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New Records For The Freshwater Algal Flora in Turkey: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin October 2021

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Article  in  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin · October 2021


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2 authors:

Sevilay Öztürk Ulcay Oğuz Kurt

Manisa Celal Bayar University Manisa Celal Bayar University


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© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin


Sevilay Ozturk*, Oguz Kurt

Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences & Letters, University of Manisa Celal Bayar, Yunusemre, Manisa, Turkey

ABSTRACT flora in Turkey is continuing to be enriched [6-10].

In the literature, only articles by Cirik-Altındağ
This study contributes new information from concerning the algal flora in the Marmara Lake have
the Marmara Lake to knowledge of the Turkish attracted any attention [11-13]. After, no studies have
freshwater algal flora. Eleven taxa, recorded for the been performed related to the algae in the lake (tax-
first time for the freshwater algae of Turkey, were onomic, ecological, etc.). However, there are studies
identified based on their taxonomic and morpholog- on the cultural ecology [14], bird populations [15],
ical characteristics and ecological preferences in this fishing activities [16], and zooplankton [17] in the
study. These taxa are respectively; Gomphosphaeria Marmara Lake.
natans Komárek & Hindák, Planktothrix clathrata In the present study, eleven newly recorded
(Skuja) Anagnostidis & Komárek, Jaaginema pro- taxa are discussed with general information about
fundum (Schröter & Kirchner) Anagnostidis & their morphology, ecology, taxonomy, and distribu-
Komárek, Cronbergia paucicellularis Komárek, tion.
Zapomelová & Hindák, Sphaerospermopsis reni-
formis (Lemmermann) Zapomelová, Jezberová,
Hrouzek, Hisem, Reháková & Komárková, Dolicho- MATERIALS AND METHODS
spermum mucosum (Komárková-Legnerová & Elor-
anta) Wacklin, L.Hoffmann & Komárek, Trachelo- Study Area. The Marmara Lake is an alluvial
monas manginii Deflandre, Cymbella neolanceolata barrier lake. The lake is located (38°37'30.6"N,
W.Silva, Amphora hemicycla Stoermer & J.J.Yang, 28°05'20.6"E and 38°37'45.6"N, 27°56'04.2"E)
Fragilaria saxoplanctonica Lange-Bertalot & S.Ul- within the borders of the Manisa Province in the
rich, Cosmarium humile var. substriatum (Nordstedt) Western Anatolian region of Turkey (Figure 1). The
Schmidle. Also, the morphology and taxonomy of surface area of the lake varies between 3.200-6.800
these taxa are briefly described in the manuscript ha depending on the level changes during the year.
with their original light microscopy photographs. The lake has an altitude of 75 m and a seasonal depth
ranging between 2.5 and 6.0 m, although its average
depth is 3 m.
Algae, the new record, freshwater, Western Anatolian re- Sampling and Identification. Six stations
gion, The Marmara Lake, Turkey with different features were determined in the Mar-
mara Lake for sampling. The Algae samples were
taken seasonally (2 months per season) from the six
INTRODUCTION sampling stations in the Lake between January 2017
and May 2018.
There are many studies on the phytoplankton The phytoplankton samples were collected
and algal flora of the freshwater ecosystems in Tur- from 0-100 cm depth using a plankton net with a
key on the floristic, biochemical content, ecological- mesh size of 40 µm. The sampling process of the
economic importance, and molecular taxonomy. It is benthic algae was carried out from the ground of the
known that studies on algae related to inland waters sampling stations (1-6 m depth) and the Tekelioğlu
in Turkey date back to the 1950s, but it has been in- coastline.
tensified since the 1970s [1, 2, 3]. Compiling all The collected samples were examined directly
these studies, Gönülol et al. [4] published a check- under a stereomicroscope and divided into system-
list for the freshwater algae in Turkey. Later, in the atic groups. Then, the taxonomic characters and mor-
check-list for the freshwater algae of Turkey [5], a phological structures were determined by using ste-
total of 2030 taxa were reported. In recent years, new reo, light, and phase-contrast microscopy, respec-
records of freshwater algae from new localities have tively.
been continuously added, and the freshwater algal

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Sampling area (The Marmara Lake, Manisa).

