openly hunting them into him from the portal, making him more than he was before.
on the streets of Farrenroc. Rafe stops and motions towards an unassuming building. The Adherents fall easily. Roland is much more difficult, but death finds him at the end
At the heroes questioning looks, she explains that building is the Thieves Guild Bank, of Rafe’s knife.
called the Trove. The front door doesn’t even work. And, no one has ever attempted to
When Sir Archeron finally returns to safety and the ringing of silver trumpets, the heroes
rob the Trove.
are there to greet him. Rafe who has been raised to the Hand, meets him later in secret.

Story By Brian Shotton

Farrenroc was built to outlast any siege—a stronghold from the Age of Steel. The city The yellow flame atop Northwall is surprising. Roderick is riding out to retrieve the
was built on raised ground, and the only way to enter easily is up a narrow path. The personnel from the outposts and perhaps put a dent in the massive army. At dawn, the
path creates a killing zone outside Farrenroc’s only gate. heroes will meet them. At dawn, one clear horn sounds, and the heroes ride forth. The
horde of monsters is not ready for such a bold action. The heroes’ initial charge does
A smaller force might climb the mountain the Rock is built into but could do
more damage than they expect. This isn’t a charge to death and glory, but the first
little damage. Each wall of the six-sided citadel houses a garrison that operates
sortie in a long campaign.
independently from the others. These forces never leave the wall they are assigned to.
They have their own chain of command and training area devoted to the needs of that A column of shining armor pierces an ocean of darkness like the bow of a ship in
wall. The areas around the walls feel like little cities within the larger city. the full wind. The enslaved monsters of the Darkness flee in front of the calvary,
scrambling over and crushing their own in retreat. As the heroes make the main gate,
Gatewall houses the gate. Legionwall faces the field where the Battle of Legion took
Sir Roderick is there to meet them. There is no time for celebration.
place. Northwall faces north and relays information from the outlying fortifications.
Mountainwall protects Farrenroc against enemies entering from the mountain. Farrenroc has been under siege for weeks. Situated where it is, the Rock holds the
Dawnwall faces East and the rising sun and protects the city’s underground water key to the four kingdoms. If the Rock falls, the forces of Darkness will flow unchecked
source. Homewall faces south, towards home. They are responsible for sending across the people of Light. They have always pushed back everything the Darkness
warning to the four kingdoms if Farrenroc falls. has thrown at them, but they are tired and their losses heavy. The victories in the first
few days give way to weeks of small defeats and a simple truth—Farrenroc will fall.
Roderick Blackstone, First Knight of Farrenroc, strides the colonnades of Homewall.
The enemy’s force is simply too large. For every defender that falls, five monsters of
One of the fortifications no longer gives off smoke. A fire always burns in the outposts.
the Darkness will never hold sword and shield again, yet it isn’t enough. Sir Roderick
If the outpost is under duress, a chemical is added to the fire that makes the smoke
can see it as clear as the oceans off Ur. The horde is too great.
turn red. But under no circumstances does an outpost let their signal fire burn out.
Homewall lights the warning fires in hope that reinforcements might come but now
Roderick had come to the heroes personally. He trusted them after what they had
repels Professor Rustysprocket’s creations. Gatewall is under never-ending attack.
done for Farrenroc against the Thieves Guild. Even as the heroes near the outpost,
Death falls upon the Fireborne attackers like rain, but still they come. Legionwall
they slow. Something feels very wrong. There is no activity of any kind. If the outpost
and Northwall both burn but hold. They have been harried from the beginning by
were properly manned, the heroes would have already been stopped, disarmed, and
elementals attacking with ice, fire, earth, and wind. Mountainwall and Dawnwall
escorted in.
have been attacked by Grubbers, Tailless, and Gat’r. Within the high passes behind
Bodies of soldiers and workers have been thrown about or pinned against the cold Farrenroc, victory and defeat are measured in mere feet and inches. The Darkness
stone walls. In the center of the stronghold sits something beyond strange. The buys victory there with a thousand dead per day. Sooner or later, a wall will be
massive warning fire remains lit, but crystalized. It does not burn. It appears frozen. breached, and the horde will set foot in the Rock for the first time in history.
Dark frontier outposts are built to protect people and withstand an attacking force long So, Sir Roderick waits. He will not commit the Bright Legion yet, nor will he send out
enough for Farrenroc to be warned and aid provided. The walls are good, the buildings his second reinforcement to support the Wall-Commanders. He asks the heroes to help
sturdy. Each building is connected to the others through underground corridors that where they feel they are needed.
provide safe passage in the event of a siege. If there is trouble to be found, it will be in
The fighting at Dawnwall is bloody, but it holds with the heroes’ help.
those corridors.
Twice, the defenders of Mountainwall are pushed back, but twice they rally. Yet their
Razorfiendlings. Clearing the tunnels is exhausting. There are many people still alive
strength fades. The heroes move from Dawnwall to bolster them just in time. The horde
here. But it is the rumble of ten thousand footfalls that brings the heroes back outside to
has finally pushed through the mountain passes. Upon the wall stands an agent of
the top of the outpost walls. There in the distance is an army built for the destruction of
Darkness—Stvln the Leash. The Darkness has finally committed its Generals.
Farrenroc—a sea of teeth and claws. The Darkness has come. With the flame frozen, the
heroes send a rider to warn the city. The innocents are not yet ready to travel.


The heroes stride toward Stvln. Their eyes do not leave him. He hesitates—he had not Sir Archeron remembers the old stories—tales of Hurn and the Battle of Legion. He
expected to find them here. The minions around him feel his fear. Like a stormfront, thinks this must be Hurn reborn, heroes like those in the Age of Legend. Wherever
the heroes approach, their voices like thunder in the mountains. They challenge him, these heroes went, they brought Light. Their voices brought hope. And their wrath
but Stvln has no words. Words and hope have fled him. Before him, he sees heroes brought death.
like in the Age of Legend—bright and shining in the Light, driving the Darkness away
The Fireborne have been driven back, but how had they dislodged the massive gate
wherever walk. Mountainwall stands, but at the same time, Homewall falls to Kelish
door? Through the now open town gate, the heroes find their answer. Just inside
and the T1CK-T0CKS.
of ballista range stands a dragon of unimaginable size. A colossus. A titan. The sun
The heroes pull back into the city to try to cull the forces running free there. Sir dances off its icy scales, bright and refracting into countless colors. The heroes have
Roderick commits the city’s second reinforcements to the city and cathedral. The horn heard stories of titans but have never seen a beast such as this. This is the thing that
atop Gatewall sounds, echoing among the close-standing buildings. Seconds later, the destroyed Farrenroc’s gate. This is the Darkness’ final gambit.
Cathedral bells ring, calling the Bright Legion to defend the Cathedral. If Gatewall falls,
Sir Roderick yells to all who can hear to bring down the Dragonsinger. The heroes
all is lost.
crank the ballista around to target the draconic humanoid standing off to the side. The
As the heroes approach Gatewall, they realize why the horn has sounded. The shot will have to be perfect, one-in-a-million.
defenders along the wall look to them for guidance. The Wall-Commander has fallen,
The bolt flies true.
and one of the gigantic gate doors is being pulled away. Already, Fireborne crash
through the opening. Marcus the Ready is immersed in combat to the left of the gate, Without the Dragonsinger’s voice to soothe the mighty beast, the dragon begins to
Sir Archeron to the right. Sir Roderick repels a group of Fireborne a dozen or so feet in strain against his chains until it is free. The proud beast is no mere puppet to be
front of the heroes. paraded out at the control of lesser beings. It wades through the armies of its jailors.
The power of the titan is too great, the death too much. The heroes turn away from the
Just inside the gate, the heroes see Traitea barking orders. The great Darkness
General pauses and stares them down. Something inside the heroes has awoken.
There is no fear, only cold certainty. Fireborne near the heroes stumble back from their Victory has come. In the darkest hour, the bright light of hope shines through. Among
gaze. In a voice loud enough for all to hear, the heroes give Traitea a choice: flee and their friends and the people of Farrenroc, the heroes’ names are shouted. A dawn of
live, or stay and die. Traitea screams with rage. As she charges, it is Marcus who utters heroes has finally come.
the words that everyone in the heroes’ presence is thinking, “Poor choice…”

Single-Player Rules

Single-Player Rules
The player must create their hero’s deck. In single-player, the hero is a “dual-class” hero. A dual-class hero combines two of the novice heroes into one hero. Dual-
class heroes have special rules intended to make the game for a single-player maintain the integrity of the Myth system.

The large majority of Myth classes are available in single-player. However, certain classes cannot be combined into a dual-class character. Classes that cannot be
used in single-player are: Skald and Spriggan.

Create a Dual-class Deck

When playing a dual-class hero, one hero type must be selected as the primary class and another selected as the secondary class. The player is creating a single
dual-class hero’s deck out of the two classes selected. Fifteen cards are selected out of the primary class; ten cards out of the secondary class. The player has complete
control over selecting the cards for each class. He can include and combine any cards he wishes.

The special abilities granted to the player for each class are based off them being selected as a primary or secondary class. Classes selected as primary receive more of
that classes bonuses. These represent novice abilities only. If the ability is not listed for a hero class, the hero does not have access to that ability.

The hero has the starting stats of the primary hero, but can select any gear from either the primary or secondary heroes
(unless stated otherwise in the creation table below).

For the most part, hero novice abilities are straight forward. Certain novice heroes have access to skills The Skald and Spriggan
that open later for other character classes in Journeyman: Malice and Rush abilities to be specific. are not usable as a
“dual-class” hero.
These abilities are unique to those Novice character classes, so using Malice or Rush abilities before
Journeyman is restricted to the Outsider and Swashbuckler character classes, respectively.


Acolyte All Novice cards available: Faith, Relics, Holy, Heal Faith, Relic, Heal

Alchemist All Novice cards available: Relics, Focus, Throw, All Ingredients Relic only (Build), Specific Ingredients

Apprentice All Novice cards available: Ongoing, Focus, Arcane, Elemental Ongoing, Focus, Arcane

All Novice cards available: Line-of-Sight, Nature, Starts with 2

Archer Line-of-Sight, Starts with 1 Ammo

Brigand All Novice cards available: Shadows, Combo Combo

Hunter All Novice cards available: All Mark One Mark

Monk All Novice cards available: All Stances Tiger Fist, Iron Skin (No Chi)

Outsider All Novice cards available: Malice All Novice cards available: Malice

Pupil All Novice cards available: Kata, Sword bonus Sword bonus

Soldier All Novice cards available: Rage, Battle Rage

Swashbuckler All Novice cards available: Rush All Novice cards available: Rush

Trickster All Novice cards available: Tools, Innovate, All Parts
Remove all Parts except: Bang Powder, Metal Casing, Pressure Plate

Upgrading Hero Deck
When upgrading a dual-class hero to Journeyman, the
primary class must be upgraded before the secondary
class. Additionally, light-affiliated heroes cannot be
combined with dark-affiliated characters. Upgraded classes
must meet the standard Journeyman upgrade criteria.

The upgraded class retains all of the primary or secondary

abilities from the Novice table.

For secondary classes, the Journeyman upgrade often adds

those cards missing from Novice.


All Novice cards available: Rush, Battle
Battledancer All Journeyman cards available: Fury, Rush
Remove: Fury cards

All Novice cards available: Rush, Nature

Duelist All Journeyman cards available: Glyphs, Rush
Remove: Glyph cards

Edge Remove: Discipline of the Blade & Three Steps Ahead No Journeyman Cards available: Kata

Elementalist All Journeyman cards available: All Avatars All Novice cards available: Elemental, Avatar of Earth only

Forsaken All Paths Remove: Path of Arcane & Path of Sorrow

All Novice cards available: Holy,

Mendicant All Journeyman cards available
Remove: More Than Conquerors & Resurrect

Mixologist All Journeyman cards available All Novice Ingredients, Can equip Focus

All Novice cards available: Heal

Necromancer All Journeyman cards available, Ally, Malice
Remove: Call of Soul Stalker & Reawakening

Pirate All Journeyman cards available Remove: Dangerous? You Go First & We are Men of Action

Ranger All Journeyman cards available: Ally, Command All Novice cards available: Nature

All Novice cards available: Shadows

Shadow All Journeyman cards available: Steal
Remove: Calm Before the Storm & The Slow Blade

Sifu Six Harmonies, No Drunken Fist Plum Blossom, can use Chi

All Novice Marks

Slayer All Journeyman cards available
Remove: Dark Gift & Marked for Judgment

All Novice cards available: No Rush abilities

Tactician All Journeyman cards available: Rush
Remove: The Slow Blade & Calm Before the Storm

Tinker All Journeyman cards available All Novice cards available

All Novice cards available: Battle

Warrior All Journeyman cards available
Remove: Battle Advice & Battle Terror Battle

All Novice cards available: Arcane

Weaver All Journeyman cards available
Remove: Threads of Space & Threads of Time

Single-Player Rules

Single-Player Rule Changes

There are several changes to the standard rules when playing Myth single-player. These changes are meant to allow a single-player to experience the same game as a
group of players, while using one hero, one hero board, and one modified hero deck.

• 1 Action per class/Hero Cycle

• Lairs initial spawn reduced by 1 (from 2-player spawn)

• Lair spawns from Darkness cards reduced by half (rounded up)

• Special threat penalties (see below)

The largest change is in the creation of a dual-character hero deck. This change is important because it changes how the hero cards are played also. The player may
play one Action per hero class.

For example, a hero playing a Soldier and Brigand can play two Actions in one hero cycle, if one Action is from the Soldier and one Action from the Brigand.
Playing two Actions from the same hero class is still illegal, even in single-player mode, unless an item or quest rule allows for it.

In the case where an item or rule allows for an additional Actions to be played, then both classes would get an additional action. Using that same example of a
Soldier and Brigand, the player could play two Soldier Actions AND two Brigand Actions.

When a single-player experiences a monster lair for the first time, the initial
spawn is reduced by one to a minimum of one. Reference the monster card’s When a lair spawns monsters from a Darkness activation, reduce the number of
initial spawn for 2-players and subtract one. monsters spawned by half, rounding up.



Crawlers 6 Crawlers 2 Melee Crawlers, 1 Ranged 1 Stalker

Grubbers 5 Grubbers 2 Grubbers 1 Mucker

Shamblers 4 Shamblers 2 Melee Shamblers 1 Souless

Tailless 6 Tailless 2 Melee Tailless, 1 Ranged Tailless 1 Rath

Iathi 1 Fire, 1 Air, 1 Earth Iathi Iathi: 1 Earth, 1 Air 1 Iao

Sycline 5 Sycline 2 Sycline 1 Sycleech

Okian 5 Okian 5 Okis 1 Anokis

Reptile 3 Reptile 3 Snappas 1 Crunch’r

T1ck-T0cks 5 T1ck-T0cks 2 Tick Tocks 4 Tick Tocks

Gooples 3 Gooples 1 Goople 1 Dopple

Naga 2 Naga 2 Gekti 1 Latari

Thieves 4 Thieves 1 Blade 3 Thieves

Fireborne 2 Fireborne 2 Fireborne 1 Tormentor

Dragonscale 3 Dragonscale 3 Dragonscale 1 Dragonscale Knight

Threat Penalties
Finally, in single-player, threat penalties on Darkness deck cards are ignored. If the player is at 10 threat in the Refresh Phase,
add one AP to the Darkness Meter. This happens each time the hero is at 10 threat in the Refresh Phase.

Tavern Mode Rules
Object of the game is to get the most VP. The game ends
after five rounds when the brawl is broken up.

6 Tavern Tiles 12 Soldier Tokens 10 Tavern
Tavern tiles are found in the Item tokens
base game and the Realm Tile
Supplement pack.
10+ 10-sided dice ( a)
Players should have many
1 Darkness Board Draw Discard
on hand. The more
a s present,
the less the dice are shared
6 sets of 3 Myth Title Emblems

AP 0 1 2


3 4 5


between players. It allows the
4x6 6x6 The Darkness Cycle

game to move quickly and with

1 Event
= Crushing Wall = Falling Ceiling = Hurn’s Pitfall = Dragon’s Breath
2 Threat Penalty
= Rolling Boulder = Avatar of Winter = Poison Darts = Chain Lightning 3 Activation
4 Spawn
= Floor Spikes = Darkness Falls = Whirlwind of Steel = Consuming Darkness

Damage The Refresh Phase

1 Darkness Meter

• Draw 2 Treasure Tokens
• Add +2
a to Hit
• Heroic Events
• Ignore Darkness Event a Darkness Cycle
• Add +2
b • Extend Quest Timer • Call to Arms • Resurrect Hero 2
Allies Activate
Quest Results

• Add +2
a to
non-combat Actions
• Manipulate Darkness
4 Status Effects

less bookkeeping.
5 Trap Results
• Talek Three Dunes
6 Cleanup

12 Double-sided hero/ally tokens If the number of

as are limited, players will wants earned.
to have
Any hero miniatures from the base Myth game, expansions,
or Kickstarter campaigns may be used. Any ally or agent
some kind of counter present to mark extra
miniatures from the Myth universe may be used. 20 KO counters
There is no limit to the number of KO
5 Fate dice ( b) counters. If damage should be applied to a
target and there are no more KO counters,
use anything else to track the damage.

Tavern Tile Area Item Placement Team Emblems






= Floor Spikes

= Rolling Boulder

= Crushing Wall

• Talek Three Dunes

• Add +2
• Add +2
• Draw 2 Treasure Tokens
non-combat Actions


= Darkness Falls

= Avatar of Winter

= Falling Ceiling
• Manipulate Darkness
• Extend Quest Timer
• Add +2

ato Hit


= Whirlwind of Steel

= Poison Darts

= Hurn’s Pitfall
• Call to Arms
• Heroic Events

• Resurrect Hero
• Ignore Darkness Event

= Consuming Darkness

= Chain Lightning

= Dragon’s Breath
The Refresh Phase

The Darkness Cycle

6 Cleanup
5 Trap Results



Status Effects
Quest Results
Allies Activate

Darkness Meter

Threat Penalty
a Darkness Cycle


Tavern Mode Rules

Each player selects a hero token

Players also take two soldier tokens.
and the matching miniature.

When each player has selected a Finally, players take a set of three Myth
hero, flip over the unselected tokens title counters of the same type. This is
to the ally side. Players select an ally used to identify team members and
and matching miniature. turn order.

Hero Token
Hero and ally tokens are very similar. There are two differences: heroes have a b in their dice pool and have a defining attribute.
Name KO Number Victory Point Value

Dice Pool
Item Slot
Team Emblem

Target Attribute

Determine Turn order Soldiers may be initially placed in any tile in the tavern that doesn’t already have
soldiers in it. One tile cannot have more than two soldiers.
To determine player order, each player rolls 1 a. The highest result places his
team emblem in the lowest numbered open spot on the Darkness AP meter. The In the end each tile should have one hero, one ally, and two soldiers.
Darkness AP meter is used to track player order in Tavern Mode.
If there is a tie, the tied results roll again until there is a single highest result.
Soldiers do not belong to any player’s team. They participate in the tavern brawl
Repeat this step five times, until all players have an emblem on the Darkness AP
much like heroes and allies. Soldiers are much weaker and probably won’t stay
upright very long.

The five round game length can be tracked on the Darkness Board However, they gain as for successful attacks like anyone else involved.
through a damage tracker.
Soldiers attack or move. Soldiers cannot pick up items. If a soldier cannot attack,
they move towards the closest hero. They prioritize heroes over allies, and only
Players use the turn order tracker to determine player order in game and in the
attack other soldiers if no other target is available.
placement of heroes and allies. Players will activate lowest number to highest
number unless stated otherwise.

Placing Heroes and Allies

In player order, players place heroes in the tavern. One hero per tile. After all
heroes have been placed in the tavern, allies are placed in player order.

Heroes and allies may be placed in any square in a tile.

Ally placement happens in reverse player order. Allies cannot be placed in the
Placing Items in the Tavern
same tile as another ally, nor can allies and heroes on the same team start in the
same tile. Heroes and allies cannot share the same area. Item locations are pre-determined. Reference the setup image to determine item
locations. The tavern holds six items.

Placing Soldiers Place all the Tavern Item tokens with the question mark side up. Mix them
After all heroes and allies have been placed, players take two soldiers and place together. Each player randomly draws a Tavern Item token and places it in the
each one in a tile in player order. Soldiers cannot share the same area as heroes tavern. Items are drawn in reverse player turn order. Players should not look at
and allies. the tokens.

The tavern only holds six items. Once each item has been placed, reveal them.
Soldiers may be placed in any square in a tile.

The game is played over five game rounds consisting of three phases:

Move Phase Combat Phase Refresh Phase

Each phase is governed by the activation order and the player turn order.

Activation Order
All types of participants in the tavern brawl activate in player order within
each phase. Heroes always activate first in each of the phases. Then allies. And, Heroes   Allies   Soldiers
finally, soldiers. Anyone present in the tavern is considered a participant.

Move Phase
The tavern is divided into fifty four four-square movement areas. Players may
move their team members anywhere in the tavern as long as they are not
engaged in combat and follow the area limit rules. heroes and allies cannot Nikki Swashbuckler
move out of an area if there are other participants present. They are considered
to be engaged in combat.

It is wise in the first round to engage the weakest participants to build up hero
and ally dice pools.

During various stages of the brawl there are some rules in terms of area limits.
These area limits may prevent a player from moving into an area.

• If there are any soldiers still in the tavern, then areas are limited to two
participants. (Example 1) Monk

• Once all the soldiers have been knocked out and removed from the Example 2: The Monk knocks out the last soldier in the tavern. The Acolyte may now
tavern, then areas are limited to three participants. (Example 2) enter the area with the Swashbuclker and Nikki.

• If all the allies have been knocked out and removed from the tavern, then
areas can hold four participants. (Example 3)

Participants may move in any direction, orthogonally and diagonally. Heroes,

allies, and soldiers may move two areas. If there is a hero, ally, or soldier in an
adjacent area, then movement is limited to 1 area. Swashbuckler

Nikki Swashbuckler Acolyte

Example 3: The Swashbuckler knocks out Nikki, who is the last ally in the tavern. Now
the area may hold 4 heroes.

Players may also choose to not move or move away from potential combat.
Monk Soldier

Example 1: The Acolyte cannot enter the area occupied by Nikki and the Swashbuckler,
nor can he enter the area with the soldier and Monk.

Tavern Mode Rules
Combat Phase Applying Successes
Later in the game when there are three and four participants in an area, players
If two particiapnts are in the same area, there is combat. Combat is not a
assign successes from attacks to any participant in the area. They can be split or
required action. Heroes and allies do not have to attack. It is up to the player.
combined. Each success is assigned to a target.
If a player-controlled participant does not attack, they receive the passive bonus
to player turn order in the Refresh Phase.
Knocking out a participant in combat is the only way to earn VPs. Every time a hero or ally on a player’s team receives a KO
counter, the player must take a drink.
Combat results are not considered to be simultaneous. Knocked out
participants are removed immediately. If a player chooses to combine a dice pool that is all successes to one target, the
target is pushed out. If a player chooses to split a dice pool to different targets
Combat is resolved in player turn order starting with heroes, then allies. After
that is all successes, the targets are not pushed out of the area.
all the heroes and allies have gone, the soldiers attack. Any player may roll a
soldier’s combat.

Dice Pool
Each participant has a starting dice pool equal to their token. The dice pool
may be modified by any items used and by prior successful combats.
Nikki Swashbuckler

Items that are being used must be declared prior to the combat roll.

Each result equal to or higher than the TN is considered a success. Successes

equal damage. Damage is marked with KO counters. Acolyte

Additionally, if the bresult matches the attribute of the attacking hero, then
The Swashbuckler combats the Acolyte. He uses his fireplace poker item so he now has
the hero gets to activate again before the next player’s turn. Activating again,
includes moving and attacking. Only heroes receive an extra activation; they are
a . He rolls a 5, 7, and 9. He may spilt the successes between the Acolyte and Nikki,
since her TN is 5, or assign all successes to the Acolyte...
the only participants that have defining attributes.
Pushed Out
If an attack succeeds with all the dice in the dice pool, then the target is pushed
out of the area. If there is another participant adjacent the target is pushed
into an area with a hero first, then ally, and finally, soldier. If there are multiple
Swashbuckler heroes adjacent, the target is pushed into the hero’s area with the lowest turn
order spot.

If there are no participants adjacent, the attacker selects the location the target
is pushed into.


The Swashbuckler combats the Acolyte. His base dice pool is 2

a and 1
hit the Acolyte is a 7. He rolls an 8 and a 6. The Acolyte takes one damage.
b. His TN to

Tavern Mode comes with optional drinking rules. Look for this
box to reference drinking rules associated with taking damage. Acolyte Monk

Every time you read a drinking rule, you must take a drink.
The Swashbuckler assigns all successes to the Acolyte and pushes him out of the area in
to the adjacent area with the Monk.

Gaining Attack Dice When a participant is removed from the tavern, the player that knocked out
the participant takes the defeated hero, ally, or soldier token. This helps the
When a hero or ally succeeds at a combat by hitting a target, their combat dice
player track their VPs easily.
pool increases by 1 a . These dice accumulate. Only 1 a
may be gained per
activation per target, regardless of how many successes or targets are hit. If a soldier scores a knockout, the knocked out target’s token is discarded.

Refresh Phase
If a hero successfully attacks a target, the hero gains 1 a
. If the hero also
rolls their attribute and activates again, that hero could gain another 1 .a During this phase, players pick up any uncontested items, and adjust the player
If a hero successfully attacks two targets in one activation, the hero only gains turn order.
1 a . If the hero also rolls their attribute and activates again, attacking the Pick Up Item
same targets, that hero could gain another 1 a .
Items are automatically picked up if they are not contested. If no other
participant is present and a hero or ally is in the same area as an item, it is
picked up and equipped.

A complete breakdown of all the items can be found at the end of these rules.
Nikki Swashbuckler

Ahhh, refreshing...

The Swashbuckler successfully attacks the Acolyte. He gains 1 additional
a to his dice
If a hero or ally on the same team does not or cannot engage in combat in a
pool. His pool is now 4
a including his item. He also matches his Rage attribute on his
round, the controlling player’s team gets to adjust his or her turn order emblem
b Roll. He may now attack again. This time he attacks Nikki. He is successful and gains
1 additional
a bringing his total dice pool to five. down two spots on the player turn track (Darkness AP meter). Only one turn
order emblem may occupy a numbered space on the track, so remember to shift
displaced turn order emplems up one space. This represents the new turn order.

That hero or ally still loses 1 a to their dice pool per the combat rules.
DRINKING RULES A player may choose not to attack even if engaged in combat. This decreases his
or her position on the player turn order track by two.
If a hero attacked this turn and matched their attribute to get another
activation, they cannot be considered passive.
Losing Attack Dice
Heroes and allies may lose attack dice during the course of a combat. In fact, it This passive bonus to player turn order occurs even if the hero or ally picked up
is likely. There are several ways to have dice pools reduced: an item this turn.

• If a hero or ally receives a KO counter, their dice pool is reset to their

base amount.

• If a hero or ally misses on all their combat dice, their dice pool
is reduced by one to a minimum of one.

• If a hero or ally doesn’t engage in combat in a game round,

their dice pool is reduced by one. However, this player receives
the passive bonus to player turn order in the Refresh Phase.

• If a hero misses on all their combat dice, but the b

matches their
attribute, they get to activate again and do not lose any attack dice.

Knocked Out
When a hero, ally, or soldier has as many KO counters on their token as their
KO limit, they are knocked out and are removed from the tavern immediately.

If the player’s hero is knocked out, then the player has to finish
his or her drink.

Tavern Mode Rules


The game is over at the end of five rounds. Whoever has the most VP wins. In Every time a hero or ally on a player’s team receives a KO
case of a tie, it is the hero (among those tied) who has the least amount of KO counter, the player must take a drink. If the player’s hero (not ally)
counters. is knocked out, then the player has to finish his or her drink.
If it is still a tie, it is whoever can finish their drink faster.

Victory Points
Soldiers Allies Heroes
VPs are earned by knocking out non-team members. The value of the
VPs earned is located on the associated token. are worth 1 VP are worth 2 VPs are worth 3 VPs

Tavern Items
Items are randomly placed during setup. There are two types of items: one use and permanent. Most items are one use. Items that are being used must be declared
prior to the combat roll. If a player is knocked out and still has an item in their possession that item token is discarded from the game.

Chair Fireplace Poker

One use, +1 a and +1 KO +1 a
The chair may be used once to add 1 ato the attacker’s dice The fireplace poker is a permanent item. When it is equipped,
pool and provide one extra KO counter in addition to any other the attacker adds 1 a to their dice pool.
successes. If the attack misses completely, the extra KO counter is forfeited.

After the chair is used, it is discarded.

Bottle Sharpened Butter Knife

One use, +2 KO +1 a
The bottle may be used once to provide two extra KO The sharpened butter knife is a permanent item. When it is
counters in addition to any other successes. If the attack misses equipped, the attacker adds 1 a to their dice pool.
completely, the extra KO counters are forfeited.

After the bottle is used, it is discarded.

Mug Wood Plank

One use, +1 a and remove 1 KO +1 a
The mug may be used once to add 1 ato the attacker’s The wood plank is a permanent item. When it is equipped, the
dice pool and discard one KO counter from the attacking attacker adds 1 a to their dice pool.
participant’s token. Even if the attack misses, the KO counter is still discarded.

After the mug is used, it is discarded.

Turkey Leg Lucky cup

One use, remove 2 KO One use, may force a reroll on any
The turkey leg may be used once to discard two KO counters successful attack dice against you.
from the participant’s token. This item may be used even if the The lucky cup forces all successful attack dice assigned to the
participant is passive. participant with this item to be rerolled once.

After the turkey leg is used, it is discarded. After the lucky cup is used, it is discarded.

ACOLYTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
APPRENTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
ARCHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
BRIGAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
SOLDIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
SKALD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
SPRIGGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
TRICKSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
HUNTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
SWASHBUCKLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
OUTSIDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
MONK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
PUPIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
ALCHEMIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

MENDICANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
NECROMANCER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
WEAVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
ELEMENTALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
RANGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
DUELIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
TACTICIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
SHADOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
WARRIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
BATTLEDANCER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
VIRTUOSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
WARDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
TINKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
SLAYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
PIRATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
FORESAKEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
SIFU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
EDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
MIXOLOGIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Hero Class

Faith: 1
Wooden Plank, Worn Prayer Book, Attend the Weak, Angelic Word, Chant of the
6 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Morning, Dirge of Twilight, Guided by the Light

n the darkness, the Acolyte shines, his feet guided by something Within the swell, like a candle in a cave, he begins to shine. His light absolute and
beyond himself. He stops in the center of the dark great room all the greater because of the surrounding have brought me
near the limp, near-lifeless body of a young girl. He unhooks his aimed avatar of vengeance and this time...again and again his hammer finds
battle-hammer from his belt. Kneeling down, the Acolyte places home...for this purpose...crushing chitin and carapace...the victory is yours… Fear
the haft on the ground, then his forehead on top of the cold iron, ripples through the enemy as they begin to realize this is no mere traveler, but one
and begins to pray. sent from above to speed them toward their destruction.

To the Lord of morning… The eerie luminescence of a hundred Crawlers’ eyes stare Strange and holy words erupt from the Acolyte accompanied by flashes of light and
from the darkness at the hunched figure… My protector and shield… Fearfully they absolute devastation. Too late they listen to the instinct to flee. There is no escape or
encroach, moving ever-slowly toward their target… Guide my hands and focus my refuge from his righteous fury and cleansing fire… I am your servant…
thoughts… The solitary figure surrounded by an army of skittering arachnids begins
The Acolyte returns, wading through an ocean of carcasses, covered in grime and ash,
to rise… All that I am, I give over to Your glory… Suddenly and completely, a mass
to the little girl dying in the center of the room. He places one hand on her head and
of mandibles, whole and hissing, gives way and surges toward the Acolyte, a wave
lifts his other to heaven.
of black death. Driven by an unknown evil, they crawl onto and over each other to
extinguish the one who dares bring light to dark. ...Your will be done.

For we live by faith, and not by sight.

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

Playing the Acolyte

The Acolyte is versatile and offers something few other party members can: healing. He is the only
method of healing among the Heroes in the base game. The Acolyte must keep an eye on his threat so PRAYER AND FAITH
that he can utilize much-needed heals in massive battles.
Acolyte powers are typically fueled by faith. Hero cards
However, the Acolyte doesn’t have a lot of abilities that are movement friendly. He must commit available as Faith are noted by the keyword Faith located
himself to the middle of the battle, then act. under the art image on Acolyte cards.

The Acolyte doesn’t just heal, however. He also has powerful spells that assist the party, called buffs. When playing an Action or Reaction that requires faith,
If the Acolyte is going to be buffing the party in a given hero cycle, he should always go first. His buffs the Acolyte counts all the Faith available through himself,
make it easier for other Heroes to succeed. items and hero cards played to establish his total Faith.

Finally, the Acolyte has significant attacks, both physical and faith-based. Capable of both direct However, there is one additional deck mechanic that is
single-target damage and area-of-effect, a completely powered-up Last Rites is important: the Pray card. Pray cards allow the Acolyte to
devastatingly destructive. shuffle his discard pile and draw three cards per Pray
card played. If any of these cards have the Faith keyword,

Relics place them facedown on top of the Pray card. Each

facedown card counts as one Faith. During the hero deck
The Acolyte uses relic item cards to power his faith based abilities. Relics provide extra hit dice and phase, these facedown cards are discarded.
often more base faith. Relics can be easily identified by the Relic keyword under the item card art.


When there is nothing left to do but stand,

may you find me standing.

Tricky Cards
In Last Rites, the Acolyte blasts the targets with Holy power. The initial Faith allows the
ability to be used and is spent to target the center square. Each Faith extends the ability out,
starting with the square marked 1. However, the position in which the number 1 starts at is 1
chosen by the player. Every additional Faith extends the area-of-effect clockwise as shown. 8 4 2 6
It doesn’t stop at four, but continues to grow outward clockwise. 3
This is a truly devastating ability. The diagram provided helps players understand how it is
used. This attack DOES NOT require line-of-sight to the initial target.

Guardian Angel forces all successful attacks on a target to be rerolled. It is an Interrupt, but it lasts a complete
hero cycle. It is not limited to a single darkness cycle. If used in one darkness cycle to save a hero, that hero still
receives the boon if the Darkness activates again in the same hero cycle.

Consuming Fire is a damage-over-time (DoT) ability. These often cause confusion Consuming Fire
in regards to initial damage and when the extra damage associated with the DoT
happens. Firstly, Consuming Fire causes one damage when the ability happens +2 b
during the hero cycle. This is communicated through the bar under the art image
that states Damage: 1, Range: 3. Secondly, it does one damage during a number of +1 b
refresh phases equal to the Faith generated before this attack. The DoT effect begins Damage: 1, Range: 3

Attack, Fire, Relic

with the refresh phase at the end of the hero cycle Consuming Fire was played. Yes
Attack 1 target within range. If hit, the
target gains a DoT. The DoT deals the
target 1 damage during a number of
Refresh Phases equal to your Faith.

Faith Cards Holy Cards

Without faith the Acolyte can do very little. He always has one faith based on his hero token. However, his Cards marked as Holy cancel the Resurrection ability.
versatility and power reside in his belief in something other than himself. This is made manifest through his If the heroes want an undead enemy to stay down,
discard pile mechanic. have the Acolyte defeat them with a Holy attack.

Cards with Faith, like Blood Of An Overcomer, may be played for the Faith even though there are no status
effects to cleanse. In cases such as this, any threat from the card is still added Heal Cards
to the Acolyte.
Heals return vitality to the target. They are simple to
When the Acolyte uses a Pray card, he is fishing his discard for Faith cards. Pray cards are best used when the use, often benefiting greatly from added Faith. If an
discard pile is smaller and heavily populated with Faith. item or title assists heals, it would help a Heal card.

Card Synergy Guided by the Light Smite



Guided By The Light is one of the novice upgrade cards in the Acolyte’s deck. It isn’t a card a player needs to worry about unless it is b

added into the deck. However, if it is added, it can be used in combination with Smite to change the scope of the Acolyte’s Interrupt -1 TN

Damage: 1, Range: Weapon Damage: 1, Range: Weapon

Counterattack, Melee Attack, Melee

Attack 1 target within range. Attack 1 target within range. If

If Guided By The Light is used in the darkness cycle, Smite can be used immediately afterward as an Interrupt. This broadens his ability Yes played after Guided by the Light, you
may play this card as an Interrupt.

to deal with being swarmed.

+1 TN

Guardian Angel, Guided By The Light, and Smite is a formidable combination of Interrupts that can neutralize a darkness cycle quickly.

Journeyman Hero Class


7 5

Faith: 2

a, +1 b
Playing the Mendicant
A Mendicant is a more powerful version of the Acolyte. Every Faith ability is just a little bit
stronger when played by a Mendicant. As the heroes face tougher foes, the Mendicant has the
tools to mitigate much of the damage the heroes would otherwise suffer.

The Mendicant now has access to a Massive Attack card, a requirement when facing some
extremely tough foes. Yet, while this card is versatile, especially against boss type enemies,
damage is not the defining strength of this class.

The true strength of the Mendicant comes from their ability to generate massive amounts of
Faith and Resurrect defeated Heroes. This strength empowers their base hero cards to new
heights and extends the survivability of a Hero party when facing powerful enemies.

Once the Acolyte upgrades to the Mendicant,
the class becomes extremely capable of Early Upgrades
generating large amounts of Faith. This is
achieved by exchanging the following Hero
UNDER THE SPIRIT Under the Spirit
Exchanging this card into your deck grants an increase in Faith generation when playing
cards into the Hero deck, Sweat as Blood,
Holy cards. Since Under the Spirit is an Ongoing card it is important to keep it in play as
Under the Spirit, and More Than Conquerors. much as possible. This card also provides one additional damage for each Holy Attack
+2 b

that the Mendicant performs.

The Mendicant’s Sweat as Blood card is an b
Range: Tile

Under the Spirit works extremely well when playing cards with the keyword Holy, such Holy, Ongoing
upgraded version of a Pray card. After resolving Holy cards count as Faith. Each

as, Angelic Word, Last Rites, and The Battle Is The Lord’s. Whether your playstyle is +1 b Holy Attack deals +1 damage.

this card, each facedown Faith and Heal card support or offensive this card is essential.
on top of it counts as 1 Faith.


The Mendicant has the power to return a Exchanging this card into your deck adds a Massive Attack card to the Mendicant’s
defeated Hero to the realm tile with the arsenal. This card becomes extremely powerful when targeting a boss type enemy. The Battle is the Lord’s

Resurrect card. This is an extremely valuable Unlike most Acolyte cards, this card allows for normal movement while attacking.
Combine this card with Under the Spirit and Righteous Fury to cripple even the strongest
tool when facing tough enemies, freeing up +1 a
of foes.
much needed Serendipity for the party.
Using this card requires the Mendicant to be even more mindful of their Threat, +1 a
Damage: 3, Range: Weapon

Due to the Mendicant’s increased Faith especially when attacking Bosses. Attack, Holy, Massive, Melee, Relic
Attack 1 target within range. Deal 1
+2 a additional damage if the target is a

generation, Attack and Heal cards are now

Mini-boss. Deal 2 additional damage
if the target is a Boss.

much more powerful. Most importantly the Yes

Mendicant now has a versatile Massive Attack

that becomes even stronger if the target of the
attack is a Mini-boss or Boss.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 4

a, +2 b

Playing the Necromancer

A Necromancer is an Acolyte that has been corrupted by the Darkness. Base Faith
generation has been lost in favor of an increased base dice pool. However, it is still
important for the Necromancer to be able to generate Faith to fuel their attacks.

The Necromancer also now begins to utilize the resource Malice. While the
Necromancer doesn’t have a inherent Malice Pool, they are able to contribute to
and spend Malice from it. It is vital to keep this resource as full as possible. An
attack from Path of the Fallen fully charged with Malice can defeat all but the most
powerful of enemies in a single attack.

To help control the Threat a Necromancer can generate they are able to summon
two different types of Allies to fight for them. These undead Allies help protect and
even heal the Necromancer in combat.

Once the Acolyte upgrades to the Necromancer,
the class gains the ability to spend and Early Upgrades
contribute Malice tokens to the Malice Pool.
By exchanging the Touched By Darkness Hero
TOUCHED BY DARKNESS Touched by Darkness
Exchanging this card into your deck grants an enormous boost to the Necromancer’s
card into the Hero deck, the Necromancer
damage potential. Once this Ongoing card is in play, each card in the Necromancer’s
gains the capability of dealing massive

deck that has the Heal keyword becomes an Attack card instead. The amount of
amounts of damage. damage, range, and enemies affected by these cards is equal to the values that Yes

previously affected heroes.

Range: Special

If the Necromancer puts the Touched By Hero cards that have the keyword

Hero cards like Attend the Weak and Hand of the Father became extremely powerful Yes Heal are now considered an Attack.
Range and damage are based on the

Darkness Ongoing Hero card into play, each damage cards that could max out a Necromancer’s Threat on a successful attack. This
Heal card’s listed values.

Hero card with the Heal keyword that restores

strength comes with an even greater responsibility to manage their Threat gain.
Vitality, deals damage to a target within range
instead. Threat is gained only from the amount
Exchanging this card into your deck grants near immunity to Minion attacks for the entire Servant of Malice
of damage done to the targeted enemies.
Hero party as long as they are on the same realm tile as the Necromancer. Servant of
Malice reduces the attack dice pool of all enemies by 1 and adds the benefit of Threat
The Necromancer gains the ability to summon Yes

Penalties for the party only triggering on a Threat of 10, essentially eliminating the
undead Allies by playing the Hero cards Army special powers of some darkness cards. Yes

of Darkness and Call of the Soul Stalker. These Servant of Malice is an Ongoing card that generates 1 Malice token when played. While
Range: Tile

Malice, Ongoing
Each enemy within range reduces

Hero cards are Ongoing and stay in play until powerful, keeping this card in play makes it difficult for the Necromancer to perform
Yes their dice pool by 1
a . In addition,
Heroes only suffer a Threat Penalty
if their Threat is 10.

either the Necromancer clears them, or the many other actions since their Ally cards and Touched by Darkness are also Ongoing

cards. This leaves little room for Threat reduction.

Allies are defeated, also clearing the card.

While Necromancers are stronger damage

dealers they need to share the Malice Pool with
other Heroes that require that resource.

Hero Class


Enchanted Twig, Lucky Cup, Fingers of Ia, Chaotic Overflow,

5 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Riftwalk, Life Sieve, Diminish

man, not frail but fit, stands before a foreboding cave carved The roar of thunder from an open sky, rolling with fury, signals the beginning. The
from rock and stone. Bone and boulders are strewn all around chorus of doom is suddenly split by the soul-splintering screech of Elementals, their
the entrance, burnt flesh and the howl of an unnatural wind anima returning. Not too late, this earliest of evil finds their fight. They will not fade
belie the beautiful day, bright sun hanging in blue sky. His dark or falter, but fight fiercely, hoping for Fate’s fortune.
countenance would make the very rocks flee if they weren’t
anchored by ancient promises.
The Apprentice raises one hand and the craven are cast into chaos. All at once,
“Usurpers!” His voice crackles with power, splitting the crisp, clean air, echoing
lightning arches from his fingers, crashing into the nearest creature, directed to his
through the cave and into the ears of Iathi who hear the Apprentice’s crystal-clear
neighbor, then another. Only mist remains, Iathi sundered, scattered like dust amid
commands. He continues, “I hold thee in disdain for you have encroached on that
the wind.
which is mine. I call you forth to face judgment, your fate chosen by the cosmos
before time immemorial. I call thee craven. Now crawl to me!” For the Apprentice is an avatar of an older power, a conduit of creation channeling
the power of a thousand suns. Power immeasurable. White light radiates from his
And so the elementals come. Not willing are they driven from the depths, somehow
eyes; he need only reach out to break the he does.
sure of a secret knowledge that this will be the last time they pass that way. So stand
they, towering over their tormentor. Unable to extricate themselves from his control, Geysers of earth erupt beneath those remaining, flinging the fell-creatures from his
they wait. They are ancient beings beyond the imagination of most, yet the one before sight, soaring off the mountain to dreadful destiny.
them is more than a man, something greater, a strange mystery they needed to see. The
The rest, those elementals that remain, are lost in rivers of molten rock, flowing
wait is not long.
through a rift in the earth, turning flesh and bone to liquid.

Finally, the Apprentice’s power abates. Stoic, he stands, the power in his eyes still
smoldering. Surveying the devastation, satisfied, he vanishes.

Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side...
Darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time...
- Tolkien, The Two Towers

Playing the Apprentice

The economy of the Apprentice is easily manipulated, but can quickly get out of hand. The Apprentice often has SPELLS VS. THREAT
a wealth of actions that directly shape darkness encounters. However, the Apprentice can easily take himself The power of the Apprentice to protect himself,
out of the action by not managing his threat, or worse, drawing too much attention to himself and dying or inflict damage, and control his threat resides in his
triggering a threat penalty. ability to balance Arcane and Ongoing spells.
A master of area-of-effect damage, spells like Fingers of Ia, Chaotic Overflow, and Blood of Gaia are extremely The Apprentice can do a lot of damage, often to
valuable. On the other hand, the Apprentice has so many damaging options he doesn’t have to worry about what a lot of targets. Therefore, it stands to reason,
card he is keeping for later. the Apprentice tends to have threat spikes that
Understanding how the Apprentice’s Ongoing hero cards work is vital to smart play. There are a few very can easily get out-of-hand.
important Ongoing effects that all players should know about. Sometimes keeping an important defensive
Breath of Heroes is vital to the party when dealing with captain or boss monsters who affect courage. The Ongoing ability is more important than damaging
capacity for all heroes to pass courage tests is invaluable. or defeating one more enemy. The Apprentice
can select which Ongoing to clear and need not
Aura of the Elements is the Apprentice’s main form of defense. Most of the larger vitality armor will go to front- clear them to power a spell. Choose wisely: an
line defenders. Being able to nullify the first blood of damage is often the difference between life and death. Apprentice with high threat and no defensive
Used in conjunction with Meditate, the Apprentice can easily stay alive in the most dire circumstance without spells Ongoing is not long for this world.
being a burden on the Acolyte’s healing.

My claim to power is absolute;

challenge me and find yourself wanting.

Tricky Cards
Fingers of Ia
This Air spell hits the primary target, then jumps to another target up to two
squares away per Ongoing card cleared. It doesn’t require the Apprentice to clear
-1 TN

an Ongoing for the initial target, only extra targets along the spell’s path.
Fingers of Ia follows a path; it doesn’t hit and radiate to others from the central Yes
Damage: 1, Range: 3
target. It chains from target to target, so the Apprentice needs to select his initial Air, Attack, Focus
Attack 1 target within range. For
target wisely. +1 TN each Ongoing card cleared, this
attack also affects 1 additional
target up to 2 squares away from
the last affected target.

Hero’s Edge is a very powerful hero buff. It provides one hero with extra dice.
However, this Ongoing spell’s target can be reselected by the Apprentice at the
start of each hero cycle.
Simply pass the Hero’s Edge token to the newly buffed hero. When this spell is
Hero’s Edge
cleared the buff goes away immediately.


Life Sieve may be put into play before casting Leech. If this card is in play and Yes

Leech successfully hits a target, that target gains a damage-over-time, which Ongoing
Range: Tile

causes the target one damage during the refresh phase at the end of the hero Choose 1 Hero within range to gain

Yes the Hero’s Edge token. You may
choose another Hero next Hero Cycle.

cycle Life Sieve was played, and each refresh phase until the target is defeated. A Hero with the token gains +1
and +1
b to Attack Actions.
Once the target is defeated Life Sieve is cleared.
The Apprentice uses focus items to
power his cards. Focus provide extra hit dice and often a bonus power.
Focus items have the Focus keyword under the item card art.

Ongoing Cards Arcane Cards

Ongoing abilities are placed into the Apprentice’s action spaces and stay in place over multiple Any card labeled Arcane does non-elemental, magic damage.
hero cycles. Ongoing abilities enhance the Apprentice with protection and attack buffs. They power The importance of the label is in the Apprentice’s specialty gear
his abilities and limit his capacity to mitigate threat at the same time. Ongoing spells stay in play and his own buffs, particularly Reservoir Of The Ancients, which
until removed by the Apprentice or consumed by other hero cards. provides large bonuses to Arcane attacks.

