PF7000 Brochure Drive Frame A

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Optimized Reliability

PowerFlex™ 7000 “A” Frame MV Drive

The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 7000 “A” Frame MV drive offers a
compact package of power, control and operator interface designed
to meet customer demands for increased reliability, improved ease
of use, and lower total cost of ownership.
The PowerFlex 7000 “A” Frame complements the PowerFlex 7000
MV drive product line by offering many of the same features and
benefits in a much smaller footprint.

High Reliability
• 6.5 kV SGCT (Symmetrical Gate Commutated Thyristor) power
semiconductors with integrated gate drive for low component count,
PowerFlex 7000 "A" Frame MV Drive
2.0 meters (78.74 inches) wide
fewer connections, and simple power structure. @ 4160V, 750 kW (1000 hp)
• Proven SGCT power device with low failure rate of 100 failures per
one billion hours of operation.
• Conservative de-rating of electrical components for reduced component
stress and increased operational margins. Smaller Size
• Extensive qualification testing of individual components and complete • A compact package optimized for low power ratings
drive systems. reduces space required for installation of the drive.
• Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) result in higher speed handling of • Integral transformer, line reactor, or input starter
diagnostics and fault handling routines previously handled by software. configurations reduces total system line-up size.
• Remote "dial-in" access to the drive via modem. • Replace isolation transformer with small line reactor
• Integral transformer, line reactor, or input starter configurations for fewer when new motor is used.
connections and pre-tested systems.
• Temperature sensors and feedback circuit boards mounted on rectifier and Improved Ease of Use
inverter heat-sinks provide early warning of over temperature conditions. • Patented PowerCage™ modules allow for quick
replacement of power devices in less than five minutes.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership • Achieve low line harmonics and high power factor with
• All configurations designed for 3 cables in / 3 cables out, for low PWM rectifier (Current THD typically < 5%, Power Factor
installation cost. typically > 0.98).
• Set-up wizard, auto tuning, and pre-programmed parameter designed for • Easy access to line and load cable termination points.
one day start-up. Both top and bottom cable direction is accommodated.
• High system efficiency results in lower long term operating costs. • User friendly operator interface terminal with interactive
• Elimination of drive isolation transformer reduces installation and set-up wizard results in fast start-ups, smooth operation,
operating costs. and less down time.
• Low component count and easy component replacement reduces spare • PC tools such as Drive Tools™ and Drive Explorer™ assist
part costs. with programming, monitoring and troubleshooting.
• Drive identity module allows pre-programming of
customer specific drive and application parameters for
faster start-ups.

The PowerCage™ allows power device

replacement in less than 5 minutes
General Design Specifications
Power Rating (Air Cooled) 150-900 kW (200 to 1200 hp)
Motor Type Induction or Synchronous
Input Voltage Rating 2400V, 3300V, 4160V, 6600V
Input Voltage Tolerance ± 10% of Nominal
Voltage Sag -30%
Power Loss Ride-Through 5 Cycles (Std)
Input Protection Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV)
Input Frequency 50/60 Hz, +/- 5%
Input Power Circuit Protection Vacuum Contactor with Fused Isolating Switch or Circuit Breaker
Input Impedance Device Isolation Transformer or AC Line Reactor
Output Voltage 0 - 2300/ 3300/4160/6600 V
Inverter Design PWM
Inverter Switch Symmetrical Gate Commutated Thyristor (SGCT)
Inverter / Rectifier Switch Failure Mode Non-rupture, Non-arc
Inverter Switch Failure Rate (FIT) 100 per 1 Billion Hours Operation
Inverter / Rectifier Switch Cooling Double Sided, Low Thermal Stress
Inverter Switching Frequency 420-540 Hz
Number of Inverter SGCT's (Per Phase) 2 @ 2400V, 4 @ 3300/4160V, 6 @ 6600V
SGCT Peak Inverse Voltage Rating 6500 V per device
Rectifier Designs 6 Pulse, or PWM (Active Front End)
Typical Line Harmonic Content < 5% Current THD (PWM Rectifier)
Typical Power Factor 0.98 Lagging (PWM Rectifier)
Rectifier Switch SCR (6 Pulse), SGCT (PWM Rectifier)
Rectifier Switch Failure Rate (FIT) 50 (SCR) 100 (SGCT) per 1 Billion Hours Operation
Number of Rectifier Devices (Per Phase) 2 @ 2400V, 4 @ 3300/4160V, 6 @ 6600V
SCR Peak Inverse Voltage Rating 6500V per device
Output Waveform to Motor Sinusoidal Current / Voltage
Medium Voltage Isolation Fiber Optic
Modulation techniques SHE (Selective Harmonic Elimination), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
Control Method Digital Sensorless Direct Vector, Full Vector Control with Tach Feedback (Optional)
Tuning Method Auto Tuning via Setup Wizard
Speed Regulator Bandwidth 5-25 Radians / Second
Torque Regulator Bandwidth 15-50 Radians / Second
Speed Regulation 0.1% without Tachometer Feedback, 0.01-0.02% with Tachometer Feedback
Output Frequency Range 0.2-85 Hz
Service Duty Rating Normal Duty, 110% Overload for 1 minute every 10 minutes (Variable Torque Load)
> 96% System Efficiency (VFD & Transformer or VFD & LR)
Typical VFD Efficiency
Contact Factory for Guaranteed Efficiency of Specific Drive Rating
VFD Noise Level < 85 dB(A) per OSHA Standard 3074
Regenerative Braking Capability Inherent - No Additional Hardware or Software Required
Flying Start Capability Yes - Able to Start into and Control a Spinning Load in Forward or Reverse Direction
Operator Interface 40-character, 16-line formatted text
3 Phase Fan Power Supplied Internally,
Control Power
120V/60Hz, 110V/50Hz, 20 Amp 1 Phase Control Power Supplied By Customer
External I/O 16 Digital Inputs, 16 Digital Outputs
Analog Inputs (1) Isolated, (1) Non-isolated, 4-20 mA or 0-10 V
Analog Outputs (1) Isolated, (7) Non-isolated, 4-20 mA or 0-10 V
Communication Protocols SCANPort /DPI
Communications Interface RS232/422/485, DH485, Remote I/O, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Modbus/Modbus Plus, Profibus
Enclosure NEMA 1 (IP 21)
Ambient Temperature 0° to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
Storage /Transportation Temp. Range -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Relative Humidity 95% Non-Condensing
Altitude Standard: 0 to 1000 m (0 to 3300 ft.), Optional: 1001 to 5000 m (0 to 16400 ft.)
Seismic (UBC Rating) 1, 2, 3, 4
Design Standards CSA, UL, IEC, NEMA, ANSI
PowerFlex™ 7000 “A” Frame Drive Configurations
Configuration #1
Base Drive
• Optimum installation flexibility with connection to
indoor or outdoor isolation transformers.
• Compact packaging for smallest footprint
• New or existing motors.
• 3 Cables in / 3 cables out, for easy installation. Drive
• Integral cooling fan for VFD.
• Low line harmonics & high power factor (typical
current THD < 5%, PF > 0.98 with PWM rectifier).
• Fan control power supplied internally
(1 Phase control circuit power supplied by customer,
120V / 60 Hz, 110V / 50 Hz, 20 amp).