The description of the taxa was done by exam- study. The respective general information on the
ining the specimens under a microscope (Olympus morphology, ecology, and taxonomy of these taxa is
BX 50 phase-contrast microscope with 4×, 10×, 20×, given in detail.
40×, 100× magnification). The photographs were
taken with a digital camera (Sony DSC-TX7). The Phylum Cyanobacteria
samples were preserved in 4% formalin, and then the
voucher specimens were deposited into the personal Class Cyanophyceae
herbaria (Department of Biology of the Manisa Celal
Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey). Subclass Oscillatoriophycidae
The identification of the species was conducted
according to previous studies: Komárek and Anag- Order Chroococcales
nostidis [18, 19], John et al. [20], Komárek [21] and
Cyanodb [22] for Cyanobacteria members; Family Gomphosphaeriaceae
Krammer and Lange-Bertalot [23], Lange-Bertalot
et al. [24] for Bacillariophyta members; Prescott [25], Genus Gomphosphaeria Kützing, 1836
John et al. [20], John and Robert [26], Guiry et al.
[27], Bellinger and Sigee [28] for Euglenophyta and Gomphosphaeria natans. Komárek & Hindák,
Charophyta members. Algological Studies/Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 50-
The identified taxa were checked with the 53: 219. 1988. (Figure 2-a)
check-list by Gönülol et al. [4], Aysel [5], Taşkın et
al. [29] and the database of the Turkish Algae [30]. Description: Colonies big, spherical, free-
The nomenclature follows the AlgaeBase database floating, solitary, and olive-green in color. Sheaths
[31]. wide and mucilaginous. Cells obovoid or cordiform,
4-5 µm wide, densely grouped with mucilaginous
Ecology: This taxon is known as a freshwa-
A total of eleven taxa belonging to the Cyano- ter/terrestrial species and planktonic in oligotrophic
bacteria (6), Bacillariophyta (3), Euglenophyta (1), or mesotrophic lakes. In this study, it was collected
and Charophyta (1) divisions were identified in this as planktonic in the autumn (especially in Septem-
ber), from the sampling sites 5 and 6.

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

General view of the taxa in the study area
a. Gomphosphaeria natans, b. Planktothrix clathrata, c. Jaaginema profundum, d. Cronbergia paucicellularis, e. Sphaerosper-
mopsis reniformis, f. Dolichospermum mucosum, g. Trachelomonas manginii, h. Cymbella neolanceolata, i. Amphora hemicy-
cla, j. Fragilaria saxoplanctonica, k. Cosmarium humile var. substriatum (Scale 10 µm).

Remarks: Komárek and Komarkova-Legne- Ecology: This taxon is known as a freshwater

rova [32] stated that this taxon commonly occurs in benthic/planktonic species. Sampled from the sam-
nutrient-poor lakes in central Canada, in low bio- pling sites 1, 2, 5, and 6 in autumn and winter, as
mass. On the contrary, the Marmara Lake is a nutri- planktonic in this study.
ent-rich lake and shows eutrophic (hyper-eutrophic)
characters. Similarly, Matula et al. [33] reported it Remarks: According to Gervais et al. [34],
from eutrophic and mesotrophic habitats in Arctic Planktothrix clathrata absent in the epilimnion and
terrestrial ecosystems. shows population maxima near the lower boundary
of the chemocline and/or in the sulfide-containing
Order Oscillatoriales layer. Yet again, Adler et al. [35] stated that
Planktothrix clathrata and especially P. catenata are
Family Microcoleaceae typical inhabitants of the metalimnion of meso-
trophic lakes. However, Singh et al. [36] reported
Genus Planktothrix K.Anagnostidis & that Planktothrix clathrata is characteristic of water
J.Komárek, 1988 with high nutrient content and high temperature.
Collected from the epilimnion of the sampling sites
Planktothrix clathrata (Skuja) Anagnostidis & 1, 2, 5, and 6 in this study.
Komárek, Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 80: 416. 1988.
(Figure 2-b) Subclass Synechococcophycidae