The Apprentice’s ability to deal AoE damage is rivaled by none. Many of the Apprentice’s most
damaging AoE spells are extended to other targets by clearing Ongoing effects. When an Ongoing Elemental Cards
spell is cleared to power another ability, the Ongoing card does not benefit the Apprentice
Elemental refers to those spells labeled with one of the
afterward but does provide the Apprentice with bonuses for that attack. Ongoing cards in action
following keywords: Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, and Ice. When the
spaces are not removed until the hero deck phase and do not count as “open spaces” when
Apprentice moves from Novice to Journeyman these elements
calculating threat reduction.
will be very important to manage. Tougher enemies can be
Conversely, players can clear any Ongoing effect during the hero deck phase to reduce threat. immune to certain elements and weak to others.

Card Synergy
This combination of cards gives the Apprentice his largest dice pool to attack with, and the These three cards can save the Apprentice’s life if he has been targeted by a heavy hitter. The
flexibility to decide how damage is dealt. Against a large number of different enemies, or a combination of life-stealing and damage mitigation means the Apprentice can all but ignore
formidable boss that requires multiple successes to do damage, the combination of Reservoir two points of damage each darkness cycle because he is stealing one damage back and
of the Ancients and Chaotic Overflow shines. ignoring the other.

Journeyman Hero Class

Arcane: 1

5 5 +1
a, +2 b

Playing the Weaver

Weaver’s are masters of the Arcane that build up power through the playing of
Arcane cards. Many of the Weaver’s cards require the keyword Arcane to become
stronger. Since the best way to do this is through the use of Arcane cards, the
Weaver’s primary concern is action space management for Threat reduction.

Unlike his counterpart the Elementalist, the Weaver does not have abilities that
buff others. Instead their strength comes from massive damage output and
manipulation of AP and their own Threat.

The Weaver has three damage cards in their deck.

Playing spells like Collapsing Star and Canopy of
the Mystics are great ways of clearing out enemy
minions. Dealing with powerful foes however, requires
the manipulation of a lot of Arcane and the use of
the spell Chaotic Disturbance. This hero card is extremely
important as it is the only Massive Attack the Weaver has available to them.

Once the Apprentice upgrades to the Weaver,
the class becomes very dependant on Arcane Early Upgrades
cards. Many of the Weaver’s Hero cards grant the
Arcane keyword. Threat management is going to
ONE WITH THE BEGINNING One With the Beginning
Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Weaver another way to reduce Threat.
be a major concern with this class. Fortunately,
Threat generation and the ability to reduce it is one of the major drawbacks when playing
exchanging the interrupt card One With the

the Weaver. One With the Beginning requires cards with the keyword Arcane to be
Beginning, into the Hero deck, helps mitigate this effective, which most of the cards in this class possess.
concern by lowering threat in the darkness cycle. With the increased difficulty of enemies, this card is one of the few Interrupt cards Arcane
For each Arcane card in play you

available to the Weaver, making it an essential defensive choice when upgrading their may reduce your Threat by 1.

The Weaver now has a Massive Attack. This Weaver Hero deck.
Attack becomes more powerful based on the
amount of Arcane cards in play and is a true CHAOTIC DISTURBANCE
game changer for the Weaver. Exchanging this card into your deck grants a Massive Attack card to the Weaver’s
arsenal of attacks. Chaotic Disturbance is one of the few cards that inflict damage per Chaotic Disturbance
Great power comes with great success. The amount of extra dice rolled is based off the Weaver’s movement, and
more importantly, the Arcane cards in play. It is one of the most powerful attack cards
manage AP. If you are having trouble with AP, then +3 a
available to any Hero, with the potential to do over ten damage with relative ease.
your answer can be found with The Threads of
It is crucial that the Weaver possess multiple ways of mitigating the Threat generated +2 a
Time. This Hero card allows the Weaver to reduce from this single attack. Otherwise, the Weaver risks putting their allies in danger of
Damage: 1 per success, Range: 5

Arcane, Attack, Focus, Massive

Attack 1 target within range. For

AP based on the amount of Arcane in play, which triggering Threat Penalties.

+1 a each Arcane card in play gain
1 additional
a to this Attack.

this class excels at generating.

Sphere of Deflection now has a secondary

benefit when it is in play if you exchange the
Hero card Canopy of the Mystics into the Hero
deck. It becomes an explosive AoE attack that
could max out the threat meter.

Journeyman Hero Class

Ready 1 Ongoing

6 4 +1
a, +1 b

Playing the Elementalist

The Elementalist has the ability to turn into Avatars based on the elements in the
world of Myth. At the journeyman level there is a choice between becoming the Avatar
of Earth or the Avatar of Fire. These forms are extremely powerful but are also limited
since you cannot play hero cards or use items in this form. Setting up your Avatar form
to succeed however, relies on the careful placement of Ongoing cards before shifting
into an Avatar so everyone can still benefit from them.

Becoming a powerful monster is not the only way to play this class. The Elementalist
has access to multiple Massive Attack cards. Hrimcæld’s Embrace is a single target
Ice focused Massive Attack that cuts through an enemies defenses with ease. For
those who prefer area of effect attacks, Shards of Ia is a Air focused Massive Attack
that has the capacity to hit the 24 squares nearest the Elementalist.

If an Elementalist needs to cool down and reduce some Threat they can buff their
companions with Hero, Fire, and Air Edge cards while playing Mist Form. The Fire and
Air Edge cards are extremely effective for Heroes that need that elemental edge to take
down tough enemies that have elemental weaknesses.

Once the Apprentice upgrades to the
Elementalist, the class undergoes fundamental Early Upgrades Avatar of Earth
gameplay changes.
Once a player plays an Avatar Hero card, that Exchanging one of these cards into your deck grants the Elementalist the unique ability

player is no longer allowed to play Hero cards. to transform into an Avatar. Becoming one of these avatars grants unique powers and Yes

Hero cards that are already in play and have dice pools to the Elementalist. Dying as an Avatar defeats the Elementalist, so Threat Avatar, Ongoing

management and returning to Hero form to dump Threat is often a priority for survival. You become the Avatar of Earth. For
the duration of this Ongoing you no
the keyword Ongoing, cannot be cleared. longer play Hero cards. Reference the
Avatar of Earth Monster card to move

Avatar of Fire: Grants multiple area of effect attacks and immunity to Fire at the cost of and perform attacks. You activate
Avatar, Ongoing

Instead, the player now moves and attacks

during the Hero Cycle.You become the Avatar of Fire. For
the duration of this Ongoing you no
vitality, defense and a weakness to Earth based attacks. longer play Hero cards. Reference the
Avatar of Fire Monster card to move

like a monster in the hero cycle. Threat is and perform attacks. You activate
during the Hero Cycle.
Avatar of Earth: Grants multiple large damage attacks, resistance to damage and
still generated from damage and can only be immunity to Earth at the cost of defense and a weakness to Ice based attacks.
reduced based on the amount of empty Action
Spaces still available. Dying as an Avatar RETURN
defeats the Hero. Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Elementalist an increased chance to Return

successfully become a Hero again if they are in Avatar form. In order for this card to
While in Avatar form, dice pools are only function it must be in play before the Elementalist becomes an Avatar. Yes

generated from the Avatar monster card, Failing a Return action causes 1 damage to the Avatar and the Elementalist does not

and bonuses that are granted from the revert to a Hero. If, however, this card is in play the Elementalist gains an additional 2
a when they attempt a Return action.
If this card is in play when you are

Elementalist’s Ongoing cards in play. The Yes in Avatar form, gain 2 additional
a when you attempt to clear the
Avatar card.

player may only turn back into a Hero by Yes

performing a Return test using the dice pool

from the Elementalist Hero token. Only one test
may be performed each hero cycle.

Hero Class


Stick & Twine, Arrow Bag, Wayfarer’s Ruse, Orion’s Tears,

5 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Scavenge, Pincushion, Pacify

ar afield they emerge. For fury they have come, still Effortless, the Archer tumbles toward the foolhardy forerunner, reckless
distant, but following fast drawn to this Archer. and rash going before the host, an easy target. The first to fall, a blur of cedar
Forever it seems she has killed the Sycline, a bane to and white fletching flies true, through throat, shot from bended knee.
their kind.
The next three arrows, ash and raven feather, are drawn and driven before
She strolls forward, against the current, a raging river the Archer has risen to stand. The tears of Orion fall into the irises of fools
of revenge. Cocksure she clutches her bow, a hidden smile beneath her who dare draw the ire and indignation of an Archer who has become one with the arrow.
cowl, for on this day she knows, the loss of life will be great and the
Two score times, over and again, arrows fly from quiver or are retrieved while walking, the same
Sycline fewer.
movement burned into muscle, memorized until only the
Fell-creatures cry aloud, roar, and run, trying to rip through the Archer’s motion remains.
quiet calm, her confidence a terrible taunt to those who feed upon fear.
The many give way to a fleeing few, save one captain who continues to charge with confidence,
Slow and measured, she reaches back to pluck forth an arrow of yellow closing quickly. The Archer stops, brazen and bold, flings back her hood. Slowly, she draws
pine used for a specific purpose. She knows its measure, stiff shaft, and forth a solitary shaft saved for one such as this: hollowed bone with clean bright-brown
colorful fletching. Light in hand, it rests on the bowstring less than an fletching. With drawn breath, it is set against string, her blackwood bow fully bent. She
instant before it is sent flying, the arch of this arrow a secret to all but doesn’t even realize the arrow is gone until it is buried deep into the fiend’s heart. Stopped and
one. The Sycline flinch, take pause, and track the flight, distracted by the staggered, the massive monster slumps, clutching his chest. It takes but a moment for the blood
failed attempt. Late is the moment they realize its true function. to begin to flow through the shaft. Death quickly takes the one not long for life.

Then he drew his trusty yew, holding it drawn but a moment, then loosed the string.
Straight flew the Arrow...
- Pyle, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

Playing the Archer ARROWS

The Archer is a highly flexible hero. The Ammo resource mechanic allows the Archer to always
For the Archer, arrows in her quiver represent the ability to
have the ability to attack in any given round. Depleting all the Ammo at her disposal without
perform actions. They are a direct resource that is both easy
having an Ammo card in an action space or a Retrieve card handy is a mistake.
in concept and execution. Players play Ammo cards into
This is especially easy to do with Orion’s Tears. This extremely powerful ability can do as much action spaces on the Hero Board which, in turn, are placed in
damage as a player has readied Ammo, which makes this the only ability among the heroes that the quiver in the hero deck phase. This is a limitation in the
scales with relative ease. first couple of hero cycles and a boon later in the adventure.

Any Ammo cards that are drawn should be placed onto action spaces, unless the Archer has The Archer is the only hero in the game that has direct
reached maximum capacity on her quiver. Without Ammo, the Archer is very weak. To send an control over the amount of damage done in relation to Threat.
Ammo card from hand to discard is a travesty. Her flexibility is a fundamental strength and allows her to
remain active at some level even with mid to high Threat.
Do not underestimate the power of Fool’s Errand. This is an extremely valuable card in terms of
preventing Darkness activation and drawing a massive amount of enemies away from the heroes. In some cases, the Archer doesn’t need to wait for a refresh
This ability buys the party time and creates a situation where the Heroes can generate a lot of phase to cycle an Ammo card into her quiver. With Wayfarer’s
action points at less of a cost. Ruse for instance, she can use an Ammo card primed in an
action space to attack. In addition, Ammo can be rescued
LINE-OF-SIGHT from the discard pile and placed directly into the quiver
The Archer doesn’t follow the standard line-of-sight rules. through the use of Retrieve.
She can fire over enemies and lairs, but must obey all other LOS rules.


Every arrow is sent with purpose and skill;

every shaft carries with it a piece of me.

Tricky Cards Orion’s Tears

+2 b
The most powerful AoE in the Archer deck, Orion’s Tears is a strong attack ability.
It is limited only by the amount of Ammo in the Archer’s quiver and her Threat. She +1 b
can attack a new enemy in range, regardless of location, for every Ammo card
Damage: 1, Range: Weapon

Attack, Ranged

readied into her quiver.

For each ready Ammo card, you
Yes may attack 1 target within range.

Other Heroes need enemies to line up just right to reach maximum effectiveness
with an area-of-effect attack, not the Archer.

It is easy for the Archer to overlook Fool’s Errand, but she does so at the detriment of the group. If no hero is
carrying a lot of Threat, this ability draws enemies with Threat priority to the selected location.
In addition, this ability lowers the Darkness Meter by two. The Fool’s Errand card when played with the Acolyte’s
Feet of the Saints card is a tile clearer.

GIFT OF THE UNDERWORLD Gift of the Underworld

Gift of the Underworld is a high value card. This DoT lasts until the target is dead,
but only uses one Ammo. It causes one damage when the Arrow is used, and one 3 RP

damage in the refresh phase at the end of the hero cycle Gift of the Underworld
was used. 2 RP
Damage: 1, Range: Weapon

When used in conjunction with Vision Of The Mark, only the initial damage is Attack, Bleed, Weapon
Attack 1 target within range. If using
Ammo and the attack hits, the target
increased. 1 RP
gains a DoT. The DoT deals the target
1 damage during a number of Refresh
Phases (RP) based on your movement.

Scavenge is one of the Archer’s advanced Hero cards. It is similar to Retrieve. It
allows the Archer to pull out two Ammo cards instead of just one, but only if the two Ammo cards are next to
each other in the discard pile.
Ideally, Scavenge is played after Orion’s Tears.
Ammo is a keyword. In the case of the Novice Archer, it represents arrows.
Ammo, placed into action spaces, ends up readied in a quiver and then can Nature
be used to fuel ranged attack abilities. Ammo is a limited resource the Archer Pacify is the Archer’s only Nature card. It is a fantastic ability that allows the Archer to
must manage in order to stay active and relevant. However, with Retrieve, the reduce the darkness meter. While Nature isn’t used much now, when Archers attain the
Archer has the ability to absolutely control her Ammo. level of Master, the Nature keyword becomes much more prevalent in their abilities.

Card Synergy
Circumvent Pincushion
If the Archer uses Vision of the Mark before any attack that uses Ammo, she increases Alternately, the Archer can specialize
her damage and receives extra dice. This ability costs zero AP and should always be in using Interrupts during the darkness
played with an Attack card. cycle. The synergy of Circumvent and
Yes Yes

When used with Orion’s Tears, Vision of the Mark increases the damage that each target Pincushion allows the Archer to move
receives by one. It is uniquely satisfying for the Archer to put two damage on multiple during a darkness cycle and use a Damage: 1, Range: Weapon
Counterattack, Dodge, Weapon
Captains. Minion as a meat-shield. Before resolving an enemy attack
targeting you, attack that target.
Choose a Minion adjacent to you.
All enemy attacks targeting you
during this Darkness Cycle affect
Then, move 2 squares and ignore the chosen Minion instead. After
the enemy’s attack. Not considered resolving all attacks, the Minion


a Move.


suffers all damage dealt.

This particular combination happens rarely, but it is one of the most powerful attack Finally, this combination can buy the
strings in the base game. If the Archer uses Tumble with an Ammo and ends adjacent heroes that extra bit of time they need
to the target, then follows up with Vision of the Mark and Kharon’s Payment, for three to win. When used together, Fool’s
AP and an additional Ammo she can inflict six damage to a single target using only two Errand and Pacify reduce the Darkness
Ammo cards. Meter by three.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 6

Ready 1 Ammo

a, +1 b
Playing the Ranger
Becoming a Ranger grants an entire new set of mechanics to this already
powerful class. Rangers have the ability to summon a Ally and keep them
in play as long as they wish. The Rift Stalker Ally is a formidable force on
the battlefield. The strength of this Ally can be improved by learning how to
Command it.

Command cards are a new keyword exclusive to the Ranger class. Any
hero card with this keyword directly affects the Rift Stalker during the
refresh phase of the hero cycle it was played in.

It isn’t all about just the Rift Stalker however. The Ranger has mastered
the use of Ranged weapons. This mastery is reflected in The Perfect
Shot, a great damage dealer that inflicts Critical damage to one target.
That damage is augmented if it follows a different Critical Attack.

Once the Archer upgrades to the Ranger, the Early Upgrades
class gains an Ally that may be summoned and
kept in play. This Ally may be augmented by RIFT STALKER Rift Stalker
playing Command cards. Exchanging this card into your deck grants a powerful Ally to the Ranger that only they
+1 5

control during the refresh phase. The Rift Stalker card has its own attack dice and fate Yes

ALLY ability which can be augmented by various Command cards in the Ranger’s deck.
4 6

By exchanging the Rift Stalker Ongoing card Fast, tough, and a potent fate ability, makes the Rift Stalker an Ally you want to keep on Yes Threat: 3, Nature

Damage: 1, Range: 1

the battlefield as much as possible. Pounce has the potential to be a high damage attack Ally, Ongoing

into the Hero deck, the Ranger gains the use versus targets that are normally out of reach. Gaining items or playing cards that buffs Yes
Place the Rift Stalker token at the tile
edge closest to the Ranger.
Pounce: Choose 1 target within 3 squares.

of an Ally which they control. The Rift Stalker

Target gains the Prone status effect and

the amount of fate dice the Rift Stalker can roll is vital for high damage output.
suffers 1 damage for each nature result.

3 4

activates during the Refresh Phase like other

1 +1

Allies. If the Rift Stalker is ever defeated, the QUICKLOAD

Rift Stalker card is cleared. Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Ranger the unique ability to instantly
transfer Ammo cards into their quiver from their hand. This card helps to keep the Quickload

COMMAND Ranger’s action spaces free for much more useful cards like Command and Attack hero
cards. Keeping an active Ally and freeing up actions spaces normally reserved for Ammo Yes

Hero cards with the keyword Command cards is essential to maintaining a low Threat for this class.
grant abilities to your Rift Stalker Ally. These Yes

cards require you to place the corresponding Ongoing

Ammo cards are immediately
Yes readied.

Command token on the Rift Stalker card.

Once the Rift Stalker activates, it must use the Yes

powers on these tokens. After a Command

token is used, discard that token.

Journeyman Hero Class


7 4


a, +2 b
Playing the Duelist
The Duelist is all about the damage. Equipping a secondary item with Dual Wield is
the only way to unlock to the true damage potential of this class. Most of the cards
available to the Duelist do not require the use of a Ranged weapon, offering many
opportunities to change your attack style.

No longer hampered by running out of Ammo, the Duelist has other things to
consider, such as which power to imbue her weapons with. These new buff cards
are Ongoing and grant the Duelist increased versatility based on the chosen
playstyle. If you are playing with an Outsider, imbue your weapons with the Darkness
Glyph and keep that Malice Pool full. Want to make your Bleed Attacks exceptionally strong? Play
the Razor Glyph card to deal additional damage each time one of your DoTs inflicts damage. For
sheer damage output, the Fire Glyph is the way to go, unless the target is immune to Fire
based attacks.

Once the Archer upgrades to the Duelist, the Early Upgrades
class gains more utility and the ability to do
even more damage. The Duelist comes into TO THE PAIN To the Pain
its own once the class has a strong secondary Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Duelist the ability inflict a strong status
effect debuff to their target. A successful attack from this card causes the target to suffer
item with the keyword Duel Wield. +3 HC

from Weakened Soul. This status effect reduces the dice pool of its target by 1
a and
b and affects tough enemies normally immune to most effects. Commanders and
Bosses have extremely powerful special abilities and negating their effectiveness with To
+2 HC

Damage: 1, Range: Weapon

Attack, Weapon

The Duelist still relies heavily on Ammo the Pain helps to ensure the Heroes’ survival. +1 HC
Attack 1 target within range. If the
target suffers any damage from this
attack it gains the Weakened Soul
status effect for a number of Hero

cards, but now the class gains the ability to Cycles (HC) based on your movement.

enhance it’s attacks with glyphs. Only one RIPOSTE +1 HC

glyph Ongoing card can be in play at a time Exchanging this card into your deck grants a powerful Interrupt card to the Duelist’s
arsenal of attacks. After the Duelist gains a secondary item with the Dual Wield keyword,
and these cards only affect the Duelist. If these this card becomes quite powerful. Normally, using a weapon in the secondary slot
Ongoing Hero cards are put into play, each requires the hero to perform a Rush action. Riposte negates this necessity while also
attack the Duelist performs receives the benefit allowing the Duelist to ignore an attack.
+3 b

from that particular glyph. The ability to dodge a tough enemy attack, attack them back for free with a powerful

secondary weapon, while boosting the
b rolled is a massive boon to the dual wielding
Duelist. As an added bonus this is another Interrupt card added to the Duelist’s deck
Range: Tile

Ignore 1 enemy attack targeting you.

If you have an item in the secondary
granting even more opportunities for a Rush attack. slot with Dual Wield, it activates

Some Ranged weapons come with the ability immediately for zero AP.

to store ammo on them now freeing up

the secondary slot which is a necessity to
unlocking the full potential of this class.

Hero Class


Sharpened Butter Knife, Suicide Run, Like a Reed in the Wind,

6 6 +1
a, +1 b Dirty Blanket, Adventurer’s Gear Shadow’s Friend, Lost in a Crowd, Shadowstep

n shadows he glides slowly past the Tailless, those kin who are unable to escape The great, lumbering rat, staggering under its own weight, shuffles
their king with tail intact. Slaves, shackled to a deeper Darkness. Moving around past. The stench of fetid disease overwhelms. Clumps of fur fall
the edge, in the gloaming between the dusk and dancing firelight, the Brigand from his massive frame as he limps along.
It only takes a moment. From the safety of the shadows, the
The first two are dead in less than a breath—bait. Hope was not with them this Brigand leaps, ambushing the colossal Rath from behind. Blades
night, for a harbinger has come, a reaper walking. sink into flesh, embedded into the base of the neck, slicing
through arteries and muscle, flesh and fur.
Slipping behind a third, the Brigand sits, still as stone, watching and waiting for a witness to spot his
handiwork and bring his true target. Patient, primed for his prey, he squats silent and unmoving until The Brigand scurries up the felled foe, leaping further into the
finally the moment has arrived. fight as the Rath falls forward. A tucking roll allows him to carry
his momentum into the stunned pack of Tailless loitering just out
Pulling strings, making puppets dance to a tune of his timing and design. The bodies are discovered.
of range. Hustling, the Brigand moves through the motionless
Words whispered. Tailless rise, sensing something amiss.
minions. Like wind through reeds he passes, a shadow of death
There is a difference between shadow and Darkness. One can be in shadow and not have it dwell inside, slaying all he touches.
turning everything within to despair until finally, the Darkness is released and reflected not only in the soul
As quickly as it begins, it ends. Unguarded and unworried, and not
but on the surface. So it is with Rath… The call of death brings him up from the depths of the warren.
looking back, the Brigand walks away.
He can sense new death. He is drawn to it. have but a brief time left to live, and the shadows of Death and remorseless Fate are
already close upon you.
- Homer, The Iliad, Book XXIV

Playing the Brigand

The Brigand requires precise timing. He must pick his targets wisely. SHADOW COMBOS
One misstep and the Brigand is surrounded, out of shadows, and alone.
For the Brigand to achieve maximum potential, it is imperative for the player to
Conversely, when the Brigand is patient, everything falls into place.
understand how to utilize Shadows.
While proficient at doing moderate damage to multiple enemies, the
If an ability is able to link from Shadows, then the Brigand can play additional cards to
Brigand is able to decimate large single targets with ease. His standard
add bonuses into other abilities.
Shadows + Shadow’s Reach + Shadow’s Touch combo is devastating
and relatively easy to pull off. The optimal second card after Shadows is Shadow’s Touch. These two cards work in
conjunction to provide the Brigand with potentially lethal damage.
Players should not sleep on using two Shadow’s Reach abilities back
to back. They can be combined, allowing the Brigand to appear next to Don’t overlook passing Shadow combo bonuses on to another hero with Unseen Ally.
a Lair or Captain, do damage, and pop back out to safety in the same This can be an extremely potent way to help the party while keeping the Brigand’s
hero cycle. Threat low.

Though more difficult to time correctly, the Brigand’s Suicide Run action SHADOWS
with Hustle is more flexible than the Soldier’s Being in Shadows, gained from playing Ongoing Shadows abilities, simply means the
Riding the Edge. Brigand is less noticeable and thus able to perform special abilities restricted to Shadows.

Finally, his prowess in performing non-combat actions, including curing In addition, while the Brigand is in Shadows it is harder for the Darkness to target him.
poison and disarming traps is invaluable to the party.


If one could join with the blade and fold into shadow,
then even Death would fear the dark.

Tricky Cards Suicide Run


Probably the most difficult ability for the Brigand to achieve Yes

maximum impact with, Suicide Run can be shockingly lethal if Damage: 1, Range: 1

Attack, Combo, Dash 2, Melee

everything aligns. Yes

Hustle cards add 2 Dash. Trace a
movement path equal to your Dash
value. This attack targets each
square on the path. Not considered
Suicide Run and three Hustle cards puts the Darkness down eight a Move.

Minions and it can be used orthogonally and diagonally.


Dark Reaver can be used offensively for certain, but its prowess as a non-Interrupt defensive
attack is often overlooked. Minions hit by this ability are basically neutralized, with their
attack’s reduced by 1 .
The unsung hero among the Brigand deck is Unseen Ally, but only Unseen Ally
if the Brigand communicates with his party. This ability, if inserted
into the Brigand’s Combo Attack, allows him to pass the card’s Yes

bonuses to another hero for their next attack, while maintaining

Shadows after the attack. This costs zero AP, and usually does Yes
Range: Tile

not interfere with what the Brigand is doing. Combo

Requires Shadows. One other Hero
within range gains +1
a b , +1 ,

Even if the Brigand has no attacks planned, the upgraded dice and +1 damage to 1 Attack Action.
If Shadows Reach is in play, you do
not lose Shadows after resolving

pool and additional damage to another hero is worth it. Yes

this Combo.

NOTICE Optional and Required

The Brigand is all about options. Most of his cards have an option of being performed with other cards.
The Darkness can’t target the Brigand for an attack
These cards boost the Brigand’s attack strings.
unless they start out adjacent to him when they
activate. The target number to notice the Brigand is If a card has additional abilities it is stated after the card’s normal effects For example: “If you have
based off the type of Shadows card he has in play. Shadows, and Shadow’s Reach is in play, each...”. If the criteria is met, the ability gains the added benefit.

If an ability has a Required obligation, it means the criteria must be met for the ability to be played.

Card Synergy
SHADOWS + Shadowslip Shadow’s Reach Shadow’s Touch
SHADOW’S REACH + Yes -2 TN -2 TN As opposed to moving through and into the
SHADOW’S TOUCH enemy ranks, using this attack string actually
Yes -1 TN -1 TN
takes the Brigand into danger and let’s him run
As stated previously, this is the Brigand’s go Combo: +2 b Damage: 2, Range: 1 Damage: 3, Range: 1

out. Being able to Shadow’s Reach behind enemy

to combination. It has the potential to happen
Ongoing, Shadows 5, Stacked Attack, Combo, Melee Attack, Combo, Massive, Melee
You gain Shadows. If you Choose 1 square within 3 squares. Requires Shadows. Attack 1 target
Yes successfully hit during an attack, Yes Move into the chosen square and within range.
ranks and use Suicide Run to get back to safety
multiple times in one shuffle of the deck and you lose Shadows after resolving
the entire Combo.
attack 1 target within range. Not
considered a Move.

casts an ironic shadow on the ability’s name.

inflicts amazing damage. Yes Yes

If the party must have a trap disarmed or a
I GOT THIS quest object secured, the Brigand is by far the
The Brigand using the above combination can defeat a Lair in one Combo, often without rolling. best choice of all the heroes. The Cunning plus
Unravel combo grants a total of three additional
Lairs typically have five Vitality and a defensive target number of three. This Combo also lowers the TN to hit by one
or two. For three AP, the Brigand does five damage: two for the Shadow’s Reach, and three for the Shadow’s Touch. a ’s for non-combat actions. In addition,
Cunning grants more opportunities for treasure.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 4

Dash +1

a, +3 b
Playing the Tactician
Find yourself a good Dual Wield weapon and get ready to
unleash devastating attacks at every opportunity. When playing the
Tactician you will be constantly forced to decide whether you should
explode into action. Threat penalties and AP generation is a constant battle
that anyone who chooses to play this class will face.

The Tactician has become even more deadly in the darkness cycle. With powerful Counterattack
cards such as Slaughter’s Path and Eviscerate, the Tactician literally can’t wait until the
Darkness activates. Even if the AP is being controlled by the Heroes, all of these new Interrupt
cards mean new opportunities for the Tactician to perform Rush attacks during the hero cycle.

These new powers also come with a buff for the Tactician’s party members. I Have a Plan is
essential when keeping the Darkness at bay while playing high AP cards to defeat powerful foes.

Once the Brigand upgrades to the Tactician, Early Upgrades
the class becomes a terror when wielding a
weapon with the keyword Dual Wield. While SLAUGHTER’S PATH Slaughter’s Path
the class hasn’t changed a lot, it has gained Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Tactician another Dash attack card.
Slaughter’s Path introduces aggressive movement during the darkness cycle. Much like
numerous Interrupt cards to add to it’s already
Suicide Run, Slaughter’s Path targets each square on the Tactician’s movement path.
large supply. This counterattack is further boosted by the Journeyman hero card Burst of Speed, which
adds 2 to the Dash value of this card.
Damage: 1, Range: 1

The Tactician has Interrupt cards that grant

Counterattack, Dash 2, Melee, Move
Burst of Speed adds 2 Dash. Trace

Slaughter’s Path is great for defeating enemy minions during the darkness cycle before
a movement path equal to your
Dash value. This attack targets each

movement during the darkness cycle. These square on the path.

they can activate. As an Interrupt card this also adds more opportunities for the Tactician,
Move cards can be played at anytime before who excels at Dual Wield, to perform even more Rush attacks.
+2 a

or after an enemy attack but not during. This

“movement” is only valid during darkness I HAVE A PLAN Brigand Journeyman Tactician Deck.indd 3 5/10/16 9:47 AM

cycle and has no effect during the hero cycle. Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Heroes an enormous advantage for I Have a Plan
those who...have a plan. I Have a Plan is a vital card for a Hero party to use multiple
However, if a Hero plays a Move card during
Journeyman level Attack cards. These types of cards typically generate 3 to 4 AP each. Yes

the darkness cycle they are considered to be With I Have a Plan, they could generate as little as zero AP, or at most 1 AP as long as
aggressively moving and must abide by normal their high AP hero card is played in the fourth action space.
Range: Tile

movement rules during the darkness cycle. I Have a Plan is a great Hero card for the Tactician who loves to plan out the perfect Each Hero within range reduces
their AP spent by 3 on Hero cards

hero cycle. With the proper planning, dangerous threats could be defeated, or seriously
played in their last Action Space.

Multiple Massive Attacks, Eviscerate and The crippled before they even activate.
Slow Blade, have been added to the Tactician’s
arsenal. These attacks come with an even
larger AP cost. Luckily, the Tactician has a card
Brigand Journeyman Tactician Deck.indd 10 5/10/16 9:47 AM

that reduces the AP cost of each Hero if they

plan accordingly. It is called... I Have A Plan.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 5

Shadows +1

a, +1 b
Playing the Shadow
The Shadow class has the natural ability to meld into the Shadows in any terrain. Playing
Shadows cards are naturally more effective. Being in Shadows now isn’t just about hiding
or even lining up the perfect target for an attack. The Shadow has learned to Steal from his
enemies, granting unparalleled access to loot.

Shadow’s have access to a deadly poison to coat their

weapons with called Deathshade Poison. A successful attack
on a target while this Ongoing card is in play places a DoT on
that target and persists until that target is defeated. There is no
drawback to this card, it should always be in play.

A Shadow should always strive to remain in Shadows until they can perform
multiple Combo Attacks. Few foes can stand against the sheer damage of a
Shadow’s Reach, Shadow’s Touch, and Shadow’s Grave Combo.

Once the Brigand upgrades to the Shadow, Early Upgrades
the class can become nearly invisible while in
Shadows. By exchanging The Deep Dark Hero THE DEEP DARK The Deep Dark
card into the Hero deck, the Shadow gains Exchanging this card into your deck grants a augment to any Shadows card currently in
play. If The Deep Dark is played on top of an existing Shadows card, such as, One With
substantial bonuses for Combo attacks and Yes

The Dark or Shadowslip,the Shadows value of the card in play is increased by 2. The
Shadows target numbers. Shadow can move near enemies freely knowing there is little chance that they will be Yes

noticed by the enemy when this card is active. a, +1 b

Combo: +2

The Shadow now has the option to exchange the Shadows +2

This card may be played on any

The Deep Dark also confers a significant increase in strength to the Combo dice bonus Yes Shadows X card to increase the
Shadows value by 2.
Fatal Opening Hero card into the Hero deck. This
is an Interrupt Shadows Hero card that can save
that Combo Attacks receive. Instead of the normal additional 2
b to any Attack made

the Hero if a successful notice check occurs.

during a Combo from Shadows, The Shadow gains 2
easier to hit difficult foes.
a b
and 1 , making it much

COMBO Pick Pocket

A large number of the Shadow Hero cards have PICK POCKET

the Combo keyword. This gives the Shadow Exchanging this card into your deck grants The Shadow an opportunity to earn a Yes

the freedom needed to destroy a single target significant amount of extra loot from the enemies by stealing it. This mechanic is new
and only available at the Journeyman level. The Shadow must be in Shadows and

with the new Shadow’s Grave Massive Attack

Range: 1

adjacent to an enemy in order to attempt a Steal roll. This roll is only made from the Steal 5
Requires Shadows. Use base dice

Hero card. Shadow’s base dice pool.

pool. Steal 1 item card from an
enemy based on its rank. If you fail
a Steal attempt you lose Shadows.

Each enemy rank has a different pool of items that can be stolen. If the Steal roll is
STEAL successful the Shadow draws an item card from the appropriate deck and remains
Cards with the keyword Steal X, grant the in Shadows. If the Steal roll is failed they are removed from Shadows immediately.
Shadow a chance to draw item cards from Sneaking up on a Boss and stealing a blue item is a great way to increase your power.

enemies if he is in Shadows and succeeds his

Steal test. If failed, the Shadow loses Shadows.

Hero Class


Fireplace Poker, Battle Joy, Follow Through, Everyone Behind Me,

7 6 +1
a, +1 b Pot Lid, Adventurer’s Gear You Can Have This, There Can Be Only One

he blow rattles off the banded iron of his buckler. Taking the energy from the strike, the Like a flash of lightning and with the force of thunder, the
Soldier spins to his right, swinging his longsword low, hacking off the Grubber’s leg below Soldier charges into the mass of minions, splintering their
the knee. Continuing his momentum, the Soldier angles the sword in an upward arc, morale. Those that aren’t felled by the shining Soldier’s sword,
burying it deep into the flank of the Mucker. The ground below the Soldier’s feet begins bright as the day, are trampled by the terror-struck horde in full
to soften from the bodies and blood saturation. Raising his boot to the Mucker’s belly, he flight. They flee from a war-possessed fighter wielding fury and
pulls his weapon loose, then turns to face his next foe. judgment.

No solitary figure splits the dawn, but a seemingly endless stream of Grubbers shuffle from their lair with Cleaving a wide swath through the frightened foe, the Soldier’s
sinister intent. He can see second-thoughts pass over their faces as he slowly begins to advance, banging rage surges uncontrollably. He finds himself overcome, lost in
sword on shield. The Soldier can feel his ire rise from within, a rage so powerful surely it will consume the slaughter, helpless in the wrath, bellowing battle roars.
him with bloodlust. He cracks a small smile as the Grubbers trip over themselves backing away from his
I have become Death and the Darkness will flee from me!
terrible visage.

This Soldier is something more. They should not have come.

Let whoever can, win glory before death.

- Beowulf, lines 1387-1388

Playing the Soldier

A stalwart Hero, the Soldier’s primary method of engaging the forces of Darkness is through his use of weapons. There are very few weapons that the Soldier can’t utilize
to their fullest capacity. He has a good mix of area-of-effect and direct-damage attacks. He has little time for ranged attacks and should be at the forefront of any assault
where his strengths feed into each other.

He has two very clear tracks for players to explore.

The Soldier is a prolific offensive threat. He is able to use his attacks and Rage mechanic to kill many Minions and out-muscle even the mightiest Monsters. However,
when used in this way, the Soldier must be aware of his Threat. It can quickly get out of hand and inexperienced groups will find themselves overwhelmed quickly.

The Soldier is also an amazing defensive target. Sometimes referred to as a “tank” or “meat-shield,” the defensive-minded Soldier builds Threat to draw attacks to
himself, leaving his allies with opportunities to kill in relative safety. Being better equipped to deal with mass enemy attacks, the Soldier makes any engagement with the
enemy easier to manage.

Interrupt RAGE
The Soldier is the undisputed king of acting
The Soldier’s unique deck mechanic is manipulated through playing Rage cards. There are no cards that are
in a darkness cycle. He has more Interrupts
specifically titled Rage. However, EVERY card in the Soldier’s deck can be a Rage card.
that can be used in combination than any
other Hero. He can both protect the party he Any defensive ability or offensive attack that draws extra cards played as Rage refers to cards played from the
is with and damage the Darkness with Soldier’s draw deck face-down into Action Spaces. The Soldier is not allowed to look at, or know, what cards are
great skill. being played as Rage. This is a built-in cost of playing Rage cards; the Soldier will have fewer options.

The Soldier can never play more Rage cards than he has Action Spaces. Cards played as Rage cannot be played
over; they are considered to have used the Action Space.


Death is a stranger we all must meet;

he shall find me armed and ready.

Tricky Cards
This is a very straight-forward attack, no pun intended.
Basically, the Soldier is charging in a straight line through the
enemy. He can extend the range of this attack, and thus the
distance he travels, by using cards as Rage.
Damage: 1

On the other hand, there are a few important things to Attack, Dash 3, Shield
Attack all targets in a 3 square straight
orthogonal line. You may Dash 1
remember. First, Riding the Edge is an AoE. If there are multiple
additional square for each Rage card
played. Cannot Move again this Hero

Monster-types in the area-of-effect, he needs multiple dice


+1 a
successes. He can still apply them to do the
most damage.
Second, there are some enemies that cannot be moved
through. In these cases, the Soldier cannot attack this
enemy with Riding the Edge, nor can he travel through this
enemy to attack other Monsters.


The Easy Way seems imminently dismissible. It seems like
the Soldier’s version of a non-combat action card, which it is. Yes

However, the other thing this card does is let the Soldier search
his draw pile and add one card to his hand. This is extremely Yes

useful and should not be overlooked. You may search your draw pile for
a card of your choice and add it
Yes to your hand. In addition, you gain
a to non-combat actions
and Courage tests.


Threat Battle
The Soldier, blinded by Rage, places cards face down in Action Spaces to make face up abilities better, and to Abilities with the Battle moniker are
maintain high Threat. Rage is used to fill the Action Spaces even when there is no Soldier ability to power. He can, at conditions applied to the Soldier that provide
any time during the hero cycle, add Rage cards to his Action Spaces to keep his Threat up. Maintaining a high Threat him or the party with benefits. They are
is important for Soldiers who want to go with a defensive build. always helpful and should rarely be sent to
the discard without being played.
Adding Rage never costs AP.

Card Synergy
I’ll Take That You Can Have This
Impenetrable with Battle Rage stands as the best way for the Soldier to survive when
he is surrounded and outnumbered. When the advanced Hero card Everyone Behind
This is a nice, easy Interrupt combination Yes Yes

Me is used as well, those adjacent to the Soldier gain his shield bonuses and become
that allows the Soldier to parry and counter- Impenetrable, too.
attack for one AP, but it is only available if Damage: 2, Range: Weapon/Shield

the player adds You Can Have This from the Parry
Ignore 1 enemy attack targeting you.
Counterattack, Melee, Shield
Play this card immediately after BLADE DANCE + BATTLE RAGE
ignoring an enemy attack with a
advanced Hero cards. Parry to attack that enemy.

Battle Rage is a powerful card. It turns all cards into a Rage. When Blade Dance is used
with Battle Rage and full Action Spaces, the Soldier can counter-attack four targets as
an Interrupt. And all that for one AP. The value is extraordinary.

Journeyman Hero Class


9 3 +1
a, +1 b +1

Playing the
The definition of “tank” best describes a Warrior on the battlefield.
Shields are a Warrior’s best friend, and equipping one is the only
way to get the full potential out of this class. The Warrior has a greatly
increased vitality as well as improved natural defenses, making them nearly
unkillable in a skirmish with minions.

Warrior’s excel when they manipulate the battlefield through the precise play of
Battle cards. These cards buff Heroes and hinder the enemy. A true Warrior can
change the entire outcome of a fight with a perfectly timed Battle card.

Defending Heroes when they are weak can be easily handled when playing the
hero card Your Father Consorts With Grubbers. The Taunt effect from this card can
push almost all enemies’ attack TN over 10, making it impossible for them to land
an attack.

If you want to safely face the toughest bosses you need this Hero’s abilities.

Once the Soldier upgrades to the Warrior, Early Upgrades
equipping a good Shield is a necessity. The
Warrior has many more opportunities to attack SHATTERING SHIELD Shattering Shield

enemies with his Shield. Exchanging this card into your deck grants a Bash Attack into the Warrior’s deck.
Shattering Shield can only be played if the Warrior has a item equipped with the keyword +1 a

The few Interrupt Hero cards the Warrior gains Shield. This Attack has three amazing effects for the starting Warrior, the first being
it is free to play. The next is the large dice pool awarded for the Warrior who likes to
are essential to damage control. By exchanging +2 a
aggressively move. Finally, once the attack succeeds, preferably against an enemy who
Damage: 1, Range: 1

Oh, It’s On! into the Hero deck, the Warrior

Attack, Bash, Shield

requires multiple successes to hit, the next Hero who attacks the target of Shattering +3 a
Attack 1 target within range. If this
enemy requires multiple successes
to hit, the next hero who Attacks

gains a massive defense bonus. Following Shield only needs one success to hit that enemy. this target only needs 1 success.

up this card with Your Father Consorts With As a free Reaction Attack that significantly weakens powerful foes, this is a must for the
+5 a

Grubbers and most enemies are no longer a Shield using Warrior.

BATTLE Exchanging this card into your deck grants an amazing follow up to any Bash card,
especially Shattering Shield. Playing this zero AP card immediately after a successful
Many of the Warrior’s Hero cards have the

Bash card reduces the Warrior’s next Attack Action to zero AP. This is extremely vital
keyword Battle. These cards are quite powerful, when fighting Journeyman level enemies or World Bosses. Keeping the AP expenditure to
usually affecting both the enemies and the a minimum is the only viable way to survive these encounters. Battle, Rage
Play this card immediately after a

Heroes. The abilities on these cards range from A great combo for the Warrior to pull off is, Shattering Shield followed by All Too Easy.
successful Bash. Your next Attack
Action has its AP cost reduced to zero.

boosting Hero attacks, severely weakening Now the Warrior is primed to unleash a free Attack Action such as Devastate, which
now costs zero AP and requires only one success to hit. For the final Attack the Warrior
enemies, or outright defeating them. could unleash Desolation, a 2 AP Reaction Attack that does 2 additional damage since it
was played after Devastate. That equals out to be 2 AP total and 9 damage inflicted to an
Battle Hero cards are a boon to the entire
easy to hit foe. All too easy indeed.
Hero party and should always be put into play
whenever possible.

Journeyman Hero Class

Rage: 1

6 5 +1
a, +3 b

Playing the Battledancer

The Battledancer hates their enemy. Hates them with a rage that builds to a Fury.
With their training, a Battledancer excels at all Melee weapons, but prefers to
Dual Wield. While not quite as sturdy as the Warrior, the Battledancer manages to
always hold onto their Rage and can trigger fate recipes more easily.

The destructive force of this class is a sight to behold when Overwhelming Rage
is put into play. This card unleashes the full potential of the Battledancer while
granting them Fury.

A Battledancer under the effects of Fury can shred through the vitality of most
Commanders and Boss type enemies. This is especially true if the Battle Dance
card is in play to inflict additional damage to the target while generating zero
Threat for the Battledancer.

Even when the Battledancer is surrounded by a sea of foes they can augment their
Harvest of Bones to hit all adjacent targets to clear the way for whatever unlucky
foe is the target of their Oceans of Rage.

Once the Soldier upgrades to the Battledancer,
using a shield is no longer necessary. The
Early Upgrades
Battledancer excels at generating Rage, OVERWHELMING RAGE Overwhelming Rage
especially with the Hero card Battle Tempest Exchanging this card into your deck grants the ability to generate a Fury token, which is
which generates three Rage on its own. a required resource for several Battledancer hero cards. Overwhelming Rage gives the Yes

Battledancer the opportunity to earn a Fury token, but only if this card is in play and each
FURY action space contains a Rage card. Once the Fury token is obtained the Battledancer Yes

gains the Fury effect until the current realm tile is cleared.
The Battledancer has a new resource that can Rage
If every Action Space is filled with

a b
Rage cards, gain a Fury token. Spend
The Fury effect grants an additional 4 and 1 to each Attack performed by the

be generated during the hero cycle called Fury.

a Fury token to gain the Fury effect
for this Realm tile. Fury: 2 Actions,
a b , +1 , -1 AP to 1 Attack.
Battledancer. In addition, the Battledancer is able to perform 2 Actions and reduce the
By exchanging the Hero card, Overwhelming Yes

AP of one attack by one. This additional dice pool increases the power of Oceans of Rage
Rage into the Hero deck, the Battledancer can considerably while potentially lowering its AP cost.
gain the Fury token by filling each Action Space
with Rage cards. Once this token is gained and OCEANS OF RAGE Oceans of Rage

then spent the Battledancer becomes a force of Exchanging this card into your deck grants a Massive Attack that requires Fury to
unleash. This Attack is quite expensive but it has the highest damage potential of any
massive destruction of the Realm tile.
Hero. Oceans of Rage deals one damage for each success against an enemy. With
Journeyman level items and the Fury effect it is easily possible to be rolling well over 10
The Fury effect lasts for the entire Realm tile
Damage: 1, Range: Weapon
's. Combine this with the card Rising Fury, and almost all enemies could be defeated Attack, Massive, Melee
and these bonuses gained are active each with one swing. +1 a
Requires Fury. Attack 1 target
within range. Each success deals
1 damage.

hero cycle. There are two Hero cards that rely The drawback to this card is Threat generation. With the amount of AP required to
on the Battledancer being under the Fury
+2 a
use and the damage done, it is very likely that the Heroes will receive multiple Threat
effect. Adding Rising Fury and Oceans of Penalties during an Adventure.
Rage is essential to maximize Fury. Once the
Battledancer is on a cleared Realm tile Fury
is lost.

