ICREC 2015 - Dobson Rammed Earth
ICREC 2015 - Dobson Rammed Earth
ICREC 2015 - Dobson Rammed Earth
S. Dobson
Director, Ramtec Pty Ltd, Australia, VicePresident EBAA
ABSTRACT: Modern rammed earth has a long and successful history. Rammed earth is arguably the most
popular form of building that exists on the planet but in some modern countries it is presently considered
alternative or new and innovative. Modern engineering is being applied to structural design, thermal modelling,
mix design, construction methodology and other aspects of an ancient building method that is now truly revived.
Modern architecture has captured the essence of the past and the present to produce a bewildering array of
buildings spread across the globe of amazing complexity and stunning beauty. The author has since 1976 built
over 750 rammed earth structures in Australia and describes some old and some new buildings from around the
world whilst outlining the many benefits of rammed earth, some sticking points that need resolution and some
future predictions of where this expanding new industry can go.