Basionym: Oscillatoria mougeotiii var. clath- Order Synechococcales

rata Skuja, Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum
Upsaliensis. 16(3):58. 1956. Family Synechococcales familia incertae
Homotypic Synonym: Oscillatoria mougeotiii
var. clathrata Skuja, Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Genus Jaaginema Anagnostidis & Komárek,
Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 16(3):58. 1956. 1988

Heterotypic Synonym: Oscillatoria mougeotii Jaaginema profundum (Schröter & Kirchner)

f. clathrata Skuja ex Starmach, Flora slodkowodna Anagnostidis & Komárek, Archiv für Hydrobiologie.
Polski. 2:325. 1966. 80:169. 1988. (Figure 2-c)

Description: Trichomes free-floating, solitary, Basionym: Oscillatoria profunda Schröter &

straight, dark green, 5-5.2 µm wide, and slightly mo- Kirchner, Die Vegetaion des Bodensees. 101. 1896.
tile. Cells shorter than wide, 3 µm long. Apical cells
cylindrical, rounded. Homotypic Synonyms: Oscillatoria profunda

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Schröter & Kirchner, Die Vegetaion des Bodensees. Family Aphanizomenonaceae

101. 1896.
Pelonema profundum (Schröter & Kirchner) Genus Sphaerospermopsis Zapomelová,
Skuja, Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Up- Jezberová, Hrouzek, Hisem, Reháková & Komár-
saliensis. 16(3): 1-404. 1956. ková, 2010

Description: Filaments solitary, long, and col- Sphaerospermopsis reniformis (Lemmermann)

orless. Trichomes 2 µm wide, wavy curved, not con- Zapomelová, Jezberová, Hrouzek, Hisem, Reháková
stricted at cross-walls. Cells longer than wide, 4-5 & Komárková, Journal of Phycology. 46(2): 415.
µm long. Apical cell rounded. 2010. (Figure 2-e)

Ecology: This taxon is known as a freshwater Basionym: Anabaena reniformis Lemmer-