Hero Class

Starting Verses: 2
Warped Spoons, Adventurer’s Gear, Terrible as the Dawn, (name of Hero) Dealt with
5 6 +1
a, +1 b Cracked Mug Death, Lifesong Lingering, Fear Unfettered,
Stalwart, with Strength Enough

ith the late hour just a few stragglers remain, sitting around In doubt, Languishing and Leaderless…
the tables either conversing quietly or snoring softly. It had
Fear creeps into the other two riders, fed by the Skald song. She pushes the song at them,
been a busy evening and she’d made enough coin to more
her fingers straining to weave their surprise into fear. One backs up as if to make for the door
than pay her room and board. She stretches her hands, joints
and finds his feet swept from under him. The serving boy struck, now straddles the enemy.
popping, stiff from long playing. Almost time for supper and
Without hesitation he brings the heavy wooden tray down on the rider’s throat again and again
sleep. With a nod from the innkeep she decides to finish one last song
until his foe struggles no more.
before retiring.
The Heroes, Terrible as the Dawn. Other, their deaths decided…
The Darkness made flesh…
The final rider seems shaken, but resolute. The Skald’s song peels at him, but doesn’t reach his
As she starts to play, the door opens and night enters. Man-shaped but
core. He is strong. She switches refrains, filling the heroes of happenstance with her melody.
wrong-noted, three riders take stock of the room. Instantly, the room grows
Replete with a terrible righteous anger, they converge on the rider. He makes a halfhearted
discordant. Sharp, cold threat muting the bright warmth of the hearthfire.
swipe but they outnumber him. He meets her eyes across the room and understands, finally,
Though her heart skips a beat, the Skald plays on. Their refrain is a
what has happened, too late, as the heroes swarm him, rending flesh and breaking bones.
familiar one.
On that day, the Darkness defeated, a dirge unsung…
Seeing only prey, the riders don’t hesitate. The first grabs the serving boy as he
passes, claiming the mug on his tray with one hand and roughly shoving the The riders down, the Skald changes her song. The bloodlust leaves the patrons, only pride in its
boy to the ground with the other. place. They have defended their hearth. The Darkness will not hold sway here, at least for one
more day. They look at each other in wonderment; the warrior collects her cane, needed once
The Skald takes in their measure, ready to play for more than her supper. She
again. The lovers exchange looks, as only lovers can. The innkeep nods to the serving boy, who
looks over her orchestra. Serving boy gathering his feet under him, nursing
stands a little taller.
his shoulder. Innkeep coming around the bar, outrage replacing sensible
caution. Old soldier, her cane held tight in her grizzled grip, wishing for steel The Skald puts down her instrument. The suddenness of its lost song, a hot ache. The innkeep
and the strength to wield it. Even the lovers secreted in the corner, eyes only nods at her, understanding, at least a little, as she collects the coins from her case, puts her
for one another, now realizing Darkness stands among them. instrument away, and stretches out the ache in her hands. She glances at the still bodies, their
wrongness now silent. If the Darkness has touched even such as these, it is time to move on.
The Heroes, their blades burning bright…
Her skills are needed elsewhere.
Her song swells, willing the patrons to meet the challenge, knowing they must
all rise or die. The innkeep moves swiftly, hits the first rider low and hard as the
lovers toss empty mugs and neglected bottles from nearby tables, the barrage Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and
surprising the riders. Thus distracted, they do not notice the fighter, buoyed by philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the
the song, her cane no longer needed but instead raised as a weapon. She brings it
down on the first rider’s head with a sharp crack, remembered strength delivering
spirit lives, thinks and invents.
a killing blow. - Ludwig van Beethoven

Playing the Skald

The Skald is an agile character, able to move around the battlefield with Unlike other Heroes, the Skald has zero Interrupt cards to protect her from enemy attacks
ease while simultaneously strengthening her teammates with Verses from during the Darkness Cycle. So playing defensive Verses in preparation for a Darkness
her songs. Many of the Skald’s Verses have limited range, so positioning Cycle is a key component to keeping her and her teammates alive.
the Skald for maximum effect is important.
The Skald can generate Threat just from playing Verses, in addition to Threat caused
Strengthening her teammates isn’t her only purpose in combat though. The from damaging enemies. Managing Threat reduction is always a concern as the Skald has
Skald is the only Hero who does not need to roll to hit enemies. All of her multiple Verses she can play each Hero Cycle.
damaging Hero cards automatically hit any foe within range.
Controlling the battlefield and what occurs on it is a major component of what makes the
Skald a welcome companion on any adventure.


Every note has meaning. Understand this and you

can play the song hidden in every being’s heart.

Tricky Cards
They Sang as they Slew is a great Positive Verse Action card that costs zero AP. The trick here is keeping your
Skald relatively close to your party members who use AP a lot, as the range is extremely low.
In conjunction with the Acolyte’s Feet of the Saints card, this grants Heroes the ability to use AP without fear of
provoking the Darkness.


Need someone to “tank” those 10 Minions that have you surrounded? (name of Hero) Shone Bright is the
The Skald uses Instruments to strengthen the chance to trigger Fate answer to all of your problems. With this Hero card the Skald directs all Minions on the current Realm Tile to
Dice recipes. Instruments also increase the amount of Verses able to attack a Hero chosen by the Skald, including herself. The chosen Hero also gains a +1 TN to their defense for all
be played in one Hero Cycle, sometimes further increasing a particular attacks received this Darkness Cycle.

type of Verse. Note that Instruments never grant It is important to note this only happens if the card is still in an Action Space when the Darkness Cycle begins.
’s, as the Skald
does not need to roll to hit enemies.
Example: The Fiddle green item states, Plays 3 Verses, 4 Positive Languishing and Leaderless is a great card to use if the Skald is going to be melee attacked by captains in the
Verses. This means that the Skald could play Neutral and Negative next Darkness Cycle. Even though this card generates very little threat, it still costs 1 AP and is only useful if
captains are adjacent to the Skald and the card is in play when the Darkness Cycle begins.
Verses up to three cards. Or she could play Neutral and Positive
Verses up to four cards.

VERSES Positive Verses

All of the Skald’s Hero cards are a Verse. Each Verse Positive Verses typically grant the Skald or a member of their party some kind of beneficial effect. These
is either Positive, Negative, or Neutral. During the effects range from healing a party member to increasing their defense. They can also grant unique effects,
Hero Cycle, the Skald must choose and play any such as a limited number of dodges during a Darkness Cycle. Positive Verses can only ever be combined
Hero cards from her hand at once and resolve them with other Positive Verses or Neutral Verses.
all before another Hero may play Hero cards. After
resolving her cards, the Skald cannot play any more Negative Verses
Hero cards during that Hero Cycle.
Negative Verses mainly affect the Darkness in some way. These cards have effects that can lower the
The Skald is limited to which Hero cards she may play. Darkness Meter or even cause the enemy to perform a Courage test to attack a Hero. Cards that damage
She cannot play a Negative Verse and a Positive enemies are found in these Verses and generate the most AP. The value of these Negative Verses cannot
Verse together in the same Hero Cycle. The number be underestimated as they require no successful dice roll to take effect. Negative Verses can only ever be
of Verses she can play is limited by her equipped combined with other Negative Verses or Neutral Verses.

If the Skald has no Instrument equipped, she may only

Neutral Verses
play up to 2 Verses with the power of voice alone! Neutral Verses are very limited in number but they are always Reaction cards and cost zero AP. Unless you are
trying to manage Threat, these cards should always be played for their beneficial nature. The various effects of
All Verses are paid for at once after their effects are
these cards are minor, but when combined with either a Positive or Negative Verse the effects can become
resolved, instead of being paid for individually as they
powerful. Neutral Verses can be played with any other Verse.
are placed.

Card Synergy
Part of the fun of playing the Skald is to combo Verses to create your own songs while fighting A perfect example is So it was, the Soldier Shone Bright! (I chose the Soldier in this example)
alongside your team. Verses can be played in any order but it is encouraged that you do so This card combo is quite powerful, and a Skald can easily perform it, even without an
in the order that most makes sense based on the Verse titles. Also reading it aloud in an epic instrument. With these Verses the Soldier would receive all attacks from any Minions on the
story teller voice doesn’t hurt either! Realm Tile at a +1 TN. Any attacks that successfully hit the Soldier would have to be rerolled.
Hero Class


None Nature’s reach, Entangling Roots,

3 6 +1
a, +1 b Summon Elder, Amber, Ironwood Armor

he Spriggan awakes, pushing itself out from under The forest whispers to the Spriggan, Others, coming closer now. At the Spriggan’s call, the surrounding
the sheltering roots of the great tree, one with the trees shoot up their roots, entangling three of the lesser Sycline in their grasp. The Spriggan has no time
forest but separate. The woods whisper to it of to watch their struggles as their leader has found his footing. The beast swings again with all his might
intrusion and danger, and an underlying sorrow. No and just as the Spriggan thinks it will swing wide, the blow lands on its torso, reverberating along every
time to acclimate to this new state of oneness, the fibrous limb. Saved riving only by the strength of its bark, the Spriggan is driven to its knees. It sees the
Spriggan stands to meet the threat. lesser Sycline struggling, trying to free themselves from the forest’s roots. The leader appears ready to
Sycline, once living in harmony with the forest, its protectors, its charge. The Spriggan needs more help.
Children, have been poisoned, their life-force perverted by the Casting aside its blackwood buckler, the Spriggan places its hands on the great tree at its back, silently
Darkness. One rages into view, its great eye, once keen and caring, now communicating its request, its need. The ground shakes, stopping the Sycline’s renewed charge as its
red and milky, a physical manifestation of its spiritual infection. Others great eye darts over the surrounding area. With a monstrous groan, the elder pine awakes. Infused with
are not far behind. the will of the forest, the tree moves toward the Sycline. Gnarled branches, harder than iron, pop and
The Spriggan concentrates, tapping into the forest’s mycelium to release crack as they catch the now fearful Sycline, holding him fast. Years of growth compressed to a moment,
spores, attempting to mollify the beast and its companions. For a moment, the elder sends a hardened shoot straight through the Sycline’s lacteous pupil, ending his struggle. The
it seems to work. The Sycline slows, looks around in confusion, but does Spriggan rises as the elder turns its attention to the lesser Sycline still endeavoring to slip their root-fast
not fall. Instead it shakes its great eye, as if to clear it, then charges directly bonds. The foliage surrounding them weaves closer and closer together until the straining Sycline
at the Spriggan, a target for its inconsolable rage. struggle no more.

The Spriggan would have preferred to not damage the Sycline, once forest Its task done, the elder pine settles back into the ground. The Spriggan sends its thanks, and the rustling
friend, but there is now no choice. It is an infected branch that must be cut of leaves answers as the elder returns to dormancy, to other eyes no different than any other tree in the
out, for the good of all. The Spriggan digs its feet deep into the loam of the forest.
forest floor and swiftly hardens its outer bark, becoming as tough as the The Spriggan looks down at the Sycline, already being subsumed by the loam. Like the other three, it
eldest tree, but still sapling supple, in preparation for battle. will soon serve to nourish the forest, the taint it carried no longer able to bring harm. The Spriggan
The ravening Sycline, blind to what it has become, raises its crude knows these will not be the last. The Darkness threatens them all. It takes a moment to rest in the life-
club and strikes at the Spriggan. The forest’s Hero raises its blackwood force of the forest, feeling its awareness, its home-ness. With the sigh of breeze swept leaves, the Spriggan
buckler, protecting its head from the splintering blow, and returns the sets forth to find the Darkness, ready to prune the disease wherever it is found.
strike with a swiping grasp, knocking over the Sycline and gaining a
momentary respite.
All good things are wild and free.
- Henry David Thoreau


The Spriggan is a versatile Hero who need not rely on a lucky item drop to be formidable. With Spells,
Summons, and Conjure abilities, the Spriggan brings many weapons to bear against the Darkness. With Conjured items only last so long before they must
nature as its ally even the darkest foe fears a battle-prepared Spriggan. be returned to the inventory. Essence and Durability
determine how long these items may be equipped.
A Spriggan starts off weak initially with the lowest starting Vitality of any Hero. When a Spriggan
Conjures items it gains the ability to absorb damage and cast spells depending on the item Conjured. Essence must be used when the Spriggan plays a
This ability greatly increases the longevity and power of the Spriggan and should be done at every Spell card. If the last Essence is used from an equipped
opportunity. Talisman, it must be returned to the inventory.

Many creatures of the wild can be summoned by the Spriggan to attack its enemies. Summon cards are Each time the Spriggan is dealt damage, it may choose to
a great form of attack that does not generate Threat for the Spriggan. instead remove Durability from equipped items equal to
the damage dealt. If the last Durability is removed from
When the Darkness attacks, the Spriggan has many answers. Whether through defense or capturing the an item, it must be returned to the inventory.
Darkness’ allies, the Spriggan is quite capable of handling almost anything the Darkness can throw at it.
Players track Durability and Essence loss with Vitality
Protecting its allies and summoning the creatures of the wild to antagonize and attack the forces of Darkness, counters on their respective item cards.
the Spriggan is a rare but much appreciated addition to any group of Heroes.

The Darkness, like any other spreading rot, must be

pruned ruthlessly, for the good of the forest.

Tricky Cards
Ants Siege grants the Spriggan the ability to attack a lair without any need for line of sight. This
Summon comes at high cost as it pulls from the Druid’s Vitality. For every point of Vitality sacrificed
it grants an equal number of attacks against the lair. Only 1 attack per Hero Cycle is allowed.
It is important to note that the damage sacrificed from the Druid is from Vitality, not Durability.

True Nature is an extremely powerful spell that requires Essence to cast. This Spell card allows the
Spriggan to control Minions to attack the Darkness during the Hero Cycle. These Minions roll their
normal attack dice and use the Defense of their target as the TN needed to hit. Any special abilities a
Minion has are still retained when under the control of the Spriggan. Minions will not attack themselves.

True Sacrifice is an expensive Interrupt card that allows the Spriggan to have adjacent Minions receive
damage meant for them. While this Spell costs 1 Essence to have a Minion take 1 damage meant
for the Spriggan, more Essence can be spent for additional adjacent Minions to step in and take any
excess damage. For each Minion controlled to take damage past the first, spend 1 additional Essence.

Conjure Cards
Conjure cards are an extremely powerful addition to
the Spriggan deck. These cards allow the Spriggan to
Conjured Items
create an item that is immediately equipped by the The Spriggan has the ability to equip special items through Hero cards with the Conjure keyword. These cards
Spriggan. These items grant abilities ranging from instruct the Spriggan to equip a specific item. These items cannot be equipped normally and are kept in the
Durability to absorb attacks to Essence which allows Spriggan’s inventory until Conjured. When playing a Conjure card, the item in the inventory matching the
the casting of druidic spells. Conjure card is immediately equipped or refreshed if it is already in play.

Spell Cards Summon Cards

Spell cards have a wide range of effects from commanding the Darkness The Spriggan uses Summon cards to wreak havoc on the Darkness in the form of creatures
to do the Spriggan’s bidding, to healing its Allies. These cards all require and insects called to its aid. These cards generate zero Threat for the Spriggan and are always
Essence to be played in an Action Space. Essence can only be gained damage cards. While the effect of most of these summons are handled instantly, the Advanced
by having an equipped Talisman that the Spriggan has Conjured. Spell Hero card Summon Elder is an Ongoing card that becomes an Ally of the Spriggan. Summon
cards contain some of the strongest tools in the Spriggan’s arsenal. cards require no Essence to cast and have unique ranges associated with their attacks.

Card Synergy
In many ways the Spriggan can become a stand in “tank” or “damage soaker” when the Soldier is
otherwise occupied. A perfect example of this is the card combination Your Mother is a Crawler + Your Mother Is A Crawler Impenetrable Harden

Impenetrable + Harden.
A seasoned Spriggan can easily keep a decent Threat level and cause all enemies to attack it when it
Yes Yes Yes

plays Your Mother is a Crawler.

Before receiving any attacks it also plays the Impenetrable Interrupt card. This grants a +1 TN bonus Taunt Shield Ignore up to 4 damage dealt to you.

to the shield’s natural +1 TN bonus (plus any remaining Durability on this item grants additional TN).
For each enemy within a number of If you have a Shield equipped, each Each damage ignored increases
squares equal to your Threat, you attack targeting you gains +1TN. In AP by 1.
are treated as the only Priority. addition, gain +1 TN for each point

Most if not all Minions at this point would be reduced to missing automatically. of Durability your shield has.

If more difficult opponents somehow broke through this defense the Spriggan could interrupt with
Harden. A unique Interrupt card with a varying AP cost. For each point of damage the Spriggan takes it
can spend AP to absorb it. Very important for bosses with high burst damage. Spriggan Deck REVISED.indd 10 12/18/17Spriggan
5:16 PMDeck REVISED.indd 13 12/18/17Spriggan
5:16 PMDeck REVISED.indd 18 12/18/17 5:16 PM

Journeyman Hero Class


6 6

Hand Size +1

a, +2 b
Playing the Virtuoso
The Virtuoso has become adept with their selection of Verses. This is reflected in
their ability to draw one extra hero card into their hand each hero cycle. Most of the
Virtuoso’s hero cards deal damage to the enemy, making them more of a Threat on
the battlefield.

The Darkness has had some effect on the Virtuoso, giving them access to generate
and use Malice from the Malice Pool. Virtuosos do not generate their own Malice
Pool, but instead feed off the Malice generated by others. To this effect most of the
Virtuoso’s hero cards also contain the keyword Negative Verse.

With a great capacity to manipulate and influence the battlefield, the Virtuoso still shines with
their ability to buff the party. Plus with their flair for the dramatic, they can sometimes simply
overwhelm the enemy with a powerful Solo or the smashing of an occasional Instrument.

When a Skald upgrades to the Virtuoso not
much changes, except for their capacity to Early Upgrades
inflict damage and their influence with the
Malice Pool.
Exchanging this card into your deck grants a Massive Attack card into the Virtuoso’s
The Virtuoso must be careful to balance their deck. Instrument Smash is unique to the Virtuoso because it is the only Interrupt +4 a

deck with the appropriate Verse cards, based card they possess. Even though this card is extremely expensive to play, its effect to
completely cancel a darkness cycle, except for enemy spawns, and inflict large damage
on the type of character they want to play,
to a single target, can save the heroes from receiving damage.
Damage: 4, Range: 1

Attack, Massive, Instrument

since there are no Positive Verse cards in Attack 1 target within range. Gain

Instrument Smash is unique in another way to the Virtuoso. Typically, Virtuoso cards 1
a for each level of item quality
over green. Discard Instrument.

the Virtuoso journeyman deck. If you choose automatically hit and inflict their damage, this card requires a normal attack roll to
Resolve only the Spawn section of
this Darkness Cycle.

to move into a damage dealing role there succeed and is not considered a Verse card. Unfortunately performing this powerful
will be many cards to choose from, such Interrupt requires that a Virtuoso discard their current equipped Instrument, so be sure
to carry some spares. Skald Journeyman Virtuoso Deck.indd 5 12/7/17 11:11 AM

as, Instrument Smash, The Deed Done, and

Drowned in Pain. PLAY TO THE CROWD the deed done
Exchanging this card into your deck grants a unique ability to the Virtuoso with the new
SOLO keyword Solo. This card does not have a Verse of its own and must be played in the Yes

This new keyword allows the Virtuoso to fourth action space. Play to the Crowd requires the Virtuoso to roll their base
a dice
pool and succeed at the Solo TN. If the Virtuoso succeeds this roll, they draw and place
perform a skill test to play cards on top of a Yes

the top card from their deck onto this card and resolve its effects if it is a Verse card. If it
Damage: 1+, Range: 2

card that has this keyword. Play to the Crowd Attack, Critical, Malice,

is not a Verse card the Solo is over and nothing happens.

Negative Verse
Yes Deal 1 damage for each Negative

requires the Virtuoso to focus on the majority Verse in play to 1 target. If this card
is the fourth Verse played, deal 2

If the card played is a Verse card, this sets the type of Verse the Solo card is and does additional damage.

of the Verse cards they choose to keep in their not need to meet the restrictions of cards played in earlier action spaces. Each card that
deck. If the Virtuoso has an equal amount of is played on top of Play to the Crowd is resolved for zero AP and must match the type of
Positive, Negative and Neutral Verse cards, Verse card that was first played on this card. The Virtuoso continually draws and resolves Skald Journeyman Virtuoso Deck.indd 9 12/7/17 11:11 AM

matching Verse cards until a different Verse card or non Verse card is drawn. That card
Solo cards are substantially weaker.
is instead placed into the Virtuoso’s hand and the Solo is over.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 4

Regrowth: 1

a, +1 b
Playing the Warden
As a Spriggan ages and becomes a Warden, its connection to nature grows,
granting it greatly improved vitality and some regeneration. The Regrowth 1 ability
allows the Warden to restore one lost vitality at the beginning of each hero cycle.

A Warden still has a heavy reliance on Conjure hero cards, for defense as well
as the ability to attack with hero cards that require essence. Caution should be
taken when deciding which cards to exchange out since the Conjure cards in the
Spriggan deck are the only ones available.

The journeyman deck for the Warden leans towards a heavier reliance on Summon
and Spell cards. In addition, the Warden now has access to a Massive Attack
card. This Spell requires the use of a Talisman but has the potential to do large
amounts of damage to three targets.

Wardens are essentially just better Spriggans.
They heavily rely on their ability to keep a Early Upgrades
Talisman conjured and in play in order to
perform almost all of their journeyman level
Exchanging this card into your deck grants a powerful card that can heal and damage
hero cards.
targets in its path. The Warden can choose a target up to 3 squares away and that target
+3 a
Spending and having essence is a major will suffer 1 damage on a successful attack. Then, the Warden decides which orthogonal
direction the Spell travels in. This affects each square along the path until it reaches the
component of utilizing all the powers available +2 a
tile edge.
Damage: 1, Range: 3

Attack, Spell, Talisman

to this class. With the card Gaia’s Gift the Spend 2 essence to attack 1 target within

If Cleansing Torrent passes through a square that has an enemy in it, that enemy suffers +1 a
range. Then this card affects each square
in 1 orthagonal line to 1 tile edge from the

Warden is able to restore much needed 1 damage. However, if Cleansing Torrent passes through a square that contains a hero or
target. Heroes affected do not suffer damage
and clear all status effects.

essence to an equipped Acorn or Amber item. Ally, they remove all status effects and suffer zero damage.
This Spell is great for clearing out large amounts of Minions, or healing multiple heroes,
SUMMON but it requires an initial target to take effect. Spriggan Journeyman Warden Deck.indd 4 12/7/17 11:26 AM

Two new Summon spells are available to the

Warden, one of which is an Ongoing. These
Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Warden the power to bring back a
new Summon cards are fantastic since they
defeated hero. This Spell requires a lot of AP and essence, but is a vital component of
generate zero Threat for the Warden on attacks. a Spriggan’s defensive role. When facing 3 and 4 skull bosses, things can go wrong.

Resurrect insures that the fight isn’t necessarily over if the Darkness has a strong turn
The Hornet Swarm is great for tearing down Yes

during the darkness cycle. Range: Tile

multiple enemies’ defenses, while the Ongoing Heal, Spell

Spend 2 essence to return 1
Heroes who return to the world of the living are brought back with 4 vitality (unless their Yes defeated hero to the realm tile. This

Summon, Razorfiendling Pack, guarantees

hero is placed adjacent to you with

maximum is less than 4).

4 Vitality. You gain 3 Threat.

damage on enemies that attack them.

Spriggan Journeyman Warden Deck.indd 2 12/7/17 11:26 AM

Hero Class


Jagged Stone, Tool Bag, Innovate, Chop-a-Whirl, Springs,

6 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Multi-Dart-o-Matic, Hero-Juice Slinging System

“ ’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” the Trickster chants to himself as Now, alone in the dark, low on supplies, and needing to get up and out, he runs. Still
he rummages around in his tool bag with one hand while scrounging around in his bag he lights on just the item he needs, “Yes!”
keeping the other one running along the wall so he doesn’t
He quickly fits the pressure plate with the bang powder from the pouch at his side. He
lose his way. His lantern gave out as he rounded the last corner
places the device behind him as the sounds grow closer. He resumes following the wall;
and he doesn’t dare stop to remedy the situation just now.
seeking to gain distance. He hears the boomer spring, and can feel the explosion through the
When he’d first come upon the keep he knew the chances of finding anything stone under his fingertips. Better be careful or I’ll bring the whole place down, he thinks.
worthwhile were slim. The stonework stood, but the gates yawned wide. He’d He shakes his head to clear the thought of his bones moldering down here like his pursuers
make a quick in and out, checking for anything useful: a bit of wire, some metal and forges on.
plating, or perhaps a few springs not ravaged by rust. No sense paying good coin
As he rounds the last corner, he sees faint light filtering down the steps ahead. Surely the
at the blacksmith for parts if he didn’t have to.
boomer did some damage, but he knows Shamblers have no fear, and little caution. They’ll just
Unfortunately, the keep itself looked to have been picked clean. He was about keep coming unless he stops them. Rummaging around in his bag, he finds what he needs as
to leave when he noticed an unopened door down a small hall. It was locked, he reaches the stairs. As he steps up, a long, bony hand, a vise around his ankle, yanks his foot
but the crude mechanism couldn’t withstand the attention of his tools. Perhaps out from under him, sending him sprawling. He narrowly saves himself from being brained on
there would be something interesting inside, away from casual scavengers. the steps and looks back to see a Shambler, small bits of hair and flesh still clinging to its ever-
grinning skull. With a jerk he frees his foot and kicks the creature in the teeth just as more hands
He hadn’t been wrong.
start to grasp at him from the darkness.
The door led to a stairway taking him down into the underbelly of the keep. He
He scrambles up the stairs, and out into the welcome light. He quickly shuts the door
found several scraps worth tossing into his bag and was about to return to the
behind him, but knows he needs a more permanent solution. The Trickster casts around
surface when he spotted a set of double doors. Hoping they led to a storage room
for what he needs inside his tool bag, “I just had it... Ah ha!” He holds up the metal casing
or even an armory, the Trickster pushed them open with a groan.
in triumph as the door begins to thud. Grabbing a few more components, the Trickster
He turned up the illumination on his lantern and started back in surprise. What prepares his answer.
macabre gathering had he stumbled upon? It did appear to be the armory but,
Quickly he retreats as the door opens to reveal a crowd of Shamblers, their hollow sockets
along with the long neglected weapons and tools he had expected, the remains
focusing on him. He throws the Big Badda Boom dead center at the group and turns to run.
of men littered the place. He had but a moment to wonder at their misfortune
He makes it a few steps before the blast knocks him flat on his belly, face slamming into the
before a sound to his left caused him to turn. The nearest skeleton, slumped
stone beneath him. He rises and looks back. The explosive did its job, crushing the Shamblers
on a low bench, began to shift. Its head swung slowly towards the Trickster, an
beneath the hallway.
old machine in need of oil. Across the room, others started to rise. “Oh Rust,
Shamblers!” said the Trickster before quickly backing out of the room. Wiping the blood from his face, the Trickster hurries out of the keep. There’s a town up the
way. Perhaps he’ll just resupply at the blacksmith this time.

Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth.

- Archimedes
Playing the Trickster
The Trickster has the all the tools he needs to become a danger to all those around him, as long as Finding the correct Parts can be a While the Trickster may
he can find them in his Tool Bag. Once the Trickster finds all the Parts needed for a particular Trap challenge to unseasoned Heroes. seem like a wild card to
the effects can be…explosive. The Trickster does have a few some, his ability to disable
“tricks” up his sleeve to help with traps is second to none.
Almost all of the Trickster’s Traps are about damaging and destroying the Darkness. There
this. Scrounge Parts and Innovate A group of Heroes with
are a few utility cards the Trickster can use to great effect to save a Hero in need or contain a
are priceless additions to the an interest in navigating
particularly nasty threat. But mostly, it’s about blowing stuff up.
Trickster’s deck and should never trap strewn hallways and
When a Trickster needs to Build a Trap he must first see if he has all the required Parts in be overlooked. Advanced Trickster grottos could do worse by
his hand or readied. If he has all the Parts he may then attempt to Build a Trap. Successfully Heroes even have the ability to not having a Trickster
Building a Trap generates Threat. Actual damage caused by the Trap generates no additional heal the party! with them.
Threat for the Trickster.

A good supply of Bang Powder and a few spare parts

goes a long way toward solving most problems.

Tricky Cards
Big Badda Boom. Its name says it all. Most would be Tricksters
would assume that this is only a giant bomb, when in fact it makes
an excellent diversion to pull enemies towards it and soak damage
from their attacks. If they manage to reduce its outer casing to
zero Vitality, then it becomes a giant bomb, devastating all enemies
around it. Be careful where you place this Trap because it can
stay out for multiple Hero Cycles and its area of effect can damage
Heroes as well.

The Chop-a-Whirl is a mobile Trap with very low Vitality. When
this Trap is first built it moves and attacks the closest enemies it
can find and the most targets it can hit in a 90 degree arc. It then


Activates every Refresh Phase during the Traps step. It is important
to note that once the Chop-a-Whirl is built it follows its own
Priorities and is not under the control of the Trickster.
Tools are a necessity for the Some Tools can ready Parts. Tricksters should always ready
Trickster. Any item card with a Part card if they don’t currently need it to Build a Trap. HERO EJECT LAUNCHY PAD
the Tool keyword grants Sometimes Brigands and Soldiers get into trouble and they call out
bonuses to Build actions. It is essential for players to be aware of what they for H.E.L.P. The Trickster has just the thing for a teammate who is
have discarded in the Trickster’s deck to have a better surrounded by the forces of Darkness with little hope for survival.
The dice provided by Tools in
The Hero Eject Launchy Pad provides a quick escape for Heroes
addition to a Trickster’s base understanding of which Parts should be readied. This gives
granting them the ability to move through enemies and impassable
dice pool are essential to them a greater opportunity to Build Traps. terrain alike. This Trap grants free movement to any Hero using it
guaranteeing successfully built this Hero Cycle and makes for a handy tool to run away from, or
Higher quality Tools allow for greater amounts of Parts to into, danger.
Traps. Some Tools even allow be readied for future Traps. There is only 1 Enhance-o-Stuff
the Trickster to ready parts, card in the entire deck and it boosts all Traps, so saving this
allowing him to save them for Part is always a safe bet.
future Hero Cycles.

Trap Cards Part Cards

The Trickster must play Trap cards to get the most out of his Hero deck. Trap cards require a specific Many of the Trickster’s Hero cards have the Part keyword.
combination of Part cards to be in play and the Trickster must pass a Build check. The TN for a These cards are played with Trap cards, which lists the specific
Build check is listed as Build X where X is the TN. If the Trickster fails the Build check, the Hero combinations of Part cards required in order for the Trap to be
card is still played but it is not resolved. Equipped Tools may provide bonus dice to Build checks. played. Some items allow the Trickster to ready one or more Part
Trickster traps can last over multiple Refresh Phases, in which case these traps reactivate during cards. When a Part card is readied, it is placed above the Trickster’s
the Traps step of the Refresh Phase. During the Refresh Phase Trickster traps always activate before Hero board. Ready Part cards may be used to play Trap cards and, if
Darkness traps. used, are discarded during the Hero Deck Phase.

Card Synergy Innovate Enhance-o-Stuff


Innovate is an extremely powerful card to have in any Trickster’s deck. This card allows the
Trickster to pull any Trap card in his discard pile and play it for zero Parts. Since this card is played Yes Yes

on top of the Innovate card it also doesn’t take up any additional Action Spaces.
Stacked This card is required, along with any
Search your discard pile, find 1 other listed Part, to play certain Trap
Yes Trap card, and play it on this card. Yes
cards. This card can also be played

Now add into this Trap the Enhance-o-Stuff Part card and this free Trap now does additional
Ignore the Part, Build, and AP
requirements for this Trap.
with any Trap card to gain +1
and +1 damage to attacks.
damage and gets bonus dice for the Trap to attack. This is extremely valuable as trap attacks are Yes Yes

rarely modified.

Trickster Deck REVISED.indd 25 12/18/17 5:29 PM

Any Trap card in Discard
regular sized card back REV6 final.indd 1
Trickster Deck REVISED.indd 18
12/17/13 10:39 AM
12/18/17 5:29 PM

Hero Class

Ready 1 Ammo
Stick & Twine, Arrow Bag, Ammo x2, Death’s Blossom, Death’s
6 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Quickening, Reload

he paused to study the disturbed foliage. The The mark was already in place. She could feel it at a distance—muted. It was perhaps a day or two out.
broken twig told her enough, but she stopped to The mark never helped with direction, but as she closed in on her quarry, it would get stronger. She
examine the path. There were small indentations still had to follow the trail. Let the signs speak to her and read them right.
along the path. The Gat’r travelled lightly for the
The sounds along the trail suddenly shifted. She eased herself flat and slithered backwards into the
most part. They were also smart. They traveled
underbrush. Several seconds later, she could hear it. A half-a-minute later, the Gat’r slinked from the
in a single file to hide their numbers and often had a pair of trailing
sage bushes to her left. It swung its head to the left and right, looking up and down the trail. Not
Gat’r that doubled back to expose anyone trying to track them.
seeing anything, it turned and began to jog back up the trail towards the main hunting pack.
But she was a hunter. They would not lose her, nor would they
She waited until the sounds of it moving up the trail was a whisper, then crawled out from her hiding
every discover they were being followed until it was too late.
place. The next trailing Gat’r would appear in ten minutes. She planned to be inside the loop of the
She inhaled deeply. She loved this part of it: the process of tracking next Gat’r back-tracking.
down her mark. The result would be the same. She would get her
She would take one Gat’r at a time as they marched, until only one was left. She would leave it alive
kill. It was the journey that mattered. At least she thought so. The
and follow it. Hopefully, it would lead her back to a larger group with the Crunch’r she was after.
tracking. The need to stay undiscovered. Planning the perfect place
to spring her trap. These are the things that made her feel alive. The hunted would run and the hunter would hunt.

There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough
and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.

Playing the Hunter DUAL WIELD

The Hunter is an extremely versatile hero that shares many of the same strengths and weaknesses as the Hunters excel at dual wielding since they
Archer. However, the Hunter does not have the ability to ignore enemy line of sight rules like the Archer. The have a significant amount of Interrupt cards.
Hunter’s main strength is focusing on an enemy type by using their Mark cards. These cards grant significant This grants them the freedom to decide when
bonuses to the Hunter allowing them to easily dispatch all enemy ranks of that type. One of the first priorities to spend Ammo. A Hunter should focus on
of the Hunter is to work on getting Mark cards in play against the most relevant enemy types as soon as obtaining secondary items with the keyword
possible. Doing this greatly increases the success chances of any Attack performed by the Hunter against Dual Wield of both the Ranged and Melee
the marked enemies. variety to stay consistently active.

Many of the Hunter hero cards combo well with each other and some of these bonuses can even be Since the Hunter’s attacks are split between
transferred to all heroes if the situation calls for it. The Hunter can buff their own attacks to do considerable Weapon and Ranged it is vital that they have
damage and they have the power to also grant this bonus to other heroes. Doing this is expensive but the the opportunity to switch out of just using
results are devastating to the enemy. Ranged attacks with the comparatively low
amount of Ammo cards available to them.
The main challenge when playing the Hunter is the low number of Ammo cards in their deck, resulting in
their need to be even more judicious with the Ammo cards they spend on Ranged attacks.


Don’t fool yourself. I hunt to kill and I’ve

killed everything that has walked or crawled.

Tricky Cards
This card is amazing for the heroes when the Hunter is the focus
of as many enemy attacks as possible. Each attack is ignored if Yes

their is an adjacent minion to the Hunter. This minion receives

each of the attacks intended for the Hunter and is
defeated instead. Combo, Dodge
Choose a Minion adjacent to you.
All enemy attacks targeting you
The Hunter has the capability of ignoring a lot of enemy attacks during this Darkness Cycle affect
the chosen Minion instead. After
resolving all attacks, the Minion
with this hero card. If this card is in the Hunter’s hand and the suffers all damage dealt.

darkness cycle is going to activate, it is imperative that you move


to a location that eliminates the greatest number of attacks or the

most powerful attacks before the darkness cycle begins. Hunter Deck REVISED.indd 18 1/31/18 12:01 AM


Scent of the Hunter
Scent of the Hunter is an expensive card to put into play, but it
grants huge bonuses to each of the heroes, including the Hunter. Yes

Once this card is played each hero attacking an enemy type that
has a Mark from the Hunter gains 2 a to their attack roll. If their Yes

Range: Tile

attack roll is successful against the Marked enemy it also receives Heroes attacking Monster-types that
currently have a Mark receive the

an additional damage. In addition, this card allows a hero to turn Yes bonuses listed below.
a , +1 damage, turn 1
b to
any result.
a b rolled during this attack to any result, helping to guarantee a
successful fate die recipe from their item.

Hunter Deck REVISED.indd 20 1/31/18 12:01 AM

Ammo is a keyword. Ammo, placed into action Mark is a new keyword that is only relevant to the Hunter. In order to Mark an enemy, the Hunter must
spaces, ends up readied in a quiver and then can be play the hero card Mark of the Hunter, and then they must defeat a minion. Once the Hunter has defeated
used to fuel ranged attack abilities. Ammo is a limited at least one minion, place one of the defeated minions on the Mark of the Hunter card. This signifies that
resource the Hunter must manage in order to stay the current monster-type has a Mark on it. It is possible to have two Marks on one enemy type but it
active and relevant. The Hunter has access to less requires an additional Mark of the Hunter card to be in play, and another minion to be defeated and placed
Ammo than the Archer and must improvise with other onto the new card.
attacks that can be triggered with any weapon. A
Even the worst equipped Hunter becomes powerful once they have a Mark on an enemy. Keeping these
Hunter’s strength lies in their versatility.
cards in play and clearing them for massive damage is a key element in playing a Hunter well.

Card Synergy
If the Hunter has these cards during a darkness cycle they can ignore multiple attacks directed Playing Scent of the Hunter with a Mark in play grants large bonuses to any hero, including
at them while simultaneously attacking multiple enemies. This particular combo of cards is the Hunter when they play any Attack card. If the Hunter has 2 Marks on one enemy type the
great for negating a large portion of the enemies’ attacks during a darkness cycle. Hunter gains an enormous advantage with this card. While heroes get bonus dice and extra
damage the Hunter has the capacity to inflict 2 additional damage with any Attack card. This
MARK OF THE HUNTER + DEATH’S QUICKENING can turn normal attacks into 3 damage attacks and Hunter’s Doom into a 8 damage attack!
These cards are great if you need to work on defeating a tough enemy but also want to focus
on other targets in subsequent hero cycles. The power of this combo is most effective when MARK OF THE HUNTER + HUNTER’S DOOM
you have both Marks in play against one enemy type. Death’s Quickening inflicts up to six Hunter’s Doom is the most powerful instant damage Attack card that the Hunter has in their
damage over 2 refresh phases, which can remove the threat of a captain or commander arsenal. With each Mark the Hunter clears, the damage of this Attack card is increased by 2,
without focusing on them. This attack is also great because it does not require Ranged. making it one of the most deadly cards available to any hero.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 5

Ready 1 Part

a, +2 b
Playing the Tinker
Any Trickster that survives their own experiments long enough eventually
becomes a Tinker, mainly because they’ve learned what not to do. This
experience translates into a large base dice pool helping to guarantee Build
success of Traps, and the ability to start a realm tile with a readied Part.

The Tinker has improved their Trap options considerably. These

range from multiple damage Traps, to Traps that buff the
defense of heroes, to a walking, talking, death machine.

Balancing the amount of Parts that is in the Tinker’s deck

is essential to being able to reliably Build these new Traps.
Especially since a Tinker player will need to add the GoGet’Em
System new Part into their deck to Build any of these
fancy new toys.

The Tinker has no new mechanics. This class
works exactly like the Trickster, except for its Early Upgrades
Build chances, which are doubled.
Becoming a Tinker grants some powerful new Exchanging this card into your deck grants the ability for the Tinker to create a Trap that
+2 4

additions to their hero cards. The Tinker now can become an Ally. When the Tinker successfully Builds this Trap it cannot do anything -2 Build TN

has access to a Massive damage Trap, Junk until another Trap is created by the Tinker. During the Trap step of the refresh phase if
there is another Trap in play the Enemy Extinction Machine moves toward it and if it is

in the Box, to help defeat those enemies that

Yes Threat: 3, Guile

within its range it will absorb the other Trap and create the Ally EVE.
Range: 2

Build 8, Ongoing, Tools, Trap

require the Massive or Critical keyword. Requires Metal Casing and GoGet’em

Depending on which Traps it absorbs, the Ally EVE gains additional fate die recipes which Yes System. Choose 1 unoccupied square
within range. When activated, E.E.M.
moves and absorbs the nearest adjacent

are found on its Ally card. These fate die recipes replicate the Trap that the Ally absorbs. Trap to become the Ally EVE.

In addition, the Tinker has the ability to Yes

create an Ally with the card Enemy Extinction Once the Ally has been created Enemy Extinction Machine, and any Traps it or the Ally
absorbs, are cleared. The Ally then remains in play until that realm tile is cleared.
Machine. However, this requires a new Part Trickster Journeyman Tinker Deck.indd 4 12/7/17 1:43 PM

that is only available in the journeyman deck. GOGET’EM SYSTEM GoGet’em System

Exchanging this card into your deck grants a unique Part to the Tinker. This Part functions
PARTS like any other Part and is necessary when performing a Build action with most of the new Yes

Most of the new Trap cards require the new journeyman Trap cards.

Part, GoGet’Em System. There are only 2 of Since this card is required for the more powerful Trap cards it is imperative that this card
is exchanged into the Tinker’s deck as soon as possible.

these Parts available to the Tinker. This means Yes

This card is required, along with
any other listed Part, to play certain
Trap cards.

that there are few opportunities to execute the


powerful journeyman Traps. Metal Casing is

included with the journeyman cards due to its
Trickster Journeyman Tinker Deck.indd 6 12/7/17 1:43 PM

increased requirements with the new Traps.

Journeyman Hero Class

Ready 1 Ammo, Malice Pool: 4

6 4 +2
a, +2 b

Playing the Slayer

Hovering at the edge of darkness has granted the Slayer some unique gifts as they
progress from being a Hunter. Not only is the Slayer just a better monster hunter,
they now generate their own Malice Pool. For now the Slayer only contributes to
the Malice Pool and does not spend any resources from it. This is a large boon to
classes like the Outsider if they accompany the Slayer on quests.

A significant amount of the journeyman cards available to the Slayer are interrupt
cards, which further cements their mastery over Dual Wield and the art of
performing Rush actions. Having so many interrupt cards, whether they are
defensive or offensive, gives the Slayer exceptional control when the enemy
attacks during the darkness cycle.

Slayers are exceptional at controlling the Darkness Meter and their own Threat
when it is required through the judicious use of Back From the Edge. This card
grants the heroes more time to fight the darkness before the next darkness cycle
activates, while simultaneously reducing the Slayer’s Threat.

If you need someone to help you take down the big target, the Slayer is your hero.

Upgrading to the Slayer brings with it a
necessity to acquire good Dual Wield Early Upgrades
weapons. Having a Dual Wield weapon in the
secondary slot is the only way to benefit from
Exchanging this card into your deck grants a Critical Attack that functions differently
the massive amount of interrupt cards this
than most Attack cards. Dark Gift inflicts 3 damage to any 1 target within range on a
character has available to them.
-2 TN

successful attack roll. What this card does additionally though is what is truly powerful.
Once a target has been successfully hit, the Slayer may choose a captain within range
At this junction in the Slayer’s career they could
and automatically inflict 2 damage to it if the Slayer clears a Mark card. This can be
Damage: 3, Range: Weapon

Attack, Critical, Heal, Weapon

become much more melee focused. However, done once per Mark cleared and does not need to be against the same target. Attack 1 target within range. If
successful, each Mark cleared
inflicts 2 damage to 1 Captain within

maintaining the balance between Ranged and Not only does Dark Gift have the potential to inflict Critical damage to a target while also
range and 1 hero within 4 squares
restores 2 vitality.

Melee is the optimal path for this class.

-4 TN
inflicting damage to other captain targets, it heals heroes within four squares. For each
Mark card cleared, the Slayer may choose one hero within four squares and that hero
A Slayer can now heal heroes and buff may restore up to 2 vitality. Hunter Journeyman Slayer Deck.indd 3 12/7/17 11:07 AM

everyone’s defenses considerably, taking some

of the burden from the Acolyte.
Back From the Edge
Exchanging this card into your deck grants the ability to control the Darkness Meter to a
MALICE degree. This card is an interrupt that reduces the AP that exceeds the activation number
required for the current Darkness Meter. For each Mark cleared the AP is reduced by 2.
This class generates Malice now and comes This cannot be reduced below zero.
with their own Malice Pool. Though they do
The Slayer additionally lowers their Threat by 2 for each Mark card they clear. In Malice

not spend from this pool, those who do will addition, by playing this card one Malice is added to the Malice Pool whether or not any
For each Mark cleared, you may
reduce the Darkness Meter AP and
your Threat by 2.

find themselves with much more resources to of the effects take place. A Slayer must be moving aggressively during a darkness cycle,
spend, including enemies. requiring Back From the Edge to be played in combination with another interrupt that has Yes

the keyword Move.

Hunter Journeyman Slayer Deck.indd 1 12/7/17 11:07 AM

Hero Class


Replica Rapier, Improvised Shiv, Don’t Tell Me The Odds, I Could Kill You Now,
5 5 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Gonna Wing It, I’m Not Left Handed, Bigger
They Are

e had seen enough. The pack of ne’er-do-wells had ruined the peace and quiet He hadn’t noticed when he started that ALL of these ruffians were in
of his mug of beer. If there was one thing sacred to him, it was his drinking. He various stages of ugly.
practiced when time allowed.
The only two ugly ones not rolling around on the ground, groaning
He stood up, still holding the beer, and shouted at the men, “That’s the problem and clutching broken pieces, looked at him. Broken-toothed smiles
with today and all the tomorrows from now until the Darkness takes us.” split their faces. Behind him, he heard a chair exhale, as if a great
burden had finally been lifted.
They stopped. In unison they turned towards the Swashbuckler.
Looking at the two, made even uglier by their smiles, he asked, “He’s
He stumbled over until he was less than an arm’s length away. Bravado flowed from him. If he was
behind me isn’t he?”
honest...and he was always honest-ish...he loved this part the most.
They nodded their heads so hard, he swore he could hear the ocean...or
The ugliest one, and that was indeed saying something, took the bait, “And what’s that?”
was that sea shells...
With a flourish of his hand holding the beer, he answered, “You.”
Turning around, he stood staring at the great barreled chest of a
The fist came flying towards him slower than he had expected. He slipped left, leaning and twisting massive, massively ugly giant of a man.
toward the ugly one. The hand holding the mug swept in front of the punch, deftly bringing
Silence clung to the tavern like the garments of the damsel he rescued
it towards the waiting shoulder of the twisting savior of beer and defender of tavern peace and
from the rain that was assaulting her.
quiet. After the satisfying crack of the ugly one’s elbow, he leaned right to dodge the punch racing
towards the back of his skull. He completed the 360 degree turn to face the first’s friend, who was He drained his tankard dry and wiped his mouth across the back of
equally ugly. The ugly one’s punch connected with the ugly one with the broken arm, sending the same hand. Slowly he placed the mug on the chest of a groaning
him crashing into the feet of a third very ugly fellow. He had time, so he took a nice long draw ugly one...he couldn’t remember if this was the second or forth...they
from the beer while he aimed a low kick at the knee of the punching ugly one. It bent backwards, blur together sometimes. He had been wrong earlier, if he was honest,
sending the ugly one in careening forward into the Swashbuckler’s rising knee. Hearing footfalls it was this part he loved the most. Lifting his hand, he motioned
behind him, the Swashbuckler pitched his body to the right. Rolling on his back across the top of a the monstrously ugly giant man forward.
small table, he sent it flying after the ugly one that had tried to tackle him.
“I got this.”

All right boys. Now comes the fun part.

-Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)

Playing the Swashbuckler

Unlike other heroes, the Swashbuckler does not have special rules or mechanics unique to them. The Swashbuckler that does their job right will find themselves
surrounded by enemies, on the edge of gaining a Threat Penalty, while also deciding in which way to best handle resolve the chaotic situation that they put themselves in.

The Swashbuckler is all about the action. Playing this hero is an exercise in balancing whether or not you should attack an enemy since there are opportunities to do so
in almost every hero card available to them. This is especially true since the Swashbuckler has access to free Rush actions as well. There is also very little movement
restriction in the Swashbuckler’s hero cards, granting a freedom most heroes do not have.

Being right in the thick of battle, surrounded by enemies, is where the Swashbuckler truly thrives. With so many attack interrupt options available to them they often easily
mitigate darkness cycles. All of this is based solely on the Swashbuckler’s necessity to keep a good Dual Wield item equipped. Without a Dual Wield item, many of their
hero cards serve little to no function.


What’s life without a little danger, a little loving,

a little losing, and a little lying.