Configuration #2
Drive with Integral Isolation Transformer
• An integrated system solution for fewer connections Integral
and reduced installation costs. Isolation
• Small system footprint. Transformer
• New or existing motors.
• 3 Cables in / 3 cables out for easy installation.
• Integral cooling fans for VFD & transformer.
• Low line harmonics & high power factor (typical
current THD < 5%, PF > 0.98 with PWM rectifier).
• Fan control power supplied internally
(1 Phase control circuit power supplied by customer,
120V / 60 Hz, 110V / 50 Hz, 20 amp).

Configuration #3
Drive with Integral Line Reactor & Input Starter
• Elimination of isolation transformer results in lower
losses and saved space.
• An integrated system solution for fewer connections Reactor
and reduced installation costs. & Input
• Compatible with new motors. Starter
• Small system footprint.
• 3 Cables in / 3 cables out, on entire system for
easy installation.
• Integral cooling fan for VFD.
• Low line harmonics & high power factor (typical
current THD < 5%, PF > 0.98 with PWM rectifier).
• Fan control power and control circuit power
supplied internally.
Dimensions / Weights
Nominal VFD Total Total Approx.
Line Drive Type Maximum Width Width Weight
Voltage Current (mm) (inches) kg (lb)

2400V 60 Hz or Configuration #1 - Base Drive 140 2000 78.74 1955 (4300)

3300V 50 Hz or Configuration #2 - Base Drive with Integral Isolation Transformer 140 2400 94.49 4455 (9800)
4160V 50/60 Hz Configuration #3 - Base Drive with Integral Line Reactor & Input Starter 140 2400 94.49 2955 (6500)
Configuration #1 - Base Drive 93 2300 90.55 2955 (6500)
6600V 50 Hz Configuration #2 - Base Drive with Integral Isolation Transformer 93 2800 110.24 4545 (10000)
Configuration #3 - Base Drive with Integral Line Reactor & Input Starter 93 2800 110.24 3410 (7500)

A= Height (Excluding Fan Shroud) 2275 mm 89.56 in.

Height Including Fan Shroud 2583 mm 101.69 in.
B= Depth 1000 mm 39.37 in.
C= Width Refer to chart above

Nominal Power Ratings

Nominal VFD Nominal Nominal
Line Current kW hp
Voltage Range (Amps) Range Range
2400V 60 Hz 46-140 150-450 200-600
3300V 50 Hz 46-140 187-600 250-800
4160V 50/60 Hz 46-140 260-750 350-1000
6600V 50 Hz 40-93 400-900 500-1200

The PowerFlex 7000 MV Drive is available in other frame sizes up to 6700 kW (9000 hp).
Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for more information.

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7000A-PP001A-EN-P – June 2002
Copyright © 2002 Rockwell Automation, Inc.. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.

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