benthic species on mud in stagnant water. Collected mann, Botanisches Centralblatt. 76: 15. 1898.
from the sampling site 6 in autumn, as benthic on
mud lakeshore in this study. Homotypic Synonyms: Anabaena reniformis
Lemmermann, Botanisches Centralblatt. 76: 15.
Remarks: This species described by Komárek 1898.
and Anagnostidis [19] in a lake from Germany. Da- Sphaerospermum reniforme (Lemmermann)
vydov [37] collected Jaaginema profundum samples Zapomelová, Jezberová, Hrouzek, Hisem, Reháková
from habitat types characteristic of tundra. Lee [38] & Komárková, Journal of Phycology. 45(6): 1371.
reported it from Korea as Oscillatoria profunda 2009.
Schröter et Kirchner.
Description: Trichomes solitary, free-floating,
Subclass Nostocophycidae black blue-green color, isopolar, irregularly screw-
like coiled, constricted the cross-walls. Cells 3.5-4
Order Nostocales µm wide, 6-7 µm long, barrel-shaped. Heterocysts
intercalary, spherical, 6-7 µm wide, 6 µm long.
Family Nostocaceae Akinetes intercalary, widely oval or oval, on both
sides of heterocysts, 10-13 µm long, 8-11 µm wide.
Genus Cronbergia E.Zapomelová &
F.Hindák, 2010 Ecology: This taxon is known as a freshwater
species found in stagnant reservoirs. Collected from
Cronbergia paucicellularis Komárek, Zap- the sampling sites 1 and 6 in autumn, as planktonic
omelová & Hindák, Cryptogamie Algologie. 31(3): in this study.
332-333. 2010 (Figure 2-d)
Remarks: According to Komárek and Anag-
Description: Trichomes short, 50-62 µm long, nostidis [19], this taxon rarely occurs in the plankton
10-16 celled, solitary, blue-green color, straight, with of smaller freshwater stagnant reservoirs in Cuba,
terminal heterocysts on both ends. Cells spherical or Czech, Germany, Japan, and Ukraine. Zapomelova
subspherical, 2.5-3.5 µm wide, 3-4 µm long. Termi- et al. [41] reveal little information about the bioge-
nal heterocysts spherical, 3 x 3 µm. Akinetes follow ography of this species and that it is sparsely distrib-
the one terminal heterocysts, cylindrical, oval, 4.5 uted at very distant localities around the world. Yet
µm wide, 8 µm long. again, Zapomelova et al. [41] stated that the tri-
chomes of S. reniformis were regularly coiled. In
Ecology: This is a freshwater species. In this contrast, trichomes of S. reniformis were irregularly
study, it was collected as planktonic/metaphytic in coiled in this study.
fall from the lakeshore of the sampling site 6.
Genus Dolichospermum (Ralfs ex Bor-
Remarks: Cronbergia paucicellularis reported net & Flahault) P.Wacklin, L.Hoffmann &
as a planktonic species from a metaphyton of the lit- J.Komárek, 2009
toral zone in a pool in Slovakia, Austria, Finland [19].
On the contrary, Komárek et al. [39] reported that Dolichospermum mucosum (Komárková-
Cronbergia contains only three species and is not Legnerová & Eloranta) Wacklin, L.Hoffmann &
planktonic. Yet again, Genuárioa et al. [40] reported Komárek, Fottea. 9(1):62. 2009. (Figure 2-f)
that Cronbergia is a nitrogen-fixing and free-living
genus with only three described species (C. siamen- Basionym: Anabaena mucosa Komárková-
sis, C. paucicellularis, and C. planctonica). Also, Legnerová & Eloranta, Algological Studies. 67:125.
Genuárioa et al. [40] described this taxon with 1-4 1992.
akinetes in a row. However, this taxon is described
with one akinete in a row in this study. Homotypic Synonym: Anabaena mucosa

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Komárková-Legnerová & Eloranta, Algological Ecology: This taxon is probably cosmopolitan,

Studies. 67:125. 1992. and found in ponds and lakes. Collected from the
marshy part of the sampling site 6 in autumn in this
Heterotypic Synonyms: Anabaena spiroides study.
var. ucrainica Skorbatov, 88. 1923.
Anabaena spiroides f. ucrainica (Skorbatov) Remarks: Regarding the lorica dimensions in
Elenkin, 1938. this study, it appears to be of similar values to Pres-
Anabaena ucrainica (Skorbatov) M.Watanabe, cott [25], and Poniewozik and Juráň [43]. Consistent
1996. with the findings described by Poniewozik and Juráň
Dolichospermum ucrainicum (Skorbatov) Tuji [43], the sampling station in which this taxon was
& Niiyama, Bulletin of the National Museum of Na- collected in this study dries up in the summer.
ture and Science. 38(1): 38. 2012. Grabowska and Wołowski [44] stated that not only is
their study area a shallow, highly eutrophic reservoir,
Description: Trichomes solitary, free-floating, but also Trachelomonas is a mutual species with
irregularly or circularly coiled, constricted at the Aphanizomenon spp. (mainly A. flosaquae). Simi-
cross-walls. Mucilaginous envelopes colorless and larly, the Marmara Lake is a shallow and highly eu-
wide. Cells spherical or slightly barrel-shaped, 7-9 trophic ecosystem and it was determined with
µm wide, 7-8 µm long, black blue-green color, ter- Aphanizomenon flosaquae and A. gracile.
minal cells spherical. Heterocysts solitary, spherical,
intercalary, 6-7 µm diameter. Akinetes solitary, dis- Phylum Bacillariophyta
tant from heterocysts, intercalary, wide oval or
slightly elongated, 9-10 µm wide, 10-12 µm long. Subphylum Bacillariophytina