Tricky Cards
Don’t Tell Me The Odds
This card only be used when adjacent to at least 4 enemies. While
expensive to put into play, it is devastating to foes within range.
+2 a
The Swashbuckler gets an opportunity to attack each enemy until
they miss. However, each time the Swashbuckler successfully hits +1 a
an enemy, the Swashbuckler reduces their attack dice pool by 1 Damage: 1, Range: 1

Attack, Melee

a . This cannot be reduced below 1. Yes

If you are adjacent to at least 4 enemies,
attack each enemy until you miss. After
your first attack each additional attack
reduces your dice pool by 1
a to a
With a large enough dice pool Don’t Tell Me the Odds can minimum of 1
a .

completely destroy a large amount of enemies within range of


the Swashbuckler. This includes tougher foes like captains, if the

Swashbuckler has luck on their side.
Swashbuckler Deck.indd 26 5/10/16 9:50 AM

Gonna Wing It
Grabbing this card should be an early priority because of its
ability to automatically damage adjacent enemies. Gonna Wing It Yes

requires the Swashbuckler to be adjacent to at least 4 enemies

during the darkness cycle to put it into play. Once this criteria is
met, the Swashbuckler rolls 1
a and deals 1 damage to the
number of enemies adjacent to them equal to the number rolled
If you are adjacent to at least
4 enemies, roll 1
a . Deal 1
damage to a number of adjacent
on the dice. targets equal to your die roll.

Each enemy can only receive 1 damage from this, however this

ability can damage enemies that would normally be unhittable.

Swashbuckler Deck.indd 28 5/10/16 9:50 AM


Swashbucklers vastly outclass other heroes when The Rush action is a vital tool when playing with the Swashbuckler. There are sixteen opportunities within
dual wielding since they have a significant amount the Swashbuckler deck to perform Rush actions. Quite a few of these even allow the Swashbuckler to
of Interrupt cards as well as cards that activate their perform this action for free. Normally performing a Rush action requires a hero to play an interrupt card
Dual Wield item for free. This essentially makes upside down in an available action space and add 1 AP to the Darkness Meter. If it is performed for free
the Swashbuckler have zero down time, since they the interrupt card and AP cost is eliminated.
can almost always act. Their focus should be on
Cards such as This is Fun and I’m Not Left Handed should be taken advantage of at every opportunity.
obtaining secondary items with the keyword Dual
While successful attacks from these types of cards still generate Threat, it is much easier to reduce this
Wield of either Ranged or Melee. If the item is
Threat since there aren’t additional interrupt cards taking up space to perform these actions.
Ranged its Ammo must come from charges as the
Swashbuckler has no access to Ammo cards. Be sure to pay attention to which cards you are using to perform Rush actions as there are some that are
better served being played as actual interrupts. Some of these interrupts even provide free Rush actions
A Swashbuckler prioritizes using Rush actions and
during the darkness cycle.
abilities that grant them free attacks with their
secondary Dual Wield item. It should be understood that the strength of the Swashbuckler is balanced purely on the power of their
secondary item with the keyword Dual Wield and the strategic use of Rush actions.

Card Synergy
This particular combo is truly devastating. The only real worry is Threat generation. A Walk Playing this combo during the darkness cycle before the Swashbuckler has performed an
Among Thorns with multiple interrupts to boost the Dash value is much easier to pull off than action in the hero cycle makes the 3 AP card Don’t Tell Me the Odds free to play. Additionally,
the Brigand’s Suicide Run combo due to their large number of interrupt cards. In addition, it Don’t Me the Odds inflicts 1 additional damage to each target hit. This can quickly destroy
also takes up no space since the interrupt cards are stacked on top of A Walk Among Thorns. powerful enemies, especially if the Swashbuckler has a strong attack dice pool.
Hero Class

Malice Pool: 6
Obsidian Glaive, Tattered Cloak, Derision, I Am Hate, Mind Splinter, The
6 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Path of Darkness, The Path of Faith

desperate soul reaches out for justice and power and He sees the way the Darkness works. He sees its weakness. He exploits it. The Outsider
control. The cost—a Child of the light—is irrelevant. A sees the dark tendrils that search out and seek to be woven into the fabric of life. More
bargain is struck. An exchange is made. importantly, the Outsider can touch them--manipulate them. Through his rejection and
rebirth, the Darkness has given him all the tools he need to bite back with a dark heart full
Sometimes, however, something goes wrong...the
of malice.
Darkness rejects the Child and instead consumes the deal-
seeker. The Child, once doomed to Darkness and a fate worse than death, Oddly enough, he does not blame the free people. He pities them.
lives. But the Child does not escape unmarked. The Child is tainted and
In every curse uttered, the Outsider sees the cause—the real reason. He sees the thread of
transformed. The Child’s appearance changes. The Child becomes inhuman.
Darkness woven into the very fabric of their thoughts and words. Most people cannot help
They are ostracized by society, until society needs them...
it. The Outsider sees the thread of malice vibrate and the Darkness place words of hate in
The true change is beyond human perception. Once rejected by the their hearts. Most people are not strong enough to resist the Darkness’ subtle touch.
Darkness, The Outsider often fades into madness and takes his own life. A
And so, the Outsider takes their malice and transfers it to himself. He will be their sin eater.
few survive. Not accepted by Darkness and rejected by society, they seek out
He will carry their Darkness with him and return grace. He will give them margin to learn
their own path.
and grow and make mistakes without damning them to their well-earned fate.
An Outsider is a hunted creature. Monsters pursue him because they were
Until then, he will follow his own way, marking the path so that when they finally expel the
rejected. Agents of Darkness think the Outsider unworthy of their master’s
Darkness from their lives, they can follow.
gift. They couldn’t be more wrong. A Child who becomes an Outsider is
rejected because the Darkness cannot claim him. Something amazing inside,
gives him the ability to resist the Darkness.

This the man does not know / the warrior lucky in worldly things / what some endure then / those
who tread most widely / the paths of exile.
- The Seafarer

Playing the Outsider

The Outsider is an unusual class that requires balancing spending and generating Malice tokens, which is the resource they require to fuel many of their hero cards.
Outsiders need to not only keep an eye on their Malice Pool, but what their hero companions’ status is due to the nature of their Path cards. These cards are quite
beneficial to a hero party but typically have a price that must be paid. A mistimed Path card can place a hero into Threat Penalty range or even defeat them.

Even though some of their hero cards are dangerous to others, the Outsider makes up for this by having very powerful Taunt and interrupt cards. These cards range from
simply ignoring enemy attacks all the way to reducing the attack dice pool of each enemy on the tile. Reducing the attack dice pool of the enemy helps everyone, but it
comes at a high AP cost. An Outsider should save cards like Derision for special circumstances where the heroes need help with a darkness cycle.

Outsiders can even remove status effects from heroes, but they must take that status effect themselves. With so many diverse abilities, the Outsider is a strong addition to
any hero party. This is especially true when heroes encounter titans in their adventures since the Outsider can easily limit their Malice token usage by using it themselves.


Your needs do not define me.

I am not circumscribed by the
need to be accepted. I am free.

Tricky Cards
Mind Splinter
This Massive Attack card requires the Outsider to
be able to spend Malice in order to perform this +3 a
Attack as long as the Outsider has at least 2 Malice
tokens to spend, this card can be played. It gains +2 a
more power if 3 or 4 Malice tokens are spent. Damage: 1, Range: 10

Attack, Massive
Spend 2 to 4 Malice tokens (MT). Attack

Mind Splinter does not gain additional dice from +1 a 1 target within range. Target gains a
DoT which deals 1 Dark damage for 2
Refresh Phases (RP). Spend 3 (MT) to

equipped weapons, but it does have massive extend DoT 1 (RP). Spend 4 (MT) to make
all DoT damage immediate.

range. The main strength of this attack comes


from spending 4 Malice tokens. The target of this

attack immediately suffers the full effects of all DoT
Outsider Deck.indd 14 5/10/16 10:17 AM

damage that it is currently suffering from.

A powerful Taunt that adds Malice tokens into the
Malice Pool. Derision lowers every enemies’ dice pool

by 1
a and makes the Outsider the only priority of
each enemy on the tile. Yes

Range: Tile

This card should only be played at 4 or 5 AP on the Malice, Taunt

If the Darkness activates from playing

Darkness Meter to gain the additional Malice tokens Yes this card, gain 1 Malice token for each
AP exceeding 6. In addition, enemies
within range have their attack reduced

for exceeding the Darkness Meter’s activation. by 1

a , and you are the only Priority.

Outsider Deck.indd 6 5/10/16 10:16 AM

MALICE POOL Malice tokens

The Outsider comes with a large starting Malice Pool, This resource is generated when any heroes play cards with the keyword Malice. The generation and
which is essential to using many of their abilities. spending of these tokens is the only way to empower, or sometimes even activate, hero cards for the
Some novice level heroes can also contribute to the Outsider. The maximum amount of Malice tokens available to everyone is based on the hero or enemy
Malice Pool but the Outsider is the only novice hero with the largest Malice Pool. This is important because some skills require Malice tokens to remain in play
that has the ability to utilize it. Some tougher enemies, on cards until a certain amount is achieved which can severely limit the Outsider’s ability to generate or
like Titans, also have the ability to use the Malice Pool. empower cards.
In those cases it is imperative that the Outsider spend
Outsiders should be spending and generating Malice tokens as quickly as they can, while balancing the
as much as possible from this pool so that the enemy
need for a large Malice token expenditure. Rarely using Malice tokens severely limits the Outsider, as does
cannot. Letting the Malice Pool run out, however,
becoming completely depleted of this resource with no cards reserved for generating more. For quick
significantly weakens the Outsider.
Malice token generation the Outsider should use Hand of Darkness with AoE Attack cards or The Path of
Rage and The Path of Guile.

Card Synergy
This combo of cards generates a large amount of Malice tokens for the Outsider while These 2 cards would not normally be able to be played together. However, with Malice tokens
simultaneously buffing each other hero with 2
a and +1 damage to their Attack actions
this hero cycle. This comes at a cost to the other heroes however. The Path of Nature inflicts
the Outsider can turn Sky Lance into a Reaction. Now that Sky Lance is a Reaction, choose
your location and target carefully to inflict the most damage while considering the attack
2 damage to each other hero in range, while The Path of Rage increases their Threat by 3. pattern of Sojourner’s Path. Once again Malice tokens save the day by reducing the AP of this
If timed correctly, the heroes can put these boons to good use while also insuring that the card. With enough Malice tokens, the Outsider could take down a captain while defeating 3
Outsider maintains a healthy supply of Malice tokens. minions for the price of just 2 AP and 4 Malice tokens.

Journeyman Hero Class


6 5

Chance: 1

a, +3 b
Playing the Pirate
The Pirate has become adept at manipulating their fate and the fate of others during battles.
Their ability to trigger fate die recipes on weapons is unparalleled, especially with the Chance
ability. With Chance: 1 the Pirate can reroll any 1 a bor they roll once each hero cycle.

Journeyman upgrades provide the Pirate with multiple cards with the keyword Stacked helping
to reduce the inevitable Threat creep this class suffers from. These new cards, coupled with
the new Interrupts now available to them, grant the Pirate an exceptional opportunity to mitigate
enemy attacks and Threat Penalties.

A Pirate is a whirlwind of activity on the battlefield, pushing the Darkness Meter and the heroes
to the limit of their abilities just to keep up. Thankfully, the Pirate has some capacity to control
the activation of the darkness, granting the heroes a small window to eliminate difficult foes.

When the Swashbuckler becomes a Pirate many
of the core mechanics of the class remain the Early Upgrades
same. Dual Wielding is still a major strength of
the class and the Pirate becomes considerably
BORING CONVERSATION ANYWAY Boring Converstation Anyway

Exchanging this card into your deck grants the ability to use a Reaction as an Interrupt
weaker if they are not using a Dual Wield item.
during the darkness cycle. While this card does require 1 AP to play, it reduces the AP Yes

The Pirate’s journeyman hero cards are all cost of the Reaction card played on it to zero. Reducing the cost of playing hero cards is
essential once the heroes begin playing at the Journeyman level.
extremely situational and typically have a high
Boring Conversation Anyway can be played whether the Pirate is moving or not during Stacked

risk, high reward theme. Whether that is suffering You may play 1 reaction card on this

the darkness cycle, granting increased utility to a very mobile class. A good combo for
card for zero AP. The reaction card
is considered an interrupt card this

damage to power an attack or transferring

Darkness Cycle.

this card is It’s All in the Hips, which allows you to search your deck and play a card of
received damage to nearby heroes, these hero
your choice on it as well. This would now include Action cards which opens up every
cards are risky, but essential to utilize the full possibility of attack for the Pirate during the darkness cycle.

capabilities of this class. It is highly recommended

Swashbuckler Journeyman Pirate Deck.indd 3 5/10/16 9:52 AM

I’ll See You in Hell

to travel well stocked with healing items or
Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Pirate their most powerful single Attack
a Mendicant. card. I’ll See You In Hell inflicts five damage against one target and is considered a Yes

Critical Attack. This attack is extremely costly at 3 AP but has no movement restrictions.
STEAL In fact, the more the Pirate moves the greater the amount of successes they are Yes

considered to have after initially succeeding during an attack roll.

Damage: 5, Range: Weapon

Cards with the keyword Steal X, grant the Pirate Attack, Critical, Weapon
Attack 1 target within range. You
If the Pirate is feeling healthy and is fighting an extremely difficult to hit enemy they may
may reduce your Vitality to lower

a chance to draw item cards from enemies. Success the TN of your target. Each Vitality
point reduced lowers the TN of the

sacrifice vitality to reduce the TN of their intended target. Each vitality sacrificed in this target by 1.

Unlike the Shadow, the Pirate does not require +1

way reduces the TN of the target by 1. The only limit to this is the amount of vitality the Success

Shadows to perform their Steal test. There is no Pirate currently has available. The Pirate’s vitality may not be reduced below 1 during
penalty if the Pirate fails a Steal test. this Attack. Swashbuckler Journeyman Pirate Deck.indd 4 5/10/16 9:52 AM

Journeyman Hero Class


8 4

Malice Pool: 8

a, +1 b
Playing the Forsaken
The Forsaken is a great defensive class with the capability of unleashing terrifying damage
to friend and foe alike. Their time spent manipulating the Darkness has increased their
capacity for stockpiling Malice tokens by 2. While their dice pool has not changed, their vitality
and courage have become stronger from the hardships they have endured.

Many of the Journeyman upgrade cards for the Forsaken are either cheap or free to play. This is
good as the Forsaken has no way of controlling AP generation themselves outside of equipped
items. The few Attack cards the Forsaken gains at Journeyman are the exception to this.

There are three new Path cards available to the Forsaken. The Path of Arcane, which is essential
for Threat management. The Path of Malice, which allows the Forsaken to generate additional
Malice tokens and The Path of Sorrow, which heals the Forsaken at the cost of the other heroes’
vitality. Each Path card is zero AP and an essential element of Adventuring with the Forsaken.

The Forsaken must maintain the same balance
of spending and generating Malice as they did Early Upgrades
before as an Outsider. That playstyle remains
unchanged at the Journeyman level.
Exchanging this card into your deck grants the Forsaken a new Attack card that inflicts
Upgrading the Outsider to the Forsaken grants Dark damage to multiple targets. All My Hate requires the Forsaken to spend 6 Malice +4 a

the opportunity for this class to gain more tokens and 3 AP when playing this card. This great cost is balanced with an equally great
reward. If the Forsaken manages to defeat 6 targets from playing this card it immediately
utility on the battlefield through the use of their a

resets the Darkness Meter to zero, activates the darkness cycle, and immobilizes all
Damage: 1, Range: Tile

Attack, Dark
three new Path cards. These cards along with enemies present on the tile. Yes
Spend 6 Malice tokens. Attack 6
targets within range. If each target is
defeated, the Darkness Cycle resets

the new Interrupt, Exile’s Help, make this class All My Hate does not gain bonus dice from an equipped Weapon. It is imperative that the
to zero, activates immediately, and
enemies cannot move.

exceptional at defending nearby heroes and Forsaken hero move as little as possible when performing this Attack so they gain the
keeping them out of trouble by eliminating their large dice pool bonus from this card.

Threat gain.
Outsider Journeyman Forsaken Deck.indd 7 5/16/16 11:34 AM

Exile’s Help
Forsaken heroes have gained access to two Exchanging this card into your deck grants the ability to protect yourself and other heroes
during the darkness cycle. Exile’s Help is a versatile interrupt that can be played whether
great Attack cards, Death Lance and All My Yes

or not the Forsaken is moving during the darkness cycle. Communication, careful
Hate. Death Lance is a Massive Attack that planning, and the Forsaken’s melee weapon range are all essential in making this card
hits 2 squares after moving up to 6 squares. truly powerful. Parry
Range: Weapon

Heroes within range, including

While Death Lance is focused on movement Each hero that is within the Forsaken’s weapon range may ignore any 1 enemy attack
yourself, ignore 1 enemy attack.

and damage, All My Hate excels at AoE and during a darkness cycle. This includes the Forsaken. When facing powerful Commanders

or tough Bosses this card can save the party of heroes from being wiped out from a
darkness control. Both Attack cards greatly
powerful attack or fate die ability.
improve the damage potential of this class, and
Outsider Journeyman Forsaken Deck.indd 10 5/10/16 10:19 AM

its utility.

Hero Class


Tiger Fist (Primary & Secondary), Stubborn Stone, Rice Paper Walk, Jaws of the
5 6 +1
a, +1 b Plum Blossom (Primary & Secondary),
Adventurer’s Gear
Stalker, Diminish, Alone in the Orchard

he held her Stance, unmoving. Her muscles taut with unreleased She would attack. It would be reckless, but she wouldn’t care. She would attack with
energy. Yet, inside her mind was calm. Her body would obey her. abandon. Jaws of the Stalker. Dance Under the Moon. Tiger’s Teeth.
Would this be the day she beat him?
Her fists would hit nothing. After a slight shift of his weight, he would drop her.
Across from her, Sifu stared through her. He didn’t move.
She opened her eyes. She dared not look at him. She only felt burning shame. She
She closed her eyes and lets the fight unfold before her… would be defeated...again.

She would start in Plum Blossom. She raises her eyes to her Sifu. He looks at her with great interest. She relaxes, stands,
and bows. She turns to walk away.
He would be on her before she was fully collected, attacking fiercely. She would
dodge and parry… His words are calm, but the authority unmistakable, “Why do you leave? We have
not sparred.”
She would have to roll away from him, letting the flow of her motions guide her
energy back to him. Alone in the Orchard. Her Chi would race toward him. The She doesn’t turn back to him, “We did. I saw it all. I lost. Again. Always.”
power of her attack sweeping along the ground...she would finally have him.
She is surprised when his hand touches her shoulder. When he speaks it is not with
But no…he would take a half-step back and pivot. Her Chi would fade right in anger but with great happiness, “Let me tell you of the Six Harmonies...”
front of him. The ease of his evade would make her angry, and drive her back to
Tiger Fist.

The wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win.
– Zhuge Liang, The Way of the General

Playing the Monk Fist Weapons

The Monk is a combat centered hero. It has a modicum of The Monk’s weapons are limited to his fists. The Monk’s primary and secondary items are fist weapons that
healing and buffing, but the Monk is designed for combat. match his Stance. They only grant attack dice for an ability if the weapon equipped matches the Stance. If
The Monk is a very powerful single-target damage dealer. both items match the Stance keyword then the dice pool is formed by combining both item’s attack dice,
The Monk requires careful planning. The player must and the Monk has access to the item’s more powerful fate die ability.
know their deck very well, because of the way the Monk’s
Being able to predict and make sure the correct fists are being used for an attack helps the Monk maintain
Stances and fist weapons work. The Monk’s ability cards
a larger than normal dice pool.
are each assigned to a Stance. If the Monk is not in the
correct Stance, the ability cannot be played. Regular rules for equipping and exchanging weapons equipped apply to the Monk’s fists. However, the
Monk’s weapons cannot be stolen or destroyed.
The ability to switch Stances and play cards to take
better advantage of the situation is important for the The Monk’s fist weapons upgrade when he reaches the next hero classification—Journeyman.
Monk that wants to be versatile. However, choosing to
specialize in defense makes him a viable tank, albeit a
squishy one. It limits what the Monk can do, but is easier
to play and predict. The Plum Blossom Stance allows the Monk to use Chi. Chi works a lot like the Acolyte’s Faith. The
amount of Chi gains is equal to the number next to the Chi keyword. When using Chi powers, add the
When played correctly, the Monk is amazing. He can
total amount of Chi next to the Chi keyword in all action spaces. The total amount of Chi in play is
generate a lot of damage for a small amount of AP. The
available to all Monk cards played that hero cycle.
Monk tends to roll a lot of attack a s which help against
Chi powers tend to have a range beyond one square and have affects that become deadlier the more
hard targets that require multiple success to hurt.
Chi in play. Chi becomes more important to the Monk at the Journeyman rank.


Fighting is simple.
Hit them more than they hit you.

Tricky Cards
The Beginning of Harmony is the most important card in the Monk deck. It provides an additional
action space. The card is played to the right of the fourth action space next to the hero board.
This card allows any Stance card to be played on it and any Stance card present. Stances may
be played on top of each other even if the Stances are the same. Stances may be played on The
Beginning of Harmony even if all the monk’s action spaces are full.
While The Beginning of Harmony is in play, the Monk receives one Chi, even if the card is
covered with a Stance.
In the hero deck phase, any Stances under the active Stance are cleared and placed into
discard. The Monk reduces his threat by one for each Stance sent to discard.

Combo Stances Diminish

& Ongoing The Monk uses three Stances at Novice rank: Tiger Fist, Plum Blossom, Unlike other heroes, the Monk does not have
and Iron Skin. All Stances are Ongoing. The Monk may only play ability to worry about his threat. The Beginning of
The Monk uses several concepts
cards if they match the keyword to the current active Stance. When a new Harmony and Diminish allow the Monk to
that exist in the Myth base game
Stance is played, the old Stance no longer grants any bonuses. During the attack whenever he wishes. He is a very active
heroes. His Stances use the Ongoing
hero deck phase, the unused Stances are cleared. combatant. Diminish is an interrupt card and
keyword. Ongoing abilities are placed
allows him to reduce threat on the fly to control
into action spaces and stay there Abilities that have two Stance keywords only receive the affects and
where monster move and attack.
over multiple hero cycles. They are bonuses from the Stance that is active.
only cleared when another Stance When the Monk plays Diminish, he decides
Iron Skin: This is a defensive Stance. It allows the Monk to use abilities with
supersedes it. which Stances to clear. For each Stance
the Iron keyword. In this Stance, the Monk has access to taunts, blocks, and
cleared, he reduces his threat by three. Covered
The Monk also uses the keyword threat reduction abilities. It works well with Tiger Fist and Plum Blossom.
Stances on The Beginning of Harmony are
Combo. For the Monk to maximize
Tiger Fist: This is an offensive melee Stance. It allows the Monk to use cleared in the hero deck phase, so this card
his attacks, it is important to have the
abilities with the Tiger keyword. In this Stance, the Monk has access to allows him to reduce his threat in the darkness
Monk play all his cards involved in a
many powerful melee attacks. Focusing on the Tiger Fist Stance with cycle to meet his needs.
Combo at once. Like the Brigand, the
support from Iron Skin plays like a traditional Kung Fu movie martial artist.
Monk resolves all the Combo cards He can receive the first activation of monster, then
played before the darkness activates. Plum Blossom: This is a flexible Stance. It allows the Monk to use play it to reduce threat and send the next activation
The darkness cycle does not interrupt abilities with the Blossom keyword. In this Stance, the Monk has access to another hero. If the player understands the
a Combo until all the cards in the to Chi attacks, party buffs, and enemy debuffs. If there is another tank darkness cycle’s activation order and what is going
Combo are resolved. option in the party, the Plum Blossom Stance allows the Monk to help in to happen, the Diminish card allows the party to
several different ways. control the monsters even more.

Card Synergy
The Kiai card is a great way to increase This synergy shows how powerful the Monk can become. Several of the abilities can be switched out for others and the synergy’s effectiveness
the damage of Jaws of the Stalker. remains intact. This Combo assumes the Monk has both a Tiger fist and a Blossom fist equipped.
Whether the Monk is in Tiger Fist Make sure The Beginning of Harmony is in play and the Monk is in Tiger Fist. Open with the two Tiger Fist Stance attacks. These attacks also provide
Stance or Plum Blossom Stance, the Chi. Switch to Plum Blossom Stance and continue the Combo with Last Blossom of Spring. The extra Chi in play allows the Monk to increase the
attack will be powerful. Depending attack’s range and damage. Finally, switch to Iron Skin Stance in preparation for the hero deck phase.
upon the Monk’s movement, the attack
could have a reduced TN, bonus attack For the six AP this Combo costs, the Monk does a total of eight damage or could attack three different targets for a variety of damage.
dice, bonus fate dice, and Instead of Kiai, the Monk can choose to close out the Combo with Iron Skin Stance and Shoulder on a Bridge. Then, before receiving enemy attacks,
additional damage. the Monk gets to attack each enemy that moves adjacent to him. Ouch…

Hero Class


Wooden Sword, Sash, Adventurer’s Nightfall Cut, Eventide Slice, Sunset Slash,
6 6 +1
a, +1 b Gear Clean Blade, Feeling For Center

e began as he always did. Before it was finished, he had become one with the sword. He let himself fall away. Who he was before was forgotten. He
was sworn to the blade. It wasn’t a weapon. It wasn’t a tool. He didn’t hold it; it held him. He was the sword’s tool. He was
He sought the silence—the
the sword’s weapon.
center of the void. Time
tickled the edges, but he Within the silence, he floated. The nature of the Swordsworn had become his true nature. Only through dying to himself,
ignored it. Within the had he found himself. Who he was meant to be.
quiet, he found the ever-lasting present.
He drew the sword slowly, and entered the first Kata. Slowly. Precisely. Every step and stroke done with care. Seeking
Everything else fell away—forgotten. He
perfection. Pivot. Slide. Slice. Sheath. Withdraw. Counter-step. Draw. Cut. Parry. Pivot. Twist. Cut. The blade and I are
began the Litany of Blades:
one. His forms gathered speed. Each slice stronger. Each step measured. Each Stance true. Until the Katas flowed together.
I bind myself to the blade. Each step blurred into the next.
The blade and I are one.
The speed and precision of the blade seemed impossible. The afterimages of the blade danced around him. Three…four…
I will not abandon the blade.
silver arcs floating in the air at a time. The blade does not kill. I kill.
To abandon the blade is to abandon myself.
The blade does not kill. I kill. And, suddenly the Pupil was still. The sword held out in front of him. The angle perfect. Sweat dripped off his nose and
Each swing is my breath. Chin. There in the silence, the sword floated. Reluctantly, he found himself again. He and the sword separated. He felt
Each death brings life. hollow—unalive. He sheathed the sword, and in so doing, felt sheathed himself.

One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.
-Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Playing the Pupil Attack Movement

The Pupil is not a balanced hero. Nothing about him is neutral. The Pupil Movement and being able to move is very important to the Pupil. Movement is conveyed
uses swords. Only. He is a melee centric hero. The Pupil has the ability through ability’s description text or through movement diagrams on the ability cards. The
to take down many targets at once. He may be the best area-of-effect movement of the attack is required; it must be performed to play the attack card.
melee character. He has many cards that attack multiple targets and his
The description movement is usually in one direction and uses the Dash keyword seen
ability to carry an overwhelming number of attack dice into the attack
with other heroes. Simply, move the number of squares required in the direction stated on
allows him to easily hit multiple monster-types. However, these attacks
the card.
tend to move him further and further away from the relative safety of the
other heroes. The Pupil can easily find himself surrounded by foes far The attacks with movement diagrams are a bit trickier. The Pupil must move to the
from friends. Luckily, he is equipped to deal with this. squares with the black outline. If there is a monster present in the square he moves to, he
must attack that target. If there is no monster present, he may attack one of the adjacent
The Pupil is governed by sword Kata. Katas have two natures: the
sword’s movement and the hero’s movement. The sword’s movement
is shown on each card with a line from the Kata diagram. The Pupil’s Diagonal Slash: This movement diagram requires the Pupil to move T T
movement is conveyed through the card’s description or movement diagonally forward to the left, then diagonally forward to the right. T T
diagrams on the ability cards. The movement of the attack is required; it
There are four potential targets for this attack.
must be performed to play the attack card. If the movement cannot be
made due to an obstruction or the edge of a realm tile, the attack cannot Sunset Slash: This movement diagram requires the Pupil to move T T T
be played. diagonally forward to the right, diagonally forward to the left, and finally, T T
orthogonally to the left.
The Pupil’s support cards are strangely effective given the right
circumstances. He has several powerful interrupt cards that make the There are five potential targets for this attack.
Pupil active in hero cycles and darkness cycles.


Learning is setting aside your ego and,

for once, admitting that you don’t have the answer.

Tricky Cards
Announce is a fun card, especially when playing with a group that is active during darkness
cycles. It allows the Pupil to begin a darkness cycle, immediately. The reward for such brashness
is the heroes have a buff to defense and interrupt attacks gain an additional damage.
If used wisely, Announce allows the party to avoid attacks by using the darkness cycle to bring
the monsters into range.
And, the Pupil has many interrupt cards that may be played with Announce.

Clean Blade is a better Sheath Sword. It reduces the Pupil’s threat to zero while resetting the
SWORDS Kata. When played at the end of any attack string the Pupil can easily gain as much threat as he
wants, then reduce it to zero.
The Pupil can only use swords. Use the item’s art and name to
determine if the weapon is a sword. If it doesn’t look like a sword, A SWORDSWORN’S WILL
then it probably isn’t. If it has the name “sword” in the title, then it is a This card isn’t complicated but can be misinterpreted. A Swordsworn’s Will is an interrupt card,
but the affect applies to the next card played regardless of which cycle the card is played in or
sword regardless of appearance. how much AP the card costs.
If the Pupil decided to play a zero AP card after A Swordsworn’s Will, he is wasting the bonus. It
If the sword requires two hands, the Pupil receives an additional 1 a does not carry over to the next card played with an AP cost.
and 1 b to all Attacks.

The Pupil power flows through his understanding of Kata. The Attacks that are not the same The Kata diagram is supported through the names given to the
sword’s movement through a target is visualized by the Kata or adjacent attack plane as the Pupil’s attacks: Cuts are vertical attacks, Slices are horizontal, and
diagram. The Kata diagram is made up of four lines that all previous attack cannot be played Slashes are diagonal.
intersect in the middle. Each line represents an attack plane unless the Pupil sheath’s his EXAMPLE 1
of a sword strike. Attack planes flow in either directions. sword. This allows him to start a
new attack string and play attacks
Attacks may be played if the sword is sheathed before the
in hand that may not be able to
card is played, the attack is coming back along the same
be played.
plane as the previous attack, or the attack is using an Start + Diagonal Slash + Diagonal Slash + Horizontal Slice
adjacent attack plane. Each attack that uses an adjacent The Kata bonus is awarded based (+1
a ) (+1
a ) (+2
attack plane as the previous attack, receives a Kata bonus. off the attacks only. The Kata
The Kata bonus is an additional 1 ato Attacks and it bonus and the potential to earn the
stacks. The Kata bonus continues to stack making each Kata bonus carries over from cycle
attack that flows form the Kata more and more powerful. to cycle until it is reset by sheathing
If the Pupil can string multiple attacks together that use the sword or the realm tile is clear.
adjacent attack planes, his attack dice pool becomes Clearing a realm tile automatically Start + Diagonal Slash + Horizontal Slice + Diagonal Slash

overwhelming against even the toughest foes. sheaths the Pupil’s sword.
a ) (+2
a ) (+1

Card Synergy
Drawing the Blade is the best way to start any Kata. It The Outcome is Decided is a nice card all by itself. The Pupil is as effective in the darkness cycle as he is in the hero cycle. After
is the only attack card that does not require the Pupil But, it has a designed synergy with Announce. If being damaged by an enemy attack, the Pupil is ready for this combo. Bladed
to move. It costs zero AP. Any directional attack may be The Outcome is Decided is played after Announce, allows the Pupil to move two squares to setup Eventide Slice to do extra
used after it is played and that attack will receive a Kata then minions and captains must pass a courage damage. A Swordsworn’s Will bring the cost of Eventide Slice to zero AP.
bonus. The Pupil doesn’t have to waste time building to test or they cannot move. Finally, Eventide Slice is a very powerful AoE interrupt card, attacking all
a Kata bonus. Saving these cards to be played together allows the targets in a five square diagonal line. The Pupil could potentially attack five
It cannot be played in the middle of a series of Kata attack. players unprecedented control over a darkness cycle. targets for two damage.

Journeyman Hero Class

Mailce Pool: 4

7 5 +3
a, +1 b

Playing the Sifu

As the Monk advances to Sifu, his melee and Chi abilities are brought into
Harmony. Chi makes every attack more powerful. The Sifu is a very strong
single-target damage dealer. The hardest part is waiting to modify the hero deck.
Whenever possible choose to alter Sifu cards into the player deck. Sifu is held
back for a short time after gaining the journeyman rank because it takes a while to
rotate the unused Stances out for new card, but the choices are easy to make.

With so many Stance changes unnecessary, the Sifu concentrates on his attacks
and making the best combos available. He becomes easier to play but more
difficult to control. Threat becomes extremely difficult to manage as the Sifu is able
to go from nothing to high threat easily.

Unless the Sifu is running with a party that utilizes Malice, it may be best to stay in
the Six Harmonies and keep the Harmony fist weapons dual wielded. The number
of attack dice and bonuses is overwhelming.

Sifu rank brings two new Stances: Six
Harmonies and Drunken Fist. Both Stances are Early Upgrades
powerful. Unlike the Stances with the Monk,
the journeyman Stances are not as connected.
Without a doubt, the first card that should be added to a Sifu deck is Six Harmonies.
Six Harmonies brings all the novice Stances Exchange this card with a Plum Blossom card. It is an Iron Skin, Tiger Fist, and Plum Yes

together. The Iron, Tiger, and Blossom Blossom card rolled into one. This single card allows you to use any cards with the Iron,
Tiger, Blossom, or Harmony keywords.
keywords are all covered under the Six

Playing and exchanging Stances for the Sifu is based around threat reduction. Keeping Six Chi 2, Combo, Ongoing, Stance
Harmonies Stance. Through the Harmony, the Allows you to use abilities with the

Harmonies on The Beginning of Harmony card frees up a full four action slots for action Yes keywords Blossom, Harmony, Iron,
and Tiger. In addition, any attacks

Sifu becomes a much more viable healer and cards and the Sifu’s attack combos.
using these keywords gain +2 .

has better party buffs.


Suddenly, everything clicks for the Sifu player. Any card from the novice deck or
journeyman deck can be played under the Six Harmonies card until a Drunken Fist card
Drunken Fist is a Malice Stance. If the Sifu’s is added. Monk Journeyman Sifu Deck.indd 9 12/7/17 10:08 AM

party has a strong Malice element, Drunken

Fist is a dangerous darkness cycle Stance. The PATH OF THE MASTER
Path of the Master
Drunken cards are limited but powerful. When The second card that should be added to a Sifu deck is Path of the Master. This card is
they are finally added to the Sifu’s journeyman a monster—a boss killer card. Assuming the Sifu has The Beginning of Harmony in play Yes

with the Six Harmonies Stance stacked on it, the Sifu is guaranteed six damage to a
hero deck, very few monsters can withstand single target with the Critical keyword. +1 b
the Sifu’s wrath. Damage: 3, Range: 1

With relative ease, the Sifu is able to generate enough Chi to raise the damage to eight Attack, Combo, Critical, Harmony
Attack 1 target within range. Increase

or higher. +1 b damage by 1 for each Chi in play. If

at least 1 result is Nature, the
number of successes needed to hit the
target is reduced by 1 (min. 1)
With the overall strength of monsters increasing as a hero advances to journeyman and Yes

higher, it is important to be able to remove a dangerous monster from the realm tile
quickly. Agents and commanders should be the first target for a Sifu in Harmony with Path
of the Master in hand. Monk Journeyman Sifu Deck.indd 8 12/7/17 10:08 AM

Journeyman Hero Class


7 4


a, +2 b +1

the Edge
Playing the Edge is like playing
the Pupil. He functions the same.
Nothing changes in concept or form. He is better at everything and able to maintain the Kata
bonus much easier with the addition of a few cards.

The biggest problem with the Edge is the plethora of cards the Edge needs. Upgrading is
torturous. He has too many good cards.

The Edge must shift his thinking. It is more easy than ever to keep the Kata bonus so he doesn’t
need to sheath his sword and redraw nearly as much. Sheathing the Edge’s sword becomes
necessary for threat reduction but little else.

As mentioned above, nothing really changes
for the Edge except his ability to defeat more Early Upgrades
enemies and thus generate greater threat.
While play remains the same, the Edge player
MASTERING THE KATA Mastering the Kata
Mastering the Kata makes it very easy to maintain a Kata bonus. Exchange it with the
finds themselves constantly worrying about
Pupil’s Sheath Sword card; it becomes less necessary. The standard Pupil attacks are
threat reduction. The other members of his

still very good when constantly carrying a Kata bonus over to the next attack.
party find themselves constantly worrying The ability to alter the Kata position of an attack allows the Edge to keep the Kata bonus
about threat penalties. Find swords that help stacking over several hero cycles. Attack dice pools become obscenely large. This is You may change the Kata position
of your next Attack up or down by

reduce threat. Use The Chosen Few title to important as the Edge will be fighting on realm tiles with multiple monster-types and 1 degree. Your next Attack gains
+3 .

monsters that need multiple successes to harm.

ignore threat from killing minions. Yes

The Pupil is not the best large monster killer THE EASY WAY
and the Edge is no different. The difference an This card is the same as the Soldier’s. It is an extremely powerful card and should be Dark Frontier KS Swordsworn-FIX!.indd 31 8/23/17 9:27 PM

used every time it enters the player’s hand. It allows the Edge to search his draw pile and
Edge makes is subtle. He provides a passive
add one card to his hand. It also provides a much-needed non-combat action bonus.
bonus to his party: they can concentrate on the
With the Edge, The Easy Way can be used to find and retrieve the necessary attack card
larger monsters and lairs, because a good Edge to continue a Kata bonus or reduce threat. Once added, Mirror the Movement becomes
can take care of all the minions and captains the go-to retrieval for The Easy Way. Mirror the Movement

by himself.

Mirror the Movement should be the third card upgraded in an Edge deck. With Mirror the
Movement, he is able to alter an attack to be either an action or reaction. This allows the
Edge to effectively play two action cards. You may change your next Attack
to either an action or reaction. That
Attack gains +1 damage.

The world opens up. Entire realm tiles of minions fall to his sword.

Dark Frontier KS Swordsworn-FIX!.indd 32 8/23/17 9:27 PM

Hero Class

Ready 1 Ingredient
Cracked Beaker, Illegible Recipes, Dissect, Dwarven Fortitude, Gnashing Teeth,
4 6 +1
a, +1 b Adventurer’s Gear Kelemite Shard, MoM’s Grog

he needed H.E.L.P. The Hero Eject Launchy Pad had been overrun, but she was sure she could get there. Dwarves were
not the fastest of the bi-pedal races. Luckily, they never tired and were often overlooked. She left her
But first, she had to grab some fixins. She
laboratory through the window. Stepping through the melee on the heads of several heroes and the
grabbed a handful of Grubber ears, some Sycl
attacking Tailless before dropping down into the blood and guts of the fallen. She snatched up three
spore, and a bit of Shambler bone dust. She
Tailless teeth as she hustled through the underbelly of the battle. She placed the teeth in the nearly-
could acquire the Tailless teeth on the way
finished Gnashing Teeth potions. She hoped the running would complete the mixing, but not overdo
to the Pad. Scuttling over the table, she snatched up a swirling
it…she wasn’t interested in becoming a casualty of her own alchemy.
yellow potion; she needed all the luck she could mix. She downed
it in one pull. The moment she landed on the H.E.L.P., she was flung upward. She attempted to spiral as she was
lifted in the air, but it turned into a full-on yard sale. A head-over-heels, cattywampas tumble. When
Into the empty bottle, she added a touch of water, placed the
she could see nothing but Tailless and Rath below her, she pulled the bandolier’s stringer. The potions
bone dust, and Sycl spore. She immediately stoppered the bottle
flew out from her in numerous, random directions. Finally, the safety chute the Trickster built into the
and shook the mixture vigorously thirteen times, then swirled
bandolier triggered.
it counter-clockwise four. She held it up to the light. The color
shifted from a gray-brown to a husky purple. Grabbing up smaller Up and down righted itself. Below her the potions began to explode. Gnashing Teeth shredded dozens
bottles, she separated the Abyssal Draught into four ready-to- of Tailless with each flash—a taste of their own nasty teeth. The Abyssal Draught detonations were loud
throw potions. These she slipped into the bandolier she carried and full of violence. Heat from the explosions lifted her chute, pushing her higher and back towards
next to the almost complete Gnashing Teeth concoctions. She home. Above all the carnage she floated. The charge was broken. The Tailless were already being routed.
strapped the bandolier across her shoulder and adjusted it so she
could grab the pull ripcord easily.

I guess you could call it a “failure”, but I prefer the term “learning experience”.
-Weir, The Martian

Playing the Alchemist Ingredients

The Alchemist is similar to the Trickster. She has everything she needs to be effective A specific combination of Minion Ingredient
right away. Upgraded gear helps her with Build and Potency, but doesn’t change what Ingredients is required before Crawler Crawler Eye
she is doing. Her real strength comes from using the monsters she is fighting. a potion card may be played. Grubber Grubber Ear
There are many different types
The Alchemist uses Ingredients to make all types of potions. The method is what Elemental Kelemite Shard
of Ingredients. All Ingredients
sets her apart. Ingredients are used like the Trickster uses parts. She must have the Shambler Shambler Bone Dust
derived from different
right Ingredient cards in play to Build the potion. However, she can supplement her Goople Sticky Goo
minion monsters.
Ingredients by dissecting the monsters present on the realm tile. This allows her to Sycline Sycl Spore
have a ready supply of a particular type of Ingredient. A list of minions and their Tailless Tailless Teeth
equivalent Ingredient is provided Fireborne Fireborne Sulfur
Making a potion is a two-step process. When an Alchemist needs to Build a potion, she
here. This list covers all novice
must first see if she has all the required Ingredients. If she has all the Ingredients, Naga Naga Hide
and journeyman Ingredients.
she may attempt to Build the potion using Focus. If the Build is successful, she needs Okian Okian Tail
to check the Potency using the Relic. Focus and Relic items may be equipped in either Snappa Snappa Scales
the primary or the secondary slots, regardless of slot icon. Razorfiendling Razorfiendling Quill

The Alchemist can make all the standard potions, which makes her an amazing healer
and party-buff character. However, she also has a few potions only an Alchemist has
access to. These highly volatile potions represent her attacks and are quite formidable.


Whether dealing with biology or

chemical concoctions, life is about chemistry.

Tricky Cards
Dissect is a very important card to the Alchemist. When a minion is defeated, the Alchemist
may play a Dissect card and place a defeated minion on it. The Alchemist does not need to kill
the minion. A party member or ally’s kill may be used. Multiple Dissect cards may be played if
multiple minions were defeated. The Alchemist may store the same or different monster-types.
Stored minions cannot be removed unless the Ingredient is used to Build a potion. If a spawn
requires placement of a monster-type and the group runs out of minions, the penalty on page 19
applies so don’t get the party in trouble. Use the monsters on the Dissect cards. The Alchemist’s
job is to make potions.
Only one minion can be on a Dissect card at a time. The Alchemist has two Dissect cards. Dissect
cards are Ongoing if they have an monster on them. When the monster is used as an Ingredient
to Build a potion, the Dissect card is cleared.
The minion represents an Ingredient that would be extracted per the Ingredient table.

BUILD The Shortcut card allows the Alchemist to Build a potion with one less Ingredient. It doesn’t
matter what that Ingredient is or even if the Ingredient card is part of in the Alchemist’s deck
To make any potion, the Alchemist is required to pass a Build check. at the time.
The target number for the Build check is the number following the If she has the rest of the Ingredients to make a potion, then Shortcut allows her to Build it.
Build keyword. Roll the attack dice of the Focus item equipped to However, potions built using the Shortcut card cannot gain any Potency effect bonuses.

check against the Build TN listed on the potion card. If the result is Shortcut is a powerful card because it allows a potion to be built very easily. It is especially useful
with Dissect and a potion that uses the Ingredient of the monster the Alchemist is
equal to or higher, than the potion is created. Place the correct potion
currently fighting.
token in her inventory.
Just remember, when the Alchemist uses the Shortcut card, the potion made does not get any
Abilities and party buffs that provide extra attack dice and rerolls may Potency bonuses. If you want or need a Potency bonus on the potion being built, don’t
use Shortcut.
be used for either the Build check or the Potency check, but not both.

Potency Storing & Throwing Potions

After a potion is built, the Alchemist may roll to increase its Potency. A potion can be stored, used, or thrown and caught by other heroes. The Alchemist nor other
The target number for a Potency check is the number following the heroes are limited to the number of potions they may store.
Potency keyword, just like the Build number. Roll the attack dice of the
Attack potions are thrown within range and automatically hit in the square designated by the
Relic equipped to check against the Potency TN listed on the potion
Alchemist. Attack potions cannot be thrown to or given to other heroes.
card. If successful, refer to the potion card for the bonus potency affect.
Bonus potency affects are extremely valuable. Non-attack potions can be thrown to or given to other heroes to store or use as they see
fit. The range stat on each potion card is the maximum range the Alchemist can throw the
Abilities and party buffs that provide extra attack dice and rerolls may
potion. A hero at range must catch a thrown potion by succeeding at a non-combat action at
be used for either the Build check or the Potency check, but not both.
target number three. If the potion is not caught, it is lost. Potions given to heroes adjacent to
the Alchemist are not thrown and cannot be lost.

Card Synergy
This synergy is invaluable to the Alchemist’s party. The Alchemist can make several potions that provide bonuses to the party. These potions tend to have two Ingredients and are easy to make
with the right monsters.
With one of the minions needed on a Dissect card, simply play the Shortcut card and make the Build roll.
Abyssal Draught, Anti-Venom Potion, Focus Potion, Lucky Potion, Shadow Potion, Vitality Potion, and Volatile Mixture can all be made with the Shortcut card in play and one Ingredient. These
potions are all very good potions that the Alchemist can churn out in high numbers with the right monsters on Dissect cards.

Journeyman Hero Class

Ready 2 Ingredients

5 5 +1
a, +2 b

Playing the Mixologist

The Mixologist plays much like her predecessor; there are no major
changes. She is more powerful. Her ability to generate more powerful
potions is actually easier. Unlike some of the other hero classes, the
Mixologist can never really escape the need of her novice cards.

A couple of the most powerful potions available to the Mixologist

are generated by modifying existing potions. If the potion has been
made and is being stored, then the only thing she needs to Build the
potion is one Ingredient.

The Shortcut card becomes even more important to her. If the Mixologist
keeps a good supply of her novice rank potions, then her more powerful
journeyman potions are just one Shortcut card away from being built.

As the Mixologist is able add the journeyman ingredients into her deck,
her ability to generate potions must be focused. Does her party need her
damage? Or does it need her healing and buff potions? She cannot make the
same amount of both types; she must choose where to specialize.

The biggest change are the potions made from Early Upgrades
other potions. Cup of the Revenant, Nosferatu’s All the early upgrades suggested here are potions that can be created with a potion and
Call, and Urulok’s Kiss are all generated by the Shortcut card. This allows the Mixologist to make a very powerful potion with ease.
using one Ingredient with a preexisting potion. As she progresses through the journeyman rank she can add the Ingredients to make
more of these potions.
Two of those are extremely powerful attacks;
By this time, the Mixologist should know what types of potions her party needs so she
the other is a resurrect. Pretty high-level stuff.
can exchange potions and Ingredients for potions that are not necessary.
The potions used can be potions acquired by a
Nosferatu’s Call
white treasure deck draw or ones purchased NOSFERATU’S CALL
from a merchant. Having another hero that can resurrect is powerful. It is built using a Vitality potion and -2 Potency

one other Ingredient. The Vitality potion can be one the Mixologist made, one drawn
Because she uses both Relics and Focus, it is from the white treasure deck, or one bought from a merchant. -1 Potency
Range: 24

important to keep her gear updated. Build and Build 5, Heal, Potency 10, Potion


Requires Vitality Potion and Okian Tail.
-1 Potency You gain 4 Threat. Restore 1 defeated

Potency checks for the journeyman potions are TN hero to 1 Vitality. Potency = Restore 1
defeated hero to 6 Vitality.

more difficult. Cup of the Revenant is nice and effective high damage-over-time potion. It is made with
the Abyssal Draught and Fireborne Sulfur. It can be made with Shortcut and has the
Concentrate on adding potions that are potential to do up to nine damage over four refresh phases.
Alchemist Journeyman Mixologist Deck.indd 5 12/7/17 10:14 AM

effective with Shortcut before adding

URULOK’S KISS Urulok’s Kiss
Ingredients. It helps the Mixologist adapt
Urulok’s Kiss uses any potion available to the Mixologist and one other Ingredient—
better to the rigors of journeyman Snappa Scales. With Shortcut, any potion in the Mixologist’s arsenal becomes one of -1 Build

rank monsters. the most powerful area-of-effect attacks in the game. Unfortunately, if the potion is built
using Shortcut, the Potency bonus cannot be applied. Yes

3, Range:
4 2

Attack, Build 5, Potency 8, Potion

Requires any potion and
Yes Snappa Scales. Attack 1
target within range affecting T
targets as shown. Potency =
Zero Threat from this attack.


Alchemist Journeyman Mixologist Deck.indd 10 12/7/17 11:04 AM

Journeyman Hero Class

Personal Allies
Heroes have many abilities they can call on in the heat of battle to defeat their foes. Some of these abilities allow them to call for the aid of an Ally through the playing
of a hero card. These Allies are exceptional, as they can only be controlled by the hero who plays them, unlike an Ally that is summoned by the Heroes through the use
of Serendipity or accompanied during a Quest or Module. The following list of Allies is what is currently available in Myth and Myth: Journeyman. Detailing what hero the
Ally belongs to, their stats, and a deeper look into how these Allies function.

Elder Razorfiendlings
Owned by: Spriggan Owned by: Warden

7 0 +2 3 -1 1 2 4 - 1 -1 1

The Elder is the only Ally available at Novice. This Ally Each of these Allies can attack 1 adjacent target once at
can attack two different targets once, inflicting 3 damage -1 to the enemy’s TN for 1 damage if successful.
on each success. Enemy TN’s are also considered to be
When these Allies are summoned 2 are placed
1 less when receiving attacks from the Elder, making it
adjacent to the Warden. Razorfiendlings are fast moving
easier for them to strike down their foes.
and relatively weak. However, the Razorfiendlings
Even though the Elder cannot move it makes up for this automatically inflict 1 damage to any enemy that
by having the largest vitality of any Ally, great defense, successfully attacks them. This is especially useful when
and large range for its attacks. facing off against enemies with exceptionally high TN’s.

Forgotten Soul Stalker

Owned by: Necromancer Owned by: Necromancer

2 2 -1 2 +1 1 3 4 +1 3 -2 2

Each of these Allies can attack 1 adjacent target once at The Soul Stalker is the most powerful Ally available to
+1 to the enemy’s TN for 1 damage if successful. the Necromancer. This Ally attacks two separate targets
twice at -2 to the enemy’s TN for 2 damage if successful.
Forgotten are slow moving, weak, and not great at
attacking enemies. If this card is in play the Forgotten Soul Stalkers have good defense, exceptional movement,
will keep getting summoned at the start of each Hero and a decent vitality. Additionally, for each damage
Cycle. A maximum of 3 Forgotten can be active at one the Soul Stalker inflicts, the Necromancer is healed an
time. Each time one is defeated another takes its place. equal amount. Keeping this Ally active and alive on the
Eventually overwhelming most enemies. battlefield insures victory for the Necromancer.

Riftstalker EVE
Owned by: Ranger Owned by: Tinker

4 5 +1 3 4 1 +1 5 3 +3 4 4 1

The Riftstalker can attack 1 adjacent target once at EVE can attack 1 adjacent target once for 3 damage if
+1 to the enemy’s TN for 1 damage if successful. successful. Additionally, EVE rolls 4 fate dice to trigger
Additionally, the Riftstalker rolls 4 fate dice to trigger unlocked fate dice abilities from the Absorb skill.
their Pounce fate die ability.
The toughest of the Allies, EVE’s defense is unparalleled.
Even though the Riftstalker has exceptional stats, this EVE gains access to the fate die abilities of Traps it
Ally’s strength and abilities can be vastly improved if the Absorbs. The Traps from these fate die abilities use
Ranger plays Command cards on them. These cards are EVE’s dice pool to attack, making them much stronger
essential for unlocking the full potential of this Ally. than normal Traps built by the Tinker.

CRAWLERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 GOOPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 YARDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
STALKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 DOPPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 ETRUS THE LAST . . . . . . . . . 152
KOLGALUTH . . . . . . . . . . . 120 BLOBULUS . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CONNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
TERROR WITH 1000 LEGS . . . . 121 DEVOURER . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 KEESI & OG . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
RAZORFIEND . . . . . . . . . . . 154
GRUBBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 T1CK-T0CK . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 EUMELIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
MUCKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 KN1GHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 X-3ONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
ELDER MATTAKA . . . . . . . . . 122 MECHA-REX . . . . . . . . . . . 138 MEDUSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
RAGOG THE FIERCE . . . . . . . . 158
UNHOLY NAGA THE TRIBUNAL . . . . . . . . . . 159
SHAMBLERS . . . . . . . . . . . 124 GEKTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 GELATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
SOULLESS . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 LATARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
NOSFERATU . . . . . . . . . . . 124 JADE KNIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . 140 AGENTS
BONES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 SLA-YG’NOTH . . . . . . . . . . 141 STVLN THE LEASH . . . . . . . . 160
TALSIA XA’NDRIA . . . . . . . . . 161
RODENT HUMAN KELISH THE MARK . . . . . . . . 162
TAILLESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 THIEVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 INQUISITOR ALGER . . . . . . . . 162
RATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 BLADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 TRAITEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
KRAVEN (BLIND SCIOL) . . . . . . 126 WHISPERER . . . . . . . . . . . 142 AVATAR OF WINTER . . . . . . . . 164
THE RAT KING . . . . . . . . . . 127 ROLAND THE HAND . . . . . . . . 143 AVATAR OF SHADOW . . . . . . . 164
DONNCHADH . . . . . . . . . . . 165
SYCLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 FIREBORNE . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 ALLIES
SYCLEECH . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 TORMENTOR . . . . . . . . . . . 144 SIR ARCHERON . . . . . . . . . . 166
SYCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 SEDUCTRESS . . . . . . . . . . . 144 MARCUS THE READY . . . . . . . 166
SYCLOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 TERAXAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 SARAH THE MYSTIC . . . . . . . . 167
FATHER JOSH . . . . . . . . . . . 168
IATHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 RAZORFIENDLING . . . . . . . . . 146 EVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
IAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 DRAGONSCALE KNIGHTS . . . . . 146 TORCHBEARER . . . . . . . . . . 169
KRETION (IANUM) . . . . . . . . . 130 DRAGONSINGER . . . . . . . . . 146 ALANINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
IA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 URULOK THE YOUNG . . . . . . . 147 RIFT STALKER . . . . . . . . . . 170
CYRDDIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
OKIAN UNHOLY VARIANT BOBBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
OKIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 INFECTED . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 ELDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
ANOKIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 RISEN HURANII . . . . . . . . . . 148 SIR RODERICK BLACKSTONE . . . 173
ALUKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 ANCIENT HURANII . . . . . . . . . 148
ANUNKARA, KEEPER OF THE DEAD 133 SAEKOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 WORLD BOSSES
KRAKEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
REPTILE WEREWOLVES NOSFERATU . . . . . . . . . . . 175
SNAPPAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 WEREWOLVES . . . . . . . . . . 150 SISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
CRUNCH’R . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 THE COLLECTOR . . . . . . . . . 176
GAT’R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 HRIMCÆLD . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
ALLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 URULOK THE ANCIENT . . . . . . 180
WORLD EATER . . . . . . . . . . 182
THE DARKNESS . . . . . . . . . 184–

The Crawler stops, sniffing the air to pick up the
chemical trail. The scouts have laid down a clear path
for them to follow, up and out of the new hive. With
a group of its fellows, the Crawler instinctually follows
the trail. At its end it knows it will find food to bring
back to the nest. Being in front, it hears the sound
before the others and stops. Many legs come to a halt
as they hear it too. The trail is still strong in front of it,
but something else has entered the area, something that
doesn’t belong.

Hearing the hiss of the Crawlers, the Stalker quickly scuttles out of the low, dark
crevice it claimed in the wall of the new hive. Intruders! Though the torchlight
they carry is nearly blinding, it instinctually hugs the shadows near the wall,
coming up behind the group. The Stalker strikes, its sharp barb injecting
venom into its prey, who quickly falls to the ground. Food for later. A second
intruder falls, as a pair of Crawlers attack. The Stalker surges forward, catching
a limb in its pedipalp and snipping it off, ending the incursion. The last of the
torchlight sputters out on the ground and the Stalker assesses the breach. The Crawlers have
already started to retrieve the food, taking it back to the hive. Claiming the intruder lying
paralyzed and prone by its venom, the Stalker drags it back to its crevice, paying no attention
to its terrified mewling. Just reward for defending the hive.

She feels the tension in her web change as something pushes through
the corridor. Like any good hunter, she waits. When they enter the
chamber, their firelight never reaches upward far enough to illuminate
her long legs, her flat eyes. She watches them cautiously examine the room,
unearthing the remnants of past hunts from her webs. She doesn’t understand their
fascination with the metal pieces they collect. She savored all the valuable soft bits long
ago. As they push deeper into the chamber, she sees opportunity.

Swiftly she drops, grabbing her prey before retreating up the web. A quick
bite from her mandibles silences it. Not quickly enough, however, and the
group is alerted to her presence. They look around, weapons drawn, but
they do not see her. She waits for her chance and leaps from the shadows,
pinning one of them to the stone floor with her weight as she turns and
snaps at another. Though she barely caught him, she knows her poison will
do its work. She finishes the one beneath her as the last remaining figure
slams its sword into one of her eyes. She hisses in pain and flings the creature
at the nest of webbing. The more the prey struggles, the harder her webs bind and hold. He is helpless to move as she
scuttles toward him. She will take the most savory bits from the others, but this one, this one she will save for later.


Terror with 1000 Legs

While the outsiders give her another name, here she is simply Queen. She hears They tried to mount a defense, but were unprepared for such as her.
the hive all around her, as they come and go on their appointed tasks, and she
Though her hive slew the attackers, her brood was much depleted, the nest too
is pleased. Her scouts lay down new trails for her children to follow, bringing
damaged and empty for the hive to thrive, so she moved them here. The strong
back sustenance for the hive. Others tend the pupae as her brood grows,
stone walls and the high ground made it an excellent choice. Only a few man-
making up for those they lost.
things in the way. She looked over at the web-encased forms, undulating with
With something akin to longing, she remembers the ancestral nest. wriggling larvae. She spawned others at a furious rate, each one crawling forth
Generations of her brood called it home, but when the outsiders attacked, they from the nodules nestled between the plates of her carapace, the Queen their
lost much. first sustenance, each one leaving a momentary void, soon filled.

The attackers came in numbers, with steel and fire, too many for her children Her contentment is interrupted as she scents the change in the hive. She rises
to fend off. They surged through the tunnels, and though many of them met up on her thick tail, her many small legs quivering in alarm. Not again! The
their end there, still more poured in, as devastating as any flood. Though her hive is under attack! She can smell them now, beyond the anger and fear her
brood fought them at every turn, eventually a group found the center of the brood emit—intruders! The hive must be protected!
hive, the pupae arranged in clusters, helpless and unknowing.
Her Crawlers and Stalkers protest when she prepares
Thinking they had won, the outsiders hurried to finish the job but they did to leave her chamber. Their purpose is to protect
not expect her. She rarely found the need to engage in battle herself; her her, protect the nest. Her anger overrules
brood were very protective. But that did not mean she wasn’t more them and they back down, submissive. The
than capable. hive may not yet be at full strength, but she
will protect her brood.
Quickly she acted, striking the first intruder with her foreleg,
pinning him to the ground as she bent over him.
Her larvae sensed the warm blood and quickly
slithered over to him, their round,
hungry little mouths quickly
latching on to his flesh. She
downed another before
the intruders recovered.

...she will protect

her brood.

“Shoulda been easy pickings,” complained the Grubber as
he dived behind the low garden wall. He looked over at his
companion who grunted in agreement as a crossbow bolt
narrowly missed them. Grab some grub, maybe a shiny or
two on the way to the muster, good plan. Humans shouldn’t
have been work.

Huddled behind the wall, unwilling to give up their

potential swag, the first Grubber said, “New plan. We flank
‘em. Come in from behind, smash their heads.”

His companion replied, “Sure, sure, good plan.” With a nod

he indicated the onrushing Mucker and continued, “But I
don’t think we need a plan no more.”

Stupid, useless Grubbers, thought the Mucker. They had orders. No stopping, no
raiding, nothing on the way to the muster, but the days of inaction had made him
itch. He’d clobber the two idiots later.

Sparing a low growl for the two Grubbers, he leaped the wall and pounded toward
the house. A bolt lodged in his shoulder but without breaking stride he pulled it
out and flung it to the ground. In another instant he was through the door. With a
quick swing he erased the look of horror on the male and turned to face the human
with the crossbow. Pup held her ground, he’d give her that. Before she could reload
he’d snapped the weapon in two, sending her sprawling in a spray of blood and
bone. Disappointed at seeing no other opposition, he grabbed the lamb shank from
the table and walked out as the rest of the band swarmed in.

Elder Mattaka
Elder Mattaka, of the Broken Bear tribe, looked down at the fearful Grubber
bowed low before him. The others stood silent, no shifting of weapons nor
shuffling of feet here. The tribute rite demanded respect.

Quickly, Mattaka knocked the Grubber and his scant offering down the steps.
“Who is it you mean to offer those pitiful scraps to?” The Grubber trembled, but dared not
rise as the shaman continued, “Some small god, some forest spirit perhaps?” He looked down at
the now-scattered offering. “Surely you did not think this worthy of Anunkara? Surely you did

not expect these paltry trinkets to honor the Keeper?” The Grubber remained prone as Mattaka
continued, “This insult must be corrected.” He tapped his staff, thinking. “Perhaps if you
offered yourself. Do you give yourself to him? Are you ready to serve him as we all do?”

Seeing salvation, the Grubber quickly answered, “Yes, yes, Elder. I will serve! I am his!”

Mattaka smiled, his canines curved against his cheeks as he laid his hand on the Grubber’s
shoulder. “The Keeper accepts your gift.” With a quick movement, he pushed the ceremonial
knife through the Grubber’s throat, his grip remaining tight on the offering’s shoulder until the
struggling ceased. Letting the body slump to the ground, he turned to the others waiting with
their trinkets, with their fear. Anunkara demanded much.


Orcneas, Master of Masters

Orcneas, Master of Masters, rose from a
troubled sleep. Casting the furs aside, he
snarled at the Grubber waiting nearby
with drink, who quickly backed
out of the room. He grabbed the
It is time to move, and we move together.
roughspun trousers from the
bed post, followed by pulling
the large hide shirt over his
scarred shoulders. Though
the lordly bed sufficed, the
narrow-cut, flowing silk garments of the
lord whose keep he claimed were not
suited to such as him.

Though the Darkness often whispered

to him, it was only in his dreams
that it spoke, full-voiced, teaching
him, guiding him. Making him
more than what he was. The
young warchief he had been
would have scoffed at the idea
of strength, of power, beyond his
own hands, his own weapons. But Orcneas
was older, and wiser, now. He walked down
the steps, without arms, armor, or guards, to
the larger chamber at the end. There were none
foolish enough to challenge him now.

His servants had laid out a feast with which to break his
fast. He claimed the head seat, kicking the wide chair out.
The lord had been an ample man, but even so, Orcneas
heard the wood strain as he settled his muscular bulk
into the chair and began eating.

He could smell the shaman before he announced

himself, seeking audience. No advantage to keeping the
old one waiting.


With a brief nod to obeisance, Elder Mattaka drew out a

chair and sat next to his warchief. Though Orcneas’ sharp When Orcneas didn’t reply, Mattaka continued, “They’re spoiling for fight. Let me send a few
eyes could see the weakness in the shaman’s gait, in the way raiding parties out, take the edge off.”
he settled himself into the chair, the Elder still took pains “No.” Orcneas bit off a thick piece of the horse shank, his large teeth making short work of it.
to hide it. He knew the Elder had a point; supplies were running low and his army grew impatient. They
Orcneas was satisfied. The Elder was useful, were accustomed to their old warchiefs giving them free rein to raid. Inaction was an enemy.
unlike so many of his brethren who could Many of the chiefs had wielded strength. Could have been useful, but culling them was
not see the new way. Like children, they and necessary. He looked up at the warchief ’s banners, broken and bloody, that hung underneath
their warchiefs pushed and fought and killed his own. Never before had their kind united. Never before had a warchief had the power to
for dominance, all to determine who had the hold more than a single tribe together. But he did.
rights to what scraps. Once, Orcneas too, hewed to
this way of life, knowing no other. With an axe in each Orcneas looked out of the keep window. Fires dotted the landscape in the pre-dawn light, for
hand he hacked his way to loot and glory. Until he learned as far as he could see. The greatest force of Grubbers the world had ever known. “No, no more
another way. paltry raids.” Quieter, as if to himself, he muttered, “We are meant for more.” To the Elder he
continued, “Send the word to break camp. It is time to move, and we move together.”
Mattaka interrupted his thoughts, “The boys grow restless.”

Her name used to be Katie. It was all she
could remember… Now she was tied to
white-washed bones, aware yet without
anima. Unable to act on her own thoughts,
a puppet of an unknown master. Nothing
more. A possession, possessing shambling
houses of bone and malice…along with a host
of brothers and sisters. A massive army of
mindless, slow-moving monsters. Plucked
from the solitude of the void and made
to dance. Always returning. And with each
resurrection, she remembered less of her life.
A long, slow fade into blackness.

He was beloved of Bones. A Darkness peddler, gifted
in the art of necromancy. Long ago he worshipped
death and sought after the Darkness like a lover. His
reward was this glorious afterlife. A puppet master
for the once-living. Now they all bowed. He always
knew they would. He was a tool of hate to strike fear
into fools who fought against the dying of the Light,
clinging to light like children. He realized long ago
the only real truth was waiting for him in the cold
embrace of the ground.

He knew something already dead could feel fear. He was reminded every time he limped
through them; he could smell it. The animated bones of a thousand creatures parted
around him. Surrounding him in a buffer of awe and fear. Everything feared him, even
those who would command him... He stared at the enormous skeleton in front of him.
It was carried by a palanquin of the lesser.  

It had no elegance. It was a politician. The undead followed because It looked powerful and
promised them what they sought—life. Well, he was not seeking life. He had given that up
long ago.  

He was old. He remembered when the Darkness reached out and touched him. He would walk
with the Darkness. He would walk in the Darkness. He thought he had found a kindred
spirit. He thought he had found someone to share the loneliness of this long existence. But
the Darkness was much more. He remembered the moment he realized what the
Darkness was... He would never forget the fear—the terror.

It didn’t understand true, immortal fear. It had never walked with the Darkness, been shown
the face in the dark and trembled. It confused power with fear. The Shamblers and the Soulless
followed It, but did not fear It. Not like they feared him—the first. Not like they feared Nosferatu.


He was their master. Undisputed. Borne upon the “You will go before me. You are my hands. Where you go, I go. When they see you, they see me. Let
backs of his brethren, all bowed before Bones. But why us be a sign of the end. Let us harbinger a great purging. And from their flesh shall rise my Bones.
shouldn’t they. Had he not won back the Wasteland of With every new child, we build the foundation of paradise!”
the Risen and driven the living back behind their walls?
The host below him clattered and roared their approval. He paused. Their adulation rolled over him.
Had he not brokered a deal with the Darkness and added
In this afterlife, he was worshipped in ways he would never have understood living.
massive numbers to his undead host? Was his name not
mentioned in the same breath as the demons and the He raised his right blade arm. It took a few moments but the host calmed. Now all was silent. Every
Darkness? For now, who is the Darkness on this world, eye was upon him, waiting for his words. Captives in spirit, certainly. But now captives in purpose.
if not him? All but Nosferatu.

“Rise, my apostles. Rise, my friends. All that is living, all The Darkness had tasked Bones with taking Devonshire. But even as he was told, he knew it
that would see you buried; those that breath and corrupt was something he had been contemplating. In fact, the Darkness wasn’t directing him to
this world, they shall be cleansed. That day is this day. And anything he wasn’t already working toward. He wasn’t even sure it was the Darkness that
it is I who will take you there. directed him. He commanded an undead host. Was he not to be feared?

“Flesh isn’t strong. Bone is stronger.

Bone is what makes man great. Look
around at you all. You are what ...from their flesh shall rise my Bones.
made them great and now you
understand real strength. You, my
children, are the answer to all of
their questions.

“Devonshire waits on the other

side of the woods. I have need
of it. We begin the march
tonight. Are you with me?”

As one, the host affirmed

their master.

“Will you be my hands?”

As one, the host affirmed

their master.

“Will you be my feet?”

As one, the host affirmed

their master.

“Will you be my bones?”

As one, the host affirmed

their master.

It had no tail yet. It was not worthy of
such an honor. It was told to go here
and do that, so it did. It did whatever the
king wished, but really it feared Og most. Og enjoyed
hurting them—the ones without tails. The king spoke of a return
to glory, but it had never known anything but the whip and the
tunnels. But it knew they had once been great. It was forbidden to
look at the scratched-out images on the walls of the warrens, but it
would see tails and books and unknown symbols, and it knew those
on the walls had more than it believed possible. Its king would take
it and them back to that place someday…as long as it did as it was
told and believed.

It was still an it. It was a he and had a family name. His family name was
Nharm. He didn’t know as much as he wished, but long ago his family
had given up its name for privilege. Such privilege came at a price. So his
family was allowed more honor and wealth among the many, but he
knew what the Tailless had not...they were all still slaves. His father’s
father was part of the Gloaming. He said it was a great shame upon
the family and the Huranii. That is what his father whispered when he
spoke of the Tailless. He always whispered it. Very few knew that history.
Writing and letters had been lost. Nharm only knew because he knew his
father’s name and the name of his father’s father. He had been told many
times, until the telling had become a memory. Like his people.

Kraven (Blind Sciol)

It was not worthy. Yet, for the king’s grace, it was allowed a name. It
never spoke the name. It was not worthy. It had been selected by the
king for one purpose: to keep those without tails focused on whatever
task the king had given it to give to them. If they were not moving
in the will of the king, then it would select one or two to visit Og.
And so, those without tails listened to it, for through it spoke the

king. It was not worthy. The king had sent it to tell those
without tails that a great awakening was near. That the
king had petitioned the great dark on behalf of his people
and that to them all he would once again bring the blessing
of letters. And with the understanding of letters would come
names for all. It was called Kraven. But it was not worthy. None
were worthy.


The Rat King

The great swimming mass of his family surrounded him— It was the second king of the Huranii, his father, who took their tails. He said it would help
protected him. It was through his family that his power and them understand, they were all the same. He took from them their family names. Within their
strength flowed. Long ago, his family had secured his future. community, none stood above the other. They were all equal. He named them Tailless. His
He would do the same for his; they needed only to listen and father said it was an honor.
take the lessons to heart.
He was the fourth king of the Huranii. He had yet to make his mark on his people, yet he
He had always been small for a Huranii, but he listened and already knew what he was going to do. He was going to give the Tailless back a portion of what
learned. He remembered fighting and wriggling for space they had lost, and in so doing, they would tie themselves to him. They would worship him. He
around his father, the third king of the Huranii, when he would become the first god-king of the Huranii and his family would be gods too.
whispered to him the great secret: knowledge is power. With
He would bring the reading of letters back to them. And they would read that the god-king of
it, the strong are bent low and the normal appear kingly. It
the Tailless was sent to raise them up. He would let them see the murals in the tunnels once
was the reason for the Gloaming. A sword is not feared if the
again, and those murals would show him giving them their names back. In exchange for their
wielder has no knowledge of its use.
names and the reading of letters, they would forever raise his family above them for all time.
The first king had ripped knowledge from the Huranii.
The Tailless had been taught to fight for their kings. The reborn Huranii would learn to die for
Within them, he planted the seed of ignorance and they had
him. They would give up their tails willingly, as a sign of worship. They would learn to sacrifice
become the fo khoma la dee, the ones who have forgotten.
everything for their god.
All members of his family were taught the written word and
the reading of letters. Within a generation, his family had
become special. The knowledge in them was claimed as a
blessing of blood and birthright.
They would give up
their tails willingly...

The entire first phase of the Symbio plant is to create Sycline.
The plant can survive almost anywhere, but it enjoys moderate
temperatures and direct light. It thrives near other plant species.
The Sycline plant outcompetes other species for local resources.
Eventually, it swallows nearby vegetation in vines and leaves. The
flowers smell of raspberries or pomegranate. The vines and flowers
respond to body heat and entangle anyone that ventures too
close. It is then that the true nature of the plant is revealed. A pod
eventually captures the head and the “leech” portion of the plant
takes over all body functions for the host.

Unlike other leech/host relationships, however, the host does
not perish. Instead, it gestates around the host’s head. This is
the time the parasite is most vulnerable. During its gestation
period, the host begins to undergo change. The Sycline
begins to flood the host with chemicals that force the host
to adapt. The body structure of the host begins to change.
Muscular composition and adrenal capacity are increased until,
eventually, the Sycline evolves into a Sycleech. At this point, the
host is only a foundation. The Sycleech has taken over all motor
functions and the host is dead.

The true genius of the Symbio plant is the many ways it has adapted for survival.
When a Sycline or Sycleech has been destroyed, the host and pod must be
burned. Only in rare circumstances can the pod be removed and the host survive.
If the body is buried, as is the custom in many locations, the dead host and pod
function together as a seed. Eventually, through decomposition and wide root
growth, the Symbio plant restores itself in the form of a Sycl. The Sycl crawls

from the rich compost of the grave, usually at night to avoid detection, and
begins to consume. At the point of soil-breach, the Sycl is the size of a small dog.
Within fourteen days, the Sycl is the size of a human. At nineteen days, it can
begin to seed Symbio vines. Twenty-eight days after soil-breach, the Sycl plant is
fully developed and the entire cycle begins again.

The Sycl is both the keeper of the vine and how the plant regenerates. It selects
sowing locations and protects the Symbio “stalk-trees” in their early, vulnerable
stages. Though rarely used and only in dire circumstances, the Sycl will capture
hosts, plant pods, develop them into Sycline, only to kill and bury them. This
guarantees the Symbio’s survival.


She had taken many of the humans. She liked them best. Unfortunately for them, the females’ depth of self also made them easier for her children to
Other creatures would suffice, but humans had the most life. entice. A person with singular motivations could only be tempted by one or two things. But
It wasn’t anything so ignoble as flavor. It was the depth of a someone with the depth of the human female could be tempted by many things. She had found
human’s experience that was most…satisfying. Every creature it was one of their few weaknesses.
taken lives for a moment inside her. Their experiences and
The truth was, she had no gender…or she was both male and female. She was mother to her
emotions. Their triumphs and failures. Their hopes and
children and father to genocide. The humans referred to them as Symbio, because her children
dreams. They allowed her to adapt. To make her bloom more
existed over the top of what they took. And for a time, both plant and host lived together. The
desirable. Her scent more enticing. And of the humans, she
humans weren’t completely wrong. Appearances can be deceiving. For her, it was a necessity.
found she identified with the female gender more.
From first contact, the vine injects a toxin into the bloodstream, preparing the host
Females were the superior gender of the species. Females
for the pod. At the same time, the nervous system is muted. The
were capable of a vast array of emotions. They were more
host maintains all emotive capacity, but is unable to outwardly
intelligent. More nurturing of their young. They could be as
register any emotional response. As the pod membrane
fierce as the males, but with better judgment. Females where
spreads over the head of the taken, within minutes, the
tougher. More durable. They adapted better. She had learned
brain stem is pierced and she speaks to the taken for the
much from the females. Males were a thin book.
first time. The terror is delicious. The struggle to cling to
life, the cursing, the negotiation…it was all so wonderful.
But only if the taken had lived. This last conversation
with the taken wasn’t nearly as fun with less intelligent
creatures. And even less eventful if the taken was from the
dark. They recognized one of their own.

Nothing living quite understood her purpose. They lacked

a complete appreciation. She and her children were a
reckoning. She was planted long ago by another. Tended.
...all species would Grown for a purpose. Her instructions were simple—
spread. Spread and spread and spread. Take everything
find their end in her. in her path until only she and her children remained.
Darkness born or of the Light, all species would find their
end in her.

“Hey, little guy.” The wizard
taps on the containment unit
and chuckles. The Iathi thrusts
itself angrily against the invisible wall. It
had often played along the white stone tower of the Spire,
dancing with the wind along the crenellations at the top.
It could smell the magic that floated around the place, a
nimbus that meant little, save for the flavor it added to the air
it gamboled through. It certainly hadn’t seen magic as a threat,
not until it was too late. At the wizard’s repeated tapping, the
Iathi pushes itself against the glass once more. Its kind isn’t
meant to be held, isn’t meant to be trapped. Its anger quickly
turns to hope as it senses a small crack in the glass.

Iao feels the disturbance. It gathers itself from deep within its
underwater cave. Here, the water is just above freezing and it
is content to float, to exist here on the precipice between solid
and liquid. But it is called. With a primal command, the waters
propel it up past the miles of ice to emerge in a deep blue,
crystalline cave. It takes a moment to appreciate the beauty
of the Foundation’s creation, but only a moment. The call of
the Envoy pulls at it. Iao gathers the surrounding elements to
its core, shaping, changing them, to create a form suitable for
battle. For when the Envoy calls, Iao must be ready to carry out
the wishes of the Foundation.

Kretion (Ianum)
“Can you perform this task, tinkerer?”

The small man thinks for a moment, tapping one finger against his goggles. “I can.”

Kretion, Envoy of Ia, ushers forward a group of Iathi. “We must begin at once.”

The tinkerer raises one gloved hand, seemingly oblivious to the Iathi, poised to end
him with but a word from Kretion. “What do you offer in payment?”

Kretion checks his rage. As an Envoy, he knows of the greed which rules the lesser
races, but the question still galls him. With a gesture, he reveals a gold vein
which quickly forms itself into crude bars. It seemed the little man is, for once,
speechless as Kretion tells him, “You will start work.”

Though it wasn’t a question, Professor Rustysprocket nods. “The process will not
be easy, or without pain.”

Kretion looks over the assembled Iathi, wild and free, ephemeral and powerful as
the Foundation itself. He doesn’t relish the thought of sullying their beauty with
the Professor’s…mechanisms, but they must do what is necessary to serve Ia, to
help her rise. The Envoy turns back to the tinkerer. “You will start with me.”


Ia, the Foundation

As she regains her awareness, she struggles to name what She looks over him more carefully, examining his augments. “You have not sullied them, Envoy.”
she is experiencing. She is…weak. Though she feels herself She reaches out her senses to the nearest Iathi, calling it into the chamber. “All of the elements are
becoming whole again, becoming what she once was, ours to use, to shape. The tinkerer has merely shaped them to your will. Though they are…new
weakness is anathema to her; the utterly alien feeling roils forms, they are still of the Foundation.”
in her core, driving her to lash out in anger, but she holds
She extends a rocky arm to him, tasting the living elements in the cold, refined
herself close. She doesn’t remember feeling this raw, this
metal. “You have done well, Envoy.”
rageful. It must be because these things, these parasites
crawl over her, trying to bend the Foundation to their will. She feels his pleasure at the praise and is satisfied. He is
correct; it is a new world, but that will soon change.
She can feel the Iathi gathering. The Iao have answered her
She must regenerate and plan. Soon they will sweep the
call as well. Before her, the Envoy kneels, his clay-like
Foundation clean once again.
form remaining separate from the dirt of the floor.
Pieces of man-made metals cling to him, his
form covered by an unworthy cloak, as if he
had need to hide his nature. This was not
how she shaped her Envoys, each one a
testament to her power, infused with her
specific design.

But this Envoy, Kretion, sprung from

her troubled dreams, before she came back
to knowing herself. So different from the others, he
took on the task of preparing her children for battle.
Unasked, unapproved. In her weakened state she at first
thought her Iathi bound, caught in traps of metal and
magic. She ripped them out, freeing several, before she
heard their pleas, their explanations. With so much
of her still scattered, it had been hard to understand,
but now she sees.

“Kretion.” She sees him shudder underneath

the weight of her voice and adjusts before
continuing, “My children are…changed.”

“Yes, Great Ia.” He paused.

“The world has changed.”

Though she knows he fears her, his voice

betrays a conviction many of her other
Envoys lacked.

“I do not disagree. I itch, as if parasites scritch

and scuttle across my core. The Foundation is
covered with these. It was not so before…” She leaves
the rest unsaid—before her sundering, before her
dormancy, before now. She gestures to his bipedal All of the elements are
form, so like the parasites. “Explain what you
have done.”
ours to use, to shape.
“I have adopted the tools of our enemies,
Great Ia.” He details his agreement with the
tinkerer, the parasite who would dare shape the
elements. When he finishes, he says, “I am yours;
do with me as you wish. I know I have sullied our
kind, and will gladly bear your wrath. But I beg
you, Great Ia, use them. Use your children to restore
balance to the Foundation.”

The Okis feels the cooling sand, giving up the
last of the day’s warmth, beneath its feet as it
thunders across the desert. Its pack surrounds
it, moving as one in pursuit of their prey.
Their quarry is swift, but they are determined.
It scents the mark and feels the surge in
the pack as the others anticipate the ravin.
Excited, the Okis raises its snout and howls at
the cold moon overhead, the rest of the pack
echoing in kind.

The Anokis breathes deep, taking in the scents of the Great Market. Often he has stalked
nearby, scavenging what he could to feed himself and the pack, but those days are over.
Anunkara returns.

With a growl in his throat, he springs from the shadows toward the first guard. He can see
her small mind grapple with the myth standing before her and this moment of hesitation
is all he needs. He steps forward, deftly inserting one blade under the leather cuirass to find
soft bellyflesh, while the other pierces her throat. The second guard screams, meaning
to raise the alarm, but the Anokis calls the pack, who quickly drag him down
amid a flurry of snarls and snaps. He signals the Okis to follow him as he strides
through the gates of the Great Market. They will settle for scraps no longer.

The Aluki was absorbed in his preparations when the Anokis approached. “Hail Priest,
Praise to Anunkara, Keeper of the Dead, Hunter of the Moon.”

“Yes, Praise to Anunkara.” The Aluki had little patience for the Anokis’ adherence to
dogma. He had paid his devotions in time and blood; he needed no script to show his
loyalty to their god. “Did you find it?”

The Anokis carefully unwrapped a small package and placed it delicately on the work

table in front of the priest.

After so long, and with so many disappointments, the Aluki fears it will be but another
dead end, but nevertheless he bends to examine the small jar, cocking his head to get a
good look first with one eye, then with the other. The material seems promising. With
a delicate brush made from his own feathers, he carefully removes the dirt over the seal
until some of the archaic scrawl becomes visible. Though time has erased many of the
letters, there is enough left for him to extrapolate. The words are promising, but there
is only one way to know for certain. With a deep breath the Aluki grasps the canopic
jar and breaks the seal, hoping a piece of the vessel rests inside.


Anunkara, Keeper of the Dead

In the nothingness, Anunkara remembers. Once he walked among the mortals, With a certainty belonging only to a god, he knows he will wake again. The last
a god-made-flesh. He made the land bleed. His children, lesser reflections of thing he sees as his eyes are carefully extracted is the bright, mocking light of
his glory, poured across Kanis. The great river ran red into the sea, as if Kanis Lunakanen, racing, alone, over the bloodstained sands.
itself suffered an unstanchable wound. The lesser races were made to serve him.
Now, from his cold cocoon, he feels the world beckon. He begins to spool into
Under his yoke they created great monuments to his power, his rule. None
the reassembled vessel, the priests’ prayers latching on to him, pulling him
questioned him, none opposed him, all was as it should be. His reign would
thread by thread until he fills the desiccated form. His essence shocks the
have been eternal, but for a betrayal.
long-dormant cells to life. A heart, carefully replaced by the Aluki, pumps
Lunakanen. The moon that shone over the desert sands. Together they would blood through the vessel until the husk fills with powerful muscles, the
chase the lesser godlings, the mortals. He remembered her sleek white pelt leathered skin gains the sheen of life, and the dry, wispy pelt is
under the stars, the taste of blood on her lips, sharp teeth against his throat as shed as the sleek black fur once again covers the head of the
they shared more than the hunt, the kill. god. With a howl, half pain, half triumph, he rises, the
bowed heads of his Okians arrayed before him, waiting
He still knew not what price the mortals had paid to her. What could they offer
for his word. In the open air of the atrium he looks
a god to turn on her own? Perhaps she meant to seize his power; their kind was
up at the moon with a silent promise.
ever jealous, he would admit. But her betrayal was…unexpected.
Anunkara walks once more.
They bound him, the magic cutting deep, shackling his bones, his essence.
They cannot kill him, but he is prepared for burial nonetheless. His living flesh
carved, bones cracked. He watches as each organ is carefully placed in a
canopic jar, inscribed with magics, some of which even he does
not recognize. His hatred fuels his struggles, but the bonds
hold. With each inscription carved into his skin,
each piece carted away, he feels his power
wane until finally even his rageful howls
stop, and he watches in resigned silence.

...from his cold cocoon,

he feels the world beckon.

The Snappa reached into the cool water
and pulled out dinner. A little gamier than
he’d like, but it would do. He hissed at
his two fellows who each gave him a short
chumpf in return as he crouched down to
eat. At the unexpected sound, the Snappa
stopped in mid-bite, looking over to his
feeding companions. He could see by their
reaction that they had heard it as well.
Voices. It looked at the haunch in its hand
and tossed it back into the pit, readying its
short sword. Sounded like fresh meat was
on its way.

The meat was hardier than she expected. She watched
as one of the Snappas went down, an arrow neatly
lodged in its eye. Before the meat could draw again,
the Crunch’r swung her mace up, connecting with the
archer’s jaw. The Tenebrium went a long way toward
removing his head from his shoulders. The Crunch’r pivoted
just in time to send a sword blow sliding off her scutes rather than finding the
hoped- for home in her underbelly. With a growl she twitched her head and snapped sideways, coming
away with the sword, and the arm. Even as this meat fell to the ground, the Crunch’r could see more
pushing their way into the chamber. They’d brought reinforcements. But as she heard the distinctive
bellow from deeper in the warrens, she growled happily and thought,That’s okay. So did we.

Gat’r could hear the commotion up ahead. It sounded like the fun had started
without him. He hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and made his way toward
the sound, the tunnels thundering with each ponderous step. An exited bellow
escaped his maw; there would be new things to collect!

As he neared the chamber a Snappa suddenly appeared at his feet, a gaping


wound across its snout. Seeing Gat’r, the injured Snappa quickly scuttled away
on all fours. Its attacker stepped out of the room, no doubt meaning to deliver a
final blow, ran straight into Gat’r, and staggered backward. Before the trinket
could get his bearings, Gat’r reached out a thick claw, rending the boiled
leather tunic and the flesh underneath. While the prize gasped for breath,
Gat’r pondered. It was a rather large bauble; he wasn’t sure if it would fit in
his sack. Perhaps if he folded it properly…

The man screamed as Gat’r picked him up but quickly went silent as
Gat’r fit him into the sack. It just took proper planning.

There was always more room in his bag.


The creature dozed in the cool, damp mud No longer caged, she began to grow. Though she didn’t have the understanding then, she did now. The man-things,
of her nest. She could hear her children, including the large Alchemist Guild that made its home in Blackwall, dropped lots of things they didn’t want down
generations of them, in the warrens here, anything they deemed a waste. She made her nest below the Guild. The chemical warmth from their fires
around her. They knew not to disturb her radiated down into the stone and she marinated in the leavings of their studies, becoming more, no longer small,
needlessly. no longer helpless.

As she dozed, she remembered a time when As she grew in size, she also increased her awareness. Even as the fires went cold above and the noises of the city
things had been much different. When she ceased, her brood grew. The warrens belonged to her, to her children, and they filled them as the man-things once
had been different, small and helpless. filled the city above. She would protect their home. Always.

She remembered a cage, running back and Scraping her back carefully along the wall, she knocked loose a troublesome piece of metal. The man-things had
forth, trying to find escape, to no avail. tried to end her, more than once, but her thick hide protected her, protected all her children. The occasional
One of the man-things would take her out, detritus lodged in her hide was little more than a slight nuisance. She settled again slowly, meaning to resume her
watch her run through a maze, make her rest when something caught her attention, a sound, a scent. An amused sound, not quite a laugh, not quite a growl,
perform tricks to get treats. He punished bubbled up from her cold belly. Now, fully awake, she raised her head and drew in a snoutful of the fetid air and
her if she failed. She felt an involuntary called to her children. She recognized the smell.
growl start deep in her throat and quieted
Man-things. Tasty treats.
herself. That was long, long ago. She had
known nothing else, until one day the
man-thing had tired of her, dropped her
down the sewer grate, a larger maze with
more interesting treats.

Tasty treats.

The Goople rolled down the corridor with its fellows,
tasting the air, the floor, the walls, before stopping
suddenly over a patch of interesting moss, deep within
a crack in the stone. It hovered over it jealously,
savoring the taste when it noticed the fear-smell from
its brethren, and something else. It tasted again, cilia
extending outward. Intruders! Before it could react,
it tasted steel on the air, the nasty aftertaste of flame
stuck to it and it fled with one thought. Need help!

The Dopple pooled over the cool stone, letting itself spill outward until
it looked like little more than a thin shimmer against the floor. It smelled
the fear-stink of the Goople and disgust roiled across it. The small thing
quivered in front of the Dopple, its fear masking the message it tried to
convey. The Dopple sent out a calming pheromone; if it was wasting its
time, it could deal with the little one later. Bobbing for permission, the
Goople touched its cilia to the Dopple, sharing the flametaste, and the
Dopple understood. Intruders.

With a quick command, it sent the Goople off with a message. In the
meantime, the Dopple gathered itself into a more mobile form and headed
off down the corridor. Intruders must be stopped.

Blobulus tasted the little one as it approached. Underneath the Goople’s
fear-smell it recognized the alien stench of the intruders. With a short
burst of pheromones, Blobulus ordered the vigilant Dopple attendants
to let the little one through. It cowered before him, squishing itself so
flat it almost melted into the stone below. This was good, but time was
of the essence.

With a gentle nudge it gave permission for the Goople to share, and
it released the pheromone pocket given to it by a Dopple. Blobulus

tasted it thoroughly before bending and draping its cilia

over the Goople, who shivered underneath its touch.
Satisfied it had all the information, Blobulus secreted
a pleased waft toward the Goople, the slime version
of a pat on the head. It tasted the Goople’s pride as
it gathered the Dopples to it. Blobulus pulled itself into a dense,
compact mass, and sped out of the chamber, spoiling for a fight.


The Goople sped along the tunnel, single- Hundreds of its fellow Gooples packed the floor, the walls. Squishing together to fill the space, they flowed around
minded in its purpose. It had been an and over each other, jostling, shoving, communing, at last creating an undulating wave moving toward the center
exciting time today, the strange tastes still where the master rose over them, colossal in its magnificence. Its mass filled the cavern, pushing into the stalactites
threatened to distract it, but one overriding hanging from the ceiling, encompassing the mineral formations rising from the floor.
thought kept the Goople on track—the
The Goople joined the wave, feeling its kind everywhere around it, each one vibrating with the same excitement
master called! Though it had no ears with
it felt. The master’s taste filled the air. Wonderful! Its presence suffused the slime, all-encompassing. The Master,
which to hear, nor eyes, which would
the Devourer of All, pulled its subjects closer. The Goople felt its prize inside, taking all of its strength, all of its
have been useless in the deep dark of the
concentration to retain. But the Devourer, it held multitudes! Offerings of years past filled its mass, along with any
warrens, it nevertheless felt the urgency of
intruders foolish enough to enter their domain. The Goople shuddered once, angrily, at the thought of intruders,
the call.
but without intruders, it admitted, there would be no prizes like the one it carried.
In its haste, the small slime rolled into and
It was finally time. Its wave squelched against the Devourer, and for a moment, the
over a Dopple pool. The Dopple quickly
Goople basked in rapturous commune with its master, one with
rose from its resting position, towered over
all slimes. When the wave pulled back, the Goople
the Goople, and quivered its annoyance.
found itself held. “Yes, my prize, I am chosen!” it
Instinctually, the Goople flattened itself,
thought, as it began its slow decomposition,
obsequious, the small cilia on its outer
willing sacrifice for the Devourer.
edges vibrating with proper fear. With a
short spray of pheromones, the Dopple
relaxed, and the Goople continued on its
way, holding its prize tight inside. Though
it knew the bone-thing no longer lived,
it could feel its rounded dome, and filled
its hollowed angles. A prize for the
master! It hoped its treasure would
be found worthy. As the Goople
slid into the yawning cavern, it
noticed it was not alone.

...the master rose over them,

colossal in its magnificence.

The T1CK-T0CK raised its drill in greeting as it passed
the other patrol. Its fellow T0CKs were paused on
the outer perimeter while the magnet model carefully
turned the winding key on its compatriot. They
acknowledged the passing T0CK with a short spinning
of gears. It was quiet tonight, but the T0CK did not
relax its vigilance, its primary directive humming a
constant refrain among its cogs. So when the intruders
fired a projectile its way, the T0CK did not hesitate as it
bounced harmlessly off its armored shell to the ground,
did not doubt when the flesh-things began to shout.
With a certainty utterly unknown to living things, it
had only one course of action. Protect the Workshop!

Hearing the T1CK-T0CK’s squeal, the KN1GHT rushes over the small rise, springing into the
action. Ah, flesh-things. As the large one swings her metal tool down toward the prone
T0CK at its feet, the KN1GHT swivels its drill arm to intercept it. Preventing the need
for repairs is an important secondary directive, superseded only by the primaries:
protecting the Workshop and obeying the Professor.

The impact causes the large one to drop its tool. The KN1GHT accesses its stored
knowledge. Yes, that’s right. The metal of flesh-things is removable, not attached. This
seems like a weak design, obviously flawed. It bends forward on its central spring, pinning
the intruder to the ground with its secondary arms. With its large vise it grabs one of the
flesh-thing’s large appendages and pulls. The joint work is very insufficient, it thinks, flinging the
meat away and preparing to test another. As the Professor says, anecdotal evidence must be verified.

REX is a GOOD BOY. He holds still while the Professor helps him,

makes him better. GOOD BOYS mind the Professor, he tells himself,
but he can hear the others outside. There are INTRUDERS
outside. He hears their shouts as the others protect the
Workshop. That is HIS job, but the Professor says wait and he is
a GOOD BOY. A puff of steam escapes his stack, but he doesn’t
move until the Professor tells him to. Permission granted, he takes
off, pounding down the Workshop floor and out the tunnel, barely
noticing the T1CK-T0CKS who scurry to get out of his way.

As he exits the tunnel he lifts his head and roars, the rumble of gears
and pistons as primal as any rough-throated beast. He stops at the
nearest T1CK-T0CK, folding his legs down so the Operator can
climb aboard. He likes going into battle with the Professor the best,
but this will do. Turning, he fixes his single red eye on the nearest intruder
and charges, flinging hurty bangs over the rocks at one of the others. The intruder didn’t
expect him to cross the distance so quickly; they never do. Protect the Workshop, he
thinks as his steel jaws close on something decidedly softer. I am a GOOD BOY.


Professor Rustysprocket
The Professor hears the alarm—nothing his He flips open the Trickster’s bag. “Let’s see what we have
pets can’t handle. With a wave, he sends here…” The Professor pulls out the captive’s tools, carefully
out a handful of attending minions, their wrapped in oil cloth. Unrolling them, he inspects them each
gears fully wound, drill bits sharp. It doesn’t and looks at the Trickster with an approving smile. “Very
sound like anything which needs good, very good. Tool maintenance is very important.” He
his attention. punctuates the last two words by tapping his awl on
the workbench in front of him.
The form underneath his hand chuffs softly,
an exhalation of steam which he knows is a Setting the tools aside, he continues
sign of its impatience. “There, there, almost to rummage through the bag. He
done.” He pats the warm metal reassuringly pulls out one of the hurty bangs
before tightening the last pair of bolts. and inspects it. “Not unclever,
With a final hollow-sounding thump to the but the limiting spring on your
creature’s side, “There you go, all done.” expulsion unit is hindering
The single glowing red eye swivels toward your blast force.” The
him. “Go get ‘em, boy!” Rustysprocket Professor shakes his head
grabs on to the workbench, steadying it as before tossing it aside.
the creature rushes past, growling metal
and steam.