Ecology: This taxon is known as planktic in Class Bacillariophyceae

lakes, and is rare [21]. Collected from the sampling
sites 2 and 4 in summer as planktonic in this study. Subclass Bacillariophycidae

Remarks: Compared with Komárek [21] data, Order Cymbellales

while the cell dimensions and heterocysts diameter
are almost similar. However, the diameter of the Family Cymbellaceae
akinetes in this study was half as small as from
Komárek [21]. Similarly, Zapomelova et al. [41] Genus Cymbella C.Agardh, 1830
studied in two different ecosystems and reported
quite different values in both ecosystems related to Cymbella neolanceolata W.Silva in Silva, Ma-
this taxon. Also, Li et al. [42] reported that this taxon chado de Souza & Barnes Proena, Diatom Re-
is toxic. search. 28(1/2): 137. 2013. (Figure 2-h)

Phylum Euglenozoa Description: Dorsal margin strongly convex,

ventral margin almost straight with slight inflation at
Infraphylum Dipilida the center of the cell. Ends of the cell broadly
rounded. Cells 28-32 µm wide, 122-144 µm long.
Class Euglenophyceae Striae 8-10, sparsely arranged in the center, dense,
and radially arranged at the edges.
Subclass Euglenophycidae
Ecology: This is a freshwater species of oligo -
Order Euglenida to moderately- eutrophic ecosystems. In this study, it
was collected with a plankton net from the near es-
Family Euglenidae tuary at the sampling site 1 in winter.

Subfamily Colaciinae Remarks: Silva et al. [45] reported Cymbella

neolanceolata sp. nov., a species formerly known as
Genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg, 1834 Cymbella lanceolata. Consistent with the findings
described by Lange-Bertalot et al. [24] and Kheiri et
Trachelomonas manginii Deflandre, Revue al. [46], this taxon was described with 8-10 striae in
Générale de Botanique. 38:704. 1926. (Figure 2-g) this study. However, Silva et al. [45] described the
taxon with 10-11 striae. Also, the cell sizes of the
Description: Lorica broadly ellipsoidal, 17-18 taxon defined from Iran by Kheiri et al. [46] was
µm wide, 23-25 µm long, yellowish-brown. Apical smaller than in this study.
pore 2 µm wide, 3 µm high.
Order Thalassiophysales

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Family Catenulaceae Subclass Zygnematophycidae

Genus Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing, Order Desmidiales

Family Desmidiaceae
Amphora hemicycla Stoermer & J.J.Yang,
Phycologia. 10(4):402. 1971. (Figure 2-i) Genus Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs, 1848