One of his minions pops into the

Workshop to report on the…he hesitates
to call such a poor showing an “assault,”
but that will do. It seems the skirmish
is wrapping up. They come with their
swords and their magic, always thinking
themselves better than his creations. As if
the old ways were superior. “Mad,” they
say, “Abomination,” they shout, but no
matter. In the end, his theories proved true,
his experiments successful. The Iathi saw
his worth, knew what was needed to thrive
in this brave, new world. Their largesse
would fund his research for years to come.

When two of his KN1GHTs spring in,

dragging a prone figure between them, the
Professor smiles, his eyes glinting behind
his goggles. Maybe this one would provide
some worthwhile research material.

“Welcome, welcome.” He notes the figure’s

carefully jointed armor and assortment of
“I’ve always preferred the inner workings of my gadgets, my creations to creatures of flesh. But, I am, after all,
tools, quick to hand, and says, “It is not
a man of learning.” He takes the thick leather apron from the back of the chair and cinches it tightly around
often I get a fellow builder in
his waist. At his signal, the KN1GHTs tighten their grip on the prone figure. “Perhaps there is something
my Workshop.”
to be learned from nature’s messier creations.” He looks over the implements scattered across the workbench
before replacing the tool on his left hand with something decidedly sharper. “As a scientist, it would be wrong
of me to turn down opportunities to learn, to better my understanding.” He turns to his subject, seemingly
oblivious to the panicked writhing underneath his creations’ strong grips. “Now, let’s see what makes you tick,
shall we?”

...let’s see what makes you tick, shall we?

The Gekti reached out his claw, catching an
unlucky silverfin. He quickly brought it to his
mouth and snapped it up, the
still-wriggling meal tickling his gullet.
“Attend to your duties,” his more attentive
nestling called. “She wakes, and everything
must be perfect.” Without comment, the
Gekti swallowed again, forcing the last morsel
down, and went back to scouring every
trace of coral from the temple stone with
excitement. He knows they will be ready, his
erstwhile snack notwithstanding.

She rises and his duty is to prepare the way. For too long have
they waited, marshalling their strength, waiting for her wisdom,
her will, to be manifest once more. As he ushers his school
of Gekti into the small fishing village, the Latari sees this not
as a small skirmish against almost-defenseless landwalkers,
but for what it truly is—the first offensive strike in a war
of reclamation. In her absence, the younger races have run
rampant, and he is eager to cleanse the shores of their filth.
Sla-Yg’noth wakes and there is much to do. Nevertheless, he
takes a moment to savor the landwalkers’ screams.

Jade Knight
The Jade Knight waited in the shallow pool of the cove. The salt water soothed his
joints as he waited for them to come to him, their flesh feet clumsy on the rocks.

When the Adherents first came to his attention, he thought them ill-guided.
While he could understand the lesser creatures’ need to worship the Ancient
One, he knew they did not understand what they venerated. Sla-Yg’noth was
ancient when they crawled out of the sea. They could not possibly conceive of
her greatness, her majesty. The Latari counseled him to extinguish them for their
arrogance, but he knew they might be useful. He spoke from the back of the cove,

“Do you have it?”

“Yes, oh Great One.” The female in the center carried the casket reverently. Her hood
slid back, revealing an eye not unlike his own, thick carapace growing down her neck
and shoulder. Seeing his regard, she said proudly, “I have been touched by the Mother.”

The Jade Knight felt his ire rise, seeing the echo of the Gekti on this landwalker. He
examined the casket’s contents. It was as he had hoped, the lost raiment. It was not
for such as these. These Adherents were unworthy of her regard, abominations to
be cleansed. Grabbing the casket, he nodded to the Latari, who quickly closed in.


She is ravenous upon waking. The young ones line up, each with their offerings. She Seeing she has finished, the priest swims toward her, cranial
snaps up the fresh, squirming eels from the male on her right and, still hungry, grabs crests lowered to show his subservience, silent until she gives him
him with her lower set of arms, and sinks her teeth into the soft tasty flesh of his neck. permission to speak. Extending his upper arms, he offers up her
The others have been well-trained; she is pleased with their obedience. She feels the raiment, her ornamentation, a sacred trust kept by his order as she
movement their thick tails make as they control their fear, but none of them break rank slept the dreamless sleep of her Renewal. Except this time, it was not
and flee as she slurps his flesh and crunches his bones. A good waking meal; his nestlings dreamless. This time something called to her, stirred her to waking.
will be honored.
With her permission, they swim toward the temple, her retinue in
tow, their caste trained for generations to be ready for her return.

“You may speak, Priest.”

He bows his head again. “By your command.” He tells her of the
changes in the world. She is not the only one to wake. Old powers,
though few as ancient as she, rise to reclaim the world. The Darkness
grows and, more immediately, she still hungers. She looks out over
the shivering novices waiting to attend her and contemplates grabbing
another snack, but she is starved for more than salt-flesh.

“And our numbers?” She brings both sets of eyes to

bear on him. The lower set is new to this
Renewal and little use here, deep beneath
the waves, but she is growing accustomed
to the double vision.

“They are vast, my liege, and but await

your command.” She can see he speaks
truth, not empty flattery, as she views the legions of Gekti filling the
leagues around the temple grounds. They have come to pay tribute, to
witness the Renewal. As it should be.

As they enter her temple it is much as she remembers. She notes the
areas changed with time, the repairs themselves seemingly ancient.
Her sleep was long and deep.

At her command, the priest continues his report as she settles

into the concave surface of her throne, her thick tail coiling
comfortably behind her. Satisfied with his account,
she dismisses him. There would be time for
minutiae later. Much has
changed in the world
since she last woke,
but what does that

The eternal cool,

green silence of the
deep remains.

...something called to her,

stirred her to waking.

The Thief listened attentively as the Blade wished them
well on their first mission as full-fledged members of
the Guild. Her compatriots had their eyes on some of
the city’s greatest prizes. While she couldn’t deny the
lure of some shiny baubles, she was after something
even more valuable—information. As the others
headed off to the noble district, she made her way
to the docks, and the dockmaster’s office. Her prize
for the night might not be as impressive as a shiny
diamond or a sack of gold, but the shipping manifests
would make a great shopping list, and a good Thief
always, always plans for the future.

As her charges scampered off, the Blade pulled her cloak tight and gave her attention to the man in
the shadows.

“It is dangerous,” he said, “and costly.”

“And the price of doing nothing?” At his lack of an answer, she continued, “The Guild has stood, unchanged, for
time beyond counting. A constant long before these walls rose.” She held his gaze, as she always
could. “I will not wait for the Guild, our home, our family, to fall. Will you help?

For a moment, she saw in his eyes the man he used to be when they were young, running across
the rooftops, no thought beyond the next score. And just as quickly, he disappeared, behind years of
machinations, of hiding in the shadows, until only the Whisperer remained. She had her answer.

Part of her understood his hesitation, his fear. But the part that couldn’t, the part that meant to root out the rot
taking hold inside the Guild, that part ran, silent as the wind. She had work to do.

The Whisperer watched the Blade go, hard and sharp, like the title she carried. And just like
her namesake, she had only one way to attack a problem. Oh, a blade was useful. Sometimes
it was the only thing for getting a job done, but it lacked flexibility. Some tasks required more
subtlety, and the Whisperer was one of the Guild’s most subtle tools.

In his youth, he had taken great satisfaction in stealing an impressive bauble or lightening

a rich man’s purse, but soon realized that there were more valuable things to steal. They
called him Whisperer because with a word in the right ear, he could make things happen.
He didn’t mind the title, but often thought that Listener was more apt. To learn which
things were worth stealing, which secrets were valuable, he had to learn to listen. His
networks brought him secrets of all types. The hushed, rapturous gloating of misers,
thinking their treasures safe. Breathless words between lovers, never meant for others.
Threats to the city, worriedly whispered in council chambers. He listened to it all.

The more he listened, though, one voice, one Dark, glorious, multitudinous voice
rumbled through, a constant undertone to everything else, growing louder, more
insistent. It shared secrets harder and harder to ignore.


Roland the Hand

Roland the Hand, leader of the Thieves Guild, sat Roland rose and came around to walk behind the shivering man, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Don’t
down heavily and looked at the man across the worry, I believe you.” Llewellyn sagged slightly under his touch, relieved. Roland patted him once more on
desk. Llewellyn the Rat slouched in the chair, his the shoulder before catching him from behind in a choke hold, pulling him out of the chair, his kicking
roving eyes scanning for something just out of sight, feet knocking it over. The Hand squeezed harder, the slight man’s struggles meaning little.
though the Hand’s office was one of the safest places
“Oh Llewellyn,” he said, stifling the man’s strangled mewling with his other hand. “I know, an undeserved
in Farrenroc. Something had the informant all
end for your loyalty, but I can’t risk this getting out just yet. I have plans for the Adherents. They serve a
worked up.
master far, far older than even the Guild.” With a twist, he felt the neck pop, and the Rat went limp.
“It’s late, Llewellyn.”
Roland had thought the Guild would give him power, and he’d been right, but the Darkness showed him
“I’m sorry, Boss, but you said if I saw what real power could be. Soon he would be untouchable, but for now, he must be cautious. Never break
anything that seemed off I was to a lock when you can pick it, never shatter the glass when you can open the window. He would bide his
tell you, tell you right away.” time. Soon the Darkness would grant him everything he desired.

“Yes, yes.” The Hand waved for

him to go on. “What is it?”

“Well, I’d had a few down at

the docks”—he licked his lips
nervously—”and I just wanted to find
a place to sleep it off, you know?”
When Roland didn’t answer he
continued, “I woke up in one of the
warehouses hearing voices. Figuring
it was the watch and not wanting to
take a kick, I crept, real quiet, but
it wasn’t the watch at all.” The man
fidgeted. “You know I always tell you
true, right, Boss?”

Roland knew it would save time to just

let him tell it, but he was losing patience.
“Just tell me what you saw, Llewellyn.”

“Okay, okay. Like I said, it wasn’t the

watch. A group of people stood around talking.
Dressed odd, all in red, fancy-like. No place in a
warehouse. The others listened to the tall one when
she spoke. That one had her back to me. I inched
closer, thinking I’d make my way out before I
got caught, when I tripped. They must have
heard ’cause they all turned, including the tall
one. When she did, I got a good look at her.”
Here he swallowed and Roland did his best to
be patient. “She wasn’t, you know, a person. Her
face looked all, all fishy. Like those statues dug up
in the bay last year.” Llewellyn had been talking to
his feet, but he looked up at Roland now. “You
think I was still drunk, Boss, but I
swear I saw what I saw. It was,” he
shuddered, “wrong.”

...the Darkness showed him what real power could be.

In silence, the creature waited. With a
certainty afforded few sentient beings,
it knew its place in the universe. It did
not wonder what came next, it did not
stamp its feet impatiently, eager for
the next battle, it did not worry if that
battle would be its last. It merely waited,
a single red drop among a sea of others
like it, a tide equally ready to receive
the word of their master, as inevitable as
death, as implacable as time.

The creature absentmindedly brushed off a layer of flaky, ashen skin
from its broad chest and stretched, feeling the limits of this newly
formed physical shell. This vessel would do. From the cathedral steps
it looked out upon its minions, its army. Each one greater than the soft,
mewling creatures they would face. Their yellow eyes and ember hides displayed
their provenance for all to see, and fear.

The Tormentor was pleased. It descended the steps, each footstep burned into the
stone, leaving embers in its wake. It needed no speeches, no displays, no war cry. Its
legion was one with it, and with the Master.

In silence the Fireborne prepared to march, the only sound, scabrous, callused flesh
on stone. Their Master called.

It’s always so easy, she thinks. Desire floats around them like a stench. It
doesn’t matter if they lust for flesh, for gold, for power; they all lust for
something, from the most innocent child to the holiest of knights. Her
purpose, her role, is to give it to them.

Oh she gets it. Formed of lust herself, she understands desire in a way few of
her prey, and none of the Fireborne, ever will. For her part, she only desires to see

the fear in their eyes as they realize what she is, what they’ve done in the name of
their desire. But this time, so close to the camp, she dares not risk raising an alarm.
Her current prey, an unremarkable guard captain, slides into oblivion, still believing
she holds the handsome young farmhand in her arms. The pain of the claw sliding
into her chest, a distant throb in the midst of her dream. An inadvertent, but
necessary, mercy.

Dropping her to the ground, the Seductress sheds the farmhand’s broad chest, his
strong legs, for the plain-faced captain, short and unremarkable. She takes the keys
from the dead woman’s hip. Her Master desires something as well, and now she has
the means to procure it.


Without physical form he floated, At the foot of the dais, he saw it. Longer than the cart transporting it and thicker than the robed men prostrating
consciousness slowly returning as the themselves before him, his weapon waited for him. Perhaps these insects could be useful. The thick bone club, all
prayers of his worshippers washed over that remained of a prehistoric leviathan, felt good in his hand, the missing component to his return. He swung it
him, calling him from his non-being. His once, the monstrous bone crushing two of the priests and sending them flying. Teraxas was satisfied.
name, being chanted like mantra, came to
He had overplayed his hand when last he walked among mortals. It was not a mistake he would repeat. Though they
him, and with it, the knowledge of who he
could not destroy him, the Lord of Morning and his heroes had crushed his cult, stripped him of his power, banished
was, and his purpose. He would slumber
him to the ether. He spared a brief thought to wonder how long he had lain imprisoned, but realized that it did not
no longer, prisoner to his own ignorance.
matter. This time would be different. This time he would be patient. He would gather those to
It was time for Teraxas to walk once more
him who walked in the Darkness. His Fireborne would be but the vanguard of his force. This
among the living.
time he would not field a band of followers, but a great, unstoppable legion.
The portal birthed him into pain. The
The time of the Light was at an end.
physical form of the sacrifice coalesced
about him as he crossed over, its pain
becoming his. Stretching, popping,
screaming, to hold his essence, to make this
form his own with his will. He straightened
...the most ardent of them knew
and roared toward the night sky in pain not what they had awoken.
and triumph as his cultists trembled with
fervor and fear at his feet. He looked
down at them with disdain, knowing
the most ardent of them
knew not what they had

The Elder called, and the Fiendling roused her nest,
herding them up and out into the night woods.
Though they could all hear its need she urged them
on, angrily shaking her quills at a straggler, who
quickly thought better of returning her admonishing
hiss. As they reached the Elder, she saw it was beyond
their help. Its heartfire spilled over the ground, its eyes
already rheumy. Nevertheless, the Fiendling began to
crawl over the massive creature, picking bits of dirt
from its scales, gently removing a few arrows. She felt
the Elder sigh under their attentions and was pleased
her nest served well.

Dragonscale Knights
Always the dream. The sky filled with dragons, the world cracked
and smoking beneath them, scoured clean of the unbelievers. With
a soft cloth, he began his worship, polishing the pearlescent grooves
and contours of his armor, formed from a young god’s molt. He wore
nothing underneath it, preferring instead to let the sharp scales take their
toll. Each wound became a scar, each scar a callus, until finally the armor fit over him like
second skin, as it was for the great ones.

He turned his attention to his shield, as high as he was tall. Over a hand’s-breadth thick,
yet still lighter than steel or wood, it was formed from a single Elder scale, given by one
not felled in battle, but by time. Armed and armored in the flesh of his gods, he
knew his purpose.


For as long as she could remember, her voice was forbidden her. She was made
to play in silence, laugh in silence, weep in silence. Now, as she absently felt the
rough pattern of her fresh scales, she knew what it was her parents feared so much
that they would still her lips at anything above a whisper. Somehow, though, despite
the silence, when the dragonmen came, they knew.

She wasn’t scared when they took her away, nor when the rites and rituals began to change her, not even
when they brought her to see the Elder. It was vast, so much larger than the stories had led her to believe,
but even then she saw the truth of it. The Knights gathered around it, worshipful and reverent, but
her eyes were drawn to the others, the Singers. They raised their voices together, harmonious and
wonderful. To the Knights she could tell this was so much background noise, a different way of
worshipping than theirs. To eyes such as hers, though, the truth was immediately apparent.

Though she learned the intricacies of the craft, learned her role, this truth, though never
spoken, lay at the heart of the Singers’ power. Should their Song falter, should it fail, like a
force of nature the beast would exact retribution. So much more than they were, despite the
physical changes they underwent. The Knights dreamed their dream of dragon gods,
thinking themselves servants, allies, but the Singers, the Singers knew the truth.


Urulók the Young

Without warning the whelp arrived.

With flame and misfortune, friendless,
a dragon, wretched and wrothful,
seeking wealth and former fame.
Marked for misery, a malicious intent
rendered in him the right of revenge.
Urulók, cloaked in flame, had come.

Unrelenting slumber defeated,

by a cracked cage, opened under earth,
the hoard-guard awoke, long under
the mountain waited. Focused on a foe:
Hurn, the high-lord of heroes, worthy warrior whom
war-death evaded, warden of the wyrm.

So sought Urulók, his adversary, long gone from the world.

Undoomed, Hurn escaped exile.
The young dragon raged, reaved of revenge,
found the faithful and set them ablaze,
vomited forth flame, fire-impelled.
Leaving not anything living, seeking
long-lasting treasure and fearful fame.

Terror-filled folk cried for heroes, battle-thanes of old Fierce in the face of the foe, they found out fully
to follow the footprints of the foe, fire-trails what heroes are these, long would their life-days last,
on wood and rock, to find the lair of Urulók the Young. born for bloodshed with blades burning bright.
And so heroes, born from the blood of war-princes,
Words from the dark, ancient and overwhelming,
...a dragon, wretched and
with cunning craftiness, fate-driven, dared
to find the dragon, wretched and ready for warfare.
broke upon them. Fear would have gripped them, wrothful, seeking wealth
The wanton destruction a warning.
and flung them low, but for their purpose.
“Have you come to kill me, little heroes?
and former fame.
Rage-led talons landed upon long-standing monument, Turn my prison into a tomb?” Under the death-shadow,
the mighty hero of old, Hurn the Bright, the flame-keepers’ courage escaped, faith failing.
But the whelp was boundless, strength too great.
Slayer of Krthrin the Black, mighty wyrm,
Urulók unlocked his word-hoard, contempt Death would not find the dragon on this day.
calamity-changer, bringer of fate,
weaved within word: “Reconciled with ruin, Doomed struggle, dire battle, no blow
and father to the orphan Urulók.
are we? The Darkness has decided; your downfall is nigh. bent toward the dragon’s destruction
To high Haldor, the heroes tracked the holocaust. However, Some folly of the spirit has separated you could pierce sturdy scale. The beast endured.
not without followers is the fierce-one; unnoticed by he, from your senses. What sad and silly things He realized the heroes had nothing for him.
dwellers were drawn, death-doomed, take upon them the yoke of Hurn, the sinner.
With unhidden hubris, Urulók rose,
for deep is the darkness of the dragon’s shadow. A fantasy of foolishness this is, your fate flung afar.”
his full height filling his prison-home.
With cold-blooded cruelty, the ill-meaning enemy
The heroes, hardy under helm, answered: Tail thrashing the mountain loose.
would be introduced to death, before
“For a fleeting moment courage waned. Yet In that final, fleeting moment, fickle fate
the heroes could descend, dark under heaven.
for the cocksure vanity of Urulók would we have fled, brought the creature low. Ancient Haldor,
Boldly brandishing weapons of war-might, forgetting bond and boast. But here we stand, earliest home to heroes, answered. Rock and stone
fate unfinished, into the fray, hate-blows escaped. doubt ruined, ready. Let fear grip the mighty older than Urulók answered. The cavern collapsed.
Fate often spares those whose courage is unfailing. whelp—we are not Hurn, but we are heroes!” The rage of Urulók was trapped for time.

The Infected looked down at the somewhat familiar-
looking arm lying at its feet. Like an overcooked
chicken leg, it had slid out of its socket, the
surrounding tissue sloughing off the bone. The
Infected didn’t make this comparison, having long
since lost the frame of reference. Instead, it stared
ahead, seeing little, the colors and sounds of the world
muted by the infection. Underneath the dull thud,
however, one bright, sharp need remained. The pain,
the worry, even the joy that the creature had once
known, all faded away only to be replaced by one
overarching demand, one driving force—the ever-
present craving.

Risen Huranii
The creature woke, pushing the crumbling stone of the
arcosolia out of her way, until she stood. The sounds of her
brethren doing the same filled the chamber. She had a moment
of brief confusion, of panic, as she looked down at the burial
wraps still clinging to her, her elongated claws, the bones they
were attached to visible in places through the papery skin.

Before horror could take hold, she was filled with a voice, an
all-consuming compulsion. Intruders! Protect the nest! Drive
them out. Gnaw their bones! The creature moved to obey,
everything else forgotten.

Ancient Huranii
unholy variant

Upon waking, the Huranii felt the rage. At this

moment, separate from himself, but waiting to claim
him. He looked down, his burial finery streaked
with the dirt and stone through which he must have
clawed his way before regaining his awareness. He saw
where he was, noted how time had ravaged the once-
beautiful chamber. Noted, without dwelling, what it
had done to him.


His people had the means, but not the will, to do

this. Something else was using their knowledge, their
magic, hoarded and guarded so carefully.

He felt the fury, the compulsion pounding against his

will and knew he could not stave it off. With his last
action as himself he whispered, “What have we done?”


Saekor, First Knight of Ildar

Saekor wakes slowly, fighting toward In the practice yard he matches up again and again with his bannerman, Lohesh. Friends since childhood, each
consciousness through dark, tumultuous knows the other’s style, their dance a constant, familiar series of blows and blocks.
dreams. Sharp hands and cavernous eyes
They crash together and Saekor is held, his guard hooked against his opponent. Their faces only inches apart, he
hold him but he fights up and out to
grins at Lohesh and struggles to free his weapon but cannot.
waking. Quickly he swings his feet over
the side of his bed, the stone warmed by “You are caught, my friend.” The bannerman smiles. “The First Knight of Ildar, caught like a green foot soldier.”
the sunlight filtering in the windows. He Before Saekor can retort Lohesh’s face changes, his flesh sinks and his smile grows to a corpse’s rictus. His deep
shakes his head as the light and warmth cavernous eyes hold Saekor as much as the grip he can’t seem to let go, as Lohesh continues, “Of course, it matters
chase the cold dark of his dreams away. He little. We are all long dead. You failed us, Saekor. Failed Ildar.”
lets them go, gladly.
With a start, the First Knight wrenches himself free and falls back. Darkness overtakes him and the next thing he
Grabbing his weapon, he heads out the sees is Lohesh bending over him, concern in his bright, green eyes. Saekor shakes his head, clearing away the last
door; there should be time enough for vestiges of the vision.
practice after breakfast. He heads down the
“I am fine. That last blow must have hit me harder than I
wide, well-kept streets toward the barracks
thought.” He takes Lohesh’s proffered hand and rises
kitchen. Here in the castle keep, he nods
from the soft grass below him, the momentary
hellos again and again at the bustling
horror soon forgotten.
people around him. He is home.

Rise, my Knight, my friend.

There is much work to do.
Saekor rides down the battle line, the He looks down to find himself as he finds
glare of a thousand shields sparking in the battlefield, tattered and decayed. Still
the sunlight. This is where he is most at holding his sword, he falls to his knees,
home, with the might of Ildar arrayed wanting to not recognize the bone-wraith
behind him. His bannermen but wait grip he sees before him. What has he
his orders, the crisp white pennants of become?
Ildar flying high for all to see. The enemy
He feels his liege’s hand on his shoulder,
abides on the far hill, both forces ready
as he has so many times before. “Rise, my
to sweep down into the valley. He almost
Knight, my friend. There is much work
pities them, as he knows none can stand
to do.”
against Ildar, but they have made their
choice. The warhorn sounds and with a Saekor rises, whole and hearty once again;
deafening crash of men, horses, and steel, the shining white walls of Ildar tower over
the battle begins. He lifts his sword, and him, familiar. The King holds his gaze.
charges into the fray.
“Are you ready?” Saekor hears the concern
In an instant, Saekor finds himself alone, of both a king, and his friend, in the
bereft on the battlefield. The rolling green question.
hills now a churn of blood and mud.
“Always, my liege.”
Enemy and friend alike fill the valley.
There are no moans of the injured and Satisfied, the King nods. “I have no doubt
dying, no sound of retreat. The stillness that you will do your duty.”
is broken only by the rough caws of the
carrion crows, come to claim their due.

The clans mostly corresponded to larger packs or families. Family was His words would be different. He rose and looked around the Balancing, his
important, both blood and adopted. Aligning your pack determination with voice quiet for a moment, his clan behind him nervously hoping he would
the clan was paramount. Helping your clan thrive, grow, and gain Voice bring them honor. Then he began to speak.
brought Light to your pack.
He did not share words of wealth or weakness. With each word, those that
There were two types of clans: those that had Voice and those that wanted had spoken before him shrank in importance. He told the story he had heard
it. Powerful clans only accepted the strongest aspirants, thereby maintaining about the betrayal of Lunankanen and about the resurrection of Anunkara.
their position. On occasion, a singularly bold pup would attempt to strike Very few remembered the story. None had heard of Anunkara’s return. All
out on their own and create a new clan, to pull themselves and their blood those assembled rejoiced in howls and yips.
up from the ground and speak in a new voice. Rarely were they successful. In
When he finished, they asked him questions – a rare honor. When there were
the last twenty cycles, only two had been able to survive the Hunt. Of those
words, he answered. When there weren’t, he didn’t. When he was finished, he
two, only one could share words at the Balancing.
sat. Those that were granted voice after him remained silent.
The Hunt was a time where the clans sparred. A controlled quarrel. To
The Balancing continued for three more days. He was no longer asked
establish a hierarchy. Those that did well were awarded more words on
questions. He no longer spoke words except to his pack and clan. They were
the solstice festival when the packs would gather for the Balancing. The
most proud.
Hunt granted words, but it was the wisdom of those words spoken over the
Balancing that truly granted power. Respected clans had fighting skill and At the end of the solstice festival, when the ruling clans were reordered, Clan
the judgment to employ it prudently. Both things were necessary to keep the Ulfson – his clan – was granted words. And he was given a special honor. He
promise their ancestors made before Anunkara. was raised to the rank of Hunt Leader and would be given ten of the best
from all the clans to lead back through Crepum.
There were seven clans that had Voice, twelve that did not. But this Hunt and
Balancing would be different. The Lucanine had sent one scout from each He bowed graciously.
clan through the open gates of Crepum to find out the truth of the Scattering
and the promise of their Once-home and Home-again.

Of the nineteen scouts, fifteen returned. All fifteen would be granted words
before the clans.

He had returned. He had seen and heard much. He would be the first ever
from his clan to speak words in front of the Balancing. He waited his turn
patiently and prayed his voice would not falter, that his words were worthy,
that he might make his ancestors proud.

Those that had come before had been brief. They spoke of the wealth of
their Once-home. The spoke of the weakness of those that had taken their
Home-again. Each word was met with a nodding of heads and howling
of gladness. Each word was met with acceptance.


The Lucanine had sent one scout

from each clan through the open
gates of Crepum to find out the
truth of the Scattering and the
promise of their Once-home and

Only those clans that had Voice were given the honor of sending a chosen. Hamrik, from Clan Ulfson, passed his fingered talon deep across the palm
The most prestigious clans were given two: Clan Ranulf, Clan Acantha, and of his right hand. “We bleed as one.”
Clan Endwyr. The rest sent only one each: Clan Elric, Clan Lician, Clan
Each of the chosen did the same, mingling their blood.
Torman, and Clan Amoret.
Sealing their purpose.
Hunt Leader Hamrik Ulfson spoke to the ten. As he spoke, he handed out
“I am your hunt leader. You are my claws. You are my fangs.
new clothes, new colors.
My blood for yours.”
“You are the chosen, sent to me from many honored clans. We travel back
As one, the ten chosen repeated, “My blood for yours.”
to lands that were once ours. We go to find their weaknesses and probe their
strengths. We travel as one. We fight as one. And we bleed as one.”

From the hilltop, Yardu observes the small city The voiceless masses below him await his The gate is the first to go, and the horde streams
nestled in the valley below. At their approach, command, so silent and still that, despite their in, quickly overwhelming the defenders. Yardu
the gates slammed shut, as if the dead could be numbers, the only sound in the valley comes from tightens his grip on his sword and hefts his shield.
denied. With an appraising eye honed over dozens the city itself. He watches as the last of his troops He once more marks the direction of the library
of campaigns living and dead, Yardu notes the moves into place; the multitude of Shamblers spires before starting down the hill toward the
thick, seasoned timbers which compose the walls. encircles the city. He raises his massive sword; it city. As he passes through the Shamblers felled by
Whoever is in charge of the city defense has lined is time. the defenders, he pays little heed. The city’s fallen
them with archers and readied the catapults. From would, no doubt, swell their ranks again. An
At his command, the silent, ordered throng
here he can see them preparing cauldrons of pitch as army of the dead never lacked for fresh recruits.
becomes a teeming mass, roiling toward the
well. He gives a small nod to whomever is in charge
walls. The city responds as Yardu expects and he
of the defenses. The efforts are futile, of course, but
watches as the arrows fell a number of his troops.
at least they intend to put up a fight.
The catapult loads land hard, a pocket of flames
A twinge of memory intrudes, and he recalls following each impact.
another city, the small men cowering behind Though the defenses leave
their walls as he led the charge. For a moment, he small empty spaces, they
remembers looking down, seeing his hands, ruddy are soon filled as the troops
flesh still, gripped around his sword, half as long break themselves against the walls.
as the gates he thundered toward. He remembers
Above the din of the rush and the cries
breathing deeply, filling his lungs before bellowing a
of the defenders, Yardu hears the timbers
challenge as he crashed his frame against the gates,
begin to creak. His inexorable minions
followed half a second later by the rest of his tribe.
clamber over each other, creating
The defenses of that city weren’t enough to keep
a writhing undead mass, the
him out then. These will not be enough now.
bottommost layers ground to dust
Yardu pushes the memory aside—it could tell him and bones as more and more
nothing useful—and focuses once again on the pile on. Either their weight
city. Despite the fortifications, it doesn’t look very will bring down the walls
impressive. But, his commander seeks a certain or they will rise high
relic rumored to be kept in the central library. Even enough to clamber
looking down upon the city from this vantage point, over. Either way, the
it is easy to see the library’s spires are one of the only city will be theirs.
structures to tower above the walls themselves. Easy
to find once they breach the fortifications; Bones
would have his prize.

Etrus the Last


It had been a perfect day. Etrus Dvenson believed every creature under the Light had a As he returned, his children raced to meet him. His children
handful of perfect days. It was important to recognize it for what it was. He knew he must be were a light in his heart. His oldest was a strong male. His
deliberate about it. Good days and bad days were a matter of perception. Oftentimes, trying companion had named him Jhon Etrusson. Every day he made
to make sense of a hardship in the midst of a valley was difficult. It was near impossible to Etrus proud. His youngest was ornery. She got it from him. Eta
find the wisdom of a bad day until time had swept emotion away. But, perfect days…if it was Etrusdatter was the light in his heart. Their smiles and laughter
not recognized for what it was, it would pass by without notice and never a memory become. gave life purpose.
He would make sure this day became a memory.
It was a bright, warm sun. Far away, the sky growled, but Etrus
It had started very well. His companion-in-life, Cleu Ulndatter, had pulled him back to thought the storm would miss them. There would be nothing
her as he prepared for the early-morning chores. He left at first light to gather plants for to fear this night. Perhaps it would offer his kids the spectacle.
breakfast. He had found several morel mushrooms and a new species of plant he had never They enjoyed watching the light and sound from the sky.
before seen. He made sure not to remove the whole plant, taking only enough to sample. If
his family accepted this new food, he would see about cultivating it.


It was a good, honest day’s work. Nothing worried him. He even had a
bit of fun with some Grubbers that were dumb enough to wander too

He knew by the time he huddled with his family for dinner that it was
a perfect day. They ate and laughed and played. And that night, the sky
warred with itself. It was a bold display.

In the dark of their home, he retold them the story of this day and
explained the importance of knowing the now. They fell asleep to the
sounds of the storm…

Etrus opened his eyes. He no longer knew that home. He no longer

knew that life. He remembered that day often. It had been the last
perfect day given to him. Cleu Ulndatter had died in his arms. Jhon
Etrusson had been killed defending her. Eta Etrusdatter had died by his
hand. She had been taken by the eye-plant and turned against him.

In the dark, Etrus, the last of his kind wept.

Good Boy!
“Who’s a good boy?” Still small, he squirms onto her When they first came, he was in his cage like a good dog. He
lap, begging for a belly rub. “Who wants to go for a heard her yelling and thought he was in trouble at first. As smoke
walk?” He jumps down and heads for the gate and filled the keep, she appeared at his cage. She was hurt! Connor
they run, and run, and run… tried to stick his tongue between the bars and lick her wound,
but she waved him away. She opened the door, reached up, and
He hits the cold metal bar with his foot, and wakes.
took his snout in her hands, locking eyes with him, like she did
He stretches and yawns before carefully squeezing
when she really wanted him to listen. “Go get ‘em boy!”
out of his cage. It is really too small for him, now
that he’s bigger, but when the loud sky came last He knew this game! He fired out of the keep to find the capering
night, he crawled in, widening the bars by the door toys. Just like rabbits, they leaped to and fro. One of them bit him
so he could fit. He knows he might get in trouble for with a sharp, pointy tooth. Connor bit back. It was a fun game, but
that. Connor didn’t want to be a bad dog, but the it didn’t last long.
cage was safe. Safe from the loud sky.
With a sigh, he drops the toy and pads off toward the kitchen.
He wanders over to his still-empty bowl. He misses The cook is there, but doesn’t give up any treats when Connor
his special meals. Every time he ate them she whines. He backs up slowly, twisting his head out of the
scratched his ears, even when he got big and she had doorway so his ears don’t get caught. There are always rabbits
to stretch to do it. in the field and bigger rabbits with the pointy things on
their heads out in the woods. He will hunt.
He pushes out of the building and crosses the keep
yard. He stops in the center and pounces on one of When the sun lowers, he trudges back into the keep,
the crunchy toys. He remembers it had squeaked the only sound the soft padding of his own paws
when he first pounced on it. He takes it in his jaws on the stone. He lies down in front of the cold
and shakes it, but it doesn’t squeak anymore. He hearth. He nudges her softly, trying to put
thinks it might have food in it; it smells like meat, but his snout under her arm, but she doesn’t
all the metal hurts his teeth and he gives up trying to move. He lays his head on his paws.
eat it. He tries the same thing with the other toys in When he wakes up tomorrow, maybe
the yard. They used to squeak too, but don’t anymore. the fire will be lit, his bowl will be
It isn’t as much fun when they don’t squeak. full, and she will be ready to play.

Keesi & Og
Keesi is a dwarf Grubber of significant Keesi & Og are under the employ of the Rat Keesi’s goal is simple. He wants to use the rats for
intelligence. He is the brains behind the King. He uses them as a threat. Insubordinate revenge. He wants to hurt the one who cursed
operation. Keesi is weak, but mentally powerful. Tailless are sent to be reconditioned by the him and sentenced him to exile—Elder Mattaka.
Og is the opposite. Their interdependence is duo. Keesi is able to distance himself from the Their sin would return and see them burn.
essential to their survival. They are, for all intents torture because he doesn’t hold the knife. And
Change is coming and Keesi will make sure he
and purposes, one being. Og is simply not smart enough to understand
and Og do more than survive—they will rule. The
the ramifications of his actions. He is able to
Keesi was exiled from his tribe long ago. He was only family he recognized now was Og.
engage in horrible torture because he lacks the
made an example by Orcneas and his shaman.
capability to connect with the victims. Og doesn’t
They said it was a sign. That the Darkness would
understand what he is doing. Only, that he
curse them all. They sent him away to die in exile.
is with his friend and doing what is asked
A needed sacrifice to absolve them from their sins.
of him.
But he hadn’t died. Their sins remained and lived
on in him. Keesi understands
the power
It was there, waiting to die, that he met Og. A
struggle within
fellow orphan. Sent away to make others feel
the once-great
better. A blemish removed.
Huranii. He
Og is the brawn. He has massive strength has used
and an imposing size. He lacks even the most his position
rudimentary mental aptitude. He cannot speak to acquire
in the traditional sense, though he and Keesi have favors from
created a broken language of grunts and sounds. the other great Huranii
Keesi has been able to communicate with Og in houses in hopes of steering
ways beyond mere words. He uses touch, sound, them toward revenge.
and a special broken language to talk with Og.
Og loves Keesi. He would die for him and does
anything Keesi asks.

Neither were capable of achieving the power

they now wield on their own. They are friends
and will die for each other. In a world of broken
connections, Keesi and Og have used their
connection to carve out a place in this world.
Together, they are tyrants.

The Razorfiend is an aberration. They are mutated Razorfiendlings. Purposefully cultivating Razorfiends has been attempted by many, but it is expensive
Born from eggs that have been altered by dragon eggs in a nest. and has never been consistently successful. No catalyst has been discovered. It seems
to be purely an accident based off the chemicals present in the dragon egg and the
Dragons lay eggs every dozen or so years whether they are
Razorfiendling eggs. Add to that, dragons tend to kill any Razorfiends born. Dragons do
fertilized or not. The incubation takes place over five to six years.
not permit Razorfiends to tend their eggs, because Razorfiends eat dragon eggs.
During this time, Razorfiendlings tend and protect the eggs,
often laying their own clutch of eggs on top of the dragon’s eggs. Razorfiends are special monsters. They are roughly ten times larger than a Razorfiendling.
Razorfiendling eggs are extremely foul-smelling. Most predators They are extremely strong and resistant to most elements. They possess all the inherent
avoid the eggs of the dragon because of the putrid smell of the defenses of the Razorfiendling with added intelligence and personality.
Razorfiendling eggs. On occasion, a Razorfiendling egg absorbs
Razorfiends are individuals. They must be reasoned with. They are pretty far removed
nutrients from the unfertilized dragon ovum and creates what has
from their instinctual cousins. They are smarter than the average Rath, tougher than the
been termed a Razorfiend.
average Mucker, and have about the same level of elemental resistance as an Iao.


They differ from their smaller, Razorfiendling cousins in that Razorfiends

cannot “shoot” their quills. In fact, Razorfiends do not have quills really.
The quills grow in proportion to the Razorfiend, becoming larger,
thicker, stone-like spines that protrude from the skin. Once sharpened,
these spines act as both weapon and deterrent; they are extremely
dangerous. In adolescence, these spines are shed every year, like the elk
or deer. The new set is larger. It takes two to three weeks to completely
regenerate. No two sets of Razorfiend spines are the same. The larger the
spines, the older the Razorfiend.

For the most part, Razorfiends want to be left alone. They are Darkness-
touched so tend to ally themselves with the monster races. However, it
has been theorized that there is nothing intrinsically evil about them and
they could be convinced to ally with what are commonly referred to as
the “Light races.” Whether this is true or not has never been proven.

Tom the Plagued

He remembered seeing her, in the back, always in the She knew. She saw.
back, when he’d gathered his flock. At first, he thought
He should have cut bait and run then, as he had so many times before. But now, he wasn’t sure it
her shy, hesitant, the way some of the sheep could be
would have made any difference. He still wasn’t sure what drew her attention, why she suspected,
at first. Though many embraced his words upon first
but with that one touch, she knew exactly what he was, and what he served. He was prideful,
hearing him, others took their time, but always came
thinking her no threat. It had cost him. His master made him pay for his insolence, his mistake,
around. Though patience was not his strong suit, Tom
though it was her curse, her geas, which left him in the form he inhabited now, his outer appearance
had learned to let them come at their own
matching the rot inside. A walking plague.
pace, mostly.
He absentmindedly brushed a small carrion
As his flock grew, they spilled out of the small meeting
beetle off his side. No matter. The Darkness
hall, and into the nearby field. After speaking, he
pulled him forth again. It was time
made it a point to walk among them, reinforcing
to resume his work. Leida was long
their connection, noting which could be culled with
since dead, her bones no doubt
the least trouble. Though there were always a few
interred beyond his reach, but her home,
prominent faces in the crowd, his words were most
that petty little town she fought
attractive to those who had no other place, no other
so hard for, the one that had
allegiance. He provided what the hamlets, villages,
been his undoing, it still
and towns he passed through had not to some folk—
stood. He would make it the
community and purpose.
first. He reached out, calling the
He approached the woman, standing apart. She didn’t fallen to him. As his eyes
appear to have close ties to any of the others; she became dozens, hundreds
would be a good choice. Meaning to bring her into even, clawing their
the fold, his well-practiced smile invited from his way out of dirt and
handsome face. He reached out, placing a hand on stone, Tom laughed.
her shoulder, and sent a brief tendril of power along
She had won that
his arm, to pull her, just a bit, into the flock, as he had
first battle, but he
with so many others. He recoiled as if slapped, though
would take the war.
she had made no physical move. His power sizzled
away in the flame of her, mist before the sun. But not
before she realized what he was.

Throughout the city, the legions of Gekti stand She rises and
watch, waiting for their leader, their goddess. The follows her mother
time of Renewal is at hand. A single form rests at deep into the temple, leaving
the foot of the temple itself. Eumelia, Spear of the the fawning priests and the
Broodmother, schools her expression as she looks assembled Gekti behind.
out over the assembled might of the Naga. She
Eumelia knows not what to expect from the
had known for some time that the Renewal was
Broodmother. Each Renewal brings with
near. Long before the priests had come to her with
it a level of…unpredictability. Few ever
news of Sla-Yg’noth’s stirring, she felt it. Even so,
receive the honor of swimming into the
she waited for the priests’ confirmation before
private temple spaces, and fewer still emerge.
making preparations.
The bones of eldritch dragons, primeval giants,
In the Broodmother’s absence, she has led the and all others that dared challenge
Naga to many victories, has overseen their people Sla-Yg’noth’s supremacy are placed
ebb and grow, filling their ranks to the impressive into the coral walls as both
level now arrayed before her. Even though they trophies and warnings.
gather to honor the Broodmother, Eumelia knows
The Broodmother turns
it is her will, her dedication, which has kept them
to Eumelia, who waits without
strong, forged a greater fighting force than the
trembling for Sla-Yg’noth’s
oceans have seen in eons. She can only hope Sla-
judgement deference is expected,
Yg’noth will see it as a tribute, not a challenge.
showing fear is anathema. After a long moment, There is power here, she senses, power which has
As the procession approaches, the assembled the Broodmother’s voice rang in her head, “You challenged the Darkness for too long.
Gekti lower their crests, and bow their heads in have done well, child.” Eumelia basks in the
The vision breaks, and Eumelia sees her mother
more than ceremonial submission. Eumelia, too, satisfaction emanating from her mother. She
looking down at her and nods. She understands
bends low, arms wide, almost touching the sea would live, her place secure, for now. She waits,
what is needed. Without another word she swims
bed inches below. Her greater stature among the sensing there is more wanted from her.
out of the temple; she must ready their forces
Gekti necessitates a greater display of deference.
Sla-Yg’noth closes her upper eyes and Eumelia for war.
Though her eyes are firmly on the ground, she
feels the Darkness surround her. Without being
feels the procession stop at the temple steps, the
told, she knows this is the vision which pulled
cold of the deep emanating from her mother.
Sla-Yg’noth from her sleep. An island of land
Ringing in her head, the Broodmother’s voice
dwellers, dedicated to one of their holy men.
gives one command: “Come.”


|X-3ONE System Online With its boot-up sequence complete, the unit activates its sensors. Its video input is
| Uplink Check… working, per the diagnostic, but there is little to see in the encompassing darkness. It tries
| Uplink Not Found to switch on its main light, but it does not respond. Calibrating its sensors for darkness,
| Autonomous Mode Activated the unit observes that it is partially encased in what appears to be stone.
| Video/Audio On
As it considers options, its audio sensors begin to pick up input. Beyond its prison, it
The unit replays its last assignment. It had been deployed along with detects the sound of machinery, louder and less efficient than its own operation, and
a group of organics to secure a priority research asset. The data record the occasional shifting of rock. As a large stone in front of the unit shifts out of the way,
clearly showed they had breached the perimeter and successfully gained light floods in. The unit quickly re-calibrates its video sensors to see an unknown piece of
ingress to the site, though this resulted in a near-critical depletion of the machinery standing to the side of a tunnel leading up at a sharp angle.
unit’s ammo stores. It rolled forward, homing in on the provided energy
An organic comes into the range of its sensors and speaks. “What do we have here?”
signature at the heart of the facility and providing cover for its organics.
A quick assessment shows that although he is carrying several pieces of metal, perhaps
As it neared the target, light began to overload its video sensors and
tools, the man has no augments of sufficient technological interest. The unit shifts its
its audio sensors registered sounds of distress from the nearby organics
attention back to the strange unit who freed it. Its initial assessment reveals the drone to
before the unit overloaded and went offline. It quickly searched the last
be inferior tech, but its alloys could prove useful.
moments of input, but the cause of the error was indeterminate.


She could feel the Darkness, pushing, whispering, Not so Eumelia. Eumelia, forever jealous,
but paid it no more mind than the soft hissing of with sharp claws and rending teeth, silenced
her hair. “Settle down, little ones,” she said almost Aeryale forever. She poisoned their mother against
absently and reached up to soothe her locks. They Medusa, innocent of this, if of nothing else.
did tend to get so agitated lately and she needed a
Medusa looked down at her altered
calm mind for what she did next.
form, her beautiful fins gone,
“Lucius, come.” The human roused from the the deep forever denied her, and
corner and moved toward the sound of her voice. hardened. Though the curse was
Training him had been challenging, but once Sla-Yg’noth’s, the blame lay with
she plucked out his eyes he learned to be much Eumelia, the trident now a lone spear.
calmer. He was a good pet. He barely moved once
Eumelia laughed at Medusa’s
she laid one of her serpents across his shoulders
banishment, thought it a fitting end, but
to guide him, whereas he used to flinch every
Medusa was not without power. She carefully
time. Pleased with his improvement, she thrust
took the bowl from the man and set it on the
the large, deep scrying bowl into his hands. “Fill
table in front of her. Her mother’s curse may
this with seawater.” He nodded his acquiescence,
have changed her form, but it could not break
having learned she preferred him not to talk.
the sisters’ bond. She willed the salt water, still
The series of caverns in which she made her hers to command, to show her Eumelia.
home looked out onto a salt-sprayed promontory.
Upon seeing her in the scrying bowl Medusa
Liminal, like her, no longer of the sea nor wholly “Oh, mother,” she thought, running her sharp
shook with mirthless laughter, her hair rising
of the land. Her eyes were drawn to the rolling fingers through her pet’s hair as he knelt, careful not
up to hiss and dance. No wonder the Darkness
green ocean. She remembered what it was to push to shiver from her touch. “I would have continued
whispered her name; she was not far. Foolish,
herself through the waves, to feel the cold of the to serve you, to do your bidding in all things. But
foolish, sister. You should have stayed in the deep.
deep around her, her sisters at her side. you set me on a different path, didn’t you?”
With a sharp nail she sliced her forearm, letting
Together the three of them brought the fear She thought of Aeryale and reached up to calm her
the blood drip to the ground. From it sprang a
of the deep to the soft creatures of the land. locks again, the motion long since habit. She had
small snake, growing before her eyes. It coiled up
Medusa, Aeryale, and Eumelia, living trident of made her peace with her curse long ago, but that
to place its head on her lap and she stroked its
the Broodmother. She lived for the exhilaration of didn’t mean she didn’t want revenge. “No, not to
cool, smooth head. “I have a task for you, pet.”
victory and the taste of their foes’ wriggling flesh worry,” she muttered, “I know where the blame
Once she finished imparting her instructions, the
as they shared a meal. First among three, Aeryale lies.” Despite her calming touch, the hissing of her
snake sped off, ready to be her eyes and ears. She
led them. Spear point, who always had their hair joined the ever-whispering Darkness: Eumelia,
may no longer be a match for her sister one-on-
mother’s ear. Medusa had been content, bloodlust Eumelia, Eumelia.
one, but some of the land creatures could be so
sated, never seeking her sister’s place.
useful if one knew how to use them.