Description: Frustules angular elliptical, with Cosmarium humile var. substriatum (Nord-
truncated ends. Valve semi-elliptical, ventral margin stedt) Schmidle, Österreichische Botanische
concave and broad at the center, dorsal margin con- Zeitschrift. 45: 389. 1895. (Figure 2-k)
vex. Valve 8-11 µm wide, frustule 23-26 µm wide,
cells 56-68 µm long. Dorsal striae 11-12/10 µm, par- Basionym: Cosmarium substriatum Nordstedt,
allel at the center, radiating towards the ends. Ventral Botaniska Notiser. 1889(4):167. 1889.
striae 10-11/10 µm, radiate.
Homotypic Synonym: Cosmarium substria-
Ecology: This is a freshwater species. Accord- tum Nordstedt, Botaniska Notiser. 1889(4):167.
ing to Lange-Bertalot et al. [24], this taxon prefers 1889.
different running-water and lake types with moder-
ately high-to-high trophic levels. Collected in winter Description: Cells very small, 16-18 µm wide,
and summer from the near estuary at the sampling 17-18 µm long. Isthmus 5-6 µm wide. Sinus deep
sites 1 and 6 in this study. and narrow. Semi cells trapeziform with a broad base,
2-4 undulate apex, 2-3 granules beneath margins,
Remarks: This taxon is known as a rare taxon and one large central granule.
[24, 47]. Also, Peszek et al. [48] reported this taxon
in the endangered category, according to the Red List Ecology: This is a freshwater species. Col-
of Algae. lected in summer at the sampling sites 2 and 5 with
a plankton net in this study.
Subclass Fragilariophycidae
Remarks: Cosmarium humile var. substriatum
Order Fragilariales (with different cell and isthmus dimensions) reported
as a rare or very rare or less common distribution
Family Fragilariaceae from different parts of the world [50-56 ]. According
to Lee [56], this taxon can be differentiated from the
Genus Fragilaria Lyngbye, 1819 typical species C. humile by having no undulation in
the cell wall and having retuse-lateral margins. The
Fragilaria saxoplanctonica Lange-Bertalot & samples, collected in this study, demonstrate these
S.Ulrich, Lauterbornia. 78: 30. 2014. (Figure 2-j) typical characteristic features.
In this study, eleven newly recorded taxa were
Description: Extremely long, needle-shaped, reported for the freshwater algal flora in Turkey.
acutely rounded at the ends. Cells 2-2.5 µm wide, 92- Most of them (8 taxa) were collected as planktonic
143 µm long. Striae 23-26/10 µm, barely visible. in the lake, while three taxa were benthic. According
to the literature, four species (Sphaerospermum ren-
Ecology: This is a freshwater species. Ob- iforme, Dolichospermum mucosum, Amphora hemi-
served in the plankton and also occasionally in the cycla, Cosmarium humile var. substriatum) reported
benthos of different lakes and eutrophic artificial as a rare or very rare or less common distribution
ponds. Collected in winter and autumn with a plank- from different parts of the world [19, 21, 24, 47, 50-
ton net from the near estuary at the sampling site 1 56]. Also, Amphora hemicycla has been reported in
in this study. the endangered category, according to the Red List
of Algae [48]. Furthermore, the greater frequency of
Remarks: Cellamare et al. [49] reported Fragi- the species is in autumn in terms of the seasons, and
laria saxoplanctonica is positively related to higher most of them are from oligo -to moderately- eu-
chlorophyll-a concentrations. Similarly, in this study, trophic/hypereutrophic ecosystems.
the sampling area with the second-highest chloro- Algal flora studies in aquatic ecosystems re-
phyll-a value in the winter season is Kapaklar (the quire diligence, continuity, and long-term monitor-
sampling site 1). ing and measuring. Long-term monitoring and meas-
uring of new records can prevent mistakes in the
Phylum Charophyta identification of the species [57]. Considering that
the Marmara Lake algal flora study was last con-
Class Zygnematophyceae

© by PSP Volume 30– No. 06A/2021 pages 6465-6473 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

ducted in the early 1980s, the importance of this is- [11] Cirik-Altındag, S. (1982) Phytoplankton du Lac
sue becomes clearer. de Marmara-Manisa I- Cyanophyta. Journal of
Nature Science Basic Sciences. 6 (3), 67-81. (in
Turkish with French abstract).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [12] Cirik-Altındag, S. (1983) Phytoplankton du Lac
de Marmara-Manisa II- Euglenophyta. Journal
The authors appreciate the contributions of Prof. of Nature Science. 7(3), 460-468. (in Turkish
Dr. Semra CİRİK (Ege University, İzmir, Turkey). with French abstract).
The authors also thank Kadir OZDEMIR, Cihan [13] Cirik-Altındag, S. (1984) Phytoplankton du Lac
SAKLIKOGLU, and the Manisa Directorate of Pro- de Marmara-Manisa III- Chlorophyta. Journal
vincial Agriculture and Forestry for their valuable of Nature Science. 8(1), 1-18. (in Turkish with
help. This study was supported by the Manisa Celal French abstract).
Bayar University, Scientific Research Projects Coor- [14] Arı, Y. and Derinoz, B. (2011) How is a wetland
dination Unit (MCBU BAP), Manisa, Turkey (FBE not managed? The example of Marmara Lake
2015-123). (Manisa) from a cultural ecological perspective.
Journal of Geographical Sciences. 9(1), 41-60.
(in Turkish).
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