It reaches out to acquire the parts it needs, wrapping its appendage around the drone, which shakes and
whirs in protest.

“That is quite enough of that,” says the organic. When the unit does not release the drone, it reaches for what
the unit realizes too late is a weapon. The surge of electricity hits it, seizing up its systems and causing a soft
reboot of several systems. The organic has ceased its attack, but the repair function has priority over
tactical subroutines. The unit tries to acquire the drone again but its appendages are unresponsive.
It sends more power from its meager reserves, but there is something critically damaged.

The organic moves once again to be in view. “Can you understand me? What are you?”

The unit activates its vocal processors and responds, “Yes. This unit’s designation is
X-3ONE. I am a combat-ready support drone. Serial Number 3X5624—” The organic
waved his hand and interrupted.

“Good. Then let’s start again. I’m Professor Rustysprocket.” He paused to look over the unit and reached
out a tentative hand to touch the cool glass of the forward display before smiling. “And I think we are
going to be great friends.”

He kneels on the rocky floor of the cavern, hands resting on the spear
in front of him. A statue to any who might see him, he no longer
brushes away the thick layer of dust which coats his armor, his face, his
hands. Though it matters not, as there are no other eyes here.

For the first eon he paced his prison, the great cavern echoing with his
rage, the rock, which should have crumbled to dust at his will, shaking,
but never breaking. He screamed his anger, his sorrow, his repentance, to
the silence. Begging his master for help, hoping for solace that never came. Now,
he kneels, not in penitence, but out of habit. He had long ago given up entreating his
master for anything.

It was not always thus. He remembers the battles, when this world was but young,
cooling rock and foaming seas. Sun-bright and righteous, his brethren and he pushed
back the Darkness, kept it from subsuming this fledgling world. The battle song
of the Light strummed through him. His spear flashed against the Darkness,
piercing its legions again and again, cleansing their stain, claiming this world.
He had known only this abiding battle, infinite and eternal. The Light filled
him, was him, and he ventured forth, striking down the enemy. Herast’iel,
prime of the Firstborne, Beloved of the Light, Commander of the Brilliant
Legion. He wrenches himself from the precipice of memory and looks again at his
familiar confinement. Herast’iel the Fallen.

He feels his anger swell, though in truth, it never abates, only his expression of it
quiets; the silent stone cares naught for his rage. His master set him an impossible task,
one he took gladly in service to the Light. He knows now that if Herast’iel could
not accomplish it, who could? And when he faltered, when he pleaded for his
master’s help, he received only imprisonment and silence. Tainted, locked
away. Stripped of his meaning, cast out from the chorus, bereft of the Light.
Alone with the silent Darkness.

At the unexpected sound he straightens, readying his spear and reflexively spreading his wings, their blackened, mangled form but a reminder of what he once
was. He hears them coming, scratching at the stone, feels a familiar pull. They come to enter his prison, come to take what isn’t theirs. The Fallen parts his lips
and for the first time in a millennium the sound of his voice fills the cavern, the laughter alien even to his own ears. Soon he will be prisoner no more.

Ragog the Fierce


Ragog looks up from his Such a thought would not have occurred to him before. He would have seen his enemy and struck again and
preparations at the waiting again until one of them was ended, with little thought to whom.
Fireborne, a prisoner, barely
But now he has purpose. Now he is so much more.
conscious between them.
He had heard it, above the crashing of battle, calling to him. With a sharp tug, he pulled his axe from the skull
“Secure him.” The Fireborne
of his fallen foe and turned from the battlefield. As he moved deeper into the forest, the battle cries of his tribe
strap the man to the waiting rack.
and the wailing of the fallen fell away. His head filled with a strange language, at once incomprehensible and
Ragog notes he puts up a fight;
compelling, drawing him onward. He stopped when he reached the lichen-covered stone. A place for the dead,
good, he will be a strong offering.
he knew. Using his axe, he levered one of the stones from its ancient mortar, digging it out until his fingers bled,
He looks over at the charred mass
but he paid them no mind. As the stone fell away, the voices got louder, filling his head, momentarily driving
at the other end of the room
him to his knees.
before the shimmering portal. A
thick log to sustain the fire was He saw it then, clutched in the hands of the dead. Ragog had never cared for spoils he could not eat, could not
preferable to the pathetic kindling swing in battle. But this, this was something different. He pried away the rotten fingers clutching the prize with
he had been forced to use. more care than he was wont and settled the crown on his brow.


At once the voices ceased, and for half a heartbeat all was silent. A
scream ripped through Ragog’s head, and he realized it was his own.
He burned. Skin turned to ash, flaked away leaving behind raw, red
flesh that cracked and bled. And with it, an understanding. Knowledge.
After a moment, an eternity, Ragog stood. He cast aside his axe; he had
need of it no longer.

The man’s voice cut through his remembrance. “Do what you will; I will never
bow to the Darkness.”

Ragog turned, regarding the prisoner stretched out on his rack, boasting like a fool. The old him,
the part of himself buried deep underneath what he had become, screamed, Enemy! Kill! But the
once-overwhelming desire was little more than a memory, as the other voices held sway. This Ragog,
this one looked over the markings on the man’s arms, noted his bearing, the well-used weapons on
the table in front of Ragog, and recognized what he was. Familiar and hated at the same time.

With a flick of his hand he dismissed the Fireborne who had brought the man in and continued
with his preparations. The knight would prove useful when it was time. Ragog’s work here was vital
for the master’s return.

The Tribunal
He was a Revenant. The near-dead. There were a few in this world, And so, he would remain on death’s doorstep, undying for
but none like him. all eternity.

Once he had been an adjudicator—a Tribunal. An arbiter of The gift came with power. He could see light and dark as
the High Queen in Three Rivers. He had set aside self and it wrestled within people. He could see the sin set in and
wore the helmet of the faceless. He had been protected by the the heart turn to stone. With a word, he could hamper a
shield of law and swung the hammer of judgment person with guilt or free them with a word of affirmation.
in defense of righteousness. He had been Those who spoke against his ruling were struck down.
sent to help municipalities avoid armed He rarely had to lift his arm. The self-righteous would lay
conflict. He listened to all parties, their coats at his feet for permission, then stone those who
weighed the consequences, then would speak against the Tribunal and the High Queen.
passed judgment. His decisions
The gift came with obligation. He was connected to the
carried the weight of
voice. It spoke to him. He went where the voice directed
the Queen and were
him. He did what the voice told him to do. He could not
followed without
resist. The voice was an itch that could not be scratched.
All at once, he was the man he had always been. The same
Then traveling west of thoughts. The same feelings. But, wrapped around this
Brakenburg, he was waylaid. man was another. This other was as cold as its voice. This
A crime against the Queen—against the other kept him alive…but it also kept him dead. It was
light. As he lay dying, a voice spoke to him. not such a small price to pay as he had thought, but one
It told him this was the end…but didn’t have to he would continue to pay for a long, long time.
be. It told him his time as a Tribunal was not
Today the voice was telling him to find and move on
finished. It explained the contract. It offered
a traveler—a Rift Stalker. There was no killing a Rift
him a new life. He would continue to pass judgment,
Stalker, unfortunately. He knew this was important. The
but now he would render decisions with law impartial
voice was particularly worried about his current target.
as his only guide. He would set aside humanity,
She was “troublesome,” as the voice put it. And she
empathy, compassion, and wisdom. As always, the
needed to be moved on quickly.
Tribunal listened, weighed the consequences, and
decided. He accepted the voice’s offer.

Gelatus feels the pull of the Besides, it has no need to leave anyway; it can taste the warrens, from the little ones rolling to and fro, their ability to
master; it is almost time for the taste so limited, to the sharp-edged creatures above, all scales and teeth. At this reminder, Gelatus ripples, undulating
communing, but it doesn’t move. a pocket around the mostly clean skull of a Gat’r. It has sucked all of the taste from it, nothing more to savor. With a
Older than any but the Devourer push, it ejects the skull with force, bouncing it off the far wall, where it lies in shattered pieces. A group of such creatures
itself, it feels no need to gather, no made their way down this deep once. Gelatus quivered at the pleasurable memory. Since then, no others have made the
desire to join the others. It has its attempt.
place, its nest, its task.
Occasionally, it tastes other things. A softer creature, one that tastes like the stones above, has so far eluded the others.
It had tasted the upper warrens of Gelatus catches flavors of it, but whatever it is, it has so far eluded both the Gat’r and the Gooples. It does puzzle Gelatus,
course. The curated stone of those that this taste, though still recognizable, has changed over time, becoming one with the tunnels themselves. Gelatus has
who came before had a sharpness, no fear, though, that it would eventually get to savor it. Eventually, everything made its way down here, in
a sourness not found in the older one form or another.
tunnels. Gelatus preferred the
But wait, what is this new taste? Gelatus focuses its
saltiness of the natural stone, much
cilia, tasting everything. Not Gat’r, not offerings.
more aged, more curated, than the
Such a rare taste this deep into the warrens,
smoothest stones of the dead
this close to its nest. The creature rose up
city above.
on a column of itself, almost reaching
Rarely does it move from this place. the cavernous ceiling above in its
It has no need. The others bring it excitement.
offerings, quivering at the tunnel
New things to taste were coming!
entrance. More than enough to
In haste, it ejected some half-
sate its hunger, the fear from its
digested bones, a few weapons, a
own kind almost as delicious as
strange rock, making room in its
the sustenance itself. Though he
mass, and shook its cilia, ready to
finds the taste of his own kind
taste everything. It must be ready.
bland, Gelatus subsumes one of
the bringers every so often, just to
remind them that it can.
mini-bosses & agents

Stvln the Leash

Deep within the spire, Stvln had been formed. He had been When he finally tired, he lamented the quickness of his toy’s death. He understood that to
created for one purpose—to torment, which meant the first truly become what he was meant to be, he needed to keep a leash on his emotions. It was only
century of his existence had been torture. For one hundred through extending the suffering that he would find release. His second lesson went better.
years, his life was broken upon a rack. His master had
He progressed steadily under the watchful eye of his instructor. He learned to do those things
shown him every method to inflict pain in exquisite detail.
that were done to him. Only in reciprocating the anguish given are monsters born. His master
He was the canvas and his instructor was working on his
enjoyed his progress, his imagination, and began to fear.
His master had been precise. Stvln was not. Stvln used bludgeoning force to hurt people. His
When they finally freed him, he became his master’s
master used his precision to allow the victim to hope. Stvln did not toy with hope. Shortly after
apprentice. His first lesson was simple. They placed a human
he began, Stvln’s victims begged for a death that would not come for many years. His victims
in front of Stvln and told him to unleash all the rage and
were left physically broken before death found them.
darkness inside of him. The human was dead in seconds, but
Stvln continued to tear at him with his bare hands for hours. With great trepidation, his master placed himself upon Stvln’s rack. His master said it was time
for Stvln to take his place as master. He was apprentice no longer.


Talsia Xa’ndria
Thunder rolled overhead. A quick kick to the side of the first guard’s
knee, driving it in at an obscene angle, sent him
I hate the rain.
screaming to the floor. Talsia twisted around and,
She had heard others speak of rain as purifying or cleansing, or refreshing. Rain was none of these using the torque from her hips, launched a strong
things. Rain was cold. Rain was wet. Rain reminded her of living on the streets. front kick into the door. It contacted with the third
guard’s face with a loud crack.
She heard the footfalls of a group of men coming down the hallway outside. It was them. Talsia felt the
tingle of adrenaline run up her back. Her targets approached. She readied herself for violence. A voice She pivoted on her feet to face the second guard.
whispered to her—killkillkillkillkill. He sent a horizontal cut swinging from right to left
at her torso. She stepped in and raised her left arm
The click of the door handle and light slicing
over the approaching blade. Moving with the arc
through the black of the room signaled their
of the swing, she stepped behind him. Her left arm
arrival. In an instant, the air had changed around
wrapped around his neck till it met with her right
her. The room seemed to elongate and time
bicep coming around the back. She twisted, felt the
seemed to tiptoe. Every fiber of the
pop, and the man fell limp.
average-looking woman began
to coil, seeming to pull all the Talsia turned her attention to the first guard
Darkness into her. There, in the screaming on the floor. He began to beg for his life.
small room, death waiting to be She covered his mouth with her left hand and slid a
poured into the three men. Seconds seemed as knife under his ribs.
minutes. The door groaned as if trying to
Turning, she checked on the last guard alive. He
warn them.
lay there facedown in the doorway. A large puddle
Her heart was a slow, distant boom. It was as if of blood began to pool underneath his face. It
eternity was rushing toward her. She could not flee appeared his contact with the door was much worse
the agreement she struck with the Darkness long than she had intended it to be. He still lived. She
ago. She no longer tried. pivoted the knife around and plunged it hilt-deep
into the back of his skull.
Have to . . . kill.
She left the buried knife. The voice in her head
The words exploded in her mind. Time came
was quiet again. She had done his bidding. The
crashing back into focus all around her. Time,
Darkness would leave her alone now…for a bit.
reality, memory, eternity broke over her like waves.
When it needed her again, the voice would tell her.
She was the whirlwind.

The hurt within Stvln threatened to snap its leash. It cried out for his torturer’s
death. He floated in his rage. When he finally found control, he began. Upon
the rack, his former master’s cries shook the very foundation of Agamoth. In the
deep recesses of Agamoth, its denizens covered their ears and hid. They prayed to the
Darkness for the screams to end…but they did not. Stvln had been on that same rack
for a century; his master would match that measure at the very least.

It only took a few years for his former instructor to beg for death. There was no victory
in the request. Stvln knew it would come. Stvln continued; his master expected nothing
less. Years became decades. Decades became centuries. Stvln continued. Two hundred and
twenty years into the process, he realized he had no intention of killing the thing in front
of him. The form of his former master was no longer recognizable. He would keep him
alive for eternity. A trophy. A reminder. Always on a leash.

And so, apprentice became the master.

Kelish the Mark
He had earned his moniker. Kelish rarely missed the mark. He had It was there Kelish the Younger saw his first bow. He understood it
always been able to focus and follow a target, even in the chaos of perfectly and completely. He made his first bow a short time later.
battle. Kelish never knew his mother. He was named after his It didn’t take long for his father to notice. His father had added “the
father. Even as a boy, Kelish the Younger Mark.” He said it sold better. His father created an elaborate fiction
knew he was different. He could around his son. A fictional family tradition. A secret skill passed down
bring down birds in flight with from generation to generation. The Older even inserted himself as
stones flung side-armed. Time instructor: an injury in some imaginary war prevented him from ever
seemed to slow down, almost drawing a bow again but not his son.
stop. He knew the paths
And so Kelish the Mark became an entertainer…but, he was not meant
of birds in flight, elk running
to be an entertainer. His was a dark gift.
through a field, and people
passing through a crowd. In the quiet of the night, he began to have visions great and terrible.
A vast culling would take place. An endless line of people, blindfolded
His father had been a
and passive. He would reach into his quiver and find one arrow
forgettable man. Kelish
waiting. He would fire and it would hit the mark. The person would
the Older was a farmer
fall. And, every time he hoped when he reached back, the next time
and a miserable one at
there would be no arrow. But, there was always another arrow.
that—but more than
a farmer, his father He began to fear the night, rest, and sleep. He knew he would be called
was a storyteller. Being poor and to help. His path stretched straight as an arrow. Down it he ran. Always
farmers, his father would take him to harvest faster. Searching for another way. On it went. Always in front of him.
games in local villages. He would tell his stories Until suddenly, he wasn’t running; he was falling.
and make excuses: about why his wife left, about the
One night after waking up from the same nightmare, seeking comfort,
failed crops, about the dead livestock, about not having
he sought his father and told him about the dream. His father listened
money to pay a debt. Over and over and again. It was the
and nodded. When the younger was done, his father said it was a grand
one thing he was good at.
story but a bit too dark. He suggested altering parts of it, especially the
killing. He said that his son could spin a good yarn, and he had some
of the father in him after all.

Kelish went back to sleep. He had none of his father in him.

Inquisitor Alger
Alger didn’t like his honorary title. Inquisitor When it came time to use his knowledge, it worked simply and flawlessly. His memory would supply the
sounded so distasteful. Inquisitor had a name and time and general idea. This, in turn, pointed him to one of his many reams of paper, bound by
connotation of violence. Of torture. Alger had subject with ribbon and thread.

only ever lifted his hand in self-defense and

Take for instance the case of Baron Southmoor. Six years ago, at the wedding of his third daughter Amelia
abhorred torture. It was so…uncouth.
to a city noble by the name of Eric Gaines, the good Baron Southmoor noted in passing that he hoped this
Alger’s power came from his ability to remember marriage would usher in a new era of cooperation. Alger had made note of it and that Abash Al-Malik, a
almost everything. His memory was made perfect small-time Counting Minister from Ur, was in attendance. There was no legitimate reason Al-Malik was
through the practiced art of writing things down; at the wedding of the Baron’s third daughter…except he had ambition. Alger made sure he was near any
he marked everyone of import. On top of the conversation Al-Malik had that night. He wrote several things down that might become important. It
memory and the marks was the management. might have come to nothing, except these things always seemed to bear fruit…if not pruned too early.
Alger’s was compulsively organized. There was a
Others of his ilk wrote down few things. They relied on subterfuge. They all wanted to be spies. To be
reason the Bibliosoph trusted him. She understood
known. They were silly, did the same work two or three times because they had no memory, and were too
precision in language and action.
impatient. That night six years ago was marked and tucked into a memory.


She looks out over the canyon, watching The warmth of the fire,
the storm gather, as unconcerned with the too close in the crowded
emptiness inches from her boots as she is barracks, a shared drink
with the thick, storm-heavy wind making and later, another body pressed
the occasional white cloud out of her hair. to hers underneath a rough blanket.
Releasing the woman’s face, she pushes the
This is a favorite spot of hers, good vantage
memory away. Never did she feel at home there, in the
points, clear sightlines. They had often
cloistered city. The sense of duty the only thing which resonates
camped her when on a long patrol but she
still, even if that duty now lies elsewhere. She was always more
has noticed her men no longer like the
at home outside the walls, her legion—her pack—her only true
open, preferring the dank, close places.
They bear it without complaint, though,
here where she is most at home, the cold Traitea sees the woman’s lips move, a plea or a curse, it matters
starlight the only thing to pierce the dark. not. There is nothing she can say that would crest over the
ceaseless chorus, nothing to cut through the eternal litany.
Her second approaches with news. At his
voice, the whispering in her head subsides, The Mournblade wails, its song the only thing loud enough to
but never ceases entirely. He moves with a silence the whispers, if only for a moment.
deference learned since they’d left the Rock
The body slumps to the dust, the once-fair face,
for good. Bound to her by duty only for so
unencumbered, tumbles, the accusation in its eyes as
long, even he fears her now.
meaningless as its unheard words.
At her nod, he gestures to two of the
With a nod from her, her second signals for two of
company, who dump a jumble of cloth
the band to approach. As they begin removing
and flesh at her feet. The lion of Farrenroc
the body, she takes out a much-used cloth and
crouches across the woman’s shoulders,
wipes the already-pristine Mournblade. No
roars from her breastplate. Enemy.
matter how she slakes its thirst, it never wastes a
Obstacle. Traitea grabs her captive’s jaw,
drop, but old habits die hard.
turning her head to get a better look, ire-
warmed flesh against the cool slate of her The storm breaks, and as she watches the unstoppable sheet
fingertips. Beneath the woman’s fear she of rain drive down the canyon, the chorus agrees, echoing one
sees her hatred, and something else. Traitea word again and again, and she comes to a decision. It is time to
remembers then. return to the Rock. It is time to go home.

Five weeks ago, the great and modest Abash Al-Malik became Minister of Commerce in Ur. His
predecessor had fallen overboard during a storm along the shores of Kanis. Alger had noted that the skies
had been clear with no storms reported during the alleged accident.

Last week, Ur signed an exclusive shipping deal with Baron Southmoor. The Baron stood to make a
great deal of money. And, his son-in-law quickly became the most important person in Ur…save
Abash Al-Malik, of course.

Alger found the notes he had taken easily. There were several tasty tidbits of information Alger
could use as leverage over Al-Malik, the good Baron, and his son-in-law Eric. Alger didn’t really like the
term "blackmail." He would simply appeal to their better natures. He only received a royalty on each
“sale.” The Bibliosoph is the one who benefited from all of Alger’s backroom deals. The deals would be
done quickly and quietly. No one would ever know except the Bibliosoph, Alger, and the participants.

After all, Alger was a licensed notary in every region of the four kingdoms.

Avatar of Winter
Wulf Masters was no ordinary hero. He had seen…and run from everything The place was barely a tomb. It was smelly and moldy. Wulf Masters was not
imaginable. But, he looked like a hero and his name sounded heroic, so amused. In the second room stood an Avatar of Winter. His problem was
people assumed. And, when people assumed, it usually meant a good time solved. There were hundreds of these statues buried in the dark places all
for him. Wulf Masters was always treated in taverns: the best mead, the best around the four kingdoms. If disturbed, a malevolent spirit would inhabit
meals, and the best maids. Life was quite good for Wulf Masters. the statue and kill any fools dumb enough to hang around. Here was Wulf
Masters' out.
Heroism was something Wulf Masters was not
acquainted with in the slightest. Truth be No two Avatar of Winter statue looked the same; the pose was always
told, he was terrified of monsters. Most different—always changing. Though made of stone, it had the appearance of
of the time, he could talk his way out a knight in armor with a large-bladed sword. It was terrifyingly realistic. And
of it. Also, promising to help, then rightly so. When inhabited by the Avatar of Winter, the statue came to life
bolting worked well. Sometimes, and killed everything in its path. When no life remained, it would return to
however, he would meet a person its dormant state in whatever pose it was left in.
truly invested or even worse…a
Wulf Masters and the hero’s helper stood outside the room with the avatar
fan. Someone who insisted on
statue. Suddenly, the fan was not sure he wanted to continue. It wasn’t easy
accompanying him to the lair or
being a hero. Wulf Masters knew this good and well. The time had come to
tomb or other horrible place people
put up or shut up. Wulf Masters shoved his fan into the room. The look of
go to die.
betrayal was clear. Wulf Masters was more than familiar with this look.
Such was the predicament he found
The statue came to life immediately. His fan had barely time to pick himself
himself in currently. He had a fan
up from the ground before the statue impaled him. Just outside the room
and the fan wouldn’t leave him
Wulf Masters watched. The Avatar of Winter stared at him as it began to
be. It had been fine at first.
return to stone. Wulf Masters didn’t like that look. As quiet as he was able,
Now, he wanted an adventure
Wulf Masters tiptoed out of the tomb, brushed some more dirt on himself—
to remember. Wulf Masters
real tomb dirt helped sell the illusion—and proceeded to the next hamlet.
wanted no part in tombs or
memories, but this particular fan
wouldn’t quit. So, here they were.

Avatar of Shadow
Rituals and her father’s grief aside, he had needed her to Long ago the wager between the Darkness and the other had been struck. Their direct interaction

accept. It was always the same. The burden of an avatar. with this world would be limited to agents, heroes, monsters, ideas, dreams, and avatars. Pure
The vessel must agree. Yes, he could inhabit inanimate vessels came along very, very rarely. A pure vessel would hold a greater presence. His agents had
objects to speak to the vessel, but in the end, the vessel done a good job. They had identified her early. He was able to take his time—he hated working on
had to say yes. a deadline.

Once accepted, he took over. The previous owner was Lucy had been a surprise. She was almost too perfect. She was a clever girl. Lonely. She spoke
imprisoned in a dark corner of their concious never to to her doll. He spoke back. She didn’t even seem surprised the first time. He became her friend.
return. He was sure in the case of other avatars, they They played games and took walks. He would drop thoughts into her head. Wonderfully horrible
might speak to or even share the vessel with the previous thoughts. Then as the doll, he would console her and explain them. He would tell her that meant
owner, but not him. He was the Avatar of Shadow. He she was special and she shouldn’t turn away from herself. When it came time for her abduction, she
was a sliver of Darkness born into flesh. was already his.


How I miss you. I miss you in every moment. I am lost without you. Fighting in this
void to hold on to what little light is left in me. Those last moments…I cling to them…

…they cut me so.

We soared too high. So I have fallen into Darkness. These wings and this flesh have been burned
away. I have been made other.

Oh, my love…my dear Clíodhna. I am not sure I can fight it. I am not sure I can make it right if it means losing
you again…all that I have left. You have become my life and my prison.

I will miss you in every eternity, in lifetimes not yet lived, where truth and love might have clarity. You are
my friend, my lover, my past, and my future. You are my eyes in the dark, the one I run to... You are the
tears never shown—my light home.

Please, my love. Give me strength to let you go. So, I might fight and find my way back to light and life.

I have become death. And I am afraid.

In the first Myth we offered a pledge level that allowed a backer to be put In “The Greatest Treasure,” the heroes aid Donnchadh in raiding the enemy
into the game and have a miniature made of him or her. It is there we had hideout, with the intent being to save his captured lady love. The last chapter
the pleasure to meet Duncan Doherty. We wanted him to tell us what he would be titled, “Claíomh Dorchadas, the Sword of Darkness,” the heroes
wanted. It was with great relief that Duncan knew exactly what he wanted encounter Donnchadh, only now possessed by the Darkness.
to do. In his own words:
We took his ideas and attempted to implement them the best we could. But,
Donnchadh is definitely a melee fighter. In game, his two swords are Fragarach we wanted to expand his role in the world and make his story a bit longer.
and the Claíomh Solais. Battle mechanics for the two swords would be up to So we developed the Donnchadh quest per the given above, but at the end
you, though they should hopefully feel different from each other from a Donnchadh has become a Revenant. Is he beyond hope for redemption?
gameplay standpoint.  What part will he play in lands of Myth?

Another idea I had was a branching chapter quest line that fleshes him out a
bit in the game world.  Here is my idea for a quest that introduces Donnchadh
into Myth. The opening quest, titled “The Legendary Swordsman,” has the heroes
encounter Donnchadh tracking down a group of mobs that have taken his lover
hostage. If the heroes succeed, the quest “The Greatest Treasure”
becomes available.

Her father had been even easier to whisper into. The father was a gravedigger and a superstitious man.
Lucy’s mother had died last winter. The father had dug the hole himself, filling it with his tears. It
was then that he began to tell the father he was cursed. That he would lose everything. He made
sure the father knew Darkness could help.

The table had been prepared. Lucy had accepted him as she died and her father had done the
rest. Now the avatar of shadow walked this world. She would be his finger on the throat of this
world. A tool to drive them into despair.

Who would stop her? Who would notice her? She could go anywhere, do anything, and she would make
them watch. How could a person see the atrocities she would perform, a small human girl, and not lose all
hope? What hero would kill her without hesitation? And that hesitation would be all she needed to pull out
his liver and eat it in front of him. She would drive back the light and send them all into madness.

Sir Archeron
Though there was always work to With one glance at the knight, the trio took off
be done, Sir Archeron was currently running, soon to be lost in the back alleys, no
between assignments and meant to doubt. Archeron crouched near the younger boy.
take advantage of the downtime to “Are you all right?”
catch up on his reading. It had been a
“Yes, sir,” barely audible as the boy clumsily got to
rough few months. He shook off the
his feet, keeping his eyes on Archeron and his hands
memory of the events in Gris’ Bosom
on the lump in his ragged coat. The lump squirmed
and settled onto the bench along the
and a soft gray snout emerged, followed by a pair
outer wall of the Library. No sooner
of bright, brown eyes. The puppy jumped toward
had he opened his book when he
Archeron as the boy cried, “No, Boots!”
heard shouting.
Archeron scooped the pup up and handed it back
“Give it here!” The young man’s voice
to boy, who quickly returned it to his coat, but not
cracked on the last word.
before the knight saw that as thin as it was, Boots
“Get off me!” Younger, scared. The looked better fed than the boy.
exchange was quickly followed by a
“Thanks, they was gonna sell Boots here to the pits,
sound Archeron recognized well—a
but he ain’t no fighting mutt. He’d get eaten.”
closed fist meeting flesh.
“Well, we don’t want that to happen,” Archeron
He came around the corner to see a quickly added, “Of course, you’d have to
answered. “He’s a fine dog. Looks a bit hungry,
group of boys, edging into manhood, stay with him, being his owner and all.” The
though.” He pulled open his bag. “Think Boots
surrounding a smaller kid on the houndmaster owed Archeron a favor and he was
would like some beef?” The boy’s stomach rumbled.
ground, curled protectively around sure she could find the boy a bed and a job. “Doesn’t
“Better taste some first to make sure he’ll like it.”
something, guarding it from their pay much, but you’d have a warm place to stay and all the food
snatching fingers. As one prepared The child took the morsel, shoved half of it in his you and Boots could eat. Sound good?”
to deliver a kick, Archeron took him mouth, and gave the other to the dog, who made it
by the shoulder, effortlessly planting disappear just as quickly. Archeron stuck out his hand. The boy considered for a
him on his backside. Using his moment and shook on it. Archeron smiled, remembering
“You know, the Library can always use good being on the other end of this agreement decades ago, and
most intimidating voice, Archeron
watchdogs. Boots would be a great candidate.” The was heartened that, even in these dark times, serving the
boomed, “What’s going on here?”
boy tightened his grip on the dog and Archeron Light didn’t always require a bloody battle.

Marcus the Ready

Life was too short to be scared; death comes for us all. Better to die laughing The first three charged, heads down, swords aimed at abdomen, seeking to
in glorious battle, than to be dragged to dirt by time and sickness. He had disembowel him. Marcus swung his mighty sword. In a flashing arc, the edge
decided long ago to be ready for death and not fear the opportunity to split their heads. The closest of them began to backpedal. Another swung his
earn fame and eternal glory. So it came as no surprise to Marcus he would sword widely into the man next to him.
find himself here, now…surrounded by an ocean of enemies. He had his
Marcus was already upon them. He charged a group with his shoulder,
weapons and the strength of his hands. What else did a man need.
puncturing the closest and sending a few others flying into those behind.

He saluted the soon-to-be-dead. If they thought they had him, they were Smashed another with the hilt of his great blade. The man’s brains splattered
wrong. A man’s reach is only so far and Marcus wasn’t what you would across his helm and chest. The next he cleaved in half with a heavy downswing.
consider fleet-of-foot. To Marcus’ mind, it was far better to let your enemy Joy leaped in his heart. The songs of a thousand heroes before him flowed
close within a sword length, even if it meant they brought friends. through his blood and rang in his ears.

Marcus grinned savagely, his grip firm around his sword, “My edge is dry. Sword points and dull axe blades clanged off his armor. He pivoted, swinging
Come, I am thirsty!” low, hacking off several legs at the knee. All around him swords hummed, but
death passed. Death and Marcus were not destined to meet on this day.
The enemy stayed, frozen in fear. Until one, leading from the middle, urged
them forward. “Go! He is one against fifty. Finish him, you cowards.”


Sarah the Mystic

The figure on the ground below her form before him. “This"—his broad gesture indicates not only the desiccated figure at their
writhes against the lance pinning feet, but the entire undercroft scattered with Huranii remains—“should not be possible.”
it to the ground. Skeletal claws
Before she could interrupt, he continued, “No, I know necromancy is not that rare. I mean,
scrabble and flail at anyone who
it should not have been possible here.” His tail twitches angrily as he walks toward one of
gets too close. With flat, desiccated
the columns, brushing off centuries of dust. “These symbols, and those.” He points
eyes it still somehow conveys a look
to the complicated hieroglyphs against the far wall before stepping back over to the
of malevolence.
Huranii corpse. “And most importantly, these.” He uses his dagger to point at the
Though Dauntless had asked her intricate lines, still visible on the dry flesh, “All of these should make
here, her visions have taken her this impossible.”
to this sacred undercroft before.
“My people were no strangers to the dangers of the Darkness, Sarah. They
Sarah has little pity, considering the
took precautions. The amount of power
carnage these things wreaked. She
it would have taken to override this is
nevertheless feels the wrongness of
beyond disturbing.” He paused, his worry
the creature prone before her, used
evident in the way his snout twitched.
by another long after it had left
“Could someone who”—she hears the slight pause
life behind.
as he considers his next words—“walks the edge do this?”
Having learned all she can from it,
“You mean, could I do this, or another like me.” She knows he is
she bends low and the markings
worried she’ll take offense, but it is a practical question. Though ostensibly in
on her hands and arms begin to
service to the Light, by definition most Mystics exist in the liminal spaces, always
glow as she burns out the force
aware of the other side of the coin, so to speak, occasionally rubbing their fingers
animating it. She feels the aftertaste
across it a little too familiarly. “We are often…distrustful of one another. We all
of the dark magic at the back of her
see different possibilities along the myriad paths available, and our goals are
throat, carrion left in the sun too
not always the same. But no, if the wards are as you’ve described, neither I,
long, and yet there is something
nor any on my path, have the necessary power.” She stood in silence for a
else, something familiar.
moment before continuing, “But we would be able to contact those who
Dauntless points to the ragged, would.” Her mind returns to the familiar taste as she snuffed out the
embroidered cloth hanging around remnant, memory catching a thread this time.
the creature’s neck. “She was kath-
To Dauntless she says, “I need to go.” If her fears are correct, there
trin, holy, dedicated to the Light.”
is little time. She needs to visit the Great Library. Perhaps the
The reverence for what she once
Bibliosoph can be of use.
was warred with his distaste for the

The last swing saw his sword stuck, lodged in several men who had gathered
too close together. He was quick to leave a stuck weapon. Marcus pulled out
flail and dagger.

He was a wave of fury, a shark among minnows. He side-stepped a well-

positioned strike, spun the chained weapon overhead, and brought it down,
crushing a skull. At the same time, he punctured another’s throat. Bright
blood burst from the wound, spraying those near. Marcus roared with
excitement and laughter.

Their courage faltered. He threw the dagger at one of the fleeing fools'
backs and hurried toward the man in the fancy hauberk trying to
muster his fleeing forces with threats of punishment.

Marcus grabbed him by the hair and drove his face into the spiked armor
on his right shoulder.

Father Josh
Father Josh was emphatic. “You have got to wake up Some people have trouble seeing the
and get it together. They got to start seeing this thing as connections. When you see the damage the
a war, because it is. And we are losing.” Darkness can do and how actively it works
toward the destruction of life and light, only
He was standing in a homestead on the outskirts of
then can you be prepared for it. People have
Riverthorn, speaking to a group of settlers. He had the
got to get tactical. They had to have a plan and
gift of gab. He could capture a room with his humor
if they needed him to help prepare for this life
and delivery. He had an uncanny ability to convey
or the next, he was game.
confidence in the outcome and severity of the issue at
the same time. He had a heart for protection. “I mean, not all heroes have to wear armor,
but it sure does help. Armor your hearts and
The Darkness was real.
your chests. Guard your words and your
He had always been sure. After all, he had walked to neighbor. We battle with flesh and blood,
the edge of that cliff, looked the Darkness in the eyes, and spirits of the dark. When you are being
been tempted, and lived to walked away. It is why he tempted, tell a brother or sister. Don’t go it
became a priest. alone; take an army.”

Father Andrew
Father Andrew smiled again. It came easy Parish life can become routine. The routine can blind
to him. He had always been able to focus you to the shape of the attack. He was careful to open
on the good in people. His jovial demeanor himself to it. He would give people courage. He would give
gave people the wrong impression. He was people hope. He would bring people together. For if one thing
a fire-and-brimstone preacher. has been made completely clear in his time fighting the Darkness,
people need each other.
The Darkness was real.
The Darkness wants to separate us from the light. It wants to separate
He hadn’t always been so sure. It only took
us from each other. It wants to make us scared. It wants us to
a week as a priest to eliminate any lingering
think we are alone, because when we are alone it can kill us. The
doubts on the question of evil. When
Darkness is a hunter. It has come to steal your joy, kill your light,
your job is to deal with the aftermath of
and destroy everyone and everything it can.
loss, you begin to see how widespread the
problems are. When your job is to comfort Not all heroes have to wear armor, but all heroes answer
those left in the destruction of a few the call of the needy, help those who are lost, protect the
seemingly unconnected choices, you begin helpless, care for widows and orphans, and hold the fire
to see a pattern. in the dark night.

Real Fathers
Father Andrew and Father Josh are based off two We talked and they bought the two factions. They also played in the one and only event we were
modern-day heroes. They are real Catholic priests. running. They stopped by on the last day to wish us luck. They were excited by what we were
We met them in 2010. It was our first Gencon. doing, and told us they would pray for our success. We thanked them.
They happened by our booth and saw some of the
They have been in every MERCS world championship from that year on. And both have won. They
MERCS we had on display. (I think we had maybe 20
have become family and we thank God for bringing us together. We put them in Myth
miniatures and a print-on-demand copy of our first-
to honor them. — Brian Shotton
edition MERCS rules.)


Audio processors coming online. “Hey, a soldier’s gotta eat, Tricky.”

“…do something with that piece I swiveled my head toward the

of junk?” The voice sounded harsh, speaker. Humanoid, female,
more teeth than tongue. covered in fur. No data on
record. I turned back to the
“It’s not junk.” My optical input
one who had woken me as she
flashed for a second to reveal an
spoke, “Can you hear me?”
organic female, human, per my
database, peering at my optics, I tried to answer, as I must always
before going dark again. “The old answer, but my voice processor was not online,
guy didn’t know what he had.” so I nodded. She opened up my side panel and
made some adjustments and my vocals were restored.
The first voice continued, “What
“What is your designation?”
he had was a sucker ready to trade
good coin for a hunk of rust he’d “I am an Environment Volition Engine, model
probably been trying to unload for 3842T-R8.”
a couple of decades.” A harsh bark
“Well that’s a mouthful, isn’t it?” The furry one leaned
followed. “It’s not like these small
against the wall and spit onto the ground.
villages get much trade, even this
close to the Rock.” “For once we agree.” The Trickster began to rummage
around in her pack before raising her view to meet mine. With a deftness inherent in all makers, the woman continued
A softer tone broke in, “If the
“I’m going to call you EVE.” examining my inner gears before reaching into her pack. “Just
Trickster feels this is worth the
delay, then it undoubtedly is. The red woman who had spoken earlier leaned in to peer because something was built for one thing, doesn’t mean it can’t
Perhaps this…device…can be at me over the Trickster’s shoulder. “While I certainly trust suit another.” She pulled out several sharp pieces of metal, and
of use.” your instincts, time is of the essence. Do you really believe began working them over with a small tool. “Give me a few
that this EVE can help us? I do not mean to be negative, minutes; this won’t take long.” She began disassembling one of
“Besides.” I felt a moment of my arms. “With a few upgrades, she’s gonna be just what
but it does not seem to possess any martial capabilities.”
pressure against my optical socket, we need.”
as my visual input kicked in and “You speak true, Apprentice. Without more time, I can’t be
the hooded woman continued sure of its original function, but it does not appear to have
speaking. “You didn’t see us been built for warfare.”
complaining when you just had to
The furry one broke in, “What’s the point then? We need
detour to the last village because
to move. The pack we’ve been chasing is probably headed
you smelled rabbit stew.”
toward the city by now.”

He would light the way. It was all he could do. He would carry their burdens. It
was all he could do.
He remembered the day the flame came to him. The light was
so intense, so bright that everything that had come before was This time the flame would show
forgotten. There was only the Light and his calling. the way. It would pick them up
when they fell; it would lighten
He would carry the torch. It was all he could do.
their load until they could carry it
Fame was nothing he cared for. He walked unsung into the themselves, but it would not fight for them.
darkest of places to light the way for heroes. Anonymity was The flame—the Light—would not be their champion.
his armor. The Light had tried it differently before. Using a
They would need to fight the Darkness. It was all
vessel—Hurn. It failed. People relied on a savior, but when
they could do.
that savior was gone, they were too weak.

As Alanina approached Moonglow Spire, she Alanina entered the Spire proper
could feel it. Though the manicured gardens and made her way to her own
were pristine as always, the path swept clear as suite, noticing that the Spire
usual, and the stones themselves gleamed as ever still bustled with staff, but she saw
in the sunlight, something was off. There was a no colleagues, nor even any high-level
taint here, a rot she could almost smell beneath apprentices. The taint grew more pronounced as she
the scent of roses and harnessed magic. climbed; she would have to be cautious. She gathered
some items from her rooms and gave Corbin specific
She handed her mount to the waiting stable
instructions in case she did not return.
hand and turned to her assistant, Corbin. “You
did well to message me.” She mounted the stairs to the upper levels. While the
lower tiers of the Spire, consisting mostly of living
She’d been returning from lending her aid to
quarters, storage, and meeting rooms, weren’t much
Farrenroc, when Corbin’s message reached her.
different than any other keep, the upper levels were a
Though many of her colleagues preferred to
bit different. By design and (if she were being honest) by
remain in the Spire almost permanently, Alanina
accident, the centuries of magic use had taken their toll on
found balancing the academic study of magic
the once-mundane stones and mortar. Many of the upper
with more practical application in the real world
levels didn’t even exist here physically, but instead functioned
to be necessary. Plus, such experience had led
as doorways to other places and times. Theoretically, there was
her to master her craft to a level that few
always another floor in the Spire, but in practical terms, she
could claim.
could only climb so high before they became un-inhabitable,
Corbin had been able to provide few substantial their realities at such odds with our own that they were hostile
details beyond the feeling of wrongness, and an to life, even for those such as her.
inability to contact a single other high-ranking
As she entered the next floor, the assault nearly took her off her
member of the Spire, although several were in
feet. Despair, rage, and inconsolable grief washed over her as her hastily concocted shield spared her the
permanent residence here. It was not unusual
worst. Underneath the tide of emotions, she sensed something else, a familiar pattern.
for a mage to be lost in her own studies, in
this plane or another, but for all of them to be “You!” she screamed as the figure began to turn. “What have you done?!” Alanina gripped her staff tightly and
unreachable? It was unheard of. gathered her power to her, hoping it would be enough. For if it were not, the Spire would only be the first to fall.

Rift Stalker
She knew there were other worlds than these. She had seen them. The best skin she had worn would have been the Rose. It
certainly wasn’t the most dangerous creature. Sure, it had thorns
She had hunted and been hunted across two score and two world.
but it was a flower. It was delicate and couldn’t move. Her time as
Sometimes with an ally. Sometimes alone. Always the same enemy—a
the Rose was brief, but filled with memories. It made her feel good.
Revenant. They didn’t travel like she did. They just existed in every world.
At home. More complete. It was as if her entire being were singing.
They could sense her and would hunt her down in whatever guise she wore.
Moving on from one world, one being, to the next was always an event…and

Here she had a friend, or perhaps better stated, she was friend to another.
always unpleasant. It required an honest death. Suicide wouldn’t work; early
Here she had been given the appearance of a quadruped. Not the worst skin
on, she had tried several times. She didn’t like to remember those early days. It
she had been given. Not the best either.
didn’t take long to find out that an honest death would find her.
The worst had been a Bungle. It was small, soft-skinned, and exceedingly
The creature she wore now was fast and could fight. When it died, it would take
clumsy. She couldn’t take ten steps without falling or knocking something
something with it. And, this time she wasn’t alone. She had companions. Being
over. It was like her equilibrium was always off-kilter. She couldn’t imagine
an ally had its privileges. She would remain here, with them a while. She could
living permanently as that poor, hapless creature. She was a Bungle for two
feel it. This was a world that could be saved. So often the worlds she visited have
moons and that was more than enough for several of her lifetimes.
already moved on. It was a relief to be in one still holding on to the light.


Approaching the garden, Cyrddin Cyrddin sat down next to her and said, “More
unsheathed her axe and sword, setting vivid this time, more urgent.” For the past
them carefully aside. The central week, she’d had the same dream. A
garden was a place of contemplation, woman, young in appearance
one of the few places even a Way- but with old eyes, travels the
Steward entered without her weapons. Way with her. Although they
As always, she was struck by its simple walk side by side, the woman’s
beauty. Her people, the Lu-ti, could feet are on another road, not the path
be hard when necessary; the Fields of of Lu-ti stewardship, but their destination
Light were harsh compared to much of is nevertheless the same. Though she knew
the four kingdoms, but they also held her mentor wouldn’t give her a direct answer,
oasies such as this garden, rarely seen Cyrddin asked the question anyway. “What
by outsiders. should I do?”

Today, however, she didn’t come to “You have not been a student for many years.
enjoy the greenery or even to meditate; This is your decision.”
she sought advice and knew she would
“I have duties here.”
find Teika, her former mentor, here,
practicing her forms on the shale Teika waved away her concern as the excuse it Teika nodded once. “Like the Ways,
surrounding the small pool at the was. “You are not the only Way-Steward.” For there are individuals who walk outside the
center of the garden. Cyrddin waited generations, the Lu-ti have guarded the Ways, binary of Light and Dark, liminal by nature.”
at a polite distance while the older protecting this world from anything that might
“Yes, that is what I feel from this woman. Although
woman finished and took a seat on the be traveling. “The woman, do you trust her?’
I am certain she serves the Light in this.”
nearby bench before approaching.
Cyrddin thought before answering, “She
“As is your duty as well.” Her teacher shrugged, a simple
“You’ve had the dream again,” Teika serves the Light, but there is something else
gesture for a simple answer. With gratitude and respect, the Way-
began, no preamble. While few there as well.” She hesitated a moment to
Steward left Teika to her meditation.
of the Lu-ti could be considered choose her words. “Not Darkness, exactly,
loquacious, the old teacher had as little but something…” As she said it, she realized Cyrddin had always envisioned her charge as lying solely in the
use for wasted words as she did for the feeling that had been nagging at her— Bright Lands, but she served the Light wherever there was need.
superfluous actions; every movement, familiarity. “She feels like the Ways themselves, She would lend her arms to this cause without hesitation. She
every interaction was reduced to the neither Light nor Darkness, but something retrieved her weapons and set home to pack. She had quite the
necessary, the vital. in between.” journey ahead of her.

Truth be told, she preferred to fight, then run or hide. It

was rare to be in a world fighting and in a skin equipped
to help. When it happened, she felt most like herself…
who she used to be. Before she found that rock—a Rift
Stone. It had changed everything. Now, it was part of her.

Though she was sure there were others like her, she
had never met any. She was an exile. Sojourner. The
wandering. She did not know how many worlds there
were, only that she would see them all.

Bobby lived in the hills north of Riverfalls. There was no word for mercy among Grubbers or Muckers. He had thought at one time that he could be a great
The people of Riverfalls had come to symbol to his people. That he might lead them to a more peaceful existence. He still hoped they might come to
accept him. Meaning they didn’t hunt him walk a different path, but he understood that the Darkness must be defeated first. He smiled. Oh, how he must
anymore. It had taken time and a lot of be a blight in the eye of the Darkness.
words to earn that margin. He had proven
It was interesting to think about all that could have gone wrong and where he would have ended up. One
his intent and shown his worth. Accepting
small misstep here, one overzealous sword there, and he would have been long buried. Yet, here he was. A sure
him was still pretty far from acceptance.
sign that miracles happen every day. He still didn’t understand what made him different. Only that he was. He
But, it was also a good bit better than
wondered how many others were like him but never made it…one small misstep…
being hunted and hated. He was sure some
people still hated him, but then again, Bobby understood better than most how fragile the security and peace of this land were. It is why he has
some people seem born to hate. Bobby stayed. Eventually, he would like to journey to the sea. He has heard tales of water so vast it is all a person can
was not. see. He would very much like to see it. His journey was just
beginning, but it would have to wait. One cannot find
Acceptance is a journey, and all journeys
acceptance if one is unwilling to fight for it. The
begin with a single step. His first step was
difference between being apart from society and
realizing the voice in his head driving him
being a part of a community is just a little space.
to madness wasn’t his. When he didn’t feed
He liked that saying. He had made it up himself.
it, it faded. In many ways, the first step on
his journey wasn’t a step at all. It was sitting
quietly and figuring out who he was. Know
thyself. That and a bit of revenge.

Violence is a funny thing. The gaining of

freedom from an oppressor takes the right
kind of violence. He remembered that
day many years ago and those strangers
very vividly. Just as he remembered the
day when those same strangers had mercy
on him and they all became friends. The
wisdom to know when violence is justified
and when mercy is needed is difficult to
master. Perhaps that is why he fought with
them and for them.

He was not the tallest of the Elders, but he was the oldest. He was nearly a They had not yet come to see the threads of nature, so assumed there were
thousand years older than any other Elder. He had 223,613 leaves across his none. They were devoted to the trees, and those spirits that inhabited all woods:
crown. Far more than any other Elder before him. His roots were still strong. spriggans, dryads, sprites, nymphs, and satyrs. They sought company only in

He would not grow taller, but would live a long time still. those that were like them and drank deep from the sun.

The other Elders thought him addled. He had begun to become active in The great warmth of the sun bled into him. He listened to the music of the
the defense of this world. He had exposed them. They felt he was being too light and saw the threads that connected him with it and him with the ground.
hasty. It was an odd occurrence for the oldest among them to argue activism, The warmth flowed from his leaves to his roots, and into the dirt and rock that
but he knew it was necessary. He spoke of the threads that connected would never know light except through him. He was a conduit, as all living
everything under the sun to the sun, but his words were not meant to things were…whether they realized and embraced it or not.
convince any of the other Elders. They would see or not. His words were for
Light and love and purpose are in the connection with all those things around
the young. Perhaps, with instruction, they might see the threads sooner and
you. He had not always understood this truth. It had taken several thousand
save them all.
years to see the truth.


Sir Roderick Blackstone

Roderick Blackstone, First Knight of Farrenroc, He’d heard tales, of course, but had never
pulled his cloak close as he stood, one foot seen such a beast. The dragon (for what
resting on the edge of the battlements. For weeks, else could it be) was easily three times as
Farrenroc had been under siege. This morning, high at the shoulder as a man, broader
with the latest skirmish recently ended, he felt old. than the city gates. The gray-blue
He shifted his weight to the other leg, the one that tones of its armored ridges reflected
hadn’t been crushed beneath a Mucker he’d felled the dawn as it sauntered forward,
more than thirty years ago. The stiffness served as almost feline. With relief, he
a reminder that there were always consequences, noted at least it didn’t have
even if the battle went your way. wings like some of its
brethren—it couldn’t
Though victorious, the recent battles had been
fly over the walls.
hard-won. It was rare that more than one faction
came together, but this time his militia had beaten As soon as he judged
back not only scores of Grubbers and their ilk, but the creature in range,
teeming masses of Crawlers. The enemy couldn’t he ordered the archers
hope to get into the city, but he wasn’t about to let to open fire, but the
them dawdle on Farrenroc’s doorstep either. beast just shrugged the
armor-piercing arrows
He took a long drink from the warm soup one
off. When it reached the
of the runners had brought up. At dawn, a new
gates, it roared again, its breath condensing in the aura of cold
problem was revealed. In front of the treeline, just
that surrounded it, and he watched as unnatural ice climbed
outside bow range, sat a cloud of fog. As the sun
the walls of Farrenroc. Hoarfrost and ice crystals shifted and
reflected off it, he was reminded of the sharp, cold
cracked as it moved, only to reform seconds later in an ever-
air that preceded snowfall, of ice crackling across
hardening sheen until it moved again.
a lake.
The beast lowered its scaled head and rammed the gate.
Blackstone didn’t care for magic, preferring the
Blackstone fought to keep his balance as the ancient walls
certainty of his axe, but he wasn’t above using it.
shook. He wrapped his hand around his axe and shouted
He’d sent for the Alchemists and the Weavers,
for the Alchemists to load the ballistae with their special brand of
tasking them with removing the cloud. As the
flames. In living memory, nothing had breached the walls of Farrenroc, and
cloud began to dissipate, a horrendous roar echoed
he meant to keep it that way.
off the sky. At the sound, his ancient hind brain
screamed at him to flee, prey before a predator. He
kept it in check, as he would any panicking soldier
under his command, and assessed this new foe.

He was an Elder. Ancient of the Old Growth. His life dedicated to the
protection of nature. He used to think that stops at anything not green
and leafy. He now knew that was short-sighted. Once he could see the
connections, he realized the nature he was protecting was much larger
than he had assumed. It was larger than he wanted. He really didn’t care for
the bipeds, nor the animals. He hated insects. But understanding how they
were all connected required him to redefine his own prejudices.

He remembered the first time he realized it. He almost fell over.

It would have made a great sound regardless of who was around to hear.

But, he also felt the Darkness. Distant, but still connected.

Far away but getting closer.

She’s surprised at the sound of her own voice when the storytelling begins, “Maven was no great carrack, but she weren’t no minnow neither. Fully forty
usually preferring to nurse her drink in peace in the darkest corner she could feet across her beam, but the tentacles grabbing her were thicker than the main
find in whatever alehouse she was in. masts.” She sees a few of the younger sailors in the crowd shake their heads and
“I was crewing on the Maven, young and stupid enough to spend my time
off-watch listening to the older sailors and their stories. We gathered around Ignoring them, she continues, “As the crew started hacking at the tentacles,
the fire barrel, along with a group of well-armed passengers, as Old Calen the sea begins to churn off the bow. A great bulbous head breaks the surface,
regaled us all with tales of sirens and Naga. four flat eyes each as big as a rum barrel. The spectacle was horrible enough,
but then the creature opened its maw to reveal rows and rows of teeth! Like a
“When the watch bell clanged, the gathering broke up, and I clambered up
lamprey but each half again as big as a man.
to the crow’s nest to relieve Tommy and settled in.” She paused to take a
drink of the swill that passed for ale in this dive before continuing. “The passengers headed to the prow and the archer drew her bow and loosed a
barrage of arrows. Most slid off its tough hide into the waves, but one found its
“It wasn’t long, maybe an hour, before I caught movement off the port bow.
home right in the creature’s eye. It squealed and thrashed as the soldier hacked
Now usually, I’d have said it was nothing more than dolphins, but Calen’s
at the thickest tentacle with his sword. From the nest I saw the red one, the
stories were still churning in my brain. I watched, holding my breath, until
Weaver, climb up on the forecastle and raise her hands. Lightning arced out
I saw the movement again. I raised the alarm, expecting to see a horde of
from her fingertips, but I never saw it land, as the mast split beneath me and I
Naga trying to board the ship. The crew scrambled, and even the passengers
went tumbling toward the deck.
spilled out of the stairway, weapons drawn.
“Before I hit I was smacked sideways by one of the thrashing tentacles, swept
“For a moment I feared I’d raised a false alarm, but from the dark water an
overboard, and pulled under the water. One whole side of me was on fire and
enormous, shimmering tentacle erupted and crashed down on the deck!
I expected the pounding in my ears to be death’s hooves thundering across the
Now, the crew was seasoned and it took them only a moment to spring
waves, but instinct took over and I struggled to break the surface, too small a
into action. A few grabbed boarding pikes and went after it. But they got
prize for the beast.
no more than a few steps before more and more tentacles started to wrap
themselves around the boat and the wood began to creak and pop. rose above the
sound of splintering
timbers and
screaming crew...
world bosses


"The creature had knocked me far enough from Survival.
the ship that I could see Maven start to break
He watched kingdoms rise and fall from the dark.
apart. The monster’s shrieking had not stopped,
Enduring in the background. He had begun to hide
whether in anger or pain, I knew not, but it
all he was, his full power, not long after the Darkness
rose above the sound of splintering timbers and
discarded him.
screaming crew, as the she broke apart in its grip,
like kindling in a man’s hand. The loss filled his emptiness. He would be patient. He would
survive. He would be faithful to the loss and it would guide him
“The next thing I remember is waking up on
back to his love.
the beach, the Maven’s wreckage all around me.
No sign of the creature. I still don’t know if that He looked around his home. A small, unassuming grotto in the
group of well-armed passengers managed to take rocks on the cliffs to the west of the ruins of Blackwall. None
it down or not, or if it dragged them down with in this age knew of its existence. He waded through water,
the rest of my crewmates.” wiggling against the claustrophobic crevice until it emerged
into complete darkness.
Into the silence one of the younger sailors, barely
more than a boy, pipes up, clapping his hands. He waded from the collecting pool onto the worn-smooth rock
“Well told! Nothing like a good sea monster as he had done for ages. His fortress of solitude. Only here did he
story, the taller the tale, the better!” dare shrug off the façade of Nosferatu, Commander of the Unholy Legions,
subordinate to the big-boned buffoon.
He doesn’t seem to notice that no one joins
in his barking laughter and she answers, “Aye, His body began to transform in the pitch-blackness of his home. The echo of popping bones and
you’re right, we sailors do like to tell our stories.” snapping sinew bounced off unseen rock and water.
She leans forward into the lamplight, removing
He muttered an incantation without effort. A muted light began to glow within the multi-colored
her low-brimmed hat and unwinding the scarf
crystals among the rock. It illuminated his unadorned home and his reborn shape—his true form.
around her throat. The flesh, still puckered and
scarred, the marks of the suckers still visible Tattered wings made of thin flesh spread out behind him. Sharp bone-shards pierced his flesh,
across her face, neck, and disappearing under protruding at odd asymmetrical angles. His sallow appearance was gone. His eyes glowed a bright
the loose shirt all these years later. Even among yellow-green as he rose to his full height. He was only slightly taller than before, but the mask of
the saltiest of gatherings, among the roughest of weakness that hid him was thrown off.
seamen, she was hard
He pushed up from the grotto edge accompanied by a single beat of his wings. No longer shuffling and
to look at. As the
dragging feet, he drifted up through his cavern-home. Books, scrolls, and maps were arranged in piles
laughter stops she
among the rocks and tucked into every crevice.
continues, “But
that don’t make No trappings of power. No signs of conquest. Nothing except the markings of time. Age after age
‘em any less true.” represented and preserved. The wealth of poets and historians at his fingertips. He knew what lay
beyond the Fields of Light and the shores of Kanis. He had been to the edges of this world and beyond
the great sea. He had seen the rise of the old titans and seen them hunted until only he and a handful
remained. God of the old world. He had seen the birth of mountains and the fall of Haldor. He knew
the truth behind the tale of Hurn and the tragedy of the Battle of Legion. Through every age, he had
lived and he had survived.

There would be a time to reveal himself, but that time was not now. Rising farther into the massive
hollow, he landed up on a ledge in the deeper dark. He whispered. Glyphs began to glow deeper in the
dark, tight fissure.

He followed the glyphs until he came to his resting place—a patch of old musty earth heaped among
the cold stone. He folded into himself as he lay down in the dirt. The feel of the cold dirt reminded him
of his birth. The smell bringing memories of his love.

He would be patient and survive. He would rise to meet the Darkness once more. Prove himself worthy
of his touch and love again.

There would be a time to reveal

himself, but that time was not now.

“I do not see why we must be here, sister.” Eumelia Lucien set the scrying bowl atop the table and started to scurry back to the
surveyed the dank cavern Medusa called her home, corner, but Medusa stopped him with a hiss.
not bothering to hide her distaste.
Medusa beckoned Eumelia to join her. At her sister’s gesture, Eumelia stood
“It’s not like I can follow you to the temple behind the table, opposite of Medusa, who gazed into the scrying bowl. They
now, can I?” could not afford to act blindly in this, not now. Her sister could at least still
be useful, thought Eumelia.
Eumelia smiled at the remark and Medusa’s
hair hissed murder for her ears alone, but she Eumelia bristled, ready to fight, as Medusa took out a large knife. Medusa,
quieted her locks. Though she would love to feel seeing the look, said, “Don’t be a fool. Hold out your hand.” Eumelia offered
Eumelia’s flesh beneath her fangs, it was not yet time. her left hand, as Medusa held her own over the bowl as well.

Eumelia’s ambition cursed Medusa to this form, but “Once I start, we’ll need to act
now it would be a tool for her revenge. Their mother, quickly.” She grabbed Eumelia’s
Sla-Yg’noth, was defeated, but she could not be truly hand, slicing the palm before
ended. But she would need to recharge her strength, bringing the knife across
to enter the Renewal, or so they hoped. This was the her own. Together, the sisters
opportunity Eumelia had been waiting for. But, as dripped their blood onto
bold as Eumelia was, she wouldn’t make her move the water of the bowl. The surface
without confirmation. Confirmation that only Medusa immediately became opaque, even to
and her scrying could give. While the curse had taken everything else Eumelia’s eyes.
away from her—her home, her people, the deep itself—Sla-Yg’noth had left
“Since when does your scrying require blood, sister?”
her the sight, perhaps to torture her more.
“Since we seek not a paltry enemy, but Sla-Yg’noth
Medusa called to her pet, “Lucien, fill my bowl.”
herself, sister.” Her hair echoed the last word until
The sisters stood in silence, waiting for the servant to return. Their hatred she was wreathed in a chorus of sibilants which she
needed no words. For the moment, they had a common goal. It was enough. quickly silenced.

The Collector
He was a collector. For the last thousand years he had taken a different approach. He killed them, but not with the
voraciousness of his youth. Instead, he would try to keep them as intact as possible during the killing.
His outward appearance belied a keen
world bosses

Afterward, he would collect the dead bodies. These would be his trophies.
understanding of this world and his place in it. He
was one of the few titans left. He was a target. A At first, he just collected them, but they began to stink and decompose pretty quickly. So he came up
trophy. Something to be feared and conquered. with a process that protected them.

Well, he had no intention of being conquered The first thing he did was repair any major damage and torn limbs. Then, he used a careful mud-and-
anytime soon. He didn’t know if he could die of tar mixture to protect the form. This is also when he would pose them. Finally, he would mix colors
natural causes, but he was bound and determined and paint them to look as they did when they were living the moment before their demise.
to find out.
He looked around his home. The amateurish quality of his early attempts. Bad posing. Unrealistic
You would think creatures that had two eyes would paintjobs. But, there was a strange pride in his early work. His efforts for the last two hundred or
see more than they did. So, when they came for him so years have been nothing short of masterful. He took his favorite miniature off the shelf. A female
in the spring and fall, he killed them. human with a long spear. She had been brave. He remembered the look in her eyes—fear mixed with
pride. Pride in her efforts or pride in overcoming, he did not know. He remembered it on her face
At the beginning, when he didn’t understand the
before he killed her. It had marked him. He had tried to capture it on her form after her death. He had
why-fors of their aggression, he would pound them
succeeded for the most part. He could quibble and nitpick on certain elements. The shade of red he
into pulp or annihilate them completely until there
used on her cheeks didn’t have the depth of the natural hue of her living skin, but only he would notice.
was nothing but red mist. However, that got boring
He had even begun basing them with real living, natural vegetation. It required more efforts in terms of
and left him with nothing. He decided he needed to
watering and maintaining, but the realism it provided was beyond measure.
have a record of the semi-annual holiday.


Medusa continued, “Now that we’ve given it a nibble, we must When the vision released her, she tried to tell Eumelia.
offer something more substantial.” With one hand, she grabbed
“There is nothing older than Sla-Yg’noth,” her sister answered, so sure of herself as always. “If she
Lucien, still cowering at her feet, and slid the knife beneath his
has entered the Renewal so soon after her recent emergence, now is the time to act.”
chin. His lifeblood ran into the bowl, yet it never overflowed. The
dark waters drank it in. As Eumelia looked on, Medusa dropped Medusa heard her sister’s certainty and her tresses rose in hissing laughter. In the face of what
her pet’s drained corpse and placed both her hands on either side was coming, all Eumelia’s schemes seemed so insignificant. Even her own all-consuming need for
of the table. She brought her face near the water’s surface and revenge just fell away. It didn’t matter. Soon, nothing would matter. The Darkness was coming.
hissed, “Show me.”

The water obeyed.

Briefly, she saw her mother, wrapped in the cocoon of the

Renewal. It was as they hoped. Before Medusa could relay the
information, she saw something else. Something ancient, so
much older, more primal, than even their mother, something
all-encompassing. She could feel it, feel it coming. So much…
more…than what she had sensed before. Their plans were less
than useless now.

He would do his best

to capture that life in
their death.

He placed the woman back on the shelf. He had well over a thousand miniatures. He wished he would have discovered
his hobby earlier. Who knows how many he would have now? Who knows how good he would be now?

He only knew he now looked forward to the seasons, especially the spring and fall. He was practically giddy, waiting
impatiently for the first adventurer to come. When he wasn’t collecting trophies and preparing miniatures, he was
collecting foliage and smooth rocks for basing, berries for paint and pigmentation, and preparing the mud and tar
for preservation.

Every new season brought a change. Hide had given way to metal. Spears to the sword and shield. In the last few years, he
even had to deal with black powder. These little people had such ingenuity and a zest for life. They always surprised him.
He would do his best to capture that life in their death.

A trophy for him. Immortality for them.

So! Winter Walking // stalks the ware as As the mountains spill out onto the plain ahead, he sees it. His prey, the
Song tells him. He takes in the tall stone walls, and the remnant of what he
quarry cowers // inside crag-lined den…
once was thinks it not worth the trouble. A city may hold many men, but
He hears the Singers' words, but they hold no meaning, the words only tastier prey is easier to come by. As soon as he thinks it, the thought vanishes,
tools, shaped for the Singers’ use, not his obedience. The power humming overridden by the Song as it changes in tone. No longer does it thrum docility,
through, around, and underneath the words is what thrums against his skull. but directed violence.

He shakes his head and roars, but it does nothing to dislodge the ache-filled Hrimcæld twitches his tail, raises his head, and roars, momentarily shattering
tendrils which leash his mind. He can smell the meat around him, easy the rime on his throat. He pays no attention to the host around him as the
prey, for all they wear the skin of his brethren. Even now he knows they Singers direct his rage. Swiftly he races across the plain, each step bringing the
are unworthy, but try as he might, he cannot bring himself to snap them high winter of the peaks with it, until he thuds against the gate.
up, crunch them between his jaws. It is forbidden. He realizes he was once
more than this, but the Singers’ will beats into him, driving away all other
thoughts, burying even his sense of self until he is little more than a weapon,
a tool.
world bosses


The defenders, for their part, pelt him with arrows, but few manage to The temperature around him drops further as he pulls his power to him.
penetrate the hoarfrost coating his scales, less than a nuisance. They try fire Quickly he turns, bringing his front claws down on one of the remaining
next, but the flames quickly extinguish as they near him, the temperature Singers, skewering her twisted form, a pathetic parody of his kind. His
difference too much. His rime-laden breath etches the sturdy gate. He rams it tail whips across the front rank of the host, flattening Razorfiendlings and
again, quickly shaking off the discomfort as skull meets stone. The beast knows Dragonscale Knights alike. The Fiendlings that can still move, flee. Their kind
only the urge to break his prey, crunch their bones as the Song urges him is all too familiar with the rage of dragonkin. The Knights seem torn between
ever onward. raising their spears and obsequious posturing, but it matters naught to the
winter wyrm. With tooth and claw he rends his way through the host, leaving
He pulls back to ram the gate again, oblivious to the fact that the flames have
little but cooling blood and meat steaming in his arctic wake, a warning to any
found a better target. Suddenly, the Song falters. He roars, stopping in mid-
who would seek to tame such a force.
stride before it crashes down on him again, but the deepest part of him scents
the weakness, even as the Song drives him onward. Again, the flames arc above When it is finished, he turns toward the mountains. Without a backward
him and this time when the Song lessens, he smells their target. A Singer falls, glance for either the stalwart city or the remains of his captors, Hrimcæld stalks
writhing, and the refrain stretches thinner across Hrimcæld’s mind. He feels the away from Farrenroc, craving the open crags where few dare to trespass. He will
other Singers try to pick up the slack in his chains, but he remembers freedom never be leashed again.
and pulls hard at his leash, gate and man-city forgotten as hope overrides the
Song’s manufactured rage.

He feels the notes change as the Singers try to maintain control, try to beat
him down into a docile pet, but as another Singer falls, it is too late; the refrain
stretches too thin to leash him any longer. Hrimcæld is free.

...the refrain stretches too thin to leash

him any longer. Hrimcæld is free.

Urulók the Ancient
There was nothing as deep-rooted as he. Few things understood how this The great dragon was hurled down. He was enraged at being discarded, even
world functioned. Few things were as cognizant as he. though all he had known from his master was pain. He was abandoned there
among raging creation. The dragon pulled himself from the crater of fire where
He was the first.
he had landed.
He remembered his birth, an eon ago, before time was measured. He
Urulók was his master’s first creation. Being the first had come with some
remembered being pulled from the very mountains as they were forming.
benefits. His master had given him knowledge of creation—something he
The mighty grip of the Dark grabbed him by his spine and pulled him forth
would reserve in his later creations.
from stone and fire. With a look his master gave him purpose.

Into Urulók, the Darkness poured its malice and its emptiness. In that
moment, the great dragon became aware. With a word, his scales were
peeled back, his wings ripped away. Fire engulfed him, turning
him into a thing of pain. In the moments after his birth, he
was killed and resurrected countless times.

All the while the Darkness observed Urulók. It

tested the limits of its creation. Then, when it
had found them, the Darkness threw him
away and went to create other things.
world bosses


So, the dragon stood on the vast expanse of the wasteland and began Never again would his spawn rise up to challenge him. In the destruction, new life
to create his own children. His understanding was limited. Other emerged. They were insignificant, helpless beings—wholly unworthy.
beings had not been created yet, so he created in his own image.
He wanted nothing more than to be forgotten. He had plumbed the depths of rejection.
That was long ago. He knew its every curve—from the violence and abandonment of his master to the
betrayal of his children—he had had his fill and then some.
For a time, he and his children ruled this world with heavy hands.
They were worshipped. All things looked upon Urulók and his So Urulók, the great and terrible, was left alone. The power of creation had faded from
children, and despaired. him after that first age. No longer could he make new things. No longer had he wanted
to. The disloyalty of his children stole from him any desire to reconcile with this world.
His children not content to be ruled began to scheme. The Ancient
One, first of all dragons, showed them the pain of his creation. His He was forgotten by this world and the Darkness. Urulók slumbered—attempting to
tail swept them out of the sky. His fire burned their kingdoms away. return to the womb of his birth. A small mountain hidden among the fire and rock of
It was as if they never were. his mother, unrecognized for what he was. Earth and foliage decorated his scales now.
Symbiotic life nestled in the gaps and holes of his scales, not realizing that they lived on
Some of his children managed to survive, hiding away from their
an ancient, great god.
father’s wrath. Some made names for themselves: Hrimcæld,
flightless dragon of the north. Others stole his name: Urulók the
Young they called him, a lesser dragon pretending to be great.

All things looked upon Urulók...and despaired.

World Eater
Girtha had to hand it to her brother, Myr. When he’d suggested they take Myr had just laughed at the drivers’ mild misgivings. “I’ll take my chances with
the caravan along the Old Road, deeper into the desert, she’d been skeptical, the djinn and other monsters of the deep desert. They can’t be as bloodthirsty as
and some of the drivers had expressed concern with both the quality of the the bandits have grown lately.” An argument she certainly couldn’t refute.
road, and the stories they’d grown up on. Her own grandfather, who had
He’d been right. So far, they’d only run into one small, desperate group of
left the deep desert lands of the Lu-ti to follow their grandmother
would-be bandits who soon left them alone, having seen the size of the
back to Arq, had often regaled them with desert tales of the
caravan and its security. And, perhaps just as importantly, the
Okians, the Reptant, the ancient gods, and more. He had
Old Road would take them by a Lu-ti outpost where they could
often spoken to them of his home, and of the desert
hopefully make a nice profit away from the competition of the Great
itself, of its beauty and danger.
Market. However, the rough road was taking a toll on the wagons.
Myr had called a halt while two of the men worked on replacing a
splintered wheel, a casualty of the ancient, cracked road.


While they waited, she discussed taking on inventory at the Market with Myr. Segment after segment emerged from the hole, sandscraped and mottled,
The quarterly runs to the Great Market provided them with valuable goods to shimmering with heat. A titan, still partially hidden under the sand, but
resell in the city, particularly the glass wares so popular the past few seasons. seemingly longer than the stretching caravan, each portion as tall as the walls of
Arq’s wealthy patrons would flock to the storefront when the new wares arrived, Kanis itself, rose from the desert until it blocked the very sun, her grandfather’s
and she’d already made plans to sell additional stock to an enterprising sea stories made flesh. The World Eater.
trader. Myr and she hammered out a few remaining details surrounding the
For a moment, the caravan stood in shock, as evidence warred with expectation.
planned-for cargo, and what they hoped to see at the Market. They always left a
The momentary tableau was shattered as the roar it let out drove the shocked
little space for the unusual, and the Market never disappointed.
traders to their knees, covering their ears in a futile effort to block the painful,
She turned to refill her canteen from the water barrel and felt the soft rumble alien bellow. With a quickness that something that large shouldn’t have been
beneath her boots and turned to her brother. “You feel that?” able to manage, the creature turned its maw downward, toward the caravan.
As the shadow rushed toward them, the last things Girtha saw were the rows of
He grabbed the side of the wagon as the ground began to shake more violently
needle-teeth filling the dark maw of the desert god.
and shouts went up from the caravan. “Earthquake?” he asked.

Before she could answer, she saw it: a hundred yards off the road the sand
moved, pushing forward, a dry wake with no boat to be seen. As she raised her
hand to point, the dune ahead burst open, sand spraying into the midday sky
like water under pressure. From the hole rose one of the monsters of the deep
desert, one of the things whispered of in the stories Myr had laughed at.

From the hole rose one of the monsters of the deep desert,
one of the things whispered of in the stories...

The Darkness
I was here before…

In the void, I had floated. Alone. For eternities I existed and that was
enough. There was only me. Then from within me came Light. I was
divided. No longer was I alone. I was we. A sibling-child.

And so we spoke.

The Light claimed it had always been with me. Inside me—spinning. That
I repressed it. Sealed it. The Light said I needed it. That it gave me form
and function. That before it, neither was I.

For an eon we conversed. Every thought was a new idea born into the
universe. Each idea, a word. Every word, a debate. Every debate, an
argument. The Light bound me and I it.

Then the light rejected me. And I was alone again. Truly alone, because
there was another. I hadn’t realized what it meant to be alone until there
was another. Then I knew anger. Rage filled me for the first time and I
unleashed the fury of my wrath.

How could it reject me?

Who was it that would obscure me
without knowledge?
Hadn’t I created it? Where was it
when I floated above the Nothing?
Has it gazed into the eyes of the Unknown?
Tell me or be silent forever!
Can it hold the great expanse
of the Darkness in its hand?
It clothes itself with stars,
but has it walked the measure of the void?
Where was it when I strode from the lightless hole
at the center of it all?

Who is it to discredit me,

claim justice on its own?
Will the one who contends with me, correct me?
Let it who accuses the Darkness answer!
world bosses

Would it pierce the Darkness, tie it down,

and take it as a slave?
Would it make me beg for mercy?
Take me as a pet?
Who was it that risked a struggle with me?
Dared to stand? We spoke again.
Who has a claim against me that I must pay?
We introduced ourselves. We spoke into them. Our words transformed and
Everything under the Darkness is mine.
reformed them in our image. Some for Light. Some for Darkness.
And so we fought.
And so our conflict was born into them.
Unbounded wars of crackling energy. Vast explosions. Hissing. Popping.
There was a moment I thought I might be able to find peace with them.
Snapping. Endless cycles of creation. Structure from chaos, born from
But, they could not know me. They were pets, nothing more. Capable
destruction and rebirth. But always we—Darkness and Light. The
of sympathy, not empathy. With a whisper, I could make them do great
struggle—always and forever.
and terrible things. They began to fight among themselves. They began to
Beneath the confrontation, life found a way. Neither of us had birthed this kill. They had the seeds of Light and Darkness;, capable of creation and
life from word. Yet here they were. And the destruction stopped for a time. destruction. I began to change them. Twist them.


The choice of Light and Darkness would be wholly theirs.

Time had purified my hate. It was all I had and I poured it into them. The
Light measured my intent and so we struck a bargain. A wager. We decided to
I agreed. Let none rest until I have found rest. Let all find rest when I am
play a little game.
complete. Let the endless expanse find us in me and everything ordered once
We established a set of rules that would allow the pets to choose between us. more. I have struggled time without end to be whole—to end this lonely
We could influence them by dropping thoughts directly into their minds, existence. The sting of that first rejection still fuels me. Guides me. From the
use trusted followers, and possess special vessels called avatars. We could not beginning, it has been my goal: to extinguish the Light and welcome it back
directly intervene. Above all, we could not directly take a life. into me. To right that first wrong and to rest once more in the void.

The choice of life and death. The choice of Light and Darkness would be Light—creator of rejection, harbinger of isolation, loathsome friend—I call
wholly theirs. Winner take all. you back to me. Dwell now, forever, in Darkness.

card art
The cards for Myth offer the most challenge artistically. This comes in the form of the ideas that needs to be communicated, and Some card titles present a picture in
the management of simply getting them all done. At the time of this writing, there are almost 500 pieces of card art alone. ones mind right away (below Dance
Myth is heavy on story and the card art needs to be narrative driven as well. Before each piece of art is crafted, the language Under the Moon). Other cards, such as
of the cards are already prepared. The title of each card is the main reference point for the visuals, but it if idea is quite Back into Fear or Deception Revealed
abstract, the cards language and stats can usually bridge the gap. require a bit more abstract thinking.

There is no shortage of pop culture references in both the Combos in Myth are huge. Whenever possible, if a card links to another specific card, we try to
titles and images of the cards. Above we have a reference tie in that visual as well (above Sphere of Deflection and Canopy of the Mystics).
to Dune. The slow blade penetrates the shield...

There is an ongoing joke, that the Shamblers “get it” the worst in the Myth cards. In the thumbnail stage, you can tell if a card is going to be really
graphic. Myth visuals are intentionally devoid of excessive blood and gore. There are tricks you can do to tone back a particularly violent image, such
as having the recipient of an attack in shadow, use silhouette, showing an attack prior to the action, or simply cropping out the really... nasty parts.
However if none of that works, you can just use the skelies. They are already dead after all!

We try to inject as much personality as possible into the images.
Some of my most favorite cards are really light-hearted, or just plain silly.

It’s fun to imagine little scenarios and narratives in each card. Small as they are, each has the
potential to communicate an interesting story, even if only a simple one. The card I’m Not Left
Handed depicts the Swashbuckler having a duel with the infamous Donnchadh. I enjoy their
expressions and wonder what they might be thinking or saying to each other.

Many cards are scattered about the world of Myth. These two pages contain many exclusive
hero cards found in the companion boardgame Dark Frontier.

These images are a sneak peek at hero
cards from the forthcoming Dawn of
Heroes game set.

Alternate Heroes
In the first Myth Kickstarter, the alternate gender heroes were unlocked as a stretch goal. Most
of the heroes from that point on would have a male and female hero to represent them.

Dark Frontier features the opposing genders of

Myth as the primary heroes; and provides a great
platform to feature them prominently.

Certain heroes have

their roots in some of
our favorite pop-culture
films, such as the IP Man
reference of the Monk or
the bagpipe player found
in The Rundown.

At Journeyman level, the base hero classes split, and keeping to the first Myth, the alternate gender versions were
unlocked as well. Preliminary sketches here for the many alternates.

The male or female hero counterparts
are not simply placed in the same
costumes with the same gear. While
colors and certain design elements are
maintained to visually tie the same class
together, each gender variant is treated
uniquely, with different poses, armor,
and equipment.

For some of the

Journeyman heroes the
light and dark narrative is
pretty clear. The Acolyte’s
light and dark paths are
a great example. We
tried to communicate the
ideas of hero and villain
through shape language.
Angular shapes tend to
communicate danger,
which is very instinctive.
When you see the shape
of something sharp, your
brain is trained to tell you
to stay away. By contrast
curves communicate
safety and security.

Alternate Swashbuckler
and Pirate

Alternate Monsters

Gurthog the Shouter


Thief Enforcer

No world would be complete without the people who occupy it. Guards, workers,
weavers, doctors, merchants, and priests. Along your quests you interact with many
strange and interesting people. Here are some of the characters you may encounter.

Travis Aspect of Light Seriena Wulf Masters AKA “Reluctant Hero”

Guard Worker Areva Doctor Emberweave

Hadley Finn Talek Three Dunes Brother Marrin

Sister Helen Professor Arnthrop Lucy Lady Katherine

From the get-go we wanted Myth to have a painterly feel. The warm glow of flame reflecting against a blade
speaks to the idea of warriors sitting by the campfire spinning tales of great deeds and heroism. Fans of the original Myth
Kickstarter may recall that the
first version of the Myth logo had
a flame hovering over the letter Y.
We were kindly informed with a
Cease and Desist that this concept
was trademarked. The logo is as
you see it above now. The flame
however, very much speaks into
the narrative of stories told by the
fire. We still use the graphic, when
it feels appropriate, but always
apart from the logo itself!
With the integration of the module system for Myth, came the first expansion logo. Narrative is always a priority,
and we wanted each logo to visually tie into the module’s theme and story. You should be able to look at the
logo and get a good idea the type of monsters or nefarious creatures you will encounter.

We reused the same front as Myth for the Fury logo, but this wasn’t a long term We would chose the font and create the initial design. A great design should work
solution. Chris Doughman is our go-to graphic artist for icons and vector based art, in black and white. Once we were solid there, the next steps were to apply the
and we wanted to get someone who could really spend some time working up new paint, color, and any glows or effects.
ideas for future module logos. Chris has a strong background in typography and
was able to leverage that for Rise of the Revenant.

With the template set, each new logo for any Myth product would
get this treatment, beginning with the Journeyman expansion boxes,
Blackwall Warrens and Shores of Kanis.

We decided each module should be unique. There

was a bit of panic at first, at the idea of doing so many
different logo designs. However, once a rhythm was
found, we began seeing great ideas taking shape with
a unique theme and style.

This format is continued across the entire product line, including games
outside of the main dungeon crawler format.

We always wanted the world of Myth to have an
epic scale from the earliest development days. This
chart helps bring some perspective to it all, from
Minion to World Boss.

Traps & Lairs
The traps and lairs are fun little 3d realm objects created to replace in-game tokens. For the lairs, it represents each monster-types spawn point.
It was especially fun to explore where each creature might live and try to describe it in a unique and compact way.

The “Koalataur Taco” is a great example of just how silly and

hysterical the Kickstarter experience can get during the wee
hours of a campaign. Filled with late nights, caffeine, and
general exhaustion, things can get pretty slap-happy. Towards
the end of the Journeyman Kickstarter campaign, backers in
the comments section were kicking around ideas about new
monster races that could exist. The Koalatar became a running
joke. Folks were changing their KS names to “Koalainfantry”
and similarly ridiculous things. There were even stats for this
character at one point.
This image was a celebratory art piece at the end of the
campaign, showing the fabled creature in all of it’s delicious
taco glory.
In the end, we’ve always wanted Myth to be fun first.

For a game the scope of Myth, a great deal of icons were needed: actions, abilities, and stats, as well as identifying individual heroes, merchants, and now modules. Designer Chris Doughman did
the heavy lifting on these from the very inception of Myth. Many of the selections below had as many as five different options to chose from. These are the ones that made the cut.

No Movement Cautious Normal Agressive AP Relic Buy / Sell Vitality Potion Focus Potion De'Lani Three Dunes Brookstone
Movement Movement Movement (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant)

Ongoing Effect Weapon Strength Focus Strength Blood Quest Cards Web Curse Prone DuLac The Mad Malorn Tenebrae
Chain Quest (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant)

Action / Reaction Monster Monster Threat Interrupt Boss Difficulty Serendipity Frost / Frozen Slaughterfield Silver Hand Kelevore Battleforge
Movement Range (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant)

Realm Tile Key Realm Tile Key Realm Tile Key Realm Tile Key Gold Hoard Treasure Hoard Quest Courage Check
Trap Lair Hunting Pack Treasure

Item Slots Fate Symbols

Primary Secondary Armor Helm Accessory Rage Faith Arcane Guile Nature The Darkness


Apprentice Archer Brigand Trickster Hunter Spriggan Skald Soldier Acolyte Monk Alchemist Outsider Swashbuckler

Journeyman Modules

Shores of Kanis The Golden Gear The Four Pillars of Creation The Lost Hoard of Blackwall
Relic Disoriented Charge Restore Sailing Return to Form
(Okian) (Clockwork) (Elemental) (Slime)

Gerald Salvas Marla Castincroff Finius Oltogen Tim the Enchanter Alize de Beaumont Mesmerize Blackwall Warrens Avatar of Shadow The Dark Under The Rot
(Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Reptile) (Lucy) (Thieves) (Infected)

Adam the Apothecary Julias Sardoc Tanis One Eye Derek the Wanderer Myrddin Weakened Stone of Life The Old Ones Awakening of the Huranii Fury of the FIreborne
(Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) (Merchant) Soul (Training) (Naga) (Huranii) (Fireborne)

Monster Ranks

Scourge of the Symbio The Siege of Ferrenroc Rise of the

(Sycline) (Shadowlands) Revenant
Minion Captain Commander Agent Miniboss Boss World Boss

Item Index (M) Myth, (IE1) Item Expansion 1, (IE3) Item Expansion 3, (FPC) Five Pillars of Creation, (SK) Shores of Kanis, (BW) Blackwall Warrens, (RR) Rise of the Revenant, (FF) Fury
of the Fireborne, (AH) Awakening of the Huranii, (DU) The Dark Under, (GG) The Golden Gear, (LH) The Lost Hoard), (SS) Surge of the Symbio, (SF) The Seige of Farrenroc,
(KS) Kickstarter Exclusive, (SE1) Slaughterfield Expansion 1, (SE2) Slaughterfield Expansion 2, (SL) Stone of Life, (OO) The Old Ones, (TR) The Rot, (DF) Dark Frontier


1 Gold 2 Gold 3 Gold Focus Anti-Venom Vitality Shadow Major Vitality Lucky Flawed Elemental Fury Elemental St. Leida’s
(M) (M) (M) Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Gem Potion Shielding Tears
(M) (M) (M) (IE1) (IE1) (IE1) (IE1) (FP) Potion (TR)

Wooden Worn Adventurer’s Enchanted Enchanted Arrow Stick Dirty Sharpened Fireplace Pot Jagged Tool
Plank Prayer Book Gear Twig Twig Bag & Twine Blanket Butter Knife Poker Lid Stone Bag
Primary (M) Secondary (M) Armor (M) Primary (M) Secondary (M) Secondary (M) Primary (M) Accessory (M) Primary (M) Primary (M) Secondary (M) Primary (KS) Secondary (KS)

Cracked Warped Spoon Sash Wooden Sword Cracked Illegible Obsidian Glaive Tattered Improvised Replica
Mug Primary & Accessory (DF) Primary & Beaker Recipes Primary & Cloak Shiv Rapier
Accessory (KS) Secondary (KS) Secondary (DF) Primary (KS) Secondary (KS) Secondary (BW) Accessory (BW) Secondary (DF) Primary (SK)

Green Blue

Amulet Blessings Boots Bracers Buckler Chain Dagger Dark Forsaken Fragment Areva’s Blackwood Bulwark
of Courage of the Father of Speed of Will Secondary (M) Mail Primary (M) Crystal Tome of Fate Scarf Bow Secondary (M)
Accessory (M) Accessory (M) Accessory (M) Accessory (M) Armor (M) Secondary (M) Secondary (M) Secondary (M) Helm (M) Primary (M)

Longbow Longsword Mace Mythical Cloak Ornate Chalice Quiver Ring of Kings Robes Shortsword Staff Crown of the Demon’s Destroyer’s
Primary (M) Primary (M) Primary (M) Accessory (M) Secondary (M) Secondary (M) Accessory (M) Armor (M) Primary (M) Primary & Unconquered Bane Vambrace
Secondary (M) Helm (M) Secondary (M) Accessory (M)

Crossbow Cuirass Round Scrolls Scryer’s Splint Symbol Talon Sheet Music Bladed Gauntlet Eldric’s Endless Helm
Primary (IE1) Armor (IE1) Shield of Akarat Orb Mail of Order Primary (IE1) Accessory (IE1) Secondary (SK) Picks Quiver of Command
Secondary (IE1) Secondary (IE1) Secondary (IE1) Armor (IE1) Secondary (IE1) Accessory (M) Secondary (M) Helm (M)

Halberd Blade Extra Ammo Glaive Hand Crossbow Poignard Acorn Bagpipes Blackwood Crown of Horrifying Kira’s Leather
Primary & Secondary (BW) Accessory (BW) Primary & Primary (BW) Secondary (BW) Primary (KS) Primary & Buckler Thorns Spear Tear of the Lightless
Secondary (SK) Secondary (BW) Secondary (KS) Secondary (KS) Helm (KS) Primary (M) Accessory (M) Armor (M)

Elder’s Lucky Lute Multi-tool Tinker’s Vine Tiger Fist Plum Blossom Spanner Tool Kit Mantle Ring Roderick’s
Essence Pick Primary & Primary (IE3) Tool Box Circlet Primary & Primary & Primary (KS) Secondary (KS) of Fate of Niria Armor of Faith
Armor (IE3) Accessory (IE3) Secondary (IE3) Secondary (IE3) Helm (IE3) Secondary (KS) Secondary (KS) Armor (M) Accessory (M) Armor (M)

Helm Leather Thief’s Tools Wand Axe Circle of Dawn Chakram Claws Flintlock Pistol Shield Shroud Solace
Helm (M) Armor Accessory (M) Primary (M) Primary (IE1) Secondary (IE1) Secondary (SK) Secondary (SK) Secondary (SK) of Light of Xa’ndria Helm (M)
Armor (M) Secondary (M) Accessory (M)

Bandolier Hearthfire Fiddle Leaf Shroud Oaken Armor Inventor’s Vest Stein of Craftsman That Traitea’s Umbral
of the Braggart Necklace Primary & Accessory (KS) Armor (KS) Armor (GG) Denouncement Goggles Thing Battle Plate Blade
Accessory (IE1) Accessory (IE1) Secondary (KS) Accessory (IE1) Helm (IE1) Accessory (M) Armor (M) Primary (M)

Veil of the War Drums Judgment Kelemite Lunaian Seeker’s Astral Flare Mastema’s Retribution Siege Breaker Vengeance Reaver Sentinel Bow
Red Hand Primary & Primary & Greatsword Spellbook Spectacles Secondary (SK) Melody Secondary (SK) Secondary (SK) Secondary (SK) Primary & Primary (BW)
Helm (M) Secondary (M) Secondary (IE1) Primary & Primary (IE1) Accessory (IE1) Primary (SK) Secondary (BW)
Secondary (IE1)

Shadow Shintari’s Vestaments Amber Darius’ Lute Ironwood Armor Enhance- Crushing Fist Stone of Life Cursed Crown Drunken Fist
Helm (BW) Crossbow of Power Primary (KS) Primary & Armor (KS) O-Tools Secondary (GG) Accessory (SL) of Serentheas Secondary (KS)
Secondary (BW) Armor (BW) Secondary (KS) Secondary (KS) Helm (FF)


Anchor Doombringer Sigil Stormbolt Time Arius, Cube Rift Ruin The Black Twilight Sword Purified Crown Skull
of Twilight Primary (SK) of the Mark Primary & Warden’s Staff the Dark Star of Unmaking Stone Secondary (BW) Sword Primary & of Serentheas of the Corruptor
Secondary (SK) Accessory (SK) Secondary (SK) Primary & Primary (BW) Accessory (BW) Primary (BW) Primary & Secondary (KS) Helm (FF) Accessory (FF)
Secondary (SK) Secondary (BW)

Gold (Set)
St. Michael’s Raiment Ascendant’s Command Keeper’s Remorse The Dread Accord

St. Michael’s St. Michael’s Enchanted Destiny Prince Colwyn’s Dreamstone Elder’s Trust Eriana’s Laurel Jack’s Bandana Moxy Changing Tide
Armor Spear Hourglass Secondary (SK) Diadem Accessory (SK) Primary & Helm (SK) Helm (SK) Armor (SK) Accessory (SK)
Armor (IE1) Primary (IE1) Accessory (SK) Helm (SK) Secondary (SK)

Ravishing Rogue’s Raiment Twilight’s End Innovations of the Ildari Cartographer of the Unseen

Mastema’s Mastema’s Mastema’s Unstable Fate Reckless Dreamshroud Felstone Gaze Chief Engineer’s Tunnel Skulkers Sanitation
Mayhem Misdeed Misdirection Arcblade Denied Ascent Armor (BW) Accessory (BW) of the Keeper Toolkit Jacket Manager’s Mask
Secondary (SK) Armor (SK) Helm (SK) Primary (SK) Secondary (SK) Armor (SK) Helm (BW) Accessory (BW) Armor (BW) Helm (BW)

Riftwalker’s Armaments Legacy of Arengar Warden of the Mark Troubadour’s Finery

Tenebrium Tenebrium Tenebrium Arengar’s Arengar’s Arengar’s Starfall Heart Waywarden’s Bannerman’s Bannerman’s Bannerman’s
Reinforced Plated Armor Infused Bracer Folly Bravado Chance Primary (BW) of the Forest Wraps Doublet Balmoral Trumpet
Helm Armor (BW) Accessory (BW) Helm (BW) Armor (BW) Accessory (BW) Armor (BW) Accessory (BW) Armor (IE3) Helm (IE3) Primary &
Helm (BW) Secondary (IE3)
Manifestation of Tel’thies Powered Suit of Iron Champion’s Legacy

Bark of Belcar’s Shelgoth’s Iron Iron Masterwork Ildaran Plate Battleguard Fervor Justice Truth
the First Tree Tooth Horn Guard Plate Tools Armor (RR) Accessory (RR) Helm (RR) Primary (RR) Secondary (RR)
Secondary (IE3) Accessory (IE3) Primary (IE3) Helm (IE3) Armor (IE3) Accessory (IE3)

Purple Slaughterfield

Serentheas’ Talon Void Hand of Fate Bone Champion’s Chaos Crawler Demon’s Fang of Infernal Kelemite- Terrongar’s Spine of
Signet of Teraxas Cloak Primary & Crown Aegis Stone Carapace Skull the Terror Quiver Forged Blade Helm the World
Accessory (RR) Secondary (FF) Accessory (AH) Secondary (DU) Helm (SE1) Armor (SE1) Accessory (SE1) Armor (SE1) Accessory (SE1) Accessory (SE1) Secondary (SE1) Primary (SE1) Helm (SE1) Primary &
Secondary (SE1)

Goopy-Ichor Thorn Razorhelm Nagahide Armor Wayfarer’s Lord of Mastema’s Runic Branch Spectral Lute Hate-Forged Bloodied Wraps Bloodied Wraps Murderer’s Edge of the
Accessory (LH) Secondary (SS) Helm (SF) Armor (OO) Breastplate Morning’s Mask of of Shifting Primary & Spear Primary (SE2) Secondary Mace Master
Armor (SE1) Gauntlet Melancholy Primary (SE1) Secondary Primary & (SE2) Secondary Primary &
Secondary Helm (SE1) (SE1) Secondary (SE2) (SE2) Secondary (SE2)

Eye of Ia Time
Primary & Piece Exile’s Diadem Eyes of the Underworlder’s Knight Slayer Master’s Master’s Robe Mighty Impaler Pit King’s Ring Stormguard Armaments of
Secondary (FP) Secondary (GG) Helm (SE2) Abyss Shiv Secondary Headband Armor (SE2) Secondary Accessory Accessory the Fallen
Helm (SE2) Secondary (SE2) (SE2) Helm (SE2) (SE2) (SE2) (SE2) Armor (SE2)

Ulisses Spiele International
Markus Plötz
Timothy Brown
Eric Simon
Christian Lonsing

Game Design Editors

Brian Shotton Eric Simon
Kenny Sims Serena Stokes

Writers Design & Layout

J.L. Allan Chris Doughman
Brian Shotton Keith Lowe
Ross Watson Sculptors
John-Matthew DeFoggi
Didier Fancagne
John D. Kennedy
Bobby Jackson
J.L. Allan
Patrick Keith
Art Direction Chris Lewis
Keith Lowe Benjamin Malliet
Tom Mason
Illustration James Van Schaik
Jared Blando Dennis Zarnowski
Yoann Boissonnet
Jon Bosco
Mini Production
Jacob Butts ZIBOBIZ International LTD
Jonathan Duncan Fortress Figures
John Einselen
Andez Gaston
Asia Pacific Offset
Keith Lowe

Ulisses Spiele International Myth legal to